#It's not like I have a reputation to worry about I'm a nobody LOL
whysamwhy123 · 7 months
Hmmm. What if I attempted to write a piece of Trash and posted it anonymously?
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the-demonus-aunt · 2 years
Hii! I have the best idea
Can you write a scenario with MC asking the brothers + the dateables (minus Luke) to recreate the Kim Kardashian s€x tape?
I want to read that so bad😩
I have a three-page long list of headcanon and imagine ideas and yet, you guys always take the cake. Congratulations on a truly creative request 😂
And listen, I watched that shit for you, I hope it pays off lol
Thanks for requesting!
CN nsft. Since the tape is M/F, it's kind of implied that MC has a vagina, but body parts are not explicitly stated. Only second person pronouns ("you").
How the brothers would react to you asking to recreate the Kim Kardashian s€x tape
Recreate th- what the fuck, y/n, he's trying to sleep
The thought of having you on camera to watch again and again whenever he wants is enough to make him listen up after all
So what exactly are you talking about?
You're so weird sometimes, you know that?
Okay, but only if he doesn't have to do an impression of Ray J's cringey intro
"What do you mean I can't cuss when they don't?"
Great, you made him choke on the macaron from Madame Scream's he was just scoffing down
Did he really just hear you say that? He probably misheard you...
When you explain, he realises you're completely serious
He needs a strong Siren's Song first
Well, you did mention he could eat you out
He's not quite sure what's even happening, but he'll do it if you give proper instructions
Make sure his brothers never get to see this, though
"Can I finally fuck you for real, now?"
He doesn't know who Kim is, but he's heard the words s€x tape come out of your mouth, so yes, he's down
When you explain who she is he wants to do it even more
But can he be Kim?
He supposes you could make two versions
He will ask to include pretty lingerie, though
Can he post it on Devilgram later?
"Oh that's so sloppy, I can do better, don't worry."
He actually knows about it
Has seen it, too
Will refuse to do the shots where Ray J just stares into the camera like "Yes, I'm the shit"
Leave that shit to the Avatar of Pride, if you will
Only does it because it seems to make you happy
And he reminds you often enough that's the single reason he's up on that bed holding the camera
"Do I have to be so cheerful about it?"
The Mountain Dew you ordered for him from the human world will spray out of his nose
He, too, has actually seen it. Only has a vague idea of who she is, though
He assumes it doesn't matter anyway as long as you'll have sex with him
He'll try some Ray J impressions, but it's just cringe
Several takes for those scenes, because you end up in a laughing fit several times
He's butthurt at first, but when he rewatches his attempts to be a macho, he'll laugh along
It'll turn out to be less sexy, but insanely funny with him
"What is this face, how does he even do that?"
He just silently blushes
Not that he wants to sleep with you rn, but if you really want to, fine
Thinks about selling it for a second, but then the jealousy kicks in - nobody but him can see you like that
Gets too distracted to actually recreate anything, you start out with a few laughs, then just end up fucking wildly
Well, you'll just have to try again, what a shame
Cums unplanned when you suck him off. Good thing he has demonic stamina.
"Fuck this, you feel too good to hold back, fuck, fuck."
Pardon him, what did you just suggest?
And who is that supposed to be? Is he supposed to know what you're talking about?
By Diavolo and all that is unholy, did you even think about what you're asking of him?
Absolutely not, what is he to do if it ever gets leaked?
And who is that vulgar, arrogant man who makes these stupid grimaces? How exactly do you imagine him in his place?
He is open to imitating some scenes without a camera on, though
"That's a bit vanilla, isn't it?"
Oh my, this man is down for it, as soon as you give him some details
Pray that Barbatos never finds that tape, because if he finds out you're risking his master's reputation for something like this, he will choose the next best timeline without you in it
Is completely fascinated and has a surprising eye for detail
"That will be quite the interesting experience, don't you think?"
He knows. He knows everything.
Did Solomon's cooking make you delirious?
He doesn't say that one out loud, though
It seems to make you happy, so why the fuck not
Has trouble cumming in the end, because he's really not that into the whole situation
Will hide that tape better than his annoyance
"Sure, y/n, I'm glad to assist if it makes you happy."
By God, Diavolo and Jeff Bezos, you want WHAT from him?
He doesn't see the appeal. He either wants to make love or corrupt you, this has nothing to offer in his eyes
If you keep begging like that, he might give in
But only if you fulfill one of his fantasies in return
"Ehm. An interesting request. May I make a counter offer?"
This old man is up to date!
He agrees, but he will make some changes to his taste
Surprisingly good Ray J impressions??
Thinks about sending it to Diavolo and Lucifer, just to spite them
Will rewatch it with Asmo. Will receive a high five for it.
"Well, well, well, in all my years that's a first. I'm in....Literally."
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torchickentacos · 1 year
i love seeing your long tags they make me so happy. and YOU SHOULD DO THE ALBUMS THING. IF NOBODY ELSE GOT YOU I GOT YOU. GIVE DREW HIS REPUTATION ERA
THANK YOU SOSOSO MUCH!!! I'm so glad people like my tags, sometimes I worry I'm too long-winded, or that I get too off-topic, so it's nice hearing that people like my train of thoughts! ALSO THE ALBUM THING!!!!! I WILL!!! IN FACT I SHALL DO IT RIGHT HERE! under the cut! talking abt taylor swift songs and lyrics and blorbos, if that's not your vibe feel free to scroll <3 /genuine, not sarcastic or shady or anything!!! I'll just see you around later, blondie isn't for everyone! So, pokeani specific characters as taylor swift eras/albums! Long. Like, really long even for me, this is just a pure infodump. Reblogs/comments with further discussion ENCOURAGED!!!!! I love talking to you guys lol, feel free to open this to your own favorite artists too. Kind of a random selection of characters.
OKAY LET'S GO!!! First off, I think that Dawn has always had a 1989 vibe to me. 1989 is sonically one of my lesser favorites honestly, but I think it's intriguing because it's this super poppy, mainstream hit after hit album but it's also just so deeply... unsure, in some ways. You've got shake it off and blank space, pop hits but also hits that are very acutely self-deprecating in the way that they try to come off as unbothered. It's parody but at her own expense, making fun of her own image and portrayal. Dawn is very bright and cheery but is also this very self-unsure, nervous individual in my interpretation of her and I think that parallels nicely. We open with welcome to new york, which makes me think of Dawn's contest debut! Dawn was very intentional in becoming a coordinator, rather than May who kind of stumbled into it. "Everybody here wanted something more" just makes me think of her ambition. So: Dawn, 1989. Big debut into her profession (pop debut, contests), very self-aware but tries to brush it off, but still a very bright and fun person.
Gary: does monologue song count LMAO. Joking, I think Red. Upbeat and loud and self-assured at first (22, I knew you were trouble), but you dive down deep and see that the seemingly shallow pool is actually a huge ocean of a character/album that will stand long beyond its time and cement itself as a fan favorite. I think Holy Ground really fits him, though I cannot for the life of me explain why. However, the cockiness /affectionate of I Bet You Think About Me fits him SO WELL!!! Also. "I'll be summer sun for you, forever".
Misty: Debut. Classic, the OG, might burn your house down, unhinged teenage girl energy. Hates that STUPID OLD PICKUP TRUCK YOU NEVER LET HER DRIVE. She's energetic, loud, and a trailblazer for all the albums and pokegirls to come. Starting off with a BANG and a banjo. Not much else to say, just pure iconic energy (but with a soft side!!! secretly a HUGE romantic).
Drew: Okay, a weird one. I almost went Evermore (introspective to almost a fault, way too in his own head, a dreamer in his own way and a timeless romantic) but ultimately I think my interpretation of Drew is just SO reputation. Cold on the outside, but the most romantic, soft interior once you get to know him. Drew also is a famous coordinator and has his own fan club (in canon, consisting of moms who have merch of him for... some reason, which. shoutout to the discord friends that have dubbed it the milf club- or was that my fault???? that might have been a taylorism [me taylor lol, not swift taylor]) BUT ANYWAYS Rep explores themes of finding love in crowed places which I tend to lean into in contestshipping fics and ideas, themes of avoiding fame and finding that balance of letting people in versus shutting them out. Also, you either love him or hate him, I've noticed, much like reputation. He comes off a bit offputting at first and people tend to write him off as annoying before they get to know him (cough, first tracks of rep are not at all indicative of rep as a whole BUT FUCKING SLAP ONCE YOU GET THE VIBES!) Also because I will defend both of them until death.
May: I was stuck between a LOT for my favorite girlie. I know you have her as lover which is SO PERFECT but i think anime may specifically feels very fearless/speak now. I went with Fearless, but it could go either way with a brief shoutout to Red who almost made it. Fearless is kind of in her own little world, lost in thought, a dreamer who is still figuring it all out. But like May, Fearless has some spunk, too! I think specifically Tell Me Why reminds me a LOT of May and Harley's rivalry. "You took a swing, I took it hard, and down here from the ground I see who you are". Minus the romantic part of it, it reminds me SO SO SO much of Harley's supportive act and then turning on her, back and forth. Fearless is naive, and so is May. "And I know that you see what you're doing to me- tell me why!" I think ultimately though, Fearless is finding her way. Fearless is in new territory, making her own path as a dreamer and an optimist. Also, just entirely nostalgic. I saw Fearless in concert as a kid and May has always been my favorite, just very nostalgic for me for both of them.
Iris: Speak Now! Spunky. A little outta pocket. Would probably call you out for marrying a shitty person in the middle of your own damn wedding. Purple. I still don't have an amazing grasp on Iris, but Speak Now is THAT BITCH who SPEAKS HER MIND whether it's THE TIME FOR IT OR NOT and I think that feels very Iris to me in the best way. Iris is not afraid, she's here to be heard, but she's also just. soft. baby. friend.
Paul: Okay, weird one here. Paul has... issues. Problems. I think that in an ideal world we get a paul redemption and he was written a bit differently, and I think that Paul could have his Midnights era, very retrospective and kind of looking at things that went wrong in the past and figuring out how to move on from that. Not an album or Taylor, technically, but Renegade by Big Red Machine ft. TS fits, I think. "Are you really gonna talk about timing in times like these? Let all your damage damage me? Carry your baggage up my street?" The ultimate song of 'hey, maybe deal with your issues please so I can make you the blorbo I want you to be'. /joking but also not really. Quite literally, "is it insensitive of me to say, get your shit together so I can love you?"
Tracey: Folklore. Soft, gentle, would comfort me while I'm crying at 2 am, would bake cookies with me. Simple as that. "When I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite". I stand by Folklore and Evermore being the albums for people who think they don't like Taylor Swift btw, random side note. I think also, Tracey has this bright imagery with his art, and so does Folklore. Folklore is a very imagery-driven album in its lyrics. It's evocative- I think the biggest examples of this are Invisible String, Illicit Affairs, and Hoax. I'll just close my eyes to those songs and let my mind wander off... which, admittedly, also happens during some orange islands/johto episodes and most of the diancie movie, but you know what I mean lol. They're still a GREAT vibe.
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hruvhi · 11 months
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I don't really know why I suddenly became the villain lol I just tried to be there for everyone and not discriminate. I don't want to judge a person based on what other people are telling me about them, and as much as possible, I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. Nobody's perfect, I have my faults as well. I'm the most imperfect person and knowing that, I don't really want to judge somebody based on their past actions. I didn't know they will use that against me.
But oh well, that's life. I don't mind being the bad person anyway. Despite everything, I still think life is beautiful. But I have to let them all go. It's okay if I'll be blamed for everything, I don't mind. They can hate me all they want if that will make them feel good. It's also fine if they'll spread rumors about me. Unlike others, I don't have a reputation or image to maintain. Those things are kinda restrictive, I just want to live freely. As for me, I have to keep my peace, and protect my energy. Fighting fire with fire is not really my thing, I'd rather distance myself #NoToArson haha.
It's nice here, I can see the ocean from this cafe. I wish they have something like this in Manila, I want to bring Tammy to a cafe like this. I'm sure my sister will love it. It's peaceful. Hmm I wonder, are you looking at the ocean too, comrade? I don't know where you are but it's the same ocean right? I like the idea that we're looking at the same moon and the same ocean hehe. I still don't know who you are but I bet you'll like this view too. Their coffee isn't that great but it's warm. This place is nice. I want to go here with you someday. But seriously, I don't like their coffee, maybe you won't like it either. Let's bring Starbucks next time hehe.
If we get the chance to meet in this lifetime, let's work together to bring peace and do something nice for people, okay? I've spent most of my life on what I thought was hatred and resentment, it's heavy and I'm tired of it. Comrade, you might think I'm being weak right now. I'm allowing it all because I know that whatever it is that they'll try to do, nobody and nothing can ever destroy my spirit. I still have my eyes on the goal, so don't worry we'll still meet haha. I think we have the same goal so whatever happens, we'll gonna cross paths one way or another. I'm just really tired right now, I'd rather conserve my energy and use it to improve myself. We're gonna help a lot of people someday, so you should work hard too. Let's do our best, okay?
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psalacanthea · 1 year
For the WIP game, tell us about TAPIJ?
So the name of the file is an acronym from the first line of the fic 'The Airport in Jader', which is stupid but it's on Google docs so it was either that or have the whole first line as the title.
It's a DA2 continuation of my modern Tabris x Mahariel x Zevran fic, which I mostly just poke at for myself. Honestly, I'm still writing the DAO fic, but I stopped posting it cuz *shrug*.
In it Kirkwall is on the verge of rioting over mage rights, so naturally my Darian Tabris, being the little riot provocateur he is, adopts Hawke's whole posse and teaches them how to rage against the machine.
While that's going on, Lia Mahariel tries to keep everything from going to hell/protect the Dalish/protect Bethany, and Zevran's trying to keep both himself and Tabris alive without letting Lia know that things are worse than she fears.
Also they argue a lot about if it's a good time to have kids or not (it's not) or if there ever will be a good time to have kids (there won't be). It's also a handers fic. Here's a snippet cuz it probably won't see the light of day otherwise, lol
It was hard to be sympathetic to Zev’s frustration.  Darian felt pretty much the same as their girl did about it all, but he didn’t have anywhere near Lia’s connections.  “Maybe knowin’ is what she needs?  You always think ignorance is bliss, but you know I ain’t agree.”
“You also don’t over-think everything like Lia does.  I am not-” The frustration in Zev’s voice deepened.  “I am not hiding information because I enjoy it!  You know that!  But the more either of you know about my hunt, the more likely it is that someone will try to get information from you, and I will not put you in that danger!”
“She’s not an easy woman to touch, babe.  She’s kinda a big fuckin’ deal.”
“That makes it worse!  Her reputation is far, far too important to risk.  People depend upon her being a– being untouchable.  And that reputation is worth far more than me.  To history, to the Wardens, and to Thedas.”
Derry snorted sarcastically, not moved in the slightest.  They weren’t a fucking noble bunch.  “But not to us, babe.  We’d both burn it all down for you, you know that.  Just like you’d do for us.”
Zevran sighed, rough with irritation.
It was hard to piss off Zev, but if anyone could do it, it’d be Lia.  And it always seemed to be because she’d do something to put herself in danger for him.  For some reason Derry couldn’t quite figure out, the two of them would happily put themselves in danger for practically anyone, but Zev seemed to think that nobody should ever be risking themselves for him.
Especially not Lia.
He wondered if it had to do with the fact that Zev had almost killed her once.
“Deep breath, babe,”  Darian suggested, flinging an arm over his face.  His knuckles grazed the top of the bunk.  Damn it, he really hated sleeping on the bus.  “You decided you can’t budge on this.  But don’t make it about tryin’ to control her feelings, about tryin’ to make it better for ‘her’.”
Zev’s voice calmed down, a long sigh preceding his words.  “You are saying I should not muddy the waters.”
“Sure,”  Darian said, figuring that was probably more clear than the mess in his head anyways.  “If it’s about safety.  If it’s about other people needin’ her to be the good guy, tell her that.  Just that.  Don’t make it about what’s better for her, or keepin’ her from bein’ worried an’ sad.  We’re both gonna be, an’ the only way you can fix that-”
“Is by finishing this,” Zevran said, voice firmer, more sure.  “You’re right.  Thank you.  I think that will help a great deal.”
Derry laughed, a low rasp.  “S’what I’m here for, babe.  That an’ other things…we can’t do ‘cause I’m on a fuckin’ bus.”
“Utterly unfair,”  Zev agreed, a lazy roll to his voice.  “Though on the other hand, if you could learn to be quiet for once in your life…”
“Hmmh, well, I could give it a fuckin’ shot, couldn’t I,” Derry agreed, not really giving much of a fuck if he got caught.  Too many years living in shitty apartment with walls like cardboard had kind of killed any amount of shame he’d had.  “You an’ our girl had some fun earlier?  Bet you did.  Bet you fucked her real good.”
Zev’s voice warmed, slow and sexy.  “Well-”
“Maker’s love, Derry, could you not?!” a shout from across the aisle snapped out.
If Soris had sound pissed, Darian might have felt bad.  For a second or two, at least.  But he just sounded whiny, like he always had when they were kids, and Derry couldn’t help but cackle.  After a few seconds, Zev started snickering, which only made him laugh harder.  
“You might learn somethin’ if you listen up, ya know,”  Derry blurted out, laughter scraping his sore throat.
“You used to say that when we were teenagers, too!  Andraste’s ass, you’re still an immature cunt!”  His voice and stomping footsteps faded away, swallowed by the noise of the road.
“I think I should go, babe,” Derry laughed with a tinge of regret.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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I'm losing my mind😭😭😭😭
When it comes to those two, I think I've said and I maintain the company's move to intervene and facilitate their bond predates memories 2019.
If anything, the end of 2020 is when they actively started consciously pairing them in content and 2021 is when we've seen that kind of conscious curation of 'ships' become more frequent and routine- pack it up Bighit. We know about Jikook and we know what y'all doing lately too. Y'all ain't fooling nobody.
We discussed this bit on the other platform.
What happened. We used to be so close.
I really don't expect to see much of Tae Kook in memories 2020. I really don't. In 2021 memories, sure. In 2020, not so much.
But that don't mean they don't have any TKK moments at all. We are still gonna get something. Especially early 2020 when those two were at a really good place- with Tae providing a lot of emotional support for JK and JK allowing himself to be vulnerable with him.
I just don't expect it to be of the same quality or quantity as say JinKook or Jikook. Unless, like I said BigHit editors consciously 'aided' them- like they've been doing lately.
I think we talked about this on the other platform. I was happy about their end of year selca only to find out they had deliberately taken that photo for the fans- who is FANSERVICE NOW?
If I had said JK looked like he had been dragged there to take the photo from that tight corners of his lips in the photo I would have caught a case on these streets from Tuktukkers and the wannabe fake woke jokers moonlighting as Tuktukkers. But sir energy don't lie.
By Soop is when they had talks of having drifted apart over the years. By dynamite there were some lowkey tensions between them and Tae was trying to reconnect or at least making the effort. By end of 2020 JK was throwing around that whole 'we used to be so close' phrase around willy nilly.
I feel BigHit is personally invested in the public reputation of the members- especially those two and if they feel they need to make a good impression and fix their broken image because it contradicts the BTS kumbaya agenda then they would want to take this opportunity to correct that through memories as they've been doing with the recent pairings throughout 2021.
More like, 'look Taekook are all good now.' Here they are eating ice cream together. Here they are taking a walk down the street holding hands. Here they are caring for eachother. Look Jk wiped Tae's tears.
They would want to put their 'chemistry' on full display- if they have that sort of content lying around💀 I mean that is the whole point of Memories isn't it? But like I said, they can't show us what they don't have. If they have it we will see it.
That's what I meant in my last post. I don't see how that's confusing or contradictory. Lol.
For JK, I'm actually looking forward to seeing more Namkook moments than Minimoni- organically I mean. Simply because Namkook as a pair through 2020 were equally conscious of building and nurturing their bond.
With Jikook, I don't know what to tell you. Their moments of tensions are usually short lived. They make up faster than you'd expect and wouldn't allow petty disagreements to ruin their bond to the point they would need say the company to intervene and fix their relationship.
That's just because Jimin is Jimin and JK is Jk. I mean JK's mother is not out here Jiminah saranghae-ing like a proud in law because she thinks or expects Jimin to not care or look after her son. Jimin is his hyung. Whatever happens with them I feel he will always have love for JK and often times is willing to overlook certain things. He's said so himself. He lets Jk get away with so much because he is cute and the Maknae.
I can't imagine Jikook drifting apart while still in the same band. Sure they will fight, sure they will disagree, hell I maintain they break up from time to time but I don't think it's ever going to be that bad.
I have my reservations about memories 2019. I'm waiting for memories 2020 to confirm my suspicions. How they treat Jikook in this will be so telling of a lot of things. But I'm not at all worried about them if you know what I mean?
Memories 2019 was a dump.
Jikook are real regardless. They don't need dumping or visibility to be real. Their bond has always been commercially convenient hence the visibility. Isn't that why people brand them as fanservice? Ships do have commercial value and are relevant and I remember saying if it were up to BigHit they will have more of ships like Jikook. The problem is the intersectional nature of ships. Tae and Kook have a dynamic as does Kook with Jimin and Jimin with Tae.
Taekook and Jikook are mutually exclusive as far as the nature of their bond goes. Both cannot be real at the same time.
Tae Kook can't be what Jikook is.
That one time in On Era the editors captioned a Tae kook moment as romantic was interesting to me. Things like that can create problems within Vminkook. Imagine everyone praising your best friend and your partner and calling them power couple and romantic while your own relationship gets defined as brothers, friends etc and not recieve the same respect and acceptance.
If Tae kook is real, all that homoerotic charge and romanticization of Jikook would be problematic as fuxk. As would Tae Kook if Jikook is real.
All that being said, I said I won't put it past BigHit to pull a fast one over Tuktukkers. They are in a for profit business not charity. If Tae Kook sells I trust they would be selling that to us. Unfortunately what Tuktukkers want is not Tae Kook, it's Jikook with TaeKook's name on it. That, I don't think anyone can help them with.
I hope this helps?
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fedonciadale · 3 years
I'm already at cringe level for HotD from just the pics of the characters. I think it's gonna be bad, like bad bad. I thought it would be before filming but now I'm worried it's gonna cause more harm to GRRM's work, like people are gonna judge him by the shows instead of his written word. I know he sold the rights but the last 4/5 season of GoT were not what he expected that's for sure. Well, I guess it's all entertainment and maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
Hi there!
I think it will be highly entertaining probably just not in the way the producers meant it to be. And I fully intend to be thoroughly entertained.
I don't think it will hurt GRRM much though. I mean everyone knows that authors don't always deliver the same quality in every book. And although I enjoyed "Fire and Blood" mostly because of the foreshadowing for ASOIAF, the fact, that it basically cemented that the Targs were not that good and for the part of me that is nerdy enough to genuinely enjoy pseudo-history.
I would be the first though to say that "Fire and Blood" is just not as good as the main ASOIAF books and what could I expect from a show that is filmed after a pseudo-history book? I mean, many of the details that make the book funny, like the academic hypocrisy and the arroganve of archmaester Glydan, Mushroom the insatiable gossip are very difficult to bring to the screen. What remains is the drama and the characters interaction. And how that is done depends on the actors.
I wonder who people will root for though? I mean all the people involved are so bad.... and the innocent die early. I might end up rooting for Aegon III. lol.
And everyone knows that shows are not the same as books. I mean everyone from all sides of the fandom sort of agrees that season 7 and 8 were bad (if for different reasons) but most would still read the books?
There was an attempt to make a show from Wheel of Time ages ago, and they filmed the first episode - which is the prologue. And everyone agrees this was incredibly cringe worthy. It didn't hurt the author or the series.
And anyway, if GRRM does not drop TWOW soon he has himself to blame for losing fans.
My PhD supervisor told me : the perfect works are always unfinished in some drawer where nobody will ever read them. They have zero impact.
I think the moment TWOW drops GRRM doesn't need to fret about his reputation.
If he never publishes the last two books ASOIAF will remain one of these cases where people say: Well, the unfinished thing we have is very promising, certainly better than some finished works, but alas! we'll have to discuss how the author would have gone one from here to eternity.
Thanks for the ask!
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adramaticbeauty · 4 years
Fairies and Dragonflies- Part 6 Unsettling Past
Gray couldn't get the words out of his head. The words that Juvia uttered so sweetly, but stabbed him slowly in his heart. When was the last time he actually heard something so harsh? He was Gray Fullbuster, rich enough to buy what ever he desired. So why did it matter what that minx thought? It was honestly insulting that she even thought she could reject him like that. Not the way she did it, honestly it was disrespectful to his reputation as the woman handler of the Dragonflies. There were plenty of women way more beautiful and even more alluring than Juvia, so he shouldn't even have wasted his time.  If he truly thought this though, why exactly was he sitting at a fancy restaurant with a lady, thinking so much about her? The red haired woman dangling her fork lazily over her food, and red lipstick delicately applied to her plump lips was sitting across from him.
"Ummm, Mr.Fullbuster are you ok?" She blinked in concern. Gray immediately snapped back into reality and quickly put on his dazzling smile he always used to make women's hearts melt in an instant. She smiled bashfully as you could see the subtle blush on her face, the red curls covering her face starting to match her cheeks.
"I'm just so dazed by your beauty that I couldn't think straight, Alison." Gray slipped out.
The furious blush on her face proved exactly what he always thought. Girls were so easy to understand, and all of them thought the same. That's why he could get whatever girl he wanted with a snap of his fingers.
"Oh, Mr.Fullbuster please... you're making me blush." She purred as she carefully touched his hand on the table, and Gray felt her slowly wrap her leg around his under the table.
If this was any other day, Gray would already be feeling excited but sadly the excitement never came. Even as they made it into his apartment, stumbling from all the drinks and tripping over things he just didn't feel anything. Like he was back to his regular routine.
He laid in bed, with the woman sleeping soundly beside him. He couldn't help but feel unhappy, or should he say unsatisfied with his life. Was that all their was too it? Just spending the night with different women he didn't even bother to get to know and making his music? Was there even anything else besides that, ever since he lost his mother and father? And Ur...The only thing he worried about at first was making it big so he could survive and keep living. But was this truly all to living, when his heart craved something more? He didn't know what, but he knew by now listening to his heart was asking for trouble. Or pain and he couldn't deal with any more of that, not again.
As he closed his eyes, he felt all these conflicting emotions in his heart beginning to fade along with his thoughts. He always felt most at peace when his mind was at rest. Free from the drama and free from the life of Gray Fullbuster.  And he didn't think he would ever be able to be just  Gray around anyone. Until he dreamt of her, and it was ironic considering he dreamt of another woman while he was lying in the bed with another.
But it felt so real, like he could just reach out and touch the silky blue hair, so blue like the ocean, he was convinced he would drown in it. And then the atmosphere suddenly turned ice cold, making him suddenly feel unsettled. Everywhere he turned he was met with the familiar sight of snowflakes falling from the darkened sky. The cool whiteness covering his sight from any other background. All of a sudden he was met with a warm pair of black coal eyes that stared right into his soul, and into his heart. Ur, it must have been. Right into his dream those eyes that were full of so much admiration ever since she took care of him all those years ago. Those eyes that were once full of so much love, but were now dead cold and without life.
Gray woke up in a cold sweat, almost falling out of his bed if he didn't catch himself. His bed was now cold and empty, and messy from his tossing and turning. He hoped that he didn't say anything he might have regretted while he was having his nightmare. He would never forgive himself for being so weak in front of a woman if that was the case. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he picked up his phone to look at the time. He took a deep breath to calm himself but quickly sucked a breath back in. He was late. Again.
He would never live this down from the boys and Gray mentally facepalmed, already imagining the lecture he would get from Jellal. He tumbled out of the bed almost, as he slipped on pants and  the first shirt he could grab from his closet. He rushed to put on his shoes until he noticed a cup of  coffee on his glass kitchen table with a note beside it. Have a good day at work Gray<3. He couldn't help but smirk, even when he was running late.
Alison was always pretty thoughtful, even if she was really a fuck buddy and he using her only for company sometimes. And too bad he hated coffee. The ride to the band practice building was a hectic one. The traffic almost made him pull out his raven hair, especially when he was already late. But at least he had a bit of an excuse for being late now, that wouldn't be an exact lie. When Gray finally made it across the street he didn't even bother putting his vehicle into the private parking garage like he always did and just drove to pull up in front of the building. And what Gray saw was chaos.
Absolute chaos, and as soon as he was spotted, there was no going back. Everyone spotted his famous black and Gray sports car and it was unmistakably the famous Gray Fullbuster's vehicle. Thankfully there were bodyguards to make a path for him to get inside the building with all the chaos going on. Now Gray regretted not having a driver. But they did always cramp his style. Gray took a deep breath as he stepped out of his car and unto the path into the building. All he could see was flashes of cameras and hear  jumbling of questions. He could barely make it to the door without the crowds of reporters tearing him to pieces, but when he did he hurried inside. Once inside he spotted Jellal with a serious and somewhat worried face staring down at a newspaper. Gajeel was sitting down as normal tuning his guitar, but a thoughtful look on his face. Nastu had a bored look on his face as usual.
"So tell me why we can't go and talk to the paparazzi Jellal? Obviously they want to talk to me." Nastu commented with a groan afterward. Gajeel couldn't help but growl and put in his two cent.
"They aren't here for you idiot. And we can't say anything to the paparazzi without figuring out the situation first. And that starts with this fucking douche."
He suddenly turned his steely eyes to Gray, and he couldn't help but feel a bit afraid for a second.
"What the hell is going on outside?? Why is the paparazzi practically breaking down the doors to the building?"
Jellal took a big sigh and walked over to hand Gray the newspaper that hadn't left his hands ever since he walked in. Then he met Gray's eyes with a stern look.
"You deserve us all an explanation. Now."
 Gray was about to raise his voice and question why the hell everyone was jumping on his case, before his eye caught a familiar look on the newspaper. It showed a picture, and not just any picture. It was of Gray and Juvia, walking together.
The only thing Gray could muster was an ,"Oh shit."
Gray and Juvia were seen together on their date.
Note: Last chapter: Part 5 https://adramaticbeauty.tumblr.com/post/189410081835/gruvia-band-au-part-5
Part 4 :https://adramaticbeauty.tumblr.com/post/188806970725/gruvia-band-au-part-4
Part 3: https://adramaticbeauty.tumblr.com/post/187638388485/gruvia-band-aupart-3-warning-some-of-this-might
Part 2 :https://adramaticbeauty.tumblr.com/post/187483175670/gruvia-band-au
Part 1:
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pegasus-ghost · 2 years
My look is officially complete!
Well, not really, aside from my weight. I kinda have to work on that.
So today after work, I got off work early to go for my piercing appointment. I got in touch with a piercing place in the city and asked if they can change my nose stud to a nose ring for me and they were like, sure. And I was like, YES!!!
I expected heavy ass traffic in the city and I seriously hated going there. But when I reached the place around 5pm, the road was strangely absent of cars. I seriously remembered that place being jammed packed with people. Now it looked dead, like a dead city, and no customers are around. Shops are open tho, but nobody was around.
It was sad, in a way. Felt like the city was dying.
So yeah, I reached there, and the guy sat me down, asked me if I used a gun or a needle. I had to explain to him that I used a gun and I know now that was a mistake because I didn't know anything about piercing when I got it. The nose stud was an impulse decision made before my birthday because I was like, FUCK IT.
He checked my nose and he said the placement of the nose stud was too high. He had to measure the nose stud on my nose to find out which ring size would fit me, but I kept talking. And he was like.
"Please, stop talking. I'm trying to measure you."
Lol. I got excited I guess.
In the end, he had to give me the 10mm, surgical steel, captive bead type of ring. I was fine with that, as long as it was a ring. He helped me took off the push pin, flatback nose stud I previously had to help with the swelling in my nose. Then he inserted the ring in, and IT WAS DONE!
I barely felt anything! He was super gentle, and he knows how to twist the ring in through the hole. Didn't even hurt! The removal of the nose stud stung more than actually putting the ring in. I was like... How the fuck?? I tried to do it on my own with Liam the other day and my nose bled, I couldn't find the way out from the hole at all!
I was happy when I got it, but most of all, I was more RELIEVED that I finally had the ring. If not, I kept worrying and thinking about changing it to a ring non stop. Now that I've changed it, this thing is gonna be part of my looks FOR GOOD.
Speaking of looks, I would have a panel interview to attend online with a bunch of managers next week Tuesday. Honestly I don't really know if I should go for it if I have an offer with them. I don't like the company as much, they have bad reputation. But it certainly would be an interesting environment to be in. I would get to check out how that company setup their internal HR system for 14,000 employees. The company has a huge name as well, it's a big company. Would definitely look great on my resume.
I don't know yet, I'm still thinking about it.
But one thing's for sure, those interviewers are gonna be seeing me with a god damn nose ring.
And I am NOT sorry about it.
I feel like, with this new look, it's like I'm finally living my life the way I want to look. It's like a statement to myself that I am living for ME, and not what others think of me.
Honestly I feel so much happier and relieved. I seriously should have done my nose piercing a lot sooner when I was younger.
Like I said, better late than never.
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