#Puppy carrier backpack
About Chyna’s World
Chyna’s World Pet Store LLC is a family owned small business located in the city of Little Rock, AR. Since the beginning of the pandemic we have brought our store online in hopes of expanding our locations to surrounding and further states, offering our great products and services to a larger network of people, seeking our unique edge. We hope to build a lifetime relationship as we love our fur babies too and “Our Pets” deserve the best is our motto. We love pets and we believe pets are our best of friends. So many of us have become more enhanced through our relationships with our pets. They have helped us get through some of life’s toughest times all while doing it with a smile and wagging tail! Everyday we are building new connections and figuring out how we could be more of service to you, and we are open to any inquisitive and constructive suggestions. Refer to our contact page for more information. We welcome all Pet Dads and Pet Moms and Gender-nonconforming Pet Parents to our platform welcome to Chyna’s World community!
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jjkgyu · 2 years
hi~ i loved jungkook as a first time dad, if it's possible could you make one for mingyu? thanks!
i couldn’t wait to write this >< tysm for the request!!! xx
mingyu as a first time dad! ♡
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mingyu would be so eager for a baby once the two of you were married. he’d talk about it so often and when you finally found out you were pregnant he was the happiest man on earth
he tried to be as confident and reassuring to you throughout the pregnancy, but internally mingyu was nervous at the thought that he was going to be a dad and be responsible for a little life
he would get more and more excited as your due date got closer and he’d want to build the crib and design the nursery as soon as possible. he’d definitely be the type of dad to buy a puppy a few months before she’s born so that you can raise them together
mingyu teared up in awe when he found out he was going to have a daughter. he never stopped kissing your belly and he’d stay up at night with you when you couldn’t sleep from her kicking, talking about the future when you would be parents
once your baby girl is born, mingyu is a changed person. his heart melts when he holds her in his arms for the first time and he can’t help but cry because she’s so tiny and he never wants her to grow up
you don’t even recognise your husband who used to sleep through 29716 missed alarms when he jolts awake in the middle of the night to tend to your crying baby. he’d tell you to stay in bed and that “he’s got this” while he manages to walk into every wall and door on the way out as he stumbles half asleep to her nursery
mingyu is definitely the baby carrier dad. he has her strapped to him 24/7, when he’s taking her grocery shopping or even cleaning around the house. he also loves to chat with her all the time, telling her about his day and asking about hers, to which she can only babble back to him
he’s the best multitasker too. you’d come home after a long day to find your husband mid conversation with your baby while he’s somehow simultaneously feeding her and unloading the groceries.
your daughter is clearly a mama’s girl from early on, which mingyu of course sulks about. she’s always reaching out and wanting to be held by you, even though mingyu tries to get her to come to him by holding her favourite toys. “why won’t you love me too, hm?” he’d joke, before placing kisses all over her little face to make her giggle
of course her first word is ‘mama’, which mingyu pretends to be upset about at first but he can’t hide how proud he is of his baby. he’d still quietly encourage her to say his name, and pout when she can only repeat your name back to him
she first says ‘dada’ while he’s feeding her a bottle one day. he’s holding her close against his chest as she stares at him and says the word he’s been waiting to hear. mingyu immediately drops and spills the bottle in shock, before he starts calling for you and trying to make your baby repeat it (which she of course wouldn’t and you’d accuse him of lying)
mingyu is the type of dad to hold her up and try to get her to walk around the house. he loves putting her in those little walkers because he can’t get over how cute she is and he takes a million videos of her stumbling around. he’s home alone with her when she takes her first steps, and he definitely cries before video calling you immediately to show you
even though he’s a new dad, fatherhood would suit him so well. the sight of a tall handsome muscular man holding his daughter in one arm and her pink sparkly backpack in the other - it’s no wonder other parents can’t help but stare at your husband when he drops her off at daycare (in other words he’s a dilf)
mingyu loves being a girl dad. he loves tying her hair nearly into two little pigtails every morning for school, and he’s front row for every single ballet recital. mingyu loves to dress his daughter in the cutest outfits and will sit and watch the same barbie movie for the 100th time just because it’s her favourite
mingyu has a very close relationship with his daughter and he is obsessed with daddy daughter dates. he loves driving with her to the beach or parks and walking around hand in hand (he doesn’t mind crouching awkwardly because of the height difference) before sitting and sharing an ice cream together
he cannot help himself from spoiling his little princess. he would literally do anything to make her happy, including staying up late at night before her birthday to bake her cakes to take to school the next day for her classmates or buying her favourite toys in every single colour available
mingyu hates taking on the discipline role because he never wants to upset his daughter. he finds it so hard to say no to her, but thankfully she’s really well behaved and listens to her parents so he rarely gets angry at her
he’s the proudest dad ever of every achievement and he’d 100% be the dad to embarrass his daughter by getting out of his seat and moving closer to the stage to get a better photo
mingyu’s daughter is super friendly and smart, and gets along with every single one of his member’s kids too since they grew up together. mingyu is also definitely everyone’s favourite uncle and he’s always in charge of driving his daughter and her friends anywhere they want to go
overall, mingyu would be obsessed with his little girl and be the most loving dad ever !!!
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Let's talk about flying to pick up a puppy by yourself
And some ways to make it easier on you.
Your prep starts honestly, about a week before baby actually comes home. Maybe 2 weeks.
For my pre-flight prep, I first picked out a flight carrier. I went with the one my breeder recommended.
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It has expandable sides, and a little storage pocket. And it's resistant to chewing. I'm really glad I didn't buy a cheaper one, and I can't stress enough that it's cheaper to buy a quality one the first time than have a zipper break or a tear in the middle of your trip. My trip in total was 4 flights and 4 hours in the car, with him being with me for half of it and having the longest layover of my day. I could only really let him out a couple times, so this next part was incredibly helpful.
I mailed the carrier to my breeder,
at her behest. This was *huge* because the siblings got their scent on it and he was acclimated to being in it before I got to him. It acted as a secure place for him to ride in the car and for his first few nights here, he slept in there through the night.
And now that he's in his crate, the removable pad with scents on it has been instrumental in establishing the crate as a safe place for him.
Video of why I'm really glad I got the durable carrier.
Please consider what you're wearing that day.
Wear clothes you don't need to fuss with *at all* that's normal airport protocol- but I can't stress this enough, you're carrying the puppy in your arms through the TSA checkpoint and other people will be fussing over him. Make sure your appearance and personal bag is no fuss.
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See: jeans, hoodie, puppy treat and potty bag that can be shoved into my personal Item, and a no fuss backpack.
In my personal travel bag I kept:
Pee pads, his food from the breeder, a change of clothes in case of incidents, a portable battery to charge my phone, collapsible food and water bowls, collar and leash incase one wasn't provided, and SEVERAL toys in there.
The toys were great for waiting in the terminal. I'd expand the sides of the crate and introduce a new toy to him to help him run a bit of energy out before we had to board.
Peepads: Even though airports have animal relief areas, chances are they're either kind of gross or your dog may be a little too young for it to be safe. I was traveling through one of the busiest airports in the world, and nobody was checking jack shit so I opted for potty breaks to occur in bathrooms with pee pads. He didn't end up going but it's better to be prepared.
I flew Delta and used Skymiles accumulated from our credit card with them that we pay off monthly, so the only thing I paid for out of pocket was 95.00 to bring Argos on board. My flight only costed 20k miles total, and that was only a small portion of what we'd accumulated over the 6 months we've been using the card. I think it's worth considering if you're planning to fly to a breeder. It enabled me to go anywhere in the country that Delta flies and not worry about costs.
Day of hack: double check your flights on the airlines app and switch your seat if possible. I swapped one of my return flight seats to an empty row for 15.00, which meant I could have my carryon and him with me at the same time and that was very nice for readjusting where my stuff was and taking a damn nap. Because at this point, I'd been up for about 18 hours and still had 7 hours of traveling before I'd get home.
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I think my last thing is that if you're like me and you do have an invisible disability- ask if you can preboard. Dont be afraid to say "hey, i have this problem and standing in the heat while carrying a bunch of stuff is potentially going to cause an episode. " The employees were extremely nice, and willing to work with me. Ultimately, I went through all of this because he's a service dog prospect and will hopefully help.
Small things for me specifically prior: ate in the morning and right before I picked him up, he was able to chill in his carrier while I ate dinner at a restaurant in the airport- didn't make any sounds. He slept the whole time. I don't think I couldve eaten in the food court, too much to carry between him and my main bag.
I think that's it. I may add to this if I remember anything I forgot.
Edited to add: for my besties with miscellaneous illnesses-
A baggie with your medicines is IMPORTANT. Do not forget some dramamine, advil, Tylenol, whatever, pack it if there's a small chance you'll need it!
I ended up getting migraine symptoms like 5 hours into travel, and that was not a day I could afford to have blurred vision. <3 remember to take care of YOU on the journey.
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anonymous-dentist · 5 months
consider the following. bobby having one of those pet carrier backpacks for whenever pepito goes full doggo mode. he just carries puppito around
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POV Puppito being put into Puppy Jail for Crimes (Pepito started chewing on Bobby’s shoelaces again)
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
What is everyone in the batfams favorite item of clothing they own?
Dick: Discowing suit ver. 2.0: The Forbidden Wing™
Jason: free crime scene fedora
Tim: body pillow case he mistook for a dress
Damian: bag for collecting puppies
Duke: kombucha drink helmet
Cullen: sketchy eBay piercings
Stephanie: inflatable purple sumo suit
Cassandra: horseshoe crab backpack
Barbara: unsynchronized watch
Harper: bisexual leather flannel
Carrie: light-up moon shoes
Kate: hotel bathrobe that she forgot to return
Alfred: jacket he took from an enemy spy
Selina: cyberpunk Batsuit
Bruce: baby carrier (just in case)
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puppies aren’t supposed to go on long walks because it’s dangerous for their bone and joint development. but beau will still need plenty of exercise and it seems unfair for the puppy to be left out, so i want to get one of those things that’s like a baby carrier for dogs. my mum thinks we can just carry the puppy in a regular backpack with her head poking out but that seems quite dangerous to me. also the puppy baby carrier is cute.
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koravelliumavast · 2 years
Kaladin thoughts for @jewishdainix
Kaladin doesn’t sleep soundly unless he feels safe. The night after the first stew he had his best night of sleep since he got his slave brands.
He lets Shallan play with his hair when she’s worried or stressed as a way to relax. She likes to braid it. After a particularly bad day sometimes her fingers in his hair is what helps to ground him.
He never really had the chance to try it growing up but he likes to bake. (See his almost constant mentions that soulcast food tastes off and also not being a big fan of chouta because it tastes weird to him)
Urithiru has a stand up comedy night. Kaladin and Shallan take the mic and they have a battle of witty sarcastic comments that lasts HOURS
There are dogs in Shinovar. Like soft fluffy type dogs. After the road trip Kaladin returns to Shinovar with a little fluffy puppy who follows him around and basically becomes the windrunners mascot.
He’ll give Oroden rides around Urithiru in a baby backpack carrier thing that Navani designs.
He has a family dinner night every week. It used to just be him and his parents and his brother but it’s grown now to include Rlain and Renarin and Shallan and Adolin and some of the windrunners sometimes pop by. Dalinar showed up once and Hesina almost flipped her shit.
Kaladin and Rlain give each other helpful advice often and when their emotional support Kholins aren’t there, the first person they’ll go to is each other.
Kaladins learns to read and write just for his therapy group as he needs to find a way to keep track of everyone.
Kaladin likes kids. He likes to lash stuff upwards and he can see the excitement and amazement in their eyes when their toys float
Syl will get Adolin and or Shallan if Kaladin seems to not be having a good nights sleep or anything out of the blue. The two will sit with him and listen and are just there for him. In return Kaladin will be there for Shallan or Adolin if they ever need to talk.
Rumors run amok in Urithiru. Especially about the nature of Shallan, Kaladin and Adolins relationship. It didn’t help the rumors when after Shallan and Adolin left for Shadesmar, Kaladin was visibly not in a good place. Syl knows about the rumors and tells Kaladin about them. He doesn’t believe them.
Kaladin may not be able to sing but he has some slight musical ability in the form of the flute that he got from Hoid. (He has that right? Idk.)
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petsparadiseworld · 1 year
Wanna take the fur family on the go? Look no further then your pets paradise! This is a quality and especially important BREATHABLE pet backpack carrier. Designed for your pets comfort and safety 🫶 Also check out our other Pins and Saved Collections for great Content all about your furry loved ones 🐾
Before you go here’s a cute picture of a puppy to make your day better 🥰
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Any ideas for a lusus for her? I feel like if she doesn't have one already a postal worker with a dog might be a bit of a fun idea esp as postal workers are usually spooked by them
I had a couple of ideas. A puppy was one of them. But I ended up deciding on a little Carrier Pigeon! Her lusus likes to help her sort through the mail, putting them into the separate little sections of the backpack. She has a little like- Birdcage in her mail truck where her lusus can sit down and rest, coming along for the ride. Her lusus is very friendly and loves to snuggle into her charge's neck, cooing happily. She does love barkbeasts/dogs tho. She thinks they're so cute. She's never had a bad experience with one, which is surprising XD
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dylanobriencloset · 10 months
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Where?: Dylan O’Brien with his puppy Tony.
When?: July 2023
What?: Polo Ralph Lauren Green Signature Logo Pants
Worn with: New York Mets hat, Sherpa 2-in-1 Pet Backpack & Carrier
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skyland2703 · 1 year
Javi and Amelia get a puppy at some point— Mocha, Yorkshire terrier :3— and Javi just carries him everywhere in one of those baby carrier backpacks.
And when I say everywhere, I mean. Everywhere.
So cue Amelia and Javi showing up at work, at team meetings, etc etc with the puppy.
Solon takes care of it when they’re in battle
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owenspets · 5 days
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Pet Backpacks and Carriers Whether you're hiking or traveling, a pet backpack or dog carrier backpack ensures your pet can come along. A small dog backpack or puppy travel carrier is perfect for small breeds and young pups, while a cat travel carrier is designed for feline comfort and security. For budget-conscious pet owners, cheap cat carriers offer affordable options without sacrificing quality.
Specialized Pet Doors
For weather resistance, a weather-proof dog door keeps the elements out while allowing pet access. Large locking dog doors provide additional security for your home. For more details visit our website: www.ownpets.com
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tomboy014 · 1 year
So tired...
Wrangled 3 cats to the vet this morning for annuals and partial vaccines.
Something I get to do all over again in October. yaaay... X(
Good news: Sachi has slimmed down from 21 to 17lbs, much healthier weight. Nugget has slimmed down from 16 to 14.6lbs, at a very healthy weight for him. Onion might have been younger than expected. He bulked up from 6.5lbs at the shelter to 12lbs and has a healthy shape. All 3 kitties in good health.
Bad news: Nugget still gets car sick. Vomited multiple times and dropped 2 revenge poops on the way to the vet. Puppy pad in the carrier caught most of it, but he does very well on his leash, so he got to wander around the lobby while I cleaned the rest of the mess in the carrier.
Sachi peed in her cat backpack on the way home. This is why Nature's Miracle is my friend.
So two kitties got a partial bath once we got home, and I got to clean another carrier.
I need a nap.
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ramuneempiremtl · 27 days
Slave-kun’s Happy Life in Another World: Chapter 35
The market is bustling with activity today, too.
I'm still a little nervous, but I guess that will go away eventually.
My travel preparations were quite difficult.
I had to buy a lot of basic necessities like blankets and toiletries. I was really grateful that the slaver provided me with clothes.
I don't know what's good or bad, and I can't say anything, so I just put on what I'm told to wear and pack it in my bag.
I would have liked to have taken a closer look at the items, but I didn't have the time.
Everyone else is also efficiently purchasing what they need. It seems that the selection is good, as it is a trading town.
Everyone's clothes are different from the loose ones they wear around town, and they have a more "adventurer" look.
I guess it's because they have more armor. Their shoes have also changed to boots that cover their shins. That alone makes them look different from ordinary people! They haven't put on their weapons yet.
As for me.
My usual clothes, shoes, socks, and poncho coat. In addition to that, a small knife, a small pouch, gloves, and a storage bag.
That's my equipment.
I look a little more like a traveler now.
My master prefers to travel lightly, so I have to carry his storage bag. It's for my use as well.
Carrying luggage, a slave's job!
However, it's just a backpack-type storage bag. It's been enchanted with spatial magic, so it doesn't weigh much no matter how much is inside. It's a bit light to claim to be a baggage carrier.
My master said that even with this lightness, it would get in the way of his movements, so he didn't want to carry it. He was so happy that he was jumping around. Is he a puppy?
I'm happy to have a job, and my master is happy to be light on his feet. This is world peace. Win-win.
Daine looked at us with a suspicious eye as we skipped and jumped around.
"I think we'll go along the road from the north gate for a while, then cross the grasslands and enter the forest. I think we'll be able to rest and train in the grasslands."
"We'll camp in the forest."
"If we cut through the forest, we'll be close to the royal capital."
"Let's do that."
Everyone agreed with the leader's plan and started walking towards the gate.
Gradually, there were more carriages than people.
A person standing in the middle with a flag-like thing is guiding them, acting as a traffic signal. Sometimes he would blow a whistle. The traffic conditions here are interesting.
The sound of wheels, the clopping of horseshoes, the neighing of horses, the shouts of the drivers.
It's like we've wandered into a movie set.
I feel like I've really come to another world.
The gate is wide enough for four carriages to pass side by side, and there are large stone watchtowers on either side.
This is the first time I've seen the outer wall of this city, but it's lower than I thought. Maybe they're not very concerned about defense.
Is it because there are few wars? Or is it because magic is useless? Hmm.
As I was wondering, I was called by name.
"Owl, there's a bus stop over there with people lined up, right? There's a regular bus that leaves from there to the royal capital about four times a day. If we get separated from you, you can head to the highway and get picked up by that carriage with the crest. Sometimes the traveling knights pass by, so you can take that one too. If you show your escort badge, they'll give you a ride to the royal capital. Do you remember that?"
The leader crouched down and explained to me.
You never know what might happen.
The regular flight's logo is a picture of a galloping horse. Easy to understand.
When I nodded to show my understanding, the leader smiled gently and patted my head. Father…!
"Then, let's go back to the royal capital!"
The weather is sunny.
Nove walked out briskly, and we followed him through the gate.
The gateway to trade.
Sansa, a city where various people and things intersect, meet, and part.
There were many things, but this is the city where it all began for me, where the worst and the best coexisted.
Is it finally time to say goodbye?
A strange sense of emotion envelops me.
Goodbye, Sansa.
See you again.
[Next time, a different perspective]
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So Bo update, he is doing much better mentally. He hates diapers but will tolerate them. He still attempts to defend the house from enemies (passing strangers on the street). And he loves to go on walks where he sits in a cat carrier backpack that I strap to my chest. He is very alert and aware, still having fun. We got him some of those food things where they have to solve a puzzle to find food so he still gets stimulation even if he can’t play as much physically. He has met my puppy and does not like him. But he has tolerated snuggles occasionally.
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frogsandfries · 1 month
I'm glad to see you guys noticed my absence 😜
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I nearly died, but both my bead packages were at my sister's place when we got in.
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I had asked my sister if I could borrow a hard side carrier for my cat; she forgot. I kept forgetting to get one. Anyway, my girl got put in the backpack. She eventually worked her way out, and she was absolutely chill, so my sister and I agreed that she could stay out for a while.
We hit Oklahoma, and it was getting late and stormy. My sister put on the wipers and the first time, the motion for my cat's attention; cool, something for her to check out. The second time the wiper moved, my cat flew into the air.
I still feel really awful about my response, but we were in a moving van with a trailer on the back. I didn't need something worse to happen. I grabbed her scruff and, feeling blood already trickling down my arm, drew her limbs in. She had flipped out of her harness at some point; there's no way I was getting that back on without an even bigger fight than normal. I had to get her back in the bag and as soon as possible, I needed some aspirin and neosporin.
It took forever to get to a Casey's. Fun side fact for you, Casey's appears to have at least two different brandings. I'm from Wisconsin. There aren't any in at least any in New Mexico that I saw, but in like Oklahoma and Iowa, they've got the same house/barn shape sign, but just the word "Casey's" in like......a casual/decorative font. Like this:
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In Wisconsin, at least, Casey's signs look like this:
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Anyway, the point being, I got in the bathroom, cleaned up the fucking blood, considered buying literally eight dollar neosporin, decided on just a Casey's mt dew. Get up to the register; guy in front of me wants a shower.
Cashier: Will that be all?
Me: *exhausted nod*
Cashier: Have a good [night, trip, whatever]
Me: *looks up, confused*
Cashier: (repeats) Have a good night
Me: *exaggerated nod of understanding; takes my free soda back to the truck*
I also had another interaction of me being disoriented from my travels. When we finally, finally, finally reached Dubuque, I bought a soda and a slice of pizza, but there are three items I'm being charged for. Since when does Wisconsin have a deposit on cans?
Nope. Iowa. Iowa has a deposit.
Earlier: We're pulling into some random gas station in southern Iowa. I have no phone service because I also didn't factor that into this process and don't ask me why.
So I'm completely, absolutely disoriented. Anyway, one of the fucking tires on the fucking trailer busted. The rubber part, the hub cap, the axel. Fucked harder than.... anyway. Fucked.
It takes about twenty minutes for Budget Rental to get us towed to the place across the street. Awesome, great, fine. They get the trailer in and remove the busted stuff. Then they report that they can't fix it. Basically, we should get a motel. That's not in the budget and sure as fuck not acceptable for about fifty reasons, least of all being, Ialready had to take Friday off because of scheduling issues and I'm not paying extra for a motel that allows pets with money I don't have. So we start bothering their fucking vendor for a resolution. Get us a new trailer, where's the new trailer. Three hours, eighty minutes, they're almost there blah blah blah. Bullshit. Every time, each time we spoke to someone, bullshit.
Finally, I lost my fucking temper. The fucking tow yard we're practically stuck at is closed. It's getting cooler and later and we're fucking stuck. Both my cats are getting pissed off and tired and they haven't been to the bathroom, they don't want to eat. It's humid and gross. My cats are stuck in the car with a puppy who doesn't know that no means no.
I start chucking stuff from my sister's vehicle into the truck. As the stupid fucking truck finally pulls up with the new trailer.
Look. I do not blame the people with the trailer.
We should have just shelled out the about four hundred dollar difference for Uhaul.
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