#International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
For one red-hot day a year, the world’s chili heads, heat-seekers and extreme eaters can take their passion to extremes. International Hot and Spicy Foods Day sparks a wildfire of events, from habanero-eating challenges to fancy-dress contests and cook-offs of popular recipes. Among serious aficionados, it also re-kindles the great debate: which chili pepper tops the official Scoville heat scale?
There’s no denying the daredevil nature of some of the celebrations. However, people who like a meal to tingle their taste buds, not make their eyes water, shouldn’t feel left out. Enjoying a touch of heat in our cooking is a worldwide human trait, so what better day to invite your family and friends to discover a different cuisine? Thai, Indian, Creole and Caribbean dishes are all famous for their blends of aromatic ingredients, but many cultures boast their own favourites. After all, variety is truly the spice of life…
Learn about International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
Did you know that people have been using hot spices in their meals and recipes for more than 6,000 years? It seems that we have always loved a bit of spice! If you are a fan of curry or you love a bag of Flamin’ Hot Doritos, you’re definitely going to enjoy this day, as you’re encouraged to add some spicy food to your daily diet. There are so many different types of spices that are used to create hot and spicy foods today. This includes everything from hot chilli powder to paprika and cumin. Today is all about celebrating these spices. After all, our diet would be pretty boring without them, right?
History of International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
Hot and spicy food has been traced back to recipes that are as old as 6,000 years! That’s a long time ago! While the dishes that we enjoy today may have changed, there is no denying that we still love spicy food. Not only has spicy food been adored for so long because it tastes incredible, but also because it offers a number of different health benefits as well.
Spices can help to kill bacteria. The likes of turmeric and cumin have been shown to have powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This means that they can be effective in terms of fighting any of the harmful bacteria in your body. Spices can also assist in fighting inflammation too. In Ayurvedic medicine, the inflammatory properties of garlic and ginger have been utilized for many centuries as a treatment for a number of different conditions, such as headaches, autoimmune disorders, and arthritis.
Spicy foods can also help to speed your metabolism up. There has been data drawn from a number of different studies that show that certain species, like pepper chilies, turmeric, cinnamon, and cumin are able to slow down your appetite and increase your metabolic resting rate. Who knew that spices were so powerful?
How to celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
When we think about hot and spicy food, we tend to think about Asian cuisine. You will see that chillis are regularly used in Indian, Chinese, and Thai cooking. Why not host a themed night and have your friends and family around? There are plenty of different dishes that you can enjoy, ensuring that everything is not simply designed to blow people’s taste buds off!
If you are looking for the spiciest cuisine in the world, you may want to try Sichuan. It is a cuisine that is well known for its bold flavors. The spiciness of the food is what draws a lot of people in. However, it’s not just about heat, heat, and more heat! There are lots of exciting flavors in Sichuan food, and so you really are going to have an amazing taste experience with this cuisine. You could either try to cook some Sichuan food yourself or go to an authentic restaurant.
As the name indicates, this is a type of food that has come from China’s Sichuan Province. The provincial capital of Sichuan is called Chengdu, and it is actually deemed one of the best places in the whole country for food. It has an excellent reputation for fiery hot pots and spicy dishes. There are lots of exciting street snacks to try here too, with everything from savoury jelly noodles to poached wontons.
When people talk about Sichuan food, they tend to only focus on the heat. However, it is much more exciting than that. This is because the cuisine consists of seven basic flavors, which are as follows: aromatic, salty, hot, sour, sweet, bitter, and pungent. Therefore, you really are going to enjoy some exciting food. Of course, chilies are at the heart of the meals cooked. From pickled chilies, to fresh chillies, to dry chilies; they are all incorporated.
In fact, apart from enjoying some delicious hot and spicy food on this day, another thing you can do is learn more about the different chilies that are available around the world. There are so many different types, including Carolina Reapers, Ghost Peppers, Habanero, Red Cayenne Pepper, Serrano, Guajillo, Poblano, Peppadew, and much more. They all bring a different level of heat and a different type of flavor to dishes. It is definitely interesting to learn more about the different options that are out there, and we are sure that it will enhance your cooking skills as well!
Another fun way to celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day are by having a cook-off with your friends. Invite a few of your loved ones over and see who can create the best hot and spicy dish! It is always fun to do something a bit different with the ones that you love, and this gives you the perfect opportunity to do exactly that!
You can all have fun trying out each other’s different creations. They may be a few disasters along the way, but that simply adds to the fun of it, right? If you are feeling brave, you could even have a chilli eating competition. You will need to get some different chillis and find out how they rank on the heat scale. You can then find out who is able to handle the most heat! Make sure you have got plenty of water on hand!
Of course, you don’t need to go all out and become the next Masterchef on International Hot and Spicy Foods Day if you don’t want to! There are plenty of different ways that you can embrace some spice without needing to cook a complex meal. We all know that a pepperoni pizza will go down well in most homes! You could add a few jalapenos to your burger or fajitas in honor of this day! Other easy dishes that will ensure you are part of the trend include spicy meatballs and spicy Mexican pasta salad. You can turn anything into a spicy dish with the right seasoning!
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dreamzandexperiences · 5 months
Its The Most Amazing : International Hot and Spicy Foods Day.
Get ready to embark on a taste bud adventure as we celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day on January 16th!
International Hot and Spicy Foods Day Introduction: Get ready to embark on a taste bud adventure as we celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day on January 16th! This fiery celebration brings together chilli enthusiasts, heat-seekers, and culinary daredevils for a day filled with mouthwatering experiences. From spicy cook-offs to chilli-eating challenges, this day is dedicated to…
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starrywangxian · 5 months
happy international hot and spicy food day to wei wuxian
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(Image Description: The cover art for the extra episode Glutinous Rice Congee from the Chinese MDZS audio drama drawn in a cute simplistic comic style. There are two rows of tables with characters sat at it with Wei Wuxian in the bottom left hand corner. The character in the back row to the left is Lan Qiren. He is red in the face covering his mouth with red liquid around his fingers and his hand is slamming against the table holding a sign that reads zero in Hanzi (零). Lan Wangji is next to him in the back row in the middle. He is sipping on a bowl with a small amount of red liquid dripping over the top of the bowl, his eats are red and a bead of sweat is on his right cheek. He is gripping a sign that has the Hanzi for ten (拾). In the table in front of him has a plack with his name written on it like he's a judge in a contest. Next to him in the back row on the right end of the table is Jiang Cheng. He is looking at Lan Wangji to his left with a look of disbelief and much judgement (typical jc behaviour). He's holding a sign that says the Hanzi for the number three (叁). In the front row to the left is Lan Jingyi. His tongue is out and he is red in the face and on his ears. He is looking very worriedly at Lan Qiren. On the table in front of him is a bowl of red glutinous rice congee with a soup in the bowl and a little of the liquid has spilled onto the table. He has a name plack in front of him too and he's holding a sign that has the number one in Hanzi (壹) on it. Lan Sizhui is sat next to him in the front row to the right. He has a slight blush on his cheeks and ears. His mouth is open in an O shape and he's looking at Lan Qiren. On the table in front of him is a bowl of the glutinous rice congee and he has a name plack. He's holding a sign in his left hand with the number eight in Hanzi (捌) on it. Wei Wuxian is in the bottom left hand corner smiling with his eyes closed holding a big steaming pot of glutinous rice congee with cloth to act as oven gloves. Rising from the pot is a mist of red and little stars. He has a slight blush to his cheeks and he's wearing a pink-ish white bandana on his head. There is a little heart to the right of him <3)
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petitexmagician · 5 months
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"........" Yes the magi is pale, but she's not actually sick.
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subby-sab · 5 months
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Today is 16th of January.
Today is International Hot and Spicy Food Day, Book Publisher's Day, National Quinoa Day.
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texas-gothic · 1 month
Dracula Daily Prep: Gather Your Paprikash!
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It's that time of year again. Even as we speak, Jonathan Harker has departed for Transylvania, and the unhallowed halls of Castle Dracula. And as he makes his way towards that foreboding country, he will encounter a singular, most enticing of dishes: Paprika Hendl, or as we might know it better, Chicken Paprikash!
This traditional Central European dish explodes in popularity each May as we all gather around our virtual mess hall to enjoy the spirit of this most influential of gothic novels. Perhaps you yourself are considering throwing together a pot this year? Well, if you are, let this be your guide.
So, first, let's discuss the most important of the ingredients here: authentic hungarian paprika. Now, the recipe I first used last year called only for Sweet Paprika, but I personally found that version to be a little bland. I'm remedying this by adding some Hot Paprika as well. However, this is just my personal experimentation. Hungarian Hot Paprika can in fact be very hot, so if you're not comfortable with anything too spicy, feel free to opt only for the Sweet Paprika.
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(Both of these I had to order online.)
Next, is another very important addition. As youre gathering your basic cornerstones of cooking (namely yellow onion, roma tomato, and garlic for this recipe) you may find yourself passing up on something that could vastly improve your dish. I'm talking, of course, about Hungarian Wax Peppers. These peppers range in heat, from meak and mild to slightly hotter than you'd average jalapeño. As per instruction, you should only use one. But on my end, I found the single pepper to be a little underwhelming, and I had trouble picking out it's flavor. So, this year, I'll be using two of them.
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I got these from Central Market, an upmarket gorcer on Westheimer. They're a cousin of HEB, and you can find one or two in every major city in Texas. If you're elsewhere, try an alternative like Whole Foods, or try to find a European or International food market in your area.
Next, let's talk chicken. You can't have Chicken Paprkiash without the chicken, after all.
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You're going to want to go with dark meat cuts for this. Traditionally the dish would use a mix of legs and thighs. Personally, I suggest using only the thighs, which you'll want to get bone-in and skin-on. The thigh provides a flater surface for browning than the leg, as well as more meat.
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(A note on food safety, raw chicken will usually only last 2-3 days in the fridge. So you'll want to grab that fairly close to the day you're actually cooking this. If not, you can do what I'll be doing, and sticking it in the freezer until about 24 hours before I start cooking.)
So, as you gather your meat, produce, and spice you're probably asking yourself, "what on Earth am I going to be eating this with?" And the answer to that is spaetzle! A popular dumpling present in lots of Central European cooking, this is exactly what you need to tie this all together.
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Now, while you should be able to find some in the international isle of most major grocers, you might also have to visit an international food store, or perhaps something more upmarket. If none of these options work, then there are a variety of other side dishes that work just as well. Egg noodles are a very popular choice, and in my very American attempt last year, I found that mashed potatoes work especially well.
Now that you've got all these things together, you're very nearly done. All that's left is the thickener. Paprikash is thickened using a blend of flour, heavy whipping cream, and sour cream. We'll get onto preparing this mixture in my post on actually cooking the paprikash, but until then, acquiring them should be a cake walk at any place food items are sold.
Now that will conclude the actual grocery list for just the Paprikash itself, but I do have one more pointer on how to really liven up this meal. Now, if you're under 21 or if perhaps you take after our dear, depraved, beloathed Count
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Then you can skip this next bit. As a wine professional myself, I find that a well paired glass can add a tremendous flare to nearly any already great dinner. In the case of something like Chicken Paprkiash, and keeping with the Central European theme, I could hardly think of a better match than a good German Pinot Noir, also known as a Spatburgunder. Pinot from Germany typically has a very light body and a refreshing acidity that plays very well with the rich and creamy sauce of Chicken Paprikash. The palate of earth and red fruit should always pair nicely with the smoke of the paprika, as well as being a general good partner for any chicken. I myself am going with this 2020 Rheingau from August Kesseler.
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And with that, we are done! Hit those checkout isles and make sure to get home before dark. Terrible things have sway over the world once the sun has gone down. So if the crowd does keep you locked up until nightfall, make sure to graciously accept any crucifixes given to you by kindly, elderly grandmothers and inn keepers. But whatever you do, make sure to pop in on Friday, when I'll be sharing a step by step guide on taking these ingredients and turning them into a dinner that will make our good friend Jonathan go red as a fire truck!
Happy Dracula Week everybody!
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lazyjellyfish300 · 6 months
Relationship Weight 💘👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏾
Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader
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**gif credits to colecassidysfav**
TW: Minors DNI, eating disorder, insecurity, weight gain, self consciousness, body dismorphia, sexual content. I DREW ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCE/SOME OF MY INTERNAL THOUGHTS I HAVE DEALT WITH TO WRITE THIS AND ARTICULATE THE STRUGGLES I HAVE FACED PERSONALLY WITH EATING AND BODY IMAGE WHICH MAY BE FATPHOBIC OR TRIGGERING. IF YOU ARE QUITE SENSITIVE TO ANYTHING LIKE THAT, YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP OVER THIS ONE x ❤️ I just wanted to write something where he's helping you through your insecurities about changes your body is going through...hope it's okay and you enjoy!
Synopsis: You & Miguel have been dating for almost a year. You're slowly healing your relationship with food and getting comfortable which causes you to put on some pounds. You're insecure one evening and he reassures you. (Reader is mid-twenties, Miguel is in his thirties)
It was New Year's Eve. Spider Society was throwing a party at 9 pm tonight. Your new boyfriend Miguel was never one to want to attend such functions, God forbid he actually be forced to socialize. But at your urging he caved in. He wanted to make you happy and he knew you were dying to be part of his world even though you had no Spider abilities. You embraced his daughter and completely brought him into yours, after all. Your mom was already head over heels for him and couldn't resist stuffing homemade rolls, cookies, brownies, banana bread, or any other baked goods down his throat whenever y'all visited.
It was an amazing 10 months with Miguel. When you met, you were in the best shape of your life. You met at the gym when you'd always see him in the free weights area directly in front of the treadmills where you did your cardio. Every day he'd do his reps in a spot where you had a front row seat, and you couldn't help but steal glances at him grunting, strands of his dark hair falling over his forehead as sweat dripped down, his delicious shoulder muscles rippling and you couldn't help but try and picture yourself underneath.
In the beginning it was spicy and passionate. You'd send him selfies at work wearing lingerie sets and sometimes nothing at all which would get him hot and bothered in his office, sometimes in the middle of a virtual meeting. He'd turn off his camera and mic and groan at the sight of you and start palming himself to your photos when Peter B. Parker would stroll in, blabbing about something only to yelp and duck when Miguel threw his trash can at his head screaming at him to "Get the fuck out, Parker, I'm busy!"
After about two weeks of this, he finally caught you shamelessly staring at him and made a quip about how it's rude to stare to which your face nearly melted from the heat of embarrassment that rose in your cheeks. He smirked at your flustered reaction and finally introduced himself and the rest was history.
Your stomach was flat and defined in the beginning. You had a toned ass and legs and your arms were well sculpted. You'd go to the gym with Miguel all the time and push each other then come home and release all the tension in the shower. He'd fuck you mercilessly against the shower wall and you'd come undone beneath him. He loved doing it with the lights on, in front of the mirror, which you had no problem with. You looked damn good as you rode him with his hands on your thighs. Both of your perfect bodies moving together like some kind of porno.
Even though your body looked flawless, you felt immense pressure to maintain it. You couldn't help but feel insecure when you saw how perfect his figure was and how so many heads always turned when you were out with him in public. You had insecure thoughts when one of the gorgeous Spiderwomen he worked with would send him emails or when they'd go inside his office for their work evaluations, clearly fixing their hair to look good for him, your impossibly handsome boyfriend.
When he asked you out on your first date, you had maybe 6 bites total of your main course and insistently turned down dessert. You felt like you couldn't eat most of the day until you saw him later on in the evenings, wanting to make sure your body looked just as good as it did in the morning for him as it did as night.
But Miguel was good for your soul. He'd whip up the best comfort food for you after a long gym session. Your favorite was his Al Pastor, which he'd watch you eagerly scarf down with a smile on his face, then hand you the last few bites of his which he couldn't finish. He had your takeout orders memorized and would bring it to you whenever you had a bad day. Whenever you would try and order a small size, he'd shake his head and order you a large. He could sense you had difficulty with food and how much you ate. But it made his heart happy and warm to see you curled up on the couch next to him in your hoodie and sweats, munching happily on whatever food he brought you while he did the same and turned on the Netflix series you two were binging together.
You slowly let down your walls with him, but not all the way. In the 10 months you two were dating, you put on 80 pounds. Your stomach was no longer flat, even when you sucked in. It dropped over your pants and you only wore high waisted leggings to tuck it in. Your thighs and upper arms jiggled, much less toned than before. Your breasts grew larger and slightly more saggy when before they were smaller, yet round and perky. You stopped dressing cute. When you saw the number on the scale you panicked and threw it away, sobbing on the bathroom floor.
You were in a rut lately. You hadn't been to the gym with Miguel in weeks and just felt like hiding away and rotting in bed. You didn't want to leave the sanctuary of your apartment and PJs for fear of someone seeing you. You'd cry about your body in the day only to down half the snacks in your pantry at night and make you wake up with self-loathing. You refused to have the lights on anymore when you two made love. Normally you'd scream and sigh, letting him relish in your moans and pleasure, becoming a pornstar for him in bed, letting him bend and twist you into whatever position he wanted, and you'd take the lead and move your hips in circles that drove him crazy while he left handprints on your ass and scanned every inch of you with his eyes, burning your body into his corneas.
Now lately, you'd hide under the covers, refusing to get on top and preferred missionary or doggy style where you'd bury your top half in the pillows or anything where he didn't have a good view of your body. You were convinced that having him take you from behind was better because at least the only positive from your body changing was your ass getting bigger.
Now, it was New Year's Eve, and you were shaking on your bed, trying to stifle your sobs as none of the dresses you wanted to wear were fitting. All that fit you now was a loose knit top and a short skirt that was tight across your tummy bulge. When you turned around you could see your love handles from behind and the cellulite that dimpled the back of your thighs that were once smooth. You felt incredibly self-conscious and were so mad at yourself for letting yourself get to this point. You thought surely your Greek God of a boyfriend would be embarrassed to be seen with you. He must have won the lottery with his metabolism, because no matter what he ate, he stayed fit and sexy as ever.
Miguel walked into your apartment with a grin on his face after working out, setting his keys on the counter. He opened your fridge and his smile disappeared when he saw the lunch he bought you earlier still untouched, sitting on the top shelf. His brow furrowed with worry and he called your name.
"Amor?" He walked into your bedroom and found you sitting on your bed in tears.
"Baby?" He scooped you into his big, strong arms. "What's wrong? You didn't eat the lunch I got you?"
He kissed the top of your head while holding you close, letting you cry it out for a minute, not minding his collar getting soaked with your tears.
"Nothing fits me anymore!" you cried. "I seriously tried on all of my dresses in my wardrobe and nothing fits. I feel disgusting."
Snot began to run down your nose as your eyes began to swell and get puffy from all your weeping. Miguel got up and grabbed some tissues from your bathroom, handing them to you and running his hands up and down your arms as you sat back down on the bed.
"You're not disgusting, amor. Let me see. What's wrong with this skirt you have on?"
Miguel held your hand as you stood up begrudgingly, rolling your eyes and you gave a half-ass spin to show him your outfit that you absolutely hated.
Now, Miguel's eyebrows raised when you turned around and he felt his cheeks get pink as a small singe of arousal coursed through his body. Your ass really looked great. Sure, your ass was toned before, but he liked it much better now, the curvature much more pronounced as it blended into your hips, creating a wide, delicious hourglass.
But the part of you that grabbed his attention the most was the little bulge at the bottom of your tummy that poked itself out endearingly in your skirt. He couldn't articulate why but seeing that drove him crazy. He automatically put his hands on it to which you winced and grabbed his wrists, trying to move them away.
Miguel's face softened and his eyes grew sad.
"Let me touch you...please?"
You couldn't help yourself to his gorgeous sad eyes so you relaxed your grip, releasing his wrists and letting him touch you. He put his hands on your fupa and began to gently knead it in a circle, letting the circles get wider and wider until he moved his hands to a new area. He grabbed your love handles this time, using them to pull your body against his face as he planted small kisses against your clothed abdomen.
You finally let out a small whine which made him smile devilishly.
"There we go...I knew you wouldn't be able to hold back for me, hermosa," he whispered.
He slunk his hands under your skirt while kissing and squeezing the flesh of your thighs, worshipping your skin. "Do... you.. know...." he pauses as he sucks on your inner thigh.
"How fucking crazy you've been driving me lately? Do you know how much I've been dying to get my hands on you and appreciate you like this? It's been SO long..." His hands begin to massage your breasts which elicits more moans from you.
"I just... I haven't felt comfortable lately. I don't feel beautiful. I hate the way I look. I don't feel sexy for you," you hang your head in shame.
Miguel pauses and pulls you on top of him so you're sitting on his lap with your thighs on either side of him. He rests his hands back on your clothed breasts, gently increasing the pressure of his grip on them as he speaks to you in a hushed tone.
"Baby, I love you for who you are, not what you look like." His eyes scan you, hungrily. "But, I loved your body back then, and I love it now. Maybe even a little more so." He winks at you.
"Yes, really" Miguel murmurs as he runs his hands under your shirt, the coolness of his palms causing you to gasp which makes your nipples poke out a little, making him drool.
"Let's stay in tonight," he purrs as he squeezes your bare flesh under your shirt. "Please?"
"Oh, okay..."
"Good." He smiles at you and kisses you softly. "After I take my time with you, I need you to eat some food for me baby, can you do that? I'll get you whatever you want. My treat. I just want you to be healthy and happy with me."
You can't help but tear up and he cups your face in both of his large hands, squeezing your cheeks as he looks lovingly into your eyes.
"I love you so much. Don't ever worry about what you look like," his hands run down your body.
"Because at the end of the day, it's all for me, hmm?"
"Y-ahhhh!" Your response freezes in your throat as you feel overwhelming pleasure coming from your core, and you realize his hand found its way up your skirt and under your panties.
"Hmmm?" He asks, his head tilting, his dreamy brown-reddish eyes locked onto yours, relishing the way you're losing your mind to his fingers right now.
"You didn't answer my question, amor." He plunges deeper.
"God! Yes...God, yes it's all for you baby...only you," you groan.
He smiles a dazzling smile at you. "Good." He smacks your ass and lays back on your bed, pulling you over his face.
"Now I'm ready to suffocate."
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sorrowfulrosebud · 10 months
Reasons why Katsuki Bakugou is your puppy; a list.
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🜸 He gets annoyed/clingy if you try to leave the house. Like, if you are in need of something from the store and try to leave while he’s napping, his eyes are snapping open and he’s sleepily grumbling and questioning where you’re going without him. More often than not, hero work leaves him absolutely exhausted so you have to gently explain that you’re only going for a pint of milk, so it’s not worth getting up. He starts pouting then, grunting out a “fine then” and angrily nestling himself back under the blanket.
🜸 So more often than not you have to buy him a special treat from the store to make up for being mean and leaving him home 😠 you have to snuggle up to him on the couch, try and pry his arms that are crossed on his chest. Kiss his pouty lips as he flushes a soft pink and tease him with the extra spicy hot sauce he can never seem to find. Only give it to him when he kisses you back, and promise to let him come with you next time.
🜸 If you go on a trip with other members of the Bakusquad etc. and he doesn’t come, he anxiously awaits your arrival home. Cleans the house top to bottom, gets you a bouquet of your favourite flowers and plants, wears the compression shirt he knows you love and gets a little spread of your favourite foods to welcome you back. He just sits on the couch, leg bouncing as he glances back and forth between the book he’s reading and the clock. He’s all smiles when you come back, dropping your bags and picking you up to hug you.
🜸 NEEDS to have his face in your boobs. If you’re cuddling, he needs to have his face buried into your chest, it’s a self-regulating thing for him. He can also listen to your steady heartbeat, the rhythm lulling him to sleep. It’s his favourite way to cuddle you. He also adores when you play with his hair, and pepper loving kisses to his sleepy face.
🜸 He makes the cutest little noises in his sleep. If he’s having a good dream, you hear sleepy sighs and the sound of him nestling deeper into his cushion. If he’s having a bad dream, he’s whimpering and flexing his muscles. He’s incredibly expressive in his sleep, much more so than when he’s awake.
🜸 Katsuki keeps one of your stuffed animals near his bed if you’re ever apart. In the likely event you had an argument and you stormed off to Mina’s house, he lays in bed whilst he reviews and reflects what happened. If it was his fault due to his short temper or even just miscommunication, he grabs hold of the stupid thing, angrily grumbling that “they should be in this spot, not you.” If he REALLY fucked up, he sniffles and rubs his nose into the animal, deeply breathing in your calming smell. Katsuki kisses the bear, wishing it was your soft skin instead of the toy. He wishes you a good night, offering silent apologies as he tearfully clings to the toy.
🜸 Easily excitable. If you even mention the fact that you received a promotion or went up in the hero ranks, he’s immediately like “fuck yeah!! My baby is the best!!! Just like me!!!!” If you mention the fact that you love him, he gets all blushy and more inclined to hold your hand (after calling you a cringy dumbass and wiping his popping palms).
🜸 Katsuki absolutely melts at your praise. You could be going about your day, look at Katsuki and be like “aww your muscles are so big Katsu!” Or “wow Suki, this food is delicious” and his chest is all puffed up but internally kicking his feet and giggling bc you like him??? How??? You like his food???
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I need him carnally.
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spacecowboyhotch · 4 months
Give Me More
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summary: part of life is heartbreak and suffering; at least Javi is worthy of it.
pairing: sex worker!f!reader x javier peña
contents: 18+/NSFW/MINORS DNI, mentions of sex work, pwp, oral (f!receiving), feelings, internal angst, perceived unrequited love
wc: 1,995
an: i woke up one morning with this idea on my mind, my fingers were itching to write, especially since it’s been so long since ive written for javier. might come back to give these two a happy ending, might not. thank you to @jennaispunk for the beta! hope y’all enjoy <3
pedro pascal characters masterlist
Javier is your favorite. It’s hard for him not to be. With him nothing is a performance, every moment— every kiss and touch feels real even if it isn’t. You know that it’s going nowhere, that one of these days he will catch each and every drug lord, trickling down all the way to those hardly involved and then he will leave. But it’s hard not to get caught up in him. It’s hot and electric, there’s passion. There’s real pleasure.
He comes to you. Every single time he comes to you. Maybe that makes it worse, these fantasies in your head where you get to keep him. It’s easier to picture him sipping coffee in your kitchen or lounging on your couch reading a paper. Some things he has done, like sleeping in your bed or taking a shower. Sometimes when you curl up in bed at the end of the night, you let yourself drift into those memories, building on them as you go. It’s unhealthy and unfair to yourself.
But, you’re not sure what alternative you have. Falling in love with Javier Peña was not what you’d expected. You’d never fallen in love with a client before, but that’s Javi for you. Beating the odds and changing the game, one kiss and fleeting glance at a time. How are you meant to resist those chocolate brown eyes, big and expressive? How are you to deny how deep and exploring his kiss feels?
You tried. You really had. As soon as you realized what was happening you pulled away. Stopped answering his calls and started frequenting other places, places you were most likely not to see him. But, Javi’s persistent and DEA— he could find you if he wanted to and he had. Slowly but surely you fell right back into his clutches. Eventually you stopped fighting it. You had to be honest with yourself, the part of you that wanted to is small at best. This will be the only thing you ever have with him and you might as well hold on to it while you can. Part of life is heartbreak and suffering; at least Javi is worthy of it.
He called yesterday, asking if he could come over tonight. Of course you had said yes. Today is one of the only days during the week that you have completely to yourself, but you don’t mind. Being with Javier never feels like work…it isn’t in your mind, not that you’ve ever mentioned that to him.
His knock on the door is crisp and succinct as always, no mistaking him for anyone else. And when you open the door for him, he slips in easily, shutting the door so that he can pin you against it with his soft but insistent kisses. He tastes like bourbon and tobacco, his warm spicy scent invading all of your senses. You kiss him back easily— eagerly, hands rising to card through his soft hair.
God he smells so good. He feels so good. You could live and die here happily.
He’s always needy when he comes to you, but something feels different. Off.
You pull away slightly, running a hand over his cheek so that he opens his eyes to look at you. “Estas bien?”
“Muy bien, querida. So good, now that I’m here,” He murmurs into your mouth.
“Tienes hambre?” You ask, nipping gently at his bottom lip.
“Mhmm,” He hugs, starting a path of kisses down your neck, biting and sucking at your flesh as if to prove his point.
“For food, Javi,” You scold playfully even as you let your head lull to the side, giving him free reign.
“Food can come later. Let me take care of you, baby,” He croons.
That’s all it takes for you to abandon your line of questioning and give into him. You nod, shivering against him when he continues to bite at your skin, humming softly at your taste.
Javier moves with ease through your apartment, like its his. The two of you take a pitstop in the kitchen where he pours a glass of water. He must plan to keep you in bed all night. You have no complaints, not when the focus for once will be on you. Then he’s guiding you to your bedroom, shutting the door softly. He shrugs out of his jacket and boots before returning to you where you stand at the edge of the bed.
“Eres preciosa,” He mutters under his breath, allowing his hands to run all over you.
Sure you picked out your favorite silk sleeping dress, the one that’s reserved for him or high paying clients— though lately, it’s been just for him. He’s seen you in this time and time again. And yet the way he’s looking at you…the way he’s speaking of you has your face hot.
“Stop it, Javi,” You murmur shyly. He’s the only one who can get you like this, easily worked up and bashful. You like it that way.
“I mean it, querida, you’re so beautiful,” He lets his hands move up, trailing over your breasts until one of his hands teases your nipple through the delicate fabric causing your breath to catch. He grins, satisfied with the sound. “So beautiful.”
“Javier, please,” You whine, your hands clutching at the fabric of his shirt.
The way you look at him, with wide, desperate eyes. He doesn’t stand a chance. “Alright, let’s get you out of this baby. See how wet you are for me,” He teases as he works you out of the slip dress.
Javier gently pushes you back until you can sit on the edge of the bed, and once you’re settled he drops to his knees, spreading you open so that you’re on full display for him. He lets out a loud, depraved groan, the sound shooting straight to your pussy. You’re so wet for him already, your sex glistening in the soft moonlight that spills through the curtains. He can’t wait to ravish you, to worship you. He’s lucky enough to get you like this and he will show his gratitude one stroke of his tongue at a time. On nights like tonight, Javier likes to pretend just as much as you do. You’re completely his and he’ll speak of you no other way.
“All this for me. All mine, look at you baby. So fucking wet just from my kisses?”
Your head is already spinning, every inch of your skin feels as if it’s on fire and he hasn’t even really touched you yet. You nod softly, spreading your legs a little wider for him, beckoning him in. Who is he to deny you?
Slowly, he kisses his way up your thighs, sucking and biting the way he had on your neck but with more pressure this time. Here he can mark you— it’s likely to go unnoticed. He sucks until a mark blooms on your thigh, the bruise contrasting with your skin. The sight of it has him wanting to rut against the end of the bed. To drop his pants and bury his cock in you until you both find your pleasure. But, this is just for you. He’s here to take care of you, it’s what he likes doing.
His eyes are hooded as they look up at you, watching for your reaction when he blows cool air over your clit. He loves the way you twitch, how your hips buck up ready to feel him. He can tell by the way you bite your lower lip that you’re about to open your mouth and beg— he gives you no time too. Javier leans forward, letting his tongue slide through your folds with no urgency.
It’s the start of bliss for the both of you. His tongue feels like heaven, even with the tentative, patient licks he’s giving you. He’s so warm, sending hot shocks of pleasure throughout your entire body.
Your heady taste in his mouth, Javi can hardly contain his hunger, smiling against you when he remembers that he doesn’t have to. He sinks further into you, nuzzling his nose against your clit, letting his tongue dip into your center.
“Oh, fuck— Javier,” You moan, arching into him, your legs falling open even wider until they can spread no more. You want him to see and devour every inch of you. Your hand raises to card through his hair, and when your gaze meets his, it’s just as heated, just as lustful.
“I know, querida. I know, feels so good doesn’t it, baby?” He murmurs knowingly against you, his tongue flicking your clit between each word.
“Mhmm,” You hum, letting your head fall back as you give in.
Javier takes his time. He winds you up tight with attentive licks to your clit before giving you a break, letting his tongue grow messy and lax with no direction. He’s teasing you, you both know that, but this you don’t mind. It’s not to be unkind, not to deprive you of anything but to draw out the limited time you two get to spend together like this.
Javi wants to be here with you as badly as you want to be here with him. The difference between you is that he doesn’t let himself dream.
This is what it is. This is what it will be. He’s accepted that.
“Javi,” You breathe, after the pleasure swells up inside you for a third time, only to be deflated.
Javi looks up at you, raising a hand to cup your jaw and bring your gaze to his. His stare is so intense, eyes so dark that they’re nearly black with desire. “You ready for it? You want me to make you cum? Just tell me.”
“Yeah, I’m ready. Please, Javi.”
“I’ll make you cum, baby, don’t worry. Relax, lay back. Let me take care of you,” He repeats his words from earlier.
As soon as you oblige, laying your back flat against the bed, Javier’s on the hunt for your orgasm, like predator chases prey. While his mouth focuses on your clit, suckling and flicking, he presses two of his fingers deep into your pussy, taking no time to find that sensitive spot. Despite the intentionality of his movements, he is gentle while coaxing your pleasure out of you. It’s erotic and sweet, it makes your heart ache. You fall over the edge in no time at all and Javier drinks endlessly, lapping up all of your slick with happy little moans.
You relax further into the mattress, your chest rising and falling harshly as you ride out your release. He’s moved away from your overstimulated center, kissing at your thighs and tummy while you return to earth.
“More, querida? Quieres más?”
“Yes,” You whisper— to him, to the darkness of the night like it’s some sort of confession. Javi doesn’t understand the double meaning, and you wouldn’t want him to, not when you know how it’ll end.
Yes, you want more. You want all of him, every day for the rest of your days. You want his declarations about being his to be true. You want him to be yours. Instead of voicing any of your internal turmoil, you sit up, cupping his face in your hands as you bend to kiss him for a taste of yourself on his tongue. He hums into your mouth, smiling against your lips as he rises carefully to his feet.
You make quick work of the buttons on his shirt as his hands take care of his belt and the zipper of his jeans, his boxers. Once bared to you, Javier slots himself between your thighs, thrusting so his cock glides teasingly through your folds.
You feel the head of his cock nudging at where you need him most. Pulling back to look him intensely in the eyes, you whisper, “Dame más.”
Yes, you want more, but you’ll take whatever he can give you.
javi taglist: @lesbianhotch, @bubblybubbubs, @sheresh0y, @jxvipike, @campingwiththecharmings
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fivemonsturzzzwowz · 5 months
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happy international spicy and hot foods day here's postal dude eating a jalapeno
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ithaquakisser · 1 year
Ithaqua Headcanons!
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• Ithaqua detests hot weather! The moment it is slightly warm he begins to loathe his day. He's not the type to complain outwardly, but it is quite obvious that he's upset. He'd cross his arms and grimace the moment it gets a bit too warm. Physically he cannot endure any form of hot weather and would much rather be in a snowy climate than in warm one.
• He doesn't like to admit it himself aloud but he's actually quite lonely. Whilst he enjoys having time to himself, the solitude can be a tad bit overwhelming for him.
• He's very touch starved and does not like to admit it! Any minor form of contact is enough to make him panic internally. Contrary to popular belief in the manor, he genuinely enjoys being touched.
• Ithaqua hates his face and despises even looking in the mirror due to his resemblance to his twin brother. He'd always wear his mask as a way to combat ever needing to see his reflection in objections such as glass, metal, or bodies of water.
• Speaking of faces and reflections, he dislikes people staring at him for a prolonged period of time. When he notices someone is watching him he'd often turn away. If he's unmasked, he'd definitely attempt to hide his face by lowering his head or by looking the opposite direction.
• In fact, he finds himself to be much more confident in his mask. His mask differentiating himself from his hunter persona, which is witnessed during matches. The moment his mask is off, (literally..) he is seen to be much more calm and timid in comparison to his hunter persona. (..Alexa! Play Scary Mask by Poppy.)
• He physically cannot handle spicy food. He instead prefers sweet foods, specifically desserts and pastries. (I'd like to think he'd really enjoy a bird's milk cake!)
• He'd be great with kids. Ithaqua would likely have a familial relationship with Robbie and Memory. He'd allow them to braid his hair and comb it. His soft side comes out immediately the moment Robbie and Memory come into the picture. From time to time they'd even play tag and hide and go seek. The hunters and survivors of the manor find it rather endearing whenever they'd see the three of them interact. Especially whenever they're out and about in the manor and find either one of them hiding in a corner or crevice.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
For one red-hot day a year, the world’s chili heads, heat-seekers and extreme eaters can take their passion to extremes. International Hot and Spicy Foods Day sparks a wildfire of events, from habanero-eating challenges to fancy-dress contests and cook-offs of popular recipes. Among serious aficionados, it also re-kindles the great debate: which chili pepper tops the official Scoville heat scale?
There’s no denying the daredevil nature of some of the celebrations. However, people who like a meal to tingle their taste buds, not make their eyes water, shouldn’t feel left out. Enjoying a touch of heat in our cooking is a worldwide human trait, so what better day to invite your family and friends to discover a different cuisine? Thai, Indian, Creole and Caribbean dishes are all famous for their blends of aromatic ingredients, but many cultures boast their own favourites. After all, variety is truly the spice of life…
Learn about International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
Did you know that people have been using hot spices in their meals and recipes for more than 6,000 years? It seems that we have always loved a bit of spice! If you are a fan of curry or you love a bag of Flamin’ Hot Doritos, you’re definitely going to enjoy this day, as you’re encouraged to add some spicy food to your daily diet. There are so many different types of spices that are used to create hot and spicy foods today. This includes everything from hot chilli powder to paprika and cumin. Today is all about celebrating these spices. After all, our diet would be pretty boring without them, right?
History of International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
Hot and spicy food has been traced back to recipes that are as old as 6,000 years! That’s a long time ago! While the dishes that we enjoy today may have changed, there is no denying that we still love spicy food. Not only has spicy food been adored for so long because it tastes incredible, but also because it offers a number of different health benefits as well.
Spices can help to kill bacteria. The likes of turmeric and cumin have been shown to have powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This means that they can be effective in terms of fighting any of the harmful bacteria in your body. Spices can also assist in fighting inflammation too. In Ayurvedic medicine, the inflammatory properties of garlic and ginger have been utilized for many centuries as a treatment for a number of different conditions, such as headaches, autoimmune disorders, and arthritis.
Spicy foods can also help to speed your metabolism up. There has been data drawn from a number of different studies that show that certain species, like pepper chilies, turmeric, cinnamon, and cumin are able to slow down your appetite and increase your metabolic resting rate. Who knew that spices were so powerful?
How to celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
When we think about hot and spicy food, we tend to think about Asian cuisine. You will see that chillis are regularly used in Indian, Chinese, and Thai cooking. Why not host a themed night and have your friends and family around? There are plenty of different dishes that you can enjoy, ensuring that everything is not simply designed to blow people’s taste buds off!
If you are looking for the spiciest cuisine in the world, you may want to try Sichuan. It is a cuisine that is well known for its bold flavors. The spiciness of the food is what draws a lot of people in. However, it’s not just about heat, heat, and more heat! There are lots of exciting flavors in Sichuan food, and so you really are going to have an amazing taste experience with this cuisine. You could either try to cook some Sichuan food yourself or go to an authentic restaurant.
As the name indicates, this is a type of food that has come from China’s Sichuan Province. The provincial capital of Sichuan is called Chengdu, and it is actually deemed one of the best places in the whole country for food. It has an excellent reputation for fiery hot pots and spicy dishes. There are lots of exciting street snacks to try here too, with everything from savoury jelly noodles to poached wontons.
When people talk about Sichuan food, they tend to only focus on the heat. However, it is much more exciting than that. This is because the cuisine consists of seven basic flavors, which are as follows: aromatic, salty, hot, sour, sweet, bitter, and pungent. Therefore, you really are going to enjoy some exciting food. Of course, chilies are at the heart of the meals cooked. From pickled chilies, to fresh chillies, to dry chilies; they are all incorporated.
In fact, apart from enjoying some delicious hot and spicy food on this day, another thing you can do is learn more about the different chilies that are available around the world. There are so many different types, including Carolina Reapers, Ghost Peppers, Habanero, Red Cayenne Pepper, Serrano, Guajillo, Poblano, Peppadew, and much more. They all bring a different level of heat and a different type of flavor to dishes. It is definitely interesting to learn more about the different options that are out there, and we are sure that it will enhance your cooking skills as well!
Another fun way to celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day are by having a cook-off with your friends. Invite a few of your loved ones over and see who can create the best hot and spicy dish! It is always fun to do something a bit different with the ones that you love, and this gives you the perfect opportunity to do exactly that!
You can all have fun trying out each other’s different creations. They may be a few disasters along the way, but that simply adds to the fun of it, right? If you are feeling brave, you could even have a chilli eating competition. You will need to get some different chillis and find out how they rank on the heat scale. You can then find out who is able to handle the most heat! Make sure you have got plenty of water on hand!
Of course, you don’t need to go all out and become the next Masterchef on International Hot and Spicy Foods Day if you don’t want to! There are plenty of different ways that you can embrace some spice without needing to cook a complex meal. We all know that a pepperoni pizza will go down well in most homes! You could add a few jalapenos to your burger or fajitas in honor of this day! Other easy dishes that will ensure you are part of the trend include spicy meatballs and spicy Mexican pasta salad. You can turn anything into a spicy dish with the right seasoning!
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certifiedmattl0ver · 3 months
lmk if u want me to do one for Chris
I feel like Matt would absolutely rail the life out of y/n and then give the sweetest aftercare as if he didn't just rearrange her organs. He would prepare a hot shower, get you water/food, and cover you with kisses.
If you've been a brat all day and he gets fed up with your bullshit he'll either ignore you for the entirety of the next day or treat you like a fucktoy and not give you the deserved aftercare he normally does.
Matt would totally be down to record the sessions you have with each other and save them for later iykwim
I lowkey think that Matt would deepthroat the fuck outta you if he loses control and has a throbbing boner. Or if you've been annoying all day, and he needs to shut you up.
whenever matt is poundin yo shit in missionary, he loves to see the expressions on your face. your eyes rolled back, your mouth hanging wide open, tears rolling down your face, and just looking totally fucked out. of course, you love to see his face too. when he has his eyes closed cuz of the heavenly feeling when he's inside you, or when his mouth hangs agape when he's about to finish.
Fingering is something Matt does almost all the time you two have sex. It's his way of prepping you. Depending on how he's feeling of course.
Whenever another guy flirts with you Matt gets pissed tf off. He grabs you, drives you home, and obviously destroys your internal organs. While he's ever so hardly thrusting into you he lets out a low "mine" when he goes in and out.
spanking is something Matt doesn't do often. he only does it when it's most necessary. iykwim
Whenever Matt isn't pumping a child inside you at full speed, he can be pretty slow and sweet. like in the mornings when he doesn't want to hurt you too much or when he comes home and is tired but still needs you.
J-Jerk off
Whenever Matt's on tour, or just away from you in any way, he jerks off. he jerks it to the spicy pics you send him and the videos he took from times you guys were together.
Kinks Matt would have would definitely be like praise mixed with degradation, light choking, spanking, and whatnot.
Matt doesn't just fuck you because of pleasure, but because he genuinely loves you and wants the both of you to feel good.
Matt absolutely LOVES to hear your moans. he could listen to them on repeat. You of course love to hear Matt moan too. matt does try not to be too loud so he can hear you properly. whenever you try to muffle your moans he says ''let me hear those pretty noises of yours baby.''
Noise is 100% you and Matt have to watch out for. matt not wanting his brothers to hear and make fun of him for the rest of his life whenever you two do it at his house, and you do not want any noise complaints from neighbors in your apartment when you guys do it at yours.
the head matt gives you a euphoric experience. his tongue does things to you and you could cum in less than a minute from the way he works it.
P-Pussy Power
Matt loves your pussy. he loves the taste and the smell, and he loves the sounds you make when he gives attention to it. anytime he's inside you it sends him to cloud 9. The way you squeeze around him is just absolutely perfect.
Matt usually asks you if you're okay with him doing something. he always asks for your consent before he does anything to you.
bondage isn't really Matt's thing (more Chris's). He'll hold you down with just his hands if you're squirming too much or pin your hands above your head if need be.
matt doesn't sub often but when he does he's all over you. he'll beg, call you mommy, and moan out like a bitch. ''please let me cum mommy please please...''
in my eyes matt's more of a tits guy. he'll mostly have you in missionary so he can look at them bounce while he fucks into you. sometimes he'll give them a little squeeze from time to time.
When Matt undresses you the one thing you can never seem to find when you two finish is your underwear. If he's REALLY in need of your body he'll rip them off. you've definitely bought over 30 pairs of underwear because they keep disappearing. *RIP* ''matt! I just bought those!'' ''i'll buy you new ones baby I just need you right now''
matt isn't very fond of using toys, he'd rather pleasure you by himself. he does use your vibrator from time to time to push you a little further and to see you squirm and beg for him to turn it off when you've had too much.
matt can get you wet with ease. using his words, kissing your neck, etc. he doesn't even have to try. he can make eye contact with you and that would make you wet.
a xylophone is known for its colors. red, yellow, and green. you and Matt use the light system instead of safewords. green is go, red is stop, and yellow is slow down.
After brutally ramming you the two of you would normally fall asleep after aftercare.
this took so long to make. ERM. ik I didn't use the same alphabet as other writers did but wtv I'm just original what can I say.
I've got finals coming up soon and I CAN NOT fail my second year in university so I may not write for a while
love you lots!!
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rgr-pop · 3 months
okay international working womens weekend daytime luncheon in my home for maybe 7-10 people, one week from today
nobody i really need to impress. if anyone confirms gluten free or dairy free i’ll fine tune, otherwise everything is always baseline meat free and nut free (with the option for me to throw in some tinned fish from my pantry)
snacky/salads vibe, maybe dips
for sure doing:
lemon poppy seed loaf. i REALLY want to do sally’s new lemon poppy seed muffins but i’d need to get a new muffin tin and we’re 📢 not doing too much
cardamom strawberry jam bars (craving cardamom stuff all the time)
pretty sure i can do both of the above without buying anything; although i’d have to make the jam from frozen strawberries (i want to pan anyway)
really want to do MOCKTAILS. i wouldn’t mind investing in a few staples for myself anyway. i think i for sure will get orange juice and and a sparkling juice— PLEASE RECOMMEND ! what would be a good second mocktail or some ingredients to buy? especially because i have several interesting bitters, including chocolate. and i could put out tart cherry juice i have, and i’ll make a pitcher of iced tea. oh maybe i should make iced chai from scratch 🤔 in any case this is where i’ll spend most money
central offering will be a bean dish, either a bean salad (WHATS THE BEST ONE YOUVE HAD?) OR (hot dish) the bean ziti smitten kitchen posted which… i want to do this. is it 📢 doing too much? yes. But. she said.. if i did i’d have to do bread with it, which makes me nervous (i don’t have good bread instincts)
if i go with SK i’ll have extra basil for a veg salad. it seems too early for the typical basil salad uses so i’d have to brainstorm. my go-to would be a carrot salad and a smashed cucumber salad, both of which are options but wouldn’t go that well. this would be a good time to try doing the viral salad seasoning pasta salad - should i…
i will for sure make japanese potato salad because i have a ton of kewpie to use up. in fact i may need to make a second kewpie salad
if i were going the dips route i’d the lauren toyota’s vegan nacho cheese but i’m just not inspired
a typical go-to spread for me might be the spicy sour cold spaghetti noodles from woks of life with carrot salad and cucumber salad and maybe marinated tofu but it doesn’t feel like the vibe
eta you know what, i have dates and am craving goat cheese dates, i should add those to the menu. i was going to avoid any fussy assembly but these would be worth it
i reaaally need to actually budget this because even though it’s arguably chapter business i can’t get chapter money (which i expected). the plan was to make asking for financial support (maybe $35 in food) for the women’s section a progressed structure test, but leadership failed structure test one (being willing to speak to us or respond to our communication when we told them we were organizing a womens day event) so i’m back to structure test negative one (them not murdering us)
so my plan is to have three dishes plus 2 sweet ones and all but 1 should be make ahead, and some chips maybe or something like that
however as you know i have a habit of doing too much for this sort of thing lol
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Tom hiddleston & 'and baby I know, I know whatever city you're in your still be the boy that I'd pick in a line of over 30 hot guys' (vacation bible school)
a/n: Yep, I loved this. 😁 Hope you love it, too, nonny! ☺️
Warnings: this is veeery spicy, some swear words, jealousy, alcohol, Tom being quite a bit possessive
Also... Sorry Chris! 😬
Word Count: 1205
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814 @vbecker10 @lady-rose-moon @fictive-sl0th @muddyorbs @kimanne723 @simping-for-marvel @coldnique
Lyric-Drabble-Mania Masterlist
Based on this song: (I hope it's the right one!)
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Had it been a good idea from Tom to drag you - his best friend, turned fuck buddy along with him to the premier of 'Infinity War'? Probably not. Like... Not at all. Especially after having a certain amount of alcohol flowing through your veins. And alcohol did funny things to you. For example, causing you to get more... self-conscious and lose (all) your inhibitions. Tom knew that - and nevertheless, he asked you to join him. Perhaps he hoped, that you'd never get this far to reach that point, but... of course, you did - and that was, where you were now; almost stumbling from one drink to the next on the afterparty.
At the beginning, everything had been fine, for sure. You were sober, happy that he asked you to join him, showing off as best friends on the red carpet - although, humour held it that you were more than just friends, which wasn't incorrect, but also not a hundred percent true either. Nobody knew of your 'dirty little secret'. That you were friends on the surface, but rolled around the sheets together, when nobody was watching. And the sex was without, a doubt, phenomenal. The best you ever had. So, after all, it was a win-win situation for both, you and Tom, so...
The premier itself was great. You got to meet so many cool and awesome people, ate exquisite food and enjoyed a succeeded movie. It was awesome. And then there was the afterparty... Which you and Tom wouldn't have missed, of course. Not with everybody else assuaging you to go as well; almost pleading you to join. So how could you say no? Especially to Chris Evans' puppy dog eyes. Speaking of... The man had laid an eye on, clearly. You knew it. Tom knew it - and perhaps everybody else knew. He wasn't exactly good at hiding it. And now here you were... On the party, drunk as hell, another drink in your hands and on the verge of dirty dancing with Chris fucking Evans. Yep, this all got messed up pretty bad very quickly...
Tom watched from the side-lines; his own drink in hands. The Brit's eyes never left yours. Blue orbs burning holes inside your laughing, drunk and utterly gorgeous body. He took a sip of his drink. Unbeknownst to you - and most likely everybody else, had the man developed over the few years he had known you now a little crush. Okay, admittedly it was a huge crush; those deep feelings he harboured inside his heart for you growing with every single day. It's just silly, that you both swore to not involve feelings into play. You agreed on friendship and sex - nothing more, nothing less. Nowadays, with every time he slept with you, it became more difficult for Tom to keep his feelings under control - and he wasn't sure how long he was able to hold back. But on the other hand... He didn't want to ruin the friendship you shared with him. You were a way too precious friend for him to lose, and if it meant for him that he could keep you as such, he was willing to hold back his feelings for the rest of his life. He had to.
Your shrieking laugh ripped the actor out of his thoughts, eyes immediately landing on you. You were dancing with Lizzie now - who was equally as drunk as you were, having the time of your life's. Tom frowned. Where was Ev- Before he could finish this thought, he saw said Chris more or less staggering over to him, fresh beer in hands. Tom cursed internally, ruffling his blonde-brown locks. Not now, please not now. The Brit liked Chris. He really did, with all his heart. He adorned this man and fellow acting colleague, but... Now was just not the right time. Not if he wanted to poke the bear. Not after Tom had seen him dancing so... sluttishly with his best friend; shamelessly placing his hands on her hips and grinding his crotch against her ass. No.
"Ahhh, mate!" Chris hollered, plopping down on the bar stool beside Tom. "What a great evening, right?" He clapped Tom on the shoulder. "You enjoying yourself? Because, o-ho-ho man, I do." The brown-haired man laughed - way too loud and wrapped an arm around Tom's shoulder. "Your friend is just... wow... She's fuckin' gorgeous! Man, believe me when I tell you, that woman's pushin' aaaall the right buttons." Tom gritted his teeth at his friend's words, trying hard to keep his cool and not let the alcohol and jealousy take over and punch his dear friend in the face. He couldn't do that. He shouldn't do that - but he would.
"Mhm, she is, indeed." Tom said, jaw still clenched. Chris giggled like a schoolboy, not paying quite attention to Tom's answer. "Maybe I can make it to take her home with me tonight. Do you think I can?" Thin ice, Evans... Very thin ice... "You can try, mate, but I think you won't be lucky. Usually, she doesn't do things like this, when she is drunk." Hence, of course you were absolutely doing things like this when you were drunk. Without that, Tom and you wouldn't have ended up as fuck buddies... "Aww, too bad." Chris said, pouting, before he started to wiggle his eyebrows. "Maybe I can show 'er what I got." Not if I do it first. "Good luck." Tom simply answered, before emptying his glass and stood up, making his way over to you, leaving his drunk friend behind. The Brit was on a mission now. He would not let this happen... You ending up in Chris' bed tonight. There was only one bed he ever wanted to see your sexy ass in - his. Only his.
Harshly grabbing your hips and pulling your ass back against his crotch - just like Chris did, Tom ripped you out of your dancing bubble, causing you to shriek up. Once you noticed it was Tom, you started to giggle, moving your hips in sync with his. Everybody here was too drunk anyway to remember how Tom danced with you, so... Tom didn't hold back. "Whatcha doin', Tommy?" You were drunk, but you could still tell that your 'best friend' was jealous, when you turned to face him. His eyes clearly betrayed him. "What does it look like, darling? Showing you how much better I am than Evans." Tom practically growled, before spinning your body around again, pressing his crotch even firmer against your bottom, causing you to moan shamelessly. Again, you were drunk. As if you had the strength to stifle that moan... Certainly not.
Though the moan faded into another giggle, as your foggy brain came to the conclusion, that he really must be jealous. "Are you jealous, Tommy?" You asked, still giggling. "Don't worry, 'cause baby I know, I know whatever city you're in, you're still the boy that I'd pick in a line up of, like 30 hot guys." "Is that so?" Tom growled, feeling the jealousy still pumping through his veins. "Mhm, yep, definitely." "Well, then you better start proving it to me, girl."
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expectos-writings · 1 year
Hey 👋 can you also do another Bobby Hicks x female reader from the spicy list #34 and #51? Please and thank you 🙏
So it took me far to long to update again but I AM STILL HERE hahaaaa. Take that academic world!
Florida heat (Bobby Hicks x reader)
Word count: 3127
Rating: M
Summary: As an intern for Bobby he has come to appreciate everything you do for him, but when you lay there sunbathing by the pool on a sunny day off he can no longer stop the longing he has felt for you.
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Two more days.
You’ve got this.
You try to talk some courage into you whilst getting the cleaning kit out of the cupboard. Some crazy lady dropped some food in the main corridor when she was refused a room. And as an intern, it was now your job to clean it up.
But only two more days.
The internship wasn’t that bad. It got you the college credits you were still missing and you got to spend the summer in Florida, who wouldn’t want that? That, and the fact that your supervisor, mr. Hicks, was very easy on the eye. Bobby usually didn’t take in any students, he was too busy keeping everything on track by himself to train another person. But when he heard how much experience you already had and how far along you were in your study, he decided to take the chance. A pair of extra arms wouldn’t hurt.
But he had not taken into account that you were stunning, clever, eager to learn and most of all… a huge distraction. He knew it was wrong to look at you like that, he was practically your boss. He just couldn’t help his eyes wandering over to you whenever you were standing behind the counter and he was on the computer. Whenever you’d catch him staring he usually comes up with a lame excuse, like ‘I was just making sure you were doing things right’. He knew damned well you were more than capable enough to handle the few people coming in and out every day.
But it never registered that the reason why you always seemed to catch him looking is because you were also constantly looking his way. Whenever he would catch you staring at him your excuse would be something along the lines of ‘I wanted to ask you a question.’, followed by the dumbest possible question you could think of. Bobby never believed that lame excuse, but he never mentioned that either.
Now you were cleaning up the mess that Karen had made. The people here never seemed to have manners. The weather in Florida was always terribly hot, and you could feel a bead of sweat running down your temple to your cheek. The Karen that had made the mess was luckily the only person that had come to the motel today, and the rest of the rooms were empty now. Your internship was due to end just after the high season and the last few days were just cleaning up and getting ready to write a report and go back to school.
Bobby was watching you work from his office. He stood up, pretending he had to fix the wires behind the computer. But really it was just an excuse to watch you mop the floor clean. Your shorts hugging your butt perfectly, your light shirt getting wet from the sweat and moist air… he shakes his head and looks back at the screen. He can’t think of you like that.
You finish cleaning up the floor and stand up. You can feel someone staring at you so you turn around, already knowing it’d be Bobby staring back at you from the doorway.
‘Y/n, working as hard as ever I see.’ He muses.
‘You know it.’ You shoot him a wink when you throw the trash in the bin. ‘Though, today has been quite relaxed. No new check ins, only people leaving. In fact, I’m not sure anyone is staying in the magic castle at the moment.’
‘You’re right, from today there are no bookings. High season is over so I don’t really expect anyone here except junkies looking for a cheep room.’ You chuckle at his words, he cracks a smile in return. You walk over to the counter to get rid of the cleaning utilities. Bobby’s eyes linger on your form for a moment too long, and you notice him staring.
‘So, you have any other tasks for me?’ you ask, your tone playful but also not inappropriate. You walk past him, making sure to brush your bare arm against his. The skin to skin contact sends sparks through your body. When you put the cleaning materials in the lower drawer your eyes move back to him. You can’t help but look at the muscles on his legs, going up into his wide shorts. When you catch yourself staring you blink rapidly to break the contact and move back to the drawer, putting everything back where you took it from.
‘Actually,’ he starts when you stand up, ‘I know tomorrow is your last day. It is also terribly hot outside and there are no guests to help at the moment. I suggest you take the rest of the day off, cool down at the pool, do whatever. If I need you tomorrow I know where to find you, but for now I think you’ve done enough. Thanks for your help.’ His tone was sincere, you had done a great deal of work around the motel in the last few weeks. And you were definitely not going to object to an afternoon off.
So you thanked Bobby an took his offer. The rest of the day went by in a haze. You wasted no time in putting on your swimming clothes and getting situated by the pool. The cool water was very welcome on a day like this. You alternated between cooling off in the water and laying on one of the poolside beds tanning and occasionally dozing off for a bit. Bobby watched you from a distance, seeing you enjoy your free time and catch up on some much needed rest reassured him he had made the right decision in giving you a day off.
 It was only when the sun started setting Bobby actually made his way towards you. You were soaking up the last rays of sunshine of the day, eyes closed and laying on your back on one of the poolside beds. It wasn’t until you head Bobby clear his throat behind you that you were alerted to his presence. Lazily you open one eye to look in his general direction. He was standing next to your seat, sitting down on the plastic bed next to you when you acknowledged his presence.
‘So, how did you enjoy your day off?’ Bobby spoke up, starting the conversation.
Your eyes gazed at the sky, the sun was already starting to set.
‘It was nice to enjoy the place a bit before having to leave’ you answer with a smile
‘So… working here wasn’t enjoyable?’ he asked with a smirk.
‘No! I mean, yes it was. I just meant that it was nice to enjoy some time off whilst here, too.’ You quickly defended. Bobby chuckled from next to you as a blush crept onto your cheeks.
‘I was just kidding, darling.’ He said. Your head snapped to look at him at this unexpected term of endearment. Of course, it was a term often used by many people for many reasons. But in your mind you couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he meant something more… The blush spreading on your cheeks becomes more of a crimson shade. Would he notice? Oh God… what if he did?
‘I… I think I’m going for a swim.’ You promptly announce.
‘You do look awfully hot.’ He says with a smirk.
You look back at him, having already crossed half the distance to the pool, in complete shock. Why would he say something like that? What is going on? You felt like you had a sunburn. Bobby clears his throat at your awkward expression.
‘From the sun… I mean.’ He adds unconvincingly with half a smile. Words caught in your throat. You wanted to ask him what he meant but at the same time you were convinced your mind was making things up now. Maybe you were still asleep on the lounge bed next to the pool and this was just a dream? You quickly turned your head back to the pool and without a second thought jumped in. the water was colder than it had been earlier that day, but it wasn’t as cold as it would be in the mornings. But one thing was clear now, this definitely was no dream. The need for air became clear after a few seconds, the cool of the water knocked half of the air out of your lungs upon entering the pool.
With your head towards the sky you resurfaces, making your hair slick against the back of your head and water drip down your back. Bobby’s eyes were still focussed on you, his stare burning in the back of your head.
Bobby couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. The way you gracefully waded through the water to cool down, the way the last sunlight illuminated your facial features is the most beautiful way… he had grown very fond of you over the time you had worked for him. Too fond maybe… but still his eyes could not look away. You had worked so hard the last weeks, and he had nothing but praise for you. That would definitely reflect in the assessment he had to fill out for you. But he felt a pull towards you. And with the way you looked right now, carelessly wading through the water… Bobby couldn’t stop himself as he took of his shirt and trousers to join you in the water. He wanted to see you like this from up close, knowing it may be one of the last days he had with you here.
Your mind had started to wander in the water. Soon you were to go back to your college, back to your ‘old’ life. Old routines… And by God you didn’t want to. You had enjoyed the work there so much that you’d rather stay here to work. But you also knew you had to get your degree first.
But your train of thought was interrupted as you heard the water splash behind you. You turned around just in time to see Bobby resurface and wipe the water from his eyes and his now wet hair from his forehead. You stifled a laugh at his expression. He looked like a drowning dog.
‘Oh that is COLD’ he exclaimed.
The laugh you held back escaped your throat anyways. Bobby smiled back at you even though he was looking miserable in the cooling water. But then again, it was his choice to jump in. He casually walked over to where you were wading through the pool, his arms crossed over his chest to find any form of warmth.
This, however, left his face exposed.
You waited until he was close enough to you. He was about to open his mouth to make small talk or something, when you caught him off guard by splashing water in his direction, hitting him square in the face.
‘Oh you little-‘ Is all Bobby got out before you did it again. It was good to let some steam off at the end of the day. He took a moment to regain his composure, but when he did it was your time to flee. He kept chasing you around the pool whilst you tried to either swim away or keep him at distance with water. The sun went down quickly and before you knew it the automatic lights of the pool went on due to lack of light. That one second distraction was enough for Bobby to finally catch up with you.
You feel two strong calloused hand grab you by the waist, and you laugh out.
‘Gotcha!’ he says playfully.
You turn around in his grip to face him, your smile meeting his.
Bobby’s eyes drop to your lips, unable to stop himself. You catch the movement and the smile on your lips falters, anticipation pooling in your chest. What was happening? You never expected your boss to feel that way. You had dreamt of it during your internship, sure. But this was different from another daydream you would have whilst lying in your bed.
You hadn’t even noticed the gap between the two of you closing, his lips almost brushing yours but not yet touching.
‘I’m afraid I can no longer remain professional.’ You hear Bobby breathe the words out softly.
‘I don’t think I want you to.’ You breathe back.
And that is all the confirmation he needs before crashing his lips to yours.
Time stands still as your hands land on his toned chest, your lips moving together as if they were meant to be. Bobby seemed to have forgotten all about the chill of the water the moment you press your body up into him. The feeling of your thinly covered body pressing against his warming him up from the inside, and some more than that.
But the cool water did affect both of your lung capacities, and the need for air became apparent more quickly than either of you had wanted. After breaking the kiss Bobby wasted no time in trailing his hands up your sides towards your chest, carefully cupping one breast in his hand and tweaking a hard nipple between his thumb and finger. Your breath catches in your throat. The adrenaline spiking in your body from the possibility of getting caught and the thrill of finally having your feelings for your almost ex-supervisor out in the open.
‘Wait…’ you moan out but make no move to remove his hand from your chest, actually pushing yourself into him even more craving his touch. The voice of reason in the back of your head telling you this was risky, unprofessional and the chance of getting caught was high out here becoming softer and softer. ‘Right here?’ you ask Bobby looking up at him with puppy eyes.
‘We could, of course, go up to one of the rooms, but the motel is empty. No one will be around here anytime soon’. He smirks down at you. ‘Or is that just what you wanted? Doing this here? You’ve thought about this before haven’t you.’ He stated with a smirk. He could read you like a freaking book. You start to blush and the words to deny his statement get caught in your throat. Of course you have thought about this happening, but never in your wildest dreams did you dare to imagine it coming true.
Your silence is confirmation enough for Bobby to know he’s right. He leans down again to capture your lips with his and you return the kiss enthusiastically. You feel his hand move down from your waist to your thigh, grabbing the soft flesh there. You get the hint and jump up wrapping your thighs around him. Bobby walks both of you over to the side of the pool, your back now pressed against the impossibly cold stone wall. At the cold hitting your back you let out a moan, the burning fire in your body clashing with the contrast of temperature.
Bobby pushed you against the side of the pool tightly, harshly rutting his hard cock into your pussy. Your head falls back in a moan when you finally felt some friction where you needed him most.
‘Look at you, so desperate for me.’ He says. You move your head back forwards, kissing him deeply, all teeth and tongue. His hand moves down to more the bottom of your swimming attire to the side, his fingers brushing along your folds along the way. You break the contact between your lips so suck in a sharp breath.
‘I’ve never done this before.’ You whisper against his lips as he starts playing with your clit, exposed to the cool water now. He looks at you questioningly. ‘In a pool, I mean.’ You clarify.
‘Well, There is a first time for everything right?’ he says moving his fingers from your clit to your entrance, feeling how wet you were already for him. His fingers slid into you with ease. You were so wet he could add a third finger without much resistance. ‘So ready for me… do you want my cock?’
‘Yes’ is all you can moan out when he adds friction to your clit by pressing his palm into you.
‘You have to use your words, darling. What do you want?’ he asks again. Your eyes bore into his, both of your pupils dilated with lust.
‘I want you to fuck me, right here right now.’ Your say grinding your pussy up into him. You push just hard enough to brush against his cock and he lets out a surprised gasp at the unexpected friction.
‘You think you can take me?’ he asks, pulling down his trousers and pulling out his cock. He was now retracing the movements he did earlier with his fingers with his cock, sliding the blunt tip over your clit for a while and the moving it to your aching cunt.
‘Pleaaseee’ is all you get out.
‘Ever so eager’ Bobby laughs and moves to push himself inside you. The water of the pool splashes around you as he sets a relentless pace. He also had to hold back for a while, his thoughts about you during your internship were not all that innocent either. Now that he is finally buried inside you his mind completely fogs over, just taking whatever he needs from you in the pool.
You see his brows furrow in concentration as he pounds into you roughly, taking whatever he needs from you, and it is the hottest thing you had ever seen. You feel the heat in your belly start to spread to all parts of your body and you knew you were getting close. Bobby could feel it too, the way your cunt tightens around his cock, dragging along his shaft in the most perfect way.
‘Cum for me, baby.’ He whispers in your ear, accentuating each word with a thrust of his hips. The sound of his laboured breath in your ear in combination with his words was enough to push you over the edge. The fire now burning in your entire being, eyes closing as the feeling of your orgasm washed over you. The way it made you clench down on his cock was enough to send Bobby over his tipping point too, finishing with a few stuttering thrusts.
As you both came down from your high the cold of the water and evening air really hit. Bobby felt it when you started shuddering, still in his embrace.
‘Maybe…’ you started in a whisper, ‘we could go inside, it is still early.’
Bobby quickly redid his and your swimming attires and wasted no time carrying you out of the pool and back to his room.
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