#Power Rangers x Reader
ur-fav-inactive-writer · 10 months
𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫
Part Two Part Three | Ivan Of Zandar x Fem!Reader | Request
WC: 2054
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Crashes and the sounds of harsh kicks and punches sounded from the woods. It was a not-so-calm day for the rangers, Sledge being up to mischief again. It was their usual battle routine, fighting vivixs and then the new monster of the day. Well, they thought it was. They felt defeated and weak, beginning to lose hope on defeating the monster. That was when a light blue silhouette came from the woods and began fighting. It immediately snapped the rangers out of their fatigue. It was... another ranger?! It couldn't be, surely not! And... no way. They couldn't believe their eyes, you had just frozen the monsters. All fell silent for a moment, the only sounds being the heavy breathing of all the rangers.
"Who... who are you?!"
You turned your head, alarmed. You fell silent, pondering if you should trust them or not. They, too, were dressed like you. They must have powers like you do. Gingerly, you removed your ranger helmet, softly shaking your head to free your hair. They all stared in shock, all except one. Ivan lay there, staring, admiring your beauty. The way you shook your hair free made his heart swoon. You inhaled shakily, nervous to introduce yourself.
"(Y/L/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N). You guys are like me... aren't you?"
As you spoke, you approached Ivan. You reached your hand out to Ivan, offering to help him up. Nervously, he took your gloved hand and stood up. He removed his helmet, as you did, and introduced himself. Preparing himself for what he was about to do, he gently reached for your hand. He held your hand up and began to introduce himself.
"Sir Ivan, Knight Of Zandar, the Gold Ranger. Pleasure to meet you, milady." He finished the sentence by pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your hand, causing both of your cheeks to turn a soft pink. The rest of the rangers got up and introduced themselves to you. They offered to take you back to their base, and you hesitantly agreed to their offer. They were all intrigued by you, especially by your powers. Of course, the energems had made them stronger and all that, but none of the other rangers had been gifted with ice powers like you had.
On the walk back to the base, you dazzled them with your powers. You created gorgeous snowflakes with your bare hands and made it snow in the small area you were in. All the rangers were giggling happily, messing around in the snow. You all laughed together as you wrapped up the snow and kept walking. Ivan made a point to keep close to you, and as you became acquainted with the rangers, you noticed Ivan still had a small bit of snow on his face. You giggled and wiped it off of his nose. He was flustered at this and blushed. You quickly realised how strange it must have seemed and began explaining and apologising. He let out a small chuckle and reassured you that it was okay. The rangers saw the interaction and immediately noticed how soft Ivan was being around you. They all gasped as they realised what was going on.
Ivan. Had. A. Crush.
They all started giggling at this, Ivan and you turned towards them. You questioned what they were laughing at, all of them brushing it off and saying it was nothing. You shrugged it off and made your way to the base.
You sat in the base, becoming properly introduced to everyone in the team. You demonstrated your powers once again, impressing Kendall. She told you that you should work in the museum and join the team. You were hesitant, is this really what you wanted? You told her you needed to think about it and said you were taking a walk. You sat on some steps outside the museum silently. You heard footsteps approaching and turned around. It was Ivan; he silently asked permission to sit next to you, and you nodded. He sat beside you and began to talk.
"I can understand why you may be hesitant to join. I was hesitant once too." He chuckled lightly, likely reminiscing back to when he first joined the team. His light laugh strangely reassured you. "but, believe me, joining the team is one of the best decisions you'll ever make. I have no regrets. The rangers are my family and I'm sure they'll become yours too."
You exhaled softly and turned your head to look at him. He stared into your eyes reassuringly. You felt his hand lay atop of yours and looked down at your hands. He quickly realised what he had done and drawn his hand back. You both sat there in silence, blushing.
"Okay. I'll join you."
He smiled at you, once again assuring you that you definitely wouldn't regret it at all. With him around, you're sure you wouldn't regret it. Ever since you layed eyes on Ivan, you felt comforted by his presence. In fact, you even thought you might have a tiny crush on him, as pathetic as it sounded. If you were to trust any of the rangers, it was him. You sat in silence for a few moments.
"Hey, um, Ivan. I don't really wanna go back inside yet, do you wanna go grab something to eat with me?"
He nodded happily and stood up. He took your hand, the same way you had taken his that day in the forest and helped you up. As you stood, you slipped a spot of ice and tripped. Damn you and showing off your powers and then forgetting to melt it. You let out a small shriek before crashing into Ivans chest. He just barely caught you before swooping you into his arms. He held you there for a moment, looking deeply into your eyes. You kept eye contact for a few moments before realising your compromising position. You were held in Ivans arms, bridal style, in broad daylight. A blush rose to your cheeks as you both realised this. Slowly, Ivan gently placed you down onto your feet, making sure you were stable this time. Little did they know the rangers had seen and snapped a picture. Oh, how they would tease Ivan about it later.
You walked to some stalls in a park, you getting a bubble tea while Ivan bought a strawberry milkshake. He also bought you a waffle to share. You offered to pay for it, but he was insistent on purchasing it and proving chivalry isn't dead. There weren't very many benches in the park available, other than a small section of one that would just about be able to squeeze both of you onto it.
You both squeezed on, incredibly close to each other, and began talking. Ivan told you all the stories he had from being a knight, to which you intently listened. You told Ivan all about your past and powers. You discussed your different ranger stories and much more. Ivan made your feel safe, you felt as if you could trust him for day one. As you were retelling one of your stories, Ivan couldn't help but begin admiring your beauty once again. He took in all your features, your gorgeous eyes, your perfect smile, the way your hair blew in the wind just right to make you look even prettier than usual. You were just so perfect. Ivan was in love. This wasn't just a small, schoolboy crush. He was certain. It is love. There was no way it was anything other than love.
The wind began getting strong, people deciding to get out of the park and go inside. You were wearing a gorgeous, short, summer dress (one that made Ivan become even further enamoured with your appearance) and began to feel slightly chilly. Heck, it made no sense, you were the ice ranger but still sensitive to temperature. You held your arms around yourself to try to preserve heat. The motion didn't go unnoticed by Ivan.
"You seem cold, milady. Please, take my coat. You need it more than I do."
You looked at him in shock. Was he sure? You politely turned it down, not wanting to be rude. He kept insiting, reassuring you that even without his coat, he would be fine. You kept declining until he made the choice to wrap it around you anyway. As soon as the coat was placed around you shoulders, you pulled it around yourself even tighter. It was so nice and warm, you sighed in content. Ivan smiled at this and took your hand, guiding you back to the museum.
It had been a week since you had joined the Rangers team. You had settled in perfectly. You were on break in the base whilst the rest of your friends worked. All of the rangers absolutely loved you, especially Ivan. They all stood in the kitchen, busy at work. Since you had been recruited, they changed out an old picture of the team and switched it out for one that had you in it. Ivan stood at the wall where it was pinned, staring intently at your smiling face with a lovesick smile. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Tyler's playful voice.
"Ivan! We get it, you have a huge crush on (Y/N) but can you stop staring at that picture and get back to work?" He turned his head around fast enough to give himself whiplash, seeming shocked at the allegation. "Sir Tyler, I've not got a clue what you're talking about, (Y/N) is merely a colleague." The Rangers snorted in laughter at this. They pulled out the picture of you and Ivan a week prior, you in Ivans arms.
"C'mon man," came Chase's voice. "You've obviously got the hots for (Y/N), we all see the way you stare at her. Especially when you were holding her like that. Good on you, dude, you'd be a great couple."
Ivan called it nonsensical, but he couldn't hide the blood that rushed to his cheeks at the thought of you two being a couple. He sighed and admitted it. "Fine, I might have just a little crush on her. But you mustn't tell her!" They all promised Ivan that they wouldn't dare tell you ever, and they all moved on with their shifts.
Another week had passed since that conversation, you being none the wiser to even knowing that it'd even happened. It was afterhours, Kendall had purposefully put you and Ivan on the closing shift together. You two were cleaning up, you on a high ladder dusting. You were in the middle of an interesting conversation and you were so engrossed in it that you forgot you were on a high ladder. You slipped once again and screamed. Within a moments notice, Ivan was beneath you and ready to catch you. You landed in his arms again, still in shock from the fall. You were both quiet, too stunned to utter a word. Suddenly, your stunned expression faded and turned into a humoured one. You began to giggle, which turned into an echoing laugh that caused Ivan to swoon over the sound. He asked you what you found so amusing to which you responded,
"It's just... It's just, uh, I'm getting deja vu. We're right back at square one again - me being your damsel in distress with you as my personal knight in shining armour." He couldn't help but smile at your words and even began to let out a small laugh himself. Your laughter died down, and you began examining Ivan's features. God, he was so pretty. Before you knew what you were saying, you began to talk. "Ivan, I think im in love with you." You gasped in shock at your words, preparing yourself to jump down and run away forever. Ivans grip on you tightened, and he stared at you in admiration. He couldn't hold it back any longer, he leaned forward and pulled you into a passionate kiss
"I've been waiting to hear those words since the second I met you, milady."
Unbeknownst to the two in the café, the Rangers were watching the cameras in the base. They were excitedly watching and waiting for something to happen. As your lips made contact with Ivan, they broke into loud cheers. High fives were shared throughout the base. Even Miss Morgan got involved, which says a lot.
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judgementdaysunshine · 9 months
Kimberly hart x sibling reader who is a ranger. And they get hurt while fighting a monster and Kimberly is protective and worried about them?
My baby sister
Pairing: Kimberly Hart x Sister! reader
Description: Kimberly worries frantically after you get hurt in a fight
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"Hey! Oh my god please wake up!" Kimberly shakes you frantically hoping that you were just dazed and not injured badly. You were kim's younger sister by four years and joined the group of rangers a few months back not only finding out that your older sister was one of them but also that you found an extra morpher device that kim left at home as she was trying to recruit someone she was getting to know from school to originally join but that changed when you accidentally morphed into a ranger after being teleported to where her and her friends were and despite not being seen at first Zack noticed you and was quickly grabbing and pulling you towards the group, not too long after kim realized it was you and a three week discussion amongst her and the group you joined and slowly each of them grew fond of you even calling you their sister as well which warmed kim's heart at how attached they each grew of you within the short amount of time. She is pulled away by Jason and Trini as zack picks you up and all of you head back to the command center where luckily you only had some scrapes, bruises, and a slight concussion as you slowly came to feeling a bit dizzy, after slowly waking up you get up trying to find everyone almost falling over after running into Billy who immediately ran telling the others as you grab onto trini who quickly grabbed you as you swayed after bumping into billy wondering what exactly happened as everyone else runs in immediately being pulled into a tight hug by kim "My god i thought you were gone!" you feel tears form as kim sniffles holding you until she pulls away checking the small bump on the side of your head "I thought i was gonna have to tell our parents that you were gone...that I failed my baby sister" you hug her tighter staying glued to each other's hips the rest of the time at command and even later on when the two of you get home noticing your parents were still at work leaving the two of you home alone until an hour later when they come back immediately worried by seeing you in a few bandages and having a concussion which kim covers up to your relief as you all have dinner together.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Power Rangers Masterlist (TV Shows + 2017 Movie)
Fics are below the 'read more', do not repost my fics anywhere, this is my only writing account and website, reblogs are allowed but do not claim my writing as your own.
Power Rangers RPM: Ranger Pink Series Masterlist
Overprotective - Tori Hanson x Sister!Reader - Mystic Force
Secrets and School Projects - Trini x Reader - 2017 movie
Chipped Nail Polish and Broken Bones - Trini x Reader - 2017 movie
Yellow and Purple - Z Delgato x Tate!Sister!Reader - Power Rangers SPD
Rangers Together, Sisters Forever - 2017 movie x Hart!Sister!Reader, Part 2: Rangers Together, Forever - Trini x Hart!Sister!Reader
You're Allowed to Care - Summer Landsdown x Fem!Reader - Power Rangers RPM
Ice to meet you! - Lauren Shiba x Twin!Reader - Power Rangers Samurai
Worth Your Weight In Gold - Power Rangers SPD - Z Delgado x Sister!Reader
Hesitation - Power Rangers RPM - Tenaya 7 x Fem!Reader
Buy One, Get One Free - Power Rangers RPM - Summer Landsdown x Twin!Sister!Reader
In the Name of Love - Trini x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Vow to Protect - Power Rangers Mystic Force - Maddie Rocca x Sister!Reader
Power Rangers 2017 - Trini x Younger!Sister!Reader - headcanons
Power Rangers RPM - Tenaya 7 x Sister!Reader - Imagine being Tenaya 7′s sister with her on the side of Venjix and she’s protective of you
Fusion Force  - Power Rangers x Fem!Reader
Light and Dark Rangers - Power Rangers Dino Super Charge x Morgan!Reader x OC
Two Reds and a Purple - Power Rangers Samurai x Shiba!Sister!Reader
Cursed - Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai - Emily x Fem!Reader
Dimensional Wormholes - Power Rangers SPD x Manx!Daughter!Reader x Lily Chilman - Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Spirit of the Ocelot - Power Rangers Jungle Fury x Hanson!Sister!Reader x Lily Chilman
Panic Attack - Trini x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Hex Girl - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Knowing Her - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
White Ranger - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
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Weird Names Prank
Javi Garcia x Reader
Fandom: Power Rangers Dino Fury
Summary: On a random day at BuzzBlast you decide to call your boyfriend, Javi, weird names as a prank and later on in the week he gets you back.
A/N: This fic is based on these videos.
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It's a normal day at BuzzBlast, so you walk to your boyfriend, Javi, who was at his desk and called him weird names.
"Good morning, my buttery croissant." You said in a funny voice as you stood behind him. Javi gave you a 'really?' look, and you giggled. After a few seconds, he looked up at you and said with a straight face as he spoke in French,
"Oui Oui baguette."
You laughed at his reaction. An hour or so later, you walked over to Javi, who was making coffee.
"Hello, my little Yankee Candle." You smiled, hugging him from behind.
"Hi, sweetheart," Javi replied.
"Hi." You mumbled, kissing his cheek.
"How are you?" He asked.
"Good." You say in a baby voice.
"Am I a pinewood candle?" He joked. You laughed again, and he smiled.
You saw Javi sitting on one of the couches later on and walked over.
"How's my baby..." you asked, playing with his hair.
"You called me 'baby'." He smiled.
"Hippo. How's my baby hippo?" You added. Javi gave you an annoyed look as he moved away from you.
"No." You state to him while laughing.
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You were now at Javi's house, sitting on the couch while he was in his room writing a song.
"Where's my blob fish? How's he doing?" You called out to him as you giggled silently. He poked his head out from the side of the door and looked at you as he spoke.
"You know, blobfish have feelings, too." Javi sassed, pretending to be mad at you.
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It's been six days, and you've been calling Javi weird names non-stop, so he decided to get you back.
"Hi, my baby boo bear," Javi smirked, kissing your neck playfully as you made something to eat.
"No." You whined as soon as you figured out what he was doing.
"What's wrong, Love Bug?" He chuckled.
"Oh my god, Javi, stop." You whined again.
"No, I will not, my lil ketchup packet." He answered.
"Javi, I'm not even on my period." You state. Javi laughed, and so did you. You and Javi have the cutest and funniest relationship ever.
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where-dreamers-go · 3 months
“Adorably Okay” Bridge Carson x Reader
(A/N: Based on my Imagine: Bridge hearing your thoughts about him. I did not expect to do multiple revisions during and after typing it all up. Warnings: Reference to beginnings of a slight panic attack. Use of (Y/N). Word Count: 1,093 words)
Days could mostly be weird. It wasn’t their fault and it was mainly one’s perspective. Such was how people viewed each day in life.
Your day had been pretty average. Keeping a schedule. No big surprises. People, fellow cadets, around you were overall in pleasant spirits.
No big tests today apparently, you thought.
Sure, you weren’t on a path to become a Power Ranger, but that suited you just fine. There were plenty of other responsibilities. Ones you gladly shared with others throughout your time at Headquarters.
You saw enough of your crush, an actual Power Ranger, regardless of your job position. Lucky you. Your crush, Bridge Carson, was as nice as a dream. The two of you had talked before loads of times, but you hadn’t pursued anything beyond friendship.
Honestly, you weren’t sure how. But you were happy. Fully content to have a friendship with the most cute and intelligent person you knew.
And so darn adorable.
Walking from your room with a book of choice, you made your way through the halls, intent on returning the book to a friend. A cadet, busy as others.
Thankfully, the walk wasn’t far, even if S.P.D. Headquarters was enormous.
It was a wonder then, when a familiar pairing of grey and green caught your attention.
“Hey, Bridge,” you greeted as he started walking up to you with a smile.
That smile could brighten any day.
“Hi.” Bridge gave a short wave and quickly begun talking once he stood in front of you. “I heard your thoughts again. You think I’m adorable. How come—.”
A large book slipped from your fingers and dropped to the floor.
Everything in you seemed to go into a static mode, like you were somewhere between panic and complete shutdown. Worried thoughts trying to consume you.
He knows I like him? No. He can’t. What do I do? Why’s he here to tell me? Does he want me to stop?
“(Y/N)?” Bridge tilted his head. “(Y/N)?” His dark eyebrows pinched together in concern.
Upon Bridge’s announcement, it became impossible to function outside of your own mind. You were incredibly ill prepared.
He knows? Your vision hardly picked up details of the flooring. Worry started overtaking you. Pulling you away from your more rational thoughts.
Black-gloved hands grabbed a hold of your arms.
“Hey.” Bridge’s voice was gentle. “Can you hear me?” Thumbs rubbed small circles along your uniform.
He can’t just talk about my thoughts. Gah! Just…you can hear him. Answer him. Something. He’s worried.
Taking a moment or two, you were finally able to nod.
“Okay. Good. Uh.”
Just breathe, you thought. It’s okay. It’s okay. Don’t freak him out. He just wanted to talk. It’s Bridge not…something bad.
He took a step closer. “Here.” Bridge placed one your hands on the center of his chest. “Follow my breathing.”
Heat whipped through you in a confusing mixture of surprised panic and nervous excitement.
“Breathe in.” His chest rose underneath your palm.
Staring where he held your hand to him, you copied his breathing. It went a little shaky. Yet you made progress.
“Breathe out.”
Exhaling, you felt the beating of your friend’s heart. Your crush’s heartbeat. Strong and uncharacteristically quick.
It’s okay. There’s nothing wrong. You closed your eyes and centered yourself. With Bridge as your anchor, you knew you were safe. No matter what surprising or intrusive thoughts made themselves known, you would be okay. Truly and honestly.
Out of all words to react to. He can’t know specifically how I feel from just that word. Goodness. And he wouldn’t be mean about it.
You swallowed.
“Please don’t surprise me like that.” You muttered, feeling calmer.
“I’m sorry.” His voice was soft. “Are you all right, now?”
“Yeah… My mind took a turn.”
“I didn’t mean to upset you. I was just thinking about you again.”
Your eyes snapped open. “Again?”
“Yeah. Thinking about what we ate yesterday, about what we were reading and which of your thoughts I’ve heard. You know.” His bright brown eyes could hardly keep steady eye contact with you while he spoke.
Glancing down to his chest, you focused on how the rate of his heart beat sped up. Neither of you made a move closer nor away.
“So, it’s okay that I think you’re adorable?” You asked, boldly keeping your hand on him.
Just breathe. This is new. Asking him is fine.
His other hand slipped down to hold your free hand. “Yes.”
Oh. Oh, he likes it?
“When I found you, I wanted to ask: how come you haven’t told me? Out loud. I wanted to know.”
The vulnerable conversation had opened. Both of you equally giving.
“I don’t know.” You answered truthfully. Sort of.
It’s not weird to call someone ‘adorable’, in general. If you know them. And he wanted to know why. Wants to.
“Do you want me to?” You asked quietly.
However empty the hallway appeared, sound carried. There was no telling who could walk by. Who might overhear or see.
The conversation curved closer to the heart.
Goodness and the universe knew how much Bridge meant to you. How much you liked him. Adored him. Even more so after he calmed you.
“Yes and I do like when I hear your thoughts too.” Bridge answered, his hand pressing yours more firmly on his chest. “And I really like you. I hope it’s alright to tell you now.”
Your mouth fell open slightly.
Was he truly telling you? Confessing to you?
Your feelings for him were reciprocated?
“Do you like me?” He asked timidly from your silence.
Those warm brown eyes pulled at your heartstrings. Tender and caring. Always attentive when you were near.
“I do. I really like you too.” You whispered.
Releasing both of your hands, Bridge held your face gently. His gaze and smile were just as soft. The speed of his heart was the only contrast.
He likes me. You thought happily, he’s adorable.
“So adorable.” You murmured.
Breathing out a small, delighted laugh, Bridge leaned forward and kissed you tenderly.
Your day had not gone weirdly nor had it been predictable. The day held warmth and good intentions.
A forgotten book.
Two friends standing in a hallway.
Tasks were on standby.
What was a few more kisses shared between two people?
“You’re so adorable and—”
He kissed you.
“—incredibly smart.” You continued and kissed him back.
Bridge smiled against your lips again as you played with his hair.
He was your adorable Power Ranger.
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @
Bridge Carson Tags: @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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royaltysuite · 7 months
Hey everyone! I know posts on my current series are lacking a bit, but slowly but surely I am making some progress. However, I would like to know - which series would you like to see posted first? Or would you like to see some more one-shots and incorrect quotes?
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randomfanboi · 10 months
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Brody Romero from Power Rangers Ninja Steel kinda hot….
Should I write about him?
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ramblingandwritings · 2 years
Eric Myers relationship headcanons
Sometimes you just have to write to purge ideas out of your brain
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Given that his job can call him in at anytime, he's had to abruptly leave date nights before. He always tries to make it up to you the next chance he gets
He's actually an ice cream first date kind of guy, it's casual and no pressure. He knows that incredibly expensive dinner dates can be intimidating to open with
He's a good cook, he had to learn how so he could take care of himself. If he has the time then he cooks most of the meals. If you want to cook or help him then he welcomes it
Secretly romantic, if you're receptive to it then he becomes slightly more open about it. He'll send flowers to your workplace if you're comfortable with it
Unfortunately, he will always have a sharp tongue and arguments with him can get intense quick because of it. He gets somewhat better keeping it in check but severe stress can still make him lash out
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jamiedc-they-them · 5 days
If anyone has any pride themed ideas please send them in for any of my fandoms!! Please keep it platonic though!
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Bro… I need to know…
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r3dsw33tz · 7 months
Can anyone give requests for any power rangers seasons (or, well, the ones in tags), twilight, or Jurassic World oneshots??
I'm literally so bored rn
(I added like 30 tags and can't add anymore) 😭
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ur-fav-inactive-writer · 10 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐡𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫 & 𝐀 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞
Pt: Two Three | Prince Phillip III x shy!reader | Request
(omd I hate the name but whatever)
WC: 1681
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It was a pretty average day in Amber Beach. The sun was shining bright as usual and you and the rangers were hard at work in the café. You were stood in the kitchen, huffing as you tried with all your might to scrub a mark off of the counter. It was a busy day in the café, plenty of people sat at tables and waiting for food. Tyler came and stood next to you,
"Hey, (Y/N/N), can you take this to table 7 for me, please? Shelby's on break and all the other servers are busy."
You turned to him, nodding as you took the tray. Tyler was your closest friend. You'd known him for many years, him being the reason that you moved to Amber Beach. You hung out all the time, gave him advice about his massive crush on Shelby and acted like siblings. You and Tyler had known one another since you were just little kids, both your dads' being friends and going caving together. You both lost your fathers in the caving accident so many years back, and as devastating as it was, it bonded you and Tyler in ways you didn't even think were possible. Heck, if that hadn't happened, you don't think you and Tyler would've been friends. You were always shy and reserved, not being very good with new people. But once you were familiarised with Tyler, you became closer than ever. So when many years had passed and you had both grown up and Tyler packed up to go to Amber Beach in search of Sampson Cave, you happily accompanied him. That's how you ended up working at the café and being a ranger, and you wouldn't change a single thing.
You turned on your heel, taking the tray Tyler had provided you with to the corresponding table. You placed down all the plates to each person, serving them their drinks before turning and returning to the kitchen. Going over to the sink, you began to scrub the dishes before hearing a loud commotion. You heard the sound of many teenage girls shrieking and fawning over something. Confused at the fuss, you turned around. Your eyes widened as you saw the prince, your boyfriend, walking into the café. Your feet began moving without you even realising as you began to run to him. The security guards didn't even attempt to stop you, being very familiar with you. Flying into his arms, he held you tightly. It had been weeks since you'd seen him, he was busy with his royal duties and you were occupied with your job and being a ranger. That left very little time to be seeing your dear boyfriend. So, when you had finally seen him, you didn't hold back. You held him tighter than ever, your coworkers 'awwwing' from the kitchen. Phillip smiled as he held you.
"Miss me, my love?"
You remained silent but nodded vigorously. He was surprised how you had ran to him, considering how shy you were and how you didn't like to make a scene. You didn't let go for ages, only pulling back briefly to lean in for a kiss. Phillip was whipped, he adored you more than anything. He felt like a foolish schoolboy with a crush, he just loved you so so much. If it was possible to have a crush on someone while dating them, Phillip definitely did. He was there on ranger business, the two of you and the rest of the rangers going to the base.
You sat in the base, Kendall discussing something with most of the rangers. She was showing them their new dino chargers. She hadn't been through with you and Phillip yet, but she knew you'd want more time with Phillip, so she decided on going through it with you later on. You were cuddled up next to Phillip, his arm around you and your head on his shoulder. You were quietly conversing and enjoying the peace. He began getting quiet and looking troubled, as if he wanted to ask something but couldn't muster the courage. You looked into his eyes, silently telling him it was okay to ask whatever he was going to. He sighed softly and began to speak,
"(Y/N), would you like to accompany me back to Zandar? I could show you the country, it's truly gorgeous."
You smiled at him, desperately wanting to say yes. Your smile faltered slightly as you responded meekly.
"Phillip, of course I'd want to but I don't know if Kendall would let me have that much time off work and there's are the ranger duties and-"
Phillip cut you off with a small but passionate kiss, catching you off guard. Your eyes widened, feeling shy since you were kissing right in front of all your friends, but you quickly leant into the kiss. He broke away after a few moments.
"My love, I've already consulted Kendall, she has agreed to let you accompany me back to Zandar, so, will you?"
You nodded eagerly at this, excited to finally see the country that your boyfriend rules over. Tyler looked over, smiling at the fact you and Phillip were happy. He'd always be happy for you.
A week later and it was time for you and Phillip to leave for Zandar. You had packed a bag and bid goodbye to all your friends and were now in the car on the way to the private jet that would take you back to Zandar. Your head was rested on Phillips shoulder, his arm once again wrapped around you with him occasionally leaning down to kiss your forehead.
You had finally landed in Zandar and the maids had taken all your bags for you and taken them to the room dedicated to you in the palace. You'd never even been there before and there was already a huge room for you! You were sure it was Phillip who had persuaded them to set the whole thing up. You smiled softly at the thought, thanking the maids who had brought your bags up for you. Phillip persuaded you to go shower and change before you went on your tour around Zandar. You happily complied, wanting to make use of the huge bathroom and fancy products waiting for you in your room. You dried off from the shower and before you could even fully dry yourself, maids came into the room. They held out many outfits in front of you, asking if you'd like any of the options. You felt overwhelmed by the amount of strangers in the room and by the amount of options. You looked around yourself, feeling surrounded and on the verge of panicking. The door opened and in came Phillip, ushering the maids out of the room and telling them to attend to other business. As they all left, Phillip approached you. He placed his hands on your cheeks, pressing his forehead against yours.
"Its okay, my love, they're all gone now and you can have some peace," he softly kissed your forehead before finishing "I'll be waiting in my room across the hall, just come in once you're finished changing"
You nodded, appreciating the gesture and smiling at him softly. He left the room, allowing you to choose which clothes you wanted to wear that day. You settled on an oversized jumper and a plaid skirt with tights, perfect for the autumn weather. You loosely braided your hair and put some shoes on before approaching Phillip's room. You knocked softly on the door and he opened it within moments. He stood in the doorway, admiring your beauty. He fell silent, just focused on how pretty you looked. He snapped out of it and took your hand, guiding you out of the palace to begin the tour of Zandar.
You roamed the gorgeous streets of Zandar, holding onto Phillip's arm whilst admiring the country. Each street you passed through, he gave you detailed accounts of the stories that had taken place there. Hearing him speak so passionately about his country made your heart melt. You looked up at him, smiling contently. Camera flashes snapped you out of the moment, making you jump. Desperately looking around for the source of the flash, you spotted paparazzi coming round a corner. You stared at them flustered, your grip on Phillip's arm tightening in panic. He looked to you with concern, noticing how worried you were about the paparazzi. Your shyness made you prone to panicking in situations like this.
Instinctively, Phillip pulled you into his side, allowing you to conceal your face from the cameras. Reporters also appeared and began making their way to the two of you. You began to shake from nervousness, holding onto Phillip tighter than before. He kept an arm around you, and began to speak to the reporters. Politely, he requested that they leave and allow the two of you to have some privacy. They kept asking questions, much to your dismay. His grip around you tightened and he sternly told the reporters that they must leave and that they were making you uncomfortable. Not wanting to upset the Prince, they complied and eventually left. Phillip took you to a concealed corner in a street, allowing you to come out of hiding. He kissed you softly, reassuring you that everything was okay now.
You woke up in the morning groggily. Turning over sleepily in the huge bed and reaching for your phone. The light practically blinded you as you squinted at it. There was a message from Shelby with a link attached to it. Upon opening it, you saw the message reading 'You've gotta see this!!! You are like the top news story in Zandar!!!' Confused, you opened the link. Your eyes widening upon seeing the headline and photo attached. The headline read 'THE PRINCE'S GIRLFRIEND REVEALED TO PUBLIC EYE' and attached was a photo of the two of you sharing a kiss in that secluded corner. You blushed upon seeing the photo. It was the number 1 news story and the people loved you.
You smiled at your phone before turning it back off and rolling back over, contently drifting back into sleep.
(A/N) I loved writing this!!! hope you guys enjoy reading it!!!
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Kimberly Hart Masterlist
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My baby sister
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pollensweetchimera · 3 days
I wanna Write a fic about a Power ranger x Kamen Riders crossover with Female Reader as Red Ranger so bad.
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Imagine you want to write a story, but Brody won't let you.
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"I'm writing it." You told Brody for the millionth time that day.
"We've been over this, hon." He replied.
You got up after fixing stuff under the car.
"No, you talked, I ignored." You smirked and continued, "By the way, You need a new muffler."
"I think this is a tie rod end." He said as he examined the part.
"Come on, Levi, back me up here." You looked at your husband's older brother for some help.
"Uh, no, thanks. I know better than to get involved in a debate with Y/N Y/L/N." Levi replied playfully.
"But you do know the feeling, that itch, that fire in the back of your head, the siren song of a story that has to be written. Huh?"
"Yeah, I do, I do."
You turned to face Brody and he said,
"The world is gonna want to know why Y/N Y/L/N went to space with the Red Ranger."
"Details, I'll make up a reason." You replied.
"Oh, so much for truth in journalism." He said to you with a small smile on his face.
"Says the reporter who writes about his own exploits as the Red Ranger." You then took a pause, "I was the first human to set foot on what's left of An Alien spaceship, to lay eyes on the Jewel Parts, to endure the endless, hallways of the cells, and I have to write about it." You chuckled, "One small step for Y/N Y/L/N, one giant leap for Y/N Y/L/N's career."
"Says the woman who is already the most famous, feared, and intrepid reporter on two earths," Brody replied and you rolled your eyes.
You pulled on his shirt to clean a stain off.
"And yet someone on this farm is still making 21 cents on the dollar more than me." You smiled, "And it ain't Levi, honey."
You gave him a kiss. Then said, "You two catch up. I am gonna go slam some small things really hard."
You went into the barn and started climbing up the ladder.
"Okay, just be careful on that ladder. It's really old." Brody told you, concerned about your safety.
You smirked at him, "You'll catch me."
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you know you're doing something right when you, as the author, are shaking and crying and autistic hand-flapping when re-reading over the scene you just wrote
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