#Probably a little on purpose to make Ryan and Yaz laugh
capybaraonabicycle · 3 months
Imagine: 13 with ice skates
The potential!
Awwww <3 Thank you for the mental image, hon!!
I kinda feel like this is a drawing prompt - which I won't do, at least not anytime soon, because I have too many drawing wips atm, but have my two cents on how that would go down :
Like with many - especially physical - things, I am rather sure the ability to ice-skate differs between regenerations of the Doctor's. Like, 11 would not be able to go a step without falling, constantly grabbing onto Amy and Rory for support - or River at the frost fair. And 7 would probably be indistinguishable from an Olympic figure skater - I don't even know him, really, but he has the vibe.
Now while 13 can be clumsy, I honestly believe she'd be surprisingly good on skates? Like, not grace incarnated but I'm sure she wouldn't fall (on accident) and know a bunch of tricks you haven't even heard of. I also think she can go scarily fast. She sometimes forgets she knows how to stop though, preferring to barrel into something soft that will cushion the fall instead.
So among thasmin, I believe, it would be Yaz holding onto the Doctor - she doesn't really need to, but if opportunity knocks, you know. But I can only see that happening with Dan - who is holding onto one of these kiddy-penguins to learn the steps while Di encourages him; she's casually skating backwards. If we're with fam 1.0, I think it is Graham trying to hold onto the Doctor - who is going around him in circles oblivious to him needing help - and Yaz and Ryan are having hot chocolate on the sidelines, wrapped into layers and layers of blankets and laughing at their friends looking funny and having fun on the ice.
What did you imagine for skates!13? Please do tell!!
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riversofmars · 3 years
I have a prompt. Thirteen's vain attempt to get that fez to Eleven because she runs into River+Amy.. who are like NOPE no way.
Ohh I love this so much, that was a lot of fun! I really hope you like this, just a bit of fun! <3
Rating: G
Word Count: 1300
Read on AO3 or below
Delayed Delivery
“I don't know about you but I’m glad that’s over.“ Yaz sighed once they had returned to the TARDIS. Their excursion to Kablam! had been quite something.
“Same,“ Ryan agreed and Graham nodded as well:
“Me too.“
“Not quite over yet.“ The Doctor grinned when she spotted the fez she had ordered, still sitting on top of the TARDIS console. “The fez!“ She skipped over to it and sat it on top of her head with incredible joy.
“Yeah I did wonder about that, why a fez?“ Yaz asked, as its origin remained a mystery.
“I ordered it,“ the Doctor declared, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You ordered a fez?“ Graham repeated, trying to figure out what in the world could have possibly possessed her to do so.
“Why?“ Ryan asked bewildered.
“Why does anyone order a fez? Because fezes are cool.“ The Doctor grinned and put her hands on her hips, holding her head - and the fez - high with pride.
“They’re really not…“ Yaz shook her head slowly, wondering how she could possibly have come to that conclusion.
“Only, this one arrived too late.“ The Doctor paid no heed to her comment, instead she went looking for the box and the shipping receipt to make sure her memory was correct. “Ah yes, see, I ordered it like… two lifetimes ago?“ She shrugged and looked back to her friends. “The wedding night of my best friends. Had little else to do, just sitting around the TARDIS while they were busy.“ She gestured quotation marks in the air and grimaced. “I should probably drop it off with my past self, that would have made me so happy.“ She placed the box on the console, took the fez off, quite reluctantly too, and placed it back in the box. She almost took it back out again, thinking better of it, but she managed to stop herself and quickly closed the box to resist the temptation.
“If you had… wouldn’t you remember it?“ Yaz frowned.
“Nah, memories blur when I cross my own time stream.“ The Doctor shrugged.
“Aren’t there like… rules against that sort of thing?“ Ryan asked and they all gathered around the console as the Doctor was beginning to set coordinates.
“All we’re doing is dropping off a fez, won’t even need to interact, just got to find a good time where I know where I am and that I won’t run into any trouble… here we go.“ Content with her choice, the Doctor grinned and launched the TARDIS into the time vortex. It only took a moment for them to land again.
“Where are we?“ Graham asked as the Doctor marched to the door, full of purpose, box in hand.
“Moon made of actual honey. Part of the honeymoon tour. Get it honey… moon…?“ She awaited a reaction to her pun but no-one responded. “Never mind,“ she huffed and opened the door. The Fam followed her and as advertised, they found themselves on a yellow moon, surrounded by little else than beeswax and honey. The landscape was magnificent and the vegetation extraordinary. No words appeared adequate to describe the wondrous place.
“Wow…“ All three of them were at a loss for words as they looked around, it certainly appeared a magnificent honeymoon destination. The air was impossible sweet and warm and there was a humming and buzzing in the air originating from the native bee population.
While the Fam were in awe, the Doctor skipped ahead and found the other TARDIS, her TARDIS but much older, just over a ridge.
“There we go…“ she called the Fam who hurried after her. “See, all we need to do is put this box here and…“
“Don’t move,“ a sharp voice interrupted her. “What are you doing over there?“
“Probably setting down a bomb, who are you?“ Another voice added and the Doctor grinned to herself before turning around, she knew both these voices very well indeed.
“River!“ The Doctor turned to look at her wife who - of course - was pointing a gun at her. “Amy!“ Her mother was right next to her, crossing her arms in front of her chest, with an almighty and very Scottish scowl.
“How do you…?“ Amy’s face fell upon hearing both their names and River raised her eyebrows curiously.
“Who are they, Doctor?“ Yaz asked, a little worried at the presence of a gun and the fact that the Doctor didn’t seem bothered about it at all. In fact she was grinning!
“Oh just… my wife and my mother-in-law…“ She answered joyfully.
“What?“ Amy stared at her for a moment, trying to compute the information.
“Doctor?“ River echoed and as the realisation set in, a wide grin spread across her features, mirroring her wife’s expression.
“Oh no…“ Amy groaned.
“Oh yes!“ River smirked as she put her gun away.
“Hang on, you’re married?“ Graham interrupted, flabbergasted, as were Yaz and Ryan.
“Oh most definitely.“ River grinned and was by her wife’s side in an instant, she grabbed her by the collar and kissed her with great enthusiasm. Amy, for her part, just gave an exaggerated sigh, looking anywhere but to her daughter making out with her wife.
“Okay, I sort of expected this to be the other way around…“ Ryan hummed to Yaz and Graham who nodded.
“What are you doing here, Doctor?“ Amy asked, clearing her throat loudly to interrupt them.
“Oh just… wanted to drop something off… for myself… am I around?“ The Doctor gave an awkward grin, trying not to draw too much attention to the box, as she half hid it behind her back.
“Rory fell in the honey lake and the Doctor is defending him against the bees, we were popping back for a change of clothes.“ Amy explained, rolling her eyes at her husband’s clumsiness.
“Oh I remember this!“ Her explanation jogged the Doctor’s memory.
“Do you get your fez at the end of it?“ Yaz asked curiously and the Doctor winced. She had ruined it.
“Don’t tell me…“ Amy sighed, exasperated.
“What’s in the box, Sweetie?“ River asked, trying to snatch the box away but the Doctor pulled away quickly.
“Nothing…“ She retorted, hugging it protectively.
“Doctor?“ Amy crossed her arms in front of her chest and the Doctor found herself cornered by the two women, she bumped into the TARDIS behind her, having nowhere to go.
“Oh come on, please, I’ve had to wait for this for millennia, that’s how long delivery took, let me have this,“ she pleaded.
“Let’s see if it’s any better on you now than it was then,“ River suggested with a playful smirk.
“River?“ Amy shot her daughter a look as if she couldn’t believe she had really just suggested that.
“Come on, just let us see,“ River repeated and a grin spread across the Doctor’s face. She opened the box, pulled the fez out and sat it on top of her head.
“Look, it’s great, it’s red and hey-!“ Before she could even properly showcase the hat, Amy had snatched it off of her head and chucked it into the air. River’s reflexes were sharp as ever as she drew her gun and shot it. The fez exploded mid-air in a laser blast.
“That was incredible,“ Ryan exclaimed and shaking their heads in disbelief, Graham and Yaz had to agree.
“Yeah, well, we have the practice,“ River smirked, holstering her gun and before she pressed a kiss to her wife’s cheek. The Doctor was thoroughly put out as she was left holding the empty box.
“I’m gonna order another one…“ She huffed, somewhat genuinely upset.
“Hey! OI! What’s going on over there?“ A voice carried across the plain. The Doctor, much younger, taller and bow-tied, was waving at them with Rory in tow.
“NOTHING!“ River and Amy called back, laughing, sharing a high five, as the blonde Doctor was left, huffing, and holding her empty box with great disappointment.
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wykart · 4 years
The Prodigal Daughter
Summary: The Doctor has some unfinished business on Gallifrey. She has a purpose, and the Time Lords intend for her to fulfil it. (read on ao3)
a.k.a. local girl has a crush on the 13th Doctor, a love of cosmic/psychological horror, and a fascination with the whole Doctor = The Other thing from the wilderness years novels.
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It begins as a low hum, something like background noise, something that might have always been there – so stop worrying about it. But it tugs at her with every pulse, every drawn, minute oscillation drawing its grip tighter. A calling. Come home. Soon it’s an insect against her ear. Shrill, sharp buzzing. Phantom breaths upon her neck, phantom eyes burning holes into her back. Hands reaching across the universe. 
 It started when she picked up the phone, housed in the compartment outside the TARDIS. It’s always a gamble, answering that phone. She doesn’t give her number out to just anybody. It could be a threat, a cry for help, an old acquaintance. This time, it was all three.
 She dropped the phone before the receiver reached her ear, swiping her hand back as if it were burned. It swung, black cord dangling, the thrum of noise from the speaker vibrating against blue wood. A pendulum, hypnotising. A captured, closely held moment of shuddering breaths, slowing hearts. She jammed the phone down and cut the call short. Too late. The words were already tattooed behind her eyes; circular spirals folding in upon her vision. She fet time press in against her like a vice.
 The buzz of the mobile resting on her desk seems to shake the entire room. So much for silent. Yasmin leverages herself up onto her elbows and blinks away the bleary dark, reaching a languid arm over to the phone still juddering on the plastic-painted-wood surface. Who could be calling her at this time of night, which – the digital red of her alarm clock tells her – is 1am. She’s not on call duty tonight, which has awoken her on some occasions. Usually someone sleeping rough somewhere they shouldn’t, a group of drunken teenagers, a party running too late and too loud into the night. She doesn’t exactly have any friends apart from Ryan, Graham, and the Doctor. Ryan’s got better friends to call, Graham sleeps more than any person she’s ever met, and the Doctor, well – the Doctor doesn’t call. No, the Doctor materialises in the middle of Yaz’ bedroom and starts raving about an alien marketplace that has the most extensive range of biscuits in the universe. And then makes Yaz late for work.
 Yaz taps the phone screen awake and squints at the familiar too-bright blueish light. She goes to examine the number, only, there is no number. She figures it’s some new UI update – did it even show the number before? No one can be sure of such things at this time of day, one foot still dipped into unconsciousness. She taps the green call icon and unleashes a wall of faint garbled static. Apprehensively, she presses the speaker up to her ear, rolling herself up onto her hips, back cold and bent against the headboard. The static continues, with spikes in the signal like bones pressing up under the skin. They sound like that, too – like bright bruises and the sharp flash of colour in your eye that accompanies pain. It sets her mind racing towards something that she’ll never reach. Her thoughts run on a hamster wheel, speeding up, unravelling. She can’t stop listening. The pulses become voices, warping themselves, ungainly, into some semblance of human form.
 “Hello?” she chokes. It sounds like the start of a horror movie (Hello? Hello, is there anyone there?)
 “Lord President –“ it wavers – an amalgam of voices converging to one, like it’s trying to get the sound right. “Lord President, your presence is required on homeworld.” A flash of static stabs at Yaz’s eardrum.
 “Who is this?” she says, a little louder, clearer.
 “Comply,” it echoes, warped. “Or we will be forced to –“ it stutters out into drilling noise, droning into silence.
 “Hello?” she mumbles. Finally, feebly. (Hello? Hello, is there anyone there?). The screen goes dark against the side of her face, and the sudden lack of light makes her start. Her phone is drained, completely.
 Her first thought is aliens – which, as a self-proclaimed practical sort of person, is an idea that would have made the Yaz of a few months ago balk. She would call the Doctor, except she’d never given them her number. There was never danger here in Sheffield – discounting the killer  tooth fairy and the giant spiders, which may seem like quite a lot to discount to anyone else – the danger was always out there, out in the wide universe where they sought it out. The Doctor dropped by on the weekend (barring a few exceptions), took them out for an adventure or two, and dropped them back into the middle of mundanity. Two lives. They weren’t supposed to intersect.
 Yaz half expects to hear the grating wheeze of the TARDIS materialising in the room, for the Doctor to jump out and grab her by the shoulders, exclaiming with an almost inappropriate amount of glee that there are aliens attacking the telephone network or something. That would be a more exciting outcome. Instead – as her conscious mind begins to shed the sheer terror of those noises, the not-voices, burying what it cannot comprehend – she is beginning to settle with the idea that it was just a prank call.
 Regardless, she sleeps fitfully.
 Ryan hears it in the pub. The night is still young, but he can already feel a premonition of the headache he’ll be swimming in during his shift at the warehouse tomorrow. With any luck, he’ll be able to catch a few winks afterwards before the Doctor drops by. It would be very unwise to climb aboard the TARDIS with an aching head and a lack of sleep.
 His mate Ian is buying the next round. The rest of the crowd are shoved into a booth in the back corner surrounded by tall glasses in various stages of emptiness (or fullness, as his Nan would’ve said, because a little optimism never hurt anyone - he thinks the Doctor would say that too). There’s a small flat-screen TV mounted on the wood-slatted cornice, a rerun of an old footy match. The commentator’s voice and the crowings of the crowd waver dully in the background, an echo of the past. He finds his heartbeat quickening when the players draw closer to either goal, letting out stifled noises of indignation at a nasty tackle, an obvious foul. The game has already happened, of course. He could look up the teams on his phone right now and find out the final score, every detail of the game, in fact. The notion never mattered to him before, but having access to a time machine tends to have an impact on perspective. He could be there in the crowd right now. Then, he would always have been in that crowd, despite the fact that whenever it was actually played he was here in Sheffield doing something entirely different.
He has a habit of doing this, thinking in circles. It isn’t doing him any favours for his NVQ. Travelling with the Doctor feels a bit like living in circles.
 He takes a gulp of beer, feeling the foam slide up his lip. He swallows it quick, and the fizzing stops him wanting to think about temporal anomalies at all. That’s when the TV shuts off. A few half-hearted cries of indignation. It was just a rerun, after all.
 An explosion of pixels bursts across the screen, scattering crackling static – and not the usual kind. It seems to push itself from the screen, to undulate in waves with just a hinted sheen of colour. The once-muted stereo sound is suddenly very loud, and, about ten blocks away, Yasmin Khan answers a call.
 “Lord President–“ the static spews the words in a garbled mess that only seems to knit itself back together after the fact, as if reality is trying to make sense of itself, to reorder things. He definitely isn’t drunk enough for this. He doesn’t think that anyone’s ever been drunk enough for this. “Lord President, your presence is required –“ He looks around at his mates, tearing his eyes away from the cacophonic display with a morbid sort of difficulty. They’re still talking, laughing, drinking.
 “You okay Ryan?”
 “take desperate action.” the static spikes, and the clangour of it sounds like his feet on the rungs of a ladder, and the ringing sound through hollow metal as you slip…
 “Hey, mate, you feelin’ alright?” He can’t tell which face it’s coming from. He can’t even tell them apart. Dollops of clay, murmurs of a strange language lost in the noise.
  “Your weakness is known. It will be exploited.“ He feels his eyes cross and his joints wobble. If he was standing, he would have crumpled to the floor. Instead, he feels a sharp pang as his head hits the table, and cold creep across his neck where his drink has sloshed over.
 He jerks up with a start. Someone is holding his shoulder steady. He looks up, and the TV is blank.
 “Are you gonna pass out of something? You’ve only had a few drinks.” It says. He can’t quite recall the names.
 “Nah, m’alright.” Ryan grumbles, holding a hand against his temple. “Just had a long day or something.”
 “We were gonna go down the park, it’ll do you some good mate. Fresh air, you know.” Another one speaking now. 
 “Yeah.” Anything to get him out of this pub, away from… something alien, probably. Only no one else had seen it, and that was never a good sign, especially when he had a few drinks in him already. Maybe he had just had a long day. Excuses are easy to spin, and the colours are already slipping from his mind. Washed away. Only a stain left behind.
 Next up, drunken loitering. Yaz would be furious.
 Graham doesn’t hear anything at all. He’s a heavy sleeper, and he likes to savour every second of it thank you very much.
 “If I’m gonna be larkin’ about on some alien world,” he’d defended, when Ryan had chuckled at his perfectly respectable bed time of 8pm, “I’m gonna need ten hours at least. It’s all very well for you to run off four hours and a couple cans of those energy drinks – which, by the way, your Nan’d have a fit if she seen you drinkin’ – but I need my shut-eye.” And it’s better than sittin’ like we used to, he’d thought. In front of the telly or reading in those big armchairs that seemed to envelop your whole body. Because he’d look up with a grin on his face and a lark on his lips, and she wouldn’t be there. At least in the dark he could almost pretend. Sometimes he could almost feel her breath on his back.
 When Graham O’Brien gets a call at thirteen o’clock, he doesn’t answer. It rings out in the kitchen while he sleeps on. But he dreams of a woman wrapped in knitted shawls and a warm, wide smile. And she’s telling him that the president is coming home.
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youremyonlyhope · 4 years
Spyfall Part 2
Yay part 2! I’m so ready. Give me more.
While on my lunch break at work today, I nearly opened tumblr on my phone. Then I realized it was after 2pm so the episode was currently airing in Britain. I could have been spoiled if I hadn’t stopped myself. 
I see the Doctor is still talking to herself. Old habits die hard. “Don’t panic.” Love Hitchhiker’s Guide. “RYAN.” HUH “RYAN SINCLAIR?” WHAT? This is reminding me of something... what am I being reminded of... BLINK MAYBE??? YES THIS IS JUST LIKE “SALLY SPARROW DUCK NOW.” THIS IS BLINK. IS THIS BLINK? BECAUSE THIS IS BLINK. ...Who in the world is this lady... “Obviously I’m a recording and can’t hear you.” THIS IS BLINK. Also this is throwing shade at Blink with the “Obviously” part...  It is his TARDIS!!!! IT’S A TARDIS. THE HOUSE IS A TARDIS. THE FANS WERE RIGHT. At first, I wasn’t sure if it was a TARDIS or just the Master making a joke by having the house fly by them. But nope, IT’S A TARDIS. I literally screamed “IT’S A TARDIS” out loud. “Magic Apparrating Man! Lady. Apparrating Lady! Every time...” That made my dad laugh. But I mean, 1100 years at least of being a man, not counting the 4 billion years in the confession dial. It takes getting used to. Marooned in the past. Chibnall, I really hate to say this, but this is becoming a little too similar to Blink. Just because of the being trapped in the past and leaving messages for the present thing. The lace bonnet had looked super.... weird in the other realm. In a cool way. A way that made me wonder what material it was made of and if she was really from the mid 1800s or if she was just an alien with clothing that imitated the style. Because the way the lace glowed was cool. Also. Why does Ada seem familiar to me? OH NO. Lol. “O no.” I didn’t even do that on purpose. That face she made as she realized the Master’s not in control was such a Doctor face. “Ada, I really do not approve.” Aww Doctor. Never change. I like the old lady taking a picture with an iPad. Yaz calling her mom is a very Martha move and I approve. The Silver Lady was in the Master’s TARDIS.... “From his master” oh ok. “Multiple time periods” OOoohhhhh. Not multiple Earth dimensions then. I was gonna say that I was thinking of Weeping Angels earlier in the day today... I’m not saying these are Weeping Angels... but getting the vibes from the time travel and pulling people in and out and stuff. Oh and I was right that they can transport people purposefully. Did I say that in the last post? I can’t remember. But when Yaz was transported last episode I was like “So they can transport people places?” and the answer is a definite yes, and also in time. Also. Ada Lovelace. I know that name... I know I know that name... “Deep breath” ok now I miss Twelve. Of course it’s WWII. This music reminds me of like... Star Wars... Something from the sequel trilogy sounds like this... or at least has this vibe... Also. I don’t know how I feel about an Indian man in a Nazi uniform. That just... they wouldn’t have let him do that, first of all. Second of all, can we not? These are all women so far that the Doctor is bumping into... And I feel like it’s meaningful... Why would he do that to his mom? Noor Khan, I feel like I DEFINITELY have heard of her. Important women in science? I’m guessing Ada was a mathematician I think, but I can’t really remember. “They promised us that a war on this scale would never happen again.” “This is not the first time?” Ugh. WWI and pre-WWI people finding out about WWII always hurts. IT’S THE DOCTOR DOING THE SOUND OF THE DRUMS. Just the sound of the drums gives me chills. Is this a Old Who thing? The mind reading? She said it was classic. “Not exactly the Aryan archetype.” THAT’S WHAT I WAS SAYING. OOoooooh a perception filter. So they think he’s white. Ok. Ok that’s better.
Also, I’m sorta glad they’re actually addressing race affecting time travel to different time periods. They didn’t do it with Martha enough/at all. They tried to do it with Bill, and I did appreciate the “History is a whitewash” and London being blacker than Bill thought it was, but because London was diverse it wasn’t really an issue (besides the racist the Doctor punched). But I’m glad this is an actual situation where being another race is genuinely DANGEROUS since that’s how it was.
“Look after my mum” So is she not dead? Or is he mocking them? They can’t have destroyed Gallifrey again. He’s lying It was probably the Master himself that killed everyone if he’s not lying. “How else would I get your attention?” Awwww. That’s almost sweet. It’s sweet by Master standards ok. Ok... letting Nazis attack the Master... for being a spy... while he’s a person of color... is pretty harsh... Of course the Nazis can’t do much damage... And the Master did willing side with them to find the Doctor... But still... Very harsh... I guess after everything the Master has done... Maybe he deserves to be on the receiving end of racism since he hates humans so much... But still. “Forget you heard that word.... Otherwise I’ve just disrupted the whole of history. Again.” Doctor. Babe. Control yourself. Ok so it was people who were important in the development of computers in general. Cool cool cool. I appreciate that Ada and Noor were the ones the Doctor specifically bumped into. “You kept clicking agree” Yeah... yeah... he got us there. “This is like the Matrix” - My Dad. OH wow the Master came the long way round. 77 years. I’d almost say poor dude. Conversion!?!? NO. NOT CYBERMAN! IF THERE’S CYBERMEN THEN IS THIS A 3-PARTER?! “Oh.” “That’s your name.” HA. HA, good one Doctor. “I forgot the plane!” No you didn’t, Doctor. Don’t worry. You can do it anytime, as long as you do it at some point. “Are we being replaced?” Oh Graham. But also, I want the next companions to be from the past. See in Blink we didn’t get to see the Doctor setting everything up like we’re seeing it now. So that’s cool. Imagine if we had seen Martha standing behind the camera annoyed, then running around to say “I gotta support him!” That could have been fun. I think I just want more Martha in Blink. “The Fascists. Do they win?” “Never” Yeah I really hope not, but time is repeating itself. I guess it will also repeat them not winning. That’s sweet that the Doctor still wants her to know that computers are a thing because of Ada. And I appreciate that the show didn’t try to be like “She helped make computers because of the Doctor.” because no, she made them because she was always going to. Oh wow we’re going back to Gallifrey?? We haven’t been in a while. Been wondering if we would.
I didn’t write anything for the last few minutes because I’m just like... HUH.
First of all, I knew the Master did it. Called it.
Second of all. I was like “Oh no. The Doctor just got Gallifrey back, do we HAVE to take it away again? To make her angsty?” Then we heard the Master’s reason for destroying it and I was like ok maybe there’s justification.
Third of all. The Time Lords have always sucked. We’ve known this forever.  The Doctor has said that the Time Lords went wrong at the end of the Time War and that they choose to remember them in a good way and forget the ugly side. So we know the Time Lords suck. That’s not a surprise. What is it that they did that was so bad, the MASTER of all people felt the need to put an end to it? The Master. As in the little boy who was driven crazy because the Time Lords chose to put the Sound of the Drums in his head and use him as a weapon. He didn’t destroy Gallifrey then, so what could be worse than that? Do I even want to know? They’ll tell us, but I don’t know if I want to hear it. We might be going very dark this season...
Fourth of all, yay! They’re asking the Doctor questions and she’s answering! Yay! And Yaz asking “Can we go to your planet?” was the second Martha thing she did.
And fifth, yay! We’re probably getting an overarching theme this season! And maybe the Master isn’t completely evil, since everyone’s so worried about Missy’s redemption! He’s just hurt by what he found, felt he had to destroy Gallifrey, and is still upset about it. When he said the Timeless Child I literally said out loud “OH. OH ok so we’re really doing this then.” because I felt like all the predictions of the Timeless Child being involved were probably right... but not like this.
EPIPHANY. What if he really was just doing all this to get the Doctor’s attention? He wants the Doctor share the burden of the truth, but doesn’t know any other way to get her to listen besides do horrible things. What if he didn’t kill, plot, and plan just for the hell of it and maybe rub Gallifrey in the Doctor’s face, but the ultimate goal was to get that message to the Doctor so the Doctor could find out about Gallifrey.
Honestly I’m concerned about what it is that the Time Lords lied about. What did the Master mean by “who we are as a species” like... I’m scared.
Also halfway through the episode my mom came in (she’s super behind, as in she hasn’t even watched Capaldi’s seasons yet) and she said “You have to stop screaming ‘IT’S A TARDIS IT’S A TARDIS’ of course it’s a TARDIS that’s what she drives.” So apparently my mom heard my freak out over the Master’s TARDIS. She heard me screaming last episode too when I was jumping at the Master reveal.
Anyway. Sorta Blink-esque in that Ryan, Yaz, and Graham being saved is an endless loop if causing itself because of previously planted messages from the Doctor. But also, we got a mini history lesson, which was the point of Doctor Who in the first place. Gallifrey’s gone and apparently Time Lords suck, but what else is new. And we got the Master finding out the effect that race has in certain (or all) time periods. Hopefully the Master’s back soon. We really were spoiled rotten by Season 10 when they gave us Missy in like half of the episodes. I need more Master. Give me more Master.
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benandpolly · 6 years
I’ve seen some people comment on Yaz not having “a good enough reason” to leave her family to travel with Thirteen, Ryan and Graham. 
LISTEN UP. Here is my interpretation of her character so far. It’s just my opinion...
Yaz is under immense pressure at home to:
A) Be in a relationship - We don’t know if Yaz has come out to Naja and that’s why she automatically thought that Yaz could be dating a woman or a man. She could just be very desperate for her daughter to be seeing someone (and LGBT friendly). There is clearly a constant pressure for Yaz to be romantically involved, despite only being 19 (so was Rose). This clearly makes her feel uncomfortable, whether it’s her mum’s pushiness, the subject matter or both.
These scenes were not throwaway lines. The Doctor’s reaction wasn’t played for laughs - either she genuinely thinks they’re getting on pretty well and going on possible dates or she’s completely forgotten the concept of dating. It’s not a dig at LGBT themes, so it’s either representation for the sake of it, or it’s hinting at what is to come for Yaz and her journey, be it falling for someone in the TARDIS crew, coming out slowly or not focusing on romance at all and just throwing herself into adventures to learn about other thing she wants from life.   
B) Make friends - Sonya made that joke about her having to “pay” to have friends. When she saw Ryan again in 11x01, it came across less as “Haven’t seen you in years, bit awkward” and more “Oh shit i’ve gotta talk to someone who isn’t under arrest or a family member I can tell to shut up”. She stumbled over what questions to ask after only just yelling at women in the street and didn’t appear confident again until she was back in police mode on the train. We haven’t seen her have a full conversation with Graham yet and I wonder if that will be a character moment to showcase her awkwardness? 
She was thrown into the situation and understandably she has clung to thirteen, who is also on a journey of self discovery and who has warmed to her because of her outer-confidence and later on seemingly sensing that she’s the outsider of the “fam”.She’ll happily go along with whatever Thirteen says and seems to idolise her already, as an authoritative figure to look up to and learn from. 
Her interactions with Epzo and Amstrong in The Ghost Monument came across as very awkward, not really knowing how to make small talk. She was able to speak to Rosa because she was under pressure and she has a police-like task to carry out. That moment on the bus when she didn’t know where to sit, she seemed unsure to disclose her feelings about it to Thirteen and then passed it off as humour to hide her nerves.
I sense she’s getting on with Ryan move as an obligation at the moment. She enjoys their bickering but when he made that comment about living so close to each other she didn’t seem enthusiastic, but this could have been guilt that she’s ignored her neighbours and potential friends all this time because she’s been focused on her job.  
By the end of the series she will have at least three good friends. 
C) Make a difference as Police Officer - Yaz is a workaholic. Her desire to help people and make a difference seems to be the only thing that she’s sure of. She doesn’t have time to be sociable because she’s too wrapped up in the idea of leaving home and/or moving up ranks at her job: her sister (wants) needs her bedroom, she needs to find out what this conspiracy is, she needs to be in a relationship because these are the things that are expected of her. Stuck in that family bubble, I can see why she needs to escape and put her experience and eagerness to good use. 
Being part of the TARDIS team is the perfect chance for that and she knows from being on that bus in Alabama that just one person can make a difference. Sorting out parking disputes isn’t going to change the world fast enough. Her dad calls her a “police woman” instead of an officer. Little comments like that or the friends line (although often harmless) over a period of time can really get to someone and reinforce the idea that she’s not doing enough and won’t be good enough for her family. If she told them about her adventures in the TARDIS, she’d probably think that’d say “What, YOU? How could you possibly help, arresting aliens?” When of course this wouldn’t be the case and she knows that they love her and only want what’s best for her really. 
She’s been accepted into the TARDIS with open arms and she has purpose to be there. Thirteen, Graham and Ryan are her temporary fam, until she’s ready to face her real one and let them know who she really is and what she wants. 
^^^ All very relatable reasons. 
Also adding @lilyginnyblackv2′s sentiment of “She can come back to her family at any time, so why not!?
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sapphictrash92 · 5 years
How the Doctor got her gay scarf (TBC in a less than PG way :P)
It was December and Sheffield town centre was swarming with people, excited children were visiting Santa’s Grotto, festive music played in all the stores, and stressed out parents were wrestling each other to get toys and games at reduced prices. In the midst of it all, Yaz was desperately trying to find gifts for her family, and of course, Team Tardis. She swore under her breath as a guy with headphones barged past her, almost knocking her into a perfume stand. 
“I’m a police officer, I can’t lose my cool” She told herself. “Right, presents.”
She moved around the stores, happy to find appropriate gifts for everyone. A make up palette for her sister so she’d stop stealing hers, a recipe book for her dad so no one had to face his terrible pakora again, a purse she’d seen her mom eyeing up in a magazine, the latest Grime compilation for Ryan, and a memoir by one of Graham’s favourite footballers. 
The Doctor was more difficult to buy for, what could she possibly get for her after everything she’d done for her? She’d changed her life, shown her endless amazing things that existed far from her hometown. Perfume? No, she already liked her natural scent. Is that weird? Focus, Yaz. Okay, a book? She furrowed her brows. Nah, she already has a library and has probably read everything in it and more. Clothing maybe? She moved to a rack of warm cosy sweaters, but they were all too ordinary. What could I possibly... Bingo! Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a scarf with all the colours of the rainbow, she quickly moved to the stand, putting her shopping bags on the ground. She felt it and couldn’t believe how soft it was. She flipped over the price tag and bit her lip, it was more than she wanted to pay but... it just screamed the Doctor, and it was nothing compared to the experiences she’d had since she’d quite literally fallen into her path. Her mind was made up, with the scarf in one hand and her bags in the other she started to move towards the busy tills. She took out her credit card, tapping her foot impatiently. Suddenly a pair of hands covered her eyes.
“Guess who?” 
She instantly relaxed upon hearing the familiar voice, smiling. 
“How on earth did you find me?” 
The Doctor grinned as she turned to face her, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. 
“Your Mum said you were shopping so I just looked around the stores to find ya, too many stores, who needs so many? They all sell the same stuff! Ooh that reminds me, I need to take you to the best shopping mall in the galaxy sometime, lots of interesting.”
Yaz chuckled before suddenly remembering the scarf, trying to hide it. 
“Sounds good! Sorry I didn’t ask you to come shoppin’, it were meant to be a quick trip but..well” She gestured to the crowds. 
“It’s fine, silly! I had to do some work on the T-A-R-D-I-S anyway. Oooh nice scarf!”
Shit. You had one job, Khan. 
Yaz pouted, the Doctor tilted her head. 
“Why are you makin’ that face?” 
“I wanted to surprise ya but now you’ve seen it” 
Thirteen’s face lit up and Yaz felt her heart melt. 
“Fifty points to Yaz! I love it! I love rainbows, almost as much as I love custard creams” She enthused, holding onto it as the queue finally moved closer to the till. 
“I thought you might” Yaz smiled. Victory! Get in!
“Can I wear it when we leave the shop? OOH and get hot chocolate? There’s a stand and it’s decorated with twinkly lights and some people are singin’, can we can we?”
Yaz still couldn’t believe how much the Doctor genuinely enjoyed her company, she’d thought the novelty might wear off but apparently not. 
“Yes and yes, I am definitely in need of a hot chocolate.”
The Doctor did a happy little jump before giving her a quick squeeze.
“You’re the best!” 
They got to the till and the Doctor frowned as the cashier scanned the scarf’s tag.
“Yaz that’s expensive”
“Shush, don’t act like you haven’t been buyin’ for us lot when we’re travellin’“ Yaz told her, handing over her credit card. 
The Doctor insisted on carrying her bags as they made their way to the entrance, still a gent. 
“Here” Yaz said with a smile, draping the scarf around her neck. 
Thirteen nuzzled her cheek against the fabric.
“So soft” She cooed. “Thanks, Yaz”
“It suits ya. Come on, let’s get that hot chocolate” 
Thirteen suddenly looked up as they got to the door, mistletoe hung above them. Yaz looked up too, her heart pounding in her chest. Their eyes met and the Doctor gave her that same look she did whenever Yaz said something emotional or complimentary to her, pursed lips and a hard swallow.
“Standing under mistletoe means you have to kiss, right?” 
“I mean you don’t have to..”
“Excuse me” A woman said snidely, almost tripping the Doctor up as she passed them. 
“Oi, watch it!” Yaz snapped as she caught her, hands holding the lapels of her coat. She exhaled shakily at their proximity, close enough to inhale her sweet scent. The Doctor smiled shyly.
“What if I want to? ..Would that be okay?”
Yaz nodded, wetting her lips. Oh god it’s happening, we’re gonna kiss.
Thirteen moved them further out of the way, putting down Yaz’s bags. Smiling she reached out with both hands, cupping the smaller woman’s cheeks as she leaned down, their noses touching before she gently pressed her lips to hers. Yaz held the ends of the scarf anchoring her in place , silently thanking whoever had hung the mistletoe there, and her Mum for telling the Doctor where she was. The sounds of the busy store faded into the background, all she could hear was her heart and the Doctor’s gentle sigh. It was slow and light yet she felt more alive than she ever had, she felt weightless. Butterflies fluttering violently around her insides. She almost deepened the kiss when-
“Mommy look those ladies are kissing!" A child’s voice called out loudly.
They pulled apart, suddenly aware of where they were.
“Shh, Daniel!” A woman, presumably his mother scolded, leading him away. 
They giggled, the Doctor leaning her forehead against hers. 
“We should probably go” She whispered, reaching down to pick up Yaz’s bags. 
They left the store smiling from ear to ear, heading in the direction of one of the market stalls. They’d almost reached it when Yaz grabbed the Doctor’s wrist, her eyes widened with surprise as she reached for the back of her neck, pulling her in and kissing her with purpose, with everything she’d felt since fate bought them together. Her head swam as their lips parted and she shivered as their tongues met, she tasted sweet and warmth flooded through her body as she wondered if the Doctor was just as sweet further down. With a slight gasp she pulled away, breathing hard and regaining her composure, ignoring the attention she’d bought to them, a few whistles in their direction. Normally PDA was something she’d have cringed at, but she just couldn’t help herself. She bit her lip and glanced at the Doctor, who had colour in her cheeks and wore a mischievous grin. 
“That was AMAZIN’! Your lips are so soft and you taste like strawberry, we should get hot chocolate and-”
Someone behind them cleared their throat, they turned around to see Yaz’s Mum standing there with a shit-eating grin on her face. 
Oh no. 
“Yaz you know we approve of you and the Doctor, you don’t have to snog in the cold you know, you do have a bedroom.”
“Kill me now” Yaz muttered, her cheeks displaying her embarrassment. 
“Hi again, Yaz’s Mum! She has a point y’know, I haven’t seen your room yet. What’s it like? What colour are your walls? Is your bed comfy?” 
Yaz’s mum laughed as her daughter covered her face with her hands.
“Go show her your room, darling. Your sister is with..whatever his name is that she’s into this week. Dad’s visiting your Nan, and I’m off to Heather’s for a girl’s night.” 
She raised an eyebrow and nudged her daughter as she stared at her shoes.
“Yasmin Khan you are an adult, stop being embarrassed about having a girlfriend! We love you and it’s clear the Doctor makes you happy, now get out of here before I give you something to be embarrassed about.” 
“Fine! If it’ll shut you up, let’s go, Doctor.” Yaz said starting to walk away.
“Okay. See ya, Yaz’s Mum!” Thirteen waved as best she could holding all the bags, following Yaz and reaching for her.
“Do I really make you happy?” She asked softly, the other woman’s eyes answering her, but she nodded anyway.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy before.” 
Thirteen’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. She tenderly kissed her cheek, moving all the bags into one hand so she could hold Yaz’s with the other. They walked on to the quieter streets that would lead them back to the flat.
“Will you be my girlfriend, Yaz?” She asked tentatively. 
Yaz reached to delicately tuck a stray blonde strand behind her ear. 
“If you’ll be mine.”
“I don’t know what might happen in the future...” She trailed off with a frown before smiling again. 
“I just know how you make me feel”
Be cool, Khan. Don’t cry, just be.
Yaz returned the smile, squeezing her hand. 
“Likewise. So let’s just focus on the now, yeah?”
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riversofmars · 4 years
May I propose..River and Missy stumbling upon 13 and immediately both go to flirting w her
My lovely anon, I deeply apologise for how long it has taken me to do this. And I have to confess, this is only part one, it has turned out so long that I’m having to post it in two parts! Plus I’m not quite done with the ending and if I hadn’t split it up, it would have been another couple of days lol.
Anyway, I really hope you like this. As promised, probably not what you expected but I got slightly obsessed with the idea of doing a cyberpunk inspired piece so here you are! Read on AO3 or below :)
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At The End Of The Universe
The Doctor locked up the TARDIS, just to be safe. At the end of time, one did not want to get stuck or have one’s means of escape stolen. She had often wondered what it actually was like. The very last day of the universe. She had visited once before, watching from Me’s reality bubble. Me had been watching the stars die and she had called it beautiful and the Doctor had found it sad. Me had insisted that it was both and that that wasn’t something the Doctor could ever understand… She had been right. The people around her always seem to know her better than she knew herself.
Now, she certainly couldn’t find any beauty in this place and, yet she was fascinated. This was it, the last straw, where the last people in the universe had gathered. Admittedly, she wasn't actually sure that was entirely true but these people seemed to think they were so who was she to argue? She was too exhausted to argue and at the end of everything, no-one had time to waste on such technicalities. In approximately twelves hours, death was coming for them all and there was nowhere to run.
The Doctor looked around, taking in the atmosphere. It was getting cold, probably because the nearby star was already dying. There was very little natural light now, not that it would have reached the ground through the thick smog anyway. The only light down here was from the garish neon advertisements and signs.
“I bet this has always been an awful place…“ The Doctor started saying but stopped herself. She was alone. There was no-one to talk to on this particular trip. Ryan, Yaz and Graham were still on Earth. They didn’t even know she had made it off Gallifrey in one piece, or that she had ended up in prison shortly after… And after her escape, she had felt no great need to seek them out. Not yet anyway. Her path had lead her here instead. To the end of the universe, with no companions to talk to, no-one to share the experience with. It was probably better that way, this wasn’t a trip she wanted to be sharing with anyone.
She looked around some more and decided, yes, this really must have been an awful place all along. The sort of world where only the rich and powerful flourish and everyone else cowers in the sewers. The sort of place where law and morality would break down in no time at all as the end of days drew near. The sort of place where people would want to see the universe out in delirium. And people around here have already started. They were singing in the streets, shouting, dancing, laughing, some people are crying whether with it was laughter or hysterical fear.
Those that didn’t have a time machine to escape crunch time were each facing up to the inevitable in their own way. They are incredibly brave, the Doctor thought, braver than she had ever been. She would be frantically searching for a way out and try to run away, she couldn’t deny that. She was so tired of running but she just couldn’t stop. She wished she could just stand still and face what was up ahead, head held high, just for once. But it was like a compulsion, she just had to keep going. It was always just one more adventure… maybe the next one will be the one. Maybe that would be the one that would finally give her some answers. Or closure. Or even some sort of happiness or contentment. Something, anything, to satisfy that urge to keep going. Sometimes, she forgot what she was searching for. She had been going for so long now. What purpose did this particular trip serve? By this point it was probably just to make sense of things. Of herself. Her own existence. Her life. The things that had been done to her. And the things that happened because of her. And to try and forget about them.
She could still see it. Every time she closed her eyes, she was right back in the ruins of Gallifrey. She would feel the burning heat from the flames. She would get a burning in her chest from the smoke. Her eyes would be burning from the dust. Gallifrey was burning her from the inside still. Her memories were eating at her, burning all the walls she’d built to protect myself, the structures that held her up and kept her going. She had no idea how to stop this wildfire. Maybe on her next trip, she’d find a way but now, she was here. At the edge of the universe, at the end of everything. This was not the place where she’d find her answers but maybe she could fight fire with fire for a time. Maybe she could gain a reprieve before the flames engulfed her.
She started to make her way down the street. The music was coming from somewhere up ahead. The bass was so deep, the vibrations were making her shake. She could smell alcohol now, the streets were literally drenched in it, this party had been going on for days. It wasn't just alcohol, there were chemicals, drugs, sweat, vomit, sex… At the end of everything, society, morals, inhibitions, right and wrong, disintegrated right before your eyes. There was no need for such human constructs now. Everyone here was going to die in twelve hours, the Doctor could see why they’d rather be enjoying themselves. The biggest, baddest party of the universe. The last party. On the last planet. In the last hours. No-one could charge and judge you now. What better place to drown one’s sorrows, get perspective and forget for a time?
“Alright lovely? Can we interest you in a good time?“ A young man yelled to her from across the street. There was a group of them, young people who still had so much of their life ahead of them, cut tragically short. Under normal circumstances, the Doctor, or anyone else for that matter, would have kept going, but the Doctor stepped closer.
“What’s your poison?“ She asked, eying the selection of drinks and other substances spread out over the hood of a burned out vehicle.
“By this point, does it really matter?“ One of the lads laughed taking a gulp from a half empty bottle of clear liquid.
“Suppose not.“ The Doctor chuckled and picked up a bottle she at least recognised the brand name of and took a swing. The alcohol burnt her throat. It was pure and disgusting but it was just what she needed. “Mind if I take this?“ She gave the bottle a little shake to indicate what she was talking about. Her question got swallowed up in the deafening noise of an explosion barely a block away. Some people probably got bored of waiting for the end. The Doctor took another swing from the bottle as her eyes fell on some colourful tablets. She picked up a couple, red and blue, turned them between her fingers as if they were smarties. “The red pill or the blue pill…“ She looked up to the group laughing to herself a little. “This would be funny and poignant if The Matrix was still a thing at the end of the universe…“
“You’re not even scared, are you.“ One of the boys grinned, clearly impressed, he stumbled a little, struggling to keep himself upright as he leant forward onto the hood of the vehicle.
“Scared of what?“ The Doctor raised her eyebrows without looking at him. She focused on the pills in her hand. What was the worst that could happen? These people weren’t trying to kill themselves, they were trying to have a good time so this was probably perfectly safe… and if it wasn’t?
“You know… the end. And doing drugs with people you’ve never met before.“ He grinned.
“I’m just here to have a good time.“ She shrugged as she threw both tablets into her mouth like candy and washed them down.
“I can show you a good time.“ He reached out to cup her cheek but misjudged the distance, reaching into nothingness. His friends laughed.
“Maybe later.“ The Doctor chuckled with a wink.
“Don’t keep me waiting all night, it’s not long now.“ He retorted trying his best to hide his disappointment.
“Thanks for this.“ She downed the rest of the bottle as the others cheered her finishing it. She placed the empty bottle back on the make shift table and waved goodbye to them. She only vaguely took notice of the sound of breaking glass as the youngsters smashed her empty bottle just because they could.
She followed the sound of the music as she made her way along the crowded streets, people bumped into her, unaware of their surroundings, in a drug induced haze. The Doctor was beginning to feel the effects herself. Her hearts picked up speed, she felt an indescribable rush, as her brain flooded with dopamine. The colours seemed more vivid, her skin tingled, as if she was seeing, experiencing more than ever before. Some remaining rational part of her brain insisted that these feelings weren’t real, that it was an illusion and that she would pay a price when they wore off but for now, she couldn’t care less.
She followed the sound of the music, the bass running trough her as she descended stairs to a make shift nightclub. It really just looked like a massive warehouse but people were dancing and drinking, jerking to the music, partying to their heart’s content. The Doctor steadied herself against the wall, feeling the effects of the drugs, allowing her senses to be flooded. She smiled to herself, her heart felt lighter, as if a burden was being lifted and only the here and now mattered.
“Fancy seeing you here, Professor Song.“ Missy called over the loud music as she swirled a glass of bourbon. Even at the end of the universe, she insisted on some modicum of class as she watched River Song emerging from the flurry of dancing bodies. She felt a tingle in her hand as regenerative energy started oozing out of her fingertips and she balled her fist, forcing the process to a halt, yet again. She wasn’t sure how much longer she would be able to keep it at bay but she intended to have a good time before giving in to inevitable. She pushed her hand into her pocket, hoping River hadn’t noticed as she returned her attention to her.
River wiped her brow, her tank top was sticking to her with sweat but she didn’t care, she was enjoying herself. She recognised Missy immediately, leaning against the counter set up along the side of the massive underground warehouse. She couldn’t help but smirk. Of course, of all the people she could possibly encounter at the end of the universe, it was the Master. Lightheaded and thirsty, her ears ringing with the sheer volume of the music, she made her way over to her.
“Well, this is the biggest party in the known universe.“ River winked at her as she came to a halt next to her and reached behind the makeshift bar. It astounded her that some people had actually gone through the trouble of providing these comforts, wasting what precious time they had left on setting up a bar. The counter top was covered in dirty glasses and half empty bottles, she decided it was safer to go for what was behind the bar instead. She couldn’t really expect anyone to bar tend at this point.
“Without the husband, I see?“ Missy raised her eyebrows.
“We’re not joined at the hip. We are modern like that.“ River retorted retrieving a bottle of whisky.
“Allow me.“ Missy offered her one of the few clean-ish glasses she had been able to find. “We don’t have to behave like animals, Timeladies such as ourselves.“
“I could’t agree more.“ River took the glass offered to her and poured a drink for herself. “So what brings you here?“ She eyed her over the rim of her glass as she took a sip.
“Where else would I go to kick back and soak up the atmosphere?“ Missy smirked as she looked around the makeshift nightclub, illuminated only by strobe lighting and neon.
She neglected to mention the fact that she was dying and wanted to enjoy one last night of chaos in this body. She had grown rather fond of this lady version. The annoying thing was that she didn’t even remember who or what had killed her. It was such a blur. The last thing she remembered was the Doctor wanting her to play a stupid game and for her to save some people, prove that she could be good. And now here she was without the Doctor and dying. He was bound to be responsible. Which was a real shame as she had actually enjoyed spending time with her childhood friend again… all this effort for nothing. All she remembered was lying in the middle of a forrest, her body starting to fizz with generation energy when she had almost believed it wouldn’t happen this time around. It brought her back from the brink of death and she had halted the process, keeping it at bay by sheer force of will. She wasn’t done being Miss just yet. One more adventure…
She pulled herself out of her thoughts and looked back at River. “I mean, just look around. The confusion, the chaos, the imminent death… isn't it exhilarating? You can smell the fear and the desperation on them…“ She grinned as she took a sip. “How about you?“
“I think I just saw my husband for the last time.“ River retorted, keeping her emotions out of her voice. She was determined not to overthink it too much. She had come here to lose herself in the here and now and stop her mind going in endless circles. She took a gulp of her drink, though it didn’t do much to quench her thirst from dancing.
“Is that so? What happened? Did you actually kill him at last fighting over the remote control in domestic bliss?“ Missy raised her eyebrows in amusement. She knew the last time the Doctor had been with his wife was enjoying domestic bliss on Darillium. That had been in the Doctor’s past when she had last been with him but apparently for River, that time had only just come to an end.
“Oh, he’s quite alive as far as I know. Sorry to disappoint.“ River chuckled. “But by some accounts that was the last night we spent together… who knows, we’ll see. Either way, I needed a distraction.“
“You know, I think you and I could have a great time together.“ Missy smirked leaning in closer. What was the harm really? It wasn’t like there would be any witnesses and there was a certain appeal in seducing her arch nemesis’s wife.
“Is that so.“ River took another sip of her drink.
“Absolutely.“ Missy twirled her fingers into River’s curls.
“Two psychopaths, that would not end well.“ River was drunk but not that drunk. Jumping into bed with the Master was a bad idea and she knew it. “Better not…“ She looked around the room and noticed a petite blonde making her way down the stairs into the club. She steadied herself against the wall, clearly intoxicated, but so was everyone else in this place. River instantly liked the look of her and she was probably a far safer bet than Missy. “You have yourself a good night.“ River downed the rest of her drink and placed the glass back on the counter before turning to leave.
“Oh, I see.“ Missy raised her eyebrows following River’s gaze. Most people in this place had turned into mindless junkies with poor body hygiene over the last few days, so the blonde stood out immediately. She was a pretty one too, innocent, soft features, she probably didn’t even know what she was doing here.
“Enjoy the end of the universe, I know I will.“ River shot Missy a grin over her shoulder as she headed straight for the new arrival. “Hello, lovely, looking for something in particular? Or someone?“ She stepped into her path, demanding her attention. The blonde jumped, clearly startled, she looked up at River with big eyes, struggling for a response.
“How original.“ Missy huffed at River and pushed past her, deciding there was no reason why she should just let River have her. “Are you lost, dear? Need someone to show you around?“
“Go away now.“ River gave Missy’s shoulder a shove.
“We could always, you know, share?“ Missy winked at River who rolled her eyes.
“I saw her first.“ River shot back, squabbling with Missy until the blonde finally found her voice.
“Of course, why the fuck not.“ The Doctor started giggling to herself looking in between the two women in front of her. Of course her brain would do this to her. Why not. The woman that betrayed her and the woman she had abandoned. Her brain was so cruel. She thought the drugs were meant to make her feel good, not give shape to her emotional trauma. “I haven’t got time for this…“ She walked past River and Missy who exchanged confused looks.
“Have we met?“ River asked catching up with her.
“That’s a great pick up line.“ Missy huffed sarcastically. “What better thing could you possibly have to do at the end of the universe?“ She stepped into the Doctor’s way, obviously not recognising her.
“I just want to have a good time, not to talk to myself.“ The Doctor snapped over the sound of the music. She looked around, wondering what to do next.
“Talk to yourself?“ River frowned confused. The girl was probably not thinking straight, her pupils were dilated and she was unsteady on her feet.
“That’s what you are, right? Manifestations of my subconscious? Hallucinations? Shitty street corner drugs…“ The Doctor huffed.
“I can assure you, dear, I’m very real.“ River gave it another go but was getting the impression that this might be a lost cause.
“You can’t be real, River, both of you are dead.“ The Doctor shot back in annoyance. Why was she even arguing with her?
“What…“ River felt her stomach lurch, her hearts skipped a beat. How did this woman know her name? A chance encounter at the end of time… how was that possible? And she knew Missy, too? There was only one person, apart from the Master, who would be capable of coming here and who would know her name…
“What is this? A guilt trip?“ The Doctor laughed bitterly. “I’m trying to run away from my bullshit, not confront it.“ She shook her head and made her way behind the bar searching for a bottle of something strong. Missy and River looked at each other and followed slowly. Neither of them wanted to say it but they both thought the same thing. But how was that possible?
“Doctor…“ River said softly stepping closer. It was becoming painfully obvious. It was the only plausible explanation and the random selection of clothes should have been a giveaway. If this was the Doctor, she had to be from their future… far, far into their future. River had never seen this regeneration of her husband - well, wife? And by the look on Missy’s face, neither had she. The thought turned River’s stomach. What had happened to her? For her to turn up here, drunk, high, utterly out of her mind, clearly thinking she was hallucinating. How far into their future was she for both of them to be dead to her?
“Don’t. Don’t even.“ The Doctor laughed and shook her head to herself. “Don’t even say my name like that.“ She confirmed their suspicion as she picked up the bottle of whiskey River had just poured from.
“Doctor, get ourself together.“ Missy said sternly, she wouldn’t admit to it but she was just as unsettled as River appeared to be. What had been fun and games a minute ago, suddenly turned very serious. What was she doing here? When had he - she - regenerated again? The last time she had seen the Doctor he had been perfectly fine then. This Doctor, however, seemed utterly broken.
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