#Kiwi Poets
words-and-coffee · 2 years
It is too much for me to hold inside. I am cracking from the pressure. Soon I will shatter and everything will scatter like ashes. Soon I will be a broken thing.
Jackson Nieuwland, I Am A Human Being: I am a egg
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gone2soon-rip · 1 month
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SIR VINCENT O'SULLIVAN (1937-Died April 28th 2024,at 86).New Zealand poet, short story writer, novelist, playwright, critic, editor, biographer, librettist, and academic. From 1988 to 2004 he was a professor of English literature at Victoria University of Wellington, and in 2013 he was appointed the New Zealand Poet Laureate.Vincent O'Sullivan (New Zealand writer) - Wikipedia
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starsetvie · 8 months
Enemies to lovers.
But it's just the world and me.
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kiwibirb1 · 25 days
You can't forgive her. You don't think you will ever be able to forgive her. But you can move on. None of you will ever forget, but you can move on. Together.
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foxes-that-run · 2 months
I was always confused about kiwi with the having you baby line since I didnt think it sounded ts but is there a chance it's ts? In but daddy I love him she mentions baby as a joke. I don't think it's referring to the same thing but maybe?
Harry (and Taylor) are referencing the obsession people have with her having a baby, at first for shock value then it morphed into expectation. Here she used it as a threat to her fans that she’d settle down with someone they found unsavoury. Harry is particularly referring to these tabloids which Taylor also referenced in the reputation magazine:
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And my kiwi analysis:
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confusionmeisss · 2 months
i can already see the “i’m having his baby” from but daddy i love him and “she said im having your baby” from kiwi mashups…
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afirefliespoetry · 1 year
I had so many dreams and plans for us
A whole bucket list full of
Things we’d do and places we’d go - together
A ride or die friendship
I was in it till the end
I thought about how happy I’d be for you
At your wedding and
When you’re having your first kid -
I know how important family is to you
I still have your mom’s birthday saved
In my calendar
It just feels awkward now
To text you and ask you to let her know I wished her
I still think about the songs your brother made
The one he didn’t want to release but you sent it to me anyway
To prove to him that people would love it
There’s so much I miss about you
My ride or die friendship
Just a memory now
And failed attempts to keep in touch
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dorimimimimi · 11 months
Beau: We’ll help you find your parents.
Anon: But I don’t have parents. 🤨
Beau: *chuckles* Don’t be silly.
Anon; I really don't have parents though.
Jello: …
Anon: Can you adopt me?
Jello: No…
Anon: Why???
*Jello having a chaotic spouse is the reason*
Jello: We cannot.
Beau: *Beau bringing the child home*
Beau: I like this child. They’re straightforward and adorable.
Jello and Anon: …
Beau: *Then looks at anon*
Anon: Are you in the mafia?
Beau: …
Beau: No, I’m a poet.
Anon: So you are in the mafia?
Kiwi: *Laughs*
Beau: … 😨
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@beauleifu @jelloangela
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heliocharis · 2 years
Left My Friend’s Body Outside the Mithraeum: One New Zealander’s account of the New Zealand stuff in Nona the Ninth
A few points before we begin:
I’ve quoted everything out of context, but probably don’t read this if you don’t want to be spoiled for the book.
I’m just one person (a Pākehā North Islander millennial, for context), but hopefully I caught most of it. Please tell me if you see anything I missed!
If you see something and think, ‘Tumblr user junozeta, why have you included this piece of information when it is very easily Google-able,’ it’s for the sake of completeness.
Kia ora!
Dramatis personae
Stop It, name assumed, lies under counter at dairy, red colour, big sized, four legs
Dairy: A corner store.
John 20:8
Dilworth. Otago. Auckland. Overseas to Corpus. (She likes the word corpus; it sounds nice and fat.) Then another year abroad, where he got the grant and met the men who would make things happen. Special pleading with the New Zealand government and Asia-Pacific Environmental, at his suggestion, then back to the facility outside Greytown.
Here John is reciting his credentials. Dilworth is a private boys’ boarding school in Auckland. (ETA: Please see this reblog by sixth-light for better context.) Auckland and Otago will be referring to the universities, which are notably the only two in NZ with medical schools. I will add that having studied more in NZ than overseas does not afford you a lot of prestige.
Greytown is a small town (population 2,720 as of 2021) in the lower North Island, near Wellington. (I note here that Trentham, the presumptive namesake of the Second House’s Trentham, is also near Wellington, as is Maymorn, which Tamsyn Muir has said Mercymorn was originally named after.)
Chapter 1
“Is that pikelet mix?” she said.
Pikelet: Like a pancake, but smaller and denser.
Palamedes stood like he was playing a game of Hot Chocolate and the tagger was looking right at him. Hot Chocolate was in fashion with her friends at the moment and Nona wanted to get really good at it.
Putting this here to state for the record that I’m not familiar with Hot Chocolate as a name for a game of that kind. (ETA: An anon was, though, as a different name for Red Light, Green Light. See, not all of NZ is the same.)
I’ve met leaders like Unjust Hope before.
“Unjust Hope” could be from “The Ikons” by James K. Baxter, a famous New Zealand poet.
John 5:20
He said, It was the last one that was getting to me. I knew all those bodies by name. Funny to say, but they were my mates, you know? I’d worked on them for such a long time, and they’d given us so much, and now they were going to get dumped in some concrete skip because after what we’d done to them they couldn’t be cremated or buried safely. I hated that.
Mates: Friends. Classic Kiwi.
Skip: A dumpster.
I didn’t have to worry about the public or the media—we had a pet cop, P—. She’d made detective by that point; was going on to big things in the MoD.
MoD: Probably self-explanatory, but Ministry of Defence.
We only had the demo cans; the mass-produced ones were made in a Five Eyes factory in Shenzhen.
Five Eyes: A surveillance alliance between NZ, Australia, the UK, the US, and Canada. As of 2022, not actively military, nor ostensibly involved with China. Much to think about.
I went around to everyone, talking to my favourites—I know it was weird having favourites, but let’s bloody face it, I’d gone weird—not even saying goodbye, just saying it’ll be fine, hang on for me, kia kaha, kia māia.
Kia kaha, kia māia: Well-known Māori phrase meaning “be strong, be brave”.
John 15:23
You wouldn’t believe how stupid guys get over compliments on our looks, I was vain as.
Vain as: “[adjective] as” is a classic Kiwi way to say that something is extremely [adjective].
P— said I looked like a Māori TV Pink Panther.
Māori TV: Worth noting here that this is a TV channel, and not a generic reference.
Someone’s Honda. Someone’s Mazda. Someone’s four-wheel drive. Someone’s shed. A Macca’s sign.
Shed: A garage.
Macca’s: McDonald’s.
A— and M— moved in with me, and G— set up outside; he was sleeping in his ute. C— was staying with N—, long days. She left us early in the morning and came back the next day with sausage rolls for breakfast.
Ute: A pickup truck. (Short for “utility vehicle”.)
Sausage rolls: A classic NZ food.
You hear all the cicadas in the grass, you hear the dogs in the next town over barking. You hear the moreporks in the trees and the possums skittering over shed roofs.
Morepork: A native owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae).
Possums: Worth noting that NZ has the Australian kind (Trichosurus vulpecula).
He was the bravest dog I’d ever met. Half Chihuahua, half pug. Nan called him Ulysses S. Grunt.
Maybe worth noting here that “Grant” and “Grunt” are pronounced much more alike in an NZ accent than they would be in a North American one.
Chapter 9
Cam ducked into a bakery and came out with a warm and probably radioactive paper bag of pastries that had been under the bakery light the whole time.
Almost certainly a reference to this iconic cultural moment.
She had already got her towel and the old shirt she used to swim in—much easier to go naked, but the others had all objected to this, and Cam had said it would make her a sniper target—and her jandals, and then after masks were tied and hats put on they walked to the beach in the low dusk.
Jandals: Flip-flops. Classic Kiwi.
“I’d give Palamedes the hiding of his fucking life if he wasn’t renting an ass with you.”
Hiding: A beating.
John 5:18
They were lying head-to-head, their eyes aimed at the right part of the sky to see, or in this case not see, the Southern Cross.
Southern Cross: The constellation on the NZ flag. Known formally as, of course, Crux.
There was so much to figure out. But I’d got a dream team on tap, eh? People who could think. C—’s N—, she was on board. C— was still pretending they weren’t dating—she was an artist, so that was cool. If you have two scientists and an engineer and a detective and a lawyer and an artist you’re pretty much sweet as.
Eh: We tend to end sentences with this quite a lot (though of course it’s not just us).
Sweet as: “all good”. Classic Kiwi.
Back then we thought maybe there was something about the ground, something about our particular patch in the Wairarapas, but if we loaded up the ute with a bunch of bodies and looked out for the cops we could do the same thing anywhere else.
The Wairarapas: The region of NZ where Greytown is located. This is an informal way to refer to it, its proper name being the Wairarapa.
“Is that pikelets, Pyrrha? You’re a legend.”
Calling someone a legend to express approval, while not new, has become deeply entrenched in the local consciousness over the last decade or so, thanks to a recognisable anti-drink driving campaign. (If you’ve heard of the “ghost chips” ad, it’s one of those.)
Chapter 12
Crown Him with Many Crowns Thy Full Gallant Legions He Found It in Him to Forgive
He Found It in Him to Forgive: Lyrics from a classic NZ song, “Dominion Road” by The Mutton Birds.
“Why does Pash hate us so much?”
Worth noting here that “pash” (both a noun and a verb) is slang for making out.
John 8:1
You’ve got a wizard out in the wop-wops who’s now got blanket bans from nearly every video upload site and a whole bunch of people have entered the country because of his YouTube channel, the government isn’t all, Love that small-business entrepreneur spirit.
The wop-wops: The middle of nowhere. Often just “the wops”.
Didn’t mention that I’d only gone to Parachute ’cause of the underage drinking.
Parachute: A Christian music festival that existed from 1992 to 2014.
She’d won medals for competition shooting back north in Hamilton, but we’re not talking Jesse James. We’re talking Hamilton.
Hamilton: A city in the North Island (it’s the next city south of Auckland) which it is nationally popular to disparage, especially if you’re from Auckland (this is mutual).
Chapter 16
Crown Prince Kiriona Gaia
Kiriona: Transliteration of “Gideon” into te reo Māori.
“It can’t be my blood. It must be someone else’s. Maybe it’s tomato sauce.”
Pretty throwaway, this one, but when she says tomato sauce this is the kind I think of.
Chapter 18
“Whew!” said Nona. “Is the classroom munted?”
Munted: Busted, fucked up.
John 5:1
There was a lot of it, but we had a lot of people who needed a feed. We sat there with the window cracked so G— could hear us while he manned the barbie, which in the dark gets unwholesome as hell, and we ate off paper plates, and I told them …
A feed: A meal.
Barbie: I think this one should be easy.
He said, Which just goes to show that only getting to NCEA Level 2 isn’t going to stop you making waves in life, right. You can still eat steak, talk to wizards, and take down the government.
NCEA Level 2: This is the qualification you get in your second-to-last year of high school (typically at age 16, which is the age at which you can leave school), and has historically been the minimum you need for university entrance.
This is fairly easy to infer anyway, but John et al. being young enough to have done NCEA (it was introduced in the early 2000s) and old enough to have gone to Parachute to underage drink tells you pretty soundly that they’re millennials.
John 3:20
He said, So I went to the governments that were still sympathetic, sort of, like ours, and all the Trans-Pacifics, and we threw down our evidence.
Probably referring to the TPP.
Not only that, they looked at us and were like, We were going to put you fellas in jail, weren’t we?
Pronounce this as “fullas”, with the U as in “up”.
John 9:22
A bunch of the guys were her old coworkers—guys she’d gone through training with in Porirua, beer buddies.
Porirua: A small city near Wellington.
John 1:20
He said, So here’s us, planning to meet these agents in neutral territory, across the ditch, over in the huddle where the Territory refugees were.
The ditch: The Tasman Sea.
But they weren’t only aggro about G—, they were aggro that a nuke might go off and kill a couple million people. I was like, Guys, it’s fine, they’re Australian.
There’s a rivalry.
John 5:4
Like those old power-washing ads. Spray and walk away, right?
A very recognisable series of ads.
(End of post! If you have learned anything, I’ll be stoked.)
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twopoppies · 2 years
If someone told me that we will get Harry singing You're Still The One, I Will Survive, Man I Feel Like A Woman, and Hopelessly Devoted To You ALL IN THE SAME YEAR I would not belive them yet here we are. Like-
Never would I have thought SEVEN YEARS since we last saw them together, that 2022 would be one of the larriest years on record.
Hopelessly devoted to Lou
Harry dresses as Danny Zuko for Harryween, just a few days after Louis reminds us, once again, that he played Danny Zuko in a high school production.
Harry flies a rainbow flag with not one, but three Louis cross-eyed smiley faces.
Harry flies a rainbow flag with a huge Louis cross-eyed smiley face
The peace ring returns and Harry is smug about it.
Harry flies a rainbow flag with Only The Brave on it (after doing a double take and noticing it)
Harry sings Still The One at Coachella (more details on why this is a big deal here)
Harry sang I Will Survive at Coachella (369 weeks after he last sang it on stage)
Harry randomly uses an origami fortune teller as a symbol for his song Love Of My Life. It shows the colors red and black (strongly associated with Louis these days) and blue and green (Larry colors). Louis’ album, Faith in The Future, is set to release November 11th. National origami day.
Harry quotes a song from Leonard Cohen’s album, Anthem, which has the larriest cover art ever.
Louis’ music plays at Harry’s venues before the show
The fish on the Pleasing merch at Coachella have blue eyes/thin upper lip or green eyes/full lips
Harry referenced the poet Richard Lax in his You Are Home promo. Lax has collections of poems with titles like "Love Had a Compass", "The Green Island," "The Blue Boat”, and "Circus of the Sun."
Harry doodles H L on his sneakers while on “vacation” with his beard.
You Are Home coordinates match up to a lot of Louis and Larry locations
Harry seen at Louis’ LA show (more here and here)
Harry has a blue and green moment
The You Are Home website tweets a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote about people destined to meet, 12 years to the day after Harry and Louis’ xfactor auditions.
And just in case you think Harry is the only one obsessed with Larry (like rads do):
Louis mentions Harry being at his show
Louis acknowledges a rainbow flag with a huge picture of the Larry hug on it.
Louis wears a “blue bird” colored shirt
Louis adds I Will Survive to his post show playlist the day before H performs that song at Coachella.
Louis plays Lego House as his exit song twice. The first time the day Harry’s House was announced and Harry’s first Coachella performance (where H also performed Still The One). Then Lego House again on the day Harry’s House was released and Harry performed his ONO in NY.
Louis’ merch colors match Harry’s merch colors
Louis wears Harry’s House colors the day of Harry’s House release
Louis changes his Twitter header to a photo with the Larry hug in the background.
Louis makes a point of going out for sushi right after Harry’s House drops, despite rolling his eyes in the past about the trendiness of sushi.
Despite his theme being red/black/white, Louis changes the arena lights to blue and green and he does it again and again and again and again
Louis acknowledges a larrie in a rainbow TPWK t shirt
Louis acknowledges a fan holding a poster of Harry with a rainbow flag (more confirmation here and here)
Louis acknowledged a fan holding a Sing Walls if Larry is Real sign ( more info here and here).
Louis winks at a fan holding Larry dolls (while singing the “come so far from Princess Park line)
Louis give a thumbs up to a fan holding two photos of him and Harry and points to himself while singing Too Young
Louis’ venue plays Sunflower Vol 6, Kiwi, and Sweet Creature before the show.
Louis acknowledges a fan’s I Can’t Change Tattoo
Louis adds Don’t Stop Believing and Halo to his preshow playlist
Louis acknowledges that Prada released a collection with Larry-inspired tattoos by joining a Prada Twitter space the day of the launch.
Louis uses green lights during OTB for the first time, the night Harry launches the You Are Home campaign. Not just for a moment, but during the whole song
I’m sure this isn’t everything they did this year, but it’s a lot. And some of it may be coincidence or a reach, but all of it? I really doubt it.
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words-and-coffee · 2 years
you walk through me like an unpleasant but temporary experience I am sentenced to house arrest until forever
Jackson Nieuwland, I Am A Human Being: I am a ghost
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999xswift · 9 days
Okay so i have a bunch of Haylor related thoughts.... i feel like a lot has been going on in Haylor world since TTPD dropped.
Now i think that much of Tourtred Poets is about Harry practically all of the 'matty' songs are actually about Harry, I'm no going to go into the lyrical analysis of it all but if you know you know.
So when it came to April 19th and we saw those pictures of Harry in Japan with Taylor Russell I always thought that was super weird cause like why take a trip with your GF when you know your ex is about to release an album about you. Fast forward to TTPD coming out and all the reports and confirmations that Harry ended things with TR, some reports even saying their trip to Japan was a make it or break it trip...
Now before i carry on, I wanna mention some of the other theories ive seen on the interwebs from other Haylor's to seem to think that Harry and Taylor are already together going as far as to say they are married in secret... I'm not saying I believe this because i dont but i do think its an interesting perspective and i feel like i havent seen that many people really talk about it. The idea that potentially TR and TK were and are PR/stunt relationships and Harry and Taylor are waiting for the right time to reveal the truth...
I feel like this theory is one that I want to be TRUE so BADLY sooo badly but i know how crazy it is to think so i cant help but be realistic about the fact that that is probably not true, however i do believe that if Harry and Taylor were going to be together again they would to do in complete privacy and remain that way for quite awhile before people would know. I also think this theory is especially interesting in the context of But Daddy I Love Him...
This is a song where Taylor is hitting back at various groups of people who talk down on her relationships but more specifically it quite obviously speaks about one person in particular whom Taylor wasn't able to be with due to what people thought and said about their relationship... now we know there were many different outside influences that effected Haylor (directioners, swifties, the media, their teams etc)... The song also sees Taylor professing her love for this person this is the 'one thing she's wanted'... screaming 'but daddy i love him'... 'telling him to floor it through the fences, no im not coming to my senses'... in all of these lyrics Taylor seems to be saying she has made her choice and wont be talked out of it or have it taken from her this time around... this is an important part of the song, 'we came back when the heat died down'... her and this person have history and they almost HAD to let time pass to be able to ever be together...
The more and more i listen to this song the more i am starting to think it may be about Harry which does make the insane theory i mentioned earlier very intriguing lol. My first reason is all of the above, the relationship issues she describes fit what went down with her and Harry very well...The obvious 'But Daddy I Love him I'm having his baby' connection to Harry is really obvious and telling to me i mean from the shirt he wore to the Kiwi 'I'm having your baby it's none of your business' line... i mean c'mon... anyway...
Taylor goes on to say 'And no you can't come to the wedding' now i will admit this line makes perfect sense if the wedding has already happened and we were all none the wiser. It also seems to hint that Taylor really is in love with someone that she really does want to marry... this whole song really does feel like a proclamation of love for this one person that she is willing to fight for against the many odds against them and the song ends in a victorious way... seemingly indicated that she did indeed get the 'one thing she wanted'... whether this song is or isn't about Harry there is no way to definitively tell at this moment in time but either way I do think this song is hiding something it feels like a song we will go back to after finding out some sort of information and be like OMG...
I have more thoughts on what’s been going on in recent weeks, I’ll make another post no idea if anyone care at all or is reading this but these two are driving me nuts so I needed to share 😭😩
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astroboots · 1 year
The moon knight system leaving random love letters for their s/o when they're out on missions.
And they're so poetic and make you feel like melting bc of how sweet the letters are
Im sorry i just cant get over this
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Me reading this!!!!
That's so beautiful. Can you just imagine waking up in the morning when Marc's told you the night before they're gonna be gone for a mission for a while?
The note he leaves you on his pillow is in the typical Marc fashion. Grumpy, curt and short, telling you he'd packed you a lunch to take to work (because he knows you hate the M&S sandwich deals and have on occasion just skipped lunch altogether during busy periods) . He leaves a garish looking lunchbox, like it was made for elementary kids with cartoon fish decorating it and on the fish tank, next to it, there's a post it note in Marc's handwriting and all it says is: "Needs Refrigerator. Do not leave out!"
You're the envy of all your co-workers when you open it at work. Because fuck it's the most delicious packed lunch you've ever tasted.
A perfectly cut sandwhich, no crust. It's stuffed with deep fried katsu (how did he even make that in the middle of the night without waking you up?!). A mini charcuterie deal on the side with rolled up salami, parma ham, neatly cut cheese and pickles inside. The adorable grump has even made you a little fruit cup with strawberries, cut apples and kiwis.
You scarf down your lunch, when you notice there's a letter folded inside the napkin. The handwriting is too messy to be from Marc.
"Marc wouldn't really let me help, said I'd burn down the kitchen, but I wanted to send you off with something special" and on the other side, in his handwriting is an excerpt from his favourite poet and a cute doodle of a goldfish with hearts that makes your heart melt.
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kiwibirb1 · 17 days
yknow what time it is? its time to cry about various aus because theyre so well written they made me remember how to cry.
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madphantom · 1 year
Some more fun facts about my WIP:
There's four generations of gods: Ala the owl goddess and Gestha the goose goddess, Zegefonth the seagull god and Nidho the budgie god, Doronth the crow god and Istheo the heron god, Iginua the pigeon goddess and Onua the kiwi goddess
Humans that are exposed to gods for prolonged amounts of time gain minor magical abilities and age slower. They're called witches and the most powerful witch of all time is a butch trans lesbian called Keke who runs a paranormal nightclub in New Zealand and is dating Onua the life goddess.
Doronth the crow god is the only being able to withstand the magic of water nymphs singing. He found this out because the most beautiful nymph of all time, who is 2000 years old, an Instagram influencer and goes by Edgar, fell madly in love with him but couldn't seduce him. They stayed friends instead.
The protagonist Liza is introduced to all this paranormal underground stuff on her eighteenth birthday, on which shenanigans ensue which end with her having pizza with a 7000+ year old death god on his living room floor.
There is a zombie called Nate whose favourite colour is pink and who wants to become a poet. Before Nate becomes a zombie his body is stored in the freezer by a middle aged housewife who found him dead in her home and panicked.
The Oracle, the most powerful being of the universe, immensely enjoys shopping trips, KFC and bubble tea. Doronth, the 7000 year old death god, enjoys collecting stuff from museum gift shops and pirating music off YouTube.
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lohstandfound · 2 months
1 4 11?
1. favourite place in your country?
I haven't been to a lot of places in my country. But I love the beaches!!
Paraparaumu and Waikanae are pretty nice, probably because of the beaches. I've got to Paraparaumu beach a few times and a couple of years ago I went to this camp at Waikanae- it happened twice and both times on that camp we took a late night walk down to the beach. Sure, maybe we had to climb over some fences by torchlight but it was fun.
Manakau is nostalgic (not to be confused with Manukau), I used to visit a lot as a kid.
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
I love a good pavlova
11. favourite native writer/poet?
Oh oh oh oh oh I have so many writers and poets I love from Aotearoa I would gladly give recommendations. I've made a post on it before and, understandably, it didn't get any attention. (I'm going to find and reblog it)
I love Chris Tse (current poet laureate, I believe), Tayi Tibble, and essa may ranapiri
I haven't read a lot of fiction by kiwi authors. I. S. Belle is on my radar (Zombabe was I think her first novel? And I recently bought Honeyblood which is sapphic vampires so).
Then there's Thorn Boy/Ship of Horrors/Playful Anarchy/The Cure for Gravity/Scathing/Starborough which are anthologies written by my friends plus Spores is published in Ship of Horrors but that is completely biased for me to say
I'm still going slightly off topic but Out Here: an anthology of Takatāpui and LGBTQIA+ writers from Aotearoa is one of my favourite anthologies, and Overcom/Overcommunicate and Bad Apple are my favourite magazines.
Also, me /j
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