#Ian McConnell
loganslowdown4 · 2 months
Really vibed with this month’s playlist so I’m keeping it forever and I’ve broken down some of the song choices!
Here’s Thomas’ March 2024 Playlist (Muppet Movie Vibes) Breakdown Analysis (by moi!)
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pope-posts · 8 months
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Literally my entire mindset 😂
This dude is great btw, if you don't know him, definitely check him out.
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wordslinger19 · 5 months
I probably don't deserve you
But that's not going to stop me trying because your on my mind everyday of the  week
Your eyes and smile still make me weak
I want to melt away your anxiety
Like you do to mine
Open up your heart and look at what you may find
A man that's willing to crawl to moon for you
Do a backstroke across a dune
Play patty cake with a baboon
Make you tea in a typhoon
Anything to make you perky
Like when eat some jerky
When you laugh just like a turkey
While you get to speaking quirky
I know I royally fucked thing up
I can't regret it enough
Moving heaven and hell to make it up
My Princess Buttercup
I want to brush you off your feet
Take you on a fancy retreat
To dance under the moon and stars
Looking in your eyes, what a treat
Spinning in circle while holding you
Feeling like floating just like a Balloon
I don't know what to do
When I am not around you
Follow you around like a lost puppy
Got me hooked just like a guppy
Man I feel so fucking lucky
Ask for anything on a platter
And I'll answer in just this manner
Anything for you, As You Wish
My mahsakahkwa Queen
I want you to be heard and felt like you've  been seen
When I think of how I use to be
It feels like a blow to my fucking spleen
I don't know if you understand how much you truly mean to me
I hope to someday make you mine
But for now I'll bide my time
And make sure i straddle that line
Between the lakes of nine
Cus baby your a goldmine
Eyes like a feline
Legs like equine
Your who I want to enshrine
And who I want to entwine
With my love like a quilt
I feel so much guilt
For all the love that was spilt
But please don't play the Jilt
For the love can be rebuilt
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prettypitofyourheart · 5 months
I know it's an unrealistic goal
To see the glass always half full
I'm no stranger to succumbing
To the hopelessness spiral
I just want to remind myself
How much is wonderful
And how motherfucking lame it is to always be
Hating stuff
Focused on the way life sucks
There's an awful lot to love
Think I've had enough
Hating stuff
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mundanethrill · 2 years
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I'm not important, and neither are you So let's do whatever we wanna do
Important - Ian McConnell
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I'm pretty sure that life doesn't have a meaning And if there's a god then he doesn't look like me And I'm just a member of the current apex species But there will be another when the humans go extinct We've only been around two hundred thousand years Of thirteen and a half billion years How can we think the pinnacle is here? Isn't that arrogant? There's a couple hundred billion trillion suns And we act like it all was made for us There ain't no way that we're the only ones I'm not important, and neither are you So let's do whatever we wanna do Bask in our cosmic insignificance Soak up this blip we're livin' in 'Cause nothing matters anyway Isn't that great?
'Cause humans aren't really gonna kill the planet (yay!) We'll just make the planet unlivable for us (aww...) But earth will keep right on spinning Way long after we ain't in it And life will keep right on livin' 'Til the sun explodes and oh I'm not important, and neither are you So let's do whatever we wanna do Bask in our cosmic insignificance Soak up this blip we're livin' in 'Cause nothing matters anyway Isn't that great? I don't mean to be a downer I don't even think it's sad The universe is gigantic And it's kinda beautiful that I'm not important, and neither are you So let's do whatever we wanna do Bask in our cosmic insignificance Soak up this blip we're livin' in 'Cause nothing matters anyway Isn't that great?
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ezraweasley · 1 year
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aromanticbuck · 2 years
Please tell me about Ian's music and the Genius plan to label it season and episodes?
Alright we're doing it let's go
Shae, Ian is so smart??? Season 1 is a five-song EP, but it tells such a complete story where the narrator starts in "episode one" with lyrics like "damn, I feel like an adult, and I'm pretty sure I really don't like it" and by the end of "episode five" has lyrics like "I don't wanna hate stuff, I just wanna like stuff, I don't think that life sucks."
I've become unhinged about it - because there's so many lyrical callbacks where you can see the growth this character goes through, and the album is only thirteen minutes long. But it doesn't feel rushed. It feels like a natural progression. Dare I say even written better than a lot of shows with 22 episode seasons, in a way that makes more sense and doesn't feel like it's just there to further the complicated plot?
It's the character-driven narrative that I've been wanting to consume for years, and it's perfect.
warnings: mentions of sex (in the lyrics), implied depression of the narrator, one of the songs is about a messy relationship that is implied to be somewhat toxic, some swearing (in the lyrics)
Like I said above, there are 5 songs on Season 1, and Ian released them on Thursdays at 8pm EST, starting on June 9th, 2022. He announced the project on his tiktok (user ianmcconnelmusic) some time before that, but I wasn't following him then so I couldn't say when that was, oops. But it was meant to mimic the typical television episode release - with a set schedule, at a set time, during prime time, not midnight eastern. Something for people to look forward to and anticipate the what happens next. And the basic story is as follows:
EP. 1: Adult (released June 9th) - the narrator doesn't like the life the way it is, talks about how he feels like an actual adult and has to take care of himself and do all the things he's "supposed" to do with his life and it sucks. life feels like a chore which is a major let down since he didn't even anticipate making it this far to begin with. it's hard and he hates it.
EP. 2: Friends (released June 16th) - the I Want song. the through-story of this one is a relationship that was probably never supposed to happen in the first place that ended because of the circumstances in their lives surrounding it. but a lot of the lyrics are like a list of "I wish..." statements about things in the world that can't be controlled, things that the narrator wishes he could change but can't. personally, my favorite lyric in this one is "I wish cheese were not so expensive" because it makes me smile, but in all the "episode" is about the stress of things being out of the narrator's control.
EP. 3: Pair (released June 23rd) - the narrator talks about friendship and natural distance. it's similar and opposite to the episode before it. where episode 2 was about something that was always destined to fall apart, episode 3 is about this pair of friends growing in different directions but are still close, or as close as they can be. they grew apart but they'll still be there for each other when they need to be, and they didn't stop being friends just because a little bit of life got in the way. the theme here of still being close despite distance is so poignant in society today with quarantines and the pandemic and I swear I could listen to it a million times and get emotional every single time. but it's also the turning point in the narrator's arc, where the episodes stop being so much about missing things that were are starting to look forward.
EP. 4: Important (released June 30th) - I'll touch on lyrical connections later, in the actual body of the essay, but this "episode" is foreshadowed in episode one. it's this quarter-life existential crisis where the narrator talks about how no one is important in the universe, and that's a good thing. he talks about how freeing that is. nothing we do matters, at least in the grand scheme of things, and doing things that make us happy and make life a little more bearable isn't going to make the universe implode. humanity as a whole doesn't even have that kind of effect on things. there's one lyric in the chorus, "I'm not important, and neither are you, so let's do whatever we wanna do." it's the mirror opposite of episode 2. where episode 2 was about things being overwhelmingly out of the narrator's control, episode 4 is this moment where he realizes nothing is in his control and that's good. it means he can enjoy himself without the weight of the world on his shoulders.
EP. 5: Hating Stuff (released July 7th) - if episode 4 is the mirror to episode 2, then episode 5 is the mirror to episode 1. it's this almost kind of... relief? after episode 4? being an adult is hard, but there are lots of little things he can do that make it a little more enjoyable. it doesn't have to suck. he can enjoy the life he has while he has it, instead of stressing out about every little thing, and not care about the tomorrow that might not even come. it's the episode where the narrator is happy with where he is in life. nothing around him has changed at all. he's still 26 in the middle of a pandemic, people are still growing apart, the universe is still steadily moving toward its collapse, and there are so many things still out of his control, but he has all these things that he can control that make him happy and that make life worth living.
It's a wonderful arc, and this album will probably resonate with me for a very long time. Because I'm also 26, currently, in the middle of a very complicated world that doesn't have a lot of good in it right now. I got to follow this narrator on this journey over about a month, listen to him go from this kind of "I didn't even expect to live this long and I hate it here" energy to "my life is worth living and continuing because these things make me happy and that's enough," and that hit in a very specific way. I feel like I grew as this project did, which is something that I've missed during the summer when all the regular shows I watch are on hiatus. Growing with characters is kind of hard to do with seasons that drop all at once on streaming services, so it definitely has that quality that I miss from regular serials during the summer hiatus season.
But honestly I think my favorite part of this album is the little details of growth. Yes, the overall character arc is wonderful, and I love it, but there are little details and callbacks that I keep noticing as I've listened to this all on repeat. There are a number of lyrics in the first two episodes that get referenced again in the finale, things that show evidence of the narrator's growth instead of just telling us.
There's an entire part of the first verse in Adult that has a number of callbacks later on:
I been overwhelmed not prioritizing my mental health spending too much time wrapped up in myself and somehow also not enough being twenty six is tough how do I do all this stuff?
I work a lot and I exercise and I meditate and I socialize and I date a girl and I read and I try to get enough sleep
And almost every single one of those pieces gets called back to through out the season.
Exercise is brought up again in Friends ("I wish exercise were less sweaty") and then in Hating Stuff ("really into yoga practice flows") in a way that shows the narrator's growth with exercise. He still does it, but he found a way to do it that he enjoys - that isn't as sweaty. Immediately after that lyric in Hating Stuff is another one, "really proud that I can touch my toes, really proud of just how much I've grown," and it's so !!! I don't even have the words for it.
And the through-story in Friends is about that girl he was dating and how the thing he was "supposed" to do in life actually made him miserable, made both of them miserable.
I wish you were less narcissistic I wish I had known how to help wish you could have seen what I loved in you instead of hating yourself I wish I had met you when COVID wasn't fucking up our whole lives I wish both of us were less lonely from our months of staying inside I wish I were more understanding I wish you were way less intense maybe then you could still stand me
'cause I wish we could have stayed friends when our never-meant-to-be relationship ended all the life we lived and now we're strangers again all the time we put in all the things that we've been and it isn't all your fault but some of it is and some of it's mine and some of it's just bad timing and shitty circumstances
And those are just the big, more obvious parallels.
The Friends lyric, I wish one night stands were romantic, turns into having good meaningful sex, having good meaningless sex, in Hating Stuff, where the narrator reflects that, while one night stands are necessarily the heart of romance, they can be fun, and it's okay to enjoy them.
A seemingly throwaway mention about dancing 'round a quarter-life crisis in the chorus Adult turns into the entire basis of Important.
The mention of reading in the first verse of Adult is treated the same as exercise - it comes back in Hating Stuff as [I] like when I get recommendations of young adult books I should read, as a spin on it. Yes, it's what he's supposed to do, but he's going to do it in a way he enjoys.
Coffee is mentioned in the opening lyrics of Friends and then he mentions drinking tea in Hating Stuff, presumably as an alternative (that won't stain his teeth).
It's a wonderful, and timely, story about a guy who's just trying to find a reason to keep going when the world is falling apart. He's trying to find meaning in his life and the big realization that he has is that there isn't any, and that's okay. It's someone's journey of realizing that life doesn't have to have meaning to be worthy of living it.
It's three songs of mourning what he thought life "should" be, what he expected out of his life, and then two songs of accepting what reality is. Things change, people come into our lives and some of them leave, and we can't control any of that. But we can control what we do with the life we have, the narrator doesn't want to waste what life he has left only thinking about the bad things about the world.
And from that, we got a beautiful album that starts with this guy who hates the way life is, who wants to change the situation he's in to make it the life he's decided is what he wants, and then it ends with my favorite bridge and chorus of any song that I've listened to this year:
I know it's an unrealistic goal to see the glass always half full I'm no stranger to succumbing to the hopelessness spiral I just want to remind myself just how much is wonderful and how motherfucking lame it is to always be
hating stuff focused on the way life sucks there's an awful lot to love think I've had enough hating stuff no, I don't wanna be hating stuff
(I don't wanna hate stuff I don't wanna hate stuff I just wanna like stuff I don't think that life sucks)
there's an awful lot to love think I've had enough hating stuff I think I've had enough of hating stuff
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lunalovegood2 · 2 years
I'm not important and neither are you. So let's do whatever we wanna do. Bask in our cosmic insignificance. Soak up this blip we're living in. 'Cause nothing matters anyway. Isn't that great?
EP. 4: Important, Ian McConnell
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againstacecilia · 2 years
Thank you @laserbrains and @hansonveggieclub for the tags on this, like, two weeks ago. I just remembered and wanted to play now that I can use my computer. 🥰
rules: make a new post and spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.
A - Anywhere With You - Maggie Rogers G - Good Times - All Time Low A - Andante, Andante - Lily James (Mamma Mia 2) I - Insane - Black Gryph0n and Baasik N - No Interruption (Acoustic) - Hoodie Allen S - Sorry Mom - The Band CAMINO T - Touch the Sky - MELINDA et al A - Alien - Thriving Ivory C - Could Have Been Me - The Struts E - The Everglow - Mae (I know "the" starts with T but hush) C - Come On Get Higher - Matt Nathanson I - Important (The Way I Wrote It) - Ian McConnell L - Long Live the Queen - Frank Turner I - I'm Just A Kid - Simple Plan A - Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift
I'm pretty sure everyone I would've tagged has already been tagged, so here's an open tag for anyone wanting to play along! Enjoy! 🥰
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🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶
Sorry this took a moment to answer, my indecisive ass really struggled to choose only 5 songs. Anyway here it is:
Obsessions - Marina and the diamonds
One More Weekend - Maude Latour
Pin - Grimes
Même robe qu’hier - Pomme
For real this time - Gracie Abrams
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maelkevejen · 20 days
Ian McConnell - EP. 2: Friends
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clokwerksoul · 3 months
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mundanethrill · 2 years
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I guess it turned out that you and I were
after different things
Pair - Ian Mcconnell
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