#Just casually hip checking her girlfriend
almea · 1 year
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"And sometimes it's just nice to kick ass."
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spidergirl-fibula · 2 months
listening to any music lately?
Trans women yelling at me, mainly
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prncessjaeger · 3 months
i changed my mind 🎀
the day you met suguru was the day you wished you should’ve ignored him, but who could ignore the way you both instantly clicked despite the main difference between you two, him being the best friend of the golden boy aka satoru gojo, having everyone wrapped around his finger, and you being the girl who’s well… not very well known and coined the term, “never out pass 8.”
but suguru didn’t care, infact he seemed like he loved how polar opposites you both were, and you could tell by the way he’d compliment you, the rushed feeling he gives you when he kisses you, the ongoing lavish dates he takes you on, it was all perfect. 
too perfect, infact. he treated you so well you could only see the good in him and that’s when the problems began. kissing his lips, you felt his arms circle your waist pulling you even closer. your hips grinded against his half-hardened dick, when you both were interrupted with yet another text from his phone. you felt him pull away, “noo sugu-” “give me a sec…damn,” he mumbled reading the content on his phone, “i..got to go,” “again?” your groaned, hopping off his lap feeling unsatisfied yet again and sighed when he mentioned there was another party he was invited to, “look ‘sugu, i trust you but it’s kinda hard to keep that trust when you’re partying every night with all those girls-”
“it’s always about the “partying”, good gosh, you jealous of them or something?” your face scrunched up in confusion, “uh no why would i be jealous of a party? i’m talking about you always leaving and going out to party?” he huffed and got up from his seat, “baby it’s college! who wouldn’t wanna go out and party?” “so you’d rather go out than be with your girlfriend?” he pushed your finger away when you pointed at him, “don’t start, besides you must wanna come with me or something?” you looked at the time, 7:37 p.m, then all the books and papers you had to finish studying, “why would would love to, but it’s getting late, and you know i have to-” “study. why can’t you brush it off for once and hang out with me, huh? you always blow me off for some dumn ass studying,” he murmured the last part but you heard him pretty clear. “okay, fine we can go-”
“nah, i’ll go with kara and shoko instead, you focus on your 'studying'…” your head jerked back, wondering who the hell “kara” was, “ suguru i said we can go, studying can wait-” “nope. see you tomorrow.” he grabbed his jacket and keys and left your apartment in a swift, not even kissing your cheek like usually does. not feeling the want to do anything school related anymore, you closed your books and watched youtube until your eyes couldn’t stay open anymore.
the second time it happened, you both were at a prestigious dinner with all your friends when suguru abruptly left your side and left the restaurant, and shoko took notice, asking “where did geto go?” “umm that’s a great question, i’ll call him.” you grabbed your phone and dialed his number, frowning when it went voicemail. you called and called but to no avail he didn’t answer, “must be an emergency, so i’ll just send him a text, anyways how was vegas?” “oh it was amazing, we visited sooo many hotels and shows…” you casually listened to her story while checking your phone, only to be met with setting notifications and it honestly started to worry you. so, you ended up leaving the dinner early, catching a cab home only to be met with suguru himself standing at your doorstep, looking disheveled and marked up, “hey! where did you run off? are you okay? did something bad happen??-” you were cut off with your name falling from his lips sternly, “i’m fine. can i just come in and change my clothes?” feeling a weird vibe coming from him, you let your hands drop from his blazer, “sure.” you let him in, smelling a weird smell coming from his suit, “new cologne? it smells… fruity?” “nah, it’s probably your cheap perfume you like to wear,” you walked to him and watched him act unfazed, and you went to sniff his shoulder confirming that the smell came from him, “but... you smell like mangoes, suguru , and you know i hate mangoes- are you cheating on me?”
“oh my god! look, i went to-” “where! where’d you go hm, “kara’s house”,” you watched his hold his head in his hands and sigh, “no, i went to my aunt’s for a family emergency, and she hugged me…” he gave you a perplexed look, rolled his eyes and walked away to the bathroom. feeling guilty, you texted your friend, shoko, to see if you were just overeacting on the possibility of him cheating on you, but she ended up sending you a long voice note about how “suguru’s not shit” and “you deserve better,” and ended it with a detailed plan on how to leave him…
…but instead you brushed it off once more and let him cuddle you that night, forgiving him yet , again. 
the third time was the final straw. 
since it was the week off for break, everyone decided to go to the beach for a much-needed vacation away from school and ever since suguru helped bring your bags down to where you were sitting, you haven’t seen him since. satoru walked up to you and sighed, “hey! how’s you and suguru?” “oh!- we’re uh, doing fine…why?” he grabbed your drink from your hand, “just asking, you both seem a little distant compared to before,” hearing those words had you in deep thought, depicting every single interaction you and suguru had to prove satoru’s statement, “um, well he has been a little off with me?” “how so?” “just brushing me off, leaving abruptly, things like that.” satoru looked back to where suguru was, eyes widening when he saw him with a familiar tall blonde chatting it up at the beach bar, so he moved to be directly in front of you hoping you couldn’t see him, "what’re you doing?” “nothing, the sun was in my eyes so i moved to see you better,” squinting your eyes, you hummed and asked, “anyways, where’s sugu? you seen him yet?” he furrowed his brows, “oh i don’t know, i figured he was over here, that’s actually why i came over here but when i didn’t see him, i just talked to you instead-” when satoru’s nervous, he likes to ramble and spew out useless information.
a trait everyone knew satoru had. 
“satoru…where is he?” you saw him rub his neck bashfully and sigh, “look i only found out just minutes ago when i looked back at him and-”
“found out what?” you asked but you went unheard by satoru, “- and i’d hate for you to find out this way, that would suck cause-” “find out what, what way?” “-cause you’re a really sweet girl but i just think you aren’t the…right one for him. i mean he’s so caught up-” “what?” “he barely shows you love-” “satoru! if you don’t tell me what the fuck is going on and stop talking over me?” satoru sighed and mumbled, “i’m sorry,” and moved to the side, revealing suguru and some tall blonde girl close together, watching him feed her…grapes? giggling with her- kissed her much more passionately than he’s ever kissed you “the fuck?” 
like any normal person, you’d go over and probably curse him out, hit him a couple of times and leave him with breaking off the relationship, but instead you sighed and nodded, “you know what? i’m gonna go home and i’ll…see you later.” you packed up your towel and left in your car, suguru hearing your car speed down the highway, then turned to see your spot now being crowded by the others on the trip wondering where you’d drive off to.
“shit…” he muttered, the girl watched him sigh in his hands, “everything okay?”
“everything’s perfect, hey why don’t we uh, get out of here yeah?” hearing a small “yeah” the two got up and walked back to her car, and when satoru walked to the bar to confront suguru, he was now where to be seen…
…now, months have passed and you and suguru have barely spoken to each other by this point. even though you both officially never ended the relationship, he barely acknowledged you nowadays and stopped coming over, but you decided to not let it phase you and instead you focused on yourself, entering your “healed girl era” or whatever the coined term was. 
since the…"split", you and satoru have gotten closer especially after he stopped being friends with suguru days after his amidst cheating, (he ended up staying by your side and even helped you out of your funk), and today he invited you to a party. 
ironic, considering parties were the main problem in your past relationship, but you needed a change of scenery. being a nursing major was tough and sitting in your apartment all cooped up with billions of textbooks, you were tired! so, you went to your closet and picked out a cute top with a skirt to match, grabbing your fur boots and jewlery to complete the look. once you finished your makeup, you heard the doorbell ring and a set of keys jiggle, jumping when satoru’s loud voice echoed in your room, “y/nnnn!” “toruuuu!” “hey bestie-oh you look real cute, give me a spin hm?” he grabbed your hamd and spun your around, “okay so good news, i’m here bad news, the party’s in suguru’s house and it’s more of a get-together rather a party.” “hm…” you hummed, "i mean we don't have to go if you don't want to?" you grabbed your purse anyway and walked to the door, “but what if i still wanna go though?” “well let’s go!” he drove fairly quick considering suguru only lived 3 minutes away from you, and when you arrived you noticed the other couple of cars. you and satoru got out, him holding the drinks and your purse and knocked on the door, shrieks coming from shoko when she saw you, “it’s my babyyyyy!”
suguru turned his head hearing shoko’s claim and immediately knew it was you. his nerves skyrocketed and he sighed nervously, “hey everything alright?” the blonde he now dates, yuki, asked as she massaged his scalp, “yeah…she’s here,” “oh! uh, okay. don’t be nervous i’m sure she’d come around…” soon yuki would eat her words the minute you walked in the room, greeting everyone except the two. “ugh i’m so happy you’re here, i’ve missed you-gojo’s taking you away from us all the time now,” shoko complained as she hugged your figure, hasn’t let go of you since she saw you at the door. 
suguru noticed how you looked more comfortable, relaxed even with satoru which was odd considering any other time you wouldn’t pay him no mind, and with shoko’s claim of satoru “taking you away” he wondered just how close you two were becoming. 
after many, many drinks and games later, you excused yourself to the bathroom and after five minutes, suguru followed you up, satoru and shoko taking notice of it. drying your hands, you opened the door only to be met with suguru himself, “what’re you doing-” “you fucking him now? you’re such a slut you’d fuck my best friend next? and we haven’t even broken up-” “we were broken up the minute you put your lips on yuki! and you know that, so don’t come up here fucking accusing and yelling at me like i’m stupid! the fuck,” you watched him step closer to you, causing you to step back into a wall, “i still love you, you know that right?” “but i don’t love you,” suguru chuckled and rubbed his hand over his mouth, “you sure about that? just months ago you were telling me how much you wanted to get married and have my babies, remember?” he leaned down as his lips hovered over yours, “not anymore geto, i’ve changed my mind-” “ohhh so it's geto now? besides, it felt like you were determined before,”
“you just wasted my time geto, so move.” you shoved him out the way, feeling his hand grab your wrist, “baby, come back i missed you, we can do all the things you want if you just come back, i’ll be better for you i swear…” you heard him plead and please, over and over again but in the end it doesn't matter how many apologies he can spew out, like before and always,
you'll go right back to him…
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igotanidea · 1 year
//For his eyes only//: J.T x fem!reader x D.G
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Summary: how would it be to have both Nightwing and Red hood in bed at the same time? Well, Y/n was curious as well.
You can check the preview here.
Warnings: SMUT, ass fucking, unprotected p in v, dirty talk, showoff, sexual tension, it's absolutely explicit.
“I can’t believe I actually agreed to that” Jason muttered with jaw clenched as he watched his girlfriend bustling around, waiting for Grayson to show up to their little party.
“Come on, Jace.” She smiled brightly, absolutely innocently, almost like they weren’t going to have a threesome soon. And if he didn’t know what she was reading beneath that plan t-shit and mom jeans he would probably believe that fake chastity “it’s gonna be fun.”
“Yeah, right.” he turned around just to avoid looking at her angelic face and getting that sting of jealousy caused by the thought that he actually was going to share her with his fucking brother. “Maybe for you, but not for me…..”
“Jay….” She cooed, putting a hand on his shoulder from behind and massaging the tensed muscles gently “we’ve talked about it.” Y/N took a step forward, her front now pressing to his back, hand travelling down his biceps, caressing gently “why don’t you just relax a little?” she raised on her tiptoes and kissed the crook of his neck making him groan.
“I swear if Grayson doesn’t show up his ass here in the next ten second I won’t even bother controlling myself anymore….” Jason gasped, the touch of her lips making him hornier and harder than even before.
“You know I only want you.” she assured “we’re just playing around, but it’s nothing serious, you know it, right?” she muttered against his skin “I don’t care about Dick.”
“Fuck, princess” Jason turned around and caught her sneaky hands in his “don’t test me right now, cause I can still call this thing off and have you pinned to the mattress or the wall, screaming my fucking name.”
“I bet I will do it one way or another.” She licked her lips, eyes blown with lust, mirroring the same expression he had in his
“Fuck!” Jason hissed and put his lips on hers, kissing her hungrily with lust, want, need, his own hands finding a way towards her waist and hips, playing with the band of her pants, reaching for that red strings she hid from his prying eyes. “I want you, princess.” He pulled her closer to him so she could feel how hard he already was “Now. please. Let’s just tell Grayson  to fuck off and have fun by ourselves. I can make you feel good.”
“Ah, ah, ah.” She wriggled out of his embrace making him whine and shook her finger at him “you are not a party pooper, are you, Jaybrird?” she pouted “you won’t deny your good girl a little more fun, will you?”
“Y/N…..” his tone became more of a warning than anything else, clear sign he was closing in on his patience. But before he could say anything else, the knock on the door cut him off. Y/N smiled brightly at Jason and moved to open the door, her boyfriend close behind. Like fuck he was going ot leave her out of his sight tonight.
“Hey Y/N” Dick, who was casually leaning on the frame put on his boy-wonder smile “Jaylad.”
“Hello to you too, Dickie” Y/N reciprocated the smile making Jason roll his eyes “come on in. You are right on time. Jace was getting quite impatient with the waiting.”
“Well, I cannot blame him. I was a bit giddy myself, knowing the treat….” Dick gave Y/N a glance and even if she was only in her plain, everyday clothes he was perfectly capable of imagining the rest.
“Careful with words now, Grayson!” Jay’s arms wrapped around Y/N protectively “remember your place here!”
“I know, I know” Dick raised his hands in surrender. “you are the boyfriend and I’m just a tag along. “
“Is that what he told you?” Y/N frowned
“Was I wrong, princess? Is he more to you? Think about that answer carefully, cause it may change how I will treat you tonight.” Jason whispered into her ear, still standing behind her and yet, looking straight into Dick’s eyes just to prove to his brother who was in charge of Y/N’s good mood this night.
“Mmmm.” Y/N whined a little, squirming against him “I like it when you go rough on me, Jason. I actually have an idea for tonight, but how about we move to the bedroom first?”
Her idea.
Her idea was pretty much based on the “good cop, bad cop” scenario.
What else, considering the fact that Dick actually used to be a cop and she really did like Jason going hard. Grayson was just supposed to be counterpoise to that.
And they just went for the plan.
How could they not, when she grabbed each of the boys by the hand and swaying her hips and wriggling her ass, lead them both towards the bedroom.
“We need some ground rules here.” Jason voice was stern as he glanced at his brother. “First of all, I am the only one who can make her come. You have no privileges with that, Grayson. Secondly, the second I tell you to move away from her, you listen to me. No objections. And last but not least, that pussy is mine and mine only.”
“Anything more there?” Dick smirked. With such attitude the good cop part was not going to stick to him for long.
“I think I made myself clear.”
“So…..” Dick trailed moving closer to Y/N who already laid on the bed, propped on her elbows, still in her clothes, her gaze jumping from Dick to Jason and back, watching them doing this crazy male-ego show. “You wouldn’t mind if I take those layers of her?” he climbed onto the bed, hovering over the girl, slowly peeling her shirt off.
“FUCK!” in a blink of an eye, Jace was on the other side of the bed, almost pushing Dick from the mattress
“That’s what I thought.” Dick laughed
“You know what?” Y/N sighed, getting quite impatient. “I can do this myself if none of you is capable. Maybe this will make it easier.” She lifted herself up, shoving Dick and Jason away and bowing on her knees. Painfully slowly, showing inch by inch of skin she started to peel her shirt off, caressing her own skin and breast in the process, exposing that damn red lingerie that was going to give Jace a heart attack. “How is that for the prelude?” she moaned, playing with her own, still covered breast. “God, if only someone could take care of me….”
“I ….” Dick started. He was already hypnotized by her every movement.
“Now, boys.” She freed herself from the top completely, smiling tentatively, her hair falling loose around her face “tell me, is it fair that I’m the only one half-undressed?” the question got her two heads shaking for a “no” answer “take your shirts off for me.”
She didn’t have to wait long since both brothers simply tore their polos off, letting her soak in their perfectly toned chests and  abs. God, she was going to have them both tonight.
“Y/N…” Jason whined, trying to reach for her, but she pushed him away again.
“Not yet, Jaybird. Not even close. I remember what I promised you, but stay patient for just one moment, can you?”
“What did she promise you?”
“Oh, you’ll see, Dickie. But for now.” she crawled closer to Grayson and put her lips on his, feeling him response immediately. Oh, he was a good kisser. Very skillful as his mouth moved in perfect sync with hers, slowly travelling towards her neck, shoulder and collarbone making her shiver.
“Mmm.” she moaned when he nibbled on her soft spot, her palm landing on Grayson’s chest, clawing on it gently, spurring him on, his excitement visible in his jeans “so good, Dick. So fucking good, I’ll give you that. Guess Kori was right about you. Wonder what else you have in store”
“Let me show you.” he groaned against her skin, trying to push her onto her back and have his way with her, but she pulled back.
“Nah. Patience is the word for you both. I’m gonna have my fun and hopefully some of it will be left for you. But it’s about me, understood?”
They both nodded. Her behavior, the fact that she had them both in her control was doing things to all three of them.
“Great. Now, Jaybrid.” She moved to the other side of the bed “show me what you got.” She grabbed Jason’s hands and put them on her waist, this time kissing him. He was rougher than Dick, going on her faster with more lust and need than his brother. But it was easier for him since he knew all the soft spots Dick had to find by himself “Jason….” she whined, tangling hands in his messy, silky black hair while he squeezed her tighter earning a little gasp.
“Do I make you feel good, baby?” he bit on her shoulder
“Showoff.” She moaned, grabbing onto him.
“Let me take those off.” Jason cooed playing with the button of her jeans, padded thumbs brushing over the soft skin of her belly
“Fuck.” She arched her back to him, her control slowly slipping “just do it.”
“As you wish” if she was going to have her fun, he was not the one to deny it. But it never meant he couldn’t tease her. And when he started removing her pants, slowly, making her lay down on the bed on her back, kissing her thigh, inside knee and calf in the process he knew she was back at his mercy.
“Don’t tease the girl, Jaybird” Dick laughed “she said it herself, she need someone to take care of her.”
“Oh, I am gonna take care of her.” Jason hissed, moving to hover over her body, looking straight into her eyes “not so fierce now, that you are under me, huh, princess?”
‘That can be easily changed.” She smirked, wrapping legs around Jason’s waist and swiftly changing the positions so now she was straddling him.
“Hm.” Jason smirked “I’m not gonna complain about that.”
“What about me?” Dick objected
“You can fuck off, Grayson.” Those reckless words made Y/N leave Jason’s lap and once again move to Dick.
“You will have the first round with me, Dick. It’s only fair before Jason stretch me out.”
“WHAT NOW?!” Jason yelled trying to grab her and pull her back to him, but Dick was already holding her against him, rubbing her sides igniting fire in her
“What makes you think I won’t be the one to stretch you out, sunshine?”
“How about we check?” she smirked, palming on his erection “oh, you are not lying, you are big. He’s big, Jason “ she threw a teasing glance at her boyfriend who was red due to the mix of fury and lust “Care to share with the group, Mr. Grayson?”
“You know me, I hate to brag, but since you asked to nicely….” The second she moved from him, Dick managed to free himself from the pants and boxers, showing all his glory, ready for action, already covered with pre-cum.
“Hmmmm.” Y/n wriggled on the bed invitingly “all that for me? Oh, Dick, you really shouldn’t have. Come to me for a treat my sweet boy.”
“But…” Jason objected again even though no one was listening as Dick crawled over Y/N pressing all his body against her. She was still in that damn lingerie, but the thin material was doing nothing to prevent her from feeling all of Dick’s body as he grinded into her, turning her into a wet pool of lust.
“How about we get rid of that.” Dick played with the sting of her underwear, still waiting for her permission
“Oh, yes, right.” She realized and pushed him away. It was truly amazing how much self-control she had. “Jace.” The girl motioned for the other boy to come closer “I always keep my promises.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, finally.” At this point, Todd was simply burning alive. He needed to feel her skin, her body against his. It was his right. And this time he was not going to go slow. He wanted all of her now. The fuck he was going to let Grayson go first. Besides, Dick (pun intended) wasn’t big at all. Not even close to him and maybe Y/N needed a little reminder of that. As Jason started to untie all those strings and straps of her underwear in the corner of an eye he noticed his brother jerking off. Pathetic. Famous Dick Grayson could not hold his own arousal. But then again, who would be able to do that with naked Y/N around? Shit, she was so hot
Jason put the straps of her bra down kissing her shoulders and moving lower towards her breast, sucking on each nipple making her moan and writhe against him, her arms wrapping around his back, pulling him closer, her legs slightly opening, making more place for him..
“not so fast, princess.” He bit on her breast and immediately soothed the mark with his tongue.
“Jay, please…” she whimpered
“But you wanted Dick to go first.” Jason pouted moving to kiss her belly and started to untie her red panties “Didn’t you love?”
“Mmmmm.” She gasped when her underwear were gone, her pussy exposed to the air, and when Jason moved away, back to his teasing mood “please….”
“Aren’t you a little moaning mess. And for who? For me, aren’t you? You beg for me. Only  for me. Not him.” Honestly he was trying to do some self-assurance more than teasing her. But he needed to hear her say it. “what do you want, princess? Who do you want first.” His fingers found a way to her clit and started circling it gently, adding to the flame inside her
“Ah!” she squirmed “I….. I…..”
“Tell me princess.”
“I… I want you…. you both.”
Oh? That was a little surprising. Who would have thought that she could be so dirty, needing not one but two men to satisfy her. That was so fucking hot.
“I don’t think that is how it’s going to work, love.” Jason chuckled ‘choose.”
“I….please….” she almost cried, unable to form a sentence, her mind overwhelmed by the lust, craving the release “please….” A few tears flew down her cheeks and Jason wiped them off, kissing her lips, slowly, gently, reassuringly.
“I got you love. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. Actually, I will let Dickhead go first, cause he only got this one chance before I give you hundred more orgasm.” He moved back making room for his brother and causing Y/N’s body to tremble. “I meant what I said, Grayson. Her pussy is mine. And you don’t get to see her face when she comes. All you get is doggy style.”
“how about we ask Y/N what she needs.”
“Fuck! Just give me whatever!” she cried out. “If you want to keep talking it’s fine by me, but I will kick you out of my room and finish on my own!”
“fine!” dick relented “doggy style.”
“I want to see her face” Jason instructed moving to sit on the nearby chair, unzipping his own pants. This time Dick did not say a word grabbing Y/N by the waist and moving her onto all four, so she could face Jason. Spreading her legs a bit, he moved behind her.
“Hey! Aren’t you forgetting something!?” Jason shrieked
“You are not going raw with my girl!” Todd threw a pack of condoms towards his brother.
“Medium size?” Dick hissed but then smirked “are those yours?”
“Very funny, Dickhead. Unlike you, I came prepared. I bought them especially for you. While covering my face obviously. Just wanted to avoid humiliation.”
“Hm, really. Guess it didn’t quite work out.” Dick laughed, putting the rubber band on and focusing back on Y/N with her ass in the air, whining but waiting patiently “Y/N.” he whispered “Are you….?”
“Fuck! Just do it, Dick. I need you!”
“Shit!” He pushed in, stretching her and filling fully, bottoming instantly due to how wet she was. They both groaned in unison and it made Jason flinch but he did not say a word, quite literally biting  on his tongue. Todd tried to stay focus on his girlfriend face, twisting with pleasure and not on the fact that is was Grayson who was giving her that. “You good, Y/N?”
“Good. Just move, Dick, move.” She wriggled her ass and it was all Dick needed to start thrusting into her.
“Shit, you feel so good, Y/n. So good. Now I know why Jason was reluctant to share. Shit, you are a dream.”
“Mhmmmm.” She whined meeting the pace of his thrust “Fuck, Dick…” the way she was gasping his name only spur him on. “more…. God, more…. “
“I’ll give you everything you want, Y/N” he moaned, grabbing her waist and pulling her back flush to his chest, his pace not slowing for even a second, her whines getting stronger. “Everything” her hand found his head and tangled in his hair while he added to all the stimuli by kissing her neck and grabbing her breast squeezing them, twisting the nipples.
“Fuck! Oh, fuck! Yes, yes! Dick, damn it yes! So… so close!”
“Come for me, y/n. I got you.” he barely hold himself back from adding “come for me in front of your boyfriend” but it was not needed since her orgasm washed over her with the force of hurricane, her body going completely numb in his arms. She was pretty much a jello.
“Dick…” she gasped, holding onto his biceps
‘How was that?”
“God, I…. wow. Let me just say I’m really glad you came.”
“Anytime for you sweetness.” He kissed her forehead
“Are you two done?” Jason hissed from the side. Only then Dick and Y/N remembered that he was actually still there. His tone might have suggested otherwise, but he really did enjoy the show as well. And there were clear signs of that, all over his hands and abs.
“Jason…” Y/N whispered, her sensitive body suddenly remembering how good he was making her feel. “Make me feel good.”
“Do you even realize how hot you are?” he asked taking Dick’s place “your face when you come. Fuck. I love you” he pushed her onto her back, capturing her lips in his. ‘You’re mine.”
“I’m yours.” She mumbled, spreading her legs open, making space for him “Jason. Jason. Jason.” his name was like a prayer in her lips, sounding so good said in that breathy moan. “I want to feel you.”
“Only me?” he smirked, tracing patterns on her inside thigh. So close and yet so far from her center.
“Yes, Jason, only you.”
“We’re never gonna do this again, are we? The fucking threesome?” he asked, pressing his body closer to hers, moving lightly to give her foretaste of what was coming.
“No!’ she agreed way to fast, but who cared. “Never! I swear! Please! Jason, baby, please, please, please…”
“How can I ever refuse you?” he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear gently and spread her folds in that delicious stretch. No one said he wasn’t going  to go raw. She just felt to good around him to get separated by anything. And she was on pill eitherway. “God, you are still so tight. Guess someone was smaller than he was bragging to be.”
“Jason!” Y/N cried out and his attention was immediately back to her as he grabbed her legs and wrapped them around his hips pushing deeper, harder, faster. Now she was making those sweet sounds only for him. Only he could make her come so fast, so hard, so intensely. Only he knew how to please her, how to get her high.
“Baby.” He groaned “tell me how this feels.” He needed her to say it. To assure him he was doing good, perfect, better than anyone (even though said anyone was sitting nearby, watching the scene with pain on his face and his dick in his hands).
“Ah… don’t stop Jace! Don’t stop. Make me come! Fuck, I missed you.” she was obviously referring to her first orgasm which Dick got from her. Apparently her subconscious wanted it to be given by Jason and not his brother.  “You’re doing so good, baby. So good!” she tightened her legs around him allowing him to hit her g-spot with every thrust.  
“Together?” he asked intertwining their fingers, snapping his hips more and more, only to please her, feeling both hers and his orgasm coming. They were just perfectly synchronized.  
“YES! Yes, Jason. Yes! Yes! Oh, god, fuck yes!” her walls fluttered around him as another wave of pleasure, this time stronger than before hit her making her vision blurry, her whole face screaming with pleasure as she screamed his name. His fucking name as he made her ride the high, prolonging the sweet release, not ready to let her go just yet. Not wanting to let go of her.
“God, Y/N.” he mumbled once she came down and he himself emptied his balls into her, but still not pulling back “I want to stay like this forever. With you. Just us” he leaned down to kiss her lovingly, without any urgency.
“Then stay.” She smiled lightly, caressing his chest and his autopsy scar “I want you to stay with me. I want to stay with you.”
“Let me just clean you up, first, baby. And then we’ll cuddle. I swear I’m letting you go before that.”
“I’d like that.”
“You heard the girl, Grayson.” Jason grabbed Dick’s pants blindly and threw them his brother’s direction “you had your fun now get the fuck out!”
“well, that really was fun.” Dick slowly started to put his clothes on ‘I’m sure you won’t forget how I felt Y/N, cause sure as hell am I not forgetting your taste.”
“See you around, sunshine.” Dick grinned and letting his instincts take the best of him almost jumped out the window “Oh, yeah, right. Too soon” he laughed quickly realizing he was in civil, not the vigilante version of himself. When he finally left Jason grinned and turned towards his girlfriend, hugging her tightly.
“Why are you grinning like crazy?”
“Have you seen his face when I made you come?”
“Um, no? Believe me, that was the last thing on my mind at that moment. In fact, I am offended that it was on yours….”
“God, he was just so fucking jealous!” Jason was glowing “Thank you, babe” he pecked her lips “you were right. It was like killing two bird with one stone!”
“You are just unbelievable” Y/N shook head at her boyfriend stupidity
“But still, we are not doing this again, are we?”
“If you keep acting like a kid who just won a prize at fair….”
“Are you threatening me now, princess?”
“Just reminding you that a treasure like me have to be cherished.”
“Oh, I know that” he smirked and pushed her onto her back.
Were they supposed to get cleaned and cuddle?  Yes. Sure. But with Grayson out of the picture and Y/N still in his arms, who was going to stop Jason Todd from devouring his girl again?   
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blueicequeen19 · 9 months
Charter Ch. 5
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Warnings: angst, smut, oral, protected sex
It’s Sunday and we’re closed so I find myself at the beach with my pit/lab mix Bo. We’ve engaged in a long game of keep away and fetch, my legs and lungs screaming when a familiar laugh catches my attention down the beach. My heart nearly bursts in my chest at the sight of JJ and Summer building a sandcastle together. He mentioned Sundays and Mondays were their days so I turn to give them space when Bo darts past me and straight for the sandcastle.
“BO!” I yell frantically, taking off after him but it’s too late. Summer screams with joy and JJ is momentarily stunned as Bo tramples their work during a case of the zoomies.
“Puppy!” Summer squeals with delight just as JJ’s eyes find mine. I expect him to cringe away or act like he doesn’t know me but he just chuckles.
“Daddy, look! It’s a puppy!” Summer chases after Bo and JJ hops to his feet.
“She’s going to be begging me for a dog again, you know.” JJ chuckles as we stand and watch them both play along the waters edge.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” I admit, looking up at him. My heart was racing just taking in his shirtless appearance and his casual attitude.
“No, you’re fine. I can only build so many sandcastles.” We both laugh just as Summer runs up and straight into JJ’s arms. He holds her on his hip and turns to face me with a proud smile.
“Daddy, who’s that?” Summer asks.
“Sum, this is my friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Summer.” I smile at her as Summer looks at me questioningly before looking back to her dad.
“Daddy, is she your girlfriend?” My stomach knots with nerves at her question but JJ only chuckles.
“She’s a girl that’s my friend.” JJ counters, distracting her with tickles until she’s placed back on her feet and chases after Bo.
“Sorry, kids don’t really know boundaries on the personal questions.” JJ smirks, not hiding the way he’s checking me out. My body heats and I can’t help but smile back him.
“It’s fine. She’s adorable.”
We fall into comfortable conversation as we watch Bo and Summer play. By the time they were done, both were exhausted and hungry so we stopped at a beachside shack to get lunch. JJ and Summer didn’t know a stranger. Women gushed over him and her while guys chatted to him about the Charter. It wasn’t until I walked them to his truck with Bo at my heels that I started to feel sad about our time ending. I hadn’t realized how much fun I was having. How natural everything came with him.
JJ tucked a sleeping Summer into her car seat before gently shutting the door and turning to me. I thought for a moment he was going to touch me but he pulled back, tucking his hands in his pockets. I wanted to touch him and be touched.
“She’s got a sleepover tonight with John B’s kid if you want to come over.” JJ offered, cocking his head at me and checking me out with those fuck me blue eyes.
“Oh yea? Need someone to keep you company?” I tease, biting my bottom lip.
“Maybe. I don’t think I can wait until Tuesday.” JJ winks and my insides turn to jelly. I wanted to kiss him so bad.
“What’s in it for me?” My lips tip up in a smirk and he takes a warning step forward, making me suck in a breath.
“Food. Orgasms. What else could you need?” His eyes burn with every word and I know without a doubt that if I looked down he’d be hard right now. That’s what makes me want to tease him further. I want to torture him knowing he won’t or can’t do anything in public.
“Yea? You miss being inside me?” I lower my voice and his eyes widen.
“Which hole you want this time, boss?” He makes a noice deep in his throat like a warning just as Bo nudges my hand, ready to go.
“You’re in for it. I’ll text you my address.” JJ says, looking me up and down one more time before rounding his truck to get inside the driver seat. I lean down to scratch Bo’s ears as JJ drives away, my phone going off with a notification I know is no doubt from him.
By the time I get to JJ’s that night, I’m a nervous and horny mess. I didn’t want to think of this as a date but what if it was? Would I be disappointed if it wasn’t? I don’t get a chance to dwell because the front door of his little house out in the marsh opens and he yanks me inside by my shirt.
“About fucking time.” I smile against his lips as he slams the door and hauls me up his body. He’s shirtless and the feel of his skin against mine sends me into a frenzy as our tongues tangle together. He drops me on my back on the couch, frantically yanking my shorts and panties down.
“I thought you promised me food?” I tease, as he shoves my legs apart and settles between them.
“I got something you can eat.” Mischief shines in his eyes as he leans in to lick a slow stripe up my slit. I groan, my back arching off the couch as he keeps up a slow and steady pace. Now I wanted nothing more than to suck him off.
“Fuck, I missed this.” JJ moans against my clit, making me buck against his face. I can’t stop the orgasm that bursts from me even if I wanted to. Or the next one. Or the one after that.
I’m a wet, trembling mess by the time he makes his way up my body to plunge his tongue in my mouth. I suck my taste off his tongue, reaching between us to stroke what I crave so badly.
“I want you in my mouth.” I moan, his teeth sinking into my bottom lip as he thrusts in my hand. JJ pulls back swiftly, yanking a condom from his pocket and rolling it on within seconds before he’s on top of me again.
“After this.” He all but growls, reaching between us to fist his cock and notching it at my entrance. I suck in a breath at the initial burn and stretch before he plunges in deep. I swear I see stars, my body arching into his as we moan loud and long.
“Wrap your legs around me. Hold on.” JJ rasps against my lips, his hands and rings biting into my hips. I wrap my legs tight and hang on for the rest of the night.
We end up fucking on in every position on every surface of his house before moving to the shower to clean up… where we go at it again. He holds up to every filthy promise he made and I’m left deliciously sore and bruised. Now we’re in his tiny kitchen heating up hotdogs at three in the morning because we’re starving.
“What time do you have to pick her up in the morning?” I ask, watching him brown the hotdogs in a skillet. My eyes keep finding the thin trail of hairs leading into the waistband of his shorts and I momentarily picture what I know is in there.
“Whenever she calls. They don’t mind. Summer is practically theirs too.” JJ pauses, his eyes focused on his cooking. “I uh, had a lot of help from them when it came to Summer. I couldn’t have done it without them. Sarah showed me how to change a diaper, how to burp her, potty training, you name it. Their daughter is only a few weeks older than Summer so it helped.” JJ moves the hotdogs to a plate and turns the burner off.
“Cousins and besties?” I smile and his eyes light up, a smile reaching his own lips.
“Yep. Just like their dads.” I’d only ever heard JJ mention John B a few times since he’s always been so private but I could tell by the look in his eyes how much he loved him.
“I bet you guys got into so much trouble growing up.” I watch as JJ piles four hotdogs on his plate and two on mine, loading his down with ketchup and mustard.
“You have no idea.” JJ smirks before biting off half of one of the hotdogs. Time slips away as we talk and eat until we’re both blurry eyed and ready for bed. I didn’t plan to stay the night but I’m too tired to protest especially when I climb into the comfiest bed I’ve ever felt and I’m dead to the world.
I wake up to blooming heat between my thighs, on the brink of an orgasm as my back arches and my toes curl without even opening my eyes yet. I’d never had someone touch me while I was unconscious but that just goes to show how much I already trust him because I’m in blissful heaven.
JJ’s tongue lashes harshly at my clit before sucking it into his mouth and pushing two fingers inside me. I cum with a throaty cry, my body trembling and shaking as I start to come down when he plunges his cock inside me.
“Fuckkkkk.” JJ growls on top of me, his hands holding him up on either side of my head. I reach down to dig my nails into his ass, needing him closer as he pistons into me.
“God, you feel so good. Don’t stop.” I moan, my body ready to explode again.
“Don’t cum yet. Don’t you dare.” JJ rasps, pulling out long enough to roll me onto my stomach then he’s fucking me even deeper. His cock is a thing of magic. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. I didn’t realize dick whipped was a thing.
“J.” I gasp his name into the pillow, which he throws and lowers his weight to my back as he slows his pace to nothing short of torture.
“You’re close. I feel your pussy fluttering around my cock.” JJ groans from behind me, slowly trailing his tongue up my spine and over my tattoo.
Oh fuck. Reverse psychology. Don’t let him win.
“I can get myself off better than you can.” I huff, hearing him growl a moment later before his hand pushes down on the center of my back. Just as he’s about to deliver on the pounding of my fucking life… there’s a loud honking noice coming from outside.
“What the fuck?” JJ snaps, crawling off me to check the window.
“Who is it?” I breathe, my body aching with the denied orgasm.
“No idea. Anyone else would’ve called me.” JJ yanks on a pair of boxers and shorts before disappearing out the bedroom door. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I’m overcome with a bad feeling. Something isn’t right.
I throw on one of his shirts and shorts before following after him. I find him glaring out the window with his arms crossed over his bare chest, his back marked by my nails, and I stop at his side. I follow his line of sight just as the honking starts again.
It’s his ex. Chelsea. And she’s brought company.
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nerdieforpedro · 2 months
Part Four of “The Lake Between Us”
What you look like during the day
Ezra AU x plus size OFC (Moonbeam)
This fic/blog is 18+ MDNI
Word Count: about 1.2k
Summary: Our nurse and reformed scoundrel meet in person. Are things the same as when they watch each other at night? Could it be better or worse?
Warnings: Ezra is his own warning, verbal sparring (someone did lose), HANDS (a Pedro character special)
Notes: Did I wait (stall more like it) in finally giving Ezra more than a line or two of speech? Yeah I did. I wanted to make sure it sounded like him to me and hopefully to you all as well. They've finally met after three parts. 😆 To be fair, I did say slow burn. 🔥 Simmering like some gumbo maybe? (Nerdie with the bad joke and we are complete. 😎)
Main Masterlist / Ezra Masterlist / The Lake Between Us Series / A03 link
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Now a month and a half out from their initial meeting, they’ve had yet to speak face to face. Ezra has just finished giving another tour of the bayou. Regalling tourists with the history of it along with New Orleans with his expressive flair. He’s in the process of meeting up with the manager to get his check for the week. Today is friday so he’s going to go to the bank after this per his normal routine.
He recalls that black poofy tresses that he often saw from beneath the purple bonnet at night. They were tied up in a high ponytail. The same legs that rocked in the chair at night were across from him speaking to some basic looking man and a smile upon her face along with a child. Was she married? Was the child hers? For her to be out every night their relationship or marriage couldn’t be a happy one right? But she walks away with the child and speaks to a woman who takes the child as they begin to walk away. Maybe the woman is her girlfriend? The soft pink of her dress covered what was normally visible to Ezra at night. He was able to see that her skin was indeed the sensual caramel he thought it had been and the scoop neck of casual wear exposed the very tops of her breasts. The full lips were a brownish pink on closer inspection and her glasses were blue not black, an easy mistake to make in the dark. The most startling to him was her eyes. A sweet shade of honey hugged her pupils which formed her irises. He sees her waving at the woman and the child as they leave, so maybe they’re not together? Enough of this, he needed more facts and less speculation.
The business with the manager is quickly concluded and he jogs over to her, unable to move too fast in his hip waters. He’s wearing black suspenders and a white t-shirt that’s become semi-transparent from the heat. His chest is visible as you hear a voice say, “Greetings from across the lake, the daylight suits you as well. My name’s Ezra.” That’s how you knew who he was once you turned. The patch was indeed blonde and his beard patchy but it suited him. A roguish smile appeared on his face as he spoke and his hands were on his hips. His skin was indeed a smooth copper, partly from the sun and from his own tone. The chest that you’d seen at night was even more impressive during the day with biceps to match, flexed as he stood. Your feet carried you until you were a foot away from him. The tall waters looked to be slightly big on him, but his long legs still had his hips above the tops of them and he had a soft middle. The only part of the man that could be called cute besides his nose, large but the shape was pleasing to your eyes.
“Good afternoon neighbor. It’s good to finally see you up close. The sun has been kind to you too.” You half-joked. The freckles were something you hadn’t seen and you wondered how it would feel to trace your fingers over them and if they formed their own constellation. You told him your name and he repeated it twice to make sure he had it correctly, when you nodded, he extended his hand presumably for a handshake. Ezra’s hands hadn’t looked that large from your spot on your porch but up close, they eclipse yours as you shake his hand, making sure you’re giving him a strong grip but not your hardest. There was a smirk that formed on Ezra’s face as he let go of your hand, his calloused fingertips touching your palm. You gasped from the tickle and his smirk grew, your eyes lingered on his hands for a moment curious what was so funny, though you knew. He was gauging your reactions. Squinting your eyes, you gave him a slight frown, “something funny Ezra? I have been told I’m funny but I don’t believe I’ve done anything comical yet.”
The confidant look on his face remained, “We just met and I’m already being accused of something? Not unusual, but still a bit hurtful my dear.” He placed most of his weight on his right leg and ruined his left foot and knee outward, despite the hip waters, it was still quite a sight and exposed what they had been covering up. Your eyes flipped down and the back up to his face where his smirk had widened. This man…you cleared your throat and exhaled. “I think we can come to some accommodation that would mend my bruised ego.” Your arms crossed in front of you, shaking your head and on the verge of a laugh so you bite your lips though the side of your mouth still curve upward.
When you feel like you’re not going to chuckle, “What pray tell would you have me say or do to mend this fragile ego of yours Ezra? Mind you we just met in person less than five minutes ago.” You added with Ezra now being the one to try and not laugh. It was an entertaining game to see who would break first, you’re trying to keep up with him, but you’re not quite sure you can.
Putting his hands up as if he’s gotten caught, lowering his head and making his chocolate brown eyes sullen with a frown to complete the look. “Now I would never be so discourteous as to ask a luminous lady such as yourself to do anything untoward.” Your mouth is covered by your fist to hold it in. He’s purposely laying on the ham extra thick. “I think we should just start with sharing a drink on the same porch. Being a gentleman, I will come to you and may bring you dinner if you’d like an adventure of a culinary nature.” His request was along the lines of what you were going to ask anyway so you nodded and moved your hand away from your mouth to tell him yes, resting your chin on the back of your hand. Upon hearing your answer, he runs his hand along your arm that your jaw sits upon. The calloused pads of his fingers have your skin jolting with electricity, a breathy sigh escapes your lips as you watch him speak.
“My dear Seraphina, I am anticipating that my ego shall be fully repaired after our evening encounter. Lady’s choice of course.”
Ezra’s gaze is as heavy as his words. His meaning is not hidden from her and he’s left if it happens or not up to her. The time has been agreed to as well as the menu and location. It appears things are changing tonight, what will Seraphina’s choice be? She’s not one to shy away from an adventure or a challenge, not at this stage in her life. Both her arms drop and her hands land on her hips, and a smirk plays on her lips. Ezra’s fingers didn’t leave Sera’s arm, still strumming the pads of them along her forearm. “I’ll take you up on both your company and dinner. I’ll provide the drinks. I have rum and tequila, so I can stop by the store on the way home if you prefer something else. How’s seven sound to you?”
Part Three Part Five
Taste-testers of Ezra’s gumbo 🍤: @rav3n-pascal22 @maggiemayhemnj @morallyinept @survivingandenduring @bonezone44 @magpiepillsjunior @yorksgirl @gemmahale @missredherring @missladym1981 @alltheglitterandtheroar @megamindsecretlair @readingiskeepingmegoing @pedroshotwifey @tinytinymenace @inept-the-magnificent @vivian-pascal @jessthebaker
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AITA for staying friendly with my ex when it upsets my girlfriend?
Ok so I (36f) realized I’m actually very gay about 6 years into a marriage with my ex-husband (34m). I was raised hella fundie Christian and it took a lot of unlearning and time in a safe place to really understand myself and my sexuality. My ex husband is a really sweet, wholesome person (the literal definition of himbo. I swear he’s Kronk IRL). We took a really long time ending our marriage to make sure we both felt respected and honored through the process and I didn’t want him to feel like I was casting him aside for something frivolous, but that I was giving our relationship the gentle ending it deserved.
We’re still good friends, I mean it’s still kinda fresh but we still text each other about football and soccer and the dog we shared (he has the dog, a mutual decision, he just updates me on how he’s doing and all the funny stuff he does). There’s no romance at all, just two people who decided they were better off as friends, and are friendly.
I started dating my girlfriend about 3 months ago, but I’ve known her for ten years. We are so so good together and it’s a genuinely healthy, open communication relationship and we do so well, but she has a really traumatic ex that did a number on her and her self confidence. (Like, I’m a very non-violent person but I would hip-check that bitch in front of a bus given the opportunity.)
My ex and I used to rib each other about football and rivals and blah blah but they played against each other today so I texted and asked if he was watching.
My girlfriend got really quiet and subdued when I showed her what we were talking about. It took about an hour but she told me her ex used to pretend to be bros with her roommate but was actually cheating on her with him behind her back, and I guess it triggered that feeling of betrayal in her and we talked it out, but I can tell it’s still bothering her.
I understand how she’s feeling insecure about this, and I’ve tried to reassure her so many ways, but I can tell it still weighs on her. I spent a very long time making sure my ex and I ended our marriage on a positive note, but it still feels like I’m doing something wrong because it upsets my girlfriend. I’m not sure if I’m the asshole for still texting and having casual conversations (we live 1000 miles apart now so it’s always just a text chit chat), but we’re friends and went through a lot of grief to make sure we didn’t hate each other at the end of everything.
I still feel like I’m doing something wrong though. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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murdrdocs · 2 years
no surprises | r.buckley
description. you have a suspicion that robin is stealing your panties. when you see that your suspicions were correct, you can’t help but notice how hot robin looks in them.
includes. SMUT 16+, robin is a panty thief, robin wears readers panties, fingering, switch!robin (kinda), switch!reader, dom!reader, kleptomaniac!robin, they watch alien, brief mention of steve, robin has coochie hair, hairy!robin, pet names (baby), i think reader is gn but if not just lmk !, SLIGHT SIZE MENTION as robin is able to fit into readers clothes
a/n. don’t ask me why i wrote this okay. also the beginning kinda sucks but just stick through it okay guys i swear. also it’s called no surprises bc i was listening to that while editing. it’s not a sad fic, i swear.
word count. 2.3k+
Robin was stealing your panties.
Was this accusation extreme? Yes.
But this is Robin. The same girl who was so obsessed with you that she had an entire box of polaroid pictures of you tucked under her bed.
Her stealing your panties was not too far fetched.
Sure, you didn’t have any concrete proof, and you were mostly accusing her based on a well thought out hunch. But you just knew that your girlfriend was stealing your panties.
Mostly because Robin was known to steal your clothes. Sweatshirts, sweatpants, leggings, jeans; she took it all, wearing them around proudly, flaunting her borderline kleptomania. The first few times, you confronted her, cornering her and asking if the item she was wearing was yours. And each time she would confess and peck your cheek, declaring that your clothes were just more comfortable than hers and that she would give them back. Eventually.
But anytime you asked her about your stolen panties, no matter how casual or accusatory, she would blush, stutter, and deny.
And Robin was an absolute shitty liar. She would avoid eye contact, her teeth would find her lips, her voice would quiver, and her face would heat up.
All symptoms that were happening directly in front of your eyes.
“Your uh–” Robin's blue eyes flicker to the left before finding yours again. Only for a second though as they flick up to the ceiling directly after. “Your pink panties, you said?” She stutters with the alliteration, but recovers as smoothly as she could.
You nod, crossing your arms over your chest.
“And you wanna know if I’d seen them?” She asks, restating the question you’d asked her a little more than a minute ago.
“Yeah, Robin.” You shift your weight onto your left foot, hip popping out as you tilt your head and squint your eyes. “The pretty little lace pair with the bow on the front. The ones you love on me. You haven’t seen them, have you?”
Robin shakes her head a little too fast, dirty blonde hair moving with her. She blinks, hard, and a few times too many for the short moment. Her white teeth worry her pink lips and you watch the way she’s silently panicking with amusement.
You’d think it’d be easier for her to just admit it at this point. But you’re not complaining too much. The show is entertaining, after all.
“No, I don’t think I have. Have you checked everywhere? The little crack in the washing machine? I know how troubling that area can be. Remember when I thought I lost my left sock that time but it was just stuck in your washing machine? So, yeah! Maybe check there. Or uh–” Her eyes search the room, probably as a nervous tick as she attempts to try and find something else to divert your focus to.
It’s not working at all. Because your focus is on the waistband of Robin’s pants, which were actually yours. They’re a pair of gray sweats and she has the waistband rolled down a few times, showcasing the lower half of her stomach which is bare due to the black, cropped muscle tee she wears, which is shockingly hers.
But you aren’t just focused on how hot your girlfriend looks right now. No, because instead you’re focused on the way her lithe fingers work at the waistband, tugging and stretching and maneuvering it around, and when she moves it just right you can see the tiniest bit of pink. A light, baby pink. The same pink that you had many pairs of panties in, and Robin had none in.
Robin’s speaking again, spewing out some absolute bullshit to try and convince you that she hasn’t seen your panties when you know for a fact that she has.
Because she’s wearing them right now.
“So uh yeah. Maybe check those places because I definitely haven’t seen them.” Your eyes find Robin’s again and you’re shocked to see that she’s actually looking at you without any trouble now.
You contort your face to display a faux frown, trying to look as if you’re still unsure, and upset, about where your panties are.
Noticing your expression, Robin’s face displays one of sympathy, her eyes looking almost sorrowful as she mumbles out a small “sorry”. You have to give her credit for that because if you hadn’t seen the hem of your panties peeking out under her sweatpants, you might have believed her.
“That’s okay. I’ll keep looking.” You tell her, a small smile finding your lips as you kneel on the edge of your bed and press your lips to Robin’s in a chaste form of thanks, before pulling away and going off to supposedly continue searching for your lost panties.
It takes you exactly two minutes to devise a plan. But it takes you a few hours to be able to execute it.
You’re lying on Robin’s torso on your coach, both of your heads turned towards the TV which plays ‘Alien’ for the third time in two days. It wasn’t a particular favorite for either of you, but Steve rented the movie you two truly wanted to watch so ‘Alien’ would have to do until next weekend.
Because you’d both seen the movie back to back in such a short amount of time, neither of you were truly invested in it at this point. Robin was already quoting lines above you and the only way to shut her up at this point was to kiss her.
So you did. Straddling her hips, holding her face in one hand and the other on the arm of the couch behind her head, your lips tightly pressed to hers.
Her hands grasped at the material of your lounge shorts, short nails pinching the fabric between them. Your hands were on a mission, traveling down her torso until they came to rest at the rolled hem of her sweats.
Robin was always so easy. Your hand is just resting on the waistband, under her navel, and she’s letting out small gasps and pushing her hips into your hand.
One of her hands leaves your hips to rest over the hand on her abdomen, not guiding it or anything, just resting there.
You pull away from her lips to stare at her, watching the way her pink tongue darts out to lick her glistening lips. “Want me to keep going?” You ask, immediately receiving an intense nod as a response.
“Yes, please.” She blinks and recovers momentarily, sobering up just enough to say, “Only if you want to, of course.”
You smile, nodding your own head.
You scoot down, removing your hand from Robin’s face to instead place it on the outside of her rib cage. Glancing up at her, you see that Robin has her head tilted back, eyes to the ceiling, mouth open as she waits in anticipation.
You can’t help but smirk as you use one hand to shimmy the waistband of Robin’s sweats down, one side at a time, until they’re pulled low enough for you to see the pretty lace pattern and that signature pink bow.
You pull away completely, sitting your weight on Robin’s thighs and placing both of your hands on your own thighs.
“So you have seen my panties.”
“Huh?” Robin’s eyebrows pinch together, eyes blinking as she momentarily struggles to comprehend. But when she levels her head out, blue eyes flicking to her lower half and then shamefully to your eyes, she comprehends completely.
“Baby, wait. I can explain.”
You wait, eyebrows raised and eyes widened as you wait for Robin to continue.
“I actually don’t think I can explain.” You close your eyes, fighting off the smile that wants to come to your lips.
“Okay, listen! Maybe I can explain. It’s just––You always look so hot in your cute little panties and I don’t know … you know how clingy I am. I just like being close to you. In every way.” Her hands find your hip bones as she speaks, rubbing them through the layers of fabric.
And if you thought that Robin was easy, then you can say the same for yourself. Because all it takes is for her blue eyes to blink at you, and for her pink lips to form an actual, genuine ‘sorry’, and then you’re kissing her again. Grinding your hips into her, sighing and moaning against her lips.
When you pull away, you sound desperate as you say, “It doesn’t matter. As long as I can see you in them”. And Robin is easily obliging, her hands gently pushing you off of her and onto the other couch cushions so she can tug her sweatpants down and off of her body.
She throws the gray pants to the side and leans back against the arm of the couch again, spreading her legs for you to see your panties in all of the glory.
The pink pair was always one of your favorites because of how they looked on you. They hugged your body almost perfectly, the lace in a design that was so enticing and the bow just amplifying how pretty they were.
But on Robin, they just looked otherworldly. Possibly sinful.
She’s wearing them proudly, one arm cocked back on the armrest, her head tilted ever so slightly as she observes you observing her. The hem of the panties rests right under her tummy, letting you see the light patch of hair that trails from under her belly button to the heavier patch of hair sitting on her groin.
You can see the trimmed brown hair through the sheerness of the lace fabric, not clearly but the panties don’t leave much to the imagination. Not like you’re complaining, though.
And Robin can see just how little you’re complaining.
She smiles and you hear her ask if you think she looks pretty.
It takes you a second to be able to tear your eyes away from her barely hidden cunt, and when you do, the break only lasts for a few moments before you’re looking at her pink panties again.
“You look so pretty, Robin.” You mean it, words sincere and breathy.
“Yeah?” She asks, a murmur behind your thudding heart.
“Yeah.” You agree, finger reaching out to trail along Robin’s hidden slit.
You can tell that she’s gearing up a snarky reply, but it dies before it can even begin and instead transforms into a small gasp when you press a little harder along her slit on your second pass, focussing on her clit which you deliver only two wide circles upon.
It doesn’t matter how much you give her, Robin’s already moaning. Her legs spread wider, hips grinding upwards.
When you stick two of your fingers under the waistband of her panties, the pads of your digits gathering Robin’s slick and redirecting it to her clit, she has a lazy, satisfied smile on her face.
“That’s it,” She sighs into the air, voice just a whisper but your well trained ears pick up on the praise easily.
You watch her as your middle finger probes at her entrance, slowly sliding in to the hilt. You fuck her open with just the one for a few, and then you’re easily sliding in your ring finger.
Robin responds accordingly, moans increasing as you curl your fingers, using the pads to rub at her walls. One of her hands reaches out to grab at your hip, resting there as her eyes meet yours.
You don’t break eye contact as you reach for her left hand, slipping it under the waistband and to the top of her cunt.
“Touch yourself.” You tell her. She listens instantly, singling out two of her fingers to rub circles at her clit. She starts off too fast, and with your hand at her wrist she knows to slow down, matching her circles to your thrusts.
You watch Robin as you continue your work, your fingers fucking into her in a near perfected way that can only come from an alarming amount of practice.
She tries her best to watch you, her blue eyes briefly disappearing behind pleasure induced blinks. You can’t help but smile, wordlessly praising Robin for her dedication.
When her eyes pinch close, mouth dropping to form an ‘O’, you don’t have to tell her to open them and focus on you. Robin knows almost immediately, blue orbs greeting you with an almost fearful look in them.
“It’s okay,” You reassure her, your fingers beginning to speed up and Robin’s automatically doing the same. “You can let go, baby.”
And even if you weren’t necessarily talking about her orgasm, Robin cums only a few thrusts later, as if you’d flipped a switch.
Her eyes close for good, head thrown back exposing her throat which you begin to kiss as you help her ride through it. Your ear is close to her mouth then, but even if it weren’t, you would still be able to hear her satisfied moans, even over the gore happening on the TV.
When her moans turn into pants, you remove your fingers and slip them out of the panties, letting the wet digits blindly find Robin’s lips.
You feel her take them in, tongue swirling around them as you continue to place sweet, little kisses along Robin’s neck.
Once your fingers are now only Robin’s spit instead of her cum, you remove them from her mouth and sit back to face her.
She’s licking her lips again, blue eyes still on the ceiling. But when she feels your gaze, she looks at you.
“If I asked to keep these, would you say ‘yes’?”
You smile and just as Robin begins to have some hope, you shake your head.
“Nope. Wash them on a gentle cycle and let them air dry.”
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
hi there !!! i was wondering if i could request ellie x hip-hop dancer! reader ??? i’ve been seeing all these ballerina reader fics and they’re great! but as a hip-hop dancer my soul needs to know how ellie would react to a hip-hop dancer reader 🤌🏻🤌🏻
Ellie Williams Headcanons: Hip-Hop Dancer!Reader
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She is in AWE of you
Comes to your practices every once in a while and just sits there, watching you dance (she looks flabbergasted)
Like how is your body doing that?????
Is very impressed.
Dancing is your life. And Ellie wants to be apart of it.
So you try and teach her how to dance...
Bad idea. She has two left feet.
Maybe this wasn't the smartest thing to do. I mean teaching Ellie to dance, ESPECIALLY to a fast tempo beat was always gonna be a gamble. But this? This was just on another level.
"No babe. Place your feet like this. No- no like this" you say demonstrating the footwork.
Ellie tried to copy you, her feet stumbling- she was okay at best.
"Like this?"
"uhmmmm yeah, sure. Well done"
LOVES your dance outfits. Your hot as fuck.
Is unashamedly checking out your ass when your dancing.
Whenever you post dance practices on social media- this bitch is the first to comment.
Her comments are very cringy.
Hits you with the '🔥🔥🔥' or the classic 'damn that ass tho'
You swiftly reply with 'shut up' (affectionately)
The flips, the tricks, the spins. She's panting like a bitch in heat for you lmao
*attached 1 video*
Look I finally did it!!!!!😭
How tf is that actually humanely possible.
I'm sending this to Dina. My girlfriend just casually defied the rules of physics.
Your so hyper!
Literally the energizer bunny on crack.
Thinks it's adorable how you bounce around everywhere.
It's a beautiful combination of three cups of coffee and an almost lethal dose of sugar.
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anna-thesimp · 4 months
My love is mine all mine: Valentines day special (Late!)
Valentines Day was today and lots of couples came into the bistro. Vince put out a special for today and it was about the only thing sold that day. Once the bistro closed Vince was making sure everything was put in place.
  "Doing anything special today?" Rody was still here whichever shock Vincent but his expression didn't change.
  "No I'm not, you doing anything?" Vince was genuinely curious, but the tone and his face expression said otherwise.
  "I would, but my girl isn't picking up the phone, so I won't today." Vine thought for a second, but his words spilled out his mouth before realizing it.
  "Come over to my place for Valentines day."
  "What?" Vince tried to come up with something to cover up his awkwardness. Thank God his face was turned away from Rody, a splash of was on his cheeks.
  "This day isn't the best day be alone, and its your birthday, so come over to my place." Hopefully Rody didn't notice the nervousness in Vince's voice.
  "Sure what time?"
  "7 sharp."
  "Got it seen you then!" Rody's smiled left the building, pink was slapped back on Vince's cheek.
  Get yourself together Vincent you shouldn't act like this!
  He then left to go to his apartment.
6:59. Vince wore an all black outfit, his hair looked slicked back. Then a knocked on his door, Vince went to open it and there was Rody, he looked out of breath, and wearing his casual outfit.
  "Did...I....make....it?" Vince looked at the time.
7 o'clock
  "Barley, Idiot, get inside." Rody step in and shut the door behind him.
  "I made some meatloaf, if you want anything." Vince nod his head to the meatloaf on the counter. Rody passed on it.
The two sat in awkward silence.
  "What do you usually do on your birthday?" Vince tried to break the awkwardness.
  "I would go out with my girlfriend for dinner and just talk with her." Vince face looked a little pissed.
  "Anything else?"
  "Oh! We dance! Have you ever danced Vince?" Rody's question answered with a head shake, there was a sad look on the gingers face.
Rody got up and looked around the apartment and saw a record player and looked at the Albums.
  "Do you mind?"
  "Not at all." Vince poured a glass of wine. Rody grab and album and carefully pulled out the record and set it carefully on the player. Then her put the little hand on the record as music plays.
(Play song here)
Rody walks over to Vince and put his hand out.
  "May I?" Vince felt the blood rush to his cheeks but it didn't appear that much. Putting his glass down and took Rody's hand..it felt warm as the sun, Vince's hand felt cold and freezing.
  "I'll take the lead in this one ok?" One hand was in Vince's, others on Vince's hip. Vince's hand was on Rody's shoulder. They started doing a waltz as Rody leads Vince's body.
"One-two-three, one-two-three," Rody counts in his head. The two were barely touching the ground at this point. Vince was shocked how good Rody was at dancing. Out of nowhere Rody Spins Vince's body like it was nothing Rody's laughter filled the air.
Baster. Vince had a smile on his face as he was drop to the ground again, clearly dizzy Rody held onto Vince, their faces where inches apart.
  "You good?" Rody double checks on Vince just to make sure he was ok.
  "Promise not to quit after I do this."
Cold lips found a pair of warm lips.
If it wasn't perfect nothing was at that moment. Vince hand cuped Rody's cheek as they pressed their lips against eachother. Unexpected Rody was push back into the couch a small chuckle left Rody's lips.
  "Do you wanna continue?" Vince immediately placed his Lips back on Rody's for a moment...Nothing matter.
After a few minutes they released eachother from their arms. Sitting back up in the couch Rody and Vince where getting their gasp of air.
  "I made some Cake if you want any." Rody nods as they enjoyed a slice.
Fuck. Vince woke up the pink painted on his cheeks. It was just a dream....why did it feel so real?
------ 717 words
Note this chapter is a special and not part my story i just wanted to make it :)
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
Hey! Could you do one with Wanda and she is having an allergic reaction to something on a mission and is embarrassed cause she keeps sneezing
A Rough Night
〚 Notes - So I've finally gotten this req done. It's been in my inbox for so long. 〛
〚 Summary - Yourself and Wanda find yourself at a rundown safehouse and it seems that the condition of the place isn't the only problem 〛
〚 Wordcount - 1495 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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Both yourself and Wanda had been sent on a mission out in the forests of Norway. It was a country you’d both never been too before, so it was safe to say that you were pretty excited. The mission itself, on paper, wasn’t too hard either. And you were looking forward to spending the next few days alone with your girlfriend. 
It hadn’t taken too long to arrive at the safehouse. Your hike there was rather enjoyable too, the forests were filled with the sounds of birdsong and gushing water from a nearby spring. But you’re elevated mood didn’t last long. Not after you saw the state of the safehouse that you were meant to be staying in. 
The exterior of the house was a mess to say the least, the building was small, only one story. But the windows were broken, shards of glass stuck out from jaggered, snapped window frames whilst boards of plywood covered the gaps left behind. 
“Oh my-“ 
“God.” Wanda finished yourself sentence as you both took in the sights before you, “We’re meant to stay here?” 
Taking a deep breath, you took her hand as you moved to unlock the door, “I guess so.” 
The interior of the safe house is in a dire state too. As the pair of you enter, the ancient structure creaks and groans and the two of you are instantly hit with stench of stale air. The light inside is dim, but it's enough to vaguely illuminate the main room. There's a rough-looking sofa in the corner of the room and old bookshelves line the walls. The ceiling of the room is clustered with interlocking webs, spun by spiders you didn’t want to meet. 
But as fate had it, your eyes widened as you caught sight of a large, hairy spider as it clambered up into the corner of the ceiling before disappearing into the thick of its web, "Jesus... that’s one big ass spider," You murmured, feeling your skin crawl at the sight of the arachnid. 
“You scared?” Wanda chuckled, bumping your hip with hers. Of course, you weren’t scared. You just didn’t exactly fancy spending your time being watched by an overly large 8-legged creature.  
“With all the money Stark has, you’d think somebody would opt to renovate this place.” You muttered as you dumped down the heavy equipment bag that you’d been carrying. 
“I know right! It is just me, or is it really stuffy in here?” Wanda asked, running her finger along a bookshelf, making a face seeing the thick layer of dust which she unsettled, “This place really could use some TLC.” 
“It is pretty stuffy. I think it might just the air though, atleast we’ll only be here a couple of nights or so.” You shrugged, digging around in your bag before pulling out some files, laying them across the wooden table. 
You felt Wanda come along side you, wrapping her arm around your waist, “I guess we should take a look over these.” She said, taking a seat on one of the chairs, tapping the one beside her for you to sit too. 
Looking over the files, you began to familiarise yourself with the plan, casually explaining key strategies to yourself as you went along. 
It was as you were explaining one of these strategies you heard Wanda give a sharp inhale besides you and seconds later, “Eeiiishiew! Tt’shhiew!” 
“Bless you.” You hummed, not thinking much of her sneezes, after all, it was stuffy in there. 
“Hh’itshhiew! Hh…Hhi..Hhhtshhiew!” 
You looked up this time, watching as she ran a finger beneath her nose, her eyelashes fluttering as her breath hitched again. 
“Bless you! You okay sweetie?” You purred, running your hand down her back as she sniffled wetly against her wrist, “I’ll go see if there's some tissues in the bathroom.” 
You heard Wanda call out a ‘thanks’ as you left to go search the bathroom. It didn’t take long to check the cupboards and luckily you found a box tucked behind some empty bottles, the contents of which were unknown. 
“I got them!” You smiled as you came back into the main room only your smile dropped seeing Wanda in the throes of another fit of helpless sneezes. 
“Jeez Wands! Bless you again!” You exclaimed, sitting back down, placing the box of tissues infront of her. 
“Oh by god, Ib really sorry! I dodt dow where that cabe frob.” Her voice was so riddled with congestion, you were barely able to make out what she was saying. 
“Blow your nose sweetie, I didn’t understand a word of that.” You said sweetly, nudging the box closer towards her. Wanda did as you said, taking a handle of tissues to blow her nose with. 
“I said that I'm really sorry, I dont know what made me sneeze like that.” She clarified, as squeezed both of her eyes shut before rubbing her fist against one, seemingly trying to rid herself of an itch. 
It was as her eyes watered, Wanda sniffled again as she took another handful of tissues. 
“You feeling alright?” You asked, looking over her carefully. 
“I feel weird. It’s just like-“ Wanda paused to sneeze again, this time coughing afterwards, she went to speak again but seconds later her shoulders dropped as she came to a less then pleasant realisation, “oh.” 
“What’s wrong Wands?” You asked again, your worry only increasing as you saw that the corners of her eyes had grown red and irritated. 
“I used to have slight dust allergies,” Wanda revealed, stopping to scrub at her nose, trying desperately to get some form of relief, “They haven’t acted up in years, especially after moving into the compound. I almost completely forgot about them infact.” 
“Oh, poor baby, this is going to be a long night, isn’t it?” You sympathised, giving her a gentle kiss, “How bad do they get?” 
“Mm’ not too- ba-” She broke off, snapping around and burying her nose into her elbow, “iishiew! Hih’tshoo!” 
“Liar.” You sighed as you shook your dead, “Tell me the truth, really.” 
“They get pretty awful…” She admitted, blushing crimson with embarrassment  
Wanda continued to sniffle as you slowly began to gather up the files, tucking them back into one of the bags. 
“What are you doing?” Wanda asked, looking up at you with red, teary eyes. 
“We’ve both looked over these enough plus I'm not too sure we’ll be needing them,” You admitted, as you coaxed her to stand up, leading her over to the sofa, “Let’s just get you settled abit, hm?” 
You didn’t get a reply, only a flurry of sneezes came from the woman besides you, “Bless you.” 
“Mm thanks.” Wanda twitched her nose as you both settled down on the sofa. 
“I’ll call for extraction in the morning, let them know we won't be able to complete the mission.” You sighed, letting Wanda curl up in your lap, “I’ll get them to bring some anti-histamines with them too, the sooner you get them the better.” 
“What about the mission?” 
“Well let's face it, I doubt you’re going to feel great in the morning, not if this is how your body’s reacting after only being exposed for an hour or so, and there's no way I'm letting you spend another night in this shithole. So, I’ll call for somebody to pick us up, they can take over from here.” 
“You’re amazing, y’know that?” Wanda sniffles, her voice now thick with congestion again, “Im sorry we have to bail. I really didn’t realise how bad things would get; I should’ve prepared better.” 
“Hey,” Your tone took on a sterner edge, “none of this is your fault, you do realise that right? You have allergies, that’s not something you can control or have to be sorry for Wands. If anything, I'm sorry you’re feeling so crappy, it can't be fun having to deal with it.” 
“It's not too bad.”  
“Darling, considering I’ve just seen you sneeze more in a minute than I have in the whole time I’ve known you, you don’t have to play things down, alright?” 
“Fine,” Wanda admitted, looking up at you with a pout, “My eyes feel like they’re burning, it’s horrible.” 
You kissed her cheek again, “Maybe you should try and sleep, it might help abit?” 
“Maybe.” She agreed, looking over in the direction of the bedroom before sniffling again, her body tensing pre-emptively. 
“Eiishiew! Hhitshoo!” 
“I saw the state of the bedroom earlier when I went to go find tissues. The whole thing’s covered in dust, especially all the blankets and stuff. I think it’d be better if we slept out here.” You offered; it wasn’t like you enjoyed the idea of sleeping on a rickety sofa, but it was better than the alternative.  
“Thats probably for the best,” Wanda nodded, shuffling down so that her head rested in your lap. 
“Get some sleep Wands,” you whispered, kissing her forehead, “we’ll get you home first-thing tomorrow, okay?” 
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royalvelvette · 3 months
dumpster diving for a girlfriend
Read on AO3
Rating: Mature
Characters: Vaggie, Charlie Morningstar, Razzle, Dazzle Minor Appearances: Adam, Lute
Warnings: Aftermath of Injury, Suicidal Thoughts, Threats of Rape/Non-con
Vaggie is… not doing great in this one. Her first POV scene contains a sentence that could be interpreted as her wanting to die (it's the last one), and her second contains explicit discussion of the fact she expected to die right at the beginning.
The Threats of Rape/Non-con tag is because Vaggie assumes that's why a demon saved her. It's kept intentionally vague and is a false assumption, but it is there.
I do recommend reading this one on Ao3 (link) due to better filtering capabilities wrt format if those subjects are triggering.
Word Count: 1398
Every staggering step sends another bolt of white-hot pain through Vaggie’s back. Taking her uniform off had been the smartest call – but did it ever hurt, peeling it off – even with her casual clothes underneath, the exorcist uniforms were designed to be skin tight. But she had to get out of the streets. The other exorcists had returned to Heaven, and sinners were beginning to emerge.
As she was now, Vaggie was easy pickings.
(Lute, towering above her, sinful filth-
It was a child – just a boy, not even past her hip-
Adam, taking her halo; better not get found by another sinner, Vaggie – always with the soft ‘g’ but at least he used her name-
She stumbled, half blind, down the alley – her centre of gravity was all wrong, her wings were gone, fuck – her hand caught a dumpster, and she used it to lower herself to the filthy ground (perfect for filthy sinners like her), trying not to aggravate her wounds into bleeding again. What was left of her vision was fading in and out with the beat of her heart. Vaggie let her good eye drift shut.
Sinners were meant to die on Extermination Day, after all.
Charlie’s feet hurt. They always did, in the hours, days after the exorcist army retreated until the next year. But she couldn’t rest, not yet – there were entire swathes of the city she hadn’t been to yet, more possibly-injured-but-not-dead (there were less and less of them, more just dead, but she had to hope. She had to.) she could help. So what if her feet hurt? So what if her side was bleeding sluggishly where a stray bullet from a territory dispute hit her? So what if she hadn’t slept in nearly two days? She needed to help her people.
(Maybe this year, someone might even say thank you, instead of growling at her to fuck off. Maybe.)
She ducked down an alley to avoid one of the ever-growing fights. This alley had two exits, thank fuck, because she probably wouldn’t be able to go back the way she came unless she felt like waiting for a couple hours. She’d just have to double back after, check the main streets this alley cut her off from once the fighting died back down to pre-extermination levels.
(Why did they have to fight now, when so many dead sinners were still lining the streets? Couldn’t they at least wait for friends and families to recover the bodies of their loved ones? Or at least until the cannibals had cleared the worst of it...?)
Her eyes caught on something as she came closer to the corner of the alley. Something was against the dumpster – no, not something. Someone. Charlie rushed over, already reaching out to feel for a pulse. As she did so, though, the sinner’s eye fluttered open (fuck, fuck, the other one was missing, and it didn’t look like it was supposed to be). She flinched back from Charlie’s hand, but Charlie didn’t notice – she was already digging through her pockets for her bandage wrap. That missing eye looked recent.
It would probably scar. She could only hope it didn’t become a defining feature, like some sinners scars did. Bandage wrap in hand, Charlie reached towards the sinners face – hesitating for just a second when she flinched. But her socket needed to be protected – an infection wouldn’t kill her; never did, but it would be really fucking unpleasant.
Charlie murmured an apology under her breath and pressed forward. It only took a couple minutes to wrap the socket; two minutes of the sinner holding stiff like Charlie was about to snap her neck.
(If Charlie were anyone else, she probably would have.)
Work done, Charlie rocked back on her knees, taking a good look at the sinner for the first time since she had noticed her. Her first thought was,
Whoa, she’s really fucking pretty,
Which... wasn’t helpful. Her second thought, whoa, she’s about to yak, was slightly moreso, in that it let her get mostly out of the way in time as stomach acid splattered the ground (and the bottoms of her pants) where she had been just a moment ago. The sinner heaved, once, twice, before it faded to a truly awful sounding cough. Charlie reached over the vomit, rubbing her hand against the sinner’s shoulders.
She wasn’t expecting the sinner to scream and proceed to pass the fuck out.
Vaggie was confused when she woke up again. Partly because she hadn’t expected to wake up – she vaguely remembered a demon approaching from the end of the alley not halfway blocked with trash cans; partly because she woke up somewhere different than she remembered being. Vaggie grabbed her spear (which was leaning against the bed she was in, for some reason – maybe the demon thought she’d be out longer?) and used it to get out of bed.
The movement sent searing pain through her back, but she wasn’t going to just... lay there helplessly. Not in a demon’s bedroom. Not when the only reason a demon would have saved her was...
... not important. Setting an ambush was.
There wasn’t anywhere to hide in the room itself – there were three doors (shit, this demon came from power, shitfuck), but barely any furniture except the bed and a desk covered in paper. If she knew how much time she had before the demon returned, Vaggie would investigate – anything to give her an advantage, that might save her – but there was humming coming her way from one of the doors.
Vaggie dropped, crawling under the bed, spear and all. She bit her lip harshly to keep herself from screaming – everything hurt.
The door she could still see opened. She heard the demon – female? - say something, but couldn’t make out the words over the ringing in her ears. She gripped her spear tighter. She had one shot at this – she had to make it count.
Charlie opened the door to her bedroom (all the other rooms were cobweb infested messes), humming. Razzle and Dazzle followed behind, Razzle with a bowl of broth, Dazzle with a tray holding a glass of water and painkillers. A stone dropped into her stomach when she saw the bed empty, and the angelic spear gone.
Oh, no, she thought. “Oh, no,” she said.
Razzle and Dazzle set their loads on her desk, each already flying to one of the other doors to check the closet and ensuite. Charlie watched, anxiously – if the sinner had left in the condition she was in, there was no way she would survive the territory disputes. She had to still be here.
Please, please let her still be here; let Charlie have not failed one more of her people.
Razzle emerged from the closet first, shaking his head. Charlie offered him a wan smile, holding out her hand for him. Razzle flew over quickly, eagerly accepting his chin scritches. Dazzle came out of the ensuite then, braying a negative as he flew over.
Charlie sighed. “Thanks, guys,” she said, bonking her head first against Dazzle’s, then Razzle’s. “You can go back to cleaning this place up.”
Razzle made an inquisitive sound, nudging against her hand.
“I’ll be okay,” Charlie said, trying not to let her voice shake. “I just... need a nap.”
Dazzle churred in the back of his throat, tugging at her hair.
“It’s okay,” she said again. “I’m just gonna nap before going back out... I couldn’t help her, but there’ll be more sinners out there. I’ll help them.”
Neither Razzle nor Dazzle looked like the believed her – why would they, she could feel her eyes begging to overflow and it was tricky speaking past the lump in her throat – but they finally left the room. Charlie sighed again as the door closed behind them before turning and walking over to the bed.
Only to stagger back, cursing, as the angelic spear darted out from the space underneath and stabbed her shin. Charlie fell onto her butt, still cursing – the sinner emerged from where they had been hiding under her bed (she hadn’t failed, she hadn’t failed, she could still help-), brandishing the spear towards her.
Charlie stared up at the sinner in front of her, holding one of the only things in Hell that could actually hurt her, and all she could think was.
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plainemmanem · 2 years
my steve brain rot is unreal but i had a dream about him picking me up from work and now i cant stop thinking about it . hes bringing u coffee and hanging around the counter because hes “making the last 20 minutes of your shift go by quicker”
OoOOoOoOoOoOoOooooooo *heart stops*
you still have like half an hour left of your shift and the store is completely dead. and you see his car pull up out front and he walks up all suave holding a little paper bag and a drink that is DEFINITELY not for him cause he hates coffee. comes up to the front door and wiggles his eyebrows at you in place of waving and he pushes the door open with his hip and he has this stupid little smirk on his face and he’s all “happy to see me?” and you tease him like “eh, i mean im not opposed to seeing you i guess” and he sets the food down in front of you and grabs your head and shoves it playfully with a silly fake grimace on his face like “geez, just trying to be nice to my girlfriend and all she does is insult me” and you’re like “hmm maybe you should dump her” and he’s like “nah, can’t do that, i like her too much” and he does a goofy little shrug as he rests his forearms on the counter before he scrunches his face up at you playfully and you’re laughing like “shut up” and then he casually pushes the bag towards you and points at it with a “check it out” look and you open it to find your favorite little pastry from you favorite coffee shop from out of town and you’re like “steve, this place is like twenty minutes away??” and he’s like “hm, guess i like you a lot then” and he got you your usual drink (he literally made a point to memorize it) and you’re like “thank you, stevie:)) but i still have like twenty minutes left on my shift” and he just gives you a little shrug before pulling up a chair to the counter and sitting in it backwards like “i thought i’d come keep you company:) i missed seeing you today” and you’re like “steve, you literally drove me to work today….” and he’s like “yeah… and then i didn’t see you for like five hours. you can’t be away that long, i’ll go crazy.” and then he chats with you about nothing and drives you home and keeps stealing little glances at you at all the red lights and stop signs
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Easy As
Tumblr media
A Carmen Berzatto Universe
Vanessa Monaghan is the breath of fresh air that Carmen had been gasping for.
Page 2: Sugar Mama
Vanessa checked her watch as her heels clicked down the street, a Cartier tankard that was a gift from her father for finishing undergrad. The Bear was just closing down between lunch and dinner service, and she was sure she’d be able to catch Carm for a few minutes.
Her meetings had wrapped up early that day, and after sending her employees home to enjoy the beautiful weather, she thought she could swing by and see her favorite chef for just a short while. He’d no doubt be at the restaurant until late, and their schedules hadn’t lined up in a few days.
Late night and early-morning kisses seemed to be the current pattern. He’d schlep over a few nights a week to sleep in her bed and watched as she got ready in the morning. She hoped the two coffees in her hands would sweeten her odds.
Peeking her head inside the glass door, she couldn’t hear much outside of the kitchen, which had The Fratellis playing loudly – a sure sign the crew was cleaning up between shifts.
“Nessie girl!” She was spotted immediately upon pushing through the half door to the back of house.
“Hi Richie,” she greeted with a warm smile.
“Nessie, how come we never see your angelic figure gracing our doors anymore?” Richie asked, pretending to take an arrow to the chest as he ambled toward her.
“I know, work’s got me so busy these days,” she replied, leaning into his side as he squeezed her in a tight hug. Richie was always overly friendly with Vanessa, mostly because he knew it made Carmen’s skin prickle, but also because he found her incredibly attractive.
“Hi Ness!” Sydney called from the other side of the expo.
“Hi Syd,” Vanessa called back. She loved Syd – a lot. Syd cared about Carmen in a way that he really needed at the restaurant and she firmly believed they pushed one another to be the best they could be. That, and Syd was usually the reason Carm would get a few nights off each month.
“Nessie, when you gonna stop it with this corporate bullshit and come join us in the mud, huh?” Richie asked, walking her through the kitchen and further from Carmen’s office.
“Come on, Rich, you know I’m the sugar mama in this relationship,” she winked. It was true, Vanessa made a very comfortable living as the Vice President of Marketing for a well to do firm in the city, but she also came from family money – something she never took for granted. “Someone’s gotta keep my baby in those vintage Levi’s and stocked with Wusthofs,” she joked – she only learned what Wusthofs were after meeting Carmen over a year ago.
“I’m just saying, business is booming, the new spot is burnin’ up the review pages,” Richie shrugged. “Maybe we could use some new marketing, huh?” He asked.
“You know what, you make an excellent point,” she said as they rounded the corner, Carmen’s office door in sight. “Let me bring it up with the big boss and see what he says,” Vanessa winked, hip-checking the office door and only mildly surprising Carmen at his desk. He thought he could hear his staff singing his girlfriend’s praises.
“Miss honey, you’ve been talking to the big boss,” Richie spread his arms. Vanessa wiggled her finger at the tall man just before the door could close behind her.
“Hi baby,” she greeted. Carmen had abandoned the few items on his desk, his chair turned to face her with a smug grin on his face. Vanessa clicked right over, settling herself between his spread legs, perched to the side on one of his thighs. “Coffee?” She offered, holding up the paper cup. Black, just like he preferred.
“How lucky am I?” He asked, taking the cup, but kissing her first. “What’s Richie on about now?” He took a long pull of the hot coffee.
“Wants me to quit my job to come be a topless server,” she replied casually, taking a sip of her caffeine-free tea.
“What?” Carmen’s eyes popped open, Vanessa let out a tinkling laugh.
“Just kidding,” she grinned. God he loved her smile. He nipped at her side with his free hand.
“Finish up early today?” He asked. She crossed her outer leg over the other, leaning fully against his upper body.
“Yes, the weather was too stunning to be at the office,” she sighed. “Wanted my team to go enjoy it for once.”
“What a nice boss lady,” Carmen replied.
“We’re not curing cancer, it’s marketing,” she shrugged. “Soon we’ll be in the hell of winter and cutting out early won’t be nearly as fun.”
“Maybe we can take a trip this winter,” Carmen said, brushing an errant bang away from Vanessa’s face.
“A trip?” She asked, eyes lighting up. In 15 months of dating, the pair had yet to take a trip together and she was dying to get him out of that apron for more than 24 hours. Though she did really love the sight of him in that blue apron. “To where?” She asked, raking a hand through his curls.
He loved when her nails were freshly manicured.
“Somewhere warm? We can drink out of coconuts and get sunburns on our ass?” She suggested excitedly.
“I’d never let you burn those cheeks, baby,” he grinned. She tightened her hold on his hair, tugging his head back just harshly enough to send a warning bell down to his cock.
“Want me to plan something?” She asked, batting her eyelashes at her boyfriend, who, at this time, would do just about anything she asked.
“How about February?” He suggested, “that’s usually about the time I start really hating winter.”
“Valentine’s Day,” she grinned viciously. “I’d just die to be on a beach with you for Valentine’s Day,” Vanessa simpered, running a hand up his chest.
“Book it,” he grinned, blue eyes scanning her stunning face. He loved seeing her happy. “I don’t care if I gotta pay Syd triple, we’re going.” Carmen insisted.
Vanessa tucked her heels under her, dragging her hand back down Carmen’s chest as she stood to her full height.
“I’ll go book the trip,” she said airily. “You enjoy dinner service…” She trailed, “and I’ll send you some pics of which bikinis I plan to bring with me.” Leaning down, she pressed a long kiss to the corner of Carmen’s mouth before collecting her coffee cup and pulling the office door open.
“Bye, chef,” she blew a kiss, the door closing behind her.
Carmen ran his hand down his face before dropping his head back against the chair.
February felt a lifetime away.
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unluckyhoneybee · 1 year
okay i have a fic idea
daniel falls in love with reader who works as an interviewer in f1, she always asks the right questions and never oversteps boundaries, he always looks forward to seeing her after even the worst of races, slowly they show affection towards eachother sending gifts, seeing eachother more often before the interview starts, holding hands and simply being attached to the hip, everyone thinks they’re in a relationship at that point and they don’t even realize how hard they’ve fallen for eachother that they think it’s normal. And lets say reader goes up to daniel after a good race, kisses him out of nowhere and both end up being stunned
hope this made sense😭🫶🏻
Note: it took me ages to get the inspo for this.
Daniel has a soft spot from minute one.
You appeared on the paddock just when everything about his seat and Piastri exploded. He was expecting you to ask about it just like others had done. Instead, you asked about different things, about racing and the weekend.
He starts to ask his PR assistant about your interviews and you start trying to put him on your list. You two feel comfortable around each other. He always has a casual flirting demeanour when he is around you, but he is soft and cute and you start blushing when he smiles at you.
One day he arrives with a coffee and a croissant for you and it becomes a habit. You start meeting in the paddock for breakfast, and you start arriving together and casually talking. He starts paying visits when he is in your city and you are even invited when he has some gatherings with friends. Then the dates with only you two become a thing. Weekly and with some kind of pact, if you are in the same country, you have to meet for dinner.
Daniel doesn't mind having to drive for a couple of hours.
When everyone else decides that you two are secretly dating and that they adore the couple you make, comes right after you post a picture of you both having pizzas and watching a film at your home, your pet (if you have one) resting on his lap.
"Your girlfriend is there" Lando tells him.
"She is not my..." "How did you know I was talking about her then? You haven't even checked who it was"
Daniel blushes so hard and Lando laughs.
"She is not" "Then you hold hands, have dates, sleep together, or are cling to each other at any given moment just as friends"
Daniel just nods. That's how your friendship is. You two are close. It's normal. You say hi in your usual sweet voice and Daniel's heart speeds up. Then you kiss his cheek and he blushes. You give Lando a quick hug and fix his hair. Daniel loves you even more. He thinks you are the best. His best friend.
You are shaking after Abu Dhabi. He has done so well but it's the last for a while and you are feeling so many things. You sneak to his motor home as soon as you can. You still have work to do but ten minutes won't hurt anyone.
You find him with his family and friends. He has already changed into his clothes.
He walks to you to have some privacy. You know his family well and they adore you because their Danny adores you and they see how in love he is. He knows you won't have any problem staying around them, but he is feeling too many things and wants a quiet moment with you because you always help him calm down and put some order on his feelings.
You hug him so close and hide on his neck. Daniel can feel your breath and the tip of your nose on his skin. He is feeling uneasy and is unable to move his hands from your waist. "I'm super proud of you" You tell him and then pull back.
You don't know what gets into you. It's probably his glassy eyes and his pink cheeks, or his finger drawing circles on your skin. But you lean and trap his lips in a really sweet but equally deep kiss. He kisses back and he loves every second of it.
When you pull back, you are both too stunned to speak. Your hands are on his neck and he is keeping you impossibly close by your waist. You both are breathing hard, minds working fast and hearts beating crazily.
It's you who speaks first.
"I suppose they were all right" He smiles. "With what?" He knows, he just wants to hear you.
"We are in love"
Daniel kisses you again and you feel the happiest woman alive.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Last Resort
Pairing- Jimin x Named Reader, Tae x Named Reader, Jimin x Jungkook
Word count- 4k
Includes- Riding, blow jobs all around, fingering, pussy eating, cum eating, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist
📝OT7 Masterlist
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Jimin POV
"Fuck Jo. Faster"
She nods, bouncing on my cock faster, pleasure hitting me hard
"Good girl", I answer, "Cum on me"
"Soon", she murmurs
"What do you need baby?", I ask
"Fuck me too"
I nod, gripping her hips and thrusting into her tight cunt
"God yes", she moans, both of us moving together
"Jimin....Jimin", she gasps, "Fuck Jimin"
I watch her cum on me, feeling the pleasure I get from it
So good
When she finishes, she moves off me, sitting on my stomach
"Tired", I smirk
"No", she snorts, "I'm getting off so you don't cum. Just in case"
I nod, "Good idea"
"Do you really think this is going to work?", she asks doubtfully
"It might. It's like our last resort. They don't fucking pay attention to any of our hints"
"They're so oblivious", she agrees
Jungkook and Tae
The two guys we love
She loves Tae and for me it's Jungkook
It's always been Jungkook
I had no idea I was bi until I met him
I've only ever been with her
My best friend who is also my friend with benefits
We came to the agreement we'd have sex years ago
I couldn't have a girlfriend or Jungkook but I'm still a guy and like sex
She didn't want a boyfriend who wasn't Tae but she's a girl and likes sex too
It was the best solution
We knew each other since we were kids, we know everything about each other and it was logical
We both knew it was just sex and who we loved
And we tried to help each other get the guy we want
Dropping hints, flirting, wearing sexy clothes
For her its more revealing clothes, for me it's tighter shirts and pants
Nothing works
They're both so dense
And her and I fuck our frustrations away
But this time we came up with a plan that hopefully will work
Fucking in the living room when both Tae and Jungkook are out, hoping they come in and catch us
Then we'd invite them to join us
Hopefully they say yes and this can lead to something else
If not then at least her and I can cum
"If it doesn't work I'm gonna riot", she mutters
I laugh, "What am I not enough?"
She narrows her eyes, "Oh shut up Jimin. Of course you are. But it's not the same as it'd be with Tae and you know it"
Yeah I know
It'd definitely not be the same as with Jungkook
I've never been with a guy before
I don't know what it's like or really what to do
But I'll figure it out
"Hey you're soft", she teases
"Well that happens when your cunt isn't around me. Or when your mouth isn't"
She rolls her eyes, moving off me, "Stand up"
I stand as she goes on her knees
She grips my cock, pumping it a few times to get me semi hard
Then she puts her mouth around me, sucking immediately
"Fuck", I moan, closing my eyes as pleasure fills me
As much as I want Jungkook, I do like having sex and getting blow jobs from her
Her cunt is so fucking tight, throbs so fucking nicely around me
And I love eating her cunt
She tastes good
I move my hand in her hair, holding on as she moves back and forth on me
"Good girl", I moan
I hear the door open, Tae and Jungkook's voices filling the hallway
Her eyes widen and I nod, "Keep sucking baby. I'll ask them ok?"
She nods, her mouth moving faster and I have to try hard to keep my eyes open
"Fucking hell", I hear Tae whisper
"Holy shit"
That was Jungkook
I look up at them to see their shocked faces as they stand in the living room
"Hey", I say casually
"Uh...", Tae says, his eyes on her
"Wanna join?", I ask
Tae's reaction is immediate
"I wanna fuck her", he yells, practically running to us, "Can I?"
She looks at him and nods
"Get undressed", I tell him
Jungkook just stands there looking around
'Please say yes', I think
Tae is already getting undressed so he seems into it
I'm not sure if Jungkook is into it and reluctant or wants nothing to do with it
"What can I do?", Tae asks desperately, his hands touching her body, feeling her up as he stays behind her
"Fuck you feel so good", he says in awe
I see her smile around my cock and honestly I'm happy for her
I have no clue if Jungkook is into guys but if she can get Tae then it's worth it
I know how much she loves him
He's all she wanted for so long
Since she met him
"Finger her. Make her cum", I tell Tae
His hand immediately shoots down, his long fingers instantly inside her
She moans loudly, he looks like he just won a gold medal, smiling so happily
I watch his fingers move in and out, his other hand squeezing her boob, playing with her nipple, pleasure on her face as she continues to suck my dick
Jungkook is just standing there, watching
"Kookie. Come help me suck Jimin", she breathes out heavily
Yes please
Please, please, please
"I...I don't know how", he says softly
My eyes snap to him, him biting his lip
"I'll teach you", she gets out
I don't tear my gaze away from Jungkook
"Ok", he whispers
He said ok?
Oh my fucking God yes!
Yes yes yes
Oh fuck
"Take your clothes off Kookie", she instructs him
I watch in awe as he strips, his abs so pretty, his cock so big and semi hard
Guess this is turning him on
"Please cum for me", I hear Tae begging her, "Please please"
Looking back at them, I see the pleasure in her face, his hands moving fast, this thumb playing with her clit, his mouth giving her kisses all along her shoulder blade and back of her neck
Yeah they're definitely getting together
"Tae", she moans, shaking as she orgasms, her hand squeezing my hip where she's holding
"Yes baby, yes", he moans, giving her more kisses everywhere he can
"Come here Kookie", she says after her orgasm finishes
Jungkook comes closer, getting on his knees next to her
I'm so fucking excited
I can't believe this is happening
"Oh fuck", she cries, her nails digging into my thigh even more
I look down to see Tae laying on the floor, under her, his tongue buried in her pussy
And he's going at it like he's never eaten anything before
Her hand moves into his hair, holding on, pleasure all over her face
"Watch", she tells Jungkook
She licks from my base to my head, then takes my head in her mouth sucking
"Fuck", I moan
She moves down all the way, deep throating me, her head moving back and forth, sucking as she goes
"Oh god", I cry, the pleasure so good
She's moaning around my dick from Tae's tongue as well, the vibrations running up and down my spine
After a minute, she moves off, yelling Tae's name as she cums
Tae moans loudly, "So good. Fuck so good"
I know what he means
She does taste good
"More baby please", he pleads, his mouth around her clit sucking hard
"Fuck Tae, yes", she whimpers
"Ride my mouth baby. Please for me", he begs
I watch his tongue go right inside her, his hands moving her hips on his face
She moves, grinding on his face
Christ they're so into each other
I wanna be like that with Jungkook
"Llll...lick him Kookie"
I feel a tongue on me, my eyes snapping down to see Jungkook lick me
And I just get turned on to the max
"Put him in your mouth"
My eyes don't tear from Jungkook as I watch him finally, finally wrap his mouth around my cock
I never thought this fucking day would come
He sucks once and I moan so loudly, "Fuck"
"Suck more. Faster", she gets out
Jungkook's mouth moves faster, the sucks so fucking pleasurable
I hear her yell again and Tae praising her for tasting amazing while I'm lost in the pleasure from Jungkook's mouth
Slowly, I put my hand in his hair, softly playing with it
Suddenly Tae is standing next to me, moaning so loudly
Glancing over, I see her on her knees his cock buried in her mouth as she goes at it
"Fuck baby", he breathes, "You're mouth is fucking perfect"
It is
But for me, now Jungkook's is better
"Come on Kookie. Get him all in your throat", she urges, getting off Tae, him whining immediately
I could kiss her right now
I watch her push Jungkook's head down, my cock going in more and more
"Good job Kookie. Jimin has a big cock but it's so good to suck on"
She looks up at me, smirking and I silently thank her
Jungkook keeps going, getting me all in, choking a little
"Breathe Kookie. It's ok. It'll pass"
I watch Jungkook breath with my cock in his mouth, tears in his doe eyes
Good god, I could cum right now
"Good Kookie. Now move back"
She moves his head about half way down me
"Now go back up"
She pushes his head again, this time up
"Keep doing that until you get used to it. Then I'll tell you what to do next"
Jungkook moves his head up and down my cock, taking me in over and over again, the sight pushing me so much closer
God I'm in so much pleasure
I finally have him after years of wanting him
All the years of waiting and it was so worth it
"Now Kookie, suck his cock while doing that"
I feel a soft sucking motion at first, it getting stronger every suck and the pleasure intensifies
I really can't hold it much longer
Tae moans again and I know she's sucking him off again
He's holding her hair, fucking her throat while she takes it, sucking at the same time
This is fucking insane
Both me and Tae getting blow jobs at the same time
"Baby I'm gonna cum", Tae yells
That was quick
But I know from experience she's fucking good at oral
She's made me cum in less than a minute
And she's also made it last a long time too
She just knows when I needed a quick blow job or a long one and she did it
Now Tae gets to have that with her
While I get my Jungkook
"Joanne fuck!", Tae yells
I can't help but look at her, watching her swallow his cum eagerly, moaning
It's a turn on to see
"Tastes so good Tae", she praises him
Jungkook sucks harder, burying me in his throat again and again
"I...I...fuck", I moan, my cum shooting in his mouth, bliss taking over my body, my legs shaking
"Head down Kookie, take him all in", she instructs and he obeys
"Now swallow. All of his cum."
Jungkook swallows, his throat closing on my shaft, sending spikes of more pleasure through me
"Keep going. Jimin cums a lot"
Jungkook moans while swallowing and it's music to my ears
When my orgasm is over, Jungkook moves off me, licking his lips, spit all over his face
"Hyung tastes good"
My eyes pop out of my head
Holy shit, he really said that
I'm happy
Like stupidly happy
"Does Kookie want hyung to suck his cock too?", I ask looking down at his huge cock
I lick my lips, just imagining it in my throat
He nods and again I'm surprised
"Stand up Kookie"
He does, standing in front of me
Tae kneels down and picks her up, carrying her to the other couch
"Wanna fuck you noona"
"Yeah Tae, want it. Want you"
I'm glad he wants her
He takes her to the couch, moving on top of her
I watch him look down at her, running his fingers in her hair
Does he love her too?
He never gave any indication that he felt anything for her
Was he hiding it?
He leans down, pressing his lips to hers
Of course she kisses him back, her arms around his neck, both of them holding each other so closely
Her legs move around his waist and from her whimper and his moan, I can tell he's inside her
"So good baby", he whimpers
She nods, "Yeah Tae. You feel so good too"
He kisses her again, moving, thrusting inside her
"Hyung", Jungkook says softly
I turn back to him
"I didn't forget you baby", I tell him, "I'm just making sure Jo is ok"
He nods, taking my hand, "Please?"
I kneel down, hearing Jungkook's slight gasp, making me smile
His huge cock is in my face, so hard, standing straight out and leaking cum
God his dick looks so good
Pressing my tongue to his slit, I taste his cum and I knew, I knew he would taste this good
I've never given a blow job before and I just recall what Joanne does to me
Moving my tongue to his base, I slowly drag it up, along his underside, then swirling around his head, his gasps so loud
I smile, moving my mouth around his head and sucking soflty
"Oh my god", Jungkook whimpers, his legs shaking
I remember to be aware of my teeth as I suck more on his pretty cock
Wrapping my hand around his shaft not in my mouth, slowly jerking him off
His cock is heavy on my tongue, stretching my mouth out but I love it
I finally have him, have his dick and I'm going to enjoy this
And make sure he does too
I take him more in with every suck, licking his shaft too
He took me all in and I want to do the same for him
His tip enters my throat and I choke right away, tears springing to my eyes
I can't do this slow
It has to be fast or it'll be hard
Ignoring the choking, I surge forward, burying his entire cock in my throat
I gag, spit falling from my mouth and around his cock, tears falling down my face
"Jimin, oh my god", he whines and that sound propels me to keep going
I suck on his massive cock, breathing through my nose, swallowing around his dick
His hands move into my hair, holding on as his eyes close, pleasure all over his face
All over his body
God he's fucking beautiful
And seeing him in pleasure is making me horny
Remembering how Joanne taught him, I move my head back down his length, then moves back up fucking him into my throat
"Jimin! Fuck", he cries
I bob my head, taking him back in, forcing my throat to relax against him cock
His cock throbs in my mouth and that fucking feeling is so hot, such a turn on
"I'm gonna cum!", he yells, "Jimin...I'm...Jimin!"
Hot delicious cum bursts in my throat and I swallow greedily, savoring the taste
"Oh fuck fuck, Jimin, fuck it feels so good! Jimin!"
The last of his cum spurts from his slit and I move down, sucking to make sure I get all of it, then move back, breathing in
"Hyung? Are you ok?", Jungkook asks, nervously
I lift my head, nodding, "Yeah Kookie, I'm fine"
He holds his hands out to me and I place them in his, him pulling me up easily
He comes into my arms, his face buried in my neck, his arms around my body
I wrap mine around him, holding him tightly, his skin so fucking soft against mine
"Hyung's hard again", he murmurs in my skin, my dick poking into his thigh
"I can't help it Kookie. It's you. You make me like this", I answer, wondering if I'm saying too much
But now that he's here, I just can't keep quiet
His hand wraps around my dick, stroking me softly, "I like that hyung"
"Yeah?", I tease, "You like that you make me hard?"
He nods, moving his hand faster, "You make me hard too Min"
That is something I've wanted to hear for ages
"When you dance and do those sexy moves. Fuck Jimin, I get so hard during practice and it's so hard to dance"
This is...amazing and completely unexpected
I had no idea he felt like that
"I know what you mean Kookie. I can't keep my eyes off you either. I'm always hard during practice"
I feel him smile into my neck, his hand going so fast, squeezing my cock as he moves
"Please hyung, wanna suck your cock again", Jungkook murmurs
"Yeah Kookie. You can baby"
Jungkook lifts his head, kissing my cheek, then my lips
I melt against his lips as his tongue slips in my mouth
I knew kissing him would feel like this
Like the best thing in the world
His kisses me so deeply, so desperately, his tongue down my throat, like he's never going to kiss me again
Which if everything goes right, he won't have to worry about
He can kiss me whenever he wants
His lips pull away from mine making me whine but he move to my neck, kissing down to my chest
And the whines turn into groans
When he gets to my tattoo, he kisses and sucks on the letters, leaving pretty bruises on my skin
He continues down, kissing and licking my abs
It feels so good, I'm going to have to do that to his
I want to make him feel good too
He slowly goes to his knees, kissing and licking my head
"Good boy", I praise him, getting off so much from watching him
He sucks me in his mouth, moving fast, pleasure blasting in my body
God it's only the second time he's blowing me but he's so good at it already
He really is a fast learner
He's not called the golden maknae for nothing
I remember that Joanne is here and I look up for her, to make sure she's ok
She's on Tae's lap, bouncing hard on him while he thrusts up into her
"Like it noona?"
"Yes Tae", she moans, "Fuck your cock is the best"
Tae moans loudly, "Please cum on me again noona. I need it"
She nods, bouncing faster
Jungkook sucks hard on me and I immediately look down
He's looking up at me with his huge beautiful doe eyes
"Watch me hyung", he whispers
I nod, "I will Kookie. I'm just looking to see where Jo is"
At that moment she yells loudly,
"Yes Taehyung, oh baby yes"
Both Jungkook and I look at them
She's coming on him, and he's looking at her as if she is the best thing he's ever seen in his life
"He loves her so much", Jungkook says
"He does?", I ask, kinda surprised
If I didn't see the way he is with her today I wouldn't think so but he's showing it now
Jungkook nods, "She's all he thinks about. He's wanted her for so long"
"Then why hasn't he ever said anything?"
"Because he was worried about you"
Why me?
I look at Jungkook, confused
"He didn't know if you'd want him to date your best friend at first. But then after you two started having sex he thought you two had feelings for each other so he didn't say anything.", he elaborates
I didn't think about that
Now it's a no brainer that he and Jungkook would think we're together or we love each other
Obviously that's what it looked like
No wonder he didn't respond to any of her hints
He thought she was with me
"He was so jealous of you. Anytime she was around you, even just sitting next to you, he was crazy with jealousy. He wished she would see him."
"She did", I answer, "He is all she wanted since she met him. She loves him so much. She dropped so many hints, tried flirting but he didn't get it"
"He did. He thought that's just what it was. Flirting. Because he thought she was with you"
I shake my head, "It was just sex."
I watch her move on him, the pleasure all over his face as he calls her name
He holds her on him and I know he's coming inside her, both of them whimpering
"Then they can be together", he states
I nod, "Yeah"
"He wasn't the only jealous one"
My eyes move to his immediately, hope in my heart
"What do you mean?"
"I was jealous too"
Jealous of who?
Me or her?
"You wanted her too?", I ask, going with the safe option
Just because he's doing this now doesn't mean he wants to be with me
"No hyung", he says softly, "I wanted you"
I hold my breath, hoping I'm not hearing things
He nods, standing up, holding my hand
"Look I'm not going to pretend I know what I'm doing. Or why I feel this way for you. I never thought of another guy this way. Only you. I never wanted a guy like I want you. It's scary for me. But I want you to know this...this isn't just a one time thing for me"
Oh god yes
"I love you"
My heart bursts in happiness
Pure unadulterated happiness
"I don't know when I started feeling this way for you. All I knew was that I was so jealous when you were with her. Hearing you two killed me and Tae. That's why me and him were always together. We could talk to each other about our feelings. Our jealousy. Our wish that both of you would see us. Want us"
"I do Jungkook. I want you. She wants Tae. Both of us were just with each other for sex. Me and her...we used to come up with ways to drop hints to you two but nothing ever happened. This whole thing today...we planned this"
His eyebrow raises, "You did?"
I nod, "Yes. We thought that if you two would walk in on us and I invited you to be with us, you both would and we would be with the one we love, hoping more would happen. This was the last resort. The last try we were gonna do"
"Well it looks like it worked for them", he says, nodding at the couch
I look and see her laying in Tae's arms, both of them looking at each other, softly touching each other
Tae smiles at her, "I love you"
She had the biggest smile on her face and she tells him she loves him
I'm so happy for them
They both deserve each other and deserve to be happy
I can't think of anything better than my two best friends in love
"Yeah it did", I answer, looking at him, "And for us?"
"I'd say it worked. If you want to be with me", he says
I nod, "Yeah I do"
He smiles his beautiful smile and my heart melts
"I want to be with you too Jimin"
Nodding, I pull him to me, crashing my lips to his, kissing him hard
He responds, his tongue in my mouth, pulling me against him, his arms around my neck, mine around his body
"Come to my room hyung", Jungkook whispers
I nod, "Yeah. And Kookie, it's not hyung anymore. Just Jimin"
He gives me a shy bunny smile as he nods
He takes my hand and we both turn around to head to his room, just as Tae stands, picking her up
"Nap time pumpkin", he says softly as he carries her out of the room
"Mmm ok baby", she says sleepily
The door to his room closes, Jungkook looking back at me and smirking, "Bet they won't sleep for long"
I chuckle, "Oh no, they're going to be at it all day and night"
"Like us?", he asks, hopefully
"Definitely like us", I smile
With that he tugs my hand, leading me to his room
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