#LMAO chloe is such a mood
stgosupremacy · 10 months
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Koharu being a mood
I honestly feel like their conversations are literalky this lmao
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i-like-anything-water · 10 months
I love the fics where Chloe can control bees because she's so dramatic and over the top it'd be canon to have her bees hold a sign that says 'Marinette will you BEE my Valentine?' While she's decked up in her suit and there's sparkles in the background (courtesy of Rena who's filming the whole thing, laughing) and she's holding flowers that her bees told her (yes, told) are good for courtship. Bonus if Marinette can speak to ladybugs and they snitched on her so she's both endeared, amused and excited for her date with her rival turned friend and possibly girlfriend.
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this trend but for authors🤪
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chloelouygo · 1 month
can i gently ask for a little bit of info about your ocs? what are they like? :3
AAAA the gentle ask, you know how to get to me 😌💜 Kayden (they/he, bi, grey eyes, teal hair, 26 y/o) was the first character I started to flesh out in my head, they've all been through so many iterations in my mind but they were the first one who came to me this time around ig?? They're a complete golden retriever, a happy go lucky lil baby, a little menace, and such good fun to be around! They're bilingual (French/English), a complete slut (affectionate-) and unironically love girlypop from the mid 2000s. A vegan, anti-capitalist punk who goes out every night, but can't sleep alone. Loves classic literature and is definitely smarter than he acts sometimes. Very much in love with Zabeth, though he'd not admit it. 💙 Playlist
Alix (he/him, bi, blue-green eyes, red hair 26 y/o) is Kayden's best friend, the pair met at uni and quickly realised they balanced eachother out well. He's a black-cat, sterotypical "friend's-older-brother-is-a-dealer" type guy, looks so grumpy but would do anything for his sister and bestie, and will absolutely beat you up if you look at him wrong. But he's a sweetie underneath❤❤ Inseparable from Zabeth, was a father-figure to her growing up as their parents weren't around, and cherishes her dearly. Is an atrocious cook, swears in every sentence, and is probably high at any given moment. Playlist
Zabeth (Elizabeth) (she/her, bi, blue-green eyes, purple hair, 25 y/o) is my babygirl💜 Alix's baby (by like, a year-) sister, and Kayden's flatmate, she's a long suffering sweetie of their antics, helping clean up their messes. Very much in love with Kayden, though she'd not admit it (notice anything?-). Cares for her stupid brother endlessly and has the best time being the apple of his eye💜 Loves trashy TV, animals and plants, is so excited to move out of an apartment just so she can have a garden to nurture. Playlist
They all dye their hair together once a month in a ridiculous ritual that uses all the hot water up; they all hang out whenever they can and go to gigs or just get stoned together at home; they all call eachother silly nicknames which would never ever fly if anyone else tried to use them lmao
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pulchrasilva · 6 months
Man i hate it here. They should have a compelling male character kill himself for the love of GOD
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rel312 · 1 year
“Our little prince” Emilie knew that Nathalie would be another mother for him
Adrien and Marinette’s face time call us so cute
The immediate mood shift for Adrien is breaking my heart gabriel is such a piece of shit
I love seeing him starting to stand up to gabe
“Marinette and I will last forever” boy is whipped
The almost kiss and everyone watching is killing me
“Or I will kiss you both” Rose is really out here being bisexual with her whole chest
The cut to everyone’s annoyed faces are so funny, adrienette are so annoying together and I love that for them
Ooh tensions between Chloe and Sabrina
He’s really gonna akumatize a pregnant woman??
Gabe’s stupidly shocked that she managed to break free lmao
Umm… does Ms Bustier have a WIFE?!?!
Gabe blackmailing the mayor… well shit
She totally has a wife holy shit
LESBIAN KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot believe that just happened
How the fuck did she manage to become mayor?? There has to be someone higher up who wouldn’t let this happen right?
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scoonsalicious · 1 month
Here we are ladies, gents, and the non-binaries. The long-awaited Chapter 27 which you've blessed us in FULL today. 8 parts??? what have I done to deserve this? And I've got so many thoughts I Literally had to stare at my screen to collect myself because where do I even start????? Well, first off, I can start with the fact that that was amazing and you're incredible, and thank you for this. I've got so many things to say but I'm literally short-circuiting so AAAH. okay. I'm doing it by roughly by parts so I don't miss a thing. And since you've given us 8 parts, expect this to be the longest essay yet (I'm not even kidding please I apologize this got away from me)
First off, the slow build-up was killing meeee. But then again, I do love seeing them having normal conversations (I mean, a dick in the garbage disposal isn't exactly normal but I digress because that part made me laugh) and seeing Bucky be so protective of her because he has a point. Jesse is out for blood and leaving Pocket alone would be a terrible idea (I mean, well, we obviously see this later). I love their banter too! The teasing and the joking and Bucky's smug lil "nothing I haven't seen before" like okay, pipe down. I love Pocket's stubbornness, arguing with Bucky that she can handle herself (which she can obvs) but I couldn't help but giggle when she *pouts* "I have a gun" *pouts* when Bucky told her that even Nat couldn't handle Jane in hand to hand ESPECIALLY when the unhinged snake is set out for the kill and a super soldier at that.
Now, the footage of Jacky in the Hydra base. That was….a lot. It honestly was so disturbing and scary. It's absolutely insane the way Hydra manufactured her obsession with Bucky. But it's also genius in the sickest way. Because THAT is how you make sure you get a mission done. A teenage crush turned obsession? I mean, have you seen one direction fans back in the day? They were unhinged and could hack anything and that's without training (I was a fan too and I saw it all happen online LMAO). Now we have someone who is a teenage girl with an obsession, who's fucked in the head with all that Hydra manipulation, has super soldier powers, a highly trained assassin and has been made to believe that she can get everything she wants? Who’s stopping that? She makes serial killers look sane. She's been set out to him before anyone even knew she existed. Honestly, that whole thing just had me sitting staring at the wall for a few seconds before I could continue because it's insaneeee. It's so scary, just thinking about someone like her existing in the real world. But that part where she was about to jerk off to Bucky's picture has me laughing and feeling distraught at the same time. But that hint of Bucky being uncomfortable about it followed by Pocket's comment about already sleeping with her, at first I thought he just felt guilty about it but after reading all the parts? A foreshadowing that he's never been comfortable in the first place? I see what you're doing. But god, massacring a whole Hydra base and just the image of her Carrie-style but with a proud grin. Chills. Get her away from me please I'm scared.
(on a side note, Pocket thirsting over Jesus Barnes in Wakanda please BIG MOOD. That really reallyyyyy short clip of him in Infinity War throwing that sack with one hand has me falling in line like, yes sarge, me next please. ANYWAY back to the story)
I'm glad they cleared up that whispering in the conference room when the whole below the paygrade comment. Because people keeping forgetting that were just in Pocket's POV and with that comes some unreliable narrating sometimes because we obviously won't get the full scope of what happened because we're only seeing her thoughts and her perception on the situation. Which is why I always think it's important to think on a broader scale outside what's shown on the text. But god, THAT much money? I'm still heartbroken for Chloe though because she didn't deserve that. But sigh, we just discussed not letting Pocket leave the safe house for her safety and then suddenly we're leaving her alone? Barnes? Really? Have you read any fanfics in your life? Anyway.
That whole commentary about the whole trafficking situation was so spot on. I have nothing else to add to that because you pretty much said it all. It's both sad and so enraging. BUT AH NO. YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO LEAVE POCKET SERIOUSLY. But she genuinely did think Dimitri was the least evil of them all so sigh. I already knew where this was going and I already had a hunch who this "Hydra" boss is waiting at the club. But lol the gasp I let out when I read her name. *insert that 'why am I gasping, I already knew that meme' here* Even just that hint of Jordan being so quick and strong since she's a super soldier, it really sets the tone how Pocket really can't get out of this through physical strength. And now the face off begins.
But damn. I honestly didn't think she'd get even crazier yet here we are. I even felt my skin crawl just knowing the amount of time Jerms spied on Bucky, Pocket, and them both together. She's literally been watching their every move even in the confines of their bedroom. And that gives her so much upper hand because all the fights, insecurities, weaknesses, all their trauma and past, what makes them tick as a couple, what breaks them down, she knows it ALL and she's obviously going to use that to her advantage. Well, she did and she did it well. Imagine playing a cheese game with someone who already knows all your moves. How can you win against that? Every time she says she "loves" him I have the urge to throw up. Like girl you don't. You’re obsessed with him. There's a huge difference. And God that she show here obsession and delusion and that really is the best play Pocket could make. Shattering that deranged fairytale she has in her head of Bucky ever wanting her.
That part, where Juno admitting to feeding Bucky all the things she'd been feeding him, especially the degradation parts. When you're so desperate to try and save a relationship, you really do become willing to try anything and take any advice even if it's not the best ones. And like I said many parts ago, she's smart so the way she manipulated Bucky (who's already so insecure and broken and such an easy mind to manipulate) was so calculated that it was always going to be a success.
Which brings me to the infamous video which was without consent, might I add. The way Jayla made it seem in her text when she recounted it Bucky was so far from what actually happened. She really was selling it as if they'd fuck like no tomorrow and Bucky turned into this feral sex god or something. But that's her delusions playing it up, making it seem like it was the best sex ever when in reality, that couldn't have been farther from the truth. That wasn't fucking, hell I don't even know what you call that. I mean, I could be pushing it here so please do correct me if I'm wrong, but that was SA in a way. An unenthusiastic yes is still a no and you could clearly see that Bucky wasn't into it, tried to stop it even. And with men, there's a different dynamic when it comes to SA because of patriarchal standards and toxic masculinity and this misconception that they always want sex etc. And it truly was pathetic on Josef's part claiming that they fucked because, dude, what was that? But it also left a bad taste in my mouth for Bucky. Because what I saw in my head was just him laying there while she took what she wanted, I guess. And yeah, he didn't push her off and there was a part of him that was so hurt and angry thinking that Pocket betrayed him that he wanted to get revenge but even then, he didn't seem that excited on the fact. I mean, the snake had to bring up the articles and Steve over and over and over again because that's the only way she could keep Bucky angry and hurt enough to not protest and just, let things happen. And she was feeding him lies and hitting exactly where it would sting with that purple push up bra because how could she have known that right? In Bucky's head, that was confirmation that she was telling the truth because he didn't know that Jenny had access to footages. She played her game well and she stabbed him exactly on where the stitches are so that was a lost cause on Bucky's part.
And God, I have all my reports saved in one doc and I really did hit it already did I. About me saying how Bucky probably let Russia happen as a way to punish himself too. And that Jayla truly did play into Bucky's insecurities with those articles because what fight does he have against America's Golden Boy? When he already believes Pocket deserves someone better and that someone took form into the person he's insecure about the most? How can you not spiral? I know I'm repeating myself but we truly can't just ignore what Bucky went through with Hydra in all of this. He's got such a fragile mind and self esteem that it's already easy to break him down if you truly think about it. Now, imagine having someone who knows EVERYTHING that made you crumble and has all the ammo and information to be able to say just the right words for you to trust them? And, well, speaking from experience, you really can't know you're being manipulated until you're out of it. I didn't realize how bad my experience was until I retold it to a friend. So I don't Bucky had an ounce of awareness as to what Joanna was doing to his mental state. It was the sickest most calculated thing what she did that I think even the most secure person could feel that security crumble even for a little. Now you have someone who's already fragile and insecure in the first place? He honestly stood no chance.
Obviously, it doesn't take away the fact that Pocket was still hurt and she has every single right to be. But I think she was more hurt that Bucky wasn't secure in their relationship and her love for him rather than the act itself. Because the way it happened really was kind funny and God I cringed at the way Jocelyn took so so long to even get him going and not even get him going at all because Bucky had to think of Pocket to get hard. And he truly only got himself going by imagining it was Pocket. I mean, he had his eyes closed!!! Beyond me how Juan was able to keep going since Bucky was practically screaming someone else's name so fucking obvious and loud and I have no doubt she heard it since she's a super soldier but she's a different level of delusional so I'm not even surprised. Taking what she could get probably.
I can't WAIT to see feral protective Bucky on the next part. And as much as I want to see all the action, I kinda want him to see him be so calm with his confrontation with Jude. Because you know what would truly break that snake? Bucky telling her over and over and over how he could never love someone like her in all the languages and all the phrases he could. Is it evil of me to want him to break her down on a mental level rather than physical? Because to me, that would be a much more worth it revenge with all the emotional and mental abuse she's done on Pocket and Bucky. Because yeah, Pocket saying those things already hit a nerve. Now imagine it coming from Bucky's mouth? The man she claims she "loves"? Either way, I have no doubt you're going to feed us well so I'm going to be happy not matter what happens. I CAN'T WAIT.
— Jnon 🤍
\y Beautiful Jnon,he 'dick-in-the-garbage disposal' line will live rent-free in Bucky's head for the rest of his life, lol. I like to imagine that it's a visual that got Pocket through a lot of tough times. I loved writing their banter (tbh, I love writing banter in general, lol). I just adore seeing them in a little bit of domestic fluff. And .Bucky has definitely seen it all before, lol. Literally nothing Pocket's got going on hasn't been exposed to his... intense scrutiny, lol. When it came to leaving Pocket alone, the safehouse was probably the safest place for Bucky to do it. I mean, Carthage knew about the Wiggle Room, but she didn't know where the safehouse was.
I'm pleased (which is weird to say) that the Hydra footage was disturbing-- it was 100% meant to be. Like, back in the '90s (the glorious '90s, which I miss with every fiber of my being), I was a HUGE Hanson fan. Like, so rabid I look back on it with embarrassment, lol. And I was thinking-- there's no one with greater obsessive focus than a teenage girl with a celebrity crush, you know? And it just kind of made sense to me that Hydra would harness that to ensure the greatest success to assure they get their asset back. And Jade's not a teenager, but she grew up in isolation, without peers her own age, so I see her as emotionally stunted. In a weird way, she has that in common with Pocket. They were both prevented from growing up in the natural order of things so they could serve the agenda of men. They're like two different sides of the same coin. And Bucky was so uncomfortable at the idea of seeing Jade get off to photos of him, because she did, essentially sexually assault him-- he was never comfortable having sex with her, and the idea that she was using his photo for sexual gratification long before he ever knew she existed makes him feel even more violated.
Let us discus Jesus Barnes. Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have had impure thoughts of a man, repeatedly, lol. But for real, if you're not familiar, please check out Rock Me, Sexy Jesus from Hamlet 2, which is literally THE ONLY thing I can think about when I see this:
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Like, turn my water in whine, please. (I'm not even sure how that works as some kind of filthy entendre, but I'mma leave it 'cause I like how it sounds, lol)
I almost didn't include the bit about Bucky telling Pocket what he actually said to Jade during the mission briefing, but I realized I didn't want her thinking he divulged her secrets. He did some shit, but he didn't do that.
Bucky has not read any fanfics in his life, unfortunately, but this just gave me a hilarious idea for a oneshot where Pocket tries to get him riled up by reading a smutty Bucky Barnes fanfic to him, so thank you for that, lol.
Sad part is, Pocket trusted Dimitri. And I think he trusted her, too, which was why he was so betrayed when he found out she wasn't who she said she was. I did need Bucky to leave Pocket alone, but in his defense, the safehouse was the safest place he could have left her. I mean, Jade knew about the Wiggle Room, knew that she would be working there, but she didn't know where the safehouse location was. So, it seemed liked the safest place at the time, and it would have been if Dimitri hadn't shown up for her. Everyone wanted Pocket to kick Jade's ass, and I wanted it, too, but Jade's always been too strong and fast. All Pocket could use to beat her is her wits.
Having her spy on Bucky and Pocket was actually a late addition to the narrative, and I'm so glad I included it, because it really cements how messed up she is. And it gave her so much ammo to use against them. They really did not stand a chance with her having all that access. (Also, I know you meant "chess game," but you wrote "cheese game" and I am in so in love with that, I'm going to pretend you did it on purpose, lol). I also wanted to show that Jade wasn't just crazy, but she was smart, too, and resourceful, which is what makes her so much more dangerous.
And you're not wrong-- the Russia incident bordered on sexual assault. I don't think he would ever see it like that, being a man from the '40s, but it was. An unenthusiastic yes is just as bad as a no. She pushed and manipulated him so badly, he really had no chance. And once she brought up that purple push up bra? It was over. Without knowing she'd been spying, how could he not believe her?
I'm dying to hear your thoughts about Chapter 28! I can't wait! Love you!
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toastedcrumbs · 3 months
About me!! TW:ED
Hi!! I'm Nana, I'm an enby (f presenting) highschool student/ballet dancer, I love kpop and working out (I hear Chloe ting cheering my fat ass up during workouts in my dreams LMAO)
Got my ana/ortho ass reported at the end of 2023 and I'm back on my weight loss journey cause those 20 pounds aren't gonna disappear by themselves!!
My interests!!
Kpop!! I'm a big multistan lmao I love so many groups and soloists, Korean and global!!
I LOVE BAKING AND COOKING FOR OTHERS!! Making other people happy AND getting rid of junk food around my house?? COUNT ME IN!!
Ballet is basically what my life is rotating around rn other than my crippling ed XD, I've been doing it since I was 3 and other than motivating my glow up, it literally distracts my goofy brain from thinking about food and eating
Working out: I love love love working out!! Burns calories and gives me a good mood boost 💕
My fav safe foods ⭐
(to clarify, I also eat other stuff but this is what I can eat in normal amounts without feeling bad about myself)
EVERYONE HAS DIFF SAFE FOODS, this is just my list!!
Sunflower seeds!! Ironically I hate oil but seeds are my fave lol
Black coffee w sweetener (yes I'm a pu$sy that can't drink straight unsweetened black coffee 💀)
Frozen grapes!! (They might be straight up sugar balls but at least they have fiber and water)
Sf chewing gum!! I don't think I need to explain it
Rice/Corn cakes ( I found some that were 6CALS EACH at a supermarket!)
Fruits and veggies in general but with some criteria: Small, fresh (no freeze dried stuff or whatever), Cooked w no oil/the least oil possible (for veggies)
Chicken breast deli slices (it's literally 63kcals per serving!!)
Unsalted air popped popcorn is the GOAT!!
(Not exactly sure about them, my scale got tampered with)
Hw: ~45kg (after a meal)
Cw: ~40kg
Gw: 39kg
Gw 2: 38kg
Gw 3: 37kg
Uugw: 35kg 💕💕
Workout regiment
~2hrs of various yt workouts!! 2x/day (Gainsbybrains,Pamela reif,Chloe Ting, Emi Wong and Eylem Abaci,kpop workouts or whatnot)
min 6k steps a day on weekdays, 8k min on weekends (I don't give myself a maximum,the more the merrier, I usually use a treadmill at 6-7km/hr)
HIIT full body training/tabata 2-3 times/week for 30min-1hr
I mainly train core,abs and full body (cause I do ballet already)
I SUPPORT RECOVERY, I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE TO BE IN MY SAME SITUATION!! For those who are in my same place, I honestly hope you succeed at whatever you want to do!!
Stay safe💕
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doodle17 · 3 months
Do you have any headcanon voices for Raz and Co. when their older?
I do! Actually!
I cant really see any other voice for Raz. It just fits him too much to change! Raz himself thought his voice would change at least a little. He was hoping he would start to sound more professional and charismatic, almost Matthew McConaughey-esque. He manages the charisma and professionalism, but he still sounds the same, more similar to Richard Horvitz's regular talking voice. The only thing that really changed is volume, if anything. He tends to project his voice (unintentionally most of the time) and when intentional, it's usually to fit the very comic book style action hero "Stop right there, you fiend!" Voice. He sometimes reverts to sounding like squeaky preteen when nervous. But it makes it really easy to impersonate as a lady when disguised or over a phone call though!
Lili's voice changed a bit, actually. Unlike Raz, her voice actually got deeper.(imagine Lilly from "The Walking Dead" but a little higher and more raspy) Similar to Raz, however, I can't imagine any other voice for her other than her og voice actor, Nikki Rapp (Which is why I used Lilly as an example lol) Her voice does tend to change depending on her mood. Her voice can get hissy and gravelly when angry or frustrated, but she can also get loud, even screechy when panicked (or, if you really piss her off. )
Dogen sounds similar to Josh Gad. LMAO I KNOW but seriously! Idk how to explain it, but he has the right pitch and some other stuff I can't put my finger on.... It just fits to me!
Bobby's voice got deeper, waaay deeper, and a little nasal-y. His lisp is completely gone as well. His voice is pretty gravelly when talking normally, and trying to understand what he's saying when he whispers is tricky. The grit in his voice is seems intentional, almost as if he's doing it on purpose to seem more gruff and intimidating. Despite how deep his voice is, he can get pretty whiney, and similarly to Lili, his voice gets screechy when stressed.
Chloe's voice sounds the same. A little deeper but still raspy, little more pointed and professional. She's pretty good at tricking people into thinking she's a kid on the phone or from a distance.
Clems voice also got deeper, but he very obviously trys to elevate it to sound more perky and young. It makes him very prone to voice cracks, and she gets sore throats more often than one would think. He sounds a little similar Rob Paulson, actually. Imagine if Rob Paulson was trying to do an impression of a perky teen and there you go! He's also still trying to keep up that peppy and encouraging cheer persona, so she tends to shout a lot. His voice can get deep and pointed when angry. I think threatening would be a good word to describe it.
Crystal's is the same, she's definitely more relaxed so her voice isn't as squeaky or high. It can get more wobbly and unstable when she shows literally any emotion.
D'art's voice sounds like Tom Kenny, with a bit of a feminine twang to it. Also full of cynicism and bitterness, but thats always how he's always been.
Elton voice sounds like Johnny Depp doing an awkward/nervous voice (I'll use Victor Vandort as an example). He can also sound very desperate and whiney. He's usually quiet, any attempt on raising his voice usually result in him shrinking back down and becoming mumbly. Of course he can be assertive when needed, and he can project his voice pretty well.
Kitty has a deep and more richer voice. Very particular and pointed. she can go from superiority and poise to crude and sharp in seconds.
Franke's voice is surprisingly deep. She can sound very blunt and gets a little gruff, but she's got charisma and sounds relaxed most of the time. She doesn't raise her voice often, she usually prefers to get her point across with a firmer tone, making her sound more grumble-y and makes it harder to understand what she's saying.
Mirtalas voice starts getting more raspy, similarly to Raz, and Queepie's gets a little more nasal like Frazies! He's bummed about it because he was hoping to get a deep booming voice like his dad
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One of these days I'm going to find the time to plot out various versions of reincarnated/isekai'd as a villainess aus for chloe just because i've been reading a lot of those and also depending on which version of chloe (s1-s5) the results would also end up pretty different. mainly thinking about one of those where she wakes up as a noble and remembers the shit that happened in canon and is like "lmao get involved in aristocrat drama? absolutely not I'm still rich and I'm gonna use that money to live alone in the countryside" or something.
Fucking mood though
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youraveragedeltafan · 8 months
Idea: Crossover/AU where Chloe Bourgeois gets on the Infinity Train and joins the Apex
Idk how niche this is, but I just had a thought once a little bit of my old and slightly older brainrots came back to haunt me: Chloe Bourgeois and Infinity Train, more specifically book 3. Since I have been grasping at creative straws for 2 months, here are a few bullet points/ideas that I may work with later. Big maybe, this newfound motivation might die tomorrow lol. Either way, hope you few people who find this interesting enjoy!
Also mlb season 5 spoilers I think? I dunno I just kind of read episode summaries now I have no idea what season we're on.
Imagine if at 15, Chloe Bourgeois unknowingly escapes to the train right before she was forced to live with her mother, but instead of going on a journey of self discovery, she has the 'fortune' in bumping into the Apex instead.
(oh also while all of this is very found family like, I acknowledge that under the surface these are still three flawed extremely traumatized kids feeding into each others problems and creating/building a cult that kills denizens/destroys cars, like that's all still happening in the background of this LMAO)
When the crying teenager is brought into the mall by the few younger members of the group, it's more of the same for Grace and Simon, and the normal Apex welcomes begin.
Nobody really realizes or cares who Chloe is, due to their ages when boarding the train. It would bother her on a normal day, but given everything that has happened prior to boarding, it kind of sends her spiraling into more crying/anger.
While Simon is in no mood for it, Grace goes into full damage control mode, comforting and leaving her alone in one of the nicer areas of the mall car so she can fully calm down.
Simon is annoyed by it, but Grace plays it off as playing the long game so to speak in order to get Chloe to join. It's a half truth, as she feels empathy for Chloe after hearing a small bit of the events leading to the train picking her up. (mainly that someone left her, bringing up memories of Grace's first time meeting Simon)
Speaking of empathy, this is dialed up to an eleven when Grace gets to know her better, and finds out about her kind of similar living situation (neglectful parents) and her history of friends/conflict at school (she doesn't really go into the whole superhero thing because she feels like it would take attention off her. Besides, they don't seem to know or care much about what's going on outside anyway)
Now friends, Grace decides to take Chloe to her first car raid with just her and Simon. Chloe goes along with it to both get her anger out on something and impress her new friend. I'd expect they'd hit an 'easy' car first, like the cube car from Book 2.
Simon is now annoyed and jealous now that Grace is giving more of her attention to someone else, but after the car is thoroughly destroyed Chloe gives more information on how she got onto the train. As soon as she mentions being essentially abandoned and replaced by her father, he empathizes with her immediately and actually gets pissed off for her as well (Brought to you by Samantha fueled abandonment issues). They bond over the trash talking of her dad, and they become official friends soon after.
With Chloe fully on their side (and their friendship growing fast), they finally decide to tell her about what the Apex is all about. Full theatrics, conductor and everything.
Knowing the crazy stuff that happened in Paris on a daily basis (which is only reaffirmed by the train), she doesn't doubt the existence of the Conductor, but has reservations about his godlike status among the group ("Are you serious? That thing is probably just a glorified sentimonster!"). However, she keeps these to herself, as she deep down, she doesn't want them to abandon her.
What she lacks in 'belief', she makes up for in fierce loyalty. The only thing Chloe has to her name now is her found family The Apex, and she's not just gonna lose that, no matter how many nulls have to pay. Besides, just because she doesn't believe in the Conductor's power, doesn't mean that she isn't greatly invested in beating the train...
(Oh also, a little bonus. Depending on if the headcanon/theory is true, I'd imagine Simon and Chloe would speak to each other in French on occasion to mess with Grace.)
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stgosupremacy · 9 months
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i just dont know how the poor girl copes 🥺
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the Notes app just being filled with incoherent lines
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mcrololo · 2 years
okay now i’m curious, bc you reblogged that “every writer has their own brand of themes” post and you’ve read most if not all of my stories and i know how your brilliant mind works so - what’s mine? 👂🍿
Oh man that is a very interesting question. I would love to give you a more in depth answer to this some day because for this I think I would need to reread some of your work (you know, poor memory et al), but with a short trip down memory lane from your page I can say for one thing is your strongest brand is opposites.
Not just Beca and Chloe, there was one particular fic you started with grumpy Beca and her dad being in a good mood, and it was a very strong start imo. That in and of itself was already an opposite. But you emphasize the opposing characteristics in Bechloe really well!
That being said, while you have made their differences your own, you have also mastered the art of mirroring these two characters, and I think playing these two things off of each other is a fine line to walk. There needs to be a perfect balance, and you manage to find it every time.
I don't really have the right words right now, but mirroring is also hard to do at the risk of making it inauthentic to both characters. You might blend them too much together. But with you, Beca still feels like Beca and Chloe still feels like Chloe, because they do things their own way, even if they have the same problems, you know?
Anyway, I'm not really used to analyzing fanfic this way lmao. Usually I do this through character analysis so I hope this is at least a bit like what you expected 🙏 but again, I'd have to reread (and sadly I'm going through a readers slump)
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ocvtis · 2 years
Matchup for @hanaposa12
I match you with...
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Rustica and Shuichi Saihara 💋
Rustica admires your personality and finds you extremely reliable; it reassures him that he can always count on you!
As an eccentric person who often gets into trouble, it is up to you to keep an eye on him, especially to prevent anyone from taking advantage of his excessive goodness
When he first laid eyes on you for Rustica it was love at first sight! If it hadn't been for Chloe's intervention you would have found yourself trapped in a birdcage lmao
Rustica is totally devoted to you and wouldn't let you go for anything in the world, he likes you so much that he can't help but talk about you and how much he loves you to his disciple Chloe, who is now privy to every detail of your relationship emwnds
Since Rustica is a person with a very bad memory he would like it if you helped him remember important details, since he is so forgetful that he tends to forget even the most common things, he would reward you with much affection <3
He finds your humour charming and considers it one of your most interesting traits, along with the hard work you put into things and your ambitions, know that he will always root for you.
In spite of being a free spirit who doesn't care about the judgements of others, he understands that for some it may not be the same. In fact he always tries to reassure you, claiming that it is impossible that someone as lovely as you could have given a negative impression
He would ask Chloe to make a matching outfit for you two, so you can show it off on your dates, which are most often at cafes or clothes shops
You are lucky to have Rustica as your partner, who is in fact an amazing musician! Playing happy songs for you is one of the things that makes him happiest <3
Shuichi has low self-esteem so he finds comfort in your unconditional support, and your compliments as long as they cause him some embarrassment put him in a good mood, even though he claims he doesn't deserve such kind words
Your honesty and determination are the qualities that made him fall in love with you, plus your leadership skills in his eyes make you very reliable and trustworthy
Your excellent memory can come in very handy, especially in investigations, in fact Shuichi would be delighted if you decided to contribute to one of the cases he plans to solve
Shuichi is the type who takes relationships seriously, so he is extremely loyal and eager to spend as much time with you as possible, so you will have no reason to feel lonely
Since you don't like cloudy/rainy days Shuichi would try to make them more enjoyable for you, such as reading a book together in his room or listening to music snuggled up on the couch
In general even though Shuichi is a shy and serious person he would do his best to make you feel appreciated, and your air of positivity fills him with confidence
Other potential match: Oz
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magicwithineleteo · 2 years
pixie hollow games is next!! i’m really excited i haven’t seen this one yet
- oh this is 22 minutes long
- technically not a movie
- if tinkerbell wins bc she’s the main character i will be sad
- i wish the disney fairies franchise was still a thing it’s a shame they stopped
- i love seeing them all work together
- is terence here
- is the pixie hollow games the olympics
- i think that garden fairies will win simply bc of this chloe girl
- this seems like such big foreshadowing
- oh ro will definitely be picked as the teammate
- called it
- god they’re all traumatized
- yeah they’re gonna win and ro will get character development
- is terence here
- i hope silvermist gets in the top 3
- vidia!!!!
- fawn!!!
- tink!!!
- TERENCE!!!!!!
- where’s sil :(
- ro looks gorgeous
- she’s such a mood i love her
- okay here is what i hope happens: terence comes 3rd, sil comes 2nd, ro and chloe come first bc of the foreshadowing
- i doubt 3rd and 2nd will be terence and sil but yknow i like being in delusion
- storm fairies exist??
- one for the thumb!
- hey queen clarion
- omg good luck everyone for leap frogging
- o shit they’re gonna fuck everyone up
- animal fairies: 1
- i think they’ll be a story ab perseverance
- there are healing fairies??
- so true that one storm fairy she’s real
- she looks like dove cameron
- rumble has a big ass ego. losing will bruise it and i’m here for it
- poor girl
- terence you need to be more confident in ur masculinity. wearing a thing that looks like a skirt is completely fine for a male to do.
- rosetta is me in any sports activity
- aw chloe is so nice
- waterskiing!! sil will EAT
- is this zendaya singing
- ew rumble
- aw man sil is out :(
- ro and chloe r doing great!!
- shut up rumble
- okay top 3 is light fairies, storm fairies and garden fairies i think
- rip terence
- omg rosetta is me
- aw :(
- rumble i will hit u u dumbass
- what an asshole he’s def misogynistic
- stupid idiot
- ro will get dirty tmr i just know it
- so true ro
- she’s such a girlboss
- rumble will try to cheat i just know it
- and then will win until the truth is revealed that he cheated that’s my theory
- omg he looked so fine driving
- aw shit. fast flying fairies are out
- oh ofc they’re gonna beat him in the nick of time
- so proud of ro getting over her fear of mud
- now they’ll learn that winning isn’t everything and then they’ll win for not cheating
that was really nice!!!
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