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“Two star-crossed lovers reaching out
To the beast
With many names”
- He Is by Ghost
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otiksimr · 1 year
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Fight fight fight!
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helioscopepdx · 22 days
Jesse Hamm (aka @hammpix )essay on Alex Toth and cartoon realism, archived at the wayback machine.
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stevelieber · 1 month
Here's another thread I don't want to leave languishing at the old site, relevant because another case of ill-considered pseudo-mentorship is in the news. It's tough to start a career. I'm lucky to have had good mentors. I'm grateful and want to pass it on. These are some notes I made on ways to do so.
1. Promote artists a generation younger than you. Share your platform. RT them, mention them in interviews. (This means being aware of what younger artists are doing!)
2. Hire them if you can. Pin ups, commissions, variants, fill-ins, assists, anything. A small gig can be what helps them make rent.
3. (The same applies to creators a generation older. Many of them helped develop the visual language, the audience, and the industry infrastructure we rely on. Tell your reader how these artists' choices informed your own. Help your fans see what you saw in your influences' stories.)
4. Support anthologies. They've always been a key place where new and marginalized talent can incubate, & established artists can try something new. (They certainly were for me. Many of the big leaps I made as an artist happened on anthology stories where I had freedom to experiment.)
5. Mentor new artists! Even if their subject or style is different from yours, you still have much to offer. Just be sure to frame your advice in terms of goals & principles rather than "the right way" or "the wrong way." You want to help them find their own voice, not echo yours.
6. Suggest strategies for dealing with challenging clients or collaborators. The industry may be very different from when you broke in, but those young artists are still going to face the many of the same problems you did.
7. Steer them towards someone trustworthy when they need a consultant. It's not easy to find an accountant, an agent, or a lawyer who understands what we do. Your contacts are valuable!
If nothing else, make them aware of Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts. https://vlaa.org/get-help/other-vlas/
8. Share your understanding of industry standards for pay rates & professional practices. This doesn't mean posting your rates in public. The main that does is anchor your position when negotiating rates with a potential client. But in private, TALK. This benefits ALL your peers.
9. There will be times when you can't answer a question. It happens all the time. No one knows everything! But you probably know someone who *can* answer it. Use your network of connections and make the introduction.
10. And finally, take questions about the art, the craft, the culture, and the business on your social media. Answer them as honestly as you can.
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phanthoughts · 24 days
wow Dan tells Phil not to eat glue multiple times in the glitter faces video and Phil still didn't listen
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odinsblog · 9 months
This resonated with me sO hard, because I’ve been here on tumblrdotcom for a good long minute now, and I’m always amazed at the absolutely drop dead gorgeous people who lament about their looks—especially women, non-white women and people who identify/present as women. These people aren’t fishing for compliments, they’ve somehow been genuinely convinced that they’re mid when they are everything but. Look, I understand that society and unrelenting, aggressive capitalistic marketing contribute to this, but please dO appreciate yourselves and what you have now. Your youth won’t last indefinitely. Eventually it will pass. Fuck the haters and enjoy whatever you have while you still can. Carpe diem. Carpe diem at every age, but especially now, today.
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dj-crack · 29 days
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lazyyogi · 1 year
4 Steps to Grow a Daily Meditation Practice
Step 1: Choose a technique.
All forms of meditation direct your attention in a specific way. You may be focusing on a visualization, repeating a mantra, or just sitting in silence.
The less technique involved, the more difficult the practice will be. While I recommend Jangama Dhyana, I first started out with mantra meditation.
Whatever method you choose, I suggest you practice it regularly for at least a month before deciding to try a different one.
Step 2: Pick a time of day.
At one point in my life, morning meditations were most reliable. At another time, evening meditations were best. It all depends on your daily life and when you can guarantee yourself some time alone.
Habit stacking will also help to ensure you practice regularly. By linking your meditation practice to some other daily activity, you fit the session into a pre-existing framework.
For example, I like to exercise then shower and then meditate.
Also, it helps if you don't ask yourself if you feel like meditating. The only question you need to ask is whether you have the time to meditate--and be honest with yourself.
Don't focus on whether the meditation session was a good experience or a bad experience. When times are good, meditate. When times are bad meditate. With ongoing practice, meditation helps connect us with that which is changeless amidst all the change.
I think of meditation like brushing my teeth. I just do it because it is part of my day and I don't hold any particular expectations about it.
Step 3: Start small.
If you are a true beginner, start with 5 minutes per day. Your first challenge as a beginning meditator is twofold:
Getting into a rhythm of daily practice.
Learning how to both relax and be focused during your session.
Understand that you may feel very uncomfortable when you start out. The benefits of meditation are first noticeable outside of the actual meditation sessions.
So set a timer, sit, focus on the technique, and don't get up until the timer goes off. Just showing up daily is like 90% of it, especially for beginners.
Step 4: Add 5 minutes every 1-2 weeks.
It's okay if you miss a day or two but you should be meditating at least 5 out of 7 days per week before increasing the duration of your sessions. This is honestly how I worked my way up to sitting for an hour daily. I started with 15 minute sittings and increased by 5 minutes ever other week. It took less than a year to get there.
If you notice yourself skipping more and more meditations during the week then decrease the time until you get back into a daily rhythm. Then try again.
Again, the primary goal is daily practice. The secondary goal is lengthening your sessions.
There is nothing impressive or important about meditating daily or sitting for longer meditations. It is simply the most reliable way to experience the benefits for yourself. Once you have caught on to the immense value of this practice, your motivation will increase spontaneously many times over.
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me once again On my way! to comment "dont cry, craft" + "protip" on every single youtube video ever
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zackbyychocolate · 29 days
I can’t believe I got a dan and phil crafts notif in the year of our lord 2024
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catgirldjh · 29 days
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lessamazinglucy · 29 days
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don’t cry, craft ! ! !
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helioscopepdx · 4 months
Y'know what's hard to draw? Clothing! Some of the best lessons in drawing drapery ever published were in the Famous Artists School's Cartooning course. Out of print for 60 years! But there are scans & a pdf on a defunct blog archived at the wayback machine. #comics
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stevelieber · 3 months
Important reminder for cartoonists
9 panel grids are all
bip bip bip
bip bip bip
bip bip bip
but the 8-panel grid is like
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llyfrenfys · 1 year
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Protip to dysgwyr / Welsh learners-
If you're looking for active Welsh language tags to follow on certain subjects, search for mutated forms as well. That way, more relevant posts show up.
If you follow the #Cymraeg tag, also follow the #Gymraeg and #Nghymraeg tags - and repeat for any other subject (e.g. #Cath, #Gath and #Nghath).
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bandomfandombeyond · 3 months
one of my favorite tricks* for stretching length out of a half-assed essay is fully. spelling. out: The United States of America. look at that it's 5 fucking words, it's pretentious, it's magnificent, it's digiorno*
*(cheap but effective)
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