#Indiana teacher
assiraphales · 9 months
let's pour one out for the college students who signed up for Professor Jones' class but then had a substitute for half the semester because he had to go discover the lost city of Atlantis or something
on a similar note let’s pour one out for all the archeology/history majors who had fight off dozens of boy crazy students w a big fat crush on the hottest professor on campus just to enroll in their required courses
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ddejavvu · 10 months
hi miss mei! happy mvm <3
may I please request the parents at indi's school fawnin over him as a kindergarten teacher? maybe single parent! reader catches his eye :D at a parent-teacher meeting.
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
hi lover!! this ran away from me and it's not either of your prompts but it's kindergarten teacher!indy!! i hope that's okay 😅
"No, Miguel, you can't-" Indiana's words fall on tiny, deaf ears as Miguel climbs the ladder regardless of his wet hands, slipping only three rungs down from the top of the play structure.
He falls fast, but Indiana moves faster, almost too fast for you to see as he throws his hands out to catch the kindergartener. Miguel lands safely in his arms, grinning up at his teacher completely unphased as you pull open the gate to the kindergartener's playground and step inside.
"You can't climb with wet hands," Indiana finishes his thought, smiling tensely at the boy, "You know that."
"I wanted to try," Miguel whines, "It was fun! My tummy felt funny when I fell."
"Well it won't feel funny when you land on your butt," You pipe up, keys in your hand as you narrow your eyes at your nephew despite the grin on your lips, "Why don't you thank your teacher for helping you?"
"Auntie!" Miguel shouts, writhing in Indiana's hold to drop to the ground. He offers the man a quick 'thank you Mr. Jones!' before racing to you, begging to be held in your arms instead.
"Hi, buddy," You grin, lifting the growing boy off of the pavement, "Ooh, you're getting pretty big."
Miguel looks pleased with your observation, like it's been a personal project of his. You turn your attention to his teacher who's watching you with a smile, eyes holding your own with an intrigued gaze.
"I'm Y/N," You introduce yourself, "Miguel's aunt. I'm on the release form, his mom is staying late at work today. The front office cleared me." You show off a badge that says 'visitor' on it in big blue letters, stuck to the front of your shirt.
"Indiana," The man sticks a hand out, and Miguel's face wrinkles.
"Indiana," He parrots, "Like where Mommy's friend is from?"
"That's India," You correct the boy, laughing good-naturedly with Indiana as you shake his hand, "Mommy's friend is from India."
"I didn't know your name was India," Miguel stares skeptically at his teacher, who doesn't bother correcting the boy.
"That's because you have to call me Mr. Jones," He raises a brow at Miguel, ignoring the way a little blonde girl bumps into the back of his leg while she's running from her friend, "Because you're my student. But your aunt isn't, so she gets to call me Indiana."
"Okay," Your nephew decides, though you're sure he'll solely refer to his teacher as Indiana now. He turns to you, dark hair mussed from his time on the playground, "Auntie, I have to get my backpack."
"Okay baby," You set Miguel down, patting him on the back, "Go get it, but come right back, okay?"
"I didn't know you were Miguel's aunt," Indiana muses, and your attention is back on him. Now that you're not occupied with your nephew, you let yourself assess the man properly, and you find that his face is strikingly handsome, especially when his pretty eyes are cast upon you.
"I've never picked him up before," You grin sheepishly, "Usually it's his parents, yeah?"
"Mhm." Mr. Jones nods, glancing down at a dark-haired girl that tugs at his pants, "What, honey?"
She's silent as she brandishes an unopened bag of mini oreos, and he pulls the foil sides apart to open the treat, "There, now go sit at the tables, okay? No food in the grass."
She does as she's told, plopping back down in her seat in front of a butterfly-shaped lunch box.
Miguel's done exactly what you'd warned him not to do, and he's talking to his friends, no doubt discussing a bug they've found or bragging about the dollar he'd gotten from the tooth fairy the night before. You aren't upset, though, because it means you have more time to bask in Mr. Jones's piercing stare as he turns back to you.
"So, is this gonna be a regular thing?" He asks, a deep drawl to his voice, "You picking him up, I mean."
"Probably not," You lament, "His mom just had to take some overtime today, and his dad is out of town for the day."
"That's a shame," Indiana muses, "Y'know, I saw you at the supermarket on Saturday, but I thought cornering you in the produce section might not come off great. Here I thought we'd have a chance to talk."
Your spine stiffens slightly at the knowledge that what must be the most handsome man you'd ever seen has set his sights set on you, and you clear your throat, "Really?"
"Yeah." He grins, leaning back on one of the tables, "I thought we'd have easier conversation here. Chatting about macaroni brands isn't exactly riveting, is it?"
"If I came to pick up Miguel on Thursday..." You trail off inquisitively, and Indiana's smirk grows.
"I'd be here. I swap with another teacher Mondays and Wednesdays," He informs you, "But next week is different. I think I should send you the schedule, just to make sure you have the dates right."
"863-" You're already reciting your number before he's pulled out his phone, and you share a chuckle at the quick flow of the conversation.
"Auntie!" Miguel returns just as Indiana's pocketing his phone again, a wink thrown your way, "Look! A cricket!"
"Oh," Your eyes widen at the bug in your nephew's hands, "Uh, can you leave him here? He's not allowed in my car."
"Okay," Miguel concedes drearily, but he drops the cricket in the grass without complaint, "Bye cricket!"
"Bye cricket," You repeat, much more apprehensively, "Okay, buddy, you ready to go?"
Miguel takes your hand to drag you to the gate, and you're the one that turns to say goodbye to his teacher.
"Goodbye Indiana," You call, and the man waves with that charming smile of his, "See you Thursday!"
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goldengay49 · 5 months
Texas: I don’t mind homosexuality, as long as it’s my own homosexuality
California: I feel like Steve Jobs is judging me from his grave
Florida: how do you spell difference?
New York: What 👏 a 👏 genius 👏
Ohio: I'm a skater
Indiana: you smoke weed!?
Florida: how would they know me 🙄💅
Florida: let me gaslight an infant; it’s a harmless crime
South Carolina: I’m an animal in bed
South Carolina: feed me and give me pats
California: these fries are so fucking good
Utah: HeY! In-N-Out Is A chRIStian company-!!
Washington and Oregon: *kiss*
Montana: what are you doing
Idaho: we’re playing gay chicken
Florida: *selfie of his forehead*
Florida: Getting ready to go to cort
Gov: you have a beautiful forehead, Florida, but what’s cort?
Louisiana: court*
Florida: I want to eat the scented candle
California: *points to sign that says idfb*
Delaware: PLS
Delaware: PLS
Delaware: BEGGING U
Delaware: ON MY KNEES
Delaware: Fuckkkk
New York: Why does Apple/Samsung not like Delaware😒
Delaware: PLS
Delaware: IM CRYING
Gov: who’s excited Florida’s not here
Everyone: *raises their hands*
Florida: *walks in* what’s up suckers
California: are you okay, gov? You look sad
Gov: I’ve just hit a new level of depression
Washington: why isn’t Oregon Kirby? He loves sucking things
California: tell me who you like, whisper it
Nevada: *whispers*
California: HIM!? WHY HIM!?
Oregon, stuck in his sweater: help, how do I get out of this!?
West Virginia: you cannot tell me $2 can’t pay for college
New York: and then we basically went to y’know what’s it called?
California: bed?
New York: yeah, bed
Utah: I don’t believe in 69
Florida: y’know what’s really underrated? Eating dirt
California: don’t worry, I’ll take her boyfriend so you can have her
Florida: I'm making robbery aesthetic
Hawai’i: are they good bird sounds?
Alaska: THE FUCK?
New York: western states don’t exist to me, they’re walking fetuses
New York: take my hoodie and I take your ability to walk
Florida: oh~
New York: *grabs bat*
Florida: wait-
Texas: you have no friends!
California: you’ve known Baja for years!
Kansas: wait… you have farms in California
California: no, the agriculture we produce comes from black magic
Gov: florida, your mommy said you were cute… she lied
Nevada: i like your shoes, they're shiny. Taylor swift could steal them and itd be the coolest thing shes ever done
Gov: california, new york, florida, you’ll be sharing your work in a 3 way
Florida: ooh~
California: you lose your speaking privileges
Virginia: YOU lose your rights *holds up constitution*
California: *grabs it and starts reading it aloud*
Oregon: I got stabbed in my past life! No wonder I don’t want to stab people!
California: Wisdom is a privilege, and we are not privileged people
Alaska: do you have any friends?
Alaska: am I sexually active—? No, look at me
California: I have a Tesla for the environment
Texas: you also have a Ferrari
Florida: *turns on seat heating*
Florida: is my seat hot for some reason
Florida: no one can catch my cold. It’s special
Texas: i’m not homophobic! My boyfriends gay
Arkansas: *singing in the bathroom in the middle of the night*
Tennessee: *opens door* you come and sing with me, boy
Red: happened irl
Blue: stole from the internet
Black: made it up
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rivkat · 4 months
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Indiana's fascist harass-a-teacher portal accepts uploads!
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lakecountylibrary · 1 year
Indiana Legislative Update: SB 12
Concerning teachers, school libraries, and censorship
Hey tumblr! We're taking a break from your regularly scheduled book recs and library love to give you a heads up about SB 12, a bill that's recently passed the Indiana Senate and is headed to the House next.
If you haven't heard about SB 12 yet, now is the time to take notice.
In its current form, the bill would open Indiana teachers and school librarians to criminal prosecution under obscenity laws for any books, ebooks, and educational resources in their library.
The Indiana Library Federation and we here at LCPL are watching this bill's progress carefully. You can read more about our concerns and send an email to your representatives here: https://action.everylibrary.org/stopsb12
(If you can't find your reps using the automated form, you can look them up at https://iga.in.gov/legislative/find-legislators/)
And you can read the full text of the bill for yourself here: https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2023/bills/senate/12
If you don't live in Indiana, we just ask you to spread the word and get as many eyes on Indiana as are on Texas and Florida.
As always, thank you for your support. We'll keep you posted on what happens next.
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machetelanding · 11 months
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notrandtumblin · 2 months
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fictional-at-heart · 16 days
So, the first graders are doing seatwork with me, and sometimes a couple of them will do it up at the desk with me. I tap my phone to check the time, and one glances at my Lock Screen (it’s Luke Slattery):
I: “Who’s that?”
Me: “…😏 Would you believe me if I said he’s my husband?”
A few minutes later…
I: “So who is he? I know he’s not your husband!”
Me: “Yeah, you’re right. He’s my BOYFRIEND.”
I: “You don’t have a boyfriend! Wait… do you have a boyfriend?”
Me: “Yeah, no.😂”
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arctic-hands · 11 months
Picture it: sophomore American history. The year is two thousand and eight. The teacher is known for passing out jolly ranchers, one per student per day, when a kid does a good job. One day, she wants us to list every state in the country. Kids start listing them off in unison, mostly alphabetically, but falter around the I states (this is in Indiana, mind). Except one triumphant voice lingers as every other voice trails off in doubt and consternation. This voice flawlessly recites every state in these United States* as the class and teacher stare in awe, and at the very end the resounding voice makes mention of Puerto Rico and Guam as territories. The teacher wordlessly hands over two jolly ranchers.
A new day. List the presidents. Nobody knows beyond Washington, Lincoln, FDR, JFK, Clinton, George W. Bush–the incumbent finishing up his final term in a few months. Except. One voice–just as triumphant–recites every president, in order, even making mention of Grover Cleveland's non-consecutive second term. Everyone–teacher and student alike–stares again, this time almost in horror. The voice, embarrassed and blushing at the stares this time, finishes the forty-three chronologically, and this time as the teacher hands over another two jolly ranchers she overcomes her shock to ask "How did you know that??"
At which the body that contains the voice shrugs sheepishly, pops a blue raspberry in their mouth, and makes a vague "I 'unno" sound–unwilling to admit that the Fifty Nifty song they sang with their class in a third grade recital had permanently seared itself into their brain, as did the Nickelodeon presidents song that aired during the Oh Four election between Bush and Kerry
*I realized after while at dinner that evening when I told my parents about it that I had completely skipped Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, but the listing was so smooth and confident that no one noticed. I never made that mistake again regardless
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laurenfoxmakesthings · 4 months
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boyduroy · 11 months
guys I've never actually watched the ark scene in Raiders because Indy told Marion not to look and I listened as well and also because once I caught a glimpse of the angel face turning into a skull and it gave me nightmares
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sea-buns · 5 months
why am i always stumbling upon more frustrating ways in which the US does things? when will i be free?
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why can't we just make one thing make sense? the state borders vs the time zone borders are so fucking awkward.
so much of mountain time consists of just the tiniest slivers of states. look at texas. y'all were almost there. you had 99.9% on lock. i lived in florida for 17 years and am only just now discovering that we had two time zones? i went through the entirety of public school in florida and NO ONE thought this info was relevant??
i just,,, i know we have states the size of countries and it's a lot to manage but c'mon man. the state borders were arbitrary enough we couldn't have at least lined them up with the hands on the fuckin clock?
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crowdvscritic · 6 months
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The winners have been revealed! The St. Louis Film Critics Association has announced its picks for the most outstanding filmmaking in 24 categories. Like all of the Nobel Prize winners in Barbie, they all worked hard for and deserve the recognition. 
If you’re interested in the mechanics of how critics’ voting works , I recently provided a behind-the-scenes look at last year’s voting with a more logistical view. (Read it here or just keep scrolling to the next post if you’re on the home page of Crowd vs. Critic.) For this year's behind-the-scenes look, I’ll be sharing more about why I chose my nominations and how I decided on final voting. Of note, I had not seen every film that ended up being nominated before I submitted my nominations ballot, so if you’re wondering why I ignored Anatomy of a Fall, Bottoms, Evil Dead Rise, The Holdovers, Godzilla Minus One, Knock at the Cabin, Menus Plaisirs - Les Troisgros, Perfect Days, Poor Things, Robot Dreams, Skinamarink, Talk to Me, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, or The Zone of Interest, the simple reason is that there are only 24 hours in a day!
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Unlike awards shows, I’m starting with the big kahuna: Best Picture! The SLFCA decided to up this category’s number of nominations to 10 from 5, and you’ll keep seeing these 10 titles in my voting:
Priscilla - My favorite Sofia Coppola movie since 2006’s Marie Antoinette. It just missed a lot of nominations, which I suspect is because too few in the group had seen it, but those who had seen it ranked it highly. Unfortunately, every critic in the group only has 24 hours in a day!
Air - I rewatched this just before submitting my nominations, and it still rules! Based on chatter from my colleagues, I suspected the first six films on my list didn't have a ton of support across our group, which is why I ranked them higher. As you can see, my suspicion was correct since none of them made the final cut
BlackBerry - Another film that just missed nominations by a few votes, including Glenn Howerton’s performance as a most terrorizing boss
Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. - My first notable theater cry this year
Asteroid City - The 4th of 7 movies in my top 10 that were released before October—a rarity! I’ve been thinking about all of them for months since their release, which tells me it's not just Awards Season hyping them up in my mind
The Iron Claw - This is the most recent viewing to make my list, and it's also the one that made me cry the most
Past Lives - I ultimately ended up voting for Past Lives because its simple elegance moved me so much that it has stayed with me since seeing it in June
Barbie - The funniest movie of the year and one with big ideas...aka the heart of Crowd vs. Critic!
Oppenheimer - Practically eligible in every category—what wasn’t well-done here?
Killers of the Flower Moon - The same note as Oppenheimer, which is to say, no notes! I correctly assumed Past Lives, Barbie, Oppenheimer, and Killers of the Flower Moon would earn nominations without ranking them at the top of my noms, which was why I ranked them low even though I think they are all outstanding
Also on my long list: Creed III, Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, The Killer, You Hurt My Feelings
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Best Actress and Best Supporting Actor are two categories I never wavered on how I would vote. Lily Gladstone and Ryan Gosling put performances for the ages on the screen this year! I also wanted to recognize the incredible year Jason Schwartzman has had between Asteroid City, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, and Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. His lead role in Asteroid seemed like the best bet for widespread support, but basically every time he breathed in The Hunger Games, I laughed.
More actors on my long list: Matt Damon, Air; Scarlett Johansson, Asteroid City; Anthony Hopkins, Freud’s Last Session; Florence Pugh, A Good Person; Jason Schwartzman, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes; Zac Efron, The Iron Claw; Michael Fassbender, The Killer; Carey Mulligan, Maestro; Jessica Chastain, Memory; Jodie Foster, Nyad; Teo Yoo, Past Lives; Colman Domingo, Rustin; Julia Louis-Dreyfus, You Hurt My Feelings 
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These categories are always difficult for me to pin down. For Ensemble, is it about the breadth of performers and the number of familiar people I am happy to see? For Director, is it the size of the production and the level of difficulty the shoot appeared to have? Those are all factors, but I think it comes down to weaknesses being nigh invisible in both categories. For example, in The Iron Claw, it was difficult to identify which actor stood out the most because they worked so well in tandem. In Past Lives, the camera work, performances, and writing aligned perfectly to support its theme in every moment. Barbie ended up being my final vote in both categories because Greta Gerwig's vision of Barbie Land was inspired and every member of the huge cast found a moment to shine.
More directors on my long list: Ben Affleck, Air; Matt Johnson, BlackBerry; Sean Durkin, The Iron Claw; David Fincher, The Killer; Martin Scorsese, Killers of the Flower Moon; Bradley Cooper, Maestro; Todd Haynes, May December
More ensembles on my long list: American Fiction, The Boys in the Boat, The Color Purple, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, Leave the World Behind, Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One
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Which stories felt clever, sharp, and authentic to the human experience? Which felt fresh with a unique point of view? Which created moments I've never seen before onscreen? Which explored its ideas with honesty, empathy, and thoroughness? It’s no coincidence 8 of these screenplay 10 nominations align with my picks for Best Film.
More screenplays on my long list: American Fiction, The Boys in the Boat, Freud’s Last Session, A Good Person, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, The Iron Claw, The Killer, May December, Memory, Oppenheimer, Polite Society, You Hurt My Feelings
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There’s no such thing as objectivity in criticism, but it really goes out the window when looking at these focused categories. Animated and Documentary films aren’t as plentiful as live-action narrative films, and I’m not naturally drawn to Horror and International films as much as other genres, though I’m trying to grow in those areas. (Seeing Cocaine Bear, Renfield, and A Haunting in Venice in theaters felt like big risks for me!) Not including My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 on my ballot would have felt dishonest since I saw it three times in theaters, and Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour is one of the most fun theatrical experiences I’ve had in years. Perhaps my most unpopular vote this year was for Elemental over Spider-Verse—I'm one of the few people who liked but didn’t love that sequel.
More genre films on my long list: Cocaine Bear (Comedy), The Covenant (Action), The Equalizer 3 (Action), Extraction II (Action), Gran Turismo (Action), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (Action, Comedy), A Haunting in Venice (Horror), The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (Action), Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (Action), Kandahar (Action), The Meg 2: The Trench (Action), Polite Society (Comedy), Renfield (Comedy), You Are So Not Invited to My Bar Mitzvah (Comedy), You Hurt My Feelings (Comedy)
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In many ways, Stunts and Visual Effects are extensions of the Action Film category, with a few exceptions. The Iron Claw is a drama with insane wrestling stunts, and Polite Society is an action-comedy that centered on the art of stunt work.
More stunts on my long list: Creed III, Extraction II, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, Kandahar, Sisu
More VFX on my long list: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, John Wick: Chapter 4, M3GAN
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This is where my Spotify Top 100 comes in handy. The Air, Barbie, BlackBerry, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, and Priscilla soundtracks all charted for me this year, which made those votes no-brainers. Asteroid City, Creed III, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, and Past Lives all had soundtracks I spent time with as well, and May December’s score almost acts like a narrator, adding comedic and dramatic punch when needed.
More music on my long list: Creed III, A Good Person, The Iron Claw, The Killer, Killers of the Flower Moon, Leave the World Behind, Maestro, Oppenheimer, Wish
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These come down to wow(!) factor, and the categories were some of the hardest to rank. I voted for Priscilla for Costume Design in the final round because I hoped that movie would win something, but to be honest, I adored the costumes in Barbie and Killers of the Flower Moon, too. Same with Production Design: I picked Asteroid City, but it's a three-way tie between Asteroid City, Barbie, and Killers for me.
More editing on my long list: Barbie, BlackBerry, The Iron Claw, Leave the World Behind, Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, Missing, Oppenheimer
More cinematography on my long list: The Iron Claw, John Wick: Chapter 4, Killers of the Flower Moon, Leave the World Behind, May December
More costumes on my long list: Asteroid City, The Boys in the Boat, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, Oppenheimer
More production design on my long list: The Boys in the Boat, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, The Iron Claw, The Killer, Maestro, Oppenheimer, Sisu
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I saved Best Scene for last when picking my nominations since I'm better at remembering how a movie makes feel as a whole than its scenes. I started thinking through my favorite movies of the year, and these moments were the ones that left the biggest impressions (more wow factor!). Barbie’s scene of tricking the Kens made me laugh so hard I cried, but I happily voted for America Ferrera’s monologue in the end since it just made me cry, period.
More scenes on my long list: Killers of the Flower Moon, lots of choices!, Maestro, lots of choices!, May December, hot dogs; Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, the train falling; Past Lives, bar conversation
See more about the St. Louis Film Critics Association picks for 2023 at STLFilmCritics.org.
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The Indiana House on Tuesday passed a bill providing state funding to train teachers who carry guns in classrooms after an emotional debate. School districts can already authorize the arming of teachers, but there isn’t a specific training curriculum — or much money — to go with it.
“This is just a standardized [training] format that the state will pay for,” author Rep. Jim Lucas, R-Seymour, said on the floor. He’s said the bill is a response to deadly mass shootings at schools across the country.
But Rep. Tonya Pfaff, D-Terre Haute — who has taught math for nearly three decades — said she worries the guns could be stolen or used in small disagreements. “School protection officers have jobs to protect the school, and I appreciate that,” she said on the floor. “They protect, I teach algebra. There’s no reason to switch.”
School corporations can get one matching grant annually from the Indiana Secured School Fund for their security programs. House Bill 1177 would allow an additional grant for specialized firearms instruction. The measure also would authorize state dollars for counseling services for students, teachers, school staff and employees in the event of a school shooting.
Lucas emphasized that participation would be voluntary for both school districts and individual staff members, and that districts could go above and beyond the proposed state program — as long as they paid for it. The program would involve 40 hours of training for firearm safety and use, based on the training law enforcement officials currently use.
Democrats pushed back, arguing that by encouraging participation in such programs, the bill would increase the number of guns in schools and the potential for violence. Rep. Victoria Garcia Wilburn, D-Fishers, said she thought a better solution was to “properly fund” school resource officers, rather than “arm teachers.”
Discussion from both parties went on for about 25 minutes. But Lucas maintained that the bill would ensure teachers who want to take up arms are properly trained. “This is not a guarantee. I can’t predict the future,” Lucas said. “The purpose of this bill is to provide those that want it [with] a tool to be able to make a last-ditch effort” to protect themselves and students.
House members passed the bill 71-24. All the no votes came from Democrats. The measure now goes to the Senate for consideration.
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misterparadigm · 9 months
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Looky what I won. I teach 2D Animation at university, if I hadn't mentioned that before. Got my first award for it today.
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Never Ending Truths (22)
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Indiana Jones x Harley
warnings: 18+, unprotected sex, dirty thoughts, daddy kink, teacher x student, unprotected sex
words: 2683
Indy's alarm goes off, but I refuse to get out of bed, not wanting to leave the comfort of his arms. He pulled away to shut the annoying ringing off, causing me to whine from the loss of contact. "Good morning, beautiful; time to get up." He kissed my cheek as he wrapped his arm around me again. I never want to leave the bed; I wish we could stay here forever. "If we stay in bed forever, there wouldn't be any adventures." He chuckles at my thoughts. "Now get up, or we will be late."
"Ughh, fine." I sigh, dreading leaving the comfort of this warm bed. I'm not too fond of the mornings and losing sleep the only time I get up early is if I'm excited. I'm not happy to go to school and sit in boring classes where most professors put me to sleep. Especially my math teacher, Mr. Johnson, could put a crying baby to sleep. I only like two of my professors, but I may be biased.
"Very biased; now get up, or I'll drag you out." He threatened me. I turn over to glare at him, staring into those warm brown eyes. "You wouldn't dare."
"You want to test me, honey?" He challenged me with that test me grin I know all too well.
"Okay! I'll get up." I gave in and waited for him to move so I could start my day. Indy smiled that victorious grin ear to ear, happy he won. "Why are you so happy anyway?" I grumble.
"Because I saw your dream, and I got my girl back." He kissed my cheek real quick before going to the bathroom. What the hell did I dream about? I don't even remember what I dreamed. 'You dreamed about us. We were on an adventure and a ship in the middle of the ocean. We just stood at the bow of the ship, staring off into the distance, just talking and laughing. You got cold, so I gave you my jacket, and you smiled the biggest smile. You looked so cute.' He thinks to me while I go over and brush my teeth. Hmmm, it sounds like a pleasant dream. I wish I could have remembered it. Indy came out of the bathroom, so we traded spots so he could brush his teeth.
I walked out and did my makeup while Indy went to the kitchen to make the coffee and read the paper. 'Where did I put my damn glasses?'
'They are on the coffee table; you left them there last night when we were talking.' I think back to him with a smile. Maybe this whole mind-reading thing isn't so bad it could be helpful.
'We can test it out today and see how it goes.'
'So my thoughts might be too distracting?' I chuckle, knowing my thoughts are all over the place. 'Don't get mad at me for my thoughts.'
'It's your mind, darling; I'm not going to get upset at what you think. I just might tell you to focus and maybe reply to you.'
'Okay, good. If I'm too distracting, just tell me.'
'Okay.' He agrees as he pours the coffee and sits down at the table to read his paper. He likes to get up early, so he has time to scan through the article to know what is going on. I finish up and walk out to see he finished reading. 'I don't know why she wears makeup. She doesn't need it; she looks beautiful without it. I'm just glad she's not one of those that put so much on they look like they could melt.' Indy thought as he stared at me.
'Makes me feel better.' I tell him as I grab my cup of coffee from the counter. I walk over to him and sit in his lap, wrapping my arm around the back of his neck. "You ready to go?" I smile.
"Yes." He leaned down and kissed me as he held on to my hips. I didn't want this kiss to end; I wanted him here and now. 'Fuck.' He pulled back and placed his forehead on mine, trying to catch his breath. "We need to get to school, Harley. We can when we get home." He gently grabs my chin to make me look at him.
"Okay." I stared into those warm orbs before getting off of him as my heart was racing. I get into my car and drive off to school as I listen to the radio. I looked at my watch to see I wouldn't be late, which was a good thing, but I wish I could have stayed home with Indy. I know we both have responsibilities that we must uphold, but I just want to be with him. I don't understand why so horny today; nothing really happened. I park in my spot and get out to grab my book bag before walking to my first class. I spot Danielle sitting in her seat with a smile on her face as she sees I wasn't a depressed mess. "Glad to see you're back to normal."
"Haha, yeah, I'm feeling much better now." I smile at her as I take my seat next to her.
"Good, I missed my best friend." She smiled a big white flashy smile. "So Eugene and I are planning on going out to the movies tomorrow; wanna come with us?"
"Tomorrow? I think I'm available then." I agree as I nod my head.
"You know, for someone who doesn't have any other friends or a boyfriend, you are a very busy woman. What do you do when I'm not around?" She teases me. If she only knew I knew my soulmate before introducing her to hers. I remember introducing her to Eugene. It was so cute. I dragged her to the library to "study," knowing full well I did all my homework in Mr. Smith's class. "Hey, look, it's my buddy. Let's go say hi to him and see what he's reading." I dragged her to the table Eugene was at, surrounded by open books. "Hi, Eugene." I smile at him, waiting for him to look up. He snapped his head up and looked at me before looking at Danielle, and they made eye contact. They stared at each other as the world around them stopped, and nothing else mattered. "This is Danielle." I smile at him.
"What a beautiful name." He breaths as he never breaks eye contact.
"Thank you." Danielle blushed as she looked down with a smile as she fumbled with her hands.
"You two have so much in common. Did you know Danielle wants to be a History teacher?" I pull a chair out for her to sit down.
"Really?" He smiled up at her as he moved some of the books out of the way. Danielle sat down, not taking her eyes off of him entirely in a trance. I wonder if that's what Indy and I looked like when we first saw each other. "Have fun, you two; I'm going to find a new book." I put my hand on her shoulder as I lean down to her.
"Okay." She nods before looking back at Eugene. I turned to see Indy was in the history section holding a book in his hands as he watched me introduce them. He smirked at me then motioned to go to the aisle across from him. I walk over and pretend to look at the books pulling some out so I could see him. I open a book and pretend to read it. "Playing matchmaker now, are we?"
"I noticed his mark on Valentine's Day and thought I should introduce them." I smile, happy to see her laughing with him.
"They look happy." He turns to look at them as well.
"They do; when they first saw each other, nothing else mattered." I smile at him as I glance back at the happy couple over there talking about whatever book he was reading.
"Aren't you worried about losing your only friend?" He asks me.
"I didn't really think of that; I just want her to be happy." I admit hoping not to lose my only friend.
*** I snap back to reality and focus on what she was telling me. "Eugene is the greatest, we have so much in common, and he just gets me and makes me feel like the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. He told me he saved himself for me, so I don't have to worry about him being unfaithful." She smiles.
"That's great!" I smile at her. I saved myself for Indy, and I don't regret it at all. I love him, my one and only and my first for everything. Sure I was a little awkward, to begin with, but I learned quickly.
The bell rang for class to begin, and I took out my notebook. 'Alright, my soul, time to focus.'
'I will.' I think back to him. I took my notes, trying to focus, but then I broke my pencil. 'Fuck.' I go to my bag, trying to find another one. 'pencil where the fuck is my other one?' I finally find it and look back up to see the problem was finished. I quickly tried to write it down, but he erased it before I could finish. I look over at Danielle's paper and quickly copy it.
The bell rang, and we went to the next class while she talked the entire time.
*** I sat in Indy's class, watching him teach as he stood behind his podium. Fuck he looks so hot standing up there. I want him to fuck me on his desk. I picture him slamming me against the wall, trapping me as he looks down at me with lust in his eyes before roughly kissing me. I want him to pull me over to his desk roughly and bend me over. 'Harley, stop with the dirty thoughts. I'm trying to teach.' I heard his voice in my head. I looked back at him to see he was staring at me with a plain face before he started teaching again. I take notes and try to focus and keep my thoughts clean. I completely forgot he could hear my thoughts. Oh shit. I'm so fucked. 'Yes, you are. Stay after class, and I'll show you how fucked you are,' he thinks dirty to me. I felt my heart start racing out of excitement as those thoughts come back to my mind. 'Harley.' He warns me again. I look down at my notebook because if I look at him, I know my thoughts will distract him.
The bell finally rang, and I sat in my seat packing everything up while everyone rushed out. Indy waited five minutes before going over to the door and locked it pulling down the curtain. 'Get over here.' He tells me sternly. I get up and slowly walk over to him. He grabs me and slams me into the wall, just like my fantasy. 'Is this what you wanted? Wanted me to be rough with you? Thinking all those dirty thoughts and distracting me while I teach.' He lightly holds my neck.
"I'm sorry."
"Oh, sorry, isn't going to cut it, sweetheart." He tells me in his deep husky voice. My heart was racing out of my chest as I grew even more excited. I wanted him to take me here and now, and I couldn't wait. I leaned up to kiss him, but he pulled back, watching me become desperate for his touch. "Did I say you could kiss me?" He tilts his head as he looks deep into my eyes.
"No." I struggle to find my voice.
"No, what?"
"No, sir." I answered him, knowing exactly what he wanted. He wanted to do the whole teacher and student thing while he was in control the entire time.
"Much better." He led me over to the desk, bending me over as he placed my hands on the desk. "Now, I don't want to hear a peep out of that sexy mouth of yours." His breaths were deep as he put his hands on my waist and pressed his hips against me. I wanted to let out a moan as I felt how hard he was against me, making me feel every inch. "Is this what you want?" He leans over and breaths in my ear. 'Yes, sir.' I think back. Even my thoughts sounded desperate and wanting, eager to begin. I knew he was teasing me and watching me come unraveled for his own pleasure. I press my chest into the desk and my ass back into him, pressing hard against him. I heard him groan, causing my breathing to go faster as I tried to silence my moan. I love hearing the pleasure in his voice. It turns me on even more. 'Oh, this woman.' He thinks to himself. "You will pay for that." His voice drops a few octaves. He pulled my skirt down, dropping it to the floor as I felt the cold air instantly hit me. I felt a hard smack on my ass, causing me to almost Yelp, but I held it in.
"That's for interrupting my class." I then felt another hard smack on my rear as it echoed in the room. "That's for backing up on me." He tells me. He pulled my underwear down, letting it join my skirt on the floor. 'I'll never get sick of this view.' He slowly runs his hand down to my core, slowly teasing me. He teased my entrance, barely sticking his finger in and holding me in place with his other so that I wouldn't move. He thrust a finger in me, causing me to want to moan out loud, but I bit my cheeks. Indy enters another finger, pushing in and out, sending pleasure shooting through me. He pulled out his fingers, and I heard him undo his pants, getting me excited for what was about to come. I felt him tease my entrance before slowly entering me, and I tried so hard to keep quiet. Indy began to slam in and out of me, and the only sound was skin hitting skin while I swallowed my moans. 'Oh, you feel so good.' I think to him.
'You're so tight and wet.' He thinks back as he grabs my hair, yanking on it tightly. I love how rough he is with me; it all was so exciting. The thrill of not being caught, how dominant he is, and him still in teacher mode. 'Oh, professor.' I moan in my head. 'Oh fuck.'
'Fuck, so sexy and feels so good.'
'Oh, daddy.' I accidentally think.
'That's new.' He says to himself. 'Mmm, that's sexy. Repeat it.' He orders, shocking me. I thought he'd be weirded out by my kink, but he likes it. 'Daddy.' I say again.
"Mmm." He groaned deeply as his pace lost tempo and just became sporadic as I knew he was close. I knew I was close as well, as I felt all my muscles tighten and myself clench around his large member. Indy quickly pulled out of me, not wanting to get me pregnant as he found sweet release. Indy kissed my cheek before opening his drawer and pulling out paper towels, and cleaning us both off. We got dressed and cleaned everything up, hiding all evidence. "You keep surprising me every day." He came over, placing his hands on my waist as he leaned down for a kiss. I kiss him back, feeling such joy with everything that happened. "I love you." I smile as I look up at him.
"I love you too, doll." He smirks as he brushes my hair behind my ear. "I'll see you at home."
"I'll see you there, Dr. Jones." I smile as I go over to my seat and grab my bag.
"Drive safe, Miss LaCarrubba." He puts his glasses back on and takes a seat in his leather chair so we wouldn't be caught leaving at the same time. I walk out and kiss my hand as I go to my car.
'When I get home we are having round two.' he thought to me with a smirk in his voice that caused me to smirk.
'Glad we are on the same page.' I think back to him before getting into my truck.
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