#Jungkook sad
kxxkiecxre · 7 months
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Pairing: Jungkook x fem!reader.
Series: like a moth to a flame.
Summary: there’s never really a guide book on how to keep two important people in your life happy at the same time. Is there?
Warnings: sad, break ups, disloyalty, cancer diagnosis, idk? Just not a very happy chapter tbh. Stick with me though! Short chapter!
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“I just don’t think the best way to tell her is by throwing her surprise party like she’s finding out the gender of her unborn child.” You sighed, going back to suck on the straw of your empty milkshake.
Jungkook swapped his Oreo milkshake for your empty kinder bueno one. He’s noticed when you’re super stressed or anxious you generally snack away on sugar mindlessly. Not that it’s a bad thing or something, he just finds it endearing.
“Maybe we can just not tell her…” you suggest, gulping down the Oreo milkshake like it’s your mission.
“So she can later bury us alive when she finds out?” He cringes.
Yeji would never. She’s too kind hearted to ever hurt anybody in any type of way and if her emotions do take a toll on her, she’s never the one to not apologise about it if she was in the wrong. Yeji is too smart. Too compassionate and sincere. It’d be silly to think she’d ever dehumanise you for dating her brother.
“Do you think she’ll be disgusted with me for dating her stinky brother?”
“How am I ‘stinky’” he pouts.
“Babe, you leave all your clothes everywhere, whether they’re fresh or not. I keep finding your socks all over my apartment, not to mention you like to just change outfits within seconds. Like I iron your decided outfit and make sure it looks perfect and then you’re all like ‘mmm no, the whites too muted” you rolled your eyes groaning.
His mouth opened in surprise. Doe eyes looking scandalised, “that’s only because you also change your outfit ideas last second! ‘Oh the glitter reflects different in this dress than on my shoes.”
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It wasn’t exactly what you had in mind. The fight between Jungkook and Yeji was starting to escalate and you didn’t exactly know how to stop it or help. So you stood in the corner, balling up and trying your hardest not to crumble because you knew. You knew now more than ever. If she doesn’t agree to this, if she finds it weird or odd or whatever. There’s no way you can keep this going. Even if you love him more than yourself. Yeji is your best friend and even if technically you don’t need her blessing to date Jungkook, it’s morally wrong. You’ve sworn to her since childhood that you’d never date her brother.
“Why am I not allowed to be with someone that makes me happy!” Jungkook yelled.
“Because,” she would yell back an octave higher and suddenly it felt like you were a small kid and your parents were arguing all over again “because she is my person. She’s the one I befriended before you. Because she’s the only thing I have aside from you. I can’t let this happen. If you break up and I have to choose sides it’ll be the end for me. I won’t have you, I won’t have her. I won’t have anyone. Jungkook please,” she practically sobbed
“I’ve never said this before because I always hated it, but kook. Please. I have given you everything I had through out our life. I protected you. I loved you. I was there for you when our parents weren’t there for us. I gave you a piece of myself day by day, night by night because you are the only thing I had in life because I love you. I’m younger and I have surrounded my life around you. You were my hero, not dad, not mom, you. You were the man I loved first, ever. You were the man I wrote about in class. The man I imagined had a cape when I was growing up and was my hero,” you stood in the corner, crying silently, head down not able to even glance at yeji.
“Jungkook please.”
It was silent. All the tension, all the life sucking energy was hung in the hair as if it was a hair strand away from breaking into absolute chaos. You’ve realised then, that both of them stared at you. Jungkook had some sort of hope in his eyes, but he looked like he was two seconds away from throwing up too. Yeji was a sobbing mess. And it finally sank in. Nothing would ever go back to anything it ever was before. Ever. Not with yeji, not with Jungkook.
You licked your drying lips and bit onto the lower one, fiddling with the keys in your hands, looking at your feet before you realised it was hopelessly. You’d end up hurting either one of them in the end. The only thing you could do was remove yourself completely. Away from yeji and away from Jungkook. They’re more likely to forgive each other and yeji would definitely find friends. It was a losing fight for you any choice you made and if you knew you could at least give them a shot to fix their relationship, you’d hurt yourself just to keep both of them happy. They’d mend their hurt.
From the beginning this was destined for failure. From the petty fight with Jungkook to the sex to finally falling in love with him. It was all just building up to this. The fights that put a strain on your friendship with yeji, the sneaking around, the dishonesty. There was no going back at this point. You couldn’t fix it anymore. You were being selfish the minute you reciprocated the kiss with Jungkook that very night. It was all just going to go down the drain and you knew it was. That’s the thing. Yet you did because you couldn’t help how amazing it felt. To love Jungkook, to have him with you. Exactly, where it brings you now.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, “I can’t do this.”
You left the apartment in a rush, wiping your tears and hoping this pain would subside. Hoping you’d ever forgive yourself. The way both their faces dropped, the hurt and despair in Jungkooks eyes. Yejis eyes widening and jaw dropping as if someone just stabbed her in the guts. It had you so nausea you were seconds away from throwing up. The second the elevator opened you dashed outside, not so gracefully throwing up beside the door. Not that there’s any graceful way of throwing up.
Walking through the rain had all the memories rushing through you. From the first fight, where you couldn’t even look Jungkook in the eye, to the sex, to the moment you finally felt the love for him, to the fight when you were away to now. It was painful. This walk happened more than you’d ever liked for it to happen. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to choose. You just couldn’t. Because you loved Yeji, from growing up with her and matching outfits to school with little pigtails and matching clips, to starting high school together and walking in with your hands clasped together like two toddlers. To entering college. From heart breaks to success.
But you also loved Jungkook. He was always in the background of whatever you and Yeji did, he was always there to support and lift you when you fell down. He’s always loved you in no way any other man could ever. You knew that. Even when you didn’t pay attention to him. Even when you’d tease and ignore him. He always loved you. He was always there to protect you. It was breaking your heart bit by bit. You knew he was the man you saw a future with. The man you saw buying your first house with and having his kids. He was your universe. Your future. But you couldn’t do this to Yeji.
What is the point of being with him if you’d put a strain between yourself and yeji? If you took away his sister from him. She swore she’d never, ever speak to him again if you did continue dating each other and that was enough to prove to you that you never wanted to hurt any of them the way you knew it would if you decided in the moment that you chose Jungkook. Because even if you fought for both of them, it would have never been the same. At least now, you could still remain at least friendly with both of them without hurting them any further, or more painfully.
You didn’t want to be cruel. And maybe you were by the way you left. But you wouldn’t ever forgive yourself if you sabotaged their relationship for yours. So you decided to screw yourself up.
Sometimes, that just the way life is.
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You finally agreed to have coffee with Jungkook. Just a simple coffee and nothing more. Even though it’s been two months, the tension is still high with Yeji. She hasn’t spoken much to Jungkook aside from the odd little conversation. Jungkook would come over plenty of times, to check up on her, and each time he’d come over, she’d be curled up on the couch, with the same dull expression in her face.
“you were the one who screwed this up Jungkook. The second you decided to fuck my best friend.” She’d always remind him.
It was the bitter truth, though. Because he is the reason why Yeji doesn’t smile as often anymore, or isn’t her bubbly self anymore. She always alone, aside from when Jungkook comes to her place and stays with her for a few nights, she has no one else. She always had you and that was enough for her. He’s screwed it up though. Big time. He fell in love with someone who was meant to be off limits. Someone his sister loved even more.
You sit across him with an odd expression. He has always been able to at least guess what you were thinking, today however, he can’t. Your eyes looked stoic. Empty. You showed no form of emotion on your face. You just sat with your legs crossed over the other and your hands mimicked your legs, loosely hanging of the edges. You were dressed smart, white dress pants and a white jacket with gold little buttons, a white button up underneath and white pumps. You were practically like a statue in front of him, a gorgeous one though.
Even in the state that you were, pale, dark circles under your eyes and void of any kind of emotion, you still managed to be the most beautiful woman in the room.
He swallow rather uncomfortably, his Adam’s apple bopping with the action. He looked nervous, his leg kept bouncing and his eyes were were everywhere but you. He’d look at you for a split second and then focus his gaze elsewhere. It wasn’t fun watching struggle like this.
He didn’t look bad. His skin was tanned and glowing, he must of gotten a haircut recently, perhaps an undercut? He was dressed like the usual him, baggy clothes. Comfortable. He still managed to look mesmerising and you were kicking yourself for even thinking like that, for letting your heart skip a beat any time you’d catch his gaze. For letting your skin form goosebumps every time you’d get a whiff of his scent reminding you of where you felt the safest. Most of all hating yourself because you came here to ask about Yeji. Not simp over the man that never leaves your head. The one singular man that has your heart breaking every day even more.
It was sick. What love can do to someone. It can test every single nerve in one’s body, it can fuck with your brain and make you into a robot rather than a human. It was nauseating what love can do to a human body. Sure it feels nice in the moment, but once that breaking point comes, your body crashes. It hates the pain, despises the feeling of your chest crushing and squeezing your heart like it was a poor man who owed money to the mafia. Like it was the victim of the school bullies, kicked and beaten for what? For a few moments of happiness?
Yet if you had the option to click a magic button and let yourself relive the happy moments, you would. You’d abuse it. Because the euphoric feeling was addicting. It felt better than sex, it felt better than a cup of hot chocolate during a winter storm, better than any sort of reward. It was essentially like crack. It’d slowly take every ounce of the best of you, and turn everything you once adored into pain.
“How are you?” His voice was small, like a scared child testing the waters.
You blinked, your expressionless face never broke character.
“I’m okay,” you replied in a more confident voice, “how are you?”
Jungkook looked down at the table, picking at the skin around his nails. His hand brushed around the nape of his neck, awkwardly.
“I’m,” his tongue poked his cheek, “I’m trying my best.”
“How’s yej-“
“I’m worried about yeji”
Your eyebrows shot up. Everything around you seemed to freeze in place and finally, the heart you have been protecting so much from breaking any further shattered all over again. You kept calm despite the fact that tears sprung to your eyes almost immediately. It was single handedly the worst thing he could have told you. It was something you thought you prepared yourself for, but nothing can ever prepare you for the pain of your loved ones suffering.
“She doesn’t have anyone other than me. Even then she doesn’t talk to me aside asking me what I’d like to eat or drink. She has no friends. She hasn’t smiled ever since that day, she’s lost a lot of weight too. I don’t know.. I don’t know how to help her Y/N.” His voice began breaking and your heart was ready to make its way out your throat and runaway on tiny little legs screaming for a break.
“Please help her.”
You closed your eyes, looking away from him.
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The look in her eyes had you terrified. She looked as if she was just one step away from breaking or perhaps shooting you. She stood across the room from you with the angriest and sharpest look you have ever seen on her. She was like a lioness ready to pounce to protect her cubs and it scared you to death.
More than anything, she looked so fragile. So poorly. As if she was sick and it was making you anxious. Even weeks before the fight, she started looking sickly. She was a lot more tired than before, and coughing almost all the time. It made you wonder, if maybe she was, sick?
“Yeji?” You asked gently, “can I talk to you please?”
There was a beat of silence, “now? After you left me when I need you most? Now?” She yelled.
You bit onto your inner cheek, hanging your head in shame, “I still care about you. I’m so sorry. I love you so much and I regret ever leaving you. But I need you to talk to me.”
She began crying and it had you rushing to her, practically breaking your ankles as your grabbed her delicate body to yours, hugging her as tightly as you could. As if you could just put her in your heart and keep her forever safe. She gripped onto your jacket, sobbing into your shoulder as you ran your hand through her head. Hugging her closer to your body.
Her entire body was shaking as you held her, your heart was aching as you sat on the couch. Jungkook stood at the kitchen island, biting his lips as he watched the two of you. Hating himself for doing all this to both of you because he was so selfish about you.
“Don’t freak out please,” she began, licking her chapped lips, “I have cancer,”
Jungkook stilled, his body raised in goosebumps everything he’s ever loved, everything he’s ever protected her from, all of the worrying about her, the one thing no one can protect another from, happened. And it was like someone pulled the rug beneath his legs. He could barely breathe.
“I- I had cancer?,” she questioned, “I, um, I had surgery, a small one, to remove the tumour, it was the mole on my back, they removed it successfully. I just need a few rounds of chemo to make sure the cells are all gone and have my bloods done every couple weeks to check my marks.”
“Yeji…” your bottom lip trembled, “why didn’t you tell me before?.”
She sighed, sniffling, picking at the pillow between both of you, “because,” she shrugged, “you weren’t here much. You were away for Jungkook’s fight, and the surgery date was set on the day. I thought I could tell you when you’d come back. But then all that happened.”
“That doesn’t matter, Yeji. You are the most important to me. I would’ve dropped everything for you.”
“That’s exactly why,” she smiled sadly, “I didn’t want to stop anyone’s life for me. After all I’m fine. It wasn’t anything serious.”
You held her hand, kissing it as you leaned her into your chest. Holding her, “you’re so strong yeji. You’re the strongest woman I know.”
Jungkook sat on the other side of his sister, leaning onto her and holding her just as tightly as you held her, “I’m so sorry.”
“Guys I’m okay I promise.”
No matter what she’d tell you. You’d forever blame yourself for leaving her lonely during all this. The fact she had to be alone during the hardest days of her life was unfair. You were truly a bad friend and you wish you could go back and look at the signs. They were all there. Yet you didn’t even pay enough attention to realise it.
“I still can’t believe you touched my brother.” She fake gagged, making you chuckle.
“He’s not all that anyway.”
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A/N: sorry?
any copying of my work is strictly prohibited. E.G : recreational work, translation or copying.
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ohshutupjimin · 2 years
Romantic Tragedy ~ Jeon Jungkook
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It was a chilly opening to the brand new year that passes by me, a shiver running down my body. My face numbs in the cold, pushing my chin into more warmth my scarf can give.
Yet again another crispy breeze hits me. My arms lock against my chest as I desperately roam my gaze for something that can give me a slight chance of warmth, well, preferably long lasting heat, and that’s when my eyes find a bench covered by a ray of sunlight.
Although it’s a rather cold day to be having a walk in the park, I just seemingly conclude that indeed, it can truly be beautiful regardless of what the weather brings.
My feet walk me towards the heated bench. Well, in my defense, it’s better than being frozen the whole time so I assume it’s heated compared to this blizzard.
I rest my bottom on it, sinking into the beautiful sunlight in the early morning and absorbing the vitamin D, I lack.
Fresh air, just exactly what I needed.
I close my eyes, the birds chirping giving me every right too. And it feels for almost a split second, all my worries have completely vanished. But then I open my eyes back to reality, because the worries and painful thoughts, bobble back again.
And boy, does it hurt.
My eyes dangerously watch the sun peaking through the white balls of mystery- I never understood what clouds were made of- and I squint my eyes gazing out of the box of sunlight and more further towards the grass.
My heart race rapidly picks up and my swarming pain fumes inside of me. There’s a decent couple ahead of me, but I cannot bear to look away, and I seemingly don’t know why. I can’t exactly outline their facial features nor do I even think I know them, because they’re quite far but I cannot help to get out of my cozy seat, losing a lot of sun, to have a closer look.
Am I being a stalker? I ask myself, abruptly shaking my head in disagreement. No, just a tad bit nosey.
I finally arrived at a reasonable place, close but not too close.
And it’s as if, my whole life takes a drastic turn- in which I can no longer return too.
It’s my boyfriend. My boyfriend. My love, my precious, the one I’d sacrifice my life for, my everything. My insignificant other that has questionably shattered my world of love, in pieces.
His hands wrap around onto her waist, his lips marking hers with the same lips he kissed me with. His chest is pressed against hers, the same place I laid my head against too, to hear the sound of his heartbeat. The heartbeat that picked up every time we touched.
But now, you're being touched by someone else. I don’t know who she is, but it feels like I do.
Is this why you weren’t home with me everyday? Or am I overthinking? Should I be overthinking? When you see your beloved lover making love to someone else, is it okay to overthink? To judge too quickly? To hurt too quickly?
This brings back moments of us- of me, of you and me, always overthinking.
I remember the days where it was just you and I. We were like kids in adult bodies. Our love was like two teenagers who had just madly fallen in love and wanted to do anything and everything with each other.
If you loved me, I would love you too. If I broke my leg, you’d help me walk. If you lost your memory, I’d be your montage. If you were in pain, I’d be your reliever. If I was angry, you would sing me to happiness. If you cheated on me, I’d battle the love I have for you and leave you. If I cheated on you, you would leave me without thinking twice.
And that’s exactly what you did, only I didn’t cheat, you did.
Which now vaguely makes more sense. I now understand why you came home so late. It wasn’t because of work, although I understood perfectly that your job was tough, but more of it was from fleeing from me.
In a way where you had another person when you didn’t want me. How was I so stupid? How could I have been so oblivious?
So oblivious to the answer, that distanced ourselves from each other. I thought we were actually going to start that business we always wanted to begin, get married and build a family. A family that signified love and equality.
But too bad you cheated.
Yet you knew how much I loved you. How much I still love you, yet seemingly, you repay me like this. Denting the image of our family I always wanted, breaking my heart and stabbing me in the back all while looking dead straight at me.
Crucial. It’s a shame. A shame that I wasn’t good enough for you.
Days passed painfully slowly, and coincidentally there was no sign of Jungkook. It seemed rather clear he didn’t want to see me. Perhaps he knew, that I knew, that he was cheating?
And all along these days, his presence was never found. I waited and waited, but there was no call, no text, no don’t worry about me sweetheart, I’m running a bit late from work, or, if you go to sleep, who’s going to kiss me goodnight?
What really happened to us? It’s like all of our memories were a part of my dream and I’ve only now woken up into reality. One in which I don’t belong.
I frustratedly washed my dishes, still hoping for him to come home. His home, our home.
It was bothering me how he didn’t contact me once- I knew I had seemingly grew hatred for the guy, but my heart still aches knowing I don’t know where he could be right this moment.
As soon as I think of a memory of him, the front door rattles before I hear footsteps. Footsteps that welcomed their way into the kitchen.
I turn around, my eyes meeting a devastating view. One that burns my eyes but I can’t do anything but bear it.
If looks could kill, that would have been him. I felt my heart sink as his clothes were as clear as ice. His appearance just said, I-just-had-a-one-night-stand, as he walked closer to pull me in a hug which I refused.
Of course I’d refuse. His zipper was down, his hair looked as if someone had been digging their fingers through it, and he didn’t even have the decency to sort out his tie or shirt, which was buttoned incorrectly, and he dared to embrace me in the arms he held another woman in?
He stumbled back, skeptical with one brow up- obviously not understanding what I was doing so he tried again, which again I refused.
“What’s wrong, love? I missed you so much. Our kisses, our hugs. Your beautiful smile.” He dazedly speaks, almost as if he’s a bit tipsy.
Although he was drunk, a good reason that what he said had no utter meaning to him, reflected the same on me. It was weird, but my heart hasn't budged a bit, his words were complete lies.
I grimaced at him, suddenly feeling nauseous. “Where have you been this whole week?” I said sternly.
His eyes widened, taken back. “You know, the usual,” he nervously avoided my eyes, “I went to Japan for a business trip that’s why I couldn’t answer your calls, I was so busy. But even so, I didn’t stop thinking about you.”
I smiled bitterly. What a bad liar. “No call, no text, nothing Jungkook. Do you really think I’m willing to believe that excuse?”
He was clearly lost. His mouth kept opening and closing, not sure what to say. “E-Excuse?” I nod, “well, the trip wa-”
“What- the trip didn’t allow you to use your goddamn phone? Christ sake Jungkook, it’s the 21st century. Who are you trying to fool?” I was beyond irritated now.
He narrowed his eyes, slamming his hand onto the counter. “Why are you being so bitchy today? Are you okay or is something wrong? Have I done something wrong because last time I checked, I didn’t.” I glared at him, are you serious right now? “You know what?” He slams the counter again. “I’m done. I’m done, I’m just sick of this.”
I narrowed my eyes, “sick of what?”
“Me?” I snapped. “How dare you say you're sick of me, when you don’t know how much I have been suffering lately because of your existence!” I poked mid air, trying to get my point out clearer.
He scoffed, “suffering? You don’t suffer. You have everything when you want it, how you want it.” He chuckled sourly.
“I’m sorry, is this really the time to fight against a woman who has seen so much, she doesn’t even know how to adequately describe her life anymore.” My voice wavered by the intense pressure I built. “Don’t you wonder why our relationship has gotten nowhere these past few months. Nowhere Jungkook, nowhere. And how you have the nerve to testify whether I’m suffering or not.” He remained silent as I carried on.
“Day and night I waited for my beloved boyfriend to come home so I could shower him with love, kindness and show how much he means to me. But how could I when I saw your true colors Jungkook- you were always with her!”
My vision blurred, I was seconds away from crying a rainfall.
“You didn’t need my kisses or my love and comfort. Because you had her. For god knows how long, but you had her. Did you think I was stupid enough to not know that you were cheating on me behind my back? Was I some kind of toy for you? Did you ever really love me or was it just a complete mistake?” I cried out.
And the rainfall began.
“Must you need me to say everything for you to understand that I was and am truly suffering?” A loud, broken sigh left my mouth.
I stare at him emotionless. Mesmerized by my words. Astonished by my state of mind. Intrigued by my unwelcoming tears. Yet broken from my tone and truth that impregnates his mind.
His eyes softened, “I’m so sorry.” He cried out, “I never knew you’d feel like this.”
A raspy laugh escapes my mouth, “Oh and how did you think I was going to feel?” He looked away, mumbling, “different.”
My fists clenched, my nails digging into my flesh. “Now I want you to let these words sink in real hard Jungkook, because I swear, if I ever see your face again, I promise you you will regret everything.”
He gulped, gazing at my form he had never seen until now. 
“Pack everything, I want you to leave this house. I can’t love a man who can’t seem to love me back.” I said before escaping from that room. But just before I can leave, he grips onto my arm, and for a split second, my heart races.
But I shook it off, I didn’t want to believe what we had, still existed nor did I want to cycle that attraction I still had for him.
I locked my gaze with his, not believing that I actually fell deeply into them the first time I saw them. Too bad that nothing good ever lasts forever.
And with that thought, I yank myself away from him and leave him to be. Locking myself in our room, correction, my room.
I touch my belly, glancing at my reflection through the mirror with a tear rolling down my cheek and a smile across my face. The corner of my belly pokes out and I catch its touch against the palm of my hand- beautiful.
“You did it.” I reassured myself.
He was gone for good. It will be hard to move on but easier than to see him everyday.
Jeon Jungkook was gone and took a part of me with him.
But our baby was worth living for.
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taesap · 2 years
Saying goodbye, for the last time
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Pairing; Jungkook x (Partner) Gender neutral reader!
Warning; Mentions of kn!fe, separation.
Genre; sad angst? 
a/n: this is short and pretty sad, grab your tissues!! i tried to keep the protagonist’s gender neutral so it can be read by everyone <3
Your POV
I looked at his bloodshot eyes, his sallow skin, his parched lips which were once like a field of cherry blossoms, full and inviting. He has a lot to say, but all he can manage are three simple words. Three words that cut me through.
 "Y/n, I'm leaving" I felt every inch of me burn with agony, my stomach churned as the roses underneath my lungs writhed unadorned and a void of grief soon took their place. I felt stupefied, my hands trembled.
"Why, Jungkook?" I asked, dreading the response, he took a step closer to me, the back of his fingers brushed against my cheek, his flowery touch trailing flames across my skin. 
"Because," his voice wavered, he fought his tears.
 "I have to be there for my mother, I can't leave her in this painful state. '' I nodded my head and felt as though a dagger thrust into my stomach, once. 
"I'll always love you Y/n'' twice. 
“I’ll never forget you, I’m so sorry” thrice. 
He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into an embrace. His eyes glistened as he glimpsed at me and planted his lips onto mine. He pulled away and chuckled.
 “What?” I asked in scepticism. “Tears are salty,” he stated. “You think you’re funny, don’t you Jungkook?” I retorted, glaring at him.
“I try” he smirked and softly grasped my hand in his and gazed into the distance. “I’ll miss this,” I remarked, breaking the silence. “I’ll miss this too,” he said, battling his tears, the sight causing my heart to clench. 
“I have to go now” his voice wavered. He let go of my hand, desolation soon taking his place. 
I wanted to shout, beg him to stay but I couldn’t. I couldn’t because I knew how much his mother meant to him. I couldn’t because I knew he wouldn’t live with himself leaving her. I couldn’t because I loved him. His figure slowly faded into the distance and I was left staring at the silhouette of our broken memories. 
I was the ocean and he was the sky. We appeared imminent yet our distance was immaculate. Maybe we do meet, sometime in infinity.  
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happy 10th anniversary, 방탄소년단 ♡
let's meet in 2025! (cr. namuspromised, 0613data)
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jung-koook · 2 years
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“No makeup on, I love that sh— You're so damn beautiful, I swear you make me sick”  ♪ ♡   (part 1)
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kooberryfields4ever · 5 months
Hey I hope ur doing great! Can I have a jungkook fluff or anything where they have done the deed for the last time before he enlists for military n they have some sweet yet an emotional convo n him suggesting he will marry her after he comes back n asks her to wait etc. Basically them getting teary eyed n also joking abt stuff like the adorable munchkins they are! N also its cold out there I hope u take care of urself hun n keep urself warm <3
AHHhhsfhhdsghs i went so ham on this ask bc i think i speak for all JUNGKOOKNATORS when i say my heart HURTSSSSSSSSS😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔 i've had a countdown set for his return home so ...... 537 days left ... :(( GOD i can just imagine this scenario so well like he's so emotionally aware and intelligent and so so romantic....... like defos the type for a random proposal bc he is just so in love with u in the moment nothing else matters...... TYSM FOR REQUESTING !!! i hope u enjoy <33
pairing: jungkook x reader
wc: 685
content warnings: ouchie heart pain, enlistment, jungkook AND yn cry, it's sad, fluff <3
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“You’re sweaty…” you murmur into Jungkook’s chest, unwilling to let go despite how gross it feels. Jungkook pulls you closer, nuzzling his face into your hair with a chuckle. There’s a moment of silence as you trace a finger along his pec, breathing quietly into his chest while he presses gentle kisses into your hair.
“I don’t want you to leave,” it comes out quietly, and you feel Jungkook exhale deeply before acknowledging you with an equally quiet “I know.” You sigh, lifting your head up to meet his eyes as he readjusts his arm under his head to look down at you. His gaze is soft, the subtle lines of heartache taint his wrinkles and it’s impossible to look away.
“If I could stay, I would. You know that, baby,” he continues, eyes never leaving yours. You listen intently. He brings his free hand up to stroke your head gently, coaxing you to lay back on his chest while he speaks. “You’ll be good, though, I know you will.” He leans his head back; you feel him shift beneath you as his fingers stroke up and down your back. You remain silent, chewing your lip as your fingers lay still against his chest. “Baby?” He questions, hand gripping your waist.
You hadn’t even realised you were crying until a hitched breath leaves you and you bury yourself further into him. Jungkook holds you tighter, sitting up and pulling you with him until you’re halfway in his lap. Your head falls into his shoulder, sniffling. He kisses your head again.
“Baby, come on, talk to me…”
“You’re l-leaving me, f-for so long,” you choke out, sobbing into his shoulder and all Jungkook can do is hold you closer, stroke your hair and kiss your skin. Guilt clouds his thoughts, all he wants to do is stay with you and protect you, knowing that his leaving is causing you so much pain makes his heart hurt. You cry in his arms for so long, saying nothing, just holding him while he touches you sweetly.
When you finally lift your head up to look into his eyes, you see his are red with tears too. In your sadness, you had neglected his feelings and he had let you. You cup his face, leaning your forehead against his tenderly as your thumb wipes at the tears dribbling down his cheeks. There are no words that could tend to the Jungkook sized hole in your heart, nor the you sized hole in his. You connect your lips, and the worry seems to drift away when Jungkook kisses you back sweetly. There’s no tongue, just the movement of your lips and the salty combination of both your tears; it doesn’t bother you, though, you want Jungkook wholly, in every way you can, and if kissing away his tears is how you’ll get there then so be it.
“Marry me,” Jungkook groans softly against your lips, breaking the silence as he tries to pull you impossibly closer. It should catch you off guard, but instead you kiss him deeper, nodding gently.
“I’m serious, y/n, marry me,” he pleads, pulling back finally with bated breaths. “Wait for me, be patient and wait and I’ll come back with a ring and marry you, I swear it.”
“Jungkook,” your eyes soften, tears threatening to spill once again as you heed his plea, “I’d wait forever.”
The smile on his face sends you reeling, all toothy and sweet and delicate and all for you. He takes your hand, interlacing your fingers as his thumb strokes softly over your knuckles, diving back into your lips with all the fervour of a man starved.
“I love you so much, you know that?” He assures you, gripping your hand tighter in an unspoken promise, “I’ll be back so soon, my precious girl… And you’ll be right here, yeah? Waiting for me, being patient?”
“Always, I’ll always be here, never gonna leave…”
His free hand slides up your face, touching you so delicately. His thumb traces your cheek gently. Eighteen months to go.
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a/n 🗒️ . . . this was so fun to write !!!! i defos want to work on more asks in the future cos making ur ideas come to life (hopefully) makes me feel so good ...... i hope u guys enjoyed this !!!! don't hesitate to send more requests :3 i love writing fluff as well !!!!!!
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taechnological · 8 months
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i cry everytime
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jkvjimin · 2 days
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[5/?] random gifs of maknae line cr. jung-koook
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haeg0yangi · 9 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀떨리는 지금도 you're on my mind all the time
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 🚍⃝ ▒ ͙ ۫ supershy.zip ꯭ 🗂〪⃜ ు⠀ ( >ㅅ<
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ohshutupjimin · 2 years
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Warnings: self-harm, death and angst
“I love you Y/N” I widened my eyes as I heard those three yet powerful words slip from my boyfriend’s mouth.
“What did you just say?” I asked as I lifted my head from his shoulder to look at him.
“I-I mean- the view! Yes! I love–” I shut him up by planting a soft kiss on his lips.
“Shh, no need to lie Kook.” I said as I parted my lips from his. I then continued with, “I love you too.” He widened his eyes and held my hand.
“Really?” He asked, not believing what I had just said.
“Yes, really.”
“Oh my god! You don’t know how happy you just made me, baby.” He stated and picked me up, spinning me around.
“Ahh Jungkook, stop.” I squealed as he hugged me tight.
He then cupped my cheeks and connected our foreheads together. Slowly, he closed his eyes with a smile still plastered on his lips. I followed, closing my eyes with a soft smile still plastered on my lips.
After almost a minute of just enjoying the calming sound of the waves splashing on the sand, our lips met. Our lips fit perfectly together, making me think that maybe we really are meant to be together.
But as the kiss got longer, the feeling of his lips on mine slowly faded. I opened my eyes and anxiety ate me alive as Jungkook was nowhere to be found.
“J-Jungkook? J-Jungkook!? Where are you!?” I sat up from my bed as I had yet again, another nightmare.
“Shh, shh baby it’s just another nightmare, calm down.” Taehyung soothingly cooed.
I buried my face on the crook of his neck as I sobbed. He then caressed my back as he whispered soothing words to me. I sobbed harder, but not because of the nightmare I had, but because of the fact that Taehyung stayed by my side, and patiently waited for almost a year.
“Why are you like this Taehyung? Why can’t you just leave me to die? Taehyung.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry, Y/N?”
“For being a burden to you.”
“Awh baby you weren’t and never will be a burden to me.”
Slowly, my eyelids grew heavier and soon enough, I fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of soft snores coming from my side. As I opened my eyes, I saw Taehyung soundly asleep, with his messy bed hair and partly lips. I unknowingly smiled and caressed his cheeks.
But as soon as I did, I widened my eyes as Taehyung’s face slowly molded into Jungkook’s. I shut my eyes tight for a minute and then opened them again. I immediately relaxed seeing Taehyung’s face.
I quickly got out of Taehyung’s grip and headed to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and looked at the mirror in front of me.
“What the hell is happening to me? Maybe he wants me to go with him? Ugh, I need to get this out of my mind.” All of these thoughts running through my head.
I quickly opened the kit that was attached to the mirror and got the blade that I hid inside. I slowly placed the blade on my pale skin, and gilded it, causing blood to ooze out from the wound I had made.
Just as I was going to do another one, the door opened and a sleepy voice spoke.
“Y/N where are–” Taehyung’s eyes immediately widened as he saw what I was doing.
“Y/N! What the hell!” He then ran to me and grabbed the blade and threw it on the sink. He then covered my bleeding wrist with a towel and hugged me tightly. I sobbed and buried my face into his hard chest,
“Shh calm down, how many times do I have to tell you that self harm is never an answer huh? It isn’t good for you, Y/N, and you know I’m always here if you feel the need to talk to someone.” He lectured. Yes, he did say that a hundred times now but I just can’t help it.
“S-sorry I just can’t– help it.” I choked on my sobs and hugged him tighter.
“It’s okay, just please don’t do it again.”
“I-I just can’t seem to get him out of my mind.”
“Wait, what about you try visiting his grave and talking to him, maybe he’s just waiting for you. You know, even though he’s gone, his soul can still hear you.” Taehyung is actually right, but I just can’t face the fact that he’s gone.
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jkpng · 1 month
day 135/547 of missing jungkook
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golden-jeon-jungkook · 6 months
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'Hate You' Official Visualizer
109 notes · View notes
audiorkive · 7 months
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jung-koook · 2 years
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he’s giving my heart hard time ♡
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lilacjk · 6 months
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"Grief is really just love. It's all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go."
I will not lie,it hurt.it hurts so bad.i don't want to let go but......
I didn't think it will pain this much but here I am miserably trying to stop myself from breaking down.
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explicit-tae · 1 year
Sad Girl (Mommy Issues)
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Jungkook may be going away, but he'll forever be with you.
Word Count: 2.126
Warning: yandere themes, smut, angst, vomiting, hitting, slapping, oral (m receiving), kissing, mc makes dumb decisions but whats new tbh?
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@seokjinkismet @bloodline1632 @pointofviewyugyeom @yoongixthot @taetaecatboy @ultimatebasura @jlatbh @lilliankoo @btsw1fe @bxcndd @mageprincess7
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Meeting with Seokjin wasn't something you desired to do, especially after being with Jungkook for a final time. Things felt bittersweet, coming home to your husband that was. You adored him, but the way he captures you in his arms and assures to you that he didn't go through with the procedure was what makes you stiffen. Jin wasn't one to lie in the relationship - that was you, obviously. However, him stating that he didn't get the vasectomy makes shiver run up your spine. 
You're left conflicted. You'd forever feel horrible for your terrible decisions with Jungkook, and you feel as though you can cry in your husbands embrace now. He remained selfless while you were selfish - concerned more about your desires than his. 
You forgot what it felt like to have Jin's hands on your body and kissing your skin. Jin was always the loving type, savoring the way he made you feel. But you were the one that needed to show your love and appreciation for him - for allowing you to come back to him each time. You're sure he doesn't know of your infidelity, but you do understand he cares about you enough to change his mind about something so crucial.
Your tongue finds itself wrapped around Jin's cock, slowly sucking the tip of it just how he likes. Your mouth is wet and inviting and all your husband can do is sit back and enjoy your advances. 
You bring Jin into your throat, so deep that you gag when he hits your uvula. But, you do not mind. You enjoy pleasuring him, now more than ever. Jin releases a deep groan. His legs feel like jelly, and he was trying his hardest to not give out. You were on your knees in their bedroom - not even waiting for him to sit upon the bed before you began sucking on him.
Your eyes water, but you don't stop. You blink the watery tears away and lock your eyes with Jin's. He offers a small smile, eyes twinkling. You missed the way Jin smiled at you, almost like a craving. You're unsure where the bond the two of you held was slowly dwindling that it caused you to foolishly jump into bed with Jungkook. 
Jin craved for you just as you did him. He wasn't an idiot to know your heart was slowly going elsewhere. The number of times you returned home smelling unlike yourself and more of a man - earthy scents that didn't even belong to him. You were diligent enough to not come home with any unknown marks, but that didn't mean that whoever the man was didn't leave an emotional mark upon you. 
Jin plunges inside of you needily, your legs wrapped firmly around him. Usually, he would be gentle with you. After all, you were his wife and not some random whore off of the street. But after not having you in months, he appeared animalistic. He takes you in any position you allow him. He fucks you into the mattress, just to flip you and him. While you insisted on riding him, he had other plans. He fucks into you, arms wrapped firmly around your torso so you couldn't run from him.
Jin ponders if you're coming back to him fully when the two of you were done, the sexual atmosphere now turned to a sleepy one. Your head is laid upon his chest, left hand softly rubbing his stomach. You're dozing off and Jin decided that he would leave good enough alone - for now. He would deal with your past affairs (as long as you fully ended) and forget about them. After all, he lied about not getting his vasectomy.
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You're grateful that cameras aren't allowed inside the courtroom. You'd be horrified having this exchange recorded. You already feel sick to your stomach having to be close to Jungkook - his mother didn't make anything easy. She wasn't a woman of many words it appeared. She stood beside her son in court as his lawyer. She spoke with such passion and prestige that even you began to believe the woman's words as if she was present the entire time.
Jungkook had done a number on you. Jimin was expelled from the university, and he was convinced Jungkook had something to do with it - and also had his hands of his kitchen burning down. But, without any evidence, there was nothing that could convict Jungkook. You had gone back to keeping Jungkook at a distance and being sure to never be caught alone - you didn't trust yourself with his advances.
Jungkook decided that if you chose to forget the love you and he shared then fine, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to have you forget. It took him a few days, but once he was able to get into the school's system, it wasn't hard to get everyone to see just how much you truly loved him.
The look of horror on your face as you were teaching your class for your smart board to give out and show you naked and in bed with no one other than Jungkook - a student. Your smartboard wasn't the only one, but Jin's had, as well, as did each professor who had theirs on. You had run as fast as your feet could take you - which wasn't far - before you collapsed onto your knees and released the breakfast you ate onto the ground. 
"My client was groomed." Jungkook's mother hisses to the judge, eyes glancing at you quickly to send a glare - not only you but to the small bump forming. "By a professor. There was an obvious power dynamic."
"Your honor, no offense, but the defendant was more than willing to participate with the plaintiff." your lawyer scoffs.
"Of course, he was. My client saw someone he deemed attracted to. Kim Y/N was a woman who was in a loveless marriage," you can feel your hands squeezed Seokjin's as he sat next to you. You gulped at the harshness of her tone. "and sought out not only someone years younger than her, but a student she taught as a professor!"
Your lawyer warned you ahead of time that Jeon In-Na was one of the top lawyers in the country - ironically enough - and that she would not go down without a fight. Most, if not all, of her clients had gotten deals and reduced sentences. 
"Was it strictly sexual?" asks the judge. His eyes are on you and by the look of it, you note he isn't pleased with you. 
You nod your head.
Jungkook furrows a brow. "You said you loved me." he hisses out to you. "You said you were going to leave him!"
You shake your head. You turn to Seokjin to clarify, but he's already shaking his head. 
"Jeon-ah. No outbursts." the judge warns. "Kim Y/N. I had deeply disappointed in you. As a professor, it is your responsibility to lead your students for the better. That, not being your bedroom."
You feel your neck grow hot with embarrassment. 
"You are also a victim in this. Revenge porn is an act we take seriously, Jeon-ah." the judges eyes turn to Jungkook. "And that I cannot take lightly. That is up to two years in federal court."
Jungkook feels himself stiffen. 
"Is there anything you have to say, Jeon-ah?" asks the judge.
Jungkook is silent for a moment. His eyes glance to you. You meet his eyes. They're swollen and puffy. You're pale and appear famish - probably with the new changes your body is adjusting to with the baby. He swallows, throat aching.
"I'm sorry it has come to this." Jungkook speaks as if speaking directly to you. "I thought...you and I would be together, and that baby would be mine." 
You feel your palms grow sweaty. 
In-an shakes her head. She's unsure where she went wrong with Jungkook. To do the things he's done - admitting more than even he was being sued for. Going into someone's home and burning the place down in a fit of vengeful rage. Broadcasting a private tape incriminating him in the long run. 
"The defendant will do two years in federal prison." the judge says loudly. "And a restraining order will be filed for the plaintiff against the defendant. If the defendant goes against said restraining order after his year sentence, then he will be charged once more. Are we clear, Jeon-ah?"
You feel the weight being lifted from your shoulders. You and Seokjin are the first to leave. He states that he would be pulling the car around for you while you make a quick stop at the restroom. You don't use it, instead washing your hands and face, mind on the events of the last hour.
Jungkook was going to prison. Not for long, but long enough. While Jin thought the amount of time was a joke, you were grateful that he could no longer terrorize you. 
You lost your job - but you couldn't blame that solely on Jungkook.
Jin had quit, the embarrassment far too much to endure. His degree had gone in the trash and now he works as a chef in a restaurant. The money wasn't the same, but you're just grateful that he decided to stay with you. Deep down, you understood he was remaining with you more for the child you were carrying, and not for you.
You stroll out of the restroom and down the hall. Just as you rounded the corner, your eyes catch sight of Jungkook and In-Na. Her voice was dangerously low to not catch attention, but you could hear her venom laced words. Her eyes were glaring daggers at her son, who stood with his head hang low. 
Your eyes widen as you watch her send a few slaps upon Jungkook's face. He stumbles back but doesn't say a word of look to defend himself - or at least shield himself from her attacks. 
"I didn't pay thousands to send you to that university to get yourself kicked out!" In-na hisses, sending another slap upon Jungkook. "No private school would accept someone with such a scandal! Are you idiotic, Jungkook? Did you think of how this would affect our family?"
Jungkook doesn't respond, and if he does, you don't hear it. It was a few moments of In-na's verbal hisses before she storms off. You're unsure what to do. The halls are quiet and no one but Jungkook stands there.
Jin is waiting for you, you're sure of it. 
Jungkook feels a hand upon his shoulder. He flinches, going to wipe the pathetic tears from his eyes. He turns to see you, concern drawn onto your face and now he feels like a child caught in an embarrassing situation.
"I should be going." Jungkook murmurs. He wasn't supposed to be near you.
"I'm sorry." you say to him. You're sorry more ways than one. 
You're unsure what to say. Witnessing the way his mother berates him and hits him - even at his age - answers your questions. He didn't have the ideal maternal figure. In-na appeared to be someone different behind closed doors and valued what others thought of the family name instead. You could only imagine what Jungkook had to endure during his childhood that had him seek out comfort elsewhere - in you.
"As am I." Jungkook responds. "Can I...hug you?"
No, is what you wanted to respond with. Jungkook got you entangled in a mount of mess and legal fees that it was insane. But, you couldn't blame him without blaming yourself.
You nod your head and soon you find Jungkook's arms embracing you. He's warm and his scent is always inviting. He hugs you close to him, as if never desiring in letting go. 
"I'm sorry, mommy." he murmurs to you and your heart breaks at the crack of his voice.
You managed to push yourself away from Jungkook a bit, yet his arms still rested on your shoulders. "Be safe." you tell him.
Jungkook connects his lips to yours. It was needy and full of hunger. You don't push him away no matter what your mind screams at you to do.
"I love you, mommy." Jungkook's words send shivers down your spine when he releases his lips from yours. He doesn't allow you to say anything - your actions and lack of words were enough. He strolls down the hallway, your lingering touch still upon him.
Jungkook knew you loved him - your actions telling him so. He had not intended on you finding him and the woman that birthed him, but he's glade you had. You cared for him still, and that was enough for him to never stop fighting for the love the two of you shared.
Freak (Next)
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