#Pregnancy Loss
anotherwellkeptsecret · 9 months
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Grief is a hard thing to hold with all its weight and sharp edges. Don't hate yourself on top of that. Everything may not be okay today or tomorrow, but it can be later if you let it.
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scrunchie-face · 2 months
In your kindness please remember a friend of mine from church. She had a late miscarriage (17 weeks) and is being induced to deliver her little one this afternoon.
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give-grian-rights · 2 years
The woman who broke her back at Twitchcon was pregnant, and due to the injuries sustained by Twitch's incompetence, lost the baby.
Twitchcon, the company Twitch, and Amazon, is responsible for breaking a woman's back in multiple places and losing her fetus
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clone-anon · 7 months
Tech x Fem Reader who miscarries twins
Warning: miscarriage / pregnancy loss, proceed with caution
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Tech held your hand while you got the news that the new life you were expecting was no longer there. Both heartbeats were gone and your own heart sank to the floor. The next several days were filled with pain and hurt and he held your hand through it. You grieved in more ways than one and it felt like your body was being torn apart. Tech held your hand many times, when you were trying to work through the immense discomfort, and when you had a bit of a physical reprieve even if it was short lived.
You looked around your home and saw scattered pieces of what you had hoped for. Tech had worked on trying to make changes to the house for the safety of the children and now those projects were abandoned. He followed your line of sight as you stared wordlessly at his work bench.
"Do not worry about that now," he said, kissing your temple and wrapping his arms around you, rocking you in place to offer comfort. "What matters most now is you. How is your pain?"
You grimaced and he insisted you sit down for now. He brought you something to drink, hoping the warmth of the beverage would help a little.
"Sit with me," you said hopefully.
"Of course," he replied softly. He sat next to you and allowed you to indicate where you'd like him, knowing you enjoyed cuddling. He laid back a bit and you rested against him. He rubbed your back, tears forming in his eyes. He reached for your hand and held it so gently, kissing the back of it with a firm kiss that said I love you. Tech had always been able to accept change and move on, but this hit different. He was with you here and now, helping you in any way he could, but he was also immensely heartbroken. You looked up at him with tears in your own eyes. He whispered "My darling," while kissing the top of your head and holding you a little closer. He wasn't sure what to say. He held you while you cried. He would hold your hand through it, each step day-by-day, never faltering and taking care of you in every way that he could.
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mama-mystery · 7 months
When I talk about pregnancy as a kink to others, I always make sure to talk about this. Pregnancy is sexy and beautiful, sure, but infertility and miscarriages are very real sources of grief for many, including myself. Remember that for some, pregnancy is hard to talk about or confront. Listen carefully to the stories of those who are struggling, and honor those stories.
And remember mama, no matter what you've chosen or experienced, you're beautiful and you're always a mama in our hearts. <3
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orthopoogle · 2 years
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Awesome and understanding and compassionate comments under an article about how many women don’t receive proper medical and emotional care after experiencing a miscarriage.
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smasuo · 7 months
My baby died. Please do not find the silver lining, the life lesson or the solution. My baby died.
So many people try to show their condolences by trying to solve the grief. You cannot solve anything. My baby died. There is no life lesson to be learned, no silver lining to see.
What I need is to sit in the silence. To sit with my grief. I need to cry & move through all the emotions to honor my baby. I need my baby to not be forgotten, to not become an unmentionable. Please don't think you are reminding me of my dead baby. I think about it 24/7, I will never forget. Talking about my baby brings me comfort, like his memory is still alive & I'm doing right by him in honoring his memory.
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thepeacefulgarden · 7 months
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whatbigotspost · 1 year
Some of The "pro-lifers"(more like pro birthers) in my area are backpedalling so fast they're moonwalking . When a news story came out about a native American woman being convicted of manslaughter over a miscarriage in a state criminalizing abortions , they probirthers quickly backpedaled and said they only wanted to criminalize abortion not miscarriages. Never mind criminalizing abortion is what set the stage for criminalizing miscarriages in the first place.
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Truth is there’s virtually no difference between abortion and miscarriages, so this kind of terrible thing is bound to happen over and over. It’s one of the less prominent reasons why abortion access should be a human right (it’s identical to a natural bodily process…would we criminalize getting endometriosis? Then why criminalize a uterus expelling a fetus? IT. JUST. FUCKING. HAPPENS.)
I really hear you. I’ve never lived with more simmering fear under my surface than I do in 2023. All I can offer you at the moment is a reminder you’re not alone ❤️
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gayluigi · 1 month
Not to be political, but it makes me SO ANGRY when conservatives talk about “late term abortion”. They imply that these babies are unwanted, unloved, and that their parents are morally reprehensible for aborting them. That is just not the fucking case WHATSOEVER.
I lost my little cousin Charlie James to “late term abortion”. He was somewhere around 20 weeks along, but past the legal cutoff limit for abortion. He was wanted, planned, and very much loved. However, at the anatomy scan, they made a very grave discovery. He didn’t have a bladder, and from what I understand, his kidneys didn’t develop correctly either.
Charlie’s family’s medical team searched TIRELESSLY for a way to save him, but there was simply nothing that could be done. Continuing the pregnancy would’ve been incredibly dangerous to his mother. After about the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus’s urine makes up most of the amniotic fluid. Well, Charlie wouldn’t have been able to urinate, so there wouldn’t have been enough amniotic fluid, which would’ve caused serious problems for his mom. It was simply no longer safe to continue the pregnancy. (If it had been possible, I assume that his mother probably would’ve wanted to continue the pregnancy for organ donation purposes. She works in the medical field, and I’m sure she would’ve wanted Charlie to have been able to help save other babies’ lives.)
After a lot of discussion, Charlie’s mom was induced, and Charlie was born. He was such a perfect little boy, except that he just wasn’t meant to survive. He had ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes, a little button nose… he was perfect. His family was able to hold him, cuddle him, tell him how much they loved him. Then, he passed away.
Charlie’s family bought the plots that were once intended for my family in case we had all passed away in some tragic accident when we were younger. Thankfully, we didn’t, and the plots were still available. (We wouldn’t use them if we passed away these days— Charlie’s family lives in Nebraska, and my family’s lived in Texas for 27 years. That’s just not where we belong.) Charlie’s buried in one of those plots, just a few plots over from my Papa (my maternal grandfather). Now, Papa passed away like 13 years ago, and he wasn’t biologically related to Charlie (Charlie’s on my dad’s side of the family), but I’m sure that Papa’s taking good care of him. ❤️ Charlie’s got a headstone, and he was buried, which shows you just how loved he was. He wasn’t treated as medical waste like an unwanted aborted fetus. He was treasured and cherished and has a place of honor in a cemetery.
So I guess what I’m saying is, when you think of “late term abortion”, don’t think of some family cruelly and callously deciding to terminate a pregnancy at 20+ weeks simply because the fetus is unwanted. That’s just not reality. (Not that that’s what I think of people that choose abortion for that reason— it’s just the picture that conservatives try to paint.) Instead, think of my little cousin CJ. Loved, cherished, planned and wanted, but incompatible with life. If you’re a religious person, then you could say that it just wasn’t in God’s plan for him to survive. If you’re not, then you could say that it was just a natural fluke in the developmental process, perfectly natural and not at all unusual in nature, but incredibly tragic. Either way, think of baby CJ and remember that these pregnancies aren’t terminated out of hate, but out of compassion for both mother and child.
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spurgie-cousin · 4 days
I just learned that Jill Dillard had a stillbirth/miscarriage, Isla Marie ❤️ very sad
It is very sad ☹️ I was going to make a post about it but the way I learned that had happened was through a post on reddit where someone was complaining that Jill was posting too much about her own miscarriage (🤬🤬) and I was trying not to angry rant. I'll never get those people.
I feel awful for them, she was far along enough that her kids knew and were excited which is just extra sad. I hope she gets to do whatever she needs to to grieve properly and doesn't get too much bullshit from snarkers online.
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I miscarried earlier this month at about 6 weeks pregnant.
I created this as part of my recovery from the pain of miscarriage. Miscarriage isn't talked about much, and I understand why, but I felt so alone in my struggles I decided to share. Maybe I can bring a little peace to those who've undergone such hardship.
You're not alone. <3
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A poem about pregnancy loss is below the read more. I wrote it the day after my own pregnancy loss.
I don't really have a reason for sharing this other than that age-old human desire to share our stories with each other.
I am hollowed
Where I once was hallowed
I carried you and
I carried you
A sacred vessel - tupperware
Is all we had for you
It can contain multitudes
All the potential of a life
I am overflowing
Awash in devastation
Drowning in love
But they say love’s
Power does not lie in
Reciprocity -
So I will overflow
And fill myself up
And up and up
With love. Because
That is all we ever have.
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fuckyoutommie · 11 months
just realized what this band has given me. i’m about to be really vulnerable after the cut, you’ve been warned 🤪✌🏼 i’ll tag the trigger warnings 🫶🏼
i first found Greta during a kind of traumatic time for me. i was in the middle of losing my 3rd pregnancy, the baby was 23 weeks and it was a baby i was loosely planning to keep. finding a band that preached so adamantly about love, acceptance, change, among other things, was so needed in that time. since November 2022 i’ve been able to respond to situations in my life with new, better intention. the love i’ve been listening to the last nearly 8 months has had an impact on how i look at people and has helped me respond with the love every person deserves. im not perfect but i have grown a LOT. as a person who has BPD it’s not very common you can go without medications, however, im no longer able to afford it meeeeeeaning i’ve been raw dogging life since November, and! my life is better than it’s ever been. i’ve done the work to look at how i respond to my environment and have changed that for the better.
it’s been a few months that i’ve been on tumblr now, in that time i think my capacity to love has grown exponentially! i’ve been blessed with some really beautiful people in my little corner of the internet! people i’ve met through this fandom!!!!! i had a bad time on twitter so i remember feeling nervous when i started interacting with people on tumblr. but boy!! if tumblr isn’t the exact opposite. i have filled my dash with people that are preaching the same love the band does!
im really grateful that i’ve found a peaceful place in my life. i did a lot of hard work to get to where i am! im proud of myself for choosing to respond now with love and understanding. i love all of you and all of me!
cheers to those four white men from michigan 🫶🏼
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clone-anon · 1 year
Rex x f!reader dealing with miscarriage
I decided to make this one its own post so I can be sure the entirety of the details are under the cut.  I know this is a very sensitive topic for many people, so please take care of yourselves.
TW: miscarriage
Before we get going I’ll say that this is something I’m familiar with. I’ve been through two, although in my case I wasn’t ready to be a mom and miscarriage brought both relief and guilt.  I am able to write from that perspective as well, but it’s not the take I’m working with here.  I was not sure which clone was preferred so I went with Rex.  If you would like a ficlet like this or on another topic, please reach out.
You both were looking forward to being parents.  Getting pregnant was a surprise and you’d never forget the look on Rex’s face when you told him.  He’d seen some of his other brothers take on parental roles, but he was still stunned he was going to be a father.  You started preparing almost immediately. It was adding a few things to the house here or there and dealing with your changing body as well as wrapping your head around adding a third person to the family.
That all changed one morning when you got out of the shower, into your clothes, and something wasn’t right.  Something was very wrong. You screamed for Rex and he came running.  It seemed like a blur, but you went from excited parents to medical emergency, to recovery, to emptiness.  You and Rex both cried and he would not stop holding you.
You didn’t talk about it immediately, but one day he came home to find you sitting at the kitchen table in the same clothes you’d worn for two days, staring at the wall, hot caf gone cold hours ago.  He came over and sat next to you, taking your hand in his and kissing it several times.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you simpy said, “We never got to know them.”
Rex felt it in his heart.  Of course he was sad by what was going on, but he also wanted to help you both through this.
“In my head I always called them ‘little soldier,’“ he admitted.  “I figured it worked no matter their gender.”
You looked at him and tried smiling before he continued.
“I thought about who they would be.  Strong, smart, brave, and wonderful like their mother, of course. What kind of hobbies do you think they would have?”
You thought about it, actually allowing yourself to embrace who this child was and through sniffles replied, “They would have done anything as long as it was with their dad. Playing in the woods. Pretend tea parties. And probably eventually learning to shoot a blaster.”
Rex smiled at that. “Yeah, but not too soon.”
“They would have loved all their uncles,” you added.
“And their uncles and us... we’ll always love them.  Because no matter how short a time it was for, they are part of this family.”
He took a breath. “I know we have to grieve in our own ways.  I know you’re beyond sad and I am too, but I’m not going to forget our little soldier and I don’t want you thinking you have to move on or whatever just because a certain amount of time has passed or they never got to be born.”
You started crying again, but this time it was out of relief that he understood.  Tears streamed down his cheeks and he held you.  After you let it out, he walked you to the fresher so you both could get cleaned up.  He gently washed you, knowing how exhausted you’d become.  He helped you get into clean clothes and started some laundry.  You made some food, choosing something easy, but enough to keep you both going.  That night you got into bed together, holding each other close, whispering and kissing your ‘I love yous,’ and in your hearts you said goodnight to your little soldier.
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whentherewerebicycles · 7 months
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could barely sleep last night but I got my labs back and everything is still so good 😭😭 my beta number is near the very top of the range for five weeks. my doubling time slowed from 30 hours to 53 hours which worried me at first but then I did some reading and was reassured that’s actually still quite fast (at the level I’m currently at the healthy doubling rate slows to 96 hours). I know part of me will be holding my breath until the ultrasound thurs, but based on what I’ve read it would be extraordinarily unusual for it to be another ectopic pregnancy with these numbers. I have a lot of anxiety built up around the u/s just because of how uhh lightly traumatic this part was last time and I am sure as we get closer to it I will feel increasingly scared but for now, today, I feel good. I’m pregnant and all the information I have right now indicates it’s healthy and in the right place. I will spend this week living in hope! I will continue to take good care of my body and my heart! I am still so scared to think of the baby as a baby in case the u/s goes badly, but also last time I remember how much it hurt me that nobody except that last sonographer ever called it a baby or referred to it as anything other than the ectopic or the adnexal mass. it made it so hard to grieve or process it as a loss because I felt like no one was really signaling to me that something worth grieving was happening to me. so while I hope and pray I don’t lose this pregnancy, I know that if I do I won’t regret having thought of this baby as real, as my baby. it will help me honor the loss and it will make the grieving process less tangled up in shame. I mean to be clear I hope that isn’t necessary I hope everything goes well!! but as I am still me I have to rehearse the bad outcomes in my mind, for better or for worse!!
I am growing a baby! I am doing that with my body!
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