#I won't deny nor confirm this information
alder-saan · 7 months
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sugar-grigri · 5 months
I think I remember you making references to Fire Punch in a few analysis post so I assume you've read that one, but have you read Goodbye Eri, and if so do you have any particular thoughts you want to share on it? It might be my favorite, although it's hard to rank Fujimoto's works because there's something different I like about all of them.
Hi Yuta! or is it Fujimoto?
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2022, Goodbye Eri is released and I'm in for a huge slap in the face! I've finally got the chance to talk about it, so thank you!
It's hard to come after the war after this one-shot has been the subject of so much analysis, interpretation and criticism. But I think it's a work that's deliberately designed to be a trap, and the first mistake would be to try absolutely hard to determine whether Goodbye Eri is true or false. 
Trying to detect the true and the false is futile, not that it's really impossible, but arguments could be several pages long and the theories put forward would remain mere hypotheses because no explicit confirmation is given. Quite simply because this is not the aim of the work, nor a satisfactory way of reading it. 
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For example, when Yuta's father seems to be getting angry with Eri, we understand from Eri's "And Cut!!!" that it was all a set-up. So, as a good reader, we can only assume that what follows is pure reality. However, the father, now an actor, if he should play his line differently.
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As another illustration, when Eri is close to death and Yuta are talking, there are a few hints that they might have a relationship, but this is denied by Yuta himself, in a discussion with Eri's friend. 
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The film plays with this to such an extent that all sorts of theories are possible. It could just as easily be interpreted as there being only two films (on Yuta's mother and then on Eri's death), two films but in different ways: one about Yuta's mother and a second film about Eri, as a vampire, with the end scene played by Yuta's father and by Eri before her death.
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This explains why, even after Eri's death, Yuta continues to film because the film isn't actually finished yet, the editing being there to reverse the scenes played chronologically, to make it look as if Eri was still alive, and so on. ..
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As you can see, it all makes sense, and our preference is purely personal because they all work. But I'm not going to play that game, because it only shows me one thing, and that's that the plot surrounding Eri is deliberately obscure. 
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I've seen a lot of people describe Goodbye Eri as a work about dealing with death - the way we want to remember those we've lost, etc... It's about mourning, symbolically saying goodbye, hence the title. Which is true! But it goes further than that.
Eri's plot is deliberately obscure because the right way to appropriate the work is not through her. She's the character we know least about. Physically alone, we learn that she wore glasses and braces. Mentally, she was more annoying than she seemed in the movie. Eri is a mirage in which we won't find answers, so we have to learn to say goodbye.
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The only reliable information given in this OS is that everything is filmed by Yuta's phone. And in reality, you know Yuta better than Eri, so it's him you should turn to...
Hi Yuta!
Yuta is almost never shown in this OS, as he is always filming. And when he is shown accurately, it's when he's inspired by other films by watching them with Eri, in other words, he's continuing to work on his own film by watching others. 
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Yuta's first film began as a result of his mother's narcissistic desire, as he was celebrating his birthday, discovering his gift, a smartphone, all of which was directly taken over by his mother, who asked him to film her until she died.
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By keeping only the good sides of his mother, ignoring all the abusive parts of her, Yuta does not follow his parent's wishes, he does it for himself, showing what he himself wants to retain from his childhood, his story, in order to move forward properly.
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But as everything is filmed, it gives the impression that the videos have been passively lined up without any sorting, without any choice. Yuta takes his revenge because he refuses to film his mother until the day she dies, stopping before then, preferring an explosion to conclude his film. It's brutal because it's as if Yuta's tastes, his little touch of fantasy, are suddenly surfacing, while the rest of the film is just as personal, just as him. So when his film is mocked, it's a work so personal that Yuta wants to die. 
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It's not insignificant that it's Eri who intervenes, whose only certainty was that she loved not only the films but also Yuta's, simply because she saw not only Yuta's mother in this film but also him, whom she considered to be the best character. She wasn't revolted by the ending, because she was aware of Yuta's touch throughout the film. The same ambiguity then resurfaces, we don't know if Eri is in love with Yuta, she corrects him to say that it's these films, the two are so linked, that liking Yuta's films is tantamount to liking the teenager. 
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Yuta follows Eri's desire to produce a film that is above all personal to him, to the point that when Eri sees her last moments narrated by him, she sees Yuta more than herself, because she is seen through someone else's eyes. 
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For me, there aren't two or three films, but just one from start to finish. Because you see, we've said goodbye to Eri, we've got out of her tricky story to reflect on Yuta, but we still haven't stepped back enough. Because you know who made the film, and it's not Yuta, it's Fujimoto. So, third stage :
let's salute Fujimoto. 
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The film we've just seen in this OS deals with a number of overlapping themes, the way in which a loved one is portrayed, the relationship with others, death, creation, but above all, the extent to which a work is personal. Goodbye Eri is a pretext for Fujimoto to show us the extent to which even the cutting is the fruit of reflection, is already a message.
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In this OS, all the boxes are in the video format of a smartphone, each moving, static shot depends on Yuta, just as each shot is in the third row, drawn by someone.
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People make the mistake, like the first audience of Yuta's film about his mother, of relating to works as linear stories to be trusted, even if they film his mother every day, Yuta's editing is his way of counting a story, it is certainly not the truth in all its neutrality. It's only at the moment of the explosion, which expresses the most of Yuta's personality, that people get upset.
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This offbeat, absurd explosion is something that Fujimoto punctuates in his works, yet they are both thought out and personal to him. But they are often mocked as a way of poking fun at his work. What Fujimoto is saying is that the work doesn't become brutally personal for the controversial, offbeat moments, just the way he depicts a scene from life is personal. 
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People believed this version of the author's mother, otherwise they wouldn't be outraged by this disgraceful way of portraying this nice woman at the end, so in itself, Yuta's film worked. But all this is just a pretext for Fujimoto to point out that he is the author of all his other works, CSM, Fire Punch, Look Back, Just Listen to the Song... They are just like another film made in response to the positive or negative reactions of the others.
Fujimoto likes to trace the common ground between these works, which respond to each other. Each one, placed side by side, is an attempt by Fujimoto to upset his audience a little more, a second or third try.
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The mistake is to separate the author's touch from his work, just as we are tempted to focus more on Eri than Yuta. Just as Fujimoto reminds us through this OS, who writes, draws Goodbye Eri. The first part of CSM was turned upside down by the fact that Makima was a demon from the start, abusive to the point of being the antagonist.
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A violent and abusive maternal relationship. The design of the mother is also a bit similar. Mentions of the breasts, something that also went down quite a bit and left its mark on a lot of readers because it was so out of sync. The emphasis on cats... A rejected boy. A work focused on female characters.
Goodbye Eri is a work in which Fujimoto makes fun of himself, his works and the things that bring them together. Yes, there will be an explosion if the author so decides. Yes, Eri can live again, be a vampire, if the author so decides, but what's to stop him making his characters die, and then bringing them back to life a few pages later? 
The characters' plots are the authors' playgrounds, whether you like it or not. You can't detach works from their authors, or read works as unrelated things because they were written by the same person. Talking about death, life, mourning, love, with a touch of fantasy is what Fujimoto does in each of them. 
So if you're lost, remember that what you're reading isn't in the title but in the author. 
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albywritesfiction · 7 months
I sort of missed the post in which you said Helene will try to seduce Ædric, but I've seen people commenting on that so I'm assuming you said so...
But it leaves me so confused at the end goal here...
Or well, no, rather than confused, I'm now suspecting her goal is to actively harm either the MC or Ædan, or both. If she wants to harm the MC, it's simple really - she made it so their first love left them for her, and now she'll try to do so for the second one, not knowing Ædric's long-time feelings for the MC. If she wants to harm Ædan, well... she manipulated him into leaving someone who really loved him, only to then show interest in his brother, of whom Ædan is already envious and basically "leave him" for his brother (even if that won't work considering the circumstances, but well, it would be the plan).
But while I have these theories, I can't imagine a reason for doing so... I guess while I can theorize about her goals, what drove her to that remains a mystery without additional information!
Hi again Konoï and Noir!
Oooh these are some pretty big-brain theories! Unfortunately, I will neither confirm nor deny whether either of these are true 😅
You'll just have to read ATE and find out Helene's backstory 🤭
EDIT: I've just noticed that my response seems to lack something that I remember writing, so I'll add it here
I sort of missed the post in which you said Helene will try to seduce Ædric, but I've seen people commenting on that so I'm assuming you said so...
Well, uh, I hinted at it in a previous ask, but then apparently the people who read my posts are professional plot detectives so they caught on to it immediately 😅
EDIT 2: I now know why I thought it was missing what I wrote in the edit 😅 you'll see what I mean in a few days 😅
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hsrmtbrm · 2 months
Hands on his thighs, he keeps his gaze focused on the table before him. He keeps his breathing steady and even.
Inofumi sets down his brush.
"I understand you've been having issues sleeping, Tobirama-san."
He bows his head, neither confirming nor denying the statement.
"With your line of work, it's expected to find difficulty in relaxing. You're tasked with labor that could mean the downfall of your clan if done wrong."
It's all things he's heard before. He hums in acknowledgment.
There is no response for a moment too long for his comfort. Only the scratching of a brush on paper, and the sensation of mild irritation from his interrogator.
"Nothing that you disclose to me will leave this room, as is declared by the contract. Any information you relay to me with will stay with me.
"Regardless, you are under no obligation to tell me about why you struggle to sleep. If you don't trust me with that information, I won't blame you. I will, however, ask for you to allow me to help."
Inofumi tilts his head, gazing into his eyes. The contact makes his skin itch.
He does not reply, staring a hole into the wood of the table. His opponent sighs.
"...Alright, Tobirama-san. I see that I've started too strong. How about we start with something easier?," he says, not unkindly. "What do you like to do with your free time?"
The question throws him off-guard. It's simple, and non-threatening. There is no information he could give that would harm his father the clan.
He opens his mouth.
"I.. enjoy practicing fuuinjutsu."
The Yamanaka head raises his eyebrows in surprise. He seems pleased at his response.
"Impressive. I assume you took up the practice on your embarkments to Uzushio?"
Tobirama shakes his head.
"It.. I learned it from my mother."
Mentioning her make his blood race for a moment, but he stills it. He knows Inofumi is a sensor. He cannot afford to show weakness, even to an ally.
Inofumi had picked up on the discomfort.
"I see.. If you enjoy fuuinjutsu, you must be adept at calligraphy then."
Despite his slip, the topic is not pressed. He eases his chakra into a neutral state as best he can.
"..Yes. I had to learn to make my writing legible, as I help with budgeting and note taking during meetings."
The brush pauses against the scroll momentarily, but resumes a second after.
"You must be proud to be trusted with such an important task."
He lowers his head and hunches his shoulders, face reddening.
"I am.. merely a placeholder," he denies quietly, "Nothing more."
Inofumi smiles politely at him, head lolling to the side. His chakra shifts slightly.
"Tobirama-san needn't be so modest. We both know he wouldn't be here today if he wasn't important."
He purses his lips at the change, straightening.
"I'm only present today because I've been causing my father trouble."
The Yamanaka shakes his head, his chakra flickering in amusement. His eyes narrow.
"How humble of Tobirama-san."
"Not humble," he denies sharply, "Merely honest."
Inofumi hums, "Your father speaks quite highly of you. He speaks not of his other son in such a manner. It's curious."
Tobirama lets his chakra show his displeasure with the train of conversation.
"..My brother is unruly. That's all."
"One would think so, if one was not a sensor."
He inhales sharply. "Yamanaka-sama. Your comments are entirely unnecessary. Frankly, they have nothing to do with the reason I came here today."
He lifts his gaze to glare at the deceptive smile on his opponent's face.
"I appreciate your 'concern', but it is unwelcome. Your implications are offensive and had my father been here to hear them, this 'session' would have ended the second you hinted toward them."
He narrows his eyes and holds his body firm.
"If you have nothing better to do than sling accusations at me, then I am afraid I will have to take my leave."
Inofumi's smile stretches into a pleased grin.
"I must apologize if my words have offended Tobirama-san, as it was not my intention. I meant nothing negative, merely that your father's adoration for you is admirable."
The Yamanaka bows his head slightly, gazing at him through his lashes.
"Your fierce protectiveness for him is as well. Now that we've warmed up, is Tobirama-san ready to tell me about his unrest at night?"
He blinks once. Then again. Mouth gaping like a fish, he stammers uncouthly. He'd been thrown through a loop.
The deceptive Yamanaka head had used his affection for his father as a way to get him to open up, to shed his shy demeanor.
His chest feels funny for a moment.
Against his will, he returns the grin with one of his own.
"Fine. We'll play your way, Yamanaka-sama," he concedes.
"Please, call me Inofumi. I have a feeling we're going to be good friends."
Perhaps the boar is not so tame after all.
In his opponents pale green eyes, he sees an intelligence akin to his own.
Let the game begin.
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Presentation Round
Hey, folks! Before it starts at 6pm UTC, a few notes on the presentation round and how it will work: over the course of 64 hours (a post every 15 minutes), you will get to know all 256 participants of this tournament. Every post will contain the hexadecimal number that is every character's identification, the characteristics that'll go with every poll, and further propaganda that came with the submission.
Every information on the posts is taken from the submissions and I have not confirmed any of it. I generally copied the propaganda as-is, except for changing it to be gender-neutral, but in some cases I had to cut or rewrite parts because they were too convoluted and/or revealing.
I won't stop you from trying to guess who everyone is, even if I won't confirm nor deny anything. If you're 100% or close enough certain that you know the character's identity, however, I gently ask that you do not speak so as to not spoil someone's possible fun.
All the characters are anonymous, but there are a few that despite my best intentions may be easily guessable. For these, I ask that, just like for the others, you refrain from saying. They may be open secrets, but maybe someone genuinely doesn't know them, and I don't want their fun to be spoiled.
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lemonhemlock · 9 months
Actually episode 4 being Rook's Rest plus Alan Taylor directing it has been pretty much confirmed including by reliable sources like Redanian Intelligence (sure, they don't have a 100% track record for accuracy and they do get things wrong sometimes but that's RARE, everyone who's been following them either for Witcher stuff or HOTD knows this). Like the other anon had said, some directors and their cinematographers were photographed on set…so it really isn't that hard to deduce who is filming what based on information we already know. And let's be real, Alan Taylor is pretty big and they're not gonna bring him on location to shoot some random scenes with Aemond, Criston and Gwayne that don't belong to a major episode. He was very much directing scenes related to the battle. I know it's very easy to dismiss every piece of information as trolls making stuff up but some of these people DO have inside sources. The thing is no one will be exposing them because some fans on the internet refuse to believe the claims they're making. Yes, there is this notorious troll on Reddit who's been making the same claim that Rook's Rest will be episode 4 since last Autumn but please, it's obvious he accidentally got it right. Other reliable source/leak accounts have been calling him out on his fabricated leaks from the start. They never relied on his "leaked" outline for S2 nor did they ever prop it up as truth. Not wanting to be spoiled, not following leaks/filming news and relying on Condal's words that the season will be paced like the early GOT seasons, that it will focusing on the kids (now adults) and won't be rushing things is totally fine, but pretty much anyone who's been following them knows for sure the fourth episode is indeed RR, the second one is very likely B&C (although the first one seems to be be the actual set-up for the assassination and Daemon will be unsurprisingly behind it), the third one is for sure Jaehaerys' funeral. The main question now, that no one seems to have a definitive answer on, is whether or not the fall of KL is the season finale since the Battle of the Gullet has been pretty surely moved to S3. At this point, denying the obvious and believing the battle of Rook's Rest will be happening later in the season, or will be the season's finale together with Aemond being crowned as Prince Regent, is just cope. I don't like it either, it's too rushed, but I'd rather be honest from the start about how things are looking: not very good.
well......i don't follow the redanian intelligence to form an evaluation of their accuracy rate, though i do vaguely remember some kind of drama i tangentially encountered on twitter by scrolling
i guess that something to keep in mind for these scavenger hunts is also that scenes can be filmed out of order, so they may film a scene from one episode here and after that a scene from another episode with another director etc. i would think it's prioritised by set, too, so for example if scenes from harrenhal appear in several episodes, they're gonna build that set / go to that location and then film all the material there before moving onto another location? so you'd have sightings of several actors/directors filming their episodes in a similar window of time, which wouldn't necessarily speak to the chronology of their episodes
idk bc i've never worked in film or anything of the sort but it would make more sense from a cost perspective. so i suppose that's how things can start getting confusing fast
other than yet, i have no doubt some leakers have inside info, it's just that sometimes it's difficult to parse through the real and the fake. ofc the people truly in the know won't reveal their sources just bc some rando in the comments doesn't believe them, so, at the end of the day, it's only after you see the finished product that you can identify the real ones without the shadow of a doubt
anyway, who is this notorious troll on reddit :)) sounds spicy 🌶️
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xerxeswitch · 1 year
My Jinn Partner
-- I'm no expert in the Islamic culture/religion by any means, nor do I know much of the Qur'an but I've been pinged to this topic. I had some accounts where a couple of psychics knew he was a jinn as confirmation, but even then I still don't quite know. I'm not the type of person who believes in absolutes, and I discern like hell when I'm given information -- So I don't really know if he's truly a jinn or not but it is pointing and hinting in that direction. -- What is a Jinn?
A jinn, djinn, or the evangelical term "genie" is an entity(s) who live among humans or parallel to our realm, and like us they can eat, sleep, etc., but they hold a lot of power. According to the tale, there were three types of beings: Angels -- entities made of light, humans -- beings of clay and water, and jinns -- entities of smokeless fire. I won't get too biblical on the topic but let's just say there's some friction and clashes that lead to a lot of biasness of how some people perceives jinn in a negative light. They are morally gray and varied like humans -- some are benevolent, some are malicious, and some are just tricksters who like to be a part of the human activities. They honestly remind me of the tales of faeries, or my indigenous folktales about dokkaebi. (Korean goblins) In the end, I think they just fall in all the same categories except they're just regional -- or perceived as such according to some regions of the world. ... For now, consider this like a log where I am exploring my closest spirit/entity companion.
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I will refer to him here as G.
(Privacy is very sacred to us, so some information will be withheld)
(Yes, this sketch is mine; Jennyun is my art name) ------- He is my partner, someone who knows me best...to say the least. He has been with me even long before I was born here. We go back longer... I had dreams of him since I was barely out of my toddler years. I talked to him a lot, seen him in my physical life too, and he would tell me many things on what to expect. Our bond is under a very, very, very long contract...to put it formally. I love him very much for he has given me happiness in my life, in ways I never knew such happiness could exist. He has made me into the person I am today; I became calmer, stress tend to disappear, I face my shadows with more purpose, and life became passionate again. I despise and rebuke the idea of needing someone in your life to "complete" you, but I cannot deny that's how it felt when he's around me. ... I know I will get some comments that I am being tricked, or I am being naive. But for now, until further notice, I am confident in him and I trust him for all the things he did for me and continuing to do so. I hope I can do the same for him, as he claims I am. I don't know if he's truly a jinn, but whatever he is -- I thoroughly enjoy him as solely himself. .... That's all really. I guess this is also my indirect way of saying "thank you" to him too for everything. I can just write/draw about G and never get fatigued.
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missrosegold · 10 months
1. Please tell me that the merman story will have a happy ending
2. For your Dabi as a death god fic (one of the best I’ve ever read btw, couldn’t stop thinking about it) at the end, that means that reader will like forever right? It’s torn me apart thinking that she might grow old 😭. But oh my gosh I just have to tell you how good it was. Literal perfection and my god the ploooot. You’ve outdone yourself
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask! Such sweet words you have for me! I'm so glad you enjoyed Death God!Dabi as much as I did writing him. I had a lot of fun with that story. ❤
I will neither confirm nor deny if the Merman!Dabi story has a happy ending or not. I think I'll leave you in suspense for now 😉. But I will say that most of my stories have a happy ending (except for when I write angst. When I write angst, I write ANGST), the characters just have to work for it sometimes, so do with that information what you will!
And don't worry about reader in the Death God!Dabi story. I know I never came out and explicitly said it, but it's implied slightly near then end, that when Touya takes her away from her village, he more or less plans to make her into a demi-God, so she'll stay at his side, and she won't age (he can't very well have her dying on him again haha)
Thanks for the ask! It means a lot!
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rnisa · 1 year
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I posted 2,414 times in 2022
That's 2,375 more posts than 2021!
343 posts created (14%)
2,071 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 797 of my posts in 2022
#death note - 506 posts
#p - 72 posts
#l lawliet - 68 posts
#death note x reader - 63 posts
#light yagami - 63 posts
#ask - 62 posts
#near - 51 posts
#anon - 51 posts
#misa amane - 46 posts
#beyond birthday - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#ryuk then says ''you seem to be enjoying this light'' and light says ''not really (because i leave the death note here at home)''
My Top Posts in 2022:
death note x mind reader!reader
Howdy, and thank you for my first DN request! Oooh, this is a cute idea. No specific characters were listed, so I'm just going to do whomever I happen to get ideas for. And no pronouns asked so reader will be gender neutral.
Death Note Characters on Dating Someone Who Can Read Minds
★ Reader has Gender Neutral Pronouns
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L Lawliet
★ Assuming you don't make it obvious and tell him, "hey, I can read minds!" and are careful what you say, you will still find yourself having a hard time laying low with L around.
★ A lot of this depends on who you are and how you act, so I'm giving only one take on it
★ If you are reading L's mind and you say out loud something that he was getting to, it won't stun him right away.
★ But if this happens consistently, repeatedly? That will strike his curiosity. "...Yes. That's just what I was about to say," he'd tell you, all the while his eyes not leaving you.
★ If you're trying to get his attention, then not being subtle is definitely the way to go.
★ He might be paranoid; he knows something's up. Was he just getting too predictable? This could be worrisome for him.
★ Sure other people are able to figure out what L is thinking from time to time, but to repeat his thoughts, word for word? Now it was just getting very, very strange.
★ L jokes and calls you a mind reader. You just giggle. No confirming nor denying it.
★ So L decides to test his theory - it wasn't so hard, really - he decided to try and trick you, and himself, into thinking something, but then saying something completely different.
★ "So, can you really read minds? Or do you just have incredible intuition?" After some pressure, you come clean and admit that you can in fact, read minds. No wonder you didn't say it - most would think you're crazy. But L, being himself, is a bit unorthodox himself.
★ He then requests that you repeat each and every thought he has over the course of a minute, and you agree. Each moment L gets more and more intrigued. He's a fair mix of being confused, and shocked but it doesn't show.
★ After it's been completely proven (even with him going so far as to think of an obscure childhood memory there's no possible way you could have known otherwise), and once he's satisfied with confirming this 100%, he would think about it for a bit.
★ I can see him requesting you for help every so often with a case or problem. Although "mind reading" isn't sound enough evidence in court, it could definitely be useful in getting information out of criminals. Without you have to interact with them, you could potentially help tip off L and give him important information.
★ To be honest I feel like being with someone who is a mind reader 24/7 would be frustrating for L. He's very mysterious and leads a very private life. Having that wall is important to him as is protecting himself - if you were able to read into his mind constantly ai think that would leave him feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable.
★ However with trust, it may be possible.
See the full post
237 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
NSFW Death Note Headcanons 
content warnings: hard kinks and fetishes - there may be content you do not like to see. if that’s the case, don’t read it if you cannot separate fantasy from reality. i am entirely self-projecting LOL
characters included: Light, L, Misa, Near, Mikami
a/n: i headcanon every charatcer as bisexual = me projecting again, but i genuinely don’t really care about sexualities much. but you can h/c them as whatever you like when you read. very few headcanons may be gender-specific! if one doesn’t apply to you then just skip over. important: assume these are all kinks between healthy individuals that have discussed it prior. you can be  kinky & healthy. consent is sexy. if you can’t understand that, then i don’t know why you are still reading...
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Light Yagami
★ I gave my content warnings, so I mind as well do the worst of them first: Light has a misogyny kink for sure. He doesn’t really hate women; it’s about the power dynamic. 
★ He very much craves control, and it gets him off. As such he likes most kinks where there is a power dynamic. 
★ He swears he isn’t into petplay, but Light would love to have you leashed up, tugging on your collar to pull you closer to him. Whether he just does it for the heck of it, or he’s using it to push himself deeper into your mouth, he loves it.
★ Not into being called “d addy” or anything, but he loves being called “Sir,”.
★ Light is very good at what he does, I would never want to hurt you so much, but he thinks you could do with some ‘gentle’ choking.
★ Loves to manhandle his partners: he’s pretty strong, so between throwing you on the bed and picking you up to f uck you against the wall, expect to be moved around like a doll, a bit.
★ Prefers the “reward” system. If you’re “good” and do as he says, he will in turn reward you with the things you want. 
★ If you’re “bad”, he will consistently edge you and refuse to let you cum.
★ If Light was extra satisfied, you will be rewarded in cuddles without you needing to ask him.
★ Good/Not Kira Light will have mostly similar kinks but actually be loving and gentle with you during the daytime.
★ With prior consent, he would ask if you wouldn’t mind waking each other up by doing something sexy. I.e., you touching him to wake him up in the morning, and him doing the same for you in return.
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L Lawliet
★ L’s libido is honestly very low. 
★ His kinks are a bit more... unique? Just like he is, I suppose.
★ L would love to just watch you play with yourself - whether he’s in the same room as you or watching you through cameras, or a hole in the wall - sometimes he will touch himself, other times he will not.
★ He gets his spiciest usually when you’re the most tired, for some reason. 1-4am are peak h orny on main hours for him.
★ Loves to tease you in public, subtly. If you’re sitting next to or across from him and he knows he can get away with discreetly touching you underneath the table, he will. He won’t have an expression, but you will.
★ Really, really likes phone s ex. For him touch is great and all, but the most important thing is the buildup. L likes a lot of unique kinds of foreplay.
★ Foot f etish. No I don’t have one but that shit’s funny as fuck.
★ Most of L’s enjoyment, as I said before does come from foreplay. He enjoys touching you the most with his hands, he loves to tease you to see his reaction. 
˖ ⁺ .︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦˖ ⁺ . Misa Amane ★ PEGGING!!! Misa loves to peg, or get pegged. When she’s in a more dominant mood, she loves the idea of someone much bigger than her being the submissive one. 
★ Now Misa is a switch, hands down.
★ Bottom? Top? She will switch right in the middle sometimes.
See the full post
244 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Hey! Idk if you write for the Wammy’s house boys (L, Near, Matt and Mello) from Death Note, but if you do, could I request them (separately) with a S/O who is really clumsy, and gets hurt a lot?
Hello friend! Thank you for this cute request! Absolutely, though to be honest I can't really remember a whole lot about Matt! I'm in the process of rewatching & re-reading the series after maaany many years and I don't wanna half-ass it! So for now I will just right for the other three, and I'll try to do something for Matt in the future once I have a better understanding of him. I hope this is okay and that you are able to enjoy the rest, regardless! ˖ ⁺ .︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦˖ ⁺ . ˖ ⁺ .︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦˖ ⁺ . Wammy Boys x Clumsy Reader
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Mello ★ He actually cringes whenever you happen to fall down. He doesn't like seeing you get hurt, but it also annoys him because it makes him worry too much.
★ Mello's a bit dramatic (hurrhurr) and might make a bigger deal out of you falling than it needs to be.
★ He will most definitely scold you, raising his voice a little; "Why can't you watch where you're going?! Be careful, you're gonna give me a heart attack."
★ If need be, Mello will bandage you up and tend to your wounds - cleaning them, as he continues to scold you and complain for you getting hurt in the first place.
★ He's not mad because it's an inconvenience to him or anything, he just feels bad.
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366 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Thinking about Near in the Razer Kitty headset...in pink...yeah he'd definitely wear that.
635 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Light and L on a sleepover with their s/o? 🥺♥️
This is so cute and wholesome eeep! I'm assuming this is meant to be separate? Just let me know!~ I'm not sure during what time you wanted Light's part to be in, since he changes so dramatically throughout the show. So I'm writing this when he enters college. He's still a mass murderer but he's still very much human by this point in the story so it just made more sense to me. I was assuming you wanted something more on the wholesome side ahaha. I hope that's okay! If you wanted something darker feel free to ask again with Light after L dies.
L and Light on a Sleepover with Their S/O
˖ ⁺ .︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷��˖ ⁺ .
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Light Yagami
★ Light actually didn't want you to sleep over at his home - it's not that he didn't want you there, it's moreso he was worried about what his family would think.
★ Sayu would eavesdrop and "ooh", and "aah", and give their mom a play-by-play of what she could hear happening.
★ Mama Yagami wasn't particularly happy with it... sure, she liked you, a lot! She was actually counting the days for when you'd become Light's partner, his first serious real relationship. However...like any parent, she just didn't like the thought of her kid doing anything like that! Despite being a grown man, she would still baby him.
★ One day, you were over Light's house and spent several hours there. Playing video games was your treat after you did good on the mini-quiz he gave you after helping you to study.
★ The two of you sat on his bed - which made you nervous, despite dating for a few months, you were still too ne - and listened to the rain as you watched a cheesy crime show.
★ You were supposed to leave by the time it got dark, however the gentle rain turned into a horribly loud and destructive storm, and it was no longer safe for you to sleep over. Light was happy about this, in a way, because now you had no choice but to stay over. Sayu and his mom couldn't tease him about you sleeping over if you're literally forced to be there, right?
★ He's amused by you being scared of the weather, and happily plays the tough boyfriend role. He tells you it's nothing, but lets you snuggle up to him nonetheless.
★ Light uses this to his advantage for you to get more comfortable with him physically, because he wants nothing more than for you to be all over him.
★ Naturally, when it's time for bed you use the guest room (do they have one? I'unno, but for story purposes I'm saying they do). You clean up, and borrow one of his t-shirts to use as nightwear.
★ Light knew you'd come crawling to his door once everyone was asleep - the lightning was just too scary for you alone in that room by yourself. He smirks when he hears his door creek, you sheepishly standing there and complaining that you can't sleep.
★ And that's the first time you spend the night together! Now if you're DTF then Light absolutely is. He wouldn't instigate or push anything, but he would gauge how you feel about it and take it from there. lmk if you want a nsfw continuation 👀
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843 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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atypical-irritant · 1 year
Discourse Stances & Personal Opinions
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On the topic of my general views, my present stances are:
PRO CONSANG » Consanguinamory is odd and, personally speaking, I couldn't have less interest in it if I tried. That said, what consenting adults do together is none of my concern. It's a situation that calls for nuance and conversation. The arguments about inbreeding reek of eugenics, anyway.
PRO PARAPHILIA » I have no issue with paraphilias in general. Demonizing someone based on what's in their head is textbook thought policing. If someone is struggling with those types of thoughts or impulses, they need help; not harrassment.
PRO MOGAI » MOGAI orientations and microlabels exist and do plenty of good for those who use them. They don't "give the queer community a bad name", though queer folks parroting homophobic, conservative rhetoric in hopes of being considered socially palatable sure do. MOGAI labels are just people exploring their understanding of self; get over it.
PRO SELF-DX » In a world where it cost over $2,000 just to get some neuropsych to ask me a few questions, self diagnosis is a valid action. Even if it wasn't, demanding medical proof from strangers is much worse. If they're wrong, that's their problem and not your concern.
PRO KINK » Kink is healthy (because that's somehow controversial 🙄).
RADQUEER/TRANS-ID NEUTRAL » I don't care about what someone identifies as. I can't say I fully understand them, but I don't make it a habit to take someone else's identity personally. If their self perception offends or otherwise upsets you, then it's your responsibility to avoid them for their's and your own sake. Harassing and demonizing them won't make them go away.
ENDO SAFE » (TL;DR I can neither confirm nor deny the possibility endos exist and, to my knowledge, no one can nor should they try. I'm also critical towards those who are aggressively against their existence.) When it comes to the possible existence of non-trauma formed systems, I believe that, due to the covert nature of dissociative disorders such as DID and the varying affects societal stressors can have on a person, it's possible anyone believed to be non-traumagenic could very well have gone through trauma and not recognise or remember it. I also believe that entire possibility is completely irrelevant and serves no purpose other than to make others paranoid of their own mind. In the same vein, anyone that shares a similar opinion who then goes on to declare non-traumagenic systems are impossible and/or demands endogenics find "proof", needs to read up on the argument from ignorance fallacy and get their head out of their own self-absorbed ass. Endos exist because they say they do. That alone is a very important distinction that deserves to be identified and treated with the same legitimacy as any other system. They're clearly separate from traumagenic systems, seeing as their mere presence in the general plural community played a sizable part in creating the incredibly divisive atmosphere we have now. Fakeclaiming is even more outlandish when you consider the likelihood that large slews of people with zero prior relations all decided to fake a covert and complicated dissociative disorder for fun/attention. Should I recommend reading about Occam's Razor next?
ANTI SYSCOURSE » This is somewhat complicated. Those who treat "syscourse" as an excuse to harass people they don't agree with are the problem, not the groups as a whole (though I wouldn't say syscourse in general is all that productive either). Essentially, I can't stand die hard exclusionist and "antis" from either side of syscourse arguments. So why do I participate in it? The behaviors of those who genuinely believe they're making some type of difference and wholeheartedly believe their shit fascinate me.
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I'll add more as I'm made aware of other hills people intend to die on. Feel free to send me an ask if you're curious about any of the things mentioned or have information that I've perhaps missed. I'm not above changing my mind. Conversely, I'm not beneath telling self-important assholes how wrong they are neither.
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wtflorienlegacies · 1 year
hello, folks! this blog ain't dead!
it has been six whole ass years since i last posted anything to this blog. (jesus christ time is fake.) i got distracted by life before too long back then, but it was a lot of fun while i was running it and also honestly fucking hilarious.
fast forward to now, when i've been rereading the series on a nostalgia kick, and have proper access to ebooks of the first series with a search function to get around, instead of relying solely on what i can find manually flipping around the physical copies. at first i was mostly just content with rolling my eyes at the random worldbuilding and so on inconsistencies, pick and choose which ones i wanted to roll with, combine, or discard. it's mostly pretty simple, and not very difficult to do; it's not a numbers game or anything.
but then i started to get into the timeline stuff. first for the purposes of figuring out characterization dynamics and whatnot; then out of morbid curiosity; and now out of sheer grim determination just to figure out how extensive the inconsistencies are. (and, well, to decide what version of a Fixed Timeline i would want to use in my own writing. and also because this is the kind of thing that's fun for my pedantic ass.) point is, i'm going in with the intent of figuring out what we've been presented with in the series itself.
and, dear reader: what a fucking mess.
i've been trying to figure it out on my own in private; but the upfuck is so fractal, and involves enough estimation and pinning down small details, that it is genuinely difficult to keep track of everything. so! i'm resurrecting this blog. i could just use my main fandom blog, @angorwhosebabyisthis, but honestly there's So Much it would drown out all the other meta and whatnot there for LL alone, much less other fandoms. this blog already exists, so i figured, hey, why not?
on top of that, if you think you've caught a mistake or a piece of info, you're welcome to send it in! i'll check it to verify--whether that it's factually stated without contradictions, or stated with contradictions, or is neither confirmed nor denied but is a reasonable estimate by the standards i'm using--and if it holds up i'll add it to any masterposts with credit.
(no offense if i don't add it! i just want to try to keep things as clear as i can for my own sanity, because this series--in particular its timeline--is already such an absolute headache to figure out.)
i'm going to keep some masterposts/threads; so far the main ones i have planned are a post laying out the standards and assumptions i'm going to be using, a single timeline post to keep track of everything as the information currently stands, and an ongoing thread of updates to keep a record of previous changes. i'm going to be feeling my way around the format as i go, but i'm going to do my best to figure it out. i'm also going to be trying to use organizational tags that won't show up in the public tags, in the interests of not spamming them.
anyway! this blog is fun to run and i'm excited to be back to working on it. see y'all around!
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gvftea · 1 year
“I just contacted this winery and made sure to let them know that one of their employees is divulging information that was supposed to be private (...)”
PLEASE KEEP US UPDATED and let us know if they email you back. Some of these fans LOVE lying for attention and I wanna know if it’s real or not!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Winery update, though it's not as exciting as you're probably anticipating: I emailed them letting them know what was happening, and I included screenshots of the information that was floating around. At about 5am the next day, I received an email from someone who works in this winery (though I won't be disclosing their name or position) and basically, they just thanked me and said they would look into it, as they take their customers' privacy very seriously. They also said, "Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if new information surfaces, best regards." I haven't heard back from them. They neither confirmed nor denied the rumor. If it's true they're probably taking care of the situation privately, if not then they probably think I'm taking the piss and I'm not worth a follow-up email.
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Hi bestie, it seems like every streaming platform has like at least 2 biopic about not that old, events/people. For FOM, Gotham isn't the whole world but I can imagine someone doing one or two on Bruce Wayne just based on this lonely childhood plus money. I have an idea of how Jason would react to the bio and watching it with the reader, like if it went all the way to "current" events which is that he also had a daughter! But I was hoping you can do a short lil write up?
OK. This is such a unique question and I love it. Thank you for asking this!
Father of Mine – Masterlist
There is definitely a few documentaries that have been made about Bruce Wayne or the Wayne family in general. I wouldn't say there are any biopics of them because that would involve Bruce / the estate handing over life-rights for a movie to be made. And Bruce would never allow that.
I have always thought of the Wayne family being viewed by the world in the same way we view the Kennedys. Like, there will always be mystery there and they will never deny nor confirm lifelong rumors. But that's how Bruce frames his family, as well – rarely doing interviews, not giving a lot to the press, keeping out of trouble. But as soon as Bruce gets kids, he becomes even more of a showman because he doesn't want any of the fame to bother the boys. Despite them joining him in his vigilante life, he wants them to as normal of a childhood as possible.
So when the family hears that Netflix is making a docuseries about the Wayne family... everyone reacts kind of differently:
Bruce is stressed out. He doesn't like the idea of anyone snooping around about his family, especially with all the kids. They can dig up whatever bullshit about his parents or anyone in the family tree...but for the boys and Y/N, he doesn't want the attention on them. He actually gets his team of lawyers to send a cease and desist letter, and makes it very clear to Netflix that if they go through with the series, he will take aggressive legal action. But that doesn't stop them.
Dick thinks it's kind of funny, but hides his worry pretty well. When he was a kid, he kind of thought the fame that came with being Bruce Wayne's foster kid was pretty funny and entertaining. Bruce worried about it bothering Dick more than it actually bothered Dick.
Jason doesn't give a shit what people say about him. He's used to hearing all the ridiculous conspiracy theories about what happened to him as a kid and how the hell he "came back from the dead." But for Y/N? He's irritated as soon as the family gets wind of it. He actually starts following some of the journalists and filmmakers that are working on the series during his Red Hood patrols. He throws them off leads and plants false information, all to make their lives hell and to assure they get even more facts wrong.
Tim couldn't care less. He has more important things to worry about. And he's the last to find out. Of all the things he has to worry about, a docuseries being made about his family is the least of his concerns.
Damian just rolls his eyes and immediately starts throwing insults. "Those idiots won't get anything right. It's not like they'll say anything true." He doesn't think any drama will last from it.
For the sake of her family, Y/N acts unbothered by it. But she is stressed. She remembers what happened when Bruce revealed to the press that she was his daughter: paparazzi squatting outside her apartment and following her, articles written about how she hadn't earned her career.
When the series finally comes out, only Bruce and Jason watch it.
Bruce wants to be aware of what they're saying so he can better protect everyone from it and be prepared.
But Jason wants to know exactly what bullshit they say about Y/N.
And by some miracle, the series is actually very kind to her and doesn't really say anything harmful. They actually go out of their way to defend Y/N's naivety about her parentage and that Bruce being her father had nothing to do with the success of her career. Somehow they also found out that Y/N was angry when she first discovered the secret and that she pushed Bruce away for a long time. Obviously, the filmmakers couldn't figure out the catalyst for Y/N finally accepting Bruce.
Jason is relieved, but also knows that even with the positive take, there will still be a surge of unwanted attention. And it only makes Y/N more famous. He makes sure she doesn't watch it, but assures Y/N that it doesn't say anything bad about her.
Bruce's team of lawyers destroy Netflix and sue them for millions. It sends a message and the media becomes absolutely terrified of the Wayne family, scared if they say anything about any of them that they'll be sued next.
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volterran-wine · 3 years
Invidia Incarnatus || Volturi Kings (HC)
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Requested by @oserpentario : "Also, if it's not too much of a bother, could you please headcanon how the kings would react to jealousy, both coming from their mates and from themselves. Thank you so much! xxxx"
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This is a second part to an original ask!
In general, I think vampires can be prone to being territorial. No vampire has never felt the intense feelings of the green eyed monster. However, I do think the kings react quite differently to these feelings, so I hope you enjoy my take on them.
!Warnings! Mentions of canon typical violence, possessive language.
𝐀𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰.
𝐀𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢
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Coming from Aro:
Aro is a very confident individual, who is very particular about how his public persona is perceived. He would not be that person who storms off to confront his mate or whatever vampire that's making a pass at them in a dramatic manner. That's beneath him. Don't get me wrong, if his mate is in a dangerous situation he will not hesitate to come to their aid. But if its something as banal as an ill informed suitor, Aro won't even raise a brow.
Now, on the inside however. Aro is less than pleased by these slights against him. He would slowly stroll over to his mate, placing a hand on their lower back. Giving them one of those gentle smiles they know so well, leaning in to place a kiss against the side of their head. Turning to eye the offender curiously with a tilt of his head before guiding his mate away from the situation. Said vampire would meet his unfortunate end by the hands of Felix or Santiago later that week.
"Whatever happened to that vampire who kept bothering me?" "Oh I heard they are on a permanent sabbatical." "... How fortunate."
Coming from Aro's Mate:
Oh he would secretly enjoy watching them get riled up. Seeing how their eyes darkened with envy as another kept lavishing him with attention. He might even entertain the offending parties behavior with hard to notice encouragements. After all he didn't want others to think he was intentionally being unfaithful to his mate. Making it too obvious was no fun. He would watch as his mate left the room, Aro promptly excused himself and followed.
Oh he could get high off of that envy. Reaching out he would pull them into a passionate kiss, fully intending to make sure they understood who held his undivided attention. They would be quite firm with him however, and make sure he worked hard for their forgiveness. They would not let Aro simply push them around as he pleased.
"Aro, I cannot stand when they look at you that way." "Αγάπη μου, you must know they do not hold a candle to you." "... Perhaps they should quietly disappear." "A mate of my own heart, whatever did I do for the fates to bless me so."
𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢
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Coming from Caius:
I have touched on Caius' jealousy in this Ficlet, also I briefly mention it in these Relationship Headcanons. So if you want further reading, do head over to those.
Caius is wholeheartedly secure in his relationship with his mate, there it nothing that could possibly tear their bond asunder except death. However, I feel that Caius' jealousy would morph into protectiveness instead. His anger would never be aimed at his mate, but others who believe themselves worthy to pursue them.
If someone else becomes too forward, he will walk over to his mate and let a gloved hand settle on their waist. Caius breaths new life into the saying 'If looks could kill', some would say they felt like they were well on their way turning to dust when Caius fixed his eyes on them. The vampire would realize his mistake too late however, because they would be promptly hauled off by the guard.
"Caius, where did that vampire get carted off to." "A special room deep within the caverns." "You have a torture chamber down there don't you?" "I can neither confirm nor deny those claims."
Coming from Caius' Mate:
For a couple of minutes it would stroke Caius' ego immensely to see his mate get so heated over a no name vampire attempting to seduce him. He loved watching his mates eyes grow heated, rage bubbling below the surface. They were in public however, and he did not wish to cause a scene. With an icy look of his own did Caius make the other vampire scram. Nobody wished to test the most brutal king or his mate.
It would be one of those times he let his mate take control. They were the only one allowed to leave any type of mark on him, the only safe place he had. So he'd gladly play along and let his mate push him down on to his bed. Hovering above him as he looked up at them with amusement.
"Come now, they only-" "If I ever see them so much as look at you in that disgusting way again I will tear them apart and have their head on a pike." "... Ψυχή μου, do not get my hopes up."
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢
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Coming from Marcus:
Marcus for the most part is quite a calm and gentlemanly character. Especially after his many years of being in the darkness, he is nowhere near giving off the same kind of intimidating aura he used to. When his eyes landed on his mate and another vampire however, he felt something stir inside of him. And the more the other vampire kept making eyes at his beloved, his thoughts darkened.
Would make his presence known quite quickly. Pulling his mate into his side, wrapping an arm around their shoulder. His mate would happily lean in, resting their head against his shoulder. Marcus would turn to gently smile at the vampire, tilting his head. They must have seen something change in those ancient eyes, because the vampire all but ran away.
"Love, you are much more terrifying than I first imagined." "Hm, I used to be quite the warrior back in the day." "Truly?" "Truly, once upon a time it wasn't just Caius they feared and told stories about" "... I want to hear."
Coming from Marcus' Mate:
Marcus would be amused, unabashedly smiling as he watched his significant other. It was a terrible thought, but he found them quite adorable when they're ire came to the forefront. Like an angry kitten. He would however diffuse the situation quickly enough, telling the vampire in front of him firmly that he was happily mated. And had no interest in others. They would be sent on their way, wether they liked it or not.
Whatever his mate needed in order to calm down he would provide. Most likely they would end up curled together in his chambers. His fingers gently combing through their hair. More than willing to listen to his mate voice they're irritations and worries.
"I'm going to make them regret speaking to you like that." "Η καρδιά μου, they are gone and banished from the palace." "It's not enough... my heart aches." "... Then speak with Demetri, he is the most discreet."
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𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Invidia Incarnatus: Jealousy Incarnate Αγάπη μου: My love Η καρδιά μου: My heart Ψυχή μου: My soul
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
i DO have something to show you!!!!
it's gonna be under a read more bc uhhhh it's long i got kiiiiinda carried away, but this is what ive been working on for the past few days!!!!
meet your four fuckin gods!!! colored this time >:) with info abt them bc i love lore
enjoy!!! <3
matthias, god of beauty and wealth
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matthias, informally referred to as matt by other gods [ he smites any humans that call him that ], is the god of beauty and wealth.
he'll tell his origin story to those that ask since he'll never pass up the chance to talk about himself. he was a prince from england that was kidnapped from his home, killed before anyone got a chance to find him. a higher goddess admired him for his looks and gave him godly powers to both get revenge on those that killed him and keep his beauty forever.
some mortals, and even other gods, rumor that he had a lover when he was mortal whom he lost during his kidnapping, one who he used to search the underworld for every day. matthias hasn't denied nor confirmed this, but gets upset if anyone mentions it.
offerings to matthias must always consist of only the best of fresh foods, fruits, treasures, and jewelry. if a mortal doesn't worship him, give him any offerings, or hasn't said a single thing about his greatness? they basically don't exist to him. he won't ever hesitate to sap any rich person of their wealth, same with attractive people and their beauty, if they ever disrespect his name in any way.
eddicus, god of creativity.
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eddicus, listen i couldn't find anything on google cut me some slack, called edd by only the other main four gods of this au, is the god of creativity.
his origin is much less gruesome than the others so far. it was after he passed away due to a sickness that was spreading around his home village. he was an artist who made a lot of drawings and carvings of himself if he were an all powerful god. his family gave them away, all who received them passing it off as just a fantasy until a piece actually came to the god. said god was probably merciful, or just feeling bored that day, but they went out of their way to find eddicus's soul in the underworld and grant him the powers he wanted in life. good for him.
he appreciates humans, never truly forgetting that he was once one of them. he often disguises himself as a mortal to go to art galleries and admire the creations. sometimes, he'll covertly make friends with some and grant them some of his power to be able to see what they make and get gifts from them!
this doesn't mean he doesn't have fun, as much as he's friendly to mortals he always finds it hilarious to mess with them. when he's in need of an extra hard laugh? he'll sap the creativity from someone and force them into an art block, giggling away as he watches them lose their marbles. he'll give them their motivation back of course, he's not cruel, but he does it often for shits and giggles.
thomas, god of nature and monsters.
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thomas, yes that's a proper name i looked it up, called tom by usually anyone, is the god of nature and monsters.
his origin is the only one that didn't happen because of his death. in his mortal life, thomas always had a passion for caring for nature. he tended to farms and crops better than anyone else in his village, and sometimes invited wildlife into his home to care for them and give them a place to stay during extreme weather. a higher god noticed this, how thomas would even go out into the forest with offerings for monsters, and granted him power over them.
thomas used his newfound power to get even closer to nature before he actually began doing important god things. he even created his own species of monsters, their purple toned horns and skin and voided eyes not unlike thomas's own. he cares for them like he would his own pets, always making sure that humans stay far away from their environments. his monsters are always docile unless provoked, and he even sends them to protect villages if he feels like it.
when he actually started doing important things, he was appointed overseer of crops. thomas often disguised himself as a mortal and went around, village to village, handing out crops during bad farming seasons and giving advice on how to grow better during proper seasons. otherwise he leaves humans to their own devices, so long as they don't hurt wild animals or his monsters he doesn't pay them any mind.
thorkid, god of bravery, war, and bloodshed.
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thorkid, informally referred to as tord by those he allows, is primarily known as the god of war. he is also the god of bravery and bloodshed; soldiers, gladiators, and citizens alike inspired by him and his fighting spirit.
his origin story is unknown, though many have different theories. some say he was executed for war crimes and the higher gods saw potential in him, some say he died in battle and his passion for war called to the gods to replace his lost blood with ichor and grant him his immense power. regardless, thorkid is both feared and respected.
feared by those who commit injustices in battle and abuse their power, those who prey on the weak. the few who've survived thorkid's wrath have said that their vision became misty, thorkid's gleaming golden helmet and spear crystal clear through the fog. their strength was sapped from them until they couldn't hold themself up, the fog surrounding them weighing on their lungs until they couldn't take more than shallow breaths.
respected by soldiers who claim to have seen him in the distance, him being just close enough to the battlefield for them to see his proud smirk. some even say that they've fought side by side with him against their opponents. the surviving gladiators who claim to have seen him in the seats of the coliseum, his eyes trained on them as he watched them fight. his very presence gave them a passion to hang on and fight tooth and nail to survive.
thorkid himself sees humans as nothing more than playthings for his amusement. hell, the only reason he punishes some is because it's something for him to do. seems he's forgotten his humanity.
he enjoys watching them and their needless fights, over other humans or territory or possessions. it's pathetic to him; the way they waste their limited energy and time fighting.
but by gods, does it fuel him.
watching their battles, all the victories and surrenders and blood and tears shed and souls sent to the underworld. sometimes even joining whatever side he favors, just to get the adrenaline rush and the blood spattered all over himself. cleaning and shining his spear after a war gives him a sense of triumph.
and there's no pic of them since they're an insert, but reader is the deity of wrath and punishment!
after the original fic, which would serve as their origin story, people hear about them and start building temples and giving them offerings.
mortals that feel that they've been wronged would send offerings to reader so that reader can make their offenders pay. by either fucking up their life or just killing them.
and if reader chooses to kill them, to run salt in the wound, the person's soul will be sent to the underworld to be tortured endlessly for all eternity. so.. endlessly rubbing salt into all of their wounds.
#4 gods au#Lmao Matt really said. SILENCE peasants you will refer to me as my great title or you shall PERISH#Saloonatics????? SALOONATICS???? I SEE THAT#no poor prince Matthew and Royalty Reader :(((. F to detective Edward in that au#😭 😭 😭 no!!!! Royalty Reader bestie. They’re gone 😭 and he probably spent years upon years looking for them#and promising to himself that he’ll find them and take care of them again.#that he’ll be able to finally get to treat them better than he was in the castle and take them to see and do things neither of them ever go#wonder if….. Reader looks like Royalty Reader and that’s how they caught his eye 👀#He probably has a collection of things his followers give him!!!! Most likely a separate place#from wherever he lives with the other 4 gods too since they probs complained about how much space it takes up dsjfdsbjfs#yeah he really said 😒 I Do Not See. to the people who’ve never even said a good thing about him sndfskfdshfjs#👀☠ okay sapping a person’s beauty sounds TERRIFYING!!! I see that going quite a few ways and none of them are pretty in the slightest.#He looks…… So pretty. I love his earrings and the little golden heart on his chest!!!#DSJBJKDJFSJFGDSJ NO ITS OKAY Edd’s great <3 <3 <3#Ok I know this is supposed to be happy but this made me think of Edd just pouring his heart and soul into his works since#he knew he wasn’t going to live long.#every painting and artwork he did for himself was filled with wish fulment and yearning to be stronger since sickness tends#to leave the person weak as it gets worse#hnnnnggg…... hooray another god liked his works!!! gave him life!!! Love that Edd still remembers what it was like to be human :))#aw I can totally picture him standing in an art museum. Looking in awe at the things people have created and wanting to save the memories i#yes!!!! he likes every new friend he makes no matter how short his time with them is :). He probably feels like a rush of satisfaction#as he gets to see what they create with the small portion of his power.#NJDSIHFSDHFDSKDHK I BET SEEING PEOPLE LOSE THEIR SHIT IN ART BLOCKS IS FUNNY#I love the contrast between Matt and Tom. Matt hates mortals even whispering what’s not his full name and Tom just. He doesn’t care LMAO#ok yes go Tom!!!! he didn’t die :)) <3 <3 <3 go bestie live ur best life#horns!!!! He’s got horns and a tail!!!! I love them so much he looks great and I love how he had#so much love in him that he created beautiful monsters that took after his image#Aw I’m just imagining him taking Reader or any of his lovers to the area of his monsters to pet and dote on them <3 <3 <3 hearts melting#Oh i love how he’ll help humans sometimes!!#That’s great of him and I bet so many villages swear up and down that he’s visited them and saved them
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theboardwalkbody · 2 years
Asking for Help
Hello Tumblr folks.
I never thought I would make a post like this but here we are.
I need to ask for help.
Back in November I ended up catching COVID and was out of work the entire month until I could provide a negative PCR test. My job was contractual and offered 0 assistance / sick leave /pto. Upon returning to work in December my hours were drastically reduced (on their end, not by my choice) to below 20 hours a week. The loss in pay followed by the decrease in pay did not allow me to make ends meet.
Throughout December I relied on asking family for financial help, which really was hard especially with the holidays, but there was very little help to be found.
I've since then left my previous job once I was offered a position with a new company - during the interview and onboarding process I was promised steady and guaranteed hours. I have not yet seen those guaranteed hours. Instead I am working less than 15 hours a week and with a lower pay rate than my previous position. I have offered numerous times to come in / asked to be scheduled more but so far those requests have been denied.
Despite having worked 15 hours I was informed today that it could take 3-4 weeks to see pay for any hours worked due to me not being in their payroll system until they finish the paperwork (those in charge of said paperwork are not due to return until next week) and then send my information to the bank for confirmation.
I also applied for TDI due to COVID - despite applying back in December I have not yet received a judgement on my claim. I called to check the status and was informed it could take a few months due to how backed up they are.
So what does this all add up to?
I am three months behind on rent. I am three months behind on car payments. My credit score has lowered ~60 points due to missed payments. I can no longer afford any of my bills (in addition to the car payment and rent); I can no longer afford my car insurance. And as of today I can no longer afford gas to get to and from work, nor can I afford groceries.
I won't even list how much I owe because, quite frankly, the number is so daunting. I know it's above 2k. The longer I go without being able to pay any of these bills the more I end up owing so the number keeps growing.
The stress alone has gone from just psychological to manifesting as physical symptoms. My memory is deteriorating. And I dare not say the thoughts I've had as my depression has been exacerbated. I've just felt like giving up as it all seems kind of hopeless. So I am asking for help. Because I need it badly and I know I can not do this on my own and it's only getting worse.
I hope you'll consider helping as much as you can by donating or boosting. I really can't say how much it would help.
Thank you for reading. <3
Venmo - @ memelynn1991 (no spaces)
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