#MoMA Learning
ceejaykayess · 2 years
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"So what do you think of this heat, and our values that just so happen to meet? "Not so bad, is it?" When we open our eyes, and clasp our hands."
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hannaholivia622 · 2 months
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selineram3421 · 4 months
Deer Demon Child Headcanons
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Alastor & Child Reader
Warnings? ⚠
⚠ implied death, mention of blood, mention of cannibalism, weapons-gun ⚠
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It was a surprise to everyone that a child wandered into the hotel.
A little deer demon.
That's you
Climbed up one of the bar stools and stared the cat man down until he finally noticed them.
"Uh..hey? Kid."
"I want juice!", you pointed at a bottle behind him that was on the shelf.
"That's not juice."
While distracting you with magic tricks and cards games, Husk called Charlie to let her know that a new guest had arrived.
The Princess ran to get to the lobby and rushed over to the bar.
"Hi! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!", Charlie sings out before noticing the little deer. "Oh."
Everyone is called into the lobby.
"Ok!", Charlie claps her hands together and introduces you to the group. "Everyone, be nice and say hi."
Later on you are asked by Vaggie and Charlie how you got to the "red place."
Mostly everyone left and it was only you three. Four.
"Before I woke up here I was with my moma.", you said while coloring your drawing. "Dad had a shiney toy in his drawer and showed it to me a lot of times. It made fun clicking noises. I wanted to play with it, so I took it out."
As you were explaining you drew out the shape of a gun.
"I wanted to show Moma but she looked scared. And when I tried to make the clicky noise it came out different. It made a bang and then Moma fell."
You drew your mother covered in red.
"I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't get up. I got sad and started crying."
You didn't notice Charlie and Vaggie looking sad.
"Then Dad came home and started screaming at me and took the toy away. And then everything went dark for a while."
Picking up your paper, you showed the girls your drawings.
"And then I woke up to the red sky!"
Charlie hugged you after and said that she'll make sure you go to Heaven.
Oof sad backstory.
Husk literally growls at Alastor everytime he mentions venison for dinner.
Alastor has joked to others that he'll eat you but stopped once he grew fond of you.
"Little fawn.", he smiles as he greets you. "Would you like gingerbread cookies?"
To be honest, everyone is worried that Alastor might kill you. But surprise, surprise! They are shocked when he takes care of you instead.
You're the favorite hotel guest.
Anyone that tries anything will be taken care of.
Charlie did a talent show day and you sang, surprising everyone with your angelic like voice.
You're a curious little deer and the hotel guests and staff find you in odd places.
Once Angel found you upsidedown behind the couch that was against the wall.
"What are ya doing back there?", he asked after pulling you out.
"Niffty said there was treasure!", you smiled.
Alastor finds it adorable that you go to him when someone you don't know/scary person is in the hotel.
Sir Pentious is told to put all of his weapons away.
Everyone dubs you as Alastor's child. Even the Radio Demon himself.
Vaggie threatens Alastor after he jokes that you'll be a cannibal like him.
Of course he'd never do that but its funny to see Vagatha's and Husker's pissed off faces.
Alastor keeps up with the human news and learns that your father went to prison. So the Radio Demon waits for the man to fall.
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Art will be provided. (Later)
~Seline, the person.
@ducky-died-inside @scary-noodlesblog @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @kiraisastay @faioula16 @pooplyface1423 @lbcreations-blog @+?
ML for Alastor🎙
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darklcy · 11 months
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
‣ eddie's session runs longer than you thought. bored, with nothing to do, you find his shirt.
‣ eddie munson x reader | stranger things masterlist | 823 words | fluff, established relationship, idiots in love ig
‣ i havent posted him in a while and i just got to rewatching s4, so naturally-
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He’d been gone far too long already.
You tried not to complain, not having the desire to suck the life out of his soul for simply engaging in his passion. Dungeons and dragons served as an enigma in your brain, its complexity never failing to swirl your thoughts in knots each time you tried learning to play. If him being late was the only self punishment for not comprehending the rules of the game, then perhaps it was justifiable.
..It was just late. And you were beyond bored.
Boredom was a lazy explanation for the feeling you were experiencing at the moment, but for lack of better word, boredom will do. Body sprawled across his mattress, Gremlins displayed in the living room television down the hall, fingernails touched skin in a pattern, as if counting sheep represented itself through your fingers. The night sky stretched further along the hours as you waited for his campaign to finish, but with the way your eyelids drooped and head bobbed, you may not be around for his return.
Laying back on your spine, ceiling coming into view, you fought the upcoming dreams with all your might to avoid slumber, wanting to greet Eddie properly the moment he stepped inside. Chin lolling to the right, a signature club shirt curiously grabbed your eye, the red faced demon poking through the gaps of his drawer. 
Somehow that pumped a vein full of awoken energy throughout your body. Sitting back up, you crawled over to the drawer and yanked the shirt from its clenches, freeing the fabric from its prison. The demon’s eyes met yours in a sneer, and sometimes you wonder if the corners of his mouth grew each time you stared at him. Discarding your own top, you replaced it with his, the remnants of smoke and faint cologne wafting in your nostrils.
Eddie smelled like home, a sanctuary, a safe place. A bit ironic, with fire comes reassurance, in your world, that is.
The garment was a bit loose on your figure, the ends reaching just below your hips. With the canvas of your legs exposed from lack of pajamas, his shirt became your blanket and lover all in one, a figment of the real thing. This will have to do until he returns. 
Cheek pressed to the comforter, Gremlins had just barely faded out into the credits when sleep found you, tucked away and hidden in the cotton of Hellfire.
“Baabe, I’m home.”
Brass met knob when Eddie unlocked it open, enjoying the warm heat of the trailer compared to the brisk November air outside. Campaign was good, as usual. Dungeon Master certainly had its perks, even if repeating senior year didn’t. The journey to his bedroom was swift, eager to finally end his day with you by his side, how it always should be. 
However he wasn’t at all, in the slightest bit, prepared to greet you adorning his beloved club shirt, soft skin of your thighs bare, asleep comfortably in his bed. His bed. Alone. With his shirt on. And boyshorts. Oh, wow. You were going to be the death of him.
It was as if he’d been transported to the Moma, viewing a delicate, historical self portrait of an acrylic artist from the 1700s. You were a sight to behold, and for him only. His feet almost sunk into the floorboards from the sheer weight his heart plummeted against his ribs. He’d just fallen in love  all over again. How do you do it so easily?
A gentle groan emitted in your throat as you shifted. What a sweet sound. You’re so sweet. 
Crouching down towards your face, his ringed knuckle gilded hair from your eyelashes, a smile on his face at the way you stirred from the action. When your eyes awoke to meet his, his lips only stretched wider.
“Mornin', sweetheart.”
Stretching out your arms, a yawn escaped you as a sleepy, “Oh, you’re home,” uttered out in a jumbled whisper. His full palm caressed your face now, occasionally smoothing down your hair while continuing to grin at your drowsiness. He couldn’t get enough.
“Yeah, Hellfire ran a lil late. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
You shook your head into his fingers. “No, you’re fine. I was just bored.”
A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest as he moved to sit beside you. His fingers transitioned from your cheek to the shirt on your skin, rings grazing the neckline and shoulder. Eddie had never seen anything like it, and he wore this exact thing every god damn week. 
“You look beautiful like this.”
It was as if complimenting a model, the way he spoke so carefully and tender. You gave him a look.
“..It’s comfy. I might steal it from you.”
He’d give you anything he wanted if you gave him the word. His lips captured yours in a trance, ending too quick for your liking. 
“You should. You wear it best.”
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door · 1 year
could you please tel us about some chairs with names
hi i'm sorry for not seeing this earlier! i mostly use tumblr on mobile and it hides the inbox from me.
so, most chairs have names! usually given to them by their designer or manufacturer, but for much older pieces it could be what they've become known as by historians. here are some of my faves:
the womb chair
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of course. the womb chair was designed by eero saarinen and manufactured by knoll (now by design within reach) and it is my very favourite chair in the whole world. incredibly comfortable and certifiably iconic (it was the first molded fiberglass chair), it was called the womb chair after Florence Knoll requested a chair she could "curl up" in. It's been enablng laziness since 1948.
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the barcelona chair
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here's a name that is directly tied to the chair's origin: the barcelona chair was designed by ludwig mies van der rohe for the king and queen of spain to use within the german pavilion which mies designed for the 1929 World's Fair in Barcelona.
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it was a hit, and the rest is history! the barcelona chair has been in almost constant production (also by knoll and then design within reach) ever since.
the sgabello
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here's one where the name is a type of chair--the sgabello (this one is half of a pair in the national gallery of art, washington dc collection) was big in renaissance europe. designed to line hallways and be sat in for short periods of time (a comfortable seat this was not), sgabelli were usually constructed of walnut and elaborately carved. any chair of this form would be considered a sgabello--here's an earlier one with very different aesthetics in the collection of the met.
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the butaque chair
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finally, a chair which combines type and proper noun names. the butaque is a chair which came into use in colonial-era latin america, a hybrid of the spanish x-frame chair and pre-columbian duho. this specific butaque, which has come to be known as a proper-noun Butaque Chair, was designed by Cuban-born Clara Porset, who lived and worked in Mexico from 1935 on. She set out to learn more about the vernacular furniture in her adopted home, and came across the butaque. Her version emphasized ergonomics and local materials--the original (c. 1950) porset butaques are covered in wicker, leather, or locally woven fabrics.
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here's the one the moma has, which is covered in wicker.
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and here's a photograph of porset's home.
i hope you enjoyed this taste of chairs with names! i encourage you to look up the furniture/decorative objects you love the most--they probably have names, too :)
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lunasglow · 9 months
One day we need to have a legitimate discussion on how Jace and Luke weren’t even bullies and how a huge factor in Aemonds internalized rage is his perspective on blood purity. Oh, and how Aegon was really Aemonds biggest bully. And that day is today.
- Alicent herself knew this was true. “You may cuff him about as you wish at home, but in the world we must defend our own” she says after trying to frame Jace and Luke as “savages.”
-Alicent refers to Jace and Luke as Aegons “playthings” in the same scene. What kind of power dynamic do you really think was at play here? Aegon clearly liked to toy with his vastly younger nephews and influenced them.
- Mind you, Jace and Luke were 5-7 years old and NOT aware of the feud that ran in their frayed family. They lack the awareness of characters like Aemond and Aegon who are repeatedly reminded by Alicent that Rhaenyra’s family is a THREAT and that they are bastards who are beneath them in station.
-In contrast, there is not a single scene of Rhaenyra speaking about Aegon, Aemond, or Helaena in derogatory ways to her children. Even in the books, it’s evident that the feud between the children is entirely one-sided with the Greens growing up and *learning* to resent Jace, Luke, and Joff.
-the teasing in and of itself was so mild. What makes Aemond upset is that he doesn’t view Jace and Luke as his equals.
-to Jace and Luke, this was normal teasing. From Aemonds perspective, he’s being emasculated by younger boys who he views as sub-human and unworthy despite having dragons of their own because he’s been TOLD and ASSURED that they’re bastards.
- THIS IS WHY THE TEASING ACTUALLY SETS HIM OFF, NOT THE SEVERITY. Need we be reminded how strongly Aemond feels about “blood purity”? In a show about the Targaryen dynasty, he’s the only character to mention it.
- Aegon hating and wanting to tease Aemond is so on brand for them as characters. Aemond is a momas boy and Aegon is the disappointment. The allure to make his life hell is there, and what better way to do that than get their bastard nephews to help him undermine Aemond even more?
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queerasfact · 11 months
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Happy birthday Frida Kahlo!
Frida was born in Mexico City on 6 July 1907. Frida is best known for her iconic self-portaits, and her art draws on both European and Mexican traditions to focus on themes including gender, revolutionary politics, and Mexican nationalism.
Frida’s works were exhibited during her lifetime in several countries, including at the USA’s MoMA. In 1939, the Louvre purchased one of the portraits, making her the first Mexican artist included the their collection.
Frida was married for much of her life to fellow artist Diego Rivera, and also had relationships with several women.
Learn more
[Image: Frida in traditional Mexican dress including a headscarf, pink shawl, and jewellery ]
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ohsalome · 1 year
No one would call an artist from India “British” or an artist from Peru “Spanish,” so why do museums continue to label Ukrainian artists as “Russian”?
The misnomer issue is nothing new. Researchers and curators from Ukraine have been contacting institutions like the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and Centre Pompidou for years to ask them to acknowledge the Ukrainian descent of some of the artists in their Russian collection. These requests were mostly ignored before the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
Ukrainian culture (and any other post-Soviet/post-Russian Empire oppressed culture, for that matter) is successfully erased from global art history. And virtually every museum collection is an example of this erasure. Ukrainian art historian Oksana Semenik, who is now studying at Rutgers University, provides more proof of that. As an assistant curator at the Zimmerli, the biggest collection of Soviet non-conformist art in the US, Semenik examined the museum archive to find out that out of 900 artists labeled  “Russian,” 71 were Ukrainians, and 80 were artists of other nationalities like Belarusian, Latvian, Lithuanian, etc. “About 15% of the ‘Russian’ collection is misidentified. But when I asked if this could be changed, the response was: The identity question is not relevant these days,” Semenik said.
If this question is irrelevant, then why does “Russian” remain? “Some curators told me that using Ukraine in the caption is incorrect since there was no such country at that time,” Semenik continued. She also checked the online archive of the Smithsonian Institution and found 42 Ukrainian artists labeled “born Kharkov, Russia” or “born Odessa, Russia,” among other examples. In fact, a country called “Russia” did not exist before 1991, either. But the problem is bigger here — attributing Ukrainian cities to Russia, especially in the current context, rings like blatant Kremlin propaganda.
To be unable to recognize the difference between the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Russian Federation or Russia is a shameful mistake for institutions whose archives are used as credible academic sources. “It’s tough to acknowledge that the history Western art historians were learning for years, all those tons of books about Malevych and the Russian avant-garde, were part of the Russian propaganda,” Semenik added.
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lenoraah · 8 months
𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴
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pairing - frederik vesti x reader
summary - cute and (hopefully) short moments in frederik and reader’s relationship written in headcannons
a/n - this is my first time writing for Frederik, let’s hope this isn’t that bad 🤞
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
cooking together-
~yet another hot Danish Motorsport driver who also happens to 6’0/184cm (did i get that right) and has a very perky personality
~okay so i’m pretty sure we all learned some kind of dish from our mother/father before we left for college or our job
~and once a while when it’s a chill and relaxing night together, i see the two of you swapping recipes
~also maybe there just so happens to be a book of international dishes laying around somewhere in your apartment
~dessert recipes would be fun too, as long as the two of you don’t get into a food fight while you make if the cupcakes (no one likes cleaning up flour)
~it’s just a really fluffy idea and is really cute
going to old bookstores-
~all those really aesthetic pics of girls with their boyfriends at bookstores with vintage copies of everything
~oh yeah, that’s you and Frederik
~i think the two of you would get pulled into some bookstore when your going back to your apartment or when you’re in another country and you see a bookstore with a vibe that just pulls you in
~the three pounds for a book sale, i love that
~i think the two of you would be like, ‘okay we’re only getting four books’ and then come out with their thirty
~yeah there’s probably no self control and lots of candid pictures that the two of you took of each other
~I can just here the instagram and pinterest girlies going crazycoffee dates-
~okay here me put~the two of you would end up in a coffee shop after going to a bookstore ~and maybe you would just read or you would just talk for hours on end
~or the two of you would just have your laptops and coffee with scones or biscuits and just sit there doing work with each other’s company
~and the two of you would definitely have stolen glances at each other from time to time~and you would hold each other’s hand and it would just be all romantic and cheesy
~you guys would definitely not be able to stop laughing with you hold eye contact for too long after working for like two hours without looking at each other
visiting art galleries-
~this is for my creative and artistic girlies ~okay so, of course with traveling around the world you’re going to see a lot of art and public statues
~so like, (sorry I haven’t followed the f2 schedule in so long) of course Adachi Museum of Art, Museum voor Schone Kunsten and the Musée océanographique de Monaco
~and of course we can’t forget about the Louvre and MoMA
~i’d like to think that fashion matters when you go to museum
~like, obviously, not full blown~but maybe like Lissie Mackintosh core with your own twist, i mean have you seen her leather jackets and sunglasses
~and maybe for Frederik if we go that far we can do the sweater vest over the dress shirt and chinos or jeans
~your passion for art would be bold strong and he would love and respect that like he loves and respects you
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mimiri22-6 · 1 year
Sudden realizations about EE/POP #1
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Calliope most likely did the girl's hair before she passed but she only got around to teaching Loralai to do it herself because, well, Molly was 9-10 when it happened. Sure, she most likely knows some basics on how to take care of her hair; what products to use and not to use, how often to wash it ect ect(idk specifics or the right terminology to use, I'm white, so I just kind of let it do whatever??? But also if I have head and shoulders, I'm gonna use it. I do not take care of my wavy, curly, thick hair like I should but...¯\_(ツ)_/¯), but as a smaller child she didn't really have the dextarity or need to learn to it asap. She-*sniff* She had her moma to do it for her.
Molly has a constant afro, but her moma used to put it in puffy pigtails! Like Bear Ears! 😭 AND THE CLOSEST MOLLY CAN GET IT NOW IS TO LET SOME STRAINDS CURL AWAY MORE FROM THE REST TO MAKE SMALLER BEAR EARS NOW!! 😭😭
I need fanart of 12 yo Molly with her hair done again. I need fanfics of Giovanni learning black hair care and helping Molly with hers. I NEED THE HEALING ARC TO BE SEEN THROUGH HER HAIR TRANSITION! IM ALWAYS SO FKINF FERAL OVER BEING ABLE TO SEE DIFFERENT PARTS OF PEOPLES LIVES THROUGH STILLS AND NOTICING LITTLE THINGS LIKE THISSSSS! (I may not take care of my hair w the right products, but the length of it is Very rooted(ha) in different parts of my life)
istg, if Molly dosen't have pigtails/galaxy buns by the end of EE I'm going to-idek, cry? Maybe cry. Be very upset at least. Like. It's Right There!(Am I slow and this is just a widely known thing that I've only noticed now or did I do something for once?(no but seriously, tell me if this was a thing before I said anything))
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'lifting up your lover while kissing' or 'kisses to keep your lover quiet during sex' from the valentine's kissing prompt list 🫣 loved the first chapter, can't wait to see more❣️
Hi fren! This was supposed to be sexier than it was. It's fade to black tho?
They almost fall through Steve’s door, off balance and refusing to separate from each other for as long as it takes to focus on unlocking it. Tony laughs against Steve’s mouth and kicks the door shut behind him, leaning up against it. He wraps Steve’s tie around his hand and tugs him in for yet another endless kiss, warm and languid where only seconds ago, it had been heated and promising.
Steve goes into it happily, perfectly content to go wherever Tony leads him. Maybe they were leading up to something a few minutes ago, but there’s no rush. They���ve been together for a year now; they’ve learned to trust that neither of them is going anywhere if things aren’t Hollywood-style perfect.
“Did you have fun today?” Tony murmurs.
“Hmm a private tour of the new exhibit at MOMA and then dinner at the same place where Natasha set us up, and you ask me if I had fun?”
“Ah, I’ll take that as a no, then,” he teases, eyes twinkling.
Steve shakes his head and growls, “You’re such a menace,” as he gets his hands under Tony’s thighs and lifts. Tony moans and wraps his legs around him, using the grip he still has Steve’s tie to pull him back in. They kiss again, Steve tracing his tongue across the seam of Tony’s lips until he opens for him.
“I am a menace,” Tony agrees when they break apart to breathe. His eyes are blown wide, lips red and swollen. He looks gorgeous, and Steve wants to spend the rest of his life with him. Not for the first time, he thinks it’s time to ask Tony to officially move in with him instead of the almost daily sleepovers they’ve been having. “And because I’m being a menace, I order you to take me back to our bedroom.” He kicks Steve’s back lightly. “Mush.”
“You think you’re so funny,” Steve replies even while he’s already moving in the direction of their bedroom. Our bedroom. Tony had called it theirs. He smiles to himself, already thinking about how he’s going to ask him (or rather, how he’ll phrase him moving into Tony’s place in a way that doesn’t sound presumptuous because he can admit that Tony’s penthouse is much nicer than Steve’s tiny hole in the wall).
“I am funny,” Tony says, muffled because he’s doing something with his tongue against Steve’s neck that makes him curse and stagger into the wall.
“You’re something.”
“And that something is funny, I’m glad we had this talk.”
Steve rolls his eyes and tips him backwards onto his—their—bed. Tony bounces, looking immeasurably pleased with himself, and scoots backwards until he’s lounging in the pillows, spoiled little prince that he is. He follows him, crawling over Tony’s sprawled body. Tony smiles up at him, soft and lovely.
“Now, what do you think we should do now that we’re here?” Tony asks softly.
Steve starts, “I think we should…” and then doesn’t bother to finish as he skims his lips down Tony’s throat to his shirt. He carefully undoes each button, kissing every inch of skin that he bares. Tony shifts underneath him, letting out a needy moan when Steve finds his nipples.
“Shh, sweetheart,” Steve says, kissing him quiet. “This isn’t your penthouse. You don’t want the neighbors to hear what we’re up to, now do you?”
“Let them hear,” Tony tells him, eyes hazy. “Let them know everything you do to me and feel jealous that they don’t have what we do.”
And if that’s what Tony wants… Well. Who is Steve to resist?
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barcalover86 · 1 year
Basically, you’ve moved to Barcelona to become a doctor. You get a job as an intern at Barcelona fc first team, after saving and helping Xavi daughter, from an ankle injury. Once you start working as an intern, you take interest in gavi, and Xavi seems to notice this. However, your to shy to even to something about it (shy to the point where you can only help the older players, since they are easier and more comfortable to talk to). One day, Xavi decides to send gavi to you because he’s having a problems with his thigh. You get all nervous and shy, to the point where your a stuttering mess when questioning him about his thigh problem. You then overhear later on him talking about to the guys, in a not pleasant way (not really that bad, something that even herself would laugh about, however in this case she’s not). You then continue to examine gavi, however, you just end up giving him to somebody.
You can continue with rest
Please end it with a fluff, or even a smut if you write smuts
Summary: You moved to Barcelona to be a doctor, and you start to feel something for Gavi, but things aren't going as you would like to.
I really, really love this. Thank you so much for your request. I hope you like it. Enjoy!
Your dream since you were 7 years old was to be a doctor at your favourite football club, FC Barcelona.
You eventually convinced your parents to do a medical school until you were 18 , so you couldn't have to do a lot of colleges.
Your plan was to move to Barcelona alone when you turn 18 and work somehow to your dream club. You knew it would be really complicated and maybe even impossible because no one would like to take a 18 year old girl in medical stuff. First of all, you wouldn't have any experience and second of all, you would be a distraction for football players. That's why mostly of the people who work at Barca were men and women. Rarely you see girls that have to touch young and talented players. Because, after all, you had to touch them. Not in that way, but still you had to do it, afterwards how could you see what's the problem with their muscles?
You worked a lot and waited for the moment you turned 18. Now, you were a young adult without any experience in life, but you trusted yourself.
"You really have to go? You are so young, and how can you handle alone another country? You don't even know catalan!" your mom was really worried when she saw you actually in the airport.
Your dad tried to calm her down a little, telling her that their daughter is more than just a girl and that you need this experience.
"Moma, I know spanish. I've been learning it for 3 years. Not all people speak catalan. And we'll talk every day, don't worry"
You tried to calm your mom, but the moment you said goodbye to both of your parents and best friend, Bia, you were the one that got emotionally.
When you arrived after a 3h flight to Barcelona, your favourite city, you couldn't believe that you really did it.
You went to your apartment that was close to Barca's training camp, about 10 minutes with a car, but of course, you didn't have your driving licence.
The apartment wasn't big because you were the only one who lived there, but it was beautiful.
You called your family and Bia to tell them that you were safe and got to your apartment.
You were the very first time in this city and wanted to see if it is really like in photos. But, man, it was even more beautiful. It was 9 p.m. when you arrived, a hot day in July. After a bit, the sunset had to set it, and you went to sit down somewhere where you could see it. You waited some time, but it was absolutely worth it. This sunset was the most beautiful one that you had seen in your entire life. You promised yourself to see it again.
When it was already late, around 11 p.m. and you knew how dangerous Barcelona really is, you decided to head home.
When you wanted to stand up, you heard someone screaming in pain. You turned around and saw a little girl, around 7 years old, on the floor. You went to her and asked if she was ok. She told you that she lost her parents and she fell out while looking for her. Her ankle didn't look good at all, and you knew you had to put at least one bandage on it so it wouldn't get worse.
Your home was really close, a 5 minute walk, and you decided to go to help her, but first you had to look put for the girl's parents .
After about 20 minutes of carrying her on your arms because she couldn't walk, she screams, "Papa, papa.!"
You were happy that she finally found her dad, but when you saw who he was, you almost dropped her. It was the new couch, ex player, XAVI HERNÁNDEZ.
"Asia, me asustaste!. A dónde fuiste! Oh, jovencita, muchas gracias." (Asia, you scared me! Where did you go! Oh, young girl, thank you so much!) he said while taking her from your arms.
"Papa, me duele el tobillo. Esta chica me ayudo y me dijo que se me puede romper y que tiene que ponerle una venda para que no empeore hasta mañana por la mañana." (Daddy, my ankle hurts. This girl helped me and told me that it can be broken and that she has to put a bandage on it so it doesn't get worse until tomorrow morning.)
"Oh, bueno, si quieres, puedo llevarte a algún lado para ayudar a mi hijita si todavía tienes tiempo para esto." (Oh well, if you want, I can take you somewhere to help my little girl if you still have time for this.)
He had hope in his eyes, and you accepted. Maybe this was your chance to visit Barca's training camp.
When you arrived there, you felt your heart speeding. It was truly big. You remember the fans that were waiting here for the players to make some photos of them, and now you were there. And not alone, but with Xavi and his daughter.
You went to a big room where you assumed that here the injury players were recovering. It had everything. Everything that a doctor would dream of.
"Ok, señorita. Puedes usar todo, solo haz que mi hija esté bien." (You can use everything. Just make my daughter okay.)
First, you looked at her ankle to know exactly what it was. Thanks to your school, you knew how to treat this quickly. You put some lotion that helps with pain and then bandages it. You told Xavi to give her some painkillers if it hurts her, especially in the night. He thanked you and asked you if you were a doctor.
"Bueno" you laughed. " yo deseo ser uno. Uno que ayude a los deportistas, es mi sueño desde que era niño. Hice la facultad de medicina, y ahora quiero encontrar una carrera, aquí en Barcelona. todavía estoy buscando" (Well, I want to be one. One that helps athletes, is my dream since I was a child. I did medical school, and now I want to find a career here in Barcelona. I'm still looking up for one)
"Puedo ayudarle. Tú nos ayudas, es mi turno de hacerte un favor. ¿Por qué no trabajas aquí en Barcelona? Primer equipo de chicos. No puedo darte un salario realmente bueno porque ahora no nos va muy bien financieramente, pero es bueno para empezar."( I can help you. You helped us, it's my turn to do you a favour. Why don't you work here in Barcelona? Boys first team. I can't give you a really good salary because we're not doing very well financially right now, but it's good to start with.)
You couldn't believe your ears. You immediately accepted it. When you got home, it was already 3 in the morning. You wrote your parents the big news and went to sleep, because tomorrow morning at 9, you had to be there to discuss more things with Xavi.
You were a total mess. You were almost late, but managed to get there in time. You two discussed about the job, he would pay you 1000k per month and for you that was way more than just enough.
The money didn't make you happy, but the opportunity. Your parents were so proud of you.
When you got home after 2 hours of talking, you called your best friend to tell her the news.
"I can't believe it either! I am really lucky, and maybe this is my destiny. Well, I am working under a man's eyes. I met him today, he is nice and a cool boss. The first 2 months, I am his assistant, and then I get to work alone. Xavi said that he talked to some people and I would do some medical college, but online. I have online classes that I have to take in the morning, 8-13 and then I am free for work until 20 (8 p.m). Sunday I have it free and it couldn't be more amazing!" you talked happily with Bia.
She was the happiest for you.
These months weren't easy. You had to learn a lot and working as an assistant wasn't that good. You met the players, mostly Pedri, Gavi, Balde, Ansu. They were usually going to your boss' office to see if the muscles were ok.
Xavi sometimes was staying with you to see if you were fine and handling everything, and he was so proud of you. You did a good job.
Of course, he couldn't not observe your eyes when you were looking at Gavi. Every time the boy came into the room, your heart was beating faster. You loved him since the first time you saw him at TV.
Xavi smiled every time he saw both of you in the same room, thinking that you two would be a great couple. Gavi really needed extra support, and with the girls, he was surrounded by, he wasn't in good hands. He had a lot of fans going for him.
Besides your admiration in him, he wasn't even looking at you. He was concentrating on his football career. You appreciated his love for this sport and didn't mind that he didn't have time for girls. You understood him.
But every time you saw him, your love was growing, making excuses to go anywhere else so that you didn't have to face him.
After 2 months, you had your own office. You were taking care of older football players like Lewa. You started to have a great relationship with him. He was a nice guy and helping him made you happier.
You were mostly learning because no one would go to you after 13, only after matches, because usually they had morning trainings. You were there every morning, and when you had some breaks, you were looking through your window to see Gavi training. Your mind would go crazy every time you saw him and couldn't believe your ears when you heard what xavi told you tomorrow morning.
If you feel uncomfortable, DO NOT READ this part. You have some intimate moments with Gavi.
"Creo que viste el partido con tu jefe y viste a Gavi lesionarse. Hoy tenemos entrenamiento a las 12. Me gustaría después de que terminemos con la sesión de recuperación, tenerlo aquí y cuidarlo." (I think you watched the game with your boss and you saw Gavi get injured. Today we have training at 12. I would like after we finish with the recovery session, to have him here and take care of him.)
You nodded, not wanting to make him disappointed in you, but where Gavi was injured..he wouldn't let his mom touch him there.
Around 15 (3 p.m.) he was in your office. He was sweet and a nice guy. He also looked concerned when he thought that you would have to touch him near his intimate area.
You asked him politely to lay down on the bed and you slowly put your hand near his area.
He closed his eyes in pain, but you couldn't stop thinking at how you could be on top of him and him being surrounded by pleasure.
You dropped your pen and then fell off the chair that you were standing. He opened his eyes, looking shocked.
"Lo siento," you told him, but you were so embarrassed that you didn't even see the desk when you got up, and that made you hit it so hard.
"Estas bien?" he asked politely.
You started to tear up because of your embarrassment. He decided to leave you and when he went out of the room, you really started to cry.
Good first impression. That day, you couldn't sleep at all. It's like the embarrassment wouldn't go away.
The next day, you were with xavi at the boys' training. You watched them until you heard gavi telling his friend how clumsy you are. He told them how you fell and made yourself a mess, and that made you sad, so you decided to leave.
However, Xavi wanted you to continue examining Gavi with his tight problem. You couldn't say no, so later that day, he went again to your office. When he came inside, you couldn't even look at him in the eyes. Your face was on the floor, while you told him again to seet on the bed. This time, Gavi laid down and save you some space and showed you to sit beside him.
"Vamos, señorita. Quédate aquí y ten cuidado de no lastimarte de nuevo." (Stay here and be careful not to hurt yourself again.)
Right now, he was being a sweetheart. You asked him if it hurts him when you touch him a little far away from where he was injured because you were too shy to touch him there. He, of course, told you no.
You asked him questions about his pain and he said " Porque no te enteras tu eres la medica aqui" (Why don't you find out, you are the doc her)
And with that, he put your hand right in his intimate area. Your eyes widened, and your heart started to beat even faster, if that was possible. He saw your face and smirked.
"Necesito quitarme los pantalones para que puedas ver mejor?" (Do I need to take my pants off so you can see better?)
"Ah..no, esta bien" but he didn't listen to you and took his pants off, leaving him only in his underwear. You blusher so hard.
"Vamos, no te pongas nervioso. Ayúdame" he said smiling innocently
You touched him and massage the area a little until you told him some medicine to help him with the recovery. You told him to go to your boss for the special training seasons that he had to take for 2 weeks.
"Para no volver a verte?" (I will not see you again?)
You nodded and stood up. He took your hand in his and told you to help him at least down there. You looked at him and saw how hard he was. You blushed so hard that he chuckled.
"Vamos, hermosa. Ayúdame"
He then took your face and kissed your neck slowly until Xavi came into the room seeing Gavi with his underwear kissing your neck.
I hope you like it ! Let me know if you want part 2 to this.
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racefortheironthrone · 2 months
I learned recently that Emma Frost is actually a natural brunette (instead of blonde). However, I also recently read "X-Men Phoenix Warsong" where the rest of Emma's thousand daughters are revealed. In their capsules, they are all shown to have blonde hair, and since Sublime probably didn't see the need to dye their hair then I assume it's their natural color. Since the Cuckoos have different hair than Emma as well as an improved diamond form, I'm wondering if they aren't purely clones. Could Sublime have included the DNA of one or more other mutants to enhance their powers? Could the Cuckoos have a "father?"
Yes, Emma is a natural brunette (although her mother Hazel and most of her siblings are blond, which is plot relevant for later) who was relentlessly Mean Girled by the popular blond girls at her private school. There's a whole fascinating sexual psychodrama about how the ideal form that Emma transformed herself through extensive plastic surgery and high-end cosmetology and fashion into is the avatar of her stock photo "bullies" that I'm not qualified to get into, but needless to say Connor Goldsmith has you covered on this.
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And yes, one of the many problematic elements of the creative decision to have the Stepford Cuckoos (hat tip again to Connor) be Emma's biological children is that they're all naturally blond identical quintuplets who all look like young Emmas, even though Emma's appearance is deliberately, consciously artificial and genetics does not work that way, Lamarck.
However, this is due in part to the fact that they are not technically clones of Emma - although they are clones of each other, created en masse originally in their thousands by the Weapon Plus program. That fact is potentially quite significant, because it is highly likely that the Cuckoos' genetic father chosen by Weapon Plus (out of some weird Lamarckian eugenic theory, because the Super-Soldier Serum does not work that way either) is none other than Steve Rogers (whose preserved DNA samples as part of Project Rebirth makes him also Weapon Zero), and who also happens to be blond with blue eyes.
I like this idea a lot, mostly for the comedy value of the whole Emma/Steve ship. The Cuckoos historically think that Cap is an old square (then again, they think anyone over thirty is old). But I do kind of love the thought of them trying to parent trap Emma and Steve together as a prank - only for Steve to become the most awkwardly well-meaning "dad who stepped up" ever. I think the Cuckoos would absolutely hate being dragged to Mets games, but they'd probably be really surprised when Cap takes them to MoMa the next weekend and demonstrates a frighteningly in-depth knowledge of art history and a surprising familiarity with queer NYC circa the 20s and 30s.
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avengerscompound · 4 months
The Interview - Chapter 10
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The Interview - A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Rating:  E
Warnings:  some foreplay and mentions of sex
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Melody Danes
Word Count:   2164
Summary:  Melody Danes gets the break of a lifetime when as a lowly intern, she’s assigned to write a profile piece on Captain America.  Steve Rogers is a hard man not to fall for and as she and Melody get closer and Melody’s career takes off, jealousy leads to sabotage, and the potential to bring her whole world crashing down.
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Chapter 10
Steve Rogers was like no man Melody had ever spent time with before.  Not just because he was a genetically enhanced, super-soldier that was over a hundred years old, and spent his time saving the world.  Even taking out the ways he was obviously unlike anyone else on the planet, he was still rather exceptional.  He had this old-school idea of dating, where they did go on physical dates.  It was never just Netflix and Chill.  They always went out and did something together, but because there was his fame to contest with, it wasn’t a simple case of going out for dinner and a movie.  Yet, Steve made it work.  He was good at picking restaurants where he knew that New York’s unofficial rule of leaving celebrities alone would be adhered to when they did eat out, but more often they did other things.  They went to the theater and on a private tour of the catacombs under St Patrick’s old cathedral.  He took her to a private party at MOMA, and a special presentation at the American Museum of Natural History.
Each date was surprising and it was easy to tell he was thinking hard about ways to keep her entertained.  Melody was excited to get to see a side of New York that she had never even imagined she’d get to experience - let alone on the arm of Steve Rogers.  Part of her wished that he would relax a little and they could just get to know each other on a more personal domestic level, but she knew she couldn’t rush Steve into getting to that moment.  One thing she’d learned about Steve was that he didn’t think he deserved to have that kind of domestic connection, so she would wait.  It wasn’t as if she was rushing to get to marriage and kids either.  She’d worked so hard to get to where she was, she was far from ready to risk it by settling down.  Besides, sometimes the dates made good writing material.
She wouldn’t write about Steve, of course.  Or at least she didn’t write about Steve and publish it.  Her private journals spoke in detail about Steve and how she felt about him.  She wrote about the things they did together, how she was falling for him, and her fears about dating a celebrity and a man who risks his life so regularly on the job.  She wrote about what it felt like when she had his entire attention and what his lips felt like when they kissed.  She wrote about the dates in detail from the moment he showed up to the moment they parted ways, and from those journals, she’d pick out the information about the venues of the date and had started writing a regular column in the magazine about the secret treasures in New York seen by an outsider who was being guided by a local and through the lens of someone falling in love.  It never mentioned love or dating or Steve at all, and yet it was proving to be pretty popular and meant that she was now earning a steady paycheck from the DB, which was boosted anytime she submitted one of her profile pieces.
It didn’t matter how the dates started, they did always end the same.  Steve would always walk Melody to her apartment building and kiss her goodnight at the door.  He never came up if she asked, and never asked if she didn’t.  She wished he would - though sex in her apartment was far from easy given the sharing arrangement she had with Bobbi, but she did want to have sex with him, and if not sex, a makeout session would do.
But she could wait for that too.  She wasn’t in the business of rushing anyone into physical intimacy.
Tonight Steve had taken Melody to a 1930’s 1930s-themed party in the Rainbow Room to celebrate the anniversary of the Rockefeller Center being opened.  She had never imagined seeing the inside of the Rainbow Room, let alone attending such a big event in a deep-red, floor-length, 1940s style, satin gown with lace overlay, on the arm of Captain Steve Rogers.  Steve had looked so good in his dark blue suit with red pinstripes.  He had accessorized with a blue trench coat with red satin lining and a dark grey fedora.  He was a guest of honor given he’d been living in New York when the building was being constructed and when it had opened to the public, and he’d given a speech about how he’d used to watch the buildings go up in Manhattan from the docks in Brooklyn.
It had been such a good night.  She had made good connections and gotten to dance with Steve while imagining that it was the two of them dancing his return from the war.  The food had been amazing and the room was everything she’d dreamed it would be.  As Melody walked home with her arm looped around Steve’s, even as they chatted about the night, her mind raced with ideas for her column and future interviews.
They reached her doorstep and she turned to Steve as her hand ran down his arm and into his hand. “Please come up,” he said.  “I’m still buzzing.  We can have a drink.  I promise no ulterior motives.  Not unless you have them.”
Steve’s fingers curled around Melody's, and his gaze shifted from her down the street, to the window two floors up, and then back to her again, his blue eyes locking with her brown ones.
“Sure,” he said.  “Just a drink.”
Butterflies began to flutter around in her stomach as she led him upstairs and into her apartment.
“It’s bigger than the one I shared with Bucky when we first moved out together,” Steve said as he stepped into the room and glanced around.  “I mean, or starters, there’s a whole bedroom over there,” he added, pointing to the door to Bobbi’s bedroom.  “I think your living room is about the entire space we had including the kitchen and bathroom.”
“So what did you have?  A twin bed and a kitchen table?” Melody asked.
“Pretty much,” Steve said. “I used to sleep on the floor on a pile of cushions.”
Melody laughed and turned, cupping his jaw as she looked up at him. “I’m sorry, I just pictured you curled up like a little puppy.  It was a very cute mental image.”
He laughed with her and leaned down to peck her lips. “I’m glad my tiny shoe box home is entertaining to you.”
“Aww,” she teased and leaned up and kissed him again. “I’m sorry.  Go sit down.  I’m gonna make you a drink Bobbi invented. It’s gonna make you hate me, but it’s nice and you should see it.”
“Why would I hate you for it?” he asked curiously.
“Wait and see,” she answered, practically skipping to the kitchenette.  “Get comfy.  I won’t be long.”
Steve continued to poke around her things as Melody began to make the two cocktails.  She muddled raspberries at the bottom of the glasses and then filled the glasses with crushed ice, added coconut rum, and topped it off with a butterfly pea flower-infused gin.  She brought the two glasses out with straws and handed Steve his.  He laughed and shook his head. “The old red, white, and blue, huh?  Can’t escape it.”
She sat down next to him and nudged him. “If a girl can’t tease her boyfriend, who can?”
He smiled and looked at her with soft eyes. “That’s the first time I’ve heard you call me that.”
“Is that too soon?” she asked.  “I mean - I know we haven’t -” her eyes flicked to the partitioned-off section of the room that her bed was hidden behind.
“No, no,” Steve said quickly.  “Not too soon.  I like it.  You’re my girlfriend.”
He leaned in and kissed her.  As his lips brushed over hers, she put her glass on the coffee table and wrapped her arms around him, deepening the kiss.  His glass joined hers and he guided her back on the couch as he kissed her passionately.  His tongue teased into her mouth and she brought hers out to meet it, swirling them together.  She spread her legs and he moved between them, grinding down on her as his lips moved with hers.
Melody’s whole body was thrumming and her heart was racing.  She had not expected this at all.  She thought she would have rambled about how good the night was and shown Steve all the business cards she had collected from the famous and powerful.  She wanted to talk about his speech and for him to elaborate on it to learn more about the things that were important to the Steve Rogers who wasn’t on display.  She had expected Steve to need more time.
Now her cunt was dripping for him and she wanted nothing more than for him to strip off her gown and to feel him inside her.
Unfortunately, that was the moment Bobbi returned home from work.
“Oh, god,” she said as she opened the front door.  “Shit.  Ignore me.  I’m not even here.”
Steve was already scrambling back off Melody and Melody sat up, straightening herself off.  “What time is it?” she asked.
“A bit after one,” she answered as she hurried toward her room.  “Seriously.  Please, don’t let me stop you.”
“It’s fine, Bobbi,” Steve said.
Bobbi was already ducking into her room and she quickly waved her hand to dismiss him.  Steve let out a breath and picked up the cocktail, taking a long drink.
“I’m sorry,” Melody said.  “This is the worst setup for bringing people home.”
Steve shook his head. “It’s okay.  I got carried away.  If it’s okay with you, I’d like our first time to be a little more special.  Maybe we can go away for the weekend.”
Melody tilted her head.  She really had never met anyone like Steve Rogers before.  “Are you sure?  I’d be happy with a room with a lock on it.  We could always go back to your place.”
He nodded. “I know it’s putting a little pressure on it, but I think it’d be nice to do.  Old school.”
“Can I ask you something personal?” Melody asked.  Steve gave a brief nod. “Will it be your first time?”
Steve smiled and shook his head. “No.  I know I give off those vibes.  My number is low, but there is a number.”
“It wouldn’t have mattered.  I just really don’t want you to feel like you’ll be letting me down if you need time,” she said, taking his hand.
“You’re something else, you know that,” he said and kissed her cheek.
“So are you, Steve,” she whispered.
“I’ll check my calendar and book something. We can go upstate.  It’ll be nice,” he said.
“Sounds good,” she agreed.
Steve took another sip of the drink. “This is good by the way.  What’s on top?”
“Gin,” she said.  “I like how it goes with the rum.  It takes away some of the sweetness.”
“Why is it blue?” he asked.
“It’s infused with butterfly pea flowers.  If you add an acid it’ll turn purple,” she said. 
Steve gave an impressed nod and took another sip before putting the glass down.  “I should be going.  Say goodnight to Bobbi for me.”
“Will do,” Melody said, standing with him.  She walked him to the door and kissed him goodnight.  “Thank you for tonight. I had a great time.”
“I’m really glad you were there with me,” he said. “It felt a lot less like work.”
She watched him leave and shut the door, when she turned around Bobbi was standing in the doorway to her bedroom. “Sorry about the cockblock, cuz,” she said.
Melody laughed and shook her head.  “It’s fine.  I don’t think he was ready yet.”
“Yeah, I’m taking it slow with Bucky too,” she said. “But then - that has a lot to do with me.”
“Work or you haven’t told him yet?” Melody asked, picking up both glasses and bringing them over to Bobbi.  She offered Bobbi her untouched drink, and Bobbi took it and took a sip.
“Both,” she said with a sigh. “I hate telling people that I’m seeing when they don’t already know.  But I do really like him.  He’s quiet, but that kind of quiet where there’s something a little wicked under the surface waiting to come out.”
“You want me to feel around, see if I can get a vibe of how he’ll react?” she asked.
Bobbi pursed her lips and then took another long drink. “Okay.  Yes.  Please can you?  I give you permission to out me to Steve if you think he will keep it to himself.”
“Alright,” she said and hugged Bobbi.  “I love you, you know?”
“I love you too,” she said, hugging her back.  “Our lives are pretty crazy, right?”
Melody laughed and nodded. “You’re telling me.”
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sweetjulyofmine · 1 month
Hayy🌸🌸 you’re so beautiful + you&your bf are such a cute couple. Would you mind sharing how you two met? I’m an intrinsically nosy person lol
Hi :3 I am on my laptop so that I can focus on writing an adequate response because I am also an intrinsically nosy person and am almost always hyper curious about relationships I see online or in person (very obsessed with the guy on tiktok who posts videos about people's meet cute stories.) I also love love and have waited forever to feel this way about someone.. My story starts in August 2022, I (living in new york) was about to be in North Carolina to visit my best friend Piper and my boyfriend (colin) was here with his .... then partner now *ex visiting our mutual best friend Natasha (who lives in new york.) Natasha had suggested that Colin and I become mutuals on instagram because we are both fine artists and our work had similar visual cues and we found inspiration from the same photographers. Our paths didn't cross then as I flew down south for some much needed southern summer time and he got a small taste of NY. Even from his vague internet presence, I always had a tiny feeling that lurked (hidden deeeeeep deep inside of me) and told me that he would be the one. A few months go by and I grow secretly fond of Colin and his photographs online (not sure if he felt the same way but I should ask him to write up his version of this story.) In January 2023, Natasha is flying back to her hometown (in the bay area) for our uni winter break and invites me to tag along. This was super exciting to me not only because I had never really been to California (let alone the bay) and I also had an ex there that I was planning on seeing (haha.) I then meet Colin again (who was on his uni break and also visiting his hometown) and in short hangouts begin to develop a small crush on him. I have a hard rule about not falling for someone in a relationship, but I had learned that in his last relationship he was open and while I would never think to try anything, I let myself have hesitant feelings. We went to the SF MOMA during my trip, really only on a platonic excursion, though we both admit now that it felt like a date and our chemistry even back then in those circumstances was most definitely real. The funny part of this story is that after we went to the museum, I had him drop me off at my ex's place (lol.) I fly back to new york with Natasha and from time to time I begin to text Colin. Sometimes it was brief about an artist we had a shared liking for, music we were listening to (he has perfect taste,) or book recommendations. One night we text until 7 am my time (4am his time, he went to uni in portland,) and it was really then that I knew that he had the exact characteristics and soul that I could fall madly in love with. Some more time passes, he's living across the country and still in a long distance open relationship and I'm in another situationship that wasn't developing anywhere. Him and his ex part ways and I am sporadically going on random dates. Speaking of this time of my dating fiascos, I went on a date with someone to a museum upstate and ended up buying a postcard with the intention of sending it to Colin. That begins our real love affair! We start sending snail mail nonstop and I hint to him that I will be back in California, where he would return to after graduating uni that spring. August 2023 I am in LA with my friends and he tells me that he's been thinking about visiting his grandma who lives in southern california. To sweeten the deal I tell him about the book fair that printed matter is hosting in LA, and that if he comes down, we should go together. He (obviously) drives down and the morning of the book fair, he picks me up from my friend's place and we spend the day together. The date actually didn't end for almost 36 hours since he ends up staying the night and we spend the rest of the next day together. Before he drives back up to the bay, we spend one more day together and it was genuinely the happiest I've ever felt. I fly back to New York and he goes on a family trip to Japan and our feelings for each other sort of blossom and we end up writing emails to each other back and forth every day.
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jetcat-14 · 2 months
Adding another Hilda AU to the pile: Johanna keeps her memories + acts more fairy than human and becomes the local cryptid.
I actually kind of had a close idea to this...
But mine went more like Johanna unlocks her Fairy powers like .....Hilda falls during the store forest and Johanna jumps after her (she doesn't know she can fly) so when she grabs Hilda they just stop falling Johanna opens her eyes and is like 'We are flying'?
Both Johanna and Hilda are confused and fly back up .
Now with yours I think Johanna learns Fairy magic and she kind of does it out in the open on accident (mostly when Hilda is in danger) and tries and blow it off as nothing but people talk
Moma think Johanna is strange and hold that against Hilda
Frida's parents don't her around Hilda so Frida and Hilda hang out in secret kind of thing .
But back to Joey
The whole Mountain King movie would of went so different Johanna would of taken shit from no one in that movie.
And Johanna Just flying around Hilda brings her on a lot of her Adventures more .
But at the same time she is teaching Hilda how to use Fairy magic as much as she can (since Hilda is some what weaker with magic) she still learns magic like her mum
Getting to watch Hilda and Johanna more with the idea they are fairies would be so cool
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