#Maybe I'm reading too far into that and it's just because Wolf didn't respond
orbdotexe · 1 year
Do you ever think that it bothers Wolf that people see them as like, this terrifying Godslayer? Because I’m pretty sure it’s canon that other guardians are afraid of YW (I think so at least) because of what they’ve done
I have No Idea if the Young Wolf actually is feared by other Guardians, but there is much implying it and we do know that, even if City people don't, there's plenty of others who do.
Sure, it has its upsides - Not having to fight Spider over a package, for one (and him not fighting them over Crow) - but... I imagine it gets tiring. Isolating.
Being hailed as an all powerful Savior 24/7... can't be great. They try to have a normal walk around the City, and they get the Saint treatment of people giving them little trinkets in return for continued protection. Which can't be too bad, having a little thanks is always nice, but it certainly could spoil a moment where they might've just felt normal for once.
It certainly couldn't be great, hearing Crow - the one person who lets them feel like anything but a Weapon - ask them to repeat Forsaken.
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therulerofallpotatos · 7 months
Fic Tag Game
Tagged by: @wincestation, @realisticintentions, @realmermaid333, @cosmic-lullaby, @suchaladyy, @beri-allen
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your Ao3 word count?
361,707 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Wednesday currently. Teen Wolf for six years. Harry Potter, Hannibal, Thorki, Starker, Twilight (Bella/Carlisle and Bella/Aro), The Umbrella Academy (not that i got very far before getting obsessed with wyler), and Madrigalcest (Primarily Brumira)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fuck It (Steter, Teen Wolf, 3,396)
When it Needs Fixing (Steter, Teen Wolf, 3,339)
Hostile Takeover (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,781)
Absolution (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,691)
Wandering in the Dark (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,250)
In Wednesday?
Her Monster (Wyler, 708)
Hold Me Close (Wyler, 593)
Revelations (Wyler, 499)
Warning, She Bites (Wyler, 464)
Impressing Wednesday Addams (Wyler, 387)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. I reply when I have something meaningful to add. Otherwise it'd get very repetitive and generic and that kind of soulless connection isn't really the point of this kind of thing. I adore my comments nonetheless and I read them a lot.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hold on. I gotta skim my list.
update: i do not remember some of these fics or what happened in them
Maybe Modi the Brave (MCU, Thorki). This was an angsty fanfic of a fanfic. There was a happy ending in the original fic, The Rescue by madwriter223
I'm not counting Absolution because it was immediately followed by a sequel. But technically, it did get me the most angry sobbing comments which i treasure to this day.
The Final Straw was angsty but it was also dumb and half-cocked and the closest thing to an embarrassment on this account. It was literally just a half-thought half-scene of my 18yo self's emotional state in 2018 that is very evident that I wrote this angrily in study hall. I wrote a lot of fic in that high school during classes. Like a lot. It was my school computer. I got plenty of use out of it. There was no structure or coherent plot. I didn't even hint at anything deeper to be explored in your own minds. I didn't want to look at it long enough or think about it long enough. I just wanted it out of my head. If I didn't have a strict no deleting my works policy, or hiding from my past art policy, I would probably have deleted it within the week of posting. I do not understand how it has the kudos, subscriptions, and bookmarks that it has. I guess it resonated. Good for y'all. I mean it.
Literally just the entirety of Tyler's Bad Year is meant to be about a very traumatic time in a young man's life and him surviving it. I'm not going to go through them and try to pick out "the worst" one. That's not really the point and it'd be largely subjective.
I'll Eat You Raw has an angsty ending but angstiest? I'm not sure.
I don't write a lot of bad endings. Open endings? sure. Complicated endings? Absolutely. But unhappy endings? No. I don't often have the desire.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Jesus fuck we want to be here all day? Ok lemme look through shit again.
Wandering in the Dark has a whole story behind it. There was actually two versions. Only one was posted to ao3 and is the "canon" version. I wrote this fic for a high school assignment my senior year. We were assigned to pick a chronic disease out of a literal hat, then write a story around it. We had complete creative control so I took that chance to write teen wolf steter fanfic in class and actually have it be on task for once (I got an A in that class btw). The reason my teacher got a dark ending version is because by the time he got back to me on the maximum word count, I'd already finished the canon version and it was way too long. I couldn't trim the fat, so I wrote a different ending to shorten the story. That version is one of the angstier stories I've written. The one posted and linked above, is the very happy by comparison. This fic is also designed to be read by someone who doesn't know shit about teen wolf.
Through Thick and Thin was also extremely happy. As is Her Monster. Benevolent Gods was meant to be very hopeful. The Hale Pack (Undying) was the end to a series that was my baby for a long time . Like long enough you can see my writing evolve as you go. Part one was one of the first things i ever wrote. Like ever. The last part was years later. Jasper was meant to be a very light-hearted, happy story as well. It's extremely sweet and fluffy. You was also very happy and the epilogue cemented that happiness. Warning: She Bites literally had a happy end that unknowingly prevented a main character committing suicide in the near future. Saving lives by being horny. Wednesday Evening, and every installment in that series, is excessively happy as well.
Alright I ran through my list of fics. These were the ones that stood out. There's too many to really commit to one answer tbh. Especially because the way they're happy varies.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. Or. Well. I'm sure I do. I block antis on sight and I wholly reject purity culture, and I haven't really been the target of a major attack or anything. I don't get as many hateful comments as one might think, and I don't entertain the ones I do get. I've been accused of vile shit of course because of a fic I wrote. I don't remember what fic or even what ship it was for because I don't dwell on them really at all. Aside from that, I get more entitled but probably ignorant to how they come off as entitled comments that aren't really that big a deal. Just a bit of a peeve sometimes. I honestly think the majority of them truly believe it's a kind gesture when they say it.
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
Yeah. You could say that.
What kind? In a word? Intense. I could make a joke or a long elaboration on my niche in hyde sex and whatnot, but at the end of the day, intense. Even my most laid back, domestic, slice of life fics have a sense of intensity to them because otherwise I get bored and it feels soulless and it's just not my writing style.
10. Do you write cross-overs?
When I feel like it. When I have an idea.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I have a steter fic on a russian fic website that was translated years ago. I have no idea which it was or if it's still there. Wait! I might remember. Yeah no. I don't remember. It wasn't the one I thought of.
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No. I've started to outline one before but it went nowhere and we both forgot about it.
13. What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Harry Potter and the Night that Changed Everything.
I had a whole novel basically planned for it. Writing Bellatrix and a Harry who was raised by Bellatrix took a lot out of me emotionally, and I lost steam.
Also, a Bella Swan/Marcus Vulturi fic that i also had a novel length plot planned out, wrote three chapters for, and then lost steam when I left the fandom due to getting the life sucked out of me by a bunch of toxic people in the fandom killing my joy. Those chapters are just collecting dust in my files right now. I'd like to go back to it one day and finish it in some form or another. Maybe it's original enough I could actually just write an original novel out of the scraps I already have. Actually, to be honest, it is probably original enough that I could write it as an original story. There is not a lot of Twilight there that is necessary to the story and can easily be written out. Something to think about maybe. Ironically not the first prompt I thought up initially for Twilight that I then realized nothing about Twilight was necessary for the idea I had, and I just wrote it without Bella entirely. This is how my original zombie novel started and then immediately evolved into an entirely different thing that has nothing to do w Twilight. Like literally nothing. I had to work to put the Twilight into that one. Not the other way around.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
wyler (steter and tomarry honorary).
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterization
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
pacing. movement heavy scenes. Longer projects if only because I have less practice at them.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Yeah. If it fits, I'll write it. I won't pretend to be fluent, but I'll do my best. Probably won't do anything too complicated for the sake of realism of my abilities. Especially if it's not Spanish which I at least have spent time trying to learn.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Teen Wolf
19. Favourite fic you've ever written?
We've established how well I am at picking one end all number one.
Fuck ok. back to the list.
Water of the Womb was one I was planning to write for almost a year and it turned out pretty good I think. Actually no.
No. It's not a fic that's been posted yet.
I think the favorite fic I've ever written is I Bit Him So He's Mine. it's my "Wednesday is a Hyde season one rewrite au". It's my first novel that is more than just a future novel. It's hit 40k and I have to start Act 2 still. It's my first proper murder mystery where the mystery is the primary plot equal to the romance. I've had a lot of fun with it, I've put my heart and soul into it, and I really look forward to calling it ready to post. Once it's done, you guys are getting regular updates for a long time.
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
Out of the Fire haunts me. It was a lesson to learn. I had the desire to write a steter/hannigram crossover and zero plan of any kind outside that. It crashed and burned because I only had a first chapter in me. I recently met a local and successful author who recognized my ao3 username because of this fic and remembered me years later enough to compliment my writing (I cannot express how much that meant to me). Wait no that might have been Mark of an Angel which also haunts me, but I didn't have zero plan. I had almost no plan, and lost steam when I hit a creative block at a bad time. Normally, I'd have just sat down and workshopped a starter outline and wrote myself out of that block, but I lost steam so I never did. Different deal. Not as impactful in my creative journey. Out of the Fire, however, was very important to me because of why it failed, and remains very influential with every new project I start. Actually rewriting/finishing that project would be a defining moment for me as a writer, I think. At least to me personally.
Tagging: @duplicitywrites, @dispatchvampire, @dark-visitors, @fiktorsempra, @graciebirdie, @gardenoblues, @grim-reaper-barbie13, @gabelish, @killingdoll, @lavender-lotion, @lovepoison9, @wednesdayandherhyde, @udunie, @itshype, @insomniac1994, @onlyangelxo, @obsidianpen, @ourdramaqueen, @persephoneed, @pororoh, @badmoodbatflowers, @brascu
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yuraslefttoe · 6 months
hey, it's me again! I came to pester you with questions!! *there should be a scary laugh, but it sounds more like mean giggles*
(by the way, I’m thinking about sending you such long texts with questions (because I have a lot of them!!) once one or two weeks, if you don’t mind. . . . . . .you don't mind..??? (god, I hope you don’t get tired of me..!) I'm so sorry, please, I'm just very interested!! *qwq*)
I’ll remind you once again how much I adore your work (after all, you deserve it!!), and I’ll also say that I specifically shouldn’t talk about posts tagged with the  adm, because I’ve read your tumblr and twitter in its entirety several times, I even have a separate album in my gallery with answers that particularly interested me, there are several hundred screenshots there and I don’t regret anything! (sorry if my hyperfixation may be intimidating!!)
*=^._.^= ∫*
and now the questions!!!! 
1. my wife doesn’t have a tumblr, but her suggestion interested me and can be seen in the first two screenshots(the translation sounds like: “after the release of “red hour” I have an assumption that andrey is more... athletic than misha. either this is because of ferry’s drawing style, or he really has such wide shoulders")so now we are interested to know about the physique of your characters!! maybe some of them are thin, or vice versa, a little overweight. and what about physical training? did you have any headcanons for this??? ( by the way, when I ask about “characters” I mean not only misha and andrey, but also europe and maya, because they are also worthy of attention <зз) 
2. what about the abbreviation "dyusha" for andrey? in russian it is... not used very often, but still, it sounds very cute. so it would be interesting to know how you would feel about this? 3. I also want to hear about the names of the characters!! how did you choose them? I mean........ how did it happen that from ☺europa☺ you switched to 👹MiKhAiL👹?? (I'M SO SORRY, BUT MISHA'S FULL NAME SOUNDS SOMETHING THREATENING. MY UNCLE'S DOG HAS THE SAME NAME EHE- *ᕕ(ಥ▽ಥ)ᕗ*) 
4. and lastly, let's return to my wife for another moment. she suggested that andrey was now also in a time loop. what do you say about that? and also in enigma, she noticed that misha seemed to be addressing the second person in the lines: "and if you wanted to be anything more than just free" and "you’ve seen a hundred lies I see that all the time". is this second person a viewer? or maybe one of the previously mentioned characters??
the last photo, by the way, is one of the sketches that I found so far in my gallery! ^^ 
initially it was planned to attach two sketches, but andrey turned out TOO bad, I’m ashamed to show him. someday I'll redraw it into something normal.... maybe. but! I really like the pic with misha and the wolf(I hope this is the wolf you were talking about lol. google didn’t show me anything else, and I’ve never been to ikea myself, ehe...) 
(and I don’t want to post all this yet, because running a tumblr was certainly not part of my plans, haha)) I registered here solely to read your blog, and not to maintain my own) 
sorry again for possible illiteracy, and also for the chaotic nature of my thoughts, haha, I don’t know how to adequately express them in english.. and also, I’m really REALLY apologize that the text was too long, next time I’ll try to be shorter...
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okay im gonna try and answer everything here in a coherent way so sorry if nothing makes sense
im just fine with lotes of questions :) answering asks and responding to comments is one of my favorite things ever and i brings a verry big smile to my face
on andrei: i consider him to be a skinny little gut but not exactly unathletic, and in addition i think he would have basic combat training and probably be good with firearms. misha is probably a very average bodytype, nothing special, not particularly athletic.
i do not speak russian (though ferry has recently encouraged me to learn so maybe in like four years ill be able to form a sentence) so i dont know anything about the short forms so you can do whatever you want. if you coin it and peoples tart calling him that i will not stop it from happening
i do not name my characters, i usually let me friends name them (i think that the only one i named was europa and his partner). going forward maybe ill try to make it more cohesive
the time loop idea im seeing thrown around alot is really cool and while i havent particularly wrote any of my songs about that in general i see it fitting into the loose narrative i have going on. also in enigma misha is definitely talking to andrei whenever he says the word "you" but it could also be to the listener because the entire theme of enigma is 4th wall breaking and meta shenanigans like that
that sketch is SO CUTE oh my god
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wilddragonflying · 1 month
Alright, tagged by @tiltingheartand and I'm writing this on mobile bc otherwise I'll forget so forgive any typos/weirdness!
How many works do you have on AO3?
247, however a bunch of those are from the Collaborations series! It's a series collecting all of the fics that @queerpeasantchic and I have written 😁
Total AO3 word count?
3,093,324 (2,065,618 of which is from the aforementioned Collaborations)
What fandoms do you write for?
Ahahahahahaha ummmm
9-1-1, Roswell: New Mexico, Baldur's Gate 3, Fallout (as a whole), Detroit: Become Human, Sandman, Avengers, Stranger Things, Borderlands, MCU, Teen Wolf, Dragon Age, Far Cry (specifically New Dawn), The Witcher, Overwatch, House of Ashes, Harry Potter, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Justice League, Kingsman, The Quarry, Wonder Woman, How to Train Your Dragon, Buzzfeed Unsolved(don't think I actually published anything for that one tho)
Honestly like. If I'm in a fandom, odds are I WILL write a fic for it at some point
Top five fics by kudos?
A Question of Pack (Teen Wolf, sterek, canon-compliant thru I think s2? Been a while since I've reread it, but people are still reading it! Collab w/ @queerpeasantchic)
Between the Drinks and the Morning (Witcher, Geraskier, PWP)
Rumor Has It (9-1-1, Buddie, 5 times people thought buddie were divorced + 1 time they realized they want to be married)
What (Not) to Tell Your Friends (Teen Wolf, Sterek, established relationship w/ sex-repulsed ace!Derek where the rest of the pack finds out sterek have never had sex and meddle; another collab w/ @queerpeasantchic)
Two Steps Forward (9-1-1, buddie, Ramon and Helena come to visit after Ramon's retirement party and they misunderstand buddie's relationship, featuring Ramon trying Very Hard and not quite hitting the mark, but acting sincerely)
Do you respond to comments?
I will if there's a question or if the commenter is being a dick - odds are I'm more likely to respond if they're an asshole because I like tearing them apart them freezing the comment thread and deleting any other comment attempts 😂
Fic with angstiest ending?
Oh jeez I don't know I don't...... think I've ever done a non-happy/hopeful ending?????
Fic w/ happiest ending?
.... see above 😂 most of my endings are happy!
Do you get hate on fics?
Yepper-ooni 😂 I actually have a couple of fics that were motivated entirely by some idiots who didn't understand the concept of 'don't like don't read' when it comes to messed up characters having messed up relationship dynamics 😂
Do you write smut?
I sure do! Surprise myself with it sometimes, but sometimes you just gotta sit down and bang out 6k words about your favs banging
Craziest crossover?
Hmm I don't typically do crossovers, but I did write a couple leverage/supernatural fics way back when I started writing & posting fics; that's the only one coming to mind right offhand
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Ye! Or at least, had some where a request to translate was commented lol
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
See the very first answer 😂 I co-write loads of fic w/ @queerpeasantchic but I also like to talk about my WIPs w/ people like @tiltingheartand who is wonderful to bounce ideas off of and who has provided much food for thought & inspo 💖
All time favorite ship?
Oh God that's a toughie 🙈 I gotta say either Parker/Hadison/Eliot, or buddie, or maybe sterek???? It's so hard to choose
WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Oh Jesus *guiltily glances at google drive* there are.... way too many 🙈
Writing strengths?
Hmm I like to think I'm good at digging into a character's head and showing the internal thoughts
Anything requiring a physical description 😂
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If the POV character knows the language, I'll usually put it in italics w/ a note about which language it is, but if not, then I'll describe the other speakers' mannerisms/attitude as they speak
First fandom you wrote in?
Erm I think that might've been Warrior Cats, *way* back when I first discovered fic!
Favorite fic you've written?
Without a doubt, Supplementations and Upgrades! This is a fic inspired by a Tumblr post wondering what if BioWare *had* gone with the apparent original idea of the geth bringing Shephard back to life for ME2. I wrote the first chapter as a one-off with my Shephard, Rochelle (biotic ping pong ball of death), and then the idea just wouldn't leave me alone! Ended up being over 230k words and honestly it's my biggest project to date and the one I'm most proud of 😁 I constantly re-read it, and have commissioned art for various chapters from @defenestratin! (With plans for more bc I CANNOT get enough of how they draw Rochelle 😍)
I'm gonna tag........... @queerpeasantchic @systlin @inexplicifics and anyone else who wants to give it a shot 😁
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noctumbra · 3 years
𝒇𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕
summary ─ you were a trouble. you were a walking sin. that was okay, though. james knew how to deal with problems like yourself.
pairing ─ dark!serialkiller!bucky barnes x reader
warnings ─ DARK FIC, smut, +18, slight dub con, explicit murder scene, major character death, rough sex, mean!bucky, degradition, name calling, alcohol consumption, pussy slapping, shitty smut lol, bucky is stuck up on morality (?) aka he doesn't like when women show some skin off because he thinks it's wrong, mentions of rape (didn't happen), biblical references??
a/n ─ hellooo! this is one of those rare times where i write dark fic lmao, this is my entry for @bitchassbucky 's 2K writing challenge. my prompt is "if you're reading this, i'm dead." with criminals au. i really hope you like it. please leave a comment if you do, thank you so much! <333
explicit murder scene starts after the * mark.
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You were too close.
The guy’s hands were way too close you. His eyes were roaming all over your body like a hungry panther; he was waiting for the right moment to attack and feed on you, and the worst thing was you were letting him look.
It was not okay in James’ book. You shouldn’t have been doing that, shouldn’t have flaunted your body the way you did: A dress that was too short and showed your legs more than it should and its cleavage was too deep, even from his seat, which was at the far end of the bar, he could almost see your nipples, and then you had these high heels. They were thin heels, very high, that made your feet look elegant but at the same time sinful. They were putting the attention to your legs.
James tilted his head just a little bit to his side as he watched you.
You were laughing freely, loudly, and throwing your head back. You were revealing your neck like that, this time drawing the attention to your almost bare chest. Sometimes you touched the person who made you laugh; a gentle caress on their arm, or a light grab on their shoulder… You didn’t know what kind of effect you had on them; the men shivered every time you touched their arms or shoulders. They were getting hungrier, James could tell. Their eyes were roaming all over your body even more, they were black, almost, and they kept licking their lips as if to stop themselves from drooling.
He shook his head in disappointment. Some men were really weak, he thought as he watched one of the guys adjusting their pants because they became tight with the sight of you.
You were a trouble.
You were a walking sin.
That was okay, though. James knew how to deal with problems like yourself.
James approached you slowly. He did not want to frighten you or give you the wrong vibe. He handled with the other guys at the bathroom when they visited it to empty their bladders. He could talk to you without being interrupted, now. Although he probably had twenty or so minutes before the guys were discovered by some other patrons in the bar, so he had to charm you in a short amount of time and had to convince you to join him for the night.
He was in a cleansing mood.
So, he ordered a soda. He didn’t drink on nights when he was working, and he had plans for you and preferred to stay fully sober. The bartender put the drink in front of him silently and went back to drying the glasses. James took a sip, watching you with the corner of his eyes.
“Lovely dress,” he murmured gently, his eyes on the bartender. “You look like summer in the middle of a stormy night.” He turned his head to you; his blue eyes were intense as they took your shocked but pleased face in. You ducked your head.
“Thank you,” you whispered, but he heard you anyway. He was surprised that you were playing the innocent card. You were far from being innocent, he could tell. He only needed to take one look, and he knew right away. Maybe that was how your way. Maybe that was how you lured your preys in. James smiled despite his chain of thoughts.
“You’re very welcome,” he nodded, and then turned his body to you. “I’m James,” he extended his hand. He didn’t mind you knowing his name; you were going to be cleaned at the end of the night anyway. You smiled.
“Y/N,” you said, gently shaking his hand. James almost hummed loudly at the touch of your soft skin against his. His hands were rough, their texture wasn’t soft anymore, but yours were. They were soft. He liked that. It was nice to feel soft things against his own skin every once in a while. “You look tired,” you murmured after two beats of silence. James barely kept his smile soft and contained the twitch of his lips which threatened to form his smile into a smirk.
You were desperate.
The only thing he needed to do was to show you some affection, pour out some sweet words and now, you were desperate to talk to him more.
“I am,” James responded with a neutral voice, but he was mindful to add some sort of a sigh at the end. “Not so much, but I am.” He sent you an equally tired smile that matched up with his story. You gave him a soft look before inching your chair towards his. You were unaware of stepping into a very feral wolf’s den.
It wasn’t a hard work for him, to keep you talking and drinking while he was charming and maybe seducing you all along.
You were a little tipsy as he walked up to you anyway, James just made sure that you kept drinking. You were doing every single thing that was wrong in his book; the cleansing he’d be doing tonight with your help was going to be a good one.
“What brought you here?” You asked him. You weren’t slurring yet, and honestly, James didn’t want you that drunk, so after you were finished with the glass you had, he was going to stop you. As much as he liked seeing you indulge yourself into the sins like this, because it was going to make his cleansing better, he wanted you to enjoy yourself on your last moments.
James shrugged. “Just passing by, to be honest,” he murmured. It wasn’t a lie. He was passing by. He would be leaving this small town in the morning, most likely 6AM sharp. “How about you, sweetheart?” He asked. His head cocked to his side, eyes teasingly narrowed and lips stretched into a dangerous smirk. He was a handsome man, James knew that, and he liked to use it to his own advantage in these kinds of things.
“I’m going home,” you said. “It’s a long way, though, so I’m just spending the night here.” You sent him a small smile and finished the last drop of your drink. Just when you lifted your hand to ask for more, James placed his hand over the glass.
“I think it’s enough for the night, don’t you think?” He murmured, and then he stood up and moved closer to you. “Besides it would ruin the fun if you were to get too intoxicated.” James saw your eyes getting heavier with a hazy look, saw your chest stop moving and heard the hitch in your breath.
“What fun?” You asked. James let his lips form into a smirk, this time.
“If you join me for the night, I think you can find out,” he whispered, leaning in just a little. You whimpered softly. You were turned on; you were desperate for him, for what he could give you, what he could make you feel. It should have felt empowering, but it didn’t. It made him feel disgusted.
“Alright,” you agreed easily.
Wrong. This was wrong, what you were doing. Wrong. You shouldn’t have agreed to spend a night with a stranger this easily. You shouldn’t have been let that stranger seduce you like this, but you were naïve. You were desperate.
So, James smirked. He held out his arm and walked out of the bar with your arm looped into his.
James wasn’t a big fan of having sex. He knew he could go without having it, and he had, once. It wasn’t hard, abstaining himself from sex or any sort of psychical contact with anyone. It was very easy, actually, but it wasn’t worth it. He’d stop by one of the towns he was passing by, have a wild night and relieve himself and then he’d move on.
He called them cleansing.
He’d find a woman, watch them and try to decide if they were worthy of his cleansing nights. If they were, James would take them back to his motel room. He’d have his sex, give them pleasure, make them take whatever he gave them, and when he was free of his sins, he’d get rid of them.
Tonight was his cleansing day, and you were his vessel.
“Fuck!” You moaned as James slammed you back against his motel room door. His mouth was assaulting your neck, your bare chest, all the skin you showed to those men and made them lose their control, James left his mark.
His hands were under your dress. They were running along your soft skin, along length of your legs, and he grabbed your ass beneath the skirt to haul you up. With a soft moan you held tightly onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, you let him carry you to the bed. His lips were stroking yours so perfectly, you couldn’t keep your moans to yourself.
“You like this, don’t you?” He murmured against your lips as he laid you on the bed. He was on fours between your legs, your dress skirt bunched and ankles looped behind his thick thighs. “You like having some touching you like this.” He trailed a finger gentle from your ankle to your hips, digging his nails lightly. You sighed.
“Yes,” you moaned. “Yes, I love it.” James hummed. His fingers grabbed a hold of your flimsy panties, ripping them off with a flick of his fingers. You gasped, but it was so hot to watch, you couldn’t say anything. James discarded the ripped material. He hummed once again as he swiped his fingers through your core, causing you to buck your hips towards his touch.
“So wet…” He whispered. “You’re turned on, hm?” You nodded, desperately biting your lip to contain the sounds you wanted to let out. James pulled on your dress. “Take this off,” he ordered, a dangerous growl in his voice. You shuddered and scrambled to obey him. Quickly sliding the straps of the dress, you slid out of it in a blink. You threw the dress on one of the chairs in the room and settled under him again with a sigh.
James was right about almost being able to see your nipples because you weren’t wearing anything to cover them underneath that dress. He growled. You were so careless with your body, he realized. You never thought about what might happen to it before you threw it towards someone that could charm you with handful of words.
James wanted to laugh: You were so fucking easy.
Licking his lips, he ran his hands all over the now-available naked skin. It was very soft to touch, warm and smooth. It felt nice under his fingertips. James wanted to dig his nails and draw some blood just to ruin the perfect smoothness of your skin. He wanted to mark it, wanted to destroy its beauty so that no one would want to touch it ever again.
“Mm,” he heard you hum. Ignoring your writhing, James continued to stroke the warm skin beneath him. James sighed. “James…” You breathed, eyes closed and mouth open.
“What is it?” James asked. “What do you want, sweetheart?” You wiggled and writhed under him again. He could see that you were shying away from him for some reason, and he was intended to find out why. “Mm? Tell me. What is it?” You bit your lip, watched his eyes darken with the smallest action.
“I, um,” you whispered. “Can you be rough with me?” You asked gently. James narrowed his eyes. They were filled with amusement.
“You wan’ me to rough you up, love? Hm?” He leaned in and grabbed your face in his palm, squeezing your jaw, he pulled it towards his. He nudged your nose with his own softly. “You wan’ my bruises all over your body? Wan’ me to mark you up?” You were nodding excitedly; head bobbing up and down, eyes glimmering with anticipation, James thought you were adorable. He chuckled darkly. “Use your words,” he commanded with a low, rough voice.
“Yes,” you moaned loudly and whimpered. “Yes, I want your marks!” James hummed. It was a content, happy sound.
“Good, baby,” he whispered and flipped your over in a blink. He pulled your hips up as he placed a hand on your face and buried it into the bedding, almost constricting your breathing. You groaned throatily. “This what you wanted, yeah?” He leaned in until his lips were next to your ear. “You gonna get it.”
Briefly pulling away, James took off his clothes and laid them on the chair all folded. He climbed up on the bed, took his position between your thighs and pressed his groin against yours. Your dripping core felt warm and slick against his hard on. He closed his eyes and grunted lightly at the feeling, hips moving slightly. You wiggled your hips, pressed your ass back at him and coated his erection with your slick. James groaned. His hands were quick to find your hips and grabbing them tightly.
“You do not move unless I tell you so,” he snarled. His hand released your ass cheek and slapped it harshly, making the flesh jiggle. “You are to follow my orders,” he snarled again as he slapped the other cheek. You whimpered. “You disobey, and I’ll make sure you’re in pain.” He quickly gave you a slap right on your clit, making you shout into the bedding. “You hear?” You nodded.
“Yes, yes, I hear,” you whined. “’m sorry. I’ll follow your orders, sorry,” you mumbled, tears gathering in your eyes. James smiled.
“Good girl,” he whispered. The hand that was still resting on your ass sneaked its way up into your hair, and he yanked it harshly. You cried out. Your hands grabbed his thick thighs as something to hold on when he pulled your body flushed against his. “The sounds you make,” he snarled. He released his hold on your hair. “Grab the condom. It’s in the drawer.” James pointed the one on your left, and you leaned to get it.
After he put on the condom, he cornered and caged you on the bed, under him. You were breathing heavily, he could see how wet you were and how warm your body had become. “I’m gonna be rough,” he warned you. “I’m gonna degrade you, slap you, pull your fucking hair and I will not stop, y’hear me?” You nodded. That was exactly what you wanted from him. “Yell as loud as you want. Let’em know I’m making you feel so good.” He kissed you on the lips once and slid inside of you in one thrust.
You groaned loudly as your eyes rolled back. They way he filled you was so fucking perfect, you felt yourself tear up. Your hands were holding onto his biceps, nails digging softly as James started thrusting without missing a beat.
The pace he set up was hard and almost punishing. All the rage and tension in his body was loaded into his thrusts, making your body jolt up and down every single time his hips kissed yours. The sound of skin-slapping-skin was almost too loud, but James closed his eyes as he listened to it. His hands were grabbing your thighs tight enough to leave bruises in its wake, nails digging hard enough to draw some blood. James growled.
“So good,” he murmured to himself as he once again flipped you onto your stomach. He watched the jiggle of your ass with his each thrust, watched how perfect it was and warm it made him feel. It sent tingles all over his body. Pulling at your hips, he positioned you half-sitting on his lap, half-lying onto your stomach. He was hitting and reaching deeper with each movement of his cock, he knew it. Your screams of pleasure were letting him know. “Hmm, damn…” He groped your breasts. Pinching the soft, loose flesh, he pulled at your nipples.
“James!” You moaned, but you were slurring. James grinned devilishly. He sneaked his hand from your breast to your pussy and slapped it. Your hips twitched, and he slapped it again. Your walls were rippling around him like mad, James was loving it. “Oh, fuck!” You cried out as he pinched your clit. Tears were freely rolling down on your cheeks, but they were pleasant ones.
“Yeah?” James hissed. “You feelin’ good, slut? Hm? Tell me.” He listened to your litany of ‘yeses’ and moans and whimpers. He dug his nails on your breasts, digging them deep and dragging them down roughly. You shouted. James could feel the trickle of blood on his fingertips, and he chuckled darkly.
“We are just starting, dove,” he whispered into your ear and wrapped his arm around your throat.
James watched you as you dozed on and off. You were sprawled onto the bed, starfishing, and had a dopey smile on your face. You were so beautifully blessed out, James felt proud. His eyes roamed all the marks and bruises he left on your gorgeous body: Bite marks, handprints, nails… They looked incredible.
“Damn,” he heard you whisper. You giggled. You sounded drunk, but it wasn’t because of the booze you consumed earlier, it was all sex. “This was the best fuck I’ve ever had,” you said, grinning. James just hummed. Lifting himself on his strong legs, he walked over to his small bag. He opened it.
His clip point bowie knife was winking at him cheekily in his bag, and James smiled. He grabbed it gently. Fingertips running over the sharp and smooth edge of it, James sighed. This knife had served him so well over the years, it became his lucky charm and his go-to. Tonight, it was going to serve him once more.
“Are you still there?” You murmured, head lifting tiredly. “Or have I been talkin’ to myself all alon’?” You chuckled.
“’m here,” James whispered. You hummed, head falling onto the pillow. He walked over to your tired and used body. Your eyes were closed, but you had a happy smile on your face. James stroked your cheek as he mounted you.
“Mmm,” you protested lightly. “You wore me out. Can’t go again.”
“I don’t want you to,” James whispered, licking his lips hungrily. His pupils dilated with the anticipation. His hand moved to your hair from your cheek and he stroked it, too. You purred. James grinned. He looked like a mad man with a grin like that, he was aware, but this was his favorite moment.
He fisted his hand into your hair, yanking you half-upright. Without letting you understand what was happening, he ran the knife along your throat. A clean, deep cut. He heard your gurgled breath, watched the blood pouring out.
James smiled at your half shocked and half blessed face as he watched the blood pouring out of your body and pet your hair all the while. He could feel the relief filling his body already. He sighed deeply, relishing the feeling.
He loved his cleansing nights.
He loved watching them fading out.
It was why he was created.
Another body was found exactly a month later after the last one.
Despite the undisturbed look in general, he could see couple bruises peeking under the clothing that wrapped her body innocently. Rogers knew what he was going to find when he dug a little deeper. He knew how all the bruises the killer left behind was going to look like. He also knew that the forensics was going to say she was most likely got raped, but it wasn’t true.
Rogers had been working on this killer’s case for some time, now. He had seen cases of his killings enough to know that he cared about consent. The bruises, damage on genital parts on the bodies were all asked for. Rogers felt like he knew the killer like a best friend with how much personality to put into his… craft.
He would watch them first, seized his options. That was how he’d choose his next victim, most of the time. Then, he’d approach them, make small talk maybe, and charm them right away. It was a funny and humiliating fact that they had no visuals about the killer; no one seemed to saw his face, or remembered it. Rogers figured he must at least have a decent enough face to charm the women the way he did. Then, he’d take them to one of the rooms in the motel nearby. He’d get his pleasure, satisfy himself, and then. Then, he’d get to work.
This one, the body in front of him, was definitely his work.
The scene Rogers was facing was weirdly peaceful. It was by a lake with lots of willow trees surrounding it. It was almost 5AM in the morning; the cool breeze of the night was even sharper now. There was no noise, only owls making soft cooing sounds. The darkness of the sky was the darkest before the sun peeked through its black curtains.
However, Rogers was not there for the scenery. Not that kind, at least.
She was standing by one of the willow trees. Her body was positioned in such way that it looked like she was just leaning against the tree and watching the view in front of her. It might have looked normal, like nothing was wrong if she was wearing a coat or something, but she wasn’t. The white dress she had on was beautiful. It was simple, no designs or anything. The dress had long sleeves; the fabric was covering her chest up to her neck/shoulder joint and the skirt part of it was reaching to her ankles. She had matching flats on her feet. The skirt was only allowing Rogers to have very small peek of her skin.
Her hair looked clean when he came closer. It was up in a half-braid, thrown over her right shoulder. Her hands were clasped in front of her in a submissive way, her fingers were laced together. She had an also white, silk scarf covering her neck. Simple silver earrings were put, she looked really beautiful.
Her face, however, was the creepiest part.
It looked almost alive; she had a serene look on her face, a faint smile on her lips and the look in her eyes were soft. She really looked like she was watching the view, but she was dead. Her skin looked undisturbed, but Rogers knew that if he were to rip the dress off, he’d find her genital organs all mangled. He would also find all the bruises that this elegant dress was perfectly covering up.
“Same guy?” Wilson asked as he approached Rogers. He nodded. His blue eyes were inspecting the girl’s body carefully. “These poor girls,” Wilson sighed. “What is he trying to do, I don’t get it.”
Rogers knew what he was trying to do.
“He’s stopping them from sinning ever again,” he murmured as he eyed the note where the killer pinned the note. It was sitting right over her heart innocently, an elegant hand writing was smiling at him gently on the cream-colored paper. One sentence was striking, but he could see more things were written on the small paper. It was that one sentence that was haunting him in his nightmares. Rogers counted exactly seven drops of blood on the paper. One of the drops was darker than the other: It was the third one.
“Does that mean anything?” Wilson frowned. He was new to this case, so he didn’t know the meanings of the small details the killer loved to leave behind.
“Yeah. Seven drops. Seven deadly sins. Third drop is darker than the others which indicate which sin she had died from.”
“Which is?”
As he answered Wilson, Rogers sighed deeply.
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 11
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
A/N: I am not from the US and I've only been in New York once when I was a kid (I don't remember much lol I was six, I think), so I apologize if some of the places are inaccurate but I tried my very best to do my own research. Anyway, this is one of my favorite chapters I've written and I hope you guys enjoy it as well!
The first whisper of the Monday air, brushed among the streets of the Upper West Side as you and Bucky decided to grab your running shoes and spend this day outside in the open air, hoping to burn all the calories you consumed last night. With a bottle of water in both your hands, you reached Central Park, catching your breaths. With sweat dripping down your forehead to your eyes, you saw a vacant bench and took the liberty to sit on it with Bucky behind you.
"Do you," Bucky sat beside you, panting and squinting his eyes and shaking off the sweat on his face, "do you run everyday?"
"Not everyday." You chuckled, taking a sip of water. "Four times a week."
"Why do you even like running? I feel like I'm in hell." He sighed, resting his neck on the brace. His breathing was restless and uneven but soon calmed down after a few moments.
"It takes my mind off things. I got a lot going on up here, y'know." You replied with much honesty. "Other people do it to keep in shape but I do it because I need it."
"I've never considered running. I just go to the gym and lift weights. Well, I have my own gym but if I'm being honest with you, I've been slacking off since the day I got here in New York."
You smiled and lifted your eyes to look at him. His face was glistening under the bright morning sun.
"Maybe it's a good thing we ran today." You nudged his shoulder with yours, his sweat-drenched skin rubbing up against your own. "You should run more. The more you do, the less you'll hate it. Trust me."
"You know what, as long as I'm with you, I will." He chuckled. "Ain't running with anybody else but you, doll."
There was a warm sensation moving up towards your cheeks. You didn't know if it was the heat of the sun or the warm blood rushing in but either way, you just knew that a pink flourish was becoming visible on your cheeks.
During that moment all you could muster was: "S-sure."
You hid your face by facing the opposite of Bucky and looked at the crowd that Central Park held. There, across the field lay a dozen picnic blankets on the bright green grass where a bunch of families and couples were reading, eating and talking audibly. Some were sitting underneath the tree for some shade. Some were walking their dogs on a leash and a poop bag ready on hand. Some were tourists with heavy backpacks just walking around. The chirping birds soaring in the air grabbed my attention, making you look up at the sky in which the bright sun hurt your eyes. You closed your eyes after that, trying to regain most of your vision. Once you did, you opened your phone and checked if Peter had left any messages. Unfortunately, there weren't any.
Peter was very vague about where his corporate retreat was, sticking to his notion that in order for him to take his mind off things, he also needed to be away from his real world, whatever that meant.
You sighed, texting Peter anyway, telling him everything was fine and that Bucky had been with you ever since he went away. You asked him how he was and hoped that everything was fine and well, and that he was enjoying his corporate retreat.
"Hey, let me take you somewhere nice today." Bucky said while tapping your sweaty shoulder, making you look up from your phone.
"Why? Where are we going?"
Bucky stood up, typing on his phone and looking around the park. "Wherever my car takes us. I figured since the bar doesn't open on Monday, you and I could do something fun that'll help you relax. Come on, you can go shower in my penthouse. I already have clothes sorted out for you in the guest room."
Your mind was still processing the part where he said that you could go shower in his penthouse.
Confused, you asked. "Wait, now?"
"Yes. Now, get up on your feet. My car's waiting on the road."
He didn't give you much time to comprehend his words, and respond, as he grabbed your hand, pulled you up from the bench. And as you ran, hand in hand, amidst the crowd, there it was again, that after feeling of spontaneity, fleeting; that same feeling you couldn't seem to explain really well — that same feeling you were wishing to avoid.
You and Bucky jogged towards the streets where a black and white Maserati with fully tinted windows was waiting on the side of the street. You thanked Bucky as he opened the door for you. He gave you a cheeky smile in response then hopped in beside you, introducing you to the driver named Howard. Howard nodded his head and smiled at you through the rearview mirror.
Once the car revved forward, you shifted uncomfortably in your seat, weary that your sweat was getting all over the expensive leathered seats of Bucky's car. You moved a bit forward in an oh-so-subtle movement, pushing your body against the strap of the seatbelt across your chest and did your best as you could to avoid sweating all over the seats. With one strong swift move, Bucky pulled your arm back, throwing your back against the seat and told you to relax.
You greeted Leonard with a smile and a wave once you arrived in White Wolf. You and Bucky exchanged some small conversation in the elevator which led right into the penthouse, something about the last time you were here. You both laughed at the memory as you teased him about it.
The penthouse didn't change as much the last time you were here; the only difference was there was no woman with little to no clothing waiting for Bucky to arrive. You looked towards the huge glass windows, your lips curved downward as you were hoping to get a good view of New York that was hiding behind the draped curtains. Bucky led the way towards the guest room in a well-lit hallway on the second floor. You walked under little chandeliers hanging from above. On the walls were duplicate Van Gogh paintings, and framed photographs of nature that blended well with the color scheme of the paintings, as well as the penthouse.
"I picked out some clothes for you that I thought you might like and had my assistant bring them over here." Bucky said, opening the door.
Feeling a bit guilty, you said: "Bucky, you didn't have to."
"I insist. Besides, I'm in charge of you for the whole week." He smiled, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.
You playfully rolled your eyes. "I told you, I can take care of myself."
"I'm older than you so you do what I tell you." He just dismissed your remark, and added: "Now go shower. I'll meet you downstairs for some brunch."
With that, Bucky closed the door behind him, leaving you in a state of awe as you looked around the guest room which was twice as big as your room. It was like a duplicate of the living room but smaller, and with a king-sized bed in the middle on the far back with clothes and some towels draped along the edge. A telescope stands near the glass walls. Beside it sits two dainty cushioned chairs, and a miniature coffee table. There was a flat screen 32-inch television facing the bed.
You walked near the curtains, slithered your finger between the noticeable gap and took a small peek outside.
You stepped into the insides of the bathroom which was near the size of your room. Everything felt so unfamiliar to you but you bathed everything in and relaxed as soon as the small prickle of the cold shower water hit the soft spots of your body.
You got out of the guest room, feeling fresh from the cold shower. You wore some cropped halter top, heathered trousers and slipped on some fuzzy slippers that were quite big for your size, even though your feet were already big. You quickly assumed it was Bucky's.
"Did you, by any chance, get me some shoes too?" You joked as you approached the kitchen, eyeing the bagels on a big plate on the rectangular island in the center. You hopped on one of the high stools, grabbed one and smeared cream cheese on it. "Just kidding, I love these fuzzy slippers."
Bucky's back was facing you, busy flipping some pancakes on the stove. "You're not wearing that outside. And yes, I do have some but they're mostly Peter's. Don't worry he hasn't used them yet."
"That's alright. We're the same size."
Bucky turned around, a big pan on his right hand. He approached you and flipped a pancake on top of a tower of pancakes on a plate.
"You like the clothes I picked out for you?" He asked and sat down on the high stool.
"Yes, thank you. But seriously, you didn't have to."
"Okay, so let me get this straight... You let me pay for food and alcohol but not clothes?"
You laughed. "It's a different thing! Those were cheap, these," you touched the fabric of your shirt and trousers, "are obviously expensive. They don't have that thrift smell my clothes have. And besides, I need food but not clothes so you paying for my food was a big win for me."
Now, it was his turn to laugh, shoving a piece of pancake into his mouth. "Okay from now on, all I should hear from you when I give you stuff is thank you."
"But... why?"
"Because social convention dictates us to."
"I know, but, why are you giving me stuff?"
"How else am I going to keep you around?" He winked as he continued to chew.
"Bucky." You warned.
"Okay, okay." He chuckled. "The thing to know about me is I love spoiling people — people that I trust and I'm obviously comfortable around you."
Not knowing any other way to answer, you just said: "Oh, well... Thank you."
"And of course, the thing I said before too." He laughed and you threw a bagel at him in response.
You and Bucky enjoyed your little brunch while planning the day ahead of you: go around Fifth Street, and perhaps Broadway, maybe go to the Chelsea market and as Bucky said: "Just go wherever our feet take us!"
Once both of you were done, you headed down White Wolf, with Bucky's Maserati waiting in front. You greeted Howard as you climbed in.
"You know what would be nice?" You started once the car moved forward. "Capturing people's moments in a crowded street." You said, picturing Fifth Street in your head.
"Oh, that's right." Bucky replied. "Here." With his large hand, he handed you a camera. But it wasn't just any camera. It was yours.
"Wait, is this my camera?" You asked, taking it from him. He nodded in response. "Bucky, what the hell, you went through my stuff?"
"Not me. Howard."
"Don't worry, miss," Howard spoke, glancing through the rearview mirror where you saw your own reflection, "I didn't take anything else and put everything back in place. I just did what Mr. Barnes told me to do."
"James." You scolded.
"What are you James-ing me for?" He said, leaning against the seat, clearly stifling a laugh. "He's the one who went through your stuff!"
"You are such a child." You rolled your eyes. "You're the one who told him to."
"You heard him, he didn't take anything else."
"Next time you pull something like this, you ought to let me know okay?"
He lifted his eyes to look at you, teeth biting his inner cheek, a smile wanting to reveal itself. "Okay."
You sighed but you also couldn't help but smile at your camera. It had been a long time since you've operated it as you have been so busy in the bar and hadn't had clients for a while now. You closed it immediately, seeing as the battery was just at fifty percent.
You and Bucky got out of the vehicle as soon as Howard reached Fifth street and entered the Lacoste building with no rush. You held your camera close to your chest, the strap feeling a bit heavier on the back of your neck as the hours passed but the weight of pleasure of taking photos of the street from the inside of the glass windows overwhelmed that.
All the stores looked so unfamiliar to you. The stores you usually go to had dimly-lit rooms with low ceilings, and instead of tiled floors and walls, they had chipped to almost rotten wood walls. The smell of new clothes in these designer stores filled your lungs, the bright incandescent lights nearly caused blindness to your eyes, the amount of men and women dressed in suits, stockings, and skirts were nothing you had ever seen before, designer clothes were hanging on racks color-codedly, or by season, or by new and old collection, the eyes of the security guards in each entrance lurked from miles away until you get inside the store, and today, you have seen Bucky's sleek, black credit card get swiped into the little machines a hundred times. He bought some clothes for himself, and Peter, whom he actually promised to.
Bucky even handed you some clothes, told you to put them on and when they did fit you, he immediately went towards the counter.
Feeling as if everything was too much, you refused but all he said was:
"From now on, when I buy you things all you have to say is thank you."
Overpowered, you just nodded and said exactly what he wanted you to say: "Thank you." And as hours passed more shopping bags were in my bags (yes, you insisted to carry what he had bought you, and when he refused, you gave him back his words, a little taste of his own medicine: "From now on, when you buy me things all you have to do is let me carry them.")
"Ah, throwing my words back to me. I see."
As you walked around a whole lot more, side by side, exposed elbows and lonely fingers constantly brushing against each other, you talked about things you both loved. Nothing about Bucky's hotel business, nothing about the bar, just the things in life which made you both happy — photographs, paintings, and everything about art. He saw the world through yours. You were just beginning to see his but the details weren't enough for you. You craved more of what was in his mind and in his life — no, not the business, parties, booze and all that.
But the things that separate him from that world, and the things he grew up with before that.
A lot of questions swarmed in your head, trying to think of ways to ask them but Bucky merely insisted on knowing you. All of you. But just like him, you too had your guards up, especially around your family issues.
Then you reached Chelsea market. You didn't know how but you did. You spotted Bucky's car parked on one street and told you to leave all the things he had bought inside. After saying your goodbye to Howard who, afterwards, drove towards the bumper-to-bumper traffic in Manhattan, you and Bucky headed to wherever your feet you. You were feeling a ton lighter without the shopping bags dragging your hands and you could now freely touch and open your camera.
Bucky, with a Grande Starbucks cup in one hand, looked around with a big smile planted on his face. You walked around, seeing the art district of New York through your lenses. You grabbed Bucky's attention by calling his name and when he turned around, you snapped a shot of him. Eyes wide. Brows furrowed together. Lips in a state of bafflement.
"Hey, delete that!" He protested.
You laughed, turning your body in the opposite direction. "No way! It's a good picture!"
"No, it's not!"
You kept on laughing, mumbling a bunch of "sorry"s and "excuse me"s along the way, the camera still shoved in your face.
Your lens caught a familiar name from afar, printed in neon red: Wanda. You stood there in the middle of the crowd, leaving Bucky to wonder what had happened.
"Let's go there." You said, making your way across the street where it was.
"Just follow me."
Bucky held no questions no more as your feet treaded towards the building of Wanda's studio. Once you reached it, you merely stood meters away from it, looking at the sign.
"Wandavision." You mumbled under your breath then bit your inner cheek afterwards, contemplating if you should go in and say hi but that didn't matter anymore because standing behind the tall glass windows was Wanda herself.
Again, she gave you that oh-so-sweet smile of hers, long red locks cascading down her shoulder as she walked towards the door. You gestured to Bucky to come with you, no questions asked.
"Y/n!" Wanda exclaimed, wrapping her arms around you as you and Bucky entered the building. "Oh, it's so good to see you."
"You too, Wanda."
"And who's this dapper man of yours?"
Beside you, Bucky's body vibrated, a chuckle coming out of his mouth as he offered his hand. "I'm Bucky Barnes. Nice to meet you."
Wanda shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, too." She gave you a knowing smile, taunting you, but you dismissed her assumptions by shaking your head no, and then she pouted.
Wanda led you further down her large, wide studio, giving us a tour.
"I'm quite surprised you came by, Y/n."
"We were just walking around the market and saw your studio." You replied. "Wanda, what you have here is... so beautiful."
"Thank you. I really appreciate that. I've wanted this since I was a little girl. It's always been the dream."
The inside was bright, with fair white walls, floor and ceiling, and smelled of fresh lavender. On one corner, it smelled of fabrics, make-up, and hairspray. Framed photos of Wanda hung on the walls. There was a dressing area on a corner, and a comfortable couch, perhaps, for visitors as well as the models. A mini kitchen stood in the far back. On top of the cute marbled island was a coffee maker, and a mini fridge. There was one room solely for the post-production process, her main office. A giant paper backdrop had taken a huge space on the floor. Around it were different kinds of large lights, tripods, chairs and other expensive equipment for photography.
She had it all. Everything you've pictured yourself having.
Wanda had it all.
"You've come at the right time. There's not much going on today but I have tons of clients coming for the next few days but really, feel free to come by anytime you want."
"I will, thank you."
Howard picked you right up outside Wandavision. The whole ride was filled with uncomfortable silence.
"Your friend's really nice." Bucky said, trying to clear the atmosphere. "She's a bit too chatty for me but she's nice."
"Yeah." You answered, your head pressed against the window. "Really nice."
"Are you okay, doll?"
You hummed. "I am. Just a bit tired s'all."
"Listen, I just have to head to the White Wolf but Howard will drop you by the apartment, okay? The shopping bags are already there but you don't have to worry about them, I'll take care of them as soon as I get back. Just take a rest, okay? Maybe a short nap. I'll grab you dinner on the way. How does that sound?"
Tired to even tell him you didn't need to babied, you just said: "Okay. Thank you, Bucky."
You did as Bucky told you to. You ignored the bags sitting on the couch, placed your camera on your nightstand and took a damn nap. When you woke up, instead of feeling better, you felt sick to your stomach. Your phone lit up, a message from Bucky displayed on the screen:
"Sorry for the delay. I'm currently stuck in traffic. I'll see you in 20."
You sighed and with an empty stomach, and an occupied mind, you put on your jacket, anticipating a cold rush, grabbed your keys to the bar and headed down. You went straight behind the counter, jumped over it and found an unopened vodka.
You drank the vodka, drank all your troubles away and as you sat there on the floor, weeping, the place you worked at felt too much familiar to you. So much so that you began to hate it and to hate the kind of life you had been living. Who were you fucking kidding? No, you didn't like juggling two jobs. It sucked. Even though it had been giving you the ability to pay half of the rent, it still sucked.
This wasn't what you wanted.
A few moments have passed. You were already on your second bottle. There was a sound coming from the back which began to startle you. A certain Steve emerged from his office, a look of concern evident on his face.
"Stevieeee!" You stood up, well, tried to anyway. "You're here!"
"Y/n, what the hell." He took you in his big muscular arms, his one hand carefully yanking the bottle of vodka on your hand and placing it on the counter. "You're drunk. You should go home. Where's Peter?"
"He's away. He left. Wait, why are you here?"
"I just had to take care of some things."
"Is Nat back there with you? It's okay, shh, shh, I know about you too."
"Oh, God. Did she tell you?"
"Puh-lease! You imprinted your scent on her like a werewolf."
He just sighed. "Let's get you to your apartment."
"Don't worry, Stevie, I won't tell. Hey, call Bucky. Grab my phone. It's on my ass." You giggled and then hiccuped. He carefully grabbed your phone from your back pocket, let you enter my password which took forever, and then called Bucky.
"He'll be here in a minute or two." Steve said, sliding your phone back in your pocket. "Let's get you seated, alright?"
He sat you in one of the booths. "I'll get you some water, okay?"
You didn't respond. Your eyes were fixated on the photos on the wall. With your breath rapidly increasing, you stood by your knees, and grabbed as many photos as you could. Steve slid in the booth with you, handing you a glass of water. You took a small sip, avoiding his eyes.
"What happened, y/n?"
You didn't give him an answer to his question and just downed the water. But you did ask him something. "Why'd you buy my photos, Steve? Is it because you pitied me that day?"
"What? No, I truly believe you have amazing photos."
"But what?"
"There's always a but. What is it, Steve?"
"But nothing, y/n."
"Liar." You muttered. "You're a liar."
"Look, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on."
"I don't need help. I'm not a child!"
"You clearly are, especially when you're behaving like one. You come in here, drink an expensive bottle of whiskey, cry on the floor and ask me a bunch of ridiculous things. It's okay to ask for help sometimes."
"I'll pay for the bottle if that's what you're asking."
"No, I don't care about that. I care about what's going on with you right now because this isn't you, y/n."
"Oh please, you don't. You just pity me! That's why you bought those two photos, that's why you let me put my photos up here in the bar. I'm no good, Steve! I'm no good."
"Y/n — "
Then, a door slammed, a running Bucky coming inside. "Hey, doll. I'm here. Hey, hey, what happened?"
"Let's just go, Bucky." You stood up beside Bucky who held your waist for balance.
"Thank you for calling me." Bucky told Steve.
"Just take her home safely."
"I live right upstairs." You groaned.
"And make sure she doesn't drink anymore or do anything stupid." Steve scolded, his eyes locked on yours.
Bucky held you all the way towards the outside of the bar, and guided you towards the steps that led to the sidewalk. A black limo was on the street. With the windows rolled down, Howard asked, "Is everything alright, Mr. Barnes?"
"Everything's okay, Howie. You can go back now."
"Wait!" You exclaimed, slipping away from Bucky's arms and headed towards the limo. "Howard, take us somewhere."
"Y/n, what are you doing?"
You didn't give him time to wait for an answer as you opened the door and climbed inside the spacious limo. Bucky climbed in, confused.
"Y/n, are you going to tell me what's going on?"
You gave no answer, instead, you gave Howard the address. "450 West 15th Street."
The ride was more silent and shorter. He tried offering you food he had bought but you kindly refused, dreading to get out of the limo. You held on to your photos so tight that marks, scratches and folds were visible even in the dark.
When you reached your destination, you quickly hopped out, with Bucky following you.
"What are we doing back here?"
You were standing in front of Wanda's studio, the red neon lights illuminating on the concrete street, giving a bit of life on this side of New York.
You sat down on the floor, against a big pot of plant, your eyes never leaving the sign. Bucky, still confused, followed suit anyway.
"You know, my parents told me I'd never make it here. The day I left my home to live here, they told me, 'you'll never amount to anything. You'll never have a good life in New York. You'll never make it as a photographer. That's not a real job.' And I told them I will make it that I'll work my ass off, blood, sweat, tears, I'll do anything to prove them wrong. But don't you just hate it when they're right? I left my family, lost my communication to my siblings for this ridiculous dream I've been chasing for years. Everything I've done here feels like nothing."
At this point, you didn't want to hear anything or anyone besides yourself. So you were more than glad to hear nothing from Bucky, and to feel his fingers interlaced with yours.
"Wanda and I met in college; a year younger than me. We shared a love for photography and arts. Then we kind of just lost touch after I graduated. And then I saw her a week ago. She looked so happy and so content and I could feel her pity on me, her eyes, her touch. It was the first time I felt so small and I didn't think I could feel smaller but then we went here. Everything I wanted for myself, the things I pictured myself having and doing... She's living it. She's out there and I'm not. And I really hoped that by now, I've proved my parents wrong but turns out they're right. They were right all along. I don't amount to anything. I'm nothing."
"Wandavision." You laughed bitterly. "Wanda's vision. That right there. That's fucking clever."
"Let's get you home, doll. Please?"
"I want to stay, Bucky."
"We'll talk when we get back. Please, y/n."
You didn't agree to anything but he lifted you up anyway, guiding you towards the limo which was still on the street.
The partition was up. Even though Howard was inside the limo as well, at that moment it was just you and Bucky.
So, you cried, like how the skies cried, in Bucky's arms. You wept for all the unpaid rent and debts, for the menial job that you ended up in, for your failed career as a photographer, for your selfish parents, for your isolation from your college friends, for your insecurities, for your dog that died when you left for college, for your former lover that abused you, for the books you left unread, for all the wrong choices, for all the money you wasted during your college days, for all the toxic people you've ever met, for all the alcohol stains you had to wipe for years, for all the food intake during your peak of stress in school, for the only cherries you tasted, for the drunk sex you've always regretted, for the drunk kiss with Peter you've always regretted, and for the incoming mistake you were about to do.
"Kiss me." You whispered, lifting your head from his chest. "Kiss me, Bucky."
He shook his head no. Your noses touched. "Why not?" Your breaths moved together.
"Because right now, you're a mess." He whispered. "You're very vulnerable and drunk. I can't."
"I'm giving you all the consent I need. Kiss me."
"Not like this, doll."
Instead of going for your dry lips, he placed his lips on your forehead, his mouth and breath lingering. "Not like this."
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Breaking point' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
Breaking point'
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"My friends are my only family in this world but hurt them...and hell will be falling on you, I can guarantee you that !"
Chapter Summary : It's the moment for Yirina and the whole team to finally get moving on putting down Naga and save Adler from him but there's always something in an mission that don't go as planned.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3900
Hearing of the tragic news about Mason's wife and me & Park were no longer feeling to celebrate anything at all for the remainder of the day, giving us an sad mood after Woods told us about what happened. After some minutes spent outside the hangar, trying to get our minds cleared, we decided to return inisde but instead of pretending that we were still good and go back with the others, still talking to each other, we preferred to actually go directly in the dorm, wanting mostly to have an sleep for tomorrow's big operation we are going to make and it will not be easy.
All night, I've been trying to juggle in my brain to search an little 'something' that could maybe help to know more about who was this Naga, also named Kapano Vang. I did heard that name in the first memory when I remembered of Stitch and just before I break his arm but I couldn't find anything else important about him. Was my encounter with him along Perseus was the only time I actually met him ? Or is there anything I'm missing right now ? Only other things I had is the intels the others find on him, nothing else.
Next morning, we took time to prepare ourselves as we planned to leave the base in the beginning of the afternoon to join Rivas. Like she said, she left in the middle of the night to make an recon of the sector the ground team are going to land and continue their path by walk to get to Naga's HQ while neutralizing the enemies that will be on our way as me & Garrett will try to make an better recon of the sector by using an Laotian Huey before joining the others in an specific spot to regroup and to think.
"Yirina !" An male voice came behind me as I was putting my equipment on me : holstler for my M1911 at my waist, some first-aid kits on my vest and my knife at my right boot. I turned around to discover Garrett, already prepared.
"Yes ?" I said, wondering what he wanted before he handed to me, multiples knifes.
"You might want to use some throwing knifes." He proposed to me and I nodded, taking the small knifes in my hand and putting them on my vest at an free space for them. "Oh and I have something else." He added before he got from his back, another knife that was kinda special.
"What's this ?" I asked him, seeing an red button on the knife side.
"You remember that raid we made at our first mission against Stone ?" He gestured with his free hand, pointing at me & him. "When I killed that guy with an knife that got out of its base ?" He continued, having in me the picture of that moment.
"Oh yeah, I got it : that's an ballistic knife." I exclaimed, putting my eyes on it, still in his hands. "Uhm...how does it work ?" I demanded as I wasn't so familiar with that thing
"Pretty simple, you either press the trigger, operating on the lever or switch on the handle." He explained, showing me the knife in detail before I took it in my hands. "Don't worry, I'm sure that you will use it well."
"We'll see that." I whispered, smiling at him as I strapped the ballistic knife at my belt. "Am I the only one who got that ?" I questioned him
"No, I gave one to Park and I didn't forget Song too." He replied, looking around as Park & Song were talking to each other and their looks were on us. "I can say that you got luck to be with Park, Yirina." He told me silently as I was still looking at Park with great eyes.
"Thanks." I smiled at him, blushing an little about talking about it to him. "Can say the same with you & Song."
"Thank you too." He did the same thing as me while I was quite impressed to see his gratitude towards me, he's an great friend. "Anyway, you're ready about our part ?" He asked me, mentioning the recon we will have later.
"Yes, just fearing that something will not go as planned." I expressed my doubts about it but it was very minimal to say.
"I know, there's always something that aren't going as planned in every mission." He exclaimed, taking an breath as he was looking outside towards the Huey we're going to use. "Trust me, things will go fine."
"I'm trusting you." I affirmed, putting my hand on his shoulder, thanking him to be an nice friend.
"Thanks again." He breathed before he look at my desk, seeing my guns. "I think it's time that we move on, looks like Woods is awaiting for us." He pointed outside, his eyes on Woods talking with Wolf next to the helicopter.
"Good, go there, I will be there in no-time." I grinned at him before he decide to collect his last piece of equipment on his own desk while I was taking in hands my guns, putting my M1911 in my holstler and taking my MP5 and then, I was on my way to join the others near the chopper, everyone was there...except Mason who already left the base last day.
"Looks like everyone is here." Woods spoke up, seeing me arrive near the group, holding his XM4 with his right hand.
"Any news of Rivas's team ?" Song asked to him directly.
"Last checkup with them was minutes ago, everything is all good on their side." Wolf replied, crossing his arms after he put his 'Death Machine' in the helicopter. "They're going to do one before we arrive near the LZ." He continued, his eyes on Song.
"Everyone has everything they need ?" Sims interjected, already settled at his place inside the helicopter. "Because we're not going to come back until we're done with Naga and saved Adler." He confirmed to us as our mission is going to be very long in the Laotian jungles.
"Well, we're going to make this quick then." Garrett scoffed, finally moving to get at his seat before the others start to join him.
"Woods, tell me that I ain't going to fly that thing again." I called Woods out about that before he shook his head.
"No, I'll be flying that thing first but when you & Garrett will be making that advanced recon in it, it will be the co-pilot that will take the commands." He reassured me, putting his hand on my shoulder, it was true that putting me in controls last day did almost freak me out. "Before we go, I need to know something." He added, taking me apart an few meters from the helicopter, his hand still on me. "No one is aware for Mason's true departure ?" He demanded.
"No, me & Park didn't tell anything." I replied, sure of my words as only Sims & Wolf got worried about it but of course, we hold our promises to Woods & we lied to them. "Don't worry, Woods, we'll tell nothing." I continued, nodding to him.
"Thanks." He breathed, removing his hands off me. "Let's go then, we have to save one of ours." He whispered, sounding very low as he was opening the pilot's door and me, going behind to sit next to Park.
After I was rightfully seated, Woods started the Huey engine and an few seconds later, we were taking off from the helipad, ready to fly above the jungles to join the supposed LZ that was very far from our location and also Rivas team to it. I can say that having her & her team to check things in advance will maybe help the ground team to not deal with too much Naga's soldiers along the way while me & Garrett will check their path in advance.
During the flight, I was pretty silent, checking up my guns in case with, of course, the safeties on on them, not wanting to fire an bullet in that thing like that and also, the ballistic knife that Garrett gave me. Song & Park did also have the same as he claimed to me, put to differents places of their outfits. Sims was, him, really nervous right now, holding his M60 and his eyes focused on the outside view.
"Thinkful, Sims ?" I demanded to him as I was seated just next to him at my right after I finished to take an look to my knife, putting it back at my boot.
"Uhm ?" He chuckled, surprised to hear me talk to him.
"I said that you were thinkful ?" I repeated my question.
"Oh...uhm, yeah, I am." He replied, sounding very low and I was almost not able to hear it because of the loud noises of the rotor blades. "Just thinking that it's like in the old times." He added, making an little laugh about it.
"You & me are making an hell of an team, remember ?" I joked around as it was something I heard from Adler in an fake memory...'Fracture Jaw'....why I am laughing about this ?...
"Welcome to 'Nam." He exclaimed to me, showing me his M60 in hands until we start to hear some gunshots through the headsets we were wearing, that wasn't something shooting at us, it was the main radio.
"Shit, Rivas." Wolf said, taking the radio in hands to activate fully.
"Mission is FUBAR !" We could hear Rivas's voice very loudly from the radio and by the sound of it, her & her team were in big trouble. "We need immediate reinforcements, falling back to the LZ !" She continued in her message as I was trying to look outside to check if we were soon arrived.
"Hold on, Rivas, we are inbound !" Wolf confirmed to her, meaning that we were close of the LZ before he peaked his head between Woods & the co-pilot. "Get us on the ground, now !"
"Copy that, hang on !" Woods ordered to us before brutally turning the Huey completely and hopefully that we were attached to our seats because I wouldn't like to bump into someone or worse, been ejected from the helicopter.
"Be more brutal next time and no one will be behind." Song scoffed to Woods as she was just near the outside before verifying her M16. It's true that everyone went almost out.
"It was like that before ?" Garrett asked to Sims who shook his head.
"Nope, sir." He responded in an half-serious voice as the chopper was approaching some ruins that was in the middle of the jungle with no trees around, like an small plain.
"I have your visual, LZ is hot !" Rivas voice came again through the radio as I could see in the outside, seeing an warzone going on in those ruins. "Light them up !" She shouted before the radio went off.
"Damnit, goddamn Laos." Woods breathed as he was starting to land the plane on the same ruins we saw from afar. "It's go time, Wolf, get on the gun !" He ordered as Wolf took his 'Death Machine' in hands from the chopper ground "Okay, jump off !" Woods added before he finally land the chopper on the ground.
At his order, we all jumped in an second, Wolf opening the lead with his minigun to fire at everything that was in front of us as the others were quickly moving into cover to escape the multiples bullets that were coming towards through the few soldiers that was making an resistance against us while Wolf was spreading an lot of bullets with his precious 'Death Machine' in hands.
I fired some bullets from my cover with my MP5, hitting some of the lucky guys that managed to escape Wolf's minigun and to say, I was surprised that Rivas was only with an few soldiers on her own as I remember that there were more people with her, meaning that something went very wrong in here, seeing some bodies near us that was dressed up in standard american gear...something was off here.
After an few moments, the fight finally stopped between us, only hearing the wind around us. I only used an mag from my MP5, wanting to get the necessary for the next fights and as I was checking it, Woods finally got out of the chopper with his XM4 in hands, having exchanged places with the co-pilot that was now the pilot.
"Rivas, where's the others ?" Woods asked, looking at her direction.
"We were ambushed, they knew we were coming !" She responded, holding something that was looking like an crossbow in her left hand and pointing to an dirt path leading inside an forest. "Camp is a few clicks east." She added.
"Fuck, we can't abort or Adler is good as dead." Wolf expressed, sounding very serious, walking next to Sims. "Even if they're making an hard fight to us, we can't back down." He continued as it was true since yesterday, Naga wouldn't employ that if Adler wasn't in the region.
"Adler is one tought son of a bitch." Woods exclaimed, looking at the dirt path. "But everyone has an breaking point !" He then looked at me & Garrett. "You two, return back inside and do your recon, you will give us an update once you finished." He ordered and we nodded to him as we start to walk inside the chopper as the pilot was starting the engine again.
"Yirina !" I was called out once I was inside and when I turned my back, I could see Park arriving with Song behind her. "Watch out, okay ?" She demanded.
"I will be, don't worry." I affirmed to her as she was removing her bandana that was covering her mouth, making me move slowly towards her. "I'll be fine." I continued before we pulled in for an quick kiss as Song & Garrett were doing the same.
"Oh my god !" Woods chuckled the only two couple in here, kissing. "Time is wasting, kids." He expressed in an lazy voice before he rolled his eyes.
"See you later." Park whispered to me before she winked at me, putting her black bandana on and I winked back in return.
"Let's move !" Rivas told everyone that was not in the chopper and then, the ground team start to move away from the ruins, leaving us with the pilot.
"Okay, you two." The pilot started, looking at us. "I will be flying above the place marked on that map but it will be an straight flight so make sure to spot things quickly because we're supposed to be an simple Laotian Air Force Huey, understand ?" He explained to us.
"We're good." Garrett answered as he was sitting back at his seat, not attaching himself like me.
"Then, let's go." The pilot said as he was starting to take off the ruins, ready for our recon above the outposts Naga is using in the region.
We flied straight to get ahead of the ground team and like the pilot said, our flight couldn't be suspiscious from Naga's men, meaning that we are going to act like if we were only members of the Laotian Air Force. As it was going to be quick, me & Garrett positioned ourselves at each part of the transport bay to have an better view on each side, having an map in our hands as we were given an replicate from the original one and some binoculars.
For the 15 next minutes, we only flied above two Naga's outposts on the way to his HQ, discovering that they were small and its mens were basically not fitted to be normal Perseus soldiers, mostly members of Naga's cartel but after passing these two outposts, we couldn't go too far as we were at the limits of getting next to Naga's HQ that was filled with AA guns and we weren't going to take an risk.
"Time to head back to drop you two at a strategic location." The pilot told us as we were checking the map, meaning that it was the end of our recon and that we will have to get our feets back on the ground.
"Where do you think we could go ?" I asked to Garrett as we were getting back at our seats
"I don't know, maybe somewhere between the two outposts." He replied, his hands on his map to see where we could land in safety. "There is the safe point we will join the others." He pointed at his map to me where an red marked square was drawed, something I didn't have on mine. "It's at least 5 minutes from...." He was going to finish until we start to hear some ringing like an alert. "What's happening ?" Garrett demanded to the pilot.
"Shit, we've got locked in !" He responded, panicked. "Strap yourselves, I will try to evade them." He exclaimed as he start to make some manoeuvers while us were strapping to our seats, trying to check outside. "Using the countermeasures." The pilot actioned something on the controls panels as an lot of flares were dropped behind the helicopter.
"Damnit, those fuckers are using guided launchers !" Garrett said, peaking his head to look outside. "Fuck, RPGs !" He exclaimed....but it was too late for the pilot to avoid an rocket to hit the tail of the Huey.
"We're going down !" The pilot shouted, trying to take back the controls but it was useless as the Huey was going down and then....it was all black....
I heard an loud crash in my head, trying that it was done until I start to slowly reopen my eyes, figuring out where we just crashed....just on an cliffside. I looked at Garrett who was looking wounded and the pilot....shit, he was dead, having almost gone through the windshield of the helicopter. Me, I was still strapped to my seat, having my head that was hurting me an little, despite the crash.
"Shit....the pilot's dead." I whispered in an low voice before I look at Garrett. "Garrett ?"
"Aaah....my legs..." He was sounding in pain, trying to hold his lap and when I look at his knee, they were badly hit, he wasn't strapped to his seat. "I can't feel them." He added.
"Fuck." I exclaimed, directly starting to detach myself from my seat to move to get to him but then, the helicopter start to move on its side, causing Garrett to move away from his seat and going out. "Garrett !" I managed to grab his hand but my moves caused me to also fall from the helicopter, finding me to hold Garrett with one hand at a least 100 m of the ground while the other hand was grabbing one of the helicopter skid.
"Damnit, shit !" Garrett said, trying to move his other hand to join my hand that was holding him.
"I've got you !" I told him, trying to move him to get on the same levek but...each time I was trying that, the helicopter was moving itself slowly towards the fall down the cliffside.
"This chopper is going to kill us if we move too much." Garrett expressed, looking above him, the crashed choppter. "Fuck....fuck...." He cursed, still moving his other hand to get to me while me were trying to move him to get his hands on the skid but the helicopter was still moving. "Yirina..." He closed his eyes for an second. "You...you have to let me go." He demanded, shocking me at my high level.
"No, I can...I can do this !" I protested against him but he shook his head.
"It's too late, we're going to die before you can do this." He affirmed but I didn't want to believe him, trying to move him. "I can't move my legs and....shit...I will not make it."
"No, please..."
"Yirina...tell Song...I loved her so much." He cut me straight and he was starting to make my eyes cry, still holding his hand firmly.
"No....no." I pleaded, my voice really cracking at this point until he closed his eyes for an second, before reopening them.
"Take care of Park !" He whispered before...he let his hand go away....
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO !" I screamed as I was seeing him fall to his death....unable to do an thing to save him....obliged to watch him die.
I...I wasn't able to save him and he accepted his death like that but I could have save him but there were nothing I could do for that. I was so sad and bad at the same time until I resigned myself to get my both hands back on the skid to use it to get back inside the crashed helicopter and quickly jumped off again until it finally fall from the cliff, finding myself on the ground, trying to figure out what I can do now.
"Hands up !" Someone shouted in front of me, discovering two armed mans slowly advancing towards with AK-47 in hands, it was Naga's cartel members, not even fully protected. "Come on, hands up, american !" He spoke up again, staying at that position with his friend as I slowly got up, feeling the rage inside of me growing up.
"Come on...american...put your hands up !" The other soldier demanded, sounding panicking as he was seeing my face going in full anger as I was finally up, head down and breathing loudly until I closed my eyes, thinking that my rage is taking over me. I then opened my eyes, ready....
"AAAAAAAAAH !" I screamed all my rage and so loudly that birds were scared and it could have been an scream that everyone around at 1 km could hear, my rage was posseding me and I couldn't back down and I wasn't going to do this.
In an second, I got my hand behind me to grab an throwing knife to quickly launch it on the second terrified guy, hitting right into the head. The two were really scared of me, seeing them trembling like a leaf...and I was going to unleash hell on them. At the moment he saw his friend going down by my knife that the first soldier who talked, dropped his gun to the ground, breathing anormally and trying to get back from me...the death that was coming to get him, getting my knife off my boot.
"You son of a bitch !" I shouted to that guy as he was stopped by an tree behind him, no way to escape and then, I put my left hand around his neck while having the knife in the other. "You see how it fucking feel to lose an friend ?" I exclaimed before I start to brutally stab the man in the chest. "You...see how it feels ?" I repeated at each stabbing of that guy as the blood was coming in my hands and clothes until the guy wasn't breathing anymore, stabbed to death by me before I let him go, throwing him on the ground as he was nothing to me.
"Are you here ?" I could hear the dead man radio going on, recognizing the voice on it....
"Naga !" I whispered in an low voice, starting to get the radio in hand.
"Did you check the wreckage of the helicopter ?" He demanded to his guys that were now dead with me still listening to him. "I repeat, is there any survivors to deal with ?" He repeated in an worried voice until I got the radio closer to my mouth, ready to get him aware.....
"I'm coming to get you, Naga !"
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Pic number 2 yaaaaaay! I'm weird.
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Mini Stories - Heart of Snow
Ale was sitting within her garden behind her home. In her hands, she held a carved flute, shaped like a wolf. Her fingers traced over the carved runes and greater design details. Eventually she began to play the flute a bit unsurely, having never played one before. Little did she know about the surprise visit from her son. The notes being too high pitched for her to have heard him for once. Death certainly heard her playing of the flute though. Cringing before quickly composing himself he hurried out to see what Ale was doing. Naturally she jumped as he touched her shoulder.
"Aah ah! Oh....Oooh goodness...Atan you startled me."
"I noticed, sorry Ceise. But I just had to stop whatever that noise was." Death admitted in a joking tone.
Ale smacked him lightly after she stood up, "Oh hush, as if I couldn't figure it out."
"I'm just teasing, I know you're trying Ceise. Even so, those notes were sharp enough to shatter glass." He told her with a chuckle before muttering, "And maybe a few eardrums."
"What was that?" Ale quickly asked, the vines around her wrists prepping themselves behind Death's head.
"Nevermind." Death said before getting smacked on the back of the head by one of the vines.
"Uh huh sure."
Death groaned, "Again I'm joking. You know me Mother, I'm sarcastic by default."
Ale shook her head in skepticism as she brushed by the living room table. A piece of parchment then flew from off the table, only for Death to quickly catch it. He took a brief glance at it in curiosity before deciding it probably wasn't his business anyway. He then placed it down on the table where it had been as Ale put away the flute for the time being.
Death kinda felt bad so he spoke up, "I really was just joking."
"I know you were, just putting the flute away for now."
"It wouldn't have anything to do with me would it?" Death inquired a bit nervously rubbing his neck.
"Oh no. Just figure you're visiting for more than joking around."
"I actually came by to ask for another cloak for War. Torn up overtime as per usual." Death explained.
"Ah, well you needn't worry about that. I actually suspected he'd need another soon. I'll go fetch it."
Death sat back in a chair as she walked upstairs, waiting patiently. He wondered to himself for a bit before the door was knocked upon. Ale hollered for Death to answer it, so he went to do so. Opening the door he was met with a sight that nearly made him jump. A male Lepus much taller than both him and Ale, and pale as the snow of his mountain home. His entire body covered in various cybernetics, including his blood red eyes. His pupils working like a camera apeture as he blinked normally. A truly unnatural and uncanny sight to behold for anyone who didn't know him. And for those who did know him, like Death, he was just offputting in general. The man ducked his head down as he entered, being too tall for the doorway otherwise. At least the rest of the house still fit his stature. Slowly Death closed the door and finally greeted the guest, "Gran Ceiser."
"Gran Atan. Where is your Ceise by chance?" The man answered him in a cold, almost emotionless tone. His Russian accent not helping matters.
"She's upstairs, and should be down shortly. Although, what brings you this far from Russia? Aside from visiting?" Death inquired trying to hide the tension he felt whilst gazing at the near robot of a man.
"Nothing beyond visiting for once." He responded before glancing at the parchment on the table. Though he did not disturb it, his eyes narrowed with a camera like click as he groaned softly, "And perhaps a...discussion or two."
"All in due time...Llildan." Ale responded halfway down the steps.
Llildan's eyes widened with another click as she handed the finished cloak off to Death. Death in turn asked her, "Should I perhaps come another time?"
Llildan raised one his metallic hands in a subtle dismissal, "I believe you can handle a family discussion boy. You're an adult are you not?"
Death couldn't help but feel a slight intimidation from him as he replied, "Maybe so, but I've seen how your 'discussions' can get."
"Hmph. Then leave us to speak alone if you so wish. I'm sure your Ceise can handle herself just as she always has." Llildan expressed nonchalantly.
Death felt the guilt punch him in the gut, alongside an urge to bolt. While Llildan was never violent towards family, or even abusive, Death was still a bit unsure. He looked to Ale, who nodded to him, "I'll be fine Atan, I always am. You know it never goes too far."
"Too far can mean many things to a Russian, but so be it Ceise." Death told her before leaving the house. He was very much relieved to be avoiding another argument, having sensed the tension as easily as one burns themselves on an open flame. Part of him wanted to leave the village and return another time, but he ultimately chose to instead head to it's outskirts. Wherein his cabin that Ale had built for him was. Once inside it he took the time to settle down, reading to try and get his mind of the matter.
Meanwhile Llildan inquired of Ale, "Getting more letters from him I see?"
"Of course I am, I adore each one he sends. What of them?"
"I still do not like him." Llildan responded simply.
"Only because he doesn't tolerate your bullying of him, and that he can escape your wrath with ease."
Llildan's left ear perked a bit while his right ear, or the half of it that remained jerked slightly, "Yes it is quite FRUSTRATING that the little cyka always escapes me. But I do not bully him so much as I test him."
"TEST HIM? You call insulting him a test? Arguing with me in front of him a test?!" Ale asked offended.
Llildan raised his hand again, "Enough Ale."
"No Father, I won't stand for it. Leave Erik alone already. Sure he's not seen me and I've not seen him in.......a very...long time. But I still care for him, and he cares for me. Just read the letter he sent!"
Llildan only shook his head, "I have Ale, and I fear they may not be coming from him."
Llildan's entire body clicked and creaked as he shook with rage, "It is YOU who knows nothing child! Losing your Mother DESTROYED ME! I DIED WHEN SHE DID!"
Ale jumped a bit but held her ground, "Mother's death helped yes, but it wasn't what destroyed you. You did that to yourself."
Llildan and Ale only continued arguing from there, going from English to Russian in the process. It only finally ended with a slammed door and Ale sitting down in emotional exhaustion. Only then did Death finally decide to return, even if he wasn't sure if Llildan was still there. Luckily for him, his Grandfather had left already. Death chose to sit beside his Mother to help comfort her. Knowing Llildan and her fight pretty hard with each other, and even that was an understatement in Death's mind. He could only hope that eventually his Mother and Grandfather would eventually see eye to eye on more than just the bare minimum.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'One bullet' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
'One bullet'
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"Sometimes, I just want to be in an peaceful place with only you and no more work to stress us for good !"
Chapter Summary : After having an talk with Lazar's vision, Yirina is finally feeling determined to avenge her fallen friend and face Naga.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3600
Lazar...He is far more different than Adler and when I saw him even if it was only an vision, I know that I could have an better talk with him, knowing that his words towards me will bring me some kind of hope I'm trying to find in myself since the crash, something that's giving an chance to give Garrett the retribution to kill every man serving under Naga's cartel and every Perseus soldier also protecting him. Our discussion couldn't last too many time and it was in an bit of sadness to see Lazar vanish in front of my eyes before I could reconcentrate myself.
Before actually leaving the place to get myself deeper in the jungle, I have to check the map to see where the house was and what direction I needed to take to get to Naga's HQ without trying to make too much noises along the way as we were close to Naga and I was alone without any means to contact the others. With that in mind and after finishing to check the map, I was in my way to get to Naga's HQ, ready to find Adler & avenge Garrett above all, it has to be done.
During my walk through the jungle on an little dirt path that was indicated on the map, I was wondering if the radio I stoled from the first patrol that wanted to check the crash, was going to emit at one moment, been shut down since I taunted Naga himself over it in an moment of rage. I have maybe blow out an chance to know more about what are Naga's moves in the area but I will now know as I was arriving next to his HQ.
"Shit, an sniper's nest." I whispered to myself as I was arriving at the end of the dirt path, marked on the map that was actually leading to an little place guarded by an sniper. "Gotta use my knife." I took out my knife of my boot, slowly advancing to get behind the guy and then, I moved to stab right in the neck side, getting my left hand on his mouth.
"Mmfff..." His voice was hopefully muffled by my hand, avoiding him to scream and to reveal to his friends that someone was getting killed. When his body went limp, I quickly get on the ground before getting to cover.
This little nest based on an little hill for that guy was in fact, overlooking the entrance of Naga's HQ and finally able to discover more about who was awaiting me & the others. Now, it was mostly Perseus soldiers that we were going to face, meaning that it was this place Adler was to be. But with those new pieces of informations, I couldn't risk to make an solo attack on that place. Even filled with rage, it's suicide to do this. I have to wait the others but when they will be here ?
"Patrol, it's been an hour that your radio went off." An voice said through the stolen radio I had with me, breaking the long silence from it and this voice...it was Naga. "Patrol, did you check if any survivors was there at the crash ?" He demanded again, apparently forgetting that someone else did respond to him an hour earlier.
"No one survived." I started, speaking at the dead guys place, making my voice clear to him while I was staying out of sight of the entrance. "Your guys are dead, Naga." I added.
"Who is this ?" He asked, sounding confused to hear an stranger's voice, he must have forgetten my taunt.
"Someone that you pissed off too much." I replied, my eyes focused on the dirth path I arrived in.
"Ah, you must be one of the survivors of that crash." He said, sounding like he had an revelation in his head. "How was that little fall ? We didn't see too much from my camp." He scoffed and I wasn't laughing at all, nothing came out of my mouth.
"I lost an friend." I breathed, blinking with my eyes, seeing that scene again. "Do you think it's funny ?" I questioned in an serious voice.
"In fact, it's not everyday that you brought down an Huey." He told me as I quickly look towards the base entrance, trying to find if the others were there.
"You always has been like that, Naga ?" I asked him rhetorically, remembering the memory I had when I met the guy. "Without an heart ? Merciless ? Brutal ?"
"Been an warlord isn't an line of work to have emotions." He decided to give me an answer anyway. "You know, I think you're all coming from your CIA friend....Russell Adler, I believe." He continued, almost sounding funny in his voice. "I'm afraid that...you are too late."
"Meaning ?" I whispered.
"Well, you have to come to my base to see." He replied, his voice clearly saying that my attempt to know more was useless "There's something that is maybe interesting you here....an little smell from the past." He joked at the end, hearing an laugh through the radio. Why is he telling me all of this ? Do he know that I was alone ?
"You're out of your mind." I said, giving my thoughts on that man, honestly.
"Wait !" He called me an bit loud, sounding to have something in his mind. "Your voice, it's sounding...familiar." He added before hearing him sort of getting up from an chair. "Ah...so, you're our Yirina Grigoriev but I think that people around you is calling you 'Bell', is that correct ?" He demanded, knowing that he was talking to 'Bell'
"That is correct." I responded, 'Bell' is the one talking right now. "Naga, you're going to release my friend or I will personally make sure that you and all your men will suffer." I threatened him in an dark voice, also giving me pain to still call Adler an friend.
"You aren't believing those words but it seems that Adler did really messed you up." He exclaimed, an noise of surprise in his voice.
"I don't know what you are talking about." I expressed, fainting to not know anything.
"Well, you will soon find out." He affirmed in an serious tone. "To make you know, you're the first person I will not personally have my hands around their necks." He admitted to me, making some noises through his radio. "You're our Queen of Hearts alongside the MI6 agent, Helen Park." I wasn't seeing him from my position but his words meaned that he was looking to the playing cards representing me & Park.
"To be captured alive." I whispered. "Yes, I saw them too." I continued, thinking that he was maybe looking surprised on his side.
"So, you learned that Perseus has ordered everyone to put their hands on you and that MI6 agent but instead, you decided to be on the field." He wondered to me
"Why we were going to hide ?" I demanded rhetorically. "I'm not intending to hide, Naga...I will find you and I will kill you." I confessed, putting all my fear in that threat to him.
"We'll see about this, you're probably still trying to find your way in here alone, it's going to be long." He said, not thinking at one second that I was having my eyes on his camp. "We'll be the firsts to capture you and before that, your friends will suffer another fate." He added. "Stitch will...."
"Sir !" Another voice came through his radio, cutting him and surprising me in place. "We spot the CIA strike team, they're almost at 200 m from the entrance." Those words caused me to quickly check the nest, finding some binoculars near the dead sniper before looking away from the entrance. They were all here : Park, Woods, Song, Sims, Wolf, Rivas along with others survivors from the latter team.
"Shit !" I muttered at their sight, mixed between been happy to see them after all these times but also because they were going into an trap.
"I'm sorry but I will be busy to cut the skins of your friends and hang them on the trees." Naga taunted me again. "Bye bye !" He added before the radio went off completely.
I couldn't stay useless here, only watching the others getting trapped by Naga's men at the entrance. Just after the radio went off, I could see that they were preparing to ambush the others, getting in cover and opening widely the gates that are leading inside the camp. I needed to do something and since I was in an sniper nest, I should prevent the others that they were walking straight into Naga's trap.
I quickly moved to grab the SVD Dragunov the dead sniper was using before getting in position, switching between looking at where Park and the team were walking and the entrance, trying to find if anyone was going to make an move and everyone was basically in their nerves about what will happen...including me. Everything can happen at the moment this ambush will occur but, it doesn't need to have an ambush....
With an thought crossing through my mind, I couldn't let the occasion for Perseus soldiers to attack first, meaning that I will attack first. I took an deep breath, staying steady to stabilize the Dragunov and then, I pulled the trigger. The first bullet I shot flied to hit an Perseus soldier that was hiding behind an wall with his friends and seeing him getting hit send an moment of panick in the soldiers. I took an few seconds to check Park and the team, seeing them running towards the entrance.
Once I was done, I resumed to fire with the Dragunov towards the numerous enemies that was keeping the entrance before the real gunfight began, starting the fight to get Naga for real. At my position, I was providing cover to the team below me but after an few moments, I saw through the scope of the sniper rifle that an RPG was aiming at my position and when I tried to shoot him, the sniper rifle ran out of bullets....shit !
It took me an second to react and the only thing I could do was to jump off from the sniper nest, not forgetting to grab my AK-47 to get down before the rocket hit my former position. I found myself to slide on the cliff, trying to not hurt myself before I was finally at the same level about the others, quickly moving to get to them in cover.
"Hey, Yirina !" Woods exclaimed, surprised to see me as I was now in cover with him, Park & Song while Sims, Wolf & Rivas were in another cover at a few meters from us with some of Rivas's men. "Shit, you've been through hell, it seems." He stated, looking at my clothes.
"I know." I whispered, after getting myself fully in cover next to him.
"Yiri, I'm been worried." Park said, going back into cover, her eyes true to her words.
"We've been trying to contact you but you weren't responding at all." Song expressed before firying some bullets from her XM4, killing some guys in the process. "What happened ?" She asked suddenly worried, returning in cover.
"Shit...I don't know but it seems that Naga was able to see through that our helicopter was something belonging to us." I replied, focused on also blasting with my gun to provide some cover to allow Sims, Wolf & Rivas to advance an little to another protection. "We've been hit by an RPG and we crashed....an hour ago." I added, closing my eyes after getting to cover again.
"And...and where's Garrett ?" Park questioned me and it caused me to look down, my eyes still closed.
"He...he's dead, Park." I responded, feeling the pain of telling them where's Garrett now and in an instant, I could see the pain on their faces, their eyes going wide and Song at the urge of crying while Park was speechless and in the same state as Song.
"It's...no....it can't be possible." Song breathed loudly after hearing me, getting her hands off her gun, dropping it on the ground.
"I'm sorry..." I told both in an very low voice.
"Damnit." Woods chuckled, mixed between shooting with his XM4 and listening to us, he was also feeling bad.
"He...." I stopped myself, starting to hear his voice again, telling me to kill Naga with the bullet I did make before leaving to get here and it was not by staying in that cover that I was going to do it. So, I reloaded my AK-47 and then, I suddenly jump out of cover, having spot during my suppressing fire an way to maybe get to Naga rapidly.
"Yirina !" I heard Park shout as I was running to get to the way I saw before : an entrance inside an house at the left of where Sims, Wolf & Rivas were located.
I passed in front of them before arriving into safety inside the house that was more looking an armory but I wasn't really in safety as there were an Perseus soldier in it, firying through an window. We both met eyes and I made the first move, literally throwing my own AK-47 to his face before starting to run over him to try to stab him but he managed to block my attempt with his right hand but since I wasn't able to stab, I took out my M1911 to shot at him in the chest two times before finishing him off with an bullet in the head.
At this moment, another door from the house at a few meters from me was force opened by an Perseus soldier, I tried to quickly shoot him but in fact, my M1911 was out of bullets, not having reload it after that attack that killed this 'Swift'. I was then going to throw an knife at him before someone fire multiples bullets in his direction, killing him and discovering Sims with his M60 in hands.
"For fuck sake, Yirina..." He said, putting himself in cover as I was moving to get to the broken door. "You almost got yourself killed."
"And ?" I asked him, grabbing back my AK-47 in hand that I threw to the first guy. "You're striking them from the front, I'm taking Naga." I explained to him.
"It's too risky, we need to...."
"Maybe but isn't our line of work ?" I cut him straight like that, blinded by my rage to finish off Naga. "He killed Garrett but I will be the one to kill."
"Yirina, I can't let you do this." He exclaimed, sounding sure of his words.
"He got Adler and you want me to let him live ?" I questioned him, finally moving to get in cover next to the broken door in case there were someone. "Don't follow me and don't try anything, Sims." I ordered before he resign himself to let me walk away as he was reloading his M60 before going out.
"Give me back Adler !" He screamed, along with his M60 as he was going out of his cover from the house, leaving me alone.
Surprisely, the little yard that was separing me from an sort of old temple was empty of enemies, maybe all focused to battle with the others, leaving me alone to get myself prepared to face Naga himself, maybe awaiting for his men to do the job for him but knowing Park and the others, he will wait very long and it's sure that he isn't going to wait long until I put the engraved bullet into his mad brain....for Garrett.
Despite facing no resistance from Perseus soldiers, I quickly move towards the yard to enter that old temple but it wasn't the main entrance of it and of course, I continued my advance inside of it, discovering an lot of gold bars stored here....like that. What all of these things are doing here ? I didn't let myself distracted until I arrived in an sort of main room with an sort of fountain in the middle but then....
"AAAAH !" A sort of war cry came inside the room, discovering Naga charging me with an knife, dressed in the same clothes that he was wearing in my memory. "Die !" He shouted again before I could avoid that strike from him.
"You're first !" I exclaimed towards him, taking out of my knife from my boot.
"Oh, here's our 'Winter Soldier'." Naga said, discovering me in person again, saying that stupid nickname linked to me. "I'm sorry to dissappoint you but your friend Adler...isn't here ! I can say that you & me, we're the same." He added as we both started to turn around each other, pointing to each other with our knife.
"So, it was an trap ?" I snorted.
"And of course, you all fall in it." He scoffed, sounding happy of having us in here. "You know what ? Enough of the talk and...fuck Perseus's orders." He looked at his knife before having his eyes hidden by his sunglasses looking at me. "I'm going to enjoy killing you slowly." He then start to attack first with his knife.
He directly tried to make an swing with his knife but I step back, avoiding the blade of it to touch me, not even making an cut through my clothes. However, he took the advantage that I wasn't attacking to charge me again, throwing himself against me and smashing my back against the stoned wall of the temple. He continued by kicking me in the chest with his knee before throwing me next to the fountain, still making sure that I wasn't going to make an move.
"Let's see how much time you will hold your breath." He taunted me before he grabbed my head to put it in the fountain, trying to drow me. I couldn't do an thing while he was having his left hand on my neck and the other controlling my hands, making me impossible to move before he removed my head from the fountain. "You know what ? Before killing you and after killing your friends, I will surely have an big taste on what's inside those clothes."
"Go fuck yourself !" I shouted, catching back my breath.
"Shut up, little slut !" He cursed, making my head going back inside that fountain but when he put my head inside, I could hear Garrett's voice again....'Kill him'....'Kill him'....and it did gave me more strenght as he pull me out of the water. "So, you're going be my favorite whore and all my men will certainely have an chance to see how much you'll begging before you plead me to end you." He scoffed, sounding certain to have win.
"In your fucking dreams !" I exclaimed, moving my legs to kick him in the waist, breaking his control over me and allowing me to grab back my knife that I dropped after he smashed me against the wall.
At this moment, I took the occasion that he was still trying to get up from my kicks that I approached him rapidly, making an single swing towards his left hand and I managed to cut off his left hand, making it drop in the ground before I start to punch Naga in the face multiples times as he was on the ground, breaking off his sunglasses, removing his green hood to discover his face and it didn't stop me to continue my moves.
I finally stopped to punch him, letting him to bleed, leaned against the fountain on the ground, breathing anormally after my numerous punches against him. Me, I was taking out the empty mag of my M1911 to insert the engraved bullet in it.
"You & I, we're not the same." I told him, inserting the bullet in the mag while looking at him, it was the words he used before our fight. "I'm not like you." I affirmed, loading the mag back into my M1911. "His name was Garrett Donovan." I added, aiming my gun towards Naga's badly hitten head.
"Yirina !" An male voice came in and I saw Woods with Park, Song & Sims. I wasn't paying attention at outside that the fighting was done. "Don't do it !" He ordered, making me look at him with an deadly glare.
"And why that ?" I demanded from him, my voice cracking. "He killed Garrett, why I would let him live ?" I said, looking at Park & Song that was still sad about that news, they were looking to be with me, wanting me to shoot that piece of shit on the ground.
"We got orders, Yirina." Sims called me out but I wasn't looking at him, focused on seeing Naga. "He might be useful for us to have intels of where's Adler ?" He added, trying to convince me of that.
"And you really think that his fucking shithead will help us ?" I shouted, angry.
"Yirina, if you shoot, we will have no chances." Woods joined Sims in his argument as Park & Song were staying silent, feeling that they wanted to shoot Naga too, hoping to have me do it. "Please, lower the gun." He suggested again, slowly approaching me to grab my gun away from me.
"I...I..." I started, getting confused inside of me about shooting him or not but I had to shoot him...for Garrett. "AAAH....Fuck !" I screamed, angrily lowering my gun, realizing that I wasn't going to shot Naga like when I wasn't able to shot Adler's vision. I couldn't look anyone in the eyes as I was having some tears coming from mine, starting to walk towards the path I came in here.....
"Leave me....I just need to be alone....I fucked up, Garrett !"
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Back on it' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"Back on it"
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"Sometimes, I'm feeling so free, forgetting about the big problems I have in my life because you're there for me and I just want to enjoy those rare moments with you."
Chapter Summary : After paying her respects to Lazar, Yirina is finally going to Laos with Park to join Woods team to work against Naga.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3500
I didn't know of what Park was planning but she did right today, she managed to give me an moment to finally pay my respects to Lazar himself at Tel Aviv, his homeplace. Even if I still feel that guilty in me of that particular day for what happened, I still remember the positivity of Lazar's behavior that he was showing to me, he was really my brother....it's been 3 years since he's gone but he is never forgetten by me & Park. I wished things to be differents but it happened sadly. I hope that he found better peace at where is he now....He can't be forgotten !
It was hard for me to leave the cemetery and it was the same thing for Park too but we finally managed to get out, still having tears on our faces as we were going back into the plane that was awaiting for us, ready to fly away from the city to get to our destination : Vientane in Laos. Since we left Tel Aviv at nearly 10 AM, we should arrive in the Laotian capital after midnight. I didn't sleep too much on the flight, mostly checking up my diary and everything I did write for almost 2 months and also writing down that memory about meeting up with Naga.
Like I thought, we arrived at Vientane after midnight at 1 AM and to say, we were an bit tired of the flight as we didn't take an nap for the large part of it, hoping that we could get to the place Woods is awaiting for us. Me & Park were surprised to discover that Garrett was awaiting for us at the airport, asking if we did have an good flight and how I was feeling after what I did. We did answer his questions before we could leave the airport, our equipment with us to the direction of Woods's team safehouse.
"Wait, where's the safehouse ?" I was asking that question to Garrett who was driving, Park on the front passenger seat and me on the backseats as I could see that we were getting out of the city limits, 5 minutes after we left the airport.
"Yes, where it is ?" Park added as she didn't know like me.
"Okay, you're ready to hear this ?" Garrett started, his eyes quickly looking at us before getting them back on the road in front of him. "Let's just that the CIA managed to reuse an old Laotian Air Force base for them." He replied, making my eyes go wide...how did they succeed ?
"Are you kidding ?" Park raised an eyebrow to him.
"Not at all !" Garrett scoffed, removing his right hand from the steering wheel for an few seconds to strectch his fingers.
"But the governement is communist !" I exclaimed, having some history knowledge about the country in my head. "They will found out that the CIA is here."
"Maybe, the CIA is bribing the governement to keep their eyes shut." Garrett said, his right hand passing through his lips before putting it back on the wheel. "Since Naga is hiding in the jungle, having an old base at our disposal is helping us." He then looked through the mirror to me. "I heard that Woods briefed you an little on that."
"He didn't tell much about it." Park told him, looking outside in the darkness of the night as we were leaving the Laotian countryside to enter its jungle "He said that he will make an full briefing for us tomorrow."
"He's right since everyone is exhausted after today." He stated to us. "We had an mission today and it was very long." He looked at an roadsign outside before he take an turn to the right on an dirt path. "We shouldn't too far from the base now." He added before he start to make some signal with the car lights, shutting it down and lighting them up in an quick succession.
"What's that for ?" I demanded, pretty curious.
"Signal code to say that we're friendly." He responded as from afar we could see the entrance of the base that was looking pretty old and its gates opened. "It's the best way to make sure that we aren't greeted by bullets."
"Because they're shooting at sight ?" Park asked to him, an bit confused.
"Why they wouldn't be ? They want to keep their presence an secret and no one want to have problems here with the local authorities." Garrett expressed, nervous about thinking about it, that could be heard in his voice and his face. "And also because it's the CIA." He continued as he was parking the car in an parking space, filled with military trucks. This base was guarded like an normal one with military personal on watchtowers and guards patrolling around.
"Yeah...because it's the CIA !" I thought to myself, saying it in an very low voice, knowing well of the CIA's bad business...well, everyone in his car know about it. "This place is looking well to not be old." I proclaimed, looking outside to see the base that was in an good shape.
"Of course, they renovated the place down." Garrett breathed before he got out of the car with us too. "They even decide to use some Huey helicopters." He pointed to us in an direction, discovering some helicopters that were checked up by crews.
"Looks like some people here wanted to relive the Vietnam War." I spoke up, seeing those helicopters, having flied in some of them...in my fake memories of course and I'm sure that we will have to use them in the future. I was thinking of it as we were unloading our own bags from the car trunk.
"Some of them are from the US reserves and two of them are belonging to the Lao People's Liberation Army Air Force." Garrett told us, helping us to get our bags out of the car. "We can thanks the CIA's bribes to the governement." He sighed in relief before he closed the trunk. "Okay, let's go join the team." He started to move away from the car as me & Park follow him inside the main building of the whole place that was looking like an big hangar.
"Here you are, you two !" An strong male voice said as we were entering the hangar with our bags in hands, it was Woods himself dressed in civilians clothes coming towards us. "Welcome to Laos." He offered his hand to me & Park and we shook hands with him separetely, getting our bags on the ground.
"You did miss us, it seems." I scoffed in an funny voice and Woods rolled his eyes around.
"Both of you ? Well...yes." He admitted, sounding not sure. "Before we start...."
"Yes, we know the warning, Woods." Park stopped him as she knew of what he was going to talk along with me...don't be too public, girls !....."It's good to see you too."
"Fine, since you know that....It's still for you too, Garrett." Woods continued to his statement, pointing at Garrett.
"I know but Song is been away with Sims, Mason and an small part of your guys in the jungle." Garrett expressed to him and me & Park were pretty curious and he could see it on our faces. "Woods send them for recon, should be back in the afternoon today." He added, giving us details about it...until I saw from afar, Hudson himself, arms crossed and leaned against an wall, looking at us, me especially, he wasn't willing to get to us to say something...he's kinda creepy....must not look at him, now...
"They should come back here with intels about where this little drug warlord is hiding inside the jungles." Woods stated, crossing his arms to look to, what I suppose to be his desk as he walk to it. "But there's something you two should see." He sniffed as he was taking in his hands two playing cards before getting back to us. "You need to watch your back." He told us, handing the first card to Park
"What the fuck ?" Park started, looking at the playing car that she was given : an picture of her on it, she was the Queen of Hearts. "Helen Park : To be captured alive !" She repeated, seeing the inscription on the photo.
"You're not the only exception, this is your playing card, Yirina." Woods gave me the other cards and I could see that I was also the Queen of Hearts alongside Park.
"Yirina / Bell : To be captured alive !" I whispered with the same inscription Park had on her cards. Now the whole Perseus Collective know that I'm alive and well. "Where did you find them ?" I demanded to Woods.
"From the Perseus agent that allowed us to know about Naga." He replied, leaning against his desk behind him. "The same thing like Adler, you became Perseus targets." He added.
"Yes but you know well that we ain't going to hide." I spoke up, giving my thoughts to Woods about it. "And besides, they think that I'm 'Bell'." I continued, seeing this name alongside my real name even if it was troubling me to be honest. "Damnit." I sighed, pulling the card in my jacket.
"Seems that someone needs some Bourbon !" Another voice came in and when I look around, I could discover an old face I didn't see for an month..
"Wolf ?" I breathed, amazed to see him here.
"I heard that you worked with Wolf an month ago in the New Orleans and Sims asked for him to come so I agreed." Woods explained as we were shaking hands with Wolf, he didn't change in an month to say.
"It's good to see the two of you here." Wolf said with an smile to me & Park before he look at Woods. "Any news from the recon team ?"
"No, we should have informations about them in the morning." Woods responded before he removed himself from his desk. "Anyway, you might want to take an look around." He suggested to us as we just arrived and we nodded.
Once we nodded, Woods took us for an little tour around the place and also outside, presenting the base like if he did live there, he did also gave an workplace near Garrett's desk and we learned that we were going to sleep in an dorm with everyone....great ! All of that while been watched by Hudson himself, still at his same spot, looking at us with his eyes hidden by his usual sunglasses, he's looking like Adler in my first days in that safehouse 3 years ago.
When the whole presentation 'à la Woods' was finished, we got our gear out of our bags and put at our personal workplace with Park until it was time for everyone to go take an nap but not for me as I wanted to do something before actually going to sleep. So, as Park & the other were going to sleep, having an little kiss from her before she left for the dorm, I decided to go see Garrett that was the only one with me to not go directly to sleep.
"Garrett ?" I started in an low voice, walking towards his desk with joined hands. "Is there any secured lines here, I would like to make an call." I explained to him.
"Oh, an call ?" He whispered, getting up from his chair. "Yeah, sure, follow me." He gestured as I follow him behind and then, we arrived in a another room where there were some phones on an table. "Who do you want to call ?"
"Zasha !" I replied, getting myself near an phone.
"Good...well, I will leave you to it then, Yirina." Garrett smiled at me and it was reciprocal until he left the room, not closing the door behind him as I start to dial Zasha's number from their office in Century House. It's one of the numerous things I have noted in my diary, not wanting to forget about it....one ring.....
"Zasha Smirnov !" I could hear their voice in an rapid moment, having heard only one ring, meaning that they were near the phone at their office.
"How's my best friend at work ?" I said in an good mood, trying to think positively. Because of timezones, it was only the beginning of the evening in London.
"Oh, Yirina !" They exclaimed, sounding happy that I called. "I'm so happy that you're calling, you arrived in Laos ?" They demanded.
"Yes, it's almost 2 AM in here, what about you ?" I responded, checking if no one was coming in in case.
"Almost 8 PM, I was going to join Portnova at her place of work." They replied, making me smile, knowing that today was the first day of job as an maths teacher in the University of London. "Hopefully, your call was well made because I was ready to leave." They stated.
"Well, guess that I'm lucky !" I said before I make an little laugh and they did the same too. "How's work, Zed ?"
"Honestly, it's perfect, very nice." They answered, hearing them having an breath and sounding very good. "The people I'm working for are very nice." They added, sure of their words.
"That's the main thing, I knew that you will like the MI6." I stated to them.
"Hey, today, they brought me to play an little game during an break." They told me, getting my attention on it and removing my eyes from the door.
"Really ? Explain." I said, very curious.
"They called it 'Bullshit'." They started, narrowing my eyes as I thought that they were insulting me before realizing that was the name of the game. "It's hard to explain but I will try : we're playing with an deck of 52 and we had to get rid of the cards that we were given" They breathed as I heard it before they continue. "You have to play cards in an order but if you don't have it, you have to lie but if you get caught lying, you're taking the pile and if you're thought that someone was lying didn't cheat, you take the pile."
"That's sounds an great game to say." I exclaimed, sounding happy that Zasha was able to have an good animosity with their new friends at the MI6.
"At first, I thought I was so bad at it but then, it worked and I won by an lot." They admitted to me, laughing about it. "The others were either focused on calling out the others instead of me."
"Now, you got very lucky !" I scoffed, making them laugh through the phone.
"I have an lot of fun to be real, it's wonderful." They told me. "It's sure that me & you are going to make an game."
"Count on me & Park !" I affirmed to them, raising my index finger.
"By the way, me & Portnova are....well, we're organizing an little private wedding party to celebrate our union and you & Park are invited." They revealed to me, making my eyes goes wide.
"Really ? I....Zasha, it's amazing." I was in an loss of words, feeling the happiness in me about hearing that idea from them. "When it will be ?"
"Since you're in Laos for undetermined time, it will be the 4th of June." They responded and I nodded to myself before I look around....to see Hudson standing at the door and looking at me.
"Okay, Zed, I will be there, don't worry." I smiled before Hudson creepiness remove that smile, making me look away from him. "Listen, I have to go...say hello for me & Park to Portnova." I demanded.
"Don't worry, I will, give my regards to Park too." They asked.
"Good, I will call you later, bye Zed !" I told them.
"Bye, Yirina." They said before I hang up the phone, finding myself alone in that room with Hudson who, when I turned around, was still there near that door.
"Are you going to stand there and still looking at me as an creep or you're going to talk ?" I asked to him, serious in my voice and clenching my fists
"No." He answered briefly before he took an pack of cigarettes in his hand. "Follow me, we need to talk." He ordered in an harsh tone, gesturing at me before he walk away.
I could have tell him to fuck off and going to bed for good but then, I found myself obliged to follow him and wanting to know what does he want with me. I thought that he was going to talk with me near his desk or mine but instead, it was outside that our talk was going to take place, near the big door of that hangar. He stopped himself once stepped outside, to light up his cigarette but he wasn't talking at all.
"What do you want ?" I directly ask to him after an few seconds of weird silence.
"Need to talk things about you." He responded, blowing some smoke out of his mouth, his eyes focused on looking in the horizon.
"Really ? You're suddenly interested in knowing me better ?" I said, offusqued as I was crossing my arms, looking away from him. I wasn't pleased to be with that guy.
"Listen, there's things I'm sorry with."
"Oh yeah ? Like you're sorry that you worked with Adler to brainwash me ?" I asked him rhetorically.
"Do you think that I was pleased with that ?" He got his eyes back on me as I was doing the same by hearing his words, getting my attention. "It's not because I'm Adler supervisor means that I did agree on that." He added to his statement as I was keeping an straight face. "Believe me, I wasn't happy about that at all."
"But still, you still treated me like if I was only an terrorist." I exclaimed, remembering the few little talks I had with him in the past and they weren't good. "You're the one who ordered Adler to terminate me...why aren't you finishing the job since Adler wasn't doing it ?" I questioned him, sure of my words.
"I have my reasons, Grigoriev." He responded, taking an deep breath.
"Wow, I'm not 'Bell' for you, anymore ?" I breathed, faking to be amazed towards him as inside of me, I was wondering what make him change his mind to call me by my real name. "Are you going soft or it's maybe one of your usual lies ?" I continued, wanting to know even if I could prevent in advance that he wasn't going to respond. "It's sure that you don't believe someone that isn't an american."
"Yes." He simply whispered.
"For you, you need to know that I'm an british-russian woman but I guess that it doesn't change an thing for you, still staying the good american patriot, right ?" I stated clearly in front of him, remembering some words that Park used to describe him.
"What I wanted to say is that it's good that you're here." He affirmed to me, making me narrow my eyes. "I know that Adler did brainwash you, left you for dead and an lot of things but you know well of the dangers of letting Adler in Perseus's hands." He continued, trying to convince me of 'Adler's good side'
"It doesn't please me but since 'I have no choices'." I quoted the numerous times I think about that possibility. "Isn't strange to see the brainwashed woman trying to rescue the man who has broke up her brain ?" I demanded, not wanting any answers from him and I even gestured that he didn't need to respond, it was strange to be sure.
"Do you have memories back ?" He chuckled, changing the subject as he crush his cigarette with his feet.
"Yes." I replied in an low voice. "Why do you want to know ?" I added.
"I just wanted to know about this, wondering what was your past." He answered, scratching the back of his bald head.
"Sometimes good, sometimes bad." I sighed, thinking of all of the memories I did relived, it was an lot of them. "Things that I can't talk about and if I do, it's only to my closest friends." I admitted, making him sure that he's not part of that category.
"I understand." He breathed before I decided it was time to get back inside and to go to sleep. "Grigoriev !" Hudson stopped me before I could have one feet inside the hangar. "How do you feel right now ?"
"Right now ?" I repeated, an bit confused of that ordinary question from him, my hands right on the door handle. "I don't know, been to an place that I thought to have set an foot in my 'old times', it's making me nervous." I said, mentioning that fake memories I had in my head. 'Bell' knows Vietnam...not me. I then put my right feet inside before I stopped to look at him witn an serious glare....
"I'm just trying to redeem myself and make the good, Hudson, keep that in mind !"
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Next move' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
'Next move'
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"I can say that....you're an very lucky girl, Yirina Grigoriev !"
Chapter Summary : After the unexpected rescue mission of the recon team, Yirina and the team could finally have some rest before starting to planify the next moves against Naga.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3200
In all the odds of the world, no one was going to tell me that the first day I will spent in Laos was going to be me and the others having to rescue an recon team constitued of Song, Mason, Sims & an woman called Rivas in emergency and literally no one thought that I will have to be the co-pilot of an Huey and then, its pilot on the way back. I don't know how I was able to know in an few seconds how to fly an helicopter in my life, maybe my fake memories did help me....or I've got an uncovered real memory about it, I can't tell.
I can say that my skills on piloting an helicopter did surprise Woods & also Park as I talked about her of my flashs of my 'old times in Vietnam' and to be honest, I think that she wasn't believing at first that I was really going to take the commands of an american helicopter, trying to evade an Perseus-affiliated Hind above the Laotian jungle. Thanksfully, Wolf managed to destroy the Hind with his so-called 'Death Machine', an minigun and thanks to that move, we were finally in safety and good to go to return to base.
On the way back, I wasn't speaking so much in the entire group that was chatting about what they did while Woods were giving indications of where to go and to check the controls for me like I did on the first flight. Park was also silent in the group, also in her thoughts and then after minutes of flying, we finally arrived back at base where I could land the Huey without too much damaging it, thinking that I would mess that up but none of it happened when the helicopter skids got on the ground.
"Well done, Yirina." Woods congratulated me once the helicopter's engine was shut down, stopping the loud noises we've been hearing since we got away from here. We did also cut off the music before arriving here too. "Didn't know that you got flying in your blood."
"Me neither." I breathed, removing my headset off my head, amazed by myself to be honest. "it was good but I don't think I will do this again for an long time."
"As you wish." Woods told me as he make some friendly tap on my shoulders before he looked behind him, his eyes on everyone. "Okay, we're going to patch you up, you're taking some rest and then, we'll make an briefing." He suggested and everyone nodded.
"Let's get out of that helicopter." Wolf exclaimed as he was helping Sims to get out while the others were also moving from the chopper but me, I stayed in the cockpit, the headset in my hands and looking at the group, leaving the helipad.
"Yiri." I was surprised when I heard that Park was still in the Huey with me in the transport bay. "How do you feel ?" She asked me, seeing me happy but confused at the same time.
"To start, I'm surprised that I managed to fly that thing and I wonder how I did this." I expressed, still looking away until I feel her hand on my shoulder, causing me to look at her.
"You were great !" She affirmed again to me, moving to get closer to my seat. "It's seems that you're an woman with many talents." She added, getting her both hands on my shoulders.
"Well, I can say that." I said, not wanting to brag myself about that talent I just discovered about me. "It's not everyday that I'm piloting an Huey above the jungle." I sniffed, looking away for an few seconds. "I guess that 'Bell' is maybe proud about it." I continued, trying to laugh about it but I couldn't.
"I'm proud of you." She moved her arms around my shoulders, getting her head on it. "I'm still sorry to have obliged you to be Woods's co-pilot." She apologized again for that but now, it was okay.
"It's fine." I whispered, putting away the headset to get my hands on her arms. "Next time, you're the one flying that thing !" I scoffed as I thought about it during the way back as an little lovely revenge and the only thing she did was to kiss me on the cheek.
"You didn't see me fly then." She stated, making me look at her eyes, thinking at first that she was lying. "What ? We learned how to fly too in the MI6." She exclaimed to me, realizing that she wasn't lying at all to me.
"I'm curious to see that." I mumbled before I decide to kiss her, this time, on the lips. "What's the biggest helicopter you used to fly with ? Tell me !" I demanded, holding her hands in mine, feeling her touch on my skin.
"I flied an Hind !" She replied and my eyes went wide again. "We had an mission in 1980 in Afghanistan with Garrett, Greta....and also Stone & Megan." She added, taking an breath. "To say that I flied it with Stone as the man who controlled the guns..." She thought.
"I would have been very curious to see that." I offered an grin, knowing that talking Stone was not an good idea even if he was now lying dead somewhere in the world. "Well, to see you fly an Hind." I corrected myself to that and that put an smile on her face.
"If someday, we had no choices but to use one, I'm the one taking the commands." She proposed and I know that she would be great so I nodded.
"Excuse me ?" We were both surprised when we heard Woods knocking loudly at the pilot's door and also coughing in purpose to get our attention.
"What do you want ?" I asked him in an semi-serious voice.
"Well, I preferred to see you back at your desk instead of staying in that helicopter." He responded, putting his hands on his waist.
"Come on, Woods, we're just having an discussion." Park protested, sounding in an flirty voice that wasn't appropriated right now with Woods.
"Yeah but I don't want to have you start to do your things in that." He told her back, finally opening my door by itself. "Don't forget my warning though."
"You maybe need to....chill out, Woods." I suggested to him and his only moves was to narrow his eyes to me, looking almost deadly and wanting to put his hands on my neck. "You know, we were in an discreet place, away from the others." I gestured at him as me & Park finally decide to get out.
"I know but an Huey isn't very discreet while it's in the middle of an CIA base." He admitted, making us take an look around. "So, get yourselves back in the hangar to have some rest before someone like Hudson found you two in an akward position." He scoffed at the end of his words,  laughing a little while me & Park rolled our eyes around.
"As you wish, Woods." I expressed, using his same words that he used moments earlier before we walk away towards the hangar.
We came back to our desk inside, stripping ourselves from the equipment that we used....well, I didn't use my pistol or even my MP5 in combat because I had to fly an helicopter in an combat zone, meaning that I was the only one who didn't fire an single bullet. To be honest, that allowed me to keep my equipment in perfect shape and still having enough mags without asking Park for others and now, we were awaiting.
We had to wait for the other to get healed up as apparently, they were out of the base for two days straight for an big recon mission that Hudson ordered and hopefully, Song, Mason, Sims & Rivas weren't wounded too badly, having only some scratches on their arms or faces but nothing too badly for them. However, that wasn't the same thing for the other part of the recon team, having reported an lot of wounded and killed in action, including the pilot and the co-pilot of their team.
From their mission, they managed to get their hands on some intels about Naga but Woods preferred that everyone was up and good to be back on action to make an proper briefing and for that, we had to wait at the beginning of the evening, that's meaning the whole day until everyone were finally able to assist the briefing, fully operational.
"Everyone." Woods called everyone near an dashboard, meaning the beginning of the awaited briefing, we all took an seat on chairs that was put there. "Rivas, you might want to make the topo on the intels you found." He demanded to her, that wasn't seated.
"Good." She nodded to him as she was moving next to him. "For 2 days, we managed to discover some outpost Naga is using for his activities."
"And what is he doing ?" Garrett asked her.
"Naga is the supervisor of Nova-6 supply lines around the Golden Triangle." Mason replied to him, getting up to join Rivas & Woods as he was also there. "These outposts are used by Naga to make sure the supply lines are still there." He added.
"So, Stitch is still in producing his nerve gas." I spoke up as I didn't heard about it since last month....since that disaster in that mall in New Jersey. "If he's asking Naga to supervise his supply lines here, that means he's preparing something big." I suggested.
"And with Adler in his hands, it's sure that this 'something big' is really big." Sims stated, taking back my words on the subject. "We don't know what's Stitch planning with Adler but it's sure that he's really bad for us."
"Do you think he could kill him ?" Song questioned Sims about it.
"The two is having an hatred for each other but Stitch is maybe willing to make Adler suffer like he did to him years ago." Sims answered to her question, crossing his arms. "But we can finally advance now." He gestured to Mason.
"We finally found where's Naga main HQ is in the jungle." Mason said, pointing his hand towards an map that they got during their mission.
"I guess it isn't going to be easy." Park stated, looking at the map.
"You're right." Rivas nodded to her.
"We found intels that Naga's HQ is surrounded by AA guns, meaning that any incursions in chopper are impossible." Song stepped in to get next to Mason & Rivas, watched by Garrett with an smile. "The thing is the camp is very far from here and we had to use an chopper."
"So, we took an Huey and we land on an safe place to continue our travelling by walk." Park guessed right about it as Mason nodded.
"We can do that but we don't have any intels about what we could find on our way." Rivas told to us, looking at the map that was incomplete at some parts.
"May I propose something ?" Garrett raised his hand towards her. "As we have some Hueys that are from the Laotian Air Force, maybe two people with an pilot can make an recon in the skies without getting too close of Naga's HQ." He proposed and everyone start to think about his idea.
"That could work, who volunteers ?" Woods questioned everyone and no one was volunteering.
"Well, since it's my idea, I have to do this." Garrett breathed before I suddenly raise my hand.
"I'm with him." I told everyone with Park's surprised reaction on me before she nodded in approval even if she know that the two of us will be separated for an while.
"Good, I also thinking that I could go with an team in advance to try to secure the landing zone." Rivas suggested and to say, it was also an good idea : having two people in the skies, securing the way for the team on the ground while she took an team to make an advanced recon before we arrive.
"And when you will be leaving ?" Wolf demanded.
"As the place is far by walk, I will be leaving tonight." She answered to him, hands on her waist before she look at Woods who agreed.
"Take the men that aren't wounded with you." He ordered to her as he took an deep breath. "Well, I think that we will do this tomorrow, everyone can have an break." He added as we could finally got up from our respectives seats.
"Woods ! Mason !" An loud voice came inside the hangar, revealing Hudson himself, arriving with an satellite phone in hand.
"What do you want ?" Woods asked in an lazy voice.
"We have to talk....it's personal." Hudson replied to him and by the tone of his voice, it was really personal. "Got an call from home." He added as Mason & Woods look at each other in confusion.
"We're following you." Mason whispered before the two move away from the dashboard, following Hudson to an isolated place away from everyone who still got our eyes on the three.
"Shit, if Hudson talk like that, it's...strange to say." Sims said, an bit confused about the situation. "Anyway, I think that's not our business."
"Don't we have an drink to celebrate ?" Garrett recalled about the words from Park after the end of the rescue mission.
"Oh yes !" Wolf exclaimed as he moved to get to his desk, getting in his hands an bottle. "Who wants some Bourbon ?" He questioned but we didn't have to speak that we moved to his desk, ready to have an little celebration.
I should have thought that Wolf has bring some of his Bourbon in Laos with him and seeing that bottle in his hands showed that he was really loving it. He prepared some glasses for everyone and we all cheered to that little rescue mission we did today and our next move for tomorrow. Of course, we all took only one drink as we wouldn't want to be totally drunk on the field and after taking an sip of that drink that I missed for an month, we make an little talk about ourselves and like always, I let the others talk.
Even if some people around knows of my state and what happened to me, no one wanted to bring the subject on the table, thinking that it was an bad idea to talk about it. Instead, they talked about their lifes, how Garrett met Song on an mission in 1983 in Seoul, how Wolf got enlisted in the Delta Force for his 18th birthday and how Sims actually met Russell Adler during the Vietnam War.
Rivas also told us about her backstory, fighting against the Menendez Cartel in Nicaragua for an large part of her life and I was really impressed by it, discovering more the woman that I just met hour earlier, that story....it was nice but also sad to learn about. We did spent an good time, listening to each others story.
"Yirina, Park !" Woods finally arrived one hour after we began our little celebration party but he was sounding low and...kinda troubled, not exactly in the same mood of everyone.
"Yes ?" We both said in unison with Park.
"We...well, we need to talk...in private." He responded, still sounding troubled, there were something wrong in his voice. "Not here, outside."
"Something's wrong ?" Park asked.
"Just...follow me, okay ?" Woods told us as he start to leave and in an second, we slowly got up from our chairs to follow him outside the hangar, wondering what he would say to us. We then stopped in an hidden place, out of sight from everyone.
"Woods, what's the problem ?" I finally demanded, worried about him.
"I know that it's maybe not your business but Mason wanted me to tell you about this." He said in an low voice, his hands on his wait and looking sad. "Mason received bad news from home."
"Bad news ?" Park whispered and we start to fear the worst.
"We just learned that....his wife died." He said, his voice cracking by the emotions to talk about this. "She had an brain tumor and it was incurable." He added to us, making us shocked to hear that from him and feeling so sad about learning about it.
"An brain tumor ?" I repeated, my voice sounding very low.
"Yeah, she's been fighting it for months with Alex's help but...him been forced to leave to get back on the fight, it didn't help at all." He stated, passing his hands through his face. "Now, his son, David is alone."
"What will happen now ?" Park questioned him.
"Hudson is sending him home, Mason already packed up his things discreetly...it was better for him." Woods was like on the verge of not crying and he was struggling to not cry in front of us. "He wanted you both to know about it even if it was not your problem, David need his dad while his uncle is leading an group to save an CIA agent." He said, revealing that he was the uncle of Mason's kid.
"I....I...I think it was an good choice from him." I thought as Park slowly nodded, approving my words.
"It's better for him to get back to his son." Park added to my words, taking an deep breath.
"Yes, it's the only thing to do for him, Hudson wasn't going to let him here." Woods admitted to us. "Shit...to say that's my fault to have him come back." He continued.
"Woods..." I started, putting my hand on his shoulder. "You're not the one to blame, he thought that it was an good choice because he's your friend." I told him, not even sure of my words to recomfort him. "No one is to blame here." I added.
"I want to think of it but what's done is done." He whispered, joining his hands together. "Listen, this discussion is staying between us, if the other ask, don't tell anything about it." We nodded to his order, it was very important and we couldn't talk freely about it.
"Don't worry, Woods, we will not tell anything." Park affirmed to him as she made an very little grin to him.
"Good, I'm might need to take some rest before tomorrow." He snorted before taking an breath. "Take some rest too." He added before he start to walk away slowly from us to get back inside the hangar while me & Park were completely frozed in place.
"Damnit, I never thought...." I started to say before I stop myself, losing my words and then, I sit on the ground, crossing my legs. "Fuck...."
"You couldn't know, Yirina." Park said in an low voice, sitting in the same position as me in front of me. "I'm like you right now : shocked and sad about it." She breathed, meaning her words by seeing her look and voice. "Mason wants to live an normal life, away from what happened to him and I'm sure that you want too."
"I just want to able to live free and away from all of this and for that, I need you !" I told her, looking at her with eyes that was slowly filled with tears before Park slowly moved her hand towards my cheek.....
"And I know well that you're always there for me !"
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Break the chains' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"Break the chains"
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Chapter Summary : Yirina was unfortunately captured by Duvall's men and could finally met the man in person but she can count on something.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3600
We maybe saved Alvarez but at what price ? That mission weren't supposed to happen as we didn't have enough intels about the place and the fact that it was very unexpected. We all thought that we were going to finally rest in our beds after making Derazio fly down off his penthouse but instead, we had to run off to save Alvarez as he wanted to flee the country and that what we did.....until the tide has turned in Duvall's men favor that came in great number by surprise and we needed to run away from this place....too late for me.
I was covering Wolf's escape before the burning pole fall just behind, avoiding me to join the others and then, I was knocked down by behind and dragged away from that place by those men as the others has maybe escaped with no choices. I can't blame them....I can only blame myself for it....I should have been faster to run away instead of staying like an idiot behind that cover. Now, those guys is going to either kill me away and bringing me to Duvall himself and to be frankly, these people.....they're acting pretty strange with their white hoods.....who are these people ?
The muffled sounds of cheerings start to slowly make me regain consciousness of the situation around me as I opened my eyes, my vision all troubled because of that hit I received in the back of my head. It was still hurting and feeling very dizzy as my vision was recovering and I could feel my hands tied up in metal chains, raised up, my back against a brick wall, sit on a sort of podium and then, I could start to see people....dressed in white robes & hoods in front of the podium, cheering, their fists in the air. It was looking in a lost place in the Bayou but I can't tell where exactly.
I couldn't believe it as I thought that I was trapped in a kind of stupid joke until I realized that those men weren't kidding at all. I looked up to see a man dressed this time in a fully red robes & a red hood too, must be their leader....and then, I realized that it was Duvall in person as I heard his muffled voice behind his stupid hood. There were an guard next to him and I could see him talk to Duvall as he just saw me, waking up.
"The sinner has awakened !" I could hear Duvall shout to the masked crowd who started to make some cheers for him and booing at me before Duvall faced me.
"Already dressed up for an costume party ?" I start to joke around at him, seeing all these persons in robes before the guard that was near him decided to throw me an punch in the jaw, not even breaking it or making any harm on it. "Is this everything you got ?" I added again and he wanted to continue until Duvall put his arm in front of him.
"Don't...." He said, looking at him. "She will soon understand our fight, white brother." The guard looked away in shame as seen throught his hood before he walk away to get back at its former position, leaving only me with Duvall. "So, you decide to interfere in my little plan." He decide to remove his hood to reveal to me his face that I already know before I spit on his face.
"Take it as a yes, Duvall !" I smirked, trying to keep cool and calm as I am chained and in real danger with those mens. He wasn't looking angry at all.
"So uncivilized." He cleaned up the mess I made on his face. "You, the Europeans....are very disturbing, I can say." He added as he start to slowly move to get closer to me. "Throwing my lieutenant from his hotel, helping this goddamn Cuban out of that burning place but now, you're here...at my mercy."
"At first, was it a compliment ?" I asked to him, he shook his head....of course....."And second, fuck you !" I breathed before he decided to pull out an knife from his robes. "What are you doing ?" I said mixed between been scared and angriness.
"Hold her off, I'm going to mark her." He ordered to his former guard and another one and they both complied. I tried to move quickly but they were more faster, blocking my legs to do anything as Duvall was removing a part of my small-bloodied shirt, getting the knife above where was my heart. "The mark of the sinner !" He exclaimed before he start to make a cross with the knife on my skin.
I wanted to scream very loudly because of the pain but one of his henchman was covering my mouth. The worst of it is that Duvall was making it very slowly while I was enduring the pain with all my strengh before Duvall finally gestured to his men to move away, letting me free in a way. I looked at my chest, seeing now a bloodied cross on it...above my heart, he didn't put the knife deep enough to hit my heart, he just wanted....to mark me....
"You're fucking crazy !" I yelled at his face, realizing that this man is in the same level of Perseus himself. "Looking like an second Perseus !" My words make him move to grab my chin hardly with his hands, looking very angry.
"Perseus ?" He whispered at me. "This damn russian can go fuck himself with his little friends that were around me." He added, apparently still angered by Perseus decision to stop giving weapons. "He want me to lay low and to not move but he can't understand how my world is working and what my ambitions once I'll get Reagan out."
"That was this all about, right ?" I asking, starting to guess his real ambitions. "The guns were going to be used in a little coup d'état against Washington and you will be the new president." I breathed, rolling my eyes & thinking about it. "If you can't win legally, let's do it by force." I raised an eyebrow to him, awaiting, fighting inside of me the pain from the wound.
"That's right, Reagan is convinced that we need to help the free world but does he think about the americans first ?" He asked and I couldn't respond it....I'm not american and not an expert on the US politics.
"Even if you do this, you will still stay the perfect Perseus american puppet." I affirmed and he seemed annoyed by me and my thoughts about it.
"Maybe even if I despited them because they're not americans but at least, I will have achieve my goal." He snorted as he decided to get up, still facing me. "'Stitch' is gonna soon have his plan set in motions and you can't stop us." 'Stitch'.....the 'DOUCHEBAG' that was on that file about Greenlight in my memories....the brother of that Sonya that has 'plans in motion'....shit...Duvall then put his hood on him, giving to me a last look. "If you please, my men will want to hear a speech from me." He then turned around to face the crowd.
I couldn't listen to his little speech as I was already annoyed by him before and I'm not intending to be like this again but then, from afar, I could see a Duvall's henchman that was protecting some sort of ruins, getting suddenly disappear in it, apparently neutralized.....the cavalry has arrived, Yiri !.....I could finally hope more as I was seeing a little white light coming far in front of me....the scope of a sniper rifle....Wolf.....they found me.....They are my guardians angels !
"Hey, Duvall !" I called him out, causing him to look at me, breaking him off his speech. "You believe in guardians angels ?" I asked but he didn't responded as he looked back to the crowd....to be immediately greeted by an bullet right in the head by Wolf and then, it was the beginning of the panick for Duvall's men.
"They have killed the 'messiah' !" A man shouted inside the crowd...damn, those peoples are fucking weird.
The guards that was near Duvall move near his dead body as multiples gunshots start to be heard all around the place and finally, another shot from Wolf hit right the chains I was tied up to, allowing me to break free and getting up to start strangle the guard who punched me with the chains that was still on my left hand. His buddy tried to react at me and to counter him, I decided to use the guard I was strangling as an human shield, taking all the mag this guy just shot.
As he was trying to reload, I quickly took the dead guard SMG and shot a simple bullet right in the head, disposing of him. All of that while I was fighting the pain on my chest because of Duvall. Everyone were fighting in the direction of the place entrance but some of Duvall's remaining men saw me getting freed and start to focus on me instead of the fight at the entrance. I moved to get out of the podium and to cover behind of it as the first bullets came into my direction.
I couldn't risk to waste bullets as I just had a simple SMG with only one mag and for that, I had to pick my targets precisely. I started to shoot just after I got to cover, killing an guy that tried to rush me with an knife, taking 6 bullets in him. Two others were gone as they were out of their cover, taking each one 8 bullets as they were afar and the last one I shot at before the mag ran out of bullet.....I missed him close enough and now, I didn't have any bullet left.
This same guy was running to rush me like the first one did and to neutralize him, I decided to use the SMG I had like an hand-to-hand tool, holding it by the cannon. I start to get myself ready to strike as he arrived but then, as I was launching myself to do that, he prevented that to happen by kicking my arm with his feet before he arrived next to me and threw me away from my cover. When I looked at him, I realized that.....
"Park ?" I whispered, finding out that it was her and not the last guy who came to get me.
"Yiri ?" She looked at me, confused & worried, she didn't know that it was me behind that cover and then, she quickly moved to hug me "Yiri !" She said, relieved, her arms around me before I could feel my chest in pain.
"Ouch..." I breathed, feeling herself against my wound.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry." She removed herself to help me getting up "You're hurt ?" She asked, fully standing up on my feets, I nodded.
"That bastard make me a mark on my chest." I replied, showing her the part of the chest where the blood was still going out but less than before. "Apart of that, my right arm is also hurting me." I added as she didn't almost go easy on my arm when she striked me.
"Fuck...." She said, putting her hand next to the wound, worried about it.
"It's okay, not deep enough & no much blood off it." I exclaimed trying to reassure her as she was nearly going into panic. "Thanks....thanks for the save, how did you know I was there ?" I asked, wondering how they were fast enought to get me back.
"Before your radio goes off, the people that took you inadvertently gave away the location they were going to bring you." She replied, getting next to me as we decided to slowly walk back in front of podium. "Sims decided to bring Alvarez to another CIA safehouse while me & Wolf.....we called for reinforcements before coming in here." She added as I could see a little group of soldiers, checking the dead bodies on the ground as another one was guarding the few remaining Duvall's men.
"Who are these guys ?" I looked at those dead bodies, all wearing white hoods now bloodied.
"These douchebags...." It was Wolf arriving to get to us, his sniper rifle in hand, having heard my question. "They were an part of the fucking Ku Klux Klan." He then looked at Duvall's body on the podium "And that prick were the leader of them in the New Orleans."
"White supremacists dickheads that want to 'keep America white'" Park continued, looking at me, knowing more about the subject.
"Duvall was going to march on Washington with the guns Perseus gave him." I explained what Duvall told me about his plans while I was tied up. "Taunted me about his plans all along and his little politics view." I added before I was rethinking of something. "Does anyone of you know a 'Stitch' ?"
"'Stitch' ?" Park repeated, trying to find something in her head. "Heard the name from Adler sometimes, hard to know more with him."
"Why ?"
"Well, each time 'Stitch' is mentioned, Adler is kinda acting strange and not himself." She responded as I looked at her with wide eyes.
"Adler acting strange & not himself is normal for me." I scoffed, making her roll her eyes around.
"To say that we got Derazio, Alvarez & Duvall in one single day...." Wolf nodded as he couldn't believe it himself before I groaned silently from the pain. "You're wounded ?" I nodded to him. "It's better that Park got you back at the safehouse, gonna stay here for a little with the cleaning crew before coming back." He then approached me to give me a little tap on my right shoulder. "Good job, Yirina."
"You're coming, Yiri ?" Park asked in a low voice, rhetorically to me and then I followed, avoiding the bodies on the ground.
Thanksfully, I was still able to walk perfectly even now with that wound on my chest, Duvall did get the knife deep enough to make it more visible, I wasn't bleeding from it anymore but it would be better that we got it treated before it can get infected. Park led me to the same car we have used for days and I installed myself on the front seat with her before we drove off the place. Finally, I could breathed normally after getting out of this place that was very deep inside the Bayou.
This situation....having my ass get saved.....it wasn't my first time, I could remember East-Berlin well enough : seeing Park, Lazar & Adler rappel down to enter that warehouse and now Park, Wolf and some CIA guys arrived to save the day....my day. Park....was really my guardian angel and I think I was hers too. We saved each other a countless times and I was happy that she reacted quickly with the others, she can't blame herself for that.
After minutes of driving, we finally arrived at the safehouse but there were something very wrong about the place now : Sims was waiting for us on the porch and the house was looking damaged now, the front windows were broken.....something has happened here. We got out of the car, very curious as Sims started to join us.
"I think we have a big problem !" He started, looking at the house behind him.
"What kind of problem ?" Park asked but she didn't have any responses from him, just him gesturing to us to follow him inside. When we entered, we could see that someone came here when we were all gone, the place were all trashed and when we arrived in the operations room, we understand the 'big problem' "You got to be shitting me !" She exclaimed, seeing the dashboard that has been tagged red with the Perseus emblem.
"Fuck, Perseus was here." I whispered, looking around me to see the room turned over. "How long you arrived back here ?"
"10 minutes after I brought Alvarez to another hideout." Sims replied, moving to redress the table back to normal. "Fuckers trashed the place down but they didn't take anything." He added before he looked at the table where the radio was on, completely broken.  "They had time in 2 hours after we left the place to save Alvarez."
"And the first floor ?" Park questioned him and he shook his head.
"What was interesting them was more damaging everything in the ground level." He got next to the dashboard, looking at it with desesperation. "Even if we got Duvall, Perseus is still acting and he knows where we were hiding in the state."
"Perseus has something that will happen soon in the US." I said, sitting down on the only couch that was available. "We got news from Adler ?" I asked.
"Called me before I got here, they were soon arrived in West-Berlin after getting rid of the general." He replied, walking next to the room's door. "I'm going to clean up the place before Wolf come back here, I see that you're wounded and I guess Park will patch you." He did a silent laugh before he walk out of the room, soon followed by Park that were getting the meds for me.
Now, I was alone in the trashed operations that we used for days, seeing that Perseus insignia on the dashboard was making me sick inside of me.....How I could have stayed with Perseus for so long instead of fleeing away to save my friends ?.....Why ?....I could see that there were something missing on the dashboard : Sonya's picture....gone. If they didn't take anything important, why this particular picture was stolen ? Did they came here or someone else close to her did ?
It took less than a minute for Park to come back with everything necessary to heal that wound on my chest. To be honest, I didn't feel any pain while Park was patching me up with dressings and also disinfecting the wound, only making very silent groans from my mouth. Duvall could have killed me but he was more willing to follow his politics than Perseus's one.
"How you're feeling ?" Park asked after she has finished her business with me.
"Pretty good." I replied, getting my shirt back to normal before I looked back at her. "You really had fairy fingers." I added in a lovely tone to her, making her blush.
"You told me that after that night." She scoffed, making me blush in return....refering to our passionate night here. "Did I tell you that you got also them ?"
"No but thanks you." I smiled at her before we both joined hands together "Thanks you for everything, Park."
"You know that I will always have your back." She affirmed, making me smile further and frankly, we were soon forgetting what happened here before I realized the situation,
"Damn, I really liked this place." I looked around the room, sniffing at seeing it at this state. "Far better than West-Berlin."
"Yes..." She breathed, doing the same as me "Shame we have to go back there." She added before she got something behind her back. "Something from you." She was handing to me, my own M1911 that I thought to have lost at that abandoned lighthouse when the Ku Klux Klan got me.
"How ?" I asked, confused to see it again.
"One of Duvall's men took it with him and when I neutralized that guy, I took it back to give it to you." She responded as I took the gun back with me. By seeing it back, I was impressed by her. That gun.....I used it since a long time and it's like my favourite one.
"Wow, I can say...." I was speechless by Park's actions for me "Thanks you 3000." I finally finished my sentence, looking at Park with a great look that could told 'I love you 3000'.
"Well, I can see that Park make a great job." Sims came back in the room, looking at me with good eyes. "Guess the two make quite a couple."  He admitted and we looked each other, me & Park and we smiled.
"Thank you, Sims." We literally said at the same time before we start to hear the ringing of a satellite phone in the room located right to the broken radio.
"Must be Adler, told he would call back when he will arrived in the safehouse." Sims moved to get to the phone pretty quick and he pick it up. "Hey doc, you will never....." He was going to continue until he froze himself in place to look at us. "Wait, you too ?" At this moment, we could realize that the situation was somehow getting worse. "You got to be kidding me right ?" He asked, before he moved to get next to one of my notebooks, a free one. "Okay, tell me when we join you...." He start to write down something as me & Park was wondering what got into him. "Okay, I'll tell them." He then hang up the phone.
"There's a problem ?" I got up from my seat before he looked back at me.
"The safehouse in West-Berlin has also been raided by Perseus : Adler and his team just found it trashed down too with the surveillance crew dead all over the place." He responded, trying to keep his cool and us, we were shocked to hear that : here and now, West-Berlin. "Our trip in the US is gonna last more longer."
"Why that ?" Park demanded
"An Perseus agent left an intel pointing to an mall in New Jersey." He first replied, getting his hands on the table. "We will have to join Adler to an US Army base near the place." He breathed, looking down in desesperation.
"And do we have a name ?" I asked, extremely curious before Sims raised slowly his head towards me, not sure of saying it even if he got the answer to it.....
"Vikhor 'Stitch' Kuzmin !"
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