#I'm a multishipper ok?
jaylienpotter · 9 months
Lily: what's your favourite colour?
James: orange.
Lily: orange? No one's favourite colour is orange.
James: it is! It's the colour of the sun, I mean, the real colour. It's the colour of the sunset. The colour of the leaves during autumn, symbolosing change, a cycle, a new beginning. *pause* It's the colour of your hair. *looks at her and smiles*
Lily: *smiles*
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goeticprincecorbin · 2 years
Manifesting for in s3 ep2 Edric flirts with Hunter because with the hair, the new eye color, etc. Edric doesn’t recognise him, but Hunter doesn’t give that much of a reaction, then Willow shows up and says something simple like "Yeah, you do look cute." And Hunter blushes like crazy, then Edric is just like "I'm losing my game."
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starrysharks · 7 months
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the truth is out,,,,, i like drawing tall bishonen yaoiboys
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2ndsk8terboy · 4 months
Gordon just said he had a crush on you btw
-tattletale anon
Huh? You're joking, right?
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( @gideonnotgordon was this you or another Gideon???)
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krikeymate · 1 year
Chad: Mindy almost died... again! I can’t take this any more Tara, I... I can’t lose her. I have to protect my sister. We’re going home... I want you to come with me.
Tara, smiling sadly: It’s like you said Chad, I have to protect my sister.
Chad: How are you going to protect her Tara? You can’t even protect yourself!
Tara: Chad
Chad, reaching for her hand: Sam would want you to come with me, you know that’s true. And I... I want you to come with me, I need you with me.
Tara, pulling back: I’m part of the problem. It doesn’t matter where you run to. If I’m with you, you’ll never be safe.
Chad: That’s not true! They’re onl-
Tara: After Sam? C’mon Chad, I know you’re smarter than that. Besides... even if that were true... I’d still choose to stay.
Chad, tears welling in his eyes: I have to leave.
Tara, a single tear escaping her eye: I have to stay.
Chad pulls Tara in for a final kiss. He pulls back regretfully and walks towards the door.
Chad: Promise me this isn’t the last time we’ll see each other.
Tara: ...Goodbye Chad.
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psy-ay-ay · 9 months
i literally can't ship sasuke with anyone except sakura or naruto.
maaayybe suigestu if i want to think of a fun silly oneshot but that's it (the more i think about it, it becomes more of a fanart than a oneshot lol)
the sasuke in my head can only spare romantic feelings for naruto or sakura, there's no one else for him in the entire fucking world
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Thinking about James/Remus and seriously questioning why it's not a thing cause
1) the whole sun/moon lore I was talking about earlier
2) their shipname would be somn like "moonchaser" or "sunreader" or somn
3) it fits right into the running gag that James has a thing for people being mean to him
4) imagine all the possible angst mhmm mhmm Remus pining over James, finding out he likes his best friend, finding out she likes him back, losing him again and again ooooohhhhh just
5) but they're also perfect cause all Remus ever needs is to be loved and all James knows is to love someone else
6) ok but leave the angst, focus on the fluff. The possibilities omg friends to lovers just this time (minus all the usual angst that comes in wolfstar) and they're both just dumb oblivious idiots in love and it's so cute
7) thinking about all of this now I think what you said is right, people don't ship Remus with anyone other than Sirius but I think that's cause Sirius actually doesn't have many ships left then? Cause think about it like this: Sunreader, Bartylus, Marylily, Evan and Emmeline, Panda and Xeno, where does that leave Sirius? Sure Pete is there but...
8) ooooh ok going down this pipeline, for your consideration: Peter and Sirius. Omg it would make the "Sirius put in trial instead of Peter" thing sooooo much more ansgty ohhoo my brain is reeling rn
9) ok focusing back on moonchaser. They would make such a cute couple honestly. James would read all the books Remus reads and leaves lil doodles for him to find later. He would go to all the quidditch practices he can to support his bf. And he would right poetry and stuff about how hot James is.
10) ohhh They would share glasses omggg poor Remus grows up thinking everyone has shit vision then one day he wears James's as a joke and voila the world in HD
I'm so ngl, your influence on my brain has become on the best influences it has ever had cause omg all this potential all this angst and fluff I love this new me mhmm mhmm
hsirbdij omggggg I love this sm!!! thank you for sharing your brain with me.
sunreader sounds so gorgeous. I'm going insane. I love love LOVE the name!
1) yeah are literally the sun and the moon! they are perfect!
3) lmao. so true. I love the idea of remus being super sarcastic towards james and james swoons at every mean comment and tries very hard not to (he fails miserably)
4) urghhhhh not the unrequited feelings while having to be a supportive bestie trope (my beloved). I can imagine how mad it drives remus to watch them like each other, but being to scared to admit it. imagine the heartbreak when remus sees harry alias the combination of his parents
5) yesss. remus needs someone to love him even through all of his flaws, someone who isn't his parents and james who is literally the embodiment of love
6) "everyone can see it, but them" trope fr. it's them idfk
7) you make a fair point, but there are sooooooo many characters living in the marauders characters that no one ever uses. you could ship sirius with so many characters that no one ever talks abt (I'm currently working on a post with all the characters that I could find so that they're all in one place)
8) peter and sirius my loves <3 no one talks about them (me included whoops-). they have such a big angst potential that people just seem to be ignoring (once again bc most people refuse to leave the wolfstar bubble and just refuse to ship peter with anyone in general)
9) they would be the definition of tooth rotting fluff. they would make everyone sick with how sweet they are. couple goals fr
10) remus is me fr. the day I got my glasses was eye-opening lmao
glad to see that I have this kind of effect on people. I said it to you before but I'll say it again: welcome to the way more funnier side of being a multishipper hehehehe
also: I think I'm in love with you. marry pls, I'm begging 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (/j... unless)
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pheonix-inside · 11 months
I have this vague idea in my head of like. Post the end of btsv - let's say there's a happy ending and everything's fine - Miles and Gwen get together. Bc I like them and I think that's gonna happen anyway.
However, you see, I am a multishipper. And I like polyam ships. And I like Miles and Hobie as well.
So let's say Gwen and Miles are together and very much love each other, their relationship is good probably not without bumps but not strained or anything. But Miles also, unbeknownst to himself, develops a crush on Hobie. But he also doesn't even realize he likes dudes. So he's just super oblivious to it. So let's say the first person to notice his crush is actually Gwen.
Bc my brain is providing me with a vague ass fic idea of Gwen trying to gently push Miles to realize he likes Hobie, while also still y'know wanting to date him herself.
Bc how funny would it be for her to say at some point "hey if you liked someone else and wanted to be with them I'm willing to try you dating them and me bc that's a thing" and him being very confused bc "where did that come from??? like ok cool great I'll remember that but huh???"
Especially if she eventually just starts trying to get them together. I feel like the idea of a girl trying to set her boyfriend up with one of their mutual good (if not best) friends is a funny concept, and with them would be super funny.
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voidheartkisses · 10 days
Your art [especially the ones for cotl] looks so cute!
Sorry if someone asked you this before, but what are your ship's with the bishops? I know you have leshy x the yellow cat, narilamb, and shamura x sozo, but what about heket and kalamar? Do they have lovers, or are just single Pringle's?
Thanks! And I'm a multishipper honestly, I ship a lot of people, but my main ships for the bishops are;
leshy x yellow cat
kallamar x anyone (but I like to see him with astaroth or other aquatic themed followers/npc's)
as for Heket, she's mine
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ok I lowkey ship her with forneus too, just cuz it's cute
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robbiesbonesaw · 2 months
Hiya! I'm Robbie
This is my TF2 centered blog so it won't stray too far from content based around it.
My favs aren't obvious.. at all (Medic + Sniper)
But to be fair I love them all equally!
Multishipper at my finest so I'm ok with most TF2 ships! (Except Spy/Scout.. 🫵 you know who you are, freaks.)
Anyways I hope to learn and eventually play TF2 and make some good friends!
Bye bye! 🧪🪡💉
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petite-madame · 10 months
We stuckies are so happy for you getting so much well deserved praise for your amazing talent with the good omens art💗💗💖💖💖💖💖
Hi anon!
Thank you so much for such an amazing ask and for your enthusiasm! 💗 Yes, the feedback for The Fall has been amazing here and on Twitter. I went to bed, I woke up and…WOOOOW! 😲 I started to wonder if I were not on the "Tumblr Radar" or something but apparently…no!
I'm still into Stucky (Steve/Bucky) but I must admit that I have less time to draw them at the moment because:
1) I'm deep into Sherlock and Good Omens and there are only 24 hours in a day so I have to make a choice. 😭 That's the "problem" when you are a multishipper, you can't draw ALL THE THINGS. I'm working on a hurt!Steve portrait inspired by Norman Rockwell, though (ok, it's not Stucky but it's still "Stebe" 😅)
2) I don't know if you noticed, I changed my way of drawing a bit ? Just a bit, I mean. I'm drawing shadows and highlights a bit differently, maybe more contrast. I really want my artworks to look like paintings. I think it's visible when it comes to my new Good Omens artworks and that it will be even more visible when I post my annual tribute artwork devoted to Chadwich Boseman. Anyway, all this to tell you that this way of drawing is a bit more time consuming than my usual stuff (which was ALREADY time consuming) so I draw less drawings than I used to.
Thanks again and enjoy your summer!
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hayweerc · 4 months
🦔Pinned Message
Please read about me, my content, and my AU before continuing:
*Name: Haywee, it's my only name.
*Age: 29, I post my age everywhere.
*Pronouns: They/Them preferred
*I am a self taught artist/writer.
*I love Sonic the Hedgehog Media too much.
*I'm a multishipper with Sonadow and Espilver being my priority. I like Gay ships.
*My Fanfics of the AU are posted on Ao3 👉here
I have content on multiple platform. If you have seen me there, Hello, nice to meet you again.
I like to make AUs with the main cast being older, above the age of 18 because that is how I view and depict them. I like my characters to be closer to my own age. They are mature and fit into my mature stories/settings. 
My AUs are “Bound by Chaos” and “(Y)Sonic” But I will be mostly, if not exclusively, be posting about “Bound by Chaos” here. 
MY AUs contain mentions of blood/mild gore and injury, typical cartoon violence, hemocraft, mentions of self harm, adult/suggestive themes, multishipping, shenanigans, cringe, and sonic characters.
I do write fanfiction for my Sonic AUs that are made for more mature audiences. 18+ with warnings on each chapter when needed. I write the scenes about anything “in the bedroom” to be more vague and with time skips.
The content of my drawings are depicted as 18+ as a cautious warning, because I'm an adult and my content may lean more that way. I do place warnings on my drawings if it contains anything like shipping, blood, violence, or suggestive themes.
Most of my drawings are SFW besides the occasional kissing and touching. 
Most of everything I draw is canon to the stories I write of the AU in some way. Sometimes I just like to draw them modeling or being shipped together on top of the AU story stuff.
🐺🩸🍃Bound By Chaos:
Set is a fantasy world that is heavily inspired by attributes of DnD. (And other RPG fantasy realms)
🐺Name: Sonic the Werehog/ Race: Werewolf/ Age: 26/ Class: Rouge-Thief/ Powers: Werehog strength and durability, Melee Attacks with knife and claws.
🩸Name: Shadow the Hedgehog/ Race: Mobian/ Age: 27/ Class: Bloodhunter-Profane Soul/ Powers: Hemocraft Abilities -enhancements and poisons, Ranged and Melee Attacks Vary
🍃Name: Silver the Hedgehog/ Race: Mobian/ Age: 24/ Class: Druid-Circle of the Moon/ Powers: Plant Growth and Healing Abilities, Ranged Attacks
Shadow (a blood hunter) had an encounter with a rampaging werewolf with the intent to slay it. The blood hunter and the werewolf, who turns out to be Sonic (a rogue), were on the verge of death until they were healed by Silver (a druid) with a shard from the master emerald. Accidentally, Silver may have also placed a curse on the pair. They cannot be separated and are bound to each other’s presence. Shadow isn't too happy with the situation, and learns to cope as he journeys with the two- encountering other characters and monsters as they search for a way to break their curse. Not long though, Shadow starts to see the weight of the trauma held on Sonic's shoulders as he struggles to contain his werehog form.
Fanfic on Ao3 👉📖 Bound By Chaos
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Fanart rules:
Must credit and tag me -NO suggestive or NSFW fanart-Please be aware of the au characters and my content-Make it because it inspires you or helps develop your skills
‼️Do not come to me to cause discourse. I will ignore you. If you don't like my content or me please scroll past and ignore. I understand my stuff isn't made for everyone and that's ok.
‼️ Do not copy/steal my art. Be respectful of all artists that request this! 
‼️I do not take requests on my AU, and I'm not comfortable answering all questions about the AU. I will do my best to reply to give more details of the AU without spoiling the story that is written for it.
‼️please provide your age before speaking with me in my inboxs or dms. I'm not comfortable talking to younger audiences.
🩶Sorry my posts are desaturated and gray, it's easier on my eyes
💙Spread Love and Kindness Everywhere You Go
(I may update this info as needed. I'm still new to Tumblr)
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fangirltothefullest · 10 months
Who would you say is your favorite character? Favorite ship? I’m definitely a multishipper, but I also come up with a lot of original stories, and I keep noticing that I tend to take characters who I took inspiration from Janus when making, and characters who I took inspiration from Logan when making, and I end up pairing them together. Every. Time. So maybe that’s my favorite? XD
My favorite character is definitely either Virgil or Logan, although I also LOVE Janus, and as much as Remus unsettles me, I also think he’s fun as fuck, especially in fanworks. Also I know people who say I’m a lot like Remus XD
Do you write fanfiction? I haven’t written any for this fandom (let alone posted it) but I might someday! What fanfictions would you recommend? Recently “Hand In Unloveable Hand” by Writing_by_the_fireplace absolutely captured my heart and ALL my braincells.
Hope you’re doing well!
Favourite character is Logan!
Davourire ship is logicality but I'm a multishipper and I'm cool with everything except remrom because I don't do incest ships and since they're canonical brothers I just don't feel comfy doing that. Power to people who are ok with it though, its all fiction and I won't judge its just not for me personally. X3
I do write fanfiction! They're on ao3 under the same username. I am particularly proud of A Primrose Promise because it's finished and Where the Lovestruck Bleeds.
Highly recommend these authors, all on ao3 and tumblr too but sometimes i forget their tumblr usernames:
Literally every fanfic from TheAsexualofSpades I'd so fucking good. They take up most of the space in my bookmarks. One of my favourite authors and they have SO MANY WORKS its insane.
Jinx72 has some PHENIMENAL works. I wish The Effects of Shame was finished.
@delimeful has a lot of really good fics!
Small Problems by Canadiantardis
@ironwoman359 has some very good fics
Of Coffee and Princes by Willowanderer
@teacupfulofstarshine has some amazing fics on ao3 under teacupfulofbrains. I am ESPECIALLY in love with their pattonella au, Lovely dark and deep, and living in the real world ain't it fun.
@residentanchor has good fucking fics- particularly the Practicality series, and The Seeds We Sow
The titular Superhero au Powerless by Patentpending
Minerva et Mendacius et Veritas by BrainlessGenius
NikaylaSarae has some good ones. I like Wanted, and also, I Miss The King
The Fall of King Romulus, and other works by Sidespart
Clouds and Moss by Izzyfandoms
Acantha-Echo has really good fics, including Look into Your Eyes, and the Sky's the Limit, but many more.
Coconutcluster has some very good fics
don't paint wonderful lies on me (that wash away) by codevassie
All Bitter and Clean by thunderbottle
Lose Control by ShamelesslyLimited
Monsters of the Subconscious by Quarantinevibes
There's more but these are some!
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oo also ling and lan fan if u want!
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Hmmmm ok so Lingfan..
I don't ship it, I genuinely think Ling and Lan Fan have a sibling relationship; Or better yet she's his lesbian best friend. I see the appeal, I think it can be cute ig but I just don't see it nessicarily?
I also see Ling as seeing Fu and Lan Fan as the family he has (Similar to how I think Ed sees Pinako and Winry, as his grandmother and either sister or cousin), rather than thinking of someone such as Mei Chang as family despite bonds of blood. (Bonds through the soul, like he explained to Greed. I will keep bringing that up.)
Anyway, yeah. Nice ship, don't ship it though. But again, I'm a multishipper, *puts edling, Edwin, panwinfan, winfan, panwin, lingfan into my pocket*; I can't say that I won't like lingfan art or read a lingfan fic if I see one.
As long as it isn't sexual too. I dont like sexual shipping of these characters because they're kids. (I also think Lan Fan is greatly asexual) I forgot to say that on my Edling post.
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syunkiss · 1 year
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Hi, we are the TWU sys! TWU stands for "The Wine Uncles."
Please read the informations below before proceeding to scroll :)
We stand with Palestine! Palestine WILL be free! 🇵🇸
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"Making such a mess, It's getting permanently painted in my head, and there's no going back. So love me like I'm dead until there's nothing left and watch me decompose, till I'm skin and bones, vulnerable ..." /lyr
system moodboards: #system moodboard
host rentry ::: click here
ship blocklist ::: click here
hello! we are your favorite weird tbmc system
neurodivergent • heavy fictive !!
> frequent fronters are Chuuya {🍷} , Charlie {🐧} and Rimbaud {☁️} <
☆ lgbtqia+ . . agere caregiver n little . petre pet and caretaker . ☆
we love drawing, writing stories/AUs and our major hyperfocus is bungo stray dogs and malice mizer !!
chuu's babbles are usually under the tag #🍷.txt
"Mama, there's a war outside, can I go play with it?" /lyr
IMPORTANT 🌡but if you prefer something more simplified, click here :3
dni: well, follow the basic dni criteria. proshippers >>i dont care if its fictional characters . i dislike incest and pedophilia and whatever like a normal person and idc if theyre fictional or if theyre real .<< (principally odazai or morizai shippers get the fuck out of here.), radqueers/transmed, MAPs, NOMAPS (basically pedos who dont want to touch childs), anti-antis, "transDID/transOSDD" whatever, pro-ana/pro-sh, xenosatanists and all those shit.
yes I am an anti but i am not harassing anyone . im just blocking yall . im not directly harsssing anyone and if i ever did it just tell me :3 im not wasting my time and going to yalls askbox just to send things i am just blocking and moving on stop being stupid.
Its ok but meh: irl g0re centered accs, n$fw accs (nothing agaisnt yall it just make me very uncomfortable) if you post abt Twitter (X) or has your twt acc link on your account (nothing agaisnt you too! it triggers me deeply for personal reasons.)
We are mogai and antishipper (as said before, anti-harassment. just block and move on.), multishipper and rareshipper. selfshippers are also very welcome here :) (proship/comship/darkship block us and go away)
we will post about cultural topics sometimes too. i just love my country's culture
We don't mind jokes or lines with sexual connotations but please don't overdo it. || we have littles in our system so please be respectful towards them if they post something (it'll be tagged)
i am also very anxious and easily triggered by specific things so dont mind if I post vents here sometimes. its our safe space. however block the tag "vent" if youre uncomfortable w it. -Chuuya
• be careful ahead: monsters awaits /silly
- your local host is Chuuya! ☆
chuu's sfw blog (inactive) : @vampoth-baby
arts blog: @slugidiot
Rp blogs : @lippythepup (inactive) @corpse-to-ability @cafe-uzumaki @stoicsleuth @sora-s-conscious @wimpiest-in-the-east @aka-s-sheep @violence-services
blogs of some of the other members of our system: @cnidaerio @odasd @rimbadance @ttsukipii
we also run @bungo-agere-dogs ;)
Blinkies and images !!!
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fav posts ever :: X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , ○ , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X
the ones with "○" may be triggering
old usernames: @ hartedfearsys
tags to block : # vent # tw # angry rant
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aethiriarts · 5 months
Pinned Post! ✨
OK I I feel it's about time I make a pinned post/intro since I been gaining a bit of a following and wanna put stuff upfront! Hi! I'm Thiri! I'm an artist of many things from my own OCs/Original content to some fandom stuff! I am quite shy and socially anxious in reality, most of the time. I read all tags/comments on my art, messages, and inbox submissions And while I may not respond to every one of them or reach out myself, I do like seeing them and appreciate them :)
MY TAGS: Art tag - #my art Ask tag - #ask me Things to keep in mind while on my account/posts!:
🔞 I AM AN ADULT AND MY ACCOUNT MAY HAVE SUGGESTIVE TO MORE ADULT LEANING CONTENT! Keep that in mind. 🏳️‍🌈 This page is LGBTQIA+ friendly!!! I am queer myself. We do NOT tolerate bigotry or unwarranted hate here! Do better. Be better. Not just for other people but also for yourself. 🔄 I go through hyperfixation changes!!!!!! So if you're here and only expect a specific kind of content and nothing else, gonna have to tell you ahead of time that this may not be the account for you in the long run! 💚 I draw what I'm personally invested in at the time and don't force myself to draw content for others to consume if I am not interested. 💫 I'm a tired lil mentally ill bitch 💚💙 I can go long periods without posting or drawing anything for a variety of reasons. So I am NOTTTT CONSISTENT BABES. 🛑 PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY ART. At least make sure to credit me/link back to me if you do! HOWEVER. If I already post to the same site you're trying to post on. Just reblog/share my own posts I make. Thank you! 💚 ✅ You may use my fanart as pfps/banners with credit in bio! 💕 I am a MULTISHIPPER!!! I may have personal preferences but I am NOT exclusive to those preferences. Also polyamory is a thing so they should all hold hands and kiss. :) BUT YEH That's about it for now :D Thank you for reading! And I hope you have a nice day!!!!
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