#Pat Kramer
morffyne · 1 year
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The Incredible Shrinking Woman
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eastonapologist · 5 months
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wtf i actually wrote something again . anyways ghost john au <3
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garadinervi · 8 months
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David Attie (photograph), A.I.R. Gallery founding members in Daria Dorosh's loft at 370 Broadway, New York, NY, 1974 [A.I.R. Gallery Collection, A.I.R. Gallery and The Feminist Institute, New York, NY. Courtesy of A.I.R. Gallery and New York University. © David Attie]
«Pictured in the bottom row, from left to right, are Howardena Pindell, Daria Dorosh, Maude Boltz, and Rosemary Mayer; in the second row: Mary Grigoriadis, Agnes Denes, Louise Kramer, and Loretta Dunkelman; in the third row: Barbara Zucker (slightly behind), Patsy Norvell, Sari Dienes, Judith Bernstein, and Dotty Attie (on the ladder); and in the fourth row: Laurace James, Nancy Spero, Pat Lasch, and Anne Healy.»
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blackros78 · 8 months
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goodblacknews · 9 months
Documentary "Donayle Luna: Super Model" on 1st Black Supermodel Debuts September 13 on HBO
“Donayle Luna was the first Black woman to be on the cover of Vogue. Why don’t we know more about her?” This pointed question from the recently released trailer for Donyale Luna: Super Model will hopefully no longer be relevant after the feature-length documentary about Luna’s life and career debuts on HBO September 13. Born Peggy Anne Freeman in Detroit, Donyale Luna went on to revolutionize…
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Slashers with an S/O who has a Newfoundland Dog
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A Newfoundland Dog is my dream dog, and I had this thought of stabby men with a Newfie dog.
Characters: The Sinclairs, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers (78, 07, and 2018), Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Saywer, and John Kramer (I know he's not a Slasher but I've watched Saw X and wanted another character to add here)
CW: Boys getting Slobby kisses from a large dog
Vincent Sinclair
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Your dog came with you when you came to Ambrose. A 6 month old Newfoundland Dog
Your puppy found the way to the basement and found Vincent working at his desk
He was surprised that it wasn't Jonesy, and he walked with pup to find you
Let's just say one thing let to other
Vincent fell in love with Annie, your chocolate Newfie. He thought she was just like Jonesy, but he was so wrong.
6 months later and Annie's head is near his hips
You love seeing your big doggo with your Wax Hubby, giving kisses
Left side of his face is covered in slobber
Vincent would sketch your Newfe when whenever he doesn't know what to draw
Jonesy has a new friend to play with
Bo Sinclair
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Your 3 yo Newfie walked into the Church when you weren't looking and had to go get
Bo turned around and got a big slobbery kiss from your doggo
"DAVID, GET BACK HERE." You said getting your Dog to come to you. Leaving Bo's face covered. "Sorry." You said as you closed the door.
You were telling your dog not to do that, when Bo came out to have a Cigarette
"Sorry about that. David is really friendly with people." You said 'That a Dog?" Bo said, "He's a Newfoundland Dog."
Bo thinks your dog isn't one but a Horse
David would try to give Bo more kisses when he sits on the couch
He would guard his food when he's eating at the table as David tried to get at it
"There a reason you named him David? Was it from that Werewolf movie?" He asked as he patted David resting head on his leg. "Yeah, you seen it?" You asked, "I may see it on tv."
Lester and Vincent definitely love David.
Lester Sinclair
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Automatically in love with your pooch
Your dog, Aaron, knocked him over when they jumped up
Lester's face was covered in slobber, which he cleaned up with his tank top as he got up
Jonesy was taken aback from how big your dog was. But they got along real quickly
Bo and Vincent thought you owned a bear from how big they where
He's giving a lot of treats to your doggo
Michael Myers
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Oh Great
A Dog?
Michael met your puppy when he came home from his walk
A black and white pupper looking at his face
Michael wanted to get rid of it as he grabbed the scruff of their neck till he heard your voice screaked at him. "DON'T YOU DARE HURT BOWIE!! "
Michael definitely wanted not to be hit by something, so he put down Bowie.
Michael would have Bowie giving him kisses on his cheek when he's on the floor. He didn't like it, with a sour look on his face
He had to get used to your puppy
A few months and Bowie is much bigger than when they were a puppy. Michael noticed that he had to ask what breed Bowie is.
A Newfoundland Dog?? And they Get How Big?? Oh God
8 months later, Bowie is near his hips and needs a lot more food.
Michael would take them for a walk when you're at work
Bowie is now fully grown, and their face is right at his when he sits on the couch
Michael is now in love with Bowie
Jason Voorhees
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Hello, did you big home a bear cub?
It's a Newfoundland Dog? Never heard of those before
That's an Adorable face I can't resist
Jason's keeping a close eye on your puppy when they go outside
Jason decided to give them the name Teddy cause of the mistake he thought
Couple months later, Teddy is double in size from the day you brought them home
Poor Jason nearly had a heart attack when Teddy jumped onto the lake, but Teddy started to swim back to the shore
Fun fact: Newfoundlanders have webbed feet that's great for swimming and a thick coat to fight the chill of the water.
Jason will take Teddy on long hikes when you're at work
His face is going to he covered in slobber from Teddy
Michael Myers RZ
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Oh God, there's a Bear in the house
Oh, it's a Dog
Definitely a Big Dog
Michael didn't know what to do, so he just patted their head
When he's just working on his masks, Danny is right beside him
When on the couch, he let's them lay on his lap
He would give a kiss if they kissed him first (But not with His Tongue lol)
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas met you with your big doggo when your car broke down near his mama's gas station
Thomas was shocked at the size of your dog. He thought it was a bear when he saw them.
Mickey was the name of your Canine pal
Holty got licked by Mickey whenever he sat down on the couch. Thomas couldn't help but snickered
Thomas would come up from the basement to see Mickey laying at the top of the stairs waiting for him.
Laying in bed, Mickey would wake him up with wet doggie kisses on his face
Luda would spoil them with little goodies
The Hewitt resident's is a Dogs dream place. A lot of running around and places to go have privatize
Peepaw Michael Myers
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Michael was taken aback by this large Dog, he thought it was a bear at first
It just Woofed. it's a Dog
Normally, not a Dog person Michael felt differently with this Newfoundland Dog
Michael would be woken from his old man naps with a slobbery kiss from Arnold
Would definitely give them a scratching on their neck when he's reading a book
You catch Michael napping with Arnold on the couch
Michael may share his food with Arnold
Bubba Saywer
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Bubba Squealed in delightment, seeing a puppy bolting towards him
You brought home a puppy to brighten up Bubba's mood
Nubbin being himself tried to play fetch with the new addition to the family
"A Newfoundland Dog? Do they find new land?" Chop Top asked
Drayton hopes the dog doesn't pee inside the house
Jed gotten bigger as the months go by
Bubba loves getting kisses from Jed, but not Drayton
A run outside with you and Jed
Happy man loves the Big Doggo
John Kramer
Long story short, you became a caregiver to him
You sometimes bring your 5-year-old Newfie dog with you to John's "place of work"
Definitely a highlight of his day when you're gentle gaint rest there head on his leg. Much easier for getting pats on their head
Kisses on his hands
One Apprentice hope they don't pee on the floor
Bonus Character:
Corey Cunningham
Doesn't want to let go of your puppy when he comes over
Automatically, his therapy Animal
Loves getting kisses from your puppy makes him feel much better
Definitely would stay with you overnight to be with your puppy longer
He would volunteer to dogsit when your go to work
His mother is going to wonder why he's covered in dog hair
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jayflrt · 8 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐒 28. 12th date’s the charm
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You were waiting for Saw X’s stupid post-credit scene to wrap up while your foot was tapping against the carpet floor anxiously. After you slipped up in the group chat, calling Heeseung your boyfriend, you could only wait and face the consequences after the movie. It was clear it was weighing on the others’ minds; you could see the corner of Sunoo’s mouth fighting to stay down, and although Sunghoon and Jungwon were high, you noticed them stealing a glance and playfully nudging each other.
But it was Heeseung you were the most concerned about.
His reaction was the most important one to you and, as if the world hated you, his reaction was the only one you couldn’t read. He sat completely still, staring ahead at the theater screen with his lips pressed together. 
The screen went dark and the end-credits started rolling. Now, you had to deal with the aftermath of your text. It was one thing to let the word out loud, but over text? If you were able to unsend that message without anyone reading it before it went through, you would’ve. 
Then, a horrifying realization struck you. 
After you and Heeseung parted ways with Sunghoon, Jungwon, and Sunoo, you two would have to sit in a car together. Alone. 
You felt your heart drop to your stomach. 
It was clear that Heeseung had feelings for you. He was the one pining after you from the beginning, after all—having the entire workplace be aware of his (initially delusional) crush on you. 
For some reason, though, you were still restless. 
“I think I would just let my life end if John Kramer put me in one of those traps,” Sunoo blurted out as soon as your group exited the theater. You and Heeseung were finishing the last of your popcorn behind him.
“I’d survive it,” Sunghoon said. “I’m built different.”
Heeseung nudged you with his elbow, taking you by surprise. “Did you like the movie?”
You scrunched up your nose. “I don’t usually like gore, but I liked the story before they all started dying.”
Everyone turned their attention to Jungwon, who was strangely quiet. The guy was fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater, eyes cast down to the floor. 
Sunoo asked, “You good?”
“He’s gonna get me,” Jungwon mumbled. 
“Oh my god.” Sunghoon groaned. “For the last time, Jungwon, John Kramer’s a fictional character.” 
“He’s real in my head.”
Heeseung let out a snicker. For every single date following your first failed one, Heeseung swore to stay completely sober so that his high wouldn’t interfere with your dates. You thought it was cute that he committed to it for you, but part of you also wanted to take care of him for once. 
“Yeah, get this guy home. He’s gone,” Heeseung said, patting Jungwon’s back firmly. “Hoon, you’ve gotta stop spiking him.”
Sunghoon frowned. “Why do you think I spiked him?”
“Motherfucker,” Jungwon spoke up, raising his head with a sudden fire in his eyes, “I wouldn’t be this high right now if you didn’t leave your stupid cannabis-infused pretzels out on your table.”
“You also wouldn’t be this high if you didn’t steal my pretzels, so I don’t get why you’re complaining.”
“Didn’t he also accidentally drink your cannabis-infused coffee the other week?” Sunoo recalled, grimacing as he remembered Jungwon walking into Starbucks and attempting to order a cheese burger.
“Before that was the cannabis-infused Rice Krispy,” Heeseung mentioned. 
“You’ve seriously gotta stop trusting whatever’s in Hoon’s fridge,” you told him, “or just anything that’s remotely edible around him.”
After some more commentary on the movie was shared, Heeseung made up some excuse about needing to get you home before it got too dark. The two of you had gone on dates that lasted well into the night, so your heart fluttered pathetically at the thought of him wanting to be alone with you. 
You said your goodbyes to the three boys, reminding them to get home safe, and you and Heeseung parted ways with the group. It was cool outside, but you felt like your entire body was hot and buzzing as you remembered that being alone with Heeseung meant that he could potentially interrogate you about your accidental ‘boyfriend’ text. 
He did nothing of the sort on the walk to his car. You and him cracked jokes about John Kramer all the way to the parking garage, and you started to feel the tightness in your chest unravel slowly. 
That was, until you reached Heeseung’s car. 
Instead of unlocking the doors, Heeseung’s hands slid into the pockets of his gray sweatpants as he leaned against the exterior of the car—right in front of the passenger door. You blinked at him, wondering if he was going to move, but he just held direct eye contact with you as the corner of his lip curled in amusement. 
He cut straight to the point, saying, “So, your text…” 
“My typo,” you corrected with an awkward grin. 
He hummed. “No, you clearly typed ‘my boyfriend’ in the group chat.” 
Your heart was racing. You could feel your pulse in your neck, your arms—every body part that was buzzing uncontrollably. This wasn’t how you wanted to confess to him. Not in a damn group chat, at least. 
“Well, you’re not my boyfriend yet. You’re gonna be my passenger princess if you don’t hurry up and get in the car,” you started rambling faster than you could think, words spilling out before you were even able to properly filter your thoughts. “I’m gonna drive us home, then.”
As soon as you turned to walk around to the other side of his car, Heeseung reached forward to grab your wrist. With a firm tug, he had you stumbling right into his chest. 
And, oh, you never realized just how big he was. 
“H-hey,” you stuttered out, looking up to catch the smirk playing on his lips. “You’re not playing fair.”
“We never decided on any rules.”
Then, your back was pressed against the frame of the car, the cool metal chilling your flushed skin. You swallowed hard as Heeseung towered over you, his hands gripping your waist to hold you in place. Your heart was beating erratically at this point, but you didn’t want to budge and let him win just yet. 
Heeseung dropped his head so that his lips were by your ear. You swore he could pick up on the way your breathing hitched because of his low chuckle. 
“Come on.” His voice was silky and velvet as he murmured against the shell of your ear. “Just let me ask you out already.” 
Although his words were irresistibly tempting, you were firm when you said, “No. I need to be the one to ask you out, and I didn’t wanna do it like this.” Your hand moved up to play with the loose strands of his hair at his neck. “Just wait a tiny bit longer for me. Please?” 
Heeseung sighed, but you could hear the smile in his voice. “Well, I couldn’t ever say no to you, anyway.” 
He pulled back to look down at you, still keeping his hands firm on your waist. 
You held up your hand, making a pinching gesture with your pointer and thumb finger. “Just a little longer.”
“Mmhm,” he agreed. “Can I kiss you, though?”
Your face burned with the heat of a thousand suns. “K-kiss?” 
“Like”—he poked your cheek—“right here.”
“Oh.” Still blushing furiously, you beamed and turned your cheek for him. “Go ahead, sir.”
With a soft giggle bubbling from his lips, Heeseung cupped your jaw gently so that he could press a chaste kiss to your cheek. He was dangerously close to your lips, and you knew that he intended on teasing you as much as possible.
Afterward, he pulled away and fished his keys out of his pockets. “I plan on kissing you for real once we’re dating, though.”
With that, he unlocked the car for you and walked over to the driver’s side. You had to catch your breath to regain your composure before you were able to get into the passenger’s seat. 
On the way home, all you could think about were how pretty the stars were and how much prettier Heeseung was. 
And, man, you really, really liked him.
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SUMMARY ▸ in which you work at the starbucks where heeseung is a regular at (and considered a public enemy). also he only goes when he’s stoned off his ass.
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tokoyamisstuff · 6 months
Mark Hoffman x GN! Reader
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A/N: Wtf, I had this basically finished work in my drafts all this time?? Anyways, enjoy.
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Summary: After Mark Hoffman's true identity has been revealed, his personal apprentice has to step in.
Warnings: Angst, Blood
Notes: Hurt/Comfort, Takes place in between SAW 6 and 7
Words: 1800
"Almost done..."
You were in the very same warehouse as the participants of the current game, tinkering on some of your mentor's latest inventions.
Mark would never openly admit, but while he was the mastermind behind most traps, it was your finishing touch that made them possible.
Not bad for a basically self-taught engineer, right?
As your eyes wanderes to the timer on the top corner of the livestream, you realized that this test was almost over. To not get distracted you had muted the old TV. However due to the proximity, most of the dampened screams would still dring to your ear.
Gladly, the more you get used to all of this, the more selective your hearing becomes - so you had already fallen deaf to them.
You huffed while trying to lift the heavy tool onto the workbench again, not bothering to wait for Mark to help you. Taking a sip of water, you watched the subject reaching the final part of his test.
Unbelievable that it’s already been one year since you’ve become the next generations Jigsaw’s apprentice, assisting Mark with every game ever since John and Amanda had passed away...
...and in your eyes, the sacrifices you had to make were all worth it.
Grabbing a towel to pat off the sweat from your face and chest, your mind wandered back to the day you had revealed yourself to him. Being a mere admirer of Jigsaw's work and philosophy, having found out Detective Hoffman's double life on your own.
But he was different than John Kramer and Amanda Young. Played by his own rules, which you oddly sympathized with.
Why giving those dangers to society - like Seth Baxter - a second chance? They shouldn't be allowed to roam freely. No, all they deserved was to be put down for good, after experiencing what their victims had.
You remembered Mark's hands on your throat the second you confessed to him. Couldn't blame him, though - last time someone told him "I know who you are", there was a shotgun draped to his neck shortly after.
The mere fact that you had survived this encounter, let alone having been declared his secret accomplice, made your chest swell with pride.
After all, you had gained somewhat trust and respect of basically the most misanthropic person on earth.
After a while of negotiation Mark had been impressed by your skill, both physical and mental. Having figured out his identity when not even the police or FBI couldn't...
...furthermore, your almost obsessively worship of his every action was exactly the kind of ego stroke he just couldn't reject.
And so you ended up his loyal subordinate, working for him from the shadows and taking every wish as your command.
Over time, the two of you had become a lethal combination - complimenting each talents and evening out the other's flaws.
It was pretty obvious that he was a sociopath, unable to sharw any personal bond with anyone. You may have shared a heated fling or a passionate night occasionally, but that was it.
This man was just using you, and you have been equally deranged enough to enjoy this. Addicted to the thrill of adrenaline that came to being associated with him.
You’d follow him blindly - even if it meant your own death.
Speaking of...
You jumped at the sound of a heavy steel door opening, immediately cocking your gun towards the entrance - force of habit...
...yet instead of a threat, something even worse came inside.
This was certainly not the first time you had seen him covered in that much blood, but this time was different - it was his own, and much to your surprise made you freak out.
The man mutely limped towards your workshop, only a dirty cloth covering his torn cheek. "Shit, you're going to get an infection..."
Rushing to get the first aid kid while he threw the reverse bear trap onto the table, you figured this was not the time to ask about what exactly happened.
Not that he'd be able to answer anyway even if he wanted to, given his current state.
You couldn't help but laugh as he tried to snatch the medical supplies out of your hand. "You know you're allowed to need help sometimes, right?"
He furrowed his brows at you, and while most normal people would be intimidated by his demeanour, you found him almost adoringly stubborn.
"Now come here, would you..." you ordered as he finally let go off of the kit, worry present in your tone.
The man grunted approvingly, making you laugh. “You know, Amanda was right: You really are one of the last cavemen.”
Good thing he wasn’t able to talk right not - otherwise he’d advise you to never take that filthy name into your mouth ever again if you wanted to keep on living.
When he was finally sat, you carefully evaluated the wound - even though on the inside, it was hard to keep it together seeing him that way.
You were amazed at his composure up until now - the pain must be agonizing...
There was no time to lose either, a major blood vessel was torn and he was still actively losing a lot of blood.
Much to his luck, you were prepared for every eventuality. Glad you took those anatomy and first aid lessons back in the day, you just knew with your kind of profession that would pay off someday.
You quickly cleaned both hands from the motor oil, before pouring a whole bottle of your mentor's booze over them and the wound.
Deeply concentrated, you stuck out your tongue as you started patching him up. Hoffman warily eyed your every move, every stitch you so carefully placed to reconstruct his facial features.
This whole time, Mark had one hand firmly placed on your knee, squeezing ever so slightly. You were almost done, admiring his strenght to not even flinch as you patched him back together.
“Too bad for that handsome face, though...” you mumbled to yourself, speaking faster than your mind could catch up on. Not that he’d care about appearance or something like that anyway. “But men with scars are pretty handsome, you know?”
You handed him a mirror, scolding him to not touch the wound as he evaluating your handiwork. "The gentleman is allowed to thank me now” you chuckled as you noticed he wasn’t sure if he could talk again now.
"That bitch is gonna pay for this" he finally spoke, still a little slurred since he'd need to get used to the feeling.
"You're welcome" you rolled your eyes, still cheerful before busying yourself with bandaging his hand as well. “There's not much I can do with a fracture like this, but it'll probably heal itself. Just try not using it too much. Punch with the other hand, maybe? Haha..."
“We need to go” he stated with that gravely voice of his, face contorting in pain as he tried to clench his fist. "Jill tried to kill me. She got away, the police is most likely on their way."
"Ten steps ahead of you." There was enough time to understand the mess Hoffman had gotten himself into later. So for now you quickly threw both your identification papers in the fire barrel that had kept you warm until now, before turning to him.
You softly pushed him down onto the chair again, no words needed to tell him he should rest and let you handle this for a change. Just packing a bag with all the necessities, covering the workshop in gasoline and you were good to go.
“How sad...” you thought, turning around to watch your work go up in flames “I was just done with the tool.”
As if Mark knew what you were thinking, he rubbed some circles on your back before pushing you to walk faster. "We can always make a new one. Let's go."
The future might be uncertain, but one thing you was sure of: Soon, Detective Mark Hoffman would officially be a wanted criminal...
...but as long as you had each other, there was still hope for a good ending to this story.
"It's not over, but I need to stay incognito from now on" he uttered a little out of breath, your old car shaking a little as the heavy man entered the backseat. "You'll need to make the preparations and anything else I can entrust to you."
"Of course" you acknowledged, rummaging in your bag until you found what you were looking for. "Everything you want."
Just when you were getting the srynge into his field of view, Mark would panic, painfully grabbing your wrist to stop you.
"No..." he was so utterly exhausted, yet terrified of the possibility to be forcefully put to sleep like his victims and himself once.
“Mark...calm down” you cooed understandingly, your palm rubbing his cheek. “C’mon, it’s me after all. There's just morphine in there, it's not enough to knock you out. I promise."
Being such a control freak, it was hard for him to be at the mercy of another. Yet he nodded mutely and rolled up his sleeve to inject the pain medication directly into his bloodstream.
After all the fucked up things happening, sometimes he’d forget that there was actually one person he could trust.
"You know" he sighed, sinking deeper into the car seat as the drug showed it's effect, making him slowly but steadily relax. "You're everything I have."
“That’s the morphine speaking” you giggled, trying to keep your eyes on the road and he couldn't think but wonder if you always had such a soothing voice.
...and with you humming so sweetly, the sunset light illuminating your skin like this...have you always been this beautiful, or was he really just high?
“Maybe" he ultimately spoke, deciding he'd have to figure it out after everything was over. "Or it just makes me talk about things I usually keep to myself.”
You cracked a smile at this half-assed answer. Typical - but you admittedly liked even this part about him.
“Only this last game...” he continued stammering, and it was actually cute to see this softer side of this brute of a man. “John Kramer’s work is almost done.”
“And what are you going to do afterwards? Any plans, boss?”
With him being on the backseat, your eyes would only briefly meet through the rearview mirror...
...and what you saw may be the same man you knew for so long already, and yet so different.
Happy, somehow.
Smiling for a change. Genuinely and wholeheartedly, not this fake one he'd put up to fit in with society.
And you knew this one was just for you.
“When this is all over, I want it to be you and me.”
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zepp-l1n · 5 months
This Is A Life
Pairing: Platonic!John Kramer x (Apprentice) Fem!reader
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summary: (Y/N) struggles with her new life. fic type - angst, hurt/comfort-ish, not-great father figure x sad girl, song fic warning - manipulative relationship, sad shit, canon level saw violence, based on a song with Mitski in it soooo, unhealthy outlook on life/self worth word count - 1,497 a/n: we out here writing for peepaw now, ig... Happy (late) holidays!
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This is a life Free from destiny Not only what we sow Not only what we show
Life before working with John Kramer was easy. Disappointing, going nowhere, and lonely - but it was easy. (Y/N) got by, making wages she wasn't proud of, but she was "normal". Sure, she did some things here and there that were illegal, but it was life. It was what she had to do. That was, until John found her and put her through one of his games.
Since then, she had a new outlook on her existence, and those around her. Since then, (Y/N) had worked with "Jigsaw", Amanda, Mark, and Lawrence to help people find meaning and a will to live. It wasn't the safest job, but she now had a support system and a reason to live.
This is a life (Every possibility) Free From destiny (I choose you and you choose me)
(Y/N) would be nothing without John, without her new life. She knew that. She believed that. Without his games, life wouldn't mean anything and she would've been forced to watch as time went by and she was left behind. Here, (Y/N) could make a difference. Here, (Y/N) was worth something. So, when John asked (Y/N) to help him with a new game, she was happy to oblige.
Sitting in John's workshop, (Y/N) held in her hands part of an item her mentor had called the "Venus Fly Trap". She personally liked to refer to it as the "Death Mask", but John didn't like the name as it, in his words, "took away the true meaning behind it". Taking a flathead screw driver from off of the table, (Y/N) delicately fiddled with the collar of the machine. One wrong move, and the entire trap would set off.
"We'll need that ready by next Thursday. Will it be done by then, or do you think you may need Amanda to help out a little?" John spoke up. Glancing up at him, (Y/N) noticed that when addressing her he hadn't taken his focus off of his sketch book - simply kept adding more and more ideas for more and more games.
Carefully setting the mask down, (Y/N) took no extra time in responding to the older man. "I should have it done by then. Amanda... I don't need her help. She can work on her projects."
John nodded and gave a quick hum of approval. "Alright," he muttered as he got up from his chair, "Lawrence will have him sedated and prepared for his game Friday morning, so we need it to be ready to go - nothing wrong with it. His test has to be fair."
(Y/N) watched as he started to walk past her. She had planned to keep silent; do her job and let him leave. Sadly, her mouth had other plans. "Who is it this time? Being tested, I mean..."
John stopped, seemingly thinking about the question before answering. "Michael Marks." he told her. "But, he isn't what you should worry about. Just focus on the mask." John smiled at his apprentice, gave her a pat on the shoulder, and continued his way away from her.
So, she did just as he asked. Just like she was supposed to do. Grabbing the collar, (Y/N) muttered measurements to herself in the empty room, beginning to continue the build that would inevitably either save a man, or destroy him.
Not only what we sow (Every space and every time) Not only what we show (Now we know) This is a light (Many lives that could've been) Free from entropy (Entangled for eternity)
He hadn't survived. It was as simple as that. Michael Marks hadn't had it in him to save himself, resulting in his death, and the new job that (Y/N) was tasked.
"John... I don't know about this." she muttered to the man. In her hands was a file, much like the others she had received of participants John wanted her to kidnap. This was different, though. This was a kid. "I mean, he's 17, John. He's not even the one being tested!"
"His father needs to be." John spoke calmly. "He doesn't appreciate his son's life, and he uses his position as a cop to ruin others'."
"That's not Daniel's fault!" she cried out.
Raising his voice, John yelled back at her argument. "He will be put in the gas house, just like the others! Now, go collect him for me. Do it, or I'll have Mark do it for you, and take you off of the next few games. You have to trust me, (Y/N)! You either trust me, or you are not fit to be testing with the rest of us!"
Glaring at him, (Y/N) placed the file down on the table and replaced the space in her hand with the pig mask. "He's a kid, John." her voice wavered as she tried to reason with him.
John stepped forward, placing both hands on the girl's shoulders. "His father needs to be tested, and if that is by almost losing his son, then so be it. Amanda will be with him the entire time - you know this. Daniel will be as okay as he can be." The pity in his eyes only caused (Y/N)'s throat to close up more. Guilt, anger, fear, and a vast number of more emotions surged through her body, but she knew she couldn't let him down. She couldn't mess up John's game. She couldn't give him a reason to throw her away. She couldn't lose John.
Not only hands and toes Not only what we've known We find This life Somehow Alright
Leaning forwards, (Y/N) let his arms move from her shoulders, to around the red and black robe she was wearing. Her shaky hands grasped at the front of his shirt, not daring to let go. Small and gasp-filled sobs escaped her throat as he hugged her, trying to give her some sort of comfort before she had to go get the boy.
"It'll be okay. He'll be okay." he muttered.
This is a life Slow and sudden miracles View of other worlds from our window sills With the weight of eternity
Clawing off the pig mask, (Y/N)'s screams and cries finally escaped her. She threw it to the side, letting it hit a random item somewhere in the house John had chosen for the trap. Her hair was a mess, mascara ran down her cheeks, and she was physically exhausted. Leaning down, her gloved hands lifted up the limp body of the boy, and she continued her walk over to the corner of the room, maneuvering him so he wouldn't touch any of the others. After leaning him against the wall, (Y/N) paused, using one of her hands to press back part of his hair. "I'm sorry..." she gasped. "I'm so sorry, Daniel."
(Y/N) had felt guilty enough before, but felling him fight back and hearing his cries and pleas had only caused her emotional distress to skyrocket. Leaving him here didn't feel like he was going into a test like any of the others, it felt as if she was personally responsible for what could be his death. (Y/N) hated that feeling.
(Y/N)'s cries and apologies were quickly cut short by the feeling of a soft hand on her shoulder. Glancing back through teary eyes, she could make out Amanda's figure. "I'll be there for him the entire time. He won't get hurt under my watch, I promise." she took her pinky finger and wrapped it around (Y/N)'s while speaking. "Now, I think it'd be your best bet to go back to John and the others. They're waiting, y'know."
Slowly nodding, (Y/N) took one last look at the boy before walking to the other side of the room and retrieving their mask. She then moved to the door, gave Amanda a sad smile, and shut the door. As she walked away from the room, (Y/N) could still hear every mechanism whirring, getting the gun and locks in place for when the game began. There was no going back - she had done it. She had done it for John, just as he had instructed her. Once again she had followed his orders, as if it was the only thing she could do anymore.
At the speed of light This is a life
(Y/N) stood next to John, watching the police flood into the room. She had been chosen to wait with him. She had been chosen to help from his side of the game.
He chose her.
Watching as each officer raised their weapon and let out yells, (Y/N) simply smiled. As much as it hurt, John was right. They had to be tested, and she would be the one to watch everything go down with him.
This is our life.
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aemiron-main · 17 days
What's With All The Miniatures and Shrinking? Featuring Welcome To Marwen, TFS, The Incredible Shrinking Woman and More (Inital/Intro Post Re: The Miniature Stuff in ST)
So, I was talking about Wilbur about the weird miniature version of the Creel house that we see in one of the TFS BTS videos:
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And then, I started thinking about TFS and ST and all of the weird references to miniature/fake versions of things etc. I'm still working on another, larger analysis re: Welcome to Marwen, the Singing Detective, The Twilight Zone, TFS, It's A Wonderful Life, and Hawkins not being "real," but for now, in this post, I just want to talk about the weird "shrinking"/miniature stuff in ST and TFS and how it also connects to the weird invisibility stuff in ST and TFS. Let's get into it.
The Incredible Shrinking Woman
So, there's a VHS tape of The Incredible Shrinking Woman in the Family Video VHS store:
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And interestingly enough, the main character of The Incredible Shrinking Woman is a woman named Pat Kramer- which immediately made me think of Patty Newby, and what I talked about in this post re: Patty, Suzie, Orphan (2009), and how Patty connects to the whole "small woman" thing, and NINA/Argyle's "NINA could be a small woman" line. And in The Incredible Shrinking Woman, Pat ends up shrunk due to an exposure to experiment chemicals- which is the same reason that was publicly given for Barbara's death in S2, which is interesting considering all of the Patty-Barb parallels and the fact that Patty plays "Barbara Allen" in the Dark of the Moon play in TFS. It's also interesting that Argyle specifically talks about not being able to see a small woman- versus Patty asking Wonder Woman to make her invisible, something that Patty says she knows isn't "technically canon," likely referring to Wonder Woman's invisible jet, which renders her invisible when she uses it, and also has its own AI system which is connected to Wonder Woman's brain so that she can manage it telepathically, which makes me think of Patty's weird powers-like abilities/her ability to somehow find Henry in the void etc etc, and the whole "invisible jet" thing makes me think of Project Rainbow trying to turn the USS Eldridge invisible by sending it to Dimension X:
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Anyway! There's some thoughts re: The Incredble Shrinking Woman. Now let's look at Welcome to Marwen.
Welcome To Marwen
So, Welcome to Marwen is on the S4 Board:
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And in Welcome to Marwen, Mark Hogancamp creates a miniature fake WW2 village called Marwen to cope with his PTSD- and he imagines that the village and everyone in it is real/the lines between reality and imagination become extremely blurred for him. And I already talked in this post about Mark's eye scar versus Brenner's eye scar (which, Brenner and the idea of a fake Hawkins/Hawkins not being entirely "real" is something I'm going to dive into more in that big analysis I mentioned), but now, I just briefly want to talk about Welcome to Marwen in general.
The village of Marwen not only reminds me of Scott's miniature town (which we'll get to in a second), but it also reminds me of S3 Will's literal miniature DND village, which is extra interesting considering Will's Brenner parallels, and specifically, his Brenner Sr parallels during that S3 scene, with Will being dressed as Will the Wise & Will the Wise's Saruman the Wise parallels versus Brenner Sr's Saruman parallels, like I talked about in this post, versus what I talked about in that initial Mark Hogancamp scar vs Brenner scar post re: Brenner Sr.
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And speaking of the toys/miniature people coming to life in Welcome to Marwen, it's interesting that Spellbound, the song that plays at the end of S4, talks about toys coming alive/going "beserk":
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Anyway, my main point with this is just that it involves a fake miniature town with fake, miniature people and that the lines between fiction and reality get blurred, and that Will putting the villagers into peril to try and get Mike and Lucas' attention is very similar to the scenarios that Mark Hogancamp puts his villagers (and his own alter-ego) into.
Argyle’s Small Woman Lines, Scott's Mini Town, and Things You Can't See
So, we also have Scott talking about how you "can't see" the electromagnetic field around his miniatures, but it's there- versus Argyle talking about how a "small woman would be hard to see" and Eddie saying to steve that there was "nothing you could see" versus Joyce saying "why is nothing happening"- all of which makes me think about Patty (a small woman) asking Henry what he sees during TFS when he's in the void looking for her mother:
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So, we have this whole idea that things are still real even if you can't see them, versus being unable to see a small woman/the idea that people are still real even if you can't see them, and then we also have Lonnie saying that people are "more real" outside of Hawkins, and then ALSO saying that if Jonathan left Hawkins, Lonnie could "see" him more- which then connects to Scott's whole "you can't see it but it's there" thing (and also implies that the people in Hawkins aren't "real"):
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Which, re: all of the invisibility stuff, it makes me think about how Project Rainbow was originally supposed to turn the USS Eldridge invisible- and technically, it did: by sending it to Dimension X. And so, when we compare that to all of the invisibility references surrounding Hawkins, part of me wonders if Hawkins itself, just the town, somehow exists in another dimension/possibly even Dimension X somehow, but anyway.
Alice In Wonderland
And now, let's talk about Alice in Wonderland, because it's definitely inspo for ST, and there's SO many references to it in ST and TFS- but today, I want to focus on the Alice in Wonderland references that centre around shrinking/changing sizes, as well as the chessboard stuff in Alice in Wonderland, and how that connects to the idea of Brenner moving the Creels around like pieces on a chessboard/like dolls.
So, I already talked in this post about the chessboard imagery with the Creel & the ideas that Brenner was manipulating the Creels both on the night of the murders and leading up to the murders, and moving them around like pieces on a chess board, as well as all of that versus the chessboard in Alice in Wonderland, and now I'm sitting here wondering if there's any literal "moving them like dolls/like chess pieces" stuff going on re: the Creels, especially considering that weird mini TFS Creel house. Brenner, quick, do you have like. A Creel terrarium going on here???
And also, in S1, they used the song "White Rabbit," which constantly references Alice in Wonderland, and specifically, talks about how "one pill makes you smaller"- which makes me think about Soteria being pill-shaped and how El says that Henward is "too big" to escape through the tunnel right before El removes soteria.
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Especially since White Rabbit plays after El escaped HNL via the tunnel in S1 and ended up at Benny's/the song is connected to that HNL tunnel.
And just as a little side note, it's interesting to me that they specifically chose to describe Henry as "little" Henry in the Weekly Watcher, especially with the context of all of this weird shrinking/miniature stuff.
And all of this makes me think about the whole "one pill makes you smaller" thing vs a.) El literally appearing as a smaller/younger version of herself during NINA and b.) what I've talked about re: Henward being subtitled as "boy" during NINA despite seemingly being a grown man.
There's more to talk about re: all of this and ST vs Alice in Wonderland but I'll save that for another time because this post is just meant to be an intro/overview post re: the weird miniature/shrinking stuff in ST.
DND Minis
Also, the party literally all have MINI equivalents of themselves-
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-for some reason, they're drawing out attention specifically to the idea of miniature versions of the characters.
There's also the whole "Hank the Ranger" mini that Scott paints & how a.) "Hank" is a nickname for "Henry," and b.) the lyrics "hungry ONE" play over the scene of Scott painting the Hank the Ranger figure. And like I talked about before, we have Will's S3 village- where he puts the villagers into peril in an attempt to kick Lucas and Mike into action, which is interesting, because it's like. Yes, of course, the villagers are fictional, but also, like I mentioned before, Welcome to Marwen (a movie where the "fictional" villagers often feel very real) is confirmed inspo- so that makeas me wonder about Will's Brenner Sr parallels and the idea of Brenner/Brenner Sr somehow pulling strings in Hawkins and putting people into peril etc etc, I need to think about it more & I'll save that for another time because this post is getting too long already.
And also, speaking of minis in general, El has the miniatures that she made out of clay for her diorama- which is interesting because in TFS, Patty and Henry talk about how Wonder Woman was "sculpted out of clay," and also, Erica's Lady Applejack DND mini reminds me of Wonder woman, with the pose and the hairstyle:
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TFS almost reminds me of a dioarama, with how it's contained on the stage- which makes the upside down Rebook box that El uses for her dioarama interesting considering all the of the references to the UD in TFS and what I talked about in this post re: what looks like the UD outside of the Hawkins High window in TFS.
Anyway, there's SO much more to talk about re: DND minis in this show, but I'll save that for another time/the point I'm just trying to make here is that a.) they DO keep drawing our attention to fake, miniature versions of peope and b.) these fake, miniature versions of people connect back to TFS (see: Will's Brenner SR connections and the sculpted out of clay thing vs El's clay diorama minis).
And now, we're onto Beetlejuice, which is also on the S4 board:
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So, in the attic of the house in Beetlejuice, there's an attic- and in this attic, there's a miniature version of the town, where a miniature Beetlejuice ends up residing- and like I talked about in this post, Scott's miniature set has a miniature version of Beetlejuice's grave in it- which is especially interesting considering that it's anachronistic/Beetlejuice wasn't out at the time of S3.
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And so, the miniature town in the attic in Beetlejuice makes me think of the Creel attic, and Henry spending so much time up there with his spiders- and Wilbur @reikunrei perfectly tied this part all together by mentioning The Bride of Frankenstein and the scientist that makes mini versions of people in jars:
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Which then makes me think of how Henward compares himself to a spider in his monologue, his spiders, which are in jars, just like the people in jars from The Bride of Frankenstein- which is interesting because that then draws a parallel between Henry himself and the people in the jars/the idea that Henry is in some sort of "jar"/a miniature version of him:
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And it's also interesting to me that Henry found the spiders in a vent versus all of the references to people in vents in ST (see: Erica in the vents in S3, which, interestingly, we also get a scene of S4 of Erica painting minis/she seems to have her own miniature of her DND character, Lady Applejack, so she's tied to the miniature stuff and the vent stuff versus the spiders in the vents later ending up in jars just like the miniature people in Bride of Frankenstein) and the way that El says that Henward is "too big" to go through the vent/tunnel in the NINA basement:
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(and also, the vent thing gets even more interesting when we consider the fact that in TFS, Henry doesn't find the spiders in the vent- instead, he brought them WITH him from Nevada in his suitcase in jars. There's something rattling there re: all of this weird miniature/shrinking stuff vs TFS and the fact that Henry's spiders in TFS were never actually outside of the jar in the Creel house vs TFS feeling weirdly "self contained"/not aligning with filmed canon- almost like it's in a jar) And then re: Bride of Frankenstein and "small women," that brings us to this post that I made re: TFS, Patty's Mom, and Patty and music box imagery and how Patty's mom resembles/is posed like the literal small woman/tiny ballerina inside of Nancy's music box- and then when we look at Bride of Frankenstein, there's a tiny ballerina inside of one of the jars:
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Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
And now, we have Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, which is on the S4 board:
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In Dream Warriors, we see Freddy's dollhouse- and it REALLY reminds me of the Creel house, specifically, that weird miniature TFS BTS version of the Creel house, and also reminds me of the boarded up version of the Creel house, considreing how Freddy's dollhouse is boarded up:
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This dollhouse was built by Kristen, and ends up acting as a portal to Freddy's nightmare realm- which makes me think about the scene of the Creel house getting split in half by the gate in S4/the portal imagery there. And speaking of Kristen, Kristen is able to pull people into her dreams- which makes me think of Patty in TFS and all of the references to things being "her dream," like I talked about in this post.
But then, Patty also tells Henry that it's his dream/there's a whole thing there re: shared dreams, so it seems to go a bit further than the way Kristen just pulls people into her dreams:
And also, in Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Dream Master, Kristen talks to Alice about her nightmares, and Alice tells her to take control of her dreams and "think of someplace fun," which is basically what Patty says to Henry in TFS, when she says to "make it a nice dream"- so Patty seems to get paralleled to both Alice and Kristen (which is very interesting considering Alice's character as a whole, but that's its own post), and Henry seems to get paralleled to Kristen (and a bunch of other Nightmare characters/there's ones with stronger parallels to Henry than Kristen, but again, that's another post).
(and just as a little fun fact, the actress who plays Kristen is also named Patricia)
Anyway, I went on a bit of a tangent re: Nightmare on Elm Street, but I just wanted to bring up the whole Freddy's mini dollhouse thing vs the weird mini Creel house/the Creel house in general and all of the Patty-Henry dream stuff. Not to mention all of Alice Creel's dollhouse imagery versus Freddy's dollhouse- what the hell is going on???
I’m not really sure what the hell is going on here, but there’s SOMETHING here. I don't even really have a coherent thesis or anything but my point is just that there's something weird going on re: shrinking and miniature versions of people and places and that also somehow ties to all of the references to invisibility/not being able to see things.
And I mean, if Brenner wanted to run experiments on an entire town, it'd be easier to do it on a tiny town, right?? Like how Scott LITERALLY runs an electromagnetic field experiment on his miniature town. And I'm also staring at the Mindflayer appearing with that giant hand and reaching towards Will- when you think about it, that's the exact sort of thing that somebody in Scott's miniature town would see when he reaches towards the town/this giant hand reaching down. Are the people of Hawkins just little DND-esque miniatures to the MF/shadow???
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Also, all of this stuff re: miniatures/small versions of people makes me think about all of the pocket stuff in ST/Mike's weird letter-shaped pocket etc etc versus a.) mini people being pocket-sized and b.) the idea of pocket dimensions, and things like a bag of holding in DND, which is much bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. Is Hawkins itself some sort of pocket dimension? Does NINA take place in some sort of pocket dimension???
Long story short: I'd love to know what the hell is going on. Are there literal miniature versions of the Creels running around somewhere in some sort of ant farm-esque Brenner experiment???? Like a little "Freddy's Dollhouse" sort of thing but with the Creel house??? What the hell was up with that miniature Creel house for TFS that never got used in the play??? Is Hawkins itself some sort of weird miniature experiment town??? Is Hawkins as we know it "fake"/not "real" and is the UD the "real" Hawkins/the original Hawkins???
I'd just love some answers LMAO
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dizzyandcurious6 · 8 months
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His Sister [Mitch Kramer/fem!Reader] Part 1.
[ (Y/n) Floyd ]
"(Y/n)! Come down or I'm leaving you!" My older brother, Randall shouted from downstairs. I was finishing my hair before I grabbed my backpack.
"Patience!" I said, I grabbed my lipgloss and put some on. "Beauty takes time..."
"Hah! Beauty?" He scoffed. He grabbed his backpack and went out the door. I rolled my eyes and followed him to his car.
"Remember, don't talk to me. Also, don't talk to Don, we might be friends but he is bad news." He said looking at me. I rolled my eyes.
"As if I wanted to look at Don, he is so not my type," I smiled before applying my lipgloss.
"How much lipgloss do you need?" He asked. He pulled out of the driveway and drove to the school.
"There is never enough lipgloss," I smiled.
[ Mitch Kramer ]
"MITCH!" My older sister Jodi shouted from downstairs. I rolled my eyes at this, I kept looking in the mirror trying to perfect my hair. The door swung open and there stood Jodi. "Get your ass down there! If I'm late I'll seriously kick your ass!"
"Fine!" I shouted before grabbing my backpack and walking outside. She walked behind me yelling at me about the time and whatever.
She began to drive me to the high school. I looked out the window, I tried ignoring what she was saying but it wasn't working.
"Mitch!" She shouted as she stopped for a red light.
"What?" I asked turning to look at her.
"Be careful," she said looking at me.
"Why?" I asked before rolling my eyes.
"You might think this is all games but high school is tough..." The light turned green and she continued to drive.
"How hard could it be?" I shrugged and she chuckled.
"I'm barely getting by, listen to your teachers, behave, don't cut class..." She went on and on about all the don'ts. I of course tuned it all out.
She parked outside the high school to drop me off. I grabbed my backpack and got out of her car. I walked to the entrance trying to find Carl, Tommy, and Hirschfelder.
[ (Y/n) Floyd ]
"Remember," he began to say.
"Don't talk to you or to Don, I got it. Okay?" I snapped looking at him directly in the eyes.
"Good. I'll see you at home, behave." He ruffled my hair before walking up the steps.
"Hey! It takes time to do my hair!" I scolded, I followed closely behind him. I turned around and saw Mitch Kramer at the entrance. Butterflies erupted in my tummy as my face warmed up. I nervously walked up to him.
"Hey," I waved. He turned to look at me and smiled.
"Hey," he said back.
"Waiting for your friends?" I asked and he nodded.
"They should be here soon," he smiled and my face felt warm again.
"Is it okay if I wait with you?" I asked and he shrugged. "Cool..."
"What class do you have first?" He asked. I took out my schedule.
"Chemistry with Mr ... Dawson," I looked at him, "What about you?"
"Same!" He smiled.
"Mitch!" Carl shouted catching both of our attention.
"Carl! Took you long enough," he arm hugged his best friend.
"Who is this?" He asked looking at me. "Your girlfriend?"
Mitch rolled his eyes, "This is Floyd's sister. (Y/n)."
"Oh!" Carl said giving Mitch a look. "I'm Carl," he smiled.
"Cool," I said. "I should get going." I told them.
"Don't leave so soon," Carl said which caught me off guard. "Who do you have for first?"
"Chemistry, with Mr. Dawson..." I replied and he nodded.
"Too bad. I have English first. A good way to start my morning," he joked. Two boys began to approach them. One I recognized as Tommy.
"Who is this?" Tommy asked as he approached us. I rolled my eyes, it was another of his recurring jokes.
"We sat together in English... For three years..." I said.
"I'm missing with you," he laughed before playfully punching my shoulder. I rolled my eyes at this. We entered the school, I stood beside Tommy.
"Where's Mary-Ann?" Tommy asks noticing that I wasn't attached to her hip like always.
"She's going to a different high school... She's in a Catholic Private School," I explained.
"That sucks," he says before patting my shoulder. "It's okay, at least you have us."
"Are you saying I can hang around?" I asked and he nodded enthusiastically.
[ Mitch Kramer ]
"Are you saying I can hang around?" She asked, I was hoping Tommy would say no but he nodded. It's not that I didn't like (Y/n), but she's Pink's sister. That and well... I kind of like her?
"Hey Tommy," I say looking at him.
"Yeah?" He asks looking at me.
"What class do you have?" I asked. He took out his schedule to look at it.
"Chemistry, with Mr. Dawson," he says.
"Seriously? Am I the only one without Chemistry first?" Carl asks.
"Does everyone else have Chemistry first?" Tommy asks and I nodded. "Groovy."
"Groovy is so last year," (Y/n) says.
"Is it?" Tommy asks and she nods.
"We say rad," she smiles.
"Who cares, groovy or rad," I say rolling my eyes.
"Will, if you want to be popular then you have to keep up with the slang!" She argues.
We waved goodbye to Carl and we walked inside the classroom. I sat besides Hirschfelder and Tommy sat besides (Y/n). I couldn't help but feel a little jealous about it. Obviously they knew each other because of their English class all of middle school. But, I'm more attractive... and cooler!
"You alright?" Hirschfelder asks me.
"Huh? Yeah. I'm fine..." I mumbled. I took out my notebook and pencil. I would glance at them every so often to see them giggling at each other.
Class ended and she parted ways, she had gym. I walked beside Tommy.
"Are you and (Y/n) going steady?" I asked and he laughed.
"Us? No!" He shook his head and patted my shoulder. "She's pretty but not my type! I love redheads!"
"Seriously?" I asked and he nod.
"Why? Do you have a thing for her?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.
"No, I don't," I mumbled.
"You so do!" He teased. "I can so help you out, I basically know her like the back of my palm."
"I don't have a thing for her..." I repeated.
"Thing for who?" Carl asked as he walked up to us.
"(Y/n)," Tommy said quickly.
"You have a thing for (Y/n)?" Carl asked.
"No! I don't have a thing for her!" I argued back.
"Good, I was thinking about asking her to a movie or something," Carl smiles.
"What?" I asked and he nodded.
"Yeah, she's cute and I would love to get to know her..." He shrugged.
"Ooo!" Tommy chuckles.
I rolled my eyes, "Do whatever you want." I mumbled. Hirschfelder and I walked inside our math class and Tommy and Carl walked to their Spanish class.
[ (Y/n) Floyd ]
I walked to gym, I put on my gym clothes before walking out. I sat beside Lilian who is a self-proclaimed popular girl, although that's heavily debated on.
"Hey," I say to her and she looks me up and down.
"Who are you?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.
"(Y/n), we had biology together?" I say and she nodded.
"Cool," she smiles before looking me up and down again. "You're cute."
"Thanks?" I say and she nods back.
"No problem. I'll be your friend," she smiles.
"Oh, um... Cool." I say nonchalantly.
"Rad," she says before turning back to her other friends.
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
LittleMouse!Series Part Seven: Home - Alden Parker x Reader
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Tagging: @mandy426  @neapolitantoebeans @yezzyyae @kmc1989
Don't... - Alden hates what your doing.
Waiting - You leave your ex waiting.
In Sickness & In Health - Alden and your ex sit down to discuss you.
Bordeaux - You come home to an unexpected surprise.
Acts of Violence - Alden walks into his worst nightmare.
The Hours In Between - What happened between you and Kristof.
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You’re a law unto yourself, Alden has always known that. It’s one of the reasons he fell in love with you. He’d realised that you were a force of nature during your first meeting, you’d been reading FBI Agent Kramer the riot act over one of your cases. You’d been so spirited in that moment, so passionate and he admired that because the victims you championed, they deserved to have someone like you fighting in their corner.
Despite the doctor’s orders you’re on your feet when he enters the apartment, a brown bag of groceries tucked underneath his arm. Part of your recovery requires rest, lots of it because you’re still replenishing your iron levels and it makes your tried and dizzy if you’re on your feet for too long.
“You’re supposed to be resting.” He chides you as he sets the brown bag down on the counter and begins to unpack the groceries. It’s all food guaranteed to boost your levels, stuff rich in the vitamins and minerals you need to get well.
“You know I’m not built that way.” You say as you lean on the counter surveying his purchases.
It warms his heart to see that smile on your face as you open the pack of blueberries and pop a handful into your mouth. This time last week you’d been in surgery, fighting for your life and now you’re in his home, wearing another one of his sweaters and you should be resting up.
You ignore him when he tries to shoo you away, opting instead to take a seat upon one of his kitchen stools instead. He understands you’re bored and in need engagement, your mind works a mile a minute and it’s hard for you being forced to slow down. That’s why he’s taken a little time off because despite what you say you need someone to take care of you.
“You need to get back into bed.” Alden tells you, placing a kiss upon the tip of your nose. “You’re overexerting yourself; I can tell.”
You look a little pale, he thinks. He can tell you’re tired and in pain.
“You know I can’t sleep without you here.” You tease him, your nose trailing along the length of his. Your palms smooth over the fabric of his shirt, playing along the muscles of his chest.
“You know. I feel the same way.” He says in that low, husky tone of his. He clasps your hand to his heart as he gives you that smile. “Which is why I think we should take the next step.”
“As much as I would love for you to ravage me…” You whisper against his lips. “I’m afraid I’m not up for that quite yet.”
“That’s not what I meant.” He tells you, his thumb ghosting over the apple of your cheek. “I want you to move in with me.”
He sees the expression on your face shift when the words leave his mouth, you pull away just a little and he frowns because honestly this is not the reaction he expected.
“You don’t want to move in with me.” He says quietly.
“No, I do.” You tell him softly. “I just want it to be for the right reasons.”
“This has nothing to do with you being stabbed.” He tells you, cupping your face between his hands. “I love you; I’ve wanted this for a while but then your homicidal ex turned up and things got a little…”
He bobs his head from side to side.
“The point is I love you and I want to make this our place. I want to wake up next to you every morning, to find those little hair pins all over the place, to spend nights listening to Fleetwood Mac on the record player. I want to be the one you come home to after a long day.”
“Ask me again when I’m back on my feet.” You request, patting the place where his heart resides in his chest. He understands the concession, you spent your entire marriage being manipulated by you ex-husband and right now you’re vulnerable, you’re world’s been tipped completely upside down. You’re still trying to figure out which way is up. “Ask me then and I promise I’ll say yes.”
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miraclemaya · 8 months
if i could write an episode of seinfield i would come up with some reason for jerry and george to need to inspect a corpse in a morgue, and i would get a real corpse somehow, and george is like patting down the corpse, and everything is going fun but then, completely unbeknownst to the teo actors, kramer walks in doing his usual kind of bit but george costanza is surprised and he mobes too quickly and the corpse us damaged, a gash or tear appeares on it, and id lock them in there and wait to see how long it takes for them to devour the corpse
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'In one corner, veteran heavyweight Christopher Nolan. In the other, nimble visionary Greta Gerwig. Their big films come out on the same day – but whose will triumph at the box office?
We live in divisive times. Opinion is more tribal and entrenched than ever, the value of reasoned argument and willing compromise plummeting by the day. This volatility could spread to the multiplex next month, where a battle of the blockbusters is destined to make previous cinematic standoffs – Mothra v Godzilla, Alien v Predator, Kramer vs Kramer – look like games of playground pat-a-cake. Get ready, then, for Barbie v Oppenheimer.
Directed by celebrated auteurs (Greta Gerwig and Christopher Nolan respectively), and hyped by multiple trailers over the past year, both movies are scheduled to open on the same crowded day. Forget your QR codes: this is one time to buy a physical ticket and save the stub to show your grandchildren. Future generations will want to know where you stood on 21 July 2023 when Barbie met the bomb.
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In the pink corner is Gerwig’s DayGlo toy story starring Margot Robbie as Barbie and Ryan Gosling as Ken, who while away their days happily but vacuously in Barbie-land. In a plot apparently borrowed from Enchanted and The Purple Rose of Cairo, with a dash of Don’t Worry Darling, they swap their cosseted fairytale existence for our harsh modern world. (The trailer shows Barbie having her police mugshot taken after walloping a Venice Beach groper in the face.) The cast incorporates hot young things Issa Rae, Simu Liu, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Jamie Demetriou and, most excitingly, the new Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa, as well as old hands Michael Cera, Kate McKinnon and Will Ferrell; Helen Mirren is on narrating duties.
The 39-year-old Gerwig is arguably as big a selling point as Robbie or Gosling, as well as a guarantor of quality control. The three-time Oscar nominee directed Lady Bird and Little Women, as well as co-directing with Joe Swanberg the long-distance love story Nights and Weekends, back in the days when she was the doyenne of the lo-fi indie “mumblecore” movement. Her co-writer on Barbie is her partner, the director Noah Baumbach, with whom she wrote gems such as Frances Ha and Mistress America. Back in 2010 when she was promoting Greenberg, the bittersweet Baumbach comedy which became her Hollywood springboard, she spoke of her childhood habit of jumbling up the letters in her name: “In second grade, I’d be writing ‘Great Gerwig, Great Gerwig’ on everything,” she said. These days, it’s more than just an anagram.
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Her opponent is the 52-year-old Nolan, a five-time Oscar nominee who has heft on his side. His is the weightier directing CV (12 films), with Oppenheimer his longest yet: he recently confirmed that it is “kissing three hours”, which makes it more than an hour longer than Barbie. This is serious, spectacular event cinema, shot with Imax cameras and booked long ago into all that format’s venues – to the apparent chagrin of Tom Cruise, whose latest Mission: Impossible adventure opens a week earlier but will be relegated to smaller screens the instant Oppenheimer drops.
Nolan’s cast is every bit as impressive as Gerwig’s; as well as the perpetually haunted Cillian Murphy as the physicist Robert J Oppenheimer, father of the atomic bomb, Nolan has assembled Florence Pugh, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Rami Malek, Robert Downey Jr, Gary Oldman and Kenneth Branagh. The chances of any of them rollerblading à la Gosling in Barbie are negligible, which may help explain why Gerwig’s film is on track to have the more impressive opening weekend. Not that Oppenheimer will exactly bomb.
Barbie also has the edge when it comes to marketing opportunities, as might be expected of any movie adapted from merchandise. This goes way beyond the valley of the dolls: among the many tie-in products is an inflatable Barbie pool-float golf-cart, a Barbie dog’s basket, and an electric toothbrush capable of 36,000 sonic vibrations a minute – the same effect you get from watching Oppenheimer in Imax.
Unlike Barbie, Nolan’s film probably doesn’t have its own Exclusive Oral Beauty Partner, though given his protagonist’s chain-smoking tendencies there may be a teeth-whitening deal in the offing. And we shouldn’t rule out Oppenheimer throwing its hat in the ring when it comes to headgear. As far back as 2010, one plaintive user on thefedoralounge.com was searching “for a lid like the one the famous nuclear physicist wore,” citing a “2½-inch snap brim and a very thin ribbon” and concluding that “such a hat would be positively atomic”. Factor in the Cillian Murphy effect – this is the man who helped popularise the Peaky Blinders newsboy cap/undercut combo – and the Oppenheimer fedora and brown wool coat could be the look to replace Barbie’s summery pink once the nippier months roll around.
Some mild shade has already been thrown between the film’s respective camps on social media. “Greta Gerwig could do Oppenheimer but Christopher Nolan couldn’t do Barbie,” observed one tweet. Another overreached by proposing that “Margot Robbie could do Oppenheimer but Cillian Murphy couldn’t do Barbie” – clearly the work of someone who has never seen him in Breakfast on Pluto or Peacock. But the encouraging thing about the Barbie v Oppenheimer discourse is that, by and large, it has not followed the contours that often prevail in our online interactions. For anyone who loves cinema, the vibe feels closer to a cuddle than a cage fight.
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There is real genius in this tactic of opening films catering for different audiences on the same day (known as counter-programming). The canny part is not what separates Nolan and Gerwig but what unites them: despite a clear contrast of style and sensibility, both directors possess a comparable skill, intelligence and passion, and tend to inspire loyalty in their fans. This same situation could never have arisen had Oppenheimer been pitted against, say, The Super Mario Bros Movie. Though that film is a smash, having grossed more than $1bn worldwide to date, it has nothing in it to propel cultural conversation along with profits.
Opening two films together that share similar DNA would also produce less of a spark. The experience of going to an afternoon screening of Ghostbusters on opening day in December 1984, then coming out and going straight back in to see Gremlins at teatime, was thrilling for my friends and me as 13-year-olds (especially as Gremlins was rated 15), but it was a routine sort of double bill on reflection: both were comedies that trafficked in the scary or supernatural.
What makes the combination of Barbie and Oppenheimer sing is that it is unlikely but not nonsensical. And though the films’ subjects are markedly different, there will be some overlap between their audiences. The major Rorschach test of our era, one Twitter user has suggested, will be whether you follow Oppenheimer with Barbie or vice versa. It’s no longer the case of “either/or” that it first appeared to be but rather “which one first?”. The Picturehouse chain is even extending the double bill idea by screening a selection of both directors’ past work in the coming weeks; audiences can see Lady Bird take flight alongside Interstellar, or pair Little Women and Dunkirk in a double bill of wartime stories, albeit from different wars.
Contrary to the way the rivalry was initially framed, this is no replay of the hostile Blur v Oasis Britpop war of the mid-1990s. Even the formulation of Barbie v Oppenheimer misrepresents the tenor of this unusual pairing: shouldn’t it be the more harmonious Barbie x Oppenheimer, in the style of today’s brand collaborations? Whichever film prevails financially, the result will be less meaningful to audiences than what these movies represent in a post-pandemic landscape that has seen famished exhibitors begging for new product.
Next month’s clash only came about in the first place because of Nolan’s commitment to cinemas over streaming. He would likely have set up Oppenheimer at his usual home, Warner Bros, had that studio not instigated a policy in 2021 (no longer in force today) of releasing its films simultaneously in cinemas and on HBO Max, in response to uncertainty during the pandemic. (Nolan, remember, had ruled out a streaming release for his previous film, Tenet, back in 2020 when cinema exhibition was at its most precarious.) Warner Bros still hopes to woo him back. Barbie is a Warners film, and if the studio had been distributing both pictures, they would never have let them go out on the same day. But Nolan took Oppenheimer to Universal – hence the scheduling pile-up.
No matter. The impact of Covid and the streaming revolution have been bruising, even in some cases annihilating, to parts of the industry. But contrary to the tagline from Alien Vs Predator – “Whoever wins … we lose” – the outcome of Barbie opening in lockstep with Oppenheimer can only be positive. Whichever one triumphs, cinema rules.'
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macromicrodaily · 11 months
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Today's micro of the day is Pat Kramer from The Incredible Shrinking Woman (1981), as portrayed by Lily Tomlin!
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issie-https · 1 year
If you had to pick 12 photos for each zodiacs signs what would be ?
you can also pick izzy's songs or songs that you like or fit with zodiac, I just love everything related with izzy
Hiya! I’ve dug through the Internet, deep and wide to find some pictures and I finally found them. I also had to split it into 2 parts(sozzz)
Part 2
Dates: March 21 - April 19
Sign: ♈️
Musicians with the same zodiac: Lady Gaga, Elton John, Gerard Way, Damon Albarn, IZZY MF STRADLIN!!! and Angus Young(AC/DC)
What I think of you: Y’all are okay but my mum is an Aries and she’s a cunt so kinda hinders my views. Aside from that, youse are badass!!
Why I chose the picture: you make me think of arson❤️ jk, it’s badass and so are you!
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Dates: April 20 - May 20
Sign: ♉️
Musicians with the same zodiac: 🩷Melanie Martinez🩷, Stevie Wonder, Patrick Stump, Krist Novoselic, Cos Sylvan(Ghost bassist), Mick Mars Joey Jordison(rip ml❤️) and Eric Brittingham.
What I think of you: Cool people! I mean, just from the musician list alone, y’all are cool.
Why I chose the picture: you’re cool and wholesome and this pic makes me feel that way.
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Dates: May 21 - June 20
Sign: ♊️
Musicians with the same zodiac: Paul McCartney, Lionel Richie, Prince, STEVIE NICKS!!!!!, Tom Jones, Lenny Kravitz and Noel Gallagher.
What I think of you: 50/50. You’re either a sweetheart or a cunt🫶🏻
Why I chose the picture: Two faced biatches
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Dates: June 21 - July 22
Sign: ♋️
Musicians with the same zodiac: LANA DEL REY!!!, LUKE HEMMINGS!!!, Cyndi Lauper, ASHTON IRWIN!!!, RINGO STARR!!!, Eric Carr, Mick Fleetwood, Sandy West, Joey Kramer, BRIAN MAY!!! Honourable mention: Danny Ric(Formula One)
What I think of you: I fucking love youse! Look at the list of musicians and try and tell me they’re not iconic!
Why I chose the picture: it’s relaxing and youse are relaxing.
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Dates: July 23 - August 22
Sign: ♌️
Musicians with the same zodiac: SLASH❤️❤️, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Mick Jagger, JAMES HETFIELD!!!, Ayesha Erotica, Pat Smear, Vinnie Vincent, ROGER TAYLOR!!! And JOHN DEACON!!!
What I think of you: I hate you because of my brother. But Slash cancels it out so I fucking adore you💋💋💋
Why I chose the picture: Kings & Queens🫶🏻
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Dates: August 23 - September 22
Sign: ♍️
Musicians with the same zodiac: Michael Jackson(HeeHee), FREDDIE MF MERCURY❤️, Amy Winehouse, Bill & Tom Kaulitz, Liam Gallagher, Ricky Horror, Joe Perry, Lita Ford, Gustav Schafer, JESS MARGERA!!! And Mikey Way.
What I think of you: I haven’t met too many Virgos but the ones that I have met are badasses but in a respectful way. Like, you demand the attention of a room but if something isn’t about you, you make sure whoever it is about has that attention!
Why I chose the picture: Love it just like i love you❤️
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