#Pr. Lucas
ntgospel · 1 hour
Pr. Lucas lança ''Um Som Na Eternidade'' com composição de André Freire
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/musica-gospel/pr-lucas-lanca-um-som-na-eternidade-com-composicao-de-andre-freire
Pr. Lucas lança ''Um Som Na Eternidade'' com composição de André Freire
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Clara, profunda e repleta de significado, a mais recente criação musical do Pr. Lucas, intitulada “Um Som Na Eternidade”, chegou aos ouvidos do público recentemente, trazendo consigo uma mensagem de intimidade espiritual e conexão com Deus. Acompanhada por um clipe emocionante, a música, que conta com a colaboração do compositor André Freire, é uma expressão artística da relação entre o ser humano e seu Criador.
O Pr. Lucas compartilhou sua inspiração por trás da música, revelando que o impulso para criar “Um Som Na Eternidade” veio de um desejo de transmitir a sensação de proximidade com Deus e a importância de expressar nossos pensamentos e sentimentos para Ele. Em suas palavras, a canção é um convite para que os ouvintes reconheçam que mesmo quando não conseguimos encontrar as palavras certas, Deus está sempre próximo, ouvindo e compreendendo nossos anseios mais profundos.
Confira o lançamento de Pr. Lucas:
Ouça também em sua plataforma de música favorita: https://mkmusic.ffm.to/umsomnaeternidade
Produção Musical
Com uma produção musical cuidadosamente elaborada por Josué Godo, a faixa é uma jornada de reflexão espiritual, destacando a singularidade e a beleza da comunicação entre o ser humano e Deus. Cada nota, cada acorde e cada palavra ecoam a mensagem de que nossa alma emite sons na eternidade, uma ideia que ressoa profundamente com a audiência.
O clipe que acompanha a música acrescenta uma camada adicional de emoção e visualização à experiência auditiva, capturando momentos de contemplação, adoração e conexão espiritual. Por meio de imagens evocativas e poderosas, os espectadores são convidados a mergulhar na atmosfera emocional da música e a refletir sobre sua própria jornada espiritual.
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vickingasart · 5 months
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Another were the idea came from the stagleplay, and tweked a bit, and then drawn, this is a first meetings or, in the dont know eachother well stages!!!
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evanzbuck · 2 years
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I don't believe in luck. I believe in us.
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bumble66 · 5 months
Celebrity relationships are contracts
New Hollywood insider info from Meghan Walsh. Celebrity relationships are contracts. They are not organic and they are for a reason, for an agenda.
What is the agenda behind Chris Evan's and his Portuguese wife alleged fake marriage? Note: Other tumblr's argue the marriage is faked because immigration law doesn't add up and because his wife allegedly functioned as a beard for French actor Lucas Bravo before.
On a website called celebrityjihad it was claimed that his Portuguese Wife functions as a beard for him. Is this the reason for the PR marriage?
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It also adds up with a rumor from lipstick alley thread Chris Evans relationship theories 10, page 136:
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and a rumor from datalounge in a thread about him and Sebastian Stan who is according to his fandom also in a PR relationship.
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It makes me wonder. Is Hollywood anti gay? Please LGBT community. We need to stop them from putting more closeted actors in heterosexual relationships!
Video by
classyrednecklady on tiktok
Everything above is alleged based on the links and sources provided
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misscancermoon · 1 year
tbh I kinda saw Lucas’ departure coming.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
However, she could definitely have a real boyfriend. That Carloto guy has always seemed suspicious to me, but maybe he has nothing to do with this whole thing 🤷‍♀️😅///
I’m stuck between him or Lucas Bravo. We’ve seen he was still liking shit from Justin as of May, 2022 and @annislittleshopofhorrors found he was still all over Joana’s page til just recently in January.
To me, she has someone else. And I do think he thought it was said and done once it all got pushed back. Let’s be real. He looked not so great for his sexiest man alive shoot, already looking gaunt with the bags showing, his face thinned out so so much. That was all right around the time they would have started getting everything together.
I don’t think he wanted to keep doing this. If he did, he wouldn’t look so horrible. I love Evans. But she has eaten away every inch of his soul. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still angry we have to keep seeing him with this person who is the antithesis of everything he’s stood for his entire career, but I pity who he’s become.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to stand by this if he continues or his team continues. It’s disheartening not only to see what he’s become, but also what he’s allowed their hatred and disgusting behavior to make him. He deserves his karma. As does she and all of her disgusting fans and friends.
As for her being reactive and release of nudes? Especially with what was floating around at that time, I wouldn’t put it past her to do that to shame him and embarrass him into continuing this nonsense. Why else would he keep associating with these bag of dicks?
Could be Lucas, but I don't think so. I don't think they still have anything going on, but I could be wrong.
I feel sorry for him on some level. He definitely hasn't been in his best shape since this whole thing started, and he clearly hasn't been the happiest. I'm also angry with him because of this whole thing and the fact he and his team let this happen, but I don't think that if this whole thing wasn't depending on a contract, he would still be doing it. He clearly isn't in love, and this isn't really beneficial for him, so the only thing I can think about is that he has to do this because of a contract. Maybe I'm too kind. 😅🤦‍♀️
I just hope this ends soon.
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pinkcloudsummer187 · 1 year
Rumor is Alba is cheating on Chris....
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zackcollins · 2 years
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Beat Giolito || Team PR || 11/23/21
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comicwaren · 2 years
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From Marauders Vol. 2 #003, “Extinction Agenda, Part 3”
Art by Eleonora Carlini and Matt Milla
Written by Steve Orlando
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imaginarybird · 1 year
what fic premise are you working on that you think people aren't interested in?
A hockey au of gmw.
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ntgospel · 3 months
Pr. Lucas lança o single ''Quando Os Joelhos Se Dobram'' com Ton Carfi
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/musica-gospel/pr-lucas-lanca-o-single-quando-os-joelhos-se-dobram-com-ton-carfi
Pr. Lucas lança o single ''Quando Os Joelhos Se Dobram'' com Ton Carfi
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Recentemente, o Pr. Lucas emocionou os fãs ao lançar o aguardado single “Quando Os Joelhos Se Dobram”, uma composição autoral que conta com a colaboração especial de Ton Carfi. A produção musical, a cargo de Josué Godoi, é acompanhada por um clipe animado que complementa a experiência musical.
O cantor compartilhou sua alegria com o lançamento, revelando os bastidores da colaboração com Ton Carfi. Ele descreveu o colega como um artista incrível, generoso e dotado de uma musicalidade excepcional. O Pr. Lucas expressou que, desde que compôs a canção, não imaginou outra voz senão a de Ton Carfi para interpretá-la consigo. A música, intitulada “Quando Os Joelhos Se Dobram”, aborda a temática da intimidade com Deus, sendo uma oração sincera de um coração em busca do tratamento e cuidado divinos.
Mensagem e Produção Musical
A letra reflete a entrega e busca por proximidade com Deus, destacando o momento de adoração que surge quando os joelhos se dobram. A canção descreve a transformação do ambiente ao experimentar o abraço do amor divino, como se uma nova dimensão se abrisse, tornando o local um lugar sagrado.
Confira o lançamento de Pr. Lucas:
Ouça também em sua plataforma de música favorita: https://mkmusic.ffm.to/quandoosjoelho…
A música destaca a importância da glória de Deus, mencionando a existência de um “céu aberto em um quarto fechado, com os joelhos dobrados, onde só Tua glória importa”. A mensagem ressalta a centralidade de buscar a presença de Deus, reconhecendo que apenas Sua glória é relevante.
A ficha técnica da música inclui talentosos músicos, como Josué Godói no teclado, Lucas Lodo no violão, Tom Lima na guitarra, Jessé Martins no baixo, Lucas Pereira na bateria e os vocais de Almir Galdino, Isabela Farias, Letícia Santos e Kuka Santos. A produção e arranjo ficaram a cargo de Josué Godói, com mixagem de Eliézer Rodrigues e masterização de Luciano Vassão.
O lançamento de “Quando Os Joelhos Se Dobram” reforça o compromisso do Pr. Lucas em compartilhar mensagens de fé e adoração, impactando os ouvintes com suas composições e colaborações significativas no cenário gospel brasileiro. A música já se destaca não apenas pela emotiva melodia, mas também pela poderosa mensagem espiritual que carrega.
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whorekneecentral · 7 months
merry smutmas series
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hi besties!! since I'm skipping out on kinktober this year, I figured I wouldn’t be fair for me to leave you guys without some sort of holiday treat so here we go again. 
I won’t be able to fit everyone into this series cause with would have taken me forever so between classes and other fics, I’ve been working on this since august lmao. I hope y’all enjoy these as much as I enjoyed writing it &lt;33 // massive thank you to @oconso for the banners and to @themandaloriansdiaries for all the help plotting and for listening to my complaining <3
running from: November 1st to December 31st - every Tuesday, Thursday and on the weekends
tagged under: merry smutmas xoxo 
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November 1st: Sebastian Vettel - Sticky Fingers 
Your husband spends his first Christmas at home since his retirement and he went a little.. a lot over board. 
November 4th: Trent Alexander Arnold - As Red As My Stockings 
Trent’s crush on the pretty physio is well known amongst the players. They make sure to help him fulfil one last Christmas wish before you all head home for the holidays.
November 5th: Pato O’Ward - Snow Storms 
Your boyfriend insists the roads are fine to drive despite the massive incoming snow storm; as someone who grew up in cold weather, you knew better. yet, there you were stuck on the side of the road with him in the snow. 
November 7th: Ruben Dias - Miss Me, Miss Me
Your brother holds his annual Christmas party and you’re forced to spend the afternoon with the one person you had been avoiding all season but tis’ the season you guess. (stones!reader)
November 9th: Pierre Gasly - Cocoa
You have your boyfriend drive all around the city until you find the one thing you were looking for. When you finally find it, you decide you want something else. 
November 11th: Ben Chilwell - Snowflakes On The Glass 
Ben insists on having a snowball fight when he wakes up to the massive snowfall but you want nothing more than to stay in bed. 
November 12th: Kimi Raikkonen - Only The Best For You 
Kimi spends the holidays with his old friends. He doesn’t forget you; bringing you exactly what you had been wishing for and you make sure to thank him.. properly. (dad’s best friend!kimi) 
November 14th: Lucas Paquetá - Spin Me Around 
Lucas busts out the champagne and the streamers to celebrate the new years in your new place. 
November 16th: Yuki Tsunoda - Sous Chef 
Yuki finds himself more fascinated by the woman cooking than the food on his plate for once. (chef!reader) 
November 18th: Erling Haaland - Christmas On The Farm 
Erling takes you home to spend the holidays at the Haaland Family Farm and you two end up being the only ones there. 
November 19th: Lance Stroll - Old Friends 
Lance gets an invitation to an old teammate’s place to ring in the new year but he finds himself too distracted by someone in particular to care about the ball dropping (vettel!reader)
November 21st: Jude Bellingham - Ugliest Sweater Wins
Jude is invited to Luka’s Christmas party, an ugly Christmas sweater party to be exact. It took a bit of convincing but you got him to go. 
November 23rd: Daniel Ricciardo - The Flash Of The Camera 
You enlist Daniel to help you with your Christmas gift for him. 
November 25th: John Stones - Black Out 
Your boyfriend blows a fuse with the Christmas lights and you’re stuck in the dark, but you find a way to make the best of it. 
November 26th: Fernando Alonso - Your Pick 
Fernando enlists the help of a certain someone to get his Christmas shopping done but the list is oddly familiar (pr officer!reader)  
November 28th: Kostas Tsimikas - The Smell Of The Holidays 
You over baked for your niece’s holiday bake sale so you do the neighbourly thing and share with your neighbour, Kostas and his two puppies.
November 30th: Toto Wolff - Winter Wonderland 
Your husband skips out on Christmas every year due to work but this year, he ends up in London. You make it your mission to introduce him to some holiday fun.
December 2nd: Christian Pulisic - Ho Ho Hoe
You find a pair of Christmas boxers in Christian’s drawers and decide to tease him about it. 
December 3rd: Mick Schumacher - Merry Ruff-mas 
Angie goes missing the day before Christmas and Mick finds her at the neighbouring ranch, wrapped up with ribbon and bows. 
December 5th: Jordan Henderson - Shivers
Jordan comes in after shovelling the driveway and keeps trying to love on you. You tell him that you can feel how cold he is but he makes sure to show you what cold really feels like. 
December 7th: Lewis Hamilton - Tis’ The Season 
An old friend finds his way to you front door and no matter how much you try to get rid of him, you can’t. 
December 9th: Dominik Szoboszlai - Come Home 
The two of you are separated over the holidays and you’re missing each other a little too much to keep this going. 
December 10th: Charles Leclerc - The Night Before Christmas 
A massive snow storm delays Charles’ flight home for the holidays and you both begin to give up hope but a Christmas miracle occurs.
December 12th: Virgil Van Dijk - Holiday Greetings 
You send your old friend a Christmas card every year and when he sees that a certain someone was no longer in the picture, he pays you a long overdue visit. 
December 14th: Mark Webber - A New Term 
You send your professor an email over the winter break and the man wonders why you’re still working, urging you to come out and relax like everyone else. (Professor!Webber) 
December 16th: Thiago Alcantara - Bubbles 
You find yourself aching from all the holiday prep and your husband being the good man that he was, makes sure you’re feeling okay after a long day. 
December 17th: Jenson Button - A Sandy Christmas 
Jenson takes you on a dream vacation over the holidays but still makes sure you’ve got a gift to open come Christmas morning. (Sugar Daddy!Jenson) 
December 19th: Kylian Mbappe - Family’s Growing 
Kylian finds himself swooning over how good you are with his niece and nephew, the thought of having a family with you spins around his head. 
December 21st: Carlos Sainz Jr - Traditions 
Coming back from Christmas with your family, the two of you return to Spain to celebrate new years with his family and all their traditions. 
December 23rd: Andy Robertson - Mistletoe Means Kisses 
The overpowering smell of mistletoe hits you when you walk into he house, your husband came up with his own plan while you were out. 
December 24th: George Russell - A New Tradition 
You and George spend your first Christmas together and you mash together the traditions from both of your families. 
December 26th: Jack Grealish - Always Around 
A wild new years night out leaves you bumping the same person over and over again. 
December 28th: Esteban Ocon - The Gift Of Giving 
Esteban takes a liking to the barista that works at the cafe near his place. He finally works up the courage to ask her out in time for the holidays. 
December 30th: Sergio Ramos - Secret Santa 
The players and the staff play secret Santa every year; they write a letter, toss in a box and everyone picks. Sergio some how lands on the person he’s always had a soft spot for. 
December 31st: Max Verstappen - Time Is Running Out 
Max wasn’t one for resolutions but as the clock counts down the hours to new years, he finds himself running to resolve the biggest resolution on his list; you. 
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cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU lando norrix x latina!reader
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, felipedrugovich and 264,394 others
lando.jpg cabo san lucas, mexico. summer break 2022
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daniel3.jpg oh la la! ⤷ user1 DANNY HAHAHAHA
user2 does lando have a new girlfriend or am i tripping rn cuz i know this isn't luisa ⤷ user3 how can you tell ⤷ user2 cuz she posted a story where she was in paris with friends ⤷ user4 they broke up like two months ago or so ⤷ user5 i feel sorry for whoever this girl is because she probably is just a rebound ⤷ user6 not y'all assuming about their relationship lmao
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♡ liked by daniel3.jpg and 298,420 others
lando.jpg late night shenanigans
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user7 what kind of summer is lando having this boy is out here wilding around
user8 L-LANDO IS THIS ALLOWED ⤷ user9 did he just post some girl's tramp stamp??
daniel3.jpg "summer's" been treating you good mate ⤷ user10 daniel teasing lando through the comments takes the cake ⤷ user11 i just know the drivers' gc is going bonkers rn
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♡ liked by 29,310 people
tagged: landonorris
f1wagupdates New girlfriend alarm? Lando Norris was spotted picking up a girl in his McLaren from the airport. Is this the girl he posted multiple pictures of during his trip through Mexico? Many say he was looking for a rebound after his break-up with long term girlfriend Luisinha Oliveira, but does someone fly their rebound out to their hometown? Guess we'll have to stay tuned for more!
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user12 lando is so whipped ⤷ user13 the power of latinas ⤷ user14 amen
user15 he flew her out to monaco after his trip? bro must be in love love ⤷ user16 guess we'll see if he also brings her to bahrain after the summer break is over
user17 i think i found her insta, i'm not sure because lando doesn't follow but her posts align with his' ⤷ user18 okay stalker... what's her @? ⤷ user17 yourusername
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♡ liked by 9,293 others
yourusername guess i could get used to frequent trips to monaco
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user18 and we're sure she's not just some girl? ⤷ user19 yeah i mean just because she's mexican and now conveniently is in monaco doesn't mean she's the girl lando's been messing around with
user20 if this is the girl lando's with, geez my boy has some good karma ⤷ user21 yeah like why yould someone as pretty as her sleep with someone as crusty as lando ⤷ user22 wdym 'crusty' lando's actually really pretty ⤷ user23 he behaves like a child
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♡ liked by 13,293 others
yourusername tiro caliente (hot shot)
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user24 omg she's dropping some serious hints guys ⤷ user25 the breadcrumps we needed
user26 the orange car? lando? i mean... ⤷ user27 how many people own an orange mclaren. it's obvious at this point it's lando
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♡ liked by yourusername, daniel3.jpg and 321,987 others
tagged: danielricciardo
lando.jpg princess treatment after a tough weekend
view all 2,391 comments
daniel3.jpg are you getting the princess treatment? ⤷ user28 i hope lando does lmao
user29 omg yourusername actually liked this post??? ⤷ user30 this is a sign, the sign we've been waiting for. it's her
yourusername the only treatment one deserves ⤷ user31 it'S YOU
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♡ liked by landonorris and 21,292 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername 4 lifers
view all 293 comments
user32 i- what ⤷ user33 this was so unexpected ⤷ user34 was it?
landonorris did my pr team give you the go? ⤷ yourusername they love me ⤷ user35 someone tell me if this is sarcasm or not
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♡ liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and 349,394 others
tagged: yourusername
lando.jpg como te quiero yo (how i love you)
view all 3,293 comments
yourusername lando we need to go back to mexico i'm loosing my good tan ⤷ lando.jpg 7 more races until we're back in mexico
user36 yeah okay i understand lando, i'm also in love
user37 still weird how fast he moved on ⤷ user38 he's an f1 driver what did you expect
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bumble66 · 5 months
Alt-theory: Is Chris Evans being used as a merkin?
For people who don't know what a merkin is. It means a man who covers a lesbian celebrity's homosexuality.
Here is an old list of celebrity gay rumors for more information regarding merkins. The list is from 2003. So some of those people are already dead, yet it still shows that gay people on average have always been attracted to the arts and that's why lgbt is overrepresented in Hollywood: https://accountant247.tripod.com/gossip.html
Chris' fake wife is from Portugal and her name is Alba. When you look her up online it shows plenty of articles about her being in a romantic relationship with her best friend Justin, who is according to lipstick alley's Chris Evans fans a gay man because in the "Chris Evans Relationship Theories Part 10" thread, they claimed that in Alba's instagram post about the GQ MOTY awards, you can see his boyfriend tagged by her under "Styling".
example: https://thefamilynation.com/alba-baptista-justin-amorim
Her gay best friend Justin is a not-well known movie director. For what does he need a beard? It looks more that she was in need of a merkin. I mean, why else did her team post all these articles about her and Justin all the time in the past?
Another example:
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(BTW, @ Chris and Alba's teams, I've already archived these articles online. So don't waste your time deleting them.)
After Justin, she was in a PR relationship with alleged gay man and actor Lucas Bravo. People claim he pings and I have to agree. Just watch some interviews of him on youtube. Lucas' gay rumors started when French Lucas fans read Alba's French wikipedia article because they were in a show together and prbly wanted more info about his co-stars:
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It confuses me though because unlike others of #TeamPR, who hates her guts and say she looks mid and compare her to a trout 🐟 because of her apparently fish-like looking mouth, I on the other hand find her pretty attractive. She is definitely a young hot chick men would like to date or hook up with. Sorry folks, I am just not in denial. Straight men find young women hot and that's why I don't buy the theory that a hetero-Chris would be ashamed of being seen with her publicly. LMAO which straight man would be ashamed of showing off a hot young woman as a wife??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 are you all high?
Anyway, in the wiki article above it mentions her movie roles, of which 6 of them are bi/lesbian roles. Coincidence?
I mean, even if you don't like her, you have to admit that a girl her age and with above average looks would have no problem finding a boyfriend of her own, yet she dates gay man after gay man and it could mean that Chris was just chosen as another meat shield.
Remember, she was supposed to be pushed too with her warrior nun show. When Chris and her had the New York pap walk in November 2022 when season 2 of her WN show premiered. So netflix apparently wanted her to make an A-lister too evidenced by the fact that they chose former A lister Chris Evans as a merkin for her. And through my blog you have found out that Hollywood is still homophobic so she needs to be presented as a heterosexual to the public.
I came up with that thought when an industry insider called Janet B on lipstick alley claimed she is a lesbian:
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They call Alba Alabama because they don't want to give her google algorhythm points.
I have heard there have been lesbian rumors about her from more than a year ago. Does someone know more?
Everything above is alleged based on links and screenshots provided.
Also, would Chris allow his wife to be so touchy-feely with her "ex"?
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lxclerc · 2 years
𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧 | 𝐦𝐯𝟑𝟑
SUMMARY: you think max dislikes you but as it turns out, it’s the complete opposite. REQUEST: not requested WARNING: none. tooth rotting kinda fluff that would have you calling your dentist to check for cavities PAIRING: single mom!reader x max verstappen, platonic!reader x lewis hamilton WORD COUNT: 6.2k
NOTE: idk what happened. one minute i was writing, the next i just reached the 5k words mark.
As the PR person, part of your job is to follow Lewis around. For the most part, you enjoy it. Lewis is a great friend and despite your hectic schedule, the pay is great, definitely enough to provide for yourself and Lucas with lots more to spare. It was the opportunity of a lifetime and you were quick to grab it. 
You mostly got along with everyone, mechanics, other PR teams and drivers alike. You’re a floater, always floating around the paddocks and making friends with anyone you find yourself with and so nearly everyone knows your name. Your bubbly nature is easy to get along with and you consider most of them your friends despite the team they’re in. Well, all except one.
You’re under the impression that Max Verstappen must hate you. Every time you try to approach him, he’s quick to turn the other way. Every time you try to start a conversation, he gives out one liners as answers and is quick to escape you. Eventually, you stop trying. You never want to invade his personal space or break his boundaries. You know you can’t get along with everyone and Max is known for his brash behavior and focus on the sport.
And in fact, you already have things to think about. Your job is a dream, a balance between travel and luxury. The people you meet and the sights you see are things money can’t buy but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Your son, only two years old, often travels with you most weekends along with your best friend but you know that different hotel rooms every week and barely a sense of stability is not the best thing for a toddler. 
The thought of leaving the job you adore so very much causes you heartache though. You love the thrill and the travels. You love the people and the adrenaline. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows. You love it all, but at the same time, Lucas is always of the highest priority. Despite only having the job for less than four years, you’re already contemplating the possibility of quitting. You’ll find other jobs and sure, they probably won’t pay as much but you’ll be with Lucas, watching him grow up.
“You have that look in your eyes again,” Lewis comments as you wait for the press conference to start. You’re still in the Mercedes hospitality and you take advantage of the catering as you throw your good friend a questioning glance. “When you’re thinking too hard.” 
Your relationship with Lewis has been a close one since you started your job. Being only twenty three years old, Lewis considers you almost as a little sister. Apart from Lucas, you have no family left and so you often spend your holidays and free time with the Hamiltons. You adore each and every one of them and Lewis is one of the most important people in your life.
“Just thinking about Lucas,” you said. Being a single, young mother meant that you often spend most of your time worrying about everything all at once and after the holidays is always the hardest, just as Lucas is beginning to get used to having you around all the time only for you to go away again. 
Before Lewis can ease your worries, your phone alarms, reminding you that it’s time for you to head to the conference room to meet with the other PR personels. The rest of you always arrive before the drivers. You place down your drink and show Lewis your phone, already running out before he can say anything. 
You shake your head to clear yourself of your thoughts, putting yourself back in work mode as you walk through the paddock. You suddenly curse yourself for not wearing a thicker jacket as you shiver from the european air. 
At that moment, you catch sight of a certain red bull driver. And despite yourself, despite repeating again and again that it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t like you and that you should stop trying, you can’t help but approach him anyways. You plaster a smile on your face as you jog towards him.
“Hey,” you greet brightly. “How was your holiday?” 
He nearly jumps at the sight of you beside him, immediately taking notice of your shivering figure. “Good.” 
“Oh.” Your smile falters a little bit but you push through it. “That’s good! Good luck on the race tomorrow and see you around.” 
And with that, you’re walking away.
Max never considered himself a shy person till you. The moment you stepped into the paddock with that bright smile on your face, you’re all his dreams come true. You carry yourself with such elegance that you have him following and anticipating your every move. The only problem? You wear your silver Mercedes shirt so proudly that you barely paid him any glance. 
Pining after you for four years is probably pathetic at this point but there’s something about you that makes it nearly impossible for him to form more than short sentences. When you’re near him, your scent overtaking his senses, Max shuts down. His heart beats so fast that he can almost hear it. 
Rushing to his driver's room, he pulls out a logoless jacket from his backpack, making sure there’s nothing about it that will show that it belongs to him. He’s relieved to find his own PR personnel still in the hospitality, just about getting ready to leave. 
“Hey,” he says, handing his jacket. “Do you mind handing this to Y/N Y/L/N? Don’t tell her it’s from me.” 
The red bull PR woman gave Max a knowing smile as she accepted the jacket. “You know, Max, you should try asking her out.” 
Max says nothing. Everyone seems to know about his pathetic infatuation with you apart from you.  
Max gets P1 but Carlos will be starting pole. You know that no one is happy with Mercedes’ performance today and so nearly everyone retires to their hotel rooms early including you. 
That night, as your toddler refuses to go to sleep, the two of you find yourselves in the nearest convenience store, your hand firmly holding Lucas’ while his other hand grips his giraffe stuffed toy, sucking on a pacifier as you look around for snacks. 
“Mommy!” Lucas screamed just as you let go of his hand to reach for the top shelf, already running to the next aisle to grab a pack of skittles. “Kittles!” 
Your face scrunched up as you looked over at your son with the biggest grin on his face. “You really have no plans to sleep tonight, do you?” 
If possible, his grin grows bigger. “Kittles?” 
“Fine but only because you’ve been good all week.”
The way he ran to you to hug your legs in thanks is almost enough for the inevitable headache you’ll be having tomorrow after what will surely be a sleepless night. You pick Lucas up and place him on your hip. You were so occupied trying to understand the nutritional content of the belgian snack you’re holding that you hadn’t realized the person in front of you till you bumped into him. 
“I’m so sorry–” you start to say only to find Max holding a box of condoms. “Oh. Hi, Max.” 
“Y/N!” His voice is a little high pitched as he says your name, one you hadn’t known he even knew. He tries to hide the box of condoms behind him, cheeks immediately turning red. “It’s not– I’m not– It’s not for me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s alright, Max. It’s none of my business. And you should be celebrating getting the fastest time.”
If possible, your statement seems to only make him blush harder. “It’s really not! My trainer asked me to get it for him since I run out of shampoo and–”
“You really don’t have to explain yourself to me, Max,” you interrupt despite finding his flustered face to be one of the most adorable things you’ve seen. “If anything, it’s a good thing you’re being safe.” 
“I swear it’s not for me.” God, Max really really hates the timing of the universe at that moment. He wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole. “My trainer asked me to get it since I’m already here anyways. You can even ask him to confirm tomorrow. I’m not sleeping with anyone. I don’t have a girlfriend. I haven’t even been on a date in three years much less sleep with anyone which sound really pathetic now that I say it out loud but–”
By some miracle, Lucas decides to save him more embarrassment as the toddler removes his pacifier to speak, clutching a giraffe stuffed toy and a small bag of skittles within one tiny hand. “I’m Wucas.” 
“It’s Lucas,” you say softly, both to Max and your son. “He’s still struggling with his Ls.” 
Max, with his tomato red face, takes a few moments to compose himself. He notices that you’re still wearing his jacket, the much too big piece of clothing hanging from your shoulders. You’ve ditched your Mercedes shirt and when you lean towards him for half a second, he can smell his own cologne clinging to you as you laugh. 
“Hi, Lucas,” he says finally, greeting your son with a smile on his face. “I’m Max.”
“Maxie!” Lucas immediately dubs, trying to shake your arms off him as he attempts to crawl towards the red bull driver. Max throws you a panicked look as Lucas snuggles to his chest. 
“Luke, wait–” you try to say but the two year old has no plans to listen, already settling himself in Max’s arms. It’s your turn to blush. “I’m so sorry, Max. Lucas, you can’t just jump to people without asking their permission first.”
Max smiles for the first time since you met him. Of course, you’re sure he’s smiled a ton of times since then but this would be the first time he’s smiled at you and definitely the first time he smiled for you. 
“It’s alright,” Max assures you. After rambling about condoms and having revealed that he’s been suffering for blue balls the past four years (because of you since ever since meeting you, it seems as though Max is suddenly unable to form any sexual attraction with anyone and definitely unable to form any romantic attractions), he can’t help but feel much more at ease around you. “Are you guys done?”
You try not to pay too much attention to what the sight of Max holding Lucas does to you and instead hold up the Belgian snack you were inspecting along with bottles of water and Lucas’ skittles. “Just need to pay for these.”
“I can walk you back to the hotel,” he said, nervousness immediately creeping in the moment confusion formed in your face. “Only if you want, of course. I just meant I’m going the same way and it’s pretty late.”
For four years, you’ve been under the impression that Max holds a weird dislike at you. You’ve tried being nice to him, offering food, wishing him luck every weekend but you’re usually only met with one liners. You’re used to his obvious dismissal of you but you’re definitely not used to his sudden kindness. 
However, you’re never one to turn down a good deed. It is late, you’re in a foreign country and you know that you’re staying in the same hotel. What’s wrong with accepting a concern offer? 
You smile at him and Max could have sworn his heart stopped. “Sure,” you say. “Just give me a minute to pay for these.”
You weren’t even halfway to the hotel when the two of you heard Lucas’ small snores, his head on Max’s shoulder and tiny arms wrapped around the dutchman. You move to take him but Max assures you that it’s okay. 
“Can I ask you something?” You say, hands fiddling with the strings of the jacket you’re wearing. Max nods. “Why don’t you like me?” 
The surprise in Max’s face is evident as he faces you. “You think I don’t like you?” 
When he’s asking it like that, as though the idea is ridiculous, you can’t help but feel a little ridiculous yourself. You feel like a teenager asking an idiotic question, but you force yourself to continue. “I mean I’ve tried getting to know you and you never seem interested.” 
“I don’t dislike you,” he says slowly, hesitance clear in his voice. There’s something about tonight that makes him want to admit his feelings. “Quite the opposite, in fact.” 
You notice the way his cheeks once again tint an obvious pink and you try not to think too much at the fact that he looks so natural holding Lucas in his arms, your son sleeping so comfortably. “What do you mean?” 
“I like you a little too much,” he says quietly, looking at anywhere but you as he feels his blood rush to his cheeks. “I feel like a school boy with a crush when I’m talking to you and I never want to embarrass myself so I just don’t.” 
Your breath hitched in your throat at his little confession. And Max thought he might as well continue while he still has the courage to. God knows when he’ll get the chance again. “Making a fool of myself in front of you is a genuine fear of mine and you make me so incredibly nervous.” 
You stare at him as if he’s grown two heads. “I make you nervous?” 
“Yes, very much. As shown earlier by my mouth running from me.” 
“I have a son,” you say, almost mechanically. You’ve learned early on that men don’t like dating women with children. You can understand, of course. No one wants that added responsibility especially so early on in your lives so you just stopped dating altogether, focussing all of your time to work and Lucas. 
A small smile spread across Max’s face. “I know and I don’t care. I’d love to get to know Lucas some more and you don’t have to answer now, but I’d really love to take you out to dinner. I’ve wanted to since the day I met you.” 
“Max, I–”
“You don’t have to say anything now,” he interrupts. “Think about it and let me know tomorrow. Either way, I’ll respect your answer.” 
The next morning, Lewis and Angela manage to convince you to bring Lucas to the paddock, the toddler all set up in Mercedes merch as he hangs from your hips or chases Roscoe around. Currently, you’re in Lewis’ drivers room with the two aforementioned people, Lucas bouncing on Lewis’ knee and Angela going through her ipad. 
“Everyone knew, Y/N,” Lewis said after you filled them up about last night and Max. “Man looked like his puppy died the day he found out you were pregnant.” 
“Who do you think has been leaving flowers for you every holiday?” Angela asked.
Every holiday whether it be the last day before christmas break or summer break, valentines day, a bouquet of flowers is always delivered to you, never with a card or even a clue of who it might be from. You always thought it’s from a mechanic, maybe one of the few who’d asked you out throughout your time working with them. The revelation that it was from Max was mind boggling to you. You began working as an intern in Mercedes four years ago, straight out of high school. Angela took a liking to you and took you right under her wing but you’ve only been actively working with them for three years after you took a year long break once Lucas was born and throughout it, you’ve always been under the impression that the dutchman dislikes you.
“Why did no one ever tell me?” You asked, your head spinning as Lucas’ giggles filled the room.
“No one actually thought it’d take him four years to own up to it,” Angela says. “And for the most part, I genuinely thought he’d gotten over it. He’s gotten a little more subtle when it comes to staring at you.”
At that moment, a knock was heard throughout the cramped space, making you stand up to find Max and another man clad in red bull merch on the other side of the door.
“Maxie!” Lucas exclaimed happily, immediately climbing out of Lewis’ lap and running to the dutchman. “Maxie! Maxie!” 
Max chuckled, kneeling to pick up the little boy. “Hey, Luke. How are you doing?” 
“Maxie, want your cap,” Lucas says, small hands already reaching for the red bull cap on Max’s head. For his part, Max didn’t hesitate at removing it, placing it on Lucas’ much smaller head.
“Traitor,” Lewis muttered from behind you guys, earning a chuckle out of everyone. 
“Hey,” you greet. “What are you doing here?” 
Max’s orange and blue looks out of place around the silver and white, so much so that the mechanics passing by stared at him. 
“That would be because of me,” the man Max came with spoke up. “I’m Bradley, Max’s personal  trainer. I hope we aren’t interrupting.” 
You throw a glance at Max’s direction before offering your hand for Bradley to shake. “Nice to meet you, Bradley. I’m Y/N and no, you’re not interrupting. We’re just killing time before the drivers’ parade.” 
“Oh trust me, I know all about you. Max doesn’t shut up about you–” Max, who was engaged in a conversation with Lucas (mainly consisting of him agreeing to everything the little boy said) reached forward to lightly smack Bradley on the back of his head. “I mean, I just came here to tell you that the condoms from last night are, in fact, mine and that Max is not seeing or even sleeping with anyone.” 
You can’t help the genuine laugh that escaped past your lips as you realized the purpose of their visit. Max is still ridiculously focused on whatever Lucas is babbling about, making a point not to look at you as his cheeks burn bright red all the way to his neck and ears.
“Thank you for confirming that, Bradley, but I believed Max last night.” 
Max turned to you, still not meeting your eyes. “Just making sure. It isn’t exactly the best look.”
You couldn’t help the flutter in your chest. Maybe Lewis and Angela are right. You should give this a chance. You deserve to fall in love, right? You deserve to be loved and cared for and adored. You go on your tiptoes, planting a soft kiss on Max’s cheek which left the dutch man in shock, his heart beating out of his chest. 
“Good luck out there,” you said softly, prying Lucas away from him. “I’ll be rooting for you.”
“Go, Maxie!” Lucas shouted gleefully as Max stood stunned. Loving you from afar has always been thrilling but he’s not quite sure his heart could take loving you so close by. 
A few hours later, after consoling a heartbroken Lewis and making sure he’s okay, you can’t help but cheer along with the red bull garage as Max crosses the checkered flags. Lucas jumps along with you, the two of you running out of the Mercedes Hospitality into the track. 
“Maxie! Maxie!” Lucas screams happily as you carry him, hands clapping together excitedly and noise canceling headphones enveloping his small head. You’re sure you must look out of place in your Mercedes merch cheering along with the sea of orange and you’re sure that some fan would probably take a picture and post it on social media but still, you can’t help your excitement as Max climbs out of his car. 
Max, in his own excitement and bliss, overjoyed at the sight of you cheering for him and Lucas screaming his name happily, red bull cap still on, seems to have completely forgotten about the camera as he ran towards you, wrapping both arms around the two of you as you laughed, accepting his embrace. 
You’re sure the camera must have focused on you now and you’re sure everyone will be talking about it come tomorrow morning but you can’t find it in yourself to care as you laughed, letting him pull you both against his chest. 
“Maxie, you went vroom vroom so fast!” Lucas exclaimed, hands wildly swinging about in his own excitement. 
Max didn’t hesitate to take Lucas from your arms as though he’s done it a thousand times before and for some reason, you hadn’t hesitated handing your son to him as though it’s the most natural thing ever. 
Beaming from ear to ear, you spoke up. “So about that dinner date.”
Max turned to you, hope and excitement clear in his eyes. “Yeah?” 
“How does seven pm sound?”
Max’s grin stretched as he wrapped an arm around you again, feeling as though he’s at the top of the world. At that moment, he realized that nothing beats this. Nothing beats finally having you in his arms, you smiling at him as though he hangs the moon and the stars or the sound of Lucas screaming and cheering his name. 
Not even a championship beats this feeling. “That sounds perfect.” 
In the months you spend with Max, you begin hating yourself more and more for not catching on to his feelings sooner. Falling for him was inevitable. At the end of your first date, the two of you were already planning your second. By the end of your second date, you were both so giddy and happy that as soon as you got home, after putting Lucas to sleep, you and Max were on the phone, spending the night awake as you talked about everything and nothing all at once. 
Your third date was unplanned with Lucas absolutely deciding that he can’t go to sleep unless Max is next to him, you were forced to call up the dutchman, sheepishly explaining the situation as you shyly invited him into your hotel room. 
Max hadn’t even hesitated agreeing, already knocking on your door a minute later. The three of you spent the night watching disney movies till Lucas’ snores began, small body sprawled across Max’s chest. Your hands found each other under the blanket, tightly entwining. 
“This is my favorite date,” he told you in the darkness, voice quiet as to not wake Lucas. 
“Yeah,” you agreed, giving his hand a squeeze. “It might be mine too.” 
Your fourth date was canceled. Max was called into red bull HQ, ending up with him giving you an apologetic call as the stewardess reminds him to put his phone on airplane mode as they’re about to take off. Max promised to call you as soon as he landed. He doesn’t end up calling till a few hours later, catching you by surprise as you accepted the facetime call and saw him wearing a suit and tie, candlelit dinner in front of him.
Still, he called you the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen at least two times throughout your virtual dinner despite the fact that you’re only wearing your pajamas and eating take out mcdonalds. The two of you fell asleep on facetime. 
On your fifth date, Max insists on staying in and cooking for you and Lucas. Unfortunately, he’s pretty bad at cooking. Fortunately, he’s adorable and so you end up rescuing the mashed potatoes from him, Max slightly pouting as you order him to the side where he situated himself on the countertop, trying to salvage your dinner. 
You move towards him, situating yourself between his legs as you cup his cheeks, making Max take a deep breath at your sudden closeness. Despite being with you, he still often finds himself in awe that he doesn’t need to pine after you from far away. 
“You’re adorable,” you tell him with a smile, planting a small kiss on his jaw as his hands move to your hips, trying to pull you closer towards his body.
“Be my girlfriend?” He asked, trying to guide your lips against his.
“Yes,” you answer without the need to think about it. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Your lips were just about to touch when a pair of little arms wrapped around Max’s leg. Lucas, who was previously in the living room keeping busy with the miniature race cars Max bought for him, must have noticed that something was happening in the kitchen that he wants to be a part of.
“Maxie, mommy!” Lucas called, raising his arms up as a sign to pick him up. You do so, placing him on Max’s leg as the dutchman wrapped his arms around the two of you, placing his chin on the top of your head as you leaned against his shoulder. 
“Hey, buddy,” Max greets your son.
Lucas practically glowed from Max’s attention as he held up his small Red Bull race car. “Maxie, look! Is you!” 
Max plants a small kiss on the top of Lucas’ head and for a moment, you’re terrified of what could be. Your heart fears losing Max already despite only being official with him. The thought of losing this, the thought of losing this, feels all so terrifying for you as you watch the two of them. 
Max seems to have caught your fear as he tightens his arms around you, meeting your eyes. “We’ll be okay. I’m never letting you go. I’m here till you want me here.” 
You smile, melting into his touch as Lucas demands his attention again. Maybe you are making a mistake so quickly introducing Max into Lucas’ life. Maybe this will all be heartbreak with all three of you crying.
Or maybe it won’t. Maybe it’ll be okay after all. 
Next week after that, you file your resignation letter with Lewis’ encouragement. You’ll be going back to university at the end of the season and Toto tells you that if you ever want to come back, you always have a place with them. You shed a tear or two as he offers you a hug. 
That same morning, you walk into the paddock hand in hand with Max for the first time and you’re sure the three of you look a little ridiculous with you in your mercedes merch, Max in red bull and Lucas on his shoulder in both but your fear of people talking seems to be in vain as everyone else was more interested in making fun of Max rather than scrutinizing your relationship.
“And here I thought you’d never actually ask her out!” Daniel, to no one’s surprise, turns out to be Max’s biggest headache as he grins at the sight of the three of you.
But Max is unbothered by them all, far too happy with finally being able to love you in the open to care. “Me too, mate, me too.” 
Four months after you and Max began dating, you find yourself moving into his Monaco home, the three of you spending your afternoons painting Lucas’ new room before his small birthday party in two days.
“Maxie, I want it red,” says your almost three year old. “I’m gonna be a racer one day like you!” 
Max’s grin widened at your son’s announcement. You know this already as the two of them are already counting down till Lucas can start karting. “You sure will, Mijn liefde.” My love.
“I’m gonna drive for ferrari!” 
At that announcement, Max turned to Lucas so fast that you feared he might get a whiplash. “For what?” 
 “Ferrari!” Lucas says as though he’s just cured cancer. “Uncle Charles said it’s the best team in the world.”
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the horrified look on Max’s face. Being with Max, you can’t help but be closer to the other drivers. Before, you didn’t really get much chance considering that Lewis rarely joins along, preferring to keep to himself and his close knit of friends but now, it’s clear to you that Max, Daniel, Charles and a bunch of other drivers hold a close friendship, especially those who all live in Monaco.
“Uncle Charles needs to keep his mouth shut,” Max says, looking genuinely stressed as he kneeled in front of Lucas, holding the grinning little boy down. Your son looks so much like you that Max can’t help but love him too but even if he didn’t, Max would love him anyway. Lucas looks up to Max. Anyone who’s ever seen the two together can see that and Max swore he’d be the best father figure in his life. “Don’t listen to uncle Charles, he’s just being a baby that my really fast Red Bull car beat him out of the championship. Ferrari is shit.”
You laugh, placing a hand on his shoulder in a faux attempt to comfort him. The entire situation is so amusing to you that you can’t even find it in yourself to scold him about cursing in front of a child.
“Ferrari is shit!” Lucas announced happily, a toothless grin showing as he threw himself at Max’s chest, the driver always ready to catch him. 
“Lucas, that's a bad word,” you say but still, your grin is wide. 
“No, no, wait,” Max says, holding your son in one arm as he pulls his phone out of his pocket, turning on the camera and pointing it at Lucas. “Say it again, Luke, but this time add ‘and red bull is better’.” 
“Ferrari is shit and red bull is better!” Lucas was more than happy to oblige, always ready to do anything for Max’s praise and attention.
“Max!” You scold but your boyfriend only gives you a grin, mirroring Lucas’ so much that they almost look like they might be blood related. 
Max sends the video to Charles, to which the monegasque replies with his own video message dramatically frowning and pretending to wipe nonexistent tears. “I’m very very offended, little Verstappen.”
You were so happy that you hadn’t even noticed the nickname the rest of the divers had given your son. 
That night, as you both tuck Lucas in with Max reading him a story, the little boy on his chest and you leaning against his knee, you watch as Lucas tries to cuddle deeper into Max’s chest, his tiny hands clutching at the driver’s shirt as Max’s voice become quieter and quieter as he finishes reading. 
Seeing Lucas grow up heals your inner child. Seeing him with everything you didn’t get, with the love and affection you craved but didn’t have makes you feel as though you’re doing something right. Even his room, from his rotating planet nightlights to the lego formula 1 cars on his shelf and the books lining his walls. He has everything he could need and want and more and you almost want to cry at the thought that you were able to provide him all of this. 
Max seems to be overcome with his own emotions as he watches the little boy sleep in awe, hand reaching forward to gently push back Lucas’ hair as though he couldn’t quite believe that something so beautiful is in his arms. 
Planting a soft kiss on the top of Lucas’ head, the two of you move to leave his room but Lucas’ hold on Max only tightens as Max tries to unclench his fist. 
“I don’t think he wants to let go,” Max told you quietly as Lucas shifts, snuggling closer to Max’s body like a moth drawn to the flame.
“No, daddy,” the little boy muttered sleepily, objecting to Max’s attempt to move away, causing you and Max to immediately halt your movements. 
“Did he just–” Max begins and you feel your head spinning. 
You love Max and if there’s something in this world that you’re sure of, is that he loves you and Lucas too. He’s always shown it and never failed to let you know but above all, your son is your priority. The thought of you and Max not working out and Lucas being left heartbroken fills you with so much dread. You know Max will never purposely hurt you or Lucas but sometimes things just happen, relationships just fail and people just fall out of love. There’s nothing certain in this world and less of all, a man. You learned that the hard way and you never want Lucas to learn it too. 
You feel Max’s hand softly placed on your cheek, seemingly having read all of your thoughts and fears from your eyes. “I’m not going to promise you anything because promises mean nothing but I will show you. I will show you that if you’ll let me, I’m more than ready to be the best father Lucas needs and I’m here to stay hopefully forever. I’m all in, Y/N. I love you and I love him more than I ever thought possible.”
You face him, leaning into his touch as you hold his hand on your cheek, placing a kiss on his palm. He’s right, he can’t promise you anything but you’re willing to give him the chance to show you. “Okay.” 
The next race weekend, you found yourself sitting in a lounge chair in Monaco as Max and Checo do PR (something that involves ducks and a pool) along with the Red Bull Marketing, your laptop fired up as you edit things to post for the official Mercedes instagram later. Some must still find it weird, you in your Merc merch following Max around in your free time but most of them are used to it, even welcoming you and considering you a friend now. 
On the chair next to you, Lucas had his afternoon nap, now three years old, sucking on his thumb as the world about him goes around. He rarely ever misses a weekend now, usually with you or Max. He promises to be on his best behavior so long as you let him come with you and for the most part, he’s kept the promise. 
“Oh hey!” Max exclaimed happily, his face lighting up at the sight of the fish toy. “We got this thing at home!” 
You looked up at his statement, immediately recognizing the sight of the yellow fish toy that you both love and hate. For the most part, it makes bath time so much easier but at the same time, if you have to hear baby shark one more time, you think you might just lose your mind. 
As if on cue, your boyfriend put his hands on his hips, a smile painting his face. “Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. It’s when my son is having a bath that we have that thing.” 
Your eyes widened, seemingly along with everyone else’s. The fans know you and know Lucas, a newest fan favorite with his appearances in the paddock screaming Maxie in the happiest voice but Max had never actually called the little boy his son. Lucas has always been your son in everyone else’s eyes and yet Max’s so very casual and natural admittance of the mere fact had your heart bursting. 
Max’s loud laughter as he sang baby shark must have woken Lucas as his eyes fluttered open, looking around. Jealousy almost blossomed in your chest in the way your son’s eyes barely glanced in your direction before stopping on Max’s figure if only you weren’t so grateful that he’s getting such a loving father.
“Daddy!” Lucas called, cutting Max off mid sentence as the little boy jumped to his feet, running towards the dutchman, who’s kneeling by the pool side tinkering with the toy fish. 
“Luke!” You called, trying to stop him but one of the Red Bull Marketing only smiled at you, letting you know it’s okay as Max picked up Lucas. 
“It’s okay, we’re almost done anyways,” the red bull personnel let you know and you thought that for a team that’s so hated, they’ve always been so kind and understanding to you.
“Hey, bud, I thought you were sleeping?” Max asked, voice immediately becoming softer as he pushed back Lucas’ hair, trying to see if there’s anything wrong. 
“Hi, uncle Checo,” Lucas muttered sleepily, ignoring Max's question, giving the Mexican a small wave as he rested his head on his father’s shoulder. 
“Hi, little Verstappen,” Checo smiles.
You stand up, approaching them as you try to get Lucas back but your son only holds on to Max tighter before you can even reach them, his eyes sleepy and fluttering shut. “Stay with daddy.”
“Can he stay with me?” Max asks you and the marketing team in charge.
“No problem, we’re done anyways,” they said with a smile.
“Are you sure?” You asked, still out of the camera’s view.
Max only smiles at you as he shifts Lucas’ weight to one arm. “Ja, mijn liefste.” Yes, my love.
You’ve heard that sentence enough to understand it as you hesitantly returned to your seat and they continued their filming, a sleeping Lucas now hanging by Max’s side. They continue filming, saying their goodbyes to the camera as you pack up yours and Lucas’ things. 
“And that’s all,” the red bull marketing said, cutting the cameras as Max walked over to you, his free arm wrapping around your waist. 
“If I didn’t love the two of you so much, I would have been jealous with his obvious favoritism to you,” you joke as you lean to his touch, causing Max to laugh out loud. 
taglist: @ricsaigaslec @dragon-of-winterfell @coffeehurricanes @rdtbattinson @privcherry7 @miniminescapist @lostinketterdam
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majaloveschris · 1 year
No diff from other age holes in which the younger person is young enough to be the older persona’s parent. She is easily young enough to be Lisa’s granddaughter. Now take it to it’s logical conclusion: The power imbalance that results from the age difference. I think that does matter, especially at her age when he supposedly began pursuing her. ///
He followed her when she was 23. She was still an adult at that time, so you can’t use that as a reason to call him names.
Just because there is a gap here, it doesn’t make Evans this big bad Hollywood man taking advantage of the poor little . That’s absolutely not what’s happening here and I wish people stop using that as an excuse for what garbage human she is.
There has been absolutely no show of power in play during this entire thing. He’s never once used it to make her his little play thing. In fact, he’s done the exact opposite of that. He’s done everything in his power not to be seen with her.
She, on the other hand, has done nothing but manipulate the situation. She left up comments calling her true love a pedophile and groomer. She refused to work and instead photoshopped her yoga and yoga certification. She made sure to be seen at WDW. When it came out what a shit human she really is, she released her own porn video, left it up long enough to make sure it was spread, then deactivated her account like a coward.
This is no longer about age. The issues that people have now are the fact that he’s now associated with racists, antisemitics, fatphobics. He’s now hanging around and associated with the people he spoke out against for 20+ years. That’s the reason people are pissed.
And if you’re going to sit here and accuse Evans of a power imbalance and age gap grossness, make sure you include Lucas Bravo in that. He was the one she was associated with all the way up until NYE 1.0
Agree! Let's be honest: She doesn't seem like an innocent 25-year-old who can be easily manipulated into things. Obviously, we don't know her, but if we take a look at her projects and the nude video she posted on IG, she seems the exact opposite to me. Alba and her whole brunch seem like worse people to me in this situation than Chris.
And I just realized that Lucas is like 34 years old.
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