#I rewatched the series and honestly...Billy who?
thedeaddrawsblog · 3 months
Okay can we talk about something for a moment???
(Warning: Spoilers for the new Thundermans movie)
The Thundermans have a LOT of things they introduced into the series but never touched in again.
So I made a list of things I want them to revive or at least expand on-
- Billy and Nora (or even Chloe) getting their thunder sense. They only mentioned it in season 1 episode 13, and literally never talked about it again (from what I remember.) I want to see them expand on, use it in battle, and more importantly, I want to know if it’s just a Thunderman trait or if other heroes have that trait. Do villains have that trait? After all, they did reveal in the movie that superheroes and villains get their powers from a plant.
- speaking of the plant, is there multiple plants? Why was the thunderman family chose to keep it safe? How many generations ago did people get powers? Why those people? What created the plant?
- also I’m just saying it now, I need Max and Phoebe to hang out with Billy and Nora. Like we barely see them interacting. I’d literally do ANYTHING for an episode of Max and Nora hanging out, Phoebe and Billy hanging out, vise versa… I know there was like one episode in the series, but that’s only one and Max was being a dick.
- I NEED to see an episode of what it would be like if Max did take over the world. Like how he did it. Did he become a superhero to get a bunch of secrets and feed them to Dark Mayhem? Or maybe it’s just an alternative au when Phoebe failed to turn him, and said the original uncut scene instead, where she asked him if he’d rather be a hero or a villain. Obviously we wouldn’t be able to see them as teens, but maybe they could explain it in the beginning. Like maybe Colosso is telling a story. Like clue style.
- OH. SPEAKING OF CLUE, maybe a murder mystery episode??? I think that would be awesome. Kinda like the blue bean episode where max turned blue. But like. ✨murder✨
- So… I can’t be the only one that wants at least a little queer rep, right…? And I’m not the only one who thinks Max is a little… fruity… (as long as Jack Griffo is okay with it) give him a boyfriend or something PLEASE 😭
- Because Max and Phoebe are I think like… 25…. I’d like to see them attempt being adults. Key word: attempt. (basically I just to see them get an apartment and what not, and obviously the Thundermans are sad, and their siblings find it hard not having their older siblings in the house.
- And I think maybe even Chloe not knowing much about cousin Blobbin, their pop-pop, or grandma (I forgot what they called her) would be interesting as well.
- also what happened to Blobbin???
- anyway
- I’m just kinda writing stuff out
- I think they were already thinking about expanding on it, but since several of the Thundermans friends +Wong have powers, I’d like to see how they deal with keeping it a secret or if they somehow get the powers removed. Like maybe they use that ball thing they used to trap Dark Mayhems powers. OH. WHAT IF THEY ACCIDENTALLY GAVE THEM MAYHEMS POWERS IN THE PROCESS OF TRYING TO TAKE THEIR POWERS?!
- Okay this kinda goes into Phoebe and Max becoming adults, but I wanna know if they went to college or if they are going to college.
- also, Max talks about having Evilgram in one episode (maybe a couple), and I’m curious if he kinda just forgot about it or deleted it. He probably deleted it, but I think it would be cool seeing Max find Evilgram on his old phone and miss that phase of his life. Maybe that could even tie in with an evil Max episode.
I’m probably missing a lot of small moments but honestly I’m just going back and rewatching some of the episodes and I’ve been kinda jumping around so i do t remember all of them-
Anyhow I think it’s awesome that the Thundermans are coming back to life (that is if the movie gets good reviews. PLEASE LIE AND SAY IT WAS GOOD EVEN THOUGH THE CGI WAS CRAP. THE PLOT WAS ACTUALLY GOOD.)
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cerealboxlore · 7 months
I'm Rewatching the Justice League series cartoon because I can, and I have a need to scream 🗣
Y'all remember that episode where Task Force X gets recruited and has to pull off a legendary heist at the Justice League Watch Tower? That was honestly so cool, and it had me on the edge of my seat 💺 ya girl had her eyes glued to the screen the entire time. But what I want to talk about is an idea. Obviously, y'all know that this is a Billy Batson appreciation corner, so hear me out:
What if Task Force X was given a mission to pull off a heist at the Rock of Eternity. The RoE is the center of reality, all magic, and a prison to ungodly monsters and powerful ancient artifacts, who's to say that someone wouldn't want to get in there and steal some important stuff? Or break someone out. With the dangers that lurk in an unknown area and further magical threats that risk their lives if anyone goes in, it does sound like a su*c*de mission.
It's just a late night thought for now. If anyone wants to discuss this, I'm more than happy to speak about it 💃
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sdwolfpup · 4 months
Tagged by: @pretty-thief
Last song I listened to: "Turn the Lights Back On" by Billy Joel because I am obsesssssssed with it.
Currently reading: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. My son is in deep with this series and he wanted me to read it so I am.
Currently watching: A few things, actually. Miss Scarlet and the Duke (new ep today!), The Floor (I'm a sucker for a trivia show), yet another Scrubs rewatch, and the fam and I are watching Sweet Tooth together.
Currently obsessed with: Honestly, this Billy Joel song is right up there. Also finishing my smut swap, though I have no writing time during the week and cannot seem to focus during the couple of hours I have during the weekend so maybe not 'obsessed' so much as 'freaked out I may have to default for the first time ever' heh. We'll see how today goes. Also I have started jogging for the first time in my life and...I kind of love it??? Who am I?!
Here's the song though.
I think I'm supposed to tag people so, uh, @teatotally, @gabolange, @intoni, @intellectualhedonist, and @starsgoblue.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Babes, i need to know what’s up with heather holloway lmao! Why are you do obsessed with her? Its def not a bad thing, just curious :)
I BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE, here’s why i love Heather :)
One major thing is the injustice and lack of acknowledgment she gets from the fandom. ST3 came out in 2019 when fake feminism was on the edge of retirement, not kept quite as in check as it has been since 2020 *shoutout to drew afualo and the mass of people who decided it was finally time to defend women and female characters*—i know if she had been introduced in st4 she would have gotten the love and defense she deserved like Chrissy has—stemming in this case from the hate Heather and her actress received from billy fans back then because they interpreted her as a possible love interest for him and hated her into pretty much non-existence. Some people had the audacity—and still do—to approach her actress and tell her she looks plain and not very pretty. She’s got a decent amount of screen time, a pretty badass role as an unwilling side villain and I cannot figure out for the life of me why she’s forgotten about. Especially since she was a pretty big part of the plot for ST3. The fandom treated her very much so like the older women at the community pool did.
And it just breaks my heart that two younger girls Heather didn’t know were the only ones in the entire town that noticed she was missing and cared enough to notice something wasn’t right with her (not even her parents noticed she was different, though you can see with their comfortable family portrait that while they might not have known her very well, they still genuinely loved her and she loved them) and when she didn’t show up to work, none of her coworkers gave a fuck about her. So, that tells me she wasn’t really popular.
It wasn’t until after st4 came out and i rewatched the entire series, that i developed my obsession with her because i noticed my absolute favorite thing about her: she’s not anything special, she’s just a teenage girl who wasn’t popular, didn’t grab the attention of her hot co-worker, wasn’t his love interest, sat down with her mom and dad for dinners and was criticized by older women for simply existing. She was a normal teenage girl, just like i was. And it’s kind of self-deprecating to admit it, but there have been plenty of times where i thought if i would have gone missing, no one would notice and it made me really sad to notice that was the case with her.
I also love the symbolism with her being a lifeguard and how she went to Billy’s aide when she thought he was in trouble, even if it got her killed in the end. Don’t even get me started on the fact that her occupation is one that makes people need her (always have to have a lifeguard on duty), makes me think she might have gone for the job because of that. She’s not popular, doesn’t have a whole lot of friends but now she’s needed somewhere, she’s got a place. And the experience i got with Eddie was very similar to the one i got with Heather, I honestly thought she would survive. El and Max were trying to save her and everyone, so surely if the main characters were trying to help her, she’d prevail, right? No. She died a horrible, gruesome death.
And other than a quick name drop in st4, she was forgotten about. There was no Nancy like character to seek revenge on her behalf, no Joy Byers character to mourn her loss, no Murray character in her life to miss her as a friend. She’s just gone.
Naturally, what with me favoring the underdogs, I feel the need to protect and defend her, and maybe give her some justice. Which is why the Reader in Cruel Summer is based ENTIRELY on my interpretation of Heather, I actually debated on just writing a Heather/Eddie fic, but I was pretty sure it’d go largely ignored because it’d be about Heather, and i was afraid more people would hate her if I paired her with Eddie, so I went the Reader route. But all those character traits about Reader in it, Reader’s portrayal, everything, is how I imagine Heather Holloway. She deserved so much freaking better. If you try to scroll through her own damn name tag, you’ll find she’s still somehow barely in it. VERY FEW, and i mean FEW edits, pictures, anything about HER. IN HER OWN TAG! It’s been almost five years and you can still barely find a trace of her. Even KEITH gets more recognition. Fucking Keith who doesn’t have a last name and has less screen time in all of stranger things than she had in one season of it.
YEAH. WHEW, that’s a lot. That is a lot of information. But thank you for letting me rant about her, again lmao. Anyways, everyone pay more attention to Heather.
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good-wine-and-cheese · 5 months
hey carmen! i hope youre doing well! :D P, G, R, W for the ask game?
I'm doing dandy thanks and thank you for the ask! :)
P. Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Oh fun! Since I'm in Pluto brainland right now and already have a bunch of AUs rattling around about it I'll share one of those. I have in mind this AU where, during the 39th Central Asian War, Gesicht is critically damaged and has to be sent back for repairs by his creator (the damage is too intricate and complex for most field techs to fix him). Hoffman, faced with the visceral consequences of Gesicht being sent to war, takes matters into his own hands and runs off with Gesicht. I just think about how it's probably something Hoffman never wanted to put his creation through but wasn't able to stand up to higher ups at the time. I think faced with the violence and terror of the war coupled with Gesicht returning to him badly damaged would be the catalyst for him to recognize the system for what it is and work to support robots in a more earnest way that maybe requires him to be in hiding.
G. Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
So I don't think I define OTP the same way that most people do. "OTP" to me is just "the ship that is my favourite to think about" I guess, but I will still actively ship those characters individually with other characters, too. That said, my first OTP was McSpirk. 12 year old me took angsty pictures of Spock, Kirk and McCoy (and variations of them together) and made Windows Movie Maker slideshows with them to angsty billy talent and three days grace songs
R. Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Favourite platonic relationships in fandom! That's hard, because tbf I like a lot of them. It's generally my favourite type of relationship between characters. Generally speaking though, any adult-child dynamics that are particularly wholesome (especially when one or both are severely broken people) will destroy me.
On a recent rewatch of Eureka Seven, I found I really appreciated the crew of the Gekko a lot. They're just a bunch of weirdo roommates and the vibe of that whole dynamic was really good to me. As far as platonic relationships in series go they feel very close to how actual people interact with each other so I guess I'll say whatever the crew of the Gekko has going on.
W. A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Normally I'm pretty forgiving with tropes honestly! If it's an annoying trope that happens a lot of times I'll probably skip out, but it's hard for me to say any "specific" trope will make me "hate" it when generally I will give them a 3-strike grace or a "that was funny actually" level of acceptability. I guess I do have one that consistently pisses me off though.
"Shitty sex scenes used in place of character growth" is my biggest fiction pet peeve. It's not sex scenes as a general rule, but in so many shows I've seen the writers will give me absolutely no reason to believe character A and B would fuck (in fact, they usually seem to hate each other and Not in a oh they wanna fuck kinda way), then suddenly they fuck (and it's framed to be as bland as possible) and then after that they're super close meanwhile I have had absolutely nothing shown between them that would lead any of this to feel like it would feasibly have happened. It's bad writing and completely takes me out of the narrative and makes me think about how I would have written character development to get from point A to point B.
Ask game
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charlieconwayy · 8 months
What are ur issues w Hulu Futurama?
tbh when it was announced i did have excitement in me about my number one show ever returning, but then i remembered all the bullshit that i hated in the cc run and i was just immediately skeptical and for good reason bc i am usually right. i will say that i rly am a fry/leela as characters and as a couple girlie so i am being insanely biased (my man stays dragging me saying i need to put more energy into other aspects of the show lol) but i do like other characters if the show cares about them. but that's the main issue with this revamp. the show put care into literally EVERYONE except fry and leela who are the MAIN characters. (i do think a lot of the weird "there's no main character" kinda stuff was due to bendergate - and yes i am annoyed that dimaggio allegedly has billing over billy who plays the LEAD as well as two other main characters - but it's also strange that w all that fuss, even if it was just for publicity which i doubt at this point, that bender didn't rly do all that much either?) i started noticing like two series rewatches ago that as we get later into the series, we get more planet express crew centric episodes rather than fry/leela/bender episodes, and i'm fine with that for the most part bc i adore amy and hermes, but it feels weird that they kept so much of the vibe of the cc stuff in the show considering how much most people despise those seasons.
to answer simply, almost every episode was either bad, boring, far too fanservicey (looking at you pointless parasites lost "sequel" bc how dare u shit on that episode's legacy so fucking badly), or just forgettable. the episodes i genuinely liked were children of a lesser bog, related to items you've viewed and i know what you did less xmas. i found all of those to be enjoyable and everything else to be complete and utter shit. COALB honestly surprised me bc i have never cared about kif/amy bc the show didn't rly ever care about them (always felt soooo bad for their shippers w the zapp shit and then the bender shit), and i rly rly like that they did a major status quo shift by letting them have children and actually letting those children be a part of the cast. lauren tom is mother and she killed that episode and i am so happy for her that they allowed her to show her acting chops bc i think her line delivery is insanely underrated in general. (off topic but anyone complaining ab them switching leo's voice actor to an asian man needs to grow up, that should've been the case from day one.) i knew i would enjoy RTIYV bc it was a freela status quo shift but i actually also really enjoyed the momazon plot and found it amusing/funny. very very odd that there wasn't any~major freela moments in their ONE focused episode, but w/e. it's a mixed bag bc i also would've literally died for the cc seasons to give us background stuff w them. i do love that they kind of threw back to the fry/leela/bender days with this, it felt nice and nostalgic. the xmas episode was GREAT esp bc i always hate the xmas episodes (the first one has a special place in my heart bc you're lonely and i'm lonely but together we're lonely together <3), it was so fun getting to see everyone as a family (SO happy they're acknowledging dwight and cubert exist again even tho canonically they should be grown men by now lmao) and the bender/zoidberg stuff was surprisingly sweet (honestly when they give zoidberg an ep where he bonds w any of the pe crew it's enjoyable, the hermes episode was good, the professor episode was good, now this episode is good)
now to get to my issues. i don't want to say that they shouldn't have listened to fans and given us what we want to see, but i feel like there was so much weird shit that no one was asking for? parasites regained is the most egregious example bc who tf was like "omg we need to see the worms again but this time in a gross out potty humor episode!" no one. they need to STOP with bringing back every fucking character too, like barbados slim is a good example of this. he's been used so sparingly that he is pretty loved in the fandom, but w them making hermes/labarbara an actual stable relationship (a good thing that they then immediately ruined for jokes no one finds all that funny) it was SO weird and annoying for them to play back into the "haha labarbara is cheating on hermes!" schtick again. why was the whale biologist back? why was the time machine brought back?! like i know i said i liked the xmas episode but certain things are just so iconic to the show that they need to remain untouched. pissed me off. why can't they give us shit we actually want to see? robot devil song and dance number. zoidberg/marianne (just give her another fucking voice actor if they can't get emilia clarke jfc). hedonismbot as long as he's not overused and just given a few one-off lines (did we even see him????) hmmm idk the main thing a HUGE majority of fans have been asking for for twenty fucking years in a SEQUEL TO THE WHY OF FRY????
also did anyone think it was odd how after the cc seasons cramming zapp down our throats every other episode we barely saw him?? even in COALB he was kind of irrelevant. my guess would be they didn't want to over exert billy but the professor had a ton to do so ???
there's so much else that i could probably complain about and go into but i will leave it at this: i do not like the cc seasons BUT i am glad they exist bc of the late philip j fry which is not just a perfect episode of futurama, it's a perfect episode of television. until the hulu seasons give me a TLPJF than they don't have a reason to exist. this sadly just felt like a money grab and yes, i will admit that there were good moments/episodes but as a whole, it did not need to come back. i'm hoping they're saving the masterful writing that i KNOW they can do for the next season (look at season 4! banger after banger. kif gets knocked up a notch, jurassic bark, the why of fry, the sting, the farnsworth parabox. three hundred big boys, the devil's hands are idle playthings) but tbh i feel like that fire/spark is just gone from the production team.
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shortsighted-owl · 1 year
Get to know me
Tagged by the awesome @spotsandsocks and @hippolotamus - TY both!
Fave ship: Currently Buddie has me in its thrall, but Stucky will always be close to my heart, shout out to Matchablossom from SK8 because I love Kojiro and Kaoru’s dynamic a lot.
First ship: Honestly, It was Dusk/Billy-Ray Sanguine from the Skulduggery Pleasant series, closely followed by 10/Rose and 11/Amy from Doctor Who
Last song: Kai Tangata by Alien Weaponry - a Te Reo Maori metal band
Currently reading: Trying to catching up/comment on the 350+ open AO3 buddie tabs on my phone, whilst ignoring the pile of 35+ journal articles and 3 textbooks I’ve brought home to read over christmas (Help, I’ve made a tactical error)
Last movie: Polar Express (My mam loves it)
Currently watching: Rewatching Pushing Daisies for 911!AU ideas, and the Beserk (1997) anime
Consuming: A nice cuppa
Craving: Something sweet
Currently working on: Finishing a Buddie kiss prompt, and outlining some WIP ideas - I think I’ve got an idea for next years halloween fic and its BBC ghost related.
Tagging: @mellaithwen @spaceprincessem @two-cut-lines @elvensorceress  @thosetwofirefighters @ajunerose @rocksaltandroll @amberlyinviolet @thekristen999 @monsterrae1 - If you haven’t done so already!
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mywaywardcupcake · 8 months
Top Five Episodes From Television/Streaming Series (any series and any combination of series), if you'd like.
Sorry for replying so late! I went oh I'll answer that in the morning! And I forgot for a couple of days...
This one was a little more difficult because I have so many favs from so many different things. I decided to just pick 5 different shows/series I rewatch fairly regularly and they each get an episode.
1. Yugioh - Pier duel episodes (Friends til the end)
I absolutely love these episodes. I love that it's my boy, of course, and how strong it shows his willpower and his bond with Yugi. The Jounouchi, I love you moment. Them both attempting to sacrifice themselves. So many good, amazing moments with this one.
2. Doctor Who - Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
For this series it was tied between Don't Blink and this one. Both are absolutely amazing. This one wins overall due to the introduction to one of my favorite characters, River Song. There's so many great and heartbreaking moments between these two plus Donna.
3. Steven Universe - Message Received/Log Date 7 15 2
I put both of these together as well because I feel like they go together. I enjoy these episodes because of the character growth with peridot. I think she is a great character, and these episodes (her standing up for people that she deemed her enemies to her home world) are so good.
4. Stranger Things - Dear Billy
This episode was so heartbreaking. I honestly loved how they used music as this lifeline for Max. This episode was so intense and just so good. Plus we learned a lot more about her, how the absolute trauma she went through last season is protrayed, and more about the upside down and Vecna.
5. The Good Place - Tinker, Tailor, Demon, Spy
This one is added to the list because I just recently finished the Good Place so it's pretty fresh in my mind and I'm fixated on it right now. There's so many great episodes, but this one is at number because I enjoyed watching the team have to choose who they can trust, which i think cements their bond they are forming with each other. Also, I adore Jason and loved his moment to shine when he was the one who knew that wasn't his girl (not a girl).
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mothman-rewatches · 1 year
Rewatch: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Nightmares" (S1Ep10)
Summary: Everyone’s nightmares start becoming reality when a local boy ends up in a coma. The gang must face their fears and wake him up before it’s too late.
Written by: Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt, Matt Kiene
Directed by: Bruce Seth Green
Aired: May 12th, 1997
WARNING: This post contains spoilers, and mentions of child abuse.
I have been super excited for this episode since beginning this watch-through. It is one of the most memorable episodes from my childhood, second only to Out of Sight, Out of Mind. Let’s jump in.
Recap: Buffy has a nightmare in which the Master kills her. That day during class, a boy opens his textbook and lets loose hundreds of tarantulas. Buffy sees a strange boy watching on. Later, a girl is brutally beaten. Giles and Buffy go visit her in the hospital, where the girl tells them she has never seen anything like her attacker. They learn this is the second victim in a week, the other being a little boy who was beaten into a coma after his little league game. Strange things begin happening -- Giles loses his ability to read and keeps getting lost in the stacks, Xander goes to class naked, and Buffy takes a surprise history test that she fails. Willow and Xander talk to Wendell, who tells them that the spiders in the textbook are one of his recurring nightmares. Buffy realizes that the boy she has been seeing is the same boy from the hospital, and the gang decides that Sunnydale must have been sucked into the same nightmare world that he is in. Buffy tries to protect the boy from his nightmare attacker, while the rest of the gang faces their fears. At the hospital, Buffy defeats the nightmare attacker, and the little boy wakes up. 
Overall Thoughts: This was such an interesting episode to watch. It’s a filler episode in the best way -- one that layers in the ongoing plotline rather than totally abandoning it for the sake of the episode. Personally, it feels like the episode balances this perfectly.
At the top of the episode, one thing that stuck out to me was the cinematography during Buffy’s nightmare. There’s a part where we see Buffy’s shadow before we see her, and the silhouette is just such a cool thing to see. It perfectly takes the idea of the trope that Buffy is based on and executes it in a single frame. 
Notably, this is the first episode to acknowledge that the Hellmouth can make strange, impossible things happen. In previous episodes, there was always something behind what was happening in the episode, and while technically yes this episode is the result of Billy’s coma, it was the Hellmouth that put things into fruition. I look forward to the show playing around with the possibilities in the future. 
Overall, the theme of the episode is fear, and facing that fear so it no longer holds power of you. It is something very profound to cover in a show about a teenage girl, but this episode holds its water. While everyone’s fears can veer on the silly side in this episode, there’s a few genuine fears that are honestly kind of heartbreaking. 
In the second half of the episode, we learn that one of Giles’s nightmares is that he will fail Buffy, resulting in her death. Adding insult to injury, Buffy rises from the dead as a vampire, one of her biggest fears. The two go hand in hand in a way, and the idea of Giles’s presumed failure amounting into Buffy’s transformation as the thing she is destined to kill is awful in the best way. 
Additionally, there’s an underlying theme that we’ve discussed a bit, but not wholly. Buffy, this season, has been focused on trying to be the normal girl she was before she became the Slayer, not solely for herself but her mother, who puts a lot of pressure on her at the beginning of the series. We find out this episode what is driving that: Buffy is afraid that she is responsible for her parents divorce. The nightmare world confirms this with a vision of Hank Summers telling Buffy he dislikes her and doesn’t want to see her again. It’s hard, knowing that, especially with the knowledge that eventually Hank leaves the picture entirely. 
Lastly, I want to make note of one particular thing that stuck with me. There’s a scene towards the very end in which Buffy has defeated Billy’s nightmare attacker, but the one who delivers the final blow is Billy. It’s something that ties directly into the narritve, facing your fears so that they no longer hold power over you. This scene, paired with the reveal that Billy’s attacker was a trusted adult -- who he’s clearly afraid of -- makes the whole thing so much more powerful. 
Fashion Corner/Costuming: While there’s nothing fashion-wise to write home about in this episode, I have to take a minute to point out that costuming put Xander in a patterned button up and plaid pants and it is atrocious. 
Characterization: We have to talk about Cordelia. I love Cordelia, I know she has potential, but I cannot stand her this season. I get that is kinda the point, but my annoyance actually comes from how one dimensional she is. There is no depth, nothing just beneath the surface, and it goes to show how much early on Cordelia was meant to only act as the “mean girl” of the series. I think Cordy being the mean girl is fine, especially knowing how she grows, but the writers make no effort to give her any real substance. 
All of Cordelia’s nightmares are vanity based, which doesn’t sit right. There should be more to her than what we have been given, and while I can’t find the right word for it, the whole thing feels…iffy. 
Facts: Willow has a Nerf Herder banner in her locker, which is a nod to the composers of the show’s themesong. 
Quotes: “We are defined by the things we fear. This symbol, these two planks of wood, it cofounds me. Suffuses me with mortal dread. But fear is in the mind. Like pain. It can be controlled. If I can face my fear, it cannot master me.” -The Master
Apocalypse Count: 1
Final Notes: We’re back! I’m sorry for the delay, I’ve had a lot going on the last two weeks. But I’m back! Feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, or questions in the ask box!
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rachel-bloom · 2 years
Fun Charmed challenge to get your mind off real life - and also because I miss talking about the show! 1. How would you rank all eight seasons from your favorite to least favorite? I always struggle with this because as much as I love the Prue seasons, S5 and S6 have a very special place in my heart and are in some ways even more rewatchable to me! 2. How would you rank the four sisters from your favorite to least favorite? I know it's hard because they're all such wonderful women in their own ways :) 3. Favorite sister relationship, e.g. Prue/Piper, Prue/Phoebe, Piper/Phoebe, Piper/Paige or Phoebe/Paige? 4. Favorite and least favorite romantic relationship? 5. UOs about the show that we promise not to make fun of you for?! Have fun, and I hope real life starts treating you as well as you deserve!
oof difficult because i haven't rewatched in ages but in general i would rank the first three seasons in the first place 'cause nostalgia and prue and good iconic episodes (s2 was a little snoozy for me because of dan but it still has a lot of good episodes) and then close ly followed by s4 & s5. s6 is like neutral to me, it has some good episodes but i don't particularly care about the season since it's very chris heavy and i don't like his whiny "mememe i have daddy issues" ass. s7&8 would be last cause billie & christy, s8 is a little better than s7 cause the series finale but all in all a very meh season and not comparable to early days magic but i still love it if it makes sense? like i love both sister pairings for different reasons, but i just think billie/christy being the big evil they had to fight as their last fight was a bit lame and the end battle was rather underwhelming too
- piper - phoebe - paige - prue
(i love all of them but personality wise i relate most to piper and phoebe, while paige is the complete opposite of me i still love her and honestly prue is iconic and i love her but she would piss me off in rl especially in season 1 lmao and i'm probably the least like her but still got a lot of love for her
3. tuff question, it really depends on my mood but i think rn i would say phoebe/prue cause i just love to see how it develops from phoebe coming back from NY and them not getting along to slowly becoming as close as ever and prue being the best big sister there is constantly worrying about her "i can worry about my little sister can i??? don't ever stop 🥺🥺 always gets me
4. favourite relationship piper x leo handsdown, there will never be another iconic tv relationship as them it's just law i've loved them ever since i watched it as a child before i even knew what otp was and least favourite while i'm tempted to say phoebe/cole there were just too many annoying ass men who were dating paige but far too insignifcant to mention but also i don't like dan with piper sorry not sorry he's staler than a slice of white bread
5. idk i dont think i have much unpopular opinions about the show i think a lot of people dont like the later seasons, oh HOLD on. i hate chris with my absolute every fibre of my being and ik this will piss a lot of people off but he's just a whiny little punk ass bitch and people will drag down the sisters bc they didnt trust him immediately like HELLO they were trained not to trust strangers since season 1 also they didnt know he was pipers son you stupid fuck also i hate him because he messed with piper x leo and he was always mad cause wyatt >>>>> like sorry youre boring but wyatt will always be better than ur sorry ass (sorry i got a little carried away)
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ladylannisterxo · 2 years
Deciding to write any original characters instead of reader characters would be your decision when that is for your own story. Everyone has their reasons for writing original character, whether because they do like creating their own character to have a depth for this character (or characters) to make the story also have more depth. Or because they may want to just write themselves into these stories. Or maybe both, like maybe both reasons. Depending on the person.
There are, at least, two - or maybe more - Stranger Things stories I want to write. If I do actually write... Since I have ideas, but I never know where to start - how far in the beginning are they involved with a lot of the canonical plot. Who do they know, who could be connected to my characters. And other details.
I am mostly likely sticking to canonical plots with so many minor differences. Maybe I will even flesh out details that were from plot holes. Just my only main difference for my stories will be that my character's love interest, whether Billy or Eddie - depending on which story I'm writing, will survive to be with her.
So writing for your own original characters is your decision for your story.
Writing a series using my OC is something I've been tossing around in my head for a long time now but I keep putting it aside for one reason or another. If I do end up writing it, it would be a passion project and something I would write on the side and, honestly, I may never post it or maybe I'll only post on ao3. Idk, I'll cross that bridge if I ever get to it 😂
But my OC isn't really like me. I mean, sure, she shares some characteristics but she's just someone I thought up one day and I've been created her backstory ever since. If written, I'd keep it relatively close to canon, with minor changes, cause there are some things I'd like to see differently or could just do without in general. Would require a rewatch though, which I'm always down to do.
Have you started writing your stories?? If so, which one have you chosen to start with; the one for Billy or Eddie?? I think both sound fun as it sounds like both would live and that's exactly what they both deserve!! I'd be super psyched to read if/when you post!
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He Could Be That Boy ~ Alfie Jones x Reader (Me and Mrs. Jones) - 1
A/N: I decided to just go with it. And then it turned into at least a 2 part thing. Maybe 3? Is it a series now? I don’t know, we’ll see what happens at this point. Stupid boy-creature.
Word Count: 1075
Rating: T - heavy alcohol consumption, jealousy, language
“Why do you call him Scarecrow?” Billy asked, planting his elbows on the bar next to you as you watched Alfie saunter off toward a group of giggling girls in the corner.
“Oh god,” you laughed awkwardly. “It’s been a running joke since primary school. Mostly it’s because he walks around like he doesn’t know what bones are. But also…” you cleared your throat, putting on an exaggerated American accent and singing, “If I only had a brain…”
Billy laughed. “That seems mean.”
“Oh come on. You know I’m right. Alfie has one of the biggest hearts I know, but...he’s sweet, and adorable, and stupid. Like a puppy.”
“I guess he’d have to be, to not see that his best friend is in love with him.”
“You are?” you joked, heart racing at how quickly Billy had seen through you, and the shrewd gaze he leveled at you.
“Y/N,” he sighed, fixing you with a firm look. “Why haven’t you told him?”
“Because it always seemed like a bad time, and then he left. And besides...Alfie’s type is tall and leggy and supermodel-y. And I’m...just me,” you shrugged. You had given up a long time ago on that venture, preferring to watch from afar and be there for him when he needed you, usually because another one of his Type had broken his heart.
“I think you’d be surprised, if you give him a chance.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be doling out drinks with your wisdom, Mr. Cliché?” 
Billy shrugged, turning back to the wall of liquor bottles, before returning a moment later to place a glass on the bar-top.
“What’s this?” you asked, eyeing it, and him, suspiciously.
“A drink to go with my wisdom.” He smiled winningly, and even you, with your heart set on someone else, were not immune to his charms for a moment. “Specifically, though it pains me to make, it’s a scotch and soda, with a twist. Orange not lime. Alfie may have mentioned they were your favorite.”
“And you remembered that before we even met?” you raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. 
“A good bartender knows his customers. And he mentioned it more than once.”
You marveled for a moment at the idea that you had come up in conversation between the two young men, especially so frequently that Billy had been able to commit your drink of choice to memory. Actually, it seemed miraculous that Alfie had even known, let alone shared that information. You nibbled nervously on the end of the straw, puzzling over what that meant.
Alfie looked up at Y/N's laugh and scowled as he watched her lightly hit Billy's arm with her palm. He scoffed. 
“First my mum and now my best mate,” he muttered petulantly. “I'm beginning to regret bringing you back from China.”
A few moments later, Y/N left for the loos, and Billy tucked her drink behind the bar for safekeeping, and Alfie seized the opportunity, a spike of surprising anger shooting through him. He shrugged off the gorgeous blonde that had been sitting on his lap and stormed over to the bar.
“What the fuck are you doing, mate?” he snapped, leaning close to Billy to keep his voice a hiss.
“Working?” the Irishman asked winningly, raising a confused eyebrow.
Alfie jabbed a finger into his friend’s face. “Well quit it. Y/N is...my Y/N and I won’t let you toy with her. Find someone else to work.” A pair of finger-quotes and a sarcastic bob of his head accompanied the spat final word.
“Alfie--” Billy started.
“No. The thing with my mom was weird, but I got over it. But I’m not going to let you do that to Y/N too.”
“I’m not trying--”
“You know what she means to me.”
“I'm just being friendly.”
“Friendly? Yeah right. Stop. Flirting. With. Y/N.”
“Alfie…” Billy cast a glance over Alfie's shoulder where you stood, wide-eyed before quickly narrowing your expression to a glare. 
“Really?” You exclaimed, catching your friend's attention, tone somewhere between furious and hurt. 
All your lives he had hated it every time you sounded like that, and hated himself for being the one to cause it now.
“Y/N! How much of that did you hear?” He grimaced, voice cracking with nerves. 
“You are such a selfish ass, Alfred Jones,” you could feel hot tears gathering in your eyes but for a second, you didn't care. You wanted Alfie to see. “You could never want me, but god forbid anyone else does either?”
“Y/N, that’s not…”
Turning to Billy, back to Alfie, you dug around for your wallet, until he held up a hand. 
“We’re good, Y/N,” he said, frowning sympathetically. 
“Thanks, I’ll settle up with you later, I swear. It was really nice chatting with you Billy. Alfie, go to hell.” 
With that you spun on a heel and stormed out of the bar, trying to keep your head high. Unfortunately you didn’t make it far past the closing door before the facade cracked and you sank to the curb with a sob. You curled in on yourself, burying your face into your knees, years of frustration and heartbreak spilling out until you could barely breathe.
“Y/N?” Alfie’s voice was hesitant, and quiet in a way you couldn’t remember ever hearing him before. “Hey.”
“What do you want, Alfie?” you mumbled, sniffling and swiping at your eyes.
He sat down next to you, nudging your shoulder, as he always did, pulling a face to try and make you laugh. Try as you might, you couldn’t keep the corners of your mouth from twitching up at the corners. After a moment, he looked away, tugging nervously at his lower lip pinched between thumb and forefinger.
“Will you come back inside and let me buy you a drink, make things right?”
You sighed, whatever anger you felt melting away instantly. “There’s nothing to make right, Alf,” you said with a roll of your eyes.
“You sure?”
“Of course. I’ll always love you, Alfie, you know that.”
He grinned. “Always?”
“Unless you become a serial killer or something,” you shook your head. “But I won’t say no to another drink anyway. As long as you’re not going to accuse Billy of flirting again...”
He grinned, tugging you to your feet and wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he led you back inside. “Of course not.”
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polyghostfacehours · 2 years
!!SCREAM 2022 Spoilers under Read More!!
This is only stuff about Billy and Stu from the movie, since some people are curious. MASSIVE spoilers regarding what is mentioned about them. No killer reveals, no other plot points, just stuff about them.
So I have not seen the movie yet and probably wont for another week. But I read p much all the spoilers in the live reddit discussion thread regarding Billy and Stu because, well, duh lol.
-So, Sam is Billy's daughter from an affair he had behind Sidney's back. The mom used to be an old friend of Sidney and Tatum's, and their friendship ended over Billy, but Billy hooked up with her on the downlow.
-This isn't some big twist, you learn it early on in the movie. And it's the reason Sam leaves Woodsboro in the first place.
- Allegedly, she finds out in a pretty horrible way too - via her mom's diary. Imagine finding out that of the two infamous serial killers in your town, one of them is your dad. And that your current dad isn't biological.
- Sam is plagued by hallucinations of Billy, who is urging her to kill the killers after her and Tara (which kinda makes Billy the hero of the story lol?? Since he's pushing her to stop them.)
- Skeet appears via de-aging technology!!!! That's all I know besides that he urges Sam to kill. No idea if it looks good or not.
- Vince, despite looking like Billy, is actually Stu's nephew.
- Stu had a sister! (God, I wonder what her reaction to everything was :c )
- Stu is mentioned as 'Billy's accomplice' at one point, which is kinda selling him short but I guess it's realistic; In a (in)famous duo, there's always gonna be the more "popular" one.
- Stu is dead for sure I think, because I haven't seen a single person say that they mention Stu in a present context in the movie.
My thoughts:
- As long as it's done well, I'm fine with Sam being Billy's daughter. I honestly kinda expected some relationship to the OG killers. It's a cliche, and in a series that relies on the meta and deconstructing it, having the original killer's daughter be the new final girl fits right up that alley.
- It makes sense that Billy was sleeping around behind Sid's back; If he was willing to kill her, he was willing to cheat on her. Probably more than once, probably with more than one person.
- I guess Billy is more like his father than he wanted to be. Just finished rewatching OG Scream, and I just noticed now how he made a fucking beeline for those girls in the video store lmao. This dude bagged on Stu for subtlety, but then hits on girls in broad daylight??? Where Randy could see and possibly tell Sid??? Foh Billy.
- Makes his whole blaming Sidney and Maureen schtick even worse imho.
- Jokes aside, kinda frustrated yet again about the Stuilly situation? And not just this.
- Pride Source did an interview with Neve, where later in it, the interviewer asked if maybe Stu was hotter for Billy than vice versa in whatever relationship they mightve had, and when Neve said yes, he mentioned that he had talked to Kevin on Monday to confirm ot anyway, but that if "Neve says its true it must be!" lol.
- At least Stu's feelings were real! But this also won't change how I write them, I'm still gonna make Billy a sucker for Stu in poly fics, so no worries to any readers. It'll stay a triad and not turn into a hinge.
- If I'm being honest, I'm more curious how Sam's legacy as Billy's daughter will play out in the future? And I wonder how (or if) Sidney reacts to Sam being Billy's. I'm sure its a tough and embarrassing thing to discover, and cements the fact that Billy truly, genuinely, felt nothing for her.
- Once I see the movie in full, I'll do a bit more regarding how I think this revelation will play out in the future.
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
I Know You're Hurting
Ghost Adventures - A Zak Bagans Imagine
Zak Bagans x (Shy!) Female Reader, 1100 words
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- I Know You're Hurting -
Imagine you're Zak's girlfriend and you have the urge to comfort him when he is rewatching a difficult episode.
A/N I was definitely not going to write another Zak Imagine this soon, but I watched the Screaming Room episode on the final chapter of Washoe Club and this has been in my head rent free since then. Someone needed to comfort them. 🥺
You had been dating Zak Bagans for almost a month now. Last night was the first time you had spent the night at his house, ultimately forcing you to meet his really good friends this afternoon.
You had been avoiding it for as long as possible. You were afraid of being judged, because in your head you were not Zak's type, or anything special for that matter. Your boyfriend was good at erasing your doubts, but their effects still lingered.
You could hear Zak's booming voice downstairs from where you had woken up in his bed from a nap. You dreaded going down there, but that's where Zak was and he was your safety net.
You freshened up and straightened your clothes, already knowing your nerves would cause you to fidget, so you shrugged on your boyfriend's black hoodie. It was long on you, but it successfully hid your hands from view. His scent alone soothed your anxious thoughts.
"There's someone here that I'd like you guys to meet," Zak told his three best friends - Aaron, Billy and Jay.
"What does that mean, Zak?" Jay asked confused. Did he get another dog? There's no way he would betray Gracie like that.
"I've been dating a girl for almost a month. We've been taking it really slow and steady. She's been really hesitant to meet you guys, but I convinced her today."
"A month?" Aaron exclaimed.
At the same time Billy asked, "Why hesitant?"
Zak knew his friends were shocked at the news. He tended to deal with some of his problems on his own, but this was not something he normally would keep from the people he cared about deeply.
"She's very quiet and shy. She was worried about what you guys would think of her," Zak said honestly. "She also doesn't think she's my type, whatever that means." He couldn't help but smile at the thought of you. You were something special for sure.
At that moment, you walked into the kitchen. Your cheeks immediately filled with heat as four pairs of eyes glanced your way.
Zak was quick to gather you to his side and you were able to relax just a bit.
"Guys, this is Y/N."
"Hi," you greeted meekly, hesitantly peeking up at the three tall men that stood around the kitchen island.
"And that's Jay, Billy, and Aaron," Zak finished.
"She doesn't know who we are?" Billy asked curiously.
"She knows what I've told her," Zak replied, and you felt awkward having them talk about you while you were standing there with them.
Aaron gave his familiar chuckle, "which means she's not a Ghost Adventures fan."
You could tell the group wanted to know more, but Zak ushered them towards the theater. He kissed you gently when the room was clear.
"You can come get me if you need me. I know you don't like the cameras, but I can always cut you out later. I don't want you to hesitate, baby. It shouldn't take more than an hour," he said, pulling you into his warm chest. He rubbed your back soothingly, pressing his lips to your head.
"I'll probably just hang with Gracie outside and then make us some dinner before I have to go home," you said, voice muffled from where you were pressed to his chest. You could stay in his arms forever.
"Whatever you want to do. I'll see you later." Zak pulled away before disappearing in the direction of the theater.
"Y/N isn't into the paranormal?" Jay inquired curiously from his seat on the far left.
"Not when we first met. She's learned a lot now, obviously," Zak said.
"You two are quite opposite," Aaron noted, already tossing popcorn in his mouth.
The conversation changed once the cameras were on and Zak made his dramatic entrance as he did every episode of Screaming Room.
You tossed the tennis ball the length of Zak's yard, watching Gracie dash after it before running back. She dropped the soggy mess at your feet, wagging her tail eagerly.
Your mind was filled with Zak. It was true that you never watched Ghost Adventures. It was too heavy for you to watch. You liked to watch shows that you could switch on and not have to think about.
That didn't mean you didn't know who Zak Bagans was. You always thought he was cute when he appeared in the media occasionally.
You took a seat as Gracie abandoned the ball to sniff the perimeter. A strange feeling enveloped you.
It was intense sorrow, but it didn't feel like yours. You were very much happy. How could you possibly be feeling another person's emotions?
As strange as the thought was, you immediately knew the sadness came from your boyfriend. You didn't know how you knew, but you trusted your gut.
You only paused at the theater doors briefly. You pulled the hood of the sweatshirt over your head and took a deep breath. Nevermind the fear of being in front of a camera, Zak was hurting.
His attention was on you as soon as you walked into the lit room. Your eyes zeroed in on his damp cheeks, and you walked over to climb in his lap.
Zak physically relaxed at your presence. You gently wiped his tears with your thumbs, before wrapping your hands under his arms and around his back. You laid your face in his shoulder.
"I needed to make sure you were okay," you mumbled.
"I am now," he whispered back, resting his cheek on yours and giving a shuddering breath that only happens after a good cry.
Your cheeks heated once more as you felt the eyes of the others. Being with Zak was like being in a different world. He made you forget everything but the moment you were in.
"Are you going to stay?" he asked.
You pressed your lips to his neck and he shivered in response. You couldn't help the quiet laugh at the effect you had on him
"Definitely not, but you can call me if you need me," you replied.
You sat up and Zak gave you a sweet kiss. You waved to the others before disappearing out of the room.
"How did she know?" Aaron asked in a quiet whisper.
Zak honestly wasn't sure how you knew he was upset, but he was grateful for your comfort. You were an incredible girl. You didn't even have to know the situation because all you wanted to do was be there. Zak didn't know how he had gotten so lucky. He was quickly falling in love with you.
A/N: Hi again. Honestly I love this one too. I might make it into a series. If you all have requests of any kind don't hesitate to ask. I'm always looking to get my creative juices flowing. :)
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ko11ok · 2 years
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I haven’t seen someone do a serious analysis of Mallory’s tarot card or the tarot cards that have been released and general, so I wanted to do it myself! (For those of you who don’t know, the artist who illistrated the Kollok portraits for the last two seasons has been releasing official tarot cards that will apparently be important for this season! You can find her twitter and the rest of her art here)
There’s a lot of important things to talk about with this card, especially the fact that it’s been made AT ALL tells us a lot about what I think the future of the series will entail. I’m going to break this image down into a few sections to best discuss.
The Robot - In the lower right hand corner, we see (what I assume) is a small robot dog. Why do I think it’s specifically a robot dog? Because Danielle Radford, one of our cast member for next season has mentioned her character having a robot dog, and this creature doesn’t look particularly threatening to Mallory, and it looks suspiciously similar to the dog in the promo photos. I think this might mean that Danielle’s character, C-dubbs, might be intrinsically linked to both Mallory AND Marcus Bennett, seeing as she escaped from Synchroniety Tech as a kid. 
The Bloody Rock - Those of us who are familiar with the show know that Mallory frequently self-harmed during the beginning of season two, often forcing Tibby to heal him. I have a feeling that he may have died by his own fault, or that that specific rock is important. While looking into the fool card, I found that they often hold a flower in that specific hand, rather than a rock. This could be a stylistic choice, but it obviously does mean something. I think we’ll definitely have to wait until the series begins again to better understand this one.
The Black Rock - We all know the black rock, and I think most of us probably hate it too. It consumed Tibby, it consumed Mickey, and it most likely drove Mallory to despair. I wonder if Laura’s powers this season will have something to do with the black rock? We know SO little about it, and it seems that there’s a good chance they’ll expand on it this season.
The Tangerine - I have no clue what this might symbolize. It might actually be an orange, or a clementine, we don’t really know. I feel like I might be missing a reference to the actual series here...but I haven’t done a rewatch recently enough to know for certain.
The Red Ribbons - Also coming up blank. They sit under the black rock specifically, so maybe they symbolize it breaking free to inhabit the tangible world? Or perhaps it means that Mallory has either becomes its new host, or was probably consumed by it.
We know based on future Em’s reaction that something BAD happens to Mallory. However, on a meta level, I think with how hard Zac’s been pushing the fact that Mallory’s dead, and the interaction between Sohinki and the cast within the show’s revival, Mallory might not actually be dead. He might have been consumed by the black rock, or perhaps joined Marcus at Synchroniety, but I would’ve found it odd that he’d abandon Billy or Em. 
Honestly this is just trying to point out all the little things in the tarot card, so if this sparked anyone’s theory brains, please feel free to offer your own thoughts!
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
just watched the ep where april kills cas on my season 9 rewatch and it really hit me that dean has really had to watch cas die right in front of him almost every single time.
Oh yeah (i hate that episode and generally just... avoid it when I can lol).
But how many times has Dean had to watch Cas actually die? Lots! Let's reflect.
He only saw the aftermath of Cas's first explosion in 4.22, but Chuck really played it up with the description (exploded like a water balloon of Chunky soup) and the visual aid of pulling one of Cas's teeth out of his hair... That guy is such a jerk... >.>
(I mean, he also hit Sam in the head with a plunger, but that's neither here nor there)
The first time Dean gets to WATCH Cas die is in 5.22, when Lucifer explodes him again.
He gets to watch Cas die again at the end of 7.01, after he returns the souls to Purgatory. He hadn't looked great moments before, and his dying wish had been for Dean to forgive him (Dean obviously wasn't ready for that, but watching what he believed was Cas dying there sort of pushed him in that direction). He's only down for a minute before he recovers, again. But it's too late anyway because...
Dean gets to watch him die again in the opening scenes of 7.02. Cas is overtaken by leviathans who walk him out into that lake and explode him again. All Dean has left is the trench that he'll lug from stolen junker to stolen junker for most of the rest of the season until he's able to return it to Cas.
Granted, Cas doesn't die in 7.17, but he does the next closest thing by taking on Sam's soul damage and going comatose. Sam was expected to die from this state, but with Cas... Dean just doesn't know what will happen to him, and still has to walk away because they've still got a planet to save.
In purgatory, he didn't see Cas die, but what he did see was so traumatic (Cas CHOOSING to stay behind, not wanting to return with him, as they were surrounded by monsters at the portal) that Dean literally invented a false memory of him failing to pull Cas through the portal and blaming himself for why Cas was left behind (and probably died, as he led Sam to believe in 8.01).
After the angel fall event, when Cas wasn't replying to his prayers, Dean wondered for a bit if Cas might be dead (why else wouldn't he have contacted Dean? In Dean's mind?), and then the incident you mention in 9.03. That... was probably the worst for Dean to date, because Cas had ALWAYS come back to him eventually, but he'd never been human when he'd died, either. The horror of having been SO CLOSE to saving him, and having directly failed him completely was too much.
(we won't even talk about how Dean was manipulated by an angel holding Sam hostage into kicking Cas out on his own after that, but that also tore Dean up inside... thanks to Bobo for 9.06 for showing us that, and showing Dean finally being there JUST IN TIME TO SAVE CAS, tossing the angel blade to him so he could save himself)
It also bothers me that Dean never really knew how bad Cas's grace situation was during s9 and s10, and even during s15 when Cas began to realize that his powers were fading again and directly tried to talk with Dean about that several times. There was always just too much else going on-- in s9 and 10 with the Mark and concern for Dean, and in s15 with worry over Jack, Sam's Equalizer Wound, what Chuck was doing, Billie, etc. They had a lot going on... But I really wish that arc hadn't been abandoned... but again, that's for another post to rant about :'D
By this point, it's 100% logical why Dean gets so upset when Cas disappears and stops returning his calls. He has watched Cas die too many times, and I don't know that he could've lived with himself if he just never heard back from Cas again, you know? (which also makes the series finale entirely implausible, because wtf... knowing what the Empty is and the fact Cas was literally only there because of his love for Dean... and not even expressing a little regret over that let alone feeling compelled to at least TRY to rescue him... it's just not believable to me at all)
But then we have 12.23/13.01... and the grief arc following it. That actually broke him.
Which brings us to 15.09, and believing he'd lost Cas in purgatory again, this time with a definite countdown clock and knowing if he couldn't find Cas and bring him out by the time the portal closed he'd likely never see Cas again. I honestly think if Cas hadn't been waiting for him at the portal that Dean would've just chosen to stay in Purgatory to look for him again, even despite what was going on back on Earth. At least in Purgatory, he knew the deal.
Wait... what were we talking about? Oh right, all the times Dean actually watched Cas die.
Bonus round: We know during s7 at least he had a recurring nightmare of watching Cas wade into the lake to die. I don't know that I could bear to know what the rest of his nightmares were like... How many times did he relive all those deaths in horrific dreamscapes?
Thank you anon, I think this is the most awful route I've ever taken to explore their relationship. New agony at every rest stop! :'D
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