#I’m going to shut up
cyberllfe · 9 months
Hi. I'm the ghost that likes to read your stuff. I just read Made For Me, and it was quite the fun ride. I unfortunately cannot leave you a quality review, as I am no wordsmith, but you did inspire me to dust off this fic I was working on:
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Like I said, writing isn't my forte. In theory, I can discern what divides quality smut from an attempt that has room for growth. In practice it's a bit harder to demonstrate (laughs). My writing reeks of amateur, but just maybe, you can have an iota of fun like I did reading your stuff.
ashdksuds YELLING
thank you!! I’m so pleased you enjoyed tailor nines, but not only that, you brought me a SNIPPET? you have my curiosity and my attention. I LOVE the vibe of this. The tension! The immediacy! His commanding presence 😏 sounds to me like someone’s caused a little trouble and is about to find out the consequences ✨
thank you, again, bc it’s lovely to receive this sort of thing. it always means a lot to have a work enjoyed, but to inspire another writer is even better. no such thing as too many filthy hot fics 😌
just one thing: I think you’re selling yourself pretty short, honestly. being an amateur isn’t the same as being a Bad Writer™, and besides “good” writing is so subjective (especially within fandom) that it’s not the most useful label. I think what we as part of a fandom look for is the heart you find in fic, and that comes from an author pouring part of themselves into it in a way you don’t always get with the source material. write what you want, what you enjoy, and it’ll reach other people who’ll enjoy it too.
you should count me among them 👀
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its-raining-cats · 9 months
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bisexualbuckleyy · 2 months
currently thinking about how tommy saying “probably not in the same day” was when i actually genuinely thought they were going to kiss cause that is so fucking smooth. like buck’s already offered to buy him a beer and tommy’s offered to give him flying lessons and now when tommy says he can teach him muay thai buck almost gives him an out by saying kind of jokingly “would that be right after the flying lessons?” and tommy just doubles down like no i’m not joking or just doing this as a favor i want to spend time with you and bring you to my workplace and my home and teach you about the things i enjoy and share these parts of myself with you i don’t just want to spend a day with you. and he says this all while looking directly at buck’s lips. absolutely god tier tommy kinard the man that you are.
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one of the worst things in the world is that feeling unloveable can (and will) make you act in ways that reinforces itself. I feel unloveable so I don’t respond to messages so people reach out less so I feel unloveable. one of the hardest things in the world is fighting back the brain demons long enough to break the cycle
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laz-kay · 8 months
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“Sounds like a hoot. Probably a good thing if I tag along, huh? Stay for dinner, make amusing small talk”.
Bob's Burgers, The Amazing Rudy (S14: E2)
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soup-of-the-daisies · 23 days
listen i get ppl are deeply into the whole “voldemort is far more powerful than harry”-thing because yeah, he is, but i also think harry should be allowed to bully him extensively. ‘powerplay this’, ‘powerplay that’ no! harry has no urge to be more powerful than voldemort! harry just wants to bully him!
doesn’t matter if harry ends up on his arm or through some convoluted fanfic logic in his head during the events of the series after he passes. harry’s sole goal is Ridicule The Dark Lord. he reminds voldemort daily that he got beaten by 1) a baby, 2) an 11yo boy with fire hands (apparently), 3) a 12yo boy with a sword and one (1) fang, 4) a 14yo boy who could run really quickly, and 5) a 17yo, malnourished, exhausted boy with a borrowed wand. he tells voldemort repeatedly that vee’s 15yo self bragged to harry’s 12yo self (no sword or fang yet) that he decided on his name change via anagram, like it’s cool. he reminds voldemort often that “lord flight from death” is a bit on the nose for a new name. he always says that whatever voldemort does is “no friend behaviour”. he tells voldemort things like “you know all of your followers except bella and barty would sell you to the devil for one corn chip right” and voldemort, without fail, will think “NO. THAT’S THE THING I’M SENSITIVE ABOUT”. he’s yelling “HA CRINGEE” about everything voldemort does. it’s devastating.
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something about how Lorraine Baines McFly raised her son to be someone that her younger self would have felt safe around. Especially since she was mistreated and harassed near-constantly by Biff. She raised her son to be kind and emotional and unafraid to stand up against bullies. No wonder she fell for him in the past.
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biscuitfacegrey · 3 months
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my 6th grade self is reeling
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esile-pr23 · 10 months
nick put his heart and SOUL into henry like seeing so much more Henry pov in the movie…his facial expressions were just so devastating and he really played to the fact that Henry is such a deeply emotional person with so much fear and love to give and he encompasses all of that SO WELL I could scream about it forever
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dilutedbeanibeans · 2 years
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wow can’t believe these r the same characters‼️‼️‼️‼️
they’re both meow meows
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otaku553 · 8 months
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I have an agenda.
Long hair teenage sabo.
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unspecifiedfigure · 9 months
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“hey. eyes up here.”
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redhotarsenic · 9 months
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mamzier · 9 months
all of the babushkas and abuelas and nonis and grammys and omas and nanas out there with their shawls are sincerely On To Something
it’s like if a scarf actually kept you warm and was comfy to lay around in
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mischiefmanifold · 2 years
autism is not just social anxiety and being awkward and having an interest
ADHD is not just being fidgety or loud
some of you need to do some serious research on these conditions before claiming that you have them, because it’s getting exhausting correcting people’s misinformation
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
There’s this one interaction I still think about sometimes and get So Mad at. So my best friend is a very bubbly sweet person. Her partner is really shy and soft spoken, it took a while for me to get to know him.
When we’re out and about it usually takes him a while to come out of his shell and talk. We don’t focus on it, it’s just like he’ll talk when he’s ready.
So one day the two of them and my betrothed and I are having breakfast in a restaurant. Three of the people at the table look AFAB, and then there’s him. We’ve been there a while and he finally opens up to start telling a story.
He grew up in Hawaii and he’s telling us this really funny story and we’re all listening with great interest.
And this fucking middle aged white man comes up to our table, points at him, and says “You’re talking way too much, you need to let the ladies get a word in edgewise, son. This is no way to behave.”
All of us turn to this man with outrage and my friend said in a tight voice, “None of us feel that way.”
The older guy laughed and wandered off and I had the bitter experience of watching this sweet guy shrink back on himself. We all had to coax him to finish the story but the moment was so thoroughly ruined by that interruption.
I hope that rude man steps on Legos every day for a year. I hope he gets horrible painful hangnails, and that his food is always too salty.
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