#Kids are kindergartners
p1nkshield · 1 year
Bruce being just as guilty of introducing Jason to people like he is but a small little guy.
Bruce at gala supporting youth literary comprehension programs: Have you met my son Jason? As stubborn as kids can be I managed to get him to attend.
Beneficiary: oh that’s wonderful! Does your son enjoy literature?
Bruce: oh absolutely! That’s what convinced him to even come! He has so many respectable hobbies for someone his age. Kids these days rarely find value in the classics but not Jason! Honestly he reads more, and more in depth, than I do! He’s a little mechanic too! When I first saw him he was trying to take the tires off my car with a lug wrench that was bigger than him! It was quite a sight and a rather unconventional way to meet your son but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Beneficiary, blinks as they try to process all the proud dad info: …well that’s lovely, we have some activities for the children of the donors so that none of them get too bored!
Bruce: that’s great! I’ll let him know. Jason, can you come here for a moment?
A very tall, wide, and muscular man turns around and raises an eyebrow.
What a coincidence, that dude must also be named Jason.
He walks towards them
Jason: what do you want old man?
Bruce: there are activities at that table if you’re bored.
Jason: thanks for the memo but I’m not exactly at coloring book age anymore remember?
Bruce: I suppose you’re right :(
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bonewhiteglory · 3 months
today in kindergarten volunteer adventures: one of the kids asked me if I had children, which happens at least once every time I go in; the first time one boy asked me if I had kids and then followed it up by asking if I was in 1st grade, which is possibly the funniest combination of questions I've ever been asked. anyway, until today I thought I didn't have children but this sweet kindergartner revealed to me that I have four kids... ages 11, 12, 17, and 88 :D I don't know anything about them yet but happily the kindergartners love telling me things* so I'm sure ONE of them will be able to help me out here. I can't believe I've been a deadbeat mom for like 90 years now. this is especially enchanting to me bc I'm turning 34 tomorrow LMAO
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intothestacks · 1 year
Adventures in Librarian-ing
I found another book that makes little kids lose their minds: Bad Dog by Mike Boldt.
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I guarantee this one's a winner with the Littles.
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It's especially A+ great for Kindergarteners (though entertaining for at least up to Grade 3 for sure), because it doesn't have a lot of text and they're super engaged with yelling at the girl that Rocky's NOT A DOG.
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patheticcryptid · 2 years
Way back when I worked with kids for a while my colleagues asked me about how I got them to quiet down and listen so quickly whenever I was alone with them.
I just told them I didn't know because I thought it was embarrassing to admit that all I did was channel my inner Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir of Isildur and Rightful King of Gondor.
I simply held my hands out palms down, and said, in a deep, quiet voice.
It was always met with complete and utter silence and a bunch of kids staring at me, confused.
Try it.
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gt-ridel · 1 year
If you see a bad take or interpretation of a character you don't agree with, remember, it's just like someone using a skin in a video game.
Would Luke Skywalker really join a Fortnight tournament? Probably not. But you can still play as him, if you want.
You can look at someone's extremely ooc stories or art and just go, "Ah, I see they are using the (insert character here) skin for this gangster/yandere/AOB/whatever thing." And then not write a 1,000 word essay about how awful that is.
In fact, I encourage it. The more you stew on something that you can't change, the more miserable you and those in your sphere will be.
Don't make other people's playtime a burden you have to carry. And don't ruin their fun by stomping in and demanding they do things your way. Whose side do you think the teacher would take if a little kid did this on the playground?
We're literally all just playing barbies with our blorbos.
You have the power to choose not to be miserable about it.
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ennaih · 7 months
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
228. Leo (2023)
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worldfoodwine · 9 months
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Attention parents! We've got the ultimate guide to fun, healthy snacks for your kindergarteners. From colorful skewers to DIY snack stations, we have tips and ideas that will make snack time a hit – and super nutritious too! 🍏🥨🧀
Check out our guide here:
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amethysttribble · 1 year
That I’ve already made 1 post being annoyed with the Spy x Family fandom and I could easy make 2 more, is really quite telling
#it’s just everything I hate so much in one fandom:#over abundance of fluff for the sake of fluff (gag) and uninformed attempted at political takes (also gag)#the first one would be-#1) oh my god I didn’t realize how aro I saw Loid and Yor’s relationship until the UwU fluffy ship people got involved#THEIR DEVELOPMENT IS NO WHERE NEAR THAT. IF IT EVER WILL BE#they RESPECT each other and work TOGETHER to create a nice family environment despite their nontypical family and they aren’t in ‘love’ yet#and you really want to strip that all away to go ‘uwu Loid is soooo in love with her as soon as chapter 10’ fuck off#2) (and this one’s the kicker) Are you really pondering the moral difference between the actions#of two people who#are use violent means in order to maintain geopolitical peace so that war doesn’t break out???#and the fucker who hijacked a bus of KINDERGARTNERS to make his political protest???#MAYBE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HOW WE SEE THESE CHARACTERS IS THAT LOID AND YOR DONT KILL CHILDREN!!#you know whose daughter is also dead fuckwit? The Handler. YOU DONT SEE HER TRAUMATIZONG SIX YEAR OLDS#I mean are you even /thinking/ at point?#also#no actually Loid and Yor would not ‘destroy the city for Anya’#they flat out wouldn’t#Loid is a character who cares a LOT about the bigger picture here and specifically about /not making kids cry/#he would never hurt other children; even for Anya’s sake#never#but ESPECIALLY not out of revenge#and the city take is especially in bad taste considering his background#are we even like reading the same manga?#OR have your reality divorced stupid fluffy headcanons rotted your brain?#I know the answer#my god#anyway I hope the Silm friends got a good laugh out of ready my salt for another fandom#NOT tagging this shit#don't mind me#tribble post
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x-h0nk-x · 11 months
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i used to play on these at school, they were inside. the recess room had 4 of them, but none had the slides. when i was very young, we would flip them on their sides and climb on them until one day my mom decided that was a bad idea, as she worked there and wanted to keep us safe.
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Check out my stuff on:
This strip was a team effort with @madammedusasplace
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erik-christine · 1 year
nothing boosts your ego more than when little girls say that you look like a fairy princess
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scoreplings · 1 year
writing thank you & goodbye letters for all my students rn and im about to start sobbing
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intothestacks · 2 years
Adventures in Librarian-ing
According to my principal, the Kindergarteners were extremely excited about the fact that today was their first library visit where they'd get to pick a book.
One of the Kinders had a doctor's appointment earlier in the day, and the kiddo's mom told my principal that he had been adamant that they HAD to be back before 2 because that was library time.
(Don't worry -- they made it in time!)
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springthings · 1 year
i've spent the last like 2 and a half years of my life preaching the allie fleur no kids agenda but. what if :]
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cunagussos · 1 year
I started a new class today and these children absolutely beat my ass. holy shit.
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sleptting · 1 year
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