#I’m just trolling the misogynists
charlies-a-ghost · 4 months
you hate trans women because they’re trans. I hate them because they’re women.
a better way to hate™️
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nekropsii · 4 days
RUFIOH PROPAGANDA: Literally everything he has ever done to and about Damara - cheating on her and lying to her for years, seemingly never standing up for her when Meenah was terrorizing her, still chasing her image as a sex object to this day (particularly Aradiabot, who he says acts “just like the real thing”), and calling her his “psycho ex” behind her back constantly while acting nice to her face.
KANKRI PROPAGANDA: Straight up doesn’t think Misogyny is real and denies its existence outright, calling it a meaningless pseudoscience not worth any concern, discussion, or consideration. Slutshames Porrim directly to her face.
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idolomantises · 1 year
nothin' serious, just thinkin
The whole situation with a certain Indie creator’s work blowing up too quickly and feeling overwhelmed by it, really makes me think about how… not fun it is sometimes when your work gets popular. Obviously my level of popularity and fandom doesn’t match there’s but dealing with people who see your OCs and start claiming them as their own, disrespect boundaries and basically hound you with their preferences is such a reoccurring problem it’s a bit scary.
For example, I remember wanting to completely scrap Powers as a character when people were treating her as a self insert to be homophobic and misogynistic, despite carrying neither of those traits. People make fetish art of my OCs and then tag me in it (and if I don’t reblog/retweet it they practically spam me about it). I’ve had people try to steal my own OCs out of spite. I’ve seen people draw smut of my underaged characters. People have gotten angry with me when my characters disprove their headcanons or present themselves in ways that aren’t their preferences. The amount of times I’ve dealt with people genuinely angry with me that Sera is a woman is a scary amount. Queer people thinking my art is fetish content that is catered for straight men. I’ve had people tell me that because I don’t depict more of a specific group, that means I despise them and that my art is inherently promoting hateful ideology for not depicting them. People sending me videos of bugs being killed or mocking my characters because they think it’s funny. and I have to repeat again these aren’t random trolls online, this is from my own followers.
And you guys have seen how angry people get when I tell them to stop being bigoted under my queer art, whether it’s complaining that I’m drawing too many women/lesbians or bitching that I’m drawing gay men at all, I’ve had to deal with the unfortunate fact some of my followers, no matter how many times I try to push them off my account are just… very hateful and think my work is fetish content meant to cater to them. Lesbian art isn’t queer art, it’s a porn category for some people. And a lot of queer men think it’s fine to lesbophobic and misogynistic under my art and demand that I draw less female characters because (insert that annoying Speed quote here)
I do really like the fanart and I’m completely fine with NSFW works as long as the characters are 18+, but it’s just. It’s scary sometimes. And it scares me to imagine what would happen if I really blew up. Respect creator’s boundaries… please.
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toxoplasmewsis · 9 months
When my mom was getting harassed by some misogynist I could have just said block and ignore the guy but instead I recreated his fb profile perfectly and sent him a message with his address and pics of his family and said I find it very odd he would say such horrible misogynistic things with photos of his family on his profile. I found him through a video of him driving his truck and a church nearby. He lived in Guatemala and I pinpointed him and he ended up changing his entire profile not even an hour after so I decide when I’m done messing with trolls okay. Thank you
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kinnersonne · 1 year
My roommate is watching Trollhunters for the first time and I am rehashing ALL the feelings so it’s time for some ~Stricklake Headcanons!~
• Barbara will not hesitate to yank him along by the horns if he’s being a buttsnack
• She also likes to bring up the whole enchantment debacle as her trump card to win arguments or make him do something. Normally she can persuade him with other means, but she’ll resort to that if she has to
• Slit-pupilled eyes means he looks like a big doofus if he looks at her too long because “his eyes get all big, like a little cat’s!” (Barbara’s words)
• “I’m not cute, I’m horrifying!” “Sure, sweetie…”
• Walt is lovely. But living with Stricklander the troll would be like the worst parts of having both a) a cat that hates everyone and b) a big dog that’s Too Dang Old. Scowls and hisses for no other reason than He Can. Sleeps all day and keeps you up at night with possum noises. Refuses to let you touch him until he suddenly decides he wants physical affection, at which point he’ll clamber all 200 rocky pounds of him into your lap and growl until you pet him. Gets VERY whiny when you pay attention to somebody that’s not him, even if he’s been ignoring you all day. 50/50 chance of attacking any given guest, verbally or physically
• Pet names: Mr. Creature, Lakeluster, ‘dearest’ (B) and ‘sweetie’ (S) but only ironically, NOT Babs, only misogynist jerks at the hospital call her that
• Barbara won’t confirm this but Strickler may or may not have tracked down and pulled a hit on James Lake Sr. Barbara denies all knowledge of her ex’s sudden and violent death
• Troll society is matriarchal (yes I know there’s almost no evidence of this in the show it’s a headcanon), so anytime Barbara gets a little girlbossy or shows her Mama Bear it’s actually a major turn-on for him
• I was enamored with the idea of changelings purring, since they’re too small and impure probably to roar like real trolls do (like how cheetahs aren’t actual members of the panthera genus and they make adorable chirping noises). But I came up with something worse:
• It’s not just changelings that purr, but it is only males, and only under arousal. Originally it evolved as a defense mechanism, as a way of soothing their mates and dissuading them from maiming/devouring them in the heat of the moment
Please. Please help me.
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hidansexwife · 3 months
btw i know this blog is dead (depression and i got very sick for like two weeks straight) but since i have search on for this i’ll do the psa here- if you’re a naruto blog with search on and you post about hinata, boruto-era nejiten, or about hinata and neji in a way that isn’t, you know, misogynistic bashing you will want to block nejiwasalwaysright. they’re a troll that’s harassing hinata, at least one boruto-era nejiten, and hyuga clan artists (and also just like randomly leaving critical comments on people’s art for like harmless design choices and shit??) and i’m pretty sure they’re the same person that got banned recently for this behavior. just block and report, don’t argue with them, they just want attention and it’s lame to argue about naruto in 2024 anyway.
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theoriginalsapphic · 1 year
disproving the mlvn bingo
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“I want El to grow on her own”
This is a bad thing because…? El is a child that grew up the first twelve years of her life locked up in a lab and used for her powers. Then she got out and spent a week helping a group of kids to find their missing friend, almost died, survived in the wilderness by herself for approximately a month, and was forced in isolation in a cabin in the woods for another year.
The first time she got to actually go to the outside world to have fun like a girl her age should was at the snowball dance, in December of 1984 / January of 1985, and even she would still spend most of her time hiding from the world in the cabin. The only other time she got to live like a normal girl was when she went out shopping with Max. After that, she got involved again with the Upside Down, lost her father-figure, and moved to the other side of the country with people she barely knew.
As of canon, she has only been living in the real world for, and I’m being extremely generous with this estimate, fifteen months. Most people her age need time to grow on their own and focus on themselves, and they lived in relatively normal circumstances and in a society their whole lives. Saying that El may need some time to get to know herself first isn’t misogynistic, or ableist, it’s just common sense.
Ableist to El, Mocks El’s speech
Connected to the previous point. El is a fourteen year girl that spent twelve of those years locked away and being dehumanized and never getting the chance to properly socialize. It’s a reasonable thing to say that it will take her time to catch up to people her age who have lived in society their whole lives. It’s not ableist to point out this. In fact, completely ignoring this aspect of her character means ignoring the influence that it has on her character, which brings a whole layer of complexity to her.
Also, anyone who is ableist to El (or to anyone for that matter) sucks! I’m glad we can agree on that! But I’m not okay with mlvns crying out ableism any time someone criticizes the ship only to turn around and be ableist to Max or Dustin (and Gaten by default).
“El doesn’t understand being in a relationship”
Maybe she has an understanding of what being in a relationship means at the end of season four, but she should have never been put in a relationship so early on. Fresh-out-of-the-lab twelve-year-old El shouldn’t have been kissed and later put on a relationship with the first age-appropriate boy who showed her kindness and who had to explain her basic concepts like friendship and privacy. Those are concepts that are supposed to be taught by your parents— not your boyfriend.
May I need to remind people that this is a canon scene from season 3?
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Mind you; she has been dating Mike for around six months already at this point.
Part of El learning to understand what being in a relationship means is also learning what kind of things she wants and can accept in a relationship, which, she spends most of season 3 doing.
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Mike lied in the monologue
Well, sorry to tell you this, but… he did!
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and El knows it.
MiIeven cheating trope!!
As someone who hates cheating and has been personally harmed by the actions of a cheater… let people write whatever they want in their fics. If someone wants to explore that in fiction then they should be able to do it. (Also, I doubt the Duffers would ever write Mike cheating on El, so you can relax about that).
Blames Millie for miIeven
I don’t associate myself often with her fandom because although she seems like a lovely person her fandom is absolutely rancid, but she seems someone who likes to play the audience and have fun. She had said she ships miIeven and wants a wedding for them. She had said she ships byler and wants a love triangle with them. Whether Millie actually means it, is pandering to the fandom, or it’s just straight up trolling and having fun… it doesn’t matter, and I doubt she actually cares as much as people want her to care.
Neither Millie nor any of the actors have any power over whatever decisions the Duffers end up choosing in their writing. If anyone blames any of the actors for whatever happens to their characters, they are fucking idiots; simple as that.
Sexist to El
And yet, mlvn shippers are the ones I often see saying how much El needs Mike, of how she would kill Will if Mike left her, of how she was capable of fighting Vecna only because Mike told her he loves her, of how the only person that actually cares about her is Mike, completely disregarding her family and friends that love her deeply.
I don’t know about you, but I think that reducing El to be this needy girl who is dependent on her boyfriend and makes her to seem that her boyfriend is the only thing she cares about and should care about is… really sexist.
El is a character who consists of two main parts: of trying to create her own identity and of wanting a family, which are both interconnected with how she was stripped of her autonomy since birth and how she wants to belong somewhere.
El grew for the first twelve years of her life with the understanding that love is transactional and conditional on what she can do for others. This is seen mostly in season 1, with El being used for Brenner’s experiments, and when she exerts herself to the point she almost dies for a group of kids that wanted to find their missing friend.
With every season, there is something new that she leans about herself that helps her become a person. Because that is an aspect that people rarely talk about El; she wasn’t even treated like a human being for 85% of her life, but rather just a lab rat.
In season 2, she embarks on a journey all by herself to find out about her mother, and later, her sister Kali. This remarks what El has been wanting her whole life— a family.
In season 3, she explores her identity and her likes and dislikes through fashion and hobbies for the first in her life with Max (I have a whole post about how El’s development of regaining her autonomy is shown through her clothes).
In season 4, she outright says that she doesn’t belong anywhere, and is struggling with the dichotomy that her powers bring: is she a monster or a superhero? At the end of the season, she has come to terms with the complexity of who she is, determining that she is both and neither, and she has finally found a family. She doesn’t belong to a specific place, but to people. Hawkins isn’t her home; her friends and family are. She belongs with them.
So, tell me: who is being sexist to El? You, who reduces her to her romantic relationship… or me? And yes, female characters can be in romantic relationships and still be their own characters, but El isn’t like most of female characters in the sense that she never got the chance to figure out her identity and what she wants before getting in a relationship.
Ships El with a random party member so Mike will be free
miIeven wishes they had what elmax has
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“MiIeven is unhealthily and codepent”, “Mike pays too much attention to El, he doesn’t make time for his friends!”
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I mean… I’m not the one saying it, blame the Duffers for that one.
Mike looks he is about to sneeze but he’s looking in Will’s directions so it’s heart eyes
If Mike looked at El the way he looks Will you wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it.
cr: @/mvltibyers
Taking the monologue and replacing El with Will and suddenly it’s peak romance
Why would I want byler to have that poorly lighted and directed, and badly written monologue when I already have this one?
Calls El bald and think they did something
I agree! It’s wrong to make fun of El being bald when that fact is tightly connected with how she was stripped off of her femininity as a form of dehumanization and it’s one of the most visible signs of the abuse that was inflicted on her.
However, may I need to remind you that those ‘jokes’ are usually in response with you calling Will literally homophobic slurs or are you going to play coy and innocent?
Compares Mike to Brenner
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Blame the Duffers for this one, not us for noticing it.
Hates on Mike but wants him with their fave
You're so right! I don't see the point of shipping a couple if you hate half of it, especially because it would mean to reduce his character to be only a love interest and nothing else. Anyway, what character arc do you think Mike is going to go through in season 5?
Bring ups miIeven break up
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They really couldn’t have made it more obvious that’s where they headed so, yes; I want them to break up and I think it will benefit both of their characters. Sorry for following the story, ig.
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Says miIeven wasn’t together for s4
Don’t forget to mention how they also weren’t together for season 2 and most of season 3! In fact, it almost seems like after they shared the first kiss, they were never allowed to share a significant amount of screen time together again.
Also, Mike and El aren’t real people; if the Duffers don’t write them to share screen time together it’s because they don’t want to.
The Duffers wrote it so El spent most of season 2 searching for her mom and her sister and longing for freedom. The Duffers wrote it so El spent most of season 3 with Max learning about what she likes and trying to create her own identity away from male influence. The Duffers wrote it so El spent most of season 4 in NINA, which was probably the most important part of her character arc in the show so far.
The Duffers also wrote it so Mike spent most of season 2 with Will. The Duffers wrote it so the fight between Mike and Will was more emotionally charged than his breakup with El, and they wrote it so Mike and Will have a one-on-one goodbye scene just like miIeven and jvncy.
The Duffers wrote it in season 4 so Will is revealed as gay and in love with Mike in the same season that Mike can’t say ‘I love you’ to El, has a fight that, in his words, “can’t come back from”, for Mike to nod when Wills says: “what if they don’t like the truth?”, and needs to get backrubs and compliments from his bff so he can finally say that ‘I love you’ to his girlfriend while she in on the brink of dying. Oh, and also they spend the whole season together.
Go figure.
Calls El “Jane” or “Eleven”
Like everyone in the show does?
I think the only person that has never called her ‘Eleven’ is Hopper.
“You don’t understand Mike/El like I do!”
And I’m so glad I don’t.
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just-antithings · 13 days
trolls (dreamworks) fandom has a notorious big name adult anti who has multiple callouts about them for being violent
they recently made a post about how proshippers should not feel welcome in a fandom where the medium it’s based on is targeted at minors and mocked people by saying (about someone drawing a Trolls character beating proshippers up) that it’s “just a drawing”
have I mentioned that they’re an adult in their early 20’s, that they are obsessed with proshippers even if none crossed their way, that they absolutely HATE vivziepop, that they harassed a 13 year old because they drew his self too feminine (because they didn’t know what they looked like) and that they have been and are part of fandoms of shows and such that are kid friendly?
I’m talking about splatoon, Steven universe, Trolls, MLP, etc. Maybe they should talk less and use the block button more
Oh also, they don’t want one particular male character to be shipped with women. Feels kind of misogynistic
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bimbosanddolls · 1 year
I have a question about your "fuck the patriarchy"-post. What is the difference about patriarchy and misogyny? I hope you answer it, have a nice day!
I’m going to take for granted that this question is being asked in good faith. Patriarchy is the system that enables misogyny. The patriarchy sees women as lesser, and misogynistic laws are made to reflect those beliefs.
Things like reproductive rights being stripped from women happens because our society is built to cater around a bunch of old cishet white men.
I believe in supporting and empowering women, not taking away basic rights such as bodily autonomy. Therefore, I am in direct opposition to the patriarchy in its current form.
Again, this is about real world stuff. I’m not here to shame blogs that indulge in the fantasy. I just feel it’s very important to make the distinction.
I hope this helps clarify. And I really hope this wasn’t a troll question.
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f0point5 · 25 days
Everyone tearing down Magui for the supposed cheating and racism is literally just misogynistic because Lando has had the exact same allegations if you will and not a single peep about that. Everyone just has a stick up their ass and needs to project in every single way possible because their fav is dating a hot model which is just another reminder that it will never be them. Lando doesn’t give a single shit about what you have to say about who he chooses to date because he will never know you exist and at the end of the day Magui is the one who gets him. So insane how these parasocial trolls think they’re entitled to everything because they ‘know’ someone through a screen
All this 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
And fr you want to talk about her racist from your fan page for a guy who said to the whole world that he respects trump. Be so real with meeeee
(And this is not an invitation for anyone to hate on Lando for that I am not having a go at him for what he said)
I’m not trying to be funny but honestly, if you want the boy, go get him. Genuinely he’s out there on Raya and DMing everybody he’s not exactly unattainable. If you want him, go get him, and if you can’t get him then I think we know why you hate any girl who can 🤷‍♀️
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nekropsii · 2 months
you have inspired me to re-read ballet of the dancestors
you're takes have made me realize how much I missed
your takes are very good too I agree with most of them, please keep doing what you're doing
Thanks! Glad you gave it another shot! It really is deeply funny to me when people go on about how “there’s nothing to the Alpha Trolls” and how “they don’t understand how anyone could like them” when there’s a substantial amount of content and substance there, actually. The only thing that tells me is that they didn’t actually read the damn Openbounds- and therefore have not read all of Homestuck- and that they get, like, all of their opinions from other people rather than thinking critically or thinking for themselves.
“The Alpha Trolls have nothing to them” Rufioh has a whole conversation baked into his character about the reclamation of slurs by the oppressed and how trying to keep minorities from reclaiming language used against them for themselves is in itself an act of violence, and how this is often a tactic employed by online “Leftists” concern-trolling minorities into silence and speaking loudly over them about their own experiences. Yet at the same time Rufioh is an incredibly flawed person with some very dangerous views on women, because while he might be struggling with his confidence and being heard, he’s also a two-faced misogynistic fuckhead who barely sees women as people when they’re not around to service him. These are traits he has simultaneously, but they are distinctly not related. He is a whole person.
There’s a lot to unpack with just Rufioh alone, and he isn’t even really a main character here or anything. I think that counts as substance. People just can’t read and don’t want to put any effort into challenging their viewpoints that were pre-installed by some other idiot who also can’t read and didn’t want to put any effort into challenging themselves. It’s truly the “Nice opinion, did a YouTuber give it to you?” of Homestuck, and I’m gonna sit it up there with “Skip to the Trolls” and “Skip the Intermission”. Things of value are being said in those damn Openbounds, so help me god.
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klapollo · 2 months
So I had no idea who Andrew Dobson is and I ended up doing a deep dive that totally wasn’t about procrastinating my essay and jfc that one person with a blog dedicated to him needs a life. But I’m really confused about the whole thing. Cause some of the stuff they were mentioning did seem like real dick moves on his side but then next thing they’re actually criticising him for being anti-trump and… like is he a bad guy for the way he acted towards women occasionally or is he a bad guy cause he hates a rampant misogynist???
basically people hate(d) him because he was a bit of a jagoff who was kinda high on his own supply back when deviantart was really big -- he was sizably popular there as Tom Preston, and there used to be a pretty big cottage industry of deviantart celebrity "lolcows" with any decently sized following. most of the first lolcows (i hate this term lol) i was cognizant of as a youth were from deviantart. most of these people were also basically harmless, just "cringe," which is also where i'd put dobson. he was pretty obstinate and didnt take criticism well, especially early on. that + his more liberal beliefs made him an easy target.
the thing is it spiraled way out of control, and it got to a point where he was at the center of a nonstop surveillance and harassment cycle. it was typical lolcow troll methods -- he would continue his existing work and it'd be instantly posted to the chans or whatever for mockery, or he'd start a new venture and it'd die in the womb due to this hate following. a few years ago he just stopped posting entirely, which honestly is not surprising. he was clearly very paranoid, depressed and suicidal, which i probably would have been in his situation, and most lolcows naturally end up being.
and the thing is like.......people are still obsessed with him. which is incredibly bizarre because he's gone and has been gone for years, but also because his offenses are incredibly banal. oh wow a nerdy webcomic artist who came up on the early internet is smug and opinionated, call the FBI. as with most lolcows i think dobson's life story would be significantly more mundane if not for the fact that a contingent of weirdos became obsessed with him. and as with most lolcows as well, they project fiercely -- insistent that HE'S the weird one when he logged off ages ago and they STILL talk about him (even here -- there's like two active andrew dobson stalker diaries i think lol)
i would say the most morally dubious thing he did was draw like, inflation art of some of the azumanga daioh characters once? which that could have been as long as 20+ years ago and idek how young he would have been then. and let's be real they dont care about morals they just hate him bc he's Cringe. call is coming from inside the house etc
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fantasticpants · 1 year
Too often these days, I feel like I’m living in the dumbest of all worlds. 
The country I live in is happily sliding down the slippery slope into becoming a fundamentalist fascist dictatorship and the whole world is facing a tsunami of authoritarian populism, among other bullshit. It’s fucking terrifying.
Meanwhile in the online world, you see scold pieces about how problematic it is to like villains. 
A story blew up about 6-year-old girl who dressed up as Homelander for Halloween -- haha whoops, who is gonna tell her she’s glorifying a rapist racist fascist? There was apparently a whole ensuing kerfuffle where rightwing Homelander fans started claiming he’s not actually a villain, which led to thinkpieces about how worrying it is that people are no longer able to tell a fictional villain from a good guy. 
Clearly this is the true epidemic of our age.
You keep seeing this mindset of: Aha, I recognized a fictional fascist/abuser/problematique~ character!! I’m a good person with good politics and I will now mock and harass their dumb fascists fans and get my progressive brownie points!
Ugh. Some of my exhausted rage over this is due to me being prone to liking problematique~ characters and ships; I’m specifically defensive of my terrible blorbo and feel absolutely no obligation to justify it or prove that I like him in the “right” way, i.e. by flattening him into a one-dimensional caricature only worthy of hate. He’s often cited to be a red flag character, but it’s actually fairly easy to recognize when people like him for fucked up reasons; they’ll happily bring their shitty politics into it and spout misogynistic garbage about female characters, etc. As for the rest of us... how about you give people the benefit of the doubt instead of automatically assuming they’re media illiterate morons? People might like or relate to a villain because they empathize with their trauma or maladaptive coping mechanism or a particular neurodivergence that’s rare to see in a “good guy” character, and for a myriad of other reasons. 
It’s none of your business, frankly, and at this point, I feel like this whole avenue of discourse is purely toxic. Reducing the world to a paranoid black & white and scorning nuance is a dangerous, deeply right-wing practice, and dressing it up in progressive concern trolling doesn’t change that fact; it only makes harder to swallow because you’re constantly looking over your shoulder, worrying when your progressive allies are going to exile you to the shame corner over liking the wrong thing.
There’s that line from the Last Jedi: That’s how we’re gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love.
It struck me as pretty trite and corny at first, but these days I feel like it’s a very good guideline to engaging in politics, fandom, and probably life in general. Scorn, hate and judgment might be satisfying to engage in, but ultimately, the discourse just traps us in an insufferable hamster wheel cage match.
tl;dr ...I’m tired. But I’m grateful for the cozy Homie corner and for people willing to engage with compassion and nuance.
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artsyaech · 1 year
~welcome to the sunflower field~
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[image ID: a field of hundreds of sunflowers. in the distance you can see what appears to be a hill. over the field is a sunset with clouds in the sky END ID]
my names are
and i'm just one out of hundreds of xenogender coining blogs. my old blog got deleted on accident (because i'm a dumdum) but i'm the original artsyaech, trust me. i have tons of pronoun sets but here are some you can call me by:
🌻/🌻s/🌻self [emoji ID: sunflower emoji]
i'm a white icelander with scottish ancestry, so i'm as white as can be lol. i'm xenogender and genderfluid as well as objectum, aspec and abrosexual. i'm autistic, have adhd, depression and anxiety (diagnosed) as well as questioning if i have anything more.
i am otherkin. i’m an alien so please refrain from using humane terms to describe me
special interests atm: gorillaz, the sims, postal, mcr and mlp (if you request anything related to these things, i will 100% make it)
my bestie is @hip-albatross (go send him some love, void is amazing)
(help with image IDs would be very much appreciated)
tagging system
[PT: tagging system]
search for #aech’s terms if you just wanna see my gendies and other terms
#aech rambles is just for my little ramblings
#aech’s asks is for my asks
#aech reblogs is for reblogs (some of my older reblogs don’t have that tag, fyi)
#aech helps with neos or themed pronouns for pronoun/name help :)
#aech gives tips for alterhuman self-care tips
accessibility tags
#needs id is for posts that don’t have image ID (that i might add later)
#has id is for posts that have image ID (sometimes, i will add this myself)
what i will do:
aldernic terms
objectum terms
themed names and pronouns
what i will not do:
coining anything potentially problematic
coining anything on my blacklist
term searching
flag combos
flag requests: open!
name and pronoun requests: open!
DNI and blacklist under cut
dni: anti-mogai, anti-xenogenders, anti-neopronouns, anti-polyamory, anti-sex work, anti-abortion, mspec lesbian exclusionists, mspec gay exclusionists, anti-feminist, republicans, TERFS, SWERFS, radfems, transcum, transmeds, truscum, nazis, sexists, homophobes, misogynists, trump supporters, transphobes, queerphobes, racists, ableists, saneists, xenophobes, anti-BLM, pro-cop, superstraights, flop accounts, troll accounts, kink/NSFW (that includes H3nt41 and 3cch1), anti-agere, “MAP/p*dosexual”, “r*pesexual”, “racefluid”, “dreamsexual” (pertaining to the dsmp), “zoosexual”, “n*crosexuals” zoophiles, gold star lesbians, “transracials” RCTA, ECTA, people who support subs like r/DIDCringe or r/FakeDisorderCringe, xenoid/xenoidentities and their supporters, autism speaks supporters, light it up blue supporters, people who sexualize agere, proshippers, transid/transx, against researched self- diagnosis, demonize any mental disorder, against alterhumans, ‘consang’, think fiction doesn’t affect reality, pro-incest, pro-sh, jk rowling fans/apologists, pro-ano/thinspo
blacklist (general): gore, real violence, real death, MAPs, l*licon, sh*tacon, s/a, s/h, su*cide, eating disorders, s*xual topics/imagery, addiction, pregnacy and childbirth, hospitals and hospital imagery
blacklist (media/people): FNF, DSMP, harry potter and other j.k. rowling media, countryhumans, hetalia, black butler, killing stalking, hisoka from hxh, yarichin bitch club, boku no pico, helluva boss / hazbin hotel, kalvin garrah, shane dawson, trisha paytas, jschlatt, sia
reminder that in some cases the media on the blacklist is not inherently problematic, i’m just uncomfortable with it.
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hookingminor · 2 years
“i hate what i’ve become.” with mat? ty 🫶🏻
“I hate what I’ve become.”
this got very real and deep very fast don't ask me if I'm mentally okay after reading this because I'm clearly not
warnings: intense talk of insecurities
Social media was your worst nightmare even after years of handling it, you thought you had it mastered. You thought you could step back and block out negative comments and everything that made you feel like shit, but it was so much easier said than done.
And as much as you hated to admit it, Mat only made it worse. Being with Mat only made it worse. It was bad enough before you were his girlfriend, but now that you were officially public, it was exponentially worse.
The doom scrolling was the worst part of it all. You were so wrapped up in the toxicity of it all and couldn’t let it go. For hours you’d sit on Instagram, scrolling through the comments on his posts of you. Even if the positive comments outweighed the negative ones, you could only focus on every criticism of you. How you weren’t the typical WAG standard, how Mat must be cheating on you, how much better he could do.
Then came his tag posts, which were sometimes filled with vapid remarks about his alleged hookups or hateful judgements of your profile. Not to mention all the women he still followed that were stick thin and blonde and clearly got paid just to post bikini photos. You weren’t one to be bitter and misogynistic, but it was hard when everywhere you looked there were reminders of every beautiful ex Mat had or how ugly you were next to him.
It was all consuming and to the point where you just couldn’t handle it anymore. Like physically, you feared this comparison and criticism of yourself would be the death of you.
Realistically, you knew there was only one solution to this problem.
“We need to break up.”
Mat could not have been more blindsided by your words, his whole body coming to a dramatic halt at your blunt words. He was in the middle of making a sandwich for god’s sake. “Is this a joke?” Never in a million years would Mat have expected you to spring this on him.
“No,” you stated. “I think we should break up.”
The silence felt like it lasted hours while Mat’s brain tried to catch up with what you were saying. It was out of the blue and made no sense, and Mat still half believed you were just fucking with him.
“Why would we break up? Is there something wrong with us?” If he weren’t so genuinely confused by your outburst, he might be mad, but he was just lost. As far as he was concerned, you two were solid. Nothing big had happened to warrant a fight, let alone a breakup. “What’s going on, babe?”
“I just can’t do this anymore. I hate what I’ve become, and I can’t stand being like this, Mat,” you explained, which only confused him even more.
“What the hell are you even talking about? What can’t you do anymore? What’s wrong?” He walked to you in two long strides, enveloping your face in his hands while he scanned it for something. Anything.
“I can’t do being your girlfriend anymore,” you said. “All the comments and trolls and you being the literal hottest man to ever grace hockey while I’m just some girl.”
“Woah, where is this coming from? Who said this? Where are you getting this?” His questions came out at double speed, real fear setting in now that you might actually leave him.
“Instagram, twitter, those stupid blogs, I’m tired of it all, Mat.” Your voice broke on his name.
“When did all of this start?” He asked.
Mat never spent much time on social media anymore except to post something then log off, and you were sure he somehow had notifications set so only his friends showed up in his mentions. Of course he wouldn’t be focusing on all the bullshit they were saying about you.
“The day we met,” you snorted humorlessly. “We’ve been dating publicly for months now, and they’ve never slowed down. They’re never going to stop. As long as I’m with you, I’m always going to be hearing this shit and comparing myself to other girls.”
“As long as you’re with me?” The anger was starting to hit now. “I’m sorry, but am I missing the part where this is my fault? Have I ever made you feel like this? It shouldn’t matter what other people think. They’re all spineless assholes who have nothing better to do with their time but tweet insulting shit. I think you’re amazing and wonderful and hot and sexy and incredible. Doesn’t me loving you count for something?”
“Of course it does, Mat. And I love you, but this shit never stops. You don’t get it. You don’t get what it’s like to look at every single woman and wonder if you’d be more attracted to them than you are to me. To wonder if you’re just waiting until you find something better.” And he didn’t get it. Not when he looked like that and had all that money and fame and success. He would always be too good for you.
“Jesus Christ.” Mat’s heart broke at your confession. “How long have you been feeling like this?”
It was painful to hear about your insecurities, and that was the reason you never brought it up. It wasn’t Mat’s job to reassure you every time you were feeling down, especially when your bad days greatly outnumbered your good days. You felt like a burden when you told Mat about your problems.
You shrugged. “A long time.”
“And you really think breaking up will solve this?”
“It can’t make it any worse.”
Mat rethought his strategy. He clearly wasn’t letting you call off nearly a year-long relationship over something you hadn’t discussed more than just this one time, but it was also clear your mind was made up.
“Okay, well, I’ll just delete my Instagram then,” Mat said casually. So casually your eyes snapped up to his.
“What? No. You can’t do that,” you said defensively.
“If it’s the only way I can keep you then yes, I can,” he shrugged.
“Mat, don’t be stupid,” you scoffed, pushing him away with a hand though he wouldn’t budge.
“If anyone’s being stupid here it’s you,” he said without hesitation. “If you think I’m letting you breakup with me having not even discussed this with me, you’re insane. Clearly, this has all been taking a toll on you, and you won’t even tell me about it so we can handle it as a team.”
“There’s nothing to handle. I’ve already figured it out.”
“Totally.” Mat nodded. “You know that in a relationship we handle things together, right?”
And maybe he had a point, but this wasn’t his battle to fight. It’s not like he was the one whose self esteem had taken drastic hits.
“I just don’t see how this can work out when I’m constantly thinking about how awful I feel or look,” you said.
“Well, I can tell you how we can work this out,” Mat replied confidently. “First, you tell me when things get bad like this so you don’t have to be alone. Second, I will tell every single bastard online to fuck off if you want. Third, we both take a step back from social media. No name searching or doom scrolling or even posting, if that’s what you want.”
“It won’t work, Mat.” You tried the whole ‘taking a step back’ and ignoring shit. It doesn’t work.
“Have you tried it with me?” You shook your head. “We’ll spend our evenings learning new hobbies like it’s the 1800s or something. You can teach me how to crochet or bake bread. We’ll start new shows and explore the city doing stuff we never thought we’d do. We can go to every single bagel place in New York and rank them.”
“That’ll take years.” You couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out.
Mat continued on, a smile tugging at his own lips. “We’ll go on vacations to the most remote places in the world with no cell reception. We’ll take pictures on polaroids and disposables like old people so that the only pictures we have are just for us. We’ll buy a house in the woods where we can go to escape whenever we think it’s all too much. When I retire we’ll move to the most secluded small town in Canada and put all of our efforts into starting a small business. There are so many things we haven’t tried yet.”
It all sounded so beautiful coming from Mat, and you couldn’t fight the smile that crept across your face as he listed off a million things for you to do. “You’re planning quite a far way into the future.”
“That’s because you are my future. I love you, and I want this to work. Your bad days are my bad days, and we should be handling this together. Like a team,” Mat said.
“We’re not qualified to start a small business,” you remarked, and he scoffed.
“Then we’ll both go to business school,” he teased. “We have years to plan that out.”
You knew he was joking about half the things he listed, but the fact that they were mostly all plausible options had you pausing to consider.
“Just give it a chance for us to work this out,” Mat pleaded.
And maybe it was the thought of hiking through South American mountains miles away from civilization or the thought of settling down with Mat in a home with your possible future children or the fact that you just loved Mat with all your heart, plain and simple, but you nodded in agreement.
“Okay,” you said softly. “We’ll work it out.”
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fanonical · 8 months
not going to answer any of the long diatribes in my ask box about Gamzee because they can’t read, but note that by mentioning that Eridan, Gamzee & Equius all did much more reprehensible things than Vriska would ever dream of doing i am not saying that these guys are also anything other than traumatised, deeply abused children: I’m just pointing out the obvious lie when people say Vriska is “the most violent” or “the morally worst troll” because it is so easily disproven. i’m a big lover of Eridan!!! Equius is also a personal favourite!!! Gamzee i’m not as strong on but i certainly don’t think he is “stopped in sin” please stop projecting bullshit onto me because i said (checks notes) people are misogynistic about Vriska
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