#Oh I see some people dividing tags into different paragraphs
inspiration saturday
Hiiiiiii long time no me participating in tag games (long story will be under the cut 😅 if you want it), so here I am with a two parter - an inspiration AND a tidbit
First, I can't get this song, and in particular this version of the song out of my head
(Apologies for Pierce Brosnan's singing, I just really really love the moment Meryl Streep joins in on "but dignified")
I mean listen to this
Clear-headed and open-eyed With nothing left untried Standing calmly at the crossroads, no desire to run There's no hurry anymore when all is said and done
That's everything I want for Buddie post Tommy, knowing themselves, knowing each other, all they need is to take this new path together, and there is no rush, because they are sure and ready.
So if anyone wanted to make my entire year and make an edit?🙏😘
And now a TIDBIT 😊
This is from the very beginning of my heart’s over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance by fleetinghearts, have some Eddie picking up Chris after a field trip 😍
because heart-eyes! Eddie isn't making heart-eyes just as Buck, he's also making them at his son 😍😍😍
tags and all under the cut
Thank you everyone who's kept tagging me in various games and when you posted something new even when I didn't have capacity to tag you back ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm going to go through my mentions and tag as many people as I can but i feel like half of my dash has changed their urls recently so if I forget anyone I'd normally tag and you want to be tagged 1) lmk and 2) please consider yourself tagged (and now I've typed "tag" waaaay too many times and it has lost all meaning) (also lmk if you wanna be removed ofc)
@shitouttabuck ❤️❤️❤️❤️, @tizniz, @diazsdimples, @cal-daisies-and-briars, @lover-of-mine,
@try-set-me-on-fire, @acountrygirlsfun, @aroeddiediaz,
@wikiangela, @bucksbignaturals, @buckleyobsessed,
@mistmarauder, @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels, @daffi-990,
@exhuastedpigeon, @glorious-spoon, @rainbow-nerdss,
@devirnis, @renecdote, @thewolvesof1998
@rewritetheending, @chronicowboy, @suavecitodiaz
@eddiediaz420, @captain-hen , @sunshinediaz, @neverevan
So basically what happened here at house of El was a prime example of if you don't give your body a break it will make you take one - after running himself ragged since basically October my husband stepped wrong and broke a bone in his foot and has been stuck on the couch for the last 3 weeks. So for the time being I'm the one doing all the school drop-offs/pick-ups and grocery runs and after-school activities (and most of chores, though to be fair my house has been overrun by kinetic sand since christmas 😅), but also (crucially) it means no editting/recording time for me, because no. I'm trying to edit on my work ipad but it's no audacity, so it's sloooooow going 😅 anyway. How have you all been doing apart from vibrating out of your skins about S07?
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any tips for writing (Grammar, english, etc)? You one of the best writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading and I want to learn from the best!
(also, lots of love your the best!! ❤️)
thank you!! and YES i have tips omg.
1. read. all the time. whenever you can. i’ve always been pretty decent at writing, but i also spent most of my childhood desperately devouring any words i could. i read a million different genres, for a billion different topics. non fiction textbooks, graphic novels, field journals, novels, anything! even films work, especially if you’re looking at dialogue.
2. just write stuff down. the best way to learn is by doing, and this goes especially for writing. your first drafts are going to have a lot of issues, and even the first things you post are going to be meh compared to what you will do in the future. but that’s okay! i’m sure if you directly compare some of the dialogue and paragraph spacing in my old stuff compared to now you’ll se a world of difference, and that just came from months and months of daily practice.
3. read more, but this time analytically. when you read something now, look critically at how it’s written. how are they dividing up their paragraphs? are they longer or shorter? is it for every new idea, or is it more than that? do their paragraphs flow well enough that i barely notice? why? and what about their dialogue? can i speak it out loud and make it sound natural? does this sound like real things people would say? how are they using punctuation to mimic nonverbal speaking cues? how can i imitate that? how is the character reflected in the way they speak? and finally, what about their pacing? does this story make sense from a time standpoint? do i feel like things are happening too slowly or too quickly, or does the timing feel real? why? how could i slow things down?
4. keep an eye out for writers giving some advice. i follow the ‘writing advice’ tag on here, as well as some published writers like @neil-gaiman . they often have a plethora of excellent advice. i read once on here (i can’t remember where) that the best way to show pauses in dialogue is to cater your stories so it takes your reader longer to read — like, for example, showing what your character is doing between pauses or stretches of dialogue, or describing what they’re thinking, or even just using spacing effectively. it was very helpful!
5. edit, edit, edit! go over your work with a kind and critical eye. if you were reading this, what parts would you enjoy best? why are these parts so good? in contrast, what parts might not be as interesting? can you make these more interesting, or are they part of the story the way they are? if you read your story out loud, does it make sense? can you picture other characters doing this? why is your character doing the thing that they are doing — does it make sense?
6. lastly — have fun! write for yourself. i have chosen several dumb and silly headcanons that i don’t see enough in the fandom, so i write them so i can read them. i love all my silly headcanons. whenever i think to myself “oh, i wish i could read more of [specific thing],” i remember that hey, wait i second, i could write that right now if i wanted to! and then i do.
good luck! enjoy yourself! i can’t wait to see what you create :D
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everything-laito · 3 years
hey,,, i've seen this controversial opinion about laito not being sexually assaulted by cordelia. . .as the only opinion of laito that matters, what are your thoughts on it? i know you've made some posts in the past about cordelia and laito's relationship, but i think that now would be a good time to i guess, remake a post or clarify your thoughts so people could follow along?? i hope you enjoy your day.
*proceeds to crack all my knuckles at once*
This isn't really my own "response" cuz oh boy I'm sick of this petty ass drama lmao. To begin, SKLDJF I'm very flattered that you hold my opinion in that high of regard! I'd say there's others that have interesting interpretations of him too though :) but again, thank you :') glad you enjoy what I have to say!
I know I've already kinda responded to this via a screenshot here, just to hold you––and others reading this––over. As much as this is a great time to talk about a how-to-analysis, I’ll still put that as a separate post eventually, but I still will go over the philosophy of truth and writings etc. But anyways, to answer your initial questions, they’re under the cut!
And no, I’m not specifically calling anyone out here. These are just issues with the fandom that I find as a whole, along with some extremists. Thus, I’m not going to be putting tags for people to easily find this post because I don’t want to be wound up in this drama––once again this is just more commentary on the fandom as a whole, which hopefully you can apply to people you find!
I have a lot of my own thoughts about Cordelia and Laito’s relationship here (just in case if people need it):
1. Goes over potential grooming of Laito, facts about Cordelia and what happened before she did stuff to Laito, and when did she rape Laito for the first time?
2. Stuff about incest and how any relationship out of a parental/child relationship is abuse even if it’s not penetrative sex, more incest stuff, and just more thoughts on their relationship
3. Neuroplasticity, trauma, Karlheinz, and isolation
4. What does sexual trauma look like? And some stuff on Laito’s facade
5. More stuff on his facade, and projection on Yui
6. My thoughts on Laito’s dark fate vampire ending + Conclusion
7. Answering some inbox stuff relating to Cordelia
Sure I realize I might be missing some stuff but that’s just my whole analysis on them. I’ll probably make some follow up posts eventually but I’m not sure when that will be.
But as for this analysis/ramble, I’ll divide it up into sections:
The issue of hypocrisy in the Dialovers fandom:
I- oh dear god. Ok, just saying, there’s a lot of people being like “oh I hate Cordelia because she was abusive” then ??? yo??? Why do you like the boys?? They’re abusive and we see more of them than Cordelia??? I just personally hate hypocrisy. However, it’s okay to hate Cordelia! It’s okay to love Cordelia! It’s okay to hate the boys and it’s okay to love the boys too. But recognizing that you don’t like one or the other just because “they’re abusive” is a fallacy at that point.
The reason why so many people hate Karlheinz/Cordelia/Beatrix/Christa/Richter (or at least start off hating them) is because they are written as the villains of the story! Karl’s the main villain, and the rest (including the diaboys and Yui) are kinda just tragically wound up in his plans. You sympathize more with the boys because you spend more time with them and watch them grow! It’s a whole “us vs them” situation. Since those people were awful to the boys/the boys hate them, you’re like “yeah they’re bad!” But the issue with the whole “us vs them” situation (as in real life) is that people tend to excuse the actions done by the “us” party.
Same thing goes with extreme Karl/Cordelia/Richter fans (I’ve never seen a hardcore Beatrix/Christa fan but they’re probably out there). Some hate the diaboys but love the people in that party. They’ve also done some shitty stuff too! Bro, even Yui has done some terrible stuff! But that’s because she was a product of the events she was thrown into––and same with everyone else.
Karl has been the mastermind of all this, and for me I don’t have any sympathy for him, mainly because we’re not shown anything to sympathize with (except that he just is tired of living but idk why he wants to create a whole new race like lmao science nerd ig, I feel that king). A lot of people like him for his looks, and I’m not saying that’s a bad thing––he’s a fictional character, objectify these characters however you want. This is more of a personal opinion of mine though. And maybe people do just sympathize with his outlook on life, that’s totally fine.
But since these characters are all attractive in their own regard, they all get the treatment of “pretty-boy” syndrome (Idek if that’s the exact name for it). Which is just the privilege pretty people get. But again, this is fictional, so it’s not necessarily important in this case. Bro I got into DL cuz of “ooga booga hot vampires” and stayed for the complex lore and characters (especially one complex character, wonder who that could be). I imagine most people got into DL because of that, or out of sheer curiosity.
Ok, I’m throwing out a lot of points but not really connecting them. Lemme give you an example: I don’t like Reiji. His character doesn’t vibe with me most of the time aside from the fact that he’s hilarious. But I just am very neutral/neutral-negative on his character. But I’m not like “oh cuz he’s mean/abusive” cuz LOL EVERYONES MEAN IN THIS GAME. Sure you can still say that, it’s just not a very strong claim. Hypocritical claims tend to be like that. Same with a lot of Yui haters. In this case, they’re more jealous that she’s there and not them, which I’ve explained a lot in this post about toxic femininity and Yui in the fandom etc. But it’s ok to just not like a character! It’s alright! I know someone who just doesn’t vibe with Subaru. She doesn’t know why, she just doesn’t vibe with him. There’s no need to defend it either. But the use of hypocrisy is my main issue, and I’ll get to that in the next section.
(There’s a really good post explaining this too but I cannot find it for the life of me. I think it was made by @/abottleofkarlheinz or @/the-madame21)
How opinions of fictional universes left unchecked can effect real life:
I’ve said this a little bit in that Dialover PSA post I’ve made about Yui that I linked a couple paragraphs ago. But the reasons why people say they hate Yui is concerning. If you don’t like Yui, that’s totally fine! Again you don’t need reasons to hate on a character or defend it. But if you do choose to defend those characters, make sure what you’re saying isn’t out of some other place in your heart. Let me explain.
In that “Yui PSA” post I made, I say how your attitudes in being critical of a fictional universe usually does reflect on who you are as a person, at least when you’re making certain claims. In that Yui post, I say that the hatred on Yui is a result of the “other girl” mentality. On top of that, it erases her experience as a survivor. Yes, this is a fictional character, but bringing that into real life can have some dire consequences if you don’t differentiate them. If you have the same attitude of Yui with other survivors if the “abuser is hot” then thaaaaaat’s so fucked up.
For example, there’s people who have crushes on real life serial killers! That- that’s absolutely disgusting! Those real people killed living people and effected so many lives and families. Dude I have fictional crushes on fictional serial killers, and that’s different, because it is a removed universe. It’s why I can still call myself a lesbian but still have crushes on fictional male characters, for a further example (and vice versa! I have straight friends who crush on fictional characters of their same gender! But that doesn’t make them any less straight. And no, I’m not erasing bi people here either, just clarifying in case if you needed that).
Not being able to differentiate your opinions of a fictional universe can get very toxic. Like I love Laito, but I’m not like “omg I wish he was real so he could do that stuff to me uwu” like no!!! UH!!! I wouldn’t want to date anyone like him in real life! That’s literal abuse! And if Laito was here in real life it’s not a controlled environment, he’d literally be able to do anything with you, etc. That’s what makes a fantasy, a fantasy. They’re controlled.
Also vice versa, some people get really triggered by Dialovers, specifically Laito’s route. A lot of non-consensual acts that he does have been experienced by people in real life in any extent, myself included. For me, it’s a personal escape from that, because it is an environment where I am prepared for those events and can control my exposure to it. For some, they are reminded of the reality they had to experience. Fictional universes are inspired by real life, no matter what way you look at it. Real life people are making it, after all.
I feel like I’m going in so many circles, but trust me, I’m getting to the point.
I- I can’t explain this enough but it is most definitely implied that Cordelia had raped and sexually abused Laito. If it was explicit, DL would be an 18+ game, but they cannot do that in Japan. I’m not going to like defend this point because so many people (myself included) have defended this point. It’s implications carry over into Laito’s character and why he’s like this. He’s a textbook sexual abuse survivor. I just,,,, cannot explain this enough. Same thing with overwriting the abuse of Yui. They get jealous of Yui. Sure I’d say a good chunk of people have ravishment fantasies here. At least the 18+ people in the fandom who are into that stuff. But oh my dear god, ravishment fantasies are super super dangerous to enact in real life. It’s possible to do them, but it would take years of building up to that point in kink. That’s a whole other discussion though and I’m not incredibly comfortable talking about it knowing that minors read my blog (I’ll also have to say here: no minors in kink--its alright to educate yourself but pleaaaaaaaaaase don’t enact on any of those activities until you are of age, and even so that still can be dangerous right as you turn 18).
But anyways, saying that Yui should enjoy this because she’s experienced the ravishment fantasy you’ve dreamed of? Oh fucking hell, if you leave that opinion and mentality unchecked and it goes into real life, that’s incredibly awful. Abuse apologists are absolutely terrible people, almost as much as the abusers themselves.
If you twist the narrative that Laito loves Cordelia or Yui loves the boys at the end of the first game, that’s still––ughhhhhhhh. Especially when it’s so obvious that Laito has so many mental issues with Cordelia. His whole monologue and breakdown at the end of Dark Fate definitely tells us that he has had such an issue with Cordelia. And MB+ Laito is still Laito. As for Yui, dude she literally goes through stockholm syndrome in the first game like it is so goddamn apparent idek how to explain this at this point.
Ok dear god lmao wow, uh I think that’s answering the first couple of questions?
The philosophy of truth:
“Truth” has been an incredibly debated topic in philosophy for years. Truth is more of a subjective item rather than objective. Sure you can have personal objective truths, but they may not be the same truths for others. For example, a tomato is red. However, that tomato is red to me, because I am not color blind. A red-green color blind person may see the tomato as being brown or more muted in color. That’s their truth. They can’t really imagine what red is (ok depending on severity of their color blindness), considering they have not experienced the color red in the same way people who don’t have color blindness do. God uh, here’s a whole ass essay about truth, I’m cherry picking some of the things in there that are relevant to this.
Basically what I’m saying is, truth is very subjective. However, there are philosophers arguing a more objective truth. But that’s a whole other discussion. Also, this isn’t to support any political opinion, but I can use that as an example. Let’s go for well... The death penalty. I’m in America, we have the death penalty in some states. Yes, this is a very controversial topic, and no I’m not arguing the ethics of it here. Just hear me out.
If you live in Europe for example (except in Belarus and Russia––ok when I looked it up they consider Russia in Europe and technically it is but also there’s the whole chunk that is not- lmao even the truth of geography can be subjective), you might be like “yeah what the fuck are Americans doing?” (a common sentiment that I also share lmao). But yeah, what the fuck are we doing? Why is the death penalty still in existence? Yes, there’s statistics that prove that it doesn’t deter crime, but even crime rates is caused by a lot of different things too. Even statistics aren’t always accurate, because of many different factors. They’re not objective either, although good statisticians try their best to get good results and not skew the data. (please try to see where your data is coming from and who it is sponsored by––it matters a TON)
I’d say the closest thing we have as an objective truth to argue the death penalty or not is money. Money, although the concept is subjective, is a very objective currency. It’s why artists hate “exposure” compared to “money” as sole currency. The death penalty is very expensive, and not even used that often.
So, although money is currency made by us, and is technically 75% linen and 25% cotton (in America at least) with some funky dudes n numbers printed on it, it doesn’t sound that special. However, it would be considered as a baseline of some type of “objective truth” in ~society~ because people are typically on the same page of what money’s worth. Even so, this baseline of truth is still subjective! If Bill Gates accidentally has a $20 bill fall out of his pocket, that’s nothing to him! But if someone who’s working very hard to make ends meet loses that same amount of money, it could deal a lot of financial damage to that person.
Ok, hopefully you guys kind of get my drift. There are a lot of theories of truth, I’m just explaining one (honestly I forget the name of this theory) because it is the closest to the types of truth we are dealing with. And in this case, it’s called “canon.”
What the fuck is analysis:
The concept of “canon” is the objective truth that we have when analyzing universes. They’re our bread and butter of interpretation and extrapolation. The art of analysis clings to this notion of an objective truth. It needs a baseline. I’m going off of Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle, because that type of analysis I have the most experience with.
This is called rhetorical analysis. Rhetoric is the use of words in a persuasive fashion, and the analysis part is a breakdown of how words are used in order to achieve persuasiveness. I don’t typically use a lot of explicit rhetorical analysis in my personal writings, but I guess a version of it. Which typically has to deal with intention and execution. A lot of analysis on language has to do with this. Language is incredibly subjective. Certain words carry individual meanings to people. I have gone over the difference between real and lexical definitions before, and I’ll do it again.
I’ll just copy and paste what I’ve said before here from this analysis:
To put it simply, lexical definitions are the definitions you find in the dictionary. This is an “official” and “agreed upon” definition. Real definitions (quite a misleading name in my opinion) is the definition that’s more kind of “felt” in a way and how you internally interpret the word in context (these can be through individuals or any niche group). What I mean by this is that when you say a word (for example) to convey a feeling, you usually won’t know the dictionary definition off the top of your head. You say that something’s “savage” for example when you want to describe something violent or gruesomely awesome (it depends if it’s in a slang context or not) but there’s many lexical definitions (and outdated lexical definitions) of the term. But the first definition that usually comes up is “adj (of an animal or force of nature) fierce, violent, and uncontrolled.”
But people typically don’t think of the lexical definition when they learn what a word means; they usually learn the context of it and apply it as such. And that’s what a “real” definition is. Laito has a differing definition of what affection and love is, and that’s his own meaning and what it means to him.
I’ll even add another example to that too. The word “cunt” in english refers to a vagina. That’s just it. It’s lexically synonymous with “vagina,” “pussy,” etc. However, “cunt” has a subjective meaning to it. This is where “real” definitions also come into play. Many people view the word as vulgar and dirty. And that’s cuz we live in a ~society~ lmao. Our use of language has shaped what this word means in a context outside of the dictionary. I’ll do you one more. The Japanese word マンコ (manko) is also vulgar slang that’s kind of like our word “cunt/pussy.” Sometimes I say “cunt” for jokes, but I don’t use it that often to begin with since it’s just a very strong word to most (albeit it’s not that strong of a word for me). However, マンコ is a strong word to many Japanese people, but if I hear it even though I’ve been learning Japanese, it doesn’t have that same effect as hearing “cunt” for me is (which still, idc if I really hear it depending on context) because I haven’t been shaped in a culture that uses Japanese.
Even so, tone, intention, and context is HUGE in this. If someone called me a “useless fucking cunt” when they’re angry at me, I’d be close to crying. If someone told that to me as a joke, I’d be like “lol yeah you right, bitchass” and if someone said that in a consensual sexual context, it would certainly tickle my masochistic heart.
DSLKFJ also sorry if you don’t like hearing that word, I just had to utilize a strong example for this. But anyways, now let’s change the lens to Dialovers.
No, it never explicitly says that Cordelia rapes Laito. It doesn’t. However, there’s this WACKY thing called being able to infer, reading between the lines, and identifying implications. Those are kind of all the same things. However, indirect exposition is used a lot in effective creative writing. The utilization of this type of exposition is more preferred when writing a story, because direct exposition is kind of referred to as “info-dumping” when used excessively. Forgive my jargon: this is just showing vs telling as we’re taught in every writing class. I’m personally very bad at it, which is why I stick to writing these, and stick to reading creative fiction. (NOT SAYING IF YOU’RE NOT GOOD AT THIS TO NOT CONTINUE TO PRACTICE CREATIVE FICTION, I JUST DONT HAVE THE CURRENT MOTIVATION TO GET GOOD AT IT)
Dialovers uses a LOOOOOT of showing. And even so, its “showing” ability is very minimal considering the Japanese language can be vague on its own, it’s medium (visual novel) does not show a lot of things explicitly most of the time (and even when it is shown it doesn’t convey a lot). There’s several CGs of Laito and Yui where it doesn’t show the amount of pain or the dire situation Yui’s in, compared to what she’s saying she’s going through.
When I made my whole breakdown on Laito’s HDB route from Yui’s perspective, I got several comments about how they didn’t realize how bad his route really was. That’s either because people might not have experience with verbal abuse themselves, can’t exactly see Yui’s body language except her head (and even so, her expressions are limited), or don’t know a lot of gaslighting/verbal abuse techniques/have done research into it. Honestly verbal abuse is kind of hard to realize, so I’m not calling anyone dumb here. Despite me knowing a lot of the signs, I didn’t know I went through it––and even so I’ve denied it. And that’s what is so effective about this game though! Especially Laito’s route! Because you’re also sucked in with limited knowledge because you’re seeing this through Yui’s perspective, and on top of that it’s isolating. You can only make so many choices, and I feel like Dialovers is perfect as a visual novel. You get caught up with a lot of shock value things that Laito says, which serves as a perfect distraction for your first time through. But anyways, I’m getting off track.
For example, many people found his Maniac 07 chapter to be very confusing. I broke that one down here as well, and even so I was confused at first (also I was like 14/15, dear god). It tells you SO little, but you know that Laito’s incredibly upset at Richter for some reason, and even so, Yui comments on it a little too. Laito is shown to still hate Richter in DF, but he talks about it a tad more.
Here’s a further example from my writings in that first part of the Cordelia/Laito analysis series but I have bolded the terms I use to convey this rhetoric:
There hasn’t been any flashbacks that specifically show us the first time that happened. However, I believe that there was a flashback in HDB that shows one of the first times. Here’s a scene from Laito’s Dark Epilogue:
Cordelia: ー Laito…Laito… Laito: …Hm? Is something the matter? Cordelia: I have a favor to ask. It just isn’t enough. You can do it, right Laito? Laito: You really are something…So that’s why you came to me again? Cordelia: Fufufu…That’s right, Laito. Come on, quickly… Laito: …Guess it can’t be helped. I’ll love you plenty. Cordelia: Aah…My cute Laito~ I love you. I really do. Laito: I can do it…right? Cordelia: Of course, Laito. Now, quickly…
First of all, ew. Second of all, Laito’s diction implies that this was maybe the second or third time this occurred. He asks a question, and ends it with “again.” We know by this that it is not the first time, but the question also means that Laito might not have expected to occur again. His tone also implies some surprise to it, at least in my ears. His other question, “I can do it, right?” screams hesitance to me. If this scene took place down the line, or after many times he did this with Cordelia, I don’t believe he’d be some level of surprised or hesitance.
That’s what rhetorical analysis is. You take the contextual meaning of the words, the tone they use, and extrapolate what they imply. On top of this, we know that the term “love” here is sexual, implying that they did something sexual. We are not given the details of this, but considering we know that Laito uses “love” before he rapes Yui in the game, we can infer that’s what happened (or something similar) to himself with Cordelia, considering he projects on Yui quite a bit.
I was going to go over what is good/bad analysis, but I think I’ve implied it anyways here. Utilizing separate information from different sources of canon in order to make sense of something is good analysis. That’s our objective truth: canon. I’m not saying I’m the best at analysis, but I am fairly confident in it. It’s how I’m able to attempt to answer some of your “how would Laito react” questions without it being specifically hinted in the game. You cannot cherry pick specific sentences and go off of that alone for analysis. It’s context. It’s reading tone. It’s knowing the characters attitudes towards things, how they speak, etc. There’s a lot going into analysis in general. I know I didn’t elaborate on Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle right now, but that’s for another date I suppose.
Oh dear god I hope I didn’t lose you guys, I know this is a lot of information, but if you have any questions/comments/clarifications, as always, please let me know!
Hope you enjoyed! -Corn
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ineffablefool · 3 years
If you, like me, have multiple paragraphs in your blog description, and would like them to be separated in some way at least in mobile without the separators also showing up in your themed blog in a browser, then here, have a thing.  This does require editing your theme, but I promise it’s a super easy edit.
To be clear, this is to get you some manner of separator character/characters on mobile.  This doesn’t put back the actual paragraph break.  Like so -- I’ve got two spaces, a bullet, then two spaces.
Tumblr media
I recommend saving off your existing description before you do any of this.  Just in case.
If you’ve got some familiarity with HTML and CSS, then I can probably just tell you “all you have to do is put a uniquely classed p tag in between each set of already existing p tags, then add a style rule in your theme to render that class as display: none.  The stylesheet doesn’t get loaded in mobile, so the content from the new paragraphs will still display there. (Also probably this works with divs or other block elements too but I’m using p.)”
If that was gobbledygook, here, have some detailed steps.
So you’ve got a multiple-paragraph blog description already, yeah? Maybe it’s these two paragraphs:
I like stuff.
Also things.
Well, then, the HTML looks something like this, right?
<p>I like stuff.</p><p>Also things.</p>
Stick your cursor after the first paragraph ends, before the second begins.  Paste in this:
<p class="mobileduck">🦆</p>
So now it looks like
<p>I like stuff.</p><p class="mobileduck">🦆</p><p>Also things.</p>
Now, there’s two things you can tweak before you save.  One is the word mobileduck -- you can change that to any sequence of letters (no spaces), but it needs to be a name that isn’t used in your layout already.  You can leave it mobileduck and everything will be okay.  Nobody will see that text when they look at your blog.  Just, if you change it, remember what you changed it to because you’ll need that in a mo.  You can go back and look it up here again if you need but it’s annoying to have to go back.
The other thing you can change with that text is the duck!  Perhaps you do not want a divider that is a single duck emoji with no spaces.  That is fine.  You can put a bullet here, or a heart emoji, or two slashes, or the word “wombat”.  If you want extra spaces, hitting spacebar twice will not give you two spaces on the page.  & nbsp;  (with no spaces but keep the semicolon at the end; mobile renders this post differently from browser so I can't show you it exactly but it's one word that starts with ampersand and ends with semicolon) is the code to type to force an extra space.  (That’s not what the non-breaking space is primarily for but it does work so hey.)  If you wanted the bullet from my image above, for instance, you’d type the ampersandy word from above, space, •, space, ampersandy word again.  You can do pretty squiggly things with ~ and * or whatever you want.
Okay!  Save your blog description.  Now if you look in browser, you will see the divider text appear.  Oh no!  That is not what we wanted!  That’s okay.  You just gotta make one little edit to your theme HTML.  You should see an “Edit HTML” link just a little ways above the box where you can put your multi-paragraph blog description.  Some weird partly-colored text will jump out of the left side when you click it but this is good.
In that new area of partly-colored text, find (as in like Ctrl-F) the first place that there is a <style> tag.  There might be multiple, but that’s fine.  Put your cursor right after the > and hit Enter a couple of times.
Paste this starting on the new line you created:
.mobileduck {
           display: none;
If you changed the mobileduck name earlier, then change it again here to match.  It doesn’t matter if you changed the duck emoji to something else.  Notice there is a period before the name.  That needs to stay!
Save your changes, save your theme, keep saving till you get an exit button and escape to view mode.  You’re done!
Hopefully that makes sense to people who didn’t just go “oh, of course!” at the short version.
5 notes · View notes
sourestlemon · 3 years
So. I made a bet with my friend that I could get through Omegaverse Haikyuu fanfiction because he says I can’t so if I read https://archiveofourown.org/works/13330632/chapters/30514041 that I’m going to get free icecream and twenty bucks.
But still, Bokuaka! Bokuaka is beautiful, I should rant about it more actually
This is me talking about this fic as I read, so it’ll be updated until I finish
Note, I’ve finished and it’s very very long. You’ve been warned
There’s my review and meta at the end of this as well as some critiques
Spoilers ahead.
“The Jewel of Seijou”
Bokuaka is so fucking cute dear god.
Oh. It’s sinful now
Ushijima better stop throwing shade at my boi’s
“"I can't believe you all think that you can go against the crown and live!" Ushishima says silencing them all. The alpha was slowly emitting his pheromones wanting to show them all his superiority. No one said a word against him. "Toru! I didn't know you'll be as lowly to use your family name to gather us here!" The alpha seethed to the omega that could have been his wife. Iwazumi hackles raised and bared his lips at the beginning of a growl. "And you!" Ushijima turned to Bokuto full on emitting his pheromones making the rest of the alpha's shoulder hackle cautiously and Oikawa to cling at Iwazumi. But Bokuto meet Ushijima calmly, unfazed by the bloodlust while Akaashi was frozen to his spot but didn't show any emotion.”
So what we get out of this paragraph is
1) Bitchy Ushi. I love Ushijima don’t get me wrong he’s precious but like. This fic Ushijima? Son of a bitch walking up in here like “Toru! How dare you be so lowly—“ and fucking trying to dominate everyone.
2) Protective Iwaizumi. Protect the precious Seijou Jewel. Do it, fight for him, protect him he’s scared.
3) Is Ushijima salty because Oikawa didn’t choose him? Oh god, he is isn’t he.
4) Akaashi’s go to emotion isn’t emotion.
5) Shits about to go down, Bokuto is gonna flip eventually, if Ushi threatens anyone—it’d probably be Oikawa or Akaashi seeing as they’re omega’s—I can see Bokuto and Iwaizumi just flipping their shit.
God I’m way to invested. Why did I read this
Awww Kageyama cares, Tsukki cares
More people came surrounding them. "What the hell," Akaashi recognized Iwazumi's voice.
Iwaizumi’s reaction is the only respectable reaction.
Wait this has major character death in the tags
Everyone has decided that Oikawa and Akaashi must be defended but just once I want them to flip their shit and kill someone. Just once.
Bokuto, Lev and Iwaizumi all want to protect Oikawa but Iwaizumi doesn’t even fucking trust em.
Why does everyone act like Nishinoya not wanting to move on so quickly is a bad thing? It’s perfectly reasonable and I hate how everyone is like “What’s wrong with you, do you not like us?” And getting super standoffish or snappish simply because Nishinoya loves Asahi so much and doesn’t want to feel like they didn’t need him.
I really don’t like how Nishinoya/Tanaka/Ennoshita became a thing in this fic. It would be cute if it didn’t just happen because Nishinoya was desperate and if he wasn’t he wouldn’t have fucked Tanaka.
Oh dear god I don’t want Kenma to die.
Oh thank god it’s okay.
Fuck I forgot they had boobs
Did Bokuto almost name the Kuroken baby Oya but changed last minute?
I’m feelin a little sniffly. I might fucking cry over an Omegaverse fic. Oh how the mighty have fallen
Oh my god the stars. I don’t think Bo is coming back y’all. I’m so nervous
The fuckin royals aren’t getting Keiji. No. Nuh-uh FUCK THAT SHIT
-cue mac worrying about oikawa because seijou is allied with fukurodani and an easy way to tear seijou away from the alliance is to kidnap oikawa and iwaizumi might split to keep him safe and ushi fucking knows this and possibly tendou also oiks is pretty as fuck-
Iwaizumi making Bokuto promise to save Oikawa if things went to shit makes me so worried but the same time his lil speech made my IwaOi heart so happy.
Suga bby...
Tendou, Ushijima I never thought I’d say this but I fucking hate them right now. They better not hurt the other best Boi’s.
Ushijima is salty as fuck confirmed.
"You truly are a piece of art," Ushijima said gently ...."But not as beautiful as him," the alpha muttered as he threw the omega to the floor.
So, this little snippet sent disgusting shivers down my spine for two reasons.
1) Ushijima just yeeted Akaashi, my son and
2) Any reader knows who the ‘he’ Ushi is talking about is, the only person in this book who is said to be as beautiful as Akaashi. You guessed it, the boi who rejected Ushi-fucking-jima, Jewel of Seijou himself Oikawa Tooru.
The thing that grosses me out the most about this paragraph just on its own is that Ushijima is either guessing about what Oikawa looks like, or he actually knows which overall just gives me the heebie jeebies because Oikawa definitely didn’t want that. What makes my skin crawl in this little snippet is what Ushijima would do when if he got his angry little hands on Oikawa—or Iwaizumi, but Iwa would probably be killed or used as a bargaining chip.
Hmmmmm, I’m pretty sure Ushi is in love with Tendou but the beauty statement still stands possibly???? Unless specified otherwise, because Akaashi and Oikawa are canonically considered the most beautiful people in the fic.
Also this entire chapter just makes me feel so gross, fuck Ushijima man. Fuck him.
My Ushijima loving heart hurts reading this fic.
I just want Akaashi and Oikawa to straight up kill someone. Please, anyone who I don’t care about
"I came right on time," Bokuto forced out his voice cracking with emotion. "Now I can engulf you in my arms and brighten your days despite the absence of the sun. You will no longer have to endure the cold winters alone. I'll be with you, I be there for you and our child," The alpha vowed his hands itching in need.
"Are you going to leave us again?" Akaashi needed to know. The omega already knew that he wouldn't be able to survive being apart from the alpha. He knew that he wouldn't win the battle with the overwhelming loneliness.
"The seas could dry up, the mountains could turn to pebbles, the trees could die and the whole world could be on fire and I still won't leave your side."
That was all Akashi needed to hear as he leaped into his alphas arm and let go of all the pain he has held in
I’m not crying I swear
They walked together side by side and Akaashi finally faced them. They were both beaten, bloody, and torn butinstead of feeling satisfaction he felt remorse. They both looked at him with soft, wide eyes, and he realized that this was the moment they were waiting for. They wanted to see the child that they both desperately wanted and Akaashi decided to give them a parting gift.
Akaashi had won, he had won from the very beginning and he held his trophy who was a small babe with golden orbs, with mutant white and black hair. He hadn't lied to Tendou when he had said that the baby looked exactly like his father.
Meta and Review
So I just read A/B/O for the first time and I knew absolutely nothing about the entire trope that Mpreg existed and to stay the hell away from it. Please remember this in the meta and tell me if there way of dividing characters is ever specified or if it’s just decided by top-bottom dynamics.
The story was pretty good outside of what I’m about to talk about. I liked the ships and most of the buildup, the worldbuilding seems solid, the war and UshiTens situation was really interesting to me and it made Ushi and Tendou a bit morally gray and could’ve talked about how people could do bad things for what they thought were the right reason and everything was clean cut.
Overall? Eh. Could’ve been done better
Not onto the rest
This doesn’t seem as toxic or inherently bad as most fics I’ve seen, I didn’t really like how Omega’s are always inherently feminine—the dresses, jewels, how they’re seen as inherently weaker and sometimes helpless, how they’re always referred to as “my lady”—and aren’t really given another choice because they might have the ability to reproduce in A/B/O but they aren’t women. It’s okay if a man is really feminine but for all of them to be? It rubbed my the wrong way.
I wish that the power structure was handled different in A/B/O in general. Omega’s seem to be treated like they’re helpless and I just...don’t like it? Omega’s might be submissive but that doesn’t make them physically weaker and if it did, I would’ve thought they would have picked up some other useful skills like diplomacy or strategy.
As usually, my example of how a character could’ve been handled better is Oikawa.
He’s my favorite character and I adored him but he just didn’t really deliver. It felt like he was being treated like a kid throughout this entire fic, it didn’t seem like he was doing anything during the war. Even if Omega’s don’t have a lot of physically prowess and abilities, what happened to Oikawa’s strategic and analytical nature? Why was it never mentioned in any of Bokuto’s POV sections because out all the leaders of the Allied Kingdoms, Oikawa is the best strategist—Kuroo is the exception, not the rule and I thought they should’ve been working together because smort boys—but he was simply hidden away.
Now I have no problems with all the protective IwaOi scenes when they’re in immediate danger—it makes perfect sense if Omega’s are physically weaker but have other usable talents that are taken seriously—and Oikawa simply can’t talk his way out of said problem.
I do however, have a problem with cowering Oikawa. That feels so OOC at the beginning of the first scene I cited, where is all of the quick wit and worthless pride from the show? Now, it makes sense for Oikawa to start getting scared and simply slip behind Iwaizumi once Ushijima tries to dominate everyone and all the Alphas start freaking out if Oikawa is at an actual, physical disadvantage—I feel like the alpha’s their have similar frames, or at least most of them do. Bokuto, Ushijima, Kuroo and Iwaizumi are jacked and beefy, everyone but Iwa is relatively tall too. Now, Oikawa’s tall too but he’s much thinner and leaner. I’d be scared too if everyone could break me like a twig if it came down to it—but no ??? Apparently at the first sign of any conflict he just gets scared??? He doesn’t know what’s going on in his own fucking kingdom ???
This is not Oikawa.
I didn’t like how they treated most of the Omega’s actually, it felt like they were just reverted to helpless damsels in distress. What happened to Kenma’s observation skills? Nishinoya’s everything?
More importantly, what decides Alpha’s and Omega’s? Is it up in the air like gender is? What are Beta’s then? It can’t just be who’s top and who’s bottom, that would mean the alpha-beta-omega- status wouldn’t be decided until you had a mate
From what I’ve seen in the fic, it goes by ship dynamics but what if the characters who had more strategic, cunning, observant traits and weren’t as buff and muscly would be Omega’s and had the brain power while characters who relied more on physical prowess would be Alpha’s and dominant in a purely physical way sometimes while characters who were an odd combination of the two would be Beta’s.
Going by my logic, instead of the top being the alpha and the bottom just being an omega without any personality it would be...
Bokuto- Alpha, like he was in the story. He’s definitely more physically inclined then Akaashi.
Akaashi: Omega, same as in the fic. Not to say he isn’t athletic but he relies more on his mind.
Iwaizumi- Alpha, like in the fic but from a purely physical standpoint and because he can rein Oikawa in when his friend starts going nuts.
Oikawa - Beta, he’s quite powerful but he’s also manipulative, strategic and his mind is scary as fuck.
Kuroo- Beta, he relies on his physical prowess and dorkily perfect brain a lot so he’s also a mixture of both.
Kenma- Omega, physically he’s a twig but his mind is what makes him the brain of Nekoma
Hinata- Alpha, he doesn’t use his brain a lot and has a lot of physical power
Kageyama - Beta, he’s pretty smart when it comes to volleyball and he’s also physically strong
Suga - Omega, he’s quite clever and his brain power out ways his physical prowess by a landslide
Daichi- Beta, he firms strategies and relies on his brain, plus his killer thighs
Tsukishima - Beta, he has his hue fur and athleticism but his brain power is also strong as fuck
Yamaguchi - Beta, he seems to be really people smart and eventually his serves are pretty good.
Can Betas get into a relationship with other Betas? I don’t know or care, we stan Alpha-Alpha, Beta-Beta and Omega-Omega ships here
do I have to read more
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
Happy Coincidence Chance Discovery
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Piper, Jared Padalecki x Piper,
Characters: Dean Winchester /Jensen Ackles, mentions of Chad Michael Murray 
Word Count:4367
Warnings: cursing, kissing, nudity, implied sex/genital fondling/teasing 
 *Jared and Jensen are single.
A/N: for @idreamofplaid​  Thanks for the Memories Challenge #plaid and the memories  HAPPY BIRTHDAY JARED🎉
Prompt: Season 11, episode 4, Baby
A/N: Baby is my favorite episode but every time I’ve watched it I kept wondering; Sam’s hook up with Piper the waitress? So this is my fill in that blank with a Jared twist.
Divider: created by @writeyourmindaway​
*No beta all mistakes are mine
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Dean drives into the parking lot of a roadhouse just after dusk and Sam looks at the marquee shaking his head in disbelief.
“Are you serious? Dean, it's late, I’m exhausted and..and.. and starving.  And this place. I mean, even Swayze wouldn't come to this roadhouse.” Sam groused.
“First of all, never use Swayze’s name in vain, okay. Ever.” Dean chastises his brother for such a sacrilege, “Second, you don't remember this place? You don't remember Heather, the hunter we worked the wendigo case a couple years ago?”
“Oh, yeah,” Sam partially smiles, remembering that night of fun.
 “Yeah, exactly” Dean taking the same trip down memory lane.
“What, she’s here tonight?” Sam asks, perking up a bit.
 “I texted her, she's working a rugaru case in Texas.” Dean says.
“Actually, she never texted me back. That's not the point, the point is that we have a ton of driving left to do just to go to a town where it's not probably a case.” Dean points ahead, “But in there, good times.”
 “Uh...” Sam hedges looking at the building.
 “But time heals all wounds, especially good times. What do ya say?” Dean looks at his brother hopeful.
 “I say... knock yourself out.” Sam answers with his usual reply and Dean looks away, “I'm gonna find a diner and dig into the lore like Cas did, see if anythings ever happened where we’re headed.”
“Ah man, you really got to learn to have fun.” Dean’s reply was full of disappointment in his little brother.
“Seriously. It’s pathetic.” 
They both climb out of the Impala. Sam grabs his bag from the backseat and starts walking back towards town as Dean heads into the roadhouse. 
Sam had walked over a mile looking for somewhere to eat. Being Saturday night he thought there’d be more open but that’s small town living, the streets roll up at noon on the weekends. 
He was about to give up and hike back to that mom & pop gas station he passed for a microwave burrito, preferably bean to get back at Dean, when he happened upon a small, local place, Mak’s Diner. 
Hitching his bag up, he pushed open the door expecting the usual greasy spoon Dean's unerring sense navigates towards and stops just inside the front door.
It was an older establishment, obviously one of those passed down from generation to generation places but to his surprise it was well maintained, despite the C on the marquee being burnt out.
“Evening, have a seat anywhere and I’ll be right with you.” A woman’s voice called out from the kitchen. Sam walked past the counter smiling at only other occupants, an elderly couple having coffee and dessert, heading towards the back where family seating was located. 
As he passed the next to last booth he noticed a closed laptop, several open books with notes scrawled around their margins, highlighted paragraphs and a few notebooks scattered on its tabletop.
He dropped the bag on the seat and shed his jacket before sliding into the booth, fishing out his laptop and the legal pad that he had started making more notes on earlier.
“Hey there, what can I get you?” 
Picking up the menu laying by his elbow Sam glances through it, “Coffee and the Cobb salad, thanks.” He orders closing the menu and looking up to hand it to the waitress. She is differently not what he would have expected to find in a backwater burg like this one. 
Her makeup is understated, nails painted a neutral color and her copper hued hair is pulled back in an elegant chiffon, not a high ponytail or hastily bobby pinned up-do, held in place with a real silver clip, the type that’s handed down as an heirloom.
“Just the Cobb salad?” She asked looking under the tabletop, taking in Sam’s long legs somewhat stretched out under it, boots bumping against the other side of the circular booth. Her blue/grey eyes slowly travel up appraising his body till they meet his.
“Big boys like you need more than a few leafy greens for stamina.” 
Sam felt himself blushing like he was seventeen again. Waitresses blatantly flirt with Dean and vice versa all the time so he’s taken aback by this woman's more than blatant appraisal of his physique.
“I, um, yeah, ju..just the salad.” Sam stammers out.
“Okay, be back with that coffee.” Her smiles genuinely, not that faked for the customers sake one he’s used to.
Sam appraises her retreating figure like she did him. She’s not wearing the nurses white or black rubber soled shoes that’s usual waitress gear he’s seen but a brand of tennis shoes he knows are out of the typical income of career restaurant staff. 
The fifties style, yellow uniforms color is completely unflattering, not fitting her right, way too tight around her bust and hips and far shorter than it should be, her mile long legs on display.
Sam shifts in his seat and tries to discreetly palm down his spontaneous erection but not so little Sam is putting up a fight, making it known it's been way too long since he’s gotten wet and he wants to enjoy her junoesque attributes. 
While he is waiting for a page to load Sam hears the elderly couple preparing to leave. He watches as the husband helps his wife into her jacket and gently takes her hand, resting it in the crook of his arm as they slowly make their way to the exit, feeling the pang of loneliness that’s his constant companion.
“Mr. Reynolds’s, hang on a sec,” the waitress calls from the kitchen emerging with a white cake box tied shut, “Auntie wanted me to make sure you got this before leaving. She’s sorry she missed your anniversary party.”
“You tell her we missed her, needs to hurry up and get well.” Mrs. Reynolds remarked as her husband took the box with his free hand. She glanced back towards Sam, “Sweetie, you gonna be okay here with the likes of him?” 
Sam kept his expression neutral, waiting to see how this plays out. He knew people found him intimidating because of his size and being a stranger in a small town, he definitely stands out but not many were that blatant about it.
“He ordered a Cobb salad, I think I can handle him,” she jested winking at him.
The couple bid her goodnight and she went back into the kitchen, Sam realizing they were now all alone. Sighing, he starts reading the info again trying to figure out what exactly their hunting is. Or not.
He was so focused on his research like usual he didn’t acknowledge the waitress standing there with his order.
“Kmm hmm,” Sam’s head snapped up, “must be something really good if you don’t notice the likes of me.” She chided him setting down a coffee decanter and cup.
“Sorry, guess I was kinda caught up.” Sam moves the laptop and notepad over as she sets down his salad and two types of dressing. “Figured you might not be a ranch type of guy so I grabbed the vinaigrette too.” 
“Thanks, I prefer vinaigrette, don’t usually get offered it.” 
“I’m pretty good at reading people which is why I also brought you this,” she set down another plate with a lettuce wrapped, curiously colored and, by the smell, not meat burger with all the fixings, a generous helping of baked sweet potato fries and a green colored milkshake.
“I didn’t order this.”
“I know but it cooks night off and I’m trying some new recipes. Seeing as you're the only other one here, you've been conscripted as my guinea pig.” She slid into the other side of his booth where an identical plate rested, “I wasn’t kidding about you needing more than just a salad. Besides, I hate eating alone, you wouldn’t believe how often it happens. Fuck, where’s my manners, I’m Piper.” She stuck her hand out across the table.
He takes her preferred hand amazed how it fits perfectly in his, “Sam.” 
“So Sam, figure out what you're hunting yet?” She asked nonchalantly as she picked up her burger, “Cause, not being judgey, but that’s some really random shit you got there.” She takes a bite, watches as his expression bounces between startled and incredulous.
“Saw your Tarsus 99 when you took off your jacket. I had one as a kid, then daddy got killed on a hunt and I got sent here to live with Auntie, she doesn’t cotton to hunting.” 
Piper picked up a fry pointing it at him, “But what I really wanna know, where the hell did you get that demon blade, ‘cause I’ve never seen one like it before.” 
Sam hesitates, “That’s a long story.” 
“Don’t close till one and I’ve got nowhere to be after.”
Sam decides to deflect instead of answering. “So what is it you do, because you're definitely not a waitress.” 
“Officially, I’m an antique appraiser. Unofficially, I’m helping a wayward hunter who graced my door with something he can’t figure out.”
Sam and Piper, after closing the diner, stayed another three hours hashing out the research for his case were now taking their time walking back towards the roadhouse. 
“I’ve been wanting to ask, what’s with that name tag?” Sam noticed early it read Maggie.
“Came with this god awful uniform. Auntie insists that we all adhere to how her daddy ran the place. So when I came back to temporarily help out after her surgery, Maggie decided she was not gonna take orders from someone younger, quit and I got stuck with this. I told Auntie it wouldn’t fit, even with letting out the hem. Maggie was like five-four and I’m over five-ten! 
Ugh! I keep popping these stupid top buttons and can’t freaking bend over without showing everyone my C U Next Tuesday.” 
Sam smiled that nervous smile he got when unsure how to respond to an answer he wasn’t expecting.
“I normally wear this to cover it,” moving her pocketed hands in the light weight, knee length sweater she had put on when they left the diner, “but I have to confess,” Piper turned around, walking backwards, “I took it off when I saw you come in, thought what the hell, been long time since a really cute guy has walk through my door so...” She bit her lip, turning back around as they continued down the lane in companionable silence.
Sam mused over her confession admitting to himself he was interested in her too. He enjoyed sharing different theories and bouncing ideas of what they might be hunting back and forth with her, surprising him with her unique take on things.
Piper might not have been the type he consciously steered towards since Jess but she was comfortable to be around, didn’t feel his usual awkwardness he normally had around most women. 
They arrived at the roadhouse a few minutes later and Sam led her towards the Impala.
“Damn, you brother is a fucking artist, how many times has he rebuilt her?” Piper asked walking around the car, running her hand over the Impalas pristine exterior. 
“To many.” Sam replies, putting his bag on the front seat. “Can I have a look?” He turns to see Piper standing by the trunk. “Um, sure.” Strolling over he unlocks it and lifts the interior wheel well exposing the car's hidden armory.
“Is that a grenade launcher?”
“Yeah, Dean found it at the bunker.” Sam laughed remembering how excited Dean had been when he discovered it. 
Piper shook her head shutting the trunk and hopped up on it, “What’cha wanna do now, go in,” gesturing at the bar, “or hang out here for a while longer?”
“I think I’m good hanging o...”
Piper grabbed his jacket dragging him between her spread legs and kissed him.
It took Sam all of five seconds to process what was happening before his hands grabbed her hips and tugged her to the edge of the trunk, her short skirt riding even higher as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer.
Sam jerked back as headlights flashing over them, a patrol car drove into the parking lot. He lifted Piper off the trunk and led her to the car's back door dragging  the green cooler out of their way.
Piper climbed in as he hauled it to the trunk and grabs the army blanket Dean keeps then gets in depositing it and his jacket over the front seat.
“Where were we before being rudely interrupted?” Piper asked, sliding onto Sam’s lap and leaning in to resume kissing him. 
Sam tangled his long fingers into her now loose hair pulling to halt her, “What about that patrolman?”
“Won’t be back till closing, around six A.M.”
“That means Dean won’t either,” he says closing the space between them, heatedly attacking her lips.
Piper ran her hand over his bare chest, “How long is your refractory period?”
Sam shifted to look down at her, “umm, around twenty minutes.”
“Hmmm, I’m gonna have to see what I can do to shorten that ‘cause we are so doing that more than once again.”
“And how are you gonna do that?” 
Piper stared at him slowly trailing her hand down his torso. Sam’s breath hitched as she lightly teased her fingers across his lower stomach, running through his treasure trail and over to his hip.
Shifting further down his body she continued running her fingers over the top of his left thigh feeling the hard muscles flexing under the skin. She placed both of her hands in between his legs shifting his left one off the seat and bending his right leg back placing his foot flat on the bench seat. 
Piper kneels in the space between Sam’s spread legs continuously moving her fingers in random patterns over the insides of both tights, touching him everywhere below his waist.
Sam closed his eyes groaning loudly, dropping his head back against the window as her fingers played over his balls feeling her other hand travel behind them teasing over his...
“You fell asleep in the fucking car!”
His eyes snapped open startled. Blinking rapidly he sees Dean leaning through the open car window looking at him. 
“Dean what...where’s Piper?”
“What’s a Piper?” He growled out, “Dude, we wrapped twenty minutes ago and I’ve been looking for you, got worried cause you weren’t answering your fucking phone Jay!”
He took a good look at Dean. His foggy brain finally realizing its mistake, taking in the headset hanging around his neck and the ball cap he likes wearing when directing. “Jen, sorry, guess I’m still in Sam headspace, got disoriented for a sec.”
Jensen laughed, “You find one grey hair and suddenly you're getting memory loss and needing naps? I’ll have to remember to have you in bed by nine, old man.” 
“Your fucking hilarious Jack.” Jared shoots back sliding across the seat getting out, “Man, I had the weirdest dream.”
“From the happy noises you were making that was far from weird. And speaking of happy,” Jensen's eyebrows went up as he pointedly looked down.
Jared glances down thinking he’s drooled all over himself only to see the prominent bulge in his jeans.
“Bob’s called a meeting in five but I think we’re gonna be late.” 
“I’m telling you it was so real! She was tall with coppery blond hair, tasted like chocolate peppermint and has this tattoo above her...” Jared paused grinning, keeping that specific location to himself, “I’ve never in my life had such a vivid dream like that.”
“Dude, you like petite brunettes.” 
“I know..so why would I make her a redhead?”
“Hell if I know, it’s your giant melon. Maybe all that sugar ribbon you eat is finally getting its revenge.” Jensen snarks as they enter the meeting room.
They were greeted by Bob’s gruff voice, “About time you two showed up. Alright, now that everyone is finally here, we need to get everyone up to speed. We’re having to make changes to the filming schedule.” He pauses looking at him notes, “Jared, don’t need you to come tomorrow for those new promo shots with, what was that new character again?” 
“Y/N Y/L/N, Sam’s new love interest.”
“Right, anyways, writers scraped that idea. As some of you heard, several of our exterior locations got flooded with that last storm and it’s taking time to find new locations so instead of doing blocking we're gonna do a quick read through of the new episode.”
Jared opened his copy of the new script to episode 4: Baby.
Reading the opening scene he experiences deja vu, quickly scanning the first two pages: bunkers garage: Dean washing the Impala, Sam having a possible case in Oregon. Next scene: interior shot Impala, Sam gets a protein shake out of cooler, Dean wants to know about the beer. Next scene: pulling in roadhouse parking lot, Dean trying to get Sam to join him, goes to eat instead, shot from Impala view watching Dean walking. Next scene: daybreak continuing from the view of the car...
“Fuck me.” Jared whispers, catching Jensen's attention. “What’s wrong?”
“This is how my dream started.”
Jensen pulls a yeah right face.
Jared shifted in his chair leaning closer to Jensen, looking directly into his green eyes, “I’ll prove it. Next scene: Dean gets in the car at daybreak and a naked waitress pops up in the backseat with a voice-over from Sam. Dean gets out peeping in the driver's side back window at her getting dressed. Cut to next scene: Sam climbs into front seat buttoning his flannel as he apologizes for having sex in Dean’s car. Dean, happy his brother finally got laid drives off quoting Bob Sager lyrics, playing Night Moves and Sam changing a lyric. 
Jared continued to lay out the entire episode from memory as Jensen flips through the script following.
“Bullshit Jared, someone snuck you a copy of this script, you're totally fucking with me.” 
“Jensen, not this time.”
Jared walked back to his trailer aggravated that Jensen won’t believe he didn’t get an advance peek of the script. He can’t shake this unsettling feeling that he was forgetting something important.
He was two steps into his trailer when his phone vibrated. Chad left a voicemail instead of texting, weird.
“Jay man, you gotta do me solid. A friend of mine got the part of Y/N on your show and I don’t know what the fucks happening up there but she flipped the fuck out on me! Need you to check on her, she’s outside one of the guest trailers. And have her call me back after she’s calmed the fuck down!”
Jared snorted, another woman pissed off at Chad, shocker. “The fuck you getting me into this time Murray.” Jared mutters to himself as he heads over to the guest stars trailers and hears a somewhat familiar voice outside of one.
“What do you mean there’s nothing you can do? I get here and now they're telling me they’ve dropped the story line.”
There was a pause in conversation as Jared walked closer to hear more clearly over the lot's noises and was shocked when he saw her sitting on one of the trailer's steps.
“But I signed a contract...what? I don’t remember seeing that in there. So they can just arbitrarily drop the part with no notification, that’s bullshit! I’ve never had a clause like that in one before. I gave up my job and apartment for this!” She gets up and paces around not noticing him. 
“They're giving me the bit part of the waitress in this episode, have a five am call for hair, getting a blonde rinse so I look more like a Dean type girl. I don’t know what the fuck is with these writers, it’s like they don’t get Sam, should’ve left him like Kripke originally created him.” She paused, “paying me what? At scale! That’ll just cover my petrol for the drive back to L.A. Wait, what about my six month lease? Could you check on it.” 
“Oh, giving me two nights at the Hilton. How magnanimous of them,” she sarcastically replies, “can I still get that part on Arrow...cast someone else.” She abruptly ends the call and sits back down on the step slumping over her knees.  
“So, how much of that fucked up conversation did you overhear?” She asked not looking at him.
“Um, almost all of it.” Jared confesses, “I wasn’t intentionally eavesdropping but I got a voicemail from Chad,” she looked up staring in disbelief at Jared, “he’s worried and wanted me to check on you.” 
“Fanfuckingtastic, can this day get any better? I’ve completely humiliated myself in front of Jared Fucking Padalecki!” 
Jared can just make out her blushing in the still dimming light. “I wouldn’t say completely, I mean, you could drop your pants and yell Pudding.”
She blinked at him before doubling over in laughter, “Alright, point taken. Still, it’s a crock of shit you don’t need to be bothered with.”
“Chad’s kinda made it my problem. Look, I don't know all the details but maybe I can help, I can call casting..”
“Oh hell no! Thanks but no thanks. Bunch of assbutts on social media were already speculating about how someone like me got the part in the first place. Last thing I need is more ammo for the haters, they’ll tweet something like I had a three way with you and Ackles because I was desperate to get the part back.” 
Jared cleared his throat, running a hand through his hair embarrassed to feel turned on by the imagery she conjured up in his mind. 
 “Mmm, that’d be my wet dream come true, but not the point, they’ll just come up with some random shit.”
Jared understood being all too familiar with the anti whatever’s having been the target himself.
“Okay, how about we go to my trailer,” she gave him a skeptical look, “where you can have some privacy to call Chad back. I’ll get de-Sam’d and we can talk some more or grab a bite if you're hungry.”
“You don’t know me from Adam, what if I’m some psychotic serial stocker nut job?” 
“If your friends with Chad, you absofuckingloutley are Ms. what's your name.” Jared sarcastically remarks given her a mischievous grin.
“Touché, and it's Piper,” Jared froze at her name, “and you’ve been friends with Murry longer than me so I know you’re straight up batshit crazy.” She smarts back standing up, “lead on, oh gallant knight.”
Jared walked out of the bath toweling his wet hair sees Piper lounging on his couch still on the phone with Chad.
As he crossed over to the kitchen's fridge he couldn’t help but notice her low rise jeans had ridden lower, revealing the top half of the tattoo just above her..
“Dude, should’a told me Padalecki has a tattoo kink,” Jared tripped over his feet before catching himself embarrassed at getting caught, “Yeah, that was your boy.” She winked at him, “No way in hell I’m ever showing it to you perv.” Jared loudly laughs at that. “Hey, when I get back I’m PA’ing for you till I get another gig. Don’t you dare argue, you got me into this so it’s that or I’m on your couch for a month,” Piper rolled her eyes at Chad’s response, “Yeah, yeah, talk to you later.”
“Is that how you met Chad, working as a PA?” Jared inquired coming over to sit down next to Piper handing her a beer. 
“Yeah, paid the bills while doing auditions, was starting to pick up a few bit parts around LA.” Piper starts nervously fiddling with the bottles label, “I heard about the casting call for a new Sam girl and Murry talked me into trying out for it, so I figured unless I kiss Crowley I don’t have a shot in hell and holy fuck, I got it.” 
She stopped talking but kept playing with the label. 
“Hey, whatever it is you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Jared says gently touching her shoulder in a reassuring manner.
She took a long pull of her beer before continuing. “My Auntie died and I inherited everything, including her debts. I negotiated a smaller settlement but it wiped out all my savings.” She paused draining the rest of her bottle. “I figured it was serendipity..”
Jared is half listening, feeling that uneasy sensation again at that last word.
“...gonna be Sam Winchester’s...”
“If we’re meant to meet again,”
“.. weren’t killing her off after three episodes but then they decided to drop that story line...”
“we will.”
“...I should be going. Thanks for the beer and letting bending your ear, I’m gonna get out of your hair.” Piper gets up heading for the door.
Jared finally remembers.
“I believe in serendipity..maybe you can too.”
He quickly jumped up moving between her and the door blurting out, “I know you said you didn’t want my help but you can’t go, not yet.”
“Okay, why not? ‘Cause any other time I’d be up for some wham bam thank you ma’am but so not in the mood right now.”
Taking a deep breath he goes for it, “So, get this, after we finished filming today, I fell asleep in the Impala and had this dream…” 
Jared sat on the couch nervously chewing on his thumb watching as Piper paces back and forth mulling over his story.
She abruptly stopped and sat down on the table in front of him. “So here's the deal, I will believe everything you've told me,” Jared opens his mouth to say something but Piper reached out laying her fingers on his lips, “if you can answer one question.” 
Jared took her hand remembering how it felt so right in his, “Okay.”
“Since you’ve seen it in your dream, what does my tattoo mean?”
“In Japanese, it means happy coincidence,” Jared confidently says sitting back as Piper climbs onto his lap, “but that's the first line, the second one is chance discovery.”
Jared pulls her in, brushing his lips against hers, running his tongue across them so she’ll part them , allowing him access. He can taste the beer they’ve been drinking but there’s that sumptuous flavor of her underneath he finds intoxicating..chocolate peppermint..thinking to himself..
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esabri · 4 years
German in English wie as ich I seine his dass that er he war was für for auf on sind are mit with sie they sein be bei at ein one haben have dies this aus from durch by heiß hot Wort word aber but was what einige some ist is es it Sie you oder or hatte had die the von of zu to und and ein a bei in wir we können can aus out andere other waren were die which tun do ihre their Zeit time wenn if werden will wie how sagte said ein an jeder each sagen tell tut does Satz set drei three wollen want Luft air gut well auch also spielen play klein small Ende end setzen put Zuhause home lesen read seits hand Hafen port groß large buchstabieren spell hinzufügen add auch even Lande land hier here muss must groß big hoch high so such folgen follow Akt act warum why fragen ask Männer men Veränderung change ging went Licht light Art kind aus off müssen need Haus house Bild picture versuchen try uns us wieder again Tier animal Punkt point Mutter mother Welt world in der Nähe von near bauen build selbst self Erde earth Vater father jeder any neu new Arbeit work Teil part nehmen take erhalten get Ort place gemacht made leben live wo where nach after zurück back wenig little nur only Runde round Mann man Jahr year kam came zeigen show jeder every gut good mir me geben give unsere our unter under Name name sehr very durch through nur just Formular form Satz sentence groß great denken think sagen say Hilfe help niedrig low Linie line abweichen differ wiederum turn Ursache cause viel much bedeuten mean vor before Umzug move Recht right Junge boy alt old zu too gleich same sie she alle all da there wenn when nach oben up Verwendung use Ihre your Weg way über about viele many dann then sie them schreiben write würde would wie like so so diese these sie her lange long machen make Sache thing sehen see ihm him zwei two hat has suchen look mehr more Tag day könnte could gehen go kommen come tat did Anzahl number klingen sound nicht no am meisten most Menschen people meine my über over wissen know Wasser water als than Anruf call erste first die who können may nach unten down Seite side gewesen been jetzt now finden find Kopf head stehen stand besitzen own Seite page sollte should Land country gefunden found Antwort answer Schule school wachsen grow Studie study noch still lernen learn Anlage plant Abdeckung cover Lebensmittel food Sonne sun vier four zwischen between Zustand state halten keep Auge eye nie never letzte last lassen let Gedanken thought Stadt city Baum tree überqueren cross Bauernhof farm schwer hard Beginn start Macht might Geschichte story Säge saw weit far Meer sea ziehen draw links left spät late laufen run unterlassen Sie don’t während while Presse press Schließen close Nacht night realen real Leben life wenige few Norden north Buch book tragen carry nahm took Wissenschaft science essen eat Zimmer room Freund friend begann began Idee idea Fisch fish berg mountain Stopp stop einmal once Basis base hören hear Pferd horse Schnitt cut sicher sure beobachten watch Farbe color Gesicht face Holz wood Haupt- main geöffnet open scheinen seem zusammen together nächste next weiß white Kinder children Start begin bekam got gehen walk Beispiel example erleichtern ease Papier paper Gruppe group immer always Musik music diejenigen those beide both Marke mark oft often Schreiben letter bis until Meile mile Fluss river Auto car Füße feet Pflege care zweite second genug enough Ebene plain Mädchen girl üblich usual jung young bereit ready oben above je ever rot red Liste list obwohl though fühlen feel Vortrag talk Vogel bird bald soon Körper body Hund dog Familie family direkt direct Pose pose verlassen leave Lied song messen measure Tür door Produkt product schwarz black kurz short Zahl numeral Klasse class Wind wind Frage question passieren happen vollständig complete Schiff ship Bereich area Hälfte half Stein rock bestellen order Feuer fire Süden south Problem problem Stück piece sagte told wusste knew passieren pass seit since obere top ganze whole König king Straße street Zoll inch multiplizieren multiply nichts nothing Kurs course bleiben stay Rad wheel voll full Kraft force blau blue Objekt object entscheiden decide Oberfläche surface tief deep Mond moon Insel island Fuß foot System system beschäftigt busy Prüfung test Rekord record Boot boat gemeinsam common goldenen gold möglich possible Flugzeug plane statt stead trocken dry Wunder wonder Lachen laugh tausend thousand vor ago lief ran überprüfen check Spiel game Form shape gleichsetzen equate heiß hot Fehl miss gebracht brought Wärme heat Schnee snow Reifen tire bringen bring ja yes entfernt distant füllen fill Osten east malen paint Sprache language unter among Einheit unit Macht power Stadt town fein fine sicher certain fliegen fly fallen fall führen lead Schrei cry dunkel dark Maschine machine note note warten wait Plan plan Abbildung figure Stern star Kasten box Nomen noun Feld field Rest rest richtig correct fähig able Pfund pound getan done Schönheit beauty Antriebs drive stand stood enthalten contain Front front lehren teach Woche week Finale final gab gave grün green oh oh schnell quick entwickeln develop Ozean ocean warme warm kostenlos free Minute minute stark strong besondere special Geist mind hinter behind klar clear Schwanz tail produzieren produce Tatsache fact Raum space gehört heard beste best Stunde hour besser better wahr true während during hundert hundred fünf five merken remember Schritt step früh early halten hold Westen west Boden ground Interesse interest erreichen reach schnell fast Verbum verb singen sing hören listen sechs six Tabelle table Reise travel weniger less Morgen morning zehn ten einfach simple mehrere several Vokal vowel auf toward Krieg war legen lay gegen against Muster pattern schleppend slow Zentrum center Liebe love Person person Geld money dienen serve erscheinen appear Straße road Karte map regen rain Regel rule regieren govern ziehen pull Kälte cold Hinweis notice Stimme voice Energie energy Jagd hunt wahrscheinlich probable Bett bed Bruder brother Ei egg Fahrt ride Zelle cell glauben believe vielleicht perhaps pflücken pick plötzlich sudden zählen count Platz square Grund reason Dauer length vertreten represent Kunst art Thema subject Region region Größe size variieren vary regeln settle sprechen speak Gewicht weight allgemein general Eis ice Materie matter Kreis circle Paar pair umfassen include Kluft divide Silbe syllable Filz felt groß grand Kugel ball noch yet Welle wave fallen drop Herz heart Uhr am vorhanden present schwer heavy Tanz dance Motor engine Position position Arm arm breit wide Segel sail Material material Fraktion fraction Wald forest sitzen sit Rennen race Fenster window Speicher store Sommer summer Zug train Schlaf sleep beweisen prove einsam lone Bein leg Übung exercise Wand wall Fang catch Berg mount wünschen wish Himmel sky Board board Freude joy Winter winter sa sat geschrieben written wilden wild Instrument instrument gehalten kept Glas glass Gras grass Kuh cow Arbeit job Rand edge Zeichen sign Besuch visit Vergangenheit past weich soft Spaß fun hell bright Gases gas Wetter weather Monat month Million million tragen bear Finish finish glücklich happy hoffen hope blume flower kleiden clothe seltsam strange Vorbei gone Handel trade Melodie melody Reise trip Büro office empfangen receive Reihe row Mund mouth genau exact Zeichen symbol sterben die am wenigsten least Ärger trouble Schrei shout außer except schrieb wrote Samen seed Ton tone beitreten join vorschlagen suggest sauber clean Pause break Dame lady Hof yard steigen rise schlecht bad Schlag blow Öl oil Blut blood berühren touch wuchs grew Cent cent mischen mix Mannschaft team Draht wire Kosten cost verloren lost braun brown tragen wear Garten garden gleich equal gesendet sent wählen choose fiel fell passen fit fließen flow Messe fair Bank bank sammeln collect sparen save Kontrolle control dezimal decimal Ohr ear sonst else ganz quite pleite broke Fall case Mitte middle töten kill Sohn son See lake Moment moment Maßstab scale laut loud Frühling spring beobachten observe Kind child gerade straight Konsonant consonant Nation nation Wörterbuch dictionary milch milk Geschwindigkeit speed Verfahren method Orgel organ zahlen pay Alter age Abschnitt section Kleid dress Wolke cloud Überraschung surprise ruhig quiet Stein stone winzig tiny Aufstieg climb kühlen cool Entwurf design arm poor Menge lot Versuch experiment Boden bottom Schlüssel key Eisen iron Einzel single Stick stick Wohnung flat zwanzig twenty Haut skin Lächeln smile Falte crease Loch hole springen jump Kind baby acht eight Dorf village treffen meet Wurzel root kaufen buy erhöhen raise lösen solve Metall metal ob whether drücken push sieben seven Absatz paragraph dritte third wird shall Hand held Haar hair beschreiben describe Koch cook Boden floor entweder either Ergebnis result brennen burn Hügel hill sicher safe Katze cat Jahrhundert century betrachten consider Typ type Gesetz law Bit bit Küste coast Kopie copy Ausdruck phrase still silent hoch tall Sand sand Boden soil Rolle roll Temperatur temperature Finger finger Industrie industry Wert value Kampf fight Lüge lie schlagen beat begeistern excite natürlich natural Blick view Sinn sense Hauptstadt capital wird nicht won’t Stuhl chair Achtung danger Obst fruit reich rich dick thick Soldat soldier Prozess process betreiben operate Praxis practice trennen separate schwierig difficult Arzt doctor Bitte please schützen protect Mittag noon Ernte crop modernen modern Elementes element treffen hit Schüler student Ecke corner Partei party Versorgung supply deren whose lokalisieren locate Rings ring Charakter character insekt insect gefangen caught Zeit period zeigen indicate Funk radio Speiche spoke Atom atom Mensch human Geschichte history Wirkung effect elektrisch electric erwarten expect Knochen bone Schiene rail vorstellen imagine bieten provide zustimmen agree so thus sanft gentle Frau woman Kapitän captain erraten guess erforderlich necessary scharf sharp Flügel wing schaffen create Nachbar neighbor Wasch wash Fledermaus bat eher rather Menge crowd mais corn vergleichen compare Gedicht poem Schnur string Glocke bell abhängen depend Fleisch meat einreiben rub Rohr tube berühmt famous Dollar dollar Strom stream Angst fear Blick sight dünn thin Dreieck triangle Erde planet Eile hurry Chef chief Kolonie colony Uhr clock Mine mine Krawatte tie eingeben enter Dur major frisch fresh Suche search senden send gelb yellow Pistole gun erlauben allow Druck print tot dead Stelle spot Wüste desert Anzug suit Strom current Aufzug lift stiegen rose ankommen arrive Stamm master Spur track Elternteil parent Ufer shore Teilung division Blatt sheet Substanz substance begünstigen favor verbinden connect nach post verbringen spend Akkord chord Fett fat froh glad Original original Aktie share Station station Papa dad Brot bread aufladen charge richtig proper Leiste bar Angebot offer Segment segment Sklave slave ente duck Augenblick instant Markt market Grad degree besiedeln populate küken chick liebe dear Feind enemy antworten reply Getränk drink auftreten occur Unterstützung support Rede speech Natur nature Angebot range Dampf steam Bewegung motion Weg path Flüssigkeit liquid protokollieren log gemeint meant Quotient quotient Gebiss teeth Schale shell Hals neck Sauerstoff oxygen Zucker sugar Tod death ziemlich pretty Geschicklichkeit skill Frauen women Saison season Lösung solution Magnet magnet Silber silver danken thank Zweig branch Spiel match Suffix suffix insbesondere especially Feige fig ängstlich afraid riesig huge Schwester sister Stahl steel diskutieren discuss vorwärts forward ähnlich similar führen guide Erfahrung experience Partitur score apfel apple gekauft bought geführt led Tonhöhe pitch Mantel coat Masse mass Karte card Band band Seil rope Rutsch slip gewinnen win träumen dream Abend evening Zustand condition Futtermittel feed Werkzeug tool gesamt total Basis basic Geruch smell Tal valley noch nor doppelt double Sitz seat fortsetzen continue Block block Tabelle chart Hut hat verkaufen sell Erfolg success Firma company subtrahieren subtract Veranstaltung event besondere particular viel deal schwimmen swim Begriff term Gegenteil opposite Frau wife Schuh shoe Schulter shoulder Verbreitung spread arrangieren arrange Lager camp erfinden invent Baumwolle cotton geboren born bestimmen determine Quart quart neun nine Lastwagen truck Lärm noise Ebene level Chance chance sammeln gather Geschäft shop Stretch stretch werfen throw Glanz shine Immobilien property Spalte column Molekül molecule wählen select falsch wrong grau gray Wiederholung repeat erfordern require breit broad vorbereiten prepare Salz salt Nase nose mehreren plural Zorn anger Anspruch claim Kontinent continent
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omegaplus · 4 years
# 3,449
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Top 25 Favorite And Most Influential.
What did you do when the pandemic disrupted your life and sent you home packing to quarantine? So far, we’ve seen people work at home, some furloughed with pay and their jobs intact. Others jolted in panic mode losing their livelihoods, income, homes, and businesses. Restaurants were shut except for drive-thru and curbside pickup. Transit systems, arcades, pinball museums, gyms, parks, venues, and most record-stores (_____ help us, whomever you believe in) were out of commission and people lost their everyday liberties. Some practiced some much needed self-care or reflection, changed-up their diets, learned new languages, played video games, streamed music live in-studio, and caught up on other things held off for years. I’ve seen many groups where people shown off their colored-vinyl, cassette, and record-label music collections. Creatives made their best music for Bandcamp’s waived revenue-shares. Brackets were held to see who’s the greatest industrial band ever and the greatest MC’s faced off on Versuz for hip-hop royalty. Oh, and top-ten lists.
Top-ten lists. They’re as commonplace as Nigerian e-mail scams, anti-liberal shit-posting, and shameful self-promotion for your newest hottest Soundcloud single coming out. “Day 1: my co-worker challenged me to name ten albums that have influenced my musical taste and upbringing. One record per day over ten days. No explanations, no reviews, just the cover art. Each day I am supposed to nominate someone to do the same. Today I nominate some random I only said "hello" to at my sister's wedding seven years ago. No reviews, just the cover art.” Oh, stop it. Everything sounds like it’s the fucking Emmy’s but there’s no winners, no speeches or slogans, no fake applause and no pretend banter at the after-party while you swim with the sharks to get your shrimp cocktail. It’s inevitable I get nominated by my friends and thankfully it’s not for being the scapegoat or standing at the firing line.
So far, five different people nominated me to name my top ten favorite and most influential albums of all time when I just posted them two weeks ago. For Ω+, it’s a Top 25. Twenty-five because I’m too compulsive for ten. As always, it’s a one-shot now-or-never deal because we have the space, so you’re getting explanations. Interesting, insightful ones. No need to spread this out for days at a time because I have zero patience and neither do you or the horse, pony, unicorn, or pegasus you rode on to come here. (Also, would Pitchfork publish their perfect 10.0 review of Fiona Apple’s Fetch The Bolt Cutters a paragraph per day for twelve days? Fucking bullshit.) Most of the albums seen here have been covered before. And no tagging. I don’t obligate others to do things they don’t want to. As we seen with some of our followers recently, here’s Ω+’s own bingo card; no free spaces.
Nine Inch Nails’ The Downward Spiral was the album that introduced me to everything industrial and I never heard anything that was so unusual, unique, and so full of feeling. There’s a lot more to just hearing it with all the back stories and history behind it, plus it landed at a time when it mattered the most. (Some albums mentioned here would do the same.) Then Ministry arrived thereafter. It was terribly difficult choosing between Filthpig and Animositisomina. The latter wins out for its seriousness, grittiness, power, fear factor, and the fact that it was the last album Paul Barker worked on, essentially showing the divide of ideas between him and Al Jourgensen right after it. These two artists are the top two I swear by. Filter’s Short Bus is a great all-around album which features Deborah Norcross’ artwork, the reason why I got into design.
If anyone sees Jake Fogelnest, please thank him for me. Had he not played Atari Teenage Riot on commercial radio, I would’ve not known what techno should be. Burn, Berlin, Burn is absolute electronic insanity, like a video arcade screaming, shouting, and going all-off on you at volume 10. The album was so good that it was the first that made me pay attention to record labels and all associated artists with them. With that came Atari / DHR label head Alec Empire. Of all his albums, Squeeze The Trigger is the perfect alliance of acid and jungle. No games, no bullshit, no gimmicks. Want a DHR record with a wacky sense of humor? There’s Shizuo’s Shizuo vs. Shizor, one of the most unusual and unorthodox albums I ever heard. It’s a literal mess of drugs, breakcore, and noise all spliced, sharded, and broken up with punk attitude, inconsistent fidelities, and some way-out-there voice samples.
Anyone place their bets that Nirvana would make the list? If you did, you doubled your money. Not Bleach. Not Nevermind. Not even In Utero. It’s all Incesticide. (I didn’t say which album so losses here.) It’s a full album of B-sides, rarities, demos, and alternate takes. A full album’s worth. That makes it stand out over the usual Kurt Cobain fest played millions of times over. And it’s also given me some good essential feels. Then Tiny Music...Songs From The Vatican Gift Shop from Stone Temple Pilots. Purple was great but their third album is everything. “Tripping On A Hole In A Paper Heart”, “Big Bang Baby”, “Art School Girl”, and their nicer numbers in “And So I Know” and “Adhesive” came into a vital time that mattered like The Downward Spiral did.
One record that really grew on me was Autechre’s Tri Repetae++. Everyone was singing / processing their praises and I took the jump. It was the first record I didn’t ‘get’ right away because I was expecting tradition and formality. Then I learned how Sean Booth and Rob Brown manipulated all of their sounds to their full potential to a perfectly calculated, mechanical, emotionless process. Because it was the ++ version, both Anvil Vapre and Garbage e.p.’s were included on disc two. Another product of the electronics boom of the late Nineties: Second Toughest In The Infants. Underworld’s fourth full-length handed me my first full artistic feeling, my first-ever realization to go further on myself. One listen is way too few to fully figure out the (then) trio’s mindset. Increasing overlapping sounds and rhythms, Karl Hyde’s stream-of-consciousness lyrics influenced by Captain Beefheart, and many serious moments makes this my all-time favorite dance record; one which would have you stop to think  constantly.
There’s three full-length albums on my iPod Shuffle (no explanation needed or deserved) for when I hit the gym. Bathory’s debut on the surface deals some rowdy black-metal violence, strangling with total impunity and zero consequence. I always enjoyed Unsane’s brutal tough-guy personal view and Occupational Hazard is one of many of theirs that perfectly put together the long-term aggravation, tension, and conflict I went / go through via slow-burning sludge, painful noise rock, and Chris Spencer’s excruciating screaming matches. Though Kill Your Idols’ This Is Just The Beginning signifies my eye-opening experience with hardcore music and one of the worst summers I ever dealt with, Indecision stands as the most impactful hardcore act for me. A Hard Rain’s Gonna’ Fall lead me to Merciless when they later became Most Precious Blood. All that burning rage on that record gave me the all-important soundtrack and energy to fight through yet another tumultuous life-defining all-or-nothing summer. (I fucking won it.) And if any of the three won’t cut it, or perhaps you need your noise-rock permanently in the red, there’s Les Rallize Denudes’ Heavier Than A Death In The Family. Formerly only known in Japan, the internet now allows anyone to enjoy one of the most awesome psychedelic / noise rock outfits that ever walked the planet. Nothing short of blazing, fuzzy, distorted vintage sounds that torches poetics, feelings, and love with a constantly crumbling sound. That’s how wild it is.
The more I entrench myself in late-Seventies / early-Eighties industrial, the more I appreciate it. It’s all about Throbbing Gristle and they will always have it. That’s a non-issue here. Maybe go to Thomas Leer & Robert Rental’s The Bridge (commissioned by Genesis / Industrial Records) to get a fresher side of the story; a clearer pathway to fully imagine that classic, special UK sound. Around that time, Cabaret Voltaire issued their debut Extended Play. I can list them as one of the very few projects that I will never tire listening. Nothing they’ve created as a duo or trio has ever disappointed me, so add everything up from above and you’ll get why Extended Play is the epitome of theirs. They’ve also done experimental audio simply by testing and recording the electronic music waters (1974-1980) and this makes them pioneers. My opinion? Suicide comes very close. It’s New York’s equivalent to the Sheffield act. Their self-titled debut is legendary. How in 1977 they pioneered several genres of music at once (industrial, techno, new wave, synth-pop, electroclash) with a punk attitude, and more amazingly how unique and original it sounds with what equipment they had, puts them in a class entirely by themselves and forever will be. Ahead of their time.
Four noise records. It’s what you’re all here for. Long-time followers of Ω+ know how influential Merzbow’s Pulse Demon was to me, my first-ever noise acquisition. Another album I didn’t get because I expected something. It prompted me to write a negative review of it for my campus newspaper, only for a professor to take notice and have me sit with him over it. Not only did he make me understand exactly how and what noise was supposed to be, but my bad review paid off when he gifted me three cassettes of various industrial and noise artists. Not bad for a few paragraphs of ignorant words. Count on both Boyd Rice and Whitehouse whom gave me a lot to chew on through their albums, books, and philosophies; regardless if you agree with them or not. To me, Boyd Rice / NON’s God And Beast is his strongest and most powerful work. A perfect journey from start to finish; one which stayed with me during an extraneous trying time during the Stony Brook era. You have some delights in Strawberry Switchblade’s Rose McDowall and Death In June’s Douglas Pearce, small steps to a grating inciting build-up (“Phoenix Rising”) that culminates into “Total War”, arguably industrial music’s most punishing, unforgiving, and bloodiest moment ever. Whitehouse’s Cruise-Racket era is my favorite of theirs and it was tough to choose one. It’s Bird Seed for the victory as it had the best and most favorites of mine. Their vicious attacks on both Tracey Emin and a dead Stuart Lubbock (“Why You Never Became A Dancer” and “Wriggle Like An Eel” respectively), a psychological grating torture on “Philosophy”, and some direct tongue-lashing from Philip Best on “Cut Hands Has The Solution” made me think how they were able to push the envelope and how they got away with it. And with Prurient’s Cocaine Death, just like Underworld, made me wake up and see miles ahead to where I really wanted to be from the economic and personal hell I was dealing with.
The final four consist of other wild cards I won’t neglect to mention. I can’t think of any other hip-hop artist other than N.W.A.’s MC Ren to take a Top 25 spot. His debut Kizz My Black Azz is a fucking beatdown of a record. It’s Cadillac Coupe DeVille west-coast boom-bap produced by DJ Train, Bobcat, and Eazy-E as Ren spits all sorts of raw controversy. Reggae rarely makes it here, so it’s Negril’s eponymous and only record which I listened to during one spring sitting at home recovering from shoulder surgery. It’s a Seventies record with a sound sentimental to me featuring Eric Gale, one of my all-time favorite jazz / fusion artists. Many other Seventies’ jazz / fusion records could’ve made the list but here’s a major example that has it all. (We will have another Ω bingo for that.) The two newest releases that made the final cut were Happy Meals / Free Love’s Luxury Hits (2018) and Black Marble’s A Different Arrangement (2012), mainly for sentimental reasons. Luxury Hits has two lush, surreal, and outstanding synthpop cuts in “Tomorrow Could Be Heaven” and “Pushing Too Hard” while A Different Arrangement’s entire sound has a lot of late Eightie’s pop motifs that really hit but with a fuzzy feel. (“A Great Design” came very close in being my all-time favorite. That title forever goes to Preoccupation’s “Disarray”). Free Love and Black Marble’s three aforementioned tracks gave me some special moments in New York City. And A Different Arrangement, found through one of our own WUSB dee-jays, signified my move to Lindenhurst. Nothing will ever be forgotten.
Five-in-a-row, four corners, or the whole card; what do you have? We hope to have winners. We might have more cards to play with. Better yet, what Top 25 would you ask from us?
Unsane Occupational Hazard
MC Ren Kizz My Black Azz
Prurient Cocaine Death
Atari Teeange Riot Burn Berlin Burn!
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
Les Rallizes Denudes Heavier Than A Death In The Family
Cabaret Voltaire Extended Play
Filter Short Bus
Happy Meals / Free Love Luxury Hits
Bathory self-titled
Nirvana Incesticide
Thomas Leer & Robert Rental The Bridge
Autechre Tri Repetae++
Black Marble A Different Arrangement
Most Precious Blood Merciless
Negril self-titled
Underworld Second Toguhest In The Infants
Shizuo Shizuo vs. Shizor
Merzbow Pulse Demon
NON / Boyd Rice God & Beast
Alec Empire Squeeze The Trigger
Whitehouse Bird Seed
Suicide self-titled
Ministry Animositisomina
Stone Temple Pilots Tiny Music...Songs From The Vatican Gift Shop
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softdavidrose · 5 years
💘choose five of your own favourite edits and do a short commentary on each, at what you absolutely loved about it as well as what you’d do in it now as in order to improve and other comments!💘 tag ten mutuals of yours to provide an opportunity to amazing content creators such as yourself to appreciate their edits and spread love!!
i was tagged by the lovely sara @amez-santiago thank you!! ♥♥♥
i’m gonna tag some amazing gif makers!! @patrickbrewcr @danslevys @rosesapothecary @oscarspoe @peraltiagos-blog @jakeperalta @wild-aloof-rebel @julieandrws and anyone else who wants to do it!
david rose + the pan flag colors this is probably one of the hardest and most rewarding gifsets i’ve ever made!! each step of making this took a really long time, from finding scenes that fit, either for colors or just moment where david was still (which i might say are very few lmao but same), to the coloring which was also very hard to achieve, especially because only the background has to be in color and sometimes even just one frame can fuck up the whole thing (like for example if the character moves too much you’d either have frames where the character’s skin/clothes/whatever are the bg color or frames where the bg color isn’t there and it’s hard) needless to say it’s a gifset i love a lot because hashtag representation and seeing all the lovely comments in the tags legitimately makes my day 🤧🤧 if i had to change something i might look harder for a different scene to use for the second gif because it doesn’t look as good as the other ones but 🤷 + bonus patrick + the gay flag colors because it took even LONGER than this one but it somehow looks worse lmao
rosa diaz + ha ha ha from my b99 rewatch series, this is a relatively simple gifset but it took me so damn long i honestly don’t know if there is an easier version to achieve that “scrolling” text effect but i really wanted it to look like this and i could not find ANYTHING for it online, so i literally just made like 50, or however many frames there were, text layers and placed each of them so it would look like the text was being “typed” i guess it was HELL but i love it and i think it looks dope
david rose + putting his hands on his face i love this one so much i think it’s so funny and it’s one of my most popular gifsets! i don’t really have a lot to say about it i just love it a lot!! also a part 2 may be coming
david and patrick + height difference i love this so much it’s very tender and i love height differences so i just had to make it LOL i don’t have a lot to add to this except for the fact that im love they
schitt’s creek + c.s. lewis quote oh boy i hope you’re ready for a long ass commentary on this one first of all i would like to blame @the-rosebud-motel for sharing this quote on discord and putting this idea in my head it is literally all her fault!! second of all, this gifset took me a bit because i had initially started with a different idea but it then became what it is now and i while i wish it looked a little different i am happy with the results!! i’m gonna put the commentary under read more because this is getting very long and i have A Lot To Say, if you wanna stay get ready to shed some tears because i did while making this LMAO  hope you decide to read it because i spent a lot thinking about ways to make this perfect, but if you don’t wanna read it all that’s okay, thank you for reading all the way down here!!
okay so first of all, in my head this gifset is divided into three parts, the first one being the first 3 gifs, the second one being the middle one, and the third one being the last 3 gifs. in the next paragraph i’ll explain the Parallels™ and why each scene works for that specific moment or line and you’ll understand why i have this little ~division~ part one: gif #1 is one of the very first scenes of the show. the roses have lost everything and you can see the portrait being taken away in the background, a symbol of their wealth and life being gone. (you can’t change the beginning)
gif #2 is the roses staring at the town sign in 1x03. they’re shocked and weirded out by it and they just got to this town and the sign is a symbol of schitt’s creek being “gross” or “weird” etc
gif #3 is from 1x04, johnny and moira struggle with connecting with their kids and believe they are bad parents (as the title of the episode suggests), and so attempt to play a game of two truths and one lie to try to bond with david and alexis (needless to say, it doesn’t go well)
part two: gif #4 is from happy anniversary, the season 2 finale. the roses dance together as a family, they admit they love each other and have what is arguably the first happy family moment of the series. It’s a turning point for them, it’s their new beginning (but you can start from where you are)
part three: gif #5 is a parallel to gif 3: johnny and moira take their time to get a cake for David and alexis’ big days (they’ve done the best they can!!!!!). this time the effort is real and appreciated!!!
gif #6 is a parallel to gif 2: the roses are staring at another sign, the shining new “rosebud motel”. this time, they’re happy and excited, as the sign symbolises their full commitment to the town, that is now their home, and to stevie who is by now unofficially a rose as well 😭
gif #7 is a parallel to gif 1: the portrait is there and for a while they thought that’s what they wanted, a symbol of their status as wealth, but as moira says in the same episode “it doesn’t fit, and not just physically. we aren’t those people anymore. [...]” . this time when the portrait is left behind, it is not because it’s taken away from them, but because they are the ones to walk away from it: this is where the roses fully decide to leave their old lives behind and accept all the love and happiness that schitt’s creek has given them. the portrait, symbol of their old lives, is not what they need anymore, and actually it’s not what they have needed for a very long time. they walk together back to the motel, laughing at a joke moira made, and fully embracing the gift that has been given to them, a chance to rewrite their own story (and change the ending)
the entire gifset is then tied with the progression of colors, going from an almost black and white to colorful and vibrant. this is of course to symbolize how they went from being desperate and depressed to happy and loving BUT the beginning is not “just” the beginning of the series aka them losing everything, because the sadness and desperation was there before they lost everything even if they didn’t realize at first. so to quote the first episode, schitt’s creek was the roses’ saving grace, except not in the way it was intended in 1x01. sure it was shelter for when they lost all their money, but it was so much more than that, because it made them a family and gave them all they really needed, which isn’t money or wealth but kindness and love.
anyways uhhhhh, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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michipeachiii · 5 years
Business Planning 101 With Michi
So you want to start your own business but you don't really know where to start. You came to the right post (hopefully)! This post will serve as a general rundown of things to keep in mind as you try to set up a divination shop and hopefully point you in the right direction. By the end of this post you should be ready to fly out of the nest!
First you need to think about what the vision for your shop is. What services do you want to offer? What is your main focus/goal? Why do you want to set up a shop? What's driving you? What's your motivation? What does your dream shop look like and how can you set yourself up to get there? What kind of clients are you trying to attract?
But Michi, I'm stumped! I don't know what I want to offer or how to present myself!
Brace yourself! This post gets mighty long and I’m putting the rest of it under a read more. Before we jump into it some notes:
Disclaimer: I am not a business planner nor do I claim to be. This post is based off of my experiences as a tarot reader and additional research I’ve had to do and have simply done my best to condense all these experiences into this post. 
If you enjoyed this post and want to support my work please consider buying me a Ko-Fi! I really hope you find the information helpful. If you have any questions or need me to clarify a point, let me know! 
Use those divination tools!!!
You can get a good sense of things by doing a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. Questions you can ask your tools (And keep in mind, you don't have to stick to these specific questions but hopefully they serve as a good jumpstart):
What are my strengths as a diviner?
What are my weaknesses as a diviner? 
How can I work on my weaknesses? 
What opportunities should I focus on/take advantage of?
Is there anything that stands in the way of my business?
How can I address this obstacle?
You can even ask what direction is your business headed, what are things you need to focus on etc. Tailor this process to your needs.
Your business is an extension of you. It's okay to let your personality and character shine through the different aspects of your business. It's okay to admire shops for what they do or how they do things but do not set yourself up to be a copy of them. It's also okay if you're unlike other shops, structuring yourself or offering things that are uncommon.
Oh pricing, pricing. Listen, its okay to offer free readings. You are not obligated to offer free readings, you don't owe anyone free readings. However, that being said personally, I do like to offer free readings. Why? First, I think it's a good way of letting people try before they buy and it gives others a portfolio/preview of what you can offer. I know this doesn't work for everyone, and not everyone that gets a free reading will buy one from you. But it can also be a good way to remain accessible to those that can't afford to pay for a reading but still want readings. Again, this isn't something you have to do and others may opt to put their energy towards clients that will pay them for their interpretations.
Now in terms of pricing there's different angles you can take. Some people like doing cheap readings while others argue against doing cheap readings because they feel like you're communicating to your clients that you’re not good quality. Overall, the most important thing to consider is what your ideal price range is, and how you want to value your time. You might also want to factor in how long it takes you to do your readings.
The way I see it, it's how valuable is your time + how valuable is your skill. And heck you can even make it a little equation if you want? For example if your time is worth $10 an hour and you value your skill/energy at an additional $6, your hourly rate is $16. Depending on how long your readings take you might want to divide by time. (Ex. 30 minute reading $8 or X size reading takes 30 minutes so I'll price it at $8). Whatever numbers you chose are up to you, the numbers used were for example purposes only and not to be taken as a representation for what you need to use. Some people don't want to charge as much, others feel more comfortable charging less. Different people have different circumstances and needs. Other choose to price their readings/services by card/rune/question etc. Regardless of the method you use to price your services, be sure to make these prices clear wherever you chose to list your prices and how you intend on seeking payment. Just keep in mind that the higher the quality of the reading, the more people are willing to pay for it. If you give a client a sentence while charging them several dollars, they might not be too happy about that. That’s why its important to specify what they can expect beforehand. 
Another thing to keep in mind is the platform you’re advertising your services on. Tumblr has a lot of young people who may be more strapped for cash, so you may have a harder time selling more expensive readings on this platform. You may consider branching out to other platforms, Redbubble, Storenvy, Etsy, Facebook, or even hosting your own website. Keep in mind that other platforms may charge you a commission fee, or other monthly maintenance fees, so again, I really encourage you to do some research and figure out what works best for you. I think something really important to keep in mind when it comes to being on a site where you have to pay some sort of fee for using the service is, making sure you make enough money off of your services to cover those costs and still be able to pay yourself. Basically, make sure these costs aren’t detrimental to your success in the long run. 
There are many different services people use to accept payments and while I can’t cover each one, I can link you to a post that goes into different providers you can use to accept payments. Most people use services like Paypal and Ko-Fi. With Paypal, you have access to tools that allow you to add a widget to your Tumblr that would allow people to purchase your services directly through your Tumblr. You may also choose to use Paypal’s invoicing services to bill clients. With Ko-Fi, the person is responsible for submitting the appropriate amount of coffees that correspond to your pricing. (It may be a good idea to list your prices on Ko-Fi using their posting system for easier reference) And if you pay a monthly fee, you can use Ko-Fi Gold features to have commission slots that would close automatically once you reach your max workload (which you control). The best advice I can give you, is to research your options, figure out what the pros and cons are, and which service works best for you. 
On a sidenote, if you have a Paypal, you can upgrade to a free business account and operate under a business name. This is very important if you don’t want people to know what your real name is. Ko-Fi offers similar protection in the sense that they operate as a middle man and protect your identity, while not taking a fee from you for doing so (Paypal would still take a service fee from you and this is also something to consider when you set your prices up). 
Different diviners offer different services but I strongly believe that regardless of the services you offer it's important to describe what those services entail and what the person can expect from said service. The description of your services should give people enough insight to be informed as to what you are offering with said service. Is it yes/no? Are you giving them a sentence? A paragraph? An email? A PDF? A public post? 
Also what language can they expect in your readings? Are you a sassy reader? Do you roast your clients? Are you more formal? The theme of your readings is something important to reference so that people have a better idea of what to expect when they buy from you. Re-read your work, make sure you don’t have grammatical errors to the best of your abilities etc.   
Also since majority of divination services can be really personal/ a drag, you always want to make sure that if the reading will be public, your client knows that beforehand and is okay with that.
Are you including pictures of cards in their reading? Or pictures of whatever divination device you use? If you do decide to include pictures, make sure that the quality is reasonable. (i.e: No blurry/unreadable photos) You don’t need professional equipment to make sure your pictures look good. A lot of phones have editing options that you can mess around with and get a good result. If you do decide to take pictures, make sure the surface you’re placing the cards upon is clean/neat and that the lighting is favorable. If your deck contains nudity (like mine, I use the Hermetic Deck) make sure that your client has access to this information before the reading in case they would rather opt out of the pictures. 
How are you choosing to advertise your services? Are you simply making a text post or are you going to make a graphic? If you do decide to make a graphic make sure to also include written information. You want to make sure that you’re making your post accessible to others. Some people use electronic readers and electronic readers can’t read the information on pictures. When you design your graphics make sure you’re picking colors that make reading easy, not harder. This also means picking a reasonable font size as well. And if you’re in doubt finding people who can give you feedback before you officially post will be super helpful. 
Policies & Ethics
Legal: If you are a resident of the United States, make sure you check local and state laws to make sure you aren't breaking any laws. A lot of states have something called a "Charlatan Law" or laws specifically against fortune telling. For example in New York state the following law exists:
Section 165.35Fortune telling A person is guilty of fortune telling when, for a fee or compensation which he directly or indirectly solicits or receives, he claims or pretends to tell fortunes, or holds himself out as being able, by claimed or pretended use of occult powers, to answer questions or give advice on personal matters or to exorcise, influence or affect evil spirits or curses; except that this section does not apply to a person who engages in the aforedescribed conduct as part of a show or exhibition solely for the purpose of entertainment or amusement.  Fortune telling is a class B misdemeanor.
Now I know that many diviners do not consider themselves to be fortune tellers or find the term to be offensive, but in the legal sense anyone that does divination would (unfortunately) be considered a fortune teller. When you're writing your shop policies, be mindful of these laws. Sometimes it's sufficient to clarify that your services are for "entertainment purposes only" but always double check with a lawyer or a legal professional to make sure you've protected yourself enough.
Also, some states forbid talking about anything remotely religious with anyone under the age of 18, so be sure to check for those laws as well.
When it comes to offering your services establish what your boundaries are beforehand. You may think “Oh I’ll figure that out as I go along,” and while you may, it’s always better to know beforehand. Does the idea of people asking certain questions make you uncomfortable? Then say so in your rules. A lot of diviners, myself included have a page with rules and guidelines for perspective clients. (You can take a look at my page here to get an idea of what I’m referring to.)
Be transparent with your clients. You don’t need to tell them your whole life story but if something comes up that might interfere with the delivery of a service they order from you, say so! Your client will greatly appreciate that and will more often than not, be understanding and give you extra time. If you run into delays and don’t disclose that you need more time, it’s likely that they’ll get upset or feel negatively towards you. 
Link to post. Basically, make sure you're complying with local and state laws at all times. Also be mindful that some states may require you to register your business as an LLC. At times this may be for cash collecting purposes, and other times it may be for protection should a client seek to sue you. I cannot stress this enough, check your local and state laws. 
Thank you for sticking around and reading this post until the end! I really do hope that this post has helped you or made you a bit more informed about what to do. Again, if you enjoyed this post and want to support my work please consider buying me a Ko-Fi! 
This post was meant to be a very general overview and be the building blocks to a foundation you get to establish for yourself. Because it’s a general overview, I didn’t exactly go into specific details on certain topics. Again, I really encourage you to do your own research and find out what options work best for your personal situation and goals. Best of luck and happy planning! ♥
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theboykingofhell · 7 years
9, 15, 16, 18, 26, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51 for TSG, 54 :*
ricky found fucking dead in miami after looking at these PROMPTS,
9. Least favorite trope to write.
what a weirdly phrased question because if i hate it, i ain’t gonna write it... UHH. i really don’t like bringing dead characters back to life???? i don’t like writing scenes for shock horror... well, that’s a lie, i DO like to horrify the reader through my writing, but i don’t want to cheapen the emotional ~journey~ they go through by being like ‘JUST KIDDING! everything actually DOES work out in the end!!’
i have a story where narratively its kind of leading to a place where i have to make a ‘dead’ character come back (chaos actually, since i use her in red’s actual story) and it’s making me so mad like wtf thought we had a deal
15. Where does your inspiration come from?
SONGS... and just insp in general but i get a lot through music and nnnh... there’s just so many good aesthetics and quotes on my dash tbh i’m like constantly and consistently inspired, it’s great
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
imma be honest, the thing that motivates me most sometimes is either reading a rly shitty novel or seeing a shitty show and just getting livid and writing out of spite because THAT DRIVEL WAS PUBLISHED????? MY SHIT IS SO MUCH BETTER WTF... or i think to myself ‘what the fuck, what if i die tomorrow????? with my damn novel unfinished?!?!! HELL NO’... pretty much anything that reminds me that my stuff is Great but no one knows how great it is because it’s not DONE and OUT THERE yet makes me get off my ass
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
depends! for books it mostly just consists of rereading after a long period of ignoring my story and just tweaking lines that seem out of place or that ruin the flow i’m imagining. if i’m rewriting, then i have two word documents out (which the program scrivener makes SO easy god BLESS that program) and just... rewrite it word for word while STARING at the old version. that always makes the prose come out slightly different, it smooths out stuff or lets me cut away or add things i really like and, most importantly, it adds length, which i tend to struggle with a lot because i like just being TO THE POINT
with playwriting though it’s mostly about the format.. i write all plays like i write everything online... in lowercase with little regard to actual grammar. so i gotta actually pretend i give a damn about the english language and format it all properly and add stage directions cuz in a first draft for plays, i always just focus on dialogue and that’s it
26. Standalone or series, and why?
standalones are far more fun and way more satisfying and, quite honestly, require way less fluff. i keep FORGETTING how much fluff is needed in a goddamn novel. MULTIPLE BOOKS OF FLUFF no FUCKING THANKS
31. Hardest character to write.
in the rp: tyler (because he dissociates in a way that literally cuts me off from? any parts of his character? which is like the ESSENCE of his character but it’s VERY unenjoyable to write tbh) and nicki (because i put too much pressure on myself to make her seem a certain way instead of letting it happen naturally)... tbh canon characters and/or characters that are based on people are generally just rly hard sometimes cuz there’s SO MUCH IMAGINED PRESSURE TO MAKE THEM GOOD!!!
in original shit: honestly i’m really tempted to say aaron and that’s just because he’s so... unlikeable to me???? but also i think it’s just because i’ve really only written one scene for him (i always write in order unless a scene is just KICKING MY ASS to write, like this particular scene) and... he seems like a Lot... of annoying bullshit to have to write out lmfao that bitch
32. Easiest character to write.
red because i’ve been writing him for like 7-9 years now, i would hope he’d be easy by now... honestly, really explosive and dramatic characters too like bert or nora come SUPER easy for me, they’re so fun to write (especially dialogue-wise) because they’re very emotional and i can get PARAGRAPHS based on one reaction. characters who try and hide shit from everyone, INCLUDING ME, are so annoying,
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
typed because they’re legible,,,,, but then again, my handwritten notes make more sense because they’re kind of fully crafted ideas like ‘***make nisha and aaron meet at 42nd street for transformation chap???’ while a typed note will be like... ‘42nd street+aaron’... what did that mean, ricky-at-5am... why did you do this to us
41. How many stories do you work on at one time?
two... kind of as a minimum, sort of as a maximum... like there’s usually the MAIN story and then there’s something i’m kind of doodling in the side, something that’s just sort of cooking in the backburner that i’m not too serious into the process of it, but it’s goin... i’ve never tried to do 3 stories at a time but i feel like my attention would be too divided and it wouldn’t work
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
UHH........................................... i’m very fond of faceclaims cuz idk i just kind of... feel how they look... i don’t ever really envision a full person though, i get like traits... i’ll be like... oh she has long black hair and she’s not white and her eyebrows look like this... and then i’ll see a pic of pooja mor and be like THAT’S HER THAT’S EXACTLY IT. idk what it is about eyebrows and why that’s literally always the deciding factor of how a character looks, but there it is
personality just kind of... man, characters just poop out of me, i don’t decide any of this shit wtf jhsfjg
45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
once someone told me to stop making the boys kiss in the first chapter of my story so i made the boys fuck instead
46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie?
scrolls WAY up... sees you didn’t add a story as a prompt WELL i’m still riding the tsg train here so
a tsg movie better look like the 90′s, goddamnit.. not like... found footage really, but i want something in the quality to be a little fuzzy and sort of tinted that one kind of grayish brown color i always associate with the 90′s for some reason... like, i can’t stop thinking about all these amber lighting and how dull everything looks, and how higher in quality things look the further and further it goes, like, it’s something i would concentrate a lot on visual cues with because i focus so much of the storytelling of tsg on nisha’s narration. sometimes you don’t know how many days have passed because nisha doesn’t know how many days have passed, if she dissociates, i’d want that shown on camera, if she keeps repeating the same number over and over again, i’d want to watch one little piece of a scene getting repeated again and again. it’d be VERY disorienting as a movie tbh but it’d be fun...
47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story?
characters!!!! plot is such a backburner thing for me, if you have rly great characters, you already have a great plot right there. the plot is just set so i can see how characters react to things, man... 
49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end?
THE MIDDLE, FUCK THE MIDDLE.... endings are literally the easiest thing for me, beginnings similarly so, it’s just getting from that BEAUTIFUL starting scene to that GORGEOUS ending that fucking kills my poor undeserving asshole
51. Describe the aesthetic of your story _______ in 5 sentences or words.
low-res pictures of old cemetaries... that’s five words right there, i’m sorry but the END IS IN SIGHT, I’M ALMOST FREE AND CANT BE BOTHERED
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
can’t stress how useful having an insp blog is... creating a story through the unconscious collection of pictures and quotes that just feel relavant is just SO useful not just when it comes to really constructing a character an an atmosphere to your story, but making a fucking plot????? my tsg blog is like my most perfect insp blog because i got the idea to seperate it by chapters, and i’ve found that i can literally just... go into the chapter tags... and make connections and build on plotlines that i had NO IDEA ABOUT when i made or filled those tags, IT’S REALLY FUN and it keeps me inspired to write
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tssfhr-blog · 6 years
[C-1 / M-18] Text One
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i tried to write a short bio about myself and my music project
too yolo for being a DJ
ambient, noise
Weaponized naivness, helpless attack
Kanye West, PJ Harvey
Bee Pole EP
Pure EP
Love LP
NII, Powerhouse, Plivka, Zhyvot
CHSZM - experimental electronic project of Aleksei Podat, based in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Started producing music at the age of 13 after being an EDM DJ at St. Petersburg pirate radiostation for 2 years.
Now he creates melodic noise which he describes as sound of “pure naviete weaponized by haunting helplessness of logic&QUITE-EMOTIONAL-APPROACH-TO-ANYTHING&O - V - E -R -R RE-ACTING"T[M]. His greatest influences were Kanye West and PJ Harvey, as for now among them appeared some Kyiv(NO)-meta-based artists like (Ivan Skoryna) - is - (actual artist name) John Object, and Moscow (Still-NO;still-meta) based media-artists AWN-naw
(wowww, an artist doesn’t have a PAGE, HOW’S THAT, MR. Цукерберг, Марк, Mr TAG EVERYONE ON EVERY BIT OF YOUR tinyDaATa ttmmm] soundcloud.com/awn_naw
so: and Zurkas Tepla
[the..articles are so difficult, I know how journalists may feel, sometimes, about posting a klikByte-headed material about poverty, war, or numerous G20 Ideologic rave party, I AM CHARLIE, CHARLIE SHEEN CAUGHT ROBBING WALLtm-MART NEAR THE FREEDOM ST., BUT luckily, the casser worker! had called the police last night, when they! heard some "sounds of (violent) noise.. haha great my friend got a vynil of this, which i have no possibility to actually hear, my sounds of noise are shaped by the bloodstream of mine and the clone of Mine[tm] who hopes, i hust buy it as fast as he could be tauht, at their trial lol trial, you have noone to feed, don’t you, family-less, dropped out of nowhere worker huhhh]
I GOTTA MAKE THOSE FUCKING CASSETTES NOBODY REALLY NEADS, EXCEPT ONE ( you are dramqueened, lolll) Ph.D of USA University, which i respect, for the interest in New East culture. [I’d like them to show me. where’s the new east, so i could finally show em the old one]
Me Respect Professos, what’s wrong with that huh?)))), I am studying at Karazin University, I AM studying political sciences, without a bit of post-truth politics, just post-truth patriot-oriented education, it’s quite depressing. (UBA - shorter, smarter look, more modern than the actual modern term Ukrainian Bank Accounts, and it sounds like UBER, like not the taxi service, which robs every piece of his stuff, including the clever-auto-routed-cars. of course. If they are clever, they are good enough to be credited as stuff, AND BE TAKEN SERIOUS SUPPOSEDLY I GUESS MAYBE i don’t kno, tho, lo ve16/03/18 first LP has been self-released you kno, i gottaa promote it, and i do my best at it, since i left label with audience in Facebook of 3k people - next kp - k people, not k-pop,; Soundcloud like 7+kp (non k-pop also, they don’t even use it, u must be kidding, kidDO - kidDO - essential mobile app just for YOUR smartphone, to get you a proper kid. Look at you(r,) "kid” and look at “kidDO"TM!!! - exclamaiton marks are here to gain psychical pressure on our deer, hi that’s was bad jokey…like your kiddo, dear, dear, very dear, and precious customers, not to exclaim that we have registered this trademark with absolutely obvious "misunderstandings” with law, and fully understanding with the power….forces..FORCES OF POWER, OF
KNO, TO OUR CUSTOMERS…so, not to seem a little bit weird but I don’t feel lonely, I have a great support of my family and friends, I sometimes do just awful things to them, like…idk…being an artist with great not only the creative potential, but a POT(i’d smoke this sh1t on 3v3ryday bas1s in case I would have agreed on following the path of using potential #2, it’d be weird if i liked a chance to be a person like in example NUMBER TWO, u kno, TWO, 2, LOSER, FUCKING LOOSER,) ential of sitting my ass out near shitty PC on windows XP (Mhhmhmm, safety, in Ukrainian IT companies… is quite interesting quiestion, wee(d) n(w)eed to look at it from different perspectives, different angles…) (actually i do the same at my dorm, or at mama-house(TM haha, no, sry, i’m not THAT misogynistic human being, to EVEN Imagine™ my mother, as a woman, first of all (fck offff my “i-understood-Freud-wrong-but-1-read-it-ironically-so-fuckk-you”-mates, I understand these great postmod(ern)(ehhh)(snobbyy)(but i like it) possibilities that came out as a pale garbage, like from the corpse, the corpse of a most pale kidDO (of course if our company be mistakeyy just a lil bit, like “oops”), as soon as you got a thought in you head like “Oh, over-using (that small dash as a reminder - if you misread oversueing somehow, goto "mylawyer” and think a bit once, than a little bit more, and than turn your MINDPOWER [LP3, 2026 new demos never, I know, I’m a bit of paranoid about showing my stuff to anonymouses like ISIS or Presidents, like very very bad presidents, like, I even don’t kno who to mention, but you’ve got the point, they could rip off my MASTERPOWER [LP0 It was already released, and you are not talanted in googling enough to find it eat my t-shirts, to be more accurate, not shirts, i’m not that “kid” if he could be reffered like this too, since 29 years of struggle through average mid-class family “oopsey-woopseys”, Hey, CC [NoN-creative-commoned-Comedy-Central, so “™”], wanna see an episode dated 1999 where Bart SimpsonS, using his MINDPOWER, obviously"TM", becomes a high-school breakbit-techno-house-electro DJ BioSex [in reversed order, please, mix, but do not shake, please, to make a cocktail which our modern “underground electroni#css” music scene like really deserves
Fill a collins glass with ice. Add tequila and midori, fill rest of glass with sour mix, and garnish with an orange slice and a cherry. Then drink it by yourself if you truly believe, that you are great at mixing 4/4 tracks, OH GOSH HOW MEAN I AM, I WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE MEAN TO A PERSON WHO JUST MAKES A LIVING ON DOING EVERYTHING HE WANTS, LIKE VINYLL FLIP-FLOPS, AND CD’S CHANGINGGGG [REALLY HOT DOWN HERE, YOU NOW, HEATING IS GOING LIKE SHUSH, ITS JUST SO HOT UNDER THE DJ TABLE FUCK IT, IKEA, YOU GOTTA DO SMTH WITH IT]..sorry,..fck, almost forgot about this phoney thingy [IKEAtm - more than trade, more than marks, IKEA rules, here are scandinavian workers tired sparks (around head) (from amusement, how GOOD, it TASTES, to eat CHICKEN, at the TABLE, you know you PRODUCED, but you DON’T CARE [mArXXXattention - marxists fukof, i know i’m using some kind of “not really accurate” info!! about your DAD’S BOOK, i’m sorry, I never gonna touch it again, I promise, peace] [Fuck xxxtentaciwho, i don’t stand public image of a talented musician to be spoiled with so fucked up facts, like beating someone for a long time, or having sex with a person against their will, and that’s not a joke. Pretty sad that talented freshmen will never be a talented human being for me, but he still is for someone, and those are might be fucked up as hell also, not as much as a person, who fucks another with a fork, or other objects [even if he does it in postmod, that’s cruel to kids, think about what happend to WW2 kids, and X it on the quantity of eyes that never seen the damn piece of war [lucky ones, would be like to feel a bit like that] [i’m lucky too, but not that much, you kno, “Sloviansk"TM, or how it frequently was trasliterated from "local-pronounciation” - Slavinsk [CC license] - [src: telegraph.co.uk/…/Donetsk-police-chief-forced-out-as-Ukrain…, BTW! using a chance of such a productivity FUCK Telegraph, and probably fUcK BBC News [can’t find a source, but i remember this LE GOOGLE-LESS JOURNALIST REPORTAGE for not having a MINDPOWER, and what’s more important, for them, as professionals, of “dividing"TM "bad people"TM and "good people"TM - a MASTERPOWER ability. Purchase Love LP. LP is for Pl which is for [sorry, my polish friends, and people who don’t understand slavic-english-writing-stYLO [stereotype], sorry, I’m very very sorry, that IT HAPPENED[TM], yeas, Pl - which is for Please! Sorry! I admit, I took you to the really dark place, but I Love you, and I really want you to survive. [really enjoying’ my time with those funny Latin letters, playing with them, omg, i don’t even kno what doessss the DAMN.[really liked it, but TPAB was way better, please take a note, Kendrick, i’m your fan for 3 yrs, my opinion weighs smth, huh? I don’t even have fans which are able to notice when i delete a bunch of my “First Relaeses” from bandcamp. That’s for good, actually, I’d like not to get any messages containg things like “Hei Aleksei! Your first release Ножові was great and thought-provoking, and your last LP called..let me think, Laugh? Life? Ah, I remembered it’s called] half of my words mean
And yeah
Love / OUT NOW
CHSZM - noise music project of Kharkiv based media-artist Aleksei Podat.
Hometown: Sloviansk
Birthdate: 25/08/1996
gosh, i got these voices sequenced to 4/4 again, moom. I need a PROFESSIONAL HERE
if you got some psychologist help to advice, i’d be shy, but greatful
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