#I'm also waiting for my ability to write to come back from the war
jakes3resin · 2 months
Can you tell us about your other fics if you already have an established plot?
I'd love to! So there's quite a number of them I won't lie. I tend to get inspired by the randomest things. These are all in various stages of plotted out and written.
A/B/O fic (technically turning into 3 fics) that follows Bucky & Buck through the war, described below.
Courting Arc (top of my list to finish writing) - Bucky POV as he is anonymously courted during his time in the states just before he gets sent over to England (there's a post I'm basing my writing around I'll link it in a moment) <- published
England Arc- a quick look into their lives as they run missions with A/B/O elements (this will be pretty short I think) mostly snippets of scenes from the show just now with Omega Bucky and Alpha Buck <- published
Stalag Arc - Omega Bucky and his awful time in Germany. Here is where we see what being an Omega in war is really like in my omegaverse. Bucky is the highest ranked Omega in the camp meaning he's technically 'in charge' of keeping those Omegas in line. He's tested by his heats, keeping his pack together, and finally by a German order that could tear Buck and Bucky apart. This is a big fic for me to prepare for, and I'm building up to it by writing the Courting Arc first <- next on deck
Biker Gale AU (my beloved, genuinely obsessed with this AU) - this was inspired by one of hogans-heroes AUs. So, Gale leads an outlaw-esque biker club, and Bucky used to be his right hand (and lover) except one day out of the blue he just disappeared. Gale does everything he can to find Bucky, but there's no trail to follow, no clues to put together, nothing. Fast forward about two years, Bucky arrives on Curt's doorstep holding a small baby with the brightest blue eyes and prettiest blonde curls and begs Curt to watch his baby for 5 days. 5 days later Bucky comes back in town bruised to all hell with the FBI on his tail with their own nefarious reasons for tracking Bucky down. Bucky has nowhere else to turn especially since when he comes back to Curt's he finds Gale holding his little baby. (This could be A/B/O I haven't decided, but it's definitely at least mpreg)
Amnesia fic - this is based off of a post I made about the effects of Bucky getting hit over the head like 3 times in the span of two days, its... somewhere (edit: here). But its about Bucky waking up with no memory of who he is just before he gets interrogated by the Germans and sent to Stalag Luft III where he meets a man that his heart rejoices at seeing but his mind doesn't recognize. Buck of course has to deal with the love of his life forgetting him.
Magic AU - Bucky is a Scamander and its now everyone's problem to deal with it. The tag to find all of my ramblings for it is magic au (not that Tumblr's tag system works), and @getinthefuckingjaeger just wrote the best ever fic of Bucky and Theseus so go read that.
I've also got a few paragraphs written of Foster Kid Bucky somewhere but that might never see the light of day (that's also from a hogans-heroes AU) where Bucky is a jaded teenager just trying to make it to 18 to get out of his shitty foster placement when in comes Buck whose mother finally divorced his dad, got custody of her kids, and moved to her hometown to escape. It's about a Bright Buck meeting a Jaded Bucky (a flip on their usual dynamics)
Blonde Bucky AU - I wrote a blurb on the Twin Cleven AU post, and the idea of Bucky bleaching his hair on a drunken night out with Curt and Bubbles has haunted me since <- published as well
There might be more? But these are the only ones I can remember off the top of my head right now that are plotted out beyond oh that'd be a good fic. I have a lot of time spent sitting and waiting right now, so I have the ability to write a multitude of fics. I'm happy to talk about any of these fics if you want to come into my inbox or my messages.
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bookishgirl21 · 5 months
A new chapter
Azriel x reader
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AN: This is my first time writing anything , if you have any tips to share that would be appreciated
TW: pregnancy, birth, that's all?
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The war was over, everything was finally at peace again.
After the had ended you found out that you were pregnant, Azriel couldn't have been more happy about the news, though he won't admit that he was also slightly terrified of becoming a father. Wondering of he'd turn out like his own father, though you made sure to crush those doubts real quickly.
Your baby turns out doesn't have wings , Madja had confirmed that in your early stages of pregnancy, but with your ability to shift ,the baby would likely be able to grow its own wings later when they grow up.
It was a relaxing day for you and Azriel, sitting at home reading a book while Azriel was busy with a report for Rhysand.
"Hey would do want for dinner tonight I'll make it?" Azriel asked breaking the silence. " Anything you make I'll eat" " That defeats the point in asking you what you want to eat" Azriel laughs under his breath.
"Well-" and before I could finish my sentence I fell a sharp pain from my stomach. " what's wrong? " " I think our baby is ready to come in the world" I say looking at him with a Smile on my face, he looks shocked for a moment then stands up" I'll get Rhys to send Madja over, in the meantime let's get you upstairs "
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"Come on dear just one more push" Madja encourages me," your almost there baby, just one more push and then we can finally meet our baby" Azriel kisses me on my sweaty forehead " It hurts, can you do this for my ? " Azriel laughs at my question, but I put all my energy into this push. Then I hear it, the beautiful sound of our baby crying. I slump back into Azriels chest and give a happy sob.
"You did it baby, I'm so proud of you" he kisses me on the top of my head as Madja brings over our baby. "Congratulations mama, you have a healthy baby boy" she lays our son on my chest .
"He's beautiful " I say, Azriel nods his agreement" he has my hair" he runs his finger gently over our sons cute little baby hair." What name are we going with? " I ask " Jax" I look down at pur baby boy and smile Jax suits him.
We stare at our baby boy for a whole just enjoying this moment, when a knock is sounded at the door, " can we come in? " I hear Ferye ask Azriel give one last kiss on my head and stands up to open the door.
"Hey how are you doing " Oh I'm doing fine just tired it all" I answer her , Azriel comes and takes Jax from me" guys I'd like for you all to meet our baby boy Jax" everyone let's out an awe as they peer at Jax in Azriels arms, "Can I hold him please? " Azriel gently lays Jax in Feryes awaiting arms, " He's so small" she says with a Smile on her face.
Rhys is looking at Feyre with so much love that you know he can't wait for them to have a baby of their own, once everyone has their turn of holding Jax they leave us so that we could have family time and some must needed rest.
I lay my head on Azriels shoulder as he hold Jax to his chest, " I can't believe he's here" " I know" we fall silent once again just admiring our baby when a thought comes to my head " Azriel, what do we do now? I've never had a baby before what are we going to do now?" Azriel looks at me and say " We just do what feels natural and make sure that our baby grows up to be the best in the world"
AN/ alright so that was my first fic ever , if you have any tips and advice please share ir would be greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoyed
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Spoilers under the cut
Adaine trying to relax for her friends is so sweet I love her so much
Fig wrote a song so banging she managed to reach out to and touch her God. I love her so much.
The way she's trying to reach out to Ankarna is so sweet to her. The fact they're bonding over their girlfriends being out of town is insane.
What Fig does to Ruben is lowkey wild when you think about it. What are you doing to that poor guy. What did he do to deserve this.
BRITISH KRISTEN FUCKING GOT ME AGAIN holy shit. K2 you are in my head what is up with you???
WHY IS EVERYONE HELPING HER DO THIS? They're all absolutely deranged I love it.
This whole scene is so crazy what the hell is happening
Jawbone is so fucking sweet I love that man so much. He's so great. I love how much Kristen is concerned for him and how close they are. Jawbone's amazing <3
Murph's face while Kristen talks to Bobby Dawn is SO FUNNY. They're great.
Brennan Lee Mulligan how dare you make me cry about Bucky Applebees right now.
Fig talking about her future made me so happy,,, the kids are alright.
DID AYDA LEAVE HER A METEOR SHOWER??? OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD HOLY FUCKING SHIT I LOVE LOVE. BRENNAN LEE MULLIGAN I OWE YOU MY LIFE. I have NEVER in my ENTIRE LIFE HEARD ANYTHING AS ROMANTIC AS THAT MESSAGE. I AM OVERWHELMED WITH EMOTION. And the ending was just fucking great. "You are not going to believe how much my dad spent on this jet ski" absolute peak comedy.
The foreshadowing of Fig leaving the group is a little sad, but like. You know what? Fig's great. And wherever she goes I know the Bad Kids have her back :)
SHE WRITES AYDA A LETTER [sobs] These two ARE true love!
Ankarna and Cassandra's fascinating relationship will haunt me forever. And the fact that Ankarna fell before Cassandra also haunts me. holy hell
FUCK. YES! Is coming back to fucking bite the party in the ass. Kristen Applebees you have to pull a nat 20 out of your fucking ass
Kristen's bid for president being the key to stopping the big bad evil guy is absurd to me. I love her so much
I love Emily Axford so much. She always swings to the fucking fences with her acting and I love her so much.
GOD I LOVE PORTER he's so fucking evil he's great.
Riz is so smart and Murph's luck has been INSANE. That whole scene had me WRACKED with emotion. His insane spy shit fucks so hard this is so cool.
The final battle's going to be at Fabian's party isn't it??? I'm so excited
This group has such good chemistry and they're such good friends and I love them SO MUCH
Riz's ability to case a fucking joint is ABSURD. This man is BUILT for this shit and it's great to see him do the shit he's best at.
The RatGrinder's Plan as its laid out now is so scary, and I CANNOT WAIT to see how this all plays out. Aguefort picked the WORST time to go on fucking vacation.
THEY HAVE TO KILL THOSE FUCKERS. Maybe the RG's just need therapy but you just need to KILL THOSE FUCKING TEACHERS.
Fried Rice Dimension in the Garage, losing it.
"this is too easy" god Murph you're so right this is too fucking easy
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mariana-oconnor · 6 months
The Blanched Soldier pt 1
...however following an unhappy circumstance involving his writing hand and some amateur attempts at carpentry I have taken it upon myself to write to you in his stead.
What did Watson do to his hand? What carpentry was he attempting? Inquiring minds want to know.
And we're getting this one from the horse's mouth, so to speak. That'll be interesting. A lot of the drama in Watson's stories comes from the fact we don't know what Holmes is thinking and we have to try to work it out through context clues. I wonder how it will wor with Holmes as narrator.
Perhaps I have rather invited this persecution, since I have often had occasion to point out to him how superficial are his own accounts and to accuse him of pandering to popular taste instead of confining himself rigidly to facts and figures.
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I am compelled to admit that, having taken my pen in my hand, I do begin to realize that the matter must be presented in such a way as may interest the reader.
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A confederate who foresees your conclusions and course of action is always dangerous, but one to whom each development comes as a perpetual surprise, and to whom the future is always a closed book, is indeed an ideal helpmate.
An ideal helpmate for your ego, is my best guess. I'm not sure how else to take this. Also, your ability to insult Watson while trying to compliment him is, as ever, a delight. Though probably not to Watson - not that he has any legs to stand on in the matter of insulting people in his writing.
The good Watson had at that time deserted me for a wife, the only selfish action which I can recall in our association.
Wife number 2? Wife number 5? Wife number 627?
How dare Watson have other people in his life. How dare he!
“Middlesex Corps, no doubt.” “That is so. Mr. Holmes, you are a wizard.”
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“Yes, indeed. But the letter was written in the afternoon, and a good deal has happened since then. If Colonel Emsworth had not kicked me out—”
Alas, a colonel. I thought perhaps after last time ACD had got over his irrational hatred of them, but we shall see. Colonel Emsworth, I am watching you!
"He was Colonel Emsworth's only son—Emsworth, the Crimean V. C.—and he had the fighting blood in him, so it is no wonder he volunteered."
Does 'fighting blood' mean that he's just super aggressive and can't control his temper? I'm worried that's what it means. But instead of being a bad thing, it's a good thing because he's in the army and his dad's a colonel?
“Well, when the war was over, and we all got back, I wrote to his father and asked where Godfrey was. No answer. I waited a bit and then I wrote again. This time I had a reply, short and gruff. Godfrey had gone on a voyage round the world, and it was not likely that he would be back for a year."
OK, so we presumably have another case of a father covering up some 'shame' or 'scandal' that requires him to place his reputation above his child. Something's very wrong with Godfrey.
"I wrote to the mother, therefore [...] In reply I had quite an amiable answer from her and an offer to put me up for the night."
So the colonel is apparently keeping this scandal from his wife as well. The other offence of poor communication with your romantic partner is also in play. A classic Holmes tale.
“Tuxbury Old Hall is inaccessible—five miles from anywhere."
Look, I may be from Britain where distances are smaller, but even I don't think 5 miles is that far. Even if you're walking it. If you're a slow walker that's still 2 hours at most. Mr Dodd was in the army. You're telling me that an army guy thinks a 5-mile walk is inaccessible?
"...and there was his wife, who might have been older. She had been Godfrey's nurse, and I had heard him speak of her as second only to his mother in his affections, I was drawn to her in spite of her queer appearance."
You didn't describe her. What about her was queer? You can't just say that and not describe her. Does she have an elephant trunk instead of a nose? Three eyes? Do her earlobes droop to touch her shoulders?
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“He glanced at the two which I handed him, and then he tossed them back. “‘Well, what then?’ he asked. “‘I was fond of your son Godfrey, sir. Many ties and memories united us. Is it not natural that I should wonder at his sudden silence and should wish to know what has become of him?’"
I know this is't going to be, but the vibes of 'son joins army, gets boyfriend, then comes out after leaving the army, but his strict military father is a homophobic jackass' are strong with this one.
He's 'on a voyage around the world'. He 'doesn't want to talk to you'. He needs 'a complete rerst and change'.
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"The lady questioned me eagerly about her son, but the old man seemed morose and depressed. I was so bored by the whole proceeding that I made an excuse as soon as I decently could and retired to my bedroom."
You were bored? You cam here telling the woman you'd tell her about her son - who you claim to love - and then when you do the thing you promised her you would, you're too bored so you go to bed early. Clearly this woman is upset about her son and wants to hear about him. You damn well talk to her about him.
"...after a year of sleeping upon the veldt, Mr. Holmes, one is not too particular about one's quarters."
But 5 miles with a suitcase is still too far to walk and talking to one unhappy woman for one evening is too boring to endure. You must have been a terrible soldier, Mr Dodd. Apparently the only thing you managed to do in the army was sleep. Though, I suppose if all soldiers slept as much as you seem to have done, the world would be a better place.
I bet Watson wouldn't quibble at walking 5 miles. And he hurt his leg... or his arm... or some body part or other.
"'Is Godfrey dead?’ “He could not face my eyes. He was like a man hypnotized. The answer was dragged from his lips. It was a terrible and unexpected one. “‘I wish to God he was!’ he cried"
Dun dun duuuuuuuun!
A fate worse than death. Oh dear, what would be considered a fate worse than death in 1903? I mean, it obviously won't be that he's gay. I hope it isn't disability, scarring or mental illness.
It's going to be disability, scarring and mental illness, isn't it? I mean he's a man so at least it's not likely to be rape in literature of this time period, as it would almost certainly be for a female character. But I have a sneaking suspicion Godfrey's got PTSD or something like that and they're locking him up in the cellar. The title does imply some sort of physical aspect. Le sigh.
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leofrith · 2 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
Tagged by @aeide and @ainulindaelynn 💖 I did this one a few months ago but a few answers have changed since then so I'll update those. 😊
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Six now! Four one-shots, a short-ish multi-chapter which was supposed to be a one-shot that got away from me, and my longfic which at this point I should have just waited to post but am definitely still chipping away at.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
33,030 which is almost double my count from a few months ago. Woaaaaaaaaahhhh
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Still Assassin's Creed, now dipping into Baldur's Gate 3 as well.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Still the same five fics in the same order but with slightly different numbers:
Hideaway - 149
Bright Skies - 139
Press On, Move Along - 94
Out of the Cold - 43
Honor Bound - 29
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Always.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Still Press On, Move Along.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Still Hideaway.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Still hate-free, for now.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure do 💀 and I've posted some of it since the last time I did this. I think the only way I can really describe it is emotionally-charged, because if I'm going to horny jail it will at the very least be in service of some kind of character development. 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Still occasionally poke away at the AC x Star Wars AU, but I'm not super invested in it right now. But I'm sure that will change as soon as a new Star Wars thing comes out. Since I last did this I also went digging through the depths of my writing folder and found a Walking Dead x MCU crossover that I must have started when I was like 14 years old. Absolute fucking horror show that I am so very thankful I never wrote enough to post. 🤡
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Still no, as far as I'm aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, except for yelling back and forth about ideas with friends. I would probably be open to it but also maybe not because I know I am extremely unreliable.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Saying "all-time" favourite feels a bit much, but as far as mental real estate and also just sheer number of words written, Leovor far surpasses any other ship I've been into. 🧍🏻‍♀️
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Since I did that ask game a few weeks ago, the Inquisitor Ahsoka/Rex starting a clone rebellion/post TCW AU has been on my mind. But I know that, realistically speaking, I'm unlikely to ever be invested enough to actually sit down and write it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm trying to make a point to read more fiction and while it's possible that the few books I've read thus far lately just haven't been particularly good, it's certainly made me way more confident in my ability to write dialogue that feels like it would be spoken by real live humans and not aliens pretending to be humans. Similar deal with internal monologues. I'm convinced that none of these authors read their work aloud.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Still generally the same—overthinking comma usage, editing while I write and therefore being very slow, going back and forth between being stuck because I didn't plan enough and feeling stifled because I planned too much. Etc etc.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I try to avoid it as much as possible, with the exception being words or phrases that are used a lot in canon.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Still Marvel :(
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Honor Bound is still my baby, but I didn't expect to actually like A Different Kind of Solace as much as I do, mostly because I didn't really go into writing it expecting to hit the emotional notes that it does. Also still Out of the Cold. There are some banger lines there.
Not tagging anyone because this one has gone around a few times recently but if you want to do it, you're welcome to pretend I tagged you. 😌
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somerabbitholes · 2 years
I love how some books feature a city as if it's a character on its own. I've seen how you are very invested in the history of Bombay. Do you have any recommendations that will help in understanding the history of Delhi on the whole? Like how you were reading about municipal debates in Bombay.
Will be waiting for the weekend when you answer this.
hi! yes, that is definitely my favourite genre. i'm not as confident about delhi as i am about writing on mumbai for a bunch of reasons. most of all i think a lot of writing on delhi tends to get caught up in the city's nostalgia (as a mughal city, imperial city, the poet's city etc etc) in increasingly solipsistic ways without actually trying to see the city for what it is or how it has grown to be what it is. but i've been putting a list together of more focused work
city of djinns by william darlymple: an account of his year in delhi; looks at how people live its history and remember it; how it is handed down; what that means for the contemporary city
the seige of delhi by amarpal singh: about the 1857 'war' in delhi, how the revolt was crushed and fought out in the walled city
twilight in delhi by ahmed ali: about an aristocratic ashraf family in 1900s delhi; how they come to terms with the colonial city after 1857 and with everything that happens to the muslim population in the city; a little orientalist in its descriptions and everything, but also it's from the 1940s so what do you expect
indigenous modernities by jyoti hosagrahar: about urban growth, architecture, and identity in colonial delhi; how modernity is fleshed out in the space between colonial and nationalist politics
capital: the eruption of delhi by rana dasgupta: about how wealth came to delhi in independent india; how an elite class formed in the city but more generally about its more recent and more contemporary growth
delhi: ancient history edited by upinder singh: brings together the archaeological findings in modern delhi and looks at how they've been pieced together to form a picture of the city going back hundreds of years
delhi between two empires by narayani gupta: a broad overview of the city between 1803, when it fell to the british, and 1931, when it became the imperial capital, got a new delhi and sort of regained attention
connaught place and the making of new delhi by swapna liddle: how the imperial capital took shape; looks at plans made by the government, if they materialised and how they materialised; she also has a book on the mughal city with chandni chowk at its centre
city improbable edited by khushwant singh: an anthology of writings on delhi
indian summer: lutyens, baker, and imperial delhi by robert irving: looks at the planning and building of new delhi with these two architects at the centre; what their style says about the empire and modernity and so on
new delhi: the last imperial city by david johnson: about delhi between 1911, when it was decided that it would be the new capital, and 1931, when new delhi actually became a thing; i like this one because it has the ability to shift scales and also look at colonial politics and ideological considerations through the shift from calcutta to delhi
please don't go 'you've forgotten this' on this, because this is very specifically only a list of work i'm looking to read on delhi.
happy reading!
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undercat-overdog · 1 year
So does Tolkien ever actually explain why Sauron is so strange? Lots of Maiar decided to follow Melkor, but Mairon is the only one to go and do things on his own after Morgoth’s fall and become a Dark Lord himself. Is it because any other more independently minded ones were kinda killed/ taken prisoner during the War of Wrath (WW)? The only thing I could find about Sauron and the WW is that at some point he turned and fled the fighting (the Lost Road p.333). So he technically betrayed 2 Valar, not just Aule. Whereas the Balrogs that survived/escaped still wait in hiding for their master. Why is Sauron so unmaiar-like?
Hey anon, I am so sorry for the delay in this! There were life events and then catching up on work after life events and angst events and this is super rambly and I’m not sure answers your questions well.
Also, I had no idea about S and the War of Wrath in BoLT! Thank you!!! (My BoLT knowledge is worse than terrible.)
Tolkien writes a surprising among on Sauron and spends some time discussing Sauron's motives in the Notes on Motives in the Silmarillion essay (which I love dearly, it's great). But before I get into S in particular, I do want to note that I think that most of the named Maiar we see on page are unusual, in that they enter Elven history and interact with incarnates; most Maiar don't (Annals of Aman even mentions that the number of Maiar is unknown and that few have names). Even Gandalf, in his Olorin days, would sometimes hang out among Elves without a fana, going among them invisibly (creeper). The Maiar we see tend either to be the most powerful ones and/or the ones who actively live among and interact with incarnates. Sauron is both.
(I think the power thing does make a difference in Sauron's career goals, in that he's able to pursue them. He doesn't just desire to make himself a Dark Lord but has the ability to. Pre-Morgoth, he was "chief of Aule's people" and then the chief of Morgoth's, his steward when Morgoth was imprisoned, S ruling on his own if not in his own right. Sauron is also able to concentrate his power into the Ring. (On Motives begins with Sauron was 'greater', effectively, in the Second Age than Morgoth at the end of the First.) So S had the ability as well as the will.)
As for the Maiar more generally, I don't think they have an ontological need or desire or drive to serve. A few are associated with many Valar (Melian's at various points with Vana, Este, and Yavanna; Gandalf interns with everyone; Osse, Ulmo's supposed vassal, is said by Ulmo in UT to "obey the will of Mandos, being a servant of the Doom", which imo is just fascinating and also gives us an Osse who has connections to four Valar - including Aule in this, since it was he who sent Uinen to bring Osse back from Morgoth). We also see a lot of the named ones go off and do their own thing, either actively going against the wishes of the Valar or forgetting about them (Saruman and Radagast, respectively) or just chilling on their own (Melian, who's into her husband "the tall" 😏). The Maiar are "of the same order as the Great [=Valar] but of less might and majesty," being "spirits of the same kind [...] but having less might and authority." It's a difference in degree - and the difference in power is a very great difference - but Valar and Maiar aren't fundamentally different on a metaphysical level; they’re the same species, if we can use species to describe their kind. The order of authority (Valar > Maiar > Elves > etc) is decreed, cultural, an order but one that individuals are able to go against. I don't think Sauron's going against his nature in wanting to be a Dark Lord in his own right, he himself the King of the Earth, he himself the object of cults. (Tolkien addresses the Cult of Melkor that Sauron sets up in Numenor in On Motives too, basically coming to the conclusion that it was the most expedient method for S. I'm sure our boy appreciated the drama of it too; he likes his terrible fun.)
I do think that Maiar differ in level of... individuality? personhood? personality? In that some are closer than others in their way of thinking and viewing the world to incarnates than others are, and that Sauron is at the far end of that scale. He's a character with a personality, if that makes sense? We also know that there are incarnates whose psychology he understands very well and thus can tempt them, often successfully. Gandalf says he doesn’t understand minds who don’t work like his, but Sauron clearly understands plenty of incarnate minds, and his own must work in a similar way. Sauron also has his individual quirks, such as his sense of humor, which he maintains even at the end (finding Ungoliant amusing). He’s a creator too, and a master one, even sharing Tolkien's own hobby of conlanging.
As for why S wants to rule the world: it's an outcrop of his original desire to make the world a better place by putting it in order and reforming it. Tolkien puts it better than I do in On Motives, when he's describing Sauron at the end of the Third Age:
Sauron had never reached this stage of nihilistic madness [that Morgoth did]. He did not object to the existence of the world, so long as he could do what he liked with it. He still had the relics of positive purposes, that descended from the good of the nature in which he began: it had been his virtue (and therefore also the cause of his fall, and of his relapse) that he loved order and co-ordination, and disliked all confusion and wasteful friction. (It was the apparent will and power of Melkor to effect his designs quickly and masterfully that had first attracted Sauron to him.) Sauron had, in fact, been very like Saruman, and so still understood him quickly and could guess what he would be likely to think and do, even without the aid of palantiri or of spies; whereas Gandalf eluded and puzzled him. But like all minds of this cast, Sauron's love (originally) or (later) mere understanding of other individual intelligences was correspondingly weaker; and though the only real good in, or rational motive for, all this ordering and planning and organization was the good of all inhabitants of Arda (even admitting Sauron's right to be their supreme lord), his 'plans', the idea coming from his own isolated mind, became the sole object of his will, and an end, the End, in itself.*
*[footnote to the text] But his capability of corrupting other minds, and even engaging their service, was a residue from the fact that his original desire for 'order' had really envisaged the good estate (especially physical well-being) of his 'subjects'.)
(Though I will note that Sauron absolutely lets his various foibles such as his nasty sense of humor or his aesthetic (only the black horses, pls) or cowardice or cackling villain drama occasionally override that need for order and efficiency.)
Thank you again for the ask, and I hope it explained some of my thoughts on Sauron’s peculiarities <33
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lokislytherin · 1 year
random lookism q for you! which 2 characters (ideally those who barely have any interaction) would you want to see interact more? :)
hello jann i have so many combos how am i supposed to pick. ur so determined to make me write essays huh /j you know what im just gonna make this jay & various lookism characters that i wanna see him interact with bc he's been missing for so long this is my copium that he's been here all along
jay & mira
they are the housewives waiting for their husbands to come back from the war dynamic, but in jay's case he joined the war as a medic who can also fight on the frontlines bc he missed daniel. i like to think during the period of time their boys were gone, jay and mira became closer bc they were both lonely. think about it - daniel is undoubtedly jay's best friend and literally jay's only friend, while zack and mira have such a long history and the requited pining they have is so intense.
just imagine having to suffer through school alone... hence mira struck up a conversation (even tho she had no idea how to understand jay), and now they're kind of friends. maybe they're lonely bc they miss their boos but they're lonely together now, which makes things a lot better. mira still doesn't quite understand jay, but she Gets the pining, so that's a start. she doesn't know whether to root for emo introvert jay to get with daniel or social butterfly zoe, so for now she's just hoping they'll end up in a polyamorous relationship bc she doesn't want her friends to end up with broken hearts. according to zack (who finds the time to text her whenever he can bc he misses her a lot and his current canon break is bc they're hanging out like the lovebirds they are), daniel has also been picking up boyfriends left and right so the daniel ship might actually have more people than she originally thought, actually.
also they bond over fashion, because mira thinks jay needs to expand his closet. all jay has is designer suits (and the occasional biker jacket) and mira is the god of thrifting and cute fits! if you want the j high fashion boys in cute Normal People (read: proletariat) fits mira is your go-to
2. jay & zoe
once again, housewives waiting for their husband to come back from the war dynamic, but they've got the same dynamic. they are the co-captains of the daniel fan club and they constantly fight for first place. zoe is losing (because she's been away from canon even longer than jay) and she hates it (it's okay. she's realizing daniel is a very good friend, who is coincidentally very hot, but that's he's not exactly boyfriend material for her, for some reason. he's so bestie-coded).
zoe has 0 idea what jay's thinking 50% of the time, the other 50% of the time jay just goes :( so she just Knows he's thinking of daniel and missing him bc yeah. she does that too. it's just more obvious with jay because he doesn't show his eyes and that reduces his expression ability by a lot bc he's the most expressive with daniel, and when daniel's not there he's just _ . not even -_- he's just _ because he doesn't show his eyes so zoe can't even begin guessing what he's thinking. mira only gets him bc she's got the Nice Person Telepathy (it's called years of dealing with tsuntsun zack = pro body language reader)
i'm not gonna lie about jay he's very competitive towards her bc in his eyes zoe has a bigger chance than crystal? mainly bc crystal is so mean to daniel homegirl has 'Men DNI' in her eyes she exudes that energy while jay is hong jay homosexual gay and he's like yo. daniel please look over. hot boy in the area.
jay has never thought of out-sexy-ing zoe tho. zoe's assets are her medium is premium booba (she's only b cup but south korean average cup size is like a small a) and all jay has is his flat chest. even lookism tumblr barely believed in his booba until 2% of almost 300 people suddenly went actually it exists
3. jay & ryuhei
blond 🤝 motorbike 🤝 bathrobe + bath lovers (ryuhei is The Biggest onsen lover and you can fight me on this + jay is canonical bath haver) 🤝 in love with a dark haired person who will probably never look at them the way they want them to.
i hc they actually met once while being on their bikes, but both of them had their helmets on (bc safety first! daniel/mitsuki would be sad/annoyed if they died riding their bikes which is not ideal). ryuhei nodded over like 'yo nice ducati dugati bro' and jay nodded back like 'thanks bro' and it was a moment of Mutual Understanding bc of Biker Language
also i just really wanna know how they would interact in canon? my hc of them meeting was off-screen bc i'm sure both of them have more to do with their lives but what if they fought each other. weapon user to weapon user. kali arnis user jay vs ryuhei with his chain bat. two blond boys trying to bonk each other to death until they realize they're both simps actually. and then they bond via trash talk (ryuhei) and getting triggered every time ryuhei mentions romance (jay) and then bonk each other some more bc NO WAY THIS WEIRDO IS NOT MY KINNIE
4. jay & samuel seo
sanest person in the verse fights complete utter nutjob, but both of them believe that they are the sane person and the other guy is the nutjob. samuel seo's like WHO'S THIS BLOND FREAK WHY IS HE CHASING ME WITH A BB GUN and jay's like GET BACK HERE SO I CAN SHOOT YOUR GIANT TITS RIGHT OFF AS PAYBACK FOR BULLYING DANIEL. GET YOUR ASS HERE OR I'LL RIP YOUR BOTOX TITS OFF AND FEED IT TO MIRO AND EDEN BC 1) GOOD SNACK FOR THEM 2) MY PUPS ONLY DESERVE PREMIUM STEAK
tbf jay's not saying anything he's just exuding Murderous Energy (think jay in ch435) so ofc samuel's confused. this blond twink doesn't speak he's just chasing samuel with a bb gun
5. jay & gun
i've got more about the GunJay Parallels in another post which i am honestly too lazy to link bc u've probably alr seen it but i just wanna see the two daniel simps fight each other yk. i know jay's gonna get his ass beat to hell and back but i believe in Protective Hong Jaeyeol and Possessive Hong Jaeyeol rights like this perv is the guy daniel's been training with?? this is the bastard who basically tortured daniel bc daniel wanted to learn how to fight and be stronger??? oh boy the minute jay finds out about what gun did to daniel he'll sic the law on gun. or poison him
bc i believe in dumbhead!gun and STEM kid!jay supremacy.
jay, copying the anime he watched with daniel: お前はもう... 死んでいる!
gun, who received 0 intel about jay and wondering who tf this Blond Bastard™ is: 뭐?! この바보は누구
daniel, who only knows bits and pieces of jp bc he's an avid anime watcher: gun wtf is wrong with u.
daniel: also omg jay hi <3
jay, immediately: /////// <3
(that's him blushing btw)
i also want more interactions with jay and vasco and jay and zack and jay and johan and-
i could go on forever
thank you for the ask jann! wow this is. long
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seikilos-stele · 11 months
At one time, I was a prolific writer, now I’m a busy commentator who flings an idea now and then when people seek me out. The one thing that did not change in either role was that I could not work on more than two projects at the same time -possibly three-otherwise, they would begin to influence each other. Perhaps I have a limited attention span.
Today, I opened my in-box to no less then ten of your potential projects, and at least four WIP.
That was today. In actuality, I believe that you have about seven WIP that have been active in the last ten days. I want to know a few things about both the ability and the methodology for managing this many projects.
First, I want to note that while all the WIP & finished projects are of the same Fandom, essentially, that is all they have in common. We have potential TV episodes, AU, OC, Angst, Hope, Illness and so forth. No easy bridges for immediate crossovers.
So what is the trick?
Do you keep each fic logged into your head so that you can pick them up at any moment? Do keep the detailed outlines close at hand, so you can review before you begin?
I can imagine that working on one fic my possibly inspire ideas for another WIP, or do all others remain outside your scope when actively writing? Do you ever conflate multiple WIP (bleed characteristics from one fic to another)
Do the 5X a character did this or that always begin as a group concept, or have you ever looked at prompts a say, “Hey! These ideas all share a them” and decide to combine them.
Finally, one of my absolute favorite collections of yours was the NighThrawn fics. At some point you broke them up up. Were they created originally to be a related collection?
I hope I’m not distracting the creative machine, too much!
Ooh!! No worries, I'm not doing anything creative at the moment 😆 I'm annoying my brother by practicing Louis Armstrong songs over his silent films. (Ain't Misbehavin'....fits really well with Sangue Bleu...somehow).
Um, let's see. I'd say that some days a fic really gets you. The long one I just wrote on Sunday, the 18K oneshot about a political prisoner coming home from the war and making friends with an "enemy" kid -- that's the sort of idea that comes at the right time, when you're in just the right mood, and you can breeze through it in just a few hours. It's like the stars align and everything goes perfect.
But most of the time I just really want to write and I like to have a full stable of ideas to choose from. Like, it's easier if you can just pull up a list, scan through it, and pick one. You can write 1K, and then when you get sick of it, you can pick a different idea and keep going. Spit out another 1K, switch ideas, do another...
I don't keep them logged in my head, I 100% forget all about them as soon as I switch to a different fic 💀 The only reason I get anything done is because Google Docs always suggests your most recent documents to you when you open it up in the morning. As soon as it stops suggesting a doc I basically forget about it forever. I definitely need the outlines to refresh my memory, and I've sometimes had to stop working on fics because I wrote my outline down in two different spots and can't find it or remember where I was going. Very bad memory for that stuff.
Hmm, as for conflating multiple WIPs, or ideas bleeding over, definitely yeah. Sometimes a seed will be planted in WIP 1, develop a little in WIP 2, get more interesting in WIP 3, and then become fully realized in WIP 4. To go back to the political prisoner fic, you've seen how that works. It's like:
What if this character was a political prisoner, and he got rescued, and then later he moved back to his hometown and met--
Oh shit BUT WHAT IF that traumatic incident I mentioned in Chapter 2 actually also involved Character B!
OOH and then what if Character A and B were both rescued by C--
Wait a second back to Idea 1, what if B and his wife were there at the end, and they--
OOH WAIT I really want to write that idea with the kid, back in his hometown, let me just--
Hey hang on a second I could totally finish Idea 1
And why have I never addressed A's abandonment issues? I'll mention that right now, in Fic #1, but I really need to add it to Idea #4 and write that as its own oneshot...
And for now, 6/7 are written, so that's not a bad record. I hope to do the last one soon. It was the same with Thrawn fics, you'd be halfway through a oneshot with a set plot when you suddenly think of a cool touch that you'd love to explore more, so you finish that fic and immediately start another one, where you go really in-depth. Or you think, "I would love it if this horrible whumpy trauma happened, but I really can't justify it with this plot. I should construct a whole DIFFERENT plot so I can write this scene!"
Hmm. I don't think I've actually done a 5 Times fic that started out as separate ficlets. I wish I did that more. It would work better. Usually, I come up with the 5 Times title and then wrack my brains trying to contrive six entirely different scenarios that are still interesting to read.
For the NightThrawn fics -- well, I got really into Thrawn/Pellaeon, but I didn't feel totally at ease with their voices and personalities. So I had a word generator spit out 30 prompts for me, and I wrote one quick and easy Thrawn/Pellaeon fic per day for a whole month. A little while later I realized how few NightThrawn fics there were, and it really upset me because NightThrawn was THE pairing for me after reading Thrawn 2017. I was totally flabbergasted that people shipped him with Eli! So I applied the same treatment, I grabbed a list of 15 random words and started writing. 15, not 30, because I had to prioritize a collab with NadiaYar. (Well, I mean, I love writing with Nadia. Any collab with her takes priority over whatever random time-waster I'm fiddling with for fun XD)
I think I originally posted them as separate ficlets -- then changed my mind and re-uploaded them as a single multichapter collection. And changed my mind again, and re-uploaded them all as separate ficlets XD Back then, too, I was always juggling WIPs. I remember the 30-day Prawn ficlets were coming out at the same time as Signal Lost // Contact Regained, so every day I was writing about 1K for Prawn and then racing to SLCR to complete my daily chapter and maintain my posting schedule. That got really frantic toward the end. I had a good head start but I ended up taking a month or two off SLCR entirely before I regained interest and wrote the ending.
OK I think that's all XD Thanks for asking, I'm really glad to see the Asker's Studio is back. It was a really bright moment for the Thrawn fandom imo and you made a lot of fic writers happy with questions like this. Your brand of insightful commentary and questioning isn't common in fandom these days -- and I'm sure it was NEVER "common", but even less so now, as fandom becomes more mainstream. So thanks again, and I can't wait to see who else you asked, and read their answers.
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tragedyslayer · 1 year
Neteyam x female reader! Part 1
In a universe where Spider has an older sister who happens to be on the wrong side.
Neteyam x female reader
Part 2
Characters are both 18
Warning I will use as vague descriptions as I can, however I expect throughout this fic there will be some specific mentions of hair length, body type, height, etc.
I'm new to writing fanfiction so I hope I don't write this horribly. Spider having a sister completely throws off the original plot of the movie so FYI I intend on straying pretty far from the movie as far as the story line goes. If anyone has recommendations for things to include in this fic I would absolutely love to hear them. This will be a slowwwww burn, or at least thats how i'm planning it. I hope at least one person can enjoy this lol, so enjoy!
It was time, The day I would return to the planet I was born on. The day I would return to my brother, my father, my planet. Only it was not a day to celebrate, because I was only returning to destroy it all. 
The inside of my cheek was raw, all I could do was gnaw on my own flesh as I waited for my father to be reborn into his new body. I wish I could say I missed him, but it was quite the opposite. He was the last person in the galaxy I wished would have the opportunity to live twice. He died when I was young, I grew into my own without his help. It was a weird feeling to suddenly have a father again. I wanted something to go wrong, maybe who he was before would be lost and he could start fresh. Perhaps our ship would depressurize and we would all die instantly, unfortunately all the hoping and wishing in the world could not prevent the inevitable.
I raised my head at the commotion taking place in the room behind me. He was awake, freaking out at the sudden transition from not existing in any form to now being an avatar. I sighed, glancing backwards, and sure enough, it was my father.
Two days had gone by since we landed back on Pandora, my father was spending his time catching up on everything he had missed over the past 15 years. While I spent my time doing less productive things. My entire life I was trained to be a soldier, to follow in my fathers footsteps. Though I always felt like I was fighting a war that wasn't mine.
 I was fortunate enough to also receive my very own avatar, however I wasnt willing to commit suicide in order to be Na’vi permanently. Besides, I always believed that it isn't right to claim a race that isnt my own. The Na’vi people were spiritual, sacred. I may not be able to stop the human race from colonizing their culture, but I could at least not take part. Well not any more than I was forced to.
My thoughts were cut short by a commanding voice through my door.
“Soldier, it's time.” I thought it was funny that my father refused to call me anything but soldier since he's been back. I suppose he missed out on too much to still recognize me as his little girl. I didn't feel a need to respond as I got off my bed, if you could even call it that, opening the door. “Yes sir”
I followed my dad and his team through the forest of Pandora. I had been in my avatar before, countless times actually. It was good for me to train in the same body as the enemy, so I could have even a chance to best them. But nothing could have ever prepared me for the feeling of being Na’vi in the thick of Pandora. In my avatar from all my senses were heightened, and all my physical abilities were multiplied, but getting to use this body in the environment it was originally adapted for is like nothing else I've ever experienced. 
I watched from a distance as my squad poked and prodded at my dads final resting place. Funnily enough I remember coming here as a kid, Grace and Jake, I was so young. Now I was meant to kill my childhood companions on sight if given the opportunity. I truly can't understand my dads thirst for murdering Jake Sully and everything he loves. You would think he'd learn to let things go after two decades, but I never knew him to be the forgiving type.
A twig snapped. It was far, but not out of reach for my heightened blue ears. Something about the sound forbade me to let it go. It was so slight and quick that it could have been a hundred different things. Though my heart was telling me something far different.
While the rest of my squad was still distracted, and my father was still caught up examining his own corpse I slipped through the tree line. I was thankful for my experience with the avatar, navigating quickly, and silently through the foliage was much easier for me than any of the other avatars team human still had.
I stopped as soon as I saw them. It was a group of kids, besides one that seemed to be closer to my age, and a human boy. My throat dried as I watched them. My baby brother, it had to be him. “Miles” I whispered to myself. Next my eyes focused on a toddler she looked to be no more than 7. These kids had no idea what the hell they were getting themselves into. How naive could they be, a pit in my stomach grew at the thought of my father finding them.
The anxiety I felt for my brother and his friends swelled in my chest as I looked back over to the abandoned shuttle to see if anyone had noticed my disappearance. I let out a shaky breath in relief seeing that none of their positions had changed. I turned my head towards the Na’vi children, seeing that the eldest had disappeared from the group. My ears lifted as I raised my guard. It could have been in my head, but I didn't feel unseen anymore.
“Take the bow off your back and throw it to the ground.”
My head shot in the direction of the voice. It was the older Na’vi boy. I almost wanted to smile, no one has ever been able to sneak up on me before. These warriors were nothing like American soldiers, the reality of that has only just set in. I raised my hands in submission looking the man in the eyes. I examined his body, he was holding a knife out to me but he wasn't in striking distance. 
“I don't want to hurt anybody.”
 I admitted reaching for the bow on my back. The boy narrowed his eyes at me, obviously not having it. I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment, realizing that no one in their right mind would want to hear out a human.
 “Listen, if I wanted to I could draw an arrow before you would even realize I'm doing it, but I'm not.”
 I whispered slowly, taking the bow off my back. My reasoning only seemed to agitate the boy as he gripped his knife harder. I internally scolded myself for not being better with words, even when pleading for my life I seemed arrogant. 
Both of our attention was drawn away from the stand off at hand. My squad was currently capturing my brother's friends. The boy took no time to dart towards their direction, I grabbed him by the arm, pushing him behind a tree out of any wandering eye's line of sight. He glared at me, opening his mouth in protest and confusion. I muffled him with the palm of my hand, looking into his eyes. I gave him a pleading look, wordlessly begging him to trust me a second longer. His hard gaze softened and for a moment I felt a mutual understanding with him.
“I can help you”
 My voice was almost silent as I pulled my hand down from his mouth. I glanced over his shoulder to find my squad walking the Na’vi group towards the abandoned ruins. 
“Follow me”
 I picked up my bow off the ground and dashed toward the two groups. My stride came to an abrupt stop as my arm was tugged. I glared at the culprit, 
“what the hell are you-” 
The boy cut me off and I closed my mouth. I heard bird-like sounds in the distance, they were almost indistinguishable to the natural noises of the forest. I doubt I would have noticed them if they had not been pointed out.
I gave the boy a questioning look, hoping for some kind of explanation.
“We have to go”
He urged, turning to the other direction. I was still confused, and wanted to ask this boy a million questions, but I settled on following him blindly. Some feeling deep in my gut possessed me to stay close behind him. It may have gone against all the training I've ever done, but I trusted this Na’vi boy more than I trusted my father. I turned my head backward as we fled, wanting another look at both my father and brother together. I heard the whistle of an arrow cut through the air before it shot a man from my squad in the heart. The precision and distance was bone chilling, I was thankful the boy allowed me to come with him or else I could have suffered a similar fate.
After a short while of running through the forest we came to a clearing and he slowed, I stopped behind him. I took a moment to take in our surroundings. The forest canopy opened above us allowing gabs of sunlight through the clearing. I had never seen anything so breathtaking. Everything was so still, but I could feel the surge of life all around me. I looked back to the boy who was already staring back at me. 
“Why did you save me”
I questioned, If I was in his position I can't say I would have done the same. 
“You said you would help.”
I pressed my lips together, sliding my bow behind my back. 
“I meant I would help you and your friends not get killed, but it seems you didn't need my help.”
The boy shook his head, taking a step closer to me. He had a confident presence, but it didn't feel threatening.
“We do need your help.”
My face contorted in skepticism. Why would he want my help, why would he trust me so easily. Everything about the situation I found myself in was hard to wrap my head around.
“How could I possibly help you?”
He took in a frustrated breath, running his hand over his braided hair.
“You're a sky person mm? But you offered to help me. To help us. You aren't like them.”
I shook my head,
“You shouldn't assume things”
He continued,”I am not assuming. I know.” 
I mumbled in response “Skxawng (stupid)” 
His eyebrows raised in surprise after hearing a foreigner speak his native tongue. I didn't know what to do, it was unrealistic for me to agree to help him, before long they would figure out where I was and who I was with. It would be Jake Sully's betrayal all over again. And yet I found myself wanting to agree.
I gasped looking back from the direction we came from. 
“Miles” I whispered looking back to the Na’vi man, continuing before he could question what I was saying.
“The boy, the human boy. Who is he?” 
I urged, to think he had been here all this time. Living amongst the enemy, all he knew was this foreign world.
“Spider? He's our friend, our brother.”
I shook my head, impatiently continuing my interrogation. 
“But where did he come from?”
The boy looked at me with furrowed brows, making a shrugging gesture as he spoke,
“He is the old military commander's son, when he died Spider had nowhere else to go.”
I covered my mouth in shock. I was so sure it was him but hearing it confirmed, it made it so real.I really saw my brother, and he really lived a happy life here on Pandora. He really had a family, and I really wasn't a part of it.
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jeskaim · 3 months
Outlaws of Thunder Junction and Modern Horizons 3
I know these have been out for a couple of weeks but I never really got around to writing about them until now. I've been busy with work and it was my birthday last month and I went on a trip to Las Vegas where I first saw these. So here are my thoughts:
Outlaws of Thunder Junction
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I've been looking forward to this set since it was revealed late last year because we've never had a wild west set before. After the war with the Phyrexians and Omenpaths now a thing which nonplaneswalkers can use to get to other planes it was kind of given that we would see other characters in this set like Tinybones and Fblthp. Fblthp seems perfect for this set because he's always ending up in places he shouldn't be and with Omenpaths I'm expecting to see him pop up in other places (assuming he doesn't die in this set). I'm not surprised to see Oko in this set since he was in the preview art but his Planeswalker card is a little underwhelming which to me is a good thing. This is nowhere near as powerful as Thief of Crowns (remember when he was all over standard before he got banned in Standard, Modern, AND Legacy because he kept turning things into elks?) but he has potential. I've already come across a three-card combo with him with Doubling Season to get infinite Oko tokens and card draws but I can't remember the third piece. I'm also not surprised to see Vraska in this set for the same reason as Oko. I like the artwork that's been revealed so far with her sitting at a poker table with everyone else petrified. I also can't tell if she's still compleated but with her tentacles she might still be. One of the cards I'm most excited for is the new Sword. I have a Sword collection of all 11 Swords (including Sword of Dungeons and Dragons) so I'm excited to add a 12th Sword to my collection. I can definitely see myself putting it into Kess because it fits right in. I can't wait to find out more about this set. We already know what crimes are (for those that don't know you commit a crime is when you target something of your opponent's with a spell or ability) but I'm curious to learn what Plot is as seen on Fblthp but based on the text it's an alternate casting cost of some kind.
Modern Horizons 3
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Here we go for round three of Modern Horizons and from what we've seen so far it's going to be as good as the previous two. Hopefully it won't be as format warping as the last one but we still have a lot to find out about it. First of all I'm glad we're getting allied fetchland reprints. They're long overdue for a reprint and since we got the enemy set in two it's fitting we have allied in three. Considering they usually go for $20 to $40 right now these are much-needed. Just like last time it also seems there's a cycle of cards that you can pay an alternate cost for. So far all we have is the green one but it seems like you have to sacrifice a nontoken creature. For the debuts from vintage sets I'm glad to see Priest of Titania getting reprinted in this set because it'll really go well in my elves deck I built way back when I played at Tradesmart. It was my first "netdeck" and was recommended to me by another player because I built a general elves deck using cards from the Freyalise commander deck. It still has a place in my heart because one of my favorite colors is green so I might have to find room for it. Laelia I'm a little surprised to see in this set. I play Magic Arena on a daily basis and sometimes I see her in historic mono-red. She has potential in modern in some decks like mono-red prowess but we'll have to see.
That's all for now. My next post will be when we have more cards spoiled from Thunder Junction or MH3, whichever one comes first.
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nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
are you still taking asks for ao3 wrapped by any chance? (no worries if not!) if so - 9, 12, and 30? (for 9 it can be a platonic/familial relationship rather than a "romantic" pairing :D)
Hello Milk! I'm always taking asks so thank you for stopping by! 🥰 🥰 I tried to answer this and then it all got deleted. So this is take two.
9- Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
I'm not gonna do romantic for this one, because I don't really write romantic couples that much. The closest I ever came to that was writing about SQ and Kate's canonically dead parents for a few short chapters right before they died. So...let's do platonic/familial.
For platonic/familial, I'd have to go with the Benedict siblings or Curtain and SQ. I love writing about this broken family, especially since the show teased us with it in absolutely the worst possible way. They gave us "SQ is Curtain's son" "Here's a scene of Curtain caring about SQ" "Now here's a scene of him emotionally abusing SQ" "Now here's a scene of SQ talking back to him. They must have a good relationship if he has the confidence to do that." "But wait! Now he's on a boat and totally calm. What happened there?" "Oh nvm he's on a walk now. Btw the twins have an evil sister 🥰".
Like...you can't just give us that and then walk away like nothing happened. You can't tease such a good plotline and then drop it. What was even that? No. Plot like that deserves it's due. And that's what I hope to give it.
12- How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
The correct answer to this question is none, because I have a ton of classes next semester and am going to have absolutely no free time.
However, the answer for if I magically teleported to a world where I had nothing better to do than write fanfic all day...
Finish SOS (obviously. And don't worry: I promise, it does have an ending. When and how it ends is my business).
A fic about Nicholas' time in between when he gets separated from Nathaniel and when the Emergency begins
The fic I mentioned to you a year ago about Nathaniel getting out of prison and trying to reconnect with Nicholas and adult SQ
The fic @kaslynspeaks asked for about Constance and Kate being academic rivals striving to be the worst student (here's my pitch for that).
I also have the idea for a fic that draws parallels between the show and book versions of the characters
I could also elaborate on everything I wrote for the TMBS Villains AU (which details scenes/scenarios in which each of the society kids could fall to the dark side, why, and how they'd come back).
So many crack/crangst fics about...gosh I don't even know what but I'm sure the ideas will come. Jeffers getting attacked by Madge is already one that I have in consideration.
I have some vague ideas for potential Star Wars and Wolf359 fics that I'm sure some of my other mutuals would love, but as I mentioned, time is not on my side when it comes to having the ability to write all my ideas (and I still need to react to and finish Wolf359 first).
30- Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Well, since this is the first year I've written any fic, the biggest surprise would be the fact that I can write at all. The fact that I can write so much. The fact that I actually have written so much of SOS (not that I can say how close we are to the end yet). But I was planning to stop SOS after chapter 8 if no one was reading, just enough to get the bees out, and hey, hopefully someone would like it. But now it seems a lot of people like it, and I'm very grateful for each and every one of you who has read, left kudos, commented, and bookmarked any one of my fics, because it encourages me to keep writing. Giving you all the biggest of hugs, and I hope everyone reading this post as a wonderful holiday because you all deserve it.
Thanks again for the ask Milk! 🥰🥰🥰
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Higher Intervention: Aemond x FemReader (House of the Dragon x Sandman fanfic) Part 9
Disclaimer: This is a fanwork to show appreciation for the intellectual properties used. I also haven’t read Fire and Blood and most if not all that I know is from the TV show.
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Premise: Alys Velaryon, older twin sister of Jace Velaryon is the only member among Rhaenyra’s children whom Aemond cannot completely hate. As their love story progresses, a newer and larger threat complicates things and reveals discoveries that neither the greens or the blacks had ever imagined.
AN: This is one of the chapters that I was looking forward to writing (because everything is starting to come together and revelations are going to be made). Like the last scene from Part 8 plenty scenes from this was the reason I was inspired to write this story.
If you wish to read the previous parts (which I recommend you do if you haven’t read them yet):
Part 1 / Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
Taglist (comment down below if you want to be included): @winxschester @memento-mora @mxrgodsstuff @thepowerstoner
Also tagging:
@lady-phasma @aemonds-war-crime @adderess @princeaemonds because some of their ideas of Aemond have undoubtedly influenced my work.
"You haven't done anything. You are not obligated to force yourself to feel anything for them." Aemond tells you as you carry a basket with all three sleeping dragons inside it laying on top of a few layers of napkins. There was no denying that as they still sleep waiting to be awakened by you that though their creation was not ideal, they were innocent and adorable.
"Why - why must this happen to us? Am I not allowed to be happy for once?"
"Don't - don't do this to yourself raqiarzy. I'm not losing you again. You heard the Storm God last night, Balerion is the only God who has survived the Doom of Valyria. That means even he can be destroyed."
You both enter the private dining hall, the same place where long ago the King made his attempt at trying to make peace with both sides of a divided family. The same night that Larys Strong drugged you and somehow placed you Criston Cole's bed.
Sensing your anxiety, Aemond puts a hand in the small of your back. Rubbing that spot until you had calmed down a bit as you relaxed your grip a little bit on the handle of the basket.
"Ready?" You nod, and he opens the door going in. The layout was generally the same with some tables added in. Corlys, Rhaenys, and Daeron now joined you, as well as some Hightower relatives that you had yet to be familiar with.
This time instead of Aegon it was your beloved Aemond sitting to your left as you sit across the King and Jace sits to your right with Baela to his own right.
However this wasn't a dinner gathering. You all had dinner before coming here.
This was a discussion on what happened last night and what to do about it.
First you explained your first discovery of your powers and abilities. But because it would have been more dangerous to admit it to anyone you tried to find the solution on your own and that in Dragonstone you found a prayer book to Balerion. How you have been praying to him ever since you were 16 and how it seemed your prayers just remained unanswered.
"When I first arrived here and once I've settled in I rushed to the library to see if there was anything that could help me control my powers over fire. It was getting frightening for me because of how unpredictable my control over it was. It was why I always went around with a napkin in my pocket because I don't know if the next time I sneezed sparks - which I guess was lightning now - would fly out and may injure someone. And as I found out about the God of the Heavens based on what literature we have on Saathi culture, that was when Ser Ion - Balerion...first introduced himself to me in his form. You all know how I was introduced to Ser Arari - I mean the Storm God...and Ser Kormy...the Red God."
"Have you prayed to the Red God?"
"Only a few prayers my Queen. But I thought they just went unanswered just like my prayers to Balerion. I didn't know who else to turn to and all of you were busy plotting against each other. Possessing dragons to be used against each other was dangerous enough, what more someone who has abilities over controlling the energy in blood, but who lacks control over her fire and lightning abilities?"
"Then why did you confide these things to my nephew and not to us?"
"She confided in me after I promised not to reveal it to anyone. And had we continued fighting I have no plans on her getting involved since it is because of her gifts that my father is still with us now."
"Alys...did you know of their feelings for you?"
"Only Ser Kor-the Red God's admiration for me. He has had that since we first met but I didn't return them and I turned him down as gently as I could. For the other two, Ser Arari just nodded when I rejected him and silently turned around despite me saying that we could still be friends. And Ser Ion ... Balerion was really upset but I tried to explain that he's an important friend by being one of my confidants here in court. I - I don't know what else to tell them mother."
"And now the realm is at risk once again. All three of them have offered to make you a Goddess."
"With all due respect Lord Hightower, I don't desire any of them. I don't even desire being a Goddess. What scares me is the power they have over things that can hurt us and this realm."
"In hindsight perhaps had we noticed earlier perhaps we could have been of more help to you. I'm sorry for this granddaughter and son."
"But let me ask - just so we're clear. Who would you choose if you didn't have anything to fear?"
Everyone anticipates the answer.
"I would still choose Aemond my Queen. It had always been Aemond. "
The Queen sighs in relief.
"Are you satisfied mother?"
"I am."
"Now." Daemon begins as he stares at the basket.
"What do we do about your nameday dragons from your suitors?"
"Father they're just babies! I haven't given them the command to wake up and start living." You couldn't help but put an arm around the basket to bring it closer to you. Almost like a mother putting a hand on her womb.
"I agree, Daemon they are harmless."
"For now."
"It seems your Step-father has not observed that your three new dragons are literally made for you."
"And it seems the hand here has not observed that these are not just ordinary dragons that has been given to my daughter."
"Otto, Daemon, please!" The King says as he ends the on going infighting between the hand.
"Am I to understand Alys, that they remain asleep and has only been sleeping?" Lord Corlys asks finally joining in the discussion.
"Yes, it seems that way grandfather. It seems they don't need food or anything more, and they don't appear to be growing. But it's just been one day so far."
"What are you getting at Corlys?"
"Your grace I believe that as long as they remain asleep, her nameday dragons are harmless. There are more pressing concerns that we should prepare for like the Storm God's ice dragons. An entire species of dragons that no dragonrider here has any experience with." An ominous tension arrives in the room. He had a point, while all dragonriders here have experience with fire breathing dragons, last night was the first confirmation that ice dragons were real and allegedly could be giant.
After all one of your baby dragons was an ice dragon. Unlike ordinary snow or ice, this divine ice did not melt away.
"We'll need to begin gathering everything we can about Ice dragons."
"We'll also have to choose carefully whom we get such information from." Princess Rhaenys added.
"What has the Storm God shared with you Alys?" She asks, or rather she orders you to say it but it was veiled through a question.
"The Saathi and Loreth have mages that specialize in lightning and ice magic. He hasn't told me about the ice dragons but he has shared that it is because of these mages that the Saathi were able to thrive in such harsh environments without much access to animals that provide fur, unlike the wildlings beyond the wall or our Northmen here."
"Speaking of Northmen I propose we also invite Lord Cregan Stark in this discussion." Jace says, speaking for the first time that night.
"Your drinking buddy?" Aegon asks in disbelief.
"He's the leader of the house which leads the North. If anyone knows how to deal with harsh winter environments, it's going to be him. If we get him involved, plenty of the northern houses will follow."
"We will also need to start recruiting magic users as well." Rhaena joins in.
"Especially the ones who have experience dealing with each of her Divine suitors."
"Tsch and you think mere mortal mages could protect us from their wrath once Alys rejects them?" Daemon brings up a good point. That was also one of your fears, the repurcussions to either the realm or to everyone else. If it was just you then you believe you could endure it. But knowing the stories involving the wrath of Gods...
"It's better than nothing father."
"Have you not heard the Storm God's offer to your sister last night? He offered her the sky. How are we going to hide anything from there?"
"Do you see the sky?" You hear a familiar voice say in your mind as everyone else begins discussing and arguing.
Your instincts were trying to tell you something.
"Alys?" You hear Aemond call back to you.
"Alys? Are you still with us?" Your mother asks gently but firmly.
"I - I think I need to see something in the window for awhile. I don't know why my instincts are telling me this. Excuse me." You hear them continue their discussion while feeling Aemond's gaze on you. You turn and nod to him, and after your assurance he joins back in the discussion.
Once you reach the window and gaze at the dark star filled sky you take a breath.
Allow the memory to flow through you.
Soon it didn't take long.
Like where you were now, you were gazing at the dark star filled sky.
"Do you see the sky?"
"Yes daddy it's so beautiful!" You were a little girl and you felt him carry you with ease in his arm.
"Would you like to add more stars?"
"Yes daddy! Oh and can you make them into an elephant? Or or a dog?" You hear him chuckle as warmth and familiarity now flood your heart and being.
"There is already a dog and elephant Jessamy."
"Huh? But I couldn't see it!"
"Here, imagine the dots being connected." He uses his pointer finger from his free hand to draw imaginary lines connecting the stars to each other.
"Hmm I'm trying."
"Oh beloved just make a clearer picture." You hear her now very familiar voice.
"Mommy! Mommy can you sing the star song again?" You feel yourself ask as his arms carry you back to a very familiar woman.
"Twinkle twinkle little-"
"No mommy. The other one." She laughs a very familiar laugh as she joins you two gazing out the window. As he brings out a black pouch in your periphery.
🎵"Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And everything you do Yeah, they were all yellow"🎵
She puts you on her lap as she makes you face him and the window showing the night sky.
🎵"I came along I wrote a song for you And all the things you do And it was called Yellow"🎵
🎵"So then I took my turn Oh, what a thing to have done And it was all yellow"🎵
You remember watching him in amazement as he turns the sand into stardust.
🎵"Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful And you know, you know I love you so You know I love you so"🎵
🎵"I swam across I jumped across for you Oh, what a thing to do 'Cause you were all yellow"🎵
🎵"I drew a line I drew a line for you Oh, what a thing to do And it was all yellow"🎵
Like the artist he was he begins painting a clearer picture in the star filled sky. In your waking life you were taught that it's the Universe who made the stars. But here in the Dreaming, anything was possible.
🎵"And your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful And you know, for you, I'd bleed myself dry For you, I'd bleed myself dry"🎵
You could see it now. The Elephant and the dog made up of stars in the sky.
🎵"It's true Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine"🎵
In the Waking world, the stars didn't move as fast. But here in the dreaming your father was able to make them move. And make the Elephant and the dog play together like in your favorite cartoons.
🎵"Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And all the things that you do"🎵
"Do you see them now Jessamy?" He asks you with a happy expression on his face. It's in one of these moments that you could also see the stars in eyes.
"Yes daddy. I love you so much!"
"Don't you love me too?"
"Yes mommy, I love you just as much as I love daddy. I'm half of both of you!"
You feel the memory end as you hear their laughter fade away.
And you feel yourself cry.
They were watching and guiding you all this time.
You were never alone. All you had to do was to dream.
No, you need to hold back your tears, you can't let your mortal family and your beloved be worried again.
"Your grace, the Holy women have arrived."
"Send them in."
You hear their footsteps as you finally remember your name.
You take your time to compose yourself. Making sure that the tears you've shed did not leave any stains and that your heart calmed down.
"There are a few questions we would like to ask you three."
It was then that you turned towards them.
Now you know why they seemed so familiar.
"The Three who are one."
Everyone turns to you puzzled.
Everyone except the Holy women.
"You just remembered who you are haven't you?" Reyna - the mother figure inquires with a knowing look.
"Alys, what is she talking about?" The King asks.
"We will let her explain before we answer any questions." Agnes - the crone says with authority. No one dared question her order. You go back and stand in between your family and the Holy women.
"This is going to sound crazy."
"Alys, three Gods proposed to you yesterday. How can it get any crazier than that." Aegon says as he takes another drink of his wine.
Aemond gives a brief glare at him then he goes to you.
"Whatever it is I'll be here."
"We are dealing with very unusual circumstances and we will need to know as much as we can." Corlys says as encouragingly as he could while also leaving no room for evading it.
And so right then and there you tell them about your dreams. Your dreams and your memories that have been returning back to you ever since your powers came to you.
"So what you're saying is you're a Goddess?" Luce asks as he struggles to comprehend what you are.
"She's more than that. She is an Endless. The personification of the forces of nature." Kara - the maiden clarifies.
"Gods and Goddesses are a mortal concept. They need beliefs to stay alive, your sister doesn't need anyone to worship her."
"After all she is the very life force of the Universe." The mother adds.
"Reborn in this lifetime in a mortal shell." The crone quickly says as the three of them now turn to you.
"Just to be sure"
"Do you"
"Remember your name?"
You nod before straightening your back.
"Vitality, Vitality of the Endless."
Suddenly the entire place changed. That's not the unusual part for you. By now you were more used to it than when you began.
What was unusual was all of your family to also join you.
"What is this? Where have you taken us?"
"Don't panic."
"This is her memory."
"One that you should all witness."
And there you were in all your Endless glory.
Pure energy, and yet very much human.
Or at least human like.
You were standing on front of Balerion, and behind him was one of his blood experiments.
The very reason why you are here.
"Don't bother hiding it from me Balerion. I already saw it. And long before then I had already sensed it." He smirks as he turns to face you.
"You are not going to do anything to me."
"You have used the very gift I gave you to violate my own laws!" He doesn't bother looking guilty.
"Why is it that when a mortal does it, it's called an experiment. But when I do it you're treating it as if I'm breaking the very laws of nature."
"Because you are. There is a reason why the dead must remain dead. The vitality in them has begun it's cycle of returning to the environment. By doing this you are breaking that flow and cycle."
"Then why is it that in your home dimension - as you call it - there is a being named Jesus Christ whose main appeal is that he has resurrected after being dead for three days!"
"Jesus Christ had Divine vitality before he died. That's why he didn't break the laws of vitality when he came back to life. I've told you before Balerion that if you want to deal with resurrection you can only do so by giving Divine vitality either long before a mortal dies or on the brink of their death. You can no longer give life to what are now bones of various creatures that are mixed together no matter how much blood and fire you use."
"Then what are you going to do? I'm not like all your other offenders. I am a God, and if you want to punish me you will have to punish my followers and worshippers too."
"That's not necessarily the case and you know it. I shall take back the gift of fire and energy that I have given you long before -"
"Glaesēt! Wait" Queen Meraxes puts herself on front of you. In your periphery you could see how your family becomes curious as to who she is.
"Meraxes, please move. Your son has broken my laws, I came as quickly as I could when Syrax called me through her sigil of the crossroads."
"Glaesēt please spare him. Let me take care of it. He shall be punished under Valyrian customs, please - please don't punish him under the laws of the Endless." You feel your heart breaking as you watch this from retrospect.
She was one of your best friends.
And she was doing her job - protecting her family.
"Please Glaesēt, for the sake of our love and friendship, spare him. Vhagar will personally make sure that he suffers the consequences of breaking your laws. Please - please don't destroy my son." You feel the tears that you tried to hold back. You remember this part a little too well.
"There will be consequences whether it is by my hand or not. At least if he were punished by my hand it would only be him who shall suffer."
"Glaesēt, please, he is the first immortal who has broken your laws. We Gods have to hold ourselves to a higher standard. If someone needs to be punished then punish me! His own mother! Punish me for allowing this to happen." You shake your head at her as you retort.
"You didn't know this was happening Meraxes, I won't let you suffer the consequences of his actions."
"Glaesēt, please let him suffer according to the hands of Destiny, your own grandfather."
You take a moment of consideration.
Looking back now you really shouldn't have hesitated.
"Please don't kill him Glaesēt. I will more than allow Destiny's design to be the one to punish him for his blood experiments."
"And what if Destiny puts me in that position? Will you stop me then from punishing him like how you are doing now?"
"If Destiny's design will put you in such position, then I shall not interfere."
And with a flash you all are back in the dining room.
All except the Holy women.
The three who are one.
Fortunately everyone decided to retire. Probably to digest what was discussed and revealed.
That night you were too exhausted to actively dream. But you also once again give and respond the mysterious cries for help that has been calling you. Now that you had remember most of who you are, you realize that these cries for help had been asking for your help by needing any life force you can give. This happened almost daily and it actually helped prevent you from being overpowered.
Which was why you awaken in shock and surprise as your handmaidens were pressing themselves in the corners of the room.
"Vereena? Kayla? What's going on?"
"We don't know my lady!" Vereena says as she embraces the basket where your sleeping dragons lay. She tries calming herself by focusing on the sleeping dragons. You couldn't blame her, they were adorable as they were just sleeping. And even the most reluctant person might be tempted to pet them.
"We were just preparing to help you dress when we heard noises coming from your dragon eggs boxes!"
You slowly go to the boxes where there were indeed noises. As you go closer you began to hear what seems like...children talking?
"It's still so dark!"
"OUCH! You're stepping on my tail!"
"Oh sorry!"
"Maybe I should just go back to sleep."
"Let me climb on your back, maybe I can open this thing."
"It's still too high. SOMEONE HELP!"
Deciding to take a chance you open the boxes and are met with the surprise of your life.
Six new baby dragons.
Who can talk.
They were all smaller than the average dragon hatchling.
But they can talk.
First in the box of four dragon eggs that Aemond had leant you long ago. Or maybe he had secretly intended of actually making them actual engagement gifts for you.
One dragon had a short neck compared to the proportion of its torso. It was white in an almost translucent way with black speckles all over.
Then there was a dragon in vibrant kastra colors with a notably long tail. It's scale's shifting color depending on the angle you see it. From blue to green then back to blue. It had white spikes on its dorsal area.
Beside it was a red dragon also with spikes not just on its dorsal area but also on its head just behind what would be the ear area. This time the spikes were black and on its sides and on the outline on its black wings was gold. Speaking of wings this dragon seemed to have the largest wings out of everyone in its box.
Last but not the least from this box was a black dragon with silver patterns in various spots on its body. Compared to its siblings it was the largest in the group of little ones. Another notable thing was that its tail was whiplike.
Next in the box containing the dragon egg that you were given and that you had kept. Was a hatchling whose colors were white and gold with red spikes and horns on its head. Notably the horns were small - or maybe small for now - and it was almost arranged like a tiny crown on its head.
And finally from Rhaena's box was a golden dragon with a light violet underbelly. It was smaller than all the others. Almost delicately snakelike.
"Oh it's the voice!"
"The one that helped us?"
"Yes, she's the one who helped us hatch."
"Oh wait a moment dears. Kayla can you please find another basket?"
"Yes my lady." She says as she rushes out in a hurry. Vereena has settled on the farthest part of the couch still craddling the basket containing the three sleeping dragons.
"Now, who told you that I was your mother?"
"The person with a hood and the book." Replied the black and silver little dragon.
"And then when we began going into a very nice place, there's a lady with wavy black hair that says you are our mama because you gave us energy and strength to hatch!" Says the white and gold dragon from your dragon egg.
So your mother and grandfather Destiny were the ones who told them. You don't understand the logic now, but given recent events you knew better than to question it.
"Oh Issa! They said that we were mōrqitta and our souls came from you." Says the Red dragon with black wings with gold highlights.
"I see."
"My lady, here's the basket. And his Highness is just outside your door with your parents, and the Queen." Kayla says as she gives you the larger basket.
"Wait what are they doing outside?"
"Um, they might have heard Vereena and I shriek earlier and might have thought that you were in danger."
"We're sorry my lady."
"It's fine girls. Prepare my dress for the day. Byki zaldrīzoti, I'll be putting you inside this basket and we'll be having some visitors once I'm ready to meet them alright?"
"Issa!" "Issa muña!"
You then gather your new dragon children and very gently place them inside. You were thankful that you didn't have an attire that required formality with more layers and you could be decent with just a few.
"Alys? Alys are you fine?" Your mother asks knocking on the door.
"We heard your ladies shriek earlier."
"I'm decent now mother. You may come in, we just had a surprise this morning."
They come inside and as expected were puzzled and shocked by seeing six very awake and very new dragons.
"Before you say anything, I am just as startled as all of you. And the three sleeping dragons are over here." You say as Vereena shows them the three sleeping dragons on the basket she has been holding.
"They hatched?"
"Issa and it took SO long." The translucent white dragon with black speckling says.
You were mildly amused by their expressions when they hear this.
"You can talk little one?" Your mother asks as she goes closer.
"Issa, why does everyone keep asking that?"
"Maybe it's because you bit my tail!"
"I thought it was an egg shell!"
"Zaldrizoti." You say with a firm tone, trying to imitate either of your mothers whenever you and your siblings would be squabbling.
Fortunately that did the trick as the white and black dragon and the kastra dragon settled down.
"Vaoreznuni muña." "Sorry mama"
"Mama?" Aemond asks you with an amused expression. You couldn't help but roll your eyes a little bit.
"I have no idea how I did it. But somehow ever since I awoke from my fiery rest I've been hearing some voices calling for help and since I had plenty of excess energy, I sent it to them almost everyday. And today they hatched."
"The hooded man with the book said that you were feeding us vitality. I don't know what that is but it felt really good." The tiny gold and delicate dragon said as she looks at the Queen in curiosity.
"What's that on your head?" The gold dragon asks her.
"Oh this?" The Queen asks as she points to the crown she was wearing.
"Are those your horns?"
Oh no.
Of all the people that had to be asked, it was the Queen and your future mother-in-law.
And of course your father was chuckling.
"You know, I'm beginning to like my dragon grandchildren."
"I'm so sorry your grace -"
"It's fine Alys, they are just children. It's not horns, it's called a crown."
"My lady the morning meal is ready. Your Grace, your Highness, Princess, Prince."
"Thank you Kayla."
"Alys I'll carry the basket with my talkative grandchildren. Why don't you carry the one with the ones still sleeping."
"Take care of them mother."
"What's talkative?"
You let them go ahead while you and Aemond take your time. You carried the basket with the divinely sleeping dragons gently rocking them.
"How are you my love? Now that you know my otherworldly nature. And that's only a day after I find out that three Gods want to marry me."
"If you think that's supposed to scare me, then it's failing. And learning of your other nature - at first I thought I would be overwhelmed, but I'm not. It explains why you've had the foresight to know that our infighting would lead to nowhere."
"Given how my current abilities are only a fraction of my actual power without my mortal shell, I'm quite relieved at how unphased you are." He leads you down a dark corner where you two share a deep kiss.
"I'm not going to lie." He says as he begins kissing the side of your lips giving you a moment to breathe.
"I'm looking forward to making love with someone who is practically a powerful immortal."
"You were about to say Goddess weren't you?" You tease as you pull him back for one last deep kiss. Teasing him even more as you decide to suck the tip of his tongue with yours.
"Mmm, careful now the children are sleeping." He says before sucking on your bottom lip.
"I just wanted to show my affection. Sadly you can't visit me now that I have curious little ones in my room."
"We don't have to do anything scandalous. If I visit and exchange a few kisses here and there while bonding with my future children, they might as well get used to it."
He leads you back in the public path.
"Something still doesn't make sense to me. Why do they think offering me immortality would make me choose them? I return back to my Endless self at the moment I die. Why offer me something that I already have?"
"They must not know. They believe that you are just a mortal with extraordinary power."
"Assuming that they don't know - why go after me? There are plenty of other mortals who also have powers. What about me that would make a God desire-"
Then your eyes light up.
Oh of course.
"Realized something?"
"Let's just say you and the rest of my family might be seeing more of my Endless family a little sooner than you might expect. I think I know who is behind this."
"How soon?"
"Possibly tonight - or however soon I can put the little ones to sleep. I don't want them anywhere near in case something should happen."
"Why not put Vereena and Kayla in charge? They're your handmaidens and I think the byki zaldrizoti would work their charm on them, they love children."
"Hmm true."
Later that night, after putting Vereena and Kayla in charge of taking care of all baby dragons - both talking and sleeping - all of you, except the King who had to rest, head to the courtyard. You initially wanted to do it on your own but they all insisted. Aemond you could understand, but your siblings, Daeron and Aegon? That was a surprise.
You return to the very place that you used to train with your divine suitors in both fire and lightning. It's hard to believe that now those are just memories.
"I don't know what will happen but just be ready for possible combat."
"What are you going to do?" You light up a fire that had sparks of lightning flowing through it in your hand.
"I'll be talking to a relative of mine your Grace. Someone whom I suspect has been behind this all along."
You turn around them and clear your mind.
Using the energy from your source you wave your hand from left to right then right to left slightly below it.
And your gallery emerges from the energy you used to summon it. One set of picture frames containing various floating sigils of your parents and the first generation of the Endless was on top. The other set slightly below held the sigils of your four siblings.
"Wha-what is -?"
"These are the sigils of all the members of the Endless. Except for mine since this is my gallery." You turn to them to give one final reminder.
"When in doubt please follow my lead alright?" After confirming that they've all understood. Lingering longer with Aemond to tell him without words that if anything should happen he's in charge. His expression confirms this and you now begin the part you've been dreading.
One final breath before you reach for the heart shaped sigil.
"Desire, it is I your niece, Vitality. I stand in my gallery as I hold your sigil. I have a few questions for you."
A large fire grows covering the space of the picture frame.
And then Desire's smirking face appears through the flames.
"My oh my how are you my dear sweet niece? Considering that you're calling me this way, it could only mean you got your memories back. Congratulations are in order."
"Thank you - but that is not why I'm calling you."
"Then allow me to open up a portal so that we can talk here in my chambers."
"No, I learned my lesson last time I went there unprepared."
"Then I shall go where you are."
"That's not ne-"
"Now." They speak behind you startling you. Here was the personification of Desire, attractive to all by their very nature. The fact that they were here in the same space with you and your family made this situation more dangerous.
"Well well look at my handy work. Not too much, not too little, just the perfect midpoint to make plenty...desire over you."
"So you did this to me?"
"Oh don't worry you were already beautiful. With Life incarnate as your mother I'm not surprised. I just made sure that you were irresistable to your three divine suitors." You were uneasy, Desire was not normally this forthcoming.
"Why?" At this, they chuckled sinisterly.
"Why? It's simple really. They thought they were immune to my powers. My powers of passion and urges, and impulses. Hahaha and they thought that they would never fall for a mortal. And now thanks to you, my point to them is about to be made."
"About to? They have all proposed to me when I have already told them that I don't desire any of them."
"Exactly." Their chuckle becoming more and more sinister.
"They all thought they were immune, and they are now about to be rejected by the very person they all want."
"And then I come in." You turn around to see a large woman placing a hook on her cheek.
"I'm excited to see you reject them Vitality. And my powers shall come over them and their followers, wanting to tear you apart for making their Gods serve you and not them."
"You - you two. You have made me both Helen and Paris! No matter what choice I make there's war?! When I've already done Destiny's task of preventing the infighting from escalating?!"
"Oh but sweet niece, you have already made your choice haven't you." Desire turns you to face Aemond who was quietly analyzing the situation.
"I can feel his urge to protect you from me, even though he could never harm me. And your feelings for each other match up so well. It would be a shame if I were to make any changes."
"Enough Desire." You hear a voice that you'd never thought you would hear.
"Why if it isn't Life, my big brother Dream's beautiful anomaly. Have you finally tired of my brother?" Your other mother, Life incarnate emerges from the shadows in all her Endless glory.
"Despair, release them from your existential and paralyzing dread. Desire, release my daughter. You both got what you wanted now go."
"But I still want more."
"You'll get more in the war."
"And what if I want it now."
"Then you will also have to deal with me." You hear the Sandman - your father's voice surround the courtyard. His normally enticing dreamlike voice now held the danger of one of his nightmares.
"Scared to show yourself brother?"
And then a gust of sand covered the room. But your eyes were strangely - or not so strangely- covered from the worst of it.
You find yourself transported back into the bedroom. All your dragons were asleep and your handmaidens have already left.
You feel drowsy, but you weren't afraid anymore.
After all your father just saved you.
You allow yourself to be brought into sleep.
This felt like a memory.
But it wasn't yours.
You were in a dark and firey place.
Your father enters the room and the large imposing winged figure turns to him and shows of control over the central fire.
"Hello Dream."
"Greetings to you Lucifer Morningstar. And to you Mazikeen of the Lilim."
A figure revealing it's half-faced deformity turns to him.
"Greetings Dream Lord."
Now you know which memory of his is this.
He had just freed himself from imprisonment and went on a journey to recover his three items of authority that was stolen from him. This was why he descended to Hell. He had recovered his pouch of sand, and is now going to recover his helm. He had to engage in a duel with Lucifer Morningstar.
"As the challenged, I set the meter and take the first move." Lucifer says now dressed for battle.
"Very well." Your father says with confidence. Similarly dressed for the duel.
"Make your move." While you have heard of him tell this story to you and your siblings, you couldn't help but get excited to see how it went.
"I am...a dire wolf. Prey - stalking, lethal prowler." Lucifer says at ease.
Momentarily the image of a dire wolf emerging from the darkness was shown in your mind.
"I am a hunter. Horse - mounted, wolf - stabbing."
An image of a hunter using his arrow shooting at the wolf.
Then showing Lucifer being stabbed on the chest.
Your father waits, preparing himself as Lucifer straightens back up. Face filled with contempt.
"I am a serpent. Horse-biting, poisoned toothed."
You were now less interested in the images that momentarily popped up showing the action. You were now more concerned as your father showed signs of being visibly poisoned.
"I am a bird of prey. Snake - devouring, talons - ripping."
And on Lucifer's cheek now lay talon scratchmarks across their cheek.
"I am a butcher bacterium. Warm-life destroying."
Your father falls down as his flesh was being devoured by bacteria. You wish you could help him but then you recalled that this was a memory.
"I am a world. Space - floating, life - nurturing."
"I am a nova. All - exploding, planet cremating."
Your father was burned. You were scared for him and wonder how he could return and fight back."
"I am a universe. All things encompassing, all life embracing."
Similar to one of your own memories of the Universe the image shown into your mind gave you a sense of wonder at the universe existing at all.
"I am anti-life. The beast of judgment the dark at the end of everything."
You were submerged in darkness as you suddenly feel overwhelmed with the sensations you were experiencing. You feel paralyzed in place.
"What will you be then, Dream Lord?"
A raven goes by your father's side. Matthew, one of your old baby - sitters in your lifetime as Jessamy Rizmon. He was helping and encouraging him as Lucifer taunts him.
"What can survive the anti - life?"
Your father looks at Lucifer and a realization comes to him after Matthew's encouragement.
"I am..." He stands up and looks at Lucifer.
"Hope." The room brightens and he returns to his normal self.
"Hope?" Lucifer repeats in dread.
"Well, Lightbringer? It's your move. What is it that kills hope?"
Lucifer relents and orders that your father's helm be returned to him. To get back at him Lucifer taunts him one last time.
"What power have dreams have in Hell?"
Your father smirks.
"...But to say that dreams have no power in Hell? Tell me Lucifer Morningstar, what power would Hell have if those who were imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?"
And then you awaken.
And you discover that it was a shared dream.
"After we were covered in sand I found myself back in my chambers." Aemond tells you as he escorts you to the dining room.
"The Dream Lord in my dreams duelling a being called Lucifer Morningstar in Hell. He's your father, isn't he."
"Yes, he is. I'm surprised that this was a shared dream, he normally doesn't do this."
Apparently he did this to everyone with whom he covered with sand to protect them against Desire and Despair. Despair was getting sneakier with her powers. She avoided touching you so you didn't notice that nearly everyone was gripped in despair. You only noticed when your Immortal mother ordered her to stop.
"Well, that solves the mystery of Priestess Kara's words." Your mother, the Princess Rhaenyra, says over the morning meal.
"It actually explains a lot of things." The Queen says as she breaks her bread and helps the King with his meal.
"Alys, you have a very powerful father! Now I want to meet him."
"Then after this meal you can go back to sleep Daeron. That's practically his domain."
"If you want I could tell that to Morpheus directly." Everyone pauses as they hear a voice. Seemingly from nowhere until a raven flies directly on front of you.
"Good morning Matthew."
"Good morning Vitality. Or do you want me to call you Alys? I just figured since you know, you now remember maybe it would be okay to finally call you that."
"It's fine, but maybe save 'Vitality' for when we are in private."
"A talking bird? It's real?" Jace asks trying to wake himself up.
"Technically I'm a dream. And my pronouns are he - him."
"You don't need to say that here Matthew."
"I just wanted to be sure. Oh hey you must be Aemond, Vitality's boyfriend right?"
You wanted to die of embarassment right then and there. Aemond turns to you amused and teasing.
"It's a term from a very long time from now. Matthew please use era appropriate terms. Aemond and I are already engaged now."
"Oh my bad. Let me try again. You must be Vitality's lover."
You face becomes hot as you could hear your beloved smirking as he chuckle.
"Yes, that would be me."
"On second thought Matthew, go ahead and just use boyfriend. Wait - why are you here?"
"Oh yeah yeah, your parents told me, to tell you to stop delaying the inevitable and tell your God suitors that you don't want any of them. They can't threaten or make themselves known to them until you do. Strike while the iron is hot so that they may finally be more present during the war preparations. Take advantage of them not really knowing you. That's all, now I'm going to go on my smoke break."
"Thank you Matthew. And smoking is bad for your health!"
"I was just joking! I'm not going to smoke, I'm going to vape." He says as he flies off.
"Do I want to know?" Aemond asks teasingly.
"You're better off not knowing."
But they were right, the sooner you could end this the better.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is one of my shorter chapters but I hope it was still good for all of you.
1.) Yellow is made by coldplay and the cover that I was thinking off while writing was by Kinna Grannis;
2.) The baby dragons were fun to write. Expect them to slowly make more appearances (and to finally have names);
3.) The Sandman characters are finally making their proper appearances (I have been waiting for them for awhile now);
4.) As a preview for next chapter - imagine the Driftmark scene wherein alliances become divided. Do you have that in your mind? Yes? Okay now imagine this time instead of the Targaryens, its more of a Godly, and Endless version (I think it's obvious who Desire, Despair, and Dream and my OC Life Incarnate, would choose.)
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Helck Volume 1: A Campy Reverse Demon Lord Isekai-esque Affair
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So let me explain my description a little bit. When you ultimately think of a "Demon Lord" you think of the Isekai trope that ends up a sandbox for the "Hero" to parade through. However, this is not an isekai, just straight up fantasy baby. Which makes it very interesting when you take a look at its background. Viz is just releasing this series in English this year, but it's already been completed in a total of 12 volumes in Japan. But, it's getting re-released. So, the original run was all the way back in 2014-2017, and since then the time's been filled with a single volume side story title Piwi: Fushigi na Ikimono and a prequel story that's ongoing titled Völundio: Divergent Sword Saga. It's only been in 2022 that Japan is seeing the re-release of this relic, that effectively predates the Isekai boom, which I find interesting.
Regardless, Helck itself. Definitely very campy. It satirizes the concept of War between Humans and Demons, but also clings onto a serious angle that looks elsewhere. It's really refreshing in that sense because it distances itself from a pure parody that can become a little monotonous, but doesn't try to force itself into being serious. I mean, just look at how stunning Helck himself is (no, Helck is not the character on the volume 1 cover).
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What keeps me comfortably confused though is perception. Helck predates the tropes that make it feel campy, but because of when English readers are able to read it, it comes off as camp regardless. Very curious.
Anyways, the whole idea is that the human hero defeated the demon lord in combat, prompting Demonkind to hold the seventh Demon Lord selection tournament. All good and well, but Helck is a human. A human in the tournament who is wiping the floor with his opponents and winning over the hearts of the demons watching the tournament take place. This first volume follows Vermilio (the Demon on the cover) as she attempts to thwart Helck's advances in the tournament while also trying to uncover his motivation for partaking in it.
Overall it's really a unique story that it wants to tell, and does quite well with its exaggerated humor. It certainly has a "classic" feel to it, and I can just hear Kisuke Urahara's VA (Shinichiro Miki) when reading the lines of another Demon (Azudra). It just has that feel to it, even in stuff like the abilities and concept of the world. The characters are measured in levels, but a way that turns it into comedy more than a cheaty ability or video game feature, and also features unique abilities that are classed by restrictions placed upon use. Sure, some of the concepts might seem a little dated, or similar to other stuff, but you have to remember: this probably came first.
Outside of that, there's really nothing else that's not spoilery to write home about, but there's also nothing to complain about. The art is good, and definitely fun, but it's not incredibly stellar by any means. Character designs are fresh and creative but not anything impressively detailed or totally unseen. It does everything well and without a crutch, which in a story like this, is a big plus side. Want to read about the story of a human trying to become a Demon Lord amidst the challenges that both Humanity and Demonkind are facing, but don't want to deal with the escapism and lazy self-insertion of isekai?
This is your best bet
So read Helck if you'd like, I'm sure the majority of people will enjoy it, but it probably won't be something that gets you immediately hooked, desperate for more. Personally, I'm certainly curious where it's going, but with Viz's bimonthly release calendar I'm in a pretty comfortable spot to just wait for the next volume to release in March.
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fluffomatic · 1 year
I'm curious about what happened in your dream!
Ahhh I'm glad ur curious! So I'm just gonna paste the story how I told my friend cause I don't feel like retyping it all. The only thing I changed was how I referred to them cause when I told her the dream they were still unnamed, undesigned characters. Hope you like a bit of a long read! Nothing too bad and I'm not going into a lot of detail but maybe one day I'll write a fic about it! Rest under the cut!
So basically, I had a dream with one of my antags warriors getting captured by Tanner and Anna. The warrior is a white-haired, expert magic user, so they secluded him in this white room, attached bracelets that weakened his magic abilities and removed his shoes, replacing them with "special boots". Sure, you can figure out what kinda boots they were, lol. I've been seeing others designing tickle shoes so I guess my brain decided it really liked it 🤣 So Ilkari didn't know what the shoes were at first and was demanding answers but he was ignored as the workers who changed his shoes left him in the room alone. He sat there waiting until suddenly the shoes slowly started filling with a liquid that made his feet more sensitive and shortly after the shoes flared to life. It started slow and very soft to let him know what exactly was happening. He was left a giggling silly mess. After a while of soft, gentle tickling, the boots get worse and worse until he's screaming with laughter. After enough time, Tanner shuts the boots off and joins Ilkari in the room. They take them off him and rub his feet to calm him down and starts to ask him questions about Lucifer. He quickly spills cause Tanner is actually nice to him, and he doesn't realize a leader could be nice. Embarrassingly, he realized he actually likes being tickled. Tanner gives him this belt thingy and sends him back to his old master. Tanner isn't gonna hold this guy prisoner, and he's too embarrassed to tell Lucifer what happened to him so they're fine. The belt is more like a corset that doesn't actually smoosh anything, lol. Basically, it's connected to this mannequin torso that Tanner has, and every time Ilkari is alone before bed, Tanner will tickle him via the mannequin. One day, Ilkari's friend, who is also a warrior, comes to visit right before the whole tickling thing is supposed to happen. His friend, Ulrich, looks like Thor but from the game God of War, but instead of red, long hair, it's shorter, and he's got a big beard. He's super tall and kind of stoic, but he has a soft spot for his friends. Big demon softy, basically. Ilkari tries to get Ulrich to leave but he won't and soon he's doubled over trying not to laugh. Ulrich is confused and he has no choice but to explain what happened, which was hard cause Tanner was going ham now so he was laughing like a maniac. Ulrich takes him back to Tanner's castle and they bring them both to their bedroom. They take the corset off of Ilkari and let's him rest as they and Ulrich sit and talk. After some time he realizes how much better Tanner is and they both decide to stay. And now they both get tickled by Tanner cause of course Tanner would try to tickle Ulrich too! They collect lees.
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🎀,💝, and 📡 for the writer ask?
Ah thank you for asking!
🎀 give yourself a compliment about your own writing
I have come a long way and am learning a lot! Honestly Ride or Die was a great experience for me, working on such a long, cohesive piece from start to finish like this has really helped me hone my skills. I'm not perfect, but when I look back at the early chapters vs. now, I can see the strides I am making.
I am in over 150k words in a single thematically consistant work, and am finishing up the final chapter and epilogue now! That's crazy to me. I can't wait to see what I do next.
💝 what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I'm still happy people are enjoying Dr. Victre and asking for an update what? 6 years later? 😭
I definitely have soft ideas for a reboot bouncing around. My current project is a lot. But Victre is on my mind.
Also as a person who is pertrified of the idea of parenthood to the point of being surgically sterilized, it is amusing to me how much more popular the two fics with characters who want to have those gralien babies are than the rest. I really thought the choking fic would do numbers, but it is the least popular. The people want those Pau'an babies and I have still not delivered (oops).
📡 why is writing and sharing your writing important for fandom?
From a superficial standpoint,
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Guess how many of these are me? (It's 6 of the 8) Lol
In a broader sense, I'd like to challenge the idea of what Xreader fics can and should be. Yes, it is an inherently self-indulgent media form. But I like to treat it as no less than any other kind of fanfiction. I put my whole heart and soul into creating vivid characters with their own place within the Star Wars universe. And plot. So much plot. Maybe too much.
I create works with tension, environment, themeing, build-up and payoffs. Characters with convictions, strengths, flaws, downfalls. Sinful delights and tragic downfalls. The joy is creating this elaborate story, place and time with this (usually) gender neutral, nameless character, and saying how do you end up in this situation? How do you react? How does the Inquisitor react? And how can I get you in bed together?
I love recieving prompts from folks because my mind is already coming up with these scenerios for fun, and I want to put shapes to the desires of others. I like being challenged, especially with a really difficult scenerio and making it make sense with the characters involved. For example, I'm trying to write a Temple Guard scene. It's difficult to imagine keeping our sentinel in character while having him slip in such a way, yet my mind puzzles through anyways. I have faith in my abilities to come up with something.
Again thank you! This was fun!
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