#My brain is like 'haha... Mushy mushy what do we say ' end me
mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s10e8 hibbings 911 (teleplay: jenny klein; story: jenny klein, phil sgriccia)
has s10 stopped doing the pre-episode recaps altogether? pros and cons. but heyyy it's jody.
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DEAN Right? You'd think these eggheads, with all the crap they amassed over the years, would have actually collected something important. Uh, here. "He-wolf/She-Wolf: A Study in Werewolf Transgenderism." 600 pages, volume 1.
all right
sam being so pleased that jody is calling and talking to her makes me 🥰 nice to see that happy face
SAM Uh, Dean says hi. JODY You found him? Thanks for telling me!
LOL be a better son/nephew/little brother, sam >:|
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SAM All right. Well, uh, enjoy the retreat. JODY Screw you, Winchester. SAM Talk soon.
so stinkin cute <3
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DEAN I'ma swallow a bag of knives if I got to keep looking at this stuff. Let's – SAM Jody said she was on top of it, Dean. DEAN Uh-huh. SAM All right. Let's take a drive.
dean's tactical deployment of the fakest puppy eyes ever
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guy's voice and cadence reminds me a lot of mark ruffalo - and his top lip is asymmetric in the same way? LOL oh brain.
well. i'm glad they're letting donna be more than a caricature. sometimes. when they're not... making fun of her? buh
BRICE No. No, there's no problem. You ain't the first feds to roll through here and come up with nothing. Sure is cute to watch you try, though. DEAN Oh, pal, the FBI doesn't do cute.
LOL what. riling dean up
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SAM Right, but this time, try to be a little less defensive of your "pretend job." DEAN You know, this badge means something. SAM I made it at Kinko's. DEAN Yes, you did. Be proud of that.
handwavy explanation of my longstanding question about their badges haha but it was silly and cute
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is donna feeling something? being mad at jody for standing up for her against his harassment was not the feeling i was anticipating
the sheriff changing the password on the server to hide the footage, like does he turn into cannibal hulk??? mark ruffalo on the brain
well that's one way to get donna in on the hijinks. are jody and donna gonna end up long distance besties?
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(9:58 AM lol) was he searching the web in his untitled note? haha
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(mushy music is back! piano this time. i made a tag for it)
little bonding for jody and donna, dean being totally forthright and not lying at all (right??) with sam about the mark. thanks for bringing it up and how he's feeling (or not feeling as the case may be), show
little sad we didn't get cannibal hulk knockoff mark ruffalo
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crimsun-n-clover · 4 months
im into a new girl. i mean, not really a new one. i mentioned her in an earlier post
figured out that i’m not really attached to the other girl i talked about. she’s great, but she’s wayyy too much like me. it’s good to have things in common, but when it’s to the point that we both have hallucinated the same shit it’s a little off putting. not that she did or said anything wrong, she’s super sweet and i like being around her, i just don’t think we’d make a good couple.
anyway. new girl. gotta come up with a fitting name eventually because her actual name is almost obnoxious and i love it. we met on my fandom instagram account through a mutual friend putting us in a groupchat together.
she’s an amazing artist and we obviously share interests. and she’s hot. like. fucking stunning. so i was just gonna keep that locked away in my little brain like a normal fucking person until one day she randomly unfollowed me and followed me again. which was weird, because we’ve been mutuals for months, but it put the thought of her stalking me into my head and there’s no prying that shit out. like. what were you looking at huh? nothing to see here. just a bunch of text posts and if you’re willing to dig through the highlights there’s some more personal stuff. and then immediately after that i’m on her close friends?? and she tagged me in the next post she made??? weird.
but that was the catalyst to me going huh. i guess i’ll allow myself a bit of swoonage. i told mickey and she lost her everloving shit man. she goes full conspiracy mode because “stevie, that’s what I DO when i like someone she’s into you :)))” kid. sweetheart. i hope you know that you’re the statistical outlier in every situation and i won’t assume that anyone else does that.
so a couple days ago new girl posts about how she wishes she had a girlfriend for valentine’s day. that she’s so hot and interesting and it’s absolutely unbelievable that no one is taking an interest in her and let me just say, i gotta agree. of course, she’s wrong, IM taking an interest, but i’m not gonna be weird about it. i take some screenshots and scratch out her username and send them to mickey. she. goes. fucking. FERAL. “STEVIE ITS MEANT TO BE LOOK AT THE ROCKY HORROR POSTER IN THE BACKGROUND” kid i’m gonna rock your shit if you keep feeding into this and make me all mushy and useless again.
of course, she went to revisit the screenshots and yelled at me for scratching out the username. because i know she’s a meddling bastard who will insert herself. she spends a solid two hours vetting everyone i’m following and can’t find her because the girl is on my other account. absolutely rabid dedication. fuckin adore this kid man. my stalking skills are superior and i’ve already scoped out her pinterest and it made my chest hurt because damn. she’s so. sigh.
this story is kinda nonlinear at this point. shit kept going down for me because the girl live-streamed a few days in a row and i’d join a reasonable amount of time after she started (like. 30 seconds) and just dwell in the chat while like three other people maximum were there. she would end the lives sometimes if no one would join and talk to her on cam but she always went on right when my parents would get home so i couldn’t join. she’s so charming. let me just. list some shit
we already got some stuff in here so. does art, same fandoms, likes rocky horror, feminine, all that shit. she also does roller derby, archery, carpentry (she has this dollhouse in her room that she built herself it’s SO FUCKING RAD), boxing, sailing, cheerleading, all sorts. she likes literature and fashion and apparently grew up in a cult? she kept dropping absolutely insane lore. “oh yeah i got a knife pulled on me at school for being gay haha” and the way she talks she’s so charismatic i hope i die. she’s so enthusiastic about her interests like “i was looking at a boat today that can get up to ELEVEN KNOTS” cool im obsessed with you
she’s so my type i’m gonna rip my skin off and give it to her. she’s feminine, she’s bubbly, she’s fucking weird, kind of a bitch, has strong (correct) opinions, that’s like everything im drawn to romantically. personality big enough to keep me balanced out, knows what she wants so i can enjoy my acts of service love language, LITERALLY MY TYPE.
im so fucking mad. she lives in toronto and i have absolutely no chance regardless. im just a little terrified of her, especially dming her. when i can see her face in the lives it’s wayyy easier but i’m so intimidated by her typing style yk? fucking whatever man i’m being dramatic.
it’s three in the morning so it’s technically february 8th. one year since the initial breakup.
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lllluka · 2 years
Watched episode 4 20 euphoria or whatever it's called so I'm gonna send u my final Luka thoughts on it lmao (aka what I sent my discord chat)
Anyway au where Luka remembers what happened and so he's like "I cannot allow those two to date the world literally fucking ends every time. Marinette is explicitly not into me anymore.... Adrien, get ready"
And I'm visualizing him with a business card that says "Luka (last name), professional relationship ruiner"
Anyway Luka was willing to ride his bike through a door and into a building so fuck it I'm officially a lukea syan
Okay! I've had a very similar kind of thought-- but because he's aware of the identities, now, he realises that literally ANYBODY dating Marinette is a bad idea, and sometimes she kinda can't resist trying, though?
So now there's just this nagging anxiety that A) She's going to ACTUALLY get with her worldendgame; adrien/chat (which he otherwise WANTED to be supportive of)
B) She's going to get back into Luka, HIMSELF, again- and HE'LL have to be the one to be like 'haha, actually, maybe we shouldn't' (something I imagine would be hard for him to say without feeling like crying)
So now he's become kind of her 'backup self-control' in case her crushy mushy brain overrides her ladybug instincts again. so every turn it's just like 'haha, are you SURE you wanna do the adrien thing, marinette? are you SUUUURE?'
and she's like
'wtf i thought you supported me'
'well, i DID, but-'
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lamortexiii · 3 years
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Cryptic Mystic: Kindred Spirits
Do you believe that living beings have souls? If you believe in souls, chances are that you also possess the ability to feel strong emotions. On the opposite side of that coin, there are people who feel no emotion at all. What causes such a huge difference in the capability of our brains and the way that we process information? What do souls have to do with this anyway? Are we born this way or simply molded through our environment and experiences? Maybe it’s a little of both…
I’ll start by saying the words “soul” and “spirit” are often used interchangeably - just so there is no confusion with the title versus the term I am choosing to use within the text. Now onto the good stuff.
The term “soul” as we know it today in America was originally derived from the Old English word sáwol first quoted in the 8th Century poem Beowulf. However, this term and its meaning has been seen in other countries including East German Gothic (saiwala), Old High German (sêula), Old Saxon (sêola), Old Low Franconian (sêla), Old Norse (sála) and Lithuanian (siela). The Germanic definition of “soul” is said to mean “coming from/belonging to the sea (or lake)”, because of the Germanic and pre-Celtic belief in souls emerging from and returning to sacred lakes.
Various religions use the term “soul” within many forms of context. All share an abundance of differences within what the term means and how they choose to use it, but all define their beliefs/experiences within a similar concept. For example, ancient Egyptians believed that people were made up of a combination of both physical and spiritual elements that are of the soul/spirit. Shamanism posits that people are composed of two or more souls (termed soul dualism) often called the “body soul” and the “free soul.” The body soul is the vessel in which you live day to day while you are consciously aware of your surroundings, while the free soul wanders when you are sleeping, meditating, or in a trance-like state. While even different yet, Scientology doesn’t believe that people have souls, but that people are souls. Within this religion, people are viewed as being immortal and can choose to become reincarnated if they would like once their life is over within their current physical body. Lastly, Wiccans tend to believe in the eternal nature of the soul; that the soul is immortal and can never die. Most Wiccans believe in reincarnation and view physical death as part of the natural cycle of life/birth/death; that while the physical body may die, the soul can never die.
As you can tell, there are definitely mixed views on what constitutes a “soul.” Most beliefs in the soul are tied to various religions. These are just a few examples, however, there are MANY more religions that believe in the soul and just as many more definitions and viewpoints! For those who believe in the soul, strong emotional ties are present within their respective religions. Remember earlier when I suggested that if you believe in the soul you probably possess the ability to feel emotions on a strong level? Makes sense now doesn’t it? It’s all tied together and comes full circle when explained. Now, I will say there are just as many people who do not believe in the soul, and I do not discredit them in any way. It’s like I always say, you choose what you believe - all are respected here. Learning more about one another gives us all a better understanding of the differences we possess; what makes us unique. I encourage you to do your research on other cultures/religions/etc., but I also feel like that is part of my purpose here - to expand your mind. So... you can just keep reading my blogs to get that monthly dose of information if you’d like. Your choice.
I’ve always found this particular conversation interesting due to the many possibilities that surround us. There is so much that is truly unknown. We take the influences around us: environment, culture, religion, social influences, etc. and we form opinions. We form beliefs. It would be foolish to believe that we know everything, for we do not. However, we can imagine, dream, research, have a conversation about it - we can strive to learn.
The Shamanistic belief in the two souls is quite interesting to me in particular due to my own personal experiences with dreams and meditation. I am sure many of you have had those dreams that felt so real that whenever you woke up you weren’t sure where you were for a moment. I have experienced this several times. My dreams are always so vivid. When I am meditating I find that I experience almost the same intensity that I feel whenever I am sleeping. I have jokingly wondered to myself if the people we see in our dreams are actually there with us because they are sleeping too. Maybe we are all in another dimension together in our dreams or when we meditate? I don’t have the answers to why these instances occur, but I enjoy speculating over them. I have also wondered if the people in your dreams don’t remember being with you, maybe you were in the part of their dream that they didn’t remember. Have you ever awoke from a dream and for the life of you, couldn’t remember it at all? Or maybe you remembered bits and pieces, but were unable to put them all together because of the fragments that you had forgotten? Another thought - maybe the people that you don’t know that you see in your dreams/during meditation are people that you have unknowingly met or will meet in the near future? There are so many unanswered questions. Sure, we have labels that we throw onto these phenomena as we do with everything else, but do we actually know? I don’t believe so. As a matter of fact, I think we are further off than we even begin to realize because the human mind is not capable of understanding these things that we do not know or understand. Again, you be your own judge - that’s just my opinion.
The premonitions that I have had (as mentioned in one of my earlier blogs - go check it out for the backstory/context), have frightened me to my core. The pure emotion and accuracy in my dreams have baffled me for several years. I have learned to accept that I apparently possess some sort of gift and move forward with my life. When I have a premonition it is always random, but due to the repetitiveness of this phenomena, they don’t really come as much of a surprise anymore. There have been times I awoke and I was screaming, crying, and one time I even swung my fists at someone (yeah… whoops). I feel silly using the terms “soul” or “spirit” so I personally stay away from them. However, I do believe that we are composed of something magical that we have labeled and viewed in different ways. For me, to know the human anatomy inside and out, to know how the body functions, to specialize within my career in brain functioning, and knowing the complexities within both neuro, mental, and physical health; it completely blows my mind that we are just these living, walking, breathing, beings that are so powerful - and that there is nothing behind that. That’s it? It just is? We just are? I think not. There are things we don’t understand and may never understand. I believe that we all possess something special inside of us. Call it what you want: a soul, spirit, or any other combination of terms - we are more powerful that we give ourselves credit for. Whatever you believe in, just know that you are a strong being that can overcome any challenge in life. You possess the power to change your life and could possibly go on to change the lives of others if you so choose. Embrace yourself for who you are and what you believe, because regardless of anything I respect the hell out of each and every one of you for simply being your badass selves!
Now, let’s talk about something that lies on the opposite end of the mushy gushy emotional spectrum. The absence of emotion can technically happen to anybody at any given time. For me, I have had 2 memorable points in my life where I went through a several-month period where I felt nothing. There was an absence of emotion. I felt hardened. I couldn’t cry and I most certainly did not feel happiness. 
The first time this emotional numbness happened was during/after my divorce. For about a year after that train wreck was over I couldn’t emotionally feel anything. I tried to date (ew) and I couldn’t feel love or pleasure. I remember telling a very nice man that was absolutely wonderful to me in every way that I wanted to end things because I couldn’t feel - I didn’t love him. I didn’t want to lead him on, and after a month of dating and not feeling anything I couldn’t bear to see him so attached while I felt absolutely nothing. It was horrible, and I felt a sense of helplessness because I couldn’t just turn my emotions back on like a light switch. It took well over a year for me to bounce back and actually start to feel emotions again, but eventually, I was able to regain them. However, I do feel like I was forever changed in a way. I still carry that hardened exterior, I don’t trust easily, I have a permanent resting bitch face, in conversations, I am way too logical/realistic and cynical for people to even begin to handle, and I struggle with allowing myself to open up to others. Nobody is perfect, and I am sure at least a few of you can relate.
The second time this happened to me was recently. The emotional numbness lasted for a few months, beginning in September of last year to January of this year. For the first time in my life I decided to see a therapist. I didn’t want to, but a couple of people in my life who care about me said that I needed to seek help from someone other than myself (haha). I feel like it may have helped a bit, but I attribute my ability to bounce back to myself and work to change the way I was thinking. I also needed to engage in more self-care because I was extremely lacking in that department last year. So I began doing things on a daily basis that served myself, even if it was for only 15 minutes. Amidst my busy schedule, I needed to make that time for me and so I did. Both instances revolved around heavy stress times in my life - the heaviest I have experienced as an adult. For me, I think that in order to protect itself my the body just shut down and shut off everyone and everything around me. I couldn’t feel anything because feeling and experiencing emotion became seen as a threat. Funny - I still see it that way at times.
Similar to what I have experienced in my life, but much more severe, prominent, and chronic, is psychopathy. Psychopathy is defined as a mental (antisocial) personality disorder in which an individual may appear to hold no morals and exhibit antisocial behavior. These individuals also show a lack of ability to love, empathize, experience emotions, or establish meaningful personal relationships. Psychopaths are sometimes egocentric in their behavior and possess an inability to learn from experience and other behaviors associated with the condition. Take for example Ted Bundy: a calm, collected, calculated, suave serial killer. He appeared to be just like anyone else if you were to see him on the street. He engaged in relationships but did not possess the ability to truly love the individuals he was with (sound familiar?) Even in court he failed to empathize with the families of his victims and appeared to be unbothered - because he was. However, as one of the most well-known serial killers of the modern day, Bundy also had a fascination with murder and necrophelia - which, and I want to reiterate this very clearly, is NOT a common thread with those diagnosed with psychopathy. A lot of people use the term psychopath incorrectly and do not actually understand what constitutes psychopathy. Does being a psychopath mean that you’ll be a murderer? No. Does it mean you can never have a meaningful relationship? While questionable, the answer is no - there is no obsolete here. Does being a psychopath mean you are crazy? Hell no - and I don’t like to use the “C” word in a mental health context because (shocker) it’s fucking offensive. Interestingly enough, there is no written formal diagnosis in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Health Disorders-Version 5) specifically for psychopathy. Instead, the formal diagnosis for someone who meets the criteria of antisocial personality disorder is said to mimic what most characterize as psychopathy. However, some mental health conditions may have a specifier such as psychopathic features. For example: in the DSM-5, under "Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders", Antisocial Personality Disorder with psychopathic features is described as characterized by "a lack of anxiety or fear and by a bold interpersonal style that may mask maladaptive behaviors (e.g., fraudulence)."
While there is an ongoing argument on whether a psychopath is born or made, I say it is a little bit of both - and researchers agree. Children that show a lack of empathy, lack of guilt, and have shallow emotions, defined as callous-unemotional traits, are at increased risk of developing psychopathy in adulthood. These children are more likely to display antisocial behavior, such as bullying and aggression. Will every aggressive child develop psychopathy? No. Will every child who experiences some antisocial behavior develop psychopathy? No. There is a combination of factors that “when the stars align” create a predisposition for psychopathy to develop. It is truly a combination of individual genetics and the environment. So while the genetic factors are what is born within the individual, the environment further aids in shaping how this individual will develop. For example, a child who is aggressive, antisocial, and comes from a home where they are constantly physically and sexually abused is more likely to develop psychopathy, but may or may not depending on their specific genetic makeup. There are literally millions of combinations of neurons and other items that must connect and fail to connect to shape and form a psychopath. As time goes on these traits may become more dominant (indicating psychopathy) or may taper off and fall away (indicating that the person is likely not developing psychopathy and likely has just gone through “a phase”).
It is important to note that psychopathy can also be present and comorbid with other mental health conditions in any individual. The combinations here are endless. I have found that some individuals who experience psychopathy also experience delusions and hallucinations, while others who experience psychopathy have never had a delusion or hallucination in their life. The prognosis relies heavily on a special combination of genetics and environment. Genetics are a predisposition, while environment consists of direct exposures that can predispose but may also be manipulated. Each individual who experiences psychopathy experiences it in a different way and comes from their own unique background, therefore it is hard to pinpoint exactly what “type” of person truly defines a psychopath. Just like anything or anyone else - there are all kinds. We are all alike and the same but yet so very different. We are “kindred spirits” you might say. Whether or not you believe in souls, an afterlife, how we came to be, or what constitutes psychopathy - your opinion is still valid and you believe whatever you choose to believe. Open your mind before you open my blog. Sending you nothing but positivity and love. Until next time, creep it real ghouls and gals.
Cryptic Mystic Blog by PsychVVitch
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meandmyechoes · 3 years
At this point the Cantonese translation of dark disciple is practically another book already:
we totally sprinted with the underworld/triad slang
of course what is cantonese without the intonation particles. I want to read it aloud! Which made their tone at least bit casual.
since there's only one pronoun for everything, and that's assigned to the pov character of the chapter. The narrator/me is a lot clearer to be on one character's side, deleting a lot of "[person] realized…"
we have specific verbs for eye, arm, leg movements as well, but it takes some time to recall/look up in a written context.
the thing we don't have, is specific verbs for smile. which means describing so are chunky with adverbs.
i still have no idea how to localize "my love" (or a nod and a wink and full on gambit. but i outsourced it ;)
naming the flora fauna is fun though!
oooh so excited to make the jedi code into a poem/nursery rhyme
Written and spoken English is practically the same but that's not entirely the case for Chinese/Cantonese. For a literary work like Dark Disciple, much more so than Ahsoka, I find myself more often wanting to pen the sentence, instead of taking the voice input shortcut. But then you have to balance how colloquial it is with the flair! And I'm not saying Cantonese isn't a pretty language, it's just, it's a mean language. It's rustic, its charm comes from metaphors to the uncannily apt. And then you have written Chinese with a long history of beautiful words, but always so subtle, so precise, and half-lost you bury yourself in another dictionary!
Specific to me, my brain runs on an English OS. I see a new word and come up with alternatives of it, in English. And I'd look at a sentence, rearranged the structure in Chinese grammar, but come up with a hybrid! Not very helpful haha.
I found myself having developed a syntax. I often describe the action, and sum it up with a four-letter idiom in the end. While so far I've been using less idioms than Ahsoka (and I do want to dial it up later), I am opting for more specific verbs. I love the paragraph I wrote for Ventress's gown. I've gotten past the most mushy-mushy parts. I'm fairly confident writing lightsaber duels despite not having read a chapter of wuxia to save my life, but the stand-off with The Sleeper still put a bullet to my brain.
Oh, and there's this habit of incorporating English words in speech. I made a rule to NOT do that with Ahsoka (well technically I cheated with one literation, but "order" has been in use for several decades ok) But the ban is lifted for this more localized project.
I… also, possibly regrettably, lifted the ban on swear words for the more adult-themed book. It's just more lively for Hondo to swear. But I'm not too keen to read (somebody other than me writing) Ventress swear. Because the (real-world) language context doesn't really lend malice, it seems a bit, unnecessary.
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lisatelramor · 4 years
Sucker Punch
I apologize in advance, I had a thought and had to follow it through. Dick Jokes occurred. I’m not actually that sorry. Guys, really this is your own fault for getting me to watch a show with a flirtatious protagonist with an oral fixation. :P I’m inflicting this on you. @vulcansdarkest
It was supposed to be a joke. The team all knew what Lin Jing slipped into Zhao Yunlan’s desk. (And everyone but Zhu Hong found it at least a little funny.) Da Qing had found them. After years of living with Zhao Yunlan, he had a bit of a habit of noticing certain kinds of sweets. Especially after Zhao Yunlan stopped smoking. He hadn’t been looking for it of course. He’d just been on a walk, and maybe pestering one of the local shops for scraps because he knew they had a soft spot for cats. And he’d maybe mentioned it offhand later to Lin Jing. But he wasn’t the one to but it.
That dubious pleasure went, of course, to Guo Changcheng. And he only bought it because the concept had almost made Chu Shuzhi audibly laugh, which made everyone pay attention, which led to Da Qing sarcastically saying they should give it to Zhao Yunlan, and then somehow Guo Changcheng was nominated as the sacrifice on acquiring the goods.
(He couldn’t look anyone in the face after that for hours. They almost felt guilty.)
Of course then they almost didn’t put it in Zhao Yunlan’s desk because it could, in a way, be construed as harassment. But as Da Qing pointed out, Zhao Yunlan had no shame and none of their ragtag group had anything resembling deference to him except maybe Guo Changcheng because he wasn’t as much of a misfit as the rest of them.
Which led to everyone holding their collective breaths as Zhao Yunlan sauntered in at a fashionably late time.
“Ah?” he said looking at everyone at their work stations for once. “So quiet and diligent today.” He sounded terribly suspicious. “What expensive thing did one of you break?” Zhao Yunlan looked at Lin Jing.
Lin Jing looked back, wide eyed. “What? I didn’t break anything! Don’t go cutting my pay before I’ve even done anything!”
Zhao Yunlan looked at Da Qing next. Da Qing, who was in cat form, had the perfect excuse for not saying anything. Zhao Yunlan’s gaze landed on Guo Changcheng, who couldn’t lie for shit.
Guo Changcheng hurriedly looked down at his notebook.
Suspicious. Zhao Yunlan narrowed his eyes. “Alright. Well whatever you did better not reflect back on me or none of you get your bonuses this month.” He went into his office.
Outside, Da Qing twisted around, ears pricked toward the door. Habit dictated that in the next few minutes, Zhao Yunlan would reach into his desk for a lollipop. He waited. And waited. Nothing.
“No response?” Lin Jing asked in a loud whisper.
Da Qing shifted human. “Nothing,” he confirmed.
“Not even a laugh?”
They all looked at the door. Nothing.
“How well did you hide it?” Da Qing asked.
“I put it on top of his lollipop stash where he’d see it right away!”
“I said we shouldn’t have done it,” Zhu Hong said.
“M-maybe he just had a lollipop on hand already?” Guo Changcheng said nervously.
The phone rang and that signaled that they had to actually do some work instead of waiting.
The prank was temporarily forgotten as they got dragged into yet another string of mysterious deaths and no one had time to think anything of it for at least the next forty-eight hours.
By the third day, it was written off as a loss as clearly it hadn’t hit as humorously as intended.
The fourth, Shen Wei was visiting, as he so often was, there to do more research into the Hallows, or perhaps just visiting Zhao Yunlan (not that any of them would say that out loud). Zhao Yunlan was in his office finishing up a phone call or his sixth sense for the professor would probably have kicked in by that point and he’d have been out there pestering him.
“Tea?” Lang Zheng offered Shen Wei.
“Thank you,” he said with a well-practiced polite smile. It was the one pulled out in most social situations as far as Da Qing was able to tell and entirely different than the ones Zhao Yunlan coaxed from him. It was all very mushy and gross and Da Qing was glad he’d managed to avoid too much of them making eyes at each other. “Has it been a busy day?” Shen Wei asked, glancing at Zhao Yunlan’s office.
“Not for us. Higher ups have been calling all day though because the bill for the cleanup of the last case went through,” Da Qing said. He was entirely unsympathetic. What, did they expect facing Dixingren with woken powers would be easy and destruction free?
“Ah.” Shen Wei’s polite smile edged toward sympathetic. “I apologize for not being more help to end that quicker.”
“You’re a consulting professor,” Zhu Hong said. “No one’s expecting you to do our jobs.” She might not like that Zhao Yunlan made eyes at Shen Wei, but Shen Wei made it really hard not to like him at least a little bit. He was polite, which was a novelty in and of itself with everyone in the SID. “Besides, Zhao Yunlan can pull his weight for once in handling the higher ups.”
“I am sure he’s doing his best,” Shen Wei said diplomatically.
Zhao Yunlan’s door banged open and he strode out with his typical dramatic flair, lollipop tucked in his cheek and a frown on his face. The frown melted away instantly when he saw Shen Wei. “Ah! A dull day just got brighter!”
Da Qing rolled his eyes as Shen Wei seemed to actually enjoy the dramatics if the tiny smile on his face was anything to go by. They were so obvious toward each other it was embarrassing.
Zhao Yunlan tossed himself onto the couch beside Shen Wei like he thought someone else might take that space. Or maybe he just wanted to be close. “All of you,” he said, “should be thanking me because I just saved your paychecks.”
“Thank you, Chief Zhao,” Guo Changcheng said earnestly.
Da Qing gave out a little sarcastic, “Yay.”
Zhao Yunlan wrinkled his nose at them. “All of you are fired, Xiao Guo’s the only one of you with a sense of gratitude. Normally we’d be celebrating a closed case, bu—ut, that was a sad team effort, let’s do better next time.”
“I mean we could celebrate it being over,” Lin Jing said.
“We could!” Zhao Yunlan said agreeably. “Only if one of you are paying for it.” He pointed with his lollipop at the group. There was a three second pause as everyone looked at what he had in his hand before Shen Wei choked on his tea. “Are you okay?”
“I’m… Fine.” Shen Wei’s face was turning red.
“Oh my god,” Lin Jing said.
“What?” Zhao Yunlan popped the candy back in his mouth and Shen Wei started having another coughing fit. “One of you put these in my drawer; did you think I wouldn’t eat them?”
“Oh my god.”
Da Qing started cackling.
Zhao Yunlan’s lips quirked up in a smirk. “I’ll admit, that’s a pretty creative way to tell your boss to go suck a dick.” He pulled the lollipop out, examining its phallic shape. “I didn’t even know they made this sort of thing.”
“Why,” Lin Jing asked, “are you eating it?”
“Because I can?” Zhao Yunlan said with an innocent expression. “I mean it’s not actually a—”
“Yunlan!” Shen Wei choked.
Zhao Yunlan gave his team a disappointed look. “I hope you’re proud of yourselves. You broke Shen Wei.”
Da Qing snorted. ���No, that’s all you.”
“Ah but you’re the ones who gave me a bag of dick-shaped lollipops. They’re peach flavored, by the way, interesting choice.”
Chu Shuzhi looked torn between smirking and guilt, eyes flicking between Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan. Guo Changcheng wrung his hands next to him. Zhu Hong looked done with everything and Da Qing would feel a little bad about the whole thing except it was still pretty hilarious. From how Zhao Yunlan’s eyes glinted with amusement, he also found it funny instead of insulting. Their senses of humor did run along the same lines a lot.
“Maybe,” Shen Wei said, “you could choose a different lollipop for the moment.”
“But Shen Wei, if my team is going to group up to tell me to suck a dick, how can I possibly refuse?” He winked. It was painfully over the top and Shen Wei looked like he was dying inside just a little.
“And I’m leaving,” Zhu Hong said. “Have fun if you decide to have a party.”
“Hey, don’t just leave us here with this!” Lin Jing protested.
“You dug the hole, lie in it,” Zhu Hong said unsympathetically.
“Such a power move,” Zhao Yunlan said in fake lamentation. “Such a statement. Telling a man to suck a dick and giving the means all in one action.” He tilted his head. “Do you think I could get away with—”
“No,” Shen Wei said.
“But if I—”
Zhao Yunlan sunk back on the couch, pouting. Da Qing had a feeling that the bag of lollipops were going to go missing under mysterious circumstances. Not that this was a problem because if Zhao Yunlan was serious about offending people with them, Da Qing would wholeheartedly acquire another bag.
“…Are we…having a party?” Guo Changcheng asked tentatively.
“Sure,” Zhao Yunlan said. “And I conveniently have dessert to share with all of you.” He pulled out a handful of the phallic lollipops from his pocket.
Da Qing collapsed into laughter again at everyone’s horrified expressions. Ah, another day in the SID.
The exact thought that inspired this was my brain going "Hey. You know they make dick lollipops. That would mean you could tell someone to go suck a dick. Then give them one. In a complete power move." ... "Somehow this would relate back to Zhao Yunlan. Poor Shen Wei. The thirst is real." If anyone was wondering, you can really buy penis shaped lollipops, or molds if you want to make them yourself. I’m not linking to them tho, haha
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insomni-snacc · 4 years
Diamond and Garnet for any/all of the dons you wanna do! <3
Hello! Hmmmm... Any don I want? How about...
diamond: how difficult was it to win your f/o’s affection? how difficult was it for them to win yours?
Scarabee - I think it took him a while to REALLY fall for me, you know? Like, the initial attraction was there, but he’s not exactly a hopeless romantic. He came on strong with the flirting, which then made me a bit weary in turn, so we danced around each other for a good long while. I think “the moment” for both of us was a series of sleepless nights. We’re both insomniacs, you know? (the username isn’t just for show) So I’d run into him pretty frequently in the middle of the night when we couldn’t sleep. Had a lot of good conversations on those night, definitely ended up falling asleep on each other a few times. He saw I wasn’t as vapid and silly as I am in the daytime, I saw he wasn’t just trying to get in my pants. The rest, as they say, is history.
 Zhuk - This man could fall in love with a discarded tire in a wedding dress. I’m serious, he collects spouses like they’re going out of style. I, being the tsundere I am, fell for him immediately and refused to say a damned thing about it. I do write down all of my feelings and observations, to make sense of my stupid brain, so once he found my notes we had The Talk (and the subsequent mushy shit, lots of kissing).
Cia - I’m honestly still not sure what’s going on with this one. He’s definitely flirty, that’s for sure, but I don’t know if I “have his affection.” I used to date someone who got into a lot of fights, had to patch him and his friends up because they couldn’t afford doctors, and honestly it’s still a sore spot for me, so we argue about him fighting a lot. Still, I think he appreciates some of the genuine concern that leads me to those arguments. If we do have “the moment,” I think it’ll be if/when I finally open up to him about why the fighting bothers me so much. Probably while patching him up, because this is my fantasy and it can be as tropey as I want it to be.
Bajo - Again, not sure. Still flirty (they all are, TBH. I’d kill for that confidence) but I’m oblivious as hell, so he could say “I love you, Jamie, please marry me.” and I’d be like “oh hahahah you mean like how everyone says that after I cook them something? Yeah haha sure.” If we have that “moment,” it’d be me walking right up to him and asking “do you have romantic intentions with me?” and him being like “YES, you fucking idiot.”
Gio - Scary man. Pretty, interesting, scary man who I fear and also crush on extraordinarily hard. I spend a lot of time messing with him and threatening to break his things because I don’t know how to talk to him like an adult. I don’t do crushes well. He, of course, doesn’t think I like him and probably will never return my affections.
garnet: have you or your f/o ever been highly unsure about your relationship?
Please re-read Diamond, and you tell me.
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bubbly-stripe · 4 years
Short Fic (4dow + Stary-Sonic)
Quick little thing..its 10pm and i forgot to do my homework :D
Also..lets say this takes place in Sonic X..? S3 tho👌
That's all the small little fox felt as she quietly scrolled through her Tumblr feed.
Why was everything suddenly so dull and uneventful ? Waking up in the morning was already a chore ! And it didnt help that Shadow wasnt around anymore.
He wanted to 'make the world a better place' so he flew back up into space with the blue blur Sonic to finish off what was left of Eggman and the Meterex.
Why couldnt he make HER world a better place !? What happened to always being there for eachother through thick and thin !?
Maybe these thoughts of hers were selfish..but she couldnt help it..
She missed her cute little hedgie.
And would do anything to see him again.
A soft knock could be heard from the front door. Since the house was already dead silent, Helena heard it and got up to answer it.
She opens the door and is greeted by a soft rabbit. Her old time friend,Me'Re.
"Oh hey...you ok ?" Helena steps aside to let her in.
"Yea..I'm ok...I just..felt lonely.." She says, forcing a smile. She sits on a sofa and looks at her shoes.
"I understand..but..I'm sure they'll be back soon !" She says as she closes the door, walking back to her respected spot on the other sofa, just across the room.
To be honest, she didnt think they would come back.
They have been gone for almost a year. She was certain that they both forgotten about the ones that loved them most.
The men didnt even bother giving them a call or sending them any letters...
Sure, Sonic has been imprisoned twice and Shadow thrown through space and falling down towards Earth on multiple occasions. But they always managed to find their way back to the ones they love.
Helena was so lost in her thoughts, she didnt hear the rabbit hiccup gently across the room.
"I-I thought they loved us Helena..."
Helena snaps out of her thoughts at looks at the little rabbit. She sighs and walks across the room and sits next to her, pulling her into a hug.
"No need to cry...its ok...maybe one day they will come back."
Stop lying.
They wont come back.
They never will...
Helena teared up alittle gripping the small girls shirt gently.
"O-Of course they w-will come back Me-Me ! D-Don't be foolish !"
They were both foolish if they think they'd come back after a year.
Face it...they...were gone.
She broke down. And it seemed like she wasn't gonna calm down for hours on end.
All they had was eachother for the time being.
No friends.
Just eachother.
Hours went by and the two had cried eachother to sleep on the couch. They didn't bother locking the front door for safety...
Not like anyone would come in..
The time read 1:55am.
The front door gently opened to reveal, yes, two extremely tired and beaten up hedgehogs.
To clarify, fighting in space was very hard for the two amateurs. Sonics speed abilities were limited due to the lack of gravity and so were Shadows chaos abilities, due to the fact that the Meterex had all 7 of them. The first plan of theirs was to beat the emeralds out of the Meterex and find them all before they could. Classic yet dumb Sonic move.
Just that alone took them months.
The galaxy was so big...and....endless...
The REAL fight probably only took them an hour or two.
They obviously win the fight. The Meterex was destroyed for good..and well...so was Eggman.
The fight took a toll on their physical forms though.
Sonics eye was scratched up, leaving him somewhat blind and his legs were damn near broken due to all of the kicking he's done. Shadow on the other hand was slightly worse. His body was weak, fur discolored. Bloodshot eyes and broken fingers. Not only that, but scars littered both of their small bodies. Lets just say...these men aren't very..pretty while angry.
Anyway, the present.
The two hedgehogs walk into the small house and sit on the couch.
"Damnit...I can't feel my arms.." Shadow growls out as he lays down.
"Haha..my legs...theyre so numb !" Sonic awkwardly laughs as he lays next to him.
They silently stare up at the dark ceiling for awhile..
"Do you think they remember us Shads..?"
"....Dont be stupid Sonic...of course they remember us.."
Sonic shivers a bit and turns to face him
"What if they're mad...? What if they dont love us anymore !? What if--"
Snoring cuts him off.
He stares at Shadows peaceful sleeping form and sighs.
"Guess we'll see tomorrow" he tries his best to shift into a comfortable position and rests easy.
Finally free.
Finally home.
Morning time ✨
It was 11am.
Shadow yawns and jolts up. He frantically looks around the room.
So comfortable...so..soothing..
He examines the room...
And his heart instantly melts.
The first thing he notices is his beautiful lover and her bestest friend cuddled on the couch fast asleep.
His emo heart throbbed at the pure and gentle scene. He tapped Sonic on the shoulder to wake him. Sonic, being a gentle sleeper after a year of constant battle, woke up instantly. He looked at Shadow and then directly in front if him.
Gah two mushy hedgehog hearts..
Sonic blushes at the sight of his baby craddled in Helenas arms. Hes quick to notice dry tears staining both of the ladies pretty faces.
And well..
Tears start to stain both of their faces as well.
"Damn..we really have been gone for a long time havent we...?" Shadow huffs out looking over at the azure hedgehog
"Y-Yea...I...I guess so" He wipes his tears away and sniffs softly.
"God I missed her" they sung in unison.
This of all things woke Helena up.
She yawns and looks down at Me'Re. She squeaks and eventually wakes up too.
"Good morning Me'Re..".she smiles at her
"Good morning.." She smiles, still tired.
"....good morning.." The hedgehogs once again sang in unison. More quietly this time however
The pair are quick to snap their heads towards the sound and they freeze.
They quietly stare at eachother.
Mind racing.
Heart racing.
Were they really here...? Alive ? Well ?
Still theirs ?
Helena is the first to stand up. She awkwardly and slowly walks towards Shadow.
She cups his cheeks and stares into his shiny ruby eyes.
God how she missed those eyes...
"...hi...Blue Stripe..."
She cries instantly and passionately kisses his slightly chapped lips.
So much love and care went into that one kiss.
One kiss. That she hoped would never end..
As the two slowly start to kiss even more passionately, Me'Re is still staring at Sonic And sonic still staring at her.
Its almost as if their brains havent fully comprehended what was happening.
This wasnt a dream.
It was a reality.
So..to make sure his mind wasnt playing games on him again, Sonic attempted to get up but fell back down due to the numbess in his legs.
He hisses and rubs his legs, attempting to wake them from their never ending slumber but, of course, failed.
Me'Re quickly gets up and runs over to him, helping him on his feet
"..a-are you ok 'nikku ?"
He stares into her eyes and analyzes them more closely.
"I dont think I'm dreaming.." He says as he gives her a gentle hug.
She's quick to start crying and hugs him back.
Shadow breaks the kiss and hugs Helena tightly, tight enough to remind himself that she was there. Finally in his arms again. Where she belonged.
"I missed you..way too much..." He whispered in her ear, a tear seeping its way out of his eye. Helena, on the other hand was a crying mess.
"Shhh..its ok..save your voice.."
They stay locked in that position. And they didnt dare move.
They needed this
They needed eachother.
Sonic is quick to pull away and stare at her again.
"My god..its the eyes I fell inlove with."
Me'Re blushed and looked away, though Sonic is quick to put a finger under her chin and make her look at him.
They kiss.
Not as long as edgelord and the artlord in the corner though.
But still sweet, nonetheless.
They break it and sit on the other couch aross the room. Sonic lays on his back and Me'Re lays ontop of him.
"Promise me Sonic..."
"Hm ?"
She cries again and looks into his dreamy eyes.
"P-Promise you wont leave me alone like that again..."
Helena is quick to look at Me'Re then back at Shadow, who simply nods his head and pecks her forehead.
Sonic looks over and Shadow who smiles warmly at him.
He looks back down at her
"I....no....WE promise."
Donee !
Hope you likey sissss ily <333
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ghostlywritten · 6 years
When I Was Your Man (Epilogue)
A/N: haha, you thought it was the end...well, it kinda was.
Words: 5k
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I puffed out a sigh as I handed out the change to yet another customer. Looking at the clock I was relieved to see it would only take another ten minutes and I would be done for today.
My eyes were dropping unwillingly as I absently cleaned the counter. The kiosk I was working at was open 24 hours and it was almost midnight now. I had to take this as a second job after leaving my husband for good. It was enough to pay off the rent of a small apartment I was sharing with a fellow student called Lilou and buy some groceries. After I had left Antoine's house that day, I had handed over the divorce papers to his lawyer - whom I knew because he was also a close friend of Antoine's, stating clearly that I didn't want anything but the divorce, hoping they wouldn't have to contact me because of any marriage settlements and that I wouldn't have to see my husband again. Fortunately, they never did.
A slight ache filled my chest as I thought of him. The last time I had seen him was quite the tearful event and I had yet to forget his blue eyes brimming with water. I would never say that I regretted leaving...but I did miss him. A lot.
“You can leave now, Ads,” the old man, who was the owner of this little shop, told me, patting my back good-naturedly.
“Thanks,” I breathed, glad for the distraction, “I will come back by 6 tomorrow?”
“Sure thing, hun. Don’t overdo it.”
I chuckled, taking my jacket and opening the back door, “I’ll try.” He knew I had another job at the clothing store, which went from nine to five pm. It had to be like this, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to keep myself above the surface.
Trudging back home, I shivered slightly at the cool breeze but enjoyed it nonetheless; it was very refreshing after a hard day. And the fact that it was so nice and quiet at this hour was another plus. I remembered that one time I had went on a spontaneous midnight walk with Antoine.
“How do you know if you’ve fallen in love?” Antoine asked, his hands crossed behind his head as he strolled next to me.
“It usually starts with asking someone how you know if you’ve fallen in love,” I replied, thinking back on how I had asked his Gran the same question.
“Yeah, but how do you know the exact moment? Like, I can’t even tell when I’ve fallen for you,” he said, throwing his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer, “I just suddenly knew that I do.” My heart skipped a beat at his open display of affection.
“Well, that’s how it happens most of the time, I guess. You start liking someone and suddenly you love them,” I mused, “It could only take a specific, simple thing the person is doing that would make you realise it.”
“When did you realise it?” Antoine wondered.
“When I asked your Gran exactly what you just asked,” I chuckled and he giggled along, nuzzling my hair.
“And you?”
“Hm...I think when I saw you in my jersey,” he said thoughtfully and I rolled my eyes.
“Of course.”
“And when you were there when I received that Cup,” he continued, stopping in his tracks, “How you were there at every game with your veggie soup-”
“I didn’t bring any soup with me,” I pointed out.
“Shut it, I’m trying to be romantic,” he scolded, flicking my forehead.
“Okay, okay,” I laughed, feeling shy. It hadn’t been that long since we had admitted our love to each other and I was still not used to it, yet.
“I really can’t believe you’re still with me after all I’ve done,” he said quietly, grazing my hand with his fingers.
“Me neither,” I joked light-heartedly to which he glared at me playfully. I watched him close his beautiful eyes and bite his lips.
“I don’t deserve you,” he whispered and my heart softened at his vulnerable state, “I sometimes fear you’re going to realise that and leave.”
Placing my hands on his cheeks, I pulled him closer to rest our foreheads against each other. “I admit I had thought a lot of times about leaving,” his breath hitched, “But I never did. And after everything is revealed now and there are no more secrets between us, there is no reason for any of us to go...” He smiled and leaned down to pull me into a passionate kiss.
Well, there had still been secrets between us and they were severe enough to make us drift apart.
So, here I was, walking down the same path I had once done with him in the pitch darkness. Three years later.
“Can you believe there only a few days left and we will officially graduate!” my roommate Lilou squealed, stirring the ramen in the pot.
I nodded with a grin as I chopped some vegetables next to her. Although it had taken a long while we had managed to establish a stable co-existence in the three years of living together. “I don’t think I will truly process it all until I have that certificate in my hand.”
“And then we’re going to be lawyers, yaaaay!” she cheered, “I’m so done with university.”
“Me too, my brain is all mushy after all these exams,” I said with a yawn, stretching my limbs.
“I still don’t get how you’ve managed to pass them all with two jobs at the same time,” she said, incredulously.
“Well, I did pass them all but not exactly with flying colours,” I sighed, disappointed.
“Who cares. You still got job offers and that’s what counts,” Lilou said, placing a bowl with steaming noodles in front of me, “Cheers!”
I laughed, “You forgot the vegetables.”
She pouted, “Are they even needed in ramen?”
“No, but they’re healthy,” I insisted, adding the chopped goods into the pot.
“No, but they’re healthy,” Lilou mocked and I glared at her playfully. “You’re like my mom.”
“She’s going to be happy that you have me as your roommate then,” I sniffed, stirring the noodles.
“She actually is,” she giggled just as her phone rang, “Oh! Mathis is calling! Excuse me.” I smiled fondly at her excitement as I watched her pick up and leave the room with a bounce in her step. Love can do that to you.
Looking down with a sigh, I absently proceeded to fill two bowls up, the ghost of Antoine jumping around me in happiness at the prospect of food.
“You seriously make the best food, Addy!”
I shook my head quickly and walked towards the small table in the kitchen just as Lilou came back.
“Sorry, I had to take that,” she said, eagerly taking one of the bowls for her.
“No need to apologise,” I replied and she smiled. “Mathis was just asking whether I had time tomorrow for a little dinner date,” she rambled as we started eating.
I hummed, “Good. As far as I know you’d be lazing around otherwise.”
She pouted, “Would not!” I raised an eyebrow and she sighed in defeat, “Okay, I would.”
“Anyways, you remember his friend Jacques from that party, right?”
“The one you forced me to go to?”
“Exactly,” she said, snapping her fingers, “He was the one with the super broad shoulders and great hair, you know?”
“I guess. Why do you ask?” I asked, dreading her answer as she smiled coyly.
“Well, a bird twittered me that he might or might not be very interested in having a date with you-”
I sighed.
“-and since he is too shy to ask, Mathis is suggesting a double date tomorrow.”
“No, thank you,” I said plainly and her face dropped.
“Oh come on, Addy!”
“Nope, I’m good.”
“Why though? You haven’t had a boyfriend in the past three years and this is your golden time. He’s such a gentleman, you would love him,” she tried to convince me but I shook my head resolutely.
“You know that I just got out of a marriage, Lilou.” I had told her one day when we had talked about past relationships and stuff, but not exactly what happened to cause a divorce.
“That was years ago, Addy. You can’t be hung up on the past,” she said softly and I wished it would be that easy.
“I’m not ready, yet, Lilou,” I said quietly, “And it wouldn’t be fair on any guy to date them with only half a heart.”
Lilou sighed, exasperated, “As mature as that sounds - and I applaud you for that - you don’t necessarily have to think you’re looking for a rebound. More like someone, who can help you heal with their love for you.”
“Even so, this is not the right time for it,” I said, swishing the noodles around in my bowl, “We’ll graduate in a few days and then I’m going to start working. I need to stay focused and dating would only distract me from everything I’ve worked for for so long.”
“I get that, really,” Lilou replied, staying silent for a second, “But I fear you will get stuck too deep into your career to ever find time for a relationship once you start.”
That was what I was aiming for but she didn’t need to know that. As nice as it would be to have a romantic happy ending, the world simply didn’t work like that in my case. Ever since my marriage I had developed major trust issues that I hadn’t been able to overcome, yet. Even Lilou, who I had known for years now and who never did anything to me, didn’t know half of the things that had happened in the past because I simply didn’t want to be vulnerable. And confiding in someone would make me vulnerable.
And not only her, I had kept everyone a good distance away. Jennifer, who had tried to reach out for me after that disaster of a party, left for England in despair after I had picked up only one of her calls, asking for some time alone and that I would call her back. Which I never did.
Olivier, who I hadn’t been that close to, but who still took my phone number from his wife to ask whether I was okay to which I could hardly keep my sobs in.
Gran, whose calls I didn’t even pick up but listened to her voicemails, her soft voice that used to be so soothing only sending chills down my spine after knowing that she had played with us like puppets.
My father, whom I was surprised had bothered to call at all only to hear him scold me for throwing Mother out of the hotel room. I had ended the call during his mid-rant.
All of them, who had been part of my everyday life (mostly), had been cut off without mercy. I simply couldn’t face them anymore without being reminded of that part of my life.
Though the past would always come back to haunt you.
And my past came to haunt me one day before graduation in form of my former best friend knocking on my door.
“Cateline,” I whispered, my throat turning dry in a second.
She looked at me with eyes so painfully familiar, so painfully friendly, reminding me of all the years we had shared together before Antoine came along, overshadowed by her cruel actions.
“Hey, Adeline,” she greeted me softly, swallowing nervously.
“What are you doing here?” I asked in shock, “How did you find me?”
“Well, I knew you were going to this university and I asked around a bit, showing a picture of you. It took me about an hour and a few embarrassing knocks on wrong doors to get here,” she said, chuckling sheepishly.
“Why would you come here?”
“I...can I come in first?”
She winced at the cold tone in my voice and shuffled her feet anxiously. “O-okay. First and foremost, I came to apologise. And I know I’m three years late, but it took me that long to find the courage to actually face you again.”
“I don’t think an apology is going to get us anywhere, Cateline.”
“I didn’t expect that,” she said quickly, “I know we can’t go back to how we used to but I’d like to at least say sorry once-”
“Great, you said it. Now bye,” I said, trying to close the door but she held it open.
“Please, Addy. Hear me out!”
“What? What else do you want?”
“I would like to explain.”
“What do you want to explain?” I asked incredulously, raising my voice, “Like, seriously. What’s the point? I’m not going to forgive you and no reason on earth can justify that you slept with my husband whilst faking a friendship with me!”
“It wasn’t fake, Addy! Come on, we’ve been friends for years before Antoine happened.”
“Yes, did you ever think about that when you met up with my ex behind my back?”
She breathed in shakily, “Yes. Of course. I felt so guilty. But I couldn’t help but fall for him and when he reciprocated my feelings...it just happened.”
“Yeah...because stuff like that just happens,” I muttered, rubbing my forehead as a headache was forming. “Cateline, there’s really no point of you being here.”
“I...I’m sorry, Adeline,” she said with tears forming in her eyes, “And I wish I never let a guy come between us.”
I nodded, sucking my lips in as my own eyes watered slightly. “Me too.”
She gulped, nodding as well before she slowly turned around to leave when she halted and faced me again. “I also have something for you...from Antoine.”
My breath hitched as she held up a ring; my stolen wedding ring to be precise. “H-how?”
“I had talked to Antoine to apologise to him as well before I came here. He told me that he flew over to Russia to search the boy, who’s stolen it from you, but never had to courage to face you after he found it...we’re pretty similar in that aspect,” she chuckled weakly as I kept staring at the sparkling wedding band, “So he asked me to give it to you in his stead.”
My hand shook as I picked it up, swallowing tightly. “...thanks.”
“If you can, you should forgive him. He’s taking this divorce pretty badly.”
“Ditto,” I replied quietly, my voice breaking slightly.
The next day started with red, puffy eyes and a pounding headache. Not the best way to begin your graduation day.
“As if I’m hungover again,” I grumbled, remembering that one time in Russia where I had woken up the same way, only that I was naked and had lost my virginity. I chuckled. Even up to this day I couldn’t remember a single thing from that night.
“Addy! Get up!” Lilou yelled from the other room, “Today is the day!”
“I’m up,” I shouted back, running a hand over my face with a groan.
“Now, there’s the grad girl,” my roommate said as she strolled. She flinched, “Holy shit, you look like crap!”
“Thanks a lot,” I grumbled.
“What happened?” she wondered, settling down on the bed next to me.
“Nothing much. Just the past haunting me,” I said vaguely.
“Ah, right...what?”
I chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. Right now, I just wanna celebrate how we are over with university now!”
“Okay...You better get ready then. The ceremony starts in two hours!”
I took a long, hot shower, trying to forget about yesterday’s encounter. It might have not helped that I had stared at the ring all night, all memories flooding back that I had tried to so desperately to push down. ‘You graduate today, Adeline,’ I thought to myself, ‘A new point in life is starting for you. Focus on that.’
Stepping out of the bathroom, my eyes immediately caught sight of the ring on the bed. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I went over and picked it up, observing it quietly. It wasn’t big or fancy, just a small silver band with a small diamond and our names engraved on the inside.
I put it on my ring finger, reminiscing in the familiar feeling of it. My chest burned at the nostalgic rush that went through me. I knew I was missing him deeply.
“Addy! Mathis said he would pick us up in about an half an hour. Be ready!” Lilou exclaimed, efficiently breaking me out of my stupor.
“Crap,” I muttered, still in my bathrobe and my hair dripping wet.
Blow drying my hair had never taken so agonisingly slow as I tried to do my makeup at the same time.
Finishing up I grimaced at my own face. “Eh...could be worse,” I muttered, cursing under my breath when I only had another ten minutes left. I rushed over to the small wardrobe, eyes flicking through the three dresses I had.
I bit my lip, fingering the one I had been wearing at the last party at Antoine’s home. It would have been a nice blissful day, a sweet memory if everything had gone the way I had expected it to. I wondered if the people present at that party still remembered me and the most humiliating moment of my life, whether they were laughing about it or pitying me.
“It’s a really cute dress,” Lilou said from behind me, causing me to flinch in surprise.
“Dear God, when did you come in?”
Lilou giggled, “Around five minutes ago. I was wondering when you would stop spacing out but it got boring after a while.”
My eyes widened when I heard a knock on the front door. “Put it on, I will entertain Mathis. If you know what I mean,” my roommate said, winking suggestively. I rolled my eyes but did as ordered, swiftly putting the dress on.
“I’m done, stop snogging each other,” I said, walking past the smooching couple on the couch as I grabbed my purse.
Mathis chuckled, “Hey Addy. You excited for today?”
“Obviously. I’ve been waiting for this for three years,” I said with a grin, which he reciprocated.
“I can tell. I remember when I graduated-”
“Which was a decade ago, now chop chop. We’re late,” Lilou cut him off, rushing past him and outside.
We followed her with her boyfriend grumbling, “It was only two years ago.”
I had to admit I almost teared up when I finally received that scroll up on the stage with a crowd cheering in front of me. I shook the headmasters and professors’ hands before looking over at the mass of people. I could see them all clapping out of simple politeness, which was a bit depressing to think about. But I smiled when I saw Mathis and Lilou hollering like crazy whilst Jacques stood next to them, trying to pretend he didn’t know them.
Laughing at them I carefully climbed down the stairs, hoping not to trip like the one before me.
“We did it!” Lilou squealed, squishing me into a hug after the ceremony.
“Yes, we did!” I exclaimed, not being able to contain myself.
“Group hug!” Mathis yelled, crushing us both against his chest and Jacques joined in with a laugh. I felt warmth at their action and squeezed them tightly as they shared this special moment with me.
“We gotta celebrate this,” Jacques suggested and we nodded in agreement.
“Sounds great! I’m gonna tell my parents real quick!” Lilou agreed eagerly, tugging Mathis along with her.
I bit my lip at the sudden silence, smiling awkwardly at Jacques, who had his hands stuffed in his pockets and a shy grin on his face.
“Congratulations,” he cheered with a laugh, squeezing my arm gently and I chuckled.
“Thank you, I still can’t really believe it. It’s like a dream.”
“Yeah, I felt that way too...you will wake up on your first day at work,” he said, causing us both to laugh. “You know where you’ll start, yet?”
“I got a few offers but I don’t know, which one to accept. It’s a big decision.”
Jacques nodded. “Take your time.” Another silence and I sighed inwardly at the awkward tension, trying to come up with some topic when he spoke up again, “Hey, um...can you tell me why that guy over there has been staring at you for the past three minutes?”
“Huh?” I turned around to follow his line of sight.
“It’s kind of creepy,” he commented, nodding in the general direction. My eyes widened when I met Antoine’s.
“What on earth...,” I muttered, my heartbeat quickening. I watched him shuffle nervously before he strolled over in an overly casual but determined manner.
“Do you know him?” Jacques asked though I could only hear him vaguely. I glanced around panicked, not knowing whether I wanted Antoine to come over or not whilst he kept getting closer.
“Adeline,” he spoke and I closed my eyes, listening to his melodic voice after being deprived of it for so long.
“Hey, mate. I don’t know who you are, but please don-”
“Jacques,” I interrupted him shakily, “Don’t worry, I know him. Could you leave us alone for a minute?” Mathis’ friend looked down at me with a crease on his forehead before nodding and walking off.
I hesitated in turning back to face him but did so anyways, looking at his sneakers.
“Can you please look at me?” he asked, his voice pained. Taking a deep breath I glanced up. My heart rate took a screeching halt when I gazed into his ocean blue eyes and I almost gasped at the amount of emotions that rushed through me.
He smiled slightly, his eyes flickering through my face as he took in my appearance. I cursed myself for not taking care of my makeup but then cursed myself again for even caring what he thought when I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “You look great. Graduation suits you well,” he said, chuckling slightly.
I nodded. “Thank you.”
“E-ehm...congratulations by the way,” he stuttered and he held up a bouquet of my favourite flowers for me that I hadn’t noticed until now. I took it, almost flinching at the electric shock that rushed through my veins when his fingers brushed mine.
“Thank you,” I said again mechanically.
“Um, I found out the ceremony is today and wanted to congratulate you in person...despite everything that happened I wanted to say I’m really proud of you,” he answered my unasked question, scratching his neck.
“Thank you...” I cringed at how repetitive my responses, “I-I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting you or anyone for that matter to come. It's quite the surprise.”
“Well, I’ll be glad to surprise you once more. Jen and Olli are waiting eagerly to congratulate you as well,” Antoine said with a grin as he looked behind me. And not a second later did I jump when two bodies collided against my back.
“Congratulations Addy/Snoring Beauty!” The Giroud pair shouted from the top of their lungs.
“You guys! What are you doing here?” I asked in delighted shock as I turned towards their beaming faces.
“Girl, you think I would miss your graduation?” Jennifer asked, crushing me into another hug. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her as well. Despite the fact that I had pushed them away they still decided to come over and spent the most important day of my life with me.
“You...I...this-” I stuttered, trying to portray my gratefulness and say sorry at the same time but I was too choked up.
“We get it,” Olivier said, patting my head affectionately. I smiled thankfully before being reminded of the person standing behind me.
“Oh my God. Is that Antoine Griezmann and Olivier Giroud?” Mathis exclaimed in shock as he approached us with Lilou and her parents.
“Friends?” Jennifer asked, still holding onto my arms, and I nodded. “Then yes, they are,” she said with a grin and I chuckled when I saw Mathis seemingly close to fainting. He was a passionate football fan to say the least.
Antoine cleared his throat, catching my attention again. I observed him shoot the Giroud pair a demanding look to which they reacted immediately.
“I bet, you’re a big fan,” Olivier said, approaching Mathis with Jennifer, “Let’s talk about how much of a fan of mine you are over there.”
And once again, I was alone with my ex-husband. “Um, thank you for coming,” I said too politely.
He nodded and I felt a bit uncomfortable at his intense gaze. “Addy,” he started softly and dared to take a step closer, sighing quietly in relief when I didn’t move away. “I-I had a whole speech planned out about what I would say when I saw you again, but somehow I can’t remember a single word of it,” he chuckled almost desperately.
I took a deep breath. “You had Cateline give me the wedding ring...,” I trailed off, waiting for him to fill me in on the ‘why’. I had been racking my brain over this ever since I had received it.
“Oh right! She gave it to you then, good. I wasn’t sure she would,” he brightened up before he tried to shrug it off, “Yeah, it was crazy. I suddenly got a package from Russia, seems like the police has found the boy and got your purse bac-”
“But...she said you flew over and searched for it?” I wondered with furrowed eyebrows and he blanched.
“O-oh, she told you?” Antoine cleared his throat, sighing, “Yeah ok. I admit, I went there. I first wanted it for myself so I had something from you to hold on to...” I swallowed slightly at his confession, feeling a tiny spark of warmth spreading out of that emptiness in me, “But then I thought I would give it to you instead...since it actually belongs to you.”
I nodded, “I will keep it.” He beamed and I glanced down at the flowers in my hand, not being able to see him without feeling like my heart would jump out of my chest.
Hearing him gulp I got startled at how close he had gotten at this point. “Addy, I know...I know I screwed up real bad and there’s no way you can forgive me...but forgive me, please?” he ended sheepishly.
I huffed out a laugh at his blunt ways, causing him to beam in happiness. “Antoine, I...I think I’m actually in the process of forgiving you.”
“Really?” he breathed out in shock.
“Yes...I miss you a lot-”
“I miss you, too! God, Addy. You-You don’t know how much I miss you,” he said earnestly, his warm hand gripping on my arm softly.
“-But...,” his smile faded, “...even if I’m able to forgive you someday, I won’t be able to forget.” His hand fell off and he closed his eyes, furrowing his brows in agony. “It wouldn’t be a healthy relationship, Antoine.”
“Better toxic than nothing, eh?” he suggested, chuckling weakly.
I shook my head with a smile, “I’m grateful that you came, really.”
He nodded, running a hand through his hair. “I’m glad I came, too. At least I got to see you again for a few minutes.”
“Yeah, it’s been a while.”
“Three years and 16 days,” he said, “Not that I’m counting.”
I laughed slightly before shaking my head. “Sure. Do y-”
“Hey, so Mathis said you’re going to celebrate at some Italian restaurant,” Olivier cut me off as he jogged over, “We should get going.”
“Oh, you gonna join us?” I asked, smiling brightly and he nodded eagerly. “For sure. Come on, you guys. They’re waiting!” he said, already turning around and jogging back where he had come from.
“Ehm, I probably shouldn’t join,” Antoine said as I opened my mouth to speak, “I gotta go anyways.”
I tried not to show my disappointment. “Okay then. I should go over, the others are waiting.”
“Right! Right...” Antoine stepped forward and my heart pounded in my chest when he leaned in tentatively to kiss my cheek. “Congratulations,” he whispered, his breath brushing my skin and causing goosebumps to erupt. I tried to breathe as evenly as possible when I felt him push something into my hand. Glancing down I took hold of the brown envelope that he gave me, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.
"What is this?" I wondered, looking up into the shining eyes of my ex-husband. He smiled slightly, "Just something I wanted you to have for a long time. I'll see you around."
"Ehm ok," I replied dumbly, wondering what he meant. I couldn't see him around, he was working in Spain. He waved goodbye as he turned his back around.
I couldn’t tell how long I watched him walk away even after he was out of sight, willing my body not to run after him and cling onto him like a koala. Pain seared through me at the thought of never seeing him again but I knew it was better this way. It was better this way, right?
Reaching into the envelope numbly, I was confused at the amount of papers in them, especially at the once that were ripped in half. Taking out one of the papers that was not ripped I read through the first paragraphs. It was a contract for a football team, Paris St. German, signed by Antoine. My jaw dropped, 'He left Atletico?'
Shaking my head in shock I proceeded to fish out the other papers, trying to discern what was written. It only took me two seconds to recognise the divorce papers, signed by Antoine and me. And ripped to pieces. "What...," I whispered. Did he never-
I peeked into the envelope again for some kind of answer when I noticed another small piece of paper, folded in half.
His old number was scribbled on it with a few simple words:
I won't give up on us, Patricia. Your Spongebob.
End. For real now.
Help me Get Coffee Support?
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a-nonbinary-mess · 6 years
I want you to do all the botanical asks because im a plant gay and i love you and i love plants
im crying op please tell me who you are please i love you too idk who you are but im love u too (also this is 31 questions anon omggg)
baby’s breath: 5 things you associate yourself with
1. art (anything aesthetically pleasing)
2. food–mainly desserts
3. stress (that i put on myself)
4. lavender bc i really love lavenders
5. uhh dogs? i really love dogs
bleeding heart: what makes your heart go mushy?
-thoughts of how much I adore my friends tbh
-any cliche romcom trope in a fanfic or seeing ppl suddenly realize how much they love another person, whether platonically or romantically
-seeing kind people in the world and amazing animals, mainly dogs and cats
bell flower: what’s the title of the song that makes you want to jump around out of joy?
-uhh idk i like disney channel original songs a lot tho and ive been listening to a lot of potential song by aly and aj lol
-love on the brain by rihanna, uhh anything that sounds cheesy and cute and romantic like la vie en rose by edith piaf (the cover by laura and anton is super good)
evening primrose: what is your sleeping playlist (five songs): 
-anything by lofi hip hop beats w/ anime girls studying hard
-any studio ghibli song tbh
-any classical music song idk i dont listen to a lot of music before i sleep
-tango music ??? 
-a whole musical (hamilton, chicago, etc)
-songs that dont require me to sing bc i will sing to legit any song at 3 am instead of sleeping
forget-me-not: who is your favorite blog that’s not following you? 
-hmm idk? i mainly follow a lot of art blogs, so i would say any of them? maybe hinamie? or insomniac-arrest is a super cool person, thatsthat24 bc thomas sanders is an amazing human being and i would love to be friends with him
daffodil: what is one plant that you want to have but can never get?
-lavenders or sunflowers? where i live is kind of really difficult to plant anything tbh (unpredictable weather, things die in the winter, etc) and also idk how to take care of plants r i p 
calla lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening?
-rainy evening for sure. i love to leave the window opening, listen to soothing music, drink tea surrounded by candles, and read something ive been putting off while my dog is curled up next to me
foxglove: what is your favorite color and in what shade?
-i like the whole rainbow of colors but i prefer the darkest black and darker red for clothing and a light purple in general
lavender: what is something that you’ve always wanted to be/have/get but can never have?
-happiness. jk but i really do wish that i wasn’t mentally ill though :// also a cat. bc im allergic : (
love in a mist: what is the latest dream that you remember?
-idk i dont sleep well or deep enough anymore to even dream but i remember having a dream 2 years ago that i was dating oikawa from haikyuu and he was so disconcerting in my dream that i remember it to this day bc essentially he wasnt a real person like i could recognize him bc he was a damn hologram like miku and we had sex the end it was wild
daisy: what is your favorite flavor of cotton candy, ice cream, and juice?
-favorite cotton candy flavor (???): there are multiple flavors???? i just like the original pink i guess idk anything about cotton candy 
-ice cream: cookies n cream, cookie dough, vanilla, mint depending on where im getting it, and strawberry : )
-juice: does fruit punch count 
painter’s palette: are you more of a singer, dancer, painter, or instrumentalist?
-i love singing and i can legit never stop
tulip: what is your most favorite make-up product? do you like it more natural, dark, or etc?
-i love love love red eyeshadow. the brighter the red, the better. i also love red eyeliner and just anything red in general, but i usually mainly use red eyeshadow bc i love the look; anything red = good
waxflower: are you a bee or a butterfly person? a dog or a cat person?
-i love bees !!! butterflies are cool too but bees are cute fluffy babies that essentially control whether we live or die
-uhh probably dog person but only bc i have one :0 i love cats too but im less sneezy and generally stressed when im with dogs lol
sugarbush: do you have sweet tooth? if yes, what’s your favorite sweets? if no, why?
-i really do like sweets but i used to eat so much as a kid that im kind of sick of them now but i still like to eat the occasional cookie or cake or something
-i really like donuts !!! also any asian dessert (eastern, southern, western, EVERYWHERE) is amazing to me and i love eating them
sunflower: would you like to be a fairy or a mermaid?
-merperson !!! i love the ocean and maybe we can finally figure out whats at the bottom of it ; ) sweet pea: what would you like to call your significant other?
-babe mainly, hon
-hey, you fucker
-u dumb egg
sea lavender: can you swim? which strokes can you do?
-i can barely swim now uggghhh but i swam for five years and i knew all the strokes and was super good at freestyle (haru who) !! now i can barely do the freestyle and that’s it lolwindflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why i like them
-thebootydiaries: she’s funny !! anyone who i find funny i automatically like
-thatsthat24: thomas sanders is amazing. i love him and his friends so much and i think about being his friend a lot to the point where ill have dreams about suddenly being good friends with his whole posse aldjfal;fjl
-tatir0ckz: we used to talk a lot like back when we were both into hetalia but we never talk anymore ? which is fine ! but i remember a lot of our old convos and we skyped like once and idk 2012 was a simpler time
-adorable-as-fuck: i know her irl !! we went to the arcade like once and it was a ton of fun so we exchanged tumblrs and thats it and on the rare occasion that we’re both free, we might go to the arcade again !! idk its cool she’s super cool
-mhaikkun: her art style is so good and she doesnt upload as much on tumblr anymore but shes so cute and her clothing style and aesthetics is sooo good !! she’s a p cool person and her stories on twitter are always super wholesome aah
-this is more than five but ngl aphtextsfromnordics, incorrectknb and any other incorrect quotes blogs or text message blogs changed me as a person aldfj
golden rod: are you more of a baker or a cook?
-baker for sure ! baking just calms me down i think
bloom: what is something that you would like to tell your children?
-if i do have children, i want to tell them that i will never judge them for who they want to be. i hope they will be as open as possible and that i would never want to make them uncomfortable. i would encourage talking about problems and just communicating needs in general. idk, basically everything my biological parents didnt do
peony: what is something that you wish your parents could’ve told you?
-tbh my parents are awful, awful parents (and one of them is just a purely disgustingly, horrid person) and i would never wish for them to tell me anything bc on the off chance that they did try to parent, it was to tell me how much of a burden i was, or something racist/homophobic, etc. 
-if they were better people, i wish they would have told me it was okay to be struggling and its okay to be lost rn. i wish they would have encouraged open communication and kindness but well, i learned that all myself : )
prairie gentian: do you have a significant other?
-nope! i sometimes really wish i did, but relationships honestly stress me out and idk how to talk to irl people : ( i love platonic relationships a little more honestly, makes me feel more comfortable
september flower: are you more of a sunshine or sunset person?
-sunset for sure lol i think sunsets are so pretty bc of all the colors that are involved and during that time period is when im doing something i like and im typically at home : ))
bird of paradise: do you wake up early? do you sleep early?
-i wake up early now bc of school but i usually sleep late and wake up late haha
marigold: what’s your favorite tea?
-roasted green tea and lavender! anything flowery is nice too : )
peruvian lily: what are the names of your pets?
-i only have one dog (a pomeranian) and her name is marzia! which is short for marzipan bc my dad didnt want to remember such a long name lol
hyacinth: do you name your plants?
-ye! most of the time theyre just silly names like spiky (for when we had a cactus a long time ago) or red/pink (the colors of the roses), etc. idk about now bc i dont have any plants currently
lilac: would you rather sleep and be cozy or hang out with your friends?
-hmm depends on the friend tbh
-but most of the time id rather sleep and be cozy !!!
poppy: do you like to dip your fries or do you like it as is?
-dipping !! i like ketchup or ketchup and mayo !! cheese fries are sooo good too
dandelion: any special talent that you have?
-i can bullshit a writing piece really bad and still get a good grade on it (seeing as most of the time i procrastinate until the night before and write the whole damn thing)
thanks for all of these questions anon !! if u can and ur comfortable, pls get off of anon sometime so we can talk !! im on tumblr a lot more now bc im procrastinating lol (and if my responses are late its bc im on mobile with no notifs on lol)
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burgeonmeraki · 4 years
20 Random Things You Don’t Know About Me
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Hi guys! I thought I would do something a little fun, humiliating (LOL), and different on my blog today and share 20 things you might not know about me. I get it. As a reader, I, too, love learning a bit more about the people I read. So here goes!
1. I have this weird habit where I want my feet warm especially at night before I go to sleep. I usually put some lotion on it and then put my socks on. And if there are no socks, I put a pillow under my feet, like I'm a mermaid LOL. Weird, I know! But it prevents me from having leg cramps in the morning. 
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That is my trophy for the singing contest. This picture was taken 2010, and I couldn’t find my trophy anymore so deal with that picture. Just kiddin’ 
2. I won first place at a singing contest at a talent show back when I was in kindergarten. I sang this 90s hit song My Heart Will Go On By Celine Dion. And I believe that if my parents put me or enrolled me in a voice lesson, girl, I could've been a singer today, and I might be joining singing contest like The Voice. But I only do the singing thing at the shower and karaoke. Hahaha
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Left Pic: My oldest brother wasn’t there because he was working abroad Right Pic: My oldest sister is living in Canada, and my older brother is living in South Korea. My mom was holding her phone because that's them on the videocall.
3. I was supposed to have six siblings so that would make us a total of seven. I had an oldest sister, supposed to be the second child, who died because of some complications in her heart when she was still a newborn. Next is my Ate Jaz, which makes her my oldest sister alive. Then after Ate Jaz, my mom had a miscarriage. Basically, my Ate was in between two dead babies. And if ever my two siblings were alive today, I might not be here or I probably don't exist. I have such a huge age gap with my siblings because my mom had me at the age of 38, and she said that I was her only child who made her pregnancy and giving birth so hard. I was born via C-Section and the rest of my siblings were all delivered normal. So, lucky me for being here! LOL
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My collection of Candy Magazine back in High School.
4.  Back in High School, I used to collect Candy Magazine until first-year college. This magazine helped me with all my teenage issues like self-esteem, body image, peer pressure, beauty, fashion, dating, friendship, career, etc. They have a bunch of articles there that I enjoyed reading. And I've always wanted to be one of their models, but I was an ugly duckling, and I'm not the confident type of girl back then. I still kept these magazines inside my sentimental box. 
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This is my box full of photos, letters, diaries, and other stuff.
5. Speaking of the sentimental box, I'm a very sentimental person. I have boxes of stuff from my friends, family, and ex-boyfriends. I kept this stuff for good memories purposes because I like reminiscing good memories. It reminds me of these real moments that I was once shared with these people, and it's like my return ticket to that memories, whether it's funny, romantic, or sad. Plus good times need to be remembered. They need to celebrate and felt. You know, we're not getting any younger anymore, time will come that a part of our brain might forget those memories. So keeping pictures, letters, and diaries is one way to keep those memories alive.
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These are my IDs from the Youth Camp Fellowship.
6. I used to be active in Church back when I was in High School. I even joined the Music Ministry and tried to learn how to play the piano. I went to a few Youth Camp Fellowship and met a lot of people, and it was fun. The reason why I became so active in Church because I had a crush on our drummer guy (he’s my first kiss). Yuck! LOL
Love Me Like You Do By Ellie Goulding (Short Clip) / Stay By Rihanna (Cover)
7. As I was saying on number 6, I used to play the piano before. They made us choose a musical instrument that we want to play, and I was supposedly gonna go for drums because it's cool, plus I used to listen to a lot of rock bands back then, but I didn't choose it because my crush is going to be the one who's going to teach us, and I was shy, so I end up with piano. I actually tried learning how to play the guitar but you got to have callouses on your fingers in order to play it well because it freaking hurts girl! Hehe
8. Okay, let's talk about Puppy Love. When I was in grade school, I have a crush on this guy who's like 3 years older than me, and he's our neighbor. When I got into 6th grade, he started noticing me, and we became, I don't know, together? Like boyfriend and girlfriend? Haha. But since I'm a shy type kind of girl, I was having a hard time talking to him without blushing, I couldn't even let him hold my hands, or hug me, or kiss me. None of that happened. So we write letters to each other (cellphone is not a thing at that time). I know it's all cheesy and mushy and all, but anyways. I asked my niece to be our messenger haha. So I will give the letter to her, and she will give it to him, and then vice versa. Okay, so this is the funny part!! My niece left my goddamn letter for him at our dining table! And my sister and brother read the whole thing. I was so annoyed at my niece. My siblings were like mad at me for having a boyfriend at such a young age because you know, I'm their little sister, and little sissy is not allowed to have a boyfriend LOL. And then they threatened me that they're going to tell it to my mom, so I broke up with him after a week using a letter haha. We kept in touch til I got into High School. I think we went out before, we watch a movie but I brought a chaperone with me. HAHA we didn’t end up together because he’s such a playboy. FYI: I don't count him as my ex-boyfriend. LOL
9. I had a puppy named Mocha because she’s dark brown and it suits her. She’s a shih tzu and she’s the cutest puppy in the world but she died because she got sick. I miss her so much! :(
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Snorkeling at Coron, Palawan.
10. I love going to the beach. I love swimming! My mom’s sister owns a beach resort and it was just an hour away from our place. We always go there every summer, and that’s where I learned how to swim, not in the swimming pool, but in the ocean. I was supposedly going to be a swimmer. My 4th grade teacher trained me, and he trained other students in other sports like badminton and volleyball, and they joined sports competition, and they win medals. So I got very interested because I want to win medals too. So I did my training but I was having a hard time to dive. I know I'm doing it wrong because the water kept going inside my nose and it freaking hurts. So I stopped and quit the training because I couldn't do it properly. Haha
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I think I was in 3rd Grade in here. Lol
11. I joined Girl Scout back in grade school. I can't remember why I joined. All I know is I am going to have a lot of fun in here. And that was my first camping experience. We camped out at our school, and yeah, it was fun and scary at the same time because there are lots of ghost stories in our school. Our motto: "Girl Scouts are always ready and prepared.” 
I also joined Drum & Bugle. I was a Majorette, the one who throws the baton in the air and twirls it. I just love to dance back then, and nope, I'm not a professional dancer. It's just that life is better when you dance! :)
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Junior Year High School. Cheer Dance Competition during our Intramurals Day. 
12. When I got into High School, I've always wanted to join Cheer Dance Competition since I was in my freshman year. But most of the girls in my school back then were all pretty and mean. I only joined when I was in my junior year, and we won 2nd place. I'm really not a good dancer, but I know I've got moves. I just don't know what happened today LOL. I'm one of those girls who they always lift and toss because obviously in the picture I'm thin as a rake haha. Then I tried joining again in College, and I got into an accident. I freaking fell flat on my back while we're doing our pyramid stunt and no one's there to catch me. Ouchie! I'm on the second level, standing on my right leg at this guy's shoulder, and then my left leg was angled and lifted because on the third level, a girl's going to stand on my left thigh. She was scared and not keeping her balance well so she dragged me backward with her. Someone caught her and none for me because the way I go down the pyramid is by jumping in front. Our coach didn't see that coming and I thought I am gonna go home with broken hips.
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Left to Right: Elementary Graduation Day; Sophomore Year in College; Junior Year - wearing retainer; Retainer and Braces Free 
13. I first had my braces when I was in 6th grade because my sister got one, so I want one too LOL. I had it for a very long time. Since I got it at such a young age, my teeth were not complete yet. And based on my x-ray, I've got several impacted wisdom tooth that's going to come out so my doctor waited for it. I only got it removed when I was in my 3rd-year college. So I had my braces for 7 years. HAHA
14. I can’t whistle. I tried. I don’t know how to. I can’t do it. PERIOD
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Cupcake Nail Art, Cheetah Print Nail Art, Polka Dots Nail Art
15. I love doing my nail art from when I was in High School to College. I don't like my nails plain and simple back then, so I put a design on it and make it fun. I'm always into art and being creative. Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun. So my parents saw that potential in me, and they made me choose Architecture as my profession.
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These are my high school arts that I saw on my facebook LOL.
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Circa 2015. Photographed By: Iks Virina
16. I'm not a morning person. I hate waking up so early. I only wake up so early if I have important errands to run or if I have to go to work. I love sleeping during the day and staying up during the night. I'm a night owl. There's something about being up at night that makes it more peaceful to work and think. Most of my creative juices come out during the night. And I've read that night owls have better mental alertness than early risers. I don't need caffeine to keep me up at night. LOL
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Circa 2015. Photographed By: Iks Virina
17. I'm not a coffee person. Don't get me wrong, I love the smell of coffee. It's just that the coffee doesn't like me at all. Every time I drink coffee, especially those with high caffeine like espresso, I end up palpitating and having heartburn. I can drink it but not too much, and sometimes I preferred Frappuccino. I'm more of a tea person. I love chamomile and red berries flavors.
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18. I went to two schools back in College. When I was in my senior year in High School, I didn't really plan my college life. I have no idea what school I am going to attend. I only know was my mom wants me to take up Architecture even though I don't want to. So yeah, I end up going to Far Eastern University for 2 years. Then, my Dad, he was working abroad in Libya, and there was a war at that time in the Middle East. So they had to go home and stopped working. We have no income, we had financial issues, and that's when I decided to return home and study in my hometown, get a scholarship because I have no choice. I was in college for 6 years, supposedly 5 years only but I had to retake some of my subjects that I already took up in my previous school because the school didn't credit it.
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Back in 2015, I tried to dress up like Blair Waldorf. She loves wearing headband hehe
19. My favorite show of all time is Gossip Girl. It's like the first rated r tv shows that I really got hooked up and fall in love with. It's the reason why I've always wanted to go to New York. I have watched this already a few times, and it doesn't get old. I love Serena Van Der Woodsen (Blake Lively), her style, and the way she carries her clothes. She's this free-spirited, charming, nice, laidback IT GIRL. And then Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) aside from her classy, preppy style, I like her domineering and loyal personality. Plus her romantic on and off love affair with Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick). But my biggest crush on this show is Nate Archibald (Chace Crawford), oh god I love his eyes, it's so sexy! HAHA
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Sandbox Adventure at Pampanga; Bike Trailing and Wakeboarding at Nuvali, Laguna; and Skimboarding at Boracay
20. I love some good adventure. I have this bucket list of things to do before I die, and I want to fulfill that. Like traveling the whole world, plus I want to go skydiving or bungee jumping. Aside from that, you're just not creating memories, you're also trying new things. And I'm always up for trying new things, and I like challenging myself sometimes. Life is boring if you don't at least try or go out of your comfort zone. Just try new things once in a while, and don't be afraid to soar high.
What’s something random about you? And if you make a post, share it below. Thank you so much for dropping by!
Love Lots, Jamie
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reddiess · 7 years
[stan_the_man messaged you]
For the anon who wrote:  "stenbrough social media/college au where person A is an instagram model and person B is a fan who has a friend that forces them to follow and comment, and !! person A notices him!!!!" i’m so sorry something was wrong with the connection so i either didn’t post it or deleted it but shoot me a message if you liked it op! you can also find this on my AO3 Requests are open, shoot me a prompt for a fic or headcanon!! Summary:  Stanley Uris has an undying crush on Instagram model Bill Denbrough. Which is fine, until Richie Tozier goes and messages him. * The moment Stanley Uris spots his best friend with his phone in his hand, suspiciously only tapping once on the screen and with purpose, is the moment he knows Richie Tozier is fucking dead. "Richie," he draws the word out as if to question his friend's entire existence. "What are you doing with my phone?" The traitor looks up and has the audacity to smile innocently, like he doesn't know what Stanley is talking about. "Um... Nothing?" "Nothing my ass," Stan murmurs under his breath before sizing the situation up and jumping into action. He throws himself over the back of their leather couch but Richie is already out of the living room, wheezing as he bolts towards the kitchen door. Stan stops and crosses his arms in front of his torso, waiting for the inevitable— CRASH! He watches with perverse satisfaction as his flatmate trips over the ironing board standing in the entrance to the kitchen, toppling to the floor. "There's something in the way," he deadpans. "Watch out."
"Fucking bitch." Richie pushes himself up. Somehow, there's still an unnerving grin splitting his frog face in two. "I still messaged him though."
Stanley's eye twitches. "Who exactly, again?" He stomps over to the monster he calls his best friend and rips his phone out of his hand. "WHAT THE FUCK!"
stan_the_man followed you
stan_the_man mentioned you in a comment: @billyboy boi fuk me up u fiiiiiiine
Bill Denbrough's eyebrows draw together in confusion, his stare almost piercing holes into the touchscreen of his phone; what kind of language...?
stan_the_man messaged you: dam boi are u a pair of ray bans bc ud look great sitting on my face ;);););)
The line is so out of the blue and bizarre that Bill actually bursts out laughing. He sits up and quickly screenshots the ridiculous message to send to the groupchat with his closest friends.
Out of pure curiosity he clicks on stan_the_man's profile and is surprised to find that the guy looks fairly normal – handsome, even – and not at all creepy like he would've expected. There's also no trace of the attitude or the, um, grammar he used in his direct message to Bill. He actually just looks like a regular guy who's nice and hot and therefore way out of Bill's league.
He goes back to the direct message to type in a reply but changes his mind pretty quickly. Should he even address something as childish and weird as this message? Should he even...
He almost drops his phone in surprise.
stan_the_man: Oh God, sorry. That was my roommate, this is so embarrassing. He thinks he's funny.
No emojis, no pickup lines. But at least the guy has good grammar. That's more than what he normally sees on Instagram these days.
Stan tries to forget all about the most embarrassing event of his life, also known as the time Richie dm'd his Instagram crush with a godawful fuckboy one-liner. He doesn't unfollow Bill Denbrough though because why would he?
He does still spend a good majority of his free time stalking the guy's profile. What can he do when Bill is literally perfect with all his black and white photoshoots and colorful model shots in European countries and mirror selfies with his dog? What is Stan supposed to do, ignore it? Yeah well, not today - and not only because he's a photography major and the shots make his heart weep but also because Bill is ridiculously perfect.
So here's the brief story of how he found the guy: He was exhausted after a long day of work and was in search of a movie stupid enough for his mushy brain to absorb. In this state of mind, a person's brain capacity is not exactly at its full potential, and so that's his excuse for clicking on a Buzzfeed article titled "21 Hottest Male Models We Shamelessly Follow On Instagram". Go figure.
All of them were hot, of course. But Bill Denbrough was... something else. All Stanley could think about was photographing him. Most of the models were these muscly, handsome machos with chiseled jawlines and messy hair - your typical, well, douchebag look. None of them were Stan's type by far, so he was ready to close the article but then he saw number 21, Bill Denbrough aka @billyboy. Bill was... stunning, to say the least. For starters, he didn't have any facial hair, one point for him. He was not buff, more of a tall and lean type, another point. Not the average face that's considered universally attractive but more of a unique charm and he seemed to have a dog; more points. His bio said:
Bill Denbrough 23yr old model based in New York, loves dogs, books, nature and tv shows. Advocate for LGBTQ+ and homeless youth. For business inquiries, please contact...
His pictures all matched with his bio, Stan realized as he scrolled through his profile. He really was a dog and nature lover, liked to read and was actively helping the LGBT and homeless youth - infinite points and there went Stanley Uris' heart.
So that was then. Now is now, and now... Stan is getting a message from him.
Stan clears his cache, force stops and restarts the Instagram app and cold boots his phone but it's still there:
billyboy: Haha, no problem man. I know a lot about annoying roommates. I like your work btw!
What. The. Fuck. He doesn't know if he should smack Richie or kiss him.
stan_the_man: Wow, thank you! I'm a photography & imaging major so they're mostly my assignments, but some of them are just for fun. Are you still studying?
Lame, but kind of okay. Acknowledged Bill's compliment, gave a bit of insight related to the topic, asked to show he's also interested in having a conversation. That's normal, right? He waits a couple of minutes before sending it just so he doesn't seem desperate but gets a reply almost instantly.
billyboy: Yeah, I'm studying creative writing, it's my last year though. Can't wait to be out of uni tbh.
stan_the_man: same, I'd sell my soul at this point for it to be over
Bill laughs, or at least sends a laughing emoji so Stan guesses he does. That's how he starts talking to his Instagram crush.
It doesn't help much with his crush, talking to Bill. If anything, it makes him like the guy even more, which in turn just makes his heart hurt when he thinks about how he doesn't have a chance. Sometimes he has a flicker of hope, like when Bill says something especially flirty or compliments his new picture. He doesn't post many selfies but the one he does Bill ends up commenting on ("What a handsome curly man #crying") and Stanley ends up gaining 300 followers overnight.
And his infatuation with the model just keeps growing and growing. He's certain Bill is not perfect, he can't be but what can a man do when it sure seems like he is? Stan has no chance. So he does the stupidest thing he can do and invites him out for coffee. As soon as he sends the message he throws his phone across the room, the childhood habit of biting his fingernails making a short but threatening return. Get your act together, Stanley thinks. He's just a guy.
He's Bill Denbrough, he's not just some guy! His mind helpfully supplies.
You're arguing with yourself again. Stop it.
I do whatever I w--
That has to be Bill. It has to be. Stan carefully rounds his bed and reaches for his phone, pushing the home button so he sees his lockscreen. The preview of Bill's message starts with Sure! When are you... and then it's cut off.
Stanley looks around to see if Richie is in hearing distance, and when he finds he's in the clear, he does a dance of celebration.
He really should give a present of gratitude to Richie now.
It goes well. Coffee, that is. They hit it off right away because as normal as Bill comes through in his messages, his humour actually aligns with Stan's in that dry, passive aggressive, death loving kind of way. Which is fine. Amazing.
What's not amazing however, is how perfect he actually is. Stan sees his clear skin and perfect hair and amazing body proportions and red lips every day on Instagram but it has nothing on the real thing. There's just no way any camera could ever capture the charisma the guy has.
(Stanley is going to try though. Even if Bill wouldn't have agreed to it, he would somehow bribe him into modeling for his portfolio. He did agree though, and without any extra convincing too so Stan is going to make the most of that promise.)
It turns out that Bill's favorite tv show is Supernatural, bless his soul, but his favorite movie is Edward Scissorhands, which Stan also loves. They also realize they go to the same university and actually took a course together last semester – some bullshit class where attendance wasn't mandatory – except Stan never realized it. Bill traveled a lot last year due to his modeling career and Stan literally never was there so there was little to no chance of them meeting; which is nice because he would have had an aneurysm on the spot.
When he gets home that afternoon Richie is already sitting in the armchair in their living room with crossed legs.
"I see you've had a fun day," he waves his phone at Stanley, who has to squint to see that Bill has uploaded the selfie they took together to his Instagram.
"None of your business," Stan replies and automatically turns to leave. Well, he would if Richie Tozier didn't jump on his back the next second and really, how is he that fast?
"Tell me EVERYTHING Stan the man, don't you even think about sparing me any juicy details!" Richie booms in his ear before he manages to shake him off enough that only his arms remain locked around Stan's neck. "Come oooon, I hooked you guys up!"
"What the fuck do you mean you hooked us-" DING! "Excuse me, I have to go." He unceremoniously bites Richie in the forearm until he has no chance to let go with a yelp.
"At least tell me later!" his best friend shouts after him but he's already halfway to his room. He plops down onto the light blue bedsheets he changed just yesterday, and the faint smell of the detergent kind of reminds him of how Bill smelled when they half-hugged while saying goodbye.
billyboy: Thank you for the coffee today! I actually have a confession to make.
billyboy: Tell me if I got the wrong message or anything but I had a very hard time not kissing you after we met. I just thought it would be fair to tell you.
Stan turns so his face mushes into the pillow and screams.
("When were you going to tell me this?!" Richie shouts, pushing his phone screen into Stan's face. "HUH?"
It's a picture Bill took on campus of them kissing - he uploaded it onto his Instagram story which in turn spiked hundreds of fans to raid Stanley's DM's – mostly with positivity – and Richie to, apparently, have a mental breakdown.
"Just die," Stan replies, pushing the oversized phone out of his face, but he is smiling. "I was going to tell you later, maybe when we're not in the library? You're making a lot of noise."
He's pretty sure he can see Richie's face turn purple with how much he's trying not to scream.
He is going to buy him a present, don't worry. But for now, he has to work on his assignment so he can go meet his boyfriend.)
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rwbyremnants · 7 years
THIS CHAPTER: WhiteRose: facial, intimate conversation.
Crosshares (Coco/Velvet): Dom/sub, petplay, collars, strap-on sex, cunnilingus, bridling, doggy style, anal fingering, squirting/female ejaculation, strap-on fellatio, aftercare. 
NOTES: YAY FOR VOLUME 5! I got an early look at it in theaters and so far, so good! To commemorate it coming out for First Members I figured I would make sure to release a chapter today. Let's hope this season doesn't wreck us like 3 did haha! Sorry again for the sidetracking, though at least this is Crosshares, which there should definitely be more fic of. Also, White Rose moments. Next up… we’re coming up to the end of the fic in these next 5 chapters, and it’s about to get a LOT kinkier. Strap in (or strap on)!
=Chapter 25
Yang wasn't the only Xiao Long sister having her Dust-grown dick sated. Ruby had just thrown her head back against the pillows of her bed, groaning out to the high heavens as she gained her own release. Weiss wasn't exactly going to miss the chance to play with her partner's length when it was so obviously present and ready for action.
Once finished however, she pulled up the sheets that had covered her lower half, and the entirety of Weiss. She had been told not to look, apparently because the heiress was slightly more nervous about being seen in such a vulnerable position, but now the deed was done, she needed to peek. And she would stay quiet until she spoke first.
The heiress had splotches of Ruby's cream all over her face, and though when the sheets lifted she had been smiling contentedly, now she blushed a deep scarlet when she noticed Ruby could see her. However, she looked less angry and more ashamed of herself as she averted her gaze.
"J-just..." Clearing her throat, her voice was even quieter when she said, "I'd explain but you would probably make fun of me."
"N-nah... I'm too tired for that." She laughed and panted, holding the duvet up to allow Weiss to catch her breath again, and to invite her back up again. She was certainly not too tired for a cuddle.
"I just... so I've heard that... men like it when girls allow themselves to be covered with this," she began as she crawled up to flop down next to her partner. "And I thought I might find out what the big deal is, and also whether or not you, not being a man but having a man-part currently, would enjoy this. That's all."
Tilting her head, she examined the features more closely. Yes, it was rather interesting to see Weiss covered in small bits of her own juices, like she owned her. But it also made things a little awkward. To put it in clearer terms, she wouldn't kiss her currently.
"It's okay, I guess… But I think we should clean you up."
"R-right!" Weiss laughed nervously. "This was silly, wasn't it? It's silly to want to try it... and... to kind of like having you all over me, right?"
Grabbing the tissue on the bedside desk, she placed a hand on her cheek, very slowly using the other to wipe away the small dots of white on her. Of course, all while she did so, the blush remained there, and she even chuckled, "Heh... I guess that part of it is… kinda hot."
The warmth of the laugh finally made Weiss relax a little. "Of course, the novelty wears off rather quickly, so, um... thank you." Then her smile grew slightly mischievous. "You were really ready to go, weren't you? Practically demanded I service you the minute you got in the door." Narrowing her eyes, she then folded both arms across her chest. "Speaking of which… where on Remnant did you leave your panties?"
"O-oh! You noticed, huh?" But Weiss wasn’t budging. This was something she didn't quite know how to answer. Was she to tell of her adventure with Blake? She'd just come to terms with her feelings with Weiss; would it really be a good idea to then blow it with that confession?
But she couldn't lie. No matter what, she couldn't; not to the woman she loved. "…Blake. She’s got ‘em."
"Blake borrowed your panties? Huh... I didn't know you two were the same size." Weiss sighed as she snuggled against Ruby's side, face now relatively clean and holding only the tiniest hint of pink in her cheeks. Even though she had not climaxed herself - though helping Ruby had awakened her urges very slightly - she found herself quite contented to leave things as they were this time.
"Well… not exactly." Now she'd really thrown herself in it. "We kinda, um, had an encounter. I wanted to know more about how to pleasure… what you have right now. And she wanted to know about what I have, since Yang has one sometimes now. So we… kinda had show and tell, heh."
"You what?!" It wasn't an angry exclamation, but there was definite shock. "You and Blake?! How long has this been going on?"
What was once a calm blush and an elated grin had been replaced with a nervous disposition. Hunched shoulders, and eyes wide in fear. "I-it hasn't been ‘going on’. Nothing is going on!"
"But you just said you... I mean, if nothing's going on, what did you guys do, compare schematic drawings?!" Then she remembered another aspect of Ruby's confession. "And why would she need to keep your underwear?!"
"I... We... I don't know!" Close to tears already after such a short time, Ruby was lost for words. She could have ruined everything in one stupid night. How on earth could she explain this correctly. "I never really… practiced. On myself, I mean. I didn't know how to do anything for you when you don’t have a Dust-dick. S-so Blake offered to help me learn what to do with a vagina… so I can be good at it, eventually." Already, the water was coming to her eyes. "B-but no, I was wrong, I know I was! I-I shouldn't have done it, I should have asked, I- I-"
Stricken at the sudden change in Ruby's mood, Weiss fidgeted with her hand. This wasn't her strong suit, comforting distraught friends. How did one go about this? Obviously, all her anger and exasperation had been thrown out the window, but now she wasn't sure how to make that clear.
"Well... I would have appreciated you letting me know you were planning to do something like that beforehand." Not quite right. Placing a hand on Ruby's shoulder, she tried again. "But... I suppose it would be rather hypocritical of me to fault you for doing anything with Blake when technically, so have I."
"I know, I should have. And I would! But it sorta just… happened. I was asking Blake for tips, she asked what for and why, then we got… carried away." It was the truth, except with pieces left out. Ruby knew how to satisfy a sex enough to being a quick climax, and probably knew how to drive Weiss insane with desire. What would she possibly want additional teaching for?
"So that's why your phallus looked so... so red." For whatever reason, though Weiss did feel mildly turned on by the notion of Ruby having a sudden "encounter", she also felt an irrational jealousy bubbling up. It wasn't right, not even remotely, but she wanted Ruby all to herself. Despite the fact that she had expected Ruby to share her with Yang. Was she insane?
"Um... did you enjoy yourself? Did you learn a lot, did she?"
"We learned a lot, yes. She learned more than me, though, because we were interrupted by Jaune and Pyrrha. Had to hide before I could hold up my end of the deal." She had purposefully left out the answer to the question of enjoyment.
"Jaune and Pyrrha? Wait, wait, that's... that's not the point. I mean, where did this happen?" She felt as if her brain was being pulled in a dozen different directions.
As was Ruby's. The answers were hard to come up with, even if they happened just an hour or so ago! "T-the library, in the romance section? I was, um, looking for books about this…"
Now Weiss definitely felt turned on at the idea of Ruby being so indiscreet in such a public place, even while she was fighting the strange urge to track down Blake and give her a swift kick in the behind. "That's... interesting." Cheeks warming again, she cleared her throat to provide an excuse for that. "Well, like I said, I... don't have any right to tell you not to do that, considering our current arrangement. If you and she wanted to... have more lessons, even. You aren't my servant; obviously you're free to do whatever makes you happy."
"That's just it." She found herself turning in the heiress's direction, looking right up and into her eyes. What was about to be said, wouldn't be easy. But nonetheless, it was needed. "It was a fun lesson, and yeah, I enjoyed myself. But it's…" Swallowing, she attempted to let the last few words out. "She’s not you ."
"Oh?" That could mean a LOT. But she was afraid of being wrong. Weiss decided to keep playing things casually with her words, but she saw no reason not to caress the shoulder she was gripping with her thumb. "And... is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
It was now or never. If Ruby was going to allow herself to get really mushy, now was the chance. "I wanted tips, to impress you. So that, when I’m in the mood for more than snuggles and kisses, I'm actually good at it. Because I want to make you happy. Want to make only you happy."
A few seconds passed as Weiss took those words in, mulled them around. "I s-see... that's really what you want? To make me happy? Even though I'm such a selfish jerk most of the time?" It was hard for her to reconcile this confession with the news that Ruby had been intimate with Blake earlier the same evening, even knowing it was merely an educational endeavour. Her head felt hazy, but down deep beneath the confusion and fear, she felt a prickle of something new. Something that, if she had to give it a name, could be "joy". Finally, she managed to whisper, “Wow.”
There was so much more to it than that. So many words she wanted to say. About everything to do with her, her smile, her laugh, how even when she was grumpy she somehow looked very cute. But the smaller girl was far too awkward to say any of that. And even more awkward to say the word she knew it meant: love. All she could do was press her face against her neck, nuzzling into her to hide her face from view, as she nodded.
"Ruby..." She had to do something more. She had to speak up, to at least try to compete with this tender thing Ruby had told her - especially because she had already heard the "three little words" from the girl during an unguarded moment. It wasn't fair for Ruby to always be the one telling Weiss how much she meant while she never gave her anything in return.
"Do... I make you happy?" she finally asked in a fearful whisper. "I mean really, not just sort of happy or happy once in a while."
"Yes." There was no hesitation. As Ruby huddled up to the girl, she couldn't even hesitate to answer that question. "You make me… very happy. Just want to do the same for you."
"But you do. So much!" Hesitating only for a moment or two, hoping she wasn't about to make a mistake, she blurted, "And I don't care how many times either of us 'explores' with other people, that's- it doesn't matter in the end, does it? As long as you and I, w-we're the ones who hold each other at the end of the night!"
The words brought a smile to Ruby's lips. She knew this was hard for Weiss. Extremely so. She'd been raised to keep those sorts of emotions to herself, and to remain calm and composed. And although she had never said it herself, Ruby was fairly confident Weiss's father wouldn't exactly be over the moon with having a daughter who had a girlfriend.
But if this was to be, that would be hurdle to be jumped over at another time. Now, there was a different one.
"Do you love me?"
"What?!" Weiss squeaked, voice sounding high and strained. "Th-that's an absurd question! Wh-what is 'love', anyway? Obviously I do or I wouldn't be cuddling with you right now! Gosh!" One of her hands fisted in Ruby's short, sporty hair. Yes, clearly she did; she was simply abysmal at showing it.
It was confirmed. Weiss loved her. Weiss Schnee actually loved her! She wanted to scream, she wanted to call to the high heavens that she was in love, that they both were. But more importantly, she wanted Weiss. And rather than poke about for more information, she sought to put her new knowledge to the test.
A hand delicately cupped her cheek, making her look toward her so their eye contact could lock again. Lips a hair apart, she whispered softly, "I love you, too."
"Oh, ugh," Weiss grimaced, though without any real conviction. "Why do you have to be such a sap all the time? Is that some sort of patented Ruby Rose modus operandi?" Then she leaned in and left a light peck on her lips. "But I... I do..." She tried quite hard, hoping to find more courage than she possessed, but in the end her eyes had to close before she could finish. "Love you."
With her own eyes also closing, she soon leant forward, pressing her lips into Weiss's as she began kneading them gently. Just as Blake taught her, she slowed right down, making an effort to feel closer to her before progressing any longer. And she was right. The kiss felt softer, yet more intense. Slower, yet it made her heart race! She wanted more, yes. But working to get there would be so much sweeter.
Surprised by the tenderness that replaced Ruby's usual eagerness, Weiss hummed in appreciation as her hand trailed through the hair of her partner, drinking in every sensation. When her leg raised up higher, she even felt the soft wet length that remained exposed - and felt no real physical reaction, no urge to either pull away or reinitiate their carnal activities. It was just part of Ruby, however temporarily, and she allowed her leg to rest against it fully to show just how little it mattered.
Several minutes later, she pulled away and breathed, "Wow, I don't know how anybody could ever not love you."
"Oh, I'm not that big of a deal... Just a normal girl, with normal knees." Well aware that it sounded ridiculous on its own, Ruby decided to distract her by brushing her nose across the heiress's, smiling softly.
"Mmmmh," Weiss couldn't help but breathe at Ruby's affectionate action. Already, she felt herself beginning to doze. "I like your normal knees..."
"I like your normal knees, too." She smiled, kissing her forehead gently, before huddling into the girl's side. Thanks to their similar sizes, either position suited either girl. It mattered not to them who would be the big spoon.
As Weiss drifted off to sleep, a couple of thoughts warred within her mind. Firstly, that she was fiercely protective of Ruby's well-being; if she had told her anyone other than Blake wanted to do things "for educational purposes", she might have gone screaming off down the hall after them. She was aware by now that both of them were just as inexperienced, so it made sense that they would finally try things out together just to learn. Secondly, that even though she still lusted after Yang, and even Blake to a far lesser degree, that if she were being forced to choose between all of them, there wasn't even a choice to be made.
And thirdly, that she had a plan for their next outing into the forest… but maybe before then, she could think of some other fun things to try. A few stray thoughts that were bumping around in her head. But before that came to pass, there would need to be a few discussions. Best to sleep on it for now.
The funny thing was, she had no idea that other discussions would be taking place at the same time, or shortly thereafter. Including one that wasn’t even amongst the members of Team RWBY, but another team…
"So with things g-going as well as they are with myself and Carmine," Velvet's timid voice spoke into the room, "I've been thinking... am I ready to take the next step? She's putting out every signal that she wants to take me to bed, and that's something I'm fairly sure I want now, but obviously I don't want to jump the gun! So sh-should I go on with it, or is it too soon? Please, I don't trust myself to make this decision!"
"Hmm... That is a concern. How long did you say you'd been seeing her again?" The other woman found herself stroking the rabbit Faunus's hair, and her ears. Stroking right from her head to her bare lower back. In fact, she had been doing that for a fair while. The two had began to talk about how Velvet's personal life had been progressing, and from the sounds of things it hadn't. Most people would chat about such things over a meal, or coffee.
Not Coco Adel and Velvet Scarlatina. They were in the beginning stages of their ‘play’.
Velvet wore nothing, apart from a leather collar and leash. Her ‘master’, wearing a rather form-fitting corset and garters, along with her usual sunglasses and beret, held the leash firmly in her iron grip. Before every session, they allowed for a moment to get used to one another's presence whilst in their attire, to keep things casual before they really got things going. Today, that was when Velvet began to talk.
"A little over a week." The lower Coco stroked along her back, the higher her hips rose to meet the hand. Though her conscious mind hated to have it touched, her tiny tail began to tingle in anticipation. She only hated to have it touched because she didn't know how to react to the intensity of the sensation. "Is that too long? We both make moves, then someone will get too uncomfortable to do anything more, and... I mean, should I just have a few pints and let myself get swept along?"
Delivering a soft scratch to said area above her tail, Coco mused on that question. As experienced as she was, dating never was her strong suit. She'd tried it and it wasn’t her speed. Sex – hell yes. Romance – not so much.
"Perhaps a quiet drink between you two would be the best plan. You mentioned she had an apartment? See if you both could have a night in with some drinks. Loosen things up."
Nodding and gulping, Velvet fought down a reaction to the sensation. It was building and she knew it was going to happen, but did her body have to make it so easy? "Y-yes, perhaps that's b-best."
Too late. Before she could stop herself, she was rolling onto her back and holding her arms and legs in the air, face flushing very slightly at what her Faunus instincts were encouraging her to do against her human wishes.
"Good girl…" That was more in-character this time. Their play was about to begin; that much was made obvious when she tugged at the lead, pulling the Faunus's head closer to her for a moment. This allowed her to see the wide smirk on her face. "Do you want a treat then, pet?"
"Yes, Master," she sighed contentedly. Though she was always anxious to see what direction their play might take, she was never scared - not since their first session. That had been an awful one in which she used their safeword, breaking down crying, but Coco had held her and comforted her so completely that from then on, she was never frightened in her chamber of demented pleasures again.
"Alright then. Sit." The first command. It was definitely a simple one, just to get started. As she waited, she continued to give advice; sometimes they would do two things at once like that. "Why not ask her if she wants to? It may be awkward, but it makes things clear that way. Cut through the bullshit."
"Really?" Velvet asked, even as she rolled over and pushed up onto her knees, both hands palm-down on the floor. Hoping it would further please her master, she even took the pained effort to force her tail to wag - underdeveloped as it was, this was not an easy feat for her. "Just like that, right out with it?"
"Yeah. I mean... Look, you know I'm not very good at relationship stuff, but it's about communication, right? No matter how awkward it may seem." The actions certainly did please, and made Coco lean down toward her pet's neck, whispering softly before delivering a soft peck to it. "Very good."
A quiet sigh fell from Velvet at the contact, and she leaned very slightly toward the lips - but not too much. That was frowned upon. "I just don't want her thinking I'm... some sort of tramp who is only after a good time. It has been a while, though..."
"Then tell her. It sounds like she's just as awkward, too, but fumbling around gets you nowhere." Parting from the girl's neck, she then sat back on the bed again, twirling her finger to gesture her next trick. "Roll over."
Without hesitation, she bent forward to crouch lower and rolled onto her back, then further over until she was upright on her hands and knees again. Her collar fit just loosely enough that it spun as she did, so there was no complication there.
"Hopefully you'll get to meet her, Coco. You'll never meet a sweeter girl, or smarter - you'd be surprised how much she knows, especially since most smart ones end up being snobbish!"
Another kiss was delivered as a reward, this time to her jawline, and for longer. The treats were getting more intense, which meant the tricks were too. "She does sound like a lovely girl, so long as she treats you right."
And then she pointed to the bedside table, specifically to one particular drawer. From their previous sessions, Velvet would know exactly what was meant when she demanded, "Fetch."
"Yes, Master!" She dashed to the drawer, then looked over her shoulder questioningly. "Hands, or no hands? W-we forgot to settle on that beforehand."
"No hands, pet. Not tonight." Coco smirked, lowering her glasses to get a decent look at her teammate.
A slight flush stole over the pet's face. She tried not to show how much more she liked it when she had even less humanity during their play. Most people – especially the White Fang supporters – would never understand how much this appealed to her baser instincts. They would tell her she was undercutting the efforts for Faunus equality… but this wasn’t about how they were treated in normal society. It was about what gave her comfort at the end of her day, behind closed doors. That and that alone. And as long as Coco understood that, they could have a very special brand of fun together.
Keeping her palms on the floor, she used her nose to nudge at the handle a few times until the drawer was open an inch or so, then wedged her chin in the gap to drag it the rest of the way open. Once she had accomplished that, she clamped her teeth down as delicately as she could around one of the leather straps sticking up out of the drawer and crawled back over to Coco, the silicon phallus swinging back and forth as she did so.
"Gooood girl." Once she had returned, she held her hand underneath her mouth. "Drop it." Which Velvet did immediately, smiling up at her master. Again, she wagged her tail, this time making her hips move a bit with it. Hopefully Coco wouldn't check very soon, but she was already quite wet in anticipation.
She spared no time. Right from when it was dropped into her hand, she began to slide the straps up her legs, putting them into position for the best fit. "Didn't you say she dated Blake before? The black-haired girl in first year, right?"
"Hm?" Sitting back on her haunches, she simply waited patiently with her body while Coco prepared and they spoke. "Oh... that's right, she did mention that. What of it?"
"She's a little young, ain't she? Or am I missing something? Thought you said she was already in a professional field." Once fully strapped in, she then sat back onto the bed again, confidently commanding, "Beg."
Sitting up higher, Velvet held both fists under her chin and tilted her head to one side. "She is, but... alright, I would probably have been more careful to check on that myself, but she didn't know her age at the time. I can't really find fault, it's not my place."
"Good girl... Bend over." There wasn't a reward that time, mainly because the reward was about to come from the actions of the girl in command. But as she eagerly awaited for Velvet to get ready, she mused a little more. "Oh, okay that makes sense. Gotta be careful with that."
"Yeah. Mostly, I feel sorry for her not knowing... Blake should have spoken up far earlier." Leaning forward again, she made sure her hindquarters were raised slightly more than she normally would have comfortably. "Should I turn around?"
"Yeah, I agree. But again, this is why communication is key. Like in this case, it is." And with a chuckle, added, "Yes, I do want you to turn around. Silly rabbit."
"Yes, Master." Turning artfully, she presented herself fully to Coco, thighs twitching in anticipation. "I... I'm sorry for the mess back there."
"Mess? What mess, pet?" Kneeling down behind her, she pulled the leash quite firmly, making sure that she remained where she was close to the ground, as she went to inspect the wetness between Velvet's legs.
"Oh deary me... Someone is getting overexcited."
"S-sorry!" Velvet lamented again, ducking her head down between her shoulders, wishing she couldn't feel droplets of moisture running down her inner thighs. "I t-tried not to this time, but I can't help it!"
"Well, I'm going to have to clean this up, aren't I?" she asked, pressing her hand against the wetness there, slowly pressing her fingers into the folds as she began to stroke the length of them. Now was a time to enjoy the movements in silence for most people. But not these teammates. "So, when are you next going out?"
A moan rose out of her and slowly tapered off. "T-tomorrow night, actually. She wants to take me to a fancy restaurant and treat me to a dessert, says... says it's cute when I make a fuss about sweets."
"Oooh, that sounds fun. Just don't get yourself into a sugar rush. You know how that ends up," she teased, not only about their conversation, but in their play as well. Then she continued to tease by circling her clit just the once while she was up there, then bringing her fingers back down... And again... And again...
"Mmnnhhhh," she sighed with deep gratitude, carefully holding herself completely still. There was no need for her to push backward, or widen her legs, or do anything at all; her Master would take care of her. As always, she would take care of everything. "I... I won't, I'll just have enough f-for a treat!"
How Coco was able to keep up normal conversation was a mystery. Especially as her own sex was beginning to grow warm with desire. She too would be in Velvet's state at this rate. "Some ice cream or something?" Drawing her hand away at last, she pulled the lead through her arms and legs, resting them just under her knee to trap her head in position. Low down. The only view she would get would be that of her own sex from there.
And she was allowed to witness as Coco held the phallus into her hand, lining it up with her entrance once confident the area was wet enough.
"Y-yes," Velvet agreed, stomach doing somersaults as she waited with bated breath for Coco to enter, watched another droplet fall from her own well-prepared entrance. Sometimes her master eased into it gently, sometimes she rammed into her without any consideration. This could be either night. "And y-you know how I like... strawberries."
"Strawberry sundae. Perfect." Tonight was going to be a gentle night it seemed, and Coco very slowly pushed her way into the pinned Faunus girl, slowly working inward. The ramming could be done later, she thought.
"AhhhhHHHhhnnn!" spilled musically from the Faunus's throat. It always felt so good to be claimed by her master this way! There had been some other aspects of play she somewhat wanted to try tonight, but she wasn't to bring them up or ask for them in the middle of proceedings; that was to be taken care of before they started. Maybe next time.
If there ever was a next time. Of course Carm had other sexual liaisons, and there was no reason she shouldn't, but... if they started seriously seeing each other, the arrangement may have to change. She wasn't sure. Part of her would be sad not to have Coco as a Master anymore if that's how things wound up, but in the end they would always be friends - and Coco could find new pets.
"Aaaand there we go." She smiled, grinding her hips around against Velvet's once her phallus was buried deep inside if her, trying to test the sensations. Caress her inner walls.
More gasps and pants of pleasure filled the air. Not much more would be needed to send her over the edge this time; all the near-misses with Carm resulted in one extremely frustrated libido. Her clit cried out to be touched, but this wasn't a day in which she could do anything of the sort, and so she only arched her back more, provided a more inviting target for her master.
Even wagging the fluffy tail again, feeling her own sex heat up from the difficult action. Why were those areas connected in her body? Wasn't that strange?
"So, how much do you want tonight?" she asked, keeping the phallus still to allow her pet to concentrate for a short moment. It wasn't something she usually asked, but with her going out later, she felt the need to ask. She wasn't exactly going to go too hard if she would need to recover.
"Ahh... hahh..." Gulping, Velvet tried to make her mind less cloudy. Did she want the cattle prod again? No, that would probably wear her out and might leave her body too sore tomorrow. Then she remembered what she had been thinking about a minute or so ago. "The... put the bit in my mouth? Ride me like that?"
"The bit, eh? You up for trying that this time around?" Although she then drew the phallus back out of her again, heading over to the drawer to fetch said bit. However she then realised; she wouldn't be able to talk. "What's the safety signal going to be? Cause I'm gonna keep going till you tell me to stop."
Velvet nearly shed tears at the sudden exit, but she forced herself to take a few breaths so she would be able to answer. "W-we... I'll paw at my ear again, like the time you had me tied up and I was fellating you. Is... is that alright?"
Taking the bit out of the drawer, she paced slowly back over to Velvet again, but this time, when she grasped the lead again, she pulled her upward suddenly, parting her legs. "Perfect. One more trick first."
"H-huh?" Velvet asked. She could be asking for a few different things; by now, the pet already knew most of her master's appetites. Unfortunately, there were too many appetites to choose from, so she decided to be blunt instead of dancing around it. "What does Master want?"
Yanking the lead upward once again, she managed to pull Velvet's head up toward her inner thighs, up to her own soaking wet folds where they lay between leather straps. The trick was now obvious.
Cringing involuntarily at the feeling of the wet length resting against her own forehead, especially knowing it was her own juices making it so wet, Velvet fell to licking immediately, switching between cleaning the outside and the inside. Coco was delicious but sharp, as always. She wanted to use her hands to better spread her, but she wasn't allowed today, so she merely placed them on her thighs for support as any other animal might.
"Hhhmmm," she sighed contentedly right away, placing her other hands on the woman's scalp to keep her friend still. Parting her legs slightly more, she spread herself further to assist in her actions.
But between slight gasps of pleasure, she looked down toward her. "Maybe don't start with s-s-such intense stuff as t-this..."
With a light blush, she pulled back to gaze up at her master. "You m-mean... with you, or with Carm?" After asking, she fell back to work. In point of fact, she felt incredibly flattered to get to touch Coco's sex directly; that was a rarity. Usually she would be asked to wear a phallus, then tied up and ridden, or else it would be worn backwards and she would be mounted and literally ridden around the room. Once, they had fitted a rubber sleeve around both of her ears... that had been a unique experience.
"With Carm. You wanna go s-sloooooww- more on the clit." Her advice turned straight back to their play again once Velvet went back to her licking, as she began to grind herself against Velvet's actions.
Nodding and filing away the advice, Velvet began to tease the clit at the end of every lick, swirling her tongue around the tiny nub with relish. She loved the feel of it in her mouth, how much larger and pronounced it was versus her own tiny, nigh-invisible button. Coco had bemoaned that on a few occasions. But this was a clit a girl could really work with! And she did - hungrily.
"Aaaah! Ooh... Yes!!!" she groaned once more, tipping her head back as she relished in the feeling. Velvet was good, very good!
But she wanted to tease Velvet more. And so, she pulled herself away, taking a moment to swallow and regain her breath. But before Velvet could be allowed to close her mouth, Coco held it open, placing the bit into it. "Back to the ground."
A delicious shame shot through her body at having the bit stuck in her mouth. It was what she wanted; to be the pet, to really lose herself in the role for a few minutes. This was so much easier than navigating the real world.
Nodding, she lowered herself back to hands and knees, blinking up at her master with large eyes as her lips settled more comfortably around the soft bit. It was designed for a human mouth, and much kinder to teeth than a real one would be. For good measure, she moved her backside back and forth very slightly to show that she was ready and willing to please.
This time, Coco wouldn't be as kind. Even if it was to give her the treat. Aligning the phallus with her entrance once again, she grasped the reins firmly, giving a firm tug as she threw herself forward, thrusting the entire length of the phallus into her body. Thanks to the tugging, there was no chance Velvet could escape, or back off; which made it all the sweeter.
"HHHHNGGH!" Velvet cried out around the bit in mild pain and intense pleasure. That was the ache she was after, this was the bodily punishment. She was to be used for this purpose, then rewarded by the master for doing her job. And if she enjoyed a little carnal pleasure into the deal, that was merely a bonus. Arching her back, she tried to lessen the strain on the object in her mouth and the way it tugged at the sides of her cheeks, even though she knew that to be futile. Coco was going to ride her hard until they were both satisfied.
Hearing the call of pleasure made Coco grin with delight, and caused more heat to come to her sex and cheeks again. And it was only going to continue, over and over again without stopping. She was going to be sure to keep slamming into her hard, either until she was worn out, or until Velvet used her safety signal. As was usually the case for their evenings.
That was why there was always two words. One indicated she was done for the evening, and the other indicated it was an action she didn't like. There were very few occasions when Velvet used the second one, but with everyone it drew Coco to a stop, and then back to a comforting “aftercare” session. And even at the times when Velvet would try to decline aftercare, Coco would insist on the importance of recovery.
However, once in a while Velvet wanted to ramp up the level of intensity even more than usual. The bit was gloriously degrading, and put her in her place... but maybe yet more theatrics were in order. With slow and deliberate movements, she began to pull forward, as if to race away from Coco should she let up on the reins. Playacting that she did not want her body to be used, that she yearned to escape.
"Ah ah ah…" With a very firm tug again, both on the reins and the lead, she held Velvet back in place. And to increase her punishment, she ramped up the speed. Now her movements were hard and loud, the constant smacking of Coco's hips against Velvet's rear had echoed through the room, and there was no sign of it stopping at all.
"You're not always a good girl, huh? You need discipline, is that it ?"
A deep grunt of defiance came from Velvet at the harsher treatment. What good was having a master who tamed her if she never put up any resistance? Even as her climax started to build, as wet slapping sounds filled the air, she lowered her shoulders and strained forward, turning slightly to the right to try and bolt away. Part of her needed it to be harder or she wouldn't be able to finish without her clit being touched - she had always been that way, ever since their sessions first began. Coco was only too willing to assist her there.
And another firm tug kept her back, as she pulled the leads right up by her chest. And then leaning down over her body, she began to lean toward her ear, whispering softly into it, "Silly little rabbit… someone is earning herself some very rough treatment." And right after, she delivered a firm slap to her rear, only then to reach toward it. In between her cheeks and underneath her tail was an area she loved to tease, but one she had never entered. Velvet's second opening.
"Maybe you want some of this, huh? Want me to claim your ass?"
Velvet's eyes flew wide. A mere flinch had been her reaction to the slap, but this was more than she had reckoned on dealing with tonight. Her anus was an area Coco had always loved to pay an inordinate amount of attention, one she seemed to covet equally with her other openings. Also, it was responsible for most of the times Velvet had needed to use a safeword. For some reason, she didn't mind being dragged by the neck down to lick the tops of her master's boots, or humping a table leg while being watched like a hawk, but a single fingertip resting on that tight hole made her shake like a leaf.
And shake she did, especially her head from side to side. No, that was not what she wanted... but she didn't use the word, or the gesture that was taking its place currently. Not yet. Maybe Coco only meant to tease her there again, not to do as she had threatened. Her subservient mind needed to give all that she could right up to the point she honestly could take no more.
"No? Are you suuuure?"
And as she continued to slam herself against Coco's sex, her finger never left that area. In fact, it began to circle the ring of muscle over and over again. Even though she had said so about this, she was able to feel how her muscles were reacting to such a thing. How the muscle quivered and spasmed.
Of course, Coco wouldn't go in; not tonight. With her lover expected to be going out at some point, the last thing she wanted to do was leave her unable to sit down properly.
Most definitely against her conscious will, Velvet panted and moaned around the bit as the thick length pounded into her - and as her secondary entrance was casually explored. Every circuit of the tiny ring left her mind screaming with conflicting emotions, her legs trembling. Of course she liked it; Master knew best. She just didn't want to like it.
And as was usually the case when Coco decided to play with her rear, Velvet felt her orgasm building twice as fast as before, but she forced herself to hang on, to try her best to pretend it wasn't happening. That the action she resented wasn't so erotic that it was going to send her reeling into the finish line so soon.
"Come on, you know you want to have an orgasm now... And then another, and then another…" As was normally the case, she would usually continue right up until one of them could take no more. It didn't matter the amount of orgasms usually, but it was very rare Coco left Velvet at one. Despite her appearance, and her personality, Velvet could go for quite a while.
And so slamming over and over, she adjusted herself slightly to hit the special set of nerves. The ones that made Velvet's heart race. That was all it took for her to crash through the barrier into her first. She had already been on the brink from the semi-unwelcome attentions with the finger, so it only took that angling downward to make all the difference. Screaming into the material of the obstruction in her mouth, she rode wave after wave of sharp pleasure that pierced through her mental fuzziness.
The worst aspect of the fact that Velvet was capable of multiples was another unique trait: she was also what was most commonly referred to as a "squirter". This had horrified both herself and Coco the first time it occurred, but once they realised it was not the substance they had originally feared, Coco came to regard it as a charming quirk. It amused her that thin jets of clear pleasure would splash over her - or down upon floor, calves, and boots, as it was presently.
But no matter how bad it got, Coco did not stop. As she could feel the slight additional tightness from Velvet's inner walls contracting, she only thrust even harder against said area, hoping to spur on another orgasm quickly and swiftly. And whilst doing that, she tugged at the bit harder, to the point of managing to yank her off the floor. Their actions were terribly rough, in extreme contrast to Velvet and Carm's soft actions.
Flailing both hands in the open air, Velvet felt a startling vertigo as she had no way to brace herself, no recourse. It was only for a few seconds, but she felt as if she were free-falling. It was the kind of exhilaration she could only derive from these sessions… and from simple moments with her new paramour.
Another orgasm rose to the surface. It wasn't quite as easy to break as the first had been, but she knew it wouldn't take much more - though her master was riding her no less hard than before, still slamming her hips into a fleshy backside with reckless abandon. For sheer theatrics, she let out a loud, long whimper.
Grinning mischievously, she took her finger away from Velvet's rear end, she instead reached even lower. She knew what Velvet craved, her clit to have some attention. And in a rare moment of generosity, she obliged. Reaching around, as she continued to thrust into the sex, she pressed her finger against her clit, circling it just as fast as her movements. She really wasn't letting up this evening, not until she begged for mercy.
Instantly, the pet screamed against the bridle as a second climax crashed through her entire being. More thin liquid splashed over her own legs. Seconds. It only took seconds from when she began touching her clit for it to happen. She must have been really hard up if they were coming this easily!
Yet the thrusts were not relenting. Not in the slightest. Her sex was just beginning to feel rubbed raw, but she continued to enjoy it vaguely, as if through a thick fog. Aching was setting into her muscles from how often they were spasming, from her position in the floor. Her cheeks were in pain from the bit. Why couldn't she simply ask Coco to stop? More honestly - why didn't she want to stop yet? What more could they do now that she had already climaxed twice?
"Hmmm you are resilient tonight. I'm glad it's tomorrow night you're busy; plenty of time for me to keep you going."
That was slightly out of character. Truth be told, she did enjoy her playtime with her friend. And if this was to be one of the final times with her, she wanted to make the most of it. Yes, she had Fox on occasion, but it was a pleasure to have experience with pets of both genders. And still be dominant. Just as the Faunus seemed to desire, she continued the brutal pace regardless of the orgasms oncoming. How did Velvet keep going?
Slightly unusual for their sessions no matter how long, Velvet widened her stance. She usually played her part, simply took the physical torture and loved it - she didn't respond favourably no matter how favourably her body received the treatment. Now, however... she was widening her legs. She was slamming her hips back against the savage assault on her sensitive flesh. Maybe she couldn't in actuality, but part of her seemed to believe she really could keep this up forever.
But Coco could not. For the first time, whilst still continuing her assault, she found herself panting for breath. Her own legs were aching, her hand was cramping. If this continued for any longer, she would end up having to give up herself. She couldn't allow that. There was no way she would allow for it.
So to hide her panting, or any of her own moans, she instead pulled Velvet right up against her, biting very firmly into her skin. Her hopes were that the pain would be enough to push her over the edge. She wouldn't accept defeat any other way.
Luckily for her master, that turned out to be just the thing; it had been quite some time since Coco had last used her teeth so suddenly like that, and Velvet's worn out body was ill-prepared for such a sudden flash of pleasurable pain. This third orgasm was quite a bit weaker than the first two had been, but she stopped her own gyrations and shivered and moaned all the same, delighting in the tingling sensation that rose up the backs of her thighs. So glorious.
Finally retracting back, she asked in a gruff voice, "Have you... Had enough? Are you... ready to end this yet?"
Hearing the weariness in her master's voice, the pet batted at her ear once, then tapped the bit in her mouth with a knuckle. At the very least, she wanted to be able to speak again.
Coco understood the sign; that Velvet only meant the bit. But as she was getting weary and tired, she deliberately made out she misunderstood. She used the chance to stop her movements entirely, taking a small moment to catch her breath, and stop her movements against her clit. Only then did she instead wrap her arms around her lovingly, delivering a much softer kiss to her neck.
"Hmhh?" Apparently, playtime had drawn to a close before Velvet was expecting it. Reaching up, she flicked the bit far enough forward so she could spit it out, where it hung loosely under her chin. "Master, are you alright?"
Then she flinched. She hadn't meant to call her that; it was probably because there had been no official "end" to their session. Still, she needed to know the answer to her question.
That question had a rather simple answer. With another light spank to her cheek, she smiled softly to her lover, continuing the loving cuddle while she had her upright. "Absolutely. Just exhausted."
Finally hugging back, she whispered, "Too exhausted for me t-to... reciprocate? I know you don't always want me to, but you helped me get off three times; it hardly seems fair."
Raising one of her eyebrows, she looked up toward her rabbit-eared friend. It was true she wanted the favour returned, but allowing her to have that power was never quite something she liked. "How do you suggest?"
The wariness in Coco's tone made Velvet duck her head. "N-no, I... didn't mean the full 'pet' treatment, though I wouldn't be opposed! Just... using my mouth for a bit. Or my hand. B-but I don't have to if you don't want me to!"
"Hmm…" It would be nice to have 'full service' from her lover, demanding sexual acts from her as she relaxed and accepted. And so, releasing her grip, she smiled. "Alright then. Take me."
Already, Velvet found herself missing Coco's warmth, but she had a whole new source of warmth now. She was going to be given the chance to grant her master pleasure - one that didn't come along often. Her heart raced as she was suddenly expected to do things on her own, to think while in the moment. Could she do this?
Then she reminded herself that she would be expected to do this someday with Carmine. Perhaps someday soon. Gulping, she began to gently caress Coco's outer thigh, just a sensual gesture that didn't go too far. "H-how do you want me to take you?"
"Surprise me."
This was indeed a test of Velvet's independence. She knew Velvet always preferred power to be out of her hands, never in it. But it was a skill she would need. Closing her eyes, she laid back on the ground, parting her legs to allow Velvet entry however she pleased. Fingers or tongue, she didn't mind.
Now she was really on the spot. Where should she start? Where would she be allowed to start? Coco's smile wasn't smug exactly, but there was a very slight challenge to accompany the affection and satisfaction. Acting on instinct, she dropped her mouth to the phallus, still slick with her own juices, and began to lick along the surface as her hands gently caressed both of her inner thighs. Perhaps a little pre-show before she moved along to the main event.
Behind the sunglasses, she wouldn't be able to see the delighted expression. One full of desire and arousal caused by her show. This object had just brought Velvet to three orgasms in a row, and now she was licking it. Licking her own juices off it. This truly was an amazing treat.
Of course, the taste of herself normally teased Velvet, as well, but after already being sated it was merely a strange and unpleasant ordeal. Though she didn't intend to do it for long. Briefly allowing her mouth to close around the head for her master's benefit, she then released it and began to trail kisses down the length, obviously heading for somewhere specific.
"Hmmmm..." She grinned, leaning back even further and fully relaxing. She could feel her partner's hands trailing down her thighs, brushing delicately over them. It was a rather heavenly experience. "Y-you're good, you know?" she encouraged, wiggling her hips playfully. "Carm will be impressed."
"H-hopefully," she breathed. As her mouth began to trail over creamy thigh flesh, she asked, "So... I have to ask, am I still Pet-Velvet, or just Velvet now? J-just want to understand the rules right now."
"Well... Let's use this as practice for Carm. You'd be you normally. Do to me, what you think she'd like. If it's something I feel she wouldn't like, I'll tell you," she assured, resting one of her hands into Velvet's hair, scratching softly. "Knock yourself out."
Nodding as she mulled that over, the Faunus bent to kiss the soft lips beneath the harness with a firm determination. If she were going to do this as she would to Carm, there should be no nervousness, no hesitancy that might make it seem as if she didn't want to do this. There had been enough of that going on already.
Sighing contently, Coco continued to relax into Velvet's movements, parting her legs even further to allow easier access. Velvet was talented, she just lacked the confidence. It was a terrible shame that Coco always tried to assist with.
Feeling the legs opening further, she felt encouraged to allow her tongue to loll out and drift lazily from the lowest point of Coco's sex all the way up to her clit, relishing the sharpness again. So much better than her own! Making sure to moan in appreciation, she repeated the action, slower still the second time. Moaning eagerly, Coco found herself grasping at Velvet's hair. As best she could to spur on the actions even further, she wrapped her legs around her, resting them on her back to try and keep her still.
"Yeah... M-more on the clit."
"Mmhmmm." She was sure to add extra vibration to her humming of affirmation as her lips encircled the clit, hoping Coco would feel and appreciate that. Then she slid her lips further inward so her tongue could flick over its surface, feeling the tiny bump of flesh throb under her teasing. Oh, but she could do this all evening.
"Oh! Y-Yeah! T-That's good!" she managed to force out a moan. In fact, it didn’t take any forcing; Velvet was far too good at this! Thanks to her movement earlier when she was teased, she was already nearing her own limit. There was only one thing she could think of to make it better.
"I think you're r-ready to g-go in."
Pulling back, Velvet moved her hand in to glide up and down along the wetness, thoroughly coating her own digits. She wasn't planning on stopping, only asking a question. A sudden streak of curiosity stirred up within herself - she wanted to see how her normally-dominant teammate would respond.
"You... want me in? Tell me how bad you want me inside you! Let me hear!"
That was a switch. Now Velvet was becoming the dominant one in this situation. Is this really what she was going to be like with Carm? Such an odd thought astounded her. That someone so calm and ready to be the one to receive pain could so readily become the dominant party with another partner. It was interesting to experience, in so many ways. Maybe she could even teach Velvet how to do that in future. But for now…
"B-Badly. Please, put those sweet fingers in me."
The ease with which Coco complied sparked something in Velvet. It wasn't a complete reversal of their roles - she could never in all her wildest dreams be that dominant, it simply wasn't in her nature. However... she could surprise Coco by showing a flash of indignation. One of revenge.
"You asked for it. S-sorry." The muttered apology was the only way she could force herself to go through with her plan. What a miserable Dom she would make! However, she wouldn’t worry about that for the moment. Allowing her mouth to fall to the clit again, she reached down with her fingers, further and further down... and pressed gently against her master's tightly-closed ass.
Yelping in surprise, the legs holding Velvet in place began to twitch rather harshly, her hands gripping firmly into the girl's hair. She had not expected that at all! It was a place she had never let anyone touch, regardless of play. Her instinct was to kick her away, or shout at her, but Velvet was so sweet and patient in all ways… even this one. It was making it hard to form the words to tell her to return her focus to her other opening.
And the tongue on her clit kept going, it continued to lap at her clit, bringing her closer and closer to her limit. How could she focus on telling her off when she was getting off? "G-God… damn , Velvet!"
However, Velvet was not finished. Most of her entire body had been clenching, braced for the worst as she attempted something that seemed quite dangerous. When Coco only seemed startled instead of angry, she decided to test things even further. After all, she was constantly threatening to truly explore that part of her during play - teasing the little hole, taunting her over it. Regardless of whether or not Velvet liked the teasing, she had always wondered if Coco wanted to try it so much... because she had tried it on herself.
Which is why she kept her tongue going to distract her partner from the finger as it began to poke past the accepting muscles. It wasn't just on the verge now, it was just the barest fraction of an inch inside.
"V-Vee... VEE!"
It sounded like she was struggling to hold on now. Of course, the safe word applied to Coco as well; if she felt things were going too far, she also had the power to call it out. But she didn't want to. As much as she was nervous about it, she wanted to let Velvet explore it. Besides, Velvet was already on her way in, already bringing the usually dominant woman to a very submissive state. And close to her limit.
"J-Jesus, Vee! You're gonna... I... i'm gonna... Huuuuaaaahh..."
The lubrication from all that wetness made this so easy. Velvet even felt a tiny tingle of arousal coming back to herself from listening to Coco so out of sorts; it wasn't normal. In fact, this was the first she'd ever heard of her master losing control on the situation. Once or twice, she had purposefully allowed her pet to do things that seemed as if she were being dominant, but it was always at her direction, it was always orders being carried out. This was the first time Velvet had managed to completely catch her off her guard and bring her quivering under her power.
The flexing of the muscle was its own hypnosis, the way it opened invitingly and then tried to close again. After a few seconds, she found her finger had slid in up to the first knuckle. This was amazing! How much deeper would it go? Moreover, how much deeper could she get before Coco finished?
Not much longer, not much deeper. Coco was already at her limit, and was struggling to keep going. But she wanted to. For the sake of Velvet's future love affairs, her confidence, she wanted to see what she was capable of. So far, she was very sure that Carm was in for a wild ride.
"Y-yeah! YEAH! Make me feel it!"
Only now did Velvet feel her eyebrows shoot up. Make her feel it? Could she not feel it already?! Those words made it sound like Coco needed the finger deeper, but that would be insane. This was way past how far she expected this to go as it was! But she complied. Pushing against the resistance, the finger slowly made its way inside until it was up to the second knuckle, her mouth attacking the clit without relenting in the slightest. If this wasn't enough, maybe she would have to use both hands.
But it was. The woman couldn't hold herself back anymore. A constant attack on her clit and her rear had finally brought her to defeat, and she cried out loudly. Her back arced and raised off the floor as she felt a powerful orgasm flow over her, making her quiver all over. Oh yes, she enjoyed that very much.
And the pet knew this. Still, even with writhing of her body and the sounds from her lips, she did not withdraw from either her clit or her rear. In fact, she only stopped to take a long lick of her entire sex before more passionately feasting on the nub again, beginning to flex the digit slightly, pushing into alternating sides of her inner walls. Maybe both of them could achieve more than one climax tonight. Coco could call it off anytime if she so chose, but if she didn't…
Alas, as much as she would continue to push Velvet over and over, Coco herself could not go on. After a short while, she only felt uncomfortable with the finger still in her rear, and when the tongue constantly went against her clit. It was unfortunate that the most dominant member of the party could barely sustain herself for more then one orgasm.
Blinking in surprise, Velvet's head shot up so fast the phallus connected with her forehead, letting out a loud, wet SLAP! as she stared at Coco. "Did... did y-you say 'carrot'?!"
"Y-yes! Okay, I c-can't take anymore!" she groaned out. This time, it was she that was reduced to a blushing mess, and she was thanking the gods that she had her sunglasses, else she would never be able to cope with the embarrassment. How could she allow herself to be dominated so easily?!
"I-I admit it... Carm's gonna be so lucky if she can g-go multiple."
A small, blissful smile began to play across Velvet's face. It wasn't the first time she'd seen Coco blush, but it was as rare as a blue moon, and this was a brighter red than she'd ever seen.
"Well," she murmured quietly as she began to very... very slowly draw the finger out, still wriggling it the tiniest bit. Just for fun. "I don't imagine I'll be doing this with Carm anytime soon! Just wanted to see... you know, if you enjoyed this sort of thing. Did you? I mean, I didn't hurt you or anything, did I?"
"N-no. No way. I really… really enjoyed it." Coco confessed. Once again she groaned as she felt the finger moving inside her rear, knowing she wouldn't be able to take much more of that. She was certainly a woman who preferred to give rather than receive. Most of the time, she wouldn't even finish. She would never allow her partners to keep going that far. Winding her up, yes. But orgasming wasn't a very common thing for her, and she preferred it that way.
"You know me, Vee. I'm quiet about what I like. But yeah, that was good."
Hearing the humiliation and frustration in Coco's voice, Velvet stopped playing and gently slid it the rest of the way out. Then she sat there with her head bowed. "Yes, I know. I'm really sorry for asking, it probably caught you in a moment of weakness and... and you wouldn't ordinarily consent to this. B-but for my part, it was quite fun! I like making you happy here." Her lips briefly pressed against a thigh. "And not just by letting you scold my body, th-though that's really important, too. But of course, that's just my desire, and you're not supposed to j-just change what you do and don't like to do for me. S-so... so yeah."
"Hey." Coco stopped her right away, managing to sit herself upright again and holding her arms out. She wanted to hold the woman in her arms again. Their cooldown session. "If this is our last session, it was pretty damn fun. And I don't mind you using me to explore. It'll help you in your future."
Gratefully, Velvet sighed as she melted against her master's embrace. It was so warm and inviting, and comforting. Coco always smelled fabulous and strong, no matter what she had been doing before. Now, the hot smell of sex interlaced with the usual potpourri of other scents. This also comforted her, which was perhaps odd but that's because she associated the scent being this strong with aftercare, with soothing words and hands petting hair.
"Who knows? Perhaps this isn't our last session. Perhaps it's just..." But she didn't elaborate. No assumptions. They would only feel worse if they promised a lot of things and then were forced to break those promises later. "We'll see, huh, bunny rabbit? See how things go." And then she began to pet her friend's hair, softly stroking it and her ears to allow her to calm down. Delivering a soft kiss to her neck.
The cooldown sessions were all about descending gently from the massive highs they had during their activities, and healing any possible emotional wounds that were caused. The first time they played and left Velvet a crying mess, Coco soothed her with lots of soft kisses, and continued to hug her closely to let her soak into her body warmth. She wouldn't release her until she was fully recovered. Now, it didn't take very long for them to both cool down. A few minutes or so.
Careful with the hand that had been "active" recently, Velvet embraced her back and lay there for another minute or so. Then she stretched her neck out and pecked Coco on the cheek. It was as close to her lips as she ever dared kiss; that was not Coco's way, and it would be rude for her to ignore a good friend's needs. Still, if the rule wasn't in place, Velvet would likely be pressing their lips together on a regular basis.
"So... any other tips for me? Or do you think I'm ready?"
The exhausted giggle seemed to explain enough. Coco was absolutely tired out. "Are you kidding me? That was amazing. I mean, wow..."
Blushing to her roots, Velvet sat up and softly caressed her master's leg before she stood, stretching her sore muscles. "Ooh... oh my, I'm quite worn out from all that! Th-think I'll just nip out and wash up, if that's alright with you. Is it?"
"Absolutely, go clean up you messy bunny." She gave a playful wink, before hauling herself up as well. Although, she could hear a faint knock at the door. "Besides, I think my one o'clock is here."
"Oh! Oh, I- whoops, one moment!" Scrambling around the room for all her discarded clothes, she managed to dress in a manner of minutes. This was only possible after months of practice, due to being barged in on by all manner of people mid-coitus. Finally, she trotted back over to Coco with her boots in one hand.
"Can you unlock my c-collar, please?"
"Hey, what are you worried about? You do remember Fox is blind, right?" There had been many occasions in which Coco had used this fact to her advantage. Dressing herself, sneaking Velvet into other rooms, slipping her clothes on... He was the only one due back at this time, it had to be him. But, as she was asked, she wandered over to Coco, gently unlocking the leather collar from her throat and placing it back into their drawer. Maybe they would even use it again someday.
"I know that! I j-just... he might have someone behind him, or who knows? Why do you always make fun of me for being s-shy?!" It was an old and feeble complaint; she didn't really take any such needlings to heart. They joked with one another in the way that Coco pretended to be mean and Velvet pretended to take offense. Rubbing her throat, she tiptoed to the side of the door on her bare feet and crouched, boots in hand, waiting to spring through the opened door once Fox had walked inside.
Coco could only chuckle to herself, quickly throwing a jacket over her own nearly naked form as she wandered over to the door. Even if Fox was followed by someone else, she didn't really care so much. It was simply another challenge to ignore them. The woman really wasn't phased by anything.
And especially not phased when she did open the door, and their ginger-haired teammate walked in. He took in one single inhale through his nostrils and smirked.
"Am I late for the party?"
Velvet tried not to die of embarrassment as she fled. But overall, she was still as happy with her sessions as ever. And she had a whole new adventure to explore with another friend soon.
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robertdowneyjjr · 7 years
au where jack plays football and bitty’s still a hockey player
in the form of my chat with @brandnewfashion bc honestly i’m way too lazy to reformat this.
(interspersed with random mentions of cornbread and the preds v pens game)
anyway so
i was thinking last night before i fall asleep
as i often do
au where jack plays football and bitty plays hockey
jack decided to go for football bc he wanted to get away from the whole hockey prodigy thing
very nice
his plan was to go to some school in canada, maybe western ontario or something, and play a few years in the cfl if he gets drafted
but he ended up getting a scholarship for samwell
bitty's still bitty. same story etc etc
and when he and jack meet they HATE EACH OTHER
well no
bitty hates jack
bc he thinks jack is just another dumb football player and he's already had enough bad experiences with those guys in high school thank u very much
ok but who on the smh is in hockey and who's on football
honestly i didn't think about that part
but i was thinking
bc in this au jack didn't od
so their age difference is only like two years
i'm just curious in terms of team dynamics
i kinda want the falcs to be the football players
and this is another one of those bitty-doesn't-know-how-hot-he-is au's
jack has the biggest fucking crush on bitty
um honey
i'm pretty sure bitty not knowing he's hot is canon
but carry on lmao
but u get what i'm saying
like just imagine them meeting in the caf one day and at first bitty's super charmed by jack
but then he sees jack go sit with the football team
and he's like
but from that moment on jack's just smitten
except for some reason since then every time he sees bitty, bitty's just??? super cold??? why??????
he thought they had a pretty good first meeting
and even shittier is
when coach calls, he'd occasionally mention to bitty how he's been keeping up with both the smh and samwell's football team
hazards of the job, you know?
and wow that zimmermann kid looks pretty good this season
bitty's like omg coach please stfu
this is really random but i want corn bread :(
meanwhile jack's on the phone with bad bob and he's talking about how he MIGHT be taking an interest in hockey again for REASONS
lmfao that's so random
anyway bob knows jack and he's like, "oh pls jack, spit it out, who's the boy"
and jack spills and he ends the story with "HE'S SO OUT OF MY LEAGUE??? AND CLEARLY HE KNOWS IT BC HE'S SO COLD, PAPA. SO COLD"
no matter tho, jack starts going to as many hockey games as possible
and he's bitty's biggest puck bunnyu
his whole team teases him for it but they also really want to help him date bitty but bitty's just...so cold....to all of them
and they just don't understand
pls tell me rans and holster step in
football team: but we aren't the lax bros????
lmfao yes they do
holster's been badgering bitty about winter screw bc he really wants his favorite frog to enjoy his first college dance
and eventually bitty lets it slip that he may have a thing for a tall blue eyed football captain but that doesn't matter bc all football dudes are the same and they're the worst and that's why he got the fuck outta georgia in the first place
and rans and holster are at the kitchen table listening to bitty rant and they look at each other like
rans is friends with jack bc canadians
loopholes and shit
he should be science bros with tater or something hahaha
HAHAHAH omg that could work
and tater's like
backstory: ransom and tater were lab partners for a class and they had to do this really dumb experiment with potatoes and genius struck ransom like the canadian scientists he always references and that's how he nicknamed tater
awww fehr's in the sin bin
tater: i like this nickname. is much better than "mushy mashy"
ransom: bro u gotta quit the football team they don't respect u
tater: mama always told me to play hockey because am russian. but i wanted to, how you say? be out of the box
lmfao anyway so ransom like, vaults over several hedges to get to the football house
idk why he won't just use the sidewalks like a normal person but he got excited and his brain stopped functioning properly
~dramatic effect
and he slams open the door and he's like
jack isn't even there
the nashville coach looks like he could be in the mafia
he's in class. wtf ransom
snowy pokes his head out from the living room and he's like, dude can u like, text him or something
but that'd be too easy
ransom just goes up to jack's room to wait and somehow he finds a stuffed cat toy??? somewhere?? and puts it on his lap so he could stroke it for dramatic effect
jack comes home
maybe it's poots'
lmao the commentator: "class horny goal"
that sounds so wrong
rans: zimmermann. you come into my house, on the day my daughter is to be married, and you ask me to do murder for money jack: what the fuck justin
rans: idk man, holster texted this to me and told me to say it. anyway, we're setting you up for winter screw
so holster convinces bitty they've found someone perfect for him and he really shouldn't worry about it bc they
're bros and they only want whats best for him
ransom helps jack like, not be such an awkward weirdo
and gives jack the rundown on the Secret to Bitty's Heart Playbook he was compiling on the dl
(it's a spreadsheet obvi)
so the day of winter screw comes and bitty's nervous but he's all dressed up bc he's not gonna let something as stupid as nerves get in the way of him looking fab
oh my god??? sid just... idk what the fuck he just did but it was hot
and jack shows up on the door with a bouquet of flours and a crate of cherries in the shape of a heart
umm the minute there's a gif or a video of that sid moment pls send it to me
BITTY MELTS but he needs to put up an act bc he's not gonna be all gushy RIGHT AWAY
so he """"grudgingly"" goes to winter screw with jack
but they have a ridiculously good time
and bitty's like, oh no he's NICE
jack walks bitty home afterwards and kisses him on the cheek bc he's a dweeb and they make plans to go to annies the next day
omg omg
can bitty do that thing
jack kisses him on the cheek and bitty's like
"you missed"
but bitty's a lil shit so he makes jack wait until the next day
"guess you'll have to try harder tomorrow ;);)"
get it bits
jack dies
jack loves dying and being dead
oh gosh
and when they go home for winter break they cannot shut up about the each other
and their parents are like
"look we're really happy for u but u need to tone it down for the love of god"
except bob
bob is like
jack: pls never come to another parents weekend again and maybe not even my graduation oh my god u are so embarrassing
lmao parents weekend is gonna be such a shit show
bob and suzanne are gonna be trading stories all night and jack and bitty are gonna be holding onto each other for dear life in the corner, chugging their beers so they go away
long story short, jack and bitty eventually get together and bob and suzanne are both MENACES and the most embarrassing parents bc they just love their kids so much
**note: when i said “their age difference is only two years” i don’t mean bc jack didn’t OD they have a smaller age difference lol i meant in this au jack didn’t OD and their age difference is smaller lol sorry for the confusion but when i’m rambling on chat i don’t really pay attention to conjunctions and grammar and spelling and shit.
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weannewashere · 7 years
Something’s Gotta Give
Several years ago, when I started working as a nurse, I found myself bursting with stories to tell after every shift. I would blog almost weekly, trying to permanently record the story of that adorable pedia pre-schooler, or the surprise hospital wedding of that cancer patient, or that crazy shift with the two code blues at four in the morning. These stories - they were how I knew I enjoyed what I was doing.
Well this week I started what is, technically, a new job. And if this urge to blog about the experience is any indication, then welp, it seems like I’m off to a good start. My brain, however, is currently tired, fried and sleep-deprived and can’t think of any smooth ways to transition the random thoughts swirling around in my head right now. So instead of actually telling a story the way a decent blogger would, let me take the lazyas* way out and regale you, dear readers (all four million of you), with a week’s worth of bullet points hahaha. Alright yip yip, let’s go!
First off - it’s been hectic. I’ve been assigned a full load of teaching PLUS am expected to retain all my tasks at the Advancement Office, hence I am basically jugging two full-time jobs. This is my first time teaching all these classes too, and having to make the syllabi and lectures for four different classes from scratch every week is a complete workout for ol’ perfectionist me. My average hours of sleep this past week has been three hours/night, and unfortunately I don’t think it’ll get any easier next week. Also, sleep deprivation, apparently, makes me bruise-y, mushy, and clingy, so it’s been an interesting, slightly hypochondriac-y week.
The Centennial Celebration, which is basically my major job for the Advancement Office, is coming up in just two short weeks, and the tasks, just like all last-minute things, are piling up quickly. I’m still up to my elbows trying to get through my backlog, and yet people keep calling or coming to the office nonstop to follow-up on all the tasks they’ve asked me to do. And it doesn’t help that I only have 1/3 of the time now to do said tasks. So every time someone asks me for something, I smile and nod my head and say I’m on it, but HEAVEN HELP ME, Inner Weanne is actually a full-blown crying Jordan meme haha. And because my typical response to stress is finding my own misery hilarious, I may or may have groan-laughed my way through my to-do list.
Because my day job is keeping me incredibly busy, I have sadly had to defer a lot of the things I wanted to accomplish this month, such as my resolutions to read certain books or go on twice-weekly runs, or my plans to take swim classes or volunteer for Sen. Hontiveros. Never fear, hopes and dreams and bets I’m planning on winning, I will get right back to you mid-February!
But the thing is, I can’t really complain that much. The culture at work is so nice and friendly, and the people I work with pretty much treat me like their daughter haha. The work is overwhelming, but when two older, married fellow committee members come in to hilariously yet wisely advise me on my love life for a full hour, the stress is quickly forgotten hahaha. 
And teaching? I don’t want to jinx it, but I think I’m actually quite enjoying myself! For our first day of class, I got the kids (look at wise old me calling college students kids haha) to do this icebreaker where they each have 12 seconds to say their name, their program, their answer to a question asked by the person before them, and their question to the next person, before passing the timer on to the next person. Their questions ranged from the standard (sleep or food?) to the revealing (what is your weight?) to the impossible (if a boat was sinking, who would you save, your mom or your boyfriend?). One of my favorites was when a guy was asked who his favorite musical artist was. He couldn’t think of an answer off the top of his head, so he just burst out the name of the first singer that came to mind - JUSTIN BIEBER!!! - and then regretted it immediately hahaha. I think we shall all be calling him Justin Bieber from now on haha. One student got the question “Who will be the next Miss Universe?” and he went all, “Uhh... Uhh... Uhhh...” for a full seven seconds before going, “Uhhh... Ma’am Weanne!!!” (Ah, I think I shall give him an A.) At one point we were all in stitches because one girl panicked so hard, she just screamed throughout the entire 12 seconds hahahaha. 
But okay okay, I did some actual teaching too, okaaaay. And I think this is where the joy mainly comes in. Back in college, I was apathetic when it came to public/community health. Its concepts didn’t make me feel as intelligent as nursing concepts did, its effects on health seemed to be pretty invisible, it wasn’t lucrative at all, and like my friend once said, it seemed like public health was only about pointing at things and saying “that’s dangerous.” But now, I’m this huuuuge global health nerd who feels frisson upon seeing words like health equity, international development, and proper toilet sanitation hahaha. And it feels like I’ve been given this great opportunity and privilege to get kids excited about it as well, and to see them listen and participate eagerly when I get carried away about regularly boring things such as public health history - it’s an awesome, inspiring feeling. And suddenly, not being able to sleep the previous night becomes worth it. And I know there’ll also be discouraging days when I feel like I’m not doing a good job, days when I’ll receive blank stares in return, but here’s to hoping there are more inspiring days than indifferent ones.
I don’t know. I initially titled this blog as “Something’s Gotta Give” because I was fully expecting it to be a rant about how terribly busy this week was, but I guess in retrospect, it actually wasn’t so bad. 
But also, since I’m basically talking about the events this week, here are a few current issues in the Philippines that I particularly need to vent about:
The proposed 10-30% tax on cosmetic products to lessen taxes on fuel. Okay, I can’t even tell a concealer from a foundation or a highlighter from a blush so this law really won’t affect me much, but really now, what kind of drugs are our lawmakers on??? What kind of bullpoop discriminatory policy would tax something that makes a lot of women feel empowered because of the misguided idea that “only the rich can afford to pay for luxury items such as makeup anyway”? You want to tax something? Tax products that are a hazard to the health - soda, junk food, cigarettes! And sure, some men use makeup as well, but one can’t deny that cosmetics are disproportionately used by women. What are we taxing men on? Why can’t men take one for the team as well? (It’s a male politician pushing this law forward btw.) Also, if you’re gonna be charging me 30% more for wanting the “luxury” of not having evil bags under my eyes, then can you make sure my money goes to funding anti-poverty programs and public health and kids’ education and not this disgraceful drug war this country has been bleeding for?
The Philippines’ Miss Universe bet, Maxine Medina, and her not-so-stellar English skills. I am so disappointed... but not in Maxine. I’m disappointed in the Filipinos who have been conditioned into the elitist, colonialist thinking that English skills = intelligence = your worth as a person. I am disappointed in the people who have chosen to shame and mock her on social media, even as she works hard to make this pageant-loving country proud in a few days. It takes a special kind of bravery to do something you know you’re not good at, something you know you’re going to be criticized for, and if there’s any value that little girls could actually learn from a show that makes women strut around in a bikini, it could be that. Also, these days, I think I would be even more impressed with a Filipino who can actually speak straight fluent Tagalog than someone who speaks straight English, anyway.
Okay rants and raves done hahaha. I don’t know if I’m ready to take on next week, but hopefully it’ll give me more stories to tell and less rants to vent about haha. Overall, I’m grateful for this past week and all that mushy stuff okkkk I can’t think of nice conclusions to end this blogpost anymore hahaha. See y’all on the other side, my brain cells need to sleep.
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owlways-and-forever · 5 years
Hello, it’s your CS Secret Santa! I hope you’ve been having a pleasant few weeks and that all this Tumblr uproar hasn’t been too depressing! Don’t worry, you’ll still be getting your Secret Santa fic from me, even if I have to snail mail it to you! :D I’m with you on favorite types of fanfiction: it really depends on my mood. I also enjoy unplanned pregnancy fics! 1/7
I think it’s seeing Killian and Emma interact in the situation and the way that Killian always is able to break down her walls and convince her that he will be there for her and the baby that just makes me melt inside! I think my favorites are multi-chapter canon divergence AUs. I like seeing how all the different writers in the fandom think things could have gone differently based on one or two small changes to canon. I love writing AUs too! 2/7
I still haven’t really hit my stride with consistently writing fanfic, but I keep hoping that practice makes perfect. What other fandoms are you a part of ? I’m going to have to go read all your fics now! 😉 Are there any other tropes that you would prefer I steer clear of? Or any tropes that you just absolutely love and I should try to include? I will tell you upfront that I’m not personally comfortable writing smut, so I’m sorry but I’ll probably leave that part to your imagination. 😉 3/7
My family has always had a tradition of putting up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, so that kind of marks the beginning of Christmas music and movies and general festivities for us! And it is nice to get a whole month of Christmas joyfulness to help with the greyness of winter. Ick! Unless you like winter, which in that case, more power to ya! You’ll have to tell me more about your family traditions after all the secrecy is over! 4/7
My husband is third generation Czech so his family also does some traditional recipes around the holidays (mainly desserts!) and I’ve always been envious of families who have held onto their special roots like that! I love cooking and baking too, so I’d love to eventually hear what kinds of food you usually make! Does your family usually do big parties/get-togethers for the holidays? Or do you tend to be more laid back and kind of low-key?I would love including some Aladdin and Jasmine! 5/7
They were honestly one of the only good parts of season six in my mind! I just wasn’t a big fan of the overall writing by the point. Which was sad, but what can you do… Did you watch the whole show or was there a point where you stopped? I stopped watching live after the first half of season 5 and then just watched on Netflix. And I never watched season 7. Did you have a favorite season and least favorite season? Haha, I know exactly what you mean about Snow and Charming. 6/7
Actually, I still consider them two of my favorite characters, but their actions and characterization in the back half of the show is just… yeesh. You also perfectly put into words exactly what I’ve felt about their idealistic look on relationships! I’ve never been able to express that very well before, but just yes to all of what you said!I hope you got all those asks and Tumblr didn’t screw it all up!!! But either way, talk to you again soon! 7/7
Hello Santa! I’ve missed you! I’ve been having an alright week, nothing terribly exciting going on. I’m not too worried about the tumblr nonsense. I mean, I don’t like it and I don’t agree with it by any means, but I understand what they’re trying to do, and how difficult it can be to execute. I know there will be mistakes and it will be a bother, and I totally understand people wanting to leave, but I’m sticking around, at least for a while. But I’ve been on ao3 and ff.net for a while, so I’ll be keeping those up, and I’ll probably explore some additional accounts at some point. We’ll see.
Ugh, I’m totally with you! Killian convincing Emma that he wants to be around and be there for both of them is just too cute! It makes me all mushy. Also, I love seeing all the different names people come up with for their kids - names totally fascinate me in like a super nerdy way. Especially middle names. I think I’m very much in the minority of the fandom though with not liking Hope. Also, I see so much in fandom about their kids always being blonde and looking like Emma and just like… statistically speaking its not likely, and as a statistics person, that always bugs me. Like it’s fine if its just one kid, goodness knows that happens (both my parents have darker hair and I was white blonde as a baby and then blonde until I was an adult #towheadsunite). But when its like four kids and they’re all blonde the stats person in me gets very ruffled. I’m not sure I’ve read any mc canon divergence fics, but I always find them interesting. Mostly because I just find it’s not really a type of writing that I’m good at. The fun thing about AUs for me is that you get to world build, taking snippets from canon and snippets from the AU you’re fitting it into and make it this whole new thing. Say you’re writing a Pride & Prejudice AU, you get to pick parts of the plot that you like and twist them so it’s slightly different, and maybe you throw in some magic and see how that changes it. You get to choose what parts of Elizabeth Bennet’s personality Emma has, and what traits she brings over from canon Emma. And that’s just so much fun to me, to be able to create that way, and fit things just how you like them. But I find that when I’ve tried to write canon divergence I get too bogged down in the details - canonically, who was there and what had already happened and who knew what, and what magical abilities are there - and the story somehow gets lost in my brain. But I admire people who can write it, I think it shows phenomenal creativity to take a story and then run away with it and see how if you just change something small it can ripple out into the whole story. What are some of your favourite canon divergence stories?
I’m not consistent either. I try to at least write a little bit every day, but it always depends on what’s going on and how inspired I feel. I do have this excel thing where I keep track of how much I write for each of my WIPs each day, which I like. It helps me visually see the progress I’m making, and I’m definitely a visual person. The only other fandom I really write for is Harry Potter, but I like Doctor Who, West Wing, Downton Abbey. I think DW is really the only fandom of those. Honestly I watch way more shows than it ought to. I can’t think of any other specific tropes right now, either to include or avoid. Sorry, I know that’s not very helpful. I don’t mind not having any smut, I’m also not very comfortable writing it, and only selectively comfortable reading it.
Oooh, that’s a nice tradition! We always put our tree up kind of whenever we feel like it. I don’t know if my mom’s done hers yet, and my dad insists on waiting until the 12th so it’s the twelve days of christmas, no matter how many times I tell him that that’s not what that means. My roommate and I put our tree up last weekend though, so it’s all decorated now. We’re actually going to do a little “family photo” with the two of us and our pets tomorrow, which should be a riot. Haha, I do like winter! I love the cold bite in the air and the fairy lights everywhere and bundling up. And I especially love snow. It’s my favourite. But I’m also a January birthday, so I dont think I had much choice in liking winter.Oh my goodness, we do huge get togethers. Mostly just because our family is big. My mom has 8 siblings, and all but 2 are married, and then I have somewhere around 15 cousins, plus partners, so a normal holiday dinner for us is usually over 30 people. Thanksgiving is usually the biggest holiday for us, because somehow it’s worked out that that’s what most people can make it for. Christmas is still big, but less people travel for that, and I think it’ll probably continue to dwindle as cousins get married and stuff. This year will actually [probably] be the first year that I haven’t spent Christmas with my family, so it’s going to be a little weird for me. Boxing Day we typically go to my dad’s brother’s house, and I see his side of the family because they’re English. It’s always fun, and its usually the only time all year that I get to see them, but it’s also strange because I’m the only girl. It’s a more low-key day though, so generally if I need some quiet time I just grab a book and find a cozy spot. Last year was really nice though and two of my cousins and I stayed up super late and told stories and bonded. What kind of food is traditional for Czech christmases? I wonder if it’s similar to Polish food…
I definitely stopped watching live at some point in grad school, but I couldn’t tell you exactly when. It wasn’t really a conscious choice so much as just having a ton going on and not always being around to watch. I never watched s7 though. Once Emma and Killian were gone… well, I gave it a try, but I only got like 3 episodes in or something before I decided it wasn’t for me. Maybe one day I’ll go back and watch it, but I haven’t done a OUAT rewatch for a few years.I know that’s their fairytale story and everything and that’s kind of the point of them to some degree, to be that “ideal true love” but idk. I guess it just seems a bit garrish in the way that the other relationships really have to work for their happy ending. And snowing hits their bumps too, but… they kind of iron themselves out? One of the things that I liked about OUAT was that it was still fairytales, it was still fantastical, but it was realistic when it came to characters. They were broken, complicated, imperfect. The people themselves weren’t fairytale versions of anything. Except snowing. And from the perspective of being that fairytale ideal, they’re done well, of course, and I think that’s why people like them. But it’s so different from everyone else on the show.Anyway, that was a lot, but it was so wonderful talking to you! I hope we get to chat again soon! (Also sorry for not really asking any questions, but it’s nearly 1am now and WAY past my bedtime so I’m going to get some shut eye and then post this when I wake up.) Cheers!
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