#Pokémon Raihan x Reader
ourvanishingghosts · 8 months
Hello there! I’ve read your request rules!
but if this goes against them please ignore or delete this ask!
Could you do a seperate piers and raihan x reader but enemies to lovers type of headcanons or just being enemies with them in general? Nothing too explicit?
Sure thing. Sorry for the long wait. I wrote Raihan where the reader uses a Pokémon type that’s weak against his teams types. For Piers I wrote where the reader uses a Pokémon type that’s strong against his teams types.
Enemies to Lovers
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People could see that you and Raihan were enemies because he would constantly beat your team in every fight
Your friends and family suggested switching the type of Pokémon you use, but you wanted to prove that Fire Pokémon were better than Dragon Pokémon
Your partner Pokémon is Cinderace. Your team includes Scovillain, Blaziken, Pyroar, Arcanine, and Ninetales
You love your team and you don’t want to give up on them and you know that they are strong
You interned for Kabu to learn more from the best of the best and you ended up working for him after your internship ended
Kabu said that you had a lot of potential
Kabu and Raihan were talking in the Motostoke gym and you tried to not be seen by either of them
Kabu saw you and called you over and you obliged because he is your boss
He said that he was telling Raihan that he planned on passing the Fire gym to you when he officially retires
Raihan said that he is shocked with Kabu’s decision because your team can be easily defeated
Kabu quickly reminded Raihan that this gym is one of the first three gyms that challengers face and that the gyms were supposed easier compared to his gym
Before Kabu left you and Raihan he said that you were the best Fire Pokémon trainer he has ever interned and worked with and that Raihan should at least show you some respect
It was three years after that conversation that Kabu retired and you took over the gym
Everyone else was welcoming and excited that you were finally the Motostoke gym leader and they had two cakes for you and Kabu since you both combined the two parties together
One cake said “Welcome to Gym Leader Family, Y/N” the other said “Have a Fantastic Retirement, Kabu”
Raihan gave Kabu his retirement gift and everyone held their breath when he approached you
He said “Congratulations on finally achieving your dream. I hope that you can finally prove that Fire Pokémon are stronger and better than Dragon Pokémon.” and he gave you his gift
Raihans gift was a plushie of Reshiram the legendary Pokémon that has the typing of Dragon and Fire
But there was a second plushie in the bag and it was a plushie of Turtonator which has the typing of Fire and Dragon
Before the party ended Raihan said “I gave you those two plushies because they prove that a Pokémon can be a stronger Fire type with a Dragon sub type or a stronger Dragon type with a Fire sub type.”
After he said that he kissed your cheek and left
Kabu and Melony saw kiss and they will not let you live that down
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You knew you and Piers were destined to be enemies ever since you two were kids
You loved Flying Pokémon and your team just happened to have typings that are strong against his team
You hated it because you wanted to be friends with Piers, but he has made it clear that he hates you
Your partner Pokémon is Butterfree. The rest of your team includes Togekiss, Gliscor, Hawlucha, Flamigo, and Beautifly.
Your gym ended up replacing Opals gym, but you kept the same concept of how challengers battle at your gym as Opals gym. You wanted to keep it the same so that Opal can still have her legacy. So the gym now has pink and pastel blue to incorporate Flying and Fairy Pokémon.
Piers refused to visit your gym because he says the colors give him migraines
When Victor, Gloria, Bede, and Marnie were doing their gym challenges and Marnie happened to beat your gym in one go by luck. Victor, Gloria, and Bede completed your gym in two tries.
When word of Marnie completing your gym in one try got back to Piers he stormed into your office asking if you went easy on her
You told him that you didn’t go easy on Marnie and that she was a strong opponent and that he should believe in her more
After you said that he smashed his lips against yours and after he pulls away he tells you that you shouldn’t tell him how to feel
Let’s just say that after that interaction you and Piers relationship started to become more lovely
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When They Realize They Love You
leon, raihan x fem!reader (separately)
fandom: pokémon {sw&sh}
contains: fluff, established relationship, domestic scenarios
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A/n: just wanted to do something small for Pokémon and I decided this idea for Leon and Raihan. Hope you enjoy!
Moving in together was Leon’s idea. It was fun for the both of you as well as your Pokémon. Leon never felt so happy with you around as you were him. Though the moment he saw you and his Charizard cuddling together with you on the couch and Charizard with his head in you lap as he sat on the floor, it was curtains for him. Leon has always noticed that Charizard had taken a liking to you but to this moment he was sold you were staying in his life until the end of time. There was no doubt in in his mind that you were the one.
Since Raihan has known you, you have always dressed a bit more masculine mostly because you are a fellow gym leader. He’s never seen you wear something outside of your gym leader clothes. Though he never had a problem with it, Raihan liked you just the way you are, you are a capable gym leader, a strong one at that and Raihan respected that. You and Raihan have been dated for sometime now and you still have a way of surprising him. You showing up to one of your dates in a dress/skirt or whatever, Raihan was like “damn, she cleans up nice.” He was already in love with but you were something new made him fall even more in love with you.
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sweetanidreams · 1 year
Oneshot: Vexed | Raihan x Reader
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Rating: Mature | **NSFW**
It was supposed to be just another match with another challenger looking to scrap their way to the top. Raihan was well acquainted with the rigorous pace of the season and was rarely ever fazed in battle, win or lose. Though he did take pride in the prior far outweighing the latter on his battling record.
The dragon type gym leader was reclined against a wall in the locker room leading to the Hammerlocke arena, his long, tan legs sprawled carelessly across the wooden bench. He idly scrolled through Pokegram, 'liking' messages of encouragement under his most recent selfie and responding to every other DM in a friendly, but generic fashion — his publicist says it's always better to stay neutral. All of a sudden, he hears some kind of commotion coming from the front-facing parts of the gym. He recognizes the exclamations of his trainers - someone's gotten through them. "Heh," he thought, straightening out his hoodie as he hopped up onto his feet and started to roll out his shoulders in preparation.
Raihan had approached you as he did all challengers, casting a notably towering shadow over you as he took your hand and shook it, flashing a grin for the crowd and the Rotom cameras buzzing about. He exuded his usual confidence, sneaking a wink at you. Just before he turned to walk towards his side of the battlefield, his hand covered his lapel mic as he made a comment about taking you out for a drink after he won. You could've sworn you felt a vein violently bulging from your temple, but you held your tongue. Fuck this guy.
The battle ensued in classic Hammerlocke form, doubles throughout, sprinkled with some variations of weather manipulation, as was the trademark technique of the highest ranked Galar gym leader. Tensions quickly grew as it waged on, each of you calling out moves to your Pokémon with every ounce of strength you could muster, a visible sheen forming over your skin. You were fueled by not only your natural determination, but also how livid you were he had the balls to say those things to you. Your opponent had definitely noticed. He was amused at first by the scowl painted across your features, figuring it'd be all the more satisfying to take someone on at full force. There was something about the fire that blazed in those eyes of yours though. Even from across the expanse of the arena, he could feel the heat in their depths - and it tugged at something inside him.
Pokémon had been felled on both sides, and it had come down to a final blowout between your Altaria and his Flygon. Once the swirling waves of sand and debris had cleared from the playing field, the two dragon Pokémon came into view, both worn from the exertion of combat. Flygon's bright red orbs slowly shuttered, its sharp red-trimmed wings loosely flapping against its sides before it collapses onto the ground beneath it. Altaria's Ice Beam had landed. In that brief moment of silence, you could feel your blood rushing through your entire body, your heart racing so fast you could hardly process the roar of the crowd or the officiating Rotom's booming, robotic voice proclaiming you the winner.
Raihan recalled Flygon into its Pokéball, offering a soft thank you under his breath for a job well done. His expression was difficult to read as he made his way over to meet you in the middle. Adjusting his thick orange headband with one hand and extending the other to you, this time with... the slightest sense of humility. Your eyes locked and you gripped his hand firmly, your lips drawn into a peculiar smile as you pulled yourself closer, pushing up onto your toes to be within his personal earshot. "Enjoy that drink for me, dragon boy."
Not giving the gym leader a chance to properly react, you grabbed the Rotomphone at his waist and tossed it up for a selfie: you grinning at the camera with a cutesy peace sign up and Raihan with what must have been the absolute, most dumbstruck expression of his life. And at that, you walk off the field, giving a friendly wave at the crowd behind you.
That night, Raihan was plagued. By all of it. He kept replaying the events of the day in his head, over and over and over again. Why was he stressing this? He'd lost battles before. That's why he started taking the selfies in the first place - so he'd never forget the feeling of defeat, so he'd always be motivated to become better. But this, this one was driving him mad. He heaved a sigh, gulping down the last of his whisky before setting the empty glass down on the counter. He just needed to sleep and he'd be fine in the morning, that's it. Stripping down to his boxers, he slipped under his silk sheets, relishing in how smooth and cool they felt against his bare skin. Raihan let his eyes close and sank his weight into the mattress, doing his best to slow his breathing. Despite his efforts, his mind flashed with memories from the battle with you. He remembered how flushed your skin got from the heat of the fight, just the subtlest touches of pink brushing over your cheeks. How your brows furrowed in concentration, causing a small crinkle to form. How the shorts of your uniform began to cling to your frame from the sweat you worked up as you threw almost just as much of yourself into the battle as your Pokémon did. The dragon groaned in frustration, flipping over onto his stomach, his face burying into his pillow.
"Why the hell am I thinking of her right now?," he grumbled, his voice muffled by the bedding. "Who does she think she is, anyway? With that stupid... smug grin." Your voice echoed in his head, and regardless of the taunting manner it was intended to be delivered in, it sounded... he couldn't put his finger on it. But for whatever reason, he wanted to hear you say his name. He wanted to have you pinned up against the wall, his fingers digging into your hips as he held you there. He wanted to leave a trail of bruising kisses down your neck and shoulders, leaving you whimpering his name. Raihan rustled around, his body growing unbearably hot. He could feel himself struggling, pulsing, against the confines of his boxers, and finally reached down to slide the waistband off his hips. His fingers wrapped around his length and began to stroke, his voice rumbling deep in his throat, head strained against the pillow supporting it.
Your body writhed underneath him, needy for his touch. Fingers trailed up the broad muscles of his shoulders, the tips massaging small, tender circles along the way. Your gaze still burned like it did on the battlefield, it was intense and wanting. It begged for release.
Raihan turned onto his back, his hand quickening in pace as his mind went over every curve of your body, imagining your softness, your warmth pressed against him.
He held you flush with one arm at your waist, the other hand cupping the base of your neck. You were straddling his hips, your foreheads resting against each other, only the panted breaths between you. Your bodies moved in tandem, quicker and quicker with each thrust. The soft, yet wildly lewd sounds of him driving deeper inside you made him shiver. And Arceus, you were so fucking wet for him. So hot and tight — it was sinful how good you felt wrapped around his hard cock. "R-Raihan, fuck..." you gasped, losing yourself in the euphoria. You begin grinding harder down on him, barely able to choke your words out against his lips.
"Cum for me."
His body tensed and his breathing grew ragged, his strokes following suit until his orgasm shook through him, waves of pleasure washing over every inch as he rode out his high. After a moment's recovery, he glanced down at his hand and thigh, now covered in milky white cum.
".... Shit."
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smallestapplin · 2 years
If it's okay can I request general yandere headcanons for Leon, Raihan and/or Kabu please?
You got it!
🔞18+Only!🔞 for unhealthy relationships!🔞
CW : stalking, kidnapping
- he’s delusional. He saw you in the stadium during one of his matches, and even bumped into you afterwards! You were so nervous and polite, so sweet and shy.
- He’s the champion after all, of course you’d be nervous about bumping into him. You were just glad he was nice, and not angry with you.
- But that’s not how he saw it.
- You were nervous and shy because you love him! And that’s okay! He finds you so cute, so charming. He can’t help but try and find you on social media.
- He wants to know you! He tries to bump into you, but he’s always getting lost.
- Yet you find him! You help him find his way back to town! So much so, he offers you to work for him, to help him not get lost.
- The pay is insanely well, how could you refuse the sweet champion’s offer?
- He’s always falling you around, hanging off your every word.
- You don’t seem to notice his glare at reporters, or his ‘friendly’ touches lingering. He’s Leon, he’s always been an affectionate man, what’s there to worry about?
- You confused when people start asking you about your boyfriend, or how long you and Leon have been together.
- You aren’t dating Leon, so what gives?
- Asking Leon this, he just tilts his head at you, his confusion mirroring your own
- “What are you talking about? We are coming up on our one year!”
- He tugs lightly at his long purple hair, golden eyes filling with tears that never fall.
- “How could you say that! I’ve been doing everything for you, because I love you! You’re mine, please, just sit down and we can talk about this!”
- “Leon, there is nothing to talk about-“
- The more you deny it, deny him, the more he starts to hyperventilate. It only gets worse when you tell him you’re quitting.
- He won’t allow it! He can’t! You can’t leave him! Through all his crying, through all his begging, his pleading for you to stay with him, to not throw your entire relationship away.
- He panics.
- You can’t leave him! Not after all you two have been through!
- You won’t remember exactly what happened.
- But you’ll wake up, cuffed to his bed, and his bedroom door upgraded with so many locks.
- His Dragapult sees you’re awake, and phases out the door. Only to return with Leon.
- “Ah! I’m so glad you’re awake. I was worried I was too rough, haha!”
- You try to move, thrashing, demanding to be freed.
- “Shh shh it’s okay, love! I got you, you can’t leave me now, isn’t that great? You can be with me forever, isn’t that great! My sweet spouse.”
- No matter what you say, he truly believes you just need an adjustment period.
- You love him! He just knows you do!
- when he first saw you, he knew he needed your contact information. But you made that easy.
- You work at a battling café, said to be one of the best employees, and hardest to beat.
- You look delectable in your uniform, smiling so warmly at him, ready to battle.
- You were a challenge, but that only made him want you more. Making his infatuation grow.
- Your name tag made it easy to finding you, allowing him to stalk you easily. He finds your posts easily, seeing you post pictures of your pokemon, things you’re proud of, and outfits you felt more confident in.
- He’s drooling, you’re so hot, so perfect.
- Your posts show him you’re so kind.
- He becomes a regular at your café, only asking to battle you.
- “They are the only one who’s giving me a challenge.”
- Your coworkers are jealous that THE Raihan, only wants to battle you. He’s easy to talk to, he’s always so chill, and fun to talk with.
- And with your coworkers current attitudes towards you, he becomes the main person you talk to anymore.
- He asks you for your contact information, as if he doesn’t already have it. So he can follow you.
- You aren’t away how he scares all your suitors off.
- Who’s going to talk to you, when you ‘boyfriend’ is Raihan? Who’s glaring at them from over your shoulder? Who texts them to leave you alone, cause you’re already with him.
- You fall into a depression, as your friends no longer want to be around you, as people whom you thought had a connection with, no longer want to be around you.
- But Raihan is there, he makes time for you, even when he’s at work! He always makes sure to text you the second he has a chance, or when you text him.
- He gives you his undivided attention. You’re his beloved, how can he not?
- Raihan makes sure you have no one in your life, except for him! All you need is him anyways.
- He’s two faced with you.
- You only see how protective, funny, kind, and loving he is. You don’t need see how he gets with other who want you, or to get between you and him.
- He tries to hide his possessiveness from you, nor wanting to scare you off. But sometimes it slips, but he’s so charming and easily covers it.
- You can quit your job, and move in with him! He can take care of you! Let him take care of you.
- Let him spoil you, let him be the only one.
- Kabu is a tricky case.
- He met you as a trainer working under him, helping him in his gym. You’re such a hard worker, he can’t help but be around you more, asking you to train with him.
- He finds himself falling in love with you, seeing you with yours and his Pokémon only solidifies that.
- Kabu tries everything he can think of, to earn your affection, but he can’t seem to win your favor. So he tries, and tries, and tries, never giving up.
- Bringing you lunch, offering to take you out.
- “It’s the least I can do for you! Your work is admirable.”
- “You must take breaks! Your body can only work, if you take care of it. You can only show your full potential, if you are rested.”
- Kabu gets bashful when he tries to tell you, how lovely he thinks you are.
- But you only take it platonically.
- He’s a yandere that won’t make a move, just longing for you from the shadows.
- It’s not until you say you have a crush on someone, does he snap. You can’t be with anyone! Only him! Why would you betray him like this?
- No, no no it’s a mistake! You’re being guilted that’s it! Being manipulated by that person.
- Kabu thinks you’re so innocent, so pure, you just see the good in everyone! That had to be it! You don’t want to think that person is evil.
- But Kabu does.
- Kabu purposefully keeps you away from your crush. You belong to him, so why should that other person be around you?
- You are meant to be his spouse! As he’s meant to be your husband!
- He knows this is wrong, he does! But he can’t stop himself, you’re the spark his flames need.
- He knows it’s wrong of him to fantasize about keeping you for himself, but the pain in his heart, when he sees you with another is too great!
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valleyxdoodles · 3 months
so uhh, I found your friede x reader and I wondered what other Pokémon characters you write for.
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I have been waiting for this question, my child. 😏
FRIEDE 😩 (obvi, this man is bae)
and, for PROF. KUKUI 👨‍🏫
and for women,
and uhh, yeah…I need to make a Q and A…
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emotionless-puppy · 4 months
raihan X fem Reader (kalos queen)
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(All characters of legal age) (English isn't my first language so sorry for any spelling errors) ( you have black hair and bright blue eyes and snow white skin also fang like canines that look like rihan's BTW) (most people 18 or over except hop)
Right let's start!
I can still remember a year ago when I was on the stage in the finale waiting for the votes to say if I become new kalos queen or if the current queen keeps her crown me my shiny umbreon and zorua (all your Pokémon are shiny btw and your team is umbreon zorua lucario ponyta absol and dragapult ) stood their nervously all of a sudden the host shouts "and the kalos queen is ...Y/N!!!!"I was so shocked as they placed the crown on my head I shook the previous queen's hand
Now to current times I have decided to move me and my team to Galar but I have not given up my title or my modelling job (you are a world famous model as well now) so I will at least go back once a month for work and family I'm chose a little cottage in a small town called postwick as I say goodbye to my mum and pick up my designer luggage going out the door getting into the back of my car "ready miss?" my driver called from the front "yes let's go" your driver speeds off towards your private jet 24 hours later you land in Galar soon after landing you sprint off into the public area forgetting you had no security guard so when the public notices you there was a massive crowd around you soon enough you could see news reporters are there
Raihan POV
I was sat in the locker room after another gym challenger it was silence until Leon bursts through the door "at least tell when you are coming to visit" I say but I generally want to know why he is here "have you seen the news" he said snapping me out my thoughts "no why?" I started to get confused I turned on the news and the head lines read 'FAMOUS MODEL , KALOS QUEEN AND WORLD CLASS BATTLER Y/N L/N HAS MOVED TO GALAR' my eyes widen as finish reading and turn to Leon " we'll be able to meet her soon!" Leon announced proudly Hands on hip 'what does he mean we ?' my thoughts overridden by what the Champion has just said "what do you mean we?" I questioned obviously curious "me and you are going to meet her?" My mind has already exploded by that one statement "WTH we stalking her or something?" I said rasing my voice ever so slightly "no you dumbass we both of us will be meeting her at the battle tower" at that moment my brain is SHOOK all I could do is blink and breath I finally got my words out by saying "when will we be meeting her?" "Next week Thursday see you bye I'm also bringing hop" he left before I could even open my mouth
A week later
I wake up to lucario jabbing me " ok ok I'm awake" I groaned I got up and got dressed into f/c (favourite colour) crop top and f/c short skirt I check my schedule for today and see that I have a meeting at the battle tower today so I start to clean my Pokémon ready for the day I go and get my z-ring, my mega evaluation choker (for lucario and me) a dynamax band all shiny for later i turn and smile at my Pokémon
I get up to the sound of my alarm I groan annoyed but I then remember Y/N L/N to be honest I've always had a little bit of a crush on her so I i jump out of bed and get into my normal clothes but put some expensive cologne on and I'm ready to go I'm pretty excited
Y/N pov
I get out of my car putting some shades on I thank my driver before he drives away I don't have any security guard with me but I don't care as I turn around a kid looking around the age of sixteen with purple hair and bright gold eyes jumps in front of me all excited "hello" i say sweetly to the boy "hi my name's hop nice to meet you!" hop says nearly jumping of excitement all of a sudden a new voice enters my hearing "hop come back here" I look up and meet eyes with the person I believe is the champion so I give him a soft smile "you must be Leon" I say kindly he looks at me with wide eyes "ah you must be Y/N L/N" the purple hair champion says i nod my head vigorously. And from that moment on I knew my life was going to change drastically.
To be continued...
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anime-simp0125 · 22 days
hi I saw your request were open so I decided to try and post one so here it it
Leon/raihan(or just leon if you can't do both)dating a male or gn reader(your choice)who has psychic abilities and also has a shiney palkia which hatched from an egg given to reader from arceus as a gift
Raihan and Leon with male/gn S/O that has psychic abilities and shiny palkia
Hope this is what you meant if not let me know!
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In the vibrant world of Galar, where Pokémon and humans coexisted harmoniously, there lived an aspiring Gym Leader named Raihan. Known for his impeccable style and formidable Dragon-type Pokémon, he possessed a magnetic charisma that drew admirers from far and wide. Among them was a young psychic named Y/N, whose exceptional abilities and enigmatic nature had long captivated Raihan's heart. Fate intervened when Arceus, the legendary Pokémon, bestowed upon Y/N a shimmering, pristine egg. As if guided by destiny, the egg soon hatched into a radiant, cobalt-blue Palkia, its shimmering scales and majestic wings a testament to its exceptional origin. Raihan was instantly awed by this magnificent sight, realizing that Y/N had been touched by something truly special. As they spent more time together, Raihan and Y/N's bond grew stronger. Raihan was drawn to Y/N's quiet confidence and intuitive nature, while Y/N admired Raihan's indomitable spirit and unwavering belief in his dreams. They shared countless adventures, exploring the vast expanse of Pokémon habitats, where Y/N's psychic abilities proved invaluable in communicating with the enigmatic creatures that dwelled therein. Word of Raihan and Y/N's blooming romance spread throughout Galar, inspiring awe and admiration. People marveled at the connection between a renowned Gym Leader and a gifted psychic who had been blessed by the legendary Arceus. Their love story became a symbol of unity and the enduring power of shared dreams.
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In the serene wilderness of the Sinnoh region, a peculiar and enigmatic romance blossomed between Leon, the indomitable Champion of Galar, and Y/N, a gifted young man with exceptional psychic abilities. As fate would have it, Y/N had stumbled upon a glimmering egg nestled amidst the towering peaks of Mount Coronet, a gift bestowed upon him by the legendary Arceus itself. From within this ethereal vessel emerged a magnificent, shimmering Palkia, a creature of boundless power and unwavering loyalty. Y/N's mastery over the psychic arts and the unwavering bond he shared with his celestial companion drew Leon's immediate attention. The fiery-haired Champion, known for his exceptional battle prowess and indomitable spirit, was captivated by the enigmatic aura that surrounded Y/N. Their shared passion for Pokémon battles and their unwavering determination ignited a spark within them, one that quickly transformed into a profound connection. As days turned into nights, Leon and Y/N would venture into the sprawling grasslands and verdant forests of Sinnoh, engaging in riveting battles and forging an unbreakable bond. Y/N's psychic abilities proved invaluable in uncovering opponents' strategies, while Leon's relentless Charizard would unleash devastating attacks that left their foes awestruck. Their battles became legendary tales whispered among the Pokémon trainers of the region, each victory solidifying their admiration for one another.
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moonsbijoutoo · 5 months
💃🏾💫 The Star ⭐️ 🌟💃🏾
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You might just have an irrational fear of pokemon in fact the only pokemon you ever befriended is the Umbreon you’ve affectionately nicknamed, Nova. You’ve been her trainer since she was an eevee egg. Now put that next to your childhood friend, Leon. The freaking pokemon champion of your region. He asked you of all people to be his date to the grand Galar region ball. You?
“Get ready for the red carpet I guess?!”
“Nessa, please you’re NOT helping.”
🎶 The Playlist 🎶
beautiful soul - jesse mccartney
please don’t say you love me - gabrielle aplin
dancin (krono remix) (feat. luvli) - aaron smith
unstoppable - the score
moment - victoria monét
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rinstitties · 1 year
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Rai and Reader had a bit too much to drink…
This is based on a scene from the fic,The Wallflower by @imjeralee !!! The full NSFW version can be viewed on my Twitter here
I love this fic so much!! I binged it all within a couple days, I just couldn’t stop reading it 😳 Jeralee’s writing is so amazing and I feel like it just made me fall in love with Raihan even more jddjdjsk !! I had to create some art based on the first scene! Planning to do more in the future 🙏♥️
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lillunna · 7 months
Posed -Raihan x fem reader- pokemon CH1
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Note: I decided to go with the head cannon that Nessa and Raihan are cousins and all characters are around 21, except hop and gloria they are around 17/18
Word count:1658
Warnings: drinking mentioned Stalking? (if you squint)
*Check out the chapter before this marked teaser for a better understanding of this chapter, the teaser just gives background.*
Synopsis: Being a pokemon contest idol wasn't easy, it's even harder when you've been an idol since your childhood. Being raised in the Hoenn region and being forced to travel around to participate in contests made it impossible to make any friends since you never stayed anywhere long enough, this all changed in the Kalos region. After making a name there and finally separating your name away from your overbearing parent you decided to move to the Galar region looking for a different life but of course rumors follow and the internet is cruel 
Chapter 1: Gossip is old news
My morning photoshoot went well, luckily leaving me with extra time to enjoy the Hano Grand Resort till my final photoshoot of the night. Hopefully I'll have some left over time to enjoy the Alola region for the few days left in this beautiful island, maybe even catch some new pokemon. After saying my goodbyes to the other models and crew, a girl grabs my attention by calling out my name, “Well if it isn't my favorite pretty girl” I turn to see none other than the gorgeous Galar model Nessa. “Nessa, it's been ages! Are we set for a photoshoot tonight?” 
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After catching up with the famed model and finished our last photoshoot for the night we agreed to get dinner and catch up more in the restaurant of the Hano Grand Resort. “I’ve decided to move to the Galar region actually, im looking for a change and hopefully a better life, the Kalos region is nice but is just a never ending life of fashion, and of course as you know my mother still lives there and I’d much rather be as far away from that woman as possible.” I explain to Nessa who is as excited as a yamper upon hearing the news of me moving to her home region. “Have you already found a place?” I nod showing her the location and pictures revealing a cute and comfy cottage on the outskirts of Wedgehurst. “Ah that's not so far from Sonias, I’ll introduce you two when you move. maybe I can even set you up with someone when you move.” Nessa laughs as she makes this joke knowing I don’t focus on relationships, always thinking about my pokemon or work.
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 After a few drinks and laughter later we decided to call it a night but just to my luck Nessa was never the best at holding her alcohol, leading the drunken girl to her room which luckily was just down the hall from me since the modeling agency had booked them for us all in advance. As I walk up to her door and drag the card from her handbag and help her change out of her dress and heels and place her on her side and put a glass of water and ibuprofen on the bedside table, “You know Y/N I feel like you’d like my cousin he’s a nice guy” Nessa slurs out right before passing out I giggle at the girls interesting commentary and turn the lights off and head to my room. As I walk out of the room and down the hall I run into a tall man wearing a dress shirt “I’m sorry miss im in a bit of a rush” and leaves before I could even apologize, I watch the man walk away. I turn my head to the sound of several camera snaps, dismissing the sound knowing this resort is filled with models for this event and paparazzi is inevitable whether I like it or not. 
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Waking up early was a given sinceI had more shoots in the afternoon and an interview at 10 AM but at the time my phone was blasting I can’t help but think it’s much too early, ignoring the constant buzzing was almost impossible. I grab my phone to see my PokeGram being tagged in a post from the Galar Gossip gram, at first I think they must have been posting about Nessa and I drinking together last night but then I see the picture and see the man I ran into last night. The caption saying the Dragon Gym leader Raihan and I are dating, the post even calls itself out stating that the two of us have never interacted. After quickly finishing getting ready for my interview that was still two hours away, I make my way over to Nessa’s room to try and get an understanding why I’d be suddenly paired with her colleague.  
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As I go to knock on Nessa’s room, the door suddenly opens to reveal the very man I'm rumored to date. Before I can process what's happening the male looks around and drags me into the room where I see a very amused Nessa watching the scene in front of her, “I was just about to call you, I need to introduce you to as you've probably heard of your rumored boyfriend and my cousin, Raihan.” Nessa immediately starts laughing at my dumbstruck face, I hear the male besides me sigh as he scratches the back of his neck. “Y/N right? Nessa told me a bit about you sorry about this whole mess, I should have found it a bit suspicious when I received an anonymous text about Nessa being black out drunk in the hall. Thanks for getting her back here last night.” he reaches out to shake my hand. “It wasn’t a problem, definitely wouldn’t be the first time, though knowing that someone planned this makes me curious what would a gossip blog get out of starting such a rumor. I mean most people by now know that while short my love life has always been transparent.” I state as I go to sit down next to nessa. “Exactly why choose Y/N out of all models she's basically untouchable, everyone knows creating false rumors about her will lead you to get blacklisted from any big social events.” As the conversation continues my alarm informs me that I have 30 minutes before my interview. “Sorry Nessa I’ve got my last interview in 30 and my last photoshoot after and I still have to get Gara ready, I can probably set the story straight about this whole rumor situation.”  At the mention of Gara’s name my Garchomp comes out of its pokeball curious and noisy as always, I see Raihan immediately intrigued and pull out a pokepuff and hand it to the ever food motivated Gara. “A dragon type? I never would have taken you for a dragon type of girl” Raihan says showing full interest in me. After saying goodbye to the two I head to my interview on the way to the location provided in Konikoni city, I see a woman with purple hair holding what looks to be a shiny alolan Vulpix and a young blonde haired boy. The woman immediately notices my presence and calls out to me, “Excuse me miss i'm sorry to bother you but would you happen to have anything to heal this pokemon she’s in critical condition and we can’t bring her to the poke center out of fear that moving her will cause more damage.” I immediately pull anything that can help the small pokemon out, the woman introduces herself as Wicke and she voluntarily introduces the young boy as Gladion. Once the vulpix starts to wake she curls into my lap, the sight saddens me thinking of the ninetails I used to do competitions with that my mother retired stating that she was “getting aggressive” which was a total lie the ninetails only ever defended me from her abuse. “I think she likes you, she’d definitely be safer with you than anywhere else.” Wicke said, handing me a premier ball to catch the small fox-like creature, before I could ask the Vulpix if it wanted to come with the pokemon nudged its head clicking against the ball to catch itself. The two said their goodbyes and left as I rushed off to go to my interview now with a new friend in my team.
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“Now Miss.Y/N on your social media you posted that you’d be taking a break from modeling and pokemon contests?” The interview processed exactly as I thought it would, I sat across the interviewer with a very comfortable Lila on my lap. “Yes, after this trip I’ll be moving to the Galar region and working on myself for some time, of course I’ll get back into the modeling scene in Galar after some time to adjust.” At the mention of the Galar I see the reporter sit up in interest. “So does this move to Galar have anything to do with Galar Gossips' post about you and Gym leader Raihan allegedly dating?” Even if I expected this question, it still shocks me to hear it out loud. “Sadly I’ve only met Raihan recently though I believe he is a fine gentleman. We don't know each other, other than our mutual connection with Nessa. Maybe if fans really want it we could do some collabs but other than that Raihan and I have no history. The picture of us that the Gossip post posted was simply a picture of Raihan in a rush and accidentally running into me” After finishing the interview up and heading to my final shoot, immediately after I get on a plane heading to my new home in the Galar region.
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fleshthatfalls · 1 year
raihan : hey my family has issues, too
y/n, in a poor galarian accent : oh, really ? did someone butter their bread with a steak knife ?
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ourvanishingghosts · 1 year
Since Raihan is good with fashion, can I request Raihan x Reader where a shy reader asks Raihan for help on picking out an outfit but it's really an excuse to spend time with him, please?
I'd love to. I'd honestly use that excuse to spend time with Raihan.
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The Shopping Trip
Raihan x Reader
You were trying to find an outfit for a job interview and couldn’t find a good one in your closet. You are too shy to ask the workers at the clothing stores and you don’t know many people who are good with clothes. You and Raihan were chilling in your house. You two were your room and Raihan was sitting on your bed.
“Raihan. I swear that’s all the “proper” clothes I own.”
You say defeated as you plop down on the bed
He laughs at the action
“Well what do you want me to do?”
You sigh as you sit up next to him.
“Could you take me shopping for clothes? Since you’re better with fashion than me.”
“Of course. Let’s go right now. I’ve got nothing to do for the rest of today.”
You two go to different clothing shops around Galar. You ended up getting a few choices for your interview. Now that you two are back at your house and that you are washing the clothes. You both started watching a random show out of boredom.
“Raihan, I have to tell you that my interview isn’t until next week. I wanted to use it as an excuse to hang out with you.”
“I’m not even surprised by that, Y/N. I’ll hangout with you no matter what. So don’t worry about it.”
You blush as you two end up falling asleep on the couch after you dried and folded the clothes.
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sweetanidreams · 1 year
Raihan headcanon continued
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The tall dragon-type gym leader casually makes his way onto the strength training floor, not checking twice as he usually does because he hasn’t seen her there in maybe a week — so he lets his guard down. He plops down on a bench and rolls up the sleeves of his dark, orange-trimmed hoodie. “Perfect time to grab a shot for Pokegram,” Raihan thinks to himself.
One hand grabbing a 30lb dumbbell and the other pulling out his Rotomphone, Raihan begins to pose by flashing his signature fang-baring grin. Not even a second after he reaches his thumb to tap the shutter icon, he catches a glimpse of a familiar frame walking right by him, small statured and toned, clad in muscle-hugging leggings and a cropped tee. He chokes, scrambling to try and hide the selfie-taking endeavor, causing the Rotomphone to bounce off his gloved hand a couple times before getting knocked towards the woman. Raihan’s heart dropped. Fuck. FUCK.
The Rotom buzzed to a stop right at her shoulder, but not soon enough to prevent her from noticing. The woman paused in her stride and turned, her high ponytail swaying slightly behind her as she pivoted, hand gently reaching out to grasp the device. “You okay there, little guy?,” she asked, her head tilting curiously. Raihan quickly fumbled to his feet and caught himself before he lurched at her, because that wouldn’t be at all smooth. Clearing his throat, he attempted to regain his usual confident composure and stepped up to the scene. “Ah, sorry about that! My Rotomphone has a mind of its own sometimes,” Raihan laughed.
At the sound of his voice, the young trainer glanced up at Raihan, eyes taking in his features for just a moment before going back to the phone in her hand. “Yeah, no problem! It looks like your selfie got ruined though.” She handed the device back to the much taller man, screen side up, displaying a blurry image of Raihan’s face contorted in a transitionary expression between a “game face” and a look of utter embarrassment.
His crush had already walked away, but the dragon was left mortified and wanting to find the nearest 7ft hole to hide in.
That was enough of the gym for today.
(S/N on art: Can’t seem to find the original artist’s post anymore - please let me know if anyone spots it, so I can properly link. Thanks!)
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smallestapplin · 2 years
may i please request a scenario (or headcanons, whichever you prefer) wherein Raihan's Flygon takes off without him and he's got to chase it down, only to find it snuggling up with the confused-but-amused reader? like a meet cute kind of a situation where Flygon just immediately loves the reader and Raihan has to deal with the consequences
Raihan knows his Flygon has a lot of energy, the large dragon type gets excited easily, so it’s not a problem.
He trains his Pokémon often and hangs out in the wild area for this reason.
He just wasn’t expecting Flygon to fly off.
Raihan nearly panicked, usually his Pokémon stay within his sight, but Flygon bolted from his line of vision.
Putting all his Pokémon back into their pokeballs, he runs in the direction his Flygon went.
He thought he lost his buddy, until he hears a giggle.
Raihan follows the sound and finds his Flygon!
Though he’s with someone. The large dragon is seated in front of you, nuzzling against you, tail wrapped around you, keeping you close as you give him some of your leftover curry.
“You’re such a sweetheart, I bet your trainer is worried for you.”
Flygon only purrs, rubbing his face against your head.
“There you are!”
You and the new Pokémon look towards the voice. You nearly panic seeing gym leader Raihan, you didn’t even realize this was his Pokémon.
“I’m sorry about him, he just took off from our campsite.”
You try to wave him off, but Flygon only cuddles you further.
“It’s not problem! He’s incredibly sweet, so I knew he had to be someone’s.”
Raihan laughs watching you struggle to get out of Flygon’s hold.
“Man, he seems to like you! Come on buddy, we got training to do.”
Flygon lets out a pitiful cry, only holding you tighter.
The dragon type wouldn’t even stay in his pokeball, every time Raihan tried, flygon would immediately break out, and go right back to you.
Your constant laughter about the situation was relieving, he’s glad you aren’t mad or frustrated.
In fact you just coo at the Pokémon, constantly talking about how cute and sweet he is.
But Flygon won’t let you go, or leave.
“How about this, we can meet up sometime? I know plenty of good curry recipes, that I’m sure Flygon would love.”
Raihan smiles, his fang poking out from his lips.
“I’d love that, if he’d let you go.”
He can’t believe his Pokémon played wingman for him.
More so that he still hasn’t let you go.
Looks like you two will be here a while.
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ireadtoomuchyafantasy · 10 months
[Neon lights] steven stone x reader (WWC)
one sided pining uwu have funnnn~ maybe a continuation of counting wooloo? let’s say it’s the same event lol
SFW! except maybe you’ll cry for my poor boy steven. (Y/N) is hawt goddamn. clubbing queen we love her. is she an alcoholic? we dont know lol
Steven Stone watched (Y/N) from a distance, his heart pounding in his chest with every move she made. She was a force of nature, commanding attention and admiration wherever she went. Her confidence and strength were intoxicating, and he couldn't tear his eyes away. He tips his head back and drains another full glass of Galarian whiskey. It’s like fire running down his throat. He savours the burn.
In the midst of the pulsating music and neon lights, He continued to watch (Y/N) as she danced with Raihan. The sight of her moving gracefully on the dance floor, her confidence and power on full display, made his heart ache with longing. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy as he saw the way the dragon type trainer looked at her, and he knew he was just one of many who admired her.
He had known (Y/N) for years, even before she became the worldwide champion and he became the emissary for the Stone Company. They had formed a close friendship over the years, and he cherished every moment they spent together. But deep down, he couldn't help but want more. He wanted to be the one dancing with her, holding her close, and making her heart race with his words.
Memories of their shared past played like a movie in his mind, taunting him with what could have been. They had been through so much together – battling fierce opponents, exploring new regions, and cheering each other on as they both rose to become champions in their respective regions. (She took his title not soon after, though.) He might have imagined it, but there had always been a spark between them, an unspoken connection that drew them together like magnets. He had never dared to cross that line.
Now, as (Y/N) laughed and flirted with the other partygoers, he couldn't help but wonder if he had missed his chance. He had always been the steady presence in her life, supporting her every step of the way, but he had never taken the risk to reveal his true feelings.
He knew that wasn't meant to be.
As he watched (Y/N) and Raihan dance, he noticed the way her laughter filled the air and how her eyes sparkled with joy. He couldn't help but smile at the sight, even though his heart ached with the knowledge that he would never be the one to make her laugh like that.
And then, as if by some cruel twist of fate, (Y/N) and Raihan made their way back to their table, where Steven was sitting alone. His heart skipped a beat as (Y/N) greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes bright with excitement.
"Hey, Steven!" she said, pulling out a chair and sitting down next to him. "You should have joined us on the dance floor! It's so much fun!" She grabs his newly-filled cup and drains it quickly.
Steven chuckled nervously, trying to hide the turmoil of emotions inside him. "I'm more of a wallflower when it comes to dancing," he replied, offering her a small smile.
(Y/N) grinned playfully. "Well, I'll have to drag you out there next time," she teased, giving his arm a playful nudge.
He felt a rush of warmth at her touch, but he quickly pushed the feeling aside, not wanting to betray the friendship they had.
As the night went on, the three of them laughed and joked, sharing stories and memories. Raihan was actually quite interesting for a gym leader with a buzzing fanbase. Steven couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and joy in (Y/N)'s presence, even though his heart still longed for more.
When it was time to leave the club, Steven fought with Raihan offered to walk (Y/N) back to her hotel. She smiled gratefully and linked her arm with his as they walked together through the neon-lit streets.
As they strolled along, (Y/N) talked excitedly about her journey as the worldwide champion and her plans to visit the Hoenn league to see if y’all are still training hard she said. He laughed and she punched his arm.
They reached the entrance of her hotel, and (Y/N) turned to face him with a warm smile. "Thank you for tonight, Steven," she said, her eyes shining. "I had so much fun."
Steven nodded, trying to keep his emotions in check. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," he replied. "You looked amazing out there on the dance floor."
(Y/N) blushed slightly but it’s from the alcohol, her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. "Thank you," she said, her voice soft and sincere.
In that moment, Steven felt a surge of courage, a desire to tell her how he felt. He almost smacked his own forehead. It wasn't the right time or place. He didn't want to burden her with his own feelings, not when she had so much on her plate already.
Instead, he smiled warmly at her and said, "I'll always be here for you, (Y/N). No matter what happens, you can count on me."
Her eyes softened, and she reached out to give his hand a gentle squeeze. "Thank you, Steven," she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "You're such a good friend."
And with those words, Steven knew that he would continue to be there for (Y/N), even if it meant hiding his own feelings. He would cherish every moment they shared, every laugh, every smile, even if it was just as friends.
Because sometimes, love comes in unexpected ways, and sometimes, the most meaningful relationships are the ones that start as friendships. And Steven was willing to wait, to be patient, and to be the best friend he could be, knowing that (Y/N) was worth every moment of longing and every beat of his heart.
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throwmethroughawindow · 5 months
i kinda wanna write a Pokémon fanfic bc I’ve been playing Pokémon sword again and I lowkey really love Raihan and Leon😩🤍
I’ve been working on a file w all my information but I didn’t know if it would get any traction but like ???? It’s self indulgent and fun!!!! Why do I even care about thattttt
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