#If anyone wants to send me asks about this franchise
bogleech · 4 months
For me the most disappointing thing about Palworld is the designs being so boring and bland that you'll never have cause to review them. We deserve better from a creature collecting game, especially one making this much money!
Yeah here's the most opinion I can possibly muster on any of them:
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DUMUD: it's a big fat shark-like mudskipper and that's a good concept, it just doesn't really have the charm of any Pokemon it shares anything in common with.
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WUMPO: resembles the fur-wearing "werewolf" pokemon that got cut from the first or second generation, crossed with Tangrowth. One of the more okay designs because those are two good pokemon.
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SIBELYX: this is supposed to be their Gardevoir I guess and I think it's an owl? Or is it a moth? Well it ends up one of the slightly cooler looking ones a little less obviously derivative of specific pokemon. Maybe they were also going for a Dimitrescue knockoff with the hat
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CAWGNITO: an alright one because plague doctors just generally look cool. However the simple formula of plague doctor + actual bird would have been far too obvious and underwhelming as a Pokemon. There's no novelty or twist to this.
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HANGYU: this is the one that's a ghostly noose canonically used to execute people. It's a funny little send-up of the darker pokemon pokedex entries, though the design is uninspired compared to object-based creatures in Pokemon, Digimon or any other monster franchise I can think of.
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LOVANDER: this is one that fucks people, and they possibly borrowed the topography of Salazzle's official model. I want to think they did intend it to be freaky and unwholesome looking with the rubbery goblin hands, but I suspect they intended something actually sexy by furry monsterfucker standards and just weren't good at it. Yes I know that likely does not stop people from being into it anyway.
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TEAFANT: I was going to say this is the only pal that looks better than its closest equivalent Pokemon, because they would be Cufant, and I gave Cufant a pretty negative review back in the day.
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......But actually, now I kind of like Cufant. A lot, come to think of it! Teafant is cute and competent in the most paint-by-numbers possible way. It's what almost anyone would draw in ten seconds if asked to make a cute marketable teacup elephant pokemon. Cufant is an awkward, messy design but it is comparatively cute in a goofy, dorky way that's rare among the Pals, and more importantly, it is unique. I don't think they used AI to generate any Palworld models (the tech isn't there yet) but I can see why people assume they used AI just to get the initial ideas, because it's very easy to find people who have more a more creative eye for character design. I'd say even if not ESPECIALLY people with zero experience in art would have made the Pals look more interesting.
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cutekoala1001 · 7 months
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✨Commission sheet!✨ I can do humans and other things too, not just anthro. ✨🐨 Contact me at [email protected] if you’re interested, or DM me if you have any questions. My terms & conditions are under the cut:
Rules / Terms & Conditions:
🐨 Payment up front via PayPal.
🐨 Once I receive the full payment, I will start working on your commission.
🐨 I have the right to decline or cancel a commission for any reason.
🐨 Refunds are not accepted, unless:
I cancel a commission after receiving payment.
I do not finish the commission within the agreed upon time.
🐨 Please do not edit my work or remove the signature after receiving the commission.
🐨 Artwork is for personal use only and is not allowed for commercial use (for commercial commissions, please contact me for quote.)
Will do:
fan art (human, animal, anthro, etc.)
original characters
real people
graphic design
journaling layouts (see my #mood tracker tags)
will not do:
violence, gore
political art
anything I find offensive
* This being a “Sing” movie blog, I’m happy to draw the characters from the franchise! But because Buster Moon is a very special character to me, I’m picky about how I portray him. I’ll be happy to draw Buster for you but if I’m not comfortable with your request I will decline.
* For personal reasons I will not draw Klaus Kickenklober for anyone but @picapicamagpie ! (I’m happy to reserve him exclusively for her 🐵🐦)
The process... *note: if you cancel during the process, I will only refund the parts of the process that I haven't done yet. If you want a revision starting from the WIP sketch phase, I will make up to 3 revisions before charging extra.
🐨 If you are interested, please email me with a description of your request, including the pose you want and reference photos (required)! If accepted I will ask for full payment to be made via PayPal (only.) I will then begin working on your commission.
🐨 Thumbnails: I may send a couple of thumbnails and ask you to choose which one you like.
🐨 WIP sketch: I will then send you a heavily watermarked wip sketch for your approval.
🐨 Line art begins: Once you've approved of the wip sketch and I begin the line art, I cannot go back to the sketch phase. Once line art and flat colours are done I will send you another wip for your approval. This is where you can confirm any other details like mood, lighting, textures etc. before finishing.
🐨 Finally, I'll send you the finished fully-rendered piece in PNG and JPEG. Any additional changes you would want from this point will be charged extra.
(Depending on how complicated the commission is, the entire process shouldn't take any longer than 2-3 weeks. Let me know if you need it rushed!)
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hyde-nseek · 2 months
My headcanon is that every Link and every Zelda falls in love. But it gets a little more complicated than that because I don't think they get together every time. So... Here is how I would justify every Zelink in the Legend of Zelda franchise:
(please note that I'm not saying other ships aren't cool. I personally like a lot of them.)
Skyward Sword: This one is probably as canon as Zelink has gotten so far. I don't know anyone that says that they don't have feelings for each other. These two probably founded Hyrule together. Maybe as a kingdom, maybe just as a small village below the clouds. Either way, the Royal Family traces their lineage back to this couple.
Minish Cap: This Zelink is very cute. I think they dated, and maybe even married. From what I understand about the timeline, though, this Link abandons Hyrule and lives the rest of his life cursed by the mind-shattering properties of the Four Sword. So, it was a relationship for a while, but they didn't grow old together.
Four Swords: There actually isn't a lot of information about this Zelda, but I like to think that they got together after Link saves her. They're cute.
Ocarina of Time: The way Zelda looks at Link at the end of the game is full of remorse. She doesn't want to send Link away from her, but she knows it's the right thing to do for his sake and Hyrule's. Also, the way Sheik looks at Link can't go unnoticed. That ninja isn't good at hiding his feelings.
Majora's Mask: The same as Ocarina of Time, but it's much more brief. I don't think Link ever returns to Hyrule Castle, but it's possible. It's more likely that he founded Ordon with Malon. That means that Malon and Link end up together, but Link's true love was the princess he saved in another time.
Twilight Princess: Zelda and Link barely talk in the game, and when they interact, it's only because Midna put them together. But with Midna out of the picture, I think they would still bond. Ilia gets friendzoned. Sorry.
Four Swords Adventures: I think I'll have to put this one with Four Swords as well. These games are a little weird in that the Links are so affected by the Four Sword that it's hard to picture them in a situation without it. If anyone else has thoughts on this Zelink, please lmk.
Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass: Tetra and Link get together and found New Hyrule. This one is pretty self explanatory and difficult to argue against. Very cute and I love it.
Spirit Tracks: They were made for each other. They have so much of a connection because of their adventure together. Whether Link becomes an adventurer or an engineer, I think the princess has feelings for the Hero of Spirit.
A Link to the Past/Link's Awakening/Oracles: The cryptic uncle wants you to know that Zelda is your responsibility. Now that we've covered that, I think Link would have been with Zelda if it weren't for Marin. After Koholint, I don't think he really has it in him to have a relationship with anyone.
A Link Between Worlds/Tri Force Heroes: I think that after saving Hytopia, Link returns to Hyrule and asks for Zelda's hand. There's no reason why not to, and I don't think Link would have wanted to stay in Hytopia for the rest of his life. As cool as it is, it's a vacation spot. And Styla isn't the princess for Link.
Hyrule Fantasy/Adventure of Link: Two Zeldas, one Link. This one's kind of weird, but I think he'd rather be with the Zelda from his first adventure. Zelda the First only kisses him as a reward, probably the only reward she can give.
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom: I mean, they live together. They hugged at the end of both games. What else do you want me to say?
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devilofthepit · 21 days
hiii I saw your post about saw academic papers and I’d be interested to read analyses, especially of the first movie!! if it’s ok, I’d like to ask for links to your favorite papers on the subject, but you don’t have to ofc, so just don’t answer this ask if you don’t want to I’ll understand. also, you wrote your own paper on saw?? damn that is insanely cool, congrats!! these movies are everything to me, love meeting fellow fans :D
YESSSS glad u enjoyed :3 here are some of my favorites, if anyone doesn't have access to them lmk and i can send u the files directly
Catherine Zimmer, "Caught on Tape?: The Politics of Video in the New Torture Film" (talks abt saw, surveillance, and foucault)
Evangelos Tziallas, "Torture Porn and Surveillance culture"
Matt Hills, "Cutting into Concepts of “Reflectionist” Cinema?: The Saw Franchise and Puzzles of Post-9/11 Horror" (this is what i based a lot of my paper on!!)
James Aston and John Walliss, “I've never murdered anyone in my life. The decisions are up to them": Ethical Guidance and the Turn Toward Cultural Pessimism”
Jeremy Morriss, “The Justification of Torture-Horror: Retribution and Sadism in Saw, Hostel, and The Devil’s Rejects”
Torture porn/horror in general:
Linnie Blake,  “‘I Am the Devil and I’m Here to Do the Devil’s Work’: Rob Zombie, George W. Bush, and the Limits of American Freedom” (this one is really cool!!!)
Aaron Michael Kerner, Torture Porn in the Wake of 9/11
Andrew Tudor's writing on horror isn't related to Saw but interesting if you wanna get into looking at horror from an academic perspective!
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dayurno · 3 months
what are ur fav useless hcs. about kevin or anyone from aftg :) like they aren’t really significant but just little things you like to think about. bc i have so many but no one ever talks about theirs and im curious if you have any!
YAY i love this question and also feel free to send me yours too i think useless hcs are really fun
i think renee is a fast and furious fan and an action movie enthusiast….. in the first kevjean fic i’ve ever written there was a scene where she sat jean down and made him watch half of the fast and furious franchise with her and he hated it so bad but he couldnt tell her that so he just sat there very awkwardly the whole time. and renee knew he hated it but she loves the damn movies so much she thought it was a worth it sacrifice. i also love a dyslexia/adhd hc for renee, i think she has a hard time in academia and has a really really really fickle attention span. if you put jean and renee in the same room they might be able to finish a short book between them but its going to take at least 8 hours because they're going to get sidetracked talking to each other about dumb stuff
ex smoker jeremy is still real and beloved in my heart... i think he quit cold turkey in his junior year and it still gets him more often than not, but he's trying and that's all that matters
neil shoplifts on instinct. doesnt even think twice of it
kevin actually HATES the gym. he will not confess to this in any way shape or form but he genuinely hates it. its so early in the morning and the movements are so repetitive and its so boring. in evermore at least there was the threat of getting beaten up if he didnt do his sets right, but in psu its just plain boring. he will still go but he will hate every second. get this man to a court now
jean is horrible with performing small actions :) i think he has big shaky hands that struggle w the minutiae of any process ever. you do NOT want to ask this man to put thread through a needle or give you an injection or pack you a bowl or even light your cigarette. the #irreversible damage of multiple head injuries
also do let me know urs cause i also love hearing about this kind of stuff! i love small hcs... save me mundane realities of life. save me characters with little details
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inklore · 9 months
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i know i say this every time i reach a milestone, hell anytime i get a new follower that isn't a blank blog or bot, but i can't believe you guys are still here! still supporting me! still putting up with my chaos! i mean it each time i get all sappy about how grateful i am for each and every one of you and how i lucked out with you beautiful souls occupying this space with me. if i could send you all a little cupcake and a forehead kiss i would <3.
but since i can't do that let's have a little celebration instead!
like the flyer above states this celebration will focus solely on graphics and ya girl putting that photoshop to work and brushing off some of my old graphic and creative skills.
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you do not have to be following me to send something in unless something is specifically labeled 'mutuals only' then, unless we are mutuals, you cannot send anything from that section.
you can send in as many requests from whatever section as you want, there is no limit. but please refrain from sending requests for animated projects.
this celebration does not have an end date so unless the above image says 'closed' then send things in whenever you wish!
blank blogs and ageless blogs as well as minors please refrain from sending things in, respectfully.
do not steal or claim any of the graphics i make as your own.
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moodboards...i'll make you a personalized moodboard / aesthetic. ➥ a 'your vibe' moodboard aka i'll go off of the vibes and aesthetics you give off to me or a character + trope + scenario moodboard
gif requests...i'll make a gifset of whatever character you ask for. ➥ can be a certain scene, from a certain movie, what have you. but please note the list of characters + movies from the actors down below are more likely to give me the most inspo to make something from. but please feel free to ask me for someone not on the list because chances are i'll do it unless i truly dislike the actor or character.
ship edit...i'll make a little edit of a character i ship you with. ➥ i may include some extra things in the graphic because i can't just be simple with things, so you can give me a small list of your favs, your vibes, your likes, and dislikes, if you so wish.
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movie recovers...i'll make you a movie poster. ➥ this goes for tv shows + some artists + character posters as well.
book + movie recs...ask me to rec some things. ➥ 'your favorite movies' + 'movies you suggest people who like [insert something here] watch' + 'underrated shows' + 'books with this vibe' + 'songs that remind you of this character' are all requests that are applicable plus so so much more, please be as creative and detailed as you wish.
banners...request a banner for whatever you wish to use it for. ➥ these are not personal which means anyone can use them not just you. can be for navigations, masterlists, etc. gifs are not applicable.
headers...just like the above but for mobile headers. ➥ same rules apply as the above section. shows, movies + characters, vibes + aesthetics all applicable.
dividers...i'll make you a set of fancy dividers. ➥ again these are not personal and for everyone to use and enjoy.
magazine designs...i'll make a little magazine-esk outtake for a movie, show, or character.
personal favorites...ask me my favorite anything and i'll make a cute little something to showcase it.
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♥︎ CHARACTERS, SHOWS, MOVIES, ACTORS APPLICABLE. ➥ actors + their characters: adam driver, pedro pascal, oscar isaac, jodie comer, will poulter, aaron taylor johnson, thomas doherty, tgm cast but no tc. ➥ movies: scream franchise, any spooky movie, john wick, twilight. ➥ shows: killing eve, hemlock grove. ➥ etc characters: finnick odair, bruce wayne (except affleck and bale).
this list is only for the gif requests so disregard it for everything else or use it as inspo for your requests if you want. also please note that the gifs will be posted on either three of my gif accounts.
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here you can find my graphics board on pinterest of past graphics i have made over the years + some inspo if you need it for requesting.
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waywardsou2 · 28 days
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚Master Post ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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✮ Wayward || He/Him || They/Them || Ze/Zyr || Trans || Creator ✮
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Welcome to my main blog! This is where I post anything and everything related to my fandoms and hyper-fixations. You'll be able to see where I'm at based on my header and icon for this blog. Right now, it's all The Bad Batch and will be into the near future. So have fun drowning in that content 👍
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General info about me
| Punk | Witch | Writer | Artists | Possibly neurodivergent | Gay AF |
My fandoms: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, How to Train your Dragon, The Last of Us, Supernatural, Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons, Avatar 1/Avatar The Way of Water, Star wars: Rebles, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Bad Batch.
Interests: Video games | Fandoms | Fantasy | Creativity | Psychology | Music | Ancient history | Mythology |
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📌My DM's are always open for anything, so if you want to rant about fandoms with me, chat about life in general or just make friends I am so happy to chat with anyone! You can also send me asks, I love getting stuff in my inbox so don't hesitate to just dump whatever in there.
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Mood board requests: Open
I make mood boards per request through my inbox so if you would like to make one for a character, concept, aesthetic, or anything I'm happy to make it for you and post it online. More information here 👈
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This is the rest of my relevant information down below 👇
✯ My alternate blogs
Supernatural blog - @waywardsou1
Witchcraft blog - @witchbydaywitchbynight
Alter human blog - www.tumblr.com/waywardcyptid
Writing blog - @waywardwritesstuff
Avatar blog - @waywardavatar
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✯ My Carrd
I made a Carrd but most of my links will be on this post anyway, take a look if you wish.
✯ My Ao3
I write and post all of my works on my Ao3 as well as my writing blog, find those works here.
✯Discord servers
I have serveral discord servers for different crowds, if you find one you like, feel free to join!
| Safe Space Server | Calling All Witches Server | Artist & Writers Unite | The Bad Batch Lives on |
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✯ Other relevant links
I have a TMNT AU currently on hiatus but I would appreciate you checking it out
I have three old master posts if you would like to look at those 1 | 2 | 3
Master link post for any other relevant but not important information
I have a YouTube channel as well but that content is also posted here. It would still mean a lot if you checked it out and maybe even subscribed. Up to you though.
If any of you are interested in my kins and such then I have a full post about that here
My crowing achievement - my Bad Batch finale analysis, it would mean so much to me if you would check it out
I post writing on this blog as well as my dedicated writing blog, if you would like to make a request, please take a look at my rules first
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✯ All Master Posts
Art Master Post | Bad Batch Master Post | TMNT AU Master Post
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✯All of my Bad Batch content
My writing Master post | Discord server | Finale Analysis
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✯ DNI List
Terfs | Zoophile | Fatphobic | Homophobic | Transphobic | Racist | Ableist | Anti-furry | Anti - alter human | Any type of radical
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✯My tags
#wayward rants - all of my general chatter
#wayward rambles - all of my general chatter
#shower thoughts with wayward - anything that I think of that is kinda trippy or sleep deprived
#wayward asks - asks and answers to inbox questions
#wayward art - any and all of my art
# helpful reblogs - posts I want to come back to later
#wayward's wallflower au - the name of my tmnt au
#wayward oc - for any characters I make that aren't canon to the franchise
#wayward sona - for any sona's I make for my fandoms
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✯ My moots
@the-chocoholic-writer | @amansabastris | @murruspins | @ippyhaj | @liberoquorion | @regulusblackisamermaid | @neonleons-posts (love you so much girl) | @small-spiderpunkboy | @fireflysquidsoup | @promiscuousbarnes | @waywardsarah | @corrupt-touch | @grayvveyard All of their content is amazing and you should really go check them out.
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Thats all for now, thanks for stopping by, I hope you find something you like and stick around for a while. See you later
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weebsinstash · 11 months
Question, and you can ignore this if it’s too deep for you
Have you ever heard or watched Moral Orel? Cuz there was a moment with the nurse girl that really stood out to me and it was just… woah
Cuz I may have an ask about this cuz I’m so INVESTED in the doppelgänger us and wanted to send some asks if that’s okay with you ☺️
Love it 💜🦋
I'm kind of vaguely aware of what it's all about, and I have a feeling you're talking about the woman with the age regression trauma in the episode that got the show canceled lmao 💀
But yeah anyone is free to send in ideas and feedback, although answering can be kind of on a whim sometimes since I'm. All over the place. I'm terrible at answering and being consistent lol. But I love the talk and engagement especially when people like my weird ideas haha, it really becomes an activity in of itself
I'm also growing extremely attached to the doppelganger story and I've been slowly mapping it out and getting different things down but unfortunately now I have so many different ideas that I'm not sure which ones to keep and which ones to put down for use for something else later 😅 but I've been trying to mentally sit down and iron out exact details, and it's been a tricky process. The exact things I've been getting caught on are 1. How long do you know Miguel/the Spider Society before this all goes down, like is it months or years or what, how close and enmeshed are you with this community. 2. How exactly does YouTwo start stealing your life? What methods do they use to frame you for anything, do they set any schemes up to convince other people you're actually them and they're you, do they steal your costume and leave theirs behind forcing you to wear theirs so you can go out and that's when you're cornered, do you actually let them pretend to be you once or twice and accidentally create their addiction. 3. How is Reader finally betrayed and how quickly is YouTwo exposed, are you gone for a while or do they catch the ruse just in time.
It's definitely my favorite idea I've had for him and the Spider Society in general, but it's splitting off into so many different paths at this point lol. Is there a physical fight, are there any chases, does Reader get put in the Go Home Machine, what if it just sent you elsewhere and they don't realize until you're already gone and they have definitive evidence YT is the fake, do they just assume you're dead, what if you have your bracelet off and you're just glitching and in pain and, just glitch into another dimension instead or whatever. Like. The possibilities are endless with this uh, franchise? Company?. We've got characters like Darwin who constantly evolve and others like Gwenpool and, also, it's fanfictiom why not just have fun
Still stuck on "does Miguel/the SS realize just in time and save you" vs "they don't realize until after you're gone and have to get you back" because they're both tasty in different ways. Like I can see you getting thrown into the Go Home Machine amd you're pissed and terrified and not sure what's going to happen to you and, the machine is powering up and everything is all dramatic and, suddenly it just stops and displays NO DIMENSIONAL MATCH or something similar and everyone is immediately nervous because they almost got rid of the Real You and you're understandably furious. Love the idea of just walking up to Miguel and antagonizing him and verbally berating him and the man just lets you because it's kind of like a punishment he's imposing on himself for what how he's hurt you.
You're just slowly clapping at him, being extremely sarcastic and smiling in a way that says you want to kill him "Woooooow, great job Miguel! Did you do it? Do you save the multiverse? Did you defeat the bad guy?" You're just actively sneering in his face and meanwhile he's just slowly processing what could've happened if the machine had just 'sent you back anyways' so to speak and there you are, "hey, what if the machine just ejected me off into the void since there was nothing there to go back to? Would I be out in space right now, in the dark, choking--" and you make wheezing sounds on purpose because you're angry and trying to hurt him meanwhile he's practically cycling through stages of grief while youre antagonizing him rn. You're in the big room with the go home machine and Miguel and YouTwo and a bunch of other witnesses and your innocence has been proven and they're exposes exposed for everything they framed you for and some of the Spiders are like "oh wow sure glad that's all over and everything can go back to normal and you can go back to hanging out with us and doing your classes again right teach? :)" and you're just like "ahaha, the FUCK I will, at this point I don't want any of you guys, I'm gonna go pack my bags 😒"
YouTwo had started luring Miguel into this sort of trap where he was starting to really put some thought and effort into starting an actual relationship with you and in his eyes he's not just losing you, but also the future and fantasy he's been building up in his head (which definitely involves a baby). Man is having his own dramatic ass anime moment where in his head he's visualizing you holding the hand of a small child and walking away into the sunset as he reaches out "no, come back!", like shit man you'll have to pull something reeeeal special to make up for this
I just. I don't know, i like multiple options and I have to choose one of them! Unless I did the youtwo fic and then did other sort of oneshots 🤔 as a writer it is traaaaagic when you have all these ideas and you decide on a single one and wind up pitching the rest, maybe I should just be unashamed and just repost similar shit all the time, or post bonus chapters to the original fic that might be the same fic again but with changes. Idk. But. Either way I really can't decide between 1. Reader having their bracelet removed and they wind up glitching away and everyone thinks you died but you're chilling with a friend (Hobie? Miguel 2? Shit maybe even Miles as that healing little brother energy, like, i hate it i hate it i hate it But I Understand Peter B's "oh shit did you make me realize i want kids" Moment 😩😩😩 also we stan Peter B in this house. We love a man who accidentally cringefails his life and puts it back together better and happier. Should circle back to him later, i can see him in some "you confide in him bc you trust him and he sells you out for your own good" scenarios. You tell him something like idk dark thoughts you've been having about yourself recently and Miguel knows THAT day) 2. You get revealed as "the real one" with the Go Home Machine 3. You glitch away but then eventually glitch back and they're chasing you down to put the bracelet back on
Idk I just have a lot of thoughts and ideas and my WIPs/drafts keep growing and growing 😩
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pokemon-icon-factory · 5 months
> Hello there!
➭ About me
I go by many names... But you may call me by the name of the character in my pfp — currently Milo, but it might change from time to time. I'm 21 years old, autistic and my pronouns are she/he/they. Pokémon is like, my special interest since forever and I can't get enough of it lol — hence this fun side blog
➭ What is this blog about?
I do icon sets for Pokémon and non-Pokémon characters from the Pokémon franchise, who would have thought. You can ask for a specific character or Pokémon if you want to and you can send me a specific picture of them too
➭ Where does the art come from?
Almost all images are taken from the Bulbagarden Archives and they come from either the games, anime, cards, manga, promotional art and other official sources. Fanart can be found there too though and credit will always be given in case I use it. I'll credit contest and campaign artworks too
➭ What do I offer?
The sets consist of 6 icons — 3 square and 3 round. You can ask for a specific tint or pride flag too when requesting! Here's an example of how they would look like. I may start making stimboards too in the future, not now though. Also, I won't take requests for the Treasure of Area Zero DLC at the moment because I haven't played it yet
➭ Who can interact?
This is a safe space for pretty much anyone queer, disabled, neurodivergent, alterhuman, systems and anybody else, really
➭ Who can't?
I don't want any bigots, predators, 18+/NSFW, proship and discourse blogs to interact with me. Oh and to be clear, zionists can fuck off
➭ Can we chat via askbox?
Absolutely! Please do talk to me! :)
➭ Do you have an inbox list?
I do, you can find it under the cut
> Inbox
Avery - non-binary flag
Siebold - simple
Sawk - simple
Throh - simple
Togekiss - bisexual flag
Milo - non-binary flag
Groudon - simple
Kyogre - simple
Rayquaza - simple
Dawn - simple
Brendan - transfem flag
Togekiss - simple
Riolu - simple
Dodrio - simple
Shiny Altaria - simple
Quaquaval - simple
Uxie - simple
Gym Leader Bede - simple
Gloria - simple
Kabu - trans or transmasc flag
Avery - simple
Saturn - transmasc flag
Raihan - simple
Banette - purple tint
Maxie - transmasc and bisexual flag
Iris, Rosa and/or Nate - trans man and bi gay flag
Teddiursa - simple
Pokespe Silver - simple
Weavile - simple
Zamazenta - simple
Nate - aroace flag
Piers - non-binary or transmasc flag
Hop - simple
Hop - non-binary flag
Eusine - trans flag
Luxray - simple
Scyther - simple
Shiny Scyther - simple
Dragonite - simple
Lucario - transmasc flag
Sylveon - transmasc flag
Espurr - non-binary flag
Male Meowstic - non-binary flag
Jessie - bisexual flag
James - bisexual flag
Jessie - genderfluid flag
James - genderfluid flag
Litleo - simple
Gordie - trans flag
Clamperl - simple
Coordinator May - simple
Nemona - bisexual flag
Bugsy - genderqueer flag
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fly-sky-high-arts · 8 months
Animal + Theme for a character design!
I'm playing with adopt designs this month!
-Suggest me a real life animal (and a theme if you have one) so I may design a Pokemon/Rain World/Hollow Knight/Digimon/Sonic character of your choice based on it~
-I make simple styled designs any way I wish and will not do any adjustments to it once done~
-If you suggested the info, you will have a chance to buy off the designed adopt first. If not interested, I will be putting them up for anyone to adopt on my ko-fi. They will be priced the same in either case~
-I will wait for the reply from the askers about it for about two days and in case there is no reply I will just add them to my ko-fi and open for anyone to buy~
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(not a style example for what I'm going for but an example no less~)
If interested, feel free to send me an ask! This will be open for most of the month!
EDIT: I'M KEEPING THESE OPEN UNTIL I DECIDE I STOP, I'm having a lot of fun with these, more so than commissions atm so feel free to send more! Added few more franchises on the list above!!
Extra info from the reblog post:
-if animal + theme doesn't have a specified franchise I listed above, I will pick one myself. If you still want one but forgot to add to the ask, you're okay to send another one, no pressure!
-I will also either wait for askers to respond if they are interested in purchasing the adopt themselves or DM them unless they specify they aren't interested in the ask itself.
-mythical creatures are a go as long as they're fine to use! I still prefer animals as an option but I can't say no to dragons, gryphons and alike lol they're cool
-i plan to keep this open for the whole month awhile if all things go well! If I feel overwhelmed at any point I'll close the asks but this is why I'm keeping them simple :)
Thank you so much for the interests so far!
The post with currently still available adopts is HERE
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kirkirk · 26 days
Merch lines that might be plot relevant for Azusa (Part 1)
I love DL's lore, especially Azusa's, I think it's so complex and well-written so I thought this could be fun. I'm still playing the 5th game and I'm avoiding spoilers like the plague so my knowledge is just based on my 1829934738 Azusa theories. Please remember to be kind and take this as a fun resource/thought exercise if I'm blatantly wrong with any of my takes.
These are in no particular order, also I might do another part because there's no way I'm fitting every single plot reference here.
1. Vampire Lab Azusa
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I'm starting with this one because it's one of the most obvious. They were absolutely crazy for doing it. Ignoring all of the franchise's references to human experimentation, him being the only one actually strapped (Yuma also has a straight jacket but his is open) is really interesting. Especially since the description for this set mentions 医者に反抗的な態度をとる者、(Those who show a rebellious attitude towards doctors). I can't help but think they're referencing Azusa and that's why he's strapped. Still, it could always be a reference to his struggle with mental health. The interpretation you choose is up to you.
2. Yammy Yamme X Bad Blood Azusa
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He and Kanato became the family models for this one. If that isn't a big alert sign I don't know what it is. This set is themed around gamers/gamer aesthetic. What is the players' stand-in in DL? A pink bunny. What is his backpack? A pink bunny. His cap also has droopy ears that could be another reference to bunnies. If interpreted very loosely, this could mean that "Azusa carries the player on his back" and that's so freaking funny because true. Of course, I think its meaning is deeper than that.
3. Vandead Carnival LE/tokuten chibi (?)
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If the player is a pink bunny I wonder what an extremely sad blue bunny would mean...
I had to do it I'm so sorry, I will die on the Azusa is a trapped player hill. (No spoilers about whether this is confirmed or refuted please 😘)
I found this one in Vandead Carnival's visual book but I don't know if it's exclusive from it or it came from elsewhere.
4. Secret Display Azusa
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God I love this one so much. The sad expression, the accessories, the pins, the color scheme it's peak Azusacore on their behalf. This set is about butterfly taxidermy and that's basically a direct @ to ZERO Azusa which follows the same theme. Despite having a personal interpretation for this, I have yet to listen to ZERO Azusa's CD so I will keep it to myself. Any interpretation you give to ZERO Azusa might be reinforced/ related to this set.
5. Secret Memories Azusa
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Hidden gifted kid Azusa is my Roman empire, I love that so much for him. It's true that you could attribute his disgusted expression to not wanting anything to do with those books, but I interpret it as him disliking being SEEN with them since he's looking at the camera and not at the books, like come on what are you doing with that many books.
I could talk about this for hours (and I have) but for now I'll be stopping here since I don't know if anyone is even remotely interested. I have enough for a few more parts so maybe I'll turn it into a YouTube video so it's more enjoyable to watch. If you have any questions or want me to expand on any of these ideas please feel free to send Asks. Just keep it spoiler free for content after Lunatic Parade please I'll be very very sad if you don't :)
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queenofbaws · 7 days
heyyy queenie hope ur doin well!! bit of a curveball but im Curious since ive been brain rotted with it lately, so could i ask for whump prompt 13 for the scream franchise?? any characters/movie u want, but id love u to take a stab (tee hee hee) at it :]
not-quite-six sentence weekend :P
There were a lot of emotions playing across Mindy's face as Amber pulled the knife out: doubt, intrigue, disbelief, something that could only be described as pre-schadenfreude...but worry wasn't among them. Neither were its closest cousins, concern and fear, so Tara had to figure the sudden uptick in her pulse was, in fact, solely her issue. If Mindy wasn't worried, then there probably wasn't anything to worry about. Period.
"Sick, right?" Amber flicked her wrist, a flourish that immediately came across as practiced even to her untrained eyes, and the butterfly knife click-click-clicked around her fingers before snapping back into place. "Copped it at a gun show this weekend with my dad. Guy running the stall said I was a natural."
"Why am I not surprised?" Tara snickered, then feigned a frightened little noise and pulled away when Amber turned, holding it out towards her. "You know if anyone catches you messing with that thing, like, right outside of school, they're gonna take it, right? You do get that? It makes sense to you? In your brain?"
She pulled a face, scrunching her nose up. "Uh, no they won't."
"Uhhh, why not?"
With another click-click-clack, she spun the knife around. "How're they gonna take it from me? I've got a kniiife."
Before she could pull away, Amber took one of Tara's hands in hers, laying it flat on the table they were sitting at. She laid her own hand perfectly on top of it, lining their fingers up until Tara's hand disappeared entirely.
"Want to see the coolest trick?"
"Uh." That was it. That was all she had time to say before Amber flexed her hand - both their hands, really - and their fingers spread wide, and...and she understood what she was about to do. Her eyes widened. "Hey, wait, nononononono!"
"Chillax, I've been doing it all week and I've still got all my fingers. You're in good hands."
"Famous last words." Though she'd been going on quite the face journey across the table, Mindy had been awfully quiet until then. Now, as Amber switched her grip on the knife, holding it more like a caveman getting ready to strike, she leaned forward with her elbows on the table, pointing her phone down at their hands.
Pre-schaudenfreude. Yeah. Tara had been right on the money with that one.
"Seriously?" Amber scoffed, "What? You think I'm gonna get performance anxiety or something?"
She sniffed once, Mindy, then shrugged one of her shoulders. Her phone didn't budge. "Nah, I just want to make sure I get this clusterfuck on video so there's evidence in the inevitable personal injury suit Tara's gonna file against you when you slice her open like an Amazon box."
Amber raised her eyes to Mindy's, her expression inscrutable. "I'd stab myself first, duh. That's the whole point of putting my hand over hers."
"Oh yeah, totally," she nodded. "The whole point, mhm. Well this is for you too, because when you stab yourself, then, I can send it to America's Funniest Home Videos. They give out cash rewards for the really funny ones, don't they?"
Tara braced herself as Amber readjusted, rolling her shoulders and assuming her focus-face. Ooh, she didn't want to be a part of the finger-stabby-knife-game-thing, she didn't want to be a part of that at all, but what choice did she have? If she pulled away, it'd knock Amber's concentration off! If she just sat there and took it, the risk of getting stabbed was literally exactly the same! There was no winning here, no getting out it, no -
"Hey guys!"
The choice was made for her.
Wes slammed his hands on the table as he joined them, sliding up from behind to sit on her other side. It startled her so badly that she could only pull away, jolting like a cat with its tail stepped on. Across the table, Mindy groaned, and beside her, Amber similarly jumped, and while her poor, asthmatic little lungs really didn't appreciate the sudden scare, her poor, unstabbed little fingers sure did.
"What's going on? Why're we all hunched over and whispery?" he asked, but the only answer she had for him with a quick smack on the wrist. "Ow?"
"Why would you do that?" she breathed a second later, the tension leaving her in one huge whooping rush. "That wasn't cool! You could've - " But as luck would have it, that was where her lecturing came to a close. Her eyes had flicked to the side for just a second, a natural human reaction, and what she'd seen...well, she wasn't sure what to make of it. "...what?" Tara asked, glancing between Amber and Mindy.
"So America's Funniest Home Videos then, huh?" Mindy's eyebrows went up as her phone went down. "If I was a pettier person, just so you know? This is where I'd be saying I told you so. But I'm not! Lucky you."
It took her a moment longer than she would've liked to figure out what that could've possibly meant. When she did, she startled all over again, almost jumping out of her seat as she spun to look at Amber. "Ohmygod - did you - ?!"
"I'm. Fine," she said through gritted teeth, looking anything but.
She did get up then, standing from the table's bench to circle around and - the noise that came out of her was a little too embarrassing to describe. "Fine? You're fine?! You have a goddamn knife sticking out of your leg!"
Wes paled immediately, turning to Mindy with wide eyes, no doubt hoping she'd shed some light on the situation. She didn't, surprising no one, and instead glanced towards the front doors of the school, waving Chad over to join them when she spotted him across the way. "Well here's the good news, Am," she said, not even trying to hide her amusement, "I think you can definitely still salvage that psychosexual homoerotic tension you were going for with that brilliant stunt. Just yank that puppy out, let Tara stick a finger in there and wiggle it around a little. No harm, no foul. Everybody wins!" Then, under her breath but still more than loud enough for them all to hear over Amber's harsh breathing, "Especially me, once your idiot-ass goes viral."
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27emailsicantsend · 10 months
I just have a question to ask about Tim's IG post, "Not Canon (at this time)"? What does that even mean? Does that mean it'll be canon when spinoff is happening? Or...I am trying to figure out what he meant by that, haha. I think it's hint hint for a spinoff, am I right or is it something else that I might misinterpret it?
Oh I wanted to talk about this so thank you for sending!! For anyone who is curious, it was this post:
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This is not the only hint he has made about a possible spin-off.
He’s said (I can’t go find all the direct quotes right now but I can give you what I can remember and I’ll post some pictures at the end):
-he’s wanted 5-7 seasons since the beginning
-he feels like the kids are graduating high school for now but the “next obvious place is college”
-he has brought up ideas to the network but nothing is official for now
-he has specifically mentioned Ricky and Gina and where THEY are going next (in the picture above and other interviews)
-he has a “surprise” for everyone after the show ends… which looked like something at East High but I haven’t seen the actual surprise. Unless he was talking about their Wicked song, but even then the picture of him mentioning the surprise didn’t look like the Wicked song set up… it looked different. (I’m so sorry I don’t have this picture but if anyone has it feel free to reblog with it!)
-he wanted the franchise to be “Degrassi”-esque with lots of spin-offs and seasons and such. It was never meant to end here.
Not to mention when Josh and Sofia were asked about a spin-off they just giggled and shrugged nervously but made jokes about it being a rina college spin off (the body language is suspicious and telling)
And the official HSMTMTS account (which I believe Tim has some control over) posted a really cryptic tweet/insta about how “happy endings are just the beginning”
HSMTMTS cast was invited to D23 I believe? This year which is only for announcing NEW things usually so it’s kind of weird to slot a show that’s ended?
I find the amount of promo we’re getting from Tim and the official HSMTMTS account is… bizarre for a show that just ended? Maybe we’d get stuff for a few days but they’ve been hammering it home like we’re getting a new season next week. I don’t really watch promo for a lot of other shows though, so this could be a normal amount.
We also know that the strike is impacting a LOT of things, including promotion or talks of new shows. Tim wouldn’t do a movie/show for this without his og cast on board, so I feel like they’re waiting for the strike to be over to start things.
All of this to say, I do think we’re getting more but the strike really halted any of that coming forth for now. But with how good the show did, the contract Tim just signed with Disney, and how we were really starting to get moment with these characters (not to mention views and $$$ it was bringing in for Disney), I would be SHOCKED if we didn’t get more.
Tim purposely ended the show where he did because he wanted it to end on a high note and close the “high school” chapter, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get another. I think Disney was probably ready to offer him a s5 but he didn’t want to risk it… with a new show, he can at least probably get 4 more seasons.
(don’t ask me what the hell is going on with bunk’d and their 7 seasons… I’m still trying to process that)
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koi-pond-tears · 3 months
Headcanons I love even tho they go against my main beliefs for these characters
Ace/Aro bakugou. Idk why but I just. Love it. So much. Like yes lil dude be free!!! Fuck nobody!!! You never needed bitches!!!
And especially the headcanons where he's like. Absolutely clueless about love. Like Mina will ask "so bakugou what's your type?" And he just looks confused n goes "?? You mean my blood type???"
Izuku and Katsuki being brothers. Like not literal brothers by blood but they have that brotherly bond. I actually do ship dekubaku but this headcanon is still very dear to me and I think in another universe it could work.
Like it's so funny imagining them fighting the way brothers do or being mean to each other but also having each other's backs and protecting/defending the other. I love that for them
Idk why but asexual todoroki just. Wow. I love him
I feel like he would still want a romantic relationship just without the sex part. Like he's totally cool with kissing or cuddling bc cmon there is no way in HELL this boy is not absolutely touch starved.
I feel like while Ace bakugou thinks sex is gross and is repulsed by it, ace todoroki is just indifferent to it. He doesn't rlly care or have any feelings towards it. Like ok bestie go smush your peepees together while I watch the entire Beverly Hills Chihuahua franchise
As much as I love my blorbos bakudeku together I have to admit the idea of izuku being the token straight friend in a class full of the ell gee bee tees is so fucking funny to me. Like he doesn't understand the lingo and is absolutely sweating his balls off trying not to say something offensive and it's just hilarious. He accidentally uses she/her instead of they/them once and almost commits seppuku ( a japanese style of suicide which includes disembowelment)
I'm sure he includes everyone's pronouns in their description in his notebook to make sure he remembers what to use
Nonbinary jirou just. Fits. Like idk what anyone has to say about that but look me in the eye and tell me that bitch doesn't put on a binder
They're an enby and also bisexual bc I am correct about everything.
Trans kiri just works.
If deku doesn't grow up to be tall as fuck then I will literally have a meltdown
does he not look like the tall lanky nice friend that can't even say fuck??? Look me in the eye and tell me that. Do it.
Eri grows up to be really tall
Like idk where this comes from but to me she's just. Tall. Girly doesn't get you things from the top shelf she IS the top shelf
Also I personally don't like the eri x kota ship, I think it's kinda weird to be wanting these whole ass 6 year Olds to date, idk but it makes me uncomfortable
I saw a post once that said that Ochaco would be an active memelord (back when that term wasn't cringe) and oh my god. No. This bitch wouldn't know anything.
She has a fucking flip phone I doubt she has access to motherfucking twitter
I think she'd be like Izuku where she's just absolutely clueless on the lingo and slang and feels left out when her friends reference memes she's never seen before
And even if they do take the time to send her one or two she wouldn't understand it
I also saw this in a different post but tsuyu listens to asmr
Tokoyami too
I love the black Mina headcanons but I'm filipino and so starved of representation so I'll just pretend she's half pinoy but grew up in japan so she doesn't really know much of the language (you'd be surprised how many of us don't speak our native language despite living here all our lives)
Himikos eyebags come from the many long nights she spent as a villain doing literally anything else but getting a good night's sleep. Like I know in the backstory episodes we see her with the eyebags as a child, but when I first watched the show I just assumed that that was the reason she had them, and I'll stick to that till I die
Mirio is autistic. Do not argue with me I am right.
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oskea93 · 2 years
Hello! Your writing is amazing❤️
I’d love to put in a request please, ike a first date with jamie bower? Ends with a kiss and maybe smut😈
First Date - JCB x Reader
Warning: Sexual content, cursing
(Requested by Anonymous) 
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I took a deep breath as the dark SUV pulled up in front of the house.
“You can do this.” I spoke to myself, taking one last look in the full-length mirror. I hadn’t been on a “first date” since freshman year of college – the date ending in complete disaster. I told myself that maybe I wasn’t the dating type. It never seemed to work out and I was tired of wasting my time.
My heels clicked against the concrete walkway as I approached the car. I watched as the driver quickly opened the door, giving me a small greeting as he helped me into the vehicle. This was defiantly a first. I never had a suiter send a car for me, let alone a fancy SUV. Most of the time, I had to drive myself and wait for the guy to show up – which sometimes that wasn’t the case. I guess my friends were tired of me being the only single one in the group. They all had significant others, some even had children. Yet, here was little ol’ me, on my way to being the spinster that imposed on everyone’s dates. I received a text from a random number one day at work, telling me that the sender had received my number from a mutual friend of ours. At first, I ignored it. I wasn’t interested in going on a date, especially with a guy that my friends had picked out. The didn’t exactly have the best track record when it came to dates. He ended up texting me a couple more times throughout the day, finally asking if I wanted him to stop.
His name was Jamie, and he was an actor. I know it's taboo to do but I was curious, and the internet is so handy. He was in some pretty big franchises, even dabbling into the musician roll. He was handsome. His blonde hair and blue eyes being the first things I noticed. I had dated a few guys that were considered actors before, always leaving early due to their extreme egos. When I agreed to go on a date with him, I had already thought of an exit strategy.
The car soon pulled up in front of a small restaurant on the outskirts of town. It looked to be a mom-and-pop type place, only really known to those that were locals. I thanked the driver as he helped me out of the car, directly me to where Jamie would be located. I learned that I was way over dressed for the place, my romper and heels not matching up with the jeans and t-shirts worn by the other patrons. My eyes quickly landed on the man of the hour – his all-black ensemble sticking out from those around him. His blonde hair was pulled back in a tight bun as his shirt showed off the various tattoos on his arms.
“Y/n?” His accent reaching my ears, my internal organs melting in a pile of goo.
“Yes, and you must be Jamie.” I smiled.
“That indeed I am.” His smile bright. “Do you mind if I give you a hug?”
I nodded my head, my heart racing as his arms wrapped around my body. His scent was intoxicating. I was never a fan of dating anyone that smoked but the way the sent mixed in with his cologne drove me close to the cliff. We slowly pulled apart; his smile still present. “Here-“He quickly moved to pull the chair out. “Please, have a seat.”
I followed his lead, thanking him as he walked towards his chair. You could tell he was nervous, but it was a cute nervous. “You look absolutely stunning.” He complemented.
“Oh, thank you.” I gushed. “You look very handsome yourself.”
He made a gesture with is hand, “These old duds-“He laughed. “I wasn’t aware that this was a honky-tonk type of place or else I could have told you that there was a secret dress code.”
I let out a laugh, looking around at all the other people. “It’s okay. Sometimes it’s better not to blend in with everyone else.”
“Indeed.” He smirked.
We spent the next two hours just talking, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company. He talked about his upbringing and how he got into acting. He spoke highly of his parents and his brother, who you could tell he was very fond of. He was an open book, speaking candidly about his battle with addiction and his road to recovery. I found it very honorable of him to speak to a complete stranger about his past struggles. He could have kept everything hidden or lied completely.
When we talked, it was like we had known each other for years. The conversation flowed like a smooth river, no rocks or ridges insight. I was never one to fully open up to someone about my family life but there was something about Jamie that I trusted. The way he looked at you the whole time you spoke, showing that he was invested in what you were saying. He made me feel safe, comfortable.
“Would you like to dance?” The slow country song bringing the other couples onto the floor.
“Sure.” I smiled.
His hand gently held mine as he walked us onto the dance floor, those around us lost in the music as they moved around. Our fingers laced together, bodies flush against one another as we moved to the song. My head rested under his chin as I listened to his heartbeat, my own fluttering with passion. The last time I had danced with someone so intimately was at my senior prom, never really in the mood to do so afterwards. There was just something about Jamie. He possessed something in me that I never felt. I barely knew the guy, but I was smitten.
I lifted my head from his chest, our eyes meeting. “Is it alright if I kiss you?” His voice low.
Without hesitation, I placed my lips on his, our lips moving in a heated synchrony. I had long forgotten about my rule of kissing like this on the first date or having any type of intimacy period. His hands traveled down my hips, resting right above my ass. “You wanna get out of here?” I asked between kisses.
He looked at me, “You sure?”
I nodded my head, “Never been surer about anything else…”
I tiptoed around the room, gathering my things, careful not to wake him as I moved. I was due into the office earlier than normal this morning, not knowing at the time I scheduled myself that I would be hooking up with Jamie the night before. I guess you could say that I could have ended things before they got to this point, but the moment his lips met mine, I was fucking done.
I kept looking towards the darkened partition, worried that the driver could move it down any second. My moans filled the backseat, fingers wrapped in his unkept hair as his tongue caused my demise. “Fuck sake.”
As soon as we entered the car, we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves. Teeth pulling at skin, leaving marks – our lips swollen from the force. I watched with lust as he slowly unbuttoned my romper, pulling the fabric all the way down, my bare chest on display. My nails dug into the leather seat as his lips trailed down my body, stopping right above the band of my underwear. I wasn’t expecting to have sex tonight, choosing a pair of boy shorts instead of something sexier. His eyes locked with mine, asking for permission before pulling the garment down. With a quick nod, he slowly pulled down the clothing, his lips trailing back up my left leg, my right leg hooking onto his shoulder. With just a flick of the tongue, I was in fucking heaven. I never felt such pleasure in my entire life.
I barely had time to redress by the time the car pulled up to his building. He stuffed my panties into his pants pocket before ushering me out of the vehicle and into the structure. We didn’t even make it his apartment, pressing the emergency stop button on the elevator panel. My bare back slammed against the cool metal, our reflections staring back at me as he drilled into my body. After the first round, he resumed elevator operations, pressing his floor number. From the time the elevator stopped to the time we arrived at his door, I was able to catch my breath and prepare for what was to come (literally). Every inch of his apartment was used – kitchen table, couch, staircase. We finally reached the bedroom, the sex more sensual and not as rushed as before.
Before leaving, I wrote him a little note, thanking him for the wonderful night. I made sure to put it near his phone, knowing he would see it as soon as he woke up. My lips softly touched his cheek, lingering for a moment before pulling away.
The first date that I dreaded the most ended up being the best one of my life.
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prof-peach · 1 year
(OOC:) Professor, I gotta say... You're one-of-a-kind. You're one of the first blogs I ever followed on here, and seeing of of your comics dubbed on youtube is what rekindled my passion for pokémon.
I don't really expect an answer, but I judt hope that you read this and know that you've made my life a lot better with your creativity and talent.
I have mixed feelings about the youtubers responsible for dubbing my work. They never asked permission, and I only found it thanks to a friend sending me a link. I was not told. Kind of a poop move on their part.
They linked my account sure, but its kind of an...underhanded thing to do?? Just prefer some honesty I suppose, would have been ok with it if there was some open dialgoue going on, but they chose not to do that, questionable methods. That aside, hon im super glad you found the original blog no matter the reason. I just like to see folks enjoying the content and vibing with the franchise in ways that suit them best. Pokemon as a whole have focused so wholly on the younger fans, that anyone over the age of 13 is kind of left wanting. So thats where this blog, the comics, and the content comes in. I fully appreciate the message, I alwasy see them, and often read them and feel like at least ive made some ok decisions in my life thanks to the support. Alwasy makes me day. May your life continue to be good and wholesome, and when its not, at least we can all fall back on pokemon. Have a good week buddy!
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