#I'll remake these one of these days
andyourhostkristenwiig · 10 months
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Hodges: Your black-and-white particles were composed of plagioclase, biotite, hornblende and pyroxene.
Catherine: Diorite granite
Hodges: You remember your geology.
Catherine: Yes!
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sansaisms · 10 months
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Arya never seemed to fit, no more than he had … yet she could always make Jon smile. He would give anything to be with her now, to muss up her hair once more and watch her make a face, to hear her finish a sentence with him. — Jon Snow III, A Game of Thrones.
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And three! Smiles go for miles!
(split under the cut for better viewing!)
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coyoteworks · 11 days
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Dialogue modified from Tombstone (1993)
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roughnebula1719 · 1 year
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Will he stay in the dark or come into the light?
Here’s my go at @trubblegumm DTIYS!
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katebeckets · 2 months
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because you matter to me.
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elyx-syl · 1 month
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aithusar · 1 year
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i want you in my arms
↳ Day 7: Free day
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dancingdewey · 3 months
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I have been thinking about my hc for (reboot) TaleSpin Bagheera so long I decided to do??? digital art?? I don't even have a drawing tablet but somehow, here we are. More info on my hc and this piece under the cut
Outfit/pose reference (thanks to @all-chickens-are-trans)
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This all started with this post:
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In my hc, Bagheera is introduced in the pilot episode already. After the whole adventure when Baloo and Kit return home, he's already waiting for Kit at the pier. When Rebecca reported an orphan boy who recently escaped from living with pirates (she did it to do the right thing, she did not mean to hurt either Kit or Baloo), he was assigned to pick him up and take him to the orphanage. Of course Baloo and Kit protest and beg and despite his cold appearance he eventually reluctantly agrees, to let Kit stay with Baloo on a trial basis: Bagheera will come by regularly to assess Baloo's parenting and if he's satisfied, Baloo can adopt Kit; but if he's not satisfied, Kit must come to the orphanage. Initially, Baloo and Kit don't like when Bagheera comes by, because he always has something to criticize and they're worried he'll take Kit away. But of course Bagheera gets roped into their adventures and his professional concern for Kit's wellbeing quickly (almost immediately) grows into parental feelings and he grows fond of Baloo, even if they bicker constantly. This eventually grows into a will-they-won't-they relationship with Baloo, the two if them co-parenting Kit and Bagheera becoming more and more relaxed and open until his actual job almost never comes up anymore and he becomes something of a team-member.
And that's just the summary, I have many more thoughts!
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transobiwans · 2 years
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ANAKIN SKYWALKER APPRECIATION WEEK ↳ Day Five: Favorite Parallel ⇒ Shmi’s death vs. Anakin’s death
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slugpup2 · 2 months
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ryoshu that was going to be for 4/4, but i was too busy with school and playing canto 6. i tried making a detailed background for this one, but i didn't like how it turned out so that version is below the cut.
i had a really good image for this in my head but i rushed in without much planning, especially on the perspective... oh well. cityscapes are hard.
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valhethella · 8 months
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Leon Kennedy period problems from May Patreon
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I’m about to vomit out a bunch of thoughts, and I’m not sure any of this is going to make sense by the end, but. I’ve been thinking a LOT about these three lines in RE4make:
“You haven’t changed. You just think you have.”
“You can’t save her. You can’t save anyone.”
“This time, it has to be different...”
I’ve seen people focus in on that Krauser line and tie it directly back to Sherry, which is cool! Even as recently as five years ago, people completely glossed over Sherry’s impact on Leon’s life, and it’s cool that the remakes have had people digging into his character and realizing “oh shit, literally everything that happens to him after RE2 is because of his paternal love for Sherry.”
But... Krauser’s line is about more than just her.
With the remake turning Krauser into Leon’s combat trainer, chances are he knows about everything that happened in Raccoon City. And I don’t mean, like. He read a government file. Leon probably told him.
In OG, Krauser and Leon have this exchange of dialogue:
Krauser: “What is it that you fight for, comrade?” Leon: “My past, I suppose.” Krauser: “Hmph. Umbrella.”
It was axed completely from the remake, because it doesn’t make sense for it to happen in the remake. If Krauser was Leon’s trainer, that question was probably asked very early in their relationship. And since they weren’t currently in a fight to the death, and because they weren’t already six years removed from Raccoon City, chances are, Leon’s answer was a bit more involved than just “my past.”
So, let’s back up a little bit. In RE2make, they basically turned Kendo into a completely different character. OG Kendo was literally just there to point a shotgun at Leon and/or Claire and then go “oh my bad you’re not a zombie” and hook them up with some guns before he gets eaten. In RE2make, he’s a desperate and terrified father just trying to spend his last few moments with his infected 6 or 7 year old daughter before she turns. After he shuts the door on Leon and Ada, Leon turns to Ada and says, “Protecting people like that is why I joined the force.”
But Leon doesn’t protect or save Kendo or his daughter. He doesn’t protect or save... anyone. Every single person that Leon comes into contact with and tries to save dies horrifically -- and some, he even has to kill, himself (Marvin Branaugh). The only people who make it out of Raccoon City alive are people who saved themselves (Claire and Ada).
Of course, there is Sherry. But Leon didn’t save Sherry; Claire did. ESPECIALLY in remake canon, since nearly all of Leon’s scenes with Sherry got severely shortened or removed completely in RE2make.
But then, when Claire entrusts Sherry to Leon’s care (on his own insistence, per her RE3 epilogue), he goes and fucks that up, too. Gets her kidnapped and held hostage indefinitely by the federal government, and the only thing he can do about it is do exactly as they say and just hope they keep their end of the bargain and not hurt her.
So, when Krauser says “You can’t save anyone,” he means anyone. Ever. And even up to that point in RE4... Leon got the two officers who drove him into town killed, and he watched Luis die a slow, agonizing death right in front of him. And then, past that point, Leon has to kill Krauser with his own hands. Then he watches Mike die.
Ashley is literally Leon’s first and only success story, up to this point in canon. (And even when you go all the way up to current-day canon, Ashley is one of... three? People? I can think of? Total? Who Leon actually saves?)
So, Leon saying, “This time, it has to be different,” he doesn’t just mean Sherry. He means Ada. He means Kendo. He means Marvin. He means the entirety of Raccoon City. He’s staring down a repeat of what happened back then, not in terms of the bioterror situation, but in terms of his own personal failures. His survivor’s guilt. He can’t handle the thought that he’ll be the only person to walk away again -- and he refuses to be.
And that’s why Ada’s line bothers me so fucking much.
I mean, first of all -- Ada, you haven’t seen this man in six years, and you’ve spent a total of like five minutes with him since meeting up with him again here, so how the fuck would you even know -- but even aside from that...
To be clear: she’s right.
But she’s also wrong.
Leon has changed -- to an extent. In RE2 (OG or remake), Leon honestly believed that if it was lawful, then it was also morally right. He doesn’t believe that anymore. There’s no more “letting the law sort it out” or trusting in the power of authority for him anymore. His moral compass has been boiled down to: “If you hurt or murder innocent people, you’re a fucking asshole, and I don’t really care who you are, I’ll kill you myself.”
RE2 Leon was willing to hear people out and give them an honest benefit of the doubt -- even Annette Birkin. RE4 Leon just tells people to shut the fuck up before opening fire.
RE2 Leon was honest and trusting to a fault, and he felt stronger as part of a team. RE4 Leon is suspicious almost to the point of paranoia, and he just wants to be left the fuck alone to do his job.
These are all things that were really important to who Leon was in Raccoon City, and they’re reasons why things turned out the way they did for him, back then.
But at the same time, Ada’s right in saying that, at the core of it all, Leon is still that kind-hearted, decent guy who just wants the good guys to win and the bad guys to lose. That’s why it hits him somewhere sensitive when Krauser says: “You can’t save anyone.” 
It’s just that, now, the way he approaches it is different. His outlook on life in terms of his goals is different. His expectations for it have changed.
So, if Leon had been smarter/wittier, he absolutely could have turned it around on her and said: “No, I’ve definitely changed. You just think I haven’t.”
And not only would that sound threatening as fuck, he’d also be right. They both would be, at that point.
And for all of those major parts of him to have changed and still be facing down the possibility of failing every single person he comes across, especially Ashley...
"This time, it has to be different.”
And this time, it was.
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cheese-entity · 4 months
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kirwell · 1 year
Human packbonding is such a weird phenomenon, and it never actually hits that you've fallen victim to it once again until sometime later. My mom bought me this skeleton prop for last Halloween, and I set it up at my kitchen table and dressed it up in nice festive attire. Then I started calling him Wiggins, and I would say good morning to him, along with my cat, Allie, and my bamboo plant, Calico (my kitty is also a calico,, but I liked the name and it just happened that way idkdontquestionit) Now Halloween is over and all my other decorations are put away, but I can't find it in me to store Wiggins away in a lonely closet. It's May now, and he's still chillin at my table like a little undead gentleman <3 I can't understand why I did this. No logical reason why I should still have him out. Doesn't do anything. But Wiggins is a part of the household now, and I've accepted that. My mom is also aware of Wiggins and calls him that whenever she comes over to visit. Secondhand packbonding?? Conclusion: packbonding to objects is weird, but undeniably human and it's kinda wholesome ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ But also,,, I like to think that if I ever woke up in some twisted alternate dimension facing humanity's apocalypse, that Wiggins would remember that we're friends and not serve me to the supreme dark overlord that's taken over the world.
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mewniemoon · 29 days
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@thenegativefiend Sai'nt
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Og Pic
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