#Jango is scared
padawansuggest · 3 months
In the time travel fic where Jango and Obi and Ani go back in time, next chapter is either gonna be another interludes anthology to further Plo’s storyline, and even a bit of weird ass backstory for some things as well as checking up on other clones; or, it will be a chapter of Jango babysitting Boba and Obi-Wan in their Little Keldabe embassy building, specifically where he’s in the nursery with a feverish Obi who’s desperately trying to remove his teeth while Boba fights with another toddler over blocks.
Anyways. This gem came to mind:
Boba: *fighting over toys with another toddler*
Jango: Boba, baby boy, I know it isn’t a big term in your lexicon, but maybe, just possibly, try ‘sharing’???
Boba: *sits down in horror and betrayal*
Other tot: *throws block at Jango and walks away*
Obi: *in the corner trying to get six teeth removed while having feverish visions of a dark Sith in the galaxy, gives a ten minute vision recounting to Jango entirely in Dai Bendu, which he unfortunately understands through his much heightened midichlorians*
Jango: …I don’t know that language but I do feel a fear in my soul now, thanks. I guess I’ll ask Buir if he’s got any hunters up for the job.
Obi: *goes back to trying to pry out teeth*
Boba: *bored, wanders off to cause chaos*
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corvidscreams · 21 days
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Cal made a new friend! He’s also small! Boba can’t play too far from the water, but there are lots of interesting things in the tide pools.
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bibannana · 11 months
Jango *blinks*: What was that?
Kaisa *holding a droid head up*: Aggression.
Jango *dreamily whispers*: I liked that. Do it again.
Kaisa *turns to face him*: What was that?
Jango *coughs*: Uh nothing!
For my girlie @soliloquy-of-nemo, check out her stories people.
Taglist: @jiabeewrites @staycalmandhugaclone @nekotaetae @sexy-rex @soliloquy-of-nemo
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Things that make me a real star wars fan:
the og battlefront games are some of my favorite games ever
I've read over 100 of the books
I've read most of the pre-disney star wars comics, including the strips from the 70s and 80s, and many of the post Disney comics
I played all the Lego star wars games as a kid and then paid to play them again with the Skywalker saga
the 2003 clone wars specials are some of my favorite animated media ever, and I've watched the clone wars series several times over
I rewatch the OT and PT about every 3 months and actually force people to celebrate may the 4th and may the 6 with me
I own star wars Lego sets. Yes the small ones, but even those are overpriced. Still own them though.
I've watched most of the Disney+ cashgrabs shows
when I went to comic con the only thing I bought was a han solo art print that I got signed by the artist (I then left early because I have autism and had an autistic meltdown. I haven't gone to a convention since but I want to try them again, so if you're autistic give me tips you use at conventions pls!!)
i own the star wars archive books
i have several of the newer star wars games
Things that make me a fake star wars fan:
i constantly forget jango fett's name
i think that both luke and mara jade are gay and each other's beards.
one time at dnd i was talking about star wars and referred to basic as common
i call jizz jazz
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s0ftand0nly · 7 months
someone should’ve told jango he was naming a person and not just a baby bc it is so hard to take people calling a gown ass man boba seriously
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what-i-meant-to-say · 7 months
fic in progress... baby, you're safe now and you CAN tell her. Whatever it is. She's ride or die with you and her word is solid. For you, it's titanium.
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You can tell me, Boba. Whatever it is.
Felt good to sit back and keep his eyes shut. Safer in there with just himself. If Fennec left now it wouldn’t be any different from before. Nothin’ to be scared of. Same as if she never said she was ride with him. He could go back to bein’ alone, easy. Alone till he died. Probably wouldn’t be too much longer anyway now, bein’ something’s not right with you, bein’ broken.
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a-1010-is-speaking · 8 months
I heard a report of a fire in the Senate Building.
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Commander Tano and @professional-tooka-herder told me about "birthday" traditions earlier and I'm not gonna complain about getting cake today. Thank you ❤️
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saxophone-cat · 1 year
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0h0possum · 3 months
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A Codywan and How to Train Your Dragon crossover that turned into a the Mandalorians factions are dragons AU, because I can never just do something simple and for the heck of it.
If you’re not interested the AU lore, leave now or suffer my rambling lol.
Basically, the idea is that Mandalorians started as a race that could shift into dragons. The Mand’alor line and those of most influence were notably ‘Fury’s (for example Mand’alor Tarre Viszla was a Nightfury and so is his generational line). But over time most Mandolorians who could shift were killed off or just lost the ability as more non-shifter Mandolorians married in. Eventually only a few of the Fury’s were around, and when Mandalore split most chose factions lead by the remaining Fury lines. AKA: the New Mandalorians/Lightfury’s, the Haat Mando'ade or True Mandalorians/Duskfury’s, and the Kyr’tsad or Death Watch/Nightfury’s.
Basically this also helps explain (in my head) why Mandalorians would follow Death Watch (terrorists) or the New Mandalorians (Intense Pacifist). It’s because they see those lines that can still shift as chosen leaders or a physical embodiment of the Ka’ra’s will.
How is Obi-Wan a shifter though? Well in this AU he’s the son of Tor Viszla. Long story short, early on when Obi-Wan was born he displayed being force sensitive, and Obi-WAN’s mom (Tor’s wife??? Idk it’s not important to the story) basically went ‘Aw hell naw’ and tried to drown Obi-Wan. Only to be stopped by a traveling Jedi who stole Obi-Wan and saved him. Totally unaware that this baby was Mandalorian, the son one of the biggest Mandalorian factions, AND also one of the last few existing Mandalorian dragon shifters. (Also Obi-Wan’s mom doesn’t want to admit that she lost Obi-Wan to a Jedi and just tells Tor that he was force sensitive and she succeeded in drowning him).
Maybe I’ll get into it later but basically Obi-Wan grows up as normal in the Temple, but obviously at some point he shifts and has the biggest panic of his life. But with help from friends (Quinlan, Garen, Siri, and Bant) he figures out shifting (enough to control it) and helps keep it a secret (Mandalorians and Jedi still don’t have best relations and Obi-Wan is paranoid about being kicked out of the Order anyways *cough cough Brandomeer cough cough Melinda/Daan*). To be clear, Obi-Wan isn’t like ashamed of what he is. He just doesn’t want the judgments of coming from CLEAR Mandalorian roots, and Death Watch at that. Plus he kinda just decides to not think about how he’s pretty much definitely related to well known terrorist Tar and Pre Viszla, because then he doesn’t have to address it. Besides he’s happy as a Jedi.
Anyways, NOW CODY-
So without getting to detailed (mission failed lol) all the clones ARE shifters (Duskfury’s just like Jango Fett), but they have it suppressed by the Kaminoans (probably part of their chips? I haven’t thought it fully out yet). BUT THINGS HAPPEN, probably Cody and Obi-Wan get stranded alone somewhere for a long time and Cody gets his chipped fucked up somehow, and now he’s shifting into a dragon???? And scaring the shit out of both him and Obi-Wan. But Obi-Wan exposes himself as a dragon shifter as well to comfort Cody and show that he will keep his secret. Plus he clearly understands him. (At this point they both are under the impression the clones aren’t shifters, and think Cody is just an outlier and “late bloomer” so to speak). Cue them learning how to be dragons together and be comfortable in their other form.
And eventually they get rescued and find out somehow all the clones are shifters, and therefore find the chips and discover Palpatine’s plan, SO THE GALAXY IS SAVED!
(Additionally the clones get rights and go to form their own society/group (Obi-Wan comes with to be with other dragons, but mostly to be with Cody), and they form an alliance with the New Mandalorians and accidentally unit Mandalore purely by the three Fury types (Nightfury/Obi-Wan, Duskfury/Cody, Lightfury/Satine) being around each other lol.
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cineflections · 9 months
You know, if there was one manga that would be adapted to live action and succeed, I never would have guessed it to be this one.
I'm ofc talking about the One Piece Live Action on Netflix
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A whole day binge right after release, I was READY, and thankfully, I was not disappointed. There are cuts and streamlining of the story, characters coming in earlier than in the manga/anime, and some of the emotional bits don't hit as hard as in the original. Still, I can feel the love the production team has of One Piece. The characters are goofy and lovable, but they are also serious and straight-faced.
One thing that I noticed throughout was the constant close up to faces and sometimes straight on, as if almost breaking the 4th wall. The very first scene with Luffy is like this, but there he DOES look into the camera directly, but the pov of the camera is revealed to be a newsbird. It's like a statement that they know this is a silly pirate romp, they know that some people will not take this seriously, but they will not do 4th wall breaks silly, but in-universe silly. Does that make sense?
I laughed at several points in the show, big and wide smile on my face and pointing at the screen several times...
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But I do wonder how much of my laugh was on the show's on merit or if I was only calling back on the the source material. At times I did feel the straw hat crew not being as iconic as in the manga/anime. The extreme reactions, the over the top noises and actions, at the same time I realize that real people generally don't act like that.
I appreciate the show runners attention to details. Putting stuff in to tease future arcs, adapting some cover stories, some of the complete unhinged behaviors of characters (Garp I'm looking at you!).
This show adapted Romance Dawn, orange town, syrup village, baratie, and arlong park.
There are so many moments that are almost scene by scene taken from the manga. Luffy in the barrel and meeting Koby. Alvida with her giant spike club. We got to see some pre-captured Zoro moments (particularly him killing a baroque works agent!), Nami being a sneak.
Then we meet the one and only clown Buggy! They hammed him up, they made him a showman and a real clown (with a real bulgy nose as well, props!). I loved Buggy. Goddamn what a show stealer. Excellent casting, his devil fruit was show cased so well and it looked good!
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Usopp's introduction is the most changed. The kids are gone and the Black Cat pirates never call in the entire crew or Jango. Instead of the fight on the slope by the beach it's instead in Kaya's house from which they cannot escape. The actor for Kuro nailing the mannerism and hand movements, altho his "teleporting" looks a bit wonky.
With Baratie we are finally introduced to Sanji! Who's British now 😆. And Mihawk's introduction tho! Badass and just so over the top and goofy. I love him so much! This is where we got the biggest change where we instead get Arlong and crew coming in smashing the place up (a tiny bit). Arlong may not be as tall as he should be but I love the practical approach instead of CGI, which means he actually feels present! All the fishmen we see are guys in costume and prosthetics!
Arlong Park felt a bit more rushed than the earlier parts, but I do think they nailed *that* scene tho.
If the bar for live action adaptation was below the ground, I would say now there's a new bar, which is on the ground 😅. I think it's a solid show but it might be my bias talking. I do have some gripes tho.
One thing that was constant in East Blue Saga was how much village people hate or are scared of pirates. I think they got the marines right, and the pirates, but they failed to really have the village people be a character in their own right. In the manga and anime the villagers are mostly a monolith who will think and act alike in situations and be part of the happenings either by watching or fighting. We got just about none of it here, except a mention in Arlong Park. They did some really good and cool world building with lots of people populating the sets in the background - but that's it, they're just extras to fill out the screen. There are ofc a few exceptions but I felt it was not enough.
I wish they had Luffy be more agile when using his gum-gum powers. Whenever he springs a pistol or a whip is stands in place, which I found boring (and they did so well with Zoro's fights!). I do think the explanation is that they decided for Luffy to be coming into his powers as we go. That we will learn with him all the things he can do (him not knowing he can blow himself up like a balloon proves this). I hope that in season 2 (please netflix!) they show the growth in his fighting!
But to end this long post. I just wanna say how much I fucking love the dude playing Mihawk. Goddamn he's so fun. MVP.
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For the straw hats, I would say that Usopp feels the closest to manga version, and Luffy feels the most distant from it. But I don't dislike this, and I think the actor for Luffy has so much potential to really make the role his own.
It will never be "just like" the manga and anime, but that's ok! It's a new adaptation (in live action) made by people you can tell loves the source material and really really tried to make it work! I respect that, and I respect this show. Please watch it on Netflix! It's a fun and silly time, just like it should be!
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autumnalfallingleaves · 2 months
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Woe Bad Batch redesigns (+ adult Omega) be upon ye
I'm scared multiple people will die by the finale but I'm ignoring it by doing redesigns and pretending all the Batch is around to participate in the Rebellion I'm okay I promise Star Wars stop hitting me in the emotions--
reblogs are highly appreciated, and please do not repost my art
Transcript of my notes under the cut
Pic 1
Upper-left Omega: s1 Omega-- based on AOTC Boba
Upper-right Omega: hair is starting to curl more-- Presumably, Jango's hair was straighter when he was young (re: AOTC Boba), so clones' hair likely gets curlier as they get older
Lower-left Omega: Adult Omega? Actually looks like Jango...
Lower-right Omega: [99 in aurebesh] printed on side of kama; got ARC training (as much as possible) from Echo and Rex; strategist for the Rebellion
Pic 2
Upper-left Echo: give this poor guy his hair and handprint back
Upper-right tiny Fives: space-filler Fives lol
Upper-left Omega: Picked up someone's toothpick habit
Pic 3
Upper-left Omega: Beginning of s3
Upper-right Omega: she will rescue herself, her dog, and her ori'vod
Pic 4
Father-daughter matching bandanas!
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padawansuggest · 4 months
I kind of want to do an ‘integration’ AU. I’m not using that in quotes because I dislike the idea, but everyone knows I adore Mando/Jedi relations okay. I think they go together like yin and Yang. I think they need to be all up in each other’s business at all times like codependent idiots.
So an AU where the Senate is very much more blatantly abusive towards the Jedi than in canon, so the Mandalorians, who had previously been TRYING to build and repair relationships with the Jedi, are suddenly cut off from the Jedi entirely and the senate refuses to let the Jedi in Mando space as well as kicking all the Mandos out of republic space, and Mandos (probably starting a couple hundred years before this fic) decide to restart their old integration program from when they still forcibly adopted other cultures.
Basically, whenever they find a force sensitive or Jedi republic citizen; they integrate them, or even their whole family to keep them safe. I just think this is a great idea.
But mostly I want 20yo Jango dragging back a feral hissing 14yo Obi-Wan (who was on Melida|Daan when Jango found him and Does Not believe Jango that the integration program is to help Jedi because he was too young to know the real story before he left the order) and Jaster is so amused by it he’s all ‘congrats on your first adoption, Jan’ika, I’m so happy to be a ba’buir’ and Jango is all 😳😳😳 and Obi is all 👀👀👀 and it’s all about to get very confusing.
So, join Obi as he goes through Jedi Training Pt 2 and has to restart all the way from a Mandalorian-Jetii creche with his new guardian, the prince of Mandalore, and is very baffled about this all. He’s annoyed and feral and wants to bite someone and he’s confused and he keeps meeting Jedi who have gone through this and he’s so little and scared. It’s okay, we are all scared when we are born. Jango can help with the power of positive affirmations and forehead kisses.
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antianakin · 3 months
Okay so I will bring back Mandoclones for JUST A SECOND to present a scenario where those Mando trainers exist and Jango is more active in the clones' training and so when they finally start working with the Jedi, the clones all have the most HORRIFIC sense of mental health the Jedi have ever seen as a result of traditional Mandalorian attitudes towards it and general Kaminoan negligence.
The Jedi meanwhile are obviously the galaxy's most emotionally healthy people, generally, and their entire CULTURE revolves around positive mental health practices, it's almost literally in their blood at this point. They're intergalactic therapists, so when presented with several thousand men to lead who are all just... struggling SO SO MUCH with what's happening to them and around them, they step in.
The clones, obviously, are INCREDIBLY reluctant to admit anything's wrong at all, admitting to being scared or hurt or upset or anxious or worried would've gotten them pretty intense punishments from the Mandalorians which naturally would've led to some unfortunate attention from the Kaminoans. So they're not exactly inclined to talk to the Jedi about these things, either, expecting similar treatment.
But the Jedi pick up on this and figure out what's likely going on and basically try to start leading by example. They open up about THEIR fears and anxieties, they talk about how important their meditation is to them, they discuss Jedi teachings on letting go of fear and accepting change, they openly talk about how they speak to their mind healers after really difficult battles and how much it helps. They let the men see them cry sometimes, let their frustration with the situation be just a little more evident (but always trying to make sure the clones don't think that they're the source of the frustration), they complain about things like how endless paperwork seems and how annoying politicians can be. They bring on things the men can use for entertainment like books and sports equipment and some kind of craft item to keep their hands busy. Card packs start showing up by the dozen so the men can at least play card games in their downtime.
And finally, maybe one trooper speaks up and says something like "That was a really rough battle" within hearing range of the Jedi and everyone waits to see what the Jedi's reaction is going to be and they just sigh a little and say "Yeah, it really was, I'll be glad to get to bed tonight" and the clones all relax just a little more. After that, more and more start vocalizing little things about how they feel, both positive and negative. The Jedi start suggesting using things like sports and creative projects as ways to release stress. One of the troopers asks the Jedi if they've read one of the books that was brought onto the ship and the Jedi says yes so they end up in a short conversation about it that leads to a lot of the men asking the Jedi about books they've read which leads to them speaking to EACH OTHER about the books they've read and sharing their opinions about what they liked best.
Slowly, bit by bit, the Jedi start unraveling the terrible Mandalorian and Kaminoan attitudes about mental health that the clones were forced to endure for so long. Slowly, the clones start letting go of that one piece of their culture the Mandalorians had deigned to share with them, and instead choose to embrace the Jedi's culture instead.
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fandomforg · 7 months
i love star wars time travel fix-it as much as the next guy, but we need to be thinking bigger! none of this ‘clone wars obiwan goes back to his childhood’ nonsense, let’s see how far we can rocket some unsuspecting force sensitive back in time
now, i’m not familiar with anything outside of movies/tv shows, so someone else could probably rocket them further, but i wanna send like rey, freshly skywalker’d, back to like pre jaster mereel’s death. yes i want her to be like 10 and feral and adopted by jaster. because he’s my favorite and i said so.
so she’s just standing there with her yellow lightsaber that is now far too big for her child hands, suddenly she has a shiny new buir and an eight year old brother that seems vaguely familiar??? like his name rings a bell?? but what could this little kid possibly do that would have such an effect on galactic history that she would know of him like 90ish years in the future???
so basically rey’s wracking her brain for that one pre-imperial history class she took that one time for anything useful she can do to help save the future. all she’s able to come up with is pretty much ‘palpatine bad’. rey would totally just go off on her own to kill him (and make sure he stays dead, the crafty bitch), but jaster seems strangely reluctant to let his ten year old daughter take a ship by herself to assassinate an extremely small-time politician from a peaceful world without any sort of explanation.
but regardless, rey kinda just ends up butterfly-effecting stuff as she grows up a little bit. like preventing jaster’s death and galidraan. in turn, leading to jango not building his revenge army and a generally more stable mandalore system, maybe?? all the while, she’s is getting some sick mando training and super cool armor, like any self-respecting jedi-adopted-by-mandalorians would.
actually, at galidraan, rey’s able to meet up with some jedi for the first time! hooray! dooku’s not quite sure what to do with this strange, unknown, armored, force sensitive teen with a weird, jerry-rigged lightsaber.
rey takes this opportunity to lay out every bad thing palpatine has done/will do in the most incoherent way possible. when asked how she knows this, rey panics and answers that the force told her so. unbeknownst to her, this is actually a completely valid answer to give these jedi masters, and the incoherence of her explanation made it seem even more plausible to be a string of confusing force visions, rather than being completely made up. the masters, particularly dooku, promise to look into the possibility of a sith and ask rey if she’d like to come to the temple with them.
she, of course, goes ‘yes, absolutely! i’ll go tell buir and jango that we’ll all take a trip to coruscant together!’ and the masters just grimace and go ‘yeah for sure that’s definitely what we meant’
they go to the temple, and amongst talks about the sith, and jaster just having a delightful time in the jedi archives (rey has a delightful time too, just think of how master skywalker would react to all these jedi texts!), rey gets to meet a preteen obiwan! fresh off of child soldier-ing on melida/daan! he’s a little traumatized at the moment, but rey is just so excited to finally recognize a historical figure other than her shitty grandpa. she then obviously latches onto little obiwan and like. vibes with him. obiwan is a little baffled by this cool older mandalorian teen that seemingly wants to be his best friend, but he’ll take all the friends he can get after the stressful few months he’s had. rey scares off anyone (padawan, knight, or master) who might give obiwan any shit for melida/daan related stuff. or just anyone that gives him any shit at all.
eventually, palpatine is arrested for tax fraud. he actually is pretty new at the whole ‘sith machinations’ thing at this point, so he didn’t hide his simple tax fraud very well and after his arrest, the jedi are able to get him for the more sith-y crimes. so then the jedi go on the hunt for the sith master.
while they do all that, rey is able to go back to mandalorian space with jaster and jango, making sure to have weekly holo-calls with obiwan and his friends. rey may really miss all her friends and the whole support system she left behind in the future, but she’s got a pretty good support system here as well. hopefully because of her, those friends she left behind in the future will be able to live full, free, and peaceful lives.
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phoenixyfriend · 12 days
Star Wars AU Masterlist
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists.
(Also this post has been randomly deleted at least once so uhhhh great thanks to the wayback machine holy shit.)
Misconceptions AU
Fem!Obi-Wan - not the same AU, but related: hair and makeup
Magically attractive Obi-Wan
Obi-Wan is Immortal (and it’s not great for his self preservation)
Padme/Sabe timeline
Jedi who leave the Order as a way to save it
“AUs where Obi-Wan gets adopted by Mandalorians” but I made it pro-Jedi and also Obitine
I did not know that about Haiti, whoops
Omegaverse Jedi should be LESS intense about sexism, not more
Obi-Wan fakes his death on Melida/Daan
Dooku knows Jango before Galidraan AU
Slutty Xanatos
Sharad Hett finds baby Anakin in Mos Espa and has to Deal With That
Shake that (Stewjoni) Bagpipe - various instruments with various characters
Anakin & Obi-Wan age swap, ft. Anakin and Satine being saltmates
Mand’alor Satine
Rael finds and keeps Komari - Expanded
Force-Sensitive Satine Kryze
Xanatos-Obi age swap (Xanatos/Bo-Katan)
Aayla/Bo-Katan meet during The Year On The Run
Quinlan meets toddler Anakin pre-canon, and Obi-Wan has a contact on-planet (Shmi) when TPM comes around
Raised a Sith Anakin, except Dooku snaps up Anakin and his mom from Mustafar since he’s better at Childcare than Sidious (who is annoyed at this situation)
That time Qui-Gon turned into a tree (via @willowcrowned, with fic by @smilebackwards)
Anakin&Obi-Wan, Jedi Stuff
Anakin’s paternal DNA came from Palpatine via Sith Magic
Anakin Skywalker, Secret Son of a Disgraced King
* Kick Up Your Heels - The Summary
Drag Queen AU - Oh, That’s Just Ben
Obi-Wan Wins a Moon
Tiniest Assistant Teacher
Anakin Loses his Connection to the Force, Time For Career Guidance - Addendum
Amnesiac Qui-Gon
Taking out Obi-Wan Kenobi (MaulObi)
Murder Puppy Anakin
Anakin the Snake - This AU is in the Wider AUs masterlist
One of several reasons Qui-Gon may not have been the best teacher for Anakin
Anakin’s teenage rebellion
Through strange coincidence, Obi-Wan and Shmi are actually stepsiblings
The Jedi are Kyber
Best masters for Anakin when Obi-Wan and Mace aren’t available
Obikin Sleeping Beauty AU - TCW Anakin finds a hot guy in cryo, turns out it’s Qui-Gon’s missing padawan from like twelve years ago
Mandalorian and Clone Stuff
Bo-Katan Decides She’s Siding With Family
* Kamino Belongs to the Clones (ft. banana)
Secret Clones AU
Anakin finds the clones a year early
In which Bo-Katan, or possibly Jango, breaks the cycle of violence that raised them
The Darksaber Picks Satine
Sith&Other Stuff
Ventress vs. Absolute Primogeniture
Maul ‘acquires’ Ferus Olin
Dooku Acquires a YA Sith Maul, following up on Sidious’s notes: I can teach you the ways of the Dark Side. Dooku, following literal decades of habit: …I can domesticate him.
Dooku becomes Count of Serenno… and brings the Jedi with him
Dooku hasn’t Fallen yet, and adopts teen Ventress, who has
An Accountant in Theed
Parenting Focus
Obitine Raise Anakin, ft. Grampa Dooku
* Mand’Alor Korkie Kenobi
The secret accidental Obitine baby isn’t Korkie, it’s Bo-Katan - Bokkin addendum
Obitine’s Pregnancy Scare
Obi, Protect Them
She’s Little Sister Shaped
Power Limiter Robes
Quinlan’s Smear Campaign
Artoo and Threepio adopt Boba
* Congratulations, Master Jinn, It’s a Boy!
Anakin isn’t human and reproduces via Space Parthenogenesis (and possibly lays an egg)
A “Stewjoni are all capable of pregnancy” fic where Obi-Wan offers to have Bail and Breha’s heir for them
Calligraphy I prompted from @theshitpostcalligrapher
Bo-Katan is Korkie’s bio mom, but got him removed to finish gestation in a tube (like clones) as soon as she found out because she was sixteen and not at all ready
Transmasc Obi-Wan babytraps ‘escaped Naboo intact’ Maul, who is now having difficulty deciding what to do with himself - Why we love MaulObi
Main: Anakin
Anakin Assists the Jedi Council While On Medical Leave (with a Horrible Miscommunication Addendum by @willowcrowned) - Now with a longform (and really good) fic on AO3! Sith Lightning, Paperwork, and Other Extreme Sports by @deadstarsrisingsblog
Chip Reactivation AU
The Romance Movie Curse - Ficlet written by @chaoticevilbean
Deserters? What deserters?
Anakin accidentally used the Force to make people like him, and is now panicking in an attempt to undo All of it (especially Padme)
Mace gets de-aged, hooks up with Anakin (much to the distress of Obi-Wan and Depa)
* Ficlet: Because I Fell Too
In for a Penny (Anakin confesses to the Tuskens)
Truth Serum AU (Anakin confesses to the Tuskens) - It’s all fun and games until it isn’t
In Which Palpatine Leaves the Door Open (Anakin confesses to the Tuskens) - A conjugal visit
Voluntary servitude (slavery) as the highest form of penitence and reparation on Tatooine, Anakin’s apology to the Tuskens - A different response - The context of Anakin’s childhood
Anakin invents a twin brother
Undercover Anakin&Mace have to pretend to be father and son
Anakin becomes aware of the fourth wall and ‘solves’ his problems by leaking nudes and otherwise fucking up his life “The way to break free of a story’s gravity is to consider every possible option and then pick the one that makes the absolute least sense.”
Sith Heir Anakin arranged marriage to second daughter of Mandalore Bo-Katan
Everyone Anakin meets is obsessed with keeping him safe post-Mortis and he hates it (horror)
Main: Obi-Wan
Mandalorian Mamma Mia (AKA Korkie lies about his dad)
(Most Obi-Wan focused AUs are in other lists).
Main: Ahsoka
Ahsoka gets Winter-Soldiered (This already exists and is much better than I could have managed)
Artificially Evil Ahsoka (Mortis had some lasting effects)
Ahsoka accidentally becomes a Film Noir Private Detective after leaving the Jedi, and derails all of Palpatine’s plots
Ahsoka’s crush on Barriss is “notice me senpai”
Bosoka arranged marriage when?
Main: Disaster Trio
Ghost on the Wire AU
* Anakin’s DNA Wish
Even Ventress Sees You’re Dad - Anakin talks too much
Disaster Lineage on SpaceTube
SW Prequels “Watch Your Own Series” AU (chrono)
Anakin & Barriss
Obi-Wan joins Dooku in AotC as a ploy to gather information, fails upwards
Anakin Accuses Obi-Wan of being Blonde
Sudden Soulmarks
Ahsoka accidentally outs Palpatine as a Sith through the use of incomprehensible emoji jibberish
Main: Clones
In which Cody and Rex Accidentally God-Mode - Kix Fights Rex’s Blood
Furbie the Coruscant Guard
Clint and Matt
Ghost Kitten Clones
Keep the Jedi Out of It, now with art by @lemoneste
In Which Fox Arrests His Boss - On a Technicality
Bly’s Glitching Brain Chip
Commander Fox is the Organas’ sugar baby (non-sexual, mostly)
Rex/Ventress - stranded together
Sponsor a Battalion
Fox arrests some senators for littering
Cody and Fox become building safety inspectors post-war
Clones deserve to be frat boys. Also date Anakin.
Rex/Barriss, in which Barriss is Fucked Up (but trying to do better)
Echo takes Dogma under his wing
Main: Other
Sidious and the Worst Kidnapping Ever
Who Gave Ventress the Keys? - Additions by others
Yoda commits a murder, blames the dementia
Shrink ‘em
Necromancied Qui-Gon kidnaps Ventress (she’s a Free Grad Student) - Addendum
Ventress Gets Married to Fuck Up Sidious’s Day
Dookasta interviews/negotiations, TCW as the galaxy’s ugliest divorce
Korkie picks up the Darksaber, and sees Dead Mand’alore
Satine manages to piss off both sides of the war by taking in defecting clones
Parenting Focus
Ahsoka Steals a Baby
Rattatak Death Swap
Baby 501st Legion
Oh, So THAT’S What People Think
Fairy Jango Fett
* Big Sis ‘Soka
Anakin volunteers to be a surrogate (the timing is… not optimal)
Trans Anakin explains that he is NOT the father
* Implications of a Miracle Pregnancy
If Obi-Wan gets pregnant, Anakin’s going to be the one getting invested in the future nibling
Grieving with Newborns (Padme still dies, and Anakin goes to Obi-Wan for help) - Addendum - Addendum 2
Ventress gets pregnant as a get-out-of-jail card
Anakin and Obi-Wan babytalk the twins differently
* Eldritch Ahsoka (1k plus notes)
- Speaker of Mortis
The Mortis Song
Emperor Bail - Addendum
Pirate Mace (Mace survives O66, joins Hondo) - Tax Evasion
Yularen’s Radio Show
Yularen undercover on the Death Star (feeding info to the Rebellion)
* When Vader Fails (in the Wrong Direction) (quick note)
* Owen Needs a Favor
Korkie gets dragged along on Bo-Katan’s insurgency plots
What’s Korkie Up To?
Barriss breaks out of prison and incidentally joins up with Rex
Barriss breaks out of prison and finds Ahsoka because she needs an external moral compass
Quinlan finds, frees, and press-gangs Bly into helping him fuck up the Empire, in Aayla’s memory/honor
Ventress Bothers Darth Vader
Bo-Katan bothers Ben Kenobi
Vader hallucinates so intensely that he destroys the Empire because he talked to a ghost who was disappointed in him.
Vader gets turned into an anime waifu and everyone hates that
A trad Mando of Din’s type finds Merrin, and decides to return her to her people. The only one still alive that they know of is Ventress.
Padme’s Handmaidens: Let’s Scam The Empire Into Thinking Amidala Is Still Alive
Original Trilogy and Beyond
Han’s Anti-Force Force-Sensitivity
Bumbling Vampire Han Solo
The ghosts of all those murdered Jedi Kids are haunting Vader but he’s just… too pathetic for them to try that hard
Mace’s ghost mentors Luke - Jocasta’s ghost mentors Leia
ANH Obi-Wan pretends to be senile, lost, and politely befuddled on the Death Star when noticed by Stormtroopers
Rex and Wolffe, dying Cody
Boba Accidentally Acquires The Darksaber, And Now He Can’t Get Rid Of It
Vader skypes his kids from jail
Mpreg Vader - This AU is in the Wider AUs Masterlist
Trans Vaderkin pregnancy, prenatal addiction to the Dark Side - Followup
Darth Vader gets turned into a cute teen girl and makes it everyone’s problem
Luke finds Decrepit Old Hermit Dooku hiding out on some mountain and recruits him to the new Jedi School before anyone can tell him why that’s a bad idea
The Mandalorian:
Ahsoka’s got Beef (The Mandalorian)
Boba’s Older Brothers
Whacking sticks
Maul’s Back - Now with art by @its-not-a-pen
What I would want out of The Mandalorian            
Bo-Katan knows Luke is Vader’s kid, keeps her mouth shut
Bo-Katan fucking with Obi-Wan’s Ghost
Get some actual Mando’a in here, Disney, you cowards
BobaDin but Fennec’s making fun of Boba the whole time
Satine is one of the darksaber ghosts - Addendum
Tradition as Din’s Covert vs. Tradition as Death Watch
Middle-Aged Foppish Duke in Distress Korkie is very enamored by Mand’alor Din regularly rescuing him
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cabezadeperro · 3 months
idk what ships you're feeling at the moment so
🖤 kissing while crying / goodbye kiss / desperation
for ship of your choice and just fuck me up, man
i wasn't sure if you liked this ship, but i was given free rein, so.
kenfetti, groundhog day au but with a twist. (timeloop from the other person's perspective). clone wars au, canon divergence. T, ~700w.
Obi-Wan closes his eyes and tries his best to breathe through the pain in his joints. He focuses on the feeling of Geonosis hot and dry air on the skin of his face, on the buzzing of the force field holding him still, on the sweat running steadily down his spine and on the smell of the red rock of his cell, frustratingly damp and cool, so very unlike everything else about the planet. 
The metal of the Force suppressors digs into the skin of his wrists. His fingers are numb. Obi-Wan tries to move them, and a painful tingling makes its way down his forearm and past his elbow.
Dooku’s words swirl around in his brain, crashing against Obi-Wan’s tidy mental shields. His eyes keep straying to the place where the man just stood, as if his echo—his ghost—might be able to make what he just told Obi-Wan make sense.
The door swishes open. Obi-Wan twitches, opens his eyes again—he exhales, relief filling his chest.
He can’t quite remember when it was that Jango Fett’s face started becoming one of his favourite sights, but there it is. There he is, and there they are. 
Jango closes and locks the door at his back and takes off his helmet before stepping closer to the platform, lips pressed together, the skin around his eyes tight. 
“Jango—” Obi-Wan starts. Jango sighs. He leaves the helmet on the edge of the platform and lowers him down, the motion jarring and awful. Obi-Wan closes his mouth with a clack and grits his teeth through it.
Jango’s hands are cold on his face. Obi-Wan sways into him, waiting for the telltale click of his cuffs being unlocked, for the Force to rush back in. 
It never comes. 
Jango lets him step away, his dark eyes tired.
“I can’t let you—leave,” he says. He works his jaw, chooses his words carefully. He keeps his eyes on Obi-Wan, his hands still.
“Why? Did you—?”
“No,” Jango says. He smiles, tiny and awful: for an instant, Obi-Wan thinks he understands, and then it slips away. “It wasn’t me. This is—this is just how it goes. This time.”
(That half a second of almost understanding will haunt Obi-Wan for the rest of his life, but he doesn’t know that yet.)
“I don’t understand,” Obi-Wan says after a long beat. “Please, let me—”
“I can’t,” Jango replies. He breathes out. He starts reaching out, stops himself, turns away. He reaches for his helmet instead and pauses there, staring down at it. He exhales again. “This was a mistake.”
Obi-Wan feels—he’s moved through the anger and the betrayal and into plain old confusion. He’s bewildered: he doesn’t understand, and he doesn’t understand why Jango won’t help him see whatever it is he’s missing. For the past five years he’s been first an ally and then a friend, a confidant, a lover. Obi-Wan has learned to rely on him, on his intelligence and on the clear-eyed way he has of approaching life. He used to think he knew Jango better than most, and now he feels as if he has never seen this man before, has never seen him so—so defeated. He feels as if he were meeting Jango all over again.
Jango huffs. He smiles, warm and tiny and awful. His hand is so cold on Obi-Wan’s face, but his lips are warm and dry on his cheek. They rest there before moving on to Obi-Wan’s mouth, to the thin skin under his right eye. Obi-Wan breathes him in and then holds his breath, doesn’t reach back, because he’s scared and he’s angry and he doesn’t know why Jango won’t help him just understand.
Jango steps away. He puts his helmet back on.
“I’ll see you soon,” he says, and then he leaves.
Obi-Wan remains in his cell until he doesn’t. He fights his way out of an era and into another one, survives war and heartbreak, dies on a ship two decades and two lifetimes later. Jango becomes yet another ghost, and Obi-Wan never quite forgets him or forgives him.
(At the same time, twenty five years in a past that no longer exists for him, Jango opens his eyes to the ceiling of his room on Tipoca. It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last, and Jango’s running out of heartbreak: as always, he tries to make it count.)
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