#I'm lightheaded and coughing
beskad · 17 days
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shima-draws · 2 years
HELP I do be having an out of body experience rn
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thefunniestguy · 5 days
Me vs not being able to fall asleep......... I am losing
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mysterypigeon · 19 days
i think i have been sick in some way for a month. losi.ng my marbles.......
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yuusishi · 22 days
guys...guess who's sick...again...
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kisses4choso · 8 months
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SYNOPSIS: their praises are just too much for you, but in their eyes, you're deserving of every last one of them, and more. CHARACTERS: SANJI, ZORO, & LUFFY WARNINGS: short headcanons, foul language with zoro bc it's zoro, duh! NOTE: @matsunok02 is the lovely person who requested this, but i can't tag you, so i hope this finds its way to you!
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your number one hypeman, no matter what.
you put in effort to dress up? he's going to lay down over muddy puddles so your new outfit won't get dirty.
you dressed down today? he's absolutely in awe of your 'effortless beauty', in his words.
when you shy away from compliments, it breaks his heart a little bit
he loves to talk and talk about you, so seeing that it might make you feel uncomfortable makes him rethink a little...
when he realizes it's because you feel undeserving?
he's not having it at ALL.
will make you do self-affirmations; he's not playing
"you're beautiful." "..." "well?" "i'm beautiful..." "I KNOW RIGHT?!"
he's kinda (really) annoying about it, but he's naturally cheesy so you gotta put up with it
and he doesn't limit himself to looks
no, he's ALL about you
you saved the crew's ass with a last minute strategy? you must be a genius!
and he goes into DETAIL
his strategy is mostly getting you used to compliments, so over time they don't feel so disconcerting to receive
if you're one of those people that deflects a compliment by complimenting someone back... he's gonna get you outta that habit
"look at you, i've got you all to myself? how luck-" "you look handsome too." "hm, i wasn't done. let's try that again."
and once you gain confidence around him? he's going insane.
something about your shy smile gets him GOING.
"you're an angel." "thank you, sanji." "ohmygodyou'resosexy."
10/10 confidence booster, might call you cringe petnames but worth it
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tbh... zoro isn't one for compliments
but he's honest, a man of his word
so if a shirt is unflattering, trust me he'll say "that shirt's ugly as shit"
you ask him how something looks on you really often
he might be saying "DAMN" in his head
his heart's pounding, he's having a coughing attack, he feels lightheaded, and suddenly he's losing grip on his swords...
but out loud? you're getting a "looks nice"
not even a full sentence, sorry
you'll probably hear more skill-based compliments
imagine the crew's celebrating a successful trip with a round of drinks and they're about to make a toast for you
(bc you kicked ass)
and you try to push the credit onto SOMEONE ELSE?
he's ready to fight you
"luffy tripped over his own feet and face planted, sanji missed a kick and started spinning, chopper and ussop fell overboard, nami steered us until we almost tipped over, robin got locked in a storage room, and i almost drowned. give yourself some credit."
now wtf are you gonna answer to that? nothing... so as everyone else is laughing and retelling their stories, he just brings his bottle close to yours, "cheers."
tough love
but he's so serious. you work hard for your acheivements, so if you won't recognize them yourself, he will.
now if you're tryna get a compliment compliment from him?
drunk zoro
he's like 1 shot away from passing out, slurring his words and all
"hmm? oh, where'd y'get that? s'pretty, yeah."
"that smile's gonna kill me one day."
"shit, y'look cute."
"fuck, don't look t'me like that."
yeah, alcohol is his worst enemy.
in the end, he mostly just shows you how he feels through actions LOL...
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oh, he's completely unaware
but he's always tryna hype everyone up, and you're not an exception
will ALWAYS compliment you after a fight against the marines
"you did really well out there, let's get a meal to celebrate!"
if you go, "i was kinda useless, i don't know"
he's like "???"
just take the compliment because he's genuinely concerned and will argue with you until you give up
"what do you mean?" "it wasn't my best" "which means you're amazing even when you're not trying?" "oh" "yeah! cmon lets eat!"
if you compliment him, it turns into a competition
"i like your shirt, luffy." "thanks, yours is cute too!" "well, i think it goes nicely with your hat." "i think yours goes well with your shoes." "have you been working out more?" "i have, did you paint your nails a new color? they look cool!"...
yeah, it's never ending bc he doesnt know how to stfu
but trust, you'll never feel like luffy's lying to make you feel better
he's got a way with words when hes not being idiotic
"y'know, you're the kindest person i've met. i'm so lucky to have you next to me."
LIKE DAMNNN why are we being poetic
but if luffy's anything, he's genuine
so trust that the big stupid smile on his face when he sees you is something he cannot hold back
"why're you smiling like that?" "just happy to see you!"
and you're getting tackled to the ground
he doesn't expect anything back when he praises you, he does it because he feels like it
just don't try to deny it because he will NOT allow anyone, including you, to slander your name
also, whatever captain says goes
so if he says you're the bravest, prettiest, nicest, least smelly person in the entirety of the sea, it's true
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just something quick to put out ><
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ayakashiz · 2 months
Alien Stage R6 Analysis
VERY LONG compilation of my interpretations, impressions and unanswered questions about Round 6 of Alien Stage. I just wanted to write this to put all my thoughts in one place so I can finally rest (in pieces). TW for mentions of suic*de/suic*dal ideation.
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The most debated is no doubt the kiss/choking scene and Ivan’s motivation for doing so in the first place. 
I think from the very beginning, even before R3, Ivan was planning to go out with a bang. That’s the immediate impression I got from the comic where he mocks/criticizes Sua for planning to “selfishly” die for Mizi and feel good being the “heroine” rather than having to deal with the trauma of being the one left behind. 
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(I'm too lazy to edit the whole translation as of now, but might do so when I have more time.)
Ivan tells her how he’s “relieved that he’s not the only who’s that twisted” = He’s comparing himself to Sua. He thinks they’re both ‘twisted’ for planning to do the same thing, but from Ivan’s perspective, he at least isn’t fooling himself into thinking his motives are altruistic. He tasted the feeling of being ‘abandoned’, and he knows he doesn’t want to experience it twice. 
He also probably thought that his death wouldn’t be as impactful on Till as Sua’s death on Mizi, and therefore his own selfishness is more justified in his mind. This most likely plays a role in how cold and biting his words are towards Sua –he’s jealous of that difference between them.
I hadn’t noticed this detail the first time I watched the video: Not only did Till look absolutely miserable and defeated from the get go, but he completely gave up and stopped singing at some point. If you look at the video, we can hear the audio that was supposed to be sung, but Till is quiet and still, and THIS is the moment Ivan chooses to act.
Although they do not show the votes at that particular moment, stopping mid song would have definitely taken a hit to Till’s score as it’s basically forfeiting –a huge contrast to his previous match where he didn’t even let his opponent utter a single line.
In response, Ivan doesn’t just walk towards him but throws his microphone to the ground, explicitly forfeiting as well in order to then pull a drastic move like it was foreshadowed in his interview.
The kiss itself imo was the less calculated/arguably unplanned part. He could have just choked Till from the start and it would have gotten him the same if not better results (since it was the act of violence against another contestant that ultimately lowered his score and got the counter to stop). 
That kiss was authentic and for himself entirely, both as a last desperate attempt at conveying his feelings and a selfish way of leaving a strong impression on Till that he wouldn’t be able to forget (a hypocritical move going back to how he criticized Sua). In that sense, I don’t think Ivan was seriously trying to take Till down with him –although that’s up to interpretation. As I see it, that would contradict his actions up until that point.
Till was VERY CLEARLY suic*dal (once again, he gave up singing), and after the initial shock of Ivan squeezing his neck, this fiery, rebellious man who is KNOWN to fight tooth and nail, simply closed his eyes and relaxed his body, waiting for Ivan to end him without fighting at all. 
The thing is, no matter how suic*dal one may be, the fighting response when being actually suffocated is automatic and completely involuntary. People mention there not being marks on Till’s neck but I think the most telling sign is him not going red, not squirming, not struggling or holding onto Ivan’s wrists (again, expected involuntary responses), his eyes not watering or having blurry vision while we see Ivan from his POV, not opening his mouth even a little to gasp for air and not coughing or gasping either when he was finally released.
Ivan definitely had him in a strong grip, might have even made him a bit lightheaded, but the reason why Till could look so relaxed in the first place is because he had given up and was waiting for Ivan to go ahead. If his closed eyes and limp posture were due to the choking itself, he would have fallen or stumbled when being let go, but we see that his eyes open as soon as he feels Ivan’s hands slipping away and he looks shocked instead.
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So then what was Ivan’s motivation, if not to kill him? Yes, there’s the already discussed plan to get himself disqualified. But Ivan glances at the screen only a few seconds after he starts the choking, confirming that the voting had in fact stopped with Till having the higher score. He then goes for one last ‘goodbye’ kiss before continuing to choke him, holding his grip even as he starts getting shot.
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We see a closeup of him, his eyes and hands trembling, looking more frustrated/emotional than in Till’s first POV where he looks rather stoic. It makes me think that the reason he refused to let go was simply because he wanted Till to look at him. 
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They strongly imply throughout the whole video that being annoying or mean or violent was the only way Ivan learnt how to make Till focus his full attention on him, but now even as he’s threatening his life, even as he himself is dying, even after that kiss, Till wouldn’t look. 
It took him getting fatally wounded and realizing there was no turning back to reach a state of acceptance. His bittersweet expression here reminds me A LOT of his smile after Till runs back during the meteor scene, although this one seems a lot more tender. He seems to accept the fact that Till will never love him back, but Ivan cannot stop loving him anyways and he at least got to put his feelings out there. 
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(The parallels here are driving me insane. The way there is light in his eyes in both instances as he looks at Till even while 'losing him' in a way. The struggle between wanting to posses him yet realizing his free spirit/strong will is part of what he loves about him. That last genuine gaze from a character who spent his whole life putting on a mask. Yes I am very normal about this.)
Until then, Ivan’s more tender/vulnerable side is only shown while Till is unconscious or looking away.
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(That soft, loving nuzzle to Till's face has me in SHAMBLES.)
But ironically, it’s only when he releases him and shows him this vulnerability without a mask that Till really looks at him for the first time. I’d go as far as to say that it was this moment, and not the kiss, that finally made Till understand Ivan’s feelings. And in turn Ivan gets that little shot of euphoria as he falls to the ground.
Going back to the survivor’s guilt… I can only imagine it’ll go completely downhill for Till from now on. Not only does he already think Mizi might be dead and is angry at himself that he couldn’t save her (as seen in the shot where he punches his own picture), but now he has most likely realized that Ivan intentionally fumbled their match for his sake –which would lead to the realization that he was the reason why Ivan chose to run back to Anakt Garden after him in the first place, and that choice ultimately lead to his death. 
Even though we see them fighting a lot as children through the videos and comics, it’s also implied that they were always together and they shared some quiet moments –the “Mizi didn’t play with you, I played with you” art, all that art of the main 4 playing together, those bright smiles as they ran away together during the meteor shower scene and Till looking so guilty when he let go of his hand. 
There are a few cute doodles of them for those who are on Patreon, and some more lore in the Anakt Garden kit –so they were at the very least friends in their own way (as best as 2 very traumatized and abused children could), constantly fighting and making up. Which God… it shows that despite appearances Till must have actually had the patience of a saint when they were little lmao.
But what I’m trying to say is that despite what Ivan may have thought, his death will most definitely have an impact on Till and the narrative going forward, and I’m excited to find out how that reflects in the final round (if the resistance doesn’t manage to get back up in time to disrupt it). 
Despite how much I adored (and SUFFERED WITH) this round, I still have MANY questions that were left unanswered, both about Ivan and Till, and the lore in general, and I wonder if there’ll be time to answer them all, as I can imagine the next MV will be focused on Luka’s perspective, the only one we haven’t been presented with.
One of the most pressing questions being: What’s the relationship between Ivan and that alien dog? Did he tame it? It is implied that it was Ivan who somehow led Till and Mizi to it in the first place in that one scene, and if so I wonder what his motivation was? Normally jealousy would be the first thing to come to mind but Ivan wasn’t interested in Till until AFTER he saw him stand up to the beast to protect Mizi, so it couldn’t have been that. 
This is something that was also teased on Patreon and I was looking forward to the explanation on the MV, but it never came, and now Ivan is dead, so the next video will most likely not be too concerned with his backstory any longer. (Which, also, I was really curious about his life in the slums before being captured, auctioned and brought to Anakt, as that would have played a huge role in his twisted personality/dark tendencies –once again teased on Patreon very briefly, but not explained beyond that frame of him looking famished.)
The second is, how is Ivan able to open Till’s collar/muzzle so easily? This is a question I’ve been having since R3, but chalked it up to Ivan being sneaky and figuring out some kind of code to the cell door and that somehow automatically deactivating the locks on the restraints… or something. But with how many times he does it in R6 with just a touch it’s very clear that that isn’t the case and also imo they’re trying to point this out as a significant detail. 
It may turn out that I’m just looking too much into it, but I find it really curious and interesting. Not only is he the only child without a collar (Mizi and Sua still had them despite being just as well behaved as him), but he seems to be the only one able to take them off –or at least Till’s. I’m pretty sure the children wouldn’t normally be able to remove them by themselves as it seems to be a control mechanism. So how can Ivan? This might explain a lot about how they were able to escape, and also add a layer of tragedy knowing that Ivan could have chosen to escape by himself at any point, but refused to leave Till behind.
Last but not least there’s all the human experimentation Till was subjected to, which was the main topic of the teaser and we see the same images show up in the very beginning of the MV. They help emphasize Till’s suffering and distressed state of mind, but then they’re never expanded on or mentioned at all for the rest of the video. That’s a huge piece of lore that I also hope isn’t forgotten.
I mean, I really doubt it will. So far VIVINOS & co. have been incredible with their ability to hold back information and release it at the moment where it’s the most impactful, which is refreshing to see. So I trust we’ll get some answers eventually. 
Really curious to know why they would experiment on an ALNST contestant in the first place, especially one that is undoubtedly talented and described as a musical genius (aka. has good odds of doing well on stage and earning the segyein revenue). A very plausible theory might just be that he was just getting constantly drugged to make him less of a threat/more submissive –like we see on the karaoke room scene. But it might as well be something bigger.
As for my expectations for the next round… I’m still just trying to process this one, as you can see by the sheer amount of text. There are many things left to address, and the Hyuna/Luka confrontation has been strongly teased. I wonder also, if the round goes on without interruption, what would Luka’s strategy against Till be? Would he go for provocation again, trying to imitate Mizi/hint to his recent trauma with Ivan? It probably won’t be that simple.
I mean, VIVINOS has been known for subverting our expectations with each round:
The ominous/callous framing that was given to Ivan by the end of Black Sorrow and the art that followed, making us suspicious of his intentions, only to have him die for love. The lifeless/doll-like framing given to Luka, vulnerable and cornered by flashing lights, only to have him be the cruelest/most calculating one (that we know so far). The rebellious, rowdy, willing to do anything to survive framing given to Till, only to have his fighting spirit completely break and willingly waiting to die by Ivan’s hands. The naive, complacent and passive image given to Mizi, only to have her snap, beat the shit out of Luka and join the rebellion –and with how things are going (and her being the protagonist) I wouldn’t be surprised if she, and not Hyuna (the one who was framed as the most strong and reliable, giving us a false sense of security going into R6), is who will have to try and rescue Till (and Luka???).
There are still a ton of things that keep me awake at night about R6 –my favorite character dying aside. I could talk about it forever, but I’ll leave it here. 
Feel free to share your theories, delusions, interpretations or any detail I might have missed with me. God knows we need group therapy after this as the cute chibi keychains can only heal us so far. Thanks for reading my rambles if you made it this far. :’)
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scribblesofagoonerr · 3 months
I'm not even that sick!
Pt. 1 of my new mini fic series, our wonder kid.
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This fic series is based around an ask I had a while back where the reader is the teen prodigy for both Arsenal and England, and she deals with a serious injury with the help of her mother figures and the rest of the team.
I thought now would be a good time to write this as I'm currently ill and feeling sorry for myself, so this is the result of my self-wallowing and pity party, although it might be a bit scrappy.
Let me know what you think!
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"Y/N, wake up" The voice of your Dutch teammate and housemate calls out to you from down the hall.
"Ugh noooo" You whine as right on queue, your alarm on your phone starts to blare as you automatically lean over to the left side to try and reach out to shut the sound of it off to stop it from making your head pound even more than it already does.
"Y/N, are you up yet? Training starts in an hour!" The loudness of Beth makes you scrunch your face up tightly as you shove the pillow over your face. "Y/N!?" she shouts.
"M' up, m' getting up now" You respond tiredly as you try to force yourself up from the cocoon of your duvet that you're currently buried in.
Eventually, you have mustered the energy to manovoure to sit on the side of your bed in a haze as you let out a small cough, trying to ignore the blatant rough feeling in your throat.
You can't help but feel like you've been hit by a bus, which would be putting it lightly.
You've always been prone to get ill quickly but you're also incredibly stubborn to admit it, so you'll push yourself and put your health at risk.
"Y/N, are you-- Whoa kid, you don't look great at all" Beth notes when she pops her head around the door and takes in the disheveled expression that's plastered on your face.
"Gee thanks Beth" You mutter while trying to push past the aching feeling that's taken over your whole body to stand up from your bed and walk over to the wardrobe to grab out what you needed, so you could get ready.
"Are you sure you want to go in? I mean, I don't think Jonas will mind if you skip out on training if you're not up to it" The blonde frowns, worriedly.
Letting out a harsh cough that makes you wince in pain, you shake your head in disagreement, "I'll be fine to train, m' not even that sick!" You disagree quietly, pressing your fingers against your tempe to try and massage it to stop the pounding inside your head. "I just need to dose up on some tablets and I'll be good to go" You add.
Beth eyes you wearily and exhales a sigh, "Oookay then, alright if you're sure?" The blonde checks in again for you to only nod in response, leaving you to finish getting ready.
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"Y/N, hurry up. Lets' go before we're late!" Beth calls out from the kitchen, taking note of the time on the clock. "What's taking her so long?" She wonders.
"I'll go and find out" Viv exhales a sigh and heads in the direction of your bedroom to find you sprawled out onto the bed fast asleep again. "Y/N... Y/N, wake up" she shakes you lightly.
Somehow, you manage to get ready and then slump back down on the bed, driifting back off to sleep without any realisation of the time ticking before you need to leave the house to go and train.
"H... Huh?" You groan as you blink your eyes open tiredly and stare at the Dutch with a confused expression. "Oh, is it time to go?" You ask.
"It's time to go" Viv frowns as she takes in the sunken expression. "Are you sure you're up for it?" She wonders.
"Yep, m' good. Lets go" You pull yourself up from the bed, ignoring how lightheaded you feel and stumble out of your bedroom while Viv glances at you confused.
"Here she is" Beth jokes as she spots you stumble down the hall.
Another harsh cough escapes your mouth as you hazily shove your trainers on, "M' ready to go now" You tell them.
"Uh, should we be concerned about that?" Viv turns to look at Beth in concern.
"Yes but Y/N's stubborn, remember?" Beth exhales a sigh.
"And she's insisting to go and train?" Viv questions as she looks at you, worriedly.
"God, Y/N looks like death" Laura remarks as she joins the three of you out in the hallway with her training bag draped over her shoulder.
"Yeah, she's not... she's not feeling so great apparently" Beth shakes her head, leading the way outside.
"Should she even be training?" Viv glances at you, sceptically.
"I don't think so but you know how stubborn she is" Beth states.
"I can hear you all, you know? M' fine!" You continue to insist even though the harshness of your throat, it felt like you had swallowed razor blades.
"Your mean when your sick" Laura mumbles, shaking her head as she climbs into the back of the car.
"Shut up, your making my head hurt" You can't help but grumble as you climb in the car. "And m' not sick!" you insist further.
"You totally are" Laura fires back, sticking her head in her phone as she can't help but smirk.
"Am not" You mumble, exhaling a sigh as you feel the cool window against the burning heat radiating from your forehead.
"Great, the kids are fighting; just a typical morning, huh?" Beth jokes with Viv as she climbs in the passenger seat of the car.
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"Y/N!" You flinch and fight the urge to groan as you feel the weight of Kyra jump on your back as you're standing in the middle of the gym, trying to middle
"Jesus, Kyra. Why're you so loud?" You huff and whine, wincing at the loudness of the Aussie's voice.
"Are you okay, Y/N/N?" Alessia peers at you with compassion.
"Yeah, you don't look great at all" Vic chips in, concerned.
"God don't you guys start too" You can't help but whine and complain as you struggle to lift the weights in your hands, just as queue as you start to cough again. "M' totally fine, you're all overreacting about this" You tell them.
"Are you sure?" Alessia frowns.
"Should you even be here today?" Vic wonders.
"Seriously, you two as well?" You huff dramatically as you slowly drop the weights on the floor and lift your shirt to wipe the sweat from the top of your head. "M' fine. It's just a little cough" coughs rake through your whole body as you clutch your hand over your heart.
"Take a seat, Y/N... You just need to take it easy, alright?" Alessia gently forces you down to sit on the bench and take some deep breaths, while you're passed your bottle of water to take some small sips.
"You should probably go home" Kyra chips in as you muster the energy you have to glare at her unhelpful comment.
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Training is hard to handle, several times you have to stop and take the time to take some deep breaths to stop yourself running out of breath as further harsh coughs rake through your body.
Your throat feels scratchy, your nose won't stop running, and you feel slightly feverish, but you try to push past it to carry on with the sprinting drill you are currently in the middle of.
All of the girls had recognised the telltale signs that you're sick but every time someone tries to mention it, you shut them up with a dirty scowl while you try chug water to get rid of the pain in your throat.
"Wow, you look horrible, baby England" Your Arsenal vice-captain and England captain, Leah, approaches you and pats your shoulder lightly.
It's only a simple gesture, but it makes you wince and groan in pain; your whole body aches, but you're still too stubborn to relent and give in to going home anytime soon.
You just pray you can get through the rest of training, hopefully.
"Oh, thanks, Leah. You're just as charming as Beth is" You say before coughing, while the blonde looks at you knowingly.
"And you say you're not sick, huh?" Leah raises her eyebrow. "Okay, you shouldn't even be here today. You need to go home right now" She states.
"No, m' fine, why do you guys keep making it out like it's such a big deal that I'm sick?" You can't help but whine as you wipe your nose with your hand, which makes the older blonde wrinkle her nose in slight disgust at your action. "It's just a dumb cold that'll pass" You mumble as you huff.
Leah continues to give you a further knowing look, "Really, Y/N? Really?" She asks, knowingly.
"Okay, I feel like I've been hit by a bus... And then it's reversed, and it's hit me again" You mumble quietly, hoping that the blonde didn't hear a word that you say.
"Oh, baby England. You're definitely too sick to be here" Leah takes pity on you and wraps her free arm around your shoulder; you let out another small huff and fight the urge to stop.
You try to keep your eyes from fluttering shut while you stand there and take sips of water between speaking to her.
"Listen, I care about you a lot and that's why I'm pulling rank as your vice-captain..." You're quick to cut her off with a whiny voice.
"No, Leah... No" You interject., trying to object to it.
"You're going home, you're clearly not well enough to train today" The blonde states firmly.
"No, no. M' fine to train" You try and insist, although the sound of your voice makes the blonde think different not to mention the harsh coughing either.
"Uh uh no way, nope. Your going home, baby England" Leah repeats as she gestures Beth to join in the conversation. "Beth, will you please take your sick kid home? She's being stubborn and refusing to go" the blonde chuckles.
"I'm on it, don't worry" Beth ironicically had your bags and her bags ready to go, almost like she was expecting this.
"Why? I don't need to go--" You wheeze and start to cough again, huffing as you try and ignore the looks from the two of them. "I don't need to go home!" You insist.
"C'mon kid, stop being so stubborn. Let's get you home" Beth sympathises with you as she pulls you into her arms.
"I still think you guys are overreacting about this" You grumble as you let out a sneeze and can't help but feel miserable about feeling so sick.
"Quit being stubborn, go home before I get Kim invovled in this" Leah warns, amusedly with a look that almost makes you cower and give in.
"You wouldn't" You mumble, pouting at the blonde.
"Wouldn't I?" Leah fires back, determingly.
You can't help but let out a gasp, "That's cruel. I'm literally... I'm literally fine" You try and insist although the visible bags under your eyes and runny nose say different.
"Uh huh sure I believe you, baby England" Leah can't help but chuckle amusedly as she pats you on the shoulder. "Go home and get better, see you in a few days Y/N!" she states.
"Come on kid lets' go home eh?" Beth gently leads you in the direction of the car, where Viv is already waiting to go.
"M' not even that sick" You mumbe, a barking cough rattles through your whole body as you virtually slump against the blonde as you both walk to the car. "What about Laura?" you wonder.
"Course you're not kid, of course you're not" Beth can't help but laugh in amusement as she helps you into the back of the car and fastens the seatbelt. "And Leah's gonna bring her back, don't worry kid" she reassaures you.
"I give it ten minutes before she's asleep" Viv remarks as she turns her head and see's you already trying to curl up in a ball to sleep.
"I give it five" Beth states as she climbs in the passenger seat, buckling herself in before Viv drives out the car park.
Low and behold, 5 minutes into the car trip back home and you're passed out in the back seat of the car.
"Looks like you win the bet" Viv states, glancing into the rear view mirror to see your sleeping state.
"We're in a long few days with this illness, huh?" Beth remarks, frowning as they both know exactly how it's going to play out.
"Most definitely, good job we're stocked up on medicine already" Viv remarks, knowingly.
"Our wonder kid sure is a stubborn one" Beth mumbles, shaking her head in sympathy.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
distractions | jjk
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⇢ PAIRING: fuckboy!jk x inexperienced reader
⇢ RATING: m/18+
⇢ WC: 1.1k
⇢ WARNINGS: cute couple content, they drop the 'l' word guys, n*pple piercings n sucking bc u know... fixation lmao, v suggestive but no actual sm*t, finger sucking lol, the love is requited :')
⇢ SUMMARY: jungkook agreed to let you do his makeup, but he can't stop getting distracted.
⇢ NOTES: ugh i missed them dearly!! will be putting out more drabbles soon, but i'm currently trying to focus on my other wip!! i haven't posted anything in so long so i wanted to share this with you guys! school n work is hectic i already feel swamped pls be patient with me :') i miss having time for a hobby lmao!! anyways, i hope you enjoy and let me know ur thoughts! love u <3 also apologize if there's any typos or weirdness, this wasn't beta'd!! if you haven't read practice yet, pls read before this!!
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“Kook, look up! How many times do I have to tell you?” 
Four months into the relationship and his attention span, or lack thereof, never ceased to amaze you. With a frustrated groan, you place the pointy end of your Sailor Moon brush between your teeth before gripping his chin and turning his wandering gaze back to you. 
“Bambi, I’m looking up!” He yell-laughs, doe-eyes wide and sarcastic as they bear into you, equally frustrated. You can already see the concealer you applied just a few minutes ago creasing. Dramatically, he karate chops his tattooed arm towards the ceiling, paralleling your scantily clad frame straddling him. The sudden jump has you shifting against his crotch deliciously. Now’s not the time for fooling around, though. You’re determined to put the cute brush set Jungkook randomly gifted you a few weeks back to good use, starting with giving your sweet boyfriend a full beat. “This is up! What other direction is up?”
What an asshole. 
You pop the pink plastic out of your mouth, taking an annoyed chomp out of his annoying fingers. It's playful, of course. You mean, you’ve just got done with a whitening strip, after all…
Jungkook takes the opportunity to shove his digits further past your glossy lips, reaching down just enough to feel your throat constrict, then pulling back. He stares up at you with the cheesiest fucking grin, clearly pleased with himself.
“You’re mean,” you cough, wiping the drool at the corners of your mouth with the back of your hand.
“No you,” he counters, pinching your cheek patronizingly. “I love you, though.”
One month into the lovey-dovey phase of the relationship; that one where the initial butterflies fly away and you’re left feeling like ‘wow, maybe this is a forever sort of thing,’ and you still feel lightheaded every time Jungkook murmurs those three words.
“I love you, too,” you coo, reaching down to adjust his teddy-bear headband. Jungkook’s been growing his hair out. This was his last semester and he was determined to go out with a bang. For whatever reason, he had decided that bang was a mullet. You remember how confused you were when he showed up at your dorm at 3am, drunk off Fireball and excitement, asking you to cut his hair. You thought the request was outlandish and foolish, but you did it anyway, in your bathroom with eyebrow scissors. It came out a teeny bit crooked, and a tiny bit choppy, but Jungkook loved it, staring at his reflection with a big bunny smile and starry eyes. “But baby, this-” you tap on the headboard behind him, “-is up.”
He squints his eyes in defiance before complying. Ah, you’ve trained him well. A very good boy, indeed.
You’ve spoken, or thought, too soon, because after a few swipes of the plush bristles, a high-pitched ‘Appa!’ from your phone, leaning against your Kuromi makeup bag on the nightstand beside you, draws his dark pupils back to the cartoon. 
“That’s it,” you huff like an overwhelmed mother of three, yanking the device out of his sight. “Say goodbye to Aang. You’ve lost your Avatar: The Last Airbender privileges.” 
“C’mon, seriously?” He laughs while lunging forward, attempting to wrestle the phone out of your grasp. Giggling wildly, you toss it on the pink shag rug below you, out of his reach. The movement almost sends you toppling over. Luckily, Jungkook wraps an arm around your waist to keep you steady. “Bambi, you know I’m easily distracted.”
“But you said I could do your makeup,” you pout, batting your lashes at him.
“I know, I-”
“Don’t touch!” You shriek, preventing him from rubbing his eye.
“Sorry, sorry,” he apologizes through a chuckle, holding his hands by his head in defense. “Maybe I…” You deadpan him as his eyes scan around the room before, not so subtly, landing on your chest. Cocking his head, he tuts his tongue and grips the hem of your shirt. Shamelessly, he stuffs the nearly transparent material into your mouth, exposing your bare breasts. “There, just like that,” he whispers, warm palms grazing up your torso to cup them, thumbs grazing over your little diamond heart jewelry. You gasp at the touch. “You know, I still can’t believe you actually got ‘em’.” Neither could you, honestly, but if there was one thing Jungkook has taught you, it’s that sometimes, you need to step out of your comfort zone. Take risks. Especially when it results in the cutest little nipple piercings. “So fucking sexy…”
You feel his forming bulge poking against you. God, do you want him. But even Jungkook’s dick couldn’t derail you from the mission at hand. Raising an eyebrow, you lift up the makeup brush.
The tits really seem to keep him preoccupied. With a hand on his cheek, you feel his mouth hollowing, sucking your nipple gingerly as you lean over him and fill in his thick brows. Obviously, it’s a bit hard to focus. Every now and then, you have to tug his hair to redirect his nibbles back down to soft licks. 
“Okay,” you announce, letting the shirt fall from your candy-coated lips and sitting up, “what color?”
Out of the entire thirty-pan rainbow eyeshadow palette you’re holding up for him, he lazily points to the darkest shade in the top color. His favorite color, of course; black. You should’ve known. Your lips scrunch to the side in contemplation. Jungkook would look so yummy with a smokey eye.
So you blend and blend away with blacks, whites, and grays. Shockingly, your boyfriend manages to stay still throughout the entire process. You’re proud of him, really. He’ll definitely get rewarded afterward. And you were right, the final product is absolutely delectable. 
“Baby, your eyelashes are stunning!” You swoon. “And the smokey-eye looks so so so good with your eye shape.”
“Jungkook?” You lean forward, gripping his shoulders and shaking softly. Nothing but the sound of faint snores reaches your ears. The little fuck fell asleep. No wonder why he’s been so good. You laugh in disbelief, picking your phone off the floor and snapping a few pictures to show him in the morning. Reaching into your drawer, you take out a couple makeup wipes and start cleaning him up. You loathe makeup wipes and only keep them for emergencies, but Jungkook looks so peaceful that you can’t bring yourself to wake him.
Next, you snuggle beside him with a spare blanket, unable to yank your comforter out from under his thick, muscular thighs. He stirs when you gently pull off his headband. “I love you…” he mumbles, still half asleep. It’s as if the emotion is so ingrained in his subconscious that they bubble to the surface, even when he’s sleepy and incoherent. 
And you feel the same exact way. 
“I love you, Jungkook. Goodnight.”
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© chryblossomjjk 2023 [do not copy, translate or repost]
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forsworned · 1 month
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Synopsis: Silly 141 getting high with reluctant but experienced reader, happy belated 420 yall
Warning(s): Drug Use, Poly!141, AFAB!Reader, Sexually Suggestive?? Barely Proofread (i'm dyslexic sorry)
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"This is an awful idea..."
Kyle's tone is halting as he observes the way, Johnny begins to pick apart the large bud of weed and spreads it out on the rolling papers that Simon purchased not too long ago. Simon wouldn't say where he pawned off the necessary ingredients for a good blunt, and neither he nor Johnny were going to ask.
"Don't be such a wet blanket, Kyle." Simon quips at the uneasy Sergeant.
Johnny snorts as he brushes off the stickiness of the bud and the aroma is rich, sweet, and pungent as it fills the Lieutenant's dorm. If they received any disciplinary action, Simon would take the fall (which was mighty presumptuous of him being that all the resin glands were on Johnny's fingertips, but they digress).
"Ease off on him, L.t.. He's the teacher's pet amongst us, like." Johnny winks at Kyle.
Kyle's face contorts in disgust and betrayal. "Piss off, MacTavish."
This sends the troublesome pair into a fit of giggles, but suddenly the door opens and they're all jostled by the new company. You freeze as you look at the three bozos lounging around in Simon's room. Crushed-up cans and empty bottles of ale were tossed around the room, half a eaten pizza left out on the coffee table where Johnny was busy rolling up a joint.
"Jesus fuckin' Christ," Your tone is exasperated and beyond wanting to comprehend why in the entire fuck they were deciding to roll up in the Lieutenant's room.
"Why." It wasn't even a question. You really just demanded an answer at this point.
"I didn't—" Kyle is the first to open his mouth, but you close your eyes and hold your hand up to stop him. You shake your head and then sharply exhale as you shut the door behind you.
"Good girl." Simon sarcastically praises as you wordlessly sit next to Kyle.
Johnny giggles at the way your cheeks puff up in embarrassment as you tuck in your legs and lean comfortably to the side.
"Fuck you." You spat at him. "I could have you reported."
"Under what jurisdiction?"
You sit there with a disgruntled expression on your face and you're aware of the smug look that hides behind his stupid balaclava-clad face. Johnny isn't even high yet, but he's giggling like a maniac at everything Simon says. It's the thrill of getting caught red-handed with contraband and bloodshot eyes that makes him lightheaded and giddy. Not that they were bound by any real-world laws or regulations because the 141 operated outside the chain of command, but Price finding out would certainly be a damper in their mood.
But your frown turns into an evil simper. "I'll tell, Price."
And the mood drops for a moment, but Simon loves to challenge you. It's practically etched into his DNA to rile you up in any way he can.
"Go ahead, ducky."
"Don't call me that."
And Simon's hit a nerve, but that all seems to dissipate as soon as Johnny places the rolled-up joint between his lips and sparks up. The first sweet inhale relaxes every rigid nerve in the Scotsman's body as he passes it off to his Lieutenant and leans against the wall. Simon lifts his mask and your jaw ticks at his exposed flesh. His lips are a pretty pink that wraps around the spliff, before toking the absolute fuck out of it and holding it in before exhaling it out through his nose.
The pair exchange a look before nodding and grinning at each other. "Tha's good shit, maaate."
"C'mon, Kyle." Simon coos, beckoning him over. Kyle moves ever so slightly in his direction, but your hand grasps his wrists halting him back.
"Oh, come now, [name]. Don' be uptight. 's all good vibes round 'ere." The masked idiot smirks at you before passing it off. Kyle glances over at your disapproving stare before hesitantly taking a hit. It doesn't even take a second before he's coughing his lungs out and Simon and Johnny are cackling, keeling over on the tiny bunk. You think it may break under their weight at any given moment, but that's just wishful thinking.
"That's not how you do it, Kyle." You chide, seizing the joint from him and you're drawing in the smoke yourself as you demonstrate the proper way of inhaling it. Simon and Johnny go silent as they observe you clearly very shocked by your sudden volunteer.
"Gotta hold it properly." You bring the joint to your lips, comfortably positioning it between your fingers. "Don't inhale too quickly, or you'll cough your lungs out like you did just now. Take your time and hold it before releasing it, slowly." You indicate to him once more and the THC unravels months of built-up tension embedded in your body now that you got a proper hit.
You peer down at the spliff as you exhale the smoke. "Damn, that's good shit. Where did you twats get this?" Chuckling a bit at your usage of their own slang on them.
"Though' we were pourin' poison in the well, but the water is already spiked, it seems." Simon is lying back against the wall, propped up on his elbow with one leg flat and the other is bolstered up. He's relaxed as hell, surveying you like a cat as his tail swishes around with piquing interest. And Johnny is like his orange cat counterpart, licking his paws and rubbing his head as they lounge together on cloud nine.
"Mmm, she's always been like that. Naughty lassie." Johnny teases as he moves closer to you. He's sitting on your right as he eyes the way Kyle successfully follows your directions.
"Aye, tha's a good lad." Johnny praises, rubbing his thigh and Kyle is blinking up at him with hazy, honeyed eyes.
And for some reason you're taking offense to that. "Hey what about me?" You pout at him.
And he's beaming when his baby blues flicker to you. Calloused palm flattening against the expanse of your exposed flesh, riddling your thigh with gooseberries. There is a slight snatch in your breath as he caresses you but you don't move away and it's quickly starting to feel a little heavy as you feel everyone's eyes on you.
But before your body can even react, the door is getting barged into and there stands a very irate Price who literally looks like steam is pouring out of his ears. And just when you think that you're all about to get your asses handed to you, Price plucks the spliff from Kyle's fingers, opens the window and everyone is clamoring to rise from their seats thinking that he's going to toss it out. But you're all dead wrong.
My mans is taking the biggest puff out of all four of you before he jovially steeps the smoke out of his nostrils and he's nodding in approval, "Aye, tha's good shit."
There's a collective sigh of relief that settles upon the 141 before Simon speaks.
"Christ, Boss, least warn us."
"Thought y' were gonna bite o'r heads off." Johnny leans against the window sill, left of his Captain.
Price chuckles as he takes another brief toke before passing it off to Simon who was on his right.
"I should've, you lot were gonna finish it before I even got a toke."
Simon gazes over at you from where he's posted, inhaling the last few hits of the blunt, but you and Kyle are fucking zooted. I'm talkin heads rolled back against the couch cushions and you're gone.
And he is choking on the smoke as he laughs at the both of you before Johnny and Price glance over and join him. Their giggles attract your hazy attention and you lazily toss a pillow at the back of Johnny's head. But then you're cowering away as he approaches you in a jokingly menacing manner, wrapping his arms around you like he's about to perform a tickle attack.
The sound of your stomach growling rips through the silliness and he pouts at you and rubs your belly.
"You hungry, ducky?" Price is towering over you from behind the couch you are situated at, tucking the stray hairs behind your ear and you feel your cheeks warming up at your Captain's sedative voice.
You nod at him with a giddy smile, and before Price even opens his mouth Kyle is pulling up his Uber Eats app to order everyone's go-to Chinese take-out meals.
And as Price is extolling his Sergeant by lightly massaging his shoulders, Simon is taking your chin between his fingers and tilting his head at you.
"Y'got everyone at y'r beck an' call, ducky." But the nickname no longer has its previous bitterness. It's replaced with endearment as he pinches your cheek and that draws out a smile from you.
"Didn' know ye were s'experienced." Johnny's warm breath fans over your neck and you're starting to feel a buzz that's reminiscent of your uni days.
You hum in response as you feel Price's fingers gently scratch at your scalp, and there's a gentle euphoria that warms you to your bones.
"Quit yappin' her ear off." Price scolds the two, but something about the way you're being simultaneously taunted and dotted over is starting to ignite a bit of desire within you.
You shut your eyes and all your senses feel elevated as you're being coddled on all sides. And as much as Simon loves getting under your skin, there is something about the way you're blissfully sitting there not having a care in the world as everyone trills around you.
"Like a kitten." He warbles, caressing your cheek and you lean into his touch.
"A very cute kitten." Johnny nuzzles his nose into the crook of your neck as his fingers brush against your knee. A giggle leaves your lips and you're squirming away from his ticklish stubble.
But every way you're moving, you're in the hands of a different man who's relishing in your coquettish behavior. It's overstimulating really. So, the minute you hear wrapping at the front door you're jumping out of your seat to check out who's behind the peephole.
But it feels like a slo-mo scene as you're running away from the giggly, dazed men who follow closely behind you. By the time you're reaching the door, Johnny has already tripped over the end table, Simon is heaving for air and slipping over the barstools in the kitchen in a loud clatter, Price is attempting to help them both up but can't stop laughing his ass off and Kyle, well, mans is passed out on the couch with his mouth wide open.
You can hardly even contain yourself as you open the door, and the delivery man on the other side is flummoxed yet amused at the men in the background and then there was you. Giddy as hell, palms facing up with the most bloodshot eyes.
And before he can even get a word out, Johnny is wrapping his arms around your waist and carrying you back to the couch while Price is sending him off with a wad of cash as he grabs the food.
"Chattin' up the delivery lads, aye?" Johnny teases, as he pulls you into his lap and begins to tickle you. The smell of food is waking Kyle up from his little half-baked nap and he's ruffling your hair as food is being passed out.
"She doesn't need to bother. She's too fit for that." Kyle opens up his kung pao chicken and the smell floods into your nostrils, but he's already on it. "Say 'ahh'." He lifts the chopsticks to feed you the delicious morsels and you happily accept it with a jubliant hum.
"Spoiled little thing." Price chirps as he shoves his lo mein into his mouth. The sauce coats the corners of his mouth and the ends of his stache.
"An' who's fault is that?" Simon gestures at his Captain with his chopsticks. It was true. As their Captain, naturally, they fell in line behind him, so when they saw how he would pamper you excessively they would do it too. And not because of the fact that they were good little soldiers, but because it opened the doorway for them to openly chat you up or (consensually) feel up on you.
Price lets out a hearty laugh. "Ah, bullshit! The minute you lot clocked the opportunity to grab her, you were all over it!"
Johnny licks his lips as you feed him a crab rangoon. "Can ye blame us?"
You quickly cover his mouth with your hand and scrunch your nose up at him. "Don't talk with your mouth full, Johnny!"
He playfully nibbles at your hand and you're then being scooped up by Kyle, who is more than happy to accept your weight in his lap. And Johnny is moaning about how you're being stolen away.
"She's not being swiped if she's scarpering off by herself!" Kyle laughs as he's swatting away any attempts at Johnny trying to confiscate you back.
So, of course, Price wants to dig his heels into Simon when he sees how lackadaisical he is.
"Simon couldn't pull her even if he gave it a good go."
Dark, piercing eyes dangerously flicker to the smug Captain who lays back against the arm chair, sipping on his ale and waits as he takes the bait. One thing that Simon doesn't like is when someone's threatening his hold on his position in any type of situation that especially being you.
"I don't need t'bother." He retorts, taking a sip of his own drink as he man spreads on the sofa.
"Oh, and why's that?" Price is intrigued now. Simon narrows his eyes at him but continues to stuff his face with food, sticky bits of rice garnish the sides of his mouth. This doesn't stop the Captain from pressing the matter and it's now starting to capture your attention as Johnny misses your mouth when he attempts to feed you some stir fry and it stains for your cheek instead.
But Simon is effortlessly patient and cool as a cucumber when he's being dogged on by everyone now, and you're observing the situation closely. He carefully wipes his mouth with a napkin, takes a last swig of his drink before he gets up to clean up after himself. And Price is almost convinced that Simon has given up as used, balled up napkins are being tossed at him by Johnny and Kyle, but in one swift movement you're being tossed over the behemoth's shoulder. A squeak barely manages to escape you as he pats your ass and the others are scrambling to get you as they playfully jest at Simon.
"Ah, no fair!" Johnny tugs at Simon's waistband, and lets go with a loud snap to his pelvis.
"Unhand her!" Kyle laughs as he tries to grab your foot, but he's only left with your ankle sock.
And while those two idiots finally gather themselves to give in to chasing after him, Simon is booking it to his room, and Price is left cackling on the armchair enjoying the rest of his meal.
"Simon!" You giggle, as he's enforcing the door and locking it with one arm as you barely dangle off his shoulder.
He balances you out just for a moment before he tosses you onto his bed and successfully turns the lock. Johnny and Kyle's shouting can be heard on the other side of the door, but Simon doesn't seem to give two fucks as he's approaching you. You're laid out on his bed, cheeks flustered when he towers over you, grasps your wrist, and raises them above your head.
And as his lips are hovering above yours the door is getting busted into as Simon is getting tackled to the floor as the Sergeants hold him down. Your eyes ream at the little giggly clusterfuck, and then in strolls Price who sits on the end of the bed and scoops you into his arms. You feel dizzy in his warmth as you snuggle against him and he kisses the top of your head.
You begin to realize something while you watch Simon turn into a cackling mess as he's being simultaneously tickled mercilessly by Johnny and Kyle. Price has a triumphant smile plastered on his face. It creeps up slowly on you, but he had succeeded in properly baiting all three men, so he could get his way with you.
His azure hues shift to you and he's kissing your cheek. It makes your heart flutter, but you're shaking your head at him when he's gazes down at you with that impish expression.
"Naughty little minx." You wave your finger at him with a bubbly smile. And he's hiding his face in the crook of your neck, tittering away because he knows he's been caught red-handed.
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pin-k-ink · 1 month
haze // edogawa ranpo
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tw ⇢ highly suggestive themes, smoking, mention of a hangover
wc ⇢ 1k
a/n: a rewrite of smth i wrote nearly two years ago
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"Come on. We're already late." Ranpo tried to nudge your half-asleep, hungover form out of the warm cocoon of soft sheets and blankets you had wrapped yourself in. The mattress felt extraordinarily comfortable this morning, especially compared to the prospect of dragging yourself out of bed to face the day. You snuggled in deeper, relishing the coziness enveloping you, reluctant to emerge and silently hoping Ranpo would just leave you be.
Despite his usually carefree, happy-go-lucky demeanor, you could tell Ranpo was on the verge of losing his patience with you. You peeked an eye open to see his right eye twitching in irritation at your blatant ignoring of his promptings.
"I really don't feel up to it today," you mumbled, your voice muffled by the numerous layers of bedding you had burrowed under. With a sigh, you shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable again now that your peaceful slumber had been disrupted. You knew you wouldn't be able to drift back to sleep, but you still weren't ready to leave the sanctuary of your bed quite yet.
Ranpo's frustration reaching a boiling point, he grasped the edge of the blankets and swiftly yanked them off of you. "Get up already!" he demanded. But as the covers were peeled back, revealing your scantily clad form, Ranpo's mouth went dry, his grievances momentarily forgotten.
You lay there wearing nothing but a skimpy black lace bra and panties, complete with a garter belt framing your hips and thighs. Having foregone makeup the night before, just a hint of lipstick remained, now smeared seductively around your mouth. Your hair splayed out across the pillow in tousled waves that somehow still looked sexy despite the night spent tossing and turning.
As you stretched languidly, your ample breasts squished together enticingly. Ranpo felt an overwhelming urge to reach out and cup the supple mounds in his hands, to feel your soft flesh against his palms. His eyes travelled lower, taking in the tantalizing expanse of smooth skin, until they landed on an unexpected sight - intricate tattoos adorning your body in various suggestive places. The dark ink stood out in stark contrast to your skin tone. Ranpo felt a hot blush creeping up his neck at the provocative body art.
"Great, now I'm cold," you pouted, looking up at Ranpo through your lashes. He shook his head in disbelief. Even disheveled and halfway to a hangover, you still managed to look drop-dead gorgeous... and to frustrate the hell out of him with your antics.
"Deal with it. Now let's goooo," Ranpo whined, beginning to turn away before his body betrayed his increasing arousal at the alluring sight of you.
"Nah, I'm good here," you replied nonchalantly. Reaching over to your nightstand, you pulled out a half-empty pack of cigarettes and a lighter. In one fluid motion, you slid a cigarette between your full lips and flicked the lighter to life, taking a long drag.
Quick as a flash, Ranpo snatched the cigarette from your mouth and crushed the flimsy pack in his fist. "Fukuzawa told you not to smoke anymore," he reprimanded, coughing and swatting at the tendrils of smoke you blew in his face.
Unperturbed, you maintained a deadpan expression as you reached under the mattress and pulled out one of several hidden packs stashed there. Ranpo caught a glimpse of something else under the bed - was that a vibrator? He blushed even deeper as he registered what the long, purple object was.
Lighting up a new cigarette, you took a deep drag, relishing the burn in your lungs and the lightheaded rush that followed. Sighing in resignation, Ranpo slumped onto the bed next to you, head hanging in defeat. "I give up," he pouted.
"The cigs... are they really that good?" Ranpo asked after a moment, curiosity getting the better of him. You shrugged, not particularly keen to get into your reasons for smoking, especially this early in the morning.
"Can I try it?" You raised an eyebrow at his request. Mr. Sweet Tooth wanting to try a cigarette? This should be interesting.
"Sure, knock yourself out," you replied, handing it over. Ranpo took it eagerly, placing it between his lips and inhaling deeply... only to promptly break out in a fit of coughing and sputtering.
"When I said knock yourself out, I didn't mean literally," you laughed, springing up to rub his back soothingly.
"It's so spicy! Why do you even like these things?" Ranpo rasped out between coughs, clutching at his throat. You flopped back down, considering his question but unwilling to voice the real reasons your addiction had taken hold.
"C'mere," you purred instead, crooking a finger at him. Ranpo leaned in close, his breath catching in his throat as he hovered over you. Your fingers slid into his hair, gripping the back of his head as you pulled him in even nearer until your faces were mere inches apart. Maintaining eye contact, you took another drag from the cigarette, holding the smoke in your mouth.
You traced his bottom lip with your fingertip and he compliantly opened up for you, his tongue peeking out eagerly. Tightening your grip on his hair, you angled his head and slowly blew the smoke directly into his waiting mouth. Ranpo's emerald eyes flew open wide before the pupils blew out with desire. His hands braced on either side of your head as he unconsciously leaned in closer, seeking more of your intoxicating essence.
Releasing him, you dropped your head back against the pillow with a smirk. "How was that?"
It took Ranpo a minute to shake off his lust-induced haze and regain the power of speech. A matching smirk slowly spread across his face as an idea took hold. "You know, maybe we shouldn't go in to work after all..."
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 2 months
Can I have a lmk Wukong x sick!FEM reader?
OHH MY GODD YES ☹️☹️☹️ my first ever husband in LMK yes i would please taking this and grovelling at the ground like a mad man. it has been a while since I have watch LMK so i apologize if he is OOC ☹️☹️
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Can you get off me? I'm dying. | Sun Wukong x Sick!Fem Reader
relationship: romantic Warnings: mentions of throw up, reader being sick
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You didn’t think that you were going to get sick. From friends around you canceling plans to the strangers around you apologizing for their slowness. It seemed with the changing of the seasons, everyone was getting sick. For a while, you thought you and your boyfriend were safe, being secluded in the mountains super far away from the city made it hard for either of you to get sick. However, when MK arrived for training, sneezing a little more than usual, your hopes of not getting sick plummeted down the drain. Once you accepted that you would get sick, you made Wukong get you stuff to prepare. 
You stocked up on copious amounts of cough medicine, allergy pills, tissues, teas, soups, and anything else you thought you would need. You just wish it wasn’t this bad.
Panting over the toilet, you wipe away any throw-up that fell onto your chin using your other hand to flush it, not being able to stomach the look of it. You stand up slowly, afraid of falling since you are already feeling dizzy. At a full stand, you made your way to your sink to wash your face and hands. The cool water felt much colder against your warm face. Sighing in relief, you stand at the sink for a moment, letting the sink run as it touches your hands.
You couldn’t help but think about how shitty you feel. You felt both hot and had the shivers. You felt so lightheaded and your head was hurting so bad that you just wanted to lay down under your blankets. Your legs and arms felt like jelly from your muscles growing weak. Your nose was stuffed to all hell and you had to breathe through your mouth, leaving your lips chapped and throat dry. 
If someone walked in on you, they probably would have thought you were dying. 
You feel your knees go out under you, your body reaching its limit for the amount of standing you could handle for today, snapping you out of your thoughts. You turn off the water and go to a full stand, looking at yourself through the mirror. Even from a glance, someone can tell you felt like shit. 
Somehow your eyes look like you get 30 minutes of sleep every night, eye bags so dark and heavy. Your normally natural and done hair looks like you haven’t taken care of it in weeks. Your skin was looking paler while your nose was rosey. 
“I feel and look like shit.” You murmur to no one in particular. You bring a hand to your face, pulling down on your face a bit, opening one eye a bit more. Sighing, you dropped your hand down to your side and left the bathroom to head to your shared bedroom. Entering your room, you didn’t even think twice before collapsing on your bed. Reaching for your phone on the bedside table, having left it there after you hurriedly ran to throw up, you mindlessly scrolled on your socials. After a while you began to feel sleepy, so you put on a random video and got comfortable, promptly knocking out.
─── ⋆⋅ ☼ ⋅⋆ ───
You woke up hot and suffocating as if you were wrapped in weighted 12 blankets stuffed with rocks. You try to shift the weight off you, trying to catch your breath. However, it seemed to have other intentions as you felt arms and something else wrap around you. The feeling of something slim wrapping around your waist told you all you needed to know.
“Ugh…Wukong, please get off me.” You groan and try to push him off. He shakes his head, which was buried into your chest, and holds you tighter. You lift your head to look at him, only seeing the mess of golden fur that was on the top of his head. He also lifts his face from your chest, and smiles up at you, before his smile drops.
“How are you feeling, peach-Holy shit, you look terrible.” He states bluntly. Rolling your eyes, your head dropped to your pillow as you put a hand on your face. 
“Thanks.” You tell your boyfriend sarcastically. “I also feel it.”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment as both stay where you are. You sniffle, attempting to hold back any mucus that was trying to escape,  and you feel Wukong loosen his grip. Thinking that he was listening to you, you lift your hand and notice that he was leaving the room. You take a big sigh of relief, happy now that your heavy-ass boyfriend is no longer suffocating your body. However, you were now feeling way colder with the absence of his body heat, so you grasped at your sheets and wrapped them around you. After a while, you feel yourself begin to fall asleep again.
Before Wukong burst into the room, bags of takeout in his hands. Startled by the sudden noise, you shoot up out of bed and look at your boyfriend like he is crazy (he is). He doesn’t say anything, rather making his way to his side of the bed and taking a seat.
“Did you just get that?” You ask him as he begins to unpack the food. 
“Duh.” He says, pulling out a large tub and looking at it closely before handing it to you. You take it from his hand and look at it. The warm tub had Pigsy’s restaurant logo on it. You look at him again as he hands you another thing. This looks more like a thermos, confusing you even greater. 
“What did you even get?” You ask, turning the cup to inspect it, trying to figure out what he got you. You hear him huff before he tells you.
“Pigsy was the one who made it for you. All I told him was that you were feeling ill.” You look at him with a look. 
“You didn’t ask?”
“No. He was making it free of charge.”
“Okay…What is with the other boxes?”
“Oh. These are for me. I got hungry while I was waiting.” Wukong says before smiling at you, his tail curling a bit. You roll your eyes and adjust yourself to sit upright comfortably. Placing the thermos down on the bedside table, you open the tub and see that it is filled with chicken congee. Your stomach rumbles and grumbles, causing you to realize that you are running on an empty stomach. Mentally thanking Pigsy, you began to dig in. While slightly bland, it was helping with the upset stomach and it was also warming you up along the way. You hum as you eat, the warmth of the food and it overall hitting the right spot, you didn’t realize that you finished it. You look sadly at the empty tub, wishing there was more. You hear Wukong laughing at you, causing you to look at him and see him slurping on noodles. Pouting slightly, you put the empty tub back in the plastic bag and reached for the thermos. Smelling it, it seemed like a tea of sorts with some cinnamon and jujube. Already familiar with the blend, you began to drink it slowly, being careful not to burn yourself. 
By the time you were done with your tea, Wukong was done with his numerous boxes of food and you were once again sleepy. Wukong takes the trash and thermos out of the room as you slide down and get comfortable once more. Shifting on your side, you wiggle around for a bit, before you feel like you hit the sweet spot. Tummy full, and not feeling as terrible as you did before, you kinda drift between consciousness and unconsciousness. 
You hear the floor creek, causing you to open your eyes and see Wukong standing by the door. He was looking at you as if he was asking for something. Already knowing what he was going to ask for, you rolled your eyes and lifted the blanket, inviting him. 
“Come on,” You say as he smiles and is in your arms within the same second. Wrapping his arms around you, he tangles his legs with your own as his tail wraps around you once again. You smile at his warmth and return the hug. The rest of your day was spent napping with your boyfriend, feeling way better than you did when you woke up that morning. 
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mswritergirl02 · 2 months
Pure Paranoia 
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Summary: Y/n smokes for the first time and gets too high
->Reader Advisory: This story involves themes related to marijuana use. Please proceed with caution if you are sensitive to or uncomfortable with such content.
A/N : This is my very first post ! I’m excited to see where this account goes.
Y/n sat on the edge of Riah's couch, her fingers nervously tapping against her thigh as she watched her friends pass around a joint. The sweet scent of marijuana filled the air, swirling around her like a seductive dance, tempting her to join in.
Riah noticed Y/n's hesitation and leaned in with a mischievous grin. "Come on, Y/n, don't be such a goody-two-shoes. Just one hit won't hurt."
 Zela nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. 
"Yeah, you've gotta try it at least once! It's not like you're doing anything wrong."
Y/n bit her lip, her heart racing with uncertainty. She had always been the innocent one of the group, never straying too far from her comfort zone. The thought of smoking weed for the first time sent a thrill of fear and excitement coursing through her veins.
"I don't know, guys. I've never smoked marijuana before," Y/n admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. 
Riah rolled her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief. "You can call it weed, Y/n come on, Live a little! You're always so uptight."
Zela chimed in, her voice gentle but persuasive. "It's not a big deal, Y/n. Just take a puff and see how you feel. You might like it."
With a shaky breath, Y/n reached out and accepted the joint, her fingers trembling slightly as she brought it to her lips. The smoke burned her throat, making her cough and sputter as she tried to inhale.
"Easy there, girl," Riah teased, patting her back as she handed her a soda can.
Five hits later Y/n found herself sipping on that same can, trying to calm her racing heart as the effects of the weed began to take hold.
At first, it was just a pleasant buzz, a feeling of warmth and relaxation washing over her like a gentle wave. But as the minutes ticked by, Y/n's world began to spin out of control. 
The room seemed to warp and distort around her, the colors bleeding together in a dizzying kaleidoscope of light and sound.
“Hey, have I told you about that guy I met last weekend?"
Zela's interest was piqued, and she turned to Riah with a grin. 
"No, spill the tea! What's his deal?"
Riah chuckled, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger. "Well, his name is Alex, and let me tell you, he's got some serious charm. We hit it off right away."
Zela's eyes widened in excitement. "Ooh, sounds promising. What's he like?"
Riah's smile widened, her cheeks flushing with color. "He's funny, for one thing. And he's got this way of looking at you that makes you feel like you're the only person in the room."
Zela nudged Riah playfully, a teasing grin on her face. "Sounds like someone's got a crush."
Riah's cheeks grew even redder, but she couldn't suppress the grin that spread across her face. "Maybe I do. But don't tell anyone, okay? I want to see where this goes first."
Zela winked, her smile knowing. "Your secret's safe with me. Just remember to play it cool, okay? You don't want to scare him off."
Y/n tried hard to focus on the conversation swirling around her, but the words seemed to slip through her fingers like grains of sand. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps as she struggled to keep her composure. She felt as if every part of her body was twitching. 
How does anyone enjoy this?
"Y/n, are you okay?" Riah's voice cut through the fog of Y/n's mind, filled with concern.
Shit speak you haven’t said anything in 10 minutes
Y/n nodded, her mouth dry as cotton as she tried to form words. Taking another sip of her soda she mumbled, "I'm fine, just...just a little lightheaded."
Oh god, I feel nauseous. 
Y/n's heart raced with panic as she sat in the backseat of her friend's car, the effects of the weed controlling her mind. What would she tell Harry? Would he notice? With his friends over, the thought of facing their judgment sent a shiver down her spine.
Of course, he’s going to know your high anyone in their right mind could see you’re tripping fucking balls. 
God, I wish Riah would roll up her window I’m freezing.
As they pulled up to her apartment building, Y/n plastered on a fake smile and told her friends goodbye, trying to hide the turmoil raging inside her. She took a deep breath, preparing herself. 
She dragged her now heavy feet up the stairs and pulled out her keychain trying to unlock the front door to her and Harry’s shared apartment but instead, her tangled keychain slipped from her trembling fingers and fell to the floor.
"Fuck," she cursed under her breath, pushing her now knotted hair from her face bending down to pick them up.
Why the fuck are there so many keys on this thing. I should really take some off... I don't even use half of these keys.
She finally managed to grasp the key and insert it into the lock, but her mind was so clouded with panic that she struggled to turn it.
Inside, Harry and his friends exchanged curious glances as they heard the commotion outside the door. 
Why won’t this fucking door op-
Before Harry could get up to investigate, the door swung open and Y/n stumbled inside, her hair messy and her bloodshot red eyes wide with panic.
As she entered, Harry's gaze met hers, and she saw the flicker of concern in his eyes. His raised eyebrow didn't escape her notice, sending a shiver of unease down her spine.
Act normal. Act fucking normal.
"Hey," she stammered, her voice barely audible as she tried to break the suffocating silence. She couldn’t help but feel as though all of their eyes were staring into her soul.
They know
Harry's expression softened slightly, but she could still see the worry etched into his features. "Welcome home love, you alright?," he questioned gently, his gentle british accent a soothing presence amidst the tension.
Y/n forced a smile, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah, just had a bit of trouble with my keys," she mumbled, avoiding his gaze as she shuffled past him and his friends.
Harry frowned, but before he could press further, his friends' curious stares reminded him of their presence. Clearing his throat, he turned to face them with a forced grin. "Alright, lads, back to business. Who's up for another round of—"
But Y/n's voice cut through his words, her stomach growling loudly as she caught sight of the pizza box sitting on the kitchen table. Her mouth watered at the delicious aroma 
"Pizza?" she blurted out, her eyes widening with hunger as she made a beeline for the box.
Harry's friends exchanged amused glances, their lips quirking up in smirks as they watched Y/n's eager reaction. 
Harry chuckled, "Saved you a slice, pineapple ya favorite ," he said, his voice warm with affection. "Thought you might be hungry."
Y/n's eyes lit up with gratitude as she grabbed a slice, her fingers trembling slightly as she took a bite. The taste exploded on her tongue, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body as she savored every delicious bite.
"Thanks, Harry," she said between bites, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she realized how crazy she must look.
Soon she didn’t care as her taste buds were sent into a frenzy of delight. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before.
Fuck I could die happy right now 
Y/n couldn’t help but let out a soft moan of pleasure as pineapple juice filled her mouth and the second the sound escaped her lips, her eyes widened in horror, realizing she had made that sound out loud. She glanced around the room, and spotted Lucas, Harry's friend, standing in the kitchen, his gaze fixed on her.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with panic as she struggled to come up with an excuse.
Harry's warm laughter filled the air. "Enjoying the pizza, are we?" he teased, his voice filled with affection as he shot her a playful wink.
Lucas's voice cut through the air like a knife. "You look fucking stoned, Y/n," he exclaimed, a smirk playing on his lips.
By now y/n’s entire face was bright red with embarrassment as she averted her gaze, her heart racing with panic. Feeling the weight of Harry's curious gaze boring into her.
She rubbed her now sweaty hands on her jeans, once again struggling to find the right words to defend herself. "I-I'm fine," she insisted, her voice trembling slightly.
Just take a seat Y/n. 
Listening to her thoughts y/n made her way to take a seat, and felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as now all eyes were actually on her.
Matt's eyes widened as she sat down . Her body carrying the heavy skunk like scent everywhere she went. "Dear God, Y/n, you smell like weed," he blurted out, his voice filled with disbelief.
Y/n's heart sank as she looked up, meeting Harry's curious gaze once again. She felt herself sinking deeper into the couch as if her body was not her own and someone else was controlling it.
"Love, you do smell like weed," Harry stated softly, as he placed a hand on her thigh. To be completely honest Harry knew Y/n was high from the moment she walked in. He could tell just by the way her eyes looked back at him. Of course he’d never accuse her of it.
Say something everyone is staring at you
 She was screaming at herself to open her mouth and speak but she simply couldn’t.
Sensing something was wrong with his usually calm girlfriend Harry made an announcement, "It's getting late, I'm a little tired”, his voice breaking the tension in the room.
Oh thank god.
Y/n felt a twinge of relief as Harry and his friends began cleaning up. Not bothering to help Y/n found herself lost in a trance, staring at the video game on the screen. The vibrant colors and lifelike characters captivated her, momentarily distracting her from the chaos swirling inside her mind.
So pretty 
Y/n's thoughts of the video game were interrupted by the sound of Harry closing the door behind his departing friends. 
Just tell him for fucks sake
With a rush of adrenaline, Y/n blurted out the truth she had been trying to conceal.
"I-I'm high," she confessed, her voice wavering as she looked up at Harry, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.
Harry's lips curved into a knowing smirk as he met her gaze. "I'm very aware, love," he said, his voice tinged with amusement. "Look at you, growing up."
Y/n's heart fluttered at his teasing tone, but her panic quickly resurfaced as she struggled to explain the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body.
"I-I don't know what's happening," she admitted, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I feel like... like I'm not in control."
“One minute I’m happy and the next I’m sucked into a deep black hole”
Harry's expression softened with understanding as he moved closer, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace. "It's okay, Y/n," he murmured, his voice soothing to her frazzled nerves. "You're just having a bad trip. I've been there before."
Y/n buried her face in Harry's chest, trying to steady her racing heart. The smell of his cologne filled her nose and she felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that Harry was there to support her through the storm.
Harry lounged back on the couch, placing Y/n’s head in his lap. With a playful gleam in his eyes, he started telling stories of his most embarrassing high moments. Y/n leaning in, eager to hear, soon they were both laughing uncontrollably.
While drawing circles on her back Harry shared one ridiculous story after another, including the one where he thought he saw a UFO, and Y/n couldn't help but snort. Each story made her laugh harder, tears of amusement rolling down her cheeks.
"I can't believe you did that!" Y/n gasped between giggles, wiping away tears as she looked at Harry with admiration. The panic that had gripped her earlier seemed like a distant memory and a sense of peace wash over her. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the shared laughter and connection between them.
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somber-sapphic · 2 months
hi it was me who sent in the request it was a emily x reader and the prompt was i am not sick i think , it was the reader who is sick thank you 🫶
A Call For Rest
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〖Summary: After an exhausting week Emily convinces you to go home and rest.〗
〖Word Count: 900〗
〖Pairing: Emily x sick R〗
〖Notes: I'm so glad that reached you! And so so sorry about my accidental deletion, I truly don't know what happened there. I sincerely hope this makes up for it <3〗
“Hey love,” Emily murmured, appearing in the doorway as if she’d teleported there. You hadn’t heard her walk up, though you couldn't hear much through your clogged ears. You set your pen down and wiped your nose on your sleeve, too tired to care about how gross it was. The world was sort of hazy, your mind cloudy. 
Writing up case reports was probably not the best idea considering your current mental state but you remembered enough to feel confident that you could go over notes with JJ to get the full story. 
The media liaison would likely be okay if you just dropped the papers on her desk, she had already checked in on you twice and tried to force you to take some medicine. When you refused she’d settled for leaving a cup of tea on your desk. You drank a little bit but forgot and let it get cold, cold tea wasn’t appetizing. 
“Hi Em.” You croaked, the words grating across your throat. Swallowing was already painful enough but talking seemed impossible. Emily walked into your office and leaned against the side of your desk, looking down at the papers that you were scribbling on. She frowned at the illegible writing, trying to make out even the simplest words. You typically had great penmanship, rivaling even Hotch’s, but this was bad.
“Is it safe to assume you aren’t feeling very well?” She put a hand on your shoulder and squeezed gently, concerned that she could feel the heat through your shit. It was a light shirt, but still, she shouldn’t be able to feel your fever through a layer of fabric. 
“I’m fine, just tired. Long week.” You were trying to use as few words as possible while still speaking somewhat normally but with the way your voice sounded, it didn’t matter. Nothing could save you from the reality that you weren’t going to win this fight. The last thing you wanted to do was leave work unfinished to pile up, but Emily didn't look like she was letting you get away that easily.
“Hmm, long weeks don’t usually make me sound like I gargled knives for fun. And you feel pretty warm. And your nose is running.” If she kept listing off things you were doomed. You wiped your nose on your sleeve again and sniffled, not removing your eyes from the papers. It was getting harder and harder to focus, everything was so blurry, and your head felt so groggy. 
“I‘m not sick.” You protested, swiping a hand across your eyes in a useless attempt to clear your vision. You refused to accept that you were just lightheaded and no amount of blinking or rubbing your eyes could fix that. Emily sighed and laid her palm on your forehead, making a face at what she felt. 
“I think your fever would beg to differ. You aren’t getting much done here anyway. I can’t read any of that.” She gestured to your sloppily written paperwork, not bothering to sugarcoat it. She’d had enough experience trying to reason with you that she knew you responded better to directness than to dancing around a subject.
You frowned down at your desk and coughed into your fist, your lungs protesting the extra effort they were being forced to use. Emily put a steadying hand on your back, providing support as you choked on whatever your body decided it needed to hack up. 
 When you were finally finished you looked up at her to find dark brown eyes staring back, filled with concern. 
 “Please, you need to rest. You’re so pale, you look like a ghost. I don’t want you to pass out here.” She caressed your cheek, leaving her palm there as an extra show of her love for you. She wasn’t always the best at offering comfort, she had trouble figuring out how to, but this she could handle. There was an easy fix to being sick and she was more than willing to take care of you through it. 
 “What about-” 
 “I’ll take care of it. Let Emily take you home, I’ve seen corpses that look more alive than you.” JJ’s voice startled you, making you jump a little in your seat. God everyone was just popping up out of nowhere, maybe you were worse off than you thought. Emily smiled at the media liaison and wrapped an arm around your shoulders in a loose hug. 
 “Come on love. Let’s go home. I’ll help you walk.” 
 “I don’t need help walking.” You protested as she lifted you from your chair, proving that you not only needed help walking but you couldn't stand on your own. After taking a few wobbly steps under the concerned gaze of JJ, Emily picked you up deciding that it would be the easiest way to get you to the car in a timely manner. 
 You whined but settled into her arms, relieved by the warmth of her touch. She was warm and soft and strong enough to carry you easily. You pressed your face into the crook of her neck and closed your eyes to protect against the harsh light of the bullpen. 
 “Feel better hun,” JJ said softly, squeezing your arm on your way out. You tried to nod but your head was too heavy. You were practically asleep by the time Emily reached the parking lot, but you didn’t mind. Though you would never admit it you were eternally glad that Emily had shown up when she did, any longer and you were confident you would’ve fallen asleep at your desk. 
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Hi, I was wondering if I could request Buggy taking care of reader while they’re sick? Thank you! I’m currently rereading your “find out they have a kid” and I can’t wait for pt3!
Can do! I hope you like this and also thanks for the support! ❤️
Not all Treasure is Silver and Gold
BuggyxGNReader FLUFF
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When you woke up that morning, you felt awful... you felt achy and fatigued before the day had even started. However today was a big day, there was a treasure the crew had found a large chunk of Captian John's treasure which would lead to the biggest treasure from the deceased pirate. You were critical for this mission and needed to be on your best. You knew this treasure was important for your partner Buggy- He hadn't even been in bed these last few nights in order to plan for this event.
So some tiredness wouldn't stop you- Forcing yourself up you dressed and went out to the main deck-
You saw your crew practically vibrating in excitement, you saw the island close by that would hold the treasure that your crew was looking for- leaning against the railing you closed your eyes trying to wave away the pain that riddled your body, lightheaded and exhausted.
After a few moments hard footsteps sounded behind you making you turn to see Buggy, dresses in his flashiest best and talking to several crew mates. A wide smile on his lips as he was just as excited as everyone else at this- however you saw his eyes scanning around most likely looking for you.
Once he spotted you his eyes narrowed, your nerves picking up as you knew he could sense something was wrong. Quickly looking away you stare back at the target at hand, feeling Buggy walk right behind you.
"(Y/N)? Are you okay?.. you look a little off" Buggy asked calmly, but you can still feel his narrowed gaze on you. Shrugging quickly you wave it off-
"I'm fine I'm fine-" You try to say but some coughs rattled your lungs, Buggy turned you around quickly as he stares at your face. Him spinning made you feel nauseous and your head starting to thump- not even noticing Buggy was speaking at first.
You stared at Buggy confused as his words seemed to become mumbled like your head was underwater. He stepped closer to you and peeled one of his gloves off with his teeth as he went to press it to your forehead, but before he could you felt the world spin and darkness consume you. Only the feeling of rough hands grabbing you was the last you felt before falling into a deep sleep.
When you woke up you groaned, feeling cold?- opening an eye you see you were in Buggy's room laying in his bed. In thin pajamas and a single blanket over you- Buggy was seated next to you pouring some things into different cups, he was dressed in much simpler clothes not in his flashy attire. You shiver and reach for the heavy blankets at the foot of the bed but Buggy gently grabbed your hand to stop from doing so.
"Don't want you to overheat- Your fever is already really high" Buggy said calmly, adding another thin blanket to help you feel a bit warmer and comforble but not enough to have you overheat. He gently began to give you water, making sure you drank a full cup before he gave you anything else. Downing the water which felt like gold to your sore throat you, and Buggy had to help pace you. Once done he added another pillow behind you you leaned back on happily.
"How long have I've been out?" You grumbled, sinking more into the bed with a tired sigh.
"Few hours" Buggy said calmly, Grabbing a thermometer and holding it to your lips carefully as you did as he commanded. Waiting for the temp to read, which took a few moments showing you had a hell of a high fever.
"You are very sick.. probably a form of flu" He grumbled, careful as he put away the thermometer to be cleaned later. Taking the near by teapot that was on a heater he added in the several premeasured ingredients and stirred them in the white teapot with a spoon. It made you think of a parent making soup for their sick child.
"Man of many talents I see" You try to jest but a series of weezing coughs rattled your lungs. He tried to smile but winced at the hard coughs.
"I suppose, But I learned a lot of skills and sorta became a jack of all trades- But a master of non" He admitted, pouring whatever was in the teapot into a large cup.
"Hot toddy" He said calmly, helping you sit up so you could take the teacup, Raising a brow at it as it smelt heavenly. Drinking it down quickly as your eyebrows raised.
"Is that whiskey?" Buggy nodded pouring you another cup.
"Yep, Whiskey, tea, honey and lemon. Helps with a cough, sore throat and will knock your little ass out so you can sleep" He smiled at you, earning a chuckle from you as you drank another cup. He gave you another drink of water to make sure you were well hydrated before taking your tea cup and laying you back down.
You laid there as you felt Buggy tuck you in on all sides with the blankets, making sure you were good and packed in so you couldn't move and hurt yourself. He grabbed the damp rag and gingerly placed it on your forehead.
"I'm sorry... I blew the mission for today.." You whisper softly, closing your eyes at the feeling of the cool rag on your forehead. Buggy smoothed your sticky hair, his free hand finding yours under the blanket and rubbing circles on the back of your hand.
"(Y/N) it will be there when you're better... besides you are more valuable to me then any Silver and Gold that exist" He said sincerely as he looked at you with only love. You smiled at his sweet words.
"Even Diamons and devil fruits?" You croak out, earning a chuckle from Buggy as he nodded.
"Even diamonds, Rubies and every devil fruit that exist.. Now get some sleep okay?" He said softly. You nodded and drifted off into a dreamless sleep, swearing you heard soft humming of a lullaby as you drifted into rest.
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
"I'm scared of losing you again" with Tsu'tey and/or Jake Sully with a human reader who almost suffocated without their oxygen mask? Pls and thank u 👉👈
"I'm scared of losing you again"
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It only took a few minutes after Trudy was shot down for your own chopper to be attacked as well. You dodged the missile, avoiding it hitting the chopper directly as it had done with Trudy but it caught the back and within seconds, you were plummeting down to the ground below. You could hear the panicking voices of Jake, Norm, and even Neytiri.
You held your breath, gripping the seatbelt as the chopper spun and spun until you felt lightheaded. The chopper went through the leaves of the tall trees, getting caught in vines that slowed its fall until it finally met the ground. Be it luck or perhaps even a mercy act from Eywa, the chopper didn't explode and instead continued to burn at the back. Smoke quickly filled your view and you quickly unbuckle your seatbelt, pushing yourself out of the seat and trying to find an oxygen mask through the thick smoke. But within seconds, the lack of oxygen had taken effect and you fell to the ground, gasping for air. Your body spasmed and your vision began blurring, narrowly missing the door being thrown open and long blue arms pulling you out onto the lush forest grass.
"Fuck, fuck!" Jake's voice echoed in your ringing ears and he ducked his head back into the chopper. He reemerged, pulling your body up against his and slipping the mask over your face. Before you could completely black out, he turned the valve at the bottom of the mask and you gasped, being able to breathe properly again.
"(Y/N)? You good?" Jake asked, gold eyes filled with unshed tears. You coughed and weakly nodded, resting your head back on his large forearm.
If you'd been told years ago that you'd be encountering your high school ex and watching him become a tall blue alien, you would've laughed. And then, Tom passed away and you'd were hit with the news that his brother would be taking his place. Shit luck or pure coincidence.
"You gotta go, Jake." You tried to maneuver your way off his legs and arms but he simply pulled you closer, pressing his chest against your head.
"I need to stay with you. I need to protect you."
"I can protect myse-"
"I'm scared of losing you again." He whispered, his hand cradling your face. "I fucked up and lost you on Earth... I won't do it again here."
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