#I've had this scene in mind for a whole year omg
elitadream · 6 months
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What if this was Luigi's fight all along?
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outofthemouthsof · 1 month
15-Day BL Challenge in 1 Night!
I'm more of a lurker than a poster but Tumblr's my fave place to wallow in BLness. My 2nd favorite place is the spreadsheet where I track the shows I've watched (172 completed in just over a year), so @negrowhat 's challenge was irresistible. I'm gonna cram my answers in one post. Here goes!
Fave OG Actor Pairing: Some of the ones I think of as OG are only like 4 years old, so this was tough. And the 18 shows that have gotten my top score aren't very old. But I went through those 18 and picked the oldest, and it was the 2018 Korean microfilm Some More. Because it's so short it's super rewatchable, but even if I wasn't able to watch the whole thing a half dozen times (which I have), I'd still have gone back & watched the sweet moments and sex scene about 25 times (which I have). So I guess my fave OG actor pairing is Park Chan Ung and Kim Joon Bum! How they got me so deeply invested in their love in mere minutes is beyond me, but they did!
Fave Rookie Actor Pairing: Does Japan do the CP thing that Thailand does? I don't think so, but one couple I wish had about a dozen more BL series together lined up are Kouhei Higuchi and Atsuki Mashiko of My Personal Weatherman! Their chemistry was visceral and they're too pretty to be believed.
Side Dish That Should've Been the Main Course: While I enjoyed the main pairing a lot, they were nothing compared to the crazy rollercoaster side plot (how'd it go from so funny to SO dark to so sexy to so sweet and wholesome like that??) of Vegas/Pete from KinnPorsche!
Fave Ship Dynamic: Obvs from answers 2 & 3 I am not against D/s ships at ALL. Also a sucker for tough-but-submissive-bodyguard with mafia-brat-prince. Honestly I like tons of different dynamics from innocent to toxic, but one that gives me major butterflies is a guy who thinks he's straight but when confronted with the idea of liking another guy, doesn't have a macho freakout or run away, just kind of straightforwardly & sincerely searches his feelings until he figures it out. And then takes care of his baby. Why's that so HOT and sweet? Some of my fave examples: Pete/Ae in Love By Chance, Le Jian/Amber from DNA Says Love You, and Ida/Aoki from My Love Mix-Up!
Biggest Flop: This is expectations vs. execution, right? There's loads of shows I've abandoned, some I've stuck with for no good reason, etc., that are way worse than what I consider my personal biggest let-down. I was so enamored of Perth from LBC that I assumed he could do no wrong, and the bully-to-lover, rich/poor pairings often do it for me. So I guess I just assumed Dangerous Romance would be amazing, and it was REALLY good for a couple episodes. It wasn't the worst thing I ever saw, but so much of it just ... felt ... flat. Very surprising.
Fave Line From Your Fave Series: Well I know my fave series--Cherry Magic Thailand was the most perfect, entrancing, heartwarming series EVER, OMG, it was staggeringly good and stuck the landing in a way few shows have managed. I can't really think of one standout line--the script was so on point & there were HUNDREDS of sweet tingly moments. There were some epic ones in ep11 tho: When Achi says "The voice inside your head is so loud" and Karan (the boldest he's ever been) replies "Don't worry; soon you won't be able to read my mind anymore." (But then clearly uses that power one more time to gain the sweetest nonverbal consent EVER.) Then, Karan: "Do you regret losing your power?" Achi: "I'd regret not loving you." (OMG how I squealed.)
Fave Villain: This was so tough. An over-the-top villain I loved to hate (and an actor I loved from his sweetie-pie green-flag role in SCOY) was obvs Heng Asavarid as Chalothon in The Sign. But an actor who was so excellent at being loathsome and malicious toward the main couple, with just enough of a redemption arc that I didn't totally despise the character by the end (but did hate most of the way through): Park Hae In as Eun Ji (Jae Won's ex) in The Eighth Sense. It was a typical "faen fatale" role but so well done. So a tie between 2 totally different takes on the destructive ex.
The Trope You Hate Except When It's "This Series": OK, "hate" is a strong word for how I feel about the drop-of-rain-makes-you-ill so love-interest-takes-care-of-you trope. It's OK. But holy SHIT is it overused. Holy shit. I sigh resignedly when I realize we're going there. EXCEPT. When P'Phayu goes to visit Rain in Love in the Air when he's sick, and his version of caregiving? Forcibly applying medicine in the form of a rectal suppository. It is so funny, weirdly sexy, very in line with their dynamic (doesn't get in the way of their romance moments later at all), & it shoves a big middle finger up the overoveroverused sick-bed trope.
Most Visually Pleasing Love Scene: Okay, THE scene in The Sign is the clear winner in my & many people's books. But there are so many runners-up: the post-race one in Love in the Air. Just about every one in Pit Babe (both couples) & My Personal Weatherman. (A lot of other faves don't quite qualify as visually or emotionally pleasing--lustfully pleasing should be a 3rd category in this challenge!)
Most Emotionally Pleasing Love Scene: Again, I have a clear winner: Cherry Magic Thailand. So full of emotion, so well deserved, so everything. Sigh. But lots of runners-up: same scene in The Sign, both kissing scenes in DNA Says Love You (tame but soo emotionally satisfying), Ray & Sand's camper reunion in Only Friends, the post-prison love scenes for both couples in Kiseki: Dear to Me, the 1st time in I Feel You Linger in the Air ...
Breakup That Should've Stayed Broken Up: Maybe it's because I try to be choosy in what I watch all the way thru or maybe I'm a big softy who tends to root for every couple no matter how lame. In all my completed shows, I could only think of 2 breakups where I wasn't at all invested in them getting back together (and maybe against it): Tian/Poon, What Zabb Man and Top/Mew, Only Friends.
Wedding You Wish You Had an Invite To: If we're talking weddings that actually appeared in the show, Achi and Karan's in Cherry Magic Thailand, obvs! If it's hypothetical weddings, I'd be desperate to go to one of ANY of the characters in Playboyy! I'd wear a bulletproof vest & bring my own flask of booze, but it would be the trashy chaos-filled social event of a lifetime.
Give 5 Good Boys a Gold Star: Just 5? OK, some I haven't mentioned yet. 1. Shin Woo, Light on Me, 2. Palm, Never Let Me Go, 3. Mohk, Last Twilight, 4. Thun, He's Coming to Me, 5. Neua, Secret Crush on You. Best boys!
The Top 5 Most Sad Boys: I'll limit it to ones where the suffering was kinda pretty, not just painful. 1. Way, Pit Babe, 2. Akk, The Eclipse, 3. Kaipa/Gaipa, Moonlight Chicken, 4. Hae Bom, Cherry Blossoms After Winter, 5. Kiyoi, My Beautiful Man
Bestest Besties: Just one? Gah! Fine, Pearl & Gavreel in Gameboys. She got those boys together in quarantine!
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megafaunatic · 3 months
fic writer meme
ty claire @microcomets for the tag!!!!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
seventy three !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jesus christ lol
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
five hundred twelve thousand three hundred AND THREE human words. PLUS some comics
3. What fandoms do you write for?
whateber catches my fancy... mostly danmei these days but 🤫 perhaps a new world in the works soon
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
oh jeez lol
you asleep and dreaming
linger in the sun
take me by the waist to the water (<- this one's having a renaissance these days bc of the donghua, by far the most kudos per day)
this tornado loves you
the people love wangxian!
5. Do you respond to comments?
VERY RARELY... i try to respond asap to anyone who asks about translating (i LOVE TRANSLATIONS) but other than that i feel very shy about replying to comments LOL 😵‍💫😵‍💫 even though i love when authors respond to MY comments...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
for a while i wrote a lot of "missing scene" wangxians where it's just like a moment or a handful of moments in the middle of the action, and i think all of them have implicit angsty endings: because they're just a missing scene, and there's no continuation, you understand that "having that conversation"/"kissing or almost kissing then" changes nothing in the greater arc... wei wuxian still gives jiang cheng his golden core, is still reviled and then killed... etc... but definitely the angstiest fic i've written remains flightless bird which cair read and then immediately blocked out of their mind forever
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
MOST Of my fics that aren't the above missing scene fics are happy endings. some faves include no other waters and to be a good companion, both post-tyk happy endings; at least in this lifetime, my most recent take on mdzs happy ending; a lot's gonna change, a wedding fic which was written in honor of most beloved friends mary + aubrey's actual real life wedding (and actual real life happy ending)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really lol probably once a year i'll get a rude comment that i immediately delete and go "? lol" about. i was NOT victimized by shino which >:/ okay... excluding me...
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
ive really only written one crossover (atlas: wangxian + hualian) which got it all out of my system. crossovers are hard to do well especially when all the things i'm into are in world structures that can't easily overlap
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no fics "stolen" as in reposted wholesale (TO MY KNOWLEDGE?) but definitely i used to notice some plagiarism here and there when wangxian was really popping! mostly specific turns of phrase/passages but sometimes whole concepts. also one time i tweeted a funny hualian thread about hua cheng purring and then a couple days later i decided i want to whip it up into a fic and then like 3 hours after i posted the fic i went and checked the tag (these were the days that you could check the tag more than once a day) and someone had posted their own fic that was just beat-for-beat my original thread. uncredited obviously. lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
YES AND I ACTUALLY KEEP A CHERISHED SPREADSHEET OF ALL THE TRANSLATIONS!!!! like claire, mostly spanish/russian/chinese. most exciting tls for me personally are the persian and turkish ones
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
NO!!!!!!! I'M TOO UNRELIABLE AND OVERPROTECTIVE!!!!!!! every time zoë and miriam or fey and fer talk about how much they love co-writing i'm like omg. wish i were constitutionally capable of doing such an activity. but i'm not
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
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no uhh idk passions come and go! once i get Particularly Into a ship i'll come back and read fics for it years later... every ship fills a different niche in my heart...
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
(HUGE BOLD LETTERS) pacific rim wangxian au i miss you so bad
also inception au wenzhou fic but that feels more likely to be finished... maybe one day...
16. What are your writing strengths?
precision + beauty of language; i am really funny; i'm good at choreography
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! i like it the most when i personally can understand it LMFAO but like really well-written bilingual writing where you DON'T have to speak the second language in order to get the gist of what's being said - either bc of elegant/subtle translation in the narration or bc of context - is sooo good and so hard to do well
OR i love lianzi's approach to translation in her shl chinese restaurant au (ONE OF THE FUNNIEST FICS OF ALL TIME) where some of the text is written in chinese and you hover over it for the english translation
19. First fandom you wrote for?
technically les mis but that doesn't count. jojo's bizarre adventure
20. Favorite fic you have written?
ummmmm mmmm hmmmmm hmmmmm. at any given time i mostly like my most recent fics the best but i do think our eyes on the road is particularly enduring - i love a lot of the landscape writing i did in that one, i think i captured the vibe of "late winter in new england" particularly well!
I TAG... @cairoscene @vinelark @houtaroo @fruitdaze AND @uhuraisgay
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unlikelyjapan · 9 months
s2e7 rewatch notes
Forks. Here we go...
Enters with Syd doing menu R&D with Coach K's interview layered on.
I'm going to be honest and say I hate inspirational sports narratives - years ago my husband used to work for a huge sports conglomerate, and I'm still finding and disposing of "TEAMS GO HARD - THERE ARE NO APOLOGIES" motivational-type swag to this day.
That being said, the interview is highly relative to Syd, foreshadows Richie's arc apex, Carmy's choice/fall/probable redemption, the teams learning curves, the restaurant's impending ebb and flow, so I've transcribed it for posterity:
So as you've been coaching over the years, what would you say are the most important lessons of leadership that you've learned?
The very first thing is that in order to get better you change limits. And when you change limits, you're going to look bad and you're going to fail. And at West Point I learned that failure was never a destination. In other words, when you are knocked back, you know, figure out why, then change.
The other thing is that you're not going to get there alone. You know, be on a team. You know, surround yourself with good people and learn how to listen. You're not going to learn with you just talking. And when you do talk, converse - don't make excuses. Figure out the solution. And you don't have to figure it out yourself.
I always wanted to be part of a team and obviously I wanted to lead that team. You know, what an interesting life it is to be a leader.
"That's something" Syd murmurs. The whole talk is the glue that holds her to RIchie and co. without Carmy in e10.
I do appreciate how they portray (with the aid of spooky music) Richie's wake-up, the city of Chicago, and the modernist restaurant as bathed in grey/blue hues and basically haunted at the jump. Richie as a shell, an angry ghost, terrified of his perceived lack of agency, his irrelevance, and whatever future fate Carmy has in store for him.'
"Chef Terry is always watching" contrasted with the initial starkness of "Every Second Counts" without context - so much has already been reported on this episode re: ritual/purpose, but I just relish watching Richie be in jail the first portion of this episode.
And don't worry, I'm not going to make any "OMG a fork! Remember when...." observations, this isn't the Reddit sub.
I do like the use of David Byrne's "Glass, Concrete & Stone" as Richie tucks into day two and three of his stage.
"Now, I'm wakin' at the crack of dawn, to send a little money home, from here to the moon...."
I mean, his conscious mind is screaming "I have to do this so Carmy will pay me", but some part of his lizard brain has to be cluing in at this point that this whole exercise/path might lead to a more lucrative life - so he can support the family he doesn't possess anymore.
Carmy, Syd, Tina, Marcus and Natalie are thrown into a restaurant montage overlapping RIchie's scene while the song continues to play out - it doesn't play in this lyrical order, so you know every note is intentionally directed at one/all:
Lookin' at happiness
Keepin' my flavor fresh
Nobody knows I guess
How far I'll go, I know
So I'm leavin' at Six O' Clock
Meet in a parkin' lot
Harriet Hendershot
Sunglasses on, she waits by this
Glass and concrete and stone
It is just a house, not a home.
And my head is fifty feet high
Let my body and soul be my guide
There's too many dual meanings /applications for these lyrics to even sift through here. Bravo, Christopher Storer.
In my last recap of Fishes, I had said a bit about how all the men in the Berzatto orbit can be ground down to a pulp by men they perceive as an authority/threat.
Garrett represents a beta-persona to Richie, someone he could easily go off on (with a "G or R" comment casually thrown in) when he starts lecturing him in the alley about his commitment/work ethic, but Garrett is so assured of his work, and more importantly assured of his mother-fucking purpose.
The obvious layer of this is that Richie's seeking his purpose, so it's a crystalizing moment. The secondary layer is that it reveals the kryptonite of the Berzatto(ish) men - people who have and are assured by their purpose, and who lead with that instead of myths and bluster.
This explains Carmy's early "othering" by the family, for better and for worse - he's not assured of that purpose because of all his enmeshment and hang-ups, but they caught a whiff of what it could lead to, and it brews a curiosity, mocking and quiet disdain.
It also explains Richie's bonkers hatred of Syd in season 1 (reciprocated in kind), as Sydney comes rushing out of the gate with assurance and purpose. It also explains the immediate tune-up their relationship undergoes as soon as Richie wanders back to The Bear. Same goes for Richie and Natalie's repair/sudden appreciation for one another by e8.
Re: the teachers who had saved up for a fancy dinner at the pre-service meeting:
"I want to go above and beyond tonight. Every supplement and caviar, a tour of the kitchen, a champagne tour in the gallery as well. And, guys, we're not going to let these people spend a dollar. Do not drop a check. I wanna blow their fuckin' minds."
I will cop to shedding a happy tear the first time I saw this. I really hope it changed some mid-American perspectives on what service work and hospitality can mean (across the board, but especially in its upper echelons), by what metrics they assess it, how they value the people who work purposefully to take care of them. So good! I'm glad it hit Richie like a ton of bricks.
It looks like Tiff's been crying before she calls Richie in preparation. It's really sweet that Richie's first thought is obviously a worry about her health or something when she says she needs to tell him something, followed quickly by relief. I didn't question that there wasn't real love there, but it's nice to see it linger between the two of them in the aftermath....Ebon and GIllian both played this scene so sincerely.
As he re-enters the kitchen, Richie is watching the careful food prep and the FOH interactions with such a childlike intensity/wonder. I didn't realize that the "rebirth of Richie" happened in a day, not a week (which I felt was too fast already) but I actually find myself resenting it less at this clip. Basically all the things he held dear (being Van Halen, potential reconciliation with Tiff, the dishonesty of white collar life and dining/fraud Carmy) were obliterated in a single day, but a life that requires "someone who's good with people" has presented itself in tandem. (I...god....its a fork in the fucking road, ok? ugh.)
Just taking a beat to marvel over the Chicago cinematography in this episode. My God, the colors they were able to coax out of trains and the skyline at night, it's truly magnificent.
Some reddit gals were pointing out that Chef Jess' gold 'X' earrings are the exact same as Claire's, which indicated that she's marked as a love interest for Richie the same way Claire is marked for Carmy, everything being intentional and all that.
While I leave a slight amount of room to believe that a show about a group of kitchen rats doesn't have an overly-extensive jewelry collection to pull from in the wardrobe department, if it was intentional I think it says more about Richie's motivations than it does Carmy's.
Richie really wanted a Claire. Someone available, interested, someone he could regard as a "high-calibre woman" (I am not going to include any of the dialogue from Fishes, don't worry). I think the "X" could signify women who are emotionally open and available. What the men do with that is up to them - I don't think The Bear is going to fuck around with fatalistic narratives when it's actively trying to dispel them elsewhere.
I really love the sense of play as the staff gather around the perquod's pizza as the chef is preparing it - taking a minute to delight in it without it disrupting the urgency of the kitchen at rush. I can't wait until The Bear gains its sea legs and we see everyone BOH being afforded moments like this.
Deep dish is not "magic pizza" though. Far from it.
When Richie identifies the apple cider gastrique and Garrett cries "THATS MY FUCKING BOY RIGHT THERE!!" -
I mean, it's bro movie shit, and this would never happen in a week....but it is a truly charming context switch. The Taylor Swift bit was way too cloying for me, but I'm relieved to see Richie smile and Ebon really sells it all.
Shout out to the shot of Ceres.
It's been discussed, but Garrett's sobriety story re: acts of service for recovery/hospital-ity is a poignant add-on.
Every character featured on the show is tasked with providing service and taking care of people in either a hospital or hospitality setting, and it's the key to maintaining (or regaining) control of their lives.
Richie is a baby who's learning, we know this. This seems more like a direct shot across the bow at Carmy - even with the example of a girlfriend who's a doctor, he's negating taking care of people and providing acts of service for them to provide for himself (thinking it'll make him better at it). Carmy has dodged alcoholism through abstinence, but he's exhibiting addict behavior by abdicating his responsibilities to others in order to chase sensations. He dodges his AA meetings, neglects service to others, and ends up losing control of his life.
Aaannnd we're back to Berzatto patterns with Richie feeling like Carmy owns and controls him, once it's reinforced that Garrett/Chef Terry defer to Carmy re: Richie's working life. We all know Carmy would never deny him the opportunity to move on to another stellar job, which makes his call to him so annoying.
I like that the next morning Richie is shown to be 50% less self-destructive. He's bloodshot again and staring at Mikey's prayer card in the mirror, but he's also up in a flash, organizing Eva's crayons, cleaning the counters etc. instead of just fully dirt-bagging it out the door. He's not perfect, but he's changed.
Hmmm - Richie reveals to Chef Terry that he was a military brat.If he moved around a lot as the sole child (it's been established that his parents were shit), it definitely explains why he would gravitate towards Mikey's very rooted family to have an established sense of place, no matter how dysfunctional it is. He also seems to take it very personally that their dad was a deadbeat - I wonder if that was a secondary abandonment for him too.
Chef Terry - "I tried to open a place years ago. I had all these accolades, I was younger, I was on fire. I was arrogant and I tried to move too fast and I couldn't keep the place open, and the market crashed and I got killed.[......] the most public wipe-out.
Yikes. Followed by the story of her current place:
"That was on my 38th birthday. I was out walking all night, unemployed, angry, depressed - blaming everyone else for all the time I'd lost and all the money I'd lost, all of it. And it was raining - and I was walking through Lincoln Park - and my phone died. And so I stood under this awning waiting for the rain to stop - and I just stood there and stared - and then the sun came up, and it turns out I was right there.
And then I walked 'round to the front and I saw the sign. It was an actual sign. It was a restaurant for lease sign."
Richie - "Like a, uh, never too late...."
"Yeah. Never too late to start over."
Again, the meaning as it applies to Richie is pretty overt and obvious, but I wonder how they're going to tether this more to Syd or Carmy next season (or just rail them both equally with it, along with the fate of The Bear). There are also parallels of it being a family business, and the death of a family member that she didn't get the opportunity to know as well as she should have.
"He believes in you. He told me" - Aw, Carmy ❤️ I'll be mad at you again tomorrow.
This ended up being more enjoyable than I remembered. I think Pop and Fishes just did a number on me.
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Watching Star Trek TOS and loving it! Sex pollen!!
The Return of the Archons
Jim Spock shenanigans shenanigans it was ok enough.
Gotta say I'm all for criticism of organized religion
Space Seed
So I met Khan (not the Benedict Cumberbatch whitewashed version)! The episode was good, lots of good dialogue, a solid plot and an uncertain ending (kofkof uncertain for them).
The toxic masculinity vibes were off the charts though:
First, I'm not commenting on McGivers instantly falling for the hyper masculine guy, accepting his abusive behaviour and choosing to stay with him; because if I do, I'll get mad. But you know, it's terrible and I hate it.
Then the admiration for Khan, "the best and most dangerous of the tyrants" expressed by Scotty, Bones and Jim. Sigh. Of course it's all three of them, the only one out being Spock ("Illogical"). We're supposed to take away that it's because he doesn't feel the human/manly appeal of courage, ambition, greatness or whatever. Honestly not even IC? (sorry but I don't want to picture Jim and Bones as real life fans of Napoleon lmao they are the worst)
SPOCK: Gentlemen, this romanticism about a ruthless dictator is KIRK: Mister Spock, we humans have a streak of barbarism in us. Appalling, but there, nevertheless. SCOTT: There were no massacres under his rule. SPOCK: And as little freedom. MCCOY: No wars until he was attacked. SPOCK: Gentlemen.
You tell them Spock!
MCCOY: Well, either choke me or cut my throat. Make up your mind.
Instant classic
MCCOY: Well, there aren't any regulations against romance, Jim.
Duly noted!
Jim thinking he and the bridge crew were dying and recommending commendations in his log? Him being in the decompression chamber being murdered? I was on the verge of tears then
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jsbfjhe i'm sorry i can't take it seriously this shot is so funny
SPOCK: Surprised to see you Captain, though pleased. JIM: I'm a little pleased myself
they're so dumb (lovingly)
SPOCK: It would be interesting, Captain, to return to that world in a hundred years and to learn what crop has sprung from the seed you planted today. KIRK: Yes, Mister Spock, it would indeed.
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A Taste of Armageddon
Wow the plot's heavy but powerful. The whole episode is dark but hopeful ending! (plus pissed off Jim is v sexy)
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Death, destruction, disease, horror. That's what war is all about, Anan. That's what makes it a thing to be avoided. You've made it neat and painless. So neat and painless, you've had no reason to stop it. And you've had it for five hundred years. 
I've given you back the horrors of war. 
Ending a 500-year war is just one of many things Captain Kirk does!
And of course:
SPOCK: Captain, you almost make me believe in luck. KIRK: Why, Mister Spock, you almost make me believe in miracles.
I love them ._.
This Side of Paradise
The perfect mix of fun and tension in this episode! Loved it!
Jim's confusion at Spock is everything. When he says "Spock" - clears his throat - "Mr Spock"
Jim being his dramaqueen self "In effect, I am marooned here."
Jim's immunity is his sense of duty what a goody two-shoes (affectionate)
The idea that anger/strong emotion is necessary ties up nicely to The Enemy within
Then the scene... You know which one... Did I have to pause because Jim was being so mean to Spock it was a bit much to watch? maybe!!
SPOCK: You did that to me deliberately. KIRK: Believe me, Mister Spock, it was painful in more ways than one.
My heart!
SPOCK: Captain. Striking a fellow officer is a court martial offence. KIRK: Well, if we're both in the Brig, who's going to build the subsonic transmitter? SPOCK: That is quite logical, Captain.
Sooo dumb <3
The scene between Layla and Spock was lovely too!
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MCCOY: Well, that's the second time man's been thrown out of paradise. KIRK: No, no, Bones. This time we walked out on our own. Maybe we weren't meant for paradise. Maybe we were meant to fight our way through. Struggle, claw our way up, scratch for every inch of the way. 
This after the reference to Milton two eps ago! Yes! Yes to all of this!!!
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altraviolet · 4 months
hihihi, this isn't a question but
I saw someone else show a song that reminded me of echo garden so I was like "omg waitttt I know some songs I'm INLOVE with that remind me of soundrod"
so like 2 songs that remind me of rodimus/Soundwave are
"once more to see you" by mitski
ESP THE "but with everybody waaaaatching ussss, our eeeeevery moveee we doo have reputationsss, we keep it secretttt, won't let them haveee ittt" LYRICS AUGHH bc like it kinda reminds me of them now being inlove with eachother and wanting to be together and stuff but rodimus is a whole entire captain of a huge crew and Soundwave is already sorta popular on the ship bc of his recent acts and the graffiti and esp the mission or wtv to get skywarp and rodimus being put in the medbay and allat
AND THAT ALSO KINDA GOES WITH THE LYRICS "then I wouldn't have to scream your name, atop of every roof in the city of my heart"
likeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrghhhu it also slightly reminds me of just like having sossosos much love for one another and just not being able to express it properly and just say everything you love about them so you KEEP IT INSIDEEE IN YOUR HEART (if that makes sense bc it could go in the way of them as I said not being able to be open abt their interest in eachother bc yknow people and drama blah blah blah but it could ALSOO be like entirely from soundwaves perspective bc he doesn't really have relationship experience and yeaaa)
and one more for this song I also really like the lyric "so come inside and be with me, alone with me" since it reminds me of a small detail of rodimus entering soundwaves hab suite often JUST so they can be together "be with me" and alone together bc of yesyes "alone with me"
AND FOR THE SECOND SONG IS "door" by mitski
(I really like mitski 😇)
THAT SONG MAKES ME START BACKFLIPPING ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
it reminds me so much (and makes me so sad wawawawa) of rodimus and his silly little door between him and soundwaves room (which used to be drifts room💔)
THE STUPID SAD LITTLE "sometimes I get closer to it, but I've never found it, at twilight, I almost had it, but then the night fellll I looked out at the dark and wondered, how could I have lost it" LYRIC MAKES ME THINK OF rodimus being hesitant opening the door and almost even depressed around it because it reminds him of drift during the grey years and how he "lost" him but NOWWW soundwaves there so it's just one big struggle that sometimes he even forgets the door is even there bc he just wants to see his sweet little smookie pookie dookie so it just kinda disapears in his mind (DO YOU GET WHAT I MEAN 😭)
and the "then one night at the park I saw it with my cheek in the dirt, I couldn't move underneath the dark but, but atleast I finally found it, cried out a creak and opened, to show me what's beyond ittts, a hopeless, a violence, I named it love." LYRICS JUST AUGH they r so haunting to me
it reminds me of rodimus not wanting to open it because of him feeling guilty about liking the grey years when it was drifts worst times so it turns from good memories to bad and it makes him feel BADD so he just keeps it sealed but ever since the seal broke and he finally got himself to use that door he saw soundwave, the ex-decepticon (in echo garden ofc) who has a certain 'hunger' for rodimus ((like that one scene when *idk if I need to list this as a spoiler but I will 🔥* ⚠️SPOILER! -when soundwave was digging through rodimus's like spark area and spark chamber and stuff he had a 'hunger' to KNOW but it results in VIOLENCE-⚠️ )) and yeaa
so what was behind that door was a "violent" little soundwavey he named
like idk if I'm misinterpreting that song but if I intend to think of soundrod/echo garden for that song that's what automatically forms in my brain because of the silly willy door
OH AND ONE MORE this one wasn't supposed to be here from the start but
"goodbye my Danish sweetheart" by mitski
it just slightly reminds me of soundwave being like "ermm!1!1! I did something wrong that rodimus doesn't like I feel bad now yk what he should just hurt me I deserve it wawawa" but then going onto rodimus it's like "dangggg that's crazy bro he expected more from me he probably thinks bad about me now and will avoid me I'm sososarrywaaaaa" idk how to explain it properly 💔
BUT THOSE GO AMONG THE LINES OF "and I don't blame you if you want to bury me in your memory I'm not the girl I ought to be but maybe when you tell your friends you can tell them what you saw in me I'm not the way i am, and i dont mean to make your heart blue" and yadayadayada
like soundwave being sad and embarrassed and guilty because he made rodimus feel weird or sad or mad or disappointed and rodimus being sad when he made soundwave mad (I feel like that's a good way to describe it no 🤕)
I hit a Irish jig when echo garden gets updated like I physically and mentally cannot contain myself (I'm not joking I genuinely start tweeking) they make me just SOO UERRGH
echo garden is probably one of the BEST fics ever like idk another fic that went on for this long and has basically a whole entire FANBASE you write emotion so good and amazing and you even inspire me, a procrastinator, to finish my own works its just all so amazing I'm SERIOUS SERIOUS 🤧💝💝💝
also I apologize for the possible very long essay 🙏
have a day(or night) so amazing that its INEFFABLE❤️🧡💛💌💙💜🖤
hello hello! my headphones are currently dead but I will try to check out these songs later today :D
>"so come inside and be with me, alone with me" since it reminds me of a small detail of rodimus entering soundwaves hab suite often JUST so they can be together
yes, just seeing the lyrics written out, absolutely :D
>sometimes he even forgets the door is even there bc he just wants to see his sweet little smookie pookie dookie so it just kinda disapears in his mind (DO YOU GET WHAT I MEAN 😭)
yes I see what you mean but also LOL "smookie pookie dookie"
>"and I don't blame you if you want to bury me in your memory
ooh that's a powerful line for sure :u
>you write emotion so good and amazing and you even inspire me, a procrastinator, to finish my own works
aww thank you! I'm honored to help inspire you and I'm glad you're finishing your own works :D I once heard advice from an interview which said "Finish your projects." 1) it means you're actually finishing your projects, so you learn about the whole process etc etc, 2) you get the I FINISHED THE STORY! joy at the end.
I'm trying really hard with TEG. we're gonna get there!!! and you can, too!! 💪
>idk another fic that went on for this long and has basically a whole entire FANBASE
thank you!! hello readers, thanks for reading ❤️ I know of at least one long fic that had a strong fan base. I wasn't there at the time, but it was rec'd to me years after, and from the Afterword, I gather it had a huge following. I'll list it, and a couple other fics I know had strong positive fandom reactions:
🔞These Games We Play by peacewish
⚠️NOTE THE WARNINGS AND TAGS BEFORE READING. Archive warning is for Rape/Non Con and tags include slavery.⚠️
Years ago when I was thinking about writing TF fic, I asked a friend for an example of a well-done story, so I could get a sense of what was out there. TF is a daunting franchise to write for (or it felt that way at the time). Friend rec'd this. I read it (most of it, there was a party scene I skipped through), put my head on the desk, and thought, "I will never write something this good." I put off writing fic for a year because I thought I'd never be able to write something as complex and emotional. One of the chapters in this fic is the BEST writing I've ever seen in anything ever. It's not my favorite scene. It is the best scene. I won't say which one it is, because its power comes in part from being read properly in the story. But like. Holy shit, dude. So by my friend's rec, and things I've seen here and there, and the Afterword, I gather this fic had a huge audience at the time. I read it once and I will probably never read it again because of the aforementioned tags (it's too depressing for me), but I do occasionally go back and read That One Chapter to enjoy all its layers of meaning and amazingness. So if those warnings/tags don't put you off, and you don't mind depressing stories, you might like this one.
Side note: I PUT OFF WRITING FOR A YEAR BECAUSE I COMPARED MYSELF TO THIS FIC. If you like my writing and perhaps compare yourself to it, I get it, but don't let my work stop you from practicing and growing. Imagine how much better my writing could be if I hadn't lost a year going "weh." Don't lose time to comparing yourself to others!
And I Alone Have Escaped To Tell You by astolat
I learned this fic existed because I saw tumblr posts talking about it and a friend of mine drew a really pretty fan art for it. It def had a fanbase when it came out :D Astolat is a great writer (if you know, you know why). I have read this fic. It didn't grab me as much as it grabbed others, though another of her TF fics had some amazing and haunting worldbuilding and I still think about it sometimes.
ok ok this post is getting long but there's one more fic I'll rec:
🔞Working Through It by Trinary
Trinary is a great author. Actually, scrolling through their fic list to find this one, I see their stories have tons of hits. I highly rec you check them out :D anyway, I distinctly remember people talking about this particular fic when it came out. It's very much 🔞, it's pretty short but it packs in so much worldbuilding and characterization and weird/awesome 🔞 in a tiny space. I highly rec you follow Trinary on tumblr/twitter/everywhere/anywhere: they post rather infrequently but it's always really astute observations/commentary on stuff.
So yeah I suppose "I saw people talking about it" is an arbitrary guideline, but... yeah! These are some fics I know had a strong fan response in their day :)
Thank you for the very kind comment! It's very nice to see you so excited about TEG, and thinking about it while listening to music you like 😊 Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
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Mistaken: An Arranged Marriage Bratva Romance, by Arianna Fraser (aka @caffiend-queen )
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Look what arrived last night!!! Written by our very own brilliant @caffiend-queen !!
I love the cover my dear. But of course we all know that our main anti-hero / dastardly villain / antagonistic Adonis REALLY looks like, don't we y'all.
The REAL Maksim Morozov
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I continue to ramble and swoon over this book and its characters after the break below. I've chosen gifs to fit my mental picture and a theme song I've assigned to @caffiend-queen 's book.
Walking with his bodyguard.
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Always on the phone.
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Weight of society's underbelly rests on his shoulders. Wide wide broad muscular shoulders that block out the sun when he towers over his beautiful Ella Givens, our brilliant protagonist and heroine in this story.
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And the Real Yuri Morozov - Maksim's second hand man and cheeky loyal brother.
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Don't forget, he's Maksim's right hand man. So dangerous!! *Gulp.
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He's the personable friendly brother. He's the lucky one who doesn't have to strike fear in everyone ALL THE TIME. He's allowed to smile and laugh sometimes. OMG I WANT TO FUCK THE BROTHER! I'm Team Yuri all the way!! Am I allowed to call out a Team Yuri?
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Damn. It would have been so much easier to pick out the right image if the characters were simple and two dimensional. RIGHT?
But like all of @caffiend-queen 's characters - these two men - two terrifying, beautiful, brave, ruthless, loyal, sexy, kinky, fucked up, violent, infuriating men have a lifetime of experiences that add up to who they are today. There are so many moods, so many hats, so many roles they play with every different character, who they are to them, how they act with them. How much they reveal and when. When do they let their guard down versus when they don't. In the end, the men are just living roles they were dealt within the world they were born into. Trying to survive, thrive even, and take care of their family.
OMG.... The ACTION SCENES!! This is so intense I've been on the edge of my seat!
Y'all gotta read this!!!
Check in with @caffiend-queen for info. It hit the 'bookshelves' just this month. Both e-book and the hard copy. I love it!
One morning I heard the PERFECT theme song for the chapters I'd been reading the night before. The entire drive to school and back I had to play it multiple times. (And it's now my son's favorite song, so he has been requesting it specifically each car ride for a couple weeks. It goes to say that the whole family can sing it word for word by this point.)
I'm so excited to have all y'all listen to it and tell me if you can see the intense action scenes from the book play out in your mind like they do in mine when this song plays. Please let me know what you think??
Give And Take, by Poor Man's Poison.
Someday I'm gonna show up on your doorstep, @caffiend-queen , with a huge box of all your books I've collected over the years for you to sign for me. :-) I can't wait!
Spread the word and boost this signal. REBLOG PLEASE. Support and promote our sister. All her profits go to the local Crisis Nursery in her city. Such a wonderful way to support them and help families in crisis. Again check in with @caffiend-queen for the exact details.
@nildespirandum @emeraldrosequartz @ladyoftheteaandblood @alexakeyloveloki @tilltheendwilliwrite @jtargaryen18 @imanuglywombat @myoxisbroken @lokisgoodgirl @devikafernando @threeminutesoflife @talklokitome @latent-thoughts @mooncat163 @nonsensicalobsessions @angelriverwrites @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @frostbitten-written @just-the-hiddles @redfoxwritesstuff @imnotrevealingmyname @shiningloki @grufflepuff-writes-stuff @so-easy-to-love-me @wolfsmom1 @what-is-your-plan-today
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multiverse-imagines · 11 months
(。・ω・。)ノ♡This may be too much to request, so please ignore if it's too much! Or at least tell me so I'd know.... 👉👈
(Vash/Wolfwood) couldn't sleep, so they stayed up. Until he hears a voice singing him to sleep...
Reader, after turning (18 or 20) years old, they are given a song to sing to their soulmate. They chose "Fly me to the moon - Nightcore cover" It's such a sweet song, and the lyrics on it are perfect for him
In the morning, (Vash/Wolfwood) ask the others, Meryl, Milly/Roberto, and (Wolfwood/Vash) if they heard it, but they didn't. Milly/Roberto says that maybe it's his soulmate singing to them.
How would (Vash/Wolfwood)'s reaction and thought of having a soulmate?
Bonus: Reader learns they can talk to their soulmate via singing their words to him
Bonus bonus: Reader watches an episode scene of Trigun where (Vash/Wolfwood) has a singing soulmate.
Ps. I can't decide which boy to choose, so I'll let you decide to either pick both or one of them 😅
Pps. Your writing makes me squeal and kick my legs, it's just so good 😩💗💝🎯
A/N: Omg I love the singing soulmate au!!!! And you KNOW I have to do a triangle soulmate!!!!! They both deserve absolutely everything! I also hope it's not too complicated to read. I've made pov by planet, not necessarily who's personal pov, if that makes sense.. enjoy!!!
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Jupiter and Mars
Vash x reader x Wolfwood soulmate au!
You walked along the local nature trail with one earphone out while you sang to your heart's content, not caring who heard you. You kept one earphone out to best monitor your own melody, using your index finger like a conductor to help guide you to high notes and low notes of each song.
You wanted to go on a relaxing walk before going out with friends for your belated birthday. Nothing crazy, just maybe a nice dinner and playing video games.
Soon a beloved song began on your iPod. A Nightcore song that you preferred over the original for once. Its flowy piano and catchy snare beat improved the original drastically, in your opinion. You swayed in the late morning hours as you sang to the song, making your way towards one of your favorite spots on the trail.
"Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars." Vash sat up in bed at the Inn to the beautiful melody, "Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars." Jupiter and Mars? Those were names he hadn't heard in a long time,
"In other words, Hold my hand. In other words, Darling, kiss me." The voice's beautiful vibrato echoed in his mind. He got up, looking around the room, and out through the window. No one was around at this hour.
"Fill my heart with song, and let me sing forever more." Nicholas had been listening to the angelic voice half awake in his bed, "You are all I long for. All I worship and adore." He debated grabbing a cigarette from the end table, "In other words, Please be true. In other words, I… love… you…" Nicholas sat on the bed, lighting up another cigarette as the voice began the song over once again.
"Did you hear that last night?" Vash asked as he joined Wolfwood, Milly and Meryl at the breakfast table.
"Hear what?" Meryl asked.
"That beautiful song. It had to be sung by an Angel." Vash sighed dreamily as he brought a bite of pancakes to his mouth.
"I didn't hear anything, what about you, Mr. Wolfwood?" Milly smiled at him.
"Yeah, I did hear some singing last night, actually." The whole table paused, "Something about the moon, right? But which one were they singing about?" Vash's eyes widened.
"You heard it too, Wolfwood?"
"Yeah, it was a really pretty song. Why would someone be out in town so late singing that loudly though?" He pointed his fork at Vash.
"Well, I looked outside, and there wasn't-"
"I'm so into you, I can barely breathe. And all I wanna do, is to fall in deep." The angelic voice returned. Vash and Wolfwood jumped to their feet, looking around the room, the other patrons seeming unaware of the siren song resonating in the two gunman's heads.
"You hear that right?" Vash hissed out, still looking for the person singing.
"But close ain't close enough 'Til we cross the line, hey, yeah. So name a game to play And I'll roll the dice, hey." Wolfwood stared at the table, lost in thought.
"Oh, baby, look what you started. The temperature's rising in here. Is this gonna happen? Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move (ooh, ooh)"
"Vash, no one else can hear them." Wolfwood growled.
"Before I make a move (ooh, ooh)" the song soon cut off, as if they were interrupted, but the voice kept humming what must have been the next bit of the song.
"Why can only you two hear it then?" Milly asked.
"Well, if I remember from my past, sometimes people who can hear someone else's song from far away, they're considered… Soulmates…." Vash's face heated up to match the color of his coat.
"Then why can we both…" Nicholas frowned before his face snapped up in realization, "We're both their soulmate!" He exclaimed. Vash nodded, a smile spreading across his face.
"Wait. Does that mean you can hear me sing too? Now that all three of us have this… connection? Let's try it!" Vash left the table, and trotted outside momentarily.
"So... On the first evening a pebble...From somewhere out of nowhere drops upon the dreaming world." A voice sang to you. You… knew this voice.
The irony that they sang this song. It couldn't be. You… you lived on Earth. B-but Johnny Young Bosch was already confirmed to have found his soulmate (and the age gap was way too massive for anyone's comfort.) It couldn't be him! But… that just meant…
"Did you hear me sing, Wolfwood?" Vash came back in.
"Y-yeah, I did. It was that song that your Mom sang, right?"
"Y-yeah." Vash was embarrassed once again.
Here, my turn. I wonder if they can hear me too." He cleared his throat, and glanced around, not knowing what to sing.
He soon settled on a song with no words that he'd heard a while back. He hummed, trying to remember the song. He didn't often pay attention to music, but he did enjoy it.
M-Moonlight Sonata??? From a different voice??? You paused, analyzing the voice.
"Nicholas…. And that must mean Vash too…" tears soon ran down your face as you spoke your realization. Your soulmates were Nicholas D Wolfwood and Vash the Stampede. Fictional characters. You took a deep breath with your response.
"So... futatsu-me no yoru ni
koishi no ko ga te wo tori WARUTSU wo kaku" the voice responded.
"That sounds like…" Nicholas squinted.
"That's the original language that 'Sound Life' was sung in!" Vash exclaimed as the voice then turned to return the melody of the song Wolfwood had sung.
"Quick sing something back!" Wolfwood hissed at Vash. By now, their food was cold and abandoned at their new mission. However they had the attention of the other patrons at this point, so they scrambled up the stairs to Wolfwood's room.
"Are you… our soulmate? What is your name?" He sang once they got settled in a seated position on Wolfwood's bed.
"I think I am. I almost can't believe it's you two." The voice then sang their name to the duo.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Nicholas sang an off key response back.
"Are you Vash and Nicholas?" The voice replied, their own names sounding like heaven to them.
"At your service, my dear." Vash sang back. There was a long pause.
"I… I may never meet you if that's the case." Their voice was shaky as they sang.
"Are they crying?" Wolfwood whispered to Vash.
"Is the infamy of Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood so scary you would avoid us?" Vash almost seemed annoyed.
"N-No!" The voice was high pitched, almost not constituting as a portion of song, "You're so far away from me. A whole dimension. In my home, far away on Earth, you're not even… real." The last word squeaked out once more.
"Not.. real?" Vash whispered.
"Whaddya mean not real? We're right here for you. We can hear you." Wolfwood sang to them. Another pause.
"You're a fictional series on Earth. A story about Gunsmoke, Vash, and his attempt to save the world from his brother." They sang, "I can never reach you."
The tears wouldn't stop flowing from your face as Vash and Nicholas tried to comfort you, and ask more questions. You didn't want to answer. You'd found your soulmates, and for what? For them to not even live in this dimension? For them to be fictional by all definitions? You threw a plush toy across the room in frustration. How were you supposed to ever meet them?
Their soulmate didn't respond to Vash & Wolfwood's questions after that.
"What do we do now?" Wolfwood asked.
"I think they need a little time. They just found out they have two soulmates who don't exist on the same plane as they do. I… I'm kind of heartbroken for them." Vash glanced up at Nicholas, "I mean, I have you now, but think about them. They're alone… on Earth. In our world's past, they're without us." He frowned.
"You're right…." Wolfwood joined his frown. Vash took Wolfwood's hand.
"Are you… alright, Songbird?" Wolfwood asked their soulmate.
"I don't think so…" their shaky voice replied once more.
"We're with you now. If we can't be there in person, let us be here with you in song."
"Okay, Angel." They replied.
Since then, their soulmate seemed much happier to sing with them everyday. It appeared their day/night cycle was opposite to the one on Gunsmoke. Am and pm were flipped, sometimes causing some nights without sleep for both parties. In the Gunsmoke mornings, Vash and Wolfwood could ask their soulmate how their day had been. They asked if the two of them were staying out of trouble. The answer was always no of course.
Vash and Wolfwood used their new mental connection to allow them to fight with increased synchronicity. Telling each other to watch their 6, or if one of them was injured. This, however, worried you immensely, hearing them get hurt, and not wanting to interrupt their battle, even though your heart ached to help them.
You woke up to the uncomfortable feeling of sand. Sand?
Your eyes burst open to see nothing but desert wasteland around you. You would have cried in a panic if it weren't for the fact you could see a town on the horizon.
"Hey, guys, not to scare you, it I just woke up I'm the desert" you sang to your boys, "there's a town on the horizon, but I don't know where I am…."
"Holy fucking shit!" Nicholas sang, but it borders on a scream.
"As soon as you find out, we'll come get you." Vash sang. You hummed in agreement.
You found yourself wandering into a local inn.
"Excuse me, I just wandered in from town, and I lost my map. Which town is this?" You asked the innkeeper at the desk."
"You're in Warren's City. Anything I can help with? You look like you lost your belongings." The man asked.
"N-No, I've actually got a friend in town, so I'll just stay there. How serendipitous." You smiled, and left the Inn."
"Warren's City…" you sang quietly, as there were people about.
"Perfect! You can stay with Frank Marlon!" Vash sang, "Tell him he owes me a favor for the bank robbery!"
"Will do." You sang. You remembered Frank from the TV series. He was a good man.
"It'll be two days before we can get there, so hang tight, songbird!" Nicholas sang to you.
You made your way to his house with the help of some passersby, and found him quite confused to see a stranger at his door. When you explained that you were a friend of Vash's and needed a place to stay until he arrived, Frank was more than welcome to let you stay. During that time, you helped with anything he needed. You managed to learn about the upkeep and repair of various guns.
Two days, just as they said, Vash and Nicholas almost busted down Frank's door, both calling your name as they crashed into you in a hug you thought would tear you apart, and squish you like a toothpaste tube. Nicholas even tripped on his way in, and scrambled to you on his knees. Hugging your waist like a child would to his parents.
"Are you okay? How did you even get here?" Vash asked, cradling your head into his chest, petting your hair.
"I-I don't know, but I'm here now… I'm here…" your body relaxed under their hug.
"Don't worry, Songbird… we'll keep ya safe." Nicholas snuggled into your side.
Since then, you've traveled by their sides, learned how to shoot a gun in case of emergency, and some hand to hand combat for extra Insurance.
One night, when the three of you slept peacefully in your shared bed, you hadn't quite fallen asleep yet, when you gently began to sing petting the hair of both snoozing men who clung to your body in their sleep,
"Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars… Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars…"
Songs used
Fly Me to the Moon- A Nightcore cover
Into you- Ariana Grande (the 80's remix)
Sound Life- Rem- Trigun OST 1st Donuts
Moonlight Sonata- Beethoven
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edvinception · 8 months
My Avgrunden review
Includes spoilers
First of all, I really enjoyed this movie and I think it's good. It's not a masterpiece and my favourite movie I've watched. There are things I loved and things I would have liked better if they were different.
I would also like to start by saying that I've always had a fascination for the mine and got to visit the Kiruna mine many years ago. It was a very cool experience. So the whole concept of it is just right up my alley.
The plot
The first part of the movie focuses very much on that, we get introduced to the mine, and the characters, though the mine is very much a character of it's own.
I thought there was a great build up, with the partying teenagers, the missing Simon, the tension with the grown ups. There was also alot of humour. I liked the introduction to the different characters.
The mine scenes were amazing. So intense ans scary, claustrophobic even. My heart was seriously picking up in speed the whole time. There was also some amazing acting. The scene where Tage gets trapped for instance and when Erica gets trapped, omg that scene and after. Also when they crawl through the small opening. Scary. And when Erica gets burries and the rocks just keeps falling, definitely cried abit.
I also enjoyed the street scene when they get trapped in the car. Liked Felicia's acting alot in that scene.
And them running for their lives was also such an intense scene. And sad!
Then I feel like the finding Simon sequence was a bit slow and boring. They walked around trying to figure out where he was for some time and I feel like that could have been done differently. It definitely felt abit like a case of talking to all the npc's in a video game. I do like the scenes we got with Tage and Mica though he comforts her.
Not a fan of the physical fight between Tage and Tabir. It's such a done scene. Two male fighting for a woman. They could have spent those minutes on something else. Like building the tension or trying to explain more around Simon.
The parents argue and blame eachother and we learn that Frigga faught with him but we didn't get much. I would have loved to see more of her guilt around that.
When they finally figure out where he is and goes to find him I think the movie feels more exciting again. The school scenes are jarring and tense. We see Mica feel responsible for her brother even if she spent the first part being mad with him and calling him bad names. We dee how she feels she needs to find him because Frigga told her to. It was also nice having Frigga step up and take responsibility.
And then we finally get to see Simon who is miraculously alive but trapped with an endless hole into the abyss next to him and large and unstable walls surrounding him.
It becomes a rescue mission and you wonder who will fall down first. I really liked these scenes though I think they could have lasted a bit longer.
Of course Frigga had to be impaled because that always happens. But in all honesty I liked those scenes and didn't mind the trope. Suddenly it was a rescue mission to rescue her! Some nice moments between mother and son for sure. I really enjoyed those.
The climax was also nice and moving. I teared up a bit and if I had been at home I would have cried. I just tried to keep it together.
To sum it up I loved the mine scenes and the tension and build up around that. I also loved the street scene. The middle part was less exciting and I think it took up too much time. I could see the movie be 20 minutes longee with even more thrilling and action packed scenes in the end. Or just have it be a bit shorter and to the point.
The acting
Tuva was amazing and really is the highlight of the movie. She plays a very rational woman who is very level headed and focused but also with some sass. She's not perfect by any means and she is not the best mother.
Peter was also great as Tage. It was the first time I saw him play a nice role and I liked Tage alot even if he refused to let Frigga go in a cringey way.
I also liked Dabir. He really stepped in to help save the say and I enjoyed him and Mica on their side mission. It was fun. I loved him chasing Simons friend and tackling him to the ground. She was feisty and sassy.
Felicia was abit up and down in my opinion. She did the accent okay as far as I can tell. I thought the more explosive scenes were the ones that were the most up and down. I thought she was great when she was trapped in the car but then as she cried for Aila I don't know if I liked it. It didn't feel very authentic.
Speaking of Aila i liked her background and family. I juat don't think she and Felicia had that much chemistry. They didn't feel in love. I also feel like their relationship could have been built up more had the movie been slightly longer.
Edvin did was he was supposed to do. It was very jarring and weird to hear his dialect and I could tell he found it hard. But he was alright. He was particularly good in the final scenes which were also very sad.
I of course wish we would have gotten to see more of him and that he would have been a bigger part of the movie but I enjoyed what we got. A bit more built up would have been cool. I think something like seeing him before the quake would have been effect full or seeing him and is friends in the school as everything collapses as a parallel to the people on the street. I think that would make at least me feel even more tense and on the edge of my seat as they tried to find him. Like is he alive or is he not? Is he okay?
I think the acting was good over all, especially "the grown ups" Angela Kovacs as Erica touched me alot even if she had a small role.
Felicia was okay, with some good scenes and a few weaker ones. Edvin didn't have alot to work with in terms of how his character is though. We don't get to now much about Simon except that he likes gaming and feels disappointed in his parents. I wish there was more build up around that and that we could have seen more about that tension in some way just not hear other people talk about it.
That too could have been solved with some more screen time I think. 1 hour 43 minutes is not super long. I think they could have easily added 20-30 min without it feeling too long as long as it focused on the right things.
For me I would have loved that to be on the relationships and character but mixed in with the action. The talk between Frigga and Simon touched upon it but could have gone deeper. We could have seen abit more about Simon's and Tage's relationship too maybe. Even between the action scenes. Just some more explanations around that would have been nice.
Over all I really enjoyed the movie. I definitely think it's a 3,5/5 for me.
I also don't have anything bad to say about the special affects but I'm not the kind of person that is too bothered by that.
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yourlocal-lichen · 5 months
it's not blursday anymore but i implore you to feel free to talk abt your ocs regardless :]
whats an oc you're thinking about a lot lately? how abt an old favourite? one that's been giving you some trouble?
omg :3
I've been thinking a lot about Nox recently because I've figured Bard's arc out so well and right now they just seem like an extra (btw these guys are all old favorites I thought of them maybe even 3 years ago now and they're still stuck to me like baby opossums). but I've been thinkin about them lately! mostly about how their city is fighting a big monster and how Nox relates A Little Too Much to the monster and how their best friend is supposed to be the figurehead of light against the monster
I also just thought of two more scenes so you get to have them shoved down your throat with some context
(context: Bard is supposed to be a religious hero for the city but he doesn't believe in the god he's supposed to represent. he has light powers but that's just a thing he's been able to do his whole life but now everyone is calling him the Lightbringer and thinking he's the icon of Lady Light and when he doesn't know what to do he starts actually praying to her and becomes more devout. also he's like. 16)
but anyway. Bard goes to battle against the monster (he doesn't really do anything his job is purely symbolic) and at some point gets face-to-face with the thing who had seeked him out and totally overwhelms him (but doesn't do anything to him something something understanding being made into something you're not) and the people hell bent on protecting their icon beat the monster back (who lets them) and Bard was terrified out of his mind but Nox saw what the monster did and after that starts doing research and maybe tries to find the monster and talks to it
and then later in the story we have a parallel scene where Bard goes to find the monster and be face-to-face with it in battle and uses light against it (aided by Lady Light, his light on its own is not that powerful) which works but at this point the reader has followed Nox and understands the monster more and maybe doesn't want it to die? and that scene either ends with Nox pulling him back (thus committing heresy) or the monster killing Bard I haven't decided yet I just thought about it. I don't think Bard's arc is advanced enough for him to die yet (he hasn't started loving himself again) [plaintext: "he hasn't started loving himself again"].
so that's who's been causing me trouble they've been causing me emotional grief
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arcielee · 7 months
Interview With a Writer
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I know I usually do Ewanverse or HotD, but I fell in love with this story. Thank you @bhxrdy for indulging me and answering my questions. 💜 As always, Interview With a Writer is my ongoing series of the talented souls on Tumblr and ao3, and their brilliant writing!
Dividers by @saradika
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Name: bhxrdy
Story: timeless
Paring: modern Finan x original female character
Warnings: Explicit/18+, be mindful of chapter warnings!
So, when did you start writing?
I started really writing, like 10 years ago now - right into 2013. I had discovered and gotten very into (I'm shy to say) k-pop, and at the time, social media was new to me. I had joined a couple of forums here and there, but really got into the thick of it once I joined Twitter and Tumblr. It was also then - for the 1st time - that I found out about fanfiction, which was an unfamiliar concept to me.
Its a bit blurry, but I remember I started reading a few stories here and there about my fave group at the time and - I don't remember the specifics but - I had eventually started coming up with wild scenarios, small ideas here and there, that I wanted to put down on paper.
Writing in general was relatively new to me (a few years before, when I was in high school, I was writing "poems" and other notes in a massive emo-like notebook - all because of a boy of course), so the idea of creating something substantial, like the fics I had read so far, was a bit terrifying but also kind of exciting because I stumbled on something brand new to me and was dying to be part of it along with some new online friends I had made (which I unfortunately lost touch with over the years).
Within the span of 2013-2015, I wrote 28 stories (on a 3rd party site) - a mix of one shots and multi-chaptered fics, which includes 2 unfinished stories - which were left to die by 2017-2018. I had finished school and started working, which totally changed my routine. The lack of interactions in the fandom didn't help either as by then, it was pretty much dying from the band's moving on and eventually disbanding. The stories are still there, my account is still there, as I don't have the heart to take it down. I've spent so much time on them, and loved every genre I wrote. I either went fluffly fluff or super angst and dark, all of them fun to write.
After that I moved away from the fandom as well and just the k-pop scene in general. I took a hiatus from writing altogether too - the will of it had died so I mostly focused on editing. And then, I started back again in 2020, wrote a couple of stuff on Tumblr (for the 1st time) until I stopped again a few months later. The inspiration stopped and I just couldn't bring myself to write anymore. So I moved away.
And then this year, TLK happened and I just had the inspiration back on the tip of my fingers, just swirling in my brain and was dying to write it down, so I gave it another shot and wrote my first Finan fanfic. It was very rusty getting back into it after so long but I'm glad I did because I got to meet amazing people which I'm grateful for.
I have a tendency of daydreaming a lot, I can easily get lost it my own head. Finding out I could actually just write them down, liberating everything I held up and see them face to face vs. just thinking about them, became a whole new ball game.
Where did the plot for timeless come from?
It hit me out of nowhere and happened when I was re-watching The Originals (TVD spin off). I'm not sure how, but it physically/literally stopped me in my tracks (mind you I wasn't doing anything special, just going to the kitchen to get a snack) as if I was hit on the head with it, like, "Yes! omg! shit! this is it!!"
I immediately picked up my phone and started typing random thoughts and notes down for the story. It was very rough, just generalized ideas of what could happen. Some of those ideas did change trajectory from where they started, but I'm hoping they were good changes and worth the story telling 😊
Watching The Originals helped with the inspiration. I knew Finan was always meant to be cursed, I just had to figure out the best way to present it. I also drew inspiration from other witch shows like Charmed, A Discovery of Witches, and BTVS. I love anything related to the supernatural and witchcraft, so it was fun coming up with the initial layout of the story.
At the beginning, I debated if it should be a one-shot or multi-chapter based on how much I had come up with. I was 99% sure I would stick with the one-shot, but eventually the 1% took over and I just went from there...the lines took a life of their own.
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Explain your interpretation of Finan. What drives him? Why is he the way he is in timeless?
I was mostly trying to stay true to how his character was built on the show and transport that in writing within the concept of the story (I'm sure I've strayed, but hopefully that's alright).
When we first meet Finan, he's infiltrated modern day life as if he was part of that world, always. Then he meets a woman on a random night and everything changes for him.
Thinking of it this way, the man has been by himself for a thousand years - the life he knew, his family, his friends - everything from his past has disappeared and he is all alone, and so he was just at this point in his existence where he was done with everything, partly discouraged from being immortal, partly begrudgingly accepting of his fate as a man who will never die.
But then he meets Rebecca, a woman who has no inkling whatsoever of who Finan is, i.e. their meet up was random passing of time in the(ir) universe. Once they meet, his life alters. She was the light at the end of a tunnel, she was a beacon of hope. Meeting her, befriending her - he found purpose again. He was ready to fight again, to live like a normal man again.
Throughout the story, I tried to focus on this aspect specifically - on the basis that he is hopeful to become a free man again. And though, there is conflict within himself, to the point he was ready to give up again, I'd like to think that Rebecca was simply someone he needed in his life. Not because of what she could do for him, but because of who she was, as a character, as a person to him. She put her life on hold for him and in return, the universe gave them something that everyone wants - to love and be loved and not be so alone in the world.
Finan, having been alone for a century, found his drive through Rebecca - through her presence, always standing by his side and fighting for him. Them falling in love was an added bonus.
Do you feel Rebecca/Bex complement Finan in this?
I would like to think that she does, because she gave him a new spark into his life, allowing him to feel truly alive again - which was something he had been deprived off since his original lifetime (i.e. since the TLK era).
With Bex's stubbornness driving him insane at times, I think it also helped him on the hope aspect - she was willing to go to the ends of the earth for him, for someone she had just met all because she wanted to make things right, to help him (a stranger, when they met) find peace. She wasn't reluctant about it nor did he even ask for help (he was the apprehensive/suspicious one). And I believe, at the end of the day, it all came down to how they felt about each other from the night they met. They unintentionally nurtured a connection they created until it became so immense, they ended up wearing it naturally, like a second skin.
Not only was she his anchor to the world of the living, Bex had become the part of him that died a long time ago. This makes me believe - in a some kind of weird way - that she was his soulmate. That, despite the heaviness of the curse, Finan was meant to cross path with her, that the(ir) universe gave him a break in the form of a kind-hearted and stubborn as a mule witch. A woman who would end up gifting him a second chance, and the opportunity to experience the good aspect of life again (as well as love).
Where did the dreams and the curse lore come from?
The dreams part of the story was inspired by The Originals, as there is the concept of the “other side” where non-resting souls are (the cemetery/graveyard scene description was inspired by the one they have on the show) - so I leveraged it and made it so Bex was forced into contact with another witch while sleeping instead of through a spell (as she had no reason to contact the dead while awake).
For the curse, I knew what I wanted out of it as it was already part of the original draft when I first came up with this story idea. I knew where it was taking me and how I would want it built - the reasoning behind it though was a bit if the tough part which I had also integrated into the storyline with Bex losing her shit over it.
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Any chance of a sequel? Or do have anything else you are working on next?
So, unfortunately no sequel. But it does not mean I haven't thought of an epilogue - or kind of. Just random scenes with Bex of what life is after the ending that randomly play out in my head. I don't think I'll want to write them mostly because I want to keep the ending as is.
I'm working through a few other stories at the moment. The priority ones are for Osferth (a one-chaptered drabble for your 1k celebration, and a multi-chaptered fic which will also tap into the supernatural concept), which I am hoping to get started - officially - very soon!
I have some others dangling as well, which should eventually come soon as well - this includes Finan, Sihtric and Aemond.
Do you have a personal favorite story you'd like to share?
There are so many to choose from! We Were Something, Don't You Think? by Maggie (@inthedayswhenlandswerefew), as well as Comet Donati and Have You No Idea That You’re In Deep?
Some other favorites include Wolf-Heart by @gemini-mama, Crimes of Passion by @itbmojojoejo, Sanctuary by @st-eve-barnes, and Winterwood by @lonnson
There is also a myriad of Finan x Aisling (OFC) fics by @persephones-journey which are heart-wrenching and good.
And Fire in Her Eyes by @emilyhufflepufftlk is another amazing one for Finan fans.
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nanimonasho · 1 year
First, WOW. You are so talented. I love seeing your illustrations when they appear on my dashboard. Second, I just wanted to say that it took me a second to realize you were Japanese. I didn't know MASH was known outside of the United States. I think I met one British MASH fan a few years ago, and was surprised If you don't mind me asking, how did you get into MASH?
Thank you for your message!
It's a lot of fun to draw MASH fan art, so I'm glad you said that!
Yes, I'm Japanese and I live in Japan now. Unfortunately, I can't watch MASH in this country.
But I heard that it was broadcast with Japanese subtitles in the past. ( I wanted to see it...!)
In Japan, I think only a few people know the TV version of MASH. I think it's about people who are older and interested in overseas dramas(or cultures). I've never seen anyone in the younger generation like me (I'm 27 years old). The movie version is better known than the TV version.
In such an environment, the reason why I knew about MASH is, of course, because I was using this “tumblr”!
I originally liked American and British comedy movies and TV shows from the 70s and 90s, so I started using tumblr to get that information.
I think it was an old comedy TV relation, MASH images and gifs were on my dashboard. I didn't care about anything at that time.
It's a funny story, but at that time (couple years ago), I was just addicted to SNL and I was watching a video about “Back to the Future Auditions”, sketch of some imitations. Then, my favorite actor Bill Hader was imitating Alan Alda, and I didn't know who is Alan Alda at that time, but I was somewhat curious about it. It was highly praised that how perfect that imitation was.
But I noticed it after that. He's the one who always flows to my dashboard!
Then, I looked for MASH videos, and unfortunately I couldn't find the main part, but I was able to see various scenes in fragments, so I became a fan at a tremendous speed from there.
There was another funny story. Yes, I watched SNL often, so I looked at the image of Trapper and I thought, “Wow, is this Will Ferrell!? No way. The times are different, aren't they?" I also made a stupid mistake. I don't understand when I think about it now.
Anyway, I can't help wondering what kind of drama it is, so I immediately imported a DVD or signed up for Hulu and watched whole episodes.
But there were no Japanese subtitles, so I’m not sure if I had understand the details. But even if I didn't understand the words, I laughed and cried a lot, so I think it's a really wonderful TV show. I strongly wish this drama would be broadcast in Japan as well. I think it can be accepted in this era.
I can't put it into words well how I think about the background of the Korean War and the Vietnam War, but I think such severe things, such as the pessimistic view of the world drifting throughout this story and the mental states of the characters who have to live in extreme conditions, touched my heart. Of course, there's also a queer atmosphere, and I love that so much.
If we can watch mash now in Japan, I'm sure we’ll make a very big fandom like "Good Omens", "Our Flag Means Death" and "What we do in the shadows"!
These TVs are also very popular in Japan, and you can find a lot of wonderful fan art.
Anyway, how much my spirit was saved thanks to MASH! I'm surprised that I keep drawing so much fan art about one TV show. Thank you so much for seeing.
Omg, I've never told anyone how much I love MASH before, so I'm very excited now!
I'm sorry for my poor English, but thank you for reading this!
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ghosts-of-love · 6 months
I would love a director’s commentary on the Quick and the Dead (wow seasonal) and a 🌟 for Lost then Found
hello!! thank youuuu <3 <3
i'm not sure i can do a director's commentary on the entirety of tqatd so will just go for the first chapter! i'm gonna read it now and write down my thoughts as i go along:
I remember being really unsure about how much detail to put in the ao3 summary about Cap being a vampire or whether to keep it vague. I think I found a nice middle ground – some people know from the get-go and some people start chapter two and are like “omg that’s what this is” and I enjoy that!
always proud of using the word trepidatious in the first line :)
oh I’ve tried to explain this before but I do really like the alternating perspectives in this fic – it’s the first one I’ve written where the different perspectives are included in the same story and I like choosing which bits to overlap and which bits characters would want to skirt past. I also just enjoy the different ways that Pat and Cap speak and think!
Obsessed with how immediately unwelcoming Cap is, it’s hilarious.
The smells of rosemary and lavender lingering after all this time 🥺🥺 Heather my beloved
“The facade is 16th century.” He explains tiredly, “And Henry VIII actually dined here once.” → one thing about me is that I LOVE including actual lines from the show! i will always find a way to shoehorn my favourite bits (because then you know exactly how they would be said, although in this instance i've given Cap some of Alison's lines haha)
Pat could probably live five lifetimes before finishing every book in this bloody house. Hehehoho minor foreshadowing.
“I don't want…” The Captain pauses at Pat’s bedroom door with a resigned slump to his shoulders, “I don’t want to toot our own horn but some say this is the finest house in the county.” He says quickly.  AND AGAIN with the lines from the show!!
the Captain opens the boot, but not before he flinches slightly at the little ‘bib bib’ noise that it makes. Choosing which modern technology will scare or confuse the Captain is great fun :D
I just wanted Cap to be as endearing as possible and also largely terrible at pretending to be a normal human, on account of he spent the last 70 odd years in the company of a witch and some ghosts. (this is in response to him pretending that the box of books is heavy)
love the phrase “bitter gusto” – such a Pat-in-his-feelings-trying-to-unpack-his-car-and-see-the-bright-side kind of vibe
him cutting his hand on the grater was what prompted me to think about and then write the other hand scene in the later chapters. (more on that later in response to a different ask)
but the whole garden has obviously long since been forgotten. OUCH I forgor about this
He leans against the counter, looking more relaxed than Pat has seen him all day. Love the fact that Cap saw some blood and immediately had to yeet himself away to feed and then became more normal and friendly after that lol
the whole bit where they’re trying to fix the water pressure and the captain is SOOOO obviously asking the plague ghosts and Pat just thinks he’s scared, it gets me every time. I can see it so clearly in my mind. The ‘gah!’ noise is like the same thing he does in the show in response to Jemima I think? Or at least it meant to have the same vibe.
He’s sure the Captain smiles back at him, but he can’t have noticed him because he just…keeps walking until they both knock into each other roughly. This also makes me laugh a lot!! another symptom of the captain only having lived with ghosts for a long time.
The TV already being on when Pat wants to eat his noodles is because Kitty is the one watching West Side Story (love how Pat says it’s not his favourite musical) – she also goes and tells the Captain that Pat has fallen asleep and that ‘he might get lost trying to get back to his room in the dark, Captain!!’
“Sleep well.” He tells him.//The Captain smiles at him like they’re sharing a private joke. He’s so silly and endearing I love him!!
🌟 for lost then found - I actually reread most of it yesterday because I saw a photo of Larry wearing glasses while reading from the ghosts book and I vaguely thought to myself “hey his glasses are similar to the Captain’s. And then I paused and reminded myself that the Captain doesn’t wear glasses and got confused because I was sure I’d had this conversation with myself before and was imagining both Humphrey and the Captain wearing similar glasses and I finally realised it’s because I fucking wrote it in Lost then Found that they have the same glasses!! extremely silly behaviour of me but a part of the fic that I do like because it sits nicely in the ‘Cap is slowly opening up and getting to know people’ bit I think, in that he’s choosing to wear the glasses in front of people, and helping Humphrey out with school stuff.
Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut
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myuntoldstory · 1 month
JAYNE THIS IS COMPREHENSIVE AF sdlkfjlkds ahahahaha but omg thank you very much for these! also obligatory butts~
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
i love, like, the quiet moments.
like this is any moment and im so sorry that's so dlsfkjldskf vague, but when things go microscopic and all is quiet, if that makes sense? so say, in that stuck in the elevator fic i talked about, it's when lily and james were just talking in a stuck elevator.
i kind of like those because it's quiet, and it's just the characters, and nothing matters outside of their bubble. it's just really nicely intimate so i tend to write more of those.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
okay! so obvious one is fluff.
just fluff lmao. like most of the things i write are fluff. also some angst sometimes, but it's mostly fluff. i like soft and romantic things so it's really what i want to write about. i love writing characters being in love and writing those quiet, in love moments that they share. it's become a bit of a barrier just because when i tend to write, it always ends up fluffy when, for example, i intended the story to be dark or sexy or something. i don't know lol. but yeah lots of fluff.
also lots of em dashes, this is more of a writing thing. i know i tend to use em dashes a lot.
before i used to start my stories with dialogue a lot. because it's always what i've been comfortable with. but then one day i was writing a chapter for an original story and i paused and realised: "the past three chapters have all opened with dialogue, wtf". so not only did i change that chapter lmao but also kind of made myself mindful of how i start stories in the future.
themes of love. always love. used to be, like, romantic love, but over the years i've explored love that relates more to family. again, it's just something i want to write. not to say i can't write any other genre than love, but it has to have that element somewhere.
there was a time where i always included like, mugs or cups filled with hot liquids and the steam just curls up in the air lol. i feel like that alone sets the tone of things when i write. like always cosy, i guess, but it's kind of a versatile cosy, if that makes sense lol.
this is more of a bad habit, but i know i tend to over explain or over describe things. and i know my readers are intelligent af and can figure out things from how i implied it in my stories, but i still worry that my meaning's not coming across so i tend to over do the prose and end up with blocks upon blocks of unnecessary prose lol.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
*pats back* that'll do, piggy, that'll do. :D
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
sweetest!? oh gosh...
okay, i have two. i don't know if it's necessarily the sweetest fic i've done, but:
balderdash is one. that's i guess the published one. i seem to have a favourite of exploring just what happens if james and lily lived beyond... or i guess, just living as a young couple about to be parents. because we never really got to see them as parents or how they even coped with being expectant parents and then becoming parents; it's always fun to explore. and, not to sound sentimental, also just give them a chance to live happily lol.
unpublished is this modern au oneshot of lily and james being stuck in an elevator and bonding that way. i had a whole backstory included in it which kind of morphed the one-shot into a multi-chap fic. me during that time just lose steam every time i come across something i have to do myself lol. sorry for being lazy. anyway! snippet of the story below.
p.s. the writing's super rough because it's been stuck in draft mode.
“You reckon we should’ve thrown them a crisp or something?” Sirius asked as he munched on a handful of Pringles. Things are getting interesting now—the couple seemed to be on their third laugh trip. The first one lasted for a good two minutes and after, they no longer played the game as their conversation restarted as though it had never paused in the first place. While everyone in the security room did, they seemed to never noticed how they never moved away or how their hands remained together.
“And risk ourselves being found out?” Harry exclaimed. “No. No way.”
“Speaking of,” Cresswell interjected and gave the troublemakers a stern glance. “What happens after this?”
“After what?” Sirius replied.
“We very well can’t keep these two in the lift forever.”
“Can’t we?”
“Why not? The building has another operational lift, yeah?”
“Black, I swear to God—”
“Call Frank?” Harry quipped, making the adults look at him.
“Oi—good thinking, Harry! And it’s his day off too” Sirius ruffled Harry’s hair before pulling out his mobile.
“Who the hell’s Frank?” Dirk asked Harry.
Harry shrugged as he kept his eyes stuck to the monitors. “Dad and Sirius’ mate in the Yard.”
Now, the feed showed that Lily and James had finally separated; they resumed their positions of sitting against the wall. They continued to talk, though, the smiles on their faces seemed a permanent thing now. Harry couldn’t help smiling as he recognised the expression on his father’s face… the kind James always wore when he was in love—gentle, helpless, and full of love. Harry’s mother was the only receiving end of such expression until she left. To see it after all these years made Harry more certain of his decision. Lily and his dad were meant to be together—he knew it.
🍷 Do you drink and write?
alcoholic? no, i'm not that sophisticated.
coffee and tea? for sure. also unavoidable when i write in cafes, like my local starbucks, though i usually just order the iced teas there. when i decide to write i sit there for a solid 6-8 hours so i have to plan and like... drink maybe a grande size for the first three hours and then venti in the next three just so i don't fill my bladder immediately ldsjdslkjfd. tmi but yeah. but yeah all iced teas, food at the side too so i have energy lol.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
ohhh. omg okay. okay just a disclaimer that my answer to this question isn't like a blanket "i hate these trope" but more of a "i don't feel i can do this justice".
abo - because i don't understand enough of this to do it justice. i mean, i've read it, and i understand the concept but then i fear that if i write it, it would just automatically go into furry territory. which isn't bad, of course, but yeah.
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
yes i did!
pretty sure i wrote one for halloween, which celebrated the season but also the death anniversary of jily. that one's my favourite one just because, wow, i managed to write something that reflects the cosiness of the season.
you know what, i think halloween is my most written season just because i also wrote a macblack fic for it too. not necessarily my favourite just because of how lengthy it became and i remember losing steam, as i usually do when it dawns on me that, holy shit, what i've written was longer than intended.
but yeah. gotta love that spooky season!
in saying that i would like to write something for christmas (sorry i know this isn't part of the questions but shhh shhh it's gonna be okay). and other holidays like easter??? i think ahahaha like bunnies and easter chocolates. but yeah, future plans!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
i'm writing a blackdonald fic inspired by a new hozier song, "too sweet" (which is like the most perfect sirius black song i've heard in a while. fight me on this). look, i only have dialogue because that tends to stick with me first. the dialogue comes first and i just stitch it together with prose dlkfjdlsfjfld. but, yeah, nothing too special, it's a one-shot, uhm... sexy??? i think??? well i'll try to make it sexy, you know i've only ever written... uh... one official smut. so. you know.
anyway, here's a snippet lol:
“You just got cheated on.” “I’m also not your type.” “Fuck it.”
do with that what you will. even i don't know where it goes after this lmao.
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immunetoneurotoxin · 2 months
Just wanna drip by and say Incendiary has made itself a permanent resident in my brain.
Your writing is absolutely amazing, every scene got me gripping my seat in excitement. Seeing someone write a Pyro-focused long fic, let alone texas toast is so so so rare, I think I've only read 3 (including incendiary) that I've liked so far.
I love this little fire guy with all my heart, and I absolutely adore how you didn't make him too much like a child like how many mischaracterize him. There's the childlike wonder in him but he is capable when push comes to shove and I like that a lot! Every single characterizations in this fic is wonderful, I would love to give Engie a little kiss on his bald head.. he's so adorable.
I'm probably rambling but I just love this fic so much. I'm dealing with semester's midterms, stressed as all hell and this fic has been keeping me going. I practically cheered when I saw chapter 10 update in my inbox lmao. I would love to maybe make some fanart when I have the time, should I just tag you on this site?
Thank you so much for writing Incendiary dude, no kidding when I say it changed my life. I can't wait for the story to unfold! Please take care of yourself and rest well. Good luck on the job hunting as well!!
Omg stranger whoever you are, I just about teared up seeing this in my Inbox -
This is the most grandest, heartfelt comment I think I've ever received in my entire writing career and my heart is GUSHING rn!!!! I was literally out running errands when I saw this and I couldn't stop thinking about it -
When I joined the TF2 fandom in like... oh god, 2014 I think, I was really shocked to see throughout the years that there weren't many Pyro-centered stories out there, which blew my mind. Like how could there not be a deluge of fanfic for Pyro, who is this extremely mysterious, multi-faceted character with so much room for interpretation?! When I first watched Meet the Pyro, I KNEW I had to write a novel about Pyro. Who they are, where they came from, and what happened to them before the events of the gravel war. Massively inspired, of course. But still nonetheless, an origin story that could very well be canon if squinted at, hehe.
This rings true for texas toast content, too!! There isn't a whole lot of it out there and it makes me so sad - I love their dynamic so much! When Incendiary is finished, I do plan on writing some more texas toast oneshots on my AO3 to fill that void. <3 One of the plans is to write a short story about their relationship during the gravel wars as well, that takes place after the events of Incendiary. (plus, Incendiary has only just started to crack the surface tension of the slow burn, and it's only a matter of 1-2 chapters away from when the texas toast really starts showing through so there is that to look forward too as well. (。˃ ᵕ ˂ ))
also I literally hollered when I read your comment about Pyro's characterization in this story especially, because THAT is THE ONE THING I have been working so incredibly hard towards holy shit - when I tell you the amount of stories I've read that writes them off as this danger-child that needs supervision - which don't get me wrong is not an entirely bad thing!! they do have this massive childlike side to them, but there is also so much more to them than how the fandom perceives them, not taking into much consideration how they typically canonically act in the comics/in-game, and taking into LARGE consideration Meet the Pyro. I was reeling when I realized that a lot of people seemed to completely forget about that interview. I could go on a whole rant about this sdfghjkl but yes, Pyro is definitely more than capable when push comes to shove! they are in a war, after all ;)
and engineer, oh man. I love that soft Texan so much. :') I could talk your ear off about him too!
man I am definitely rambling now, but I literally cannot even express how genuinely happy I am receiving this message, it means the actual world to me. and FANART?!?! oh my god YES - you can definitely tag me here if you do make fanart for Incendiary!! I would be BEYOND honored omg
Thank you so so much for brightening my entire year with this feedback literally - I'm so honored to have you here as a reader and a fan. <3 And I'm sending you all of the luck with your midterms!! You've got this!!
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demonsfate · 3 months
I think my biggest issue with the story is exactly that. I feel like there's a gap between 7 and 8 that grows bigger as the game goes. Like, suddenly, everyone wants to support Jin, but the switch feels too sudden. Yes, it might be because of Kazuya threatening to wipe out countries and such. But like.. if we're gonna make Jin the one to blame for the War … then there's much more to explain. And it's not like they didn't have time? The story mode is NOT that long. If they weren't going to explain that, they should've retconned it as you said. I also thought the DJ thing was kind of weird. However, I DID enjoy that part of the story for some reason, so I feel rather conflicted lmao. But atp, I've accepted they were scrambling to fix the mess 6 left behind. They could've done better. Absolutely. But I don't really expect that much anymore. It did have positive things I enjoyed and the main takeaway is Jin going back to his old self and wanting to live. Was it better than 7? Definitely. Probs the game I like the most since 5 in the canon timeline. Which is not saying much, I guess.
Also, Asuka is forever sidelined. It's so fucking joever. Even if she was in the same place as Jin, they really didn't talk about their heritage with each other. My dislike for Lili knows no bounds. Don't even get me started on Reina lmao.. but I guess I saw that one coming.
Yeah, a lot of ppl say "oh, it's just 'cos it's either Jin or Kaz. The lesser of the evils." But no... there's a difference between being on somebody's side and supporting them, and being buddies with them. I really don't get why the story mode wasn't longer... it could've been another hour longer like MK1 was. Was it because they had to do the Arcade Quest "story" as well lmao?
The thing is, on surface level - the DJ scene is really enjoyable. The whole "Never shall I deny you" made me go OOOOOOO. However... that's the problem with a lot of the TK8 scenes. They were enjoyable on the surface, but once you think about the context of the previous games - they become more messier and it leaves you with a lot of questions.
I just never understood why they couldn't have retconned it. I mean, they've retconned all other stupid unnecessary things. Unless... Harada really did think they were writing a masterpiece of a story, that this was gonna be the MOST moving redemption story of all time. (Sorry, Zuko's still superior :/) I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Harada starts claiming he had this beautiful story in mind for years. Just how in TK6 happened, he claimed it was his magnum opus and Jin being a villain was "10 years in the making" (lmao they say whatever to make it seem like they're competent writers)
AND ASUKA... omg. She was so entertaining in the bits of the story she was in. Which REALLY confuses me as to why she's sidelined. Because she's spunky, hot-tempered, but also adorable too (the way she calls Jin her big brother!!! eee!!) So like, not only do you have this HIGHLY entertaining character who's full of life - but she's also a Kazama!! She's literally related to the main character!! Like she can have SO MUCH potential... yet they throw it away. Why? Some people are convinced the writers hate Asuka lol
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