#I've been to that place once and they have a Resident Puppy so it makes sense
sergle · 1 month
I know this is so And Then Everyone Clapped, but when me and Mr. Hugo were taking a walk together, he stopped me for a few seconds to gaze wistfully through the front door of a restaurant, and someone popped out while we were walking away to Invite Him Inside
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shy-urban-hobbit · 3 months
"wait...is this a date?" with Husk & Angel please :3c
Slight C/W for typical Val behaviour
Angel kicked his feet idly where they hung off the arm of the lobby sofa as he scrolled through his socials. He'd only just been able to start moving around without a limp that morning after Val had damn near broken his leg and while he was happy for the break (hah!) from work, he was now starting to go slightly stir crazy after being housebound for two days after Val had decided he was useless while one of his legs was twice the size of the other.
He scowled to himself as he shifted around slightly. He was pretty sure that was a spring digging into the small of his back but he couldn't muster the energy to rectify it - as Hell's most famous pornstar, he'd been in way more uncomfortable positions - he could live with something that wasn't a dick poking him in the back until someone or something gave him a worthwhile reason to move.
"Hey, Legs."
Angel yelped and cursed in quick succession as the sudden appearance of the hotel's resident cat demon made him promptly drop his phone onto his face.
"Asshole." He grumbled, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "First ya ditch me, and then ya make me injure myself. I should make ya kiss it better."
"It's not ditchin' ya if it was work." Husk answered as he placed the new bottles on the bar top, "As for the other thing, can I substitute one of those cups of sugar masquerading as a drink?"
Angel sat up to peek over the back of the sofa. Sure enough Husk was stood holding out a hot pink frappe from his favourite coffee place, an eyebrow raised as he shook the cup slightly, enticingly, "Well?"
"I've told ya you're my favourite, right?" Angel asked, making grabby hands until Husk handed it over, the smell of artificial raspberry filling his nose. "What's in the other bag?"
"Nothin' much. You wanna hang out in my room for a while?"
Angel blinked, finger still in his mouth as he paused in licking off melted whipped cream from where it had run down the side of the cup, "Ain't we got another redemption exercise or hugging circle or some shit in like, 5 minutes?" Not that Angel was complaining; Charlie had used his unexpected freetime to really double down on his possible redemption. Whatever had been said in that meeting with Heaven making her more determined then ever and if he had to look at one more crayon drawing or diagram he was going to start tearing his hair out - he may or may not have played up the whole wanting to rest up and heal thing once or twice, just to get her to leave him alone for 5 minutes (and God bless Vaggie for having his back on that one, even if the look she threw him told him she knew he was exaggerating and even though the princess was always quick to comply with minimal fuss and puppy eyes ever since the whole 'boundary crossing' thing).
Husk shrugged, holding out a hand, "Talked to Charlie earlier, we've both got a pass on this one."
"Fine." Angel took the hand without even thinking about it, gingerly testing his leg after laying down for so long - it still ached, but he didn't end up face planting or anything, "But if we end up having to do some weird extra credit thing later on, I'm blamin' you."
"Noted." Husk chuckled as he grabbed the mystery bag and headed upstairs, Angel's hand still in his.
Angel had only been in Husk's room a handful of times but he'd made a game of trying to see if anything was new or even remotely out of place whenever he entered. The small space was so uniformly neat and organised it was almost like a display rather than an actual living space. Part of Angel wondered if it was a control thing - he used to seek some semblance of control over what entered his body and when and what he'd remember through drink and drugs, why couldn't this be Husk's way? It seemed kind of funny now that the old him probably would've purposely moved things around or hidden something, just to fuck with the other.
"Sooo.... anything specific in that fuzzy head or ya just wanna bask in my presence?"
"So fucking humble." Husk opened up a laptop Angel hadn't noticed sat on the bed before now, "And I was thinkin' a movie. You in?"
"Sure. Surprised Al lets ya have one a those. Y'know, with the whole hatin' any tech after the 40's schtick." Angel said as he settled at the head of the bed, using one set of arms to attempt to plump up Husk's measly excuse for pillows.
"Borrowed it." Husk answered, not giving any details about who from (although Angel had a pretty solid idea if the rainbow and heart stickers were anything to go by).
"Oh my fuckin' God. How dense is this broad?" Angel laughed, throwing his head back against Husk's shoulder after having decided the cat was comfier to lean on than his flat pillows, Husk's arm resting on the low headboard behind them, "The guy's been pining since like, day one!"
"I think the dialogue's maybe one step up from the shit they have you spewin' and that's a low fuckin' bar!"
"Hey, it's all in the delivery, an' I got toys that ain't as stiff as these two." Angel crunched on a strawberry lollipop as the two protagonists acted out yet another 'cute' encounter like they had a gun pointed at their heads, "Y'know I'm surprised ya agreed ta this one. I didn't think it'd be your kinda thing."
"It ain't, but the fact it's so bad it's funny is makin' it bearable."
Angel hummed in agreement, snuggling further into Husk's chest fur as the female protagonists stereotypical gay BFF was laying the truth out for her in that the casual 'not a date' had totally been a date.
"Girl, he invited you over, made sure you weren't going to be interrupted, got you your favourite foods -"
Angel snuck a glance at the various wrappers covering the bed after he'd finally been given permission to dump out the contents of the bag.
"Jeez Husk, you raid a candy store an' just grab anythin' pink?"
"Oh my god, you just grabbed anythin' pink!"
"I didn't know what you'd like. Seemed a safe bet."
"Well, well, ain't we the cocky one? Ya that sure I was gonna say yes? And ya bet payed off, just so ya know."
"-sat through something he knew would make him want to gouge his eyes out 'cos he knew you'd like it. How many more clues do you need?!"
Angel blinked, this insult to romcoms suddenly feeling a little too on the nose. Husk clearly felt the same if the way he was suddenly showing great interest in the acid rain falling outside was any indication.
"Wait...Husk, is this a date?"
Husk's tail twitched as he bought his attention to the other demon, cheeks slightly pink under his fur and ears dipped slightly, "It can be, if ya want. Or it can just be two friends hangin' out, rippin' a terrible movie to shreds. Your call."
Angel moved slowly, partly because of his leg and partly because he didn't want to spook the other as he sat himself in Husk's lap, mindful not to let his expression slip into the lewd mask he usually had to wear when he was practically straddling someone on a bed as he cupped Husk's jaw so the cat couldn't look anywhere but at him, "Yeah. I want."
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catcze · 8 months
You should write a small drabble for Thoma as an apology
okay okay, hold on, i see u anon, I'm throwing the wrio drabble back in drafts, gimme a second. I gotchu fam. Some puppy in love Thoma for the masses.
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It's a Thursday evening, you've got your nose buried in the book you need for tomorrow's test, and by all rationality, you should not see your boyfriend right now. Thoma didn't seem to get the memo, though.
"Thoma," you hiss, dragging him in from the balcony of your college dorm, looking around frantically for anyone else who could've caught him sneaking in. Thankfully, it's late enough that there's no one out. No one else but you idiot boyfriend.
"What in the hell are you thinking?!" You whisper-shout when he plops down on your bed, falling on his back and smiling like that cat that caught the canary. "I have a big test tomorrow and you know that non-residents aren't allowed in this late," you growl, crossing you arms.
Thoma pouts, rolling over to snatch up your pillow and bury his face in it. When you continue to glare, though, lime green eyes peek over from the top of your pillow, pouts and round and like a kicked puppy. "I know, I know. I'm sorry about showing up unannounced. I just... I haven't seen you around recently. I missed you."
And the sincerity behind Thoma's words, how he doesn't break eye contact for a second, it has your heart clenching and your insides melting for him. You sigh. "I've been busy studying— tomorrow is really important for me. I'm sorry I haven't seen you in a while, but I really do have to get ready."
He perks up though, smile back on his face, stretching wide. "Can I stay? I promise I'll be quiet so you can focus."
You bite your lip, torn but relentingly nod. His smile turns into a full-blown grin then, getting cozy under your covers as you sit yourself back in your desk chair, your back to him. You click your pen, ready to make annotations and take notes once more. Thoma keeps his promise, staying quiet and even putting his phone on silent so he doesn't distract you.
"Good luck baby," he murmurs, just soft enough to reach your ears. "You got this."
Your heart feels lighter after that, and as you continue to pore over the fine text in your book, you can't help the happy little smile on your face.
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( Nearing one in the morning, you start to grow sluggish and your penmanship is starting to resemble chicken scratch. Thoma rises to his feet after you sigh for the third time in fifteen minutes, making sure to keep his steps audible as he approaches as to not startle you.
"Hey," he murmurs, leaning into your ear. One of his warm hands places itself on your shoulder, the other gently takes the pen from your hand, bookmarks your book, and closes your notebook. "It's getting late, time for some sleep, baby. You can get back to it in the morning."
You try to make a noise of protest, but it gets stuck in your throat, and your eyes begin to droop. It's so hard to stay awake when he wraps himself around you like this. He's so warm— like a blanket come to life. It makes you even all the more sluggish. Thoma gently pulls you from the chair and leads you back to the bed. He takes off your slippers and slides in beside you, positioning you both so your bace is buried in his chest and his arms pull you closer into his embrace.
"Goodnight, baby," he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead, and then you're out like a light. )
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oppositesattraxt · 1 month
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑛 [𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑇𝑒𝑛]
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[Part One][Part Two][Part Three][Part Four][Part Five][Part Six][Part Seven][Part Eight][Part Nine]
CW: This final installation contains talks of hybrid ownership, guns and violence
Jangmi, Luna and Mikyoung arrived at the cabin in the morning, having been driven there by Chan who chose, without any argument, to be the one keeping a close eye on the girls. He refused to hear reason as to why he shouldn't and with the look that he had on his face the entire time - nobody was going to say otherwise.
Everyone knows better.
The potion works quickly once they take it, choosing to drink before they were about to leave so that it would be stronger rather than already wearing off. "Is this how you always feel?" Mikyoung scrunches her nose up as her ears flop into her face. "How do you control yourself?"
Jangmi giggles, placing the final touches onto the cake that she had made earlier. "Just like how you wolves control yourselves normally! It's still you! You just..." Her ear twitches slightly while her tail sways to the side. "You think and do it."
"Mm, I guess! It feels so strange!" The omega pops a piece of chocolate into her mouth while sitting down, "why did I have to be the bunny?"
"Because being a puppy just seemed to on the nose!" Luna says as she walks into the room with her muffin basket, "the cake smells delicious, Jangmi!"
"Thank you! I've perfected the recipe over the past week!" She smiles proudly. Stress baking comes in handy sometimes. The fox hybrid steps back and nods her head proudly as she looks at the neatly written 'welcome to the neighbourhood' before a knock on the door indicates that their ride is there.
The plan had been finalised with a lot of tension hanging in the air but it was one of the quickest and safest ways of getting them through the door. Nobody would suspect the three women who lived nearby coming to welcome their neighbours who have taken up residence in an abandoned cabin. Nobody would suspect the hybrids for being anything more than what they are and if it all works well, they should be able to get in and out before the witches suspect that they have been played.
Once they've been put to sleep thanks to a rather potent sleeping potion that Luna had been working on, the women will escape and driven to a safe distance before Chris and some of the wolves make their way inside to save his mother. Once out, she'll begin to regain her strength and the wolves will be able to return to their former strength by the next full moon.
It should be simple.
Though, not even the most well thought out plans never go the way that you want them to.
When the girls offered their baking, they were invited inside, the witches leading them through the house and immediately Luna knew that something was wrong. "We should be going." She says, reaching to grab Mikyoung's sleeve and pulls the omega closer while one of the witches look at her with a smile, "oh, we just need to get home before our owner gets home."
"Do you have ownership brands?" The witch asks, eyes running over Luna's bare arms but Jangmi giggles and pulls attention towards her. "What?"
Shaking her head, she lets the others slowly back away before the potion's magic is eaten away by the barrier. "Well, an owner only brands you if he thinks he's going to keep you!" She shows the small tattoo behind her ear, a small detailed tattoo of a full moon, "they haven't got theirs yet! He's only recently claimed them."
The witch takes what feels like forever to accept this explanation before Mikyoung's eyes widen in surprise. She can feel the effects of the potion fading, faster for her since she's a wolf, and her tail has suddenly disappeared. Jangmi can smell it, the shift in her scent and so she tries to think of a way for them to be let go.
"Girls." A knock on the door followed by Chan's voice causes everyone to jump to attention. "It's time to go home."
It's painful, the feeling of everything about you being slowly drained from your being but Chan couldn't leave Jangmi or Mikyoung in there for too much longer. Ten minutes is what they agreed on and it's past that so he had to get them out.
"Oh!" Mikyoung looks at the door while Luna moves to open it - only to be stopped. "We should really get going. He doesn't like being kept waiting."
Everyone's hearts are beating quickly. Time ticking slowly as who seems to be the head witch thinks about whether to let the girls out or whether they should keep them there. Luna feels her tail disappearing and Mikyoung looks at the door desperately, contemplating making a run for it before, "thank you for the treats, we will make sure to share them with the others." The door is opened with Chan standing on the porch.
It's clear he's holding in his pain, the way his jaw clenches a way to keep him from losing it but the tension that crackles when Luna steps close to him only amplifies the idea that he's pissed. He is, just not for the reason they think he is. "Let's go." He reaches for Jangmi, the last to leave and the moment he wraps his fingers around her wrist, she's pulled into his chest. "Welcome to the neighbourhood." He says through gritted teeth before pulling Jangmi behind him towards his car and the other two following quickly after.
The potion fades the moment the car doors are closed and Chan speeds off towards the house they had been at - a safe distance for what's about to happen. No words are spoken but Jangmi knows that it'll take a lot to help Chan to settle from what just happened.
He had made it clear he didn't want her involved. He had told her over and over that she shouldn't get involved but there she was... at risk... and even though he knows why, it doesn't mean he has to like it.
"Never again," Chan says and the hybrid nods, reaching over to take his hand.
"I promise, Alpha. Never again."
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Seconds tick by, minutes feel like hours and finally the witches are out like a light, allowing the wolves to break into the cabin and make sure that they aren't able to raise the barrier again.
Chris leads the wolves inside, some staying back just in case back up arrives. He allows Jongin and Hongjoong to deal with the witches however the please while he kicks down the door that leads him to the basement. How was he meant to know that the door was booby trapped? How was any of them meant to know that the witches had suspected that the wolves would come for them next and took precautions?
A gas begins to fill the room as Chris gets to the bottom of the stairs and with the way it's burning his lungs - he knows it's wolfsbane. "Get out!" He calls upstairs as covers his nose and mouth with the front of his shirt. He tries to take quick, short breaths, holding it for as long as he can while searching through the dark for any sign of life.
What if this is a trap? What if she's not down here?
No, she has to be. He can feel her presence but without any light coming from the outside, it's hard to see so he's relying heavily on his other senses that have not been in the best shape since everything had happened.
"Mother?" He calls, coughing and training his ears to try and hear her heartbeat. "Help me find you!"
A soft voice calls for him, a voice he remembers comforting him in his dreams. "Christopher?" She sounds tired, weak, and he would kill every last one of those witches for putting her through this. They could have killed her, they could have killed so many innocent people because of their stupid mission against the wolves. "Son..."
"I'm here," he rushes, squinting, eyes watering from the wolfsbane. Everything burns. His body shaking violently from the amount surrounding him but he refuses to give up, he's not going to stop until his mother is outside, until she's safe... until this nightmare is over. "I'm here," he repeats when he drops next to her, grabbing the shackle that keeps her chained to the wall and pulling with all his might.
The Goddess can tell he's not going to last much longer, she doesn't need to see to know that her son might die down there so with what little strength she reserved, the Moon Goddess touches his arm and helps him get his strength back. She gives him enough strength to break the shackle to free her, enough to lift her up and carry her out.
Jongin and Hongjoong had already cleared the house but it seems that whatever set off the booby trap inside the basement, also set off a silent alarm to whatever witches were around. "Scatter!" An Alpha's voice calls from the tree lines where the wolves were waiting in case they were needed but it was too late when gunshots ring out and several wolves cry out when they are hit.
"Son," a weak hand lifts to touch his cheek, the sting bringing his attention to the woman in his arms as Chris rushes towards cover. "Get me under the moon's glow."
"You're too weak." He says, hearing Jongin's howl as he's hit.
Shaking her head, she looks at him with the softest smile, "under the moon's glow, I can return and all the children of the Moon will feel themselves grow stronger." Chris holds his mother tightly, looking for a spot that he can lay the woman's body down without any harm coming to her. "Your father would be proud..."
He can't think about it right now, he can't think about anything other than getting her back to where she belongs. He wishes he could keep her, to talk to her, to know all the things he wanted to know since he was a pup but this isn't about him and what he wants - it's about the packs and what they need.
Running at full speed, Chris makes his way towards a clearing at the back of the cabin, hoping the further away he is from the fight - the better chance they have. His body is screaming at him, his body aching as he pushes it to it's limit to get around corner when a bullet hits him - causing him to stumble and fall to the ground, making sure he takes the impact rather than his mother. "Fuck..." He groans, struggling to get up and make his way towards the faint light of the moon. "Almost..." Another shot rings out and the pain becomes too much for him to bear as black fills his vision and all Chris knows is a warmth touching his cheek before feeling nothing at all.
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There's a surge, a short but needed surge of power that runs through them as the wolves feel the Moon's energy grow and it allows the tides to be turned. It gives them the strength, the speed and the ability to take out the witches before they hurt any more of their kind.
Chris lunges for a witch who has his gun trained on Jongin, the man trying to shake off the effects of the wolfsbane-laced bullet. Tearing his arm right out of the socket, the wolf knocks him down before delivering the final blow. Hongjoong jumps and manages to bite down on a witch's shoulder before nearly tearing them in half. The wolves who are able to fight - get the upper hand and cause the witches who value their lives to run.
Not for long as some of the faster wolves take chase.
It feels like it had lasted forever, the fight had taken a lot out of them all and even with the Moon Goddess back where she belongs, the power they got from her was only temporary. They need to recover, to rest and allow themselves to feel back in touch with their wolves.
Jongin digs his fingers into his thigh, digging out the bullet as Chan approaches in his car with the girls. Mikyoung is out of the car before he manages to stop, even if he warns her to be careful, she runs as fast as she can into Hongjoong's arms, hugging her brother tightly. "You're okay?"
"Eh, I've had worse." He answers before sighing and allowing her to hug him as much as she can.
Chris makes his way towards Chan, the blonde checking the younger over before placing a hand on his shoulder. "How did you know?" Chris asks before Chan looks over at Luna, the witch standing a little bit behind them.
"She said she felt the Moon's presence so I thought we'd make our way over. Good thing Jangmi needed to clean up the cabin because it looks like we missed the fight." The hybrid blushes slightly at the mention of her name, holding tightly onto Chan's hand before her eyes rest on the wolf she considers a brother.
Seeing the blood running down his thigh, Jangmi screams his name, causing a few wolves to startle at the sound - including him. "Jangmi, I'm-"
"Don't you tell me you're okay! You're bleeding! Were you SHOT?" She screeches, starting to panic as she hesitates to touch the wound. "What happened? No, don't tell me, is it out? Oh my God, what's going to happen if you can't get it out? Were you poisoned? Are you going to die?" Jongin stands up as the fox begins to cry and mutter nonsense, pulling her close as he hugs her.
"I'm not going to die, jeez." He places a kiss on top of her forehead. "Relax before I have Chan take you home."
"No!" She hugs tight, "no..."
As everyone seems to check in with one another, some of the wolves begin to notice the absence of Chris. One of the members of his pack begins searching for him, others calling out his name and going into the house, just in case but it doesn't take long for him to be found. Unconscious and sweating, blood covering his clothes. Chris would look dead if it wasn't for the shallow breathing that can be heard faintly.
"Get him up." One of the wolves say, helping another lift up the heavy Alpha. The wolf grunts at being moved, the pain shooting through his body causing him to open his eyes but he doesn't register what is happening as he's back out to it before they round the house. "He's hurt. Bad."
"Get him to the truck."
The wolves begin to make their way back to their vehicles. The battle is over and now it is time to return home, to take care of their injured and take whatever time they may need to mourn any lost ones. Luna follows after the injured Alpha while Chan helps Jongin to his car. Everyone heading their separate ways so that they can have the night to process, to relax, to rest.
The Moon knows that they need it.
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The next day comes with mixed emotions. Many didn't return to the pack house to hear what would happen next, nobody wanted to listen to the witch explain how everything would be alright and that she was going to work with other witches to keep and maintain nature's balance.
It's not that they didn't care about the natural order - it's just that they didn't what a witch had to say.
Even though it was only one coven, it was still enough to damage a lot of the trust that the wolves had in all witches. The power that they can wield and how much damage they can cause. They didn't want to listen to what Luna had to say about their strength returning or that she could offer some remedies to help them heal faster. She knows it's not personal but it still felt like it when only a few of the wolves remained sitting in the pack house - many having left halfway through.
"I just..." She looks at the wolves still sitting in front of her. Hongjoong glaring at her with disdain, something that he's shown her from the beginning. Chan paying attention but anyone can tell he's only there because he wants to make sure that he's not missing anything that could be important or good for him to know. Jongin lays on the couch, nodding off every now and again with Channie hanging onto him and making sure he's not passing out.
There are a few people missing, one not wanting to be there, one waiting outside as they are told and one resting in his bed, still not having gained consciousness.
"I just hope you won't hold this against all witches." Luna stands up, bowing before taking her leave, her services no longer needed and now, more than ever, she wants to go home.
"I'll drop you off on my way." Chris says, meeting her out front, leaning against the house. He had heard everything but he had been around enough packs lately that he didn't want to have to sit amongst them anymore if he didn't have to.
Walking closely beside him, she bids farewell to Mikyoung who is sitting on the porch, cross-legged, looking up at the sky. "You know, if you keep staring up at the sky, you'll get your head lost in the clouds." Chan's voice breaks the silence as her body suddenly becomes alert to the Alpha's presence.
Neither of them have really spoken about the bond between them and while now would be a good time... it remains untouched.
Smiling softly up at him, she pats the spot next to her. "If I lose my head, how will I find the rest of me?" It's terrible, a terrible joke but they both chuckle softly.
They talk a little, Chan updating her just in case she missed anything and Mikyoung nods along while playing with the flower in her hand absentmindedly. They don't realise how much time has passed until Hongjoong comes out, indicating for Mikyoung to hurry up so they can leave. "Thank you, Alpha Chan," Mikyoung reaches over, taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze before standing up, "for everything."
Chan watches her go before he stands up and begins to check on his members, all of them ready to go home and Chan needing to make sure they settle in so heading into the house, he indicates it's time to leave. "Need some help?"
Jongin groans as he stands up, Channie helping him and carrying his weight. "I'll be alright. Nurse Channie has been making sure I'm taken care of," Channie giggles softly at the nickname, "when he's not accidentally touching the wound."
Pouting, Channie walks with Jongin to their car, "I said I was sorry!" He whines as they make their way to the car and Chan rounds up the last of his members.
Nobody looks back at the house as they leave, even if they have a thought in their mind about the Alpha still in his bed, nobody lets it keep them from returning to their territories and their lives. Now that this is all over, they can return to normal, slowly but surely return to the lives the had before all of this. Even if they'll never be the same, they are able to rebuild and move forward.
Everyone will, eventually.
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In the dead of the night, the Alpha stirs from his sleep, his head pounding as he tries to sit up but his body feels like it's filled with lead. It's been three days since everything happened, the house silent with only the soft patter of rain on the windows being heard.
"You're okay," he says weakly, a sad smile on his lips as he looks out the window into the night, unable to see the moon. "Everything's... okay..." Chris lays back down, closing his eyes as Shuhua watches in the seat she pulled next to his bed. She has been worried, wanting to make sure he's okay so she visits when nobody is around.
Careful not to wake the Alpha, she dabs a damp cloth to his forehead before checking the time and sitting back in the chair. A few more hours, that'll be okay, a few more hours and she'll head home before anyone even notices that she was there.
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myristicisms · 2 months
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Of all the people he'd land himself in the company of, of course it would be Deepground's most beloved mascot. Over the years, he's learned to bite his tongue and do as asked lest he end up back on the table again, fingers ripping through the sinews of pallid skin and pulling muscle from bone with little regard to the one trying not to squirm beneath the touch. ( Bide your time and the Goddess shall reward you. ) It's a personal mantra, one that he has to rapidly repeat in his head as sage green eyes stare incredulously at the so called immaculate one. He feels guilt for the amusement that comes alongside seeing such a powerful man helplessly trapped.
A lingering resentment being the cause, he'd guess, the Tsviets were the ones responsible for his misery in the ginger's opinion, especially the brothers. Were it not for them ripping him from his resting place in Banora so long ago he'd be happily exploring the world and seeing what all the planet has to offer in honor of his long departed friends. Perhaps he would cross paths with the puppy and his unconscious friend once more and maybe get the thrill of a proper battle with a fully healed body. ( The fates are cruel, ) Another musing, foolish as it is to continue to recite the old poem it still brought the once proud swordsman an odd sort of comfort.
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“ Is that all you wanted me here for? To tell me something I've been saying for years? ” Still as sharp tongued as ever, Commander Rhapsodos was still alive and well in the shell that stood before the so-called king of Deepground. “ I'm truly honored you think of me as a confidant but if you're about to ask how to make this hellish home of ours more bearable, I'm afraid I don't have an answer you'd find satisfactory. ” Dangling metal catches the dim light, his head tilting ever so slightly while Genesis patiently watches and waits.
To those who always resided beneath the tower, this dog eat dog world really wasn't so bad; But for a man who had grown above ground, basked in the warmth of the sun for most of his life and got to enjoy simpler more peaceful times, Deepground was objectively the most miserable place he could have ever been forced to be in, forced harvesting of his flesh aside but even then Genesis wasn't particularly fond of the way science had gone about working towards further enhancing ShinRa's strongest. If the Goddess wished for her gift to be shared then she would have done so, he was the Planet's chosen champion and yet here he stood like an obedient dog waiting to be told to roll over and show his belly or face punishment.
Whatever it was the immaculate one wanted, it must have been serious to request a private audience with Rhapsodos, the Tsviets often refused to acknowledge his presence even on good days, a fact of which he wished would continue onwards. Seeing the warriors only rushed a sense of shame into the once proud mage, the brutality with which they carried themselves was barbaric in a way that would have made even Angeal question if honor ever truly existed. Angeal was a corpse though, nothing more than a mere ghost of better years and Genesis had much more important things to worry his pretty little head over.
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@sleeplesswork | Weiss the Immaculate
❛❛ no one wants to be in deepground. ❜❜ the white - haired man speaks up from his throne, his voice rumbling with a restrained chuckle. he can’t help smiling, cocking his head to the side with an almost blasé attitude. despite the grim reality of his predicament — chained and shackled to a throne that, the longer one looks, the more the empowering image of an emperor seated before his subjects morphs into the disquiet sight of undeniable imprisonment — weiss only ever seems to excel within his confinements. perhaps because outside these walls, he would endure an even worse fate: strapped to a table and subjected to inhuman experiments... when this is the only life one knows, the lesser of two evils becomes bearable, no matter how macabre.
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strwbmei · 6 months
Hi Mei question what are you favorite characters from all fiction? Because in my case i have about top 10 list plus honorable mentions:
1. Spider-man (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) (Marvel Comics)- I honestly love these two spider-man because how relatable they are. Not to mention i feel like they are the definition of responsability. I honestly related to Peter Parker's nerdy actitud and humor along with Miles's personality wise. I also love the fact thag Miles have a strong love for his family as well. Not to mention both of these characters don't give up no matter how hopeless things gets.
2. Superman (DC Comics)- Some people considered superman boring but i really love his caracter because he embodies Hope. Not to mention he is someone who always tries to do what is right and have a very strong moral compass. I still remember when i was younger and saw superman returns when he lifted the kypotonite Island. Even when it was killing him he still keep going and never gave up that's is inspiration.
3. Batman (DC Comics)- If we ignored all the batman with prep time thing. Batman is actually a well written character. Especially since he tries to do the right thing for his city. I also love the fact that even though he is human and is very aware of that he plans ahead and works very hard. The fact that mlst characters in the DC world respects him that speaks volumen.
4. Optimus Prime (Transformers)- I love optimus prime for me he is what a leader should be. Selfless, just and someone who always fights for freedom no matter what. He is the leader that i wish i could be.
5. Kratos (God of war franchise). To a bloodthirty and revenge seeking spartan to a reedem warrior. As someone who played the OG god of war games. Kratos in the recent years have one of the best character development, especially now in the recent DLC.
6. Anakin Skywalker Aka Darth Vader (Star Wars)- he went to a slave to the Dark lord of the Sith. Once a hero became the villain by fear of lost of loved one. For me Anakin is a tragic character who wanted to protect the love of his life but failed and became the thing he was supposed to destroy. At the end he was redeemed thanks to his son.
7. Black Panther (Marvel Comics)- i love his character intelligent, strong and just for his people and his kingdom. The fact that Chadwick Boseman (Rest in Peace) played such and awesome character made it better.
8. Wonder Woman (DC Comics)- The proud amazonian and a proud member of the Justice League. She is strong, honorable and compassionate making her an Icon and a part of DC trinity.
9. The Flash (Barry Allen, DC comics)- i love is perseverance and willpower since he never gave up on searching for his mother's killer. After becoming the fastest man alive is character development continue and his death on infinite crisis was a huge moment.
10. John Wick (John Wick series)- the legendary baba yaga this man willpower and tenacity made me love his character by a lot. He has an impresive body count and commites to his mision. To think all of that started with a puppy left behind by his late wife. What i like about his character is that he never stop until he got his revenge.
Honorable Mention
Issac Clarke (dead space series)- An engineer who was on the wrong place at the wrong time. To a dependable and selfless survivor.
Kiana Kaslana (Honkai Impact 3rd)- the naive girl to the strongest valkyrie in the honkai series.
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider series)- one of the greatest if not THE greatest Adventurer in all of gaming.
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)- One of sony most charming and beloved characters.
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil series)-Rookie cop to a well experience agent of the resident evil franchise.
I see you like superheroes! My siblings were mostly into anime, so that's what I grew up with instead of Marvel/DC comics. I've been wanting to get into them for years now, but there are so many movies and heroes that it's a bit overwhelming... I also don't have the attention span to sit through an entire movie.
I wouldn't be able to choose any favorites with how much fiction I've read/watched/played, but here are some characters I've really enjoyed recently in no particular order:
Dr. Mobius - She's insane. Literally. She has a sad backstory, but it doesn't tie that much into why she goes to such extents to achieve her goals. I just like morally grey characters in general. I also really like her dynamics with the other flamechasers!
Frieren - She's so unserious, but she's come a long way. She went from not really caring about humans, only spending her time pursuing magic, to actively helping out anyone she sees in need like Himmel used to. To be loved is to be changed, they say. She's just an old woman traveling around the world with her adopted grandchildren while collecting the remaining traces of the 10-year adventure that she treasured the most in her 1000+ years alive.
Rudeus Greyrat - Okay. Before people burn me alive, he's absolutely disgusting and a pedophile. Yet, at the same time, that's what makes his character development way more impactful. He went from worse than trash and the maggots living inside it to worse than cattle, which is still a pretty big improvement in my book. The main reason why I put him here, though, is because of the scene where he reunited with his father. I'm not a very expressive person, but that scene had me tearing up because of how relatable it was.
Elysia - I love her, and the best part is that she'd probably love me too! She went through so much, saw the worst of humanity, and still decided to love the entirety of it. I really admire how she can see beauty in anything and everything. She wasn't even supposed to exist. She was an anomaly, and yet she was what saved everyone. Also, the one thing we have in common is our love for pretty girls.
Miles Morales - ITSV and ATSV are one of the only Marvel movies I've watched, and I enjoyed both of them immensely! They blended 2D and 3D animation techniques so well together, the halftones were used really well, and all of the colors really made the characters pop. I could go on for hours about how well the movies were animated, but back to the point— even though he's a hero, and a very reliable one at that, the show doesn't let us forget that he's still a kid. He still has to balance his responsibilities while at the same time, fighting crime and dealing with puberty. He also just seems like a really chill person to be friends with. We're both into similar branches of science and art, so I think we'd get along pretty well.
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safyresky · 1 year
Dani: reblogs a thing about ask box shenanigans
Me: M Y T I M E H A S C O M E
It's a me. Lurking. About to hop on that art train when I spotted the post. You don't have to do all of them but here are a handful of fanfic titles that I wanna see what your vague ideas about them would be
Happy meal
The footloose sensation
Paranormal piracy
The golden ticket
Four eyes
The shortest day of the year
Anyway, I hope you're doing well my friend and if you aren't I hope it gets better for you! 🤗💕
(cracks knuckles, stretches neck) HERE WE GO
Happy Meal
In which Fino and Fiera's attempt to go buy themselves happy meals goes very, very awry!
They decide to go to a mall to get their micky dee's and get very horribly distracted, and also, they are on fire. This is a normal human mall, btw. The Magical Bureau of Investigation has their work cut OUT for them lmao
The Footloose Sensation
I have never seen Footloose, and after reading the plot page for it I'm like "oh my god I cannot believe this is a real movie based on a real town" so here's THREE IDEAS for you
Footloose the movie craze hits the North Pole. Shenanigans ensue
A hypothetical experiment goes wrong, and now everyone is dancing to the Footloose song and it's really getting in the way of the day's work tbh (or any song. Maybe it's like the SINGING episode of shows, but with DANCING. Jack's like MY TIME HAS COME and single-handedly navigates them all through the final dance number of footloose to break the dancing curse)
A Bad Santa bans dancing. Elfsburg Footloose parody/rip off ensues 😂😂😂
Paranormal Piracy
Well past her days of Piracy, Jacqueline finds herself in WAY over her head when a ship of ghost pirates kidnaps her, hoping the famous Bruexa de la Niege can help them navigate through and onto the perilous, once thought mythical, Endless Winter Island to find the supposed lost treasure that resides there that would surely set them up for the rest of their (after) lives.
Do they know they're dead? I am unsure at this time, but it is somehow FUNNIER if they DON'T. I know for certain though that Jacqueline very much thinks the entire time, holy snowballs, I hope this treasure is real so that when they find it they can move on to the Great Beyond and I can go back to bed.
The Golden Ticket
A teleporting mishap lands teeny-bopper Jacqueline in a secret room of the family home. A secret room that is a treasure trove of magical knowledge. For the briefest of moments, she has her brother back.
Four Eyes
Fino's magic school frenemy gets glasses. Everyone teases the poor orc until he snaps and accidentally makes a magical beast with four eyes that attacks EVERYONE. He and Fino team up to stop the magical beast, and put some bullies in their place!
The Shortest Day of the Year
Winter sleeps through her own birthday 🤦🏻‍♀️.
People keep trying to talk to her. Blaise has to fend off a LOT of people to make sure she gets her rest! winter wakes up, realizes she slept through the entire day, shrugs and goes "Well, I've had thousands of birthdays, and there's plenty more to come, I'm sure." Meanwhile, her hubby looks like he has fought a whole entire second and third war while she slept.
Thanks for sending one in! And for others who are like "tf is this ask box shenanigan?" send me a made up fic title and i'll tell you what i'd write :)
(thoughts and general musings under the cut)
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Meant to post yesterday but got distracted by errands, and today we tackled the Fear Ladder I created to get over a new fear of driving on the highway thanks to the dealer comparing my car to a sick PUPPY that needs to be put down--and yes, they said puppy. IT'S BEEN. AN EXPERIENCE, THIS WEEK! DON'T GO TO DEALERSHIPS IF U CAN AVOID IT. FIND URSELF A GOOD MECHANIC THAT WON'T TUG AT UR HEARTSTRINGS WITH PUPPY METAPHORS.
But yes things are going okay and I think I've got the wedding invites almost ready to go which is a RELIEF ANYWAY, YOU DID NOT ASK FOR MY WEEKEND LIFE STORY AND YET. MY MOUTH IS A MOTORING. AS PROMISED, MUSINGS:
I got stuck on the golden ticket one and had to do a think and a half, lmao, but then it popped into my head yesterday before bed and I was like "oh god the angst. the hurt comfort. holy fuck."
I may actually write some of these up??? ANYWAY the musings I promised:
please someone ask me about Fino's orcish rival I am BEGGING i could go ON (I say that now but in the event someone asked I think I'd be like ... uhh. he exists??? but i love him even tho he is a hazy concept)
y'all don't even KNOW my brain has been PLAGUED with thoughts of Frost kiddos and their SOs, specifically the twins
i have no idea if there is a dance number in footloose, but given the titular song i have to believe there is, y'know? and I HAVE to believe Jack knows it and to defeat the dancing curse they gotta reproduce the number PERFECTLY. Jack's like "MY TIME HAS COME"
Fino and Fiera get HELLA DISTRACTED at the mall and it is chaotic as FUCK. Fino walks by an electronics store and is like "I am going to fiddle and click every button". Fiera keeps running into the little like, hallmark esque shops like "is it magic or not" and BOTH kids meet their doom with clothing, oh my god. they didn't even KNOW they liked nice clothes until the moment they lay eyes on the pretty dress shop! Shame ordibeing clothing isn't usually fireproof ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway they 100% get banned, 3 fire trucks and several casualties later
AND to tug at ur heartstrings: I realized that once Jacqueline found Jack's secret library, she had like ALL of his magical knowledge at her disposal and could KEEP TRAINING PAST THE WINTER MASTERY WINTER KNEW?! So now when she says "I learnt from the best!" she truly does mean it bc even tho he wasn't there she STILL learnt from him
and u bet ur ass when they reunite and he picks up that she learnt from his shit Jack's like "cool! ur form is sloppy and that's not being done right" and helps her refine her skills, yo
i am SOFT for these siblings
anyway ty again for the ask andie! also, LOVE that u love the shenanigans tag lmao. i dont even remember how I came up with that one but my GOD shenanigans is such a fun word
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bgech · 2 years
disclaimer (??) i've only watched sneve's one and like maybe half of leg's one cause gotdamn these are feature length films and i'm Tired.
shout out to ppl who write fanfic in the notes app and then copy paste it over cause that's what i'm doing
anyway. have fun.
1895 words
The purge is soon, a few hours away soon, and he is not doing the best.
To be honest he should have kept his expectations lower, he knows himself better than anyone else after all, but he was hoping to go into the whole crime fiasco with more than two damn hearts. Sneve's not a.. competent creature, he does his best but his best is usually just under what's required to survive, and thus he's lost most of his hit points to admittedly avoidable enemies.
Sometimes though he wished he'd just know when to quit. He was sitting pretty at full health not too long ago, then he died. He died once, just once and that's all it took. Once the ball started to roll down the Hill of Dispair it was hard for him to catch a break.
He drowned trying to create a home for himself, something so avoidable that he sucsessfully avoided it once before but the time that it mattered he decided to try and test fate. Fate won. Fate always wins, she's too damn smart.
Then some of the other residents of the world invited him to go with them on a plundering mission to a place of myth. The ancient cities of the deep dark are something Sneve has never personally encountered, and before this invite he would like to keep it that way. But in a foolish attempt to maybe prove himself to them, maybe get some allies or one of those apples that would give him a heart back, he tripped over himself on the way down and died before they even found the city.
Then it was just a long, painful series of unfortunate events where time after tune he was either shot, poison, or detonated apon until he was at half health.
He did actually catch a break here, whatever curse set on him for distracted or something because he was ok for a day or two. Save for a scary instance in the nether where he was only saved by the dark magic of an undying totem he would dare to say that eh was doing well for himself.
He was doing so well, in fact, that he went down in the caves looking for some sweet, sweet blue shiny rocks. He found one, just across the lava lake. After the whole nether fiasco he's gotten good at bridging over the hot stuff. He made it across safely, standing at the edge of the lake, blinking harshly to try and rid his vision from the black spots caused by the bright light, only to die on impact with a hidden creeper.
Another creeper outside his base for him down to 3, and he decided to test his luck with the city again to get a fancy apple or two.
No fancy apple was found, he was killed by a sound wave while blinded by the warden and he wasn't even fast enough to salvage any of his stuff.
Now it's the day of the purge, he's got two hearts, no armor, and no hope. He's not going to win, he's not going to make it far at all, he knows this, and is doing surprisingly well with the looming knowledge that his life will end in less than 12 hours. He sits outside with his dogs, he was going to try and train them to fight but they're too soft for that. Half of them are still puppies, he cant force puppies to fight, he's got some morals. Instead he sits with them and plays fetch and let's the pups gnaw on his fingers. The sand is warmed by the sun and the waves crashing in the beach not too far away put him in a false sense of security.
It's shattered by the sound of rockets quickly approaching and then the sound of his bamboo cracking under the weight of someone who probably wants to talk. Great, he could really go for some good ol' fashion socialization in times like these, especially with someone who's doing so much better than he is. Sneve has never been great at sarcasm.
"Hello, Sneve" he spreads his wings slightly, both in balance and in intimidation, though he knows it's not needed here. The shadow of the vulture wings adorning his back falls over where sneve is lying in the sand.
"Good afternoon, Legundo" sneve stands with the help of one of his dogs, and turns to look up at where he's perched on the bamboo.
"So, I hear you've had a rough go of it recently,"
"Heh, yeah you could say that again," he laughs though it's humorless, "the uh warden got a taste of my minty goodness, and now I'm back here"
"Mhm," he glides down to stand among the dogs, crouching down in front of one and patting between their ears, "I can see your plan for purge night, y'didn't think to keep these guys hidden?"
"Nah man, I mean look at em," he picks up the nearest dog, "they're too little, you're telling me you'd send him to war?"
"I would if it was my only shot at survival"
Sneve just hums and holds the puppy closer, turning away.
"You are...planning on surviving..right?"
"Legundo you know damn well I can't survive this on two hearts. I mean look at you, you've got wings for gods sake. What can I do about that? My best armor is half broken and made of iron."
"Well, no, no, ok here I have a secret to tell you." Sneve turns around and sets the puppy down cocking his head to the left a little in silent question. "I went down to the ancient city, and I found more of those apples,"
"Yeah, yeah anyway, I told everyone that I only found two because I was gonna use this one in like a, sneak attack, surprise, last resort sorta way," he pulls out the third god apple, holding it out to Sneve as an offering, "and I think we're gonna be fighting to kill eachother in a few hours but it...wouldn't be much sport if you were boneless."
Sneve considers him for a long time, so long that legundo actually starts to hope that he'll take us and have more of a shot at survival, but then sneve laughs and turns away.
"Honestly? at this point, I say keep it"
"No, Sneve, c'mon,"
"What's the difference between two and three, legundo?"
"Drastic!!" He's desperate now, just take the damned apple Sneve, it's for your own good, "if- if someone attacks you and-"
"No," he's interrupted, sneve just shaking his head at him, "Legs you can't honestly expect me to believe that an extra heart is going to help me here. It'd be a waste, you keep it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeh, like I said, what's the difference between two and three."
It's a tired sort of acceptance, the look in his eyes, something of quiet peace he's found somehow, all the odds being against him. It's something that legundo can almost respect, even if he himself were in the same situation he'd still be trying to claw his way back to a more respectable health.
"So, if you're not going to try and get your health up, and you're not going to use the dogs, what is the plan for you?" Legs reluctantly tucks the apple back to a safe spot in his inventory as he talks.
Sneve does a lazy spin before sitting back on the sand, "I was gonna make a contraption at the bottom of the ladder, make a whole big deal of it to try and get someone down there, then I'd just light it up and explode or something."
"Go out with a bang?"
"That's the idea"
"That's uh..hm. you have an enderchest? I can hook ya up with some tnt if you'd like."
"Do I look like a man who owns an enderchest?"
He really didn't. Sat in the sand, absentmindedly scratching behind a dog's ear, he looked like he was just starting out, not like he'd been in the world as long as Legs had.
After some time of talking about purge plans sneve invited him inside, promptly handing him potions and a crossbow that he definitely would have take if he didn't already have a bow of his own. He probably should have stayed longer, maybe to try and give him the apple again, but legs had preparations if his own to make. Plus the dull look that had long since settled in Sneve's eyes was starting to freak him out a bit.
In all his surviving he'd never met someone so prepared to die. Maybe he just surrounded himself with people who are more like himself, people who would rather fight to the end and do anything to live another day than give up. Sneve isn't one of those people, apparently. Because instead of eagerly taking the apple or making preparations to defend his life he's laying back on his bed throwing a pebble around while making idle chatter.
Sneve isn't planning on surviving, he's not even planning on fighting. This world had drained him of all want of life and left him udderly hopeless in his base. So Legs leaves him be, flies away from the house on the river.
Well he would have if he didn't forget to ask for a diamond, he felt horrible for asking to take anything more from Sneve as he had so little but he really wants that diamond.
Sneve doesn't even really try and bargain for it, just throws the diamond sword on the ground and turns back to whatever he started in the time Legs was gone. Legs asks if he's sure, if he can really take the sword and Sneve just waves him off.
He takes it and returns to his base for the final traps and preparations. Purge night comes and not even an hour in the gets a notification on his com that says Sneve was slain by a zombie of all things. He has the decency to feel bad, to feel sorry for the one who gave up.
But pruge night is purge night and people die all the time, so he can't do much more than that.
Legundo dies to fall damage not long after and slowly the others filter out and join them spectating. Now that the game is over sneve is looking a lot less hopeless, something he thinks everyone is grateful for. In the end Shadow is the one to win, ending it with no kills and only a few hearts to spare. A bit of an anticlimactic end to such an event but it's fine. He's just glad that everyone's ok afterwards, he's the admin of a few of these people and now that he's got his memories back after it's over he'd hate for one of them to be genuinely hurt due to the game.
It's always in good fun, just a game or a challenge or whatever, but Legundo won't forget the look in his friends eyes, the knowledge of death yet the unwillingness to do something g about it. And maybe Legs will stick a little closer to Sneve's side for a few days, just to make sure it doesn't come back.
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greenwood106-blog · 1 year
Every Day Is A Good Day?
These words were the motto of a friend/mentor in my professional world. He had gone through a serious health spell, and was left to rot in the hospital. When he rebounded and got better, his feet and toes essentially had to be broken and pinned to straighten, allowing him to walk.
For years, I carried that motto. Then came the stroke. These days, it is a much more difficult task to find a day that I can feel like that motto is more than just words.
As an Atheist, my views on life & death are pretty straightforward. I have no belief on the question of where my "soul" will come to reside based on who or what I may have pledged my allegiance to. I've always believed in karma, that you get what you give.
We've all gotten a kick out of Little Nicky when Hitler is in hell and he gets a pineapple shoved up his ass as a punishment for possibly being the worst human ever on this planet. We've all talked about people who will have "A special place in hell" reserved for them.
I had a friend pass away recently, and his brother went about 9 years before, so the prevailing sentiment is "Be sure to say hello to your brother for me" or something like that. Rock N' Roll fans think of a supergroup with people like Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Randy Rhoads, John Entwistle, and Charlie Watts playing in it.
Then there's the reincarnation theory. If you lived a good life, you come back as a puppy or something deemed to have a blessed existence, where if you were an asshole, you come back as a DMV clerk or an IRS accountant.
Those theories give us the sense that this is just phase one of a larger existence and that what we do here punches our ticket for the next chapter. As I have believed for some time, it is like mourning. We don't really mourn the dead, but rather the fact that the living can no longer have them in our lives.
I have chosen to believe that we are simply a different form of animal and therefore our lives and deaths are similar. When our heart stops and the body can no longer support life, it is the end. Not a pathway leading somewhere, but that's it, no more, game over.
I may be entirely wrong, but I have nobody that left us, arrived at this afterlife destination, then came back. So, as an Atheist, I go with the simplest theory is most likely the truth.
After a 30+ year career in healthcare, nearly 20 with the same company, that company is now closing the doors and going out of business. This is the company that kept me on the payroll when I was hit with the stroke, and allowed me to return to work on a limited schedule when I returned, among countless other things.
Not surprisingly, I don't find myself independently wealthy after that time in healthcare. I've had a good income and good life, but I'm afraid not working is not an option going forward. But, I'm not able to drive, have limited movement on my right side and sound like I've been in the dentist's chair all day. Narrow's the opportunity window, right?
In August I filed for disability, thinking I would get ahead of the game. HAHAHAHA. No such luck. They tell you it could be between 5 - 8 months before they will determine if you should be approved. 3 months in they are still hovering at the beginning of the medical review.
It's a shame they have had to make the system so difficult because so much fraud has tainted them, but they should be able to look quickly at my record and see that I applied for unemployment once, and got 1 check before I was back at work. I have worked since I was 16 and my working karma should earn me this when it is needed.
So, I'll just apply for work from home. After all, one of the things we learned during the pandemic (aside from how wonderful it was on the roads) was that most of us can do our work from home. But here again, most companies want you to be able to field calls, handle the finances, balance their budgets and manage their staff with no time off. Or it's a "hybrid remote" position, meaning at least once a week you need to come to an office and speak with people who can't email or chat online.
And for the jobs that don't require all of that, there's 27,000 applicants. "We'll get back with you soon."
This is the exact reason why a life used to be considered over once you have raised and taught your children to produce and be independent, and concluded your career. Otherwise, you get to spend who knows how long being a burden to those you raised to be independent.
Having spent that 30+ years working in senior healthcare, I have watched countless lives that were dragged on way past the point of logic, partially because we don't embrace the idea that over is over and while we have no problem putting down a 9 year old dog, we can't let a human say it's their time to be done.
Now please don't think I'm seeking an injection to be done. I would never do that unless I were deemed to be beyond help. But if I went to bed tonight and never woke again, I wouldn't feel that I was robbed of a single moment. Before you read this and think this screams depression, understand the difference between looking for a rope and being comfortable with mortality. In many cases, depression means "take 2 of these and call me next week". (unless you've ever been told you could possibly be allergic to the 12 ingredients you can't pronounce without a PHD) I've contributed plenty to the medical machine already. You're welcome pharma!
I guess for me now it's every day is another day. SSDD, now there's a motto!
0 notes
studiojeon · 3 years
bitterness in goodbye | jjk
this is part of my troubled outsiders series. sadly, you can't read this as a stand alone (meaning: feel free to check the previous parts ♡)
| summary | - You can’t help but feel a little sad when Jungkook doesn’t refrain from cuddling your arm after pleading to forgive him. You wish you could cuddle him instead, that he would lay his head on your chest as you play with his soft hair, but you recognize there are some things you just can’t have.
warnings: none (?) i mean chaeryeong insults jungkook which is an atrocity in itself but-
contents: we diving into the angst my friends. jungkook is an innocent, kind hearted soul, i promise. oc's got the feels (out oct. 1) for jk. idol!jungkook × student!reader.
author's note: I EDITTED THIS FROM MY PHONE DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW FUCKING ANNOYING THAT IS? also, thank u for the amount of support i've been receiving lately, i appreciate everyone lots. feel free to ask away or suggest anything btw, i would love to write for any prompts you guys come up with. 💞💗💖💘💓💕
words: 1.57k
playlist: honey by halsey
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Four weeks later, the receptionist of your apartment complex hands you over a cardboard box with the hoodie Jungkook and you had talked about that day on the Han River. Jungkook kept pestering you to please please please send him your address for confidential purposes, which you knew had to do with his determination to literally provide anything that catches your eye right away. You assumed it was a sensitive topic for the boy whether people had purposefully taken advantage of his money before, so you didn’t dare to say anything when the man asked you for your size literally two hours after he dropped you off, scared to either reject his solidare intentions or piss him off for bringing unwanted memories back. In  your defense, your personality type keeps oscillating between INFP and INFJ so it’s only natural that you take extra care to make sure those around you have as much peace of mind as possible in your presence. 
As pretty and comfortable the piece of soft clothing is, an important factor is missing, something that you can’t recreate buying two of the same size and color, and that is Jungkook's escence and how good it looks on him in comparison to anyone else in the world. Meaning, you didn’t like it as much as you thought initially would. And it absolutely did not have to do with the fact that your short stature made you look like a toddler who stole their dad’s jacket.
Still, in order to show Jungkook how much you appreciate his gift, you bring it to work the next day, and the rest of the days after that, with the excuse that with winter rolling around you needed something to keep you warm in the office. Jungkook doesn’t miss the opportunity to confirm your assumptions regarding your appearance whenever he barges into your office randomly throughout the week, arguing that ”you look so adorable” and doesn’t stop for two weeks more, until he gets used to seeing you wearing something you shared with him. Which doesn’t help ease your growing romantic feelings for him whatsoever.
Because yeah, you liked Jeon Jungkook, just like every human being with eyes and sexual desires, except, you didn’t just like him in a superficial way, and that’s where the problem with him resides. Though you are sure everyone has fallen in love with the endearing boy at some point - especially the excluded and invalidated women of society - you can’t help but place some blame on you for allowing yourself to be swooned so goddamn easily. Your mom had said to you at some point to be wary of the way some men would talk to you when you grew up, their intention usually being getting inside your pants, which has happened to you more times than you'd like to admit. And with the argument that she knew you better than anyone, she claimed you would comply right the second someone talked sweet to you; you despised the fact that was the case with Jungkook (and Jungkook only), although he had never shown any sexual innuendos. What your feelings could do to your relationship with Jungkook and your rather chill lifestyle scared you to death, shiver me timbers and all that shit, having romantic feelings for someone else is embarrassing, especially when your chance with them has been scratched out the second you laid eyes on them.
Jungkook sits on your couch, legs spread on your thighs as you two pretend to watch some series on netflix. “I don’t buy for a second the act you’re putting on right now.” he speaks randomly after staring at your deep-in-thought state for a few minutes and laughs when you snap at him for not letting you overthink in peace. “What’s going on?”
Truth is, you don’t fucking know. A few hours before he arrived at your place (you had to pick him up at the dorm and sneak the both of you through the subterranean parking lot, because god forbid someone saw Jungkook arriving at some chick’s dorm on a saturday afternoon) you swore you would be able to conceal whatever emotional turmoil you had going inside of you without compromising your regular behaviour around the man, but when push comes to shove, it’s impossible to keep yourself from wondering how far you could go before that special someone found out what was going on inside of your head.
Jungkook’s phone rings in his pocket with some annoying tone he had downloaded illegally from youtube the same day the company had handed over the device as a gift for him (you still were a little bitter over how they neglected the rest of the staff but you also knew it was kind of impossible for the human kind to just gift a-thousand-dollar-phones to almost five hundred people out of solidarity). “Hyung?” he picks up, still wary of your unusual behaviour, concerned eyes looking at you. “No, uh- i’m with Yugyeom right now.” and your heart shatters into a million pieces.
You have been suspecting for a while that Jungkook is being hesitant to introduce you to his social circle. Although, you’ve tried your best not to take it personal, it is getting harder to resist the urge to ask him what the fuck is up with that. The fact that Jungkook had to lie about the person he was hanging out with broke your ego; he could’ve just said he was with a friend, right? You suddenly feel like you’re fifteen again, when the guy you liked would love you in the dark but pretend he didn’t know you in the light. 
Holding your tears back, you gently push him off and make your way towards the bathroom in the most nonchalant way you could. This is your fault for falling for the nice popular guy in the first place, you remind the reflection staring back at you. Still, as bad as it hurt, there was no way you were going to cry over a stupid boy, let alone when he was literally sat on the next room. He can go fuck himself if he thinks he can just toss this behind as if nothing ever happened.
You text Chaeryeong instead.
“chaery bom bom: i swear to god i gonna throw hands the next time i see the bitch.
chaery bom bom: like who the hell does he think he is? fucking squidward looking asshole.
chaery bom bom: he ain’t even that cute bub, you’ll get over him. i know jinyoung wouldn’t treat you like this”
You sigh. Chaeryeong has been enamored with the idea of you and his former company colleague from GOT7 since the day she met the guy (which was somewhere around ten years ago), and although he was all that, you didn’t like his quiet and cold aura, it intimidated the fuck out of you (Jungkook was the entire opposite of that).
You spray on some perfume just to have an excuse as to why you randomly ran to the bathroom when Jungkook’s inquiring eyes stare as you sit back on the couch, which is exactly what he does. “You done with your call?” you ask, bitter.
Jungkook frowns, a bit taken aback by the sudden question but still unaware of the way his words had made you feel, not even sensing the hostile change in your mood. “Yes, it was one of our managers. He was wondering if I could come back to reshoot some...-thing.”
Okay, now you kind of understand as to why he lied in the first place and to say you feel guilty is an understatement. “I supposed he backed down once you mentioned you were hanging out with Yugyeom.” playfulness makes its appearance on your tone and Jungkook rolls his eyes at you, tongue poking on the inside of his slightly red cheeks.
“Sorry for that” he moves closer and cuddles your arm, like a sad guilty puppy. “It’s just- I don’t want them asking questions''.
You understand. He is a very reserved and private person after all. It took you a bit to crack him open yourself. Plus, you kind of share that trait with him, you’d hate it too if people were constantly on your nerves for the people you decide to hang out with. 
And that’s all it takes to forgive him. Not very cash money of you.
“You better not pull that shit again, though” you shift in his hold and he looks up at you. One look into your eyes and he knows what you mean. “I’ll kick you out.”
After nodding, Jungkook resumes his concentration on the series you picked out for him. Due to your short attention span, you are very picky about what you invest your time in, especifically with audiovisual pieces of media, so Jungkook trusts you whenever you recommend something on very rare occasions. As a matter of fact, Jungkook was busy attacking your kitchen counters for snacks (which you didn’t have) when you mentioned Money Heist. “Munch on some grapes instead” you suggested to soothe his disappointment.
You can’t help but feel a little sad when Jungkook doesn’t refrain from cuddling your arm after pleading to forgive him. You wish you could cuddle him instead, that he would lay his head on your chest as you play with his soft hair, but you recognize there are some things you just can’t have.
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dabifixation · 3 years
see you later
Tumblr media
pairings: dabi x fem!reader
warnings: smut, fluff, angst, major character death, mha manga spoilers, slight gore, MINORS DNI
summary: Dabi knew he had to end things soon before they got out of hand. He knew this wasn't supposed to last long, he told himself that everytime he left your apartment in the early hours of the morning. Until he found himself back here again, in your arms and lost between your thighs.
word count: 4.7k words
"... We encourage everyone to stay at home tonight, as there is a possibility of a severe thunderstorm, along with it flashfloods all over the city..."
The television only served as background noise for you as you moved around your kitchen. Cleaning up the dirty dishes and utensils, a small smile on your lips after the friendly company you had tonight.
It's been a while since you invited your friends over for some supper after the long depressing week you had. You needed that, the entertainment and companionship only they could offer you. You've never laughed or cried so hard in months, telling each other about your sorrows and thoughts for your futures ahead.
Being an adult was never easy, especially in a world full of rejected heroes.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you hadn't heard the warning cough behind you, or the tap against your kitchen counter. But you did give a short shriek when you felt someone wrap their arms around your waist, their chin resting on your shoulder, inhaling your scent.
You relaxed once you felt the familiar warmth of who it was. Only one person in the entire world could be dubbed a walking, breathing furnace, and it was him.
"I missed out on a big meal didn't I?" He drawled, his warm hands rubbing soothing circles against your stomach.
"Maybe if you didn't pop into my life every few months, I would've saved you a plate." You sarcastically replied, but you didn't miss the way how you sounded partially hurt.
You weren't expecting much all those years ago when you found him bloodied and passed out behind your childhood home, and you weren't expecting much now.
You never asked questions, and he never pried in your personal life. You were quite fine with that. Not everyone was an extrovert and had their whole life story ready to be dished out. He was a very private person and you respected that.
He ignored what you said and continued to nuzzle his face into your neck. Using one hand to push your hair over your shoulder, exposing your neck to him.
You suppressed a sigh when you felt his warm lips give short kisses against your neck.
"I've missed you." He breathed cold air into your neck, making you stiffen at those words. He's never said something like that before, not once in the six years since you've known him.
Dabi noticed you stiffen in his arms, but he didn't say a word. He wasn't lying. He did miss you, achingly so.
He missed your stubborn attitude, the sarcastic replies that were on par with his own, the homemade cooking you offered to teach him countless of times that he doubt he'd pay attention to cause he wouldn't be able to keep his hands to himself. But most importantly he missed you. The way your touch lingered even days after his monthly visits, the way your lips would pay close attention to the magenta scars all over his body, and the different ways you'd say his name depending on what he was doing to you.
God, he was going to miss all of this once he leaves for the League of Villains.
"I've missed you too." You shyly said, you've never admitted these words aloud before and it felt good to tell him that.
"Turn around for me, I wanna see how good you look." He whispered in your neck.
"Dabi I'm wearing nothing but my puppy printed sweater." You deadpanned.
"It doesn't matter, you always look good no matter what." He playfully nipped your ear, making you roll your eyes despite the heat in your body relocating to your cheeks.
You turned around to face him, a beaming smile on your face that was only ever directed at him. Your heart always soared whenever you looked at him. He was beautiful. The most beautiful man you've ever had the pleasure of laying your eyes on. His eyes were the most vibrant blue you've ever seen, little specks of grey dancing in those pretty blues that were half lidded but always calculative and aware of his surroundings. He licked his lips, bringing your attention to the plump flesh that were an interesting contrast between soft and jagged, and the pink tongue residing in his mouth.
Your eyes were transfixed on his appearance, making sure no hair on his head was missing or any new injuries to his increasing collection. You rested your forehead against his hard chest once you found nothing out of place, letting out a sigh of relief when you finalized that he was okay, and not sporting a limp or any other injury.
"Damn, I stress you out that much huh doll?" You could hear the smirk in his voice, but didn't have the energy to make a snarky remark, only offering him a small smile.
"Your visits are becoming less and less you know, the last time I saw you was five months ago. I was..." so worried about you, you wanted to say. You were so worried that you stayed up everyday, two hours after your initial bedtime hoping that he'd at least show up once in those five months. He didn't, and you were beginning to think he never would, until tonight. You didn't want to tell him that.
He wouldn't care.
You felt embarrassed that you were crying to your friends about him earlier on. Scared that you'd never see him again, not because he's moved on from you as you know there's nothing keeping him here other than sex and a warm bed to crash in, but because you were worried he'd get himself injured or worse. And you didn't like dwelling on what worse could imply.
"I kno–" Dabi's words were cut off by a small sneeze he muffled into his arm. Sneezing twice more before he regained his composure.
You only noticed now that his clothes were slightly damp and heavier than usual. It made your eyesbrows furrow.
"How long were you in the rain Dabi?" You questioned, knowing you wouldn't like whatever answer he'd come up with.
"Ever since your lady friends came by."
"That was over two hours ago? You've been sitting in the rain this entire time?!" You felt your blood pressure rising when he only shrugged at your accusations. It was like arguing with a toddler sometimes.
You sighed again, pinching the bridge of your nose. "I've got a box of mens clothes laying around here somewhere. Go take a shower and I'll get them for you and make you a cup of hot tea."
He quirked one eyebrow up, staring intensely at you.
"What?" You averted your eyes away from his, embarrassed that he was searching your face for something.
He shrugged again, rolling his battered coat off his shoulders and started stripping the rest of his clothes off. You turned around before he could go any further. Busying yourself with getting his tea ready.
Dabi stopped undressing, standing there with nothing but his jeans on. Watching you as you got the correct items in order to make him tea, muttering to yourself about which biscuits he might like with it.
He liked the butterscotch ones, but he didn't bother opening his mouth. Too memorized by the way you moved around so frantically as if he was dying instead of coming down with a small cold.
He liked that about you, he liked a lot of things about you. Especially the way you cared about the simplest things pertaining to him even during moments of intimacy. You treated him like glass even if he didn't offer the same treatment in return, not because he didn't want to, he just didn't know how to go about it.
He frowned.
Dabi was only ever vulnerable around you, and you didn't even realize it. You didn't know the power you had over him, and he'd like to keep it that way. Afraid that you'd use it against him and he wouldn't be able to bring himself to hurt you for that. He could never hurt you.
He found himself walking towards you on impulse, hugging your waist once again. This time pressing his body flush against yours. He heard you gasp and that pulled a smirk out of him.
"Do you know what you do to me?" He gripped your hip with one hand, and snuck the other hand underneath your shirt. His lips against your neck, right above your pulse point.
Your stomach tensed when you felt his hot fingers rubbing soothing circles against it. He pressed you further against him, making you feel the growing length against your ass. You bit your lip, stopping yourself from whimpering too early.
"The way your nipples are perking up so nicely for me in this shirt that's practically transparent is driving me nuts." He snaked his hand further up your shirt, brushing the skin underneath your breasts gently. Your breath caught in your throat as you gripped the counter tightly.
Your panties were clinging to your pussy uncomfortably, you could feel the material getting wetter with each passing second. You tried rubbing your thighs together for some friction, but Dabi wasn't having any of it. He clicked his tongue out of irritation, the hand on your hips falling towards your inner thighs, parting your legs. His hold was strong enough to prevent you from rubbing your thighs together, you wanted to whine when he didn't place his hand right where you wanted them.
Just a little higher.
"I asked you a question doll." He spoke into your hair, taking a deep breath from the rooibos shampoo you used. The smell turned him on even more.
"W-what question?" You whimpered, resting the back of your head onto his chest, sighing out as he brushed the pads of his thumb against your hardened nipples.
"I don't like repeating myself." He growled, pinching your nipples harshly causing you to whimper pathetically in his arms. He continue to tweak at your nipples roughly before groping your breast and fondling it the way he liked.
"Dabi... " You mewled.
"Don't. Don't say my name like that." He gave your nipples a warning pinch.
You bucked up into his hips, involuntarily grinding against his cock. The swollen head rubbing in between your ass despite the jeans restricting him. Making him choke back a groan.
Dabi was just as impatient as was it in his nature to tease. He took his hand away from between your thighs to quickly lick the tips of his index and middle finger, bringing them back towards your aching pussy. You were such a good girl, not once taking the opportunity to touch yourself or rub your thighs together.
He wasted no time in pushing your thong to the side, sucking a deep breath through his teeth when he rubbed his fingers through your slit collecting the thick moisture gathered there. You always got so wet for him.
After coating his fingers in your arousal, he moved his fingers towards the bundle of nerves that had been pulsing ever since he rocked up at your house.
You let out a breathy yes, eyes rolling to the back of your head as Dabi rubbed your clit just the way you liked, grinding it down in tight circles that had your toes curling. He pinched at your clit piercing, knowing how much you liked it when he played with the metal and how easily it could make you gush for him. The pleasure was overwhelming and had you feeling light headed.
Without warning, Dabi plunged those same two fingers into your tight pussy. You bit back a scream as your body jerked and writhed against him. Hips chasing after his fingers as they thrusted deeper into your spongy walls, the palm of his hand grinding against your clit. The stimulation was too much for you.
"Fuck!" You shouted out, bringing your hand down to his, gripping on his wrist tightly so he could go deeper and faster. He could get you cumming around his two fingers alone, he didn't need more than that.
"Dabi please." You begged.
"Please what?" He asked curiously, knowing exactly what you so deeply craved.
The hand around your breast disappeared. He reached for his jeans so he could unzip it and pull it down. A short relieved sigh left his lips once his jeans were pulled down his thighs, just enough to free his heavy cock from all that pressure. He gripped his cock in his free hand, he wanted to feel you around him so bad but he had to be patient, as much as he hated it.
Dabi watched you from underneath his dark lashes, the way your body responded to him in delicious squirms and moans drove him mad. He added pressure to your clit, grinding his palm hard against it. Your body rocked back into him for more, a high pitched wail leaving those beautiful lips he couldn't wait to claim.
"I want you ins- shit shit shit!" He watched your body shaking silently against him, thighs trembling, pussy clamping so hard around his fingers he hissed as he pulled them out and quickly replaced them with his angry, pulsing cock.
"Fuck." Dabi let out breathlessly in your ear, feeling you clench and gush around him as you came. He wasn't prepared for this. To feel you around him after five long excruciating months. He loved the way your pussy gripped onto him after all these years, as if it was the first time all over again.
Dabi pulled your head back by your chin so he could look into your eyes as he drove you into your next orgasm. Ignoring your pained whimpers of pleasure from being overstimulated like this. He dragged his cock slowly out of you, holding back a gasp as he slid out of your warm walls, missing the snug warmth around him, and then slammed right back into you without warning, making you cry out.
Your ass bounced against his thighs as he gained momentum, making him cuss underneath his breath at the squelching noises that came along with it and the mess you made on his jeans. Your hands fell down to Dabi's thighs, gripping them tightly but not tight enough to leave your mark, as he practically seethed from the power trip of fucking you after so long.
The drag of his cock inside you had you nearing your second orgasm so soon, and with the animalistic grunts Dabi let out, you could tell he wasn't too far behind. He usually lasted longer than this, way longer, he underestimated how much he truly missed you it seemed.
"Dhabi... Phleasinside... Please!" He could barely make out what you were saying, a stroke to his ego at fucking you so silly to a point you couldn't use your words properly.
"What doll? Use your words." There was a slight wheeze to his words, your pussy clenching so tightly around him had him close to losing his breath.
"Please cum inside... fuck your cum inside me please. Please!" You momentarily gained back your speech long enough to form coherent sentences. You screwed your eyes shut as you felt your orgasm nearing.
His grip on your hips tightened immensely, no doubt leaving his fingerprints there for days. He wouldn't last much longer and you knew it, the telltale signs of his thighs tensing and the urgent bucking of his hips told you he was close.
Dabi let out a groan so deep from the very depths of his stomach, goosebumps began to rise on your sore arms from the intense sound alone. He forced your head to the back so he could kiss you as he came, making a sound so damn carnal it had you cumming alongside him.
The two of you came together in perfect harmony, your pussy clenching down so hard on his cock it had you lurching forward from the force, breaking the heated kiss. Long strings of hot semen shot up into your awaiting womb, dripping down your thighs when it had no more room to go.
Your breathing was uneven, your chest and throat burning from your screaming session. Forever grateful that you didn't live by your parents anymore, back when you had to muffle all your moans from when you and Dabi used to fool around even back then.
He was no better, his breathing shallow and unsteady.
Dabi didn't pull out just yet, savoring the moment of the two of you being joined as one. His fingers traced the long line running down your back, not caring how sweaty you were as he kissed your shoulders gently in gratitude. After awhile he pulled his softened cock out of you, groaning from the oversensitivity while you winced from the evidence of what took place running down your shaky thighs.
The high from sex quickly came crashing down on him. He wasn't here to have sex with you, it just happened. Guilt began to chew at his mind from what he was about to do next, but the way you looked at him, with those caring eyes someone like him didn't deserve, made him drag this moment out far longer than it should've been.
He wasn't a ''now rather than later'' kind of guy after all.
"Let's get you cleaned up." His stomach churned when he watched you look up at him in confusion.
That's right, Dabi never cared about aftercare or basking in the afterglow. He thought it was unnecessary, but couldn't say he hasn't wondered how it would feel to have you running your fingers through his hair and humming childhood lullabies the way his mother used to do to him.
A pang shot out to his heart at the thought of his mother, quickly stomping those traitorous thoughts from making an appearance tonight. Not now, he thought. Returning his full attention towards you and your warm hand grasping his own. Squeezing it gently to bring him back down to earth.
Usually after he was done he'd leave, not that you were bitter about it or anything. That's just how it was. A small smirk would grace his two-toned lips with a "See you later" sent your way before he left your apartment. It was a little tradition shared between you two, the first time he said it you were still 16, applying ointment to his injuries after you found him in your parents backyard. He abruptly left without so much as a thank you, only offering those three words.
Now whenever he left, he'd always say those words to ease your brewing anxiety in promise of seeing you next time. And he never broke that promise.
He didn't speak to you about it, but you could tell he risked everything by coming to your place every once in awhile. You were not ignorant to the things Dabi did, some part of you knew he was involved with some shady things. Things you didn't want to bring up with him.
A man didn't get that many scars in their 23 years of life by being a good samaritan.
You reached your shower, stepping in while Dabi adjusted the settings to both of your liking, joining you once he was satisfied. You've come to love the heat as much as him, hot showers always reminded you of the flame user.
The water ran hot against the both of you. You looked up at Dabi, surprised to see him watching you. For a short moment, you held his gaze. Wondering what could possibly be running through his head that had him looking so defeated.
He wanted to tell you then and there that he'd have to leave for good this time. The League weren't people to be taken lightly, especially with that unhinged brat as their leader. He wouldn't be surprised if the creepy fucker was the type to kill the loved ones of people in order to maintain compliance.
But Dabi kept his mouth, and reached for your blue loofah instead. Squirting some of your lemon scented body wash onto it, scrunching it up so it could get more soapy. He worked in silence, scrubbing your body gently with utmost care and concentration.
Hell would freeze over before Dabi allows anyone to touch a single hair on your body. He didn't care who it was, even if it was the League members, he'd make damn sure their life would end with them being nothing but dirt underneath his shoe. He had to stop coming over after tonight, he was heading into dangerous, unknown territory afterall and he'd rather avoid killing the people he needed to exploit. His plans were finally at his fingers tips, and he wasn't about to throw them away over sex.
No, it was more than sex, no matter how many times he tried convincing himself that he was only here for one reason, he'd just end up fooling himself. At night when he'd look for shelter on the streets, when his quirk couldn't keep him warm the way he wanted, you'd plague his mind with your sweet smile and honey voice. Scolding him for not taking better care of himself and that he could crash at your place if he needed to get back on his feet.
That's why Dabi stopped scrubbing you just as you began to relax at the newfound comfort. You felt his hands tense against your body, making you turn around in concern.
"Hey. Is everything okay?" You were so concerned about him, his chest tightened. Why did you care so much about someone like him. You were so ignorant and stupid. Could you not see the blood on his hands from all the innocent people he convinced himself he killed out of pleasure. It infuriated him to no end, but he could never get mad at you. Not really. He tried pushing you away before, but you were as stubborn as him so he gave up on that method.
Your shoulders fell from his lack of response.
You were too grown to be playing guessing games with him, it was cute entertaining it before, but not now. Not when you were just coming to terms with... with what exactly?
You had an inkling of what was going on, but didn't want to push further. If he was going to tell you, he would. So you asked the next best thing.
"When will you be back?" You asked hopefully, water running down your face. He flashed you a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. His fingers brushing your wet hair out of your face. He learned in, placing a soft kiss against your forehead, his lips lingering for a moment.
"You're so important to me and I don't want you getting hurt because of my suicidal actions." Was what Dabi wanted to say, but he didn't.
So Dabi did what Dabi did best, deflect from the situation and push his true feelings down. Just when you thought you were making progress (as small as that progress was) in this twisted relationship you had with him, you were right where you started.
"I don't know when, I can't tell you exactly. But just know it won't be anytime soon." Or ever.
"Okay. Just... just stay safe." You whispered, placing your hand above his chest, where his heart was. You could feel the way his heart was beating ferociously against his chest, like a caged animal.
He brushed his thumb against your cheek, wanting to remember how soft your skin felt underneath his fingertips, wanting to remember everything from tonight before he left for good. He gave you one last kiss, this time on your lips. A quick peck that said a thousand words, and got out of the shower getting ready to leave. You stood still underneath the scorching heat of the shower, for the first time in years it actually made you flinch in pain.
You watched as he dried himself off with your towel, not paying any attention to you as his hand reached for the doorknob. Much to your relief, he spared you a brief glance that said everything you needed to know in that moment.
"See you later."
It's been ten months since you last saw him, almost a year. And in those ten months you've moved out of the city, got a new job and apartment better than the last. You were happy, content with how life has been treating you lately. Your skin was healthier and glowing, you made time for the gym and started toning your body to your liking. Everything was perfect.
It's been ten months since you last saw him, until you finally did.
There Dabi was, or as it said on the news headline, Touya Todoroki, all over your television. Standing above the ruins of a burning building. His clothes were torn, and his body full of cuts and bruises. You didn't even notice the white hair until the news reporter pointed it out.
There was a ringing in your ear as the camera zoomed in on what looked like a teenage boy emerging from one of the ruins, sporting dual coloured hair. Shouto Todoroki was his name they said, Dabi's younger brother who was a 1st year student at UA High School.
Dabi burst into those beautiful blue flames that you admired so much, while the young boy's left side burst into flames of red and orange. They appeared to get ready to fight, the entire country watching with bated breath.
And then everything happened so fast after that.
You don't remember when the tears started falling, but you do remember the loud sob that tore out of your throat as you watched Dabi's flames engulf him from over-exerting his quirk. He fell on his knees, face twisting as he screamed in pain. You couldn't hear what was happening as the mic from the camera crew melted from the overbearing heat of the two flame users, but you could tell that the pain he was going through was excruciating.
You didn't even recognize your own scream when his body swayed as his flames ate away at his flesh. The staples holding his two skin types together, melting into his flesh. You felt sick to your stomach.
Dry sobs continued to leave your sore throat as you watched the man you've known since you were 16, the man you were afraid to admit that you loved so deeply and finally came to terms with it after six years, slowly dying on national television as the entire world watched and didn't do anything about it.
The anchorman's voice was muffled as you watched your lover fall down, face first into the concrete. His body immobile. Your throat clogged up in pain, all you could do now was cry and watch as his little brother tried reviving him using CPR. A failed attempt, but what else could a 15 year old with zero experience in the medical field do.
A part of you felt like it was being ripped out as you watched heroes rush to the scene trying to pry the young boy away from his older brother. You watched as he pushed them away baring his teeth at them, tears streaming down his young face. You watched as a stretcher rolled by, two medics picking up Dabi's burnt corpse and putting him in that black body bag, zipping it up and slowly moving away from the scene.
The screen went blank, offering nothing but silence as you came to terms with what just happened, before the news anchor popped up, a nauseating smile on his pinched face.
"... The villain Dabi has finally been defeated by his own quirk. A win for hero society against their fight with the villains!!"
You were too numb to tell how many hours passed by as you sat there all alone in your room.
While the country celebrated his defeat, your entire world came crumbling down.
You would never be able to feel his warm hands cup your cheeks, pecking you all over the face while he praised you. You would never get to kiss him again, the type of kisses that left you weak in the knees. You would never get to do things with him that you always wanted to do, simple things such as falling asleep in his arms after a long day of work.
But most of all, you would never hear those three special words of his again, the words you didn't even realize until now, were his way of proclaiming his love for you.
"See you later."
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mariinara · 3 years
Int.) FERRUM ARDERE (Karl Heisenberg x Fem! Reader Series)
A/N: Hey, guys! This is a series I've been brainstorming the fuck out of for a long time. Heisenberg has been living in my head RENT FREE and I'm afraid I'm going to have to share how feral I am for trash man magneto here. Apologies :") xx. It is also worth noting that the updates to this one will be mainly posted on my AO3. I'm really aiming for weekly updates, so let's hope for the best! I promise this story is going somewhere, but this introduction basically ties to the end of the story simultaneously. We're gonna be going FULL CIRCLE here, guys. Patience.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, Smut, Body Horror, Gore.
Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse)
Additional notes: These events take place pre-game. Reader was also dating Chris Redfield for a long time before disappearing.
Story Summary: You thought that being a BSAA operative was as tough as your life could get, yet going rogue with your squad against direct orders to prove a point somehow stirred you towards more trouble. A trained soldier, a skilled combatant, and once a brilliant biochemist, your power proves futile in the village of horrors you've stranded yourself in.
And when it comes to Karl Heisenberg, your abilities made you nothing but a fine addition to his "metal army". Brainwashed of nearly every pleasant memory from your past life, you're forced to comply with Heisenberg's wishes to build you into a merciless killing machine– His finest creation.
With his plans of taking down Miranda appealing to you, playing his game was no problem, but when your perception of each other changes, it only makes your mission to reach the finish line even more challenging..
Word Count: ~1.1K
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Never in his life did he think that he would end up in iron shackles.
The sheer irony of fate almost made him laugh, but the only thing he could muster was a grin that he couldn't fully maintain, so he was stuck with a pained grimace across his face.
Beaten, battered, depleted, completely powerless against the thickly gloves hands that had vice grips on his upper arms, ushering him further down the sickeningly unfamiliar hallways. Sometimes, his body weight grew heavier– rooted him to the ground, and he'd get a not-so-very friendly shove from one of the soldiers on either side of him.
But he didn't fight back.
He didn't think he could, anyway.
He felt naked without them. Completely vulnerable and – dare he say – a tad human. 
It was so foreign to him that he couldn't focus on any other feeling. He couldn't rip himself away from the confusion that riddled him. 
The only emotions he's ever been intimately familiar with were rage and unadulterated hate towards those who wronged him.
But this..? This was completely different, and Heisenberg felt like a domesticated puppy who's been abandoned in cruel streets that knew no mercy, just being kicked around like nothing.
Funny enough, it reminded him of his bitter "childhood". When he was first introduced to Miranda. It left a sour taste in his mouth and caused his nostrils to flare and his head to hang low, his wrists twisting gingerly in his cuffs
Completely out of his element, he complied as he was ushered into a dark room, and let out an almost inaudible groan when he was forced to sit on a chair across a small table. 
He only glanced up at his keepers and raised his hands to rest them on the tabletop, his breaths so calm and free of obstructions, sounding like a metronome that counted every passing second. 
His eyes were fixated on the table, and his ears caught the sound of heavy boots periodically walking closer. Then the boots were walking around him, in a slow, organized circle, and he stayed still, as if he were thrown in a shark tank with the minimal objective being: "Do not get fucking eaten."
Finally, the sounds that nearly drove him crazy stopped, and in his peripheral, he caught an outstretched hand, gloved fingers gripping a dangling light switch before pulling down, nearly blinding Karl.
He could only hiss through his teeth and look away quickly, his eyes screwing shut as he let out a shaky breath. 
A chair was then being dragged to sound purposely annoying, like the person was deliberately being un-fucking-bearable. Like they knew that Karl was teetering on the brinks of madness, his nerves ablaze with confusion and frustration.
He finally worked up the will to look forward. Once identifying who the interrogator was, his eyes were immediately glued past the person, indignantly. His chest rose as he sucked in a deep breath, and he breathed out with a fury that was bubbling deep within, but couldn't find a way out. Like Karl had lost his voice– his fire.
The person crossed both arms on the tabletop, then nodded once towards a soldier, who instantly dropped what looked like a voice recorder between the two, then pressed on one of the buttons. 
"February 9th, 2021..  Time reads 0 nine-hundred.. This is Captain Redfield.. and I am about to.." A heavy sigh escaped him, already detecting how difficult Heisenberg was going to be, "..conduct my investigation with.. Subject 2901.." Chris stared at Karl like he was a puzzle that needed to be deciphered. Narrow eyes and a tilted head as the light bulb above them swung gently, casting threatening-looking shadows on Karl's face, "Heisenberg..", Chris started, leaning forward on the table, his hands intertwined together, "I'm afraid you're gonna have to cooperate. For everybody's sake."
Karl's eyes suddenly flickered towards Chris, and he stared right into his soul as he tilted his head at him, then bared his teeth to smile at him incredulously, shaking his head as a short-lived, bitter chuckle rattled his chest, "Is it for my sake, Redfield? Because.." He leaned over to look Chris dead in the eyes, before whispering: "I'm pretty sure you have all your henchmen in here to protect you from me.." He answered, lowly, his voice scratchy and groggy. He realized that those were the first words he's uttered since he's been extracted from his previous location, "Even though I'm in–" He raised his hands to wiggle his fingers, "– Fuckin' shackles, huh?" He snorted, slouching back into his chair again, his shit-eating grin ever present and his facade still up and strong.
Chris took a deep breath that spoke volumes of his thinning patience, then let it all out, "It's over, Karl." His tone suggested that he didn't want what he'd said to be that obvious in the recording, and he shook his head slowly, "You can let your guard down.."
Heisenberg frowned at Chris, the corner of his mouth twitching up in annoyance at the mere notion of being told that he was finally "safe". It seemed preposterous to him– Just absolutely unfathomable.
Against his better judgement, Chris made sure to let the following words slip out with as much sincerity as possible, "The threat now is beyond both of us.. We might've started out against each other.. but now, we need to unite against the common enemy here." When Karl fell silent and contemplative, Chris sat back to seem less imposing, "I need you to tell me everything you know about the burnt Miranda files.."
He watched Heisenberg's eyes falter and his shoulders fall. Saw as his eyes became fixated on the burns along his bare arms– violent prints where panicked, burning hands once gripped him. He prodded at the open wound inside of his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, the metallic taste serving as some sort of reminder. 
"Where is she?" Karl asked, never tearing his eyes away from the irritated prints on his skin.
Chris's brows furrowed, "Who?"
Heisenberg's eyes only darted up to give Chris a look that screamed: "Don't act stupid". One that threatened that he wouldn't consider cooperating with Chris and his squad, even if it killed him. 
The Captain of the Howling Wolves sighed, "You cooperating right now will lead you right to her. If anything, this is for her.." 
If it were under any different circumstances, Karl wouldn't have appreciated Chris's cryptic response and would've lashed out on him. But he didn't feel like he had much of a choice. He didn't know whether he'd see you at all after all of this has blown over. Whether or not Chris was being honest wasn't something he could test out freely. This wasn't his "lab" and Chris wasn't a rotting cadaver.
There was only one choice.
And Heisenberg picked it over playing with fire, surprisingly.
So, with a sigh, he straightened up, his head held high for Chris to get the message that he'd agreed to his terms.
"Where do you wanna start, then?" 
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Imagine being an angel who is sent to Hell to keep an eye on Louis Cyphre.
Gonna try a little bit of a different structure here! 🤗✨
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"Ahhh, there she is: the little angel sent down here to spy on me," Louis's calm voice booms as he stands up from his throne and walks down towards you. He motions his guards to let you go as he stops in front of you, "We've been expecting you..." He trails off, expecting your name. "(Y/N)," you say shakily.
You really haven't enjoyed the time you've spent in Hell, and now you're faced with their powerful leader, Lucifer himself. "(Y/N)... Well, (Y/N), I've decided I'm tired of little angels sneaking around here in my kingdom, sending their little whisperings back to their God," he strokes your cheek and pushes some hair behind your ear, "but I'm not going to send you away. You'll stay with me, and you'll see everything first-hand, so you can tell God exactly what he wants to hear about how awful it is in the Underworld."
He takes you by the hand and leads you towards his throne, then he sits down and pulls you into his lap, holding you down with a hand on your hip and the other on your belly. "You'll get a chance to see things from my perspective," he whispers in your ear. You let out a small breath you didn't realize you were holding, and look around at everyone filling the throne room.
"You feel that feeling? The feeling of power from being in this position? You like it, don't you?" He slithers a hand up your back, and his long nails gentle scrape the base of your wings. You choke out a little whine, trying not to show any emotion. "Mmmm..." his hum vibrates in your chest and his lips twist into a sly smile, "Your wings are still sensitive, you must be a young angel." Louis's fingers grip your chin, turning you to look at him, "We're going to have a lot of fun, my sweet (Y/N)."
After that, you did everything with Louis: meetings with demons and new residents, parties (some of which you found very shocking, demons are all about pleasure), torture sessions, and you even lived with him
Even though this place isn't what you're used to, you find that Louis is a gentleman in his own kind of way: he respects that you weren't sent to Hell, so he doesn't like to bring any trouble to you despite exposing you to a lot of unimaginable things
After a while, he even softens up to you, whispering things like, "You may want to cover your eyes for this, princess," and anyone who had something to say about it was taken care of accordingly
One night after a party, you help Louis back to his room in his drunken stupor
Yes, even the Devil gets drunk once in a while
He hits the bed still wearing his nice shiny suit, and you pull off his shoes before making a move to leave his room to go back to yours
Louis makes a noise, propping himself on his elbow
You turn to see him making puppy dog eyes at you, "What do you want?" A small smile forms on your face
"C'mere..." he nearly whines
You walk over and put your hand in his, big mistake
Just because he's drunk doesn't mean he isn't strong; he pulls you roughly into his bed
"Louis!" you yell, struggling to free yourself from his grip
"Oh, c'mon, sweet girl, just stay for a little while," he says lightly, giving you a look that you imagine is as loving a look as Satan could give
You give in and let the demon pull you close to him; he tangles his legs with yours, throws an arm around your waist, and nuzzles into the crook of your neck
He rambles on and on about how pretty you are with your big fluffy white wings, and your bright golden aura, and that silky black gown
You simply listen as he drunkenly talks himself to sleep; however just before he passes out for the night, you hear him mumble something like, "(Y/N), you're the only creature in this whole world that I care for..."
Maybe you heard him wrong, but you couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach
As you lie there, holding Lucifer as he slept, you realize it had probably been a millennia since anyone had shown him even an ounce of love, and so you stay...
The next morning, you wake up still holding each other and still in your party clothes from the night before
Louis looks relaxed, as though he slept very well, and his eyes and hands gently roam your body
You place a hand on his cheek, turning his attention to your face, before you lean in and place one long soft kiss to his lips
When you see the smile that spreads across his face, you know you'll never want to leave his side
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sammy-gvf · 3 years
We get along (for the most part)
Chapter 2 
OC X Lee Bodecker
Warnings- a little angst and cursing. 
Plot- The local rebel badass girl and Lee Bodecker have had run ins, lets see how it goes, shall we?
Word count : 2,705
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Sunday morning.
Slowly, I woke from my slumber hoping that I slept through church. Unfortunately, the sound of footsteps coming towards my door tells me differently. Knocking at the door, I hear a quiet voice come through the crack of my door.
“Maggy, are you up? Mamas goin have a fit if you aint up for church.” 
That's my brother John, he is always there to wake me up on sundays. He enjoys going to church. I’m not really into it, i usually try to go back to sleep but my parents barely ever let me sleep through church, small town equals gossip. No matter what you do, someone is always talking about you. Sat the wrong way? Gossiped about. Sneezed during church? Gossiped about. Literally anything you do is talked about among the town residents. I was the talk of the town when I was in high school, everyone knew I was sneakin around with Arvin. No one  liked it obviously, bein called every name in the book. I didn't care clearly, it didn't bother me or Arvin. 
I groan and slowly get out of bed, stretching and looking out of my window. It's a beautiful sunny day in Knockemstiff, I never thought I would ever describe this run down town like that, it's quite beautiful here though. Open fields for miles, I could see why no one would want to leave. I mean in old age, you could just do anything with your land and live off it. 
Getting up, I feel my feet hit the cold wood floor of my room. Everyday, I hope I don't get a splinter from the floor so I wear slippers throughout the house. I head to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. My hair is disheveled and almost out of the bun that I had it in the night before, my eyebrows are out of place and the bags underneath my eyes are prominent. I sigh and splash some cold water on my warm face. I grab my toothbrush and go for it, spitting out the toothpaste and flashing my teeth in the mirror to make sure I didn't miss a spot. 
I heard my parents and brother moving around pretty quickly so I looked at the clock near my bed. It's 9:30 am, church starts in about 20 minutes and it takes 10 to get there. Quickly, I put my hair in a low bun, slapped on some powder and a plain lip color, a rose color to compliment my fair skin. Hopping around, I grab a plain flowy blue dress that goes up to about the middle of my thigh and a pair of white keds, quick and simple. 
I step out of my room and grab my clutch so I have something to hold while in church, I usually can't keep my hands still. I shut the door behind me and head out to the living room to see everyone quickly eating some toast off their plates in the kitchen, I hop over and steal a piece of toast and bacon off Johns plate and then we are out the door. 
Hopping in my dads truck, the ride there is quiet. We don't talk much in my family, only at dinner once and a while and sometimes when my father drinks. Which is only when he is done work on Fridays. I make sure I'm out of the house on fridays, he never stops talking when he is drinking. My parents and I have never been that close really, kind of an unspoken family thing. Mother stays quiet and does her motherly duties as us women are expected to do once we pop out a few puppies. I refuse to be like that. 
The ride to church is scenic,open fields for miles and so many animals to look at. I enjoy the breeze coming through my hair but I just wish it was from me driving my car out somewhere I have never been. Like maybe California, it's probably beautiful. I have never been to a beach, as a matter of fact I've never been out of Knockemstiff before. I envy everyone who leaves this place and never comes back. As soon as I can get out of here, I will. I swear on everything I love. 
The car stops and I get out, my feet hitting the dirt road below me. My keds are gonna need a cleaning after this. Stepping around the car, I separate from my family and hop around the back of the church to smoke a quick cig before I go through the church doors to act like I'm holy for 2 hours. 
Stepping to the left side of the church, I put my clutch on a bush and grabbed a cigarette from the pack stuffed in my bag. Quickly I light it and suck on it as quickly as I possibly can to just get a moment to myself. Looking out into the distance, I always forget that the cemetery is this close to the church. Graves for as far as the eyes can see. That distracted me to the point where I forgot how quick I was smoking and ended up inhaling too much smoke at one time, leading me to cough quite loud. I throw the cigarette on the floor below my foot and crush it quickly. 
I hear an oh so familiar voice in the distance as I finish my coughing fit. 
“ Ms. Lane, what a pleasure to see you on this fine sunday.” He says, walking towards me with his fingers hooked around the belt loops of his pants.
Same uniform everyday, never fails.
“Say, what are you doin here behind the church all by your lonesome? “ Lee says as he stands next to me, I can smell the tobacco and mint on him the same as I did last night. I look over at Lee with an exhausted look on my face from the coughing fit I just had.
Lee looks down at the ground and a grin forms on his face, sneaky bastard never misses a beat. 
“Ms.Lane-” Lee begins to say and I stop him
“Please, for the love of christ call me Maggy. I am not 16 anymore, Lee.” You say as you start to walk past him. He grabs your arm and stops you. 
“Maggy Lane, just know I know about your little reputation.” Lee says as he still has you by the arm, kind of digging his nails into your soft skin as you try to pull away a bit.
“As a matter of fact, I was there when you began your little shenanigans. Be careful of how you talk to your sheriff, little lady.” You look at him in disgust as he tries to intimidate you. 
“ Also, I told you those cigarettes was bad news, you're lucky I don't stop on over and talk to your pop about your little habit.” Lee says with a smirk on his face. You finally wiggle out of his grip, your arm dropping to your side with crescent shaped marks on your arm. You rub the spots where Lee's fingers were just digging into your upper arm.
Looking up at him, he tips his hat at you and starts to walk away. You spit on the ground near his feet and he turns around on his feet, quick. 
“ I hope you know you're a prick, Bodecker.” You spit out at him. 
Immediately, you are backed up against the wood boards of the church, both of Lee's arms on either side of your head. Your heart is racing and your breath is hitching. You're frozen. 
“Listen to me, you little bitch.” Lee inches closer to your face, your noses almost touching. You turn your head to the side hoping that he won't really notice but he grabs your face and holds it so you are looking him directly in the eyes.
“Your little mouth will get you in trouble, especially with me.” Your breath hitches as he gets closer. Your heart could explode. You were terrified. 
“ Lee, church is starting. We better get in there before we miss anything” A voice in the distance yells. 
 Instantly, Lee lets you go and strides back to the unknown voice. 
You stand there with a shocked look on your face, as if you had just seen the devil up close. You were frozen in your current position but as soon as people started going in the building you sank to your feet and sat there for a minute breathing heavily. You fixed yourself up and stood outside the door of the old church, taking a deep breath before going in and finding your seat next to your family. 
 Church dragged on and on, I felt like I was going to fall asleep. A screaming preacher, so many people in such a small space. Half way through, I got up to go to the bathroom and caught Lee staring at me and he gave me a small smirk. Creep.
Stepping into the bathroom, I look at my face in the mirror. It's still slightly red from where Lee had his disgusting hand around my chin. I pushed on the spot and it felt like it was going to bruise. 
“ Fuck” I whispered to myself as I turned my head side to side to look at the red around my lips and on my chin. This is for sure going to bruise. 
I splash some water on my face to refresh myself and then I step out of the bathroom to bump into something in front of me. 
“Shit, I am so sorry” You say as you back up into the oak door and look at the person in front of you. 
“ Oh, no worries hun.” the woman in front of you says. 
You look at her quickly as you step aside, sticking out your hand and you say “I don't think I have met you before, I’m Maggy Lane.” 
She sticks out her hand and shakes yours firmly, she is a very pretty woman with short brown curly hair. 
Thin and very well put together, can't be more than 25 years old. 
“ It’s very nice to meet you sweetheart, I’m Ruth Har- I mean Bodecker.” She says smiling as she pulls her hand back from the handshake and puts it back on her clutch bag. 
“You the sheriff's wife?” you say as you cock your head to the side questioningly. 
“Yes, I am.” she smiles, “ We've been married now for about a year, a very fine man he is.” She says as she steps aside to talk to you for a minute before she steps into the bathroom.
You were shocked, Lee actually was married? He was such an asshole, you didn't think anyone would want him. As you had said the previous night, you would tell his wife if he had called you another pet name but she looks so sweet. He doesn't deserve her. You had just said that assumin he even had a woman at home. 
“ Thats nice, say you ain't from around here, are ya?” You say in a little southern drawl, she aint from these parts. You can tell by the way she says certain words. 
“ No darlin, i'm from Tennessee.” she smiled “Met Lee out there while I was workin in a bar.” she blushed a bit.
“ Huh, well look at that.” you say as you cross your arms and lean against the doorframe of the bathroom. “ Lee does get out of town then.”
She chuckles and you look at the time, church is going to be over soon.
“ Well, it was very nice meeting you, Mrs.Bodecker.” You say as you turn your back and start walking towards the stairs to go back to the chapel area. 
“ You too, darlin.” She says waving at you. 
“ See you around” You say as you head back up the stairs. 
Chapter 2 already? I’m crankin shit out lol 
Hope yous like it so far! Dont forget to leave opinons/replys and as always dont forget to like/reblog!
tag list : @ladyfallonavenger
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nad-zeta · 4 years
I'm a dum dum , didn't even realize your requests are open 😂. Ok~ I hope I'm following your rules– cuz I couldn't find any :")) but would you mind doing a hc for Ikesen characters(you can choose the characters! I don't really mind) reacting to a teenager MC(from ages 14-17)? I've seen lots of child MCs but not a teenager one.
Headcanon: Teenage MC feat: Nobunaga, Kenshin, Ieyasu, Hideyoshi and Masamune
Hehehe that's cause I'm a lazy potato so, for now, there are no rules lol 😂 😂 😂 ! Lol so for this I made it more fun and less romantic cause like don't want my sweet bios to look like pedos u know lol 🥀 ! Thanx for the request dear I hope you like it! And I hope you have the best day!  (✿◠‿◠)
The first time he sees you he is super intrigued
Like how did someone so young and smol manage to pull him out of a freaken burning building
He went into full BIG BRO MODE
The two of you would get up to all sorts of mischief together
Stealing candy together is a given 
You would harry potter style hide under a not so invisible cloak, running to the kitchen together like hunched old ladies
The second you enter the kitchen the hunt for the candy begins
You find the jar in 0.2 seconds “Trust me this ain’t my first rodeo.”
“Aaaah so my fireball sister is an experienced thief then.”
The two of you happily munch on the candy in the kitchen when all of a sudden the two of you heard someone at the door
The two of you turned in sync to see Mother Dearest Amber eyes shining with anger in the dark
“How many times have I told you stealing is bad, and that candy before bed is extremely unhealthy.”
He turned to look at Nobunaga, who looked like a guilty schoolboy “My lord, you are supposed to set the example, how do you expect to be a good big brother if you are influencing her to steal and eat candy before bed.”
Everything was going perfectly according to plan- while Hideyoshi was distracted you snuck a few handfuls of candy in the hidden pockets of you kimono
Once you were done with your mission you chimed in “Yeah big bro how do u expect me to be a good girl when you always dragging me along to steal the candy.”
“Oooooh don’t think I forgot about you, young lady.”
He lectured the two of you for three hours
Hideyoshi sent both of you back to your rooms. 
Luckily Nobunaga’s’sNobunaga’s’s room was right on top of yours and you were experienced in the art of sneaking out to meet up with friends
So you easily climbed up onto his balcony and snuck into his room
The two of you snicked and laughed while munching on candy together
“Have you eaten yet today, brushed your teeth, done all your chores.”
Catches you stealing candy at night with Nobunaga again
“How many times have I told you not to eat candy before bed young lady.”
Hideyoshi has full-blown turned into your castle mom
You had been secretly dating some random boy, you met in the market
You twisted your ankle sneaking out your room to go and see him, luckily Mamayoshi was doing his final rounds of the castle and found you hissing on the ground.
He picked you up and patched you up real good
Cue lecture about sneaking out in the middle of the night
The next day the boy broke up with you- cause he a piece o shit
You spent the whole day crying in your room
Cue Mamayoshi barging into your room, cause the maids had informed him that you skipped breakfast!
“Who dare break my favourite sister’s heart” (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
“Just show me who he is and I’ll teach that freaken punk a lesson he will never forget” (╬ ಠ益ಠ)
You spent hours crying on his shoulder, Hideyoshi made you some tea and took you to the market to do some retail therapy
You would go to Mamayoshi for advice all the freaken time, you really did see him as a mom
Have boy trouble Hideyoshi is there helping ya out and giving you advice, struggling to do the homework Mitsuhide gave you, Mama will sit for hours helping you, someone Is bullying you? Hideyoshi will mom style cut them
Will take you out to tea all the time, and the two of you will low key spill the tea on all the latest gossip
Treats you like a fragile princess
Will be an extremely doting brother
Will 100% teach you how to defend yourself
Feeling sad, Kenshin will legit find the source of your sadness and freaken kill them
Feeling anxious or insecure, Kenshin will be there wrapping you in a big bear hug while drawing soothing circles on your back. He will soothingly comfort you as your cry on his shoulder
Will summon his army of fluff balls to cuddle with you until that smile is back on your face
You like a boy in the market… forget about it. Kenshin is there glaring at the boy… “He is not good enough for my dearest sister.”
You give Kenshin puppy dog eyes “No way bunny, you are still a baby, definitely not old enough to date. Come on, let go get some tea and pickled plumbs to cheer you up.”
You cant say no to Kenshin especially when he gives you his puppy dog eyes in return 
Will always insist on holing your hand when walking in the market together
Will legit kill anyone or anything that threatens you
Will give you platonic forehead and cheek kisses
Loves it when you sass and roll your eyes at Shingen trying to pick up all the woman at banquets 
Will let you sneak a few sips of his sake, and you are the only one he will share his pickled plumbs with
Will send you off to bed when it gets too late, the bunnies have taken quite a liking to you so they will accompany you back to your room and cuddle with you
“come on lass lets’s go on an adventure.”
“No way the last time we went on an adventure I was almost killed and both of us got an hour-long lecture about the dangers of waterfalls.”
“Where is your sense of adventure kitten.”
“The same place your sense of safety is, non-existent.’
Drags you with him to go hiking, when you were on the top of the mountain you slipped on some loose gravel. Masamune caught you, and both of you went tumbling into a lake
You couldn’t help but laugh
The two of you splashed around in the water until late into the afternoon
“Quick lass let’s sneak in before mother dearest scolds us for.”
Too late he was already waiting for the two of you
Masa will cook you anything and everything your heart desires, when you tell him you’re on a diet cause some boy called you fat Masamune’s eyes widens.
He will bring your favourite dish an place it just under your nose, you can’t help but crumble damn that smell too good to waste, “Fine but my diet starts tomorrow”, (っ˘ڡ˘ς) you say with a mouth full of food
Lol tomorrow never came and that asshole of a boy was never seen again
Sometimes it was hard to tell who the teenager was you or Masamune, the two of you would always joke around pulling pranks on all the castle residents
You were actually pretty thankful Masamune didn’t drink, cause it made you feel like you weren’t missing out on anything during banquets
At the end of the banquets it would always be you, Masa and Mitsuhide left awake and playing card games till dawn
Will leave Shogetsu with you during times of war. The big cat literally destroys everything
“No way masa, ask Mitsunari to watch him, last time when I woke up he shredded everything in my room”, he just grinned at you “That’s what adds to his cuteness”. (=^・^=)
You narrowed your eyes at him “What’s in it for me”. (¬_¬)
“I’ll bring you back a months supply worth of candy and I Masamune Date will owe you a favour”.
You beamed up at him, that would definitely come in handy one day “Fine I’ll do it”. (。◕‿◕。)
“Thanks, kitten that’s why you’re my favourite sister”,
You rolled your eyes “I’m your only sister”.
He pats you on the head while chuckling “Exactly” (^u^)
Would have witty battles with the resident porcupine all of the time
Masamune would literally, howl in laughter when the two of you are at it.
You would juts roll your eyes “Not my fault Ieyasu is always so salty.”
The amount of time the two of you have had an eye-rolling contest is ridiculous
Even though the two of you fight like cats and dog you still enjoy Ieyasu’s’sIeyasu’s’s company
Ieyasu actually shows you his soft side
One day a boy broke your heart
You walked into Ieyasu’s room and looked at him ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
Ieyasu rushed to you and wrapped you up in his arms and let you cry it out
“You know what will be fun” Ieyasu asked with a hint of mischief in this emerald eyes
“What” (“・ω・`) you asked sniffing and wiping the last of your tears away
“If we make that punk regret ever breaking your heart.”
You couldn’t help but give him the biggest brightest smile, the two of you snuck out that night and egged his house
You are the only person privileged enough to know Ieyasu’s soft side
The two of you will have a chilli eating contest
Basically ends with you drinking a gallon of milk and losing all sense of taste “Silly girl this isn’t even the hottest peppers yet.”
You will play matchmaker to get Ieyasu a date/lover
He will legit just roll his eyes at the suggestion, he is way too busy with work
“I found the perfect person for you Yasu, they are sweet, kind you know basically an angel and don’t worry they definitely won’t get put off by your contrary personality.”
Yasu raises a brow “Who” (ーー;)
You snicker a little and burst out laughing “MITSUNAR, he is perfect for you.”
Yasu legit spits out the tea he was sipping on, he was turning as red as a tomato
Yasu.exe has stopped working
“I freaken knew it, I’m gonna go tell him right now” (°o°)
“Don’t you dare” (ー_ー)!!
(((( ;゚Д゚))) Yasu legit leaps over his desk and tackles you to the ground tickling you until you surrender
“Fine but if the two of you ever get married, I better be your maid of honour.”
Yasu legit just ruffled your hair and rolled his eyes “Yeah yeah whatever just don’t tell him.”
 Hope you liked it, dear! <3
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stardustintheabyss · 4 years
“I’ve seen you before”
Oikawa x fem!reader
Sum: Taking a deep breath, letting down your guard, getting out of your comfort zone. Opening the wall you built around your heart a long time ago.
You let Oikawa Tooru in.
But was it a mistake?
Warnings: swearing because I have no r e s t r a i n t. Insecurity, bullying. Oikawa being a dumbass. Angst and fluff. Small spoiler at the end.
Word count: A lot, it’s....it’s long. My stupid tablet doesn't have word count capabilities
A/n: this is based on a dream I had. How dare the dream gods give me oikawa and not my husbando(s) tendou(kirishima) 😩 and I write to get scenarios out of my head before they drive me insane
Well at least he's pretty
ok I 💫may💫 have fallen a little while writing this
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It had been a long weekend of practice and homework for Oikawa. So what better way to zoneout and relax before bed on Sunday night then scroll through his instagram feed.
He'd been scrolling through random sunset photos when he suddenly saw your face in the 'suggested for you' section. Your picture was of you with what he assumed was your cat perched on your shoulder. It was cute. You were cute.
And you did look familiar. Yes, he has seen you before. He's seen you at school. You're always by yourself, reading a book or on your phone sitting on a bench by the front gates.
He tapped on your photo. He started looking through your posts. Landscapes, food, your cute cat, flowers, sunsets, your family. Is what you mostly posted.
Then he came across the rare selfie.
He was wrong. You weren't just cute.
You were breathtakingly beautiful.
How had he not seen that at school?
You were looking off to the side, a small shy smile on your lips. Sunlight and cherry blossom petals in your wild wind blown hair.
He saw that you were online.
He wanted to talk to you and he didn't have the patience to wait until tomorrow at school.
Hey I've seen you before. You go to Aoba Johsai right?
A message popped up on your phone. One from Aoba Johsai's resident pretty boy and captain of the volleyball club. Oikawa Tooru. What the fuck? You weren't one of his pathetic fan girls that fawned all over him. You never cared for the drama that followed the popular crowd. And in all honestly he kind of repulsed you because of the way he let his ego be stroked. You saw him as a pompous ass. You've never shown any kind of interest in the setter. So why was he messaging you of all people? But curiosity got the better of you and you wrote back. Not like he's gonna talk to you at school anyway. He's popular and you're a loner. Two different worlds.
You know that sounds creepy right? But yes.
I'm just trying to be friendly 😔
I've seen that you sit mostly by yourself and thought you could use a friend 😁
You snorted. Maybe he wasn't as bad as you thought. Still, you didn't want to be too friendly towards him.
I don't care for hs drama but thanks for your chivalry ig 🙄
At this moment your college aged sister begged you to help with one of her cosmetology classes that's due tomorrow. Eyelash extensions. You don't wear makeup but she's your sister and she's giving you puppy dog eyes. You sighed, "Fine." Forgetting to exit out of your messages, you set your phone down, ready to be put through hell.
"Thanks sis! Okay I just need you to lay down and relax." While she got to work the messages on your phone went unnoticed by you.
I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, promise 😅
You there?
I'm REALLY sorry!
It's rude to leave people on read yk
Please ?
Oikawa was panicking. He didn't mean to piss you off...and now he might have lost his chance to be your friend...or more maybe?
Trying to face time couldn't hurt right?
It just rang. And rang. And rang.
You didn't pick up.
Please. Y/n I'm truly sorry. Sometimes my mouth gets the better of me and I don't think about what I say. I just meant I'd like to be your friend. If you'd let me?
"All finished, babe." Your sister said. "You're looking gorgeous! If I do say so myself." She took a quick after picture for her class.
You grimaced. You never thought of yourself as pretty let alone gorgeous. "Thanks, I guess. Not one to toot your own horn, huh?"
She just rolled her eyes. " Your phone has been pinging like crazy by the way." Wiggling her eyebrows, "Talking to a boy? My baby sis, all grown up."
"W-what?" You stuttered, picking up your phone. 8 messages and 1 face time call. All from the setter captain. It must be your imagination because in the last message he sounded...flustered? You didn't notice the soft smile that graced your lips. But your annoying sister did.
"Oikawa. Isn't he some volleyball big shot at your school? Y/n, is that a smile I see?" She grinned from over your shoulder, seeing the messages.
"I-. Yes. He is." Furrowing your brows. Denying the truth, "And no, I am not smiling."
"Mmhm. Sooo you going to have a new 'friend' or what."
Your self consciencesness got the better of you. "Why would he want to be my friend? He's him and I'm...me." You bit your lip.
"You idiot. You really don't give yourself enough credit. Your smart, have a kind heart and you are beautiful. You just don't let yourself see it. Let someone in." She whispered in your ear giving you a hug.
You sighed. You believed that your sister believed in what she was saying...but years of middle school bullying ingrained into your heart and mind don't disappear overnight. "I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed. 'Night sis."
"Good night y/n."
Getting ready for bed you looked in the mirror. You had a tiny smile, your sister was right, the lashes did look great.
It was late but right before you drifted off to sleep you sent Oikawa a message.
Sorry. I'm not mad, I was helping my sister with something...
Taking a deep breath, letting down your guard, getting out of your comfort zone.
Opening the wall you built around your heart a long time ago.
You let Oikawa Tooru in.
...I wouldn't mind having a friend
The next day
He woke up to two new messages from you. He had tried staying up, waiting for a reply back but he must have fallen asleep. His phone still in his hand.
Sorry. I'm not mad, I was helping my sister with something...
...I wouldn't mind having a friend.
A wide sleepy smile came across his face. Just about the time he was going to dm you his phone died. Where's my damn charger? He started rifling through everything, turning his room upside down. The last place he had it was...the locker room.
"Dammit!" He would just have to see you at school. He quickly got ready to go meet Iwa-chan and walk to school.
You weren't necessarily disappointed that Oikawa hadn't replied yet. Even though you had lowered your walls, you set the bar pretty low on expectations. Especially on a friendship with him. But that didn't stop you from being a little excited to see him. You were sitting in your favorite spot at school, reading. Same thing you did every day. It was on a small stone bench in the shade of a cherry tree near the entrance. Abruptly you heard a chorus of squealing. You've learned throughout high school this meant Oikawa had stepped on campus, Iwaizumi reluctantly in tow.
You smiled and waved.
He didn't see. But you didn't know that. 
You thought he was ignoring you. Your smile faded. Last night must have been some prank. It wouldn't have been the first time someone decided it would be funny to play with you like a toy. You never should have listened to your sister and let your guard down.
Tears started to prick your eyes. You shut them tightly, willing them to not fall.
You were not going to cry over Oikawa fucking Tooru.
You grabbed you bag and headed to your classroom.
He had seen you get off the bench and walk towards the building. He tried making his way to you but there was just too many girls blocking him. Letting out a frustrated breath he waved his hand and yelled, "Y/l/n-chan!"
You didn't hear him.
Upset he couldn't get to you he said the only thing he could think of to get all these girls to back off for once. "I have a girlfriend, so could you please respect that." He didn't see the crazy girls make a connection between what he said about having a girlfriend and yelling your name.
He didn't realize he just put a target on your back.
At lunch
You were spinning the dial to your locker getting your lunch when you were shoved against it. You turned around and was met with several angry looking girls. Eyes darting between them. Your fight or flight instincts kicking in.
But nobody ever mentions the third option, which is what happened.
You froze.
"This is her?" Some girl sneered.
What were they talking about? You'd never done anything to these girls. You'd always kept to yourself, ensuring a situation like this wouldn't happen.
"She's not even pretty." Said another taking a sip from her juice carton.
"I bet it's just some joke. He wouldn't be with some fat worthless nobody." The girl who seemed to be the leader said as she pushed you to the ground.
Ignoring the tears starting to run down your cheeks and swallowing the lump forming in your throat, "What are you talking about?"
"Wow, Oikawa has himself a stupid girlfriend." said the leader.
"G-girlfriend?" Ok. Now you really had no clue what the fuck they were talking about.
"Stay the hell away from him. He's mine." With that she dumped the remains of the other girls juice carton on you and they walked away laughing.
Holditin.Holditin.Holditin. You chanted inside your head until you made it to the bathroom where you could cry without being bothered. You had stayed off the radar for years and now you were in the middle of it. You let out a sob, sliding to the floor. You felt like you were right back in middle school. Useless. Fat. Ugly. You brought your knees to your chest. Unloveable. Unwanted. Not worth anybody’s time. That’s why you shut everyone out when you became a first year at Seijoh. You didn’t want a repeat of middle school. 
But it ended up happening anyway. 
So you cried. You cried until you had no more tears. You let it all out until you didn’t care anymore. You had no problem in obeying the threat staying away from the bastard. She could have him. You stood and splashed water on your face trying to ease the puffiness around your eyes. Sighing you realized you'd probably have to stay after school until you looked like you hadn't spent your entire lunch break crying or your sister would ask questions. The now pink stained shirt you could explain away easily. The red and puffy eyes you could not. And you didn't want to deal with that on top of everything else. 
Oikawa had looked for you at lunch but he couldn't find you. He did however hear some girls laughing and chatting about messing with ‘Oikawa’s girlfriend’. How could they mess with someone he made up? He turned to his best friend to ask. “Iwa-chan do you know what those girls were talking about?” he whispered so no one would hear, “How could they have messed with my ‘girlfriend’ when I made her up?”
“Idiot. Remember this morning when you called Y/l/n’s name and then immediately after said you had a girlfriend? And don't call me Iwa-chan, Shittykawa.” He rolled his eyes.
He blanched. He hadn’t realized what he'd done. Or apparently how psycho those girls are. He was so focused on you he didn't even whine about Iwaizumi’s regular insults. He wanted to find you and see if you were okay. To apologize for putting you in that situation. Standing abruptly making his chair screech, “I got to go find her--” The bell signaled lunch was over. Fuck. Maybe she’ll be on that bench after school. I’ve seen her there after practice sometimes.
After school
And by some miracle you were there, reading your book. Oikawa took a minute to look at you before he approached. As in your picture your hair was wild but not unkept, it was hiding your eyes. Your lips were slightly pursed while you were reading and your leg was bouncing contentedly.  
You were beautiful.
You looked okay.
Until he got closer and finally saw your eyes. You had obviously been crying. By the looks of it a lot. He also saw you had a huge pink stain on your shirt. What had happened?
You had heard someone approach but decided it was best to ignore them.
“Are you okay Y/l/n-chan?” Oikawa spoke softly.
You were so not in the mood for this. For him. Your hands tightened around your book, flicking your eyes up at him and then back down, “Don’t.” 
It was only a second but he saw the hurt in your eyes and it was his fault it was there, “I wanted to-” He tried to say but you didn’t let him finish.
Your voice was raw with emotions you didn’t want to feel for him. “WHAT?! You what? Wanted to play with my feelings some more? I bet you had a good laugh last night saying all that shit. And then completely ignoring me this morning when I waved. Making me feel like I could actually have a friend for once?” Your voice got louder and he flinched at your next words. “That someone would even want to be my friend? I fucking knew I shouldn't have but I let you in anyway.” You let out a dark broken laugh and said much quieter, “Even after what happened last time.” Coldly, “Don’t you have a harem to get back to? Just...just leave me alone Oikawa.”
His mouth dropped in shock. He hadn’t seen you wave. What did you mean by last time? He was heartbroken that someone had made you feel this horrible about yourself and he had reminded you of it. He didn’t want to leave you alone, he had to make you understand you were special. He laid his hand on your book trying to make you pay attention. He said the only thing he thought would make you listen. “Tooru.”
You stiffened, nobody calls him by his first name. You've never even heard his best friend call him Tooru. Your voice barely above a whisper, heart stuttering, “What did you say?”
“Tooru. You can call me Tooru. I-I was happy this morning when I woke up when I saw your messages. But my phone died before I could say anything.” He cleared his throat, “ I fell asleep waiting. I was going to talk to you but then that stupid crowd of girls came. Y/l/n I swear I didn’t see you wave! I tried calling for you but you must not have heard me," he frowned, "and I was frustrated so to get them to back off I said I had a girlfriend. I tried looking for you during lunch period but I couldn't find you. Then I heard what those girls did. I’m sorry I put that target on you. I was going to try looking for you again but then the bell rang. This spot after school was my last hope. Well for now anyway, until I got my phone charged.” He rushed out, praying you would forgive him. 
“That’s what they were talking about...” 
“What were they saying? If you don’t mind talking about it.” Gingerly he laid his hand on yours, holding it.
During his speech you had unconsciously torn your walls down yet again. You heard the sincerity in his voice and saw the concern in his eyes. This was real. He did care. Fuck. Somewhere between last night and this morning you had developed feelings, you just hadn't wanted to believe you weren't immune to his charms. Why did it have to be him. You swallowed, “They basically said I was worthless and wasn’t pretty enough for you. They also shoved me against my locker and onto the floor.” Taking a deep breath you revealed the most humiliating part of the whole thing, “Their leader dumped juice on me.” You looked away not wanting him to see the tears starting to run down your cheeks and you didn't want to see the pity you were sure to receive in his eyes. 
“Hey.” He gently turned your face with a palm on each cheek. Wiping your tears away with his thumbs. “You are not worthless. And those girls are just jealous because your the most beautiful girl at Seijoh. I’m sorry they said and did those things to you. It was my fault and I want to make it up to you if you’ll let me.”
You searched his face, surely he was lying to make you feel better? But you only found the truth in his warm brown eyes. Oikawa may be an ass but he does not lie. “Okay...Tooru.” 
His heart fluttered when you spoke his name. Little did he know that yours did too when he asked you to call him that.
“Come on, lets go.” He smiled pulling you up. “I got something you can change into so you don’t have to wear that home.” He pointed to your ruined shirt.
You and him walked over to the gym. He had never let your hand go from pulling you up and you didn’t mind. You halted at the entry way dropping his hand. He was going to lead you in but, “Tooru, I can't. Only players and managers can go in the gym during practice time.”
He snorted, “Iwa-chan made that rule so the uh” he coughed, “students wouldn't bother us.” Taking your hand he pulled you in after him. 
Your face was blushing like mad from the looks you were getting from his teammates. Nobody questioned their captain though. 
“Please wait here while I change and grab you something.” He left you at the bleachers. 
Iwaizumi walked over to where you were sitting. Before he could say anything you spoke. “I’m sorry. I know I’m not allowed in here but he drug me in and said he was going to get me something to change into." You plucked at your still sticky shirt. "I-I'll leave when Tooru comes back.” You found it easy for Tooru's name to roll of your tongue. 
The usually intimidating looking ace smirked and raised an eyebrow, “Tooru, huh? We don't let students in during practice because they follow Oikawa in. He brought you in here. So you can stay if you want.”
You let out a surprised, “Oh.” 
“You know he couldn't stop talking about you on the way to school this morning? About how he saw this and I quote ‘breathtakingly beautiful’ photo of you on instagram. He kept talking about your hair with cherry blossom petals in it and your shy smile.” 
Your face was on fire. You knew the exact photo he was talking about. How far back did he scroll, it was buried under a ton of pictures.
“He was also worried about you the rest of the day after lunch. He was pretty upset, he even threatened to cancel practice if he didn’t find you on your bench.”
“Iwa-channnn!” Oikawa whined. “Friends keep secrets.” He didn’t look mad but his face was a light shade of pink. Was he...embarrassed?
“Ew. I’m not your friend Shittykawa.” Iwaizumi replied walking away. You laughed quietly, his tone said otherwise.
Except it wasn't just any shirt, it was his jersey. “I can’t wear this! Only couples do that!”
“You're right! You're my best friend!” Tooru called back.
He was met with a middle finger and a "Shut it, Tooru."
 “Anyways here. You can change in the girls locker room over there.” He handed you one of his shirts and pointed to the room.
He shrugged his shoulders. “Well I did inadvertently call you my girlfriend. You wouldn't want to make me a liar now would you Y/l/n-chan?” He pouted.
“N-no, but I'm not your girlfriend?” You remembered the things Iwaizumi told you, your face deepening to a scarlet shade.
He took a step closer. You could smell his scent. He smelled like oranges, cloves and...clean sweat? Of course he could make sweat smell intoxicating. It was making your brain hazy. You almost missed what he said. “Do you? Want to be I mean.” The look he was giving you was so genuine and...sweet.
This was too much too fast, but your mouth and heart didn't care apparently what you thought. “I-.” You breathed. “Yes.”
His face lit up, taking one of your hands into his. “We’ll talk more after practice, yeah?” 
All you could do is nod. Squeezing your hand as he left to go start practice you went to go change your shirt. It was long on you. Almost falling to the same spot your uniform skirt stopped. You rolled it up a little and tucked it in. That was better.
After changing you returned to your spot on the bleachers. You'd been to games before. It was practically an unsaid rule that all students were required to go. But you really never paid attention, usually doing anything but watching to kill time.
This time you paid attention. Tooru was remarkable. You could see why he was captain and how he got the nickname 'the great king'. You were so entrapped by the teams flow you didn't notice the hours fly by.
Tooru came back over to you, asking somewhat nervously, "So what did you think?" He didn't know why it felt so important to get praise from you. He just knew he wanted you to be proud of him.
Your smile was open and you had stars in your eyes, "You were amazing!" Dipping your toe at being flirty, you winked, "l'll have to pay better attention at the next game."
His heart leapt. You said he was amazing. "Thank you, that means so much coming from you." The second part finally clicked, "Hey wait! What do you mean you'll have to pay better attention at the next game?" He teased.
Sheepishly, "I never uh...actively watched a game before."
"That hurts Y/l/n-chan. Just you wait until the next game." He smiled, "So can I walk you home? It's late and you shouldn't walk by yourself."
"Sure. I don't live far though." You returned his smile.
After he went and changed out of his practice clothes he outstretched his hand for you to take, interlacing your fingers with his. When you got to the gates he asked which way. You pulled him to the left. You curious about earlier.
"So about what Iwaizumi said..." You left the question hanging in the air.
"He was telling the truth." He said it so simply, like he just didn't turn your world upside-down.
"Oh." Was all you could manage with all the butterflies in your stomach. Before you knew it you were in front of your house. "This is me." You turned to face him.
"Really? Iwa-chan and I live one street over."
"You're joking." He had to be. 
"Nope, cross my heart." More seriously "Do you want to walk to school with us maybe?"
"I'd like that, Tooru." Shyly you peeked up at him through your lashes.
"Hey, I noticed before." He traced a thumb over your cheekbone, brushing against your fluttering eyelashes. "Your eyes look different some how?"
You let out a small chuckle, "Eye lash extensions. That's what I was helping my sister with last night. She's in a cosmetology class."
He leaned down, getting very close. "They suit you Y/l/n-chan."
Clearing your throat. "Um, thanks." A beat later, "Call me Y/n."
His eyes softened. "Can I kiss you, Y/n?"
Your breath caught. "Y-yes."
He closed the distance between the two of you. Your eyes shutting and heart thumping wildly with anticipation.
You did not expect the feather light touch of his lips ghosting over yours. You did not expect such a tender kiss from the popular setter captain.
At first your lips only brushed against each others. Testing. Until you couldn't stand it any longer. He had lit a fire inside. You leaned in closer, needing more. Pressing your lips against his and moving one hand onto the back of his neck and the other onto his shoulder pulling him closer. He took this queue to hold your waist. As you kissed time stood still. You couldn't tell if the fire inside was tearing you apart or if he was holding you together. There was just you and him, the world had long ago faded away.
He was surprised you took control of the kiss but was glad you did. He didn't want to push you after everything you'd been through. And honestly he could barely think straight. Could barely breathe. Your lips were so soft and they tasted like honey. He didn't want it to end, he would have happily drowned surrounded by air if it meant he could kiss you.
But you pulled away breathless and eyes bright. You leaned into the comfort of his arms.
 That was your first kiss.
"I'll be waiting here tomorrow Y/n." He pressed his lips to the crown of your head.
"Alright." You looked up at him. "Message me when you get home 'kay?"
"Will do, my queen." The name sent tingles down your spine. Once again putting his lips to yours. "Good night."
"'Night Tooru." You slipped out of his embrace and before you made your way inside, you gave him one last wave goodbye. Dazed you shut the door behind you with your back and brought your fingers to your smiling lips.
"'Friends' huh? Lot different in my day." Your sister said from the couch, her eyes catching on his jersey.
Still grinning like a fool, "Shut up." You headed upstairs to start on your homework. About ten minutes later you received a text. Smiling you opened it.
Made it home safe and sound. And now I'm going to sleep so I can dream of you 😘
Who knew 'the great king' was such a goofball.
Sweet dreams then, goofball
They will be because you'll be in them ❤
Rude, my queen, rude
Good night Tooru ❤
But that’s why you like me 
Rolling your eyes, you grinned.
The next morning he was right where he said he would be. Waiting for you. Iwaizumi with him of course. “Morning Iwaizumi.”
“Good morning Y/l/n.” Iwaizumi greeted.
 You said taking your boyfriends hand. “Morning Tooru.” You were feeling confident this morning so you tugged him down a little so you could reach his face, pecking him on the lips.
His eyes widened. He definitely didn't expect that, not that he was complaining. “G-good morning Y/n.” A rosy hue dusting his cheeks.
You giggled at his reaction. 
“I guess the right girl turns you into a flustered mess.” Iwaizumi joked.
"I make you a flustered mess huh? I wouldn’t mind taking advantage of that.” You nudged him playfully as you all started to make your way to school.
“No fair. I won’t allow you and Iwa ganging up on me!” He tilted his head towards your ear, whispering for only you to hear. “Besides, my queen, I give as good as I get.”
You choked. And he didn't miss the red on your face. Oh boy. If he kept up with that name you were going to become a puddle. Clearing your throat awkwardly, “Ah look, we’re here!”
Unfortunately you were met with his swarm of ‘fans’. At the head of it all were the bitches that made you feel like shit. Tooru felt you hesitate and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze and looked at you with such adoration in his eyes. That was all you needed. You were going to show these girls you weren’t afraid of them. You hoped he wouldn't mind your sudden boldness.
Turning towards him and standing on your tippy toes you grabbed the back of his neck and crashed your lips against his. This kiss was much deeper than the one you shared last night. You'd even go so far to say passionate. Last night was tentative, figuring each other out. This kiss you poured in all your feelings, all of your heart and soul. Pulling away slightly, resting your forehead against his and playing with the hair near where your hand rested on his neck, “Um, sorry if that was too much.”
You turned to face the mostly shocked crowd. The only angry one was the leader girl. Remembering what she said yesterday, “I’m his.” He wasn’t some possession to own. But you were free to give your heart to him, if he wanted it. Really you didn’t expect him to say anything during this exchange but he did. 
God, you were perfect he thought. With a stupid smile on his face, “N-no don’t be sorry. Not at all.” 
It made your heart catch in your throat.
“And I’m hers.” The girls mouth dropped open. “Come on. Let’s go, my queen.” he said pressing his lips to your knuckles, sending a shiver up your back.
“Tooru!” You squeaked. That damn pet name. You knew no matter how many times he said it, it would still make you weak in the knees and make your heart leap. And he fucking knew it. You walked hand in hand to your spot under the cherry tree. “Don’t call me that when a bunch of people are around...”
“Why not? It’s true. And you like it.” He gave you a cheeky look. “Besides that passionate kiss you gave me was pretty public.”
A blush creeping up your neck, “I-shut up.”
Chuckling he brought you into a hug, “Whatever you wish, my queen.”
As the months passed you and Tooru grew closer together and his ‘fan club’ realized you weren't going anywhere. Sure some still tried to bring you down but over the months you had gained some confidence in yourself. You weren't as insecure but when you fell Tooru was there to help you pick yourself back up. You had also become good friends with the volleyball guys, especially Iwa. You had a special bond over teasing your boyfriend. Even though you both teased him relentlessly he was happy two of his favorite people got along so well. In fact he had asked if you had wanted to officially become a manager. You practically were now anyway he said so why not make it official. Of course you agreed. 
It was only your third game as a manager when they lost to Karasuno. You knew how bad he wanted to go to nationals. It was his dream and this was his last chance. He was sitting on the floor outside the gym, head hung low in devastation. You knew words were not what he wanted to hear right now. He just needed you to be there for him. You sat down next to him, waiting. He gently pulled you onto his lap, burying his head in the crook of your shoulder. Holding you closely. He was silent but you felt his warm tears fall on your skin. You held him and hummed a slow melody quietly in his ear. After awhile he kissed your temple.
“Thank you.” He whispered. He was ready talk.
“I’m here for you, always. You’re my king, win or lose. And I am so so proud of you.” A small smile lifted one side of his mouth.
 You were going to tell him something important today. No matter what happened. Maybe he needed to hear it especially because of what happened. You took a deep breath and kissed his forehead briefly. One hand on his cheek and looking into his still tear stained eyes. 
“I know the world has greater things than nationals waiting for you. You may not feel like it now but believe me when I say it. You are so much more than what you think you are and....and that’s why I love you, Tooru.”
He searched your face looking for pity or disappointment but all he found was love. For weeks those three words had been just under the surface, waiting to be spoken into existence, always on the tip of his tongue at the end of every conversation with you or even when he would see you do small simple things. Hearing the love in your voice and the feeling of you mend his shattered heart about nationals they finally broke free.
 “I love you too, Y/n.”
He might have been your first kiss but you were his first love and he wanted you to be his last.
He gently ran his thumb against your bottom lip.
And he kissed you with everything he had, like it would be his last.
There was many more to come...
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