jmrothwell · 10 months
Alice in Wonderland / GPP
Julie had never seen anyone with rabbit ears before, not outside of conventions and Halloween, and definitely not on a random Sunday afternoon in the park. 
Curiosity piqued, she’d followed the tall blonde and his white rabbit ears and soon fell quite literally into a whole other world filled with a small eclectic mix of residents, a couple more with their own animal characteristics.
And while she’s never experienced a tea party, croquet game…or day like this in general…ever before she can honestly say that she wishes she didn’t have to leave all her new friends behind–but knows she can’t just abandon her family without a single word–maybe someday soon she can return.
(Send me an AU and a pairing and I'll write a 3 sentence fic)
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oso-nan · 5 months
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envygraves/natgoose stuff. i like how many parallels there are between them, ex-nerds, both change names to seem “cooler”, still trying to best their exes, letting fame get to their heads… etc etc…. sighhh the wasted lesbian potential…..
last doodle is just an au where the league is just a big toxic nerd highschool club. like the eltingville club. thats just me intertwining my interests because im goated and unafraid
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Here's the rough outline I've got done so far for the fic I'm working on if anyone was interested. (If you can read that shit, I should be a doctor someday)
They're going to the finger lakes (I picked out their vacation home on Vrbo and everything <3)
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godofsmallthings · 6 months
@andisitover tagged me to share my albums of the year! (i'm going with nine faves that came out this year & not including rerecords/reissues/deluxe versions where the og album didn't come out this year)
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i tag anyone who wants to do it (seriously pls do it and tag me, i would love to see your faves!!!!!)
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hyperrealisticblood · 6 months
oh you think being gay is hard?? try finding welcome home fanfiction thats focused on any of the girls (+ julie) and doesnt just have them standing in the background while you write about wallys taint in graphic detail
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beetrootbug · 1 year
I'm writing a welcome home fic, everyone go point and laugh at it
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Luke got his first guitar when he was seven years old. His ADHD therapist had recommended that he pick up a hobby as a fixation to redirect all his energy instead of doing something that could potentially harm him. Emily and Mitch had tried a lot of things at first. Cooking, drawing, basketball, running, everything that a seven year old would find interesting. But, as soon as Luke got his first guitar from his parents, he knew he had found his passion.
Emily and Mitch thought it was his fixation. Luke knew that music was the love of his life.
Two years into playing everyday, trying to practice chords from his favourite songs, and making new riffs just to see if he could make a decent song. He could, for a nine year old. His love for music was also how he met his best friends, Reggie, Alex, and Bobby. The Patersons had assumed that the boys had bonded over their hobby of creating music, or just playing covers of songs they liked. They never realised how much more important music was to them than they let it show.
Mitch and Emily did not seem to have a problem with the guitar and the lyrics and the music going on constantly. As long as Luke didn’t do anything that could harm him, they were fine. And when, at twelve, Luke started talking about making a career for himself in music, he started talking about being the best Rock band to ever exist, Emily and Mitch didn’t pay much attention at that time either.
But then, Luke got into high school, and he still spoke about creating music as a career for himself, and he still practised more with his band than doing homework or studying, and the Patterson couple couldn’t ignore it anymore. They knew that their son was very much serious about his choices.
So, they tried to explain it to him gently at first. Tried to tell him all the cons of being a musician. Instability in finance, no privacy, constant pressure, ‘all or nothing’ mentality, and the list went on and on and on. But Luke kept repeating to them, day after day, night after night, “I’ll do all of the bad stuff if it means that I can feel connected to the rest of the world through music. I’ll do all of it if I could just make people feel understood and valid, and alive.”
And Mitch would always just say, “That’s not your job, Luke. Leave it for someone else. You should focus on being able to provide for yourself and your family.”
And it went for months, and those months turned into years, and their gentle explanations turned to screaming and taunting and making comments about his choices. In the start, Luke would escape to Alex’s house, or Reggie’s, or Bobby’s. They’d never ask him to explain, and just cuddle with him and pretend not to notice when he cried, because they knew Luke would tell them when he was ready to.
By the time Luke was sixteen, he felt like he was immune to his parents’ words. It was the same thing over and over, like a broken record, and Luke had lost the will in him to fight his parents, to beg for their support and love. He just sat on the couch and listened as his parents screamed at him from behind.
“The boy never listens to me. He doesn’t understand that he needs to do something productive with his life.” Emily screamed.
“I worked so hard and paid so much money to get you into a good school, Luke, and you’re just going to waste it all away.” Mitch said.
“I mean, at least, think about your future family. No one will want to be a broke so-called rock star who’s scraping through life. Think of how you’ll provide for us when we’re old. Or are you going to make your father work all his life?” Emily yelled at him.
“Honestly, Emily, I think we should start keeping money aside for retirement. We shouldn’t trust him to be able to provide for us, if he won’t be able to provide for himself. We can’t be dependent on him if he’s going to have a very unstable job.” Mitch said.
And with all the screaming and taunts and the words echoing in Luke’s brain, he was surprised when his parents heard him. He hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but he said it before he could stop himself.
“Pay attention to me, please.”
Emily and Mitch turned towards him so fast, but he remained seated on the couch, staring out the window. “What?”
“Pay attention to me, please.” Luke said, louder.
He stood up, turning to his parents, “For once in your life, please, just pay attention to me. Pay attention to what I want to do, and support me and love me for it. Listen to what I’m trying to say. Listen to what my vision, my goal in life is, instead of putting your goals on mine. Listen to what I’m thinking and what I’m trying to plan, keeping everyone in the loop, instead of throwing assumptions about what could be.
Please, just pay attention to the words I’m screaming so quietly at you.”
The Pattersons did not respond well to what Luke had said. Luke ran away for the first time that night, coming back after the police caught him three weeks later. And then at seventeen, he left for good. They never paid attention to him. They never listened to him.
In 2020, after Luke, Reggie, and Alex had become humans, and Julie had told Ray the full truth, Ray had enrolled them in Julie’s school. He had asked the boys to select the courses they would enjoy.
Luke wanted to choose music, and he knew he could, but his parents’s words stopped him. Because, what if they didn’t make it big? What if he was barely above the water? What if he couldn’t take care of Julie, of Alex, of Reggie? What if he failed his family?
Luke chose a programme he would never be happy in.
When he’d given his sheet to Ray, Ray had looked at his selections, and just said, “Are you sure, mijo?”
Luke nodded, though his eyes told a different story. His twisting fingers told a different story. His bouncing feet told a different story.
Ray had nodded, and pulled out his laptop to file it in.
When school had started, and Luke got his schedule, his eyes filled with tears when he saw the classes for the music programme instead of the sucky one he had chosen. Julie had hugged him, and Alex and Reggie wrapped themselves around him without a word. Maybe they knew. Maybe they didn’t. Luke was just happy in that moment.
That night, when Luke got a moment alone with Ray, he whispered, “Thank you.”
Ray knew what he was talking about and he said, “I’ve gotten good at paying attention to silent screams. You can be who you want in this house. No restrictions.”
Luke hugged Ray, sobbing uncontrollably.
Someone finally paid attention to him.
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onlygenxhere · 6 months
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Julie Molina/Luke Patterson, Alex Mercer/Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters/Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson Characters: Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Flynn Taylor, Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms), Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Ray Molina, Carlos Molina, Aunt Victoria (Julie and The Phantoms), Kayla (Julie and The Phantoms), Carrie Wilson, Rose Molina, Dante (Julie and The Phantoms), Original Characters, Mrs. Harrison (Julie and the Phantoms) Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Content, Bobby Shaw is Not Trevor Wilson, Five Stages of Grief, Crying, Laughter, Christmas, Snow Summary:
Imagine this. You’re in your favorite bookstore, scanning the shelf where your favorite books reside, and there… nestled between the familiar spines sits a red notebook.
Imagine you’re in New York and it’s Christmas. You’re surrounded by people, by possibility and the hope that somewhere in the city is that one person meant for you.
You just have to find them.
How do you do that?
It all depends on the kind of person you are.
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
Relinquish the crown? Any updates please bestie? I miss seeing you pop up in my notifications!! Hope you’re fabulous!
Greetings bestie ✌️💖
Okay here's the thing…I was supposed to work on some 'rules of conduct' and 'the final Lady Sharpe' and 'relinquish the crown: plans & protestations' starting earlier this week…and then Soccer Aid happened and suddenly the ideas went a-flying 🤣 But I've moved plans around earlier when I was at the office in between meetings and this is what I have so far where the writing schedule is concerned…
Soccer Aid Collection: 'a tale of ice baths and hot sauce' (the Elementals challenge)
Soccer Aid Collection: 'save my room for last' (something about morning wakeup calls *hint hint wink wink*)
relinquish the crown: plans & protestations (progresses the main story)
reckless girl pt1 (Magnus story; from the requests)
Beyond that I haven't decided yet 😅 Also, I had to redo my taglist a few months back due to inactives taking up space and posts having a tagged accounts limit. Lemme know if you wanna be on any of them 😄 I have an 'everything' list, a list for each character, and a list for each series that I'm currently working on 💖
Hope you're having an amazing day!
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fnaffersblog · 11 months
I'm not usually someone who gets terribly emotional over pieces of media. Heavily immersed? Yes, I love swishing my fingers through media narratives and characters like a child filtering through mud looking for cool rocks and talking at length about them. Media analysis intrigues me. But I don't usually get emotional.
But let me tell you, that if July 16ths episode is actually just Sun and Moon and Earth taking a real, true break and that's how they ultimately decide to 'celebrate' this date that holds such importance to the show itself? Especially considering what happened in todays episode? What July 16th is about? Considering how it all wraps back around to Sun?
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jmrothwell · 11 months
"I'm an excellent hugger. You can ask everyone." sounds like something Reggie would say. Any pairing, platonic or romantic.
This is also for your other prompt: "Do you need a hug?" for the Greater Polyphantoms Polycule because I love how you write their dynamic And for @daintyduck99 who asked: "I'm an excellent hugger. You can ask everyone." for the greater polyphantoms polycule?
The studio is not empty. Unsurprising really. These days it was rare for the studio to ever be empty. 
Loud laughter rings out through the partially open door. Flynn exhales a long slow steadying breath. Willing the weird pangs to go away before she joins the others. 
With a plastered on smile and forced exuberance she walks in, greeted by the sight of Reggie and Julie sharing a microphone. The two of them lean in close together, as they give a ridiculously over the top performance of ‘Man! I Feel Like a Woman’ directed straight at Luke who’s clearly fighting to not smile. Alex looks on in fond amusement from behind his drum kit. 
The four of them far too lost in each other that Flynn wonders if any of them noticed she even walked in. Would they notice if she turned around and left? 
Really it hardly makes any sense for her heart to ache like this or for her stomach to get all knotted the way it does lately every time she’s them like this. It’s among a number of things that haven’t barely made any sense lately.
Before she can decide how she wants to announce herself, she finds herself suddenly in the middle of everything. Luke hides behind her, his large hands gripping her shoulders tight, as he begs her to help protect him. Reggie and Julie, have stopped their over the top performance. 
“I’m sure Flynn’s with us on this one.” Reggie laughs, draping himself across Alex’s shoulders as Julie hugs Flynn’s arm tight, almost as if Flynn’s the rope in a game of tug of war between her and Luke.
Nerves alight in Flynn’s chest and nearly erupt as uncontrollable giggles, as the familiar burn of a blush rises up her neck. She swallows, trying to get herself under control again. It makes no sense, she’s never had this issue around them or anyone before and now. But for some reason during the past few weeks of hanging out with them it has been harder and harder to act normal. 
Flynn blinks and Reggie is suddenly right in her face, green eyes furrowed in confusion. She swallows down a squeak by his sudden close proximity. How much had she spaced?
“Sorry, sorry.” Flynn shakes her head and extracts herself from Luke and Julie’s grips and backs up far enough that hopefully none of them can hear the way her heart’s gone haywire. “I have this paper due in history that I just can’t stop thinking about.”
“Oh? Ok.” Julie says, looking as perplexed as Luke and Reggie who are still standing beside her. 
Flynn does her best to not cringe from replaying her own lie in her head. An effort not aided by Alex’s suspicious smirk he’s doing a poor job of hiding. 
“Yep, so, I’m just gonna do that.” she says pointing back to the couch and adjusting her bag on her shoulder. “You guys get to rehearsing.”
Thankfully, Flynn always struggled maintaining focus while the band rehearsed so it didn’t raise any eyebrows when her eyes keep drifting up to watch them play. She gives up the charade when Willie shows up at the tail end of rehearsal. Smiling as he joins her on the couch to enjoy the last few songs. 
Alex definitely sits up straighter and smiles broader with his boyfriends appearance. Flynn tries to not to overthink the way Reggie and Luke’s eyes also drift towards Willie when his attention is on Alex. The same sort of looks she could have sworn she’s seen directed at Julie, sometimes even Alex. 
Then Reggie turns his attention to her again and winks, and she makes the mistake of looking at Julie when averting her eyes. She swallows down those annoying nerves again. It has to be just that they were performing. They always love to play to an audience, that’s all it is. 
Nothing proves that more than how quickly they all disperse and fall into their own things again once rehearsal is done. 
Willie drags Alex for some date he won’t disclose, the two of them shouting good byes as they dash off. Alex shoots her a suspiciously over the top ‘good luck with the homework.’ Luke and Julie quickly decide on a movie night, that is unclear if Flynn and Reggie are invited to. Before she can ask for clarification they run to the kitchen to get snacks. 
Flynn sighs, looking back down to her books and notes as she resigns herself to sticking around. If nothing else she can probably get some more homework done before Julie potentially kicks her out to get some alone time with Luke. 
“Do you need a hug?” 
Flynn looks up from her homework, towards where Reggie is perched on his usual stool. The intensity of his concerned look shoots straight through her heart sending cascades of butterflies through her veins. She blinks at him before subtly clearing her throat, and forcing a small laugh. “What? Why do you think I need a hug?”
He shrugs as he rocks in his seat. “You just seem kind of, off, today.”
She doesn’t need to force the wry chuckle that escapes her. Ecstatic that he noticed her. Conflicted that it is probably only as a friend, feeling a weird pang of guilt wondering if any of the others noticed as well. 
“So, do you?” Reggie asks again, leaning forward. A proud smile starts to split his face. “I’m an excellent hugger. You can ask everyone.”
Before Flynn can answer Luke shows back up in the studio doorway. “Why are you two still out here?”
“Wasn’t aware we were supposed to be following.” Flynn says, trying not to sound bitter while Reggie laughs his own agreement. 
“Oh.” Luke looks slightly stunned and rubs the back of his neck. “Well, we thought you two were right behind us.”
Flynn exchanges a look with Reggie she can only describe as fond bemusement. She starts to pack her bag up again as Reggie reassures Luke that they are definitely following behind now. Only when she gets up to leave, she’s stopped by Reggie, who’s giving her that concerned look again. 
She doesn’t say anything, can’t risk saying anything and accidentally saying way too much. Instead she answers him by wrapping her arms around his torso. His quickly envelop her, and he wasn’t lying. He doesn’t squeeze her too tight, nor are his arms awkwardly slack around her. Plus he smells nice, hints of his leather jacket mixed with a woodsy smell that makes her think of camping. 
Hesitantly she pulls herself out of his grip, she gets the feeling he wouldn’t have let go a moment sooner. “Thanks,” She smiles at him.
“Anytime.” He says keeping an arm around her shoulders as they join Luke and Julie in her living room. Flynn’s eyes suddenly feel far too warm when she spots her favorite soda and the bag of sour patch kids on the table. The warmth quickly spreads to her cheeks as Julie pulls her to sit on the couch squished between her and Reggie.
“Finally.” She says as she hands Flynn the remote with a smile. “You get first pick.”
Flynn bites back her laugh. How long did Julie expect this movie night to last? Turns out long enough for them to all fall asleep piled on top of each other.
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missjoolee · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Minor Characters, Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Flynn Taylor, Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms) Additional Tags: Possession, Consensual Possession, Cats, Post-Canon, Napping, cats who build up a jump and then don't make it, piano playing, trying new things Series: Part 2 of Press paws and live in the meow Summary:
Reggie has always had an interest in possession, ever since he was a kid. Now that he's a ghost, he wants to know if it's possible!
Will he figure it out or will these be the cat days of summer?
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Every time I get excited about my eras concert, I think “but you haven’t booked your $700 flight yet” and then I think “I should do that” but then I think “but you don’t know where you will be living come July” and then I think “I should probably figure that out” and then I think about it and am bombarded by Options, none of which is Desirable in Any Degree, and honestly, I think the whole thing would be better if these damn flights weren’t $700.
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nautilicious · 2 years
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nicknellie · 2 years
Thank you!!! I’ve chosen “favourite angst quote from a WIP” despite the fact that I have hardly any WIPs on the go lmao and it’s gonna be quite a long quote…
Increasingly, she found herself thinking back to when Julie had been briefly expelled from the music programme and the night she had spent awake in her bedroom, downing soda after soda, planning what she would say to Julie and lamenting what she might lose. She had been convinced that Julie quitting music would lead to the end of their friendship, but nowadays she was more worried that their downfall would be Julie’s success. They hadn’t met up in weeks, they hardly spoke to each other, and Flynn was spending more time at the Molina household than Julie was, just hanging out with Ray and Carlos, trying to feel close to her best friend in any way she could.
Of course, none of that meant she wasn’t happy for Julie or that she didn’t understand why any of this was happening. She got it all perfectly. Julie was finally proving to the world that she was a force to be reckoned with, a talent beyond all comprehension, just like Flynn had always known she was. And that all happened to come with fully booked schedules that would, typically, never line up with Flynn’s. She was happy for Julie, and she knew it was no one’s fault that they spoke less, but that didn’t make the distance hurt any less.
The only real difference between them, she supposed, was that Julie still had the boys, but all of a sudden, Flynn didn’t have anyone at all.
I’ll explain the premise of the fic in the tags because I honestly still love it and now that I’ve read through it again I want to revisit it lol
writer ask game!!!
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maraczeks · 2 years
tww s4 rw thread pt 11
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