#Im not the type of person to be like ''it must taste good or i wont drink it'' the only reason im not just making pruno is because of
swagging-back-to · 1 year
also im buying a wine making kit at the end of the week because the united states is FUCKING moronic about the drinking age so im gonna be able to get hammered by april <3
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kurogane2512 · 3 months
Can i request a smut fic of Cabernet (with fem reader) like Shizo's request/enemies to lovers??Im hella thirsty for this woman 😞😞
Im so sorry for taking so long but here it is~
Game: Path to Nowhere
Characters: Cabernet x fem!reader
Type: Smut
When you got hired by the Franc family to be their personal chef, you didn't expect to work for such a spoiled and bratty heiress. Cabernet Franc had a God tongue, to say the least. Every meal in the house was personally tasted and approved by her, and nobody dared to change her choice. She was raised this way, surrounded with wealth that gave her anything she wanted. At first, you were honored to work for the Francs. It was terribly difficult to be hired, after all.
Cabernet had a knack for the littlest of things, she could recognize even 1g worth of shift in ingredients and would deem the dish not suitable for her distinguished self. You started to hate her, or at least get irritated by her constant tantrums over food. Despite all that, she was incredibly beautiful with her luscious crimson hair and figure-hugging black dress she wore all the time. It was alluring, you were tempted to feast on her.
"Ms Y/n, Ms Cabernet sent this back saying it lacks her favorite fruits." Cabernet's butler came to you carrying a tray of fruits you had prepared for her.
"The grapes? I don't have them anymore, and I had already conveyed that to another attendant who buys groceries."
The butler hummed, "I see. Then, Ms Cabernet will personally meet you in some time. Please wait for her before making any more dishes."
Your brow twitched but you nodded then let out a sigh. In a few moments, you heard the soft thumping of a familiar cane and readied yourself to meet your lady.
"Good evening, Ms Cabernet." you said respectfully with a bow while Cabernet stood in front of you, slightly leaning on her cane and twirling her hair with her fingers.
"Good evening, Ms Y/n. I have been informed you are out of my favorite grapes, is that right?"
"Yes ma'am. I apologise for not looking over the groceries more carefully—"
"It's okay, you are not at fault." Cabernet smirked then looked around the kitchen and nodded at her butler who bowed to both of you and walked out, closing the door behind him. You felt slightly nervous now being alone with Cabernet, your face heated up slightly looking at her seductive figure yet you were sure she was going to give you some impossible task as compensation for the grapes.
"You know, Ms Y/n...." Cabernet walked closer to you, her heels and cane tapping on the marble floor, "You have been keeping up with my appetite and preferences quite well since you joined, save for a few mishaps that I'm generous enough to look over."
"Thank you, ma'am."
Cabernet smiled and stood directly in front of you, inches away. You could smell her exotic perfume and shampoo and your eyes lingered over her tempting lips. Cabernet gazed into your eyes and was well aware of your thoughts, you were just that easy to read.
"Your soul must be delicious....~" Cabernet's voice suddenly brushed past your ear, you didn't notice when she leaned in so close to your neck and was breathing in your scent. You flinced away from her but her arm was quicker to grab you and keep you in place. Fear arose in you realizing the position you were in, it felt as if you were being preyed upon by a hungry beast in front of you.
"You get frustrated by my requests and tantrums so much, yet you keep working diligently and haven't spoken of quitting ever. An admirable soul you have~"
You would be a fool to quit such a high paying job, even if your employer was hard to deal with. Not to mention, you didn't particularly hate her, she was just annoying at times.
"I... I'm just doing my job, chefs always face the wrath of customers and employers in the kitchen. We have to be resilient. I like cooking, I feel satisfied when you approve my dishes."
Though, you wish she didn't have such a varying palette and complicated needs. Like these grapes she spoke of, you had no idea where they were acquired from but she absolutely relished them. You didn't mind challenges, but she gave far too many.
"Oh? Interesting reply, seems I don't have to force you then~"
"Force me to do what....?"
Cabernet smirked and you felt her hot tongue lick your neck, a shiver running down your body, "To eat you~"
Now you really felt like a prey in the clutches of a hungry predator. Cabernet's body engulfed you completely, leaning into you making you rest against the counter.
"W-What? Are you crazy?!" you blurted out and pushed her away to run but she firmly held your wrist and stopped you.
"Uh huh, you cannot run from me, my Y/n~"
"The hell!? Release me! Help!" you shouted but you knew nobody could hear you, kitchen was huge and you were far from the door.
Cabernet smirked and pulled you towards her, your body falling into her arms. She wrapped her arms around you snugly and breathed your scent in more, letting out a pleasured sigh which almost sounded like a moan.
"Now, don't be scared. Just let me have a taste and I'll stop, I'll give you more benefits if you comply right now~"
"S-Stop.... I hate you..."
"Hehe, I know~ That's why you are all the more delicious to me~"
That was a lie, you didn't hate her. But you didn't know what else to say, you mind was going blank. Cabernet pushed you against the counter once again and slotted her knee between you legs, lightly rubbing you clothed core.
"Stop struggling, I'll make it paineless for you. Just let me have a small bite of your soul, then you can do anything you want with me~"
"Of course, have I ever lied to you, my Y/n?~"
You bit you lip then nodded and Cabernet lunged at you like a crazed beast, pinning you down on the counter and practically ripping your shirt open. She gazed at you tempting skin with haphazard breaths, clearly aroused by your mere scent and appearance. She was hot and sweaty, staring down at you with hunger in her eyes.
"Ahhh, how long I have waited.... to cutivate you... to grow you.... You are perfect for me, Y/n~"
She spoke of you like you were a food ingredient to her, and perhaps you really were. Cabernet finally dived in and kissed your nape, her lips profusely sucking on your skin while her tongue licked it up. She didn't bite you, but her sucking was intense and you were sure her lips would leave a hickey. You felt aroused feeling her taste you this way, but you soon felt drained as well, drained of life.
Your consciousness was close to fading when Cabernet let go and leaned up, you could see a familiar looking grape held in her mouth that she slowly bit into and ate. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed it delicately, relishing the taste and sighing in pleasure. It was exactly the kind of grapes she loved, now you knew how they were produced....
"Ahhh~ I want to eat you all in one go but I'd rather save you and enjoy you slowly.... So delicious your soul is~" Cabernet slurried on her words as she licked her lips, tasting the residual juice of the grape. You were panting now beneath her, it felt as if your blood was sucked out but she didn't even pierce your skin.
"As promised, do anything you want with me~ Shall I remove my clothes to make it easy for you, hm?~"
You slowly regained your senses and energy, watching her discard her dress and stand in front of you completely naked. You gritted your teeth then grabbed her body and slammed to the opposite counter, holding her left leg up to your waist and rubbing your knee on her core. Cabernet moaned at your rough movement, but her hands possessively wrapped around you to keep you close.
"I don't hate you, Ms Cabernet. But you annoy me with your demands so much!"
Cabernet simply chuckled and treaded her fingers through your hair before grasping them and pulling your head back roughly, "And you are so adorable when you try hard for me~"
You clicked your tongue then plunged your hand between her legs and cirled her clit, a low gasp leaving her mouth. You rubbed her clit vigorously, pinching and rolling it with your fingers while your knee continued rubbing her slit.
"O-Oh.... this is good~ Give me more.... take out your frustration on me~"
You removed your own pants and underwear then spread Cabernet's legs and thrusted into her, your clit bumping against hers as you grinded your body together. All you thought was of the moments she annoyed you, made unreasonable demands and looked down at you. You thought of all that and rubbed against her, her legs wrapped around your waist and she pulled you closer, moaning in your ear.
She bucked her hips into you and you both sought your release, Cabernet clenched your shirt and tilted her head back as you kissed her neck. Your hips didn't stop at all, shaking and thrusting into her as if you were possessed. Wet sounds of your slick echoed in your ears as your clits rolled over, arousal dripping down your thighs.
"Yes! Yes! Faster~ Make me cum~ Aaaaahn!~" Cabernet let out a sultry moan as she released and practically squirted over you, you still grinded against her to chase your release and Cabernet's body shook with pleasure and overstimulation, her tongue lolling out and eyes rolled to the back of her head.
"Ngh.... y-you are insufferable, Ms Cabernet!~"
Cabernet chuckled and bit on your shoulder, a low hiss leaving your lips as you felt her bite deep into you as if trying to draw out blood. You finally came and released against her slit, your juices mixing together. You panted out together as Cabernet embraced you like a lover, but you were aware she only thought of you as her possession now.
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konpetti · 5 months
hihi could I request crazy b relationship hcs!!!
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☆ ・lovers
ft. amagi rinne, himeru, oukawa kohaku, shiina niki
notes: i feel like i made everyone but rinne ooc this is so bad IM SORRY ,,,
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・:*+. amagi rinne
dates come in two types: exciting and relaxing. it depends on what your mood and his mood is in, or your schedules. surprisingly he considers a lot of things while planning a date... sometimes. the other times, he's impulsively taking you somewhere in the middle of the day when there's nothing else to do.
the exciting dates are usually last-minute unplanned ones. what even are you guys gonna do today? more or less you end up in an arcade with a few games rinne (or you) has been dying to try, or a pachinko parlor with nothing but a couple of coins in your pocket for this kind of thing. maybe even shopping too...
don't worry, rinne has kept some coins so both of you can come home after this. or not. just hope he won't spend it accidentally...
more relaxed dates are 50/50: planned ones in advance, or it's just you two unexpectedly going on a date. a drive around town with the windows open, grabbing a drink at a nearby store and sipping away at conversation, or maybe lounging in bed while watching a movie and cuddled up together. it's the little things, really
he's an absolute sucker for affection. nothing too loud or flashy in public though (though he IS that kind of person), just the simple kiss on the back of your hand, on the lips, forehead, interlocking your hands together, hell, if he could, he's give you piggy back rides if you're feeling tired. he'll laugh at your flustered state though, but not in an insulting way. pickup lines are his forte too, expect one everytime he gives you any affection.
lives? oh he's always waiting for you. he's searching for you in the crowd, sending you a wink your way when he sees you. lord have mercy for all his fans around you, they might fall to their knees... maybe you're one of them too. your congratulations at the end of every live is worth it, so he gives it his all while having fun~
if you asked any crazyb member how he is around, they'd shake their heads and sigh. let's just say he talks about you a lot. a lot a lot. his pride and joy, even
i'm not so sure about how his hometown may react to you, but if rinne chose you, then you must be good to him. so i think they'd allow it. hiiro is very supportive!
- a fun and loving guy. what more could you ask for?
・:*+. himeru
dates are very... fancy? all of them are planned out in advance with your input, don't mind the cost for a second here. of course if you prefer not-so fancy or non-grandiose dates, he'll take that into consideration. each date is almost perfect, suited to your tastes no matter how insane or simple they may be.
...but what about himeru's tastes, you ask? um... well... yeah, himeru would say it's to his tastes too but you can't be so sure right.... either way, he makes sure you know if you're uncomfortable, and he often checks up on you on how you're feeling. feeling ill/sick/tired? take a rest, himeru insists.
with affection, he keeps it on the low publicly. a simple kiss here and there, some words of affirmation and maybe a gentle pat on your shoulder. in private, it used to be exactly the same since he can't really show his feelings well (and probably wants to keep distance) but... soon enough, with a little bit of time... he gets closer. and a bit more affectionate. which means more lingering kisses
he gives it his absolute all during lives. like if he wasn't already then he absolutely is going so hard at lives. does the same thing with rinne, searching for you in the crowd and subtly sending a wink your way. at least like this, he can brush it off as fanservice on camera... but you know it's for you <3
rinne is ecstatic, probably telling you all about what himeru's doing during practices and when you arent around. that one time he smiled at the mention of your name, him stopping by a store he knew you liked on the way to practice... kohaku comments on that too. niki as well.
i guess you really have an effect on him, hm?
・:*+. oukawa kohaku
stopping by a sweet store for any of your dates is an absolute must. maybe it already came planned in kohaku's date plan, or it was completely impulsive. either way, your dates often end (or start) very sweetly with a good bite of his favorite sweet. he might even give you some of his, if he's feeling extra happy...
not a fan of sweets? that's fine. he'll just quickly buy some for himself
your dates vary, but kohaku always ensures they're safe from any sort of danger to you. he's fine with the thrill, not so much with horror-related attractions, but anything that could potentially hurt you in any way is an absolute no to him. it'll take a whole lot of convincing and proof that what you want to do is (at least somewhat) safe, if you want to go for a more dangerous/risky activity. (don't scare him though, please...)
affection... is a bit tricky on his end. he's fine with you being affectionate, a simple hug or pat on the shoulder is fine (not patting his head though... playing with his hair is OK) and he smiles ever so faintly from it. in public he might get flustered easily at even the idea of giving back that affection (except when he hugs you protectively when the situation calls for it)... but privately, he'll give it all back. a kiss on the cheek, a soft hug... but he prefers showing his love through helping you out more.
if his performance isn't already great, it seemed to get better after he knew you were going to watch? he also sends you a wink, which causes a massive stir around you. i think kohaku barely does fanservice, so imagine your favorite idol literally winking at /you/?! of course everyone goes insane. but that wink was just for you~ (not like you get way more affections back home...)
crazy:b was surprised at first knowing kohaku, the youngest of all three, was the first one out of the three to get a significant other. not himeru though (or at least not visibly.) expect rinne to tease the absolute shit out of both of you, good luck.... oh, and tsukasa? might be doubtful at first, but if his cousin wills it, he is very supportive!
...he might've grown soft at your presence...
・:*+. shiina niki
dates? you already know where. that restaurant you've both been trying to dine. or maybe walking around town, trying out all the foods people are serving around in small shops. you could make a food blog from all the little things you both have tried (of course, he makes sure to avoid stores that could trigger any food allergies you may have)
or, let's say you both are on a very tight budget. that's fine— niki loves to cook anyway! it doesn't even have to be a date, he'd cook meals for the both of you and even teach you how to cook certain dishes. it doesn't matter if you're bad or good, he'll help out on parts you might stumble on~ and in turn, you can do the same. every meal is served with a plate of food straight from the pan, and each bite is as warm and comforting as him
speaking of warm and comforting, he likes giving hugs the most. whether it'd be from behind, facing each other, being hugged, or consoling you with a hand on your head and an arm wrapped around your waist, he loves it all. he also loves giving other forms of affection, like kisses all around your face and holding your hands. he is the same publicly and privately when it comes to affection, unless for any circumstance where he can't show you love.
(he can spoonfeed you if you want)
sometimes you can notice in lives that niki makes a lot of mistakes in choreography... but that's fine! that's part of his charm~ niki's trying harder though, knowing you're in the crowd... and if he spots you, you can see how his eyes immediately lights up and he might even send a kiss your way. not just a wink, no, a kiss. i wish the best for those around you, they may never recover from niki shiina's flying kiss...
expect rinne to say a lot about niki after announcing your relationship to them. and i mean a lot. a lot lot. niki butts in and quickly tries to divert the conversation sometimes, and kohaku and himeru are just watching. they're supportive despite their silence, don't worry!
everything he does for you is made with love~
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
seo changbin boyfriend headcanons
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.7k
warnings: none
requested?: yes
song rec: tomboy by g-idle
please like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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this soft boy, oh gosh here we go...
he makes my heart skip a beat so this gonna be fun
changbin. the man, the myth, the legend
he's an amazing guy, what can i say? respectful, loyal, genuine... god it's so hard not to fall in love with him
idk as a boyfriend he is just the sweetest guy you could ever ask for. he technically acts the same way with you if he was just besties. the main difference is, once he's your boyfriend he tones up the affection to 100%. no holding back anymore
this man is SO TOUCHY
physical affection is totally his thing. he finds himself just wanting to touch you or hold your hand or anything like that because he just needs that contact
he's not ashamed of any pda. he doesn't care who's watching: he's kissing and cuddling and squishing your cheeks no matter who is watching! he's cute like that
even if the other members were to make fun of him for being a massive softie with you, he literally couldn't care less
"you're just jealous that i'm in a happy relationship"
he's so petty lmaooo
btw i mentioned cuddling... yeah there's gonna be a lot of that
changbin works out a lot. he's got a lot of muscle on him, so his chest and arms proved to be a perfect pillow give me one chance changbin ONE CHANCE IM BEGGING so it only makes sense to snuggle into his perfect body and enjoy having his arms wrapped around you
he likes doing spontaneous things with you. it's always a fun time around him. you're always getting up to some sort of mischief
also loves spoiling you omg
he doesn't make a big deal out of it but damn he buys you so many quality gifts because apparently he can't help it??
will talk to you about anything. usually when he speaks to you it's very casual and general chat. he's very comfortable talking about anything with you. if you want to talk about anything important or personal, he's very attentive and provides you with any support you need
for him, he's a very open person, especially if he has his trust in you. there are not a lot of things he would keep from you. how he views it is: he wouldn't date you if he didn't trust you. and with that, he can know in his heart that he can be vulnerable with you if needed because the mutual love and trust is there
likes to spend his nights just relaxing and unwinding from his busy day at work. there are occasions, of course, when he will stay late at night in the studio or bring some work back to do at home. he tries to make time for you but there are some things he can't help. he appreciates how supportive you are of his career, either way. and he always makes sure how much he loves you for being so kind to him as his partner
above all, he wants to be a source of comfort to you. and he sure does a good job at it
dates with him would include:
gym dates - i mean this goes without saying but if you MUST be told again, changbin loves/lives in the gym. he would love for you to share that part of his life, even if you aren't particularly keen on working out. he also proves to be a very good personal trainer so there's a plus! working to improve himself with you makes going to the gym even more of a joy for him. he would appreciate you joining him a lot and finds it all the more fun to workout with you
food date - a bit of a contradiction, i know. changbin not only loves food but also likes to taste and try different types of food. he loves going to different places in the city to try street food or other snacks that he wouldn't usually get by himself. makes for a fun experience with you <3
late night walks - changbin loves the outside but especially at nightime. he also thinks it's romantic going out for a walk in the dark with the city lights lighting the way. it's a good opportunity to have deeper talks with you as well as check out any nightlife
overall, he's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet
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louissatturi · 9 months
Types of au's that i saw being made with spiderbit
- Yandere au (not to be confused with C!roier and f!cell au's very important to not conflit the two)
-Crossover with their past selfs, (chafaland!Roier and Fuga Impossível!Cell)
- Teacher and Student Father Au (most of them are cellbit as a teacher but its cute)
- Idol Au (Roier is an idol and cellbit is a person that dosent know that he is an idol or know because richarlyson is a fan)
- Undercover cop × Criminal that does ilegal races au (Shout out to fast in my car, very good fic)
- Prison au innocent × Criminal (shout out to "The Reason" really good fic, check that on out folks)
- Royal Au knight ×Prince (all of them with writters from diferent countrys have the same scene of prince!roier thirsting over a shirtless sweaty knight!cellbit that is training, its wonderful how all guapoduers have the same braincell also shout out to Amor violento wonderful fic)
- Actor × Actor Au (i found cute how the fic made ordem paranormal on of the acting Jobs of actor!cellbit)
- Coffee shop au ( Cellbit is always the coffee shop owner, its sweet)
- Alien × Human Au (both of them ware in spanish and ware really fun)
- Bad Boy × Nerd (surprising no one Cellbit was the nerd but badboyroier was funny)
- high school au (only saw some bad ooc!cellbit ones like the ones that make him a SWIFTIE but they ware fun in their own
- Soulmates that can see colors when they see their Soulmates like the bl color rush au (love this concept and shout out to acromatoforia good fic)
- The selection au (ok im cheating with this one because technically its was a slimeriana fic with spiderbit as a side couple but LET ME BE)
- Monster Hunter × Monster au (shout out to braking dawn, really good fic, its also a au that i saw in a lot of diferent version and i enjoy alot)
- Detroit Become Human Au (cc!roier played it and compared hank to cellbit so you know how the gists goes)
- Spidermen Au (i love ALL of them, they are all so fun and creative, shout out to Along Came a spider and In Evert Other Universe It Dosen't End Well, good fics)
- Flower shop au (i only saw one and it was very cute, we should do more stuff with the fact that q!cellbit loves flowes and knows the language of them)
- Ordem Paranormal Au (WE NEED MORE OF THEM ASAP)
- Spies Au (cute and fun)
- Detetive Au (surprising how little fics with this concept exist considering, cellbit is like the misterys and enigmas guy™️ but oh well)
-Time loop au (shout out to mystical time, cuttin' me open then healin' me fine, wonderful fic a must read)
- Au where q!cellbit does a ritual to bring f!cell back so he could help richas out but the ritual goes wrong and instead brings back c!roier and he has to deal with it and bring q!roier back (if i had a nickle for everytime somebody writes this plot i would have two witch is ALOT CONSIDERING THAT THIS ARE PEOPLE FROM DIFERENTE COUNTRYS THAT DONT KNOW HOW TO READ AND EACH OTHERS NATIVE LANGUAGES)
- genderbend au Melissa× Selma (unfortunaly i only saw one fic of the two and it was one of them dead lol)
- f1 Racer × Singer (it was a cool fic, just not my taste)
Thats not everything but i just wanted to show how creative the fandom is and show my surprise of how versatile spiderbit is lol
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leannswritings · 4 months
hii i love your writing style so much can you do a chanyoung x fem reader where reader purposely flirts with chanyoung just to annoy chief ji's daughter but after some time chanyoung confronts you and wants it to become real. thank youu <33
Warnings : smut, semi-public???, slight hair pulling, barely proofread
Pairings : Chan-young x F!reader
A/N : IM IN HELL, I apologize for the wait, I gots to make a schedule. But here's an update, there's slight Romance at the end?? Idk it's romantic 2 me
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You were used to being the center of attention, during your life before this you were a celebrity, I mean you were really pretty, popular, and rich. Now here you are, in a world where status doesn't even matter anymore, yet this one girl, that annoying piece of crap had some type of status in this haven.
Ye-seul had this obsession with Chan-young, a baseball player who's currently serving his mandatory time, you've met him once at one of his baseball games and they let you pitch the first ball, clips of him teaching you how to pitch went viral among fans. You've never talked to him outside of that, but ye-seul being the delusional fan she was, they had it out for you, especially when you arrived at the shelter.
You just couldn't let her talk however she wanted to you or harass Chan-young, so you flirted with him in front of her for weeks just to piss her off. It's funny to see how she would react depending on the bold statements you would say. Many times getting reactions out of him, his reactions were so cute you would have never thought a man with so many fans would react nervously or so blushy to what you thought was basic flirting or joking around.
Chan-young had a nice face, such a mix of cuteness and attractiveness was mind-blowing, the more you saw him the more you wanted to play around with him. His pleading-like looks, his personality, and his build got to your brain. You would give up anything just to get a taste of him, but you held back because you wanted to continue playing around.
"Hey, can I talk to you"
You heard a voice from behind you breaking your thoughts causing you to turn around to see Chan-young. You nod and get up to follow him to a nearby hall, lifting a blanket that was placed there to dry. You didn't even realize he had grabbed your shoulders and pushed against the hallway wall.
"Are you just playing with me or are you serious"
Damn. You started to think you must have gotten on his nerves with how you acted towards him, but then again maybe he wanted it.
"Why, do you want it to be serious?"
You replied with a slight smile on your face, thank god you were good at acting because you were nervous, I mean you've never seen him so serious while talking to you.
"Yes...I want it to be serious. Don't you understand, I like the attention you give me, I don't want this to just be some fun game"
Fun game? At first, it was just to piss that girl off but you ended up being very honest with the way you flirted with him. Hearing him say he wanted to be serious was good enough for you, you've always been a bold and up-front person, but his confronting you made you want to hear him talk about it just a little more before you did what you wanted.
"Fuck.. I mean I know you don't like ye-seul but tell me you're just not playing around with me. I'm serious about you."
That's it, it's close to what you want to hear, his hands still on ur upper arm, maybe it was the look on his face, the more impatient he got, the happier you got. You couldn't hold back anymore, Your boldness increased due to the current situation.
"Then make it serious"
You grabbed his face to mash his lips against yours, and his hands quickly moved from your upper arm to your waist, pulling your body more into his. His hand placement was just right, making this situation feel 10 times more attractive than it already was. Your makeout session went on for a while, and it went on violently as y'all both fought over control. Being that his body was pressed against you, you could tell how excited he was due to the hardness against your lower body, impulsively but rightfully you slid your hand down his body to the spot.
"We..we can't do this here"
He automatically said after noticing you were getting more into it, it's not like he wouldn't mind but there were people close, and things could get outta hand if y'all got caught. You, on the other hand, were down, no matter what, if people could hear, let them hear, if y'all got caught "yolo" is what you thought.
"We can...plus I don't think you want to walk out of here like that"
It would be completely noticeable if he walked into the main area struggling against his pants. You'd rather fuck here than wait forever, there was a blanket that was left to dry that was covering the hall, so it's not like anyone would see, you hoped anyway.
Chan-young took a minute to think about this though, but hell, he would get to let everyone know indirectly that you were his. The idea of the people who wanted to get with you, being disappointed by the idea of you getting smashed in some hall by someone else.
Without any more hesitation, he went straight back to kissing you before trailing down the side of your face to your neck, leaving big noticeable marks as he kissed and licked at your neck. You slid your hands down to his body until you got to his waist, pausing before you reached for his belt. Unbuckling his belt was your main focus, well it would have been if you weren't pushed harder against the wall and again, his body, your focus going back to his hard spot rubbing against you.
"Fuck being kind and slow with it" you quickly came to realize, plus you would want to hurry anyways due to the drying blanket being your only privacy, to be honest, you were kind of into it. You went straight back to your mission to unbuckle his belt, successfully unbuckling it, and slipped your hand into his now loose pants, attempting to wrap your fingers around him, earning a sweet sound from him.
Chan-young isn't one to rush, he's known for his all-round patience with others, but right now? He couldn't wait to get inside of you. The little to no space between you two made it hard for you to fully wrap around him, at this point you were just messing around with his tip while he pressed against your stomach.
Patience? That's starting to decrease by the second as he continues to moan against the marks he made on your skin, one of his hands going up to grip your hair.
He repeated a few times against your skin, he couldn't think of what to do next, all he knew was that he wanted to be one with you in the quickest way possible. An exchange of a few facial expressions was all he needed to continue; As if you were an opponent, he made you face away from him, and now the only thing you could see was the blank concrete wall in front of you. You placed one of your hands on the wall for support, Chan-young, on the other hand, was behind you pulling off your underwear, and leaving the skirt. You wouldn't have imagined someone with such an innocent face would have the boldness to make a relationship real, nor screw you in a hallway, this was on another level of excitement. Damn man, if you knew this would have happened you would have been asked him to be official
Chan-young gripped your hips tightly as he entered you with quickness, making you yelp, with that reaction he knew to start slow, the sounds you made sounded so soft and sweet to him, only making him desire more but all he could do was hold back for the time being. You could only cover your mouth with your free hand, you were sure that anyone close would be able to hear you, the thought was pretty exciting. Chan-young pacing himself couldn't have made this any better, all this excitement made you grip around Chan even more. A moan and a slight laugh came out of his mouth when he realized your excitement, his grip getting even tighter on your waist, you were sure it would leave marks.
"You like that? Speak up, let everyone know how much you enjoy this, you want them to know don't you..?"
He said in that soft-ass tone, Well..yes! Of course, you wanted to let everyone know that's your man, especially that dog-faced bitch. The hand you had barely closing your mouth went to the wall, and nodding was all you could think of doing, for someone so brave a few minutes ago there was little to no dominance or confidence at the moment.
"Good to know.."
With no prior warning, he quickened his pace, causing the hallway to be filled with the sounds of your voice and the sounds of skin-to-skin. You tried to grip the nonexistent ridges of the wall, your hands balling into a fist. Chan-young didn't let up with this pace, especially now, you being louder than before. The overstimulation was kicking your ass, I mean, letting everyone know he was yours? this position, his pace, just him in general. This high couldn't be replaced with anything else.
"Chan...please, I can't.."
Those words were repeated, as he slid one of his hands up your body to grip the back of your hair, his grip was nice and tight. You, on the other hand, were in a daze, you couldn't even think straight, you wouldn't even be surprised you found yourself drooling or foaming from the mouth at this point, your eyes started rolling to the back of your head as you got closer to your climax. Chan-young was getting close, you could tell from his pace getting a little slower, it wasn't long before you reached your climax. Chan-young followed, coating your insides with warmth.
After a few minutes, y'all tried to fix yourselves up, putting your clothes back in their respective places, to at least walk out to go clean up, even if people could hear you, you didn't want to look that messed up, even though your legs were shaking. Seeing that you were struggling to stand Chan-young squatted down in front of you signaling you to get on his back. You got onto his back, wrapping your arms around his neck as his arms went under your legs.
As y'all left the hallway y'all talked about your relationship, each other, and the future. As if nothing had ever happened in the hall you both talked romantically turning the hot situation into a sweet heartfelt moment, even helping each other wash off afterward. Chan-young is one sweet man, especially when it comes to you, the more you stick around each other the more you fall for him, you were sure, no matter what happens you were going to be there for him, and he was going to be there for you.
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blues824 · 1 year
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa do you watch vtubers? i saw the requests were open and was gonna request housewardens with a reader like vox akuma but i was hesitant because i didn't know if you watched vtubers or not. twst and nijisanji(en) are my big hyperfixations rn and I put vox's streams on in the background while im playing. (you don't need to watch vox's streams to get his persona down if you wanna do this request actually. watching 'the vox akuma experience' on youtube would be enough ;-;)
I do watch VTubers! Ninomae ina’nis was the first one I’ve watched since I had a request a while back, and that brought me into the world of Vtubers. Gender-neutral reader.
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Riddle Rosehearts
When he heard that you were a voice demon, he thought you were something akin to a siren, but in demon form. He appreciated how you dressed very formally, and how you remained polite in all of your interactions.
Then you started getting comfortable with being in Twisted Wonderland. That’s when you busted out the lewd and crass jokes, the flirty comments, etc. and he was just so freaking flustered all of the time. You even once got close to his ear and said that his shoelace wasn’t tied in a very seductive manner just to mess with him.
He would’ve collared you by now if you weren’t a demon who could easily overpower him. You had battle experience that he has only read of, so you were nearly indestructible. You never took your amusement too far, though. After all, you didn’t want your beloved queen to get too angry.
You and Trey team up to make meals for Heartslabyul. Riddle tries to help you both (because he’s jealous whenever you two hang out by yourselves in the kitchen), and he’s not all that bad. You don’t play pranks on him like the Vice Housewarden. The Housewarden absolutely loves every type of food you make.
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Leona Kingscholar
At first appearance, he thought you had a stick up your ass. I mean, you had a very formal way of speaking, plus you dressed in a suit every single day. However, he eventually found out that you were the exact opposite person he thought you were.
You both got to a point that you flirted with each other more than you just casually talked to each other. One thing that became apparent was that you both were very competitive in charm and seduction and would always try to make each other flustered.
He doesn’t mind the fact that you are a demon, as long as you don’t do anything that annoys him or disrupts the productivity of his dormitory. The chances of that happening are very slim because you’re usually napping with him.
He loves the dishes you cook for him, even if it contains vegetables. You somehow make the veggies taste so good that his mouth waters when he smells the food. You have essentially replaced Ruggie in the Savanaclaw kitchen with your awesome cooking.
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Azul Ashengrotto
If you weren’t a voice demon, he would have tried to find a way to get you under a contract. Unfortunately, your magic was demonic and therefore not the type of magic that can be taken away like that. He also appreciated how you dressed formally no matter the occasion.
When you started bringing out the flirting and the lewd jokes, he was more flustered than he has ever been in his whole entire life. He couldn’t even imagine returning the behavior since he stuttered trying to talk to you in general.
He also doesn’t mind that you are a demon. In fact, with your permission, he uses it as a threat to other customers who don’t comply with the rules of the Lounge. It tends to scare off unwanted people, and helps profit stay stable.
Azul asked if you wanted to try cooking for the Mostro Lounge because your food was really good and could probably sell. You made gourmet food, which is much different than they originally had on their menu. So, your cooking went on a secret menu.
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Kalim Al-Asim
He wasn’t wary of you at all. He thought your clothes were interesting because surely you must get hot in that suit. Then he grew worried whenever you visited Scarabia since it was always hot in the desert that was the dorm.
He absolutely had no idea what you were saying or trying to do when you were trying to flirt with him until Jamil explained it to him. That is when his face just goes completely red and he feels so dumb. He mentally beats himself up for not getting what you said at the moment you said it.
This continues and he is just so flustered all the freaking time. You were just flirting with him over and over. He eventually uses his innocent charm to compliment you and ‘flirt’ with you in return, but he always fails to make you blush. 
He wishes he could eat your food, but he doesn’t know if it is poisoned or not. So, you offer to have Jamil watch you cook so that everyone is sure you didn’t sneak anything into the meal. He is so happy, and when his Vice Housewarden gives the ‘ok’, he digs in and is in love with all the different flavors.
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Vil Schoenheit 
He almost squealed in excitement when he saw how good you looked. You knew how to dress very well, you did your makeup well to accentuate your features, you were basically his dream significant other. He praised any higher being above that you walked into his life.
You both tend to flirt with each other since it proves to boost self-esteem. Everyone besides Rook gag at how lovey dovey you are. The hunter volunteers to be the flower girl at your wedding (reminds me of when Hercules Mulligan was the flower girl at Hamilton’s wedding, iykyk).
He also doesn’t mind that you are a demon. It wasn’t like you would go ballistic and slay everyone out of nowhere, so he was relaxed around you. You often play as his voice of reason with all the wisdom you’ve accumulated over the years.
You both work to promote healthier eating, and you try to cook for the dorm and have a few of the Pomefiore members help out. You refuse to cook fish since you don’t like the smell or taste, you just incorporate more of other foods to replace it and Vil is okay with it. He can tell that the entire dorm is just a bit healthier as well.
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Idia Shroud
He most definitely squealed because you looked and acted like his favorite VTuber Koe Daemonium. Mans worshiped you. He considered himself as one of your kindred, and when you told him that he was your lover after a while, he nearly died of joy.
Idia gets nose-bleeds whenever you act more seductive or lewd. Ortho always thinks that he’s having a brain aneurysm and tries to perform medical aid only for you to tell him that he was just a tad flustered.
He also doesn’t mind that you are a demon, what he’s worried about is you taking a liking to someone else and leaving him for them. He is insecure and shy, so he wouldn’t be very surprised if you picked someone over him, and this worries you. So you make a vow to him to always make him feel loved.
One way you do that is you make him food, and good food at that. You were aware that he didn’t get adequate enough nutrients in his diet, so you fixed that problem for him. Idia reported feeling better than he had in a long time, and you were glad that you could be a part of the process.
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Malleus Draconia
Oh, goodness. We have a demon and a dragon; in my mind, they are both very possessive creatures, and it shows with you and Malleus. You like to make sure that you both will be safe when one of you is going somewhere without the other.
He doesn’t understand what you are trying to do when you flirt or say something lewd to him, so Lilia kind of has to act as a translator. Of course, he tries his best not to get flustered when he finally understands what you were trying to say. Instead, he reciprocates your affection.
Lilia absolutely adores having chats with you. You both have past battle experience, you enjoy gaming, and you both dress well. Silver likes hanging out with you and sparring against you. Sebek absolutely despises you, and it’s mostly because you are a demon and therefore “aren’t a good example for Waka-sama”. You didn’t care, though.
Everyone became grateful for you when you took over cooking, saying that Lilia deserved a break. The old fae didn’t mind being treated by his future child-in-law, and the food you made was heavenly (get it?). Malleus makes a big deal, saying how the future co-ruler of the Briar Valley shouldn’t have to cook for anybody, but you laugh it off and say that it’s fine.
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celosiaceo · 8 months
My Leander HCs!
Im unable to focus in class so may as well type these out:33 would love to hear thoughts in comments or reposts:33
Leander has a Greek accent that especially comes through when he’s drunk and/or tired
With that in mind. Greek nose…
He can play the acoustic guitar
Has ADHD (projecting)
Leander is a garlic bread enjoyer, garlic bread with melted/baked cheese especially
Knows flower language (green lilies actually are tokens of good luck so I think he must know it at least moderately well)
Aside from scars, has a lot of moles/pigmentation spots on his body
Goes days without sleeping at a time
Leander loves animals, but they usually hate him
He likes all alcohol but the cheap and stronger stuff saves money to treat others (it tastes horrendous)
When Leander’s drunk he’ll mix the most random things with drinks, poison is only one example
His face-arm scar is especially sensitive to the touch and is a little colder than his body
Both big and little spoon depending on the person
On the ace spectrum (projecting)
Suffers from chronic nightmares when he tries to have a normal sleeping schedule
Exhausts himself and doesn’t let himself be alone (via sleeping around, drinking and overworking) to avoid nightmares
Has a high alcohol tolerance, very much a heavy-weight
Is an affectionate and friendly drunk
Is actually surprisingly agile for his large stature
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crewneck · 3 months
What would your ideal romantic partner be like?
someone who’s the same type of weird and crazy as me (or of a similar type of weird and crazy as me.) someone with good music taste, too. that’s an absolute must and is subject to my personal whims. i don’t have an ideal romantic partner other than that - im not one to have a ‘type’ or have a specific personality or anything in mind.
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fetish4juggalos · 2 years
The sawyer twins with their s/o headcannons
Sorry for the long wait ive been gone for some months now and I apologize. Ive been kinda uninspired recently so I though Id post this for shits and giggles. Requests are always open
These headcannons only account for the events and characters of tcsm1 and tcsm2. Any other tcsm media is not included or accounted for
I apologize in advance for both grammatical and spelling errors:)
Chop top
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As far as past relationship experience im sure he had some pre-nam but like zero post-nam so safe to say hes a little rusty in that department
Your relationship is most likey based off a shared interest or one of his weird infatuations. Things like music, 70s-80s culture, murder. Or you could just be an innocent civilian who he decides is like the best person ever 🤷
He flirts like ATROCIOUSLY
Not like bad at flirting but goes from 0-100. He could be complimenting you on your outfit and then say the most dog awful shit known to man
Dates consist of driving the truck looking for victims or just looking around town trying to find something interesting to do
If you thought he annoyed drayton....oh youre in for a suprise. You might just become draytons favorite person bc now chop is running around asking you dumb questions and not him
He loves when you wear his clothes or anthing of his. Pins, jackets, drawls, ect. he loves seeing you wear them no matter the occasion
He probably has some sort of pain fetish/kink so I dont doubt he will ask you to cut him, lick his plate, pick at the skin around it
Its kinda his favorite thing to be in pain since he has such a high pain tolerance but if you dont want him to cut you he wont (though expect him to urge you to try or push to introduce weapons into the bedroom)
Likes to play fight with you whenever the opportunity trikes
Being in the military he ruff housed alot with his fellow soldiers so doing it with you is kinda a fun thing for him ( also because he knowns he has that military strength and always wins)
Trys to scare the living shit out of you for his own amusement. If you're doing something important or just reading he'll come up from behind you and start yelling for no reason 😒
He doesn't shower often 😀 so the only way that you will get him to bathe is to get in with him. This goes for other hygienic practices. You kinda got to take it into your own hands
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If chop was rusty then nubbins must be corroding because he has little to no experience with relationships past one-sided obsessions and TV
He most likely was the one who got obsessed first doing things like spending copious amounts of time with you and taking photos of you whenever he could(both when you were aware and unaware)
The fact that you liked him back was not only a shock to him but to the whole family, especially drayton. You can just image chops jaw dropping after getting a letter while deployed that his twin brother actually has game
Isnt very good at flirting or just isn't experienced in the feild
He isnt as lewd as his twin when trying to hit on you but his....compliments?....just come out weird. "You look like you taste good" "WHAT?!" Tbh i think he means it😬
Your dates are mostly him getting into trouble doing things he shouldn't be doing. He likes to take you on his adventures to the slaughter house or leading victims (really all his date choices are morbid). If you get to choose the date however, sitting in a field or playing around a lake is sufficient
He also likes pain and constantly inflicts pain on himself. Will likely ask you to participate in hurting him or hurting yourself. He'll call you a baby at first if you decline but eventually leaves you alone about it after a while
He also enjoys playfighting with you because it gives him something to help dilute all that energy he has. If he cuts you in the process or knocks you over he'd be the type to mock your pain and over exaggerate his own if he gets hurt
Brings you random things he finds when scavenging around as gifts as well as polaroids of you doing everyday activities without the knowledge of you being photographed
If you find some photos hes taken of you without your knowledge laying around he'll scratch the back of his neck and shrug. Maybe even fiend innocence
Bothers you no matter what you're doing. You in the middle of doing chores? Nubbins will be there asking you anything under the sun just to get you to focus on him for a few minutes
At this point him getting on your nerves is fun for him since we've seen his reaction at getting under draytons skin. Constantly being stubborn about things he would have normally done like doing his chores or setting the table just because he wants you to force him
As far as bedroom wise hes not very skilled more than likely focuses mainly on you and bases alot of his moves on whats hes learned from films and magazines
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j0nika · 3 months
I’m curious, what do you think about Mami and Kyoko?
Why am I asking this? Nothing, nothing at all, hahahaha…
i feel very bad admitting this but......i........im actually not a huge fan of kyoko. SHE IS ALRIGHT, i just dont specifically like her....i dont know. i know thats a SUPER unpopular opinion and i feel actually terrible for thinking that but honestly I just havent found many traits about her that stand out to me or that im specifically fond of...shes just kind of like...a character. im also just a little confused with her, she stresses to not waste food, so i thought that she would be the type to savor it but shes constantly eating it? i mean same but. i also just think her backstory is too tragic for my taste...probably just me, but characters with overly tragic backstories generally arent really likeable to me, since its hard to sympathize with them. i also just am not super fond of the way she acts in a lot of different situations and her view on things, and her violence. i think shes a wonderful character she just isnt for me personally...i dont dislike her, its just...i dont agree with everything she does. SHE DOES HAVE HER MOMENTS WHERE SHE STARTS TO GROW ON ME THOUGH!
as for mami, i am a HUGE. mami fan. Mami was my favorite character wayy before homura.....mami and homura are probably my top 2. theres just something about mami's compassion for others, her positivity, shes rational while staying nice, and i can tell she genuinely cares about teaching her friends....idk i look up to her a lot. shes also just like the older sister of the group, and i love that. and i can also sympathize with her loneliness, and her desire to have someone fighting by her side, i literally fell in love with her character right as she was introduced. her design is also beautiful and i LOVE her house and how shes always offering people baked goods, i really wish i could stop by her house and eat macarons and all the delicious things she has there!!! she is just perfect and amazing in every way i LOVE HER!!!
anyways, they are pretty much opposite in how i view them, so this was VERY interesting to answer, thank you so so much for asking this!! i love giving my opinion on characters!! :) i also know taht you sent me a mami and kyoko duet, and hinted at me asking about it, so they must have some sort of relation....i would love to know more!
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pengouiz · 6 months
We Won't Work in the End, even so, I Keep Hoping Pt. 1
wedding planner!heeseung x fem!reader
content: 1.5k words, angst, hyunjin is reader's fiancé, reader gets married too quick lol, like one cuss word, hyunjin's mom is a bitch, heeseung is kinda a flirt, thats pretty much it
a/n: omg first rodeo kind of nervous guys🫣 pt.2 will be out some time idk
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ house of cards - bts ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Pt. 2
You shut the door as you let out a heavy sigh. You curse yourself for being so irrational. Hyunjin is a great boyfriend. However, you did not expect to be engaged after three months of dating.
You had just gotten home that day after getting a promotion at work. Hyunjin grinned at you as you walked in through the door. He had made you guys dinner that night, and he rarely does that. Everything that day had been going your way.
“Thank you baby, the food tastes amazing.” you say before stuffing your mouth once again. You guys were nearly finished eating, that was until Hyunjin got up from his seat.
“Y/n you’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever met” He says as he gets on one knee, pulling a box out of his pocket, “You make me happier than I could ever describe in words and I wanna take this step with you. Will you marry me y/n?”
And that's how you ended up here, dress fitting with hyunjin’s mom.
“Hurry up y/n! there's still more to go through”
You look at yourself in the mirror, brows furrowed as you analyze the way the dress fits your body and fills the spacious fitting room. it's too tight, making it difficult to breathe. You’ve lost count of how many dresses you’ve tried on.
You unlock the fitting room door and make eye contact with hyunjin’s mom. She's always had an opinion on your guy’s relationship, never believing any girl was good enough for her son. You try to be accepting of her judgmental personality, after all, she's gonna be your mother in law.
“It's too tight and I hate how long it is.” you say in an exhausted tone.
“Oh but y/n, it's perfect! Plus, it's only for one day and I'm sure hyunjin will love it.” she challenges
“I appreciate you helping…” you pause, contemplating on whether you should say what you're about to say, “but this is my wedding so why should it matter if you like the dress?”
“Of course it should matter! I’m the only one who knows what's best for him” she says condescendingly.
You scoffed, going back into the fitting room to remove the dress. You put on your hoodie and sweatpants, feeling relieved to be back in comfortable clothing. You check the time, it's almost time to meet with your wedding planner.
“We can finish this tomorrow, I have to meet with the wedding planner” you say, walking past Hyunjin’s mom.
“The least you can do is pick a dress. I knew you weren’t good enough to marry my son.” you decide to ignore her irritating tone and begin walking to your car, being too tired to argue and knowing Hyunjin would take her side, he always did.
You arrive at the cafe, scanning the tables in an attempt to find your planner. You spot a guy, typing on his laptop, taking a break to drink his coffee. You walk up to him, hoping you read him right.
“Hi are you a wedding planner by any chance?” your voice quiet as you scramble for your phone, trying to find his name “Lee Heeseung?”
“Yeah I am, im guessing you must be y/n” he answers as he pushes his glasses up
“Yes! Yes, that’s me” You put your hand out to shake his. He grabs your hand and gives it a firm shake. You smile as you wait for him to pull his hand away but he keeps his eyes on you. You clear your throat and he finally lets go.
“Sorry” he mumbles, “We should get started”
You and Heeseung talk until it’s dark outside. You discuss the budget and the venue for the wedding, along with getting to know each other. You look around the cafe, realizing the staff is cleaning up and getting ready to close.
“It’s getting pretty late. Could we finish this tomorrow?” you ask as you stand up.
He smiles at you, “Tomorrow works for me.” shutting off his laptop and stuffing it in his bag.
You walk out of the cafe with heeseung and walk towards your car. You see heeseung begin to walk and for a moment you wonder if you should offer him a ride.
“Hey um would you want to ride with me? I mean you know, I could take you home. It's the least I can do since you're planning my wedding?” you ask, unsure of why you're hoping he takes you up on your offer.
“If you really don't mind, I would love to” He smiles at you
He gets into the passenger seat of your car and you start driving. It’s quiet, both of you enjoying the view of the city and the comfort of night. You want to say something, desperate to start a conversation with him. Luckily for you, he speaks up first.
“What made you want to get married?” Curiosity laced his voice as he glanced over to you, watching you come up with an answer.
“I wish I could tell you a happy reason, like I fell in love with him or I believed he was my soulmate.” you say, gripping the wheel tighter, “But no, I said yes because I had just been in a good mood. That's it, that's the reason. And I’m not even sure it's what I want anymore” you sigh, feeling relieved to say that.
You both stay quiet for what feels like forever, the tension of your outburst lingering in the car. Heeseung doesn’t know how to comfort you, especially since you just met 5 hours ago.
“I’m sorry, today’s been chaotic. I didn’t mean to dump that on you” you say, hoping you didn’t scare off your wedding planner.
“No worries. You’d be surprised how many couples I meet that definitely aren't ready for…” He trails off, realizing what he said. “S-sorry I didn’t mean you and hyunjin I’m sure you guys-” 
You cut him off, “No it's okay, you're right. Hyunjin is so caring and he’s great but it’s all too much, too soon. I mean come on, his own mother doesn't like me. He always hears her out, always takes her side, but what about me?” You don't realize how loud you're yelling or how your voice begins to break. You blink back tears, looking everywhere but Heeseung, too embarrassed to look at him.
You park your car in front of his apartment, upset at the fact that you wasted that entire car ride whining about a marriage you agreed to. Heeseung thanks you for the ride but before he closes the car door, he says something that warms your heart.
“Marriage isn't always easy y/n. I’m here to help you, we’ll get through this together. It’ll be okay, even if your soon to be mother-in-law is a bitch.” you find yourself giggling at heeseung’s comment but quickly pull yourself together to say your goodbyes and start driving home.
“Where have you been y/n? I’ve been waiting for you!” Hyunjin says as soon as you shut the door of your home.
“I was meeting with our wedding planner” you say as you pour yourself a glass of water, feeling your fatigue set in. “Really? Cause that's not what my mom said” Hyunjin spits back.
You put, no, you slam your cup down onto the counter. “Oh yeah? And what exactly did she say, Hyunjin? Since your mom seems to know everything.”
You look at him, your eyes piercing through him. “Why are you so tense y/n? What's your problem?” Hyunjin asks, shocked by your hostile behavior. “My problem is this!” you wave your hands in the air, “This Hyunjin, your mother is always creating problems between us and you do absolutely nothing about it.” There’s silence in return. You and Hyunjin just stare at each other, except you’re fighting tears and hyunjin looks completely unbothered?
“I don't know what you want me to do y/n. that's my mom, I can't accuse her of lying” he says monotone. By now you’re sobbing from frustration and Hyunjin’s inability to care, “I am your fiancée Hyunjin, soon to be wife! So why is it you can accuse me of lying? Why are you able to defend her all the time but you can't seem to defend me? Why is it you believe every word that comes out of her mouth?” you storm upstairs, no longer wanting to talk and explain yourself over and over again.
“Wait- y/n! Let's talk please!” He chases you but you slam the door of your shared bedroom in his face and lock it. You hear his pleas and his attempts to get you to open the door but you’ve heard enough today. “If your mom is always right, why don’t you go over to her house huh? Why don’t you go ahead and tell her about this, I’m sure she’ll pamper you like always.” you say as exhaustion consumes your body. Before your eyes close, you hear the front door downstairs slam shut and you’re not sure if you’re disappointed or angry, maybe both.
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jiminsinterlude · 1 year
Don’t Hold Back | KTH
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Paring: Taehyung x Reader
Summary: You meet a stranger at a party and let things escalate to a far extent.
“If you’re hungry, I can show you to something that’s very edible.”
-> Smut; Strangers
Warnings: bathroom sex, unprotected sex, oral sex(m.), fingering, hair pulling, explicit language
Another party. You told yourself you have to stop coming to them so often. But each time your friends tell you there’s a new one, you end up going anyways.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t get so drunk and have fun today because you were driving today. And also had to take care of two of your friends. Jimin and Jungkook.
They were getting completely wasted while you just had to watch them. You wished for some action, anything to make tonight fun. So far you were just drinking water or the non-alcoholic punch.
Bored was your biggest feeling right now. You were also hungry. Looking over at your two friends, you watched as they laughed about some random topic while sitting on the couch with other people from the party. They wouldn’t mind you leaving for a brief moment to grab some food. They have no choice but to accept it anyways.
You began your journey throughout the house to find some food. The most obvious place to check was the kitchen but that was the “alcohol station”. Hopefully you could find some food to avoid making a trip to the 24 hour that you noticed while driving here.
When you found food, you were disappointed with the choices. It was mostly chips and popcorn and pretzels. Come to think of it, you never saw real food at a party before. Maybe just maybe, you can find something in this random person’s fridge. Let’s hope they don’t mind.
The journey back to the kitchen was interrupted when a another random walked in front of you. Maybe they were going to ask you a question like ‘where’s the bathroom’ or ‘is this your house?’.
“Need help finding something?” The guy who approached you was extremely good looking. And god, his voice was so deep.
“Oh no, I was just looking for some food. Only found some snacks.” He tilted his head and looked you up and down.
“Well, I usually keep some food in the fridge but I only decided to put out the little things I could care less for.” Oh. This must be his house. “If you’re hungry, I can show you to something that’s very edible.”
You had no idea what he was talking about but you took his proposal. You weren’t really hungry anymore but you wanted something to snack on while your friends were having the time of their lives. You followed the guy- that also owns this house, and who is extremely handsome- to a room. More like, a bathroom.
He shut the door behind you, locking it and caged you into the sink. Once again, Oh. This took a turn quickly but hey, you didn’t mind.
“What are you doing?” He laughed at your question.
“You’re hungry right? My dick is very tasteful. I think you’ll get full fast.” Your body temperature rushed. You weren’t the type for random hookups but fuck, he made it seem worth it.
“Hungry for real food, I don’t think you fall under that category.”
He gave you a boxy grin and licked his lips. “What category do I fall under?”
“Good looking guy with deep voice. Also under unknown names.”
“Is there a ‘possible fuck’ category?” Oh he was bold.
You laughed and nodded your head. “There is also a ‘interrupted me from getting food’ category.”
“As long as Taehyung is under the ‘possible fuck’ category, Im satisfied.” Taehyung? That must be his name. You had to say it so you could get the feeling of his name on your tongue.
“Sounds nice coming out your mouth. Now come on and let me put something else in it.” Very bold.
You once again took his proposal and sat on the toliet that was next to the two of you. You were about to have your first bathroom hookup. No complaints from you. He unbuckled his belt and pants, following by pulling his hard dick. You wasted no time to take him into your hands. Taehyung was big, very big.
“What’s your name?” He asked as you pumped him with both hands.
“Y/N.” He nodded as he began to rub your head, pushing your hair away from your face. You took Taehyung into your mouth which led to automatic curses leaving his mouth.
His wide dick fit perfectly in your mouth. Your eyes rolled back when you decided to take him deeper into your mouth. His tip hit the back of your mouth. Taehyung moaned out your name. Your already drenched panties were now drowning in your slick.
You bobbed your head back and forth on Taehyung. The tip hit your throat each time and caused tears to fall from out of your eyes. Taehyung noticed and used his thumb to wipe them away.
“Come on Y/N, you’re doing such a good job.” You felt yourself clench around nothing at all.
Saliva fell out the side of your mouth while you sucked Taehyung off. You swirled your tongue around his tip each time you got to it. He was a moaning mess, enjoying the pleasure you gave him.
You could tell he was going to cum soon when he took control over your mouth and began to fuck into it himself. “Shit, you’re gonna swallow?” You opened your eyes and looked up at him. He took that as a yes and filled your mouth.
After a few more sucks at his tip, you pulled away and swallowed. “Open, let me see that it’s gone.”
You opened you mouth and stuck your tongue out. He placed his thumb on the center of it while stroking himself. You were definitely full now, but your pussy was empty, so you were not completely satisfied.
Pulling his thumb away, you asked, “Will you fuck me Taehyung?”
He kept a serious face and nodded his head, “You deserve it.”
Taehyung pulled you up off the toliet seat and brung you into a kiss. One of his hands remained on your face and the other was unbuttoning your jeans. You reached to your pocket and pulled out your phone, placing it on the sink counter. Your pants then hit the floor with a plop and you stepped out of them. Taehyung placed you on the edge of the sink and lifted one of your legs. He broke the kiss and slid your panties over.
A moan escaped your mouth the second you felt his fingers enter you. Taehyung approved of it and began to pump them into you fast. You gripped onto his shoulder and threw your head back. “Oh my, fuck. Taehyung.”
“Feel’s good?” Words were hard to say with all the moans that left your mouth. You did manage to let a ‘mhm’. Taehyung curled his fingers inside of you, rubbing your walls with his finger tips.
Taehyung kept his pace steady and watched your facial expressions. He enjoyed seeing the pleasure on your face. He was going to enjoy being inside of you very soon. You looked down at his dick, watching it drip with precum.
Seeing you watch him only made Taehyung crave you more. He pulled his fingers out of you and placed them in his mouth. You grabbed his dick and began to pump it while pulling him closer to your hole. He watched amused at how needy you were.
Taehyung took a hold of himself and pushed inside of you with no warning. “Taehyung!”
He only smiled at your reaction, pushing himself in deeper. You let out a deep moan and wrapped your legs around him. Taehyung rubbed your bottom lip with his thumb before leaning in to kiss you.
Right as his lips hit yours, Taehyung drilled into you. You gripped onto his hair for support. The kiss was sloppy and the sex was rough. Both were extremely enjoyable. Your lips moved against each other hungrily. Why were you so hungry for a stranger?
Your walls swallowed Taehyung whole. He was so good, it was like his dick knew all your right spots. The tip hit right where you needed it to. Your moans filled the bathroom and if it wasn’t for how loud the music was at this party, the two of you would’ve been caught.
Taehyung’s eyes shut tight when he felt you clench around him. In the matter of seconds, you were empty. Taehyung pulled out and took you off the sink. You were facing towards the mirror when you felt him enter you again.
You watched Taehyung through the mirror as he fucked you. His hair was messy and covered his eyes. You could see the clench in his jaw while he held onto your waist. A deep moan left his mouth just as he grabbed your hair to pull it. “God Y/N, the way you wrap around me is amazing.”
Only moans left your mouth. He took that as your response and fucked into you harder. Eye contact was shared through the mirror and you loved it. Taehyung fucked you better than you’ve ever been fucked before. To get addicted to this one time thing would be bad to happen. But shit, you would never be able to forget this.
Each time, Taehyung would pull almost all the way out before slamming back into you. The sound of your pussy echoed off the ways along with your moans. You reached a hand back to try to grip on Taehyung. He only took it and pinned it down on your back. “Taehyung, fuckkk, mmm.”
“Gonna cum Y/N?” You only nodded your head. “I need words love. Are you going to cum Y/N?”
You rolled your eyes back and clenched around him. “Yes im gonna cum Taehyung.”
You watched him smile from through the mirror. “Good, let it out. Don’t hold back, baby.”
His words definitely controlled you as you felt yourself paint Taehyung’s dick with your cum. Your head fell and you were looking into the sink. The grip Taehyung had on your hair loosened as he pulled out of you. “Fuck Y/N. Get on your knees and turn around.”
You obeyed him immediately and saw as he pumped himself in his hand. He grabbed your chin and you opened your mouth. His tip sat on your tongue as his cum shot to the back of your throat. The rest spilled out onto your tongue and you swallowed when he pulled away.
Taehyung pulled you back onto your feet and brought you into a kiss. You felt his dick soften on your stomach before it hardened up again. He pulled away from the kiss and licked his lips. “I think my dick is addicted to you already.”
You smiled and looked down at the floor to look for your pants. “I can say the same about my pussy, Tae.” The nickname affected you more than you thought. As you bent down to pick up your jeans, there was a knock on the door. Someone must have to pee.
Taehyung yelled out that the bathroom was occupied while you began to put your jeans back on. You saw him reach over and grab your phone after he was done fixing himself too. “Let me put my number in.” Oh? So maybe this wouldn’t be a one time thing.
You took the phone into your hands and unlocked it. You passed it back to him and he entered his number. He saved it under his name and texted himself a selfie that he found in your phone.
He gave you back the phone and you placed it in your pocket m. Before you could even unlock the bathroom door to exit, Taehyung grabbed you and brung you into one last kiss for tonight. “Don’t be afraid to use my number.”
You laughed a little. “Expect frequent calls.”
Taehyung bit his lip and nodded. Then opened the door to the let the two of you out. You guys walked into the living room to join some other people while pushing past all the random drunks. Maybe you were hungry again now. But all that filled your mind was Taehyung and his sex skills.
You looked over at your drunk friends. God, you wish you didn’t have to take them home so you could fuck Taehyung again tonight.
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otaku553 · 2 years
What appearance and personality traits of the character can attract you?
Do you have a certain type of character that you're crazy about?
Do you have any characters in mind that have stuck with you in particular?
It is SO EASY to make characters that pander to my tastes specifically lmao. Refer to the image for examples
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Im a sucker for baggy clothes and extra layers and visible layers of clothing!! They give me Gender feelings. I actually started playing genshin because I liked chongyun’s design so much, but kazuha has since usurped the spot of favorite character design because of the off-shoulder outer kimono, which reminds me of the way gintoki from gintama wears his kimono
Forgot to include also that capes and cloaks are peak as well
Personality-wise I always enjoy characters that act more mature than they actually are in some way, I.e. child genius characters or prodigy characters, or characters that had to grow up and couldn’t enjoy childhood due to tragic circumstances. Even Kirby and meta knight both have this in my interpretations of them, meta knight because he has to wear a mask and armor and a cape to make himself more imposing and intimidating and Kirby because he’s so powerful that it’s his responsibility to face the biggest threats to the world.
Hitsugaya Toushiro from Bleach is another example that sticks out in my mind, especially as a sort of classic child prodigy character. I feel like much of his sort of cold and mature personality must stem from his responsibility as a captain and the necessity for respect in his role and his authority. Can’t think of any others off the top of my head rn tho.
Second after characters that act mature are characters with some duality of fun joy and solemn duty/responsibility, or some kind of serious motivation, ulterior or otherwise, that makes them drop the niceties and jokes. Always enjoy a good crouching moron hidden badass trope, like Hanako-kun. Recently have also really enjoyed Qiffrey from Witch Hat Atelier!
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softhairedhotch · 7 months
HAHSHAHAHA i must say great minds think (and type) alike ‼️‼️‼️‼️ literally when i first found ur blog i was like my god someone who literally has the same big brain as me?!?!?? (except, you have A Much Bigger Brain because YOUR WRITING????? im absolutely in Love AHHHHH thank u for filling the void in me like literally not just the smut like THE FLUFF?!?!? please i just want to cup his face and kiss him so gently n obviously not just that like i just feel So Seen as a gay guy who's just so down bad for him)
anyway thank u for putting the image of him straddling and fucking my face bc it will now be stuck in my head for a good while 👍 also in other filthy thoughts personally i think that man is downright disgusting . like yeah he typically is a very hygienic and # clean man but when it comes to sex... boy does he like to make a MESS . personally i think he'd more often like to not waste his cum and have stuff it deep inside your holes BUT.... i think he'd also go absolutely feral at the thought and sight of marking you. WOOFFFFFFFFFFF 😵‍💫😵‍💫
also he seems like a guy who would make so much noise . like other than his little words of affection and phrases, he definitely makes all the noises out there possible- gasps, grunts, moans, whimpers, whines. there are TOO many times where i'm watching/listening to porn and then im like ... Hold On... that sounds just like how aaron would sound or what he'd actually say.... and then i'm suddenly on my knees, a whole mess n wishing he was real.
anyway he's just so . this man occupies too much space in my thoughts. FML im sorry this ask got SO out of hand idk when did it become 827482 words long... n speaking of hands, maybe that would be the most apt emoji for me 🤲 (aka me praying to be aaron's boyfriend... or me just handling his heavy balls tbh)
FRRRR ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ and awwwwww thank you sm!! i'm so glad you've enjoyed my writing <33 ive got a few more things in the works so i hope you enjoy them too! and YES i am soooo so glad that i can help you feel seen <3 i gottttaaaa write more male reader fics bc it's deserved fr hehe
i mean im writing a few male oc things where they get with aaron so i hope that also interests you!! but yeah hopefully more male reader fics to come!! also if you have any requests (🤭) feel free to ask and i'll try to get around to it 💪
also you're welcoooomeee 🤭🤭 and GOD YESSSSS he does not waste it!! i firmly believe that one of his favourite things is cumming down your throat and when it leaks outta your mouth he swipes it up with his thumb before pushing it inside your mouth <3 once he's cleaned you up he'll kiss you to taste himself 🤭 orrrrrr if he's coming inside you he makes sure to push it back inside before licking it all up ‼️ but if you're not one for cum eating then he'd just make sure to fill you with his cum to make you his own 🥰
and you've just made me think of the fact that he definitely loves to mark you up!! he loves being marked up too but sometimes he's against it because of work (but he can't resist it if you start kissing across his jaw n neck n collarbone 😏) so the next Best Thing is making the most of doing it to YOU!!! he'd leave pretty bruises across your skin n chest n tummy n thighs and he'd be soooo proud of himself for it 🤭🤭 he loves seeing the marks he's left on you whenever he can, especially when it's in a softer moment like you're cuddling on the couch and your shirt rises up and he sees faint teeth marks or a lil mark <3 it just makes him feel so satisfied
and YESSS that man is SUCH A MOANER. he makes allll the prettiest noises and he tries to hide them but he can't with you!! bc you make him feel soooo good and bc you beg him to let all his cute whines and whimpers and moans out :3 also that comment about watching porn and being like "... aaron would say/do that" is SOOOO REAL (which is why i started reblogging all those gifs n pics lol, i NEED to have a visual for the shit i think up of this man bc i need him So Bad and it's important for my mental health) (it's not but he's a cutie patootie so it counts) (i just love him okay)
and NO DONT APOLOGISE i loooooove long asks and i hope you send more in the future!! especially out of hand ones hehe bc you just GET IT!!! YOU GET IT!!!! YOU GET HIM AND YOU UNDERSTAND AND GODDDDD i need to talk about aaron with you ALWAYS your brain is sooo big!!!! and you're so fucking funny HELPP THE EMOJI 😭😭😭 THAT IS SO GOOD LMFAOO YOU BETTER HOLD HIS HUGE HEAVY MEATY BAWLS okay you're now 🤲 anon <3 nice to meet you!!! thank you sm fr these asks hehe you've made my day
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argentera124 · 2 years
Baking/Cooking headcanons for the empires; Meaning which I personally think would bake/good food
Gem; Unrivaled baking skills. She makes the best cookies and cakes on the server- her favorite cookies to make are shaped like flowers. Honey is also incorporated into a LOT of recipes.
9/10 because I have a sweet tooth
Katherine: She has a few really good recipes- but gives me the vibe that she experiments in the kitchen using monster parts? You are about 50% likely to end up eating something shady there- but hey- it may be delicious!
6/10 (For potentially eating zombie)
Scott: He cooks for himself and for llamas - which doesn’t inspire a lot of creativity - and as a former adventurer a lot of his food is more “necessity over flavor”. Now that he has other humans staying in Chromia- he would start trying to test out his cook books more.
7/10 for the effort.
Sausage: If I had to choose any kingdom to have a nice dinner at- it would most likely be Sausage’s. The food of Sanctuary must be fantastic! There are rumors that his cooking has healing properties too (people just feel wonderful after eating it)! I like to think Eddie taught him to cook- and he having a hot meal after a day of hard work is a great way to de-stress.
11/10: best food.
SmallishBeans: I’m sorry but the “food of the gods” that HAS to taste amazing.
8/10 because I’m not sure if he cooks or if he just yells LORE and it exists
Lizzie: Weirdly, anamalia doesn’t really have a singular food culture. Yes, they trade in chicken - but because of the various species there, the flavor of food isn’t singular. I get the vibe that Lizzie, like Fwip, mostly eats what her people trade (berries and chicken). The foxes probably don’t season their food. Frogs eat slime.
6/10 I’m sorry Lizzie.
Jimmy: Hearty food for hard working folk. But given we have seen him not eating the pork that was sitting outside his base—- maybe he doesn’t cook as much as I’d think? Could either be delicious or eating beans out of a tin can.
7/10 for the uncertainty
Pixlriffs: Empire food type isn’t really an issue here- but I think having a meal with Pix would be a unique experience- sitting around a fire at base camp and hearing the stories of the ruins around you.
5/10 for the food
10/10 for the vibes.
Joey; Joey scares me- and his food does too. I’m not sure if he cooked for his crew or if they had an assigned cook- if he didn’t, Im sure he burns everything- if only to avoid undercooked fish. It all smells like gunpowder somehow.
3/10 if only because any lower and I’d worry about being raided by his crew.
Fwip; had to save Gobland for the last. By goblin standards, Fwip is a culinary genius. Best food around, all the goblins say so. And honestly, the pork isn’t half bad- there isn’t much seasoning though - maybe some cave mushrooms and mosses used to flavor the meat- but living in a cave limits access to some things.
1000/10 by goblin standards, 5-7/10 by other standards.
Edit: Added Lizzie!
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