#Nigerian Scammers
Attention British Press: For the TRUE Female ROLE MODELS from Remi Tinubu, Nigeria's First Lady: "Even they are mimicking and trying to emulate film stars from America. They don't know where they come from.
Why did American MEGHAN come here looking for Africa?"
The message here is we have to salvage our children
We see the way they dress
They keep forgetting, that Nigeria we have beautiful people
The moment they can see what is showcased on the stage
We are fashionable, we see what is going on
We Are Not Having MET Gala, Nakedness is just everywhere
The men are well clothed, so we have to do something
Tell them the way it is:
We dont accept nakedness in our culture
That is NOT beautiful, it is not beautiful at all
And there are beautiful girls
But they should be confident & know who they are
Even they are mimicking and trying to emulate film stars from America.
They don't know where they come from.
Why did American MEGHAN come here looking for Africa?
We know who we are, and don't lose who you are
God bless you
Meghan Markle is 100% Brazen Hussey
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Disrespectful Duchess
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Ginge and Cringe
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The truth will set us FREE!
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davasmedia · 2 years
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romancescams · 2 years
A Scam Victim Held Captive Then Dies - A Scam Victim's Story
A Scam Victim Held Captive Then Dies – A Scam Victim’s Story
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murderousink23 · 2 years
The Nigerian scammers are getting bold
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wensdaiambrose · 3 months
Messing with scammers
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I also want to make it clear that I believe that knowing multiple languages is impressive.
I am merely pointing out that the account isn't being run by someone who speaks only English.
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I'm crying at this point 😂
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I'm trying to see how high I can go, price wise, before he gets pissed.
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And now he is calling me a Nigerian scammer.
I am very tempted to copy and paste all of Leaves of Grass to him.
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turtwig387 · 2 years
What a fucking joke for PayPal having formal statements that they're not racist meanwhile Nigerians aren't allowed to use the app
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suddenyearning · 1 month
in the last week, after leaving the comment "do you need a third?" on an alex and lily joined ig post I've been contacted by both a fake lily and a fake alex account on two different platforms (same @)
they want me so bad it's making them look stupid 🫦
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ellaintrigue · 2 months
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Does it ever work?
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egoroboto · 7 months
Im sorry, are we just not even pretending anymore???
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romancescams · 2 years
Names of Nigerian Scammers Arrested & Convicted - August 2022
Names of Nigerian Scammers Arrested & Convicted – August 2022
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bills-bible-basics · 9 months
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SOCIAL WARRIORS -- a poem by Bill Kochman A #BillsBibleBasics poem by #BillKochman. Visit https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/ to see all my poems with related Bible studies. To see other poems related to this one, please go here: https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/index.html#Social-Networks "Our Spiritual Warfare" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse080.html "Battle of the Mind" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse217.html "Guard Your Mind and Heart" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse213.html "Be Sober-Minded" Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse003.html "Don't Faint in Your Minds" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse360.html "Washed and Renewed Mind" Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse071.html Article: "The Battle is Not Yours Alone!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/battle-1.html Article: "The Lord Will Lift You Up": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/liftup-1.html "Resist the Devil" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse362.html "Sword of the Spirit" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse085.html "Sword and Fire of God's Word" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse486.html "Satan: False God, Liar and Deceiver" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse388.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/social-warriors-a-poem-by-bill-kochman/?feed_id=74547&_unique_id=6509e698daf82&SOCIAL%20WARRIORS%20--%20a%20poem%20by%20Bill%20Kochman
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realasslesbian · 2 years
So this lady is getting four entire years for catfishing, meanwhile men be out here getting less than that for literal murder everyday? Like, yah catfishing is wrong, but it's not four years in prison wrong. Y'all can't look me in the eye and tell me a heterosexual man would get four years in jail for this shit.
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atavist · 11 months
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A romance scammer conned my mom. I went to Nigeria to find him.
“The Romance Scammer on My Sofa,” issue no. 140 from The Atavist Magazine, is now available:
In Nigeria, Yahoo boys are online fraudsters. Their nickname comes from the email service Yahoo, which became popular in Nigeria in the 2000s, and they are descendants of the infamous 419 scammers, who, first with letters, and later in emails, promised to help strangers get rich for a nominal advance fee. (The number is a reference to a section of the Nigerian criminal code pertaining to fraud.) Biggy is a particular kind of Yahoo boy: a romance scammer who pretends to be other people online to seduce foreigners into trusting him and giving him money.
Biggy’s game is all about intimacy. He invests time in building what seems like a real relationship with his victims. He flatters them, tells them jokes, asks intimate questions. “The most important thing about being a Yahoo boy is keeping the conversation alive,” Biggy told me. “Dating is all about patience. It takes a long time before a client starts trusting you.”
Yahoo boys, I was learning, love euphemisms.
Biggy estimated that over his ten years—and counting—as a romance scammer, he’d lined his pockets with $30,000 from people he conned. People yearning for love. People like my mother.
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forbidden231 · 3 months
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Still losing my mind over how unintenionally funny (and easy to parody) Jake's "Who is this?" line is 😭😂
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Quaritch: "Jake Sully! You hear me, Corporal? I've got your kids! How you copy that?" 😠
Jake: "New phone, who dis?"
Quaritch: "..."
Quaritch: "It's ME! Quaritch! Your archnemesis!"
Jake: "Who??? You're breaking up, I can't hear you."
Quaritch: "It's me, dammit! Quaritch! THE MAIN VILLAIN OF THIS FRANSCHISE!"
Jake: "Rich who? Oh, man. This is one of those Nigerian prince scams, isn't it? Listen here, buddy, I 'aint got no rich uncles dying abroad and leaving me money, and I don't want any, K, thanks, bye."
Quaritch: "What—"
Jake, talking to Neytiri: "Babe, can you believe this? How did they get on Pandora anyway? Jesus Christ, scammers these days..." 🙄
Quaritch: "Wait—"
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Read the rest on Ao3
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mariacallous · 2 months
The compliments start flowing as soon as she answers the video call. “Wow, you so pretty, honey,” says the man on the other side of the screen. His video feed shows he’s white, with short hair, likely a few years younger than her, and is sitting in front of his camera wearing a plaid shirt.
“You’re looking different with that beard and stuff gone,” the woman says in an American accent as the conversation gets going. The man doesn’t miss a beat. “I told you I was going to shave my beard so I will look good.”
Except, he isn’t who he claims to be. His videofeed is a lie. And—beard or not—the face the woman can see over the video call is not his: It’s a deepfake.
In reality, the man is a scammer using face-swapping technology to totally change his appearance in real time. In a video of the call—filmed by the scammer’s accomplice likely thousands of miles away from the woman—his real face can be seen on this laptop alongside the fake persona as he speaks to his victim.
This self-shot video is one of scores posted online by scammers known as Yahoo Boys, a loose collective of con artists, often based in Nigeria. The video reveals how they are using deepfakes and face-swapping to ensnare victims in romance scams, building trust with victims using fake identities, before tricking them into parting with thousands of dollars. More than $650 million was lost to romance fraud last year, the FBI says.
The Yahoo Boys have been experimenting with deepfake video clips for around two years and shifted to more real-time deepfake video calls over the last year, says David Maimon, a professor at Georgia State University and the head of fraud insights at identity verification firm SentiLink. Maimon has monitored the Yahoo Boys on Telegram for more than four years and shared dozens of videos with WIRED revealing how the scammers are using deepfakes.
A WIRED review of the videos and three associated Yahoo Boy Telegram channels shows how the con artists’ techniques have evolved as deepfake applications and artificial intelligence have improved. It is one of the first times the specific tactics and outlandish techniques of scammers using deepfake video calls has been documented in this detail.
The videos show Yahoo Boys using the technology on setups involving both laptops and phones. In multiple videos, the scammers often brazenly show their own faces, as well as those of the victims they are scamming. “I don't think they're doing this because they’re stupid,” Maimon says. “I think that they simply don’t care, and they’re not afraid of the repercussions.”
The Yahoo Boys are experienced scammers—and they openly brag about it. Photos and videos of their conning and recruitment can be found all across social media, from Facebook to TikTok. However, the cybercriminals, who have links back to Nigerian prince email scams, are arguably their most open on Telegram.
In groups containing thousands of members, Yahoo Boys organize and advertise their individual skills for a smorgasbord of scams. They’re skilled social manipulators, who can have long-lasting impacts on their victims. Business email compromise, crypto scams, and impersonation scams are all touted in hundreds of posts per day. Members claim to be selling photo and video editing skills and entire albums of explicit photographs that can be used to build a convincing persona. Fake IDs and legitimate-looking social media profiles are for sale. Scam “scripts” are free to download.
“The Yahoo Boys have elements of organized crime and disorganized crime,” says Paul Raffile, an intelligence analyst at the Network Contagion Research Institute, who has investigated Yahoo Boys sextorting teenagers and driving them towards suicide. “They don't have a leader, they don’t have a governance structure.” Rather, Raffile says, they organize in clusters and share advice and tips online. Telegram did not respond to WIRED’s request for comment about Yahoo Boys’ channels, but the three channels no longer appear to be accessible.
The digital con artists started using deepfakes as part of their romance scams around May 2022, says Maimon. “What folks were doing was just posting videos of themselves, changing their appearance, and then sending them to the victim—trying to lure them to talk to them,” he says. Since then, they’ve moved on.
To create their videos, the Yahoo Boys are using a handful of different software and apps. WIRED is not naming the specific software, to limit people’s ability to copy the attacks. However, the tools they are using are often advertised for entertainment purposes, such as allowing people to swap their faces with celebrities or influencers.
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