#It seems that I'm sick with a stomach virus :(
This is just a thought what about sick reader and Eddie takes care of her and acts like it's the end of the world they're sick because now he can't kiss her
Oh, he would be so upset he couldn't kiss you because you're sick. He'd try to sneak one in quickly as much as possible (Request are currently open)
Eddie munson x reader
Warnings: none, fluff sick reader.
A/n: Not proofread.
𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒂𝒔 𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒊𝒕.
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Your head was throbbing. Your nose burned from the number of times you had to constantly wipe it. You couldn't smell anything. Your skin felt raw. You could barely taste anything. Off and on, you'd feel icky like you had to throw up.
You felt okayish yesterday morning, but by that evening, that's when you really felt it. You were sick. Obviously. Not only were you sick, but you were sick and staying at your boyfriends home for the weekend. All the plans he made for you two are canceled. You hated being sick. You turned into the biggest baby when you unwell.
Eddie had been waiting on your hand and foot all night, and now, all day. He kept telling you he didn't mind it. But you still felt bad. Not only that, but you just really wanted him to cuddle you until you got better. He couldn't. You wouldn't allow him to. Instead, you made him sleep in the living room with Wayne. You didn't want to get him sick, too, so you wouldn't let him get too close.
You could hear Eddie's feet stomping on the floor getting closer. His voice yelled out to his Uncle Wayne about something. He had his metal music playing quietly out in the living room as he cooked you some lunch. You barely could smell anything. Your stomach growled. Food just right now didn't seem appealing. You knew eddie was going to make you eat a little something anyway to help you keep some strength in your body.
"Nurse Eddie reporting for duty!" He sang, kicking open the bedroom door a little hard."Oops."
You had your face covered with the blanket, trying your hardest not to spread your germs to everyone.
Eddie looked at you with a smirk. "Do I smell or something?" He joked.
You shook your head. "Nooooo."
"Then don't hide that pretty face from me." He smiled down at you, trying to hold in a laugh. You really were so cute when you're sick, he thought. "Got your soup."
He had a tray full of soup, toast, juice, and lots of tissues. You carefully sat up in bed. Your body felt weak, and your head was getting foggy. Your eyes were bloodshot and droopy.
"Thank you." Your voice croaked.
He sat the tray down over next to you on the bed. "it's no problem, beautiful."
You grimaced but didn't argue.
Eddie picked up the thermometer, and you instantly opened your mouth as he stuck it under your tongue. You waited a couple of seconds before hearing that beep.
"Hmm, still have a low fever." He gave a weak smile going in for a kiss.
"No, eddie!" Your raspy voice protests, and you pull away fast.
He frowns. "Awe, come on, it's just one little kiss. I'm dying over here."
"How do you think I feel?" Your voice kept going in and out the longer you talked.
"All I want is for you to cuddle me, but I don't want you getting sick too." You had a sad pout on your face as you crossed your arms.
"Sweetheart, I can still always do that, but you banished me to the unknown out there with Wayne. He spoke softly, setting the thermometer to the side.
"I didn't banish you." You frowned. "I don't want you to feel like I do."
His face softened, and his heart melted. If you would give in, he'd pull you into the tightest hug possible. He was so worried about you. Yes, it was only a little virus you had. That still would not be enough to keep him from worrying about you. Seeing you in bed looking so defeated broke him.
Eddie moved the tray closer in between you both, making it easier for him to reach everything. He picked up the spoon sitting in the bowl full of tomato soup. Your favorite comfort food. He stirred the spoon around before scooping up some of the soup. He brought it close to his mouth, lightly blowing on it to cool it off for you.
"Come on, pretty girl, open up." He continued speaking in a soft tone. He knew his voice was also soothing to you somehow.
You opened up, allowing him to spoon feed you. You didn't mind this. You were actually loving how he was taking care of you. The tomato soup was creamy and warm. It soothed your sore irritated throat as you swallow it down.
Eddie continued spoon feeding you your soup. Each time he stirred the spoon around and blew on it, cool it down for you. You watched his movements and how careful he was being with you. He kept his distance some what. You knew he was going to get sick, too. Even after all the trouble and fussing you did in order to prevent that from happening. You knew deep down it would.
"Kiss?" Eddie held the spoon over the bowl looking at you. His eyes pleading for you to say yes.
"Eddie, you can't kiss me." You whined and quickly covered your mouth to cough in the blanket.
"Just a tiny one. That's all I need. I just need to feel those soft lips on me for a split second." He pleads blowing on your soup.
"No." Your tone stern as you squint.
Now it was Eddie's turn to pout. He brought the spoon back to your lip for you to eat. "I can't believe this is happening to us."
He was being his over dramatic self again. You were used to it. You figured he would be after you kept denying him of a "simple little kiss."
Of all the years you and him have been together. Neither one of you has been this sick before. The two of you are not dealing with it well. The separation is killing you both. Even though he's only in the other room in the same trailer. The lack of physical affection is taking its toll. You wanted to cry. You were always very sensitive when you got sick.
"I can't believe it either. Who did we piss off?"
"Your mother." He mumbled under his breath.
He was just joking. Well, not really, but maybe a little bit. You heard him and shot a look before shivering.
He dropped the spoon into the half empty bowl. He looked proud at how much you ate since you wouldn't touch anything last night.
"You look so pitiful, baby. I hate seeing you like this." He took a napkin, dabbing some of the soup from your chin.
Eddie pushed the tray of food to the side and pulled the blankets up higher on your body.
"I really need a cuddle." Your eyes were getting heavy. Your throat was sore, and it hurt to talk. Your head was spinning so fast.
He gave you a weak smile. "I really need a cuddle too."
"I'm sick." You whispered, but it was a reminder of why he couldn't get in bed with you.
"I really want to kiss and cuddle that sad look off your face-" He looked over to the bowl of soup and back to you. "Make ya feel better"
"You can't right now, Eddie." Your raspy voice reminded him yet again.
He shook his head. You could see the prominent stubble on his chin. His eyes looked like he's barely slept, too. All throughout the night, Eddie snuck into his room to check on you. He'd put a cool cloth on your forehead. There were extra blankets draped over your body. He constantly checked to see if you had a fever by putting his wrist to your forehead. He was exhausted but didn't want to show it.
Eddie gazed at you for a moment. He saw how much this fever has taken out of you. If you were going to be sick, then so was he. He couldn't bear seeing you go through this alone. Yes, he knows he's not thinking rational, but he also doesn't care. He's an action and consequences, first kinda guy. Then he can think everything through after.
Without hesitation, Eddie picked up the spoon you were eating off of and stuck it straight in his mouth. "See, now I'm sick too."
"What the hell you can't do that." You tried to sit up, but your body was too weak.
"Ah, ah, lay back down, sweetheart." He pointed his finger. He picked the tray off the bed, placing it down on his nightstand.
Eddie got under the covers with you. He got right up next to you. You readjusted to lay on your side with your back pressed to his chest. His body heat instantly helping warm you up fast. You felt his hand go underneath your pajama shirt to rest on your tummy.
He gave your cheek a gently kiss. Then another one and another one. Soon, he was peppering your face with kisses all over. You started squirming around in bed, both laughing like crazy. He finally stopped, not wanting to make you lightheaded or anything.
"Jesus christ, ed-stop, I swear to God." You warned between giggles. That turned into a small coughing fit.
"There -" He patted your back while you coughed up a lung. "I feel sooo so much better." Eddie chuckled, cuddling up against your back.
"Buuut, you're gonna get sick." You whined and placed your hand on top of his as he pulled you closer.
"Then you can be my little nurse next." He gave you one last kiss to your temple.
You rolled your eyes. "Fine, I guess. Do I gotta wear that dumb nurse costume from Halloween last year?"
"Oh, you can bet your sweet ass you do." He sighed in content. "I love you baby, now get some rest."
"I love you too."
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moonydustx · 2 months
Good Medicine
Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
warnings: F!reader is sick, Law has some problems taking action to take care of her. Pre-established relationship, mentions of disgusting things about being sick (basically vomiting) , fluff
a/n: maybe I'll rewrite this better later, I just needed to get it out there to see if it sparked my creativity.
requests open | one piece masterlist
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Today was one of those days where you woke up already knowing something was wrong, your only mission was to find out what. The plate in front of you looked strange that morning. The same coffee, the same bread, everything seemed wrong. The same went for your body, it seemed to weigh tons and your stomach was boiling with something that went beyond the hot drink in front of you.
"Are you okay?" Shachi snapped you out of your reverie, watching you roll a piece of the sandwich from one side to the other.
"I just need to get some air." You stood up, not having the trouble to even take your plate off the table.
With hurried steps, you reached the bathroom with just enough time to open the toilet seat before all your breakfast went away. You just hoped that like a good hangover, emptying it would be enough to improve but apparently you were wrong.
You had recently left the last island you had visited, which meant more things to keep: more work for you. In those days, you knew that rest would be scarce, as would the times you would meet your captain - who also served as your boyfriend in his spare time. Chills ran through your body as you struggled to stack two boxes of medical supplies, your body seemed to sweat more than usual. You heard your name being called in the distance, needing to focus a few times before you saw Law approaching.
"Are you ok?" He analyzed you from top to bottom. Pale lips, deep dark circles, something was wrong.
"Yes captain." you replied, respecting your treaty for when you were in public. "Just some heartburn."
"Keep an eye on it. You know where to find the medicine." he simply responded, analyzing you once more before leaving.
You finished putting away the boxes and leaned against the wall, trying to regain the air and strength lost in the whole process. Following the quick orders your captain had given, you swallowed some pills and continued with your tasks, even though your body seemed to fight against every movement.
You loved Law and you knew he loved you too, but sometimes it was a little difficult to deal with how methodical he could be especially when it came to being sick. On days like these, he tended to be more of a doctor than a boyfriend and you hated that. Ignoring the thoughts, you made your way to your shared room, reaching the bed and seeing Ikkaku hanging from the top.
"What ghost scared you?"
"What you mean?" you threw yourself against the pillows, using the blanket.
"You're pale, you look like you're going to disappear." She came down, standing in front of you and placing her hand on your forehead. "And you're burning up with a fever."
"I've already taken my medicine." you covered your head, trying to escape the cold that only you felt. "I just need to get some sleep."
"Did you eat anything bad?" She pulled your blanket back. "Or are you pregnant?"
"I'm betting more on the first hypothesis." you immediately reassured her, knowing that for the other proposal, you and Law were always responsible in terms of protecting each other. "I think it's just a virus."
"Did you warn Law?"
"He asked me to..." you sat down, to continue talking, but again your stomach turned.
Without responding, you ran once again towards the bathroom, this time Ikkaku's hurried footsteps followed you.
"Open the door." she asked and even though she didn't see it, you shook your head. A few minutes passed before it knocked again.
"I am worried." she warned. "Open the door or I'll have to call him here."
"It is not necessary." you reached up, unlocking the lock. "I'm just a little dizzy."
"Let me help you." Ikkaku pulled you, supporting your body as you washed your face. "Are you sure the medicine alone is enough?"
"Yes." you replied with clear discouragement in your voice.
"I'm going back to my room, maybe getting some sleep will help me."
Walking a few meters from the bathroom, the two of you came face to face with Law followed by Bepo, both discussing something about the likely next island they would find.
"Are you feeling ok?" Bepo was the first to ask and you just nodded. Law's gaze burned over you again, analyzing every inch of your body.
He knew there was something wrong, but he didn't know how far he wanted to intervene, for fear that you would feel uncomfortable.
"Do you need any help?" he asked in your direction, waiting for you to say yes.
"It's okay captain." you replied before Ikkaku spoke for you, giving what was your best smile for the moment.
he two of you walked away from him and it didn't take long for you to reach the bedroom. Ikkaku helped you get to the bed and watched you cover yourself up to your head. Being one of the only two people who knew about your relationship with the captain, she sat at the foot of the bed, watching you.
"Are you sure you don't want to ask him for help?"
"He's going to medicate me, probably tell me to eat and rest. I've already done almost all of that." you answered. "I don't want to be a problem for him, I know it's not in his profile to take care of someone like that, in a more intimate way."
"But it's what you need right now." she replied, walking away. "Get some rest, I'll ask them to prepare something light for you to eat."
The lights went out and you remained there in a light doze bothered by the fever. Ikkaku followed with firm steps, finding the captain heading towards his room, approaching him halfway and pretending to be angry.
"Captain, I need to talk to you."
She tried to appear more imposing in order to advocate for her friend, but she knew that would be a bit difficult when the person you want to impose yourself on is your captain. Law just gave her space to enter the room, closing the door for her.
"What happened?"
"Are you really going to let your girlfriend walk around dying?" she crossed her arms, indignant.
"She said it was just heartburn."
"That was her talking to her doctor. With her boyfriend she would definitely ask for help. Can I give some unsolicited advice captain?" Ikkaku leaned on the table, taking the opportunity to look around.
"I guess I have no choice, right?"
"She's burning up with a fever in her room, she vomited her guts out and can't stand up." with each new symptom, Law was the one who seemed to get paler and more worried. "Take care of her a little. A little affection is also good medicine."
"Right..." he seemed to analyze, waiting for more answers from the woman in front of him.
"I'll ask them to prepare some soup for her and leave it in her room, okay?"
"Could it be." Law turned his back to Ikkaku, ready to leave. "Thank you. This time I won't throw you into the sea out of insolence." he joked, earning a few laughs from the woman.
Law knew something was wrong, now he needed to find out why you didn't ask for his help. He walked quickly and felt his heart shatter when he found you curled up and shaking under the blanket.
"Just let me sleep Ikkaku, I don't know if I can eat right now." your dejected voice murmured, squeezing Law's heart even more.
Now it was all so clear, so obvious that part of the doctor felt ashamed for not having noticed it before. You were so careful with anyone who even cut a piece of their finger, it was obvious you wanted the same treatment.
"Hey, sorry it took me so long." he whispered. You opened your eyes and found Law bent down on your bed, his fingers were removing the strands stuck to your face by sweat. "I'm going to do a quick scan on you."
He warned and then used the sword he carried, analyzing every millimeter of your body. It seemed to be a virus and a resistant one. That would explain the fever and the tremors.
"Let me take proper care of you."
"No." you murmured, feeling his arms go around your legs and back, picking you up. "I already took medicine."
"I know."
"And I don't want to be tied up in an IV." you tried to pull away from him, feeling your stomach drop at the movement.
"I'm not going to medicate you." the blue dome appeared around the two of you.
"And I think I need to throw up."
At the last second, Law changed your fate, taking you to the bathroom. As soon as the gray walls of your room turned into the walls of the bathroom, you reached the floor again, leaning over the toilet and despite the immense urge your body didn't seem to have any more bile to be expelled. It took him a few seconds to follow you, but soon his hands found your hair, holding it with one hand while the other passed your forehead.
"Law." you called and flinched, pressing your own body against yourself. "It hurts."
"I'm so sorry sweetheart." he placed his hand on top of yours, which was pressed against your stomach. "You still have a fever and haven't eaten anything, we need energy for your body." he confirmed, gently lifting you off the ground. "Come on, I'll give you a bath.
"I'm disgusting."
"That's the point." Law spoke and saw you laugh, albeit lightly, which was already a relief for him. "I'm just kidding. Let's try to get this fever down."
Knowing that you didn't have enough strength to even talk, Law guided you to the shower, taking off your clothes while you leaned on him. As soon as the cold water came into contact with your body, you tried to escape and were immediately held by your boyfriend.
"Just a little, I know it's pretty cold." he allowed you to hug him even more and consequently get him wet in the process. "I promise, just a few minutes and I'll take you back to our room."
"If I survive until then."
"Do not say that." He scolded you, even though he knew that your way of dealing with problems was always sarcastic - sometimes even too much.
Law slowly turned off the shower. The first breeze that hit your damp skin made you cling against him and whimper, Law's usually colder skin this time was a warm pleasure to your body.
You felt a drastic difference in the environment and broke away from the man, seeing that you were in his room. Law guided you to sit on the bed and pulled a small blanket over your shoulders while he looked for some clothes for you to wear. Taking advantage of the comfort, you lay down and watched him walk from one side to the other.
"Can you sit down?" He knelt in front of you, using a small towel to dry your still damp skin.
Leaning on his shoulders, you sat on the bed and for a few minutes, you felt like a delicate, small doll. Using the extra strength he had that you lacked, Law dressed your body piece by piece, like a delicate puzzle. Even with the simple touch of your hand on your shoulder, Law could feel you tremble, probably due to the weakness that the virus brought to you.
A few minutes later, you were dressed. A pair of baggy black sweatpants and a blouse of the same size. Surprising you by showing that he had more pieces than the hat adorned with black circles, Law placed a black cap on your head, adjusting your ears so that they were also warm in the fabric.
"Unfortunately, we can't use that." he pushed away the blanket you were about to use. "If you cover yourself up and get hotter than that, it will only make your fever worse."
Avoiding your grumble, Law sat with his coat against the wall and pulled you to sit against his chest. Watching you curl up against his body, Law picked up the small bowl on the table next to him that Ikkaku had probably left as they agreed.
"I do not want it." you tried to move it away with your hand, having used your strength in vain as Law didn't move an inch. "I just want to sleep, just a little."
"Just a few spoonfuls and I'll let you sleep. It's that or more medicine." He warned, seeing you pout at the time. "Come on, I'll help you."
"Sorry to bring you into this."
"You don't need to say sorry." Law wished he could get rid of that virus right away when he saw you grunting in pain when you swallowed the first spoonful of food. "I should have noticed sooner, I know I can be more distant sometimes, but I need you to make it clear when you need me in moments like this."
"But what about the others, if they suspect something?" you accepted the other spoonful of food, the discomfort this time was smaller but still present.
"It's okay as long as you're okay."
Supporting the bowl of soup in one hand and the spoon in the other, Law convinced you to eat just five more spoonfuls, the last one being enough for him to see you push the bowl away and writhe in pain again. Law placed the bowl in the same room he was in before and saw you cling to his body, your eyes already heavy.
"Law you're going to get sick." you mumbled, already practically giving in to sleep.
"Don't worry about that." the last thing you felt was his lips on your forehead. "And if I stay, it will be worth staying with you."
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
in another life * fem!driver au
"if not in this universe, do you think we're at least together in another?" "there has to be at least one where we're happy."
and my demons bc here we are :/
this is more smaus and shorter blurbs just because i don't wanna get too attached to logan and my literal fictional character being together huhuhuhu
could've been -> in which logan decided to make a move on her after her confession instead of ignoring his feelings and eventually getting over it
everything at 18, but nothing at 22 -> in which the drastic difference in their performance in their career seems to finally be catching up to them
they ask, “do you have a man?” -> in which everyone is curious why the grid princess is still single despite instagram posts from them seem to be giving out another narrative
is it just platonic? -> in which she and logan can’t help but flirt with each other in public, but it’s always disregarded as them being mega best friends
everybody talks too much -> in which he accidentally slips up during an interview and calls her his ‘girlfriend’ sending everyone into a frenzy
in the late night, in a disguise -> in which logan has to dress entirely differently to run some late-night errands with her in the uk
the grid princess x everyone -> in which everyone seems to ship her with everyone but her actual secret boyfriend
kiss all your tears away -> in which she and logan don't walk into the paddocks together for the first time all season and sends everyone speculating about the status of their relationship friendship
is it killing you like it's killing me? -> in which she and logan try to navigate the worst part about dating your literal coworker
tis the season for mistletoasters -> in which they invite a select few of their friends over for the holidays and a particular holiday decoration catches them off guard
there doesn't seem to be anyone around -> in which they're simply not discreet enough about sneaking around in the paddocks
the summer seemed to last forever -> in which they didn't want summer break to end because that meant having to sneak around again
baby, it's cold outside -> in which she always get seasonal depression at the same time of the year and he tries to make her feel better about it
i don't want you like a best friend -> in which their trip to the bahamas two years ago suddenly becomes a push and pull game that neither of them knew the rules to
the kind of book you can't put down -> in which the thought of settling down and being with her scares him more than anything in the world, but he can’t seem to steer away from the thought of ‘them’
you make everyday feel like it's christmas -> in which logan surprises her in the morning with a throughtful second present
in sickness and in health -> in which she's down with the flu and while she's locked herself away to contain the virus, her boyfriend simply refuses to stay away for too long
bad sushi and bad stomachs -> in which she completely overanalyses the situation when she wakes up puking from bad sushi, forcing her to have a conversation about potentially having kids
it's when we're in a crowded room -> in which they’ve got their own little ways to communicate their feelings for one another while they’re under watch of the crowd that’s not supposed to know of their relationship
god bless america -> in which it's everyone's favourite american's birthday and they can't help but take the piss out of him
i'm a monster on the hill -> in which insecurities suddenly strike up when she sees her boyfriend parading with williams’ star guest for the race weekend
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ellieluvr420 · 1 month
Friends? Never. Pt.23 (Ellie Williams x reader)
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MASTERLIST (and information about Palestine) Please read!
SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
OMG she actually posted, what a day! Sorry guysssss, when I tell you life has been crazy but I'm back and I promise these fics will get finished if it is the last thing I do!
“I’m not sick.” Ellie punctuated her sentence with a cough that ripped through her chest and reverberated around the room. 
“Ellie you have a fever, you’re sweating and you’re pale and you just coughed in my face. You’re sick.” You had been going round in circles for too long and you were tired. Clem had brought home a virus from school and despite your best-efforts Ellie had also caught it, though she wasn’t ready to accept that yet. 
“Babe, I’m literally fine.” Ellie jumped out of bed before you could stop her and immediately swayed, you grabbed her by the waist to steady her as her arms wrapped around your neck. Her forehead came to rest on your shoulder as she whimpered quietly. She was clinging onto you for dear life as you huffed at her stubbornness. 
“Yeah you seem perfectly fine.” You snarked at her. “Get back in bed.” The tone of your voice made it clear there was no room for discussion as you gently lowered her to lay back down. 
“I’m sorry.” Her voice was barely audible as her eyebrows scrunched and she pouted slightly. 
“For what? You can’t help being sick.” She sighed but interrupted herself with another chesty cough as you brushed away the hairs that had stuck to her forehead from the cold sweat. “I’m gonna go check on patient zero then I’ll make you some tea okay?” 
“I love you, so much.” 
“That fever’s making you sappy huh?” 
“Fuck you.” Despite her words, her tone was laced with love as she chuckled quietly. 
“I love you too El, sit tight.” You pressed the back of your hand to her forehead once more before leaving her to check on Clem in her room. 
Clem wasn’t much better off than Ellie, she looked sullen, barely meeting your eyes as you walked into her room to check on her. It pained you, wrenched at your heart to see them both so weak and tired.  
“Hi baby, did you get much sleep?” You checked on her through the night, unable to get any decent sleep but eventually exhaustion had taken over and you had collapsed into bed next to Ellie for a few hours. You wanted to remark how much of a miracle it was that you hadn’t got ill yet but that felt like you’d be tempting fate so you pushed the thought out of your mind as quickly as it came.  
“I slept okay, when will I get better mommy?” That caused a pit in your stomach, knowing you couldn’t give her an answer to that. 
“I don’t know honey, it won’t be long.” You could tell by the scrunch of her eyebrows that didn’t help. “Tell you what, why don’t I take you to cuddle with mama while I make you both some breakfast? Does that sound good?” Her eyes lit up and she nodded while sniffling as she sat up. You carried her to yours and Ellie’s room and the smile on both their faces when they saw each other warmed you. 
“Hey kiddo, not feeling any better?” Ellie’s voice was nasally and scratchy but you couldn’t help but smile as she sat up slightly and shifted to make more room for Clem to lay with her. 
“No, are you sick too mama?” 
“Just a little bit baby, but don’t worry about me.” Ellie immediately wrapped her arms around Clem as you set her down on the bed and Clem snuggled into her side as you went to make breakfast. 
“Sorry I made you sick mama.” You heard Clem whisper sheepishly as you reached the door, pausing to her Ellie’s reply. 
“Don’t be silly, it’s not your fault, these things happen. Just focus on getting better hm, you can go back to sleep if you’re tired.” You smiled and walked downstairs to start breakfast humming to yourself quietly. 
When you returned with two mugs of tea, a plastic one for Clem, while the porridge heated on the stove Ellie smiled sadly at you. 
“What’s up babe?” Her cheeks flushed as her eyebrows scrunched, she looked visibly distressed and your heart clenched. 
“Started my period yesterday.” She looked embarrassed, she couldn’t make eye contact as she said it and you almost chuckled at how silly she was being. 
“Oh babe, you’re having a tough time. Cramps bad?” She nodded. “Lucky I grabbed that hot water bottle then isnt it? I’ll go boil some water for it, breakfast won’t be long now. Do you need help getting to the toilet or anything?” 
“No I’m okay, thank you, I don’t deserve you.” 
“Stop saying that!” You scolded gently as you left her to go check the bathroom and make sure you’d have enough pads for her, luckily there were still a lot from the last pack you had found on patrol but Maria was always very good at trying to make sure Jackson had a good supply of period products for the town, people were even attempting to make reusable pads.  
You finished the porridge with honey for Ellie and jam for Clem before filling the hot water bottle and taking everything upstairs, Ellie’s eyes lit up as you walked in, even sick, she was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen, you’d kiss her over and over again even at the risk of getting ill but she had forbid you to try and stop you from getting sick, the thought was nice but you were struggling.  
“Eat up and drink your teas, I can make juice, do you guys want juice?” You felt useless and your rambling indicated that to Ellie as you pressed the hot water bottle to her stomach, barely meeting her eyes. 
“Babe, we’re okay, take a breath.” 
“I know, I just hate seeing you both sick.” Ellie nodded in understanding and smiled before turning her attention to Clem who was eyeing the porridge like she hadn’t eaten in weeks. 
“You put jam in it! That’s my favourite. Thank you mommy.” 
“It’s okay baby, El there’s honey in yours.” 
“You know me so well.” She smiled giddily before picking up her spoon and eating with a satisfied hum. 
“Clemmy, after breakfast do you think you’ll want to nap or can I give you a bath?” 
“We can do it after, I love you mommy.” 
“Aw I love you more sweetie, now c’mon, eat up.” You pinched her cheek gently and smiled as she giggled and continued eating before turning your attention back to Ellie. “Is the hot water bottle helping love?” 
“Mhm it’s perfect, you’re the best.” 
“You’re cute, I’ve got a couple things to do so I’ll be back in a bit okay, shout if you need me.” You smiled and exited leaving to eat and then tidy up the kitchen from making breakfast. You could hear Ellie and Clem coughing every so often but you mostly heard them giggling, even ill and tired, they still made each other laugh and it gave you peace as you sat and ate your porridge.  
You decided to make some orange juice from the oranges you had gotten from the market yesterday as they needed their vitamins and you knew they’d pull the sick card to get out of eating vegetables for dinner tonight.  
“You ready for a bath baby?” Clem nodded and smiled as you walked in. “How you feeling El? Need anything?” 
“I’m okay, stop worrying about me.” 
“Just won’t happen, sorry. We’ll be back soon.” You bathed Clem and by the time you were done she was nodding off so you set her down in her bed to let her sleep before returning to Ellie, finding her curled in on herself clutching her stomach. “Oh babe, have they gotten worse?” 
“You’re not fine so don’t say you are. You are allowed to be in pain. Want me to rub your back?” She gulped at your stern tone and then smiled sheepishly as she nodded, a faint blush dusting her cheeks. 
“I don’t want you to get sick.” She practically pleaded as you sat and pulled her to lay on your chest, her cheek squishing slightly making her look so sweet. 
“Well I don’t care, just let me take care of you.” You started rubbing her back and the contented sigh that escaped her lips had you grinning. “Clem’s sleeping, she’s never been this tired, I didn’t realise how much I’d miss her whirlwind of energy.” 
“I know, I hate seeing her like this. I was telling her puns while you were gone and she was laughing but eventually she just got tired and wanted to sit with me. She’s not herself.” 
“Neither of you are. Think this virus is gonna take down the whole of Jackson at some point.” 
“Hey at least it won’t happen on the farm.” 
“Just another reason to move, I’m so excited. I did a bit more packing this morning.” 
“Babe wait until I’m better and I’ll help.” 
“Ellie, it’s fine, why are you being so weird about being ill? You can’t help it.” 
“I know, I just feel useless, you already do so much for us and now you’re having to look after us too.” 
“I don’t have to do anything, I do it because I want to, I like taking care of my family. You’re not useless anyway, you kept Clem occupied and happy so I could get things done, so just please drop it, you’re perfect.” 
“You think?” She met your eyes and they sparkled for the first time today. 
“I know.” You smiled and bent down but she put a hand over your lips. 
“Hey, no kissing, I’m not risking it.” 
“What difference does it make? You’re laying all over me.” You huffed. 
“It’s different.” You rolled your eyes and then spotted her tea, you reached for it and took a large gulp of it. 
“See, we’ve already swapped germs, no point holding back now.” You smiled smugly as she frowned until she also smiled, relenting and leaning up to press a sweet kiss to your lips. 
“Happy now?” 
“So happy. If you’ve still got cramps, I can run you a bath, will probably help with the pain.” 
“You just want to get me naked.” She quirked an eyebrow as she snorted at her own remark. 
“I never said anything about me being there, just that I would run it. But glad to know you’re still well enough to have such a dirty mind.” 
“Oh whatever.” She huffed and pinched your waist as you chuckled. 
“Do you want the bath or not?” 
“In a second? I like laying here.” 
“Okay babe.” You pressed a kiss to the top of her head and let her relax into you once more as you rubbed soft circles over her back, Ellie had always been one to suffer in silence and it never annoyed you any less, so seeing her admit, even if it was with difficulty, that she isn’t feeling her best was more than you could have expected from her. “Kinda wish you were ill more often so I could take care of you like this.” 
“Erm... thanks.” She chuckled as you squeezed her slightly and feathered kisses all over her forehead and hair. “Can we just do this without me being sick? I feel like I’d prefer that.” 
“Who are you and what have you done with my Ellie?” 
“What?” She scoffed. 
“Admitting you like it when I take care of you, you’re a different person.” 
“Yeah well, it’s not all bad I guess.” You laughed at her response. 
“Thanks babe.” She coughed as you spoke and you realised you had almost forgotten she was sick. “Okay be quiet and have a nap now, you need your rest, I’ll run you a bath when you wake up.” 
“I’m not that tired.” You weren’t even surprised when she yawned as she finished her sentence. “Shut up.” 
“I didn’t say anything, just stop fighting me hm.” Your free hand came to play with her hair and scratch at her scalp, feeling successful when she let out a hum of contentment. 
“Yes ma’am.” She mumbled before squeezing your waist tighter and burrowing into your chest like it’s a pillow, to her, it was. 
“Do you wanna get in with me?” Ellie asked, hope seeping through her voice and face. 
“Are you sure? I thought you’d wanna relax.” 
“I’m most relaxed when I’m with you.” She purrs as she starts pulling at your top, you chuckle and help her rid you of your clothes before you sit in the bath leaving room for her to lay in between your legs. Ellie lets out a content sigh as she relaxes into the tub and presses her back to your chest, letting you lace your fingers into her hair and scratch at her scalp. “You’re so nice.” She hums eliciting a giggle from you. 
“You’re easy to please.” You quip with a kiss to the top of her head. 
“Damn right.” She agrees as her eyes shut and she relaxes back into you, her weight a welcome imposition in your body.  
“How’s your stomach? Cramps got worse?” 
“No they feel a little better actually, you’re a miracle worker.” 
“I think it’s the bath that’s done that babe.” 
“Just take a compliment would you? You’re infuriating.” She chuckles. 
“But you love me anyway.” She can hear the smirk in your words as you speak. 
“That I do.” She rasped out and a comfortable silence fell upon you both as you played with her hair and let the hot water help her aches and pains. 
You started washing Ellie’s hair, lathering it with shampoo and kneading into her scalp as she hummed in satisfaction until an idea popped into your head and you had to suppress the urge to giggle. You began forming a spike with her hair, letting the shampoo hold it in place as you moulded it to sit right on top of her head. 
“Er babe, what are you doing?” She asks suspiciously. You can only giggle in response as you look at the perfect spike a top her head and her confusion as she spins round to face you. “Oh what did you do?” She narrows her eyes before kneeling up in the bath to look in the mirror that faced you both, groaning at her reflection. “Seriously? How old are you?” 
“Er pot, kettle.” 
“Whatever.” She huffs and sinks back down into the water as you continue giggling until you decide to take mercy on her and rinse her hair of the shampoo, returning it to its original form.  
“Sorry El.” You pressed a kiss to her cheek and noted the smile that had puffed out her cheek under your lips. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You chirped before climbing out of the bath to start some lunch. Ellie moaned about you leaving but when you enticed her with tomato soup and a cheese toastie, she was quick to be quiet. You left her with a final kiss on the lips before checking on Clem on your way downstairs who was still fast asleep. 
Lunch was easy enough, you put ‘shaken by a low sound’ by the Crooked Stills on your record player and let yourself get carried away by the music as you made the food, you hummed along and swayed your hips to the beat while wondering how a song about murder could be so damn catchy until you’re broken from your thoughts by a pair of hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you flush to their chest.  
“God you look so good, I wanna tear you apart.” Ellie rasped in your ear as she feathered kisses down your neck, swaying you both to the beat of the song. 
“You make it really difficult to get anything done.” You whispered as you leant back into her, slightly arching your back to push your ass into her crotch. 
“Maybe that’s the point.” 
“You want your lunch or not babe?” 
“Alright I get it.” She chuckled as she let her chin rest on your shoulder, clinging to you like a koala while you stirred the soup in its pot. The song switched from ‘little Sadie’ to the next causing Ellie to shuffle off without a word. All became clear when the record skipped to ‘Ecstasy’ and she walked back in with a sheepish grin. “Dance with me?” 
“If I ever say no to that, shoot me.” You chuckle as you take her outstretched hand and let her spin you into her so your back is once again pressed to her front, her arms wrapping around your waist and swaying to the melody ringing out through your home. You turned to face her and wrapped your arms around her waist as she pulled you in to a hug that was barely considered dancing but enough for you both. You pressed your face into her chest and breathed her in with a smile letting the song play through. You cherished moments like these, your home the backdrop of your relationship and how it blossomed. You felt a pang of nostalgia for all the memories you had already made here but the thought of making new memories in your farmhouse was so comforting.  
You danced until the song finished and the soup began to bubble causing you to break away from her with a quiet groan to stir the soup and cook the cheese toasties, Ellie just observing you with a giddy smile. “I’m gonna go wake Clem up.” She said before leaving you to the quiet of the kitchen. 
When she returned with a sleepy Clem in her arms you smiled at the sight and dished up everyone’s servings before putting them in their respective places on the table. “Thanks mommy.” Clem croaked out as Ellie kissed your hand.  
“Thanks babe.” 
“Anything for my girls, how you feeling Clem?” 
“Better, I’m just tired.” Clem replied softly. 
“I bet you are, once you’ve eaten you can go back to sleep if you want.” 
“Will you lay with me mama?” She directed her attention to Ellie. 
“Of course kiddo. I could do with a nap too.” She did an exaggeratedly loud yawn that Clem giggled at.  
You snuck into Ellie’s room to check on them both as they had been quiet for some time now and what you found was one of the cutest things you had ever seen. Ellie was sprawled out on her back, her mouth open, snores that were nowhere near soft echoing through the room because of her blocked nose. Clem was in almost the exact same position except most of her body was lying on Ellie and one of her hands had come to cup Ellie’s cheek from behind where she was laying. It was too cute to not capture the moment so you grabbed the polaroid camera Ellie had been gifted and snapped a pic of them, cringing when the flash went off though neither of them stirred. You stayed and watched just enraptured by them until you decided to go check on the washing you had hung outside earlier.  
The sun was beginning its journey towards the horizon and there was a slight nip in the air as you brought everything inside and began folding all the clothes. It was easy to get swept up in the little things like this knowing what the reality of the world is outside. Mundane activities felt rewarding, calming even. 
As you finished folding the washing, you yawned and noted how the day had taken it out of you, you crept back into Ellie’s room and climbed over the both of them to wedge yourself between Ellie and the wall, cuddling into her side. She groaned slightly and shifted to wrap her arm around you, pulling you closer into her and resting her chin on the top of your head. You laid, content, like that until sleep overtook you and you felt your body growing heavier.  
You were almost asleep when Ellie twitched like she had been electrocuted, making you jump in the process. You huffed and chuckled as she was still deeply asleep before settling in again, rubbing a hand over Clem’s arm and letting your exhaustion finally knock you out for good.  
a/n: idk if it’s just me but when I’m ill i literally sleep the whole fucking time like it’s the only thing I can do sooooo yeah also can anyone tell i love domestic ellie x reader, it just has a special place in my heart
tags: @emiliabby @radioheadfan699 @lil-elliesgf @isitadinosaur @amberputh @maelovescashew @a-little-bit-of-everybody @moonspowder @bready101 @euphternal @elliestwofingers @angelsrotation @drippyop @tphmnv (it won’t let me tag you :0)
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thesakuragarnet · 6 months
Good Graces (Dabi X Fem!Reader)
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Summary: When you miss your meeting as a member of the Violet Regiment, your recent boyfriend comes to check on you.
Tags: sickfic, sick reader, Fem! Reader, hurt/comfort, swearing, Dabi X Fem!Reader, caring Dabi, fluff
Word Count: 940 words
Tumblr Original <3
You toss and turn, unable to get comfortable in your bed at the Gunga Mountain Villa. You were supposed to be up four hours ago, but the pit in your stomach and the ache in your bones was enough to keep you bound to your bed.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"You in there, princess?" Dabi's voice trills gruffly through the closed door, and something inside you twitches. You and Dabi hadn't been dating for very long; you'd merely caught his eye as a member of the Meta Liberation Army when the merger happened. He saw you in the crowd and immediately took to liking you. A few weeks later, and you'd been exposed to a side of him no one ever saw. Now, he was at your door because he'd noticed your absence at his Violet Regiment meeting.
Your throat is scratchy and dry, and the moment you open your mouth to speak, you can't help but go into a coughing fit. You hear your door creak open, and light from the hallway floods the darkness. You sit up, looking through watery eyes to see your lover's silhouette.
"You sick or somethin'?" Dabi grunts, walking to the foot of the bed and putting his hands on the wooden frame. You can't help but whimper in pain and discomfort before nodding, hot tears threatening to slide down your face. Dabi's facial expression softens, his tight jaw relaxing as he takes a good look at you.
"Go away. Don't wanna get you sick," You manage to croak out, but Dabi just shakes his head.
"I don't really get sick," He mutters offhandedly before walking around.
"I'm all gross," You cough, and Dabi's lips press into a thin line. He seems to ponder something before tearing back your covers. Immediately, you start shivering, scrambling for the blanket, only to watch him kick off his shoes and shrug off his jacket before climbing into bed with you.
Before you can protest, he's pulling you into his arms, nuzzling your face into his low-cut tank top. He doesn't say a word, just squeezes you tight and traces his fingernails in circles on your back. You hadn't realized how badly you needed his hug until now, and you swallow the urge to dissolve into another coughing fit.
"I got you...it's okay," He rasps under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear. "Have you gone to the infirmary yet?"
You shake your head. You thought you were getting sick for a few days now, but waking up today was the nail in the coffin.
"Come on then," Dabi sighs before scooping you up in his arms. Your face reddens, and not just from fever. You're just in your pajamas, and Dabi is fully prepared to carry you all the way to the infirmary.
Dabi gently sets you back into bed as he fumbles with the pill bottle in his pocket. The doctor thought you had some kind of virus, and all they could give you was painkillers. He forces two pills in his hands before handing them to you, along with the water cup on your nightstand. You take the pills, still shivering. Dabi's touch was so warm, and it was so easy to fall asleep in his arms. Hell, you'd fallen asleep with your face buried in his chest for a few moments as he carried you to the infirmary. Now that he isn't snuggling you, you feel impossibly cold. Dabi notices, and his eyebrows furrow as he peels back your covers, kicking off his shoes once again to get in beside you.
"Come here," He huffs, wrapping his arms around you and caressing the back of your head. You sniffle and cough, half expecting him to come up with a sarcastic comment, but he just kisses the top of your head, whispering sweet nothings to you.
"It's gonna be okay, baby," He whispers, his gravelly voice laced with genuine love and concern. Only you ever heard that tone in his voice.
"I don't feel good," You bitch shamelessly, hating how pathetic you sound, but, once again, Dabi doesn't seem to mind or notice.
"I know, I know," He murmurs, pressing another kiss, this time to your forehead. Through your congestion, you can barely breathe in his scent...charcoal...ashes...cologne...faint isopropyl alcohol, most likely from changing his staples recently. It smells like...home. Dabi has become your safe place. Your home. You two have been hopelessly in love...it's inevitable. You'd overheard Himiko Toga teasing him about it in the hallway. That's what it had to be, after all. The way he treated you...so delicate and tender compared to his usual cold, hard gaze. He pulls the blanket over the both of you.
"You lemme know if you get too hot," He mutters before clearing his throat. You let your eyelids flutter closed and fall asleep to the sound of his breathing.
When you open your eyes again, you hear faint snoring directly above you. You look up to see your boyfriend fast asleep, snoring softly. Dabi looks so peaceful, which is a rare sight. He mumbles something under his breath before sleepily pulling you closer, nuzzling into the top of your head. The painkillers seem to have kicked in at this point, but you still feel sickly. You just focus on the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, and the way you're using his pecs as pillows. Either way, Dabi seems completely content with you in his arms, and you don't see any need to disturb him. You yawn and snuggle deeper into his embrace, allowing yourself to drift off in your lover's arms.
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patrollingboston · 3 months
Hi egghead!
I've been a fan of you since I was 68! Could you please write a fic about Captain Price nursing reader back to health whilst they're ill? I've been DREAMING of the day someone writes this!
Cheers big ears!
Hi egghead? I don’t know what this means haha. Here is the fic, hope you enjoy!
Chicken Soup // Price x Reader fluff
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You groaned as you rolled over, it was still pitch black outside making it even harder to force yourself up. It was a cold winter november morning and there was a nasty virus floating round base. Unfortunately for you you had caught it but it's not like you could take the day off sick. You had to train all day today as a big mission was coming up that would require everyone in peak condition. Great.
You slumped up in your bed wiping the messy hair out your face. Your nose was completely blocked and your head was throbbing meaning, you had exactly 0 hours of sleep.
After getting ready and taking way too much cold medicine you strapped your boots on and headed out your room towards the first training hall. Your head was throbbing with every step but you didn't want anyone to seem less of you for taking a sick day for a 'simple cold.'
You walked in pushing open the large blue double doors the fluorescent light attacking your senses, your nose red and stuffy, greeted by Ghost, Gaz, Soap and Price stood round in a circle.
"Y/n get over here."
Price beckoned towards you. You placed your water bottle down before jogging over trying not to wince at the pain your headache was causing you. A few scattered Hi's and Hello's from the rest of the team as you joined the circle.
"Quite simple stuff today, lift the jerrycans and do 5 laps one in each hand. Working on endurance.”
Okay, easy enough, you can manage that surely.
You and the rest of the team walked towards the cans, the team picked them up with ease and began to jog round the sports hall. You bent down to pick up a can and groaned, your body was achy all over yet you pushed through and began your first lap.
Your head snapped towards price. He was stood with his arms folded, you could hardly see his eyes due to his boonie hat always hanging low over them, stupid hat.
You gently placed the jerrycan down, your arms visibly shaking despite your efforts to make them stop.
"Your forms off what's going on?"
He glanced down his eyes peeking from his hat.
"I'm just not feeling the best, I think I have that cold going round it's no biggie really-"
As if on cue you felt a cough tickle in your throat. You began to violently cough stood in front of Price whilst he just stared at you like you were crazy. You felt a little self conscious, the rest of the team began to slow their laps to look at you out of concern.
"Go back to the Barracks go on, I'll check in later."
Price sighed, picking up your jerrycans and pointing towards the exit. He seemed disappointed, it made your stomach flip a little, already nauseous from being ill.
"No really I don't want to miss out on training Cap."
"No offense Sunshine but you look like hell, get going."
You simply nodded and walked out towards your barracks.
A few hours later, you layed rotting in bed watching some random movie you'd found on tv. You were just dozing off as you heard a knock at the door and you jumped awake.
As you stood up to answer the knock, Captain Price gently pushed your door open, poking his head inside. He wasn't wearing his boonie now but a dark beanie in its place.
"Hey, you okay? I'm just checking in."
"A little rough but yeah, I'm going to get some food in a bit."
He stepped inside revealing a tupperware in his hand. His body language was almost anxious.
"No need. You like chicken soup?"
"I do? is that what's in there?"
He lets out a small chuckle and fully enters your room closing the door behind him. You were slightly embarrassed at the state of your room, your duvet was crumpled from laying in it all day and there was various pieces of rubbish laying around your room from being too lazy to tidy up. You noticed his gaze linger on the framed photos of you with your friends and family.
“Sorry about the mess.”
“Ah please, I’ve shared a room with Gaz it cannot be worse than that.”
He handed you the pot, it was warm and it smelt amazing even through a blocked nose. You could tell a lot of care had been put into making it and it made your heart feel warm.
"It's a family recipe, supposedly cures all."
You smile, you had never seen this side of Price. Usually he was stern and quite cold, you had had the odd chat but nothing too personal. You liked this side of him.
"Getting soft on us Captain?"
"Psh, don't get used to it."
The crow lines on his face accentuated as his smile rose on his face.
You both took a seat at your desk and began to chat, eating the homemade soup together and he was right, you got better in no time.
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jae-birde · 7 months
This was supposed to come out weeks ago, but I got stuck in the editing process and then I got sick… so yeah, this took a while. But now it's done!
This is also cross-posted on AO3 here.
This fic is dedicated to both @somerandomdudelmao and @tapakah0, both of whom are incredibly talented and huge inspirations to me, both in terms of writing and in drawing, so thank you both so much.
Anyways, spoilers up to chapter 16 of Cass' Apocalypse series.
Donnie was standing in the middle of a crowd.
It was safe to say that he was very much not used to being surrounded by such crowds, even in the Resistance. He was never the one that everyone would crowd around; that was always Leo or Raph or Mikey or April or… literally anyone but him. Even considering that, and even thinking about the few times people did crowd around him, there was something very different about this one. Something off.
He looked around. He could tell that they were talking — their mouths were moving, and sound was certainly coming out — but it was indecipherable, and none of the people had a distinct form, which was quickly beginning to become very unnerving.
Donnie looked around, and a tug in his gut had him scanning the crowd for his brothers.
"Mikey?" He called out. "Leo! Where the fuck are… you…?" Donnie trailed off, frozen at the sight of the pink veins covering his hand. His hands, actually.
"What…?" His mind was suddenly thrust backwards — or was it forwards? — in time, remembering when he'd first seen signs of the infection.
The infection.
"No! No, no, no, no, no…" Donnie couldn't help the desperation in his tone, his horror growing as he watched and felt the infection creeping through his veins, killing him all over again. Only this time, it didn't give him the mercy of time, the pain instead seeming to flood his senses. He sucked in a sharp breath and felt it get caught in his throat. He felt the way the virus weakened him, sapping his strength like poison as it happened all over again. He closed his eyes at the wave of pain that crashed over him, a sick feeling settling in his gut.
His legs gave away, and he dropped to the ground with a groan, one hand out to catch his fall, the other wrapping around his stomach as a pain shot through it. The pink was all over him now; he could see it. It seeped into the ground around him, trying to pull him down with it. He opened his eyes, looking up at the crowd desperately.
"Please— I—" Donnie stopped, staring at the crowd around him.
They all stared back.
"Why are you…?" He trailed off, looking around, hoping to see any sign of someone moving to help.
No one moved.
"…Just looking…?"
The crowd hovered around him, indistinct forms still murmuring incomprehensible words. The pink of the virus encompassed him, and he felt himself growing weaker with every second, pain wracking his body as he sunk lower onto the ground.
"You're already dead," one voice said, seemingly coming from everywhere at once.
They're the first words he heard that weren't his own since he found himself in this crowd, and they made it feel as if the world was crashing down on him.
"What's the point?" Another asked, voice void of emotion as it echoed around him.
Donnie stared at them, uncomprehending. "But… I'm not?" He tried to push himself up, but his arms trembled and gave out under him, and he collapsed again, strength weakening by the second.
"Not… yet… Donnie closed his eyes, tears stinging at them as he lay there, forcing himself to take breath after shuddery breath.
This poison had practically consumed him. It had sapped away his strength until he could barely move.
And he didn't particularly want to.
The crowd's murmuring had silenced, but he could still feel their presence around him, their forms towering over his prone one.
Donnie couldn't open his eyes. He felt a tear track down his face as he lay still, letting the pain, cold, and exhaustion wash over him and sweep him away. He couldn't do anything now. He was overwhelmed by the pain and misery caused by the infection. There wasn't anything that could be done at this point anyway; he was too far gone. There was an insistent tug around him, pulling him into the ground.
You are dead after all, a voice whispered in Donnie's mind. It's just bringing you to where you belong.
And Donnie didn't have the strength to fight it anymore.
But then he didn't have to.
He was being carried. It was a familiar enough feeling to him, his brothers and sister all having done it at one point or another for him, but this hold was different. Familiar in a way that he was clinging to, even before he realized who it was. And then, all at once, Donnie recognized who it was.
Donnie nearly cried at feeling his brother's arms holding him again; he would recognize his twin's hold anywhere. He felt safe in his brother's arms in a way he hadn't felt for a long time. He knew that Leo would keep him safe. Donnie felt himself go slack in Leo's arms before he felt a gentle weight on his head and cracked his eyes open.
And there was Mikey, floating just in front of him, dark hair obscuring most of his face, but his little brother's sad smile was visible.
There was a glow around Mikey, a pale orange that was nearly white, that seemed to emanate from him in an aura. There was soothing warmth pouring from Mikey's touch that chased away the freezing cold of the Krang infection, and Donnie felt himself leaning into the sweet, blessed relief, despite the memories poking at his consciousness, whispering in his ear that it wouldn't help. Mikey had tried everything he could before; all it ever did was leave Mikey more tired than before. It wasn't worth it. Donnie didn't want his brother to feel that not when he'd just found him again.
"You know… that won't really help…?" Donnie trailed off despite himself, lost in an odd mix of pain and relief as the warmth of Mikey's mystic powers seeped through his veins, chasing away the cold of the virus in a way that Donnie had never felt before.
"Hm… yes." Leo mused, and Donnie felt a stab to his heart from hearing his brother's voice for the first time since he died.
Mikey's hand glowed brighter, and Donnie felt the mystics wash over his body. The pink that had nearly covered his hand turned white, and Donnie reached for his brother, desperate to hold onto Mikey's hand while he still could.
"Yes," Mikey continued, taking Donnie's hand in his own and squeezing tightly, his other hand gently holding the side of Donnie's face.
Donnie felt Leo gently rub his shell, and he relaxed further into his brother's hold, smiling up at Mikey, tears in his eyes.
"We do," Mikey concluded, the glow from his hands growing brighter before Donnie was left blinking from the brightness of it.
And suddenly, he wasn't looking at his brother anymore. He wasn't being carried.
His eyes shot fully open, and he sat up, eyes darting around his desk as he remembered where — and when — he was. Coffee mugs were grouped to the side, and paper notes were scattered across the desk's surface. Glowing purple screens were the only thing illuminating the otherwise empty room.
Donnie straightened up, rubbing at his eyes before dragging his hand down his face as his posture slumped. Mikey and Leo were still out there.
He looked up at his screens.
He just needed to find them.
Besides. Death was fixable after all.
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A half blood Christmas
I’m a huge lost media buff and I just realized I had this floating around in my phone and thought I’d post it incase the hosting website ever shut down. It is copy pasted directly from the website and all credit goes to Rick for writing it and the translation from Italian was done by Ari Wilde and Cam Baragiola
dicembre 25, 2020
Rick Riordan posted a new short story on his official site today, set in the Percy Jackson Universe. The story was originally published on La Repubblica, a renowed Italian newspaper. This short story is the first that Rick has written entirely in Italian, a language in which he appears to be fluent in.
Since Italian is our mother-tongue, we were very excited and eager to read this story, and we have decided to translate it in English, and share it with Percy Jackson fans from all over the world!
An Half-blood Christmas
“Where are we?” asked Percy. “Florence,” said Nico.
Percy furrowed his eyebrows. “And why?”
The son of Hades snorted. “It's not like you need a reason to go to Florence. But you told me that you'd like to find a perfect gift for Annabeth, right?”
“Right.” Percy pressed his hands on his stomach. He never liked shadow travelling. “But I thought that we were going to go to Times Square's Christmas market. There are so many stands –”
“Times Square!” Nico shivered. “You're romantic. If you want a gift that's worthy of your girlfriend, you need an Italian gift, everybody knows it. Come on.”
The streets in Florence were empty. The winter clouds were heavy and grey. In front of Nico and Percy, the massive dome of the cathedral looked like a huge medieval spaceship, ready to take off.
“The shop is near,” Nico said, walking across the square. His face was hard to read due to the mask that covered his mouth.
“Which shop?” Percy asked. Nico didn't reply.
Percy looked at the shop shutters, the only people in the square were running around. Even the very tall Christmas tree seemed to shimmer sadly in front of the cathedral. In Italy, as in the States and everywhere else, this was a very hard year. Demigods, like Percy and Nico, couldn't get sick during the pandemic, but they could spread the virus, so they had to wear masks to protect the mortals in their lives, because that's what heroes do.
However, the son of Poseidon was tired and ready for a new year. Recently, monsters were "social distancing" too, and it was difficult to fight monsters with a sword when you were six feet apart.
‘Here we are,” Nico said.
The front of the shop wasn't much different from the others. It was at the entrance of an alley, with an iron grate on the closed door and advertisements on the dark windows: Jewels! The best offers!
“Seriously?” Percy asked.
“When we get in,” said Nico, “act kind and respectful.”
“As usual,” Percy said.
Nico coughed. “Anyway, this shopkeeper will help you find the perfect gift for Annabeth, I promise you. But. . . ”
“He's a little strange.”
“As usual,” Percy repeated. He checked his pockets. “And how should I pay him? I have only dollars and an expired copoun for sandwiches.”
“Don't worry,” Nico said. “The shopkeeper doesn't charge for money. He'll let you pay in other ways.”
“Now I'm worried.”
Nico opened the grate, pushed the door and went in. Percy followed him.
Inside the shop, the walls were covered with lockers full of jewels and trinkets of any kind.
Behind the counter, with his back turned, there was a man with a huge red cloak, hair like a wild and white avalanche. He was working on a desk, repairing a diamond necklace.
“Impossible,” Percy murmured. “Santa Claus?”
“Where?” the man exclaimed, turning around alarmed.
He wasn't Santa Claus.
His cloak unfolded, becoming red wings. From his white hair appeared pointed ears like those of a lynx. From his beard, which was also white, boar tusks were lifted. His nose was a beak like the one of a vulture.
Percy swallowed. “I'm sorry. I thought you were somebody else.”
“Percy,” Nico said, “let me introduce you to Charu, the Etruscan god, guardian and guide of the dead.”
“Pleased to meet you,” said Charu, eyes burning like flames. “How can I help you?”
“Excuse me,” said Percy, “are you an Etruscan god?”
“Yes, yes,” Charu said. “Before the Roman intruders, these lands were the home of the Etruscan people. For this reason, this region is called Tuscany, are you following?”
“But why –?”
“Percy,” Nico interrupted him, “Charu is the last Etruscan god. He stayed after the others were gone, to help the dead cross over.”
“Alas,” said Charu. “That's true. I'm still waiting, hoping for other gods to return, but it has never happened.” He pointed a finger at the shop windows. “During the centuries, many have come to my shop, marching towards death. Nobody ever comes back. Well, there was that one guy, Dante, but except for him, nobody. People, and gods, leave me their most prized possessions for safekeeping, as you can see. What are you looking for?”
Percy wasn't sure he wanted to get Annabeth a present that had belonged to a dead god, but he didn't want to offend Charu. He explained the different things that Annabeth liked.
“Does your girlfriend like strategy?” Charu smiled, baring his tusks. “I've got just the thing.”
The ancient god took something from a locker. It was a gold bracelet, made of tiny keys. “This”, he said, “has been crafted by Sethlans, the Etruscan god of the artisans. The keys . . . well, I'm just saying, they can open many things and solve many problems.”
Percy was stunned. “It's perfect,” he admitted. “But it must be expensive.”
“I'll just ask you a question,” said Charu. “Tell me the right answer: why should ancient gods, like myself, celebrate Christmas?”
Nico looked nervous. Maybe he didn't think Percy would ace an oral quiz. But Percy thought carefully at the past year and at his friends, like Nico, who had helped him through it.
“Because”, said the son of Poseidon, “Christmas is for everybody. It represents hope. Especially in those trying times, all of us — gods, demigods, mortals — have to help each other out. We have to remain alert and optimistic, like you, watching over those who cross. ”
The god smiled. “Well said. Here's your gift. Maybe we'll meet again, eh? Merry Christmas!”
Once they were outside again, Nico said: “That was impressive, Percy.”
“Thanks,” said Percy, holding the bracelet. “But I guess the perfect gift is not a jewel. It's a good friendship. Merry Christmas, my friend.”
“Same to you, Seaweed Brain.”
Percy laughed and, together, they walked back into the shadows.
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
i was gonna be like "a little something for the burp people" but not really bc im dogshit at writing burps
[fever, continuous bloating, burping, tummyache, tummy rubs]
"Jeez, Val, are you alright?"
"I'll be okay," he said weakly, gazing listlessly up at Connie. He'd seemed a little under the weather when they'd first woken up that morning, but now he looked absolutely dreadful. He was wrapped up tightly in a blanket, shivering, looking flushed and clammy and exhausted and overall ill.
"Maybe you will, but you don't seem very okay right now," said Connie. She touched her hand to his forehead and pulled it away just as quickly with a jolt. Val, being from hell, had an exceptionally high temperature on a good day. When he had a fever, which he evidently did, that already high temperature skyrocketed. Connie was shocked to find her husband painful to touch.
"Sorry," he said sheepishly. "Should've warned you."
"Well, hey, it's the only time you've ever hurt me, so I'd say we've got a pretty good streak," she said. "Alright, old man, what do I do? How can I help?"
"I don't know," he sighed. "Normally I just wait for it to go away on its own."
"If I sit next to you am I gonna get some kind of hell virus?"
"No, I don't think so. But I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to keep your distance."
"Well, I'll take my chances," said Connie, sitting beside him. "I can't leave my poor boiled ham sitting here all alone." Val smiled at her.
"You're an angel," he said, leaning back against the couch. She reached out to stroke his hair, but caught herself. Suddenly, her face lit up.
"Oh! I'll get the grill gloves," she exclaimed. A friend had given them to her for Christmas years ago but she'd never used them, and with Val's heat tolerance, he didn't either. She rose from the couch and disappeared into the kitchen, then returned wearing the heat resistant gloves, a glass of water in one hand.
"Here," she said, handing him the glass as she sat down. "It's kinda warm, so it shouldn't be too harsh."
"Thank you, sweetheart." He took the water with a shivering hand and took a small sip. Connie kissed her gloved finger and touched it to his forehead.
"Do you want anything else?"
"No, I took a little ibuprofen. Only other thing I can think of is you."
"You are such a cheeseball," she said, grinning. He smiled back at her.
The two sat together, Val drinking his water and Connie stroking his hair. He desperately wanted to snuggle up against her and wrap his arms around her, but even if he hadn't been painfully hot to the touch, he was still sick. Glumly, he finished his water and set the glass down.
As they sat, Val became aware of a growing tightness in his stomach that hadn't been there before. He rested a hand on his belly and was startled to find it unusually bloated. Suddenly, before he could react, a large burp escaped him. Connie looked at him, surprised.
"Sheesh, where did that come from?" she said with a chuckle. Val shrugged, bewildered. He didn't feel any less bloated. In fact, the pressure in his stomach only seemed to be growing. He let out a soft groan of discomfort, followed by another burp. Connie looked down at his distended belly, which was bubbling and gurgling softly, and her eyes widened.
"Oh, Christ, Val, the water," she exclaimed.
"The water you drank, you're boiling it!"
"Sh-urp-shit," Val groaned, clutching his stomach.
"Keep burping," she urged.
"I'm tryi--" He was cut off by a big one, accompanied by a puff of steam. He covered his mouth, embarrassed. Connie placed a gloved hand on his belly. It was unbelievably tight, and only seemed to be bloating up even more. Val burped into his hand, trying to do so quietly.
"Jeez, Val, I'm sorry," she said, carefully rubbing his belly. "I didn't think you were that hot."
"I di-urp-dn't either," he said. His stomach ached horribly as it stretched well beyond what it was used to. His cheeks puffed as he burped with his mouth closed, and he let out another steamy breath. His belly gurgled uncomfortably as the pressure inside it continued to build.
"Don't worry about being polite," said Connie. "Just try and let it out. I don't want to have to track down all your kids and tell them you exploded." Val nodded, burping into his hand again. It was a long one, and steam rose up between his fingers. He was absolutely mortified, but she had a point. It felt like the steam was building up faster than he could let it out. Gently, Connie pressed into his bulging belly, massaging just deeply enough to coax out another long burp.
They went on like that, Connie rubbing his sore, continuously bloating belly as he did his best to release the steam. Of course, she never would have judged him, especially in a case like this, but he was horribly embarrassed at the situation regardless. Still, for the sake of self preservation, he eventually became relaxed enough to keep on top of it, burping freely enough that his stomach no longer felt like it was constantly on the verge of bursting. Finally, after a little while, the bloating slowed and, eventually, stopped. His stomach was still painfully distended, but at least the crisis was over.
"I'm sorry," he said, looking sheepishly up at her. Connie stared incredulously at him.
"You're sorry? Jesus Christ, Val, I thought you were gonna explode! I'm the one who should be apologizing!"
"It's not your fault." He stifled a small, pained burp, followed by a soft grunt of discomfort.
"It literally was, knucklehead," said Connie, gently rubbing his taut belly. "Jeez, your poor tummy. That's gonna hurt for a while." That, he couldn't argue with. His stomach was terribly sore after being stretched so harshly, and he imagined it would remain sore at least for the rest of the day, probably more. Still, with Connie keeping him company, nothing was unbearable.
"Come on, let's try to get a little more of this out," she said softly, massaging his bloated belly as gently as she could. He winced, but it was still less painful than trying to force a burp out himself. Reluctantly, he allowed another one to come up, and this time, the pressure finally eased a little. Another burp followed that one, and he let out a sigh of relief. Connie was glad to feel his stomach begin to deflate at last. He would likely be bloated for a while still, but at least his stomach wasn't stretched to its limit anymore. He laid his head back against the couch cushion, shivering and exhausted. Connie looked sorrowfully at him, wishing she could hold him in her arms, when an idea struck her.
"I'll be right back," she said, standing up and wandering off. She returned moments later with the pillows from their bed. Val looked up, curious. She returned to her spot on the couch, propped the pillows against herself as a barrier, and gestured for him to come close. Smiling, he leaned against her, laying his head on her shoulder. Connie wrapped one arm around his back, using a pillow from the couch to shield herself from the heat, and rested her other hand on his belly.
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forever-girly · 11 days
The Surrogate
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It’s been nearly a year since I started becoming a test subject for experimental medical procedures.
The pay is very good but this new research being done on me is something entirely different.
Because a Virus had killed a large number of people, governmental actions were not doing enough to help repopulate the nation. I would be the first guinea pig in a new trial: surrogacy.
Though I was a Trans woman, new research has revealed it was possible for me to bring a baby to term. The Virus had quelled the ethical concerns of the research, at least for the time being.
At first, I blanched at the idea, but when they handed me the largest paycheck I have ever seen outside of someone holding a large cardboard check from lotto winnings, my concerns vanished.
After I agreed to all the waivers (there are so many in this field of "work"), I was implanted with a uterus grown from my own cells (to prevent the possibility of an immune response), and a fertilized egg was implanted into the uterus.
For the first two months, I was monitored very closely by doctors and other research staff within a cordoned-off section of Liberty Heights Hospital, to keep me away from prying eyes. I fretted that I was not experiencing any morning sickness. I didn't even feel any different. The only way I knew that it had happened at all was the faint scar line along my left side where the uterus was implanted.
I'm not sure how they did it; they've explained the process but the technical jargon went over my head. Suffice to say, while I fretted, the medical staff assured me that there was no cause for alarm; not everyone gets morning sickness and I was a unique case. A trailblazer, one of the doctors called me.
After they were assured that there were no complications from the procedures, I was able to move to a home specially set up for me near the campus. The government had provided me with all the necessities without any out-of-pocket expenses.
It was about at the 100 day mark that I was surprised that, when I looked in the mirror, I suddenly had a small pooch where I didn't have one yesterday. My stomach was sticking out and I could not suck it back in. It was real! This was really happening!
I could feel a hard lump just above my pubic bone.
It was my uterus. Inside the baby was doing what it was supposed to do.
I am now in my fifth month. There is no hiding my belly anymore. It's sticking out for all the world to see. For the past two weeks, I've had what I can only describe as "growth spurts". I would wake up with a very tight belly, as if I had just eaten a very large meal but as l go morning routine, my belly would relax, and about mid-day, it would feel like I'm purposefully pushing my stomach out but l'm not.
By evening, my belly would feel very tight again, and then relax by the time I go to bed, my belly feeling just that much larger.
It seems like I'm popping out all over! A side effect, it seems, of the pregnancy is that my chest is also starting to take on a feminine shape. I thought at first I was imagining it, but my chest is now clearly starting to sport female-shaped breasts.
The doctors tell me that it's from the pregnancy hormones. If I get any larger, I'm going to start having to wear a bra!
The doctors tell me that, by the time l'm nine-months pregnant, I’ll probably have breasts nearly the size of any woman's, ready to nurse the baby, so I stocked my apartment with maternity bras.
The doctor offered me a chance to get an ultrasound. While it is a relic of a bygone age and the process is no longer necessary, most women continue to desire having the procedure done. I agreed. So, today, during my weekly visit, I was prepped for the ultrasound.
The jelly the doctor smeared on me was cold but quickly warmed as she rubbed the wand over my swollen belly. Through the gray fuzz, I suddenly was able to make out a shape. The fetus. It really was in there! "Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" asked the doctor. I nodded weakly; this really was happening.
Flipping a switch, the air was suddenly filled with an odd repeating thrumming. It was the fetus's heartbeat.
Four more months and the baby would be birthed by Cesarean and after a period of breast feeding and nurturing it, the baby would be handed to the surrogate couple who were unable to create a child on their own. For my privacy sake, they are not informing the couple of my gender identity until after the research is complete.
I looked down at my belly. I was the first pregnant Transgendered woman and thats the way I continued to live the rest of my life.
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unsoundedcomic · 5 months
Oh, no! I just saw your post about being super sick. I'm so so sorry! It sounds like the stomach virus I've heard about that's going around. It seems to last about four days. I super hope you decide to make a definite decision to skip tonight's/tomorrow's update and get as much rest as you can. I hope you feel better soon!
Four days? I will be dead after two more days of this. Everyone says to stay hydrated but it's impossible when I just throw up everything I drink ;_; I feel like Frodo on the volcano with the cracked lips, who has forgotten the taste of bread.
pls send hearse
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negativepeanuthoarder · 3 months
Alright I'm going to set a timer for 20 minutes and write as much as I can :)
944 words, not proofread, Mpreg, no smut, one mention of weight gain/loss
"I feel awful," Sapnap grumbles, lying down on the couch and staring at the ceiling. He really has - waking up every morning with horrible vomiting and fatigue, unable to do much of anything except lie down and sleep, and he can't even do that half the time.
"I know," Dream walks past and touches Sapnap's head before putting a cup of tea on the little table beside him. It's ginger tea, supposed to soothe his upset stomach.
Sapnap sips at it weakly, exhausted. "What even causes this stuff anyways?"
"It's probably just a virus," Dream assures as George walks into the room, spotting Sapnap and Dream on the couch and making a beeline for them both.
"It can't be a virus," George comments casually, leaning onto Sapnap like a nosy cat. "You've been sick for like a week now and none of us have caught it."
Sapnap sighs. "Do you think it's going to go away?"
"Probably," Dream assures. "If you throw up tomorrow we'll go to the doctor's."
"Mm," Sapnap mumbles, rolling over a little and burying himself in throw pillows and blankets, wanting nothing more then to nap for a while and hopefully sleep this off.
George inches closer until they're cuddled up against one another and Dream smiles at them both, gently leaning to kiss Sapnap's forehead and George's cheek, before standing. "I've got some work to do in my office, okay? But I promise I'll be right back when I'm done, we can watch a movie or play a game."
"Okay," Sapnap mumbles. "Can you email someone for me and tell them I can't stream?"
"Of course," Dream assures. "Love you."
"Love you too," Sapnap mumbles, sighing as he finally sinks into the mattress and into a dreamless sleep.
George is deeply suspicious of this.
For one, Sapnap throwing up constantly without getting Dream and George sick is weird enough on it's own, but there's other things he's picking up on that neither Sapnap nor Dream seem to notice.
Sapnap frequently leaving their bed in the middle of the night, avoiding foods he used to like while gravitating towards stuff he normally hates, the slight weight gain even though they've been working out all the time.
All signs point to Sapnap being pregnant, which is completely ridiculous because Sapnap can't get pregnant.
Which is why George hasn't brought it up.
But today's as good a day as any to bring this up to Dream and ask what he thinks. George is getting a little sick of feeling like the only person around here with eyeballs.
He releases Sapnap gently, running his hand over his boyfriend's midsection just in case, wondering if he's actually right, if there is a little baby growing inside Sapnap. Sapnap whines in his sleep and rolls over, away from George, and George slips out of the living room and to Dream's office.
"Can we talk?" He asks, knocking at the open door.
Dream tugs off his headphones. "Yeah, what's up?"
George sighs. This is going to be a weird conversation so he might as well get it out of the way. "I think Sapnap's pregnant."
Dream stares at him for a long moment before snorting, amused. "Okay. That's pretty funny - just because he's caught something or had food poisioning doesn't mean he's-"
"I'm serious," George frowns at him. "He's getting up all the time, has all this weird food stuff, sleeps all day, he's sick, and on top of that he's gained a little weight. He's pregnant."
Dream looks at George for a long moment, trying to process that information. "But... George he's - he can't get pregnant, he doesn't even have a like... uterus. That's impossible."
"It's either that or he's got some weird illness that's masqerading as pregnancy," George sighs. "Look it couldn't hurt to take a pregnancy test, can it?"
Dream looks skeptical. "Yeah, that won't hurt, but good luck convincing Sapnap he's pregnant."
George slinks off, ordering a pregnancy test for same-day delivery online as he does so, and trots back to the living room.
Turns out Sapnap is extremely easy to convince he needs to take a pregnancy test. He thinks it's a joke and humors George by taking it.
And then it comes back positive. He's pregnant. He really is pregnant. Sapnap is pregnant.
"This doesn't- I'm not even- I shouldn't-" Sapnap mutters, sitting down at a barstool while Dream and George get food for the three of them. "This shouldn't even be possible."
"Well... we'll get a good look at the doctor's office tomorrow," Dream sighs, before walking over to kiss Sapnap's head. "But until then you probably need to rest for a little, okay?"
Sapnap agrees, purely because he's really tired and just wants to nap in their bed. He also wants them to snuggle with him, and he wants the cats to snuggle with him too, even though they're entirely disinterested in doing that.
Except Patches, who leans against him and purrs while he sleeps, warm and safe in their big bed. Dream joins him a little later with a laptop to work on, and George climbs in with his phone. He likes resting his hand on Sapnap's tummy.
George loves it, loves feeling like he's holding a baby inside Sapnap, a little jelly bean. Their baby, all three of them. Their little baby growing inside Sapnap. He loves it. He loves them already, because they're a part of Sapnap and George loves Sapnap and he loves Dream and he loves whatever this is.
Even if this is all a false alarm. But that's a worry for tomorrow. Today George is happy with his boyfriends and their baby.
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slifarianhawk · 8 months
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Chapter 26: make it easy on yourself
As Albert, Excella, and I drank, I rang the boys back in through the comm link.
When they walked into the room, I offered them a drink to which Nighthawk and Steve took the offer up. I had Archer put away the Disaronno and Osmanthus wine as the festivities were winding down.
"Now that you are a part of tricell, there is something that needs to be done, my dear lotus." Wesker said, stroking my cheek,"a gift if you would believe it or not."
"Yes, the main reason I went to Russia was to extract two people. A Dr. Cordell and his lovely wife, the main doctor in the creation of the Angelis virus project, which you are so versed in." Excella said, taking a sip of her brandy.
My eyes flared their signature, icy blue. My blood started to boil, memories flooding to the surface. My body slowly started to tremble in rage. I dropped my glass and watched it shatter.
A massive growl was unleashed from my throat,"CORDELL!"
{Trigger warning torture mentions of non con}
/October 28,1998/
Cold, my knees and feet were freezing on the cement floor. Seven needles stuck in my back. My arms chained down pinned to my side. The cold steel dug deep into my wrist, causing deep gashes and scarring cuts. My body naked in a hunched over position translucent white fluid dripping from my back side. Tears stained my cheeks.
CRACK! A bull whip rung out slicing open the flesh between the first row of syringes. Searing pain was all I felt as the wound hastily repaired itself.
"Her will is undeniably strong, colonel Sergei. But it seems the Angelis virus has also made her at least much more easily fixable. Just admire how fast she heals." Dr. Cordell said, walking in front of me as my eyes glowed a cold shade of blue,"tell me, was she truly wasted on scum like that damnable traitor, Wesker?".
I growled and started to transform into the equinoxal mutation. They brought up him. Here, why!?! just to rub salt in the wound of being stuck here. My dead husband is coming back to haunt me again.
Scorching pain seared through me. A cattle prod was pulled away from my side. The pain was a reset to my body, causing the transformation process to halt. The ringing in my ears started to amplify.
When I get out of these damn chains, Sergei will pay. He already had taken my support system, and now he's rubbing a wound with salt. I was going to make him pay dearly for this.
"Yes, I do wish I got to my niece first before that stupid roach did, but lord Spencer has his plans for her. As his most loyal follower, I'll obey his every command." Sergei said, taking a scalpel and carving his name into my back, "doesn't mean I can't have fun with her. I already tainted her lovely back side. Now I'm going to work on that pretty little mouth of hers. Slowly, I'll mold her into the perfect toy and soldier for me and Spencer. When the time comes, she'll be able to eradicate our infestation." A dark laugh echoed out of Vladimirs throat.
"HE IS ALREADY DEAD AND GONE HIC JUST KILL ME YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD." I screamed at the thought of Sergei shoving his disgusting penis in my face. It made me feel sick to my stomach.
"She doesn't know, does she colonel?" Dr. Cordell asked.
"Know what, Sergei? What are you not telling me?" I growled out, my nails slowly growing and turning black.
"Red queen." Sergei said, turning to face the wall.
"Yes, Colonel?" A red hologram of a beautiful woman appeared.
"Show our dear agent seven forty-eight the final moments of the mansion lab and front entryway." Sergei said as a screen lowered into view.
Cctv footage played of the Arkley lab on the night of July twenty fourth.
"You'll regret this, my lady, of that I promise." His eyes left a trail like mine except his glowed a brilliant red.
It showed him plowing through B.O.W.S. and even trapping Lisa Trevor. The best and worst part was that he was alive and had survived. He hadn't come to me. He didn't even come home or contact me.
"He.....he...... he abandoned me.....why?" I was there. I came back to Raccoon City to find him. Spencer was right he had survived and chose not to come for me.
Doctor Cordell laughed along with Sergei as my heart crumbled away into nothingness. The ringing in my ears was now a deafening roar. My face grew a sheet of black glass like silica, creating a mask that hid my tears. My choking sobs started to sound like blood curdling growls. My canines were now black and four inches long over my bottom lip. Six massive bloody batlike wings ripped from my back, throwing all but one syringe into the walls. Black silica bracers grew from under my skin, breaking their way through my wrists. I flicked the wings, and the chains corroded away. Cracks formed in the cement floor.
I was truly alone. My family thinks I'm a monster. My friends are dead. Sergei rapes me during the night. Worst of all, my husband abandoned me. The only things that keep me alive are my kids. However, Vladimir has my daughter here, and the other has been tagged for capture. My life has been made mute.
Darkness clouded my vision. The ringing was blaring in my head. Make it stop. Make it stop, please. The pain that radiates from my heart was driving me mad. Then, all of sudden, the ringing stopped. I feel cold and cramped.
《Entering 3rd person POV》
"What is happening, Cordell?" Sergei asked the now terrified doctor.
"This is the arch angel form, sir. Most of the research has been non-existent, and this form was just a theory. What happened if the equinoxal mental state was pushed to the limit and broke. She broke sir congratulations are due, but not at this time we should run." The doctor said, terrified backing away.
"Vladmir Sergei! Prepare to be sentenced to Hell!" A raspy roar ripped from Tabitha's deformed mouth.
"I don't think so, my dear fragile flower. I still have plans for you. Cordell, hand me the viral stabilizer you were bragging about." Sergei said with his hand extended.
She raced over to Sergei and swung her five inch long black talons. Her claws were as sharp as a lickers' talons they left a massive gash in Sergeis's side. She tried to retreat back, but Cordell handed Vladimir a syringe, and Sergei had injected it into Tabitha's neck.
Tabithas body started to flame up, and silica surrounded her body. It encased her in a black obsidian like cocoon. When it shattered, Tabitha's body had returned to normal splayed across the floor, and the mutations remained as obsidian statuary.
《Tabithas pov》
"You belong to me now agent seven forty-eight. If you try to harm me again, I'll kill little Miss Alistar and bring that bastard son of yours here. Do you understand, my sweet anemone." Sergei laughed, pulling my body up by my matted bloody hair,"Yes, anemone the flower of fragility. That's what you are not the filthy lotus of rebirth but a lowly buttercup of fragility. You are as fragile as obsidian and just as sharp. The weapon I need will be you seven forty-eight. Make this easy on yourself, my dear, and accept that you now belong to me."
"Yes, sir." I hung my head lost in a tidal wave of depression and reluctance.
"Commander?!?" Nighthawk screamed.
Huh? What is going on? I can't move
"Everyone get back she's going Arch-angel!" Archer shouted.
The door opened, and I heard footsteps dashing out. It was time. I opened my eyes.
I broke out of the silica that was starting to encase my body. I won't let that bastard Sergei control my life now that I was free. I'd choose when i go Arch-angel.
Albert was beside me, holding my shoulder. His sunglasses were off as he stared at my now sweat drenched face. He wore a concerned look.
"Tabitha, my dear lotus," He placed his hand on my face, his thumb stroking my cheek,"What did you see? What did you see in that flashback? I know PTSD when I see it. I've seen it in plenty of my men now tell me what you saw my love."
"Sergei and Cordell, when I found out you survived the mansion incident. They both watched me turn into the Arch-angel form. Sergei was becoming my handler, and all cordell did was laugh. Now it's time to return the favor to Dr. Cordell." I clicked on my comm link, "Archer, bring my scalpels, syringes, and pliers to the containment room. Have the prisoners transferred there."
I stood up, placing my corrective shades on, "Nighthawk, please escort me and Wesker to the lab. I need to make several doses of the angelis viral stabilizer and a special treat for Dr. Cordells wife."
"Yes, mam, please follow me." Night hawk bowed, revealing his massive hawk like wings.
"Project a.c.r.o.h? You certainly have quiet the mangarie of interesting people under you, my dear lotus." Albert said, admiring Nighthawk and his wings.
" Even so, we all gladly serve our Pheonix." Nighthawk said, leading Albert and I down the hall to my lab.
Once we arrived at the lab, I threw on my lab coat and sped to my workstation. Quickly, I prepared seven vials of my blood and synthesized three doses of max strength viral stabilizer. Albert stood in the corner as I worked. He seemed deep in thought.
When I dropped to the floor, he walked over and pulled me into a warm gentle embrace, "My dearheart, please be careful. I don't know a lot about the angelis virus, but I can tell that what happened has really drained you. Please, my lotus, make this easy on yourself and rest. Come, I have something to show you. He took my hand and led me out of the vehicle bay.
We walked along the trail of the apple orchard to Alistar's sanctuary. When we got there, I was shocked by the state of things. The statuary was put back together, surrounded by pink carnations. Albert sat at the bench he held me on last night and pointed at the angel statue that had a blue tarp in front of it.
"Go ahead, my lotus lift it. It's not much but something I could do to help you mourn better. I worked ever since you fell asleep, and Excella landed last night." He said as I turned to to fave the tarp.
With a quick grasp, I pulled the cover away and gasped. Tears were now forming in my eyes as I fell to my knees. There was fresh sod and a new headstone in front of Alistar's statue.
It read," Laid to rest, here is Alistar Lancaster. Daughter of Tabitha and Albert Wesker. May she wander the stars infinitely. 1982-2003"
Albert stepped up behind and crouched beside me. He draped his right arm over my shoulder. A relaxed smile was on his face for once. It was stunning.
"I know, I was not there for you or her either when she was born or when she died. However, I know that she wanted this. We are a family again, and once uroboros is complete, no one will harm us again." He said, looking at me, removing his sunglasses.
With a simple motion, I turned and kissed him, "Carry me back to base so I can rest. That way, i can make Cordell pay for all he did to me and Alistar. He will feel the pain that she felt and all the pain he caused me as well."
Albert quickly lifted me up and took me in his arms, heading back to base,"Anything you wish, my dear lotus."
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skyevergreen · 1 month
Solitudinarian (A horror short story Im writing)
(Little pre-thing this is my first time really posting anything of this kind on Tumblr and So im gonna post this story in chunks and as I write more do little updates also very rough draft) “We interrupt your current broadcast to bring an emergency broadcast, this broadcast is being brought to you by the United States Public safety department and is a message to all residents of the United states. There have been a total of 500 thousand people coming into hospital with symptoms never seen before in any known virus. Symptoms observed have been red eyes, nose bleeds, ringing ears, irregular behavior, sleep walking, violent and sporadic movements, twitching, and overall brain failure. All cases of this virus have been fatal, and those who haven't died are now missing. Those infected have reported seeing shadows in the corner of their eyes, or feel like they are being watched. Along with infected individuals, sightings of tall and disfigured silhouettes have been spotted around neighborhoods. If you make contact with any of these creatures, make distance between you and the entity. If you or a family member are suffering from sickness, do your community a favor and keep yourself indoors and locked inside. For those uninfected lock all doors and windows, stock up on supplies, and do not leave your home. Have trust in your government, May god be with us all”.
The TV broadcast rips through the air once more. It's the same old message that has been repeated for the last 2 months. I tune in just for the chance of there being an update, a chance that maybe this whole thing will all be over. As the same words play again I hit the power button to the box Tv leaving me alone in the darkness of my living room. My stomach growls and I feel my body ache at me telling me it's time to eat, all these days that have strung together hunger is the one of the things that's at least stayed the same. I stand up feeling my body ache and looking around at the can littered floor I make my way to the kitchen. Flicking on a light switch, blinding myself for a few brief moments. As my eyes adjust I lay sight to the dirty counter space that matches the off white walls. A cockroach crawled from under the fridge and almost as fast as it crawled out it scurried right under another counter. Taking a deep breath I open the cupboard to be met with stacks of canned food. Sighing deep I grab one of the cans of food and pry it open, my eyes are met with the can of meat that I'm only half sure what's in it. But it's better than starving so I sink a spoon that I had found on the nearby table into the meat. It gushed liquids and made a disgusting noise as I dug into it. Getting a spoonful I take a bite and chew, it's the same stuff I've been eating for days now. The disgusting taste is now almost welcome. As I finish the can of food I lay it on the counter with the rest of the empties. My eyes are heavy, I've been awake for far too long, it's probably best I get some rest. I leave my kitchen and make my way down my hallway, that seems to extend for miles due to the beckoning darkness. I stumble down the hall passing the bathroom door, I arrive at my bedroom, it's lit by a dim lamp revealing the piles of clothes and several empty bottles of water. I fall onto my bed reaching to grab my medicine from my bedside table. I take 2 pills and lay my head on my pillow and let the mattress grab ahold of my body. As I close my eyes I feel myself drift off into the void of sleep, Maybe tomorrow will be different.
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beanyboobee · 2 years
Hello its me again!
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For those who have been keeping up to date with my blog, you probualy know that I've been sick for the past while so posts on demon season have been slow xD
Particularly the next part is taking longer than I thought, I'm sorry for getting you guys all hyped up for the next post when it was suppose to come out today but never did.
The universe seems to be determined to not give me any sort of break so is throwing one virus at me after another XD
From Stomach bug to sore throat to a blocked nose I'm basically a bingo card! But just letting you guys know that I'll hopefully be posting the next part some time this week, I'll try to get it out as soon as I can, as I'm starting a new summer job next week so will have even less time to focus on the comic, so apologies in advance thanks to all for the lovely get well wishes and again sorry for the slow post!
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hellyeahsickaf · 5 months
I can't for the life of me remember where I heard this but I'm pretty sure it was an ME/CFS forum of some kind. I remember this discussion around some connection between fibro and ME/CFS and frequently getting inexplicably ill as a child. I want to know how many people relate to this because it definitely happened to me and I thought it was just normal. I remember at least a few people saying they related when I first saw it discussed
I can't remember how frequently it would happen but it was off and on from very early childhood until my teens (then it became much less common, and I no longer get sick that way at random). I'd get a fever, chills, headache, body aches, fatigue, vomiting, dizziness, like having a really shitty (quite literally) stomach flu or something. My body seemed to be fighting hard against something but even if I was around others I was never contagious
Normally the course was about the same. It could last anywhere between 3 and 8 days. I'd have a fever of at least 101.5 degrees and no more than 104. I'd be up all night, fall asleep on the bathroom floor. It took 2-4 days before I could eat somewhat normally again. I'd go to the doctors sometimes when it happened and my stomach seemed fine but somehow I'd often have things like throat infections and double ear infections.
I see a specialist for my ME/CFS and he's an infectious disease specialist. First thing he does when you're on his (2 year😬) wait list is send you to get labs and test for antibodies for strains of illnesses that are often seen in pwME. Things like HPV and coxsackie (hand foot and mouth disease) strains. I've never had HMFD but my antibodies suggest that coxsackie b3 is the "dominant" virus at the root of my ME though I have multiple strains that play a part. My specialist is quite sure I would've contracted this in childhood when most people do. You can get it from tap water even, or natural bodies of water, as well as from things like playing in the dirt (I'm told I liked to eat mud and they would just fucking let me 💀💀💀).
I bring that up because if that's what caused the sporadic illnesses then I really want to know if anyone who may relate had previously contracted some of the same illnesses, maybe HFMD or any forms of HPV (mono is a big one). Especially any enteroviruses (viruses existing in the gut). On the Wikipedia page for enteroviruses here you'd most easily identify something you've had if you go to the section: Diseases Linked to Enterovirus Infection. The last bullet point (citation 51) credits a trial performed by my specialist in 2007 for the hypothesis that these viruses can play a major role in ME/CFS
Though like me, you could always carry antibodies for viruses linked to ME/CFS without even knowing it. Just curious because I've been thinking about it a lot
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