#I spent a looong time working on this ask but if I do make a sprite
askcapital · 1 year
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This form is highly inconvenient, but it is fun to assume once in a while. Now that I have made the effort to transform, I might as well stay in this shape for... just a little bit.
[ @mod-checker / @minish-mews-and-twos / @askomni ]
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bbydeathclaw · 7 months
pairing: silco x fem!reader (nsfw)
summary: Silco sends you away to try to get some work done and you decide to be a horrendous little shit about it.
tags: fluff, smut, established relationship, fingering, oral sex (f!receiving), good ol' mating press, teasing, bratty reader, simp silco
word count: 5.4k
adorably aesthetic mdni banner by @cafekitsune
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a/n: hello! this is my first time writing in a looong while almost 10 years to be exact please don't look at me. but I had to get back into it with this shamelessly self indulgent fic of my favorite brooding king pin. I hope you enjoy!
Silco had thought it a bit odd at first, the ease with which you’d taken your leave from his office tonight. Ordinarily when he’d attempt to send you away in favor of getting his paperwork done in a more timely manner, you’d put up some form of sulky little protest.
An overemphasized pout coupled with a look of feigned sadness, eyebrows furrowed together when you’d offer to assist him with said work. Your reason being that it would ‘probably get done faster’ between the two of you. 
A lie, and a blatant one at that. You were, on all counts, absolutely shit at keeping your focus on any tasks he’d try to give you. You knew it. He most certainly knew it. Truly he’d wonder why you’d even bother offering at all if you just spent most of the time trying to distract him anyway. 
Still, he can’t say he isn’t amused by your actions. He finds these juvenile acts of yours terribly endearing for the most part, and even starts to look forward to them, knowing full well that he'll give in to just about anything if you’d simply ask it of him. 
Which is why he can’t help but feel somewhat disappointed when you don’t do any of this at all, and Silco starts to regret his idiotic suggestion entirely until you throw a cheeky smirk his way instead. 
“Alright, I think I’ll go bug Sevika for a bit.”
A single eyebrow quirk, followed by a low hum of approval. 
“I’m sure she’ll be positively thrilled by that,” he replies, suppressing a smirk of his own at the thought of his second in command being pestered by someone almost half her size. 
He’s still disheartened by your willingness to leave, but ultimately makes peace with it knowing that you’d more than likely return at some point. You give him a small wave with your fingers followed by a wink over your shoulder, and Silco doesn't hesitate to drag his gaze over your body shamelessly as it saunters out of his office.
About an hour passes, and the music coming from downstairs is just starting to pick up for the evening. You enter the room with a fluid sidestep, leaning back against the door once it closes behind you. His good brow raises slightly. “Back so soon?”
You don’t answer at first, instead making your way over to one of the tables in his office, like a cat quietly stalking about until something catches its interest. He watches you methodically as you settle for one of Jinx’s old trinkets that had been long discarded, carefully turning it over in your hand. “Sevika called me a menace.”
This time he makes no attempt to hide the subtle upturn from the corner of his lips. “I’m afraid I’m inclined to agree with her, my dear.”
“She seems pretty cranky tonight.” 
“Hm, surely through absolutely no fault of your own.”
You bite the inside of your cheek in what he can only assume is an attempt to stifle a giggle before turning to face him with an adorably giddy expression that makes his chest tighten. 
“Whatcha doin’?” 
So innocent, as if you were completely unaware of the effect you had on him. Silco doesn’t answer you verbally, merely bringing his forehead to rest against his hand and lifting the piece of paper he’s holding in the air with the other. The sullen face you make doesn’t go unnoticed by him as you turn to put the gadget back down with an airy sigh.
“Well,” you drag the word out. “I guess I’d better let you get back to it.”  
“Yes, that would be nice,” he says in turn, though it comes off more teasing rather than the displeasure he’s trying to convey. 
You study his face for another beat or two before you finally respond. “Okay, if that’s really what you want.” It’s not. Not even in the slightest. “I’ll go see if Thieram needs any help at the bar.”
“My love, Theiram is more than capable of handling his responsibilities as a bartender alone. It’s why I hired him, in fact.” He pauses. “Have you perhaps considered staying up here and behaving yourself, rather than looking for more ways to wreak havoc amongst my employees?” 
For a moment Silco thinks that he may be tipping his hand too soon, fearing that you’ve caught on to the fact that he’s basically been doing fuck all except sitting here and waiting for you to come back to his office. His suspicion only rises with the way you’re tilting your head and downright beaming at him with ill-disguised glee, like you’d been reading his every thought. 
“If I stayed up here it certainly wouldn’t be to behave myself.”
The paper he’s holding makes an audible crunch sound, his hand crumpling the edge of it faintly in response to your suggestive remark. 
Before he has the chance to reply with some snarky comment, you’re already heading towards the door, making a show of swaying your hips and giving him another view of the delicious swell of your backside before you take your leave again. His chair makes an audible groan as he leans back against it and lets out a lengthy sigh, running a hand through his hair and glancing down into his lap at the result of your seemingly endless torment.
Intolerable minx.
By the third time you make your way back up, only about half an hour has passed, and Silco’s all but given up on the prospects of getting any semblance of work done tonight. His thoughts being entirely permeated by you and the state you’d left him in. 
The Last Drop is in full swing now, and the liveliness of everything going on downstairs comes through the open door as you re-enter his office. However this time, he makes no effort to acknowledge your arrival, his chair now facing away from his desk, turned instead towards the large stained glass window that bathes him in a sickly, pale green light. All the noise from the club gets muffled when the door shuts once again, followed by the sound of purposeful footsteps making their way over to him.
“Welcome back,” he states flatly, trying to sound as disinterested as he can manage in his current predicament while he looks over his clipboard in a vain attempt at trying to salvage what was supposed to be a productive evening.
“Hello there, almighty Eye of Zaun,” you chime back with a playful lilt in your voice. “Did you miss me?”
Silco’s eyes tick upwards and stare blankly at the window straight ahead, actively suppressing the urge to let out another heavy sigh. You were going to be the death of him at this rate, there was absolutely no doubt in his mind. How you managed to be both so insufferable and still so unbelievably charming he’ll never quite understand. Before he has the chance to turn his chair with an already fixed scowl, he hears a faint thud behind him, the distinct sound of glass meeting wood only slightly muted by a soft shuffling of papers. 
A few seconds pass before Silco finally spins around to face you, seeing that a tumbler has been set down right on top of the paperwork he had been ruminating over all night. He’s also greeted by the sight of you already sitting in a chair directly in front of his desk, grinning from ear to ear. His heart swells at the sight and his scowl gradually melts away, only to be replaced by something more along the lines of skepticism when he takes in your expression fully. 
Your smile is accompanied by what appears to be a look of pure satisfaction, though he has no clue as to why. His non-discolored eye narrows at you, like a parent trying to figure out what misdeed their child has committed behind their back. 
Silco regards you warily for another moment, taking in every minute detail of your face in hopes of detecting something that might give you away while he reaches for the glass set in front of him. Ice clinks against the sides as he swirls it around before bringing it to his lips, taking a long sip followed by a hum of appreciation. His eyes shoot back up to meet yours, and finds you now biting your lip while trying, and failing, to suppress a huge grin. 
You’re definitely up to something, that much he’s certain of now, and the fact that he still can’t figure out what it is causes his previously feigned discontent to turn into more of a bubbling frustration, having just about enough of whatever game you’re playing. A fleeting thought crosses his mind as he glances down at the drink now dangling from his fingertips, then back up to you. 
Silco knows you’ve taken in the brief look of suspicion on his face when you let out a laugh that, despite the visible displeasure he's exuding towards you, is still one of the sweetest sounds he's ever heard.
“I didn’t poison you, if that’s what you’re wondering,” you quip, clearly amused at the implication.
“At this point I would be grateful if you did.”
You laugh again, but it comes out more like a short exhale through your nose along with a relaxed grin, taking a sip of your own beverage, and Silco’s good eye narrows at you once again. 
“Are you drunk?”
“What? No.”
“Then what did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything.”
He practically glares at you for what feels like a considerable amount of time before it finally dawns on him that you haven’t left yet. 
“Did you need something darling? Or have you just come to find more ways to elicit whatever reaction you’ve been hoping for this evening?” Silco brings the tumbler to his mouth once more, letting it hover there momentarily in order to get the rest of his words out. “Because if the intended reaction was to see how far you can test my patience I can assure you-” 
Words die on his lips immediately when you make a move to stand, mismatched eyes shooting down to your waist to see what appears to be quite possibly the shortest skirt he’s ever seen you in, leaving so very little to the imagination.
He’s still holding the glass right up to his face while he watches you make your way around the only obstacle that separates the two of you before hopping onto one of the corners, your butt and thighs jiggling faintly when they make contact with the solid piece of furniture. “I just figured you could use a drink after such a long night of hard work. Is that so wrong?”
Silco tracks your movements with an almost predatory fixation, watching you lean back slightly to rest against your arms, crossing one leg over the other and he has to actively resist the urge to scoff. This thing is hardly covering anything, you’re essentially sitting there with your bare ass on his desk. The realization of that along with the sight of everything you’re showing has his cock hardening at an alarming rate.
You don’t seem to notice, or if you do you don’t say anything, eyebrows knitting together in a poorly disguised attempt at looking genuinely worried. “What’s wrong? You don’t look very happy to see me.” 
Silco sets the glass down onto his desk with a bit more force than intended, turning his chair to face all the way forward and bringing his mouth to rest against interlocked fingers. Any moment now he’s expecting you to hop right off that corner and make your way back downstairs, back to a place filled with depraved and perverted onlookers. 
Realistically he knows no harm would ever befall you while you were down in the Last Drop. All of his subordinates had been given clear instruction to keep a watchful eye on you at all times, and after a while a lot of them had started to do it less out of obligation and more so out of genuine care, especially Jinx and Sevika. 
Plus, he knows you can hold your own in a fight. Growing up in the undercity had hardened you just enough to make you a scrappy but formidable opponent. So logically speaking, Silco knows there's no safer place for you to be, but the thought of anyone other than himself seeing you in that, especially the less than respectable patrons that frequent his establishment nearly every night, makes his blood boil.
“Of course I'm happy to see you, my dear,” he retorts, turning his head to look over at you once more, eyes darting downwards to that indecent piece of fabric wrapped around your waist then back up to meet your gaze. “It's just that I'm seeing quite a lot of you at the moment, and if you go back downstairs, so will everyone else.” His last words come out strained as he shifts in his chair in a poor attempt to alleviate his growing erection.
“Oh, you mean my skirt? Is there…something wrong with it?” You lift your hips to take the tiniest of scoots towards him, and Silco’s eyes immediately hone in on the action. 
“Don’t be cheeky.”
Another scoot. “I’m afraid that can’t be helped, especially in this.”
At this point he wouldn’t be surprised if you really are trying to kill him, taking controlled and steady breaths while he attempts to suppress his growing ire in response to such a ridiculous question. Of course there’s something wrong with it. Silco’s sure he’d nearly be able to see the soft outline of your mound if you were to spread your legs, even in the slightest.
He lets out another deep breath before picking up his pen and casually scribbling his signature on one of the invoices strewn about in front of him. “You will not be going back down there like that.”
He’s not looking at you, but Silco can see the movements of you moving closer out of the corner of his unmarred eye.
“Are you..asking me to stay?” 
He doesn’t respond, instead electing to take another piece of paper to scrawl his name at the bottom offhandedly. He knows what you’re playing at, the fact that it took him so long to realize it irks him to no end. He wouldn’t mind answering honestly and just telling you that yes, he does want you to stay, but the thought of giving into your bratty little antics this evening doesn’t sit quite right with him. 
Which is why he makes the conscious decision to ignore you as you move close enough to where your upper leg is now narrowly brushing his elbow, the shift causing him to mess up the tail end of another signature. Silco chances a glance towards the movement and regrets it almost immediately when he takes in the soft curve of your thigh, his cock twitching painfully at the sight.
He makes his second mistake when he follows the tantalizing trail of your body upwards and is met with the most unabashed, shit eating grin plastered across your face. He has to force himself to look away, the hand not holding his pen coming up to drag his long fingers back and forth across his mouth as he contemplates the idea of sending you away all together, leaving you pouty and disappointed. And for a moment he comes close to doing just that, until he makes the grave error of risking a glance up at your face again.
You’re not smiling anymore, expression replaced by something far more lustful and serious. Silco simply stares as your tongue slides out to pull your bottom lip in between your teeth before gently nudging his elbow with your knee. He doesn’t hesitate in dropping his arm to offer you the space in front of him, and you slide over gracefully. He stays perfectly still while you plant a foot atop each of the armrests of his ornate chair, knees pressed tightly together.
He finally responds to your earlier question with one of his own. 
“What would possibly give you that idea?” His voice is light and teasing, all traces of anger gone. “You’ve been nothing short of a nightmare all evening, love. And now this?” Fingertips come up to stroke the side of your calf, humming appreciatively.  “What am I going to do with you?”
This earns Silco a wide, toothy grin as you scoot forward. “Whatever do you mean? I’m just sitting here.”
“Don't be coy with me, sweetheart.” He leans forward, breath fanning over your knees as he speaks. “Be a good girl and tell me what you want.”
“I want you,” knees parting just barely, “to answer my question.”
Silco pushes his tongue against his cheek in minor annoyance before sliding both hands up your legs and over your knees, then back down until he reaches your hips. He grips firmly at the supple flesh and yanks you closer towards him, eliciting a sharp squeak followed by a string of giggles.
“I think you might be the most aggravating creature I’ve ever had the displeasure of courting.”
Your face adorns a look of mock appreciation. “Awe, thank you!”
Slender hands travel back up to your knees. “Truly just a tantalizing little menace.” He waits for you to part them further, granting him the access he’s so desperately craving. “One that I’m both drawn to and irritated by all at once.”
Your smile is nothing short of haughty, as if you’re truly taking everything he’s telling you as a compliment. “Well now you’ve really got me hot and bothered,” you shoot back, knees moving further away from each other until you’re spread all the way open for him.
Although spoken in a sarcastic tone, Silco sees that your words are in fact true, his eyes taking in the sight of your already dripping cunt.
“Indulge me, sweetheart,” he says, one hand coming up to trace the backs of your thighs with his knuckles, causing goosebumps to decorate your soft skin. “Why the need to be so difficult tonight?” 
You shiver at the touch, bottom lip still tucked between your teeth as he brings a thumb up to stroke lazily over your pussy. 
“J-just for fun,” you retort, but your voice doesn’t hold the same conviction. “Wanted to see..how long it would take.”
“How long what would take?”
The laugh you let out is shaky at best, but there’s still a bit of confidence left when you answer. “For you to ask me to stay.”
It only takes about half a second before Silco’s thumb pushes into your core and his tongue cards a long, hot stripe along your folds. The noise you make spurring him on further as his mouth envelopes your clit, giving it a harsh suck before pulling away with a satisfying wet plop sound.
“I don’t recall asking anything of the sort,” he chides, sliding his thumb back out. “If memory serves me correctly, you came into my office several times practically demanding my attention.”
Silco punctuates his last few words by pushing two fingers into you, pulling another sharp inhale from your lips as he turns his palm to face upward and curls them inside of you.
“Has it ever occurred to you,” he starts, bringing his thumb to circle against your now swollen clit, drawing a long whine out of you as you work your hips against him. “..that perhaps I attempt to send you away in order to finish with my tasks quickly, just so I can get back to doting on you with said attention? Selfish little creature.”
Your eyebrows pinch together, speaking between shallow breaths. “You.. could have just.. said that.. you know.”
Silco smirks, watching you look back at him with a pair of pleading eyes. “And deny myself the pleasure of seeing your lovely pouts and open displays of petulance?” He adds a third finger. “I think not.” 
“Silco,” you whine, “please.”
His cock twitches in response, and he doesn’t waste any time bringing his mouth back down to your bud and swirling his tongue around it lavishly while his fingers twist and turn inside of you. He watches you throw your head back, one of your hands snaking upwards to grip the edge of the desk above your head, the other coming to latch onto the top of his head hard as you roll your hips against him. 
“There, that’s it,” he coos, “show me how eager you are. Use me.” 
This draws another string of small gasps and moans from you, coupled with lewd, wet, slurping sounds as Silco continues to lap and suck at your clit, bringing his free hand to grip your thigh and anchor you to him. The strain in his pants grows increasingly more painful when you sigh his name affectionately, followed by a noise of protest when he removes his fingers from you all together in an effort to tug at intricate buttons of his trousers, freeing his aching cock and palming himself to the sight of your ruined state. 
Your arousal coating his fingers serves as a welcome lubricant for him to stroke himself languidly, relishing in the feeling of you bucking up into him, using him to chase your own end. His licks are hot and thorough, leaving no part of your heat untouched.
“Yes,” Silco groans into you, “just like that.”  
Your other hand comes down to unbutton your top, cupping and squeezing at one of your breasts, and he knows you’re close by the way you’re begging and pleading above him. The sound of your voice feeds into his determination, letting go of his cock in order to wrap both arms around your thighs, securing you in place and devouring you like a starved man.
The way you cry out his name while your walls flutter around his tongue has him reeling, mismatched eyes boring into you, watching your orgasm in complete reverence as your fluids run down his chin.
“Good girl,” Silco sighs, his movements slowing down to let you ride out your climax. “You always make such sweet sounds for me.” 
Your legs tremble and the vicelike grasp you have on his hair loosens before you slump back down onto his desk, words barely managing to come through your short and labored breaths.
“Could've been making them a lot earlier if you’d…stop trying to kick me out.”
A hint of a smile creeps up on his face as he presses small, feather light kisses up the backs of your thighs, leaving glistening spots of your slick behind in their wake. “You know, it is possible to keep your unsolicited remarks to yourself every once in a while.”
Yours breaks into a devious grin that tugs at his heart without mercy. “Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” 
“Mmm, point taken.” 
Silco stands to turn your body so that you’re taking up the full length of his desk before climbing up onto it and bracing himself with a hand on either side of your head. His length bobs thick and heavy with need, bringing it to rest against your slit.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?”
You roll your hips against him needily, coating his cock with your arousal. “Maybe.”
“You drive me absolutely mad,” he growls, voice dripping with carnal hunger as he pushes your legs up against your chest once again, lining himself up with your entrance. And it’s the way you're looking up at him with your lip tucked in between your teeth in anticipation, the slight inward curl of your eyebrows in an almost pleading expression that has him pushing into you in one, smooth buck forward, making you gasp as he bottoms out inside of you.
Silco sees your eyes roll back, and he has to physically stop himself from doing the same. He wants to see it all, wants to see your blissed out expression while he fucks you, wants to see all the different ways he can make you come undone beneath him.
You make a pitiful attempt at stifling a moan, one that ultimately fails when Silco starts to rock his hips against yours, pulling them back slowly and savoring the feeling of his cock dragging along your walls before driving them forward with a sharp, pointed thrust. But he’s right there with you, exhaling a throaty groan at the feeling of your walls engulfing him so deliciously, the sensation being nothing short of divine.
“Look at you, taking me so well,” he whispers, lowering his head and tilting it to place gentle kisses along your jawline before nipping at your earlobe. “Like we were made for each other.”
The breathy whine this elicits causes him to straighten himself upright again, picking up his pace steadily, and soon the room is filled with the obscene, wet smacking of skin against skin as Silco begins to pump into you with feral-like need. He readjusts your legs so that your calves are hooked over his shoulders, letting him fuck you so much deeper. 
You’re a mess of broken pleas beneath him, and he clings to every single one, a symphony meant solely for him and him alone. Silco watches you with wholly, unabashed devotion as your face twists and contorts in pleasure, pleasure that only he can bring you. And though he wants to feel like he’s still in control, he knows deep down he’s equally ruined by what you do to him, maybe even more so. His seafoam eye glazes over, and strands of hair fall loosely around his face as he ruts into you. 
You reach up and try to put your arms around his neck, but the position your legs are in only allow you to claw at his shoulders helplessly. “S-silco, please..”
“Oh? I see someone’s finally learned some manners,” he taunts.
The huff of annoyance you let out amuses him more than he’d care to admit, “For fuck’s sake, Sil. Let me hold you.”
“Demanding thing,” he scolds, but gives into your ‘request’ regardless, lowering your legs just enough so that your knees fall to the side and hook over his forearms, letting you wrap your arms around his neck with open urgency. And now you’re pulling him down and holding him there, like the waters he'd nearly drowned in.
Silco’s jaw goes slack as he turns his head and pants in your ear like some wild beast, whose sole purpose is to bring you to your end. Like it was all he was ever made for. Your head turns to meet his lips with your own, and he tries to keep some semblance of restraint while he kisses you, but he can’t, not with you. It’s hungry and sloppy, full of exceeding desperation. 
He breaks the kiss reluctantly to make his way down to your neck, lips and tongue moving against the delicate flesh and littering your throat with marks of all kinds, leaving no room for anyone to question who you belong to. “Mine,” Silco snarls possessively in between sucks and bites.
He's about to pull away when one of your hands slides up to the nape of his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair and locking him in place, begging for more, more, more, and Silco’s more than happy to oblige. You’ve got him wrapped around your finger so tightly, and this realization both excites and ruins him as he begins to ram everything he has into you with new purpose.
“Oh fuck, Silco. Right there,” you cry out, voice becoming raspy and hoarse from your continuous gasps in between moans. 
"Yes, that's it. Show me how much you want this, how much you need this," he huffs out through gritted teeth, trying to establish some form of dominance once again, but it's no use when he realizes his words are just as applicable to him as they are to you.
He forgoes his hold on your legs, letting them fall to your sides briefly before wrapping them around his waist. Your eyes flutter shut and your head starts to loll to the side, but Silco grabs your jaw quickly and forces you to look directly at him.
“None of that, darling. I want you to look at me when you come undone,”  His breath comes out ragged and primal. “You want to be a good girl for me, don’t you?”
You nod frantically in response, eyes drifting downward to stare at his mouth, like a silent plea. He takes the hint without delay, squishing your cheeks together until your lips form a small pout before leaning down to kiss you fervently. His tongue swirls around yours, hot and wanting, before he pulls away just enough for him to pant into your open mouth, his connecting to yours by the thinnest string of saliva. 
Silco can sense your second orgasm approaching rapidly, and he brings his fingers towards your lips. You take the hint right away, wrapping them around his digits and sucking on them lavishly. Once he’s satisfied enough, he removes them and snakes his hand down through your intertwined bodies, settling for the bundle of nerves located between your legs.
Your moans increase in pitch, arms and legs squeezing even tighter around him as he works you with skilled flicks of his wrist.
“You’ve endured this so well, my love,” he whispers against your ear, voice laced with unrestrained hedonism and resolve. “Let’s reward all that effort of yours tonight, shall we?”
His question is rhetorical, but you nod so eagerly for him nonetheless as your walls begin to pulsate, clenching so unbelievably tight around him you’re practically pushing his cock out, nearly sending him over the edge himself.  
“That’s my girl,” he sighs with heavy grit and worship. “You feel incredible.”  
Silco’s face comes back up to hover over yours, looking directly into your eyes while he fucks you through your climax, his own looming closer and closer. He leans down to kiss you, swallowing your labored breaths greedily as his thrusts begin to stagger before coming to a complete halt, his pelvis flush against yours as his cock twitches obscenely within your heat. He lets out a harsh, guttural moan right into your mouth as he spills into you, your walls continuing to milk him with stuttered squeezes, and he has to pull away sharply to exhale a series of delirious gasps. 
Your chests heave against one another, waves of pleasure slowly dissipating as your sweat soaked bodies stay interlocked. Silco shifts slightly, bringing his hands to stroke the top of your head lazily with his fingertips. His forehead comes to rest against yours as he places soft, tender kisses along your cheeks, your eyes, your lips, anything within reach.
He’s rewarded with a giggle, followed by a dopey little grin.
“You know,” you say as your breaths finally return to normal. “I just remembered the other reason you try to send me away while you work.”
Silco already knows the answer, but you punctuate your words anyway by wiggling your ass, causing the sound of his paperwork shuffling beneath you, followed by a light yelp as he smacks your bottom lightly. 
“Impossible little wench,” he chastises, lifting himself off of you and being greeted once again by the sight of the thing you keep referring to as a ‘skirt’. He grabs the edge of it with his fingertips, holding it up like it was a cursed object. “Where in Janna’s name did you even get this from?”
You bark out a laugh before propping yourself up hastily to look down at it with pride. “Ran let me borrow it.”
“Excuse me?”
“Borrow it,” he repeats, “as in you have every intention of giving it back to them?”
You stare at him for a moment, no doubt mulling over your answer.
Silco smirks at your response before leaning in. “Good girl. Besides, I think we may find many more uses for it still.”
Your eyes widen with child-like wonder, but for the entirely wrong reason. “Oh, so you’ll wear it for me, too?”
He stares back at you blankly, blinking several times before rolling his eyes almost theatrically, earning him another small fit of laughter as he finally graces you with a response.
“Whatever pleases you, I suppose.” 
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tigertales9 · 5 months
Hard Reset X
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Warnings: 18+ / Smut / Fluff
Description: This chapter takes us back to the city for the week 8 lead-up and win against the 49ers. There's also some Halloween night action.
Time/Place: Sunday, Oct. 22, 2023 - Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023 / Cincinnati, Ohio (with a quick flashback to Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California)
A/N: This is the tenth fic in the Hard Reset series.
This chapter is a little longer and a little smuttier than I planned.
~ ~ I posted a sneak peek of this chapter, so if the first bit looks familiar, that's why. ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sunday, 10/22/23 (Cincinnati, Ohio)
You shimmy into a slinky white t-shirt that's barely long enough to hide your pink lace panties; you check your reflection in the mirror before clicking the bathroom light off and walking into the bedroom, your gaze taking in the delicious sight of your husband sprawled on the bed wearing nothing but black boxer briefs.
You turn your bedside lamp down to its dimmest setting and slide into bed beside him, smiling when he rolls over onto his stomach, a sure sign that he wants his back scratched. "You tired?" you ask, rolling onto your side to face him before trailing your fingernails up and down the muscular expanse of his bare back.
"Yeah," he mutters, his voice muffled by his pillow. "It was a looong day."
"It was," you agree. "Sooo much football," you grumble playfully, laughing when he raises his head and gives you a look. "Sorry," you grin. "I know you love it, but several hours of nonstop football is kind of a lot."
"Good thing you and my mom spent a couple of those hours talking about how to decorate the lakehouse."
"That was fun," you giggle. "How many times did you almost refer to our bye week getaway as a honeymoon?"
"Several times," he admits.
"Me too. We gotta be careful or your parents will figure out we're married sooner than we want."
"For real."
"They were super surprised you bought the lakehouse. I think they were a little upset you didn't let them in on the secret, but they got over it pretty quick."
"They can't keep a secret for shit, and I wanted it to be a surprise for you."
"It was an amazing surprise," you sigh. "I still can't quite believe it." You push up into a sitting position and dig your fingers into his throwing shoulder, smiling when he hisses in pleasure. "You wanna massage?" you ask, straddling his waist when he gives you a muffled "yes, please."
You rub his neck and shoulders for several minutes before he breaks the silence.
"Watching all that football today got me hype. I can't wait to get back on the field."
"Your calf feeling good?"
"Yeah, as good as it's felt all season. I pushed it hard in my last few work-outs, and it responded well."
"Time to unleash hell," you tease, smiling at his gruff "damn right" followed by a groan as you slide a hand into his hair and lightly scratch your fingernails over his scalp.
You continue to scratch and rub him for a few more minutes before he speaks up.
"Do you feel different now that we're married?"
"Yes," you answer, after considering the question for a bit. "I was already fully committed to spending the rest of my life with you, but it feels different now that it's official, even if it's just our secret for now."
He starts to roll over onto his back, and you rise up on your knees to make it easier for him; he waits until you settle your weight back down on him before speaking.
"All the negative thoughts in my head are muted when I'm with you. That's always been true, but even more so now that we're married."
"I'm glad." You give him a smile before furrowing your brow. "Wait … what negative thoughts are you having?"
He takes a deep breath before answering. "Just worried about getting healthy in time to save the season. We've gotta come out swinging against the 49ers and the Bills. If we drop those two games, shit's gonna be bleak." He slides his eyes closed as he continues. "Also, I'm not loving the background noise."
"Background noise?"
"Overrated. Overpaid." He makes a stank face as he plows ahead. "I know what some folks are saying about me."
"You've been playing hurt all season!" you protest, your blood pressure rising as you lean forward and lock eyes with him. "And let me tell you something about those loudmouths spewing all that 'background noise' …"
"Babe?" he interrupts.
"I'm worried about saving the season, but the background noise doesn't really bother me. That kind of shit just fuels me to be better. I shouldn't have lumped the two together."
"Oh … okay." You roll your shoulders to relieve some tension, raising an eyebrow at his bemused look. "What?"
"You were about to unleash hell," he teases, laughing when you stick your tongue out at him.
"I get a little worked up when people shit-talk you, okay?" you chirp. "Most of those loudmouths hate you because you play for a rival team and/or because their woman wants to bang you. Simple as that." You give an emphatic nod as you finish your statement.
"Feel better now?" he asks, wrapping both hands around your thighs and giving a gentle squeeze.
"Yes. I needed to get that off my chest."
Y'all laugh together for a bit before you quiet down. You eventually drop your gaze from his face down to his broad shoulders and muscular chest, lingering there for a bit before moving farther south; you reach a hand out and ghost a fingertip over his blonde treasure trail, your eyes going wide when his flat stomach caves in under your touch.
"Did you just suck in your stomach?" you ask.
"Maybe," he mumbles, giving you a sheepish smile. "Dinner was so delicious that I ate more than I meant to."
"You worked out really hard yesterday and today. You deserved a little treat."
"I'm hoping to get another little treat tonight," he purrs, his hot gaze on your breasts causing your nipples to tighten under the flimsy fabric of your t-shirt.
"Is the door locked?" you ask, thinking about his parents sleeping downstairs.
"Yes, ma'am," he answers, his big hands immediately settling on your waist after you pull your t-shirt off and toss it on the floor.
"You want me to take charge since you're tired?" you offer, a small squeal escaping your lips when he easily flips you onto your back.
"Maybe for round two," he teases, holding eye contact with you as he kisses his way down your torso.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Monday, 10/23/23
You wake up abruptly the next morning, a shiver running through you as your nude body is exposed to the cool air; you turn your head and look at Joe, rolling your eyes when you see him wrapped up in the covers like a human burrito.
"Hey, wake up," you nudge him. "I'm freezing over here."
"Huh?" he mumbles, barely opening one eye to look at you.
"You stole all my covers," you grumble.
"Oh shit, sorry babe." He quickly unwraps himself and pulls you against him -- your back to his chest -- before tucking the covers around you. "Damn, you feel like an icicle," he hisses, throwing a leg over yours and rubbing a hand over you to help warm you up.
"No shit," you snark, trying and failing to sound stern. "My husband is a shameless cover hog."
"Sorry, wifey," he chuckles, dropping a kiss on your shoulder before pulling you tighter against him.
You give a content sigh as the heat radiating off of his big, nude body envelops you, your eyelids sliding closed as you drift off to sleep wrapped in his embrace.
~ ~ ~
The smell of coffee wakes you up just over an hour later. His parents are up, you think to yourself before slowly scooting forward a bit, trying to ease out of his grasp without waking him up.
"Where you going?" he mumbles, using one big hand on your waist to pull you back against him.
"Your parents are up."
"So?" he yawns. "They can entertain themselves for a while." His hand moves from your waist to your chest, his fingers teasing your nipples into stiff peaks as he presses kisses against your neck. You let out a low moan and bite your lip as he eventually slides his hand down to your crotch, his erection twitching against your butt as his fingers encounter your slick heat.
"We have to be really quiet," you whisper, whimpering when he slides a long finger inside you.
"Get on your knees for me," he orders, a little louder than you're comfortable with.
"Shhh," you scold as you do his bidding, burying your face in a pillow as he crawls between your thighs and tilts your hips up, your high-pitched whine muffled by the pillow as he slowly sinks his hard length inside you. He gives you a few seconds to adjust before pulling almost all the way out, pausing with just his tip inside before thrusting back in. You arch your back as he repeats the action, both of you moaning when the new angle causes him to bottom out. "Fuck," he grits out as your core clenches him, his thrusts coming faster and harder as you continue to whimper and moan into the pillow.
He eventually leans down and nestles his lips against your ear, giving your earlobe a suck while dropping a hand down to tease your clit. "The next time I fuck you hard like this, I wanna hear you scream," he growls, his deep voice causing a sizzle of heat to race down your spine. "Got it?"
"Yes, sir," you whine into your pillow.
"Louder!" he orders, pounding into you at the perfect angle to hit your sweet spot.
You lift your head up from the pillow. "Yes, sir!" you holler, much louder than intended; before you have time to be mortified that his parents probably heard you, he pinches your clit and bites your earlobe just hard enough to make you gasp, the sensory overload tipping you over the edge. You grind your face back into the pillow and moan his name as you come apart, your trembling thighs starting to collapse just as he wraps an arm around your waist to hold you up; he continues to fuck you through your climax, telling you how good you feel as your walls rhythmically squeeze his thrusting cock, your name on his lips when he finally releases inside you.
Y'all spend several minutes catching your breath, both of you groaning when he finally pulls out of you and rolls over onto his back. You eventually roll onto your back and stare at the ceiling. "Do you think your parents heard me holler?" you ask.
"Probably," he chuckles, laughing even harder when you swat his arm.
"It's your damn fault," you hiss. "Louder!" you mimic his deep voice.
"Relax, babe. I'm pretty sure they know we have sex."
"Well, duh, but they don't need to hear us having sex."
"Come here," he coaxes, pulling you toward him, giving you a pouty face when you push him away.
"Nope, you've caused enough trouble this morning," you grump, rolling your eyes when he sticks his bottom lip out. "Tuck that lip back in, pretty boy," you mutter, trying hard not to smile at him. "I won't be swayed by your elite pouting skills."
He pushes up onto an arm and looks down at you in the dim lighting, his messy curls tumbling against his forehead. "What can I do to make it up to you?"
You ponder the question for a bit before answering. "Go downstairs and get me a cup of coffee, then turn the shower on to heat up so it's nice and steamy when I get in."
"You got it," he grins, planting a quick kiss on your lips before hopping out of bed and pulling on a pair of black sweatpants. He's halfway to the bedroom door when your voice stops him
"Wait," you urge, sitting up and giving him a once-over when he turns to face you. "Aren't you gonna put on a shirt? Maybe brush your hair?"
He shrugs. "My parents have seen me with bedhead and no shirt. What's the big deal?"
"You look totally fucked out."
You heave an exasperated sigh. "And I think you should brush your hair, put on a shirt, and wash your hands since you just had them all up in my goodies."
"Good idea on the hand washing," he agrees, striding into the bathroom before quickly reappearing; he gives you a cheeky wink as he wipes his damp hands on his sweatpants. "Be right back," he states, grinning as he disappears out the bedroom door, still shirtless and sporting his messy bedhead.
"Stubborn ass," you grumble, smiling as you collapse back against the bed.
~ ~ ~
You're downstairs in the kitchen about forty minutes later, flipping pancakes and chatting with Joe's parents; you take a swig of your second cup of coffee, your eyes going wide as Joe bounds down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"You shaved!" Robin chirps, quickly walking up to Joe and pinching his now-hairless cheeks. He meets your eyes over her shoulder, giving you a look when you raise an eyebrow at him.
~ He received a call from Coach Taylor earlier, right before y'all were about to get in the shower together. He was just ending the call when you stepped out to dry off. He made small talk with you while you quickly got dressed, opting for yoga pants and one of his hoodies that hits you at mid-thigh. He clearly shaved after you left to head downstairs. ~
Sneaky, you think to yourself, checking to see if the pancakes are done before dishing them up. "You want some pancakes?" you ask him, giving him a brief smile before turning to grab the butter out of the fridge.
"Nah, I'm just gonna grab a smoothie on the way to the facility."
"Okay, see you later." You head to the table and set down the butter, maple syrup, and the platter of pancakes and turkey sausage patties, your pulse reacting when you feel his big hand on the small of your back.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" he asks. "Alone," he continues, giving you a smile when you throw him a look over your shoulder.
"Yeah … sure," you mumble. "I'll walk you out." You head for the side door with Joe close behind you. "Y'all go ahead and start without me," you call to his parents. "I'll be back in a sec." You open the door and step out into the garage, the cold air causing you to shiver a bit. "What's up?" you ask, not meeting his eyes as he steps out behind you, backing you up against the door once he closes it.
"You're mad that I shaved," he states.
"I'm not mad," you argue, "just a little disappointed. You know I love to watch."
"I know," he grimaces, running a hand through his hair. "I wasn't really thinking. Coach got me running plays in my head, and I was halfway done shaving before I thought about it. I'm sorry. I promise I'll let you watch next time."
"It's okay," you whisper, poking your bottom lip out and still not meeting his gaze.
He places a finger under your chin and gently tilts your head up, smiling when you finally make eye contact. "Your 'elite pouting skills' are way better than mine."
"No way," you mutter, matching his smile with one of your own. "Sorry I'm being a brat."
"You're not being a brat." He drops a kiss on your lips, lingering for a bit before pulling back.
"I knew it was coming," you sigh, reaching both hands up to touch his smooth cheeks, ghosting your fingertips over his immaculate jawline. "It's the perfect time for another 'hard reset' just after bye week."
He shrugs. "It's not even about football."
"Yep, it's about this," he murmurs, reaching a hand under your voluminous hoodie to cup your crotch, the heat from his hand radiating through your flimsy yoga pants making your toes curl. "I've had you in a chronic state of rug burn for the past few weeks," he continues. "You needed a break even if you won't admit it. The only solution was to shave since there's no way in hell I'm gonna keep my face away from your goodies."
You giggle at his emphatic statement. "Are you taking aphrodisiac pills or something? You're hornier than usual since the secret marriage ceremony, and I didn't think that was possible 'cause you've always been super high libido."
"You know what the best aphrodisiac in the world is?" he asks, grinding his palm against you, giving you a dirty grin when you bite your lip.
"Having a gorgeous wife I can't get enough of."
"I can't get enough of you either," you whisper.
"Really," you assure him. "I can't be around you for ten seconds without my panties getting damp."
"If my parents weren't here, I'd take you right back to bed," he groans, removing his hand from your crotch to rearrange his budding erection. "They better be gone when I get back."
"They're leaving right after breakfast. You and I gushed about the fall fest so much that they found one about halfway between here and Athens. They're gonna hit it on the way home."
"Good." He drops another kiss on your lips before heading for his car. "Love you. I'll see you later."
"Love you, too. Have a good day," you smile, taking a few deep breaths of the cold air to clear your head before walking back in the house.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thursday, 10/26/23
You're lying on the sofa with a heating pad on your belly, waiting for Joe to get home from practice.
~ The last few days had passed by fast, with Joe being in a perpetual good mood, his optimism infectious as he chattered over dinner each night about the upcoming clash with the 49ers. ~
"And I had to ruin a good thing by getting my period this morning," you grump, grabbing the temperature control on your heating pad and clicking it up a notch. You chew on your lip and let the bad mood wash over you, more than a little annoyed at yourself. "It's not like it was unexpected," you snark, heaving an aggravated sigh just as you hear the side door open. "I'm in here," you call, poking your bottom lip out as Joe breezes into the living room, his expression immediately sympathetic when he spots the heating pad.
"Poor baby," he murmurs, dropping to his knees beside the sofa. "Are the cramps really bad?" he asks, spreading a big hand out on top of the heating pad.
"They were a few hours ago, but the ibuprofen I took is starting to kick in."
"That's good," he says, nodding his head. He's been with you long enough to know the first day of your period is always the worst, both physically with the cramps and mentally with the moodiness. "Can I get you anything?"
"Maybe in a bit," you mutter, giving him a smile. "How was practice?"
"Great," he chirps, matching your smile. "Offensive scheme is coming together, and my calf feels good. Can't ask for more than that."
"I'm glad." You reach out and run a hand through his hair, still damp from his post-practice shower; he leans into your touch like a cat being petted, and you repeat the action several times before speaking. "I don't feel like cooking dinner so let's just order something, okay?"
"Whatever you want," he agrees, leaning down to drop a kiss on your forehead. "Just name it, and I'll get it."
"Chinese sounds good. Something spicy," you muse, giving it some thought. "I think I'll have Kung Pao chicken plus a bunch of carbs."
"Rice or noodles?" he asks.
"Yes," you answer smiling when he graces you with that deep, throaty laugh.
"Okay so both," he confirms. "And obviously we need egg rolls."
"Cool. I think I'll get beef and broccoli." He drops a kiss on your lips before standing up. "I'm gonna go pick it up since that'll be quicker than delivery. Anything else you need me to grab while I'm out? Wine? Chocolates? Tampons? Weed?"
"I think I'm good on all that," you chuckle, already feeling 100% better. "I can't wait to eat way too much and then bitch about how full I am."
"It'll be a nice change of pace to have you doing that instead of me," he grins, turning to head for the door. "I'll be right back."
"Be careful," you call after him, marveling at how fast he turned your bad mood around.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tuesday, 10/31/23
You study your reflection in the full-length mirror, a dirty grin gracing your lips at the thought of Joe finally seeing you in the naughty lingerie you packed for your secret honeymoon but never got around to wearing -- thigh-high stockings, crotchless panties, and a lace-front underbust corset all in jet black. You both get a little thrill from your height difference so you decide to forgo high heels. "He's gonna love this," you giggle, shimmying into a black silk shorty robe and belting it around your waist.
It seems fitting to wear this outfit on Halloween night, since it's a fancier version of the outfit you wore on the first Halloween y'all were together back at LSU.
"And I know the sex is gonna be even hotter," you purr, winking at your reflection before heading downstairs to set the mood.
~ ~ ~
Thirty minutes later, you take a sip of blood red pinot noir and hold it in your mouth for a few seconds, dancing it around your tongue before swallowing, your eyes surveying the scene as you wait for Joe to get home.
The house was already decorated for Halloween, but you added a few extra touches -- candles on every available surface plus several strings of purple lights. You draped a gauzy purple scarf over the lamp in the living room, careful to make sure no candles were close enough to ignite it once they were lit.
You giggle to yourself as a memory hits you.
~ You and Joe making love in his LSU apartment, a scarf on the bedside lamp creating mood lighting along with a couple of flickering candles. Y'all were going at it when Joe suddenly pulled out and jumped off the bed, grabbing the flaming scarf -- that you hadn't even noticed -- before jogging to the bathroom and quickly extinguising the flames in the sink. Your heart was pounding in your chest at the close call when he calmly walked back into the bedroom, still fully erect like y'all didn't almost burn the place down. He crawled back in bed and soothed your nerves until you begged him to finish what he started. ~
"Cool, calm, and collected," you muse out loud, smiling as you think about all the folks who say he'd be a great soldier or first responder due to his stone cold demeanor under pressure.
You're still smiling as you take another sip of wine and think back to his most recent display of cool under pressure.
~ The 49ers game two days ago had been his best performance of the season; he'd been dialed in from jump, and his stats -- 28 of 32 passes for 283 yards and 3 TDs with 0 INTs -- were even more impressive since he did it against one of the best teams in the league. The decisive 31-17 victory -- on the 49ers home turf -- was the cherry on top. ~
The sound of the garage door opening pulls you back to the present. You walk toward the kitchen, your pulse rate picking up as Joe rounds the corner and hits you with a loaded look.
"Hey babe," he greets, setting a bag of take-out from your fav Italian place on the kitchen island before closing the distance between you. His gaze slowly rakes up and down your body, a dirty grin gracing his sensual lips when he finally meets your eyes. "What's under the robe?" he asks.
"It's a surprise," you purr, batting your eyelashes at him as he lowers his head to capture your lips; you lean into him and open your mouth for his tongue, smiling against his lips when he slides his hands under your robe.
"Thigh-highs," he groans, running his fingers along your bare skin just above the stockings. "What else is under here?"
You slip out of his embrace and give him a coy look. "Why don't you take a guess?"
"Okay." He gives you another slow once-over, his gaze coming to rest on your nipples visible through the silky robe. "Nothing?" he guesses, reaching a hand out toward the belt holding your robe closed.
"You'll have to wait and see," you tease, spinning away from him and heading into the kitchen. "Can you light the fire real quick then change into the outfit laid out on our bed?"
"Yes, ma'am," he grins, giving you a wink before heading off to do your bidding.
~ ~ ~
He walks back into the kitchen just as you're finishing plating up dinner; you turn your head to look at him, doing a double take at how hot he looks in the black silk pajamas you got him to match your robe. "Damn," you sigh, giving him a thorough up-and-down look. The pajama top is unbuttoned to show his sculpted torso, the slinky pants riding deliciously low on his hips. "We better hurry up and eat before I jump you," you tease, handing him a plate full of food and a glass of wine.
"You're seriously testing my self-control," he mutters, waiting for you to grab your plate and wine glass before following you into the living room.
Y'all sit opposite each other on plush floor cushions, using the coffee table as a dining table. Joe takes a sip of wine and surveys the scene; the only light in the room comes from the fire, the scarf-draped lamp, purple string lights, and about 20 flickering candles.
"Very romantic," he smiles, digging into his dinner as you do the same. After several bites, he points at the lamp, a big grin on his face. "Remember the time we almost burned down the apartment complex at LSU?"
"Yes," you laugh along with him. That's why no candles are anywhere near that scarf."
"You freaked out when that happened," he teases.
"And your pulse rate didn't even react."
"Someone had to keep a level head."
Y'all continue making small talk as you finish eating. Once you push your plate back, he hops up and carries both of your plates to the kitchen before quickly returning with the wine bottle, pouring the remainder in your glass.
"You trying to get me tipsy?" you giggle, biting your lip when he shrugs his pajama top off and tosses it on the sofa.
"Maybe," he grins, grabbing a couple of plush throw blankets off the sofa before laying them in front of the fireplace. He grabs a log and throws it on the fire before turning to face you.
You take a gulp of wine, allowing your eyes to travel over his tall, muscular frame that's backlit by the flickering fire. "Remember the naughty lingerie that you never got to see on our secret honeymoon?" you ask.
"That's what I'm wearing under the robe."
"Why don't you show me?"
You stand up and walk toward him, slowly untying the belt on your robe. "Remember the first Halloween we spent together? The naughty librarian outfit I wore?"
His eyes go wide at the memory. "Thigh-highs and crotchless panties?"
"Yep, plus a little something extra." You shrug the robe off and toss it on the sofa, your core contracting at the hot look in his eyes as he gives you a slow once-over.
"Damn," he breathes, his eyes lingering on your bare breasts exposed by your underbust corset. "Turn around," he eventually orders, quickly closing the distance between you as you do his bidding; he drops a line of kisses from your shoulder all the way up the curve of your neck, ghosting his fingertips over your nipples as you grind your ass back against him. "So fucking sexy, baby," he whispers in your ear, gently pinching and tugging your sensitive peaks. "I want you to ride my face," he continues, sliding a hand down to your crotch, slipping his fingers inside the slit in your panties to play with your slick folds.
"I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that," you whine. "Cum on my tongue instead," he purrs, removing his hand from your panties before lying down on the plush nest of blankets; he crooks two fingers at you, beckoning you toward him while slowly licking his lips. You grab your wine glass and take one more hearty gulp before straddling his face, his hot tongue immediately delving into your aching core drawing a series of whimpers and moans from you.
Your first climax hits hard and fast, but the second one comes much slower, with him strategically avoiding your super sensitive clit to keep you on the edge as long as possible before triggering your orgasm. You fall over onto your back when he finally finishes you off, your head spinning and heart pounding as you struggle to catch your breath.
You eventually flutter your eyes open, giving him a satisfied smile as he pushes up onto one arm and looks down at you. "If there was an Olympic gold medal in pussy eating, you'd def win it," you pant, cupping a hand behind his neck to pull him down for a kiss; you lick your juices off of his chin before sucking his tongue into your mouth, dropping a hand down to tease his erection through his slinky silk pants. He bites your bottom lip hard enough to sting before gently sucking it, and you feel drunk with desire as he repeats the action.
"I want you to fuck me hard," you whisper against his slick lips, slipping your hand inside his pants to grip his cock. "Tell me how you want it," he urges, making a noise between a groan and a growl as you pump him several times, gathering some precum on your fingers before sucking them clean; you roll over onto your stomach and get on all fours, throwing him a look over your shoulder as he slides his pants off before lining his tip up with your entrance.
He slowly sinks inside you, giving you a few heartbeats to adjust to his thickness before starting to move. "Harder," you whisper, dropping your head down against the plush blanket while arching your back into his thrusts. He does as ordered, picking up his pace as you fuck back against him. "Harder!" you whine, needing him to give you a taste of the pleasure/pain combo to set off your third climax.
He slows his thrusts for a bit, and you immediately open your mouth to complain. "Shhhh," he soothes, leaning forward until his chest is pressed against your back. "I got you." He shifts his weight onto his left arm and wraps his right hand around your throat, squeezing just hard enough for the edges of your vision to go hazy while relentlessly pounding into you. "Yeah," you gasp when he eases his grip. "Just like that. Don't stop!"
It takes a few more minutes to trigger your orgasm, his big hand releasing your throat just in time for you to let out a primal scream as your climax rips through you; you come close to blacking out for a second, and when you come back to your senses he's still fucking you hard, holding you up with an arm around your waist so your shaky legs don't collapse. You reach a hand back between your legs and cup his balls, your core clenching when you feel how slick he is with your arousal; you give them a gentle tug just as he buries his length deep inside you and comes apart.
Your legs eventually collapse and he lets you down easy, careful not to crush you with his big body. After several minutes of mutual heavy breathing, you roll over onto your back and turn your head to look at him, both of you laughing at how fucked out y'all look.
"That … was … amazing," he says between gulps of air, gesturing at your outfit before continuing. "Pretty sure this needs to be a Halloween tradition."
"I agree," you pant. "I've always heard sex gets boring once you get married."
He scoots closer and drops a kiss on your shoulder. "I guess we're doing it wrong."
"If we're wrong I don't wanna be right," you giggle.
"For real," he laughs with you, sitting up to help when you start unlacing your corset.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wednesday, 11/1/23
You finish packing your Halloween decorations into a few storage boxes, your eyes scanning the living room to see if you missed anything.
Your day had been decently productive -- two virtual work meetings, a few chores, and a homemade pumpkin pie, all accomplished with a delicious ache between your thighs that had you smiling every time you thought about last night.
"I'm home," Joe calls as he breezes in the side door. "Oh my God, do I smell pumpkin pie?" he groans, making a beeline for the kitchen island where the pie is cooling.
You grin at him as he leans down and takes a hearty sniff of the pie. "You want a slice now or after dinner?" you ask.
"Now!" he chirps, grabbing a plate and fork as you cut him a generous slice.
You slide the pie onto his plate and give him a wink. "I guess the AFC Offensive Player of the Week deserves to have dessert before dinner."
He takes a big bite, giving you a grin as he chews and swallows. "You'd let me have it before dinner even if I wasn't player of the week."
"Thanks for admitting you're a spoiled little shit."
"But you love me anyway, right?"
"More than anything."
"Love you, too," he mumbles around a hearty mouthful. "What's this?" he continues, pointing his fork at a stack of three countertop samples.
"The countertop samples I ordered for the lakehouse. Two quartz and one granite." You spread the rectangular slabs out on the kitchen island, pointing at the one on the far left. "I think we can eliminate this one," you state. "It's just kind of flat and blah. No pizzazz."
"I agree." He pops the last bite of pie in his mouth and sets his plate in the sink before continuing. "The other two look pretty cool."
"This is the quartz I picked out for my parents' lakehouse when they did the kitchen reno last year." You point at one sample before turning your attention to the other. "But I'm kind of feeling this granite. It's got the same black background with blue and green accents, but the accents are a little larger and blingier than the more subdued quartz."
He nods his head and steps closer, leaning down to study the granite. "It's got the teal we're using as our accent color."
"Exactly. Plus a lot of the dots remind me of your eyes -- blue, green or gray depending on what you're wearing and the way the light hits you."
"What color are they right now?" he asks, leaning close to give you a better look at his eyes.
"Blue with a hint of green," you answer, scanning the sample until you find a shimmery dot that matches. "Just like this," you continue, pointing at the colorful orb.
"Cool," he mutters, studying the dot for several seconds before grabbing your hand and stepping back a bit. "When you look at it a little farther back, all of the colorful dots look like distant galaxies floating in the vastness of space," he states. You turn your head and study his profile as he stares at the sample, a huge grin on his face as he continues. "It looks like an image from the Hubble telescope. Like a deep field shot."
"Raging space boner sequence initiated," you chirp in a robotic voice, laughing when he cuts a side-eye at you. "I'm kidding, babe. I'm glad you like it."
"I love it," he grins. "Can't wait to see it in the lakehouse."
You pull him close, tilting your head to look up at his face. "I'm really proud of you. You fought through a very painful calf injury, never complaining about the pain or how it hampered your mobility. Everybody got a nice reminder last Sunday of just how fucking amazing you are when you're mostly healthy."
"Thanks," he mumbles, his 'aw shucks' body language making you smile as he leans down to give you a quick kiss before continuing. "I'm optimistic that my calf will continue to improve. We might just save the season after all."
"After the clinic you put on against the 49ers, I bet the Bills are shaking in their cleats," you chuckle.
"Time to unleash hell," he grins.
"Damn right." You wrap a hand behind the nape of his neck and pull him down for a kiss, your outlook on the season feeling really positive for the first time since before his calf injury.
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kyskaisen · 1 year
OKKK maki dating head-cannons🤗
love best girl maki smsmsmsmmmsmsmmsmsmsm <33
-this can be gender neutral (but im imagining the reader as a female for myself just cuz ima girl but otherwise it's gender neutral, except for when i'm mentioning afab/amab)
-always angry
-she's not angry at you,,, she's angry at the world. primarily because panda and toge WILL NOT stop teasing her about it
-but she's very nice to you, even when she doesn't think she is. it's like she hates everyone and loves you (why can't she be real </3)
-even after you two started going out, it took a LOOONG time for her to get used to the affection u give (if u do like giving affection. if u dont then ignore this and pretend ur the same as her/j)
-UGH she's so cute whenever you hug her, cuz she isn't used to all the affection since she never really received it as a child. that poor girl- i wanna give her all the love she deserves :( can u tell i love maki
-when she does get used to the affection, forehead kisses are vv common! and they're so cute gn. you two could be tired from training all day and you're sitting together while drinking water and she'll randomly give u a forehead kiss or maybe a cheek kiss idk. and when u turn to smile back at her she's always blushing, and you just can't help yourself so you lean in to kiss her cheek as well. her face turns even more red as she mumbles little strings of curses under her breath.
-live laugh maki. <3
-for afab readers, maki defo seeks advice on how to ask u out from either shoko (if u decide the relationship starts in the time jjk 0 takes place) or nobara if u haven't seen the movie yet. all those hours she spent talking with shoko/nobara just for u to be the one asking her out LMAOO
-yeah. toge and panda always joke about it and she'll threaten them with the least scary threats like "i'll kill you!1!1!! >:(" and they'll just die laughing along with u
-for amab readers she defo didn't expect to fall for a guy after being treated like shit from the zen'in clan which it mainly men😃 (i hope that's a valid reason to hc she's wlw but i dont want criticism so i'm adding amab readers <:)) tho she didn't go to any of the boys for help (not even yuta LMAO)
-she's more dominant hotter than you, no matter the gender. you could be the sexiest actress in the world or the most majestic bro on tiktok and she'd still be hotter LOL (accept it losers/j)
-being hot doesn't always come with confidence (but most of the time it does and it takes a while for her to embrace that) and once she actually does embrace it, she's a TERRIFIC flirter i want maki to flirt with me
-she loves seeing u blushing and embarrassed, again, no matter the gender. tho she did reluctantly pick up tips from gojo whenever she'd see him rizzing up some girl on the street LMAO
"hey there, hot stuff."
"are you trying to rizz me up again?"
"no, would you like me to?"
IT WORKS EVERY TIME??? if that sucked im sorry i have no rizz shamefully and it always ends up with u blushing (if y'all are aged up idk where u wanna take that...😓)
-and if y'all r making out expect things to go her way (you'll be busy for a while so put ur shit on do not disturb) with her shoving u against a wall not me projecting my daydreams
-lemme stop b4 i get out of hand.
-ANYWAYS dating her would be super fun if she wouldn't be TRAINING ALL THE TIME!!! that girl is always training and it takes 5 sacrifices to god and one spar to get her to stop </3. then u guys hang out in y'alls rooms, varying from hers or yours (mainly yours tho idk why just go with it)
yeah idk what else to add LOL
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tokuteasings · 1 year
hiii, can i request dating hiiro headcanons? (yes i was the anon who asked if you do x reader for hiiro 😌) i am in NEED of x reader stuff in the tokusatsu fandom
Dude. Dude. Hiiro? Sweet baby boi
I gotchu bc I do not talk about exaid enough on this damn blog and Hiiro needs love too~!
Warnings; Spoilers, I miss Saki lol, and general angst bc I love inflicting it on people <3
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Dating Hiiro is this strange experiences not really...tiptoeing around things but more so words left unsaid because you two are not sure how to approach them. There's way to do them and Hiiro is an all around considerate partner but it's gonna take a looong time before this man is comfortable with dating someone again after what the hell happened with Saki. It's a very slow crossing over this line between colleagues then friends then lovers because he isn't sure how to do it properly. It's a miracle Saki decided to date him and Hiiro learning to love again is a trek in itself. Patience is key with a man like him, and he'll appreciate you all the more for it.
On that note of Saki, arguments are....odd. There's still some lingering tension from Saki and it's going to take time for him to get over her. But he's learning and if you two disagree about something, Hiiro has learned to approach the subject carefully and honestly. He's a lot more upfront with you and is more keen to spend more time with you and he wants to find solutions that will not just end with you both feeling upset or unsatisfied. He's...not letting what happened with Saki ever happen again. Nope. Not here. Not now. All he asks is for patience and an open mind to work things out.
He eats a lot of sweet things and he isn't the biggest fan of them, but eats them in Saki's memory. Sometimes dates consist of going to new bakeries and cafes to try out things, or to places that are much more healthy. Hiiro takes great care of his health despite his copious amounts of sugar but one of his love languages is food in general. He's a decent cook, simple and healthy meals are common things he makes and gives to you but while he's out and about, he spots places he knows you'll like. He memorizes your likes and dislikes and makes mental notes of everything he happens to see you eat and enjoy. If you show up to work with the same gesture of giving him food, he'll flush and mumble out this small, "Thank you." before going to eat it in private so no one can see and make fun of him. He would rather go on a lunch date with you instead, as your presence calms him.
PDA doesn't fucking exist. To someone like Hiiro, his love language is very much elsewhere. But it's kind of difficult for him to be affectionate in public. He will hold your hand but there's no chance for any fucking cheek kisses. Nah fam. Nones. But really, Hiiro is super content with simple hand holding. In private it's a lot more different because he prefers being alone with you. He's comfortable around other people, yes, but there's this rawness in him whenever you two are alone. These walls that finally leave his body and his shoulders droop and this light returns to his eyes as he presses a kiss to your cheek and tells you things only meant for your ears alone...
Actually, his love language is time spent, gift giving, and words in private. Of course, Hiiro wants to spend as much time as he can with you. He's not going to let you disappear from his side anytime soon. As mentioned before, gift giving is something Hiiro does but it's not expensive gifts or anything but more meaningful little things that made him think of you. Food is the item given to you the most. The words on the other hand are meant for you and you alone. Sure he'll whisper to you that he loves you in public but it's different in private. He has his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder and this little murmur of "I love you" passing from his lips that he has been holding back...
Hiiro actually is slowly learning to not hesitate to tell you how much he loves you. He prefers saying it in simple actions more often than not. Those gestures he often does are his way of doing it and he isn't the most vocal person but...but...he just has to let you know. So each time he tells you that he loves you, there's this cute little hint to his cheeks of how much he does love you and adores you. It's so sweet and cute that you can't help but tease him just a smidgen~! And then slam your lips together because why the fuck not? It's so so sooo great to see him flustered and his lips kiss-swollen.
Hiiro doesn't get jealous but more so protective. This is another point of argument between the two of you. He frets over you and is beyond overprotective. Especially if you happen to be a Rider or somehow have danger all around you. It can get heated but Hiiro doesn't mean for it to be. He will try to deescalate and honestly, you know that he cares. He also tends to literally glare at anyone and everyone who looks at you weirdly because you are his and his alone. He tends to put himself between that person and yourself but honestly, it's kinda cute to see him act like this.
Dates with Hiiro are super lowkey. While they mostly consist of going to cafes and bakeries and what not. That is a given but Hiiro also enjoys picnics. Not many people expect it from him but he enjoys eating with you or just simply just existing together. He'll play with your fingers in this endearing manner. He marvels at the difference in your two hands, smooth or rough, dry or silken. Hiiro just simply wants to spend time with you. To soak up the rest of your days no matter what. He wants this, he craves this. Take him away from his work for both of your sakes. Take him out to the roof of the hospital to simply relax and take in the sun and air...just kiss him, let him know that you are there for him. There are times when he has to cancel dates because of the hospital but Hiiro makes it up tenfold no matter what.
Marriage is not an end goal for Hiiro but it's an idea. He's...been mulling over it for a while now actually. The idea of making you his and finally his, because...well...who knows how long you two have for one another? Life is short. Terribly, terribly short. He refuses to let it go to waste. And...and god he wants to be with you. It's this primal need to make sure you two are together for all of time. Hiiro will pop the question after some years of dating, having tested the waters by telling it to you straight, "I want to get married with you. Because I cannot imagine my life without you." and he means it. Every. Single. Word.
Loving Hiiro is bitterness before the sweetness, smoothing out into this salty-sweet sensation of caramel before retreating. Hiiro's love comes in waves that lap at your feet. He shows his love sparingly, adoringly, full-heartedly, and he wants you to know this for as long as he can. You are simply just so damn important to him that it hurts. But it's worth it. Because Hiiro refuses to loose anyone else. Not like this. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. The texts, the little post-it notes, the vocal words of "I love you" will never cease until you two are old and grey.
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librathefangirl · 1 year
What do you think the sins and Zeldris thinks about Meliodas death at this point? I know the sins would be sad but won't blame but still be in 5 stages of grieve and Zeldris well... that would be a different story. I think he would be extremely angry that his brother died at the hands of Elizabeth. The same woman who made his brother suffer and had the audacity to be the one to kill him after what she had put him through :(((
This fanfic:
Love it!!!
This is actually not something I thought a lot about when I wrote this fic. Because A) the focus was on Elizabeth and her feelings, and B) the story doesn't really deal with what happens after Meliodas' death except the immediate aftermath - so this ask was a lot of fun!
Now, let's see if I can answer this somewhat organized. Also consider yourself warned, this is gonna get looong XD
Okay, so, the Sins.
I definitely agree with you there, they would be upset, sad, caught in their own grief, but they wouldn't blame Elizabeth. However, I do think they would blame themselves. Meliodas knew what he/they were doing, and he would have done it all again, if it meant the others lived. And the Sins know this, because they know Meliodas. He sacrificed himself for them - that's something that would weigh heavily on them. They all got ambushed and overwhelmed, they failed to defeat their enemies and that resulted in Elizabeth having to use her move and Meliodas dying because of it. Just like Elizabeth, they too would be haunted by the what-ifs, the constant question if they could have saved him if they'd just done something differently.
And! This is also the second time they had to watch Meliodas die, unable to do anything to help him. Except this time, with the curse broken, he is truly dead. I think Merlin especially would struggle with that. She's known him for 3,000 years, through all the years of the curse. After the Ten Commandments killed him, she alone knew that he would eventually resurrect. I think both she and Elizabeth, given their respective pasts with Meliodas, would have a hard time with the fact that he really won't come back to them this time, no matter how much time passes.
I also wanna take a moment to talk about Ban before we move on to Zeldris. Ban and Meliodas' relationship is definitely one of my favorites in the anime, and it only gets better along the way! I mean, through secret reveals, murder attempt, literal death, their bond just gets stronger. And that's not even mentioning the millennia they spent together in Purgatory. Which I think is especially noteworthy in this scenario, since that means that except for Elizabeth and Merlin Ban is the one with the longest history with Meliodas. Personally I think Ban would be mostly angry - maybe even get stuck in that stage of grief - because to me it seems like that's the emotion he most easily falls back to when faced with things like this. He wouldn't blame her, but I think he would be angry at Elizabeth and even more at Meliodas himself, for doing this. Which I also think would make him even more angry at himself - he tried to kill Meliodas once in an attempt to save Elaine, who the hell is he to judge?? We saw how angry Ban was at his helplessness when Meliodas lost his emotions, at how he couldn't do anything to help him. I think it would be like that, except so much worse this time. That time, Meliodas was still there (not himself, but there), and in the end, Ban could help him (go to Purgatory to find his emotions). This time, there's nothing that can be done.
Now then... Zeldris...
His relationship with Meliodas' is such complex, but since this is taking place after the curse is broken, they're also in a better place than they have been in literally 3,000 years. Now, as with many of my fics, it gets a little fuzzy about how in line with canon this takes place, but... Even if Zeldris isn't ready to call Meliodas is brother yet, I think he would at least be entertaining, in his own mind at least, the potential of a relationship they now can have. Their father is dead, they're free to choice their own lives. For the first time, Zeldris was faced with the possibility of actually getting his big brother back, of getting to actually talk and bond with him as he always wanted. And then Meliodas is killed. It's heartbreaking to think about, and I think Zeldris would struggle a lot with that grief. He lost his brother all over again and now he will never be able to forgive Meliodas for what he did all those years ago or rebuild their relationship.
Zeldris, like Merlin and Elizabeth, would also struggle with the finality of Meliodas' death. Growing up like they did, with Meliodas being this big-shot demon, the demon even goddesses feared, the next Demon King, and on top of that just being Zeldris' big brother that he looked up to so much, gave Zeldris a (in a way) skewed view. I think that back then, to Zeldris, Meliodas seemed almost invincible. And no matter how his opinion changed, 3,000 years later, Meliodas was still there, unchanged and hopelessly himself, and then Zeldris helped kill him, but Meliodas still came back. So, I think that it would be a hard pill to swallow for him as well that Meliodas truly is gone this time.
As for his feelings about Elizabeth's role in Meliodas death -well, obviously he would be angry. I think most people would be angry if someone was the cause behind their brother's death. That being said, given that this takes place after the curse is broken, I don't think Zeldris would have been as angry as if this had happened earlier because I believe his view on Elizabeth has changed. Still, unlike the Sins, Zeldris doesn't actually know her and while they see the Demon King as the root of all Meliodas' suffering, to Zeldris Elizabeth is still the one who pulled his brother away from the demons and set off the start for all of his suffering.
Another thing that's worth thinking about in this scenario is how did Zeldris find out about Meliodas' death. Did he find out by himself? Did Merlin or one of the other Sins tell him? Or was Elizabeth herself the one who told him? If Elizabeth was the one who told him, I think his anger would be more directed at her. Because she would then also be directly connected to not only Meliodas' death but to Zeldris finding out about it as well. Also, I doubt Elizabeth in her own guilt would explain and phrase the event in the same way that the Sins would. If instead Merlin or any of the Sins would tell him, someone who doesn't hold Elizabeth responsible for his death the way she herself does, then I think Zeldris anger would be more directed against the enemies who actually attacked them and brought forth the events leading to Meliodas' death.
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cutekittenlady · 1 year
Oh obvious question that I don't think I've actually seen anybody ask? How long has Ingo been in Hisui? The most common answer seems to be like three or five but I've seen longer and shorter so I'm just kinda curious what other people's answers are. I think good options are like 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 10+. Sorry if I'm being too specific or dictate-y, I don't have a tumblr and I've just been dying to know.
It really depends on the idea, but I tend to go with Ingo being in Hisui for around 10 years or so.
The way I see it it breaks down into the following points.
Ingo looks physically older and while that can be chalked up to stress or even the idea that he fell through time later in life, I still think it's a point worth considering. Between the bags under his eyes, his hunching shoulders, and his hair loss I think we're looking at the combination of natural aging and stress. Of course, I don't consider him elderly. I mean, the youngest Id be willing to buy is maaaaybe in his late 30s if he's a victim of early onset male pattern baldness, but I honestly think he's more likely in his early 40s bare minimum.
Ingos position in the pearl clan is a decent argument that's he's been there for awhile in my opinion. I don't think most of the clan would've been cool with an outsider as a warden if Ingo hadn't first spent a looong time being the helpful resident weirdo and consistently proving he kicks ass (in pokemon battling). I mean, he'd have had to prove he was trustworthy, contributed to the village significantly by learning skills and doing work, building up connections, learning the religious and cultural traditions of the clan, and of course training up a team tough enough that the pearl would've let him become warden. A lotta folks get around this by headcanoning that sneasler picked Ingo herself, but while that's a cool idea and I love it, there's no guarantee that's what took place or even if it would have been enough to get him the job.
This points tied in with the second one in the fact that Ingo wasn't exiled alongside the MC in the game. Now a lot can and has been said about that particular plot point, but it remains that the whole reason the MC gets thrown out is because at the time of the endgame it had been, at most, a year and even if they did all that stuff they still hadn't been around long enough to not be considered a stranger. The fact that we never hear anything about Ingo getting exiled says to me that he's been a member of the pearl clan long enough to not catch any of the same suspicion.
And finally, I just straight up think it makes for a more interesting concept. I mean Ingo being in Hisui for so long is sad, yes, but it opens a lot of very fun and interesting possibilities surrounding regaining his memories, going back to Unova, reuniting with his brother, etc. One of my fave ideas that I rarely see explored is the idea that all the time travel creates an age difference between the twins. I like the particular flavor of Ingo REALLY becoming Emmets big brother and how that potentially changes their dynamic. Or the concept of lost time; when exactly does Ingo get sent back? How much time does he lose or gain? What are the consequences of this?
Tbh I feel like folks are resistant to the idea of I go being older because they don't particularly favor angst and this idea is just too sad. Which, fair strokes, is fine. This is fandom after all. Id be lying if I said my views on this aren't heavily influenced by what I think would be fun to write/read. But it really doesn't have to be all angst. Ingo coming to terms with his time displacement and still appreciating all the friends and connections he made in Hisui, can be a beautiful way to explore the story.
But anyway I wrote this on a phone at 4 am so sorry if it's incoherent.
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skvaderarts · 5 months
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoy the surprise!
Hello, everyone! Happy Callender New Year! I hope you spent the first day of the year having fun and making good memories!
Now, I said I have a surprise, and It's time I revealed it! I'm setting up a Discord Server for everyone to join (should you wish to!) It launches on Wednesday, January 3rd of this year! Wow, It's weird to think that it's not 2023 anymore... I hope 2024 is better. A low bar to meet, I know, but if the last few years have proven anything it's that you can always limbo lower lol!
I've been planning this for a looong time now, but I figured that launching it at the start of the year would be a better idea! Several of you asked for something like this in the feedback surveys, so I thought it might be fun! It will be a fun little hub where we can talk about the Soliloquy Saga, chat about DMC in general, and just hang out and have fun! It will also serve as an additional place for me to post updates on things like what time chapters will go up on the days that they are posted, let you know if there are any last-minute cancelations (I hope I have a lot less of those this year!) and post little teasers for things to come! I have a lot of fun plans, so I hope you come and check it out! And of course, it's free! I wish I didn't have to say that, but I know some servers charge fees or whatever, so I probably should!
If you are not into that sort of thing, that's totally fine! Don't do something you don't want to for my sake! This is just something additional that I want to do! But if by any chance you want to check it out, let me know! And of course, I'm looking for feedback on what you would like to see in the future for the stories (and for the server), so let me know! I want to tailor the server to everyone's interests, and above all else, I want everyone to enjoy the stories! That will always be my main priority, so don't worry! Also, if you have any Discord alternatives you would like me to check out or if you have any features you'd like me to add to the server, let me know! I'd love to be able to release little tastes of what I'm working on and just be able to chat with all of you! Also, don't worry, I'm not going to spam you all. I can't stand spam lol! No one wants that.
Anyway, take care and I hope to see you all soon! The first chapter of the year goes up this Friday and the server launches Wednesday! I'm excited to release these next few chapters! They are super exciting! I hope the surprise wasn't lame! Sorry if it was! Take care, celebrate safely, and know that I'm wishing you well! Bye bye!
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For the ship questions post, I have two ships. Firstly, 4 and 6 for pre-relationship, 2 for general, and 10 for love, for Panya, because *obviously*
And the second one is just 1, 4, and 5 for general for the crack ship Larmina and Zora (I just picked randomly which drule twin to use lol)
you fell into my trap and now you are stuck listening to my panya rambling YOU FOOL This got super long lol, stuff is under the cut Here's the post we're referencing
Yellow for Panya, Purple for Larmina/Zora
4. Who felt romantic feelings first? Anya did! It was two years after they reconnected on Arus and right before the team got split up because of Wade. She never said anything because she was scarred she'd lose the special closeness they had, and because Pidge was crushing on Lance at the time lol
His crush ends after The Incident, since Pidge dedicated himself to getting back black lion, and Anya's crush takes a back burner while she makes sure Allura doesn't turn into a vegetable because of her depression. Around three years later, though, Pidge starts crushing on her in turn because she had come to visit them on Earth instead of Allura (she got dragged into royal business) during the holidays. Something about Anya laughing with the streetlights reflecting off her eyes and the snow that reminded him of home really got to him. Likewise, seeing Pidge still have so much life in him and his general excitement to have her near again brought that crush back into focus for Anya. Neither of them would act on it until like another 3 years though
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? Pidge would brush it off, he doesn't believe in destiny or ghosts or anything mystical that's part of a greater force. Anya already believes they're soulmates, but not in the romantic sense. Soulmates to her are just people who are meant to keep crossing each other's path, and that has happened at least 3 times with Pidge
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? No official first date, as in they went out somewhere, but what they consider their first date is when they both spent a bunch of time together in the Royal Archives. Only Arusian royalty and their advisors are allowed in, so Coran gave Anya a key for the door, and Pidge has snuck in there a lot before because he's not going to be kept from information period. It'd had been a long day for them both and the two wanted to spend some alone time together, so they agreed to meet in the archive, where almost nobody else was allowed in. Inside the archive was a nook hidden by the ceiling tall bookcases, it had a small couch with a lamp and coffee table. Neither of them knows who set it up, but they brought over some blankets and electric kettle and mugs just to sit and cuddle with each other. And that was how they liked it, a moment of peace together doing whatever they wanted in each other's presence
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? It was probably Zora tbh LMAOO Larmina holds grudges for a LOOONG time, and she wasn't over their joyride in the city, especially because as royalty they should know better. Eventually they do play nice and Zora has liked Larmina's spark from the start, so she just bluntly asks her out. Larmina takes it as a challenge almost, she doesn't see it as a fun time, but they end up getting along great and agree to keep seeing each other.
The Twins aren't actually evil in my eyes, I like to think they're spies who work with Lotor and feed the info back to the rest of the Drule Empire, which had kicked out the 9th kingdom (Lotor's kingdom) after dotu.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? Larmina's first relationship, but not Zora's anything. I see them both as minors, so I'm not going much farther than that, but Larmina now fully understands why her aunt is so attached to the idea of someone really loving her in their relationship
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference? In the comics they look to be the same height, but I've always hc'd that the ladies of the team to be taller than their respective group (except Anya she got the short end of the stick, literally) Larmina is taller than Zora but actually younger than her. In dotu I know they gave the Drule's ages that go into the centuries, but I can't see that without some serious physical changes, so the twins are about as young as the cadets (Zora 19-20, Larmina 18)
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? This is actually kind of tough, at least for Pidge Anya prefers physical affection, she wasn't given a lot of verbal affection before either, but something about feeling the touch and warmth of another person makes her feel so happy For Pidge I guess he's the same, he's probably used to getting told how smart he is and things related to that because of his genius. When he gets physical affection though, it surprises him, it's really only Hunk Lance and Allura that are physically affectionate with him, so now that Anya is getting a lot more touchy as his partner it's like he can't get enough. Even if they're in the same room doing separate things, one of their limbs has to touch somehow or else he'll get dramatic. Truthfully, it's because of his last relationship that ended abruptly and horribly, her touch reminds him that she isn't going anywhere, especially after he let himself romantically care for and get into a relationship with someone again.
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Let's go to work, Sparkle
🤔 for Sunday, 📱for Ava, 🖌️ for Charlene and 💝 for Envy
Thanks for the asks! Looong answers below the cut.
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand? Sunday can only do math if she thinks about it in terms of finances. Even then, she has to take it slow and triple-check all her calculations. Consequentially, any math question beyond basic algebra is probably out of her area of expertise.
During her time managing Smugly Dismissed, she consulted Charles for anything she didn’t fully understand. She was lucky to have a couple very understanding professors when she went back to school for her MBA.
One of Dick Knubbler’s favorite ways to torment Sunday is by asking her to take a headcount of any group they’re in. She’ll inevitably miscount (or think she miscounted) and start over multiple times.
📱 - What social media do they use the most? I think Ava has a presence on every mainstream platform, but only personally uses two.
Her MySpace is professionally coded, bright pink, and plays her hit single “Sea Salt Kisses” on loop. She takes the time to personally curate photo albums after every wild night with her friends. It’s rumored that a spot in her Top 8 means someone’s career is about to pop off! She comments inside jokes and compliments on all of her friends’ pages.
She loves FaceFriends too, once it comes out— she can post all her thoughts at any second and her Sunbeams blow them up with likes and comments! Not to mention all the photos she posts. Between her and Toki, Where Are They Now Now?’s paparazzi photographers are dangerously close to being out of a job.
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies? Charlene has a new hobby for every day of the week. She loves to learn new things, and it shows. Some of the hobbies that make frequent comebacks are music (of course), horseback riding and show jumping, watercolor painting, and crossword puzzles. She loves to sing with her mom, and learns to play the guitar from a very young age.
She’s obsessed with mysteries and loves researching conspiracies and secrets, trying to find a breaking story or overlooked detail that breaks it wide open. As she gets older, she plays around with the idea of starting a band, but it never becomes more than a hobby. She’s got grander ambitions.
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
Envy’s spent her whole working life in the hospitality industry, so a little respect and courtesy goes a long way. A customer who’s careful to wipe up after themselves and says please and thank you might find a snack slid their way or a manager’s discount on their check.
Likewise, acts of service are the fastest way to ingratiate yourself with her. Anybody that offers to help her out when she’s busy is good in her book. It carries through to her romantic exploits — she’d rather come home to a clean house than a present 99% of the time.
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darylspissslit · 1 year
I wanna take a moment to be cheesy about 2022.
Last year didn't start off too well. I was still dealing with a blood clot in my brain and the constant risk of it bleeding and causing another stroke or seizure had me stressed out. I was scared it would happen while I was holding my baby so I was scared to spend time with him and scared to be alone with him just in case something happened to me he wouldn't get hurt or be left unattended until I could get to my phone.
I was stressed over my child being behind on his development because he was born so early and doctors made us feel like we weren't working with him enough.
I had also decided at the beginning of 2022 to cut off the friends I had because they were bad for my mental health. They ignored me and made me feel unloved during my pregnancy and then after I had him in 2021 they didn't bother to check up on me or see how my son was doing. My son and I both had difficulty during the pregnancy. He was born 9 weeks early and was 2lbs when he was born and lived in the NICU for a month and I had multiple seizures and a stroke 2 days after having my son due to a bleeding clot in the brain. And none of my "friends" bothered to check on us. After that I tried to have a friendship with them but they made it perfectly clear that they didn't want to be friends unless I had something to offer and I didn't. I was recovering and being a stay at home mom with strict rules for people coming around my son and they didn't like that. So when 2022 came around I decided to cut all contact with them and I went friendless for about 7 months.
But then I decided to be on Tumblr a little more than I was. I met some great people on here that were really nice, accepting, and supportive. I started interacting more and following more blogs and it was nice to be part of a Tumblr community again (the Daryl community is so much nicer than the one direction community when I was on Tumblr forever ago). I write fics now. At a very slow pace but I am writing. It's fun. It may not be good but it's good enough for me because I have fun writing. I used to write one direction fics back in the day but that was literally in middle school so it's been a looong time. I love writing for Daryl. He's literally the best fictional man to exist and he receives no love in the show so I love writing him being loved 😭. And people like reading about him being loved. And every single like, reblog, and comment I get on my fics makes me wanna write more. Its crazy to think people are actually reading what I write and supporting me. I love literally everyone who took the time to read even just the first sentence of my fics. Y'all are amazing 💗💗💗💗
I also decided to try making friends again. My old roommate finally broke up with her boyfriend (he was the reason we moved out) her ex was a bad person who changed her and nobody could convince her he was as bad as he was. So when she left him and she needed a friend I was there. I liked being roommates with her but our other roommate (her bf) was trash so when my bf and I left I stopped talking to her. So it was nice becoming friends with her again. Now I have one of the best most supportive fun friends I could ask for. The past 6 months being friends with her has been better for my mental health than the past 4 out of 10 years I spent with my now ex best friend. My ex best friend has seen my son in person twice since he was born. My now best friend sees him everyday, watches him if I need to take a nap, sits with him at the house if the weather is too bad to take him out, helps me take care of him when she comes over. She is the best friend I could ask for. I know she's not on Tumblr but SHOUTOUT TO ALEX FOR BEING SO FUCKING AMAZING AND BEING THE BEST FRIEND I NEEDED THIS YEAR.
My son is doing better also. Beginning of 2022 he was still behind. But eventually we upgraded to sippy cups instead of bottles, he eats a little more solids than he used to even though he's incredibly picky. He learned to walk and now he runs and climbs. He's almost talking (I'm convinced my son knows how to talk and he just doesn't want to cause he makes almost talking noises all the time but when we try to teach him to talk he just smiles at us and stays silent). He has his own room now and he sleeps in a toddler bed (we call it his big boy bed) he loves his bed. He stands on it lays down in all directions on it. He like to lay backwards with his feet on the wall when he's watching movies. Speaking of movies he now has more than 2 favorite movies. His first favorite movie was Moana. His face would light up and he would smile and dance side to side when Moana was on. Then he loved Encanto. Now he loves Moana, Encanto, Turning Red, Frozen 1 &2, Wreck it Ralph, Ratatouille (he laughs when the mice are talking), Coco, and Luca. My son is doing great he's living his happy little life and I'm so grateful to be able to watch him grow up and become his own little person I love learning new things about my son all the time.
My relationship with my bf was strained the beginning of this year too. The stress got to both of us. He was having to take care of our son and me while also working. I pulled what weight I could but I know he was carrying us the whole time. I would have given up if it wasn't for him. We had our fights and even talked about breaking up but in the end we love eachother too much to give up. And I'm happy we didn't because after my deep depression lifted we were good again. We've even been tossing out little jokes about getting married 🤞🏽.
I no longer go to therapy and I'm off meds for now. I'm finally seeing a doctor about this pain in my uterus so I can finally get it taken care of after 8 months of extreme pain and discomfort during sex. I've also somehow lost 70lbs this year which is crazy to think about. I don't really look like I've lost it but I can tell in the loose skin around my arms, stomach, thighs, and even my breasts. I got to buy a belt for the first time in years since my pants don't fit and it's nice to put on a shirt that was tight at the beginning of the year.
Anyways this year has been a rollercoaster and luckily it had a pretty smooth ending. This year I'm hoping to make it one to remember. I have plans on going back to school, planning small family trips so my son can experience more than this town has to offer, I'm hoping to keep my only real friendship going, I don't plan on making new friends but if I do I hope they aren't secretly trash like the other ones were. I will not allow myself to be used or talk down to by people this year. And I will have fun and live every moment the best I can.
OH also this year I joined a discord server for people who live Daryl/Norman and I'm so happy I did because I don't know what I would be like now if I hadn't meet those amazing people who make me feel included and safe. We laugh about the stupidest stuff but we have so much fun. I've never had a group of online friends and it's one of the best things ever. Also because of that discord group I went to Los Angeles, California for The Walking Dead finale event and met one of the girls from the group in person who's also amazingly talented and one of my favorite fic writers EVER and we got to witness the finale of twd together. It was such a fun experience that I will never forget and I'm so thankful for that moment. ALSO I GOT NORMAN REEDUS' SCRIBBLY SHITTY AUTOGRAPH AT THE EVENT AND HE TOOK A SELFIE ON MY PHONE! I also got Paola Lázaro and Angel Theorys' autograph aka Princess and Kelly. Also also we bumped into Angel Theory in the hall at the event and she looked me up and down and said "pretty". I was shook. I melted. I have yet to feel ugly since that moment. And to think I had second thoughts about the outfit I wore that night 🤦🏾‍♀️.
There were a lot of first times for me on that trip. My first time on a plane, first time taking a far away trip on my own,first time going to California, first time in a city as big as LA, first time meeting an online friend, first time going to any big event, first time seeing a red carpet, first time seeing celebrities so close, first time getting a famous person's autograph, this some small things but was my first time on a rooftop bar, first time on one of those Byrd scooters, and kinda my first time walking around a big city. I didn't even need to go sight seeing I was having so much fun just being somewhere new.
HAPPY 2023!!!
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tigertales9 · 5 months
Hard Reset X Sneak Peek 👀
I'm still putting the finishing touches on the next Hard Reset chapter. This chapter will take us back to the city for the week 8 lead-up and win against the 49ers. There's also some Halloween night action. 😏
The holidays are cutting into my writing time, but I hope to get the full chapter up soon. In the meantime, I thought I'd offer a tiny sneak peek.
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Warnings: 18+
Time/Place: Sunday, Oct. 22, 2023 / Cincinnati, Ohio
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You shimmy into a slinky white t-shirt that's barely long enough to hide your pink lace panties; you check your reflection in the mirror before clicking the bathroom light off and walking into the bedroom, your gaze taking in the delicious sight of your husband sprawled on the bed wearing nothing but black boxer briefs.
You turn your bedside lamp down to its dimmest setting and slide into bed beside him, smiling when he rolls over onto his stomach, a sure sign that he wants his back scratched. "You tired?" you ask, rolling onto your side to face him before trailing your fingernails up and down the muscular expanse of his bare back.
"Yeah," he mutters, his voice muffled by his pillow. "It was a looong day."
"It was," you agree. "Sooo much football," you grumble playfully, laughing when he raises his head and gives you a look. "Sorry," you grin. "I know you love it, but several hours of nonstop football is kind of a lot."
"Good thing you and my mom spent a couple of those hours talking about how to decorate the lakehouse."
"That was fun," you giggle. "How many times did you almost refer to our bye week getaway as a honeymoon?"
"Several times," he admits.
"Me too. We gotta be careful or your parents will figure out we're married sooner than we want."
"For real."
"They were super surprised you bought the lakehouse. I think they were a little upset you didn't let them in on the secret, but they got over it pretty quick."
"They can't keep a secret for shit, and I wanted it to be a surprise for you."
"It was an amazing surprise," you sigh. "I still can't quite believe it." You push up into a sitting position and dig your fingers into his throwing shoulder, smiling when he hisses in pleasure. "You wanna massage?" you ask, straddling his waist when he gives you a muffled "yes, please."
You rub his neck and shoulders for several minutes before he breaks the silence.
"Watching all that football today got me hype. I can't wait to get back on the field."
"Your calf feeling good?"
"Yeah, as good as it's felt all season. I pushed it hard in my last few work-outs, and it responded well."
"Time to unleash hell," you tease, smiling at his gruff "damn right" followed by a groan as you slide a hand into his hair and lightly scratch your fingernails over his scalp.
You continue to scratch and rub him for a few more minutes before he speaks up.
"Do you feel different now that we're married?"
"Yes," you answer, after considering the question for a bit. "I was already fully committed to spending the rest of my life with you, but it feels different now that it's official, even if it's just our secret for now."
He starts to roll over onto his back, and you rise up on your knees to make it easier for him; he waits until you settle your weight back down on him before speaking.
"All the negative thoughts in my head are muted when I'm with you. That's always been true, but even more so now that we're married."
"I'm glad." You give him a smile before furrowing your brow. "Wait … what negative thoughts are you having?"
He takes a deep breath before answering. "Just worried about getting healthy in time to save the season. We've gotta come out swinging against the 49ers and the Bills. If we drop those two games, shit's gonna be bleak." He slides his eyes closed as he continues. "Also, I'm not loving the background noise."
"Background noise?"
"Overrated. Overpaid." He makes a stank face as he plows ahead. "I know what some folks are saying about me."
"You've been playing hurt all season!" you protest, your blood pressure rising as you lean forward and lock eyes with him. "And let me tell you something about those loudmouths spewing all that 'background noise' …"
"Babe?" he interrupts.
"I'm worried about saving the season, but the background noise doesn't really bother me. That kind of shit just fuels me to be better. I shouldn't have lumped the two together."
"Oh … okay." You roll your shoulders to relieve some tension, raising an eyebrow at his bemused look. "What?"
"You were about to unleash hell," he teases, laughing when you stick your tongue out at him.
"I get a little worked up when people shit-talk you, okay?" you chirp. "Most of those loudmouths hate you because you play for a rival team and/or because their woman wants to bang you. Simple as that." You give an emphatic nod as you finish your statement.
"Feel better now?" he asks, wrapping both hands around your thighs and giving a gentle squeeze.
"Yes. I needed to get that off my chest."
Y'all laugh together for a bit before you quiet down. You eventually drop your gaze from his face down to his broad shoulders and muscular chest, lingering there for a bit before moving farther south; you reach a hand out and ghost a fingertip over his blonde treasure trail, your eyes going wide when his flat stomach caves in under your touch.
"Did you just suck in your stomach?" you ask.
"Maybe," he mumbles, giving you a sheepish smile. "Dinner was so delicious that I ate more than I meant to."
"You worked out really hard yesterday and today. You deserved a little treat."
"I'm hoping to get another little treat tonight," he purrs, his hot gaze on your breasts causing your nipples to tighten under the flimsy fabric of your t-shirt.
"Is the door locked?" you ask, thinking about his parents sleeping downstairs.
"Yes, ma'am," he answers, his big hands immediately settling on your waist after you pull your t-shirt off and toss it on the floor.
"You want me to take charge since you're tired?" you offer, a small squeal escaping your lips when he easily flips you onto your back.
"Maybe for round two," he teases, holding eye contact with you as he kisses his way down your torso.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
request: an MC thats very good w playing games or like,,, is proficiently skilled in all game categories or smrhn
alsp hi xander i love ur writing
and can i giv u a kith? if so: mwah 😚
Well I hate to tell ya, sweetie, but I’m not Xander. I’m Jazzy. Hello! I can see why you’d want something written by Xander, though. He’s mad talented (better at this than I am quite frankly) and he’s on the list of people I wish I could write as well as. I guess we can both take a moment to be sad that I’m not Xander… *sigh*... to be Xander… 😔
Oh well, I am who I am and I don’t begrudge that fact. Meanwhile, I’ve wanted to do more shout-outs so everybody go read @sevendeadlymorons! If you’re not… I mean… why not? He’s more than worth your time. In the meantime, I hope I can entertain you despite my not-Xanderness.
Brothers React to an MC Who’s Good at Games and Stuff 
Honestly couldn’t care less about the MC’s game proficiency in most cases. So they’re good at games? Good for them, he’s sure they’re happy.
But when they’re playing against him on the other hand…
Well, Lucifer may or may not be skilled at whatever game you set him on (he’s a very quick learner so never underestimate him), but he’s whole new levels of competitive when he wants to be. ESPECIALLY if he already thinks he’s hot shit at something.
Video games? Not his forte. Table top games? One word for you: Chess.
Lucifer believes that he can and will whip pretty much anyone’s ass in chess. That includes Satan, Solomon, Levi, and even Diavolo. He is at grandmaster level.
So imagine his shock, no, his disdain to have lost a game of chess to the MC… The moment they said "Checkmate" he stared at the board in front of them for a solid five minutes trying to work out where he went wrong…
And he wasn’t having that.
He and the MC now have regular chess matches in which he wins some and loses some so the tally stays pretty evenly tied. Really it’s all good fun... (but if they think he’s going to let them go home when he’s on a losing count, they’re Dead. Wrong. He’ll drag them back to down just to play chess with him until the score is right again. He DOES NOT lose, you hear? 🤨).
Guess who’s found his gambling buddy?? 
No, really. He and the MC can make a KILLING at a Poker or Blackjack table! He’s never seen anyone better at poker than they are!! They have nerves of steel and give nothing away, so he’s lost more than a few hands to them before...
Even past the casinos, they’re perfect for making bets on! He once arranged a Devil Cart competition between the MC and Levi and took bets around RAD for who’d win...
Naturally, everybody assumed the Devildom’s resident Super-Otaku would win hands down, but the MC had this insane last minute save with a blue shell and pulled ahead in the last lap!!
He was like, the only person that bet on the MC and he got soooo much money that MC found HIM crying and hugging a bag of Grimm after the match…
Any time they win a game that gets him money, he’ll treat them like royalty for the next week. Man knows not to bite the hand that feeds him!... and creditors at bay... 😬
It may get slightly annoying that Mammon won't stop telling them about gaming competitions where they can get him more prize money, but hey, at least he's supportive, I guess.
Oh they are either his best friend or mortal enemy… Sometimes both in the same day.
Our boy hates losing, can't stand it any better than Lucifer, you KNOW the second he knows there's someone out there who even has a chance of beating him, he gets serious. This is not a "friendly rivalry," MC.
When they’re playing any game against each other, he'll call them by their gamertag/online persona to keep himself focused (yes, even if they’re playing Monopoly). They can't be his MC right now, they gotta be the person he's going to beat...
He's NOT opposed to dirty tactics to win, either. Saying things that will get them mad or flustered mid-match? Check. Using his tail to distract or tease them? Check. Just being a general nuisance/annoyance in game for the hell of it? Guilty as charged!
He's both a sore winner AND a sore loser, so unfortunately MC, you really can't win here... He'll be obnoxious regardless of the outcome.
However… when they’re on the same team, it's really something special. They don't just destroy the competition, they bulldoze over them like an armored tank barreling through rush hour traffic!
These two are legends in the online gaming community and have even started a streaming channel on the side. Sometimes your worst enemies also make the best allies... Who knew? 🤷‍♀️
Is surprisingly impressed by their gaming prowess. Are they just supremely skilled or incredibly lucky, you think…?
That being said, he's not the biggest gaming man on the planet so he's not too competitive with them one way or the other.
When Satan plays a video game, he usually goes for story-based, single-person experiences anyway so it's not like he could compete with them even if he wanted to.
That being said, they do share an informal challenge of sorts when it comes to puzzle/detective games (a not so guilty pleasure of his). He likes to try and beat the levels first, so when they start playing a new one they'll both compare time spent and scores.
He even enjoys playing those Devildom-style AR murder mystery games with them! It’s pretty cute to watch Satan get into it, he dips into his inner Levi and cosplays as some of his favorite TV drama detectives for the occasion and insists they dress as his co-star (best just go along with him. It’s not a bad time, even if they have to carry around an old tobacco pipe for a few hours).
Good at games? That sounds dangerously like they're another Levi… 🙄 What about party games? Oh oh, or drinking games??
Actually scratch that. How about ANY game while drunk? That sounds pretty fun doesn’t it??
Like Drunk Truth or Dare!! Oh that's a favorite of his… 🤭
To be fair to the MC, the booze does diminish their skills somewhat (because that's kind of what it does in general) but not by all that much… It's pretty impressive.
He once challenged them to a game of Drunk Twister figuring that they'd be too unsteady to actually win for once, but no. If anything, the alcohol must have numbed the stretching pains because they bent over him like a pretzel!
Not that he was complaining or anything… 😏
He likes to take the MC to parties where he knows a game or two will be played just to show off to the crowd and brag that they’re HIS lovely, talented human! You go, MC, beat that competition to a pulp! 😌
Sports count as games too, right? Well, they aren't half bad at those either.
Beel found it surprising that he found a human who could actually keep up with him. His brothers rarely want to play practice games with him anyway so it’s pretty exciting to have a sports partner at home!
He likes to ask the MC to help him train with practice matches or to go over certain moves or maneuvers he’s having trouble with. It’s not uncommon for the brothers to come home and find the two of them tossing a ball around in the front yard or something.
And the both of them on the same team? Forget it. It takes the dream team of Lucifer and Mammon (who aren’t just arguing with each other for once) to even come close to a challenge for them.
He also enjoys playing the occasional video game with them, though he treats it a lot like playing with Levi and just assumes he’ll never win unless he gets lucky - which does happen from time to time.
He doesn’t mind losing that much as long as he’s having fun, and if nothing else he can always win against them in an eating contest… He’s got those on lockdown. Come at’em MC, he’ll pack away an entire fridge before you’re done with your first plate. Try him.
So Belphie enjoys a good game or two - video-based or otherwise - it comes with the lazy-bastard territory. He may not be as skilled as Levi, but he can hold his own in some genres.
But he’s given up on beating the MC looong ago.
Do you know how much practice it would take? How many hours that he would have to use?? The hours where he could be napping instead???  Yeah, no thanks. They can continue to be the reigning Super Smash Devils champion for all he cares.
Buuuut even he has to admit, it’s pretty relaxing to watch the MC play something in the background... There’s a certain sort of satisfaction to watching someone who’s good at a game just play it straight through.
If they’re set up in Levi’s room or the Common area then Belphie may come over, set his pillow up on the floor, and watch them play. He may even throw in a comment or two like, “You missed a health pack,” or “Better save now,” but other than that he likes to just let them do their thing.
The MC has had many an all-nighter with Belphie spectating until about 4am or so. Then he’s dead to the world and they have to work out how to get his not-exactly-light demon ass onto a couch…
Or they can just leave him faceplanted and snoring on the floor. Up to them, really cause he did it to himself. 🤷‍♀️
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d3epfriedangels · 2 years
hello I would love to hear about your ideas for Yoda's padawanhood! I also have a mind filled with much Padawan Yoda!
Oh my gosh this'll be a looong post -
I believe wholeheartedly that Yoda didn't spend all his time in the Jedi order. I cannot believe that someone would have the strength to do the same thing for centuries -
Therefore, he def spent time as a grey Jedi, a republic official, a general before tcw (not with the republic), before realising something like 'oh shit i'm old i need me some healthcare' (because the republic is literally white America) so he went back to the jedi.
I actually like Yoda's legends Master, I think he's neat, and I think we need less humans in that lineage - I also think that having a padawanship of around 50 years would work well, and hence he'd be Del Gormo's only padawan.
I think Yoda has a vibe of not so much 'dismissing' as 'not understanding' visions, especially visions from other people - i hc that he doesn't get visions, and thats why the whole qui gon voice arc from tcw was so cool, and it rattled him a little?
My oc Essie was the temple seer when he was a padawan, and she had incredibly violent and sort of damning visions about Yoda, and what would happen in his later life - but no one else who had visions did? This would make Yoda really mistrust visions that he couldn't back up himself, and thats ... not many visions.
Also some random ass Essie facts:
Essie got her name from an American friend making fun of my aussie accent and how I pronounce Ahsoka like 'Es-say-kah' so her full name is Esseyuka (Es-sah-yoo-kah).
Essie is an asshole. For no reason. Like theres nothing that would make her act like that she just wants to.
Essie has been to Mortis, thats how she got her tattoo, they were burnt into her by the Ones.
Tysm for asking, this was exciting to write!!
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chasingpj · 3 years
pairing: leo valdez x gn reader
summary: five ways he says i love you through his actions
warnings: implied nudity and s*x, discusses food and eating and nothing else, i think. oh, and maybe some typos
category: headcanons
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love letters/notes
leo is a busy boy
he's always picking up new projects so he can spend all day in his workshop or the forges with his siblings
when you guys live together, he leaves small notes on the refrigerator for you
they're always short, saying simple things like "i love you" and "i miss you already"
for the love letters, he'll leave them in random places for you to find
if you're a big reader, i can see him hiding it between the pages of your book
one day, you pick up your book to read, and the note falls on your lap
it's a love letter written on a piece of blueprint paper; there’s a little bit of oil smudged on the side of it
he got distracted while he was working on something because you were the only thing he could think about
his love letters never fail to make your heart flutter
sometimes they make you cry
he's quite sentimental
leo always tells you he does better writing down his feelings than he is saying it out loud because he can organize his thoughts better
you know that leo has a hard time with that because of how he grew up
when you guys have an argument, which isn't very often, he writes his feelings down on paper
he's always quick to apologize if he did something wrong, and the notes help him form the apology that you deserve, and you're quick to forgive him
once, you were super angry after an argument, so you locked yourself in your shared bedroom
you needed to calm yourself down
the both of you much too angry and stubborn to make a compromise
as your recollecting yourself, 40 minutes in, a folded piece of paper slips from under the door
the letter has teardrop stains, and the ink is slightly smudged
on the paper, it's all his thoughts written out in the best way he can explain them
after reading what he wrote, you quickly deemed that whatever you were fighting about was silly, and you guys made up
you love his spontaneous notes so much that you do them back
you guys have a game of who can find the most creative hiding spot for your notes
one time you found one tapped to the inside of the toilet cover
you found it hilarious
you throw folded post-its with messages in his tool belt
he finds them during the day while he's working on something
after you joined in on the fun, he scatters notes in random places, and every few days, you find a new message hidden somewhere randomly
they're just so sweet; there’s never a time where they don't make you smile
this is a given
it's not a leo headcanon if gift-giving isn't included
he would make you things like roses from scrap metal to literal furniture
if you have a lot of jewelry, he will make you a cute jewelry box
if you're a big book reader, he'll make you bookcases to support your book collection
he's always giving you little trinkets that he made with leftover materials from projects
he loves making things for you and gets upset when you decide to buy something from ikea instead of asking him
"babe, why would you buy that? I could have just made it for you!"
when he's on his way from returning on his quest, sometimes he'll find something that reminds him of you in a store, and he'll buy it
when he has the money for it, he'd buy you a star :(
says that he spent even more money to buy an extra bright star
because "you're the sun in my universe"
brb gonna cry
also, he'd gift you a bond bracelet
you know, those bracelets where every time you tap on it, it makes the other person's bracelet vibrate
the both of you get anxious when one of you goes on quests, so the bracelets bring the other person who's at home comfort
because when you tap back, at least he knows you're alive and vice versa
one of the best gifts you've ever received from him was your engagement ring
he made it himself
he took so much care and effort into making it
imagine leo forging your wedding ring himself??? i'm in spain with no s
he was so nervous that you wouldn't like the style, so he had piper casually bring it up to you
piper was so nonchalant about it that you didn't even think twice about the question
the ring has the prettiest gemstone or diamond (whatever you prefer)
you cried so hard when he told you he made it himself that you couldn't even say yes to his proposal clearly
he makes both of your wedding bands too
he carves a saying that's dear to the both of you on the inside
this is nothing to do with anything but imagine when you guys have kids, he makes animals out of pipe cleaners for them i'm gonna cry, brb pt 2
overall, whether he makes the present himself or not, he puts a lot of effort and care into it
every gift has a meaning and a place dear to your heart
cooking for you
leo is canoningly a good cook
he loves cooking for you
and you love eating what he makes
he's usually busy on the weekdays, so he cooks on the weekends
you guys always joke that he'd be the cutest househusband
you got him an apron for Christmas as a joke gift one year, and he wears it all the time
there's something so charming about him wearing an apron with a funny saying like "Mr. Good Lookin is Cookin" or with like a ripped out shirtless guy in front of it
you giggle every time you see him wearing it
oh, no matter how many times you've seen it, it's still so bizarre when he takes out hot trays from the oven with his BARE hands
everything he makes tastes amazing
he makes all kinds of food and is always trying something new
if you tell him what you’re craving, he’ll cook it for you
once he woke you up to ask if you wanted ribs… it was 3 am but like, of course, you wanted some
unless you're vegetarian or vegan, sorry, HAHA
often though, he does make Mexican food
it reminds him of when his mom was alive
he always has some story to share
every time he makes caldo de pollo (chicken soup), he always talks about how his mother would make it in the summer and that when he was little, he would always complain about eating hot soup in hot weather
you know he doesn't notice his constant telling of this story, but you don't mind
it's so bittersweet when he talks about his mom
through the cooking of his traditional food, you feel closer to him and his late mother
the memories he shares with you makes your eyes sting with tears
especially when leo says how much he wishes that esperanza could have met you
sorry, that was a little emo
also, leo usually wakes up earlier than you
he knows you're a sleepyhead, so he'll cook breakfast for you
so that when you're running around in the morning trying to get dressed and your things together
you never leave the house hungry because there's always a tupperware filled with breakfast, and if he has enough time, he'll fix you something to take for lunch too
if you come home late from work or school, he'll make dinner even if he's tired to surprise you
so many times you've come home from a shitty day at work or school, and the small table where you guys eat your meals is all set up with your favorite food
leo greets you by peeking his head into the hallway from the kitchen, tossed curls, cheerful brown eyes, and a bright grin
"I hope you're hungry," he says, despite knowing that you are hungry
and then you guys talk and laugh together over a delicious meal
leo's really observant
he notices when you’re in a bad mood, even if you try not to show it
he also notices when you change little things about your appearance
if you get a haircut or you get your nails done, he'll comment on it right away
especially outfits
if you buy something new, he'll complement it
imagine standing in front of the mirror, looking at yourself in your new outfit
leo comes behind you, his hands coming around your waist
he'll pepper kisses on your neck, a soft hum leaving his lips as he meets your eyes in the mirror
"is this new, mi amor?" he asks, hands running up your sides
once you affirm that it is a new dress or shirt, he'll smile and tell you how beautiful you look in it
maybe says he'd rather see it off of you wink wink
there's never a day where he doesn't compliment you
he thinks you're the prettiest person in the world
you've caught him staring at you lovingly plenty of times
he's just asking himself how did he manage to get someone as beautiful and amazing as you
you always squirm under his gaze and playfully ask what is he looking at
"you're so pretty, mi amor. I can't help it."
alongside the endearment of mi amor, he'd always call you bonita and hermosa
you're so sweet to him, and he can't help but tell you how much you mean to him every chance he gets
leo is an acts of service kind of guy
i think he'll spontaneously do things to make you happy
if you've been busy studying for finals or just beat up from a day at work
he'll draw you a bath
or he'll cut up some fruit for you and leave it at your desk
he randomly buys you flowers
he never needs an occasion to buy your flowers
it'll be a regular tuesday, leo just happened to walk past a store with flowers displayed in the front, and he thought about how bright your smile would be if he showed up with a bouquet
I feel like he's pretty introverted, enjoys being at home with you
the both of you are pretty broke for a while, so a lot of dates were at home
leo made the most of it
you guys will have nice dinners at home
he'll set the table nicely, set the mood with candles
he'll redecorate the space so well you feel like you're at an actual restaurant
and of course, his food is amazing
breakfast in bed is another thing he'd do for you unsolicited
especially if you guys had a looong night wink wink
you're woken up by his still groggy voice, fluttering kisses on your cheeks
you open your eyes to see he's set a tray with your favorite breakfast on top of the bed
the two of you will eat breakfast together, which usually leads to you staying in bed for the rest of the day
just enjoying the warm cocoon your sheets create around the both of you
overall, he's super observant and caring, and he goes the extra mile to make sure you're happy because he knows you do the same
anyways, does anyone know where I can get a leo?
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jeannereames · 3 years
Hi, love your blog and your books, they have been good for my knowledge, they had made clear some points that were cover by the mist of ignorance, I mean, when I was at school my teachers didn't know about Alexander so when we saw him in history class there were a lot of incoherences (sorry for my poor grammar, I'm still learning english).
Hephaestion is an interesting character, we don't know much about him but I have always wonder how he was as a husband, in my research it seems that he wasn't so interest in women like others were. I have wonder if that make him a careless or a typical (in the context of the history) husband? Did he marry because Alexander say so or because he wants to ensure his place? Does he felt pity for the girl or he didn't care about her at all? Was a better husband than Alexander?
And talking about Drypetis, we know about the famous beauty of her mother and of Roxanne. But how do you think that beauty was? Certainly, not like my modern view about attractiveness of a female, so I wonder yours.
Sorry for the long post! 🙃
We know nothing about his interest (or lack of it) in women. He did marry in Susa in 324 because Alexander told him to…along with 90 other officers. That doesn’t mean he was against the idea—may have been one of the few fully in favor of it for the politics.
While fictionally I’ll make hay over his lack of recorded lovers (of either gender), from an academic point of view…it’s meaningless.
This is probably a good time to review “arguments from silence,” and why they’re so tricky.
An ARGUMENT FROM SILENCE suggests a lack of evidence is significant. BUT this only works if one can demonstrate that such evidence ought to be there…and isn’t.
That’s hard to do for the ancient world as “a lack of evidence” describes our cursed lot. My modern historian colleagues are regularly astonished by how little we have, and what we can spin out from that little.
I bring this up is because arguments from silence are too common in pop history, which too often does them badly due to a lack of understanding regarding 1) what evidence IS available, 2) what should be available, and 3) what’s absolutely unsurprising not to find.
Sometimes students will ask me, “But didn’t they write stuff like that down?” (‘That’ varying.) The answer is often, “No.” Or more colorfully, “They didn’t give a shit.” Even in the Roman Empire, they lacked bureaucratic record-keeping as we understand it. In Greece, centuries earlier, a few city-states kept some records, but most didn’t, especially prior to the mid-4thCentury BCE. It’s connected to the “epigraphic habit”: the desire to record information (in public) for posterity, and the idea that record-keeping might be a good general idea often merge.
Even so, WHAT they thought worthy of recording isn’t always what we’d like to know. This, in turn, pertains to how they wrote historical texts: what they chose to report (or not).
So, with that background…
The problem with knowing Hephaistion’s sexual interest (or lack of it) in women is how and why our sources relate such information.
In short: they mostly don’t.
This owes to their LASER focus on Alexander. Even then, what each source tells about him varies. I think we can probably be sure we know all Alexander’s wives, although Barsine’s status is not completely clear (imo). I assume she was at least a palakē, which is a formal mistress: less than a wife, but more than a hetaira. Yet given Macedonian marriage practices, perhaps she was a wife in Macedonian eyes? The Greeks regularly “demoted” Macedonian royal wives to mistresses, so I don’t trust our sources on this score.
Whatever the case, we don’t know all Alexander’s female (or male) sexual liaisons outside his wives because the sources mostly don’t care. When they do care (ala Plutarch and Curtius), it’s for some—often Romanized—moral point. Which is a looong-ass way from anything the Macedonians cared about.
And if we don’t even know his, how can we assume we know his officers’? Hell-to-the-no!
We hear about these women only if they matter to the larger (Alexander-driven) narrative. So we know the name of Philotas’s mistress, Antigonē, because she was hired by Krateros to bring pillow talk back to Alexander. We know Harpalus’s mistresses because he spent oodles of treasury funds on them, and got in trouble for it (twice). We recognize the name Laïs because she later became the long-time mistress (palakē) of Ptolemy I, mother of some of his important offspring in the Successor wars.
Ergo, not knowing the names of Hephaistion’s mistresses—or whether he had any—is not significant. Outside of special circumstance, we wouldn’t expect to.
We DO know the name of his wife from the mass-marriages at Susa in the spring of 324 because she was a princess, sister of Alexander’s wife, and her selection for him had distinct political significance. Yet that doesn’t mean he didn’t have a wife already, back in Macedon. Others of Alexander’s officers did–one reason many promptly divorced their Persian brides after Alexander’s death. I note the possibility largely as it illustrates the level of what we don’t know.
My educated hunch is that Hephaistion’s marriage to Drypetis was his first marriage. And I don’t believe he had any children (even by-blows), or we’d have heard about them as a result of Alexander’s extravagant grief. Yet this is far from saying he had no mistresses—or boyfriends, for that matter.
Regarding Drypetis and his relationship with her…it’s a complete blank. We just don’t know how Hephaistion treated her, what she thought of him, or what he thought of her. They weren’t married long enough. The weddings were in early spring, after ATG got back to Susa following the Gedrosian march/rest in Karmania. He spent a while sorting business in Susa before he went on to Opis (and subsequent unrest/mutiny there). I suspect Hephaistion and Drypetis were married no more than 6-7 months. He died in early/mid-October. She wasn’t pregnant by his death, but given how busy that period was, it could be a function of his duties and lack of time.
As for the beauty of Persian royal/elite women, it seems to have been something remarked upon by more than just Alexander historians. We lack images of Achaemenid Persians, alas, but below is a lapis lazuli bust of among the most famous: Atossa, daughter of Cyrus, wife of Darius, and mother of Xerxes (lived second half of the 6th century BCE). Note the large eyes, high eyebrows (apparently plucked), and small mouth. Given the tendency to idealizing in Ancient Near Eastern art, this suggests what would have been considered high beauty.
Beneath her is a Roman copy of Praxiteles’s original Aphrodite of Knidos—considered the ideal of Greek female beauty in the early-mid 4th century BCE (based on the incomparable Phryne, Praxiteles’s mistress).
Both have an oval face with full cheeks, and we can see Aphrodite’s nicely plump. That meant something! She had enough to eat = wealth. The modern starved-skinny model with long face, strong jaw, and stark cheekbones…that’s attractive now partly owing to what photographs well: prominent features and thinness (because the camera adds pounds). Persians and Greeks preferred rounder features, heart-shaped faces, small bow mouths, soft jaws, and fullness in the body (plump, not overweight). About the only hold-over would be large eyes.
What I haven’t really noted is coloring…other than a preference for pale skin as that signified one had slaves (= rich) and didn’t have to work in the fields outside. Hair color and eye color just wasn’t that big of a deal. Sometimes it comes to the fore: gray-eyed Athena. (Although the word is generic for blue/gray/greenish.) Similar for Apollo and Dionysos, in the Homeric hymns. Dionysos had black hair there (as did Apollo). Both “blond-up” only in the Classical era. And Hera was noted for her extraordinarily beautiful “cow-eyes.” E.g., large and dark-dark brown.
BUT, because I love to support the Gingers of the World…RED-blond hair was considered the most desired in Greece. Aphrodite was a strawberry blonde (at least sometimes), as was Helen…when anybody bothered to note it. And (quite probably) Alexander.
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