#Obi-Wan Kenobi x Satine
phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
Imagine you are Obi-Wan and Satine’s daughter and you want to know how the two fell in love.
Warnings: none, it’s meant to be fluffy and light, that kind of reading to a day where you want to chill out. (:
Warnings 2: based on the movie “Definitely, Maybe.”
Your mother is brushing your long ginger hair, an inheritance of your father. The thought makes the Mandalorian duchess smirk: so much like Obi-Wan.
Not only physically, but she sees your sarcastic remarks and strong will an inheritance of her husband. She often likes to point that out to Obi-Wan when you give him a hard time, however rare it is.
“Now, it’s time to go to bed, Y/N. Tomorrow you have class.” She knows you have the Force and Obi-Wan often finds himself impressed by it, but the one time he suggested Satine to get you to the Jedi Order, she strongly refused it; the Council barely knew they were secretly married, what would the Jedis think if a female version of Kenobi was seen displaying a great deal of Force?
“School is boring. And tomorrow i don’t have physical education.” You pout, giving a long look at your mother as you are tucked in bed. “When is daddy coming?”
“School is not boring, sweetheart. You just need to focus.” She smiles gently at you. “Now, your daddy is coming in two days. He’s arranging some time to spend with us on this Saturday. Are you missing him?”
“Yes, I am. I want to show him a new trick I’ve learnt the other day.” You giggle and your mother raises an eyebrow at you, but before she can say something, you say: “Mom, can you tell me about how you and daddy met? How did you marry him?”
“Oh dear.” Your mother laughs, not expecting this unusual request. “Is this the story you want me to tell you before you go to bed?”
“Yes, please!” You beam and Satine, who rarely refuses you anything, side smirks at your excitement.
“Very well.” She sighs in content. “It all happened ten years ago. Two years later you were born.”
Satine’s flashback.
Satine had only recently been raised to the dukedom of Mandalore, attributed to new responsibilities and demands that scared her. She had a whole people to look after and had promised her father to be peaceful, new measures were put to practice.
The one that raised some protests was her complete prohibition to the use of arms. Specially from foreigners: regardless of their position (as high as low born), no arms would be tolerated. The abolition had a good cause, though: she wanted to turn Mandalore into a peaceful planet. Despite the challenges ahead, she would not change her mind.
Alongside the trustful Prime Minister, Satine began to find a way to proceed it. As aware she might’ve been in dealing with possible corrupted men who would not let go of their power through the control of arms, she would not give up.
And that was how the whole process led her to sending a representative to the Senate, so she would propose a solution to the creation of arms in order to diminish the commerce with some of the planets which held a great influence on the matter. If the heavy taxation would not diminish it, then maybe the Chancellor could help the Mandalorian cause.
That was how two Jedis were sent to dialogue with the Duchess. A Master and his Padawan, they often came in duo. Satine remembered how, back then, her heart was aching because of an old flame.
So she did not pay much mind to the ginger male with eyes that mirrored the bluest of skies—although she did find him handsome; and she never knew Obi-Wan was so enchanted with that beauty of blond hair and eyes that seem to reflect the same shade of blue that were in his.
“My lady duchess, this is Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi.” The Prime Minister introduced them. The pair nodded their heads out of respect and Satine smiled in response. “The Chancellor sent them as the representatives of the Senate.”
“The peacekeepers of Galaxy”, Satine remarked. “For an order who preaches for peace, how often you engage in wars?”
“With all due respect, my lady duchess, the interference is only done when necessary. We do tend to avoid take military parts unless circumstances oblige us otherwise.” Master Qui-Gon Jinn said.
And that was how it started. Satine appreciated the men’s intelligence, but it was only when she sat in front of them and began to negotiate with the Jedis that she noticed the handsomeness of Obi-Wan. She didn’t want to, but something about his low his eyes glanced at her made the duchess slightly blush.
“…in this case, here’s what I propose us to do”, Qui-Gon was saying. “I am leaving my Padawan here to assist you in whatever matters are necessary all the while I will take your counter proposals to the Chancellor. Once I get the response, I shall send them to him so Obi-Wan can be the bridge between the Republic Senate and Mandalore.”
Pause. Back to present.
You interrupt your mother:
“But mom, i don’t care about these details. I want to know how you and daddy fell in love!”
Satine giggles at your comment.
“My dear child, there is a whole context for it that you should be familiar with.”
“Well yes, but I don’t care about politics.” You fold your arms. “However… I have a question. Did father’s Master never consider that he might fall in love with you?”
“What? No, i don’t think so, besides…”
“Don’t you think he was a little dumb? I thought the Jedis were supposed to read the future?”
Satine laughs louder at your remarks. She ruffles your hair and leans to press a kiss on your temple.
“Oh my darling Y/N! Aren’t you smart? But no, I don’t think the Jedis can foresee the future. They may have a feeling about it, though, like a presentiment. But because future is still developing, they can never be entirely sure what is to come since the events may change.”
“And did he never have one about daddy and you? I suppose this Jedi Master was not entirely powerful then.”
You smirk as your mother laughs again at your amusing remarks.
“Dear one, I have to tell your father to stop teaching you sarcasm. It’s sharpening your tongue too much for my taste.”
“You forget I am your daughter too, mama.”
She chuckles.
“Fair enough. Now, may I go back to the story?”
Satine’s flashback.
But at first there was a common distrust between Satine and Obi-Wan, notwithstanding the mutual attraction. The reason was that Obi-Wan relied too much in his saber to his actions and to be without it got him to the nerves.
“Are you telling me you don’t trust your Jedi’s abilities?” Satine chuckles. “If you have the Force, to protect me using it will not be difficult.”
Obi-Wan blushed.
“It is not as simple as you might think, Duchess.”
That day he was accompanying her to a tour around the capital.
“Oh? Care to enlighten me?” Satine smiled at him.
“I don’t think you’d be able to understand.” Obi-Wan could not help snapping back.
“Are you underestimating my wit, Obi-Wan Kenobi?”
Their argument was interrupted by the Prime Minister who requested the Duchess’s attention. The Padawan stood by her side every moment, attentive to every move. But sometimes his eyes lingered a little too much in her frame, noticing the color of her hair, her eloquence, her eyes… And when Satine turned at him for some reason, his eyes took notice of the red lipstick on her full lips.
However, every distraction came to an end when he sensed something wrong was about to come.
“Duchess, you have to hide now.” Obi-Wan cut your speech. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
The seriousness in his tone did not let her question him. She had to trust him, so Satine did. The moment she was instructed to get in the canine was the exact an attack was addressed to her ship. It was by this close she was harmed.
Obi-Wan had to manipulate the Force not only to protect the Duchess, but also to counterattack the terrorist forces who attempted against her life. He was joined by the royal squad who was meant to protect her too.
All the while there was a battle happening outside, Satine was scared, a hand on her heavy chest as she could not believe what just happened. Would people go this far to harm her? She blinked away a few tears and composed herself when Obi-Wan showed himself to where she was.
“We have to go back to your household right away. Are you all right, Duchess?” It was when he first softened with her. “You must be shaken. I’m sorry about that.”
He could see her struggle to fight away tears. But it was not until she was safe and sound in her palace that he offered her the solace of his arms. And she wept.
“Must people always choose pride and violence to make their points? Can’t they be civilized?” She sobbed. “Must this be so difficult, Obi-Wan? All I want is peace, the best for my people.”
He rubbed her back, trying not to concentrate so much in her perfume of lavender, nor how she leant into him, her face buried in his shoulder. This was not the time.
“The greatest rulers are often under attack. You are not responsible for what happened but most of people are still plagued in vices to welcome a virtue. Don’t give up hope, Satine.” Obi-Wan lifted her face so their eyes would meet. By doing so, his fingers caressed cheeks and he smiled timidly before the intensity of their locked gaze. “Always follow your heart.”
“I appreciate it. Thank you, Obi-Wan.” Satine smiled at him. She leant into his touch and would lean to kiss him, moved by such an unnamed ignition, had a knock on the door not subtly separated them. Like a startle provoking a sudden awake from dreams, Satine felt numb when forced to part from Obi-Wan’s warmth embrace.
Pause. Back to present.
Your eyes are sparkling. This is better than any princess story you’ve ever read.
“So that was when you realized that you loved him and he loved you?” You beam.
Satine smiles at how romantic you are. A dreamer like your mother, as Obi-Wan often tells you when you bring propositions for him to spend more time with her and you than with the old men of the Jedi. She remembers well the day you two talked about it.
“You cannot say your dad’s colleagues are a bunch of old men, dear Y/N. Frankly, is that what you are learning at school?” He shot a glare to Sabine who was cooking pancakes.
“She takes after you, sweetheart.” Sabine told him in between chuckles.
“Honestly, daddy. Why are they more important than us? Peace cannot be achieved outside if you can’t keep in your family”
You didn’t understand why your parents laughed at your words. You blushed.
“What? Why are you laughing?”
Obi-Wan smiled as he leant to kiss your forehead.
“You are such a precocious child, dear Y/nickname. Daddy loves you very much. Daddy promises he will spend more time with you, all right?”
You beamed, very content with the answer you were provided.
“Well, you can say it was the start of something.” Satine smiles at you. “However, it would take some months before we would admit each other how we felt.”
“Why?” You ask your mother. Somehow you seem to expect something more… like the stories you read?
“Because your father is a very slow man.” Satine tells you, making you both burst into laughters.
Satine’s flashback.
Six months had passed since Master Qui-Gon Jinn left Obi-Wan Kenobi responsible to protect the Duchess Satine and, in his absence, to provide the bridge between Mandalore and the Senate.
In this period too, Satine and Obi-Wan had overcome the initial rivalry that seemed to arise—only because one disagreed with the other in many subjects concerning the conduct of peace in political affairs—to give place to a much more deeper sentiment. Though there was never difficulty to admit there was an attraction between the pair, to acknowledge something beyond it required going far from where their pride admitted.
It was only the day Obi-Wan saw some men trying to court the Duchess in a royal feast that he felt something he never felt before: jealousy. Satine took notice of his disappearance at her side, which prompted her to a disappointment. However, she soon went after him.
“Ben.” She used the short name she gave him when they were alone. “Why did you leave me? I mean…” Satine feared to look so obvious in her affections so she cleared her throat. “Your Master was precise when he told you not to leave my side.”
Obi-Wan snorts before turning his head at the duchess.
“Honestly, Satine. You are coming with this one? I thought you wit was sharper than that.”
She blushed.
“You often give me half truths, Obi-Wan Kenobi. In case you forgot, I am not a bloody Jedi. You should know better.”
“Half truths?” He scoffed. “Where’d you take this from?”
Satine rolled her eyes.
“Don’t play the cynical to me, Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan side smirked at her.
“Never thought I’d hear you call me that.” He stepped closer to the Duchess.
“All I want is you to be honest with me.” She told him in a whisper. “I don’t want to be apart from you.”
The Padawan softened before the subtle confession. He caressed her cheeks, his eyes lingering at her features and how she leant closer to him. She clearly cared little if they were caught by others. Why should he too?
“I don’t like sharing you.” Obi-Wan whispered close to her ear, resting a hand in her waist. He smiled when seeing she shivered at how close they were to each other.
“Then don’t.”
Satine surprised him by placing her hands around his face and pulled him for a kiss. There was little resistance specially when a tongue snaked through his open mouth. Because of their inexperience, the first kiss was far from gracious, though eventually all seemed to settle well.
“I love you.” Obi-Wan told her at long last. “I don’t want to be ever apart from you.”
Satine smiled at him, resting her forehead against his.
“I love you too, Ben. Promise me you will never leave me.”
“Never.” He said, locking hands with her. “I am and will always be yours.”
“As I am yours.” Satine vowed.
Present days.
“That is it?” You exclaim. “What happens next?”
“You did want to know how your father and I fell in love. Here’s the story.” Satine chuckles. “Besides, it is late and you must sleep. Tomorrow is Friday. Don’t forget that you still have class.”
You pout.
“Well can’t you just tell me how he proposed you?”
“Well, your father was never the most romantic of us two. He proposed me when we were in the middle of a fight.” Satine tells you, smiling at your perplexity.
“What?! No way!”
“In his defense, he was tied to the vows of Jedis, my dear.”
“Mama, that doesn’t excuse him from his lack of tact.” The choice of your words makes your mother laugh; she begins to suspect you’ve been reading difficult books to show yourself off again. “What is duty before love?”
“Aren’t you a bright little thing?” Satine beams at you, pressing a gentle kiss over your temple before tucking you in bed. “Now sleep, my daughter. It’s time.”
“Fine.” You smile as you adjust under comfortable blankets. “Good night, mommy.”
“Good night, sweetheart. Sleep well.”
Satine then gives you another goodnight kiss before she turns the light off. Once she closes the door, she is surprised by Obi-Wan.
“So am I not the most romantic of the men?” He chuckles before being engulfed in her arms.
Even after all those years, she feels so silly around him. Satine kisses his cheek before locking hands with her husband.
“Have you been listening for long? Your daughter wanted to see you.”
“I’ve been listening enough.” Obi-Wan smirks. “Besides, I didn’t want to intrude. I suspect Y/N might go wide awake if she saw me.”
Satine laughs quietly.
“I fear this may be true. But I thought you’d come until Saturday?”
“Been released off my duties earlier.” He is leading the way to their quarters. “I have actually a few good news to tell.”
“Yeah?” Satine gives a long glance at her husband. “What is it?”
“First, we do not have to hide anymore. I made the choice of leaving the order when Master Yoda and I come to an agreement. I would be released of my vows all the whilst I keep the seat at the council.” He smiles warmly at her reaction. “And second: the Skywalkers are visiting us this week. Anakin is bringing the twins.”
Satine beams delightedly at the news.
“Oh my! I wasn’t expecting neither!” She laughs. “Such great news, my love!”
“Yes, I think so too.” Obi-Wan pulls her gently against him. “And now let me show you how much I’ve missed my wife.”
She gives him a sly smirk before leaning to kiss his lips.
“I’ve missed you too, husband.”
“Wow! You do pilot fast!” You hear Luke say as you two play the video games all the while Leia is rolling her eyes.
“Of course I do!” You chuckle. “Look what I can do!”
“Can’t we play something else?” Leis complains. “I am bored. Luke, why did you have to pick the video game again?!”
“I have an idea!” You pause the video game. “Let us play hide and seek!”
“Great idea!” Leia beams. “I want to start counting this time because I am very good at this.”
You and Luke exchange glances and giggle. All the while the three of you start a new game, Anakin and Obi-Wan are watching the children, beers in hand as they make the barbecue. The women are inside doing something else—probably gossiping about the recent scandal involving some Senator.
“Luke seems to have taken a like on Y/N.” Anakin remarks, amused. “And she seems to correspond. You know, Obi-Wan, I think our family will grow closer than we expect.”
Obi-Wan sighs at Anakin as he laughs his ass off.
“Why, in the name of the Maker, are you giving me a headache before the time? Lord knows you never grant me peace.” He smirks, playfully patting the younger male’s shoulder.
But as their gaze follow to where you and Luke hide, Anakin smirks too and says:
“I have a good feeling about this, though.”
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galactic-rhea · 2 months
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The beautiful bride and the ugly groom
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ninjadeathblade · 10 months
Obi-Wan in The Phantom Menace: Serious padawan, in love with Jedi code, no other romance for him, super cautious
Obi-Wan in the rest of the prequels: Thirty and flirty, you only live once, gets shipped with everyone
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an-old-lady · 4 months
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Obi-Wan and Satine
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peppermintquartz · 5 months
one of my posts is very popular with shippers and i keep seeing the tag #obitine
and since i don't know much about Star Wars beyond the movies i thought "that's an alarming number of people shipping obi wan and palpatine" (alarming as in more than i expected, not that i'm against it)
TODAY i learned that the 'tine' refers to a female character called Satine
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abreca · 1 year
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Year on the run.
This follows that well known headcanon where Obi-Wan's hair grows and he becomes irresistible.
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girlrandomstuff · 1 year
Star “She’s royalty, I'm just a boy” Wars
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neverhadpogsoup · 1 year
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"Had you said the word..."
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raiderbirdy · 1 year
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Satine and Ben
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callmevexx · 7 months
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Korkie's first day at school and Satine is so proud of her son nephew💙
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deer-shin · 2 years
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Old and new drawings
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d0llfaac3 · 1 month
Pairing: Obi wan Kenobi x female! Jedi! Reader
Warnings: reader has near death experience and Obi wan isn’t too happy with his ‘friend’
Word count: 378
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Obi wan came running into the medical wing of the Jedi temple on Coruscant, a determined look on his face, also one of worry, you were laying in a bed, half asleep on the meds they gave you.
He nearly broke down in tears as he saw you..he was your ‘friend’ or a Jedi master, you where close with, you were also a Jedi. Growing up with Obi Wan in the Jedi Order.
He gently cupped your face, you two had been unofficially together for months now, hiding it from the order as attachments where forbidden. For any Jedi, let alone two well respected Jedi masters..
“They’re letting me out soon Obi, calm down” you say softly, with a small smile on your face, he cared so much about you it was quite cute actually, he dropped everything to make sure you where okay..
“Oh good..maker you seriously scared me..” He says as he gently touches your hair, looking at you with such soft eyes that it could melt the coldest of hearts.
You had to giggle, couldn’t help yourself, his big hands wrapped around your hand dad make you blush. “Obi..we’re in the hospital wing not here” you say quietly and he blushes and quickly pulls his hand away mumbling something about an apology
Once the nurses released you, Obi Wan had grabbed you into his quarters, throwing you on the bed and throwing a blanket at you, getting into bed beside you still in his robes.
“You” kiss “scared” kiss “me” kiss. You did love his kisses. Something about him always made you feel so special, ever since you two were small children you two have always had a connection, from late night lightsaber training when you two where padawan learners, to late night studying sessions, to late meditation to..enjoying each other in a different sense..
He wrapped his big arms around you, suffocating you in a hug as he kissed your hair, gently putting his chin against your head, whispering soft words to you as you drifted off asleep, the last words you can remember where.
“Goodnight Mi gorffen chi bonnie” he says, in stewjon, the language in his home planet meaning ‘I love you Beautiful”
You loved him and he loved you..screw the Jedi order.
Hi guys, I’ve never done a Star Wars fic before so it’s kinda goofy, hope u enjoy 🫶🏻
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galactic-rhea · 5 months
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"Worse in what sense?"
Quick comic thing while taking advantage at max of my sunday.
I love Satine and Obi's constant divorced bickering.
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ndekvart · 4 months
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He just killed a few Jedi and is looking fabulous 💅🏼
I couldn't resist drawing my own sith!Obi-Wan design. And now I’m obsessed. Fr I can’t stop thinking about anything but this AU.
I got this little idea about him falling to the dark side after Satine’s death and multiple lies and crimes of the order and the senate. He became so strong with the dark side of the force that eventually kills Palpatine and becomes the new Dark Lord. And this is where the fun begins 😈
(Now I think I should develop this story cuz it’s so coool and I have many ideas for it aaaaaa)
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renif · 1 month
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the sarcasm of a soldier, the delusion of a dreamer
just watched this episode and decided to redraw this scene, because i loved it
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manofbeskar · 1 year
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"if you had said the word..."
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