#I never thought I would hear this coming out of the mouths of westerners who claim to be more enlightened
kelluinox · 5 months
One day I will draw a venn diagram between Russian vatniks and pro hamas supporters
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Hi! Can I request of TF141 x Fem! Reader who is cold hearted when going in war but she kind snd smile when helping the civilians and children. Like the tf141 never see Y/n smile after joining the military. And when they see her smile the first time, they felt heart warm and almost cry see Y/n smile as an angel.
Take all the time you want. No need to rush.
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Pairing: TF141 x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Category: Fluff & Angst
Warnings: Suggestive Comments, Blood, Injuries, Swearing, Depictions of Child Labor
Word Count: 1.6k+
A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for your request! (I love your incorrect COD quotes btw, they’re so much fun to read! ☺️).
That’s what you were known as when you were in the SAS. It was short for “Blizzard”, and that you were. Your taciturn and cold demeanor made other soldiers weary of your presence.
“We call her Blizzard cause ‘Ice Queen’ was just too damn long,” you remember on of your fellow soldiers remarking when he thought you couldn’t hear him. Hopefully, you wouldn’t have to deal with such idiocy now that you’ve been recruited into Task Force 141. When you walked into Captain John Price’s office and he congratulated you on being selected, he seemed a bit put off by your stern attitude.
“Thank you for this opportunity, Captain Price,” you replied, your lips in a straight line. The Captain gave you a small smile.
“We’re on the same team now. Just call me Price,” he said. You stood in place and straighter your shoulders.
“I prefer to call my fellow soldiers and superiors by their rank,” you explained with a flat tone.
Your introduction to the rest of 141 went about the same way.
“Hey there! Name’s Soap. Nice to have a new face on the team!” Soap beamed with an outstretched hand. You eyed him up and down, mouth curved in a frown.
“Thanks,” you muttered as you shifted in place. Soap’s hand twitched slightly as he lowered it to his side. He watched you introduce yourself to Ghost and Gaz before you brushed past them.
“Come on. We have a meeting in five,” you stated. The three men watched you walk towards Price’s office for the newest mission’s pre-briefing. Soap clicked his tongue before walking in the same direction with Ghost and Gaz, your frame already out of sight.
“I thought ‘Blizzard’ was just an exaggeration,” Soap muttered.
“She’s SAS-you know the shite she’s probably seen,” Ghost said. Soap sighed, his shoulders slumping.
“Not every girl’s gonna want to get into your pants, Johnny,” Gaz retorted. Soap scoffed.
“That’s not-“ Ghost and Gaz gave him a knowing, sideways glance. Soap huffed through his nose. “Ah, what do you know? Probably haven’t even held hands with a lass,” Soap waved. Gaz’s nostrils flared but he kept walking. The men rounded the corner and stepped into the office. You were standing at the other side of the room, your arms crossed and brows slightly furrowed. Soap could’ve sworn that he saw you narrow your eyes at him.
“Right. Let’s begin,” Price said. A thick layer of unease settled over the room during the prebriefing. Soap would glance over at you every once in a while. You were like a statue, your eyes glued to the Captain as he explained the ins and outs of the mission.
“Your objective is to infiltrate a weapons manufacturing plant in the town of Nahr. It belongs to one of Al-Qatala’s allies: the Riah Sharquia,” Price explained.
“The Eastern Wind?” you asked.
“Never heard of them,” Ghost added. Price nodded.
“They’ve been operating underground for the past ten years. Just announced themselves publicly about a few weeks ago,” he stated. You nodded, gaze intensely set on the Captain.
“Anyway, back to what I was saying. You are to capture the head of the western plant, Adil Malik, and interrogate him,” he continued. “Best to keep your wits about you: These bastards have the region in an iron grip. They’ve been taking local people and forcing them to assemble their weapons…mostly children,” he continued. Your face twisted into a deep scowl, hands clenched into tight fists. It didn’t go unnoticed by Soap.
“Wheels up at seventeen-hundred tonight,” Price said with a nod. Time flew by quickly and before he knew it, Soap was sitting next to you on the flight. You were sandwiched between him and Ghost, the two imposing men towering over you even as you sat down. Gaz sat nearby along with some other soldiers crowded in the bay. Soap leaned over with a cheeky grin.
“Hey, Bliz,” he smiled. You kept your gaze forward, lips sealed tightly. “What smells like red paint but is blue?” Soap snickered. Ghost rolled his eyes, as if he were one to talk about bad jokes.
“Blue paint,” you replied shortly with a straight face. Soap twisted his lips.
“Yeah that’s…that’s right,” he muttered awkwardly. Some soldiers across from you whispered, only to cease when they realized your icy gaze was locked on them. Soap sighed and leaned back as much as he could.
It was going to be a very long flight.
You pushed through the rickety door, splinters flying across the room.
“BLIZ! YOU BETTER GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!” Ghost barked. You gasped at the sight before you: a group of children huddled together in the corner of the filthy sweatshop. You heard the lieutenant rush up behind you. His eyes widened when he saw the group of gaunt faces.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he seethed while clenching his fists. You stepped forward and pulled your black mask down, revealing a gentle look on your face. A small lump formed in the lieutenant’s throat as he watched you kneel down on one knee.
“It’s okay. We aren’t going to hurt you,” you cooed softly as you slowly held out your hand. A young boy shuffled forward, hesitantly slipping his hand into yours. You helped him up, causing the other children to mutter to each other.
“GHOST! BLIZ! GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!” Gaz suddenly shouted over the coms. “THEY FUCKING RIGGED THE PLACE TO BLOW!” Both of you exchanged glances before looking back at the kids.
“Aitabieni,” you said calmly. Some children anxiously huddled near your side as you rushed them forward. Ghost surveyed the area before motioning to move.
“Soap, are the exits clear?” Ghost asked.
“Aye,” the Scotsman replied.
A sense of relief washed over you as you saw sunlight pour through a crack in the exit door. A sudden shriek pierced through the hallway, causing you to stop in your tracks. The other children ran past you as you whipped your head around. A young girl was crying as she held her bleeding foot, a shard of glass with crimson on it lying nearby.
“BLIZ! DON’T YOU DARE FUCKING STOP!” Ghost bellowed. You sprinted down the hallway, grabbing the child and scooping her into your arms as you rushed outside. Just as you reached the gate, you heard a rancorous crack behind you.
“(Y/N)!” Ghost shouted. You curled yourself over the small one, keeping your arms wrapped around their head. The shockwaves sent you tumbling forward. Rubble flew past you as you did your best to shield her from the blast. You held onto the child tightly as the ringing in your ears continued to bombard you. The smoke and embers were searing hot as they cascaded from what remained of the building. You coughed when the dust finally began to settle.
You looked down in your arms, relieved to see that the child was still breathing. The young girl had her face nuzzled into your chest, hands white-knuckling your shirt as she sobbed. You heard Ghost's muffled shouting as he ran towards you, helping you while Soap took the little girl. You tried to stand, only to fall on the ground. The world was spinning as Ghost picked you up in his arms.
“Make sure they’re safe,” you smiled weakly before your vision suddenly went black.
You gasped as you shot upwards on a hard surface. You groaned as a throbbing pain shot through your skull. A dark haired man stood near you, his lips curving into a smile when he locked eyes with you.
“She’s awake!” he sang, his voice slightly muffled. You grunted as you tried to sit up, only to fall back down on the scratchy mat.
“Easy there, Bliz,” Soap said as he came to kneel by your side. You blinked a few times, your vision becoming less blurred.
“Where…what?” your voice croaked. Ghost and Gaz stood in the corner, their attention quickly shifting from their conversation over to you. All of you were in a small room, a lamp dimly lighting up the space. You trailed your fingers over your head, feeling at the blood-soaked bandages.
“You took quite the spill out there,” Soap said. He tilted his head towards the man who was preoccupied with preparing some medicine. “Doctor Kaan said he wasn’t too keen to taking in outsiders-but since you saved his wee lass, he made an exception,” the soldier beamed. A small face suddenly appeared behind the unknown man. Your eyes widened when you realized it was the young girl you had rescued from the hallway. She smiled sheepishly as the man turned and patted her head. He swiveled back to look at you, a wide smile on his face and tears in his eyes.
“Thanks to you, my little Emel has come back to me,” he choked. The girl tugged on his shirt. He chuckled as he brought her into his arms, kissing her forehead gently. The doctor stepped closer, holding your hand and shaking it. “Thank you, thank you,” he sobbed repeatedly. Your cheeks tinted with pink as the corners of your mouth finally curved into a complete smile. Soap felt his heart flutter as he stared at your soft, angelic face. Even the corners of Ghost’s eyes crinkled, and Gaz couldn’t help but crack a small grin. Your face truly shined like the sun when you smiled.
“Anything for the little ones,” you beamed.
Soap watched you with a bright smile as you kicked the football back to a group of kids. They giggled and went on with their game. The empty streets before were starting to bustle back to life. Ghost and Gaz were…busy at the moment. Soap strode over to where you were seated. Your peaceful expression shifted into a slight frown.
“What is it, Sergeant MacTavish?” you asked bluntly. His shoulders bounced as he slid next to you.
“You know you can just call me Soap, right?” he nudged your arm. You rolled your eyes, only to flinch when the ball came flying towards you. Soap reached his hands out, catching it just inches from your face. You blinked as he chuckled and threw it back to the kids.
“How’d you do that?” you asked. He looked at you with a glint in his eye.
“I might have a tad bit of practice,” Soap hummed. You gave him an unreadable expression before turning back to the game.
“Thank you…Soap,” you murmured while looking forward. He grinned.
“Anytime, bonnie”.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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http-paprika · 8 months
Under the Orange Sky / Phillip Graves
cowboy!au / pairing philip graves x wife!reader / wc 1027 / warnings suggestive content, nondescript mentions of nudity, allusions to sex
summery her husband has always been a stranger to her, but one day when he returns from the fields, Phillip's behavior towards her has changed.
notes here's the second poll fanfic, not as long as i thought it would be, but satisfying still. no use of y/n. the story takes place during the turn of the 20th century in western texas.
Her husband was a stranger, despite the five years she’d spent tied down to him, living in the wild of Texas, far from town, far from her parents; he stayed estranged. Leaving early in the morning before the sun rose over the jagged mountains, returning late in the evenings when she was already in bed, trying to sleep, she seldomly saw Phillip ‘cept for Sundays, on the Lord’s day of rest. Yet still on those days, he was distant from her, withdrawn, solemn, never touching, and only a few stray glances. It was hard for her to remember that charming, proud man who’d swept her off her feet, who flattered her mother and talked business with her father. 
Closing her eyes, laying her head against the back of the tub, she could hear the faint rumbling of hooves, the barking of cattle dogs, and the distinct sound of her husband’s voice. It was early, too early compared to the usual time of his arrival. The sun still hung in the sky, just below the mountains and spilling light into the washroom, remnants of dinner lay on the table waiting for him, lukewarm, and she felt her throat constrict as the sound of his footsteps heavy against the wooden floors of the home. 
The door opens, creaking on its rusty hinges, his blue-eyed gaze falls on her bare figure as Phillip approaches her. Dirty, tall, stern. Removing the black, worn glove off of his hand, it moves down and cups her chin, making her look up at him. Swallowing harshly, she fights the temptation to yank away and look elsewhere, not wanting to invoke the anger she’d seen him possess before. The feeling of his rough and calloused skin against her chin, and the deep gaze of his eyes causes a shiver to run down her spine and a low chuckle to escape his mouth. 
“Do you plan on getting ill, bathing in water this cold?” Phillip asks, removing his other glove before beginning to undo the buttons of his shirt, his overcoat hung up by the door along with his boots. His wife hadn’t even noticed that the water had turned cold around her, or the ache in her chest as she watched her husband slowly undress, folding his clothes and laying them neatly in a pile on the stool next to hers. 
Before she can finally connect the words to ask, he settles into the tub behind her. The warmth of his skin from being out under the Texan sun seeps into her as his hands move to his wife’s shoulder blades. They begin drawing tight circles with his thumbs which causes her to sit up straighter in the bath, stiff with nerves. This wasn’t unfamiliar to her, she knew Phillip’s touch, and with heat pooling to her cheeks, could remember different nights when he’d woken her up and left her sore in the morning. But it was still as strange to her as Phillip was. 
“Relax, doll.” His voice comes out cool, albeit gravely, as Phillip speaks to her. Keeping his hands fixed on her shoulder blades, he brings her back until she’s resting against his broad chest. The rosy blush stays on her cheeks and his nose presses against the crown of her head, breathing in the scent of soap she’d used to cleanse her skin and hair. Staying beneath his grasp, the rising and falling of her chest begins to slow as she realizes his actions are gentle, slow, and considerate of her. Not like before where she had the innate sensation of being a deer that’s being hunted by a coyote. Instead, it reminds her of a book she once read as a young girl, and the pink tint of her cheeks turns into a violent shade of red. 
“Didn’t I say to relax?” Phillip states, once again bringing his hand back to cup her chin so she has to turn her head to look at him. His gaze transfixed on her face, the haze in her eyes and the soft swell of her lips. The way she appeared was so heavenly, that even a holy man would find himself sinning. Pride swelled in Phillip’s chest as he acknowledged the fact that she was his, his wife, his girl. She, on the other hand, felt like the world was spinning around her as she tried to figure out what had happened to her distant husband, Phillip had never done this before. He’d never been so attentive, even when they courted and he had left her feeling dazed and confused. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” She finally gets the courage to ask, feeling stupid as the words left her mouth. There was almost a sense of adoration as his thumb grazed her lips, a desire that was not primal, but loving. 
“Like how a husband should look at his wife?” Phillip’s voice comes out calmly, yet it still sends shivers down her spine. He chuckles again, relishing in the reaction he receives, enjoying the way her face turns flush and how she looks away from him. “What’s wrong, doll? Would you rather me leave?” 
“No.” Yes, no, she didn’t know what she wanted. The feeling of her stomach tightening as his hands dip down to rest on her hips leaves her unsure and startled. Phillip’s rough lips move to her neck, peppering small, light kisses on her cool skin.
“You’re still cold, doll.” His hands run up her side, the calloused palms rubbing against her plush, soft skin, her breathing hitches as she leans back against him. Letting logic and sensibility fall to the side, her hands fall on top of his, nails grazing against the back of his hands. “Let me help with that.” 
The man behind her was still a stranger, but there was a burning desire in the bottom of her stomach to know him. To find the reason for his sudden change, to touch him, bask in the warmth of his skin, and mindlessly confess everything to him. Phillip Graves was like the sun, lighting her up and painting her skies in shades she’d never known.
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pommpuriinn · 1 month
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪. 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉’𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝑒, 𝑒𝓈𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜 2
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。𖦹°‧ pairing 。𖦹°‧ - idol!yeonjun x superstar!oc x idol!jungkook
。𖦹°‧ synopsis 。𖦹°‧ - a love triangle between Hollywood’s sweetheart, Korea’s golden maknae, and Gen Z’s IT boy. Estrella is a very busy woman never had time dating with all her photoshoots, movie offers, recording sessions, dance practices, and public appearances. As she’s doing a little world tour promotions for her latest mini album ‘You & Me’, and let’s just say that stop last a little longer and it becomes a little too interesting.
Italics = korean
Interview outfit | makeup | hair | nails
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As Megan, Sana, and Daya watch their little star do her interview with the very popular Yoo Jaesuk. “She’s doing so good.” Sana whisper yelled into Daya’s ear. Sana just wants to squeeze Estrella’s cheeks and tell her she’s doing a ‘good job!’. “Shh, she’s about to start talking.” Daya shrugs Sana off of her.
“Yeah, um during 2022 I only release a mini album because I was really busy acting in movies and walking down the runways for all the brands I worked with.” Estrella answers one of the female mc question. “You were so busying how did you have time to record your songs.” Jaesuk was amazed at Estrella’s schedule. “Let me try and answer in Korean.” Everyone was excited hearing Estrella speak their native language. “Right after filming I would go to the company and spent like 4 hours r-recording and producing. Or I would record on…” Estrella looks at Megan asking for help through her eyes. Megan got the memo and mouthed the words to her.
“How cute~” the female mc cooed. “Ah, ah ok! I recorded some on my phone during the filming breaks too and yeah.” Estrella laughs at herself. “I sound like baby.” She covers her face with her hands feeling embarrassed. “No, no you speak good!” Jaesuk attempting speaking English to make Estrella feel better.
They moved on and talked about how Estrella trained like a kpop trainee and how it amazes them that a western artist trained like that. Along with asking if she could sing a bit of ‘Eleven’ because her voice sounds so heavenly. “Of course I’ll sing for you.” Estrella lightly cleared her throat before starting.
🎵but then he showed up unexpected out of blue, saying all these things that I already thought I knew,
yeah, he got the physical I want it all for real, but honestly, what I love the must is how he makes me feel🎵
The room cheered for Estrella, “thank you.” She instantly feels embarrassed again. “Woah, her voice sounds like a siren.” the female mc gasps. “I got goosebumps!” Jaesuk shows his arm. “Once again thank you for coming to Korea and you need to try my recommendations because Korean food is really the best.” The female mc plead making Estrella giggle. “I-I will.”
“We will cheer you on during your promotions and please come back Estrella-ssi.” Jaesuk smile towards Estrella making her ‘awe’ and place her hand over heart. “Thank you for making me feel welcome, and I will make sure the next we see each other my Korean will be better.” The room laugh, as the three hugged each other before signing out. Before fully heading out the two mcs and Estrella took pictures and properly said their ‘goodbyes’.
⭒˚‧ ︵‿⭒ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒
Fans were waiting outside the studio with their phones and huge cameras ready. The second Estrella stepped foot the fans got even closer. “Woah, woah back up everyone!” Estrella’s security place their hands outward making the fans step back. “Unnie! You’re so pretty!”
“Unnie you did well today!”
“Make sure to eat and rest a lot!”
“Pose unnie!”
Estrella tried her best to thank and listen to everyone, completing hearts, and posing her their cameras. She knew that the people with hugs canon cameras were fansites, she didn’t know if they were specifically dedicated to her. But who cares because she definitely gave them all the right poses and even more, since back at home her fansites were the paparazzis and they LOVE Estrella. Estrella is known to eat up the camera and the people live for it, especially the paparazzis.
Once getting into the car fans still tried talking to her in front of her window which she rolled down. “Um…make sure to e-eat well and…oh! Get home sa-" Estrella was trying to think what was ‘safely’ in Korean. “Ah! Safely, get home safely. Bye bye~” Estrella rolls up her window still waving ‘bye’. “I really need to study more.” Estrella huffs, as she slouches in her seat. “When we get to the hotel I’ll pull out the books.” Megan teases Estrella while petting her head. “Before we do let’s stop at a convenience store to get snacks!” Sana chimes in from the back.
The team may have went a little overboard with the snacks, but who can blame them. They don’t have any of this back at home so they must try as much as they can. “Oh! Is this the alcohol?” Estrella hit the Soju section. “Yeah, want to try some?” Megan asks, while scanning through the flavors. “We should get the fruity flavors.” Sana points. “Let’s gets these four then.” Estrella and Sana each got two bottles. “Ok let’s go before you guys empty out the store.”
As they placed everything on the cashier’s table they notice how the cashier couldn’t hold in her excitement when she saw Estrella. “Oh I’m a big fan!” The cashier spoke in English. “Really? Thank you.” Estrella smiles and gave a little bow to the cashier. “Can you sign this receipt for me please.” The cashier placed an old receipt with a pen. “Sure, what’s the name?” Estrella was making the cashier girl blush with her eye contact. “Heemin.” Heemin was now hiding her smile with her hand covering. “I also plan on going to your music bank promotions.” Heemin adds. “Oh really? I’ll make sure to look for you then.” Estrella hands back the now signed receipt. It didn’t really take long for Heemin to scan their items and bag them, and once she handed over the last bag she gave everyone a quick bow, “thank you again for the autograph!”
“No problem, I’ll see you Heemin~” Once the coast was clear Heemin did what any other fangirl would do and do their little freak out moment because they got to meet their favorite artist.
⭒˚‧ ︵‿⭒ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒
Back at the hotel all the girls did their night time routine and all gathered to Estrella’s room to gossip and eat their snacks. “I almost forgot! Estrella look, I’m going to tell you this now before anything happens ok?” Megan fully turned to face a confused Estrella. “There will be pretty good looking guys aka idols, and they most likely will try to talk to you but not in front of their fans. Because they will literally be crucified by their female Korean fans, not all but a good bunch. I’m not saying don’t talk to them, but just keep an eye out.”
“So don’t date any?” Daya asks. “It’s just there’s some eyes that we don’t see watching those particular idols and they mostly likely make false claims, and always make the women the bad guy.” Megan explains. “Ah, the double standards.” Sana nods. “Exactly and I just don’t want you to get hurt.” Megan holds Estrella’s hands. “Don’t worry. I understand Megan.” Estrella knows that Megan only means good by this. “Would you get love letters from idols Meg?” Sana gasps. “I mean,” Megan cockily flips her hair back and shrugs. “I got a few.” The whole group squeals at Megan’s attitude. “Shut up!” Daya jokingly pushes Megan’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t blame them though, Megan is a pretty girl and who doesn’t love pretty girls like us.” Estrella makes a point, causing the group to giggle. “Ok, ok we have to go to sleep. It may be a Saturday, but precious star over here has her first music program tomorrow in the morning.” Megan starts picking up the rappers off the floor. “Oh right. What’s it call again? Inki-inkigayo?” Sana asks while helping holding up the plastic bag for Megan to throw the trash in. Megan hums ‘yes’, “we have to run some rehearsals before the actual performances then perform about two or three times to get all the camera angles. Then do it again for ‘You & Me’ stage.”
Estrella groans and falls back on her bed, “it’s going to be so hard waking up!”
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taglist»-♡→ @iveivory @jjkluver7 @lively-potter
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starsfic · 7 months
First Date Blues
Wukong has a date and Macaque is the last to hear about it.
So far, today was shaping up to be a quiet day.
Qi Xiaotian didn’t have training, so Macaque found himself bare of entertainment that involved watching and sniping back and forth with Sun Wukong over the kid’s head. He wasn’t in the mood anyhow. Instead, he found himself trailing behind Wukong, helping out here and there with the monkeys and just enjoying the sunshine. It had been…nice. It had been great, considering how long he had been out of the loop. The monkeys were certainly willing to help him relearn.
Now, Macaque sat on the couch, mindlessly staring at the TV as it played some movie. It had to be one he made, since the Wukong actor was too good (and Wukong would never act). But the title slipped his mind. Wukong was in his bedroom. Probably answering another text.
That was a weird thing that had started to happen.
Almost a month ago, Wukong had gone to some event at the museum Tang worked at. Macaque had stayed home and, thus, had seen Wukong come back with a smile. When he asked what happened to make him grin so hard, Wukong had simply brushed him off with “Had a nice talk.” Since then, he had been texting with someone. It almost felt like several someones, based on the amount of texts that would pop up several times a day. The whole thing made Macaque weirdly uneasy, but he didn’t look. Wukong didn’t look at his phone.
(Besides, why would he be jealous? He and Wukong weren’t… together. Not yet, at least.)
In any case, today had been quiet, and the night was shaping up to be just as quiet. Macaque sat up, considering that fact. Maybe he could arrange a movie night for him and Wukong? Back when they were together the first time, Wukong was the one who arranged dates and such in between plans to attack Heaven. Macaque didn’t really have an opinion beyond going to the theatre here and there.
Would Wukong like that? Maybe he would like it, Macaque taking the initiative. It might be a good way to get sparks between them again.
Before he could do anything, however, the door slammed open. “MONKEY KING! WE’RE HERE!” Macaque flinched at the sudden outburst of noise, Qi Xiaotian’s voice ringing in his ears.
“Geez, kid,” he huffed, turning to eye as the successor and Red Son walked in. “Learn to knock first.”
“Ah, sorry, Macaque,” Xiaotian smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, drawing Macaque’s attention to what he wore.
Both of them were dressed up in nice, semi-formal outfits. Red Son wore a pretty lavender hanfu patterned with orange monkeys, while Xiaotian wore a mixture of an orange hanfu styled with red bulls and a Western-style suit. “Going somewhere?” Macaque raised a brow. This had to be the nicest the kid had ever looked, even though the tie was crooked and he still wore the trademark red bandana. “I’ve never seen you this dressed up.”
“Oh, we’re going on the date with Wukong,” Red looked around. “Where’s my uncle? I’ve brought him the earrings he wanted to borrow from Mother.”
The door opened. “In here, Red!” Wukong sounded weirdly excited. “Can you come in here? I need some help with the lacing in the back.”
“Coming!” Red headed down the hallway, and the door soon closed. Macaque, however, was focused on one thing.
“The date?” Macaque eyed Xiaotian. “Wukong going on a date with you two?”
“Yeah. He didn’t want his first date with Mùchén to be one-on-one since he hasn’t dated in a while. So Red and I agreed to go on a double date with them.” Macaque wasn’t sure what expression was on his face, but Xiaotian shut his mouth. He looked pale.
Wukong was going on a date. With someone else. Supposedly.
He wasn’t sure what expression he was wearing, but it probably wasn’t pretty. All thoughts of a movie night, snuggling with Wukong in front of a movie like it was the theater and they were snuggling, had disappeared.
“...he did tell you about Mùchén, right?” Xiaotian’s voice broke through the ringing in his ears. The kid looked like he was about to bolt out of the room. “They’ve been talking for almost a month now.”
Almost a month…Macaque had his suspicions about when exactly. “No,” he managed to not hiss. “Mind telling me about him?”
Xiaotian looked uncertain of it. “He’s one of Tang’s coworkers,” he said, slowly. “I think he’s in charge of the artifact management. He was talking to Wukong about returning artifacts to immortals at that charity gala, I think? He’s always been nice to me, and I think they exchanged numbers and started texting.”
That sealed it.
Wukong had been texting this guy, a total stranger, for a month, right under his nose. Macaque couldn’t help a growl at the thought. Wukong smiling at some random stranger’s poor attempts at flirting right before turning and welcoming Macaque back home. Sure, they weren’t together, but it was a fact that Macaque had hoped that their relationship could be rebuilt. Maybe not like it was in the old days, but something better. Wukong had always seemed to want the same thing and…
The door opened and footsteps came down the halls.
Wukong, like Xiaotian, wore a mixture of a gold hanfu- patterned with peaches, what else- and a suit. The skirt flowed like water over black high heeled boots with a gold belt and black corset combo accenting the white buttonup. Around his throat, Wukong wore a gold necklace that Macaque was pretty sure he hadn’t seen before, matched with pretty gold earrings. For once, his hair was unglamored, leaving the golden length to shimmer down his back. It had been so long since Macaque had seen Wukong’s hair down. It was a gorgeous outfit, one that Macaque couldn’t help but admire, except for the reason why Wukong was wearing it.
“You didn’t tell him about Mùchén?” Xiaotian broke the silence. Red’s face, clearly bursting with pride, shifted.
And Wukong had the gall to shrug . “Didn’t feel the need, honestly.” He glanced at Macaque, raising a brow. “We aren’t at the stage where I’m going to be bringing him home, you don’t need to worry about that.”
Macaque wanted to spit that wasn’t what he was concerned about. He was more concerned that Wukong had wasted time, entertaining someone else’s attentions, when he was right there. It was Azure Lion all over again, except this time Wukong knew what the other man wanted.
And he didn’t care how that would make Macaque feel.
“Fine.” It wasn’t fine, it was the opposite of fine, but Macaque could only say that. “Don’t come crying when he breaks your heart or whatever.”
“Thank you for your concern.” Wukong scoffed, nudging Xiaotian. “Come on. Our dinner reservations are in half an hour.”
“Uh…yeah. Yeah. We still need to pick up Mùchén. Right Red?”
Red didn’t even give him a glance of pity. “Yes, yes, we need to go!”
Wukong didn’t look back, leaving the intended message behind. Macaque angrily hissed once the door shut, the words rolling through his mind.
Thank you for staying out of the way.
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spinchip · 7 months
Idk if you’re still taking prompts but maybe some nice emperor au stuff? Freaking love the au.as for the actual prompt uhhh…. Zanes first year vs his last year in the never realm maybe? Or ooooh some angsty post-staff collapse when he lost the staff and started falling apart
“The Emperor is a good man,” Sorla says, voice heavy with respect, “If your friend has come through his halls, he will have surely fed and housed him. And if he has not visited the Emperor then I'm certain he would do his best to help you find him.”
They’re sat around a large, crackling fire in Sorlas home, nursing tea and a modest dinner she’d prepared herself as they’d all warmed up in her living room. Akita and Kataru had delivered the letter they’d been sent with once Sorla had finished her own plate, and she was reading over the official document with wise eyes even as she spoke. The envelope had been sealed with dark blue wax, the emblem a simple snow flake, and the siblings that had found the ninja had been taking their duty to deliver it extremely seriously.
“What’s it say?” Kataru asks, trying not to peer over he shoulder to read along. Akita peers over her shoulder to read along.
“My presence is requested at the palace. He needs to put his affairs in order for an upcoming visit.” Sorla hums.
“Oh, who’s coming? The dignitaries from the Western Archipelago? The Emperor and I were discussing the trade offer they had sent us not too long ago, perhaps they've decided to come negotiate in person.” Kataru ruminates, “Or maybe it’ll be Lord Haoran.”
“Ugh, I hope it’s not King Desperate.” Akita throws herself back in her chair, “He needs to get the hint- Emp’s not interested! Move on!” she makes a shooing motion with her hand.
“He didn’t specify.” Sorla hums, “So I suppose I will be accompanying you all on your journey to the palace.”
The Ninja all exchange a glance before Lloyd starts slowly, “Listen, about that… it’s not that we don’t trust you, of course, and thank you for taking us in and for dinner but… it just seems…”
“Too good to be true.” Nya finishes with a wince.
Sorla laughs kindly, “Ah, I understand that. When he first appeared in our lands many years ago, i believed the same thing. A ronin with no lord to promise his honor... I was skeptical of his motives, but I assure you the Emperor has proven himself a thousand times over. He is a good man, and a steady one.”
Akita leans over the table into Lloyd face, “Want to hear how we met?”
Closing his eyes, Kataru grimaces at the memory, “Our clan had been displaced in territorial skirmishes with Vex around this period, chased off our land and living in temporary settlements. We were originally based in a village further north, but we chose to retreat past Mala-Wojira for the safety it offered-”
“We were Attacked!” Akita launches into the juicy part of the story, cutting her brother off mid sentence. “Vex sent the Krag out to destroy us! The were 20 feet tall, ready to wipe us out or force us to comply-”
“They were not- they get taller every time you tell the story!” Kataru claps a hand over his sisters mouth, “Krag are typically 9 to twelve feet tall, twenty is ridiculous- and it wasn’t just Krag, but also some of Vex’s loyalists who set fire to our tents and attempted to destroy our rations- EW don’t lick my hand!”
Akita takes advantage of Katarus disgust to pick up the story, “It was looking bleak until… the Emperor swept in! With a sweep of his cape he extinguished the fire completely! before chasing off Vex’s cronies with just a single, sharp look!”
They blink at Akita, the story sounding… less than plausible.
“We were just young kids at the time, and we thought we could help. We ended up getting caught in a really bad spot.”
“...Between a rock and a massive burning wall of fire,” Akita agrees, losing some of her bravado at the memory.
“The Emperor walked through fire to get to us. He saved our lives.” Katarus' voice goes light with awe and reverence, “He is amazing, okay? He’ll help you.”
The ninja exchanged another glance, “You’ve convinced me.” Cole says for the whole of them, cracking a smile, “Maybe he really can help…”
“You wont regret it!”
“We’ll set off on the journey back tomorrow morning, once it has stopped snowing. For now, we should rest.” Sorla offers them each a blanket and pillow, and the ninja settle down quietly. Akita and Kataru apparently have a personal room here they typically use, but the rest of the guests are regulated to the admittedly soft carpet.
“Do you really think he’ll be a good guy?”
“With our track record? Probably not.” Jay comments dryly.
“We’ll just have to keep our guard up… remember, this is for Zane.” Lloyd laces his fingers worriedly over his chest.
Cole nods along with the others, “For Zane.” They all agree softly, before the night falls silent.
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lychniis · 2 years
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sanemi shinazaguwa x afab ! reader.
“i’ll give you attention / desire” + “will you dance with me?” + fluff.
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WARNING(S) : contains spoilers for the end of the demon slayer manga, some suggestive content ( it's just one implied line tbh ), mentions of some dead people and not dead people, but it's mostly fluffy times here. reader is afab but no gendered terms or indicators are used.
# main masterlist | flos anthalogy masterlist
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Sanemi had to pull a double take to see if you were serious. Your unflinching gaze — that same one that was dipped in bubbling excitement — gave away that you were.
( His first thought was a very apprehensive ‘oh no, what’re you panning’. His eye might have twitched a little as well. It might have. )
“You want me to dance with you…?” He repeats, with a hint of incredulity as he dusts his hands free of any dirt, the words sitting on his tongue with an unfamiliar weight ( like onigiri with foreign fillings ). “Are you serious?”
“Yes.” You don’t blink. He feels a little unsettled.
Sanemi glances to the side, then down at his filthy clothes, then at your filthy clothes with a raised brow ( gardening was something he found himself enjoying with you these days; and you always liked the extra set of hands helping you out ). “Now?” you nod, bouncing on your heel impatiently. 
“Of course! I can teach you if you’d like!” you add, holding up your hands. “The westerners have one called the waltz…I had a teacher who taught it to me when I was younger…” you trail off, shyly smiling at him.
A gruff grumble was all you get in response. “I don’t dance.” he states, his tone coming across as a little more curt as opposed to the awkward fussiness he takes on around you ( if fussiness was the right way to describe it. Exasperation was more on point given what a feisty firecracker you. You’re lucky he loves you ). You hardly seemed to care, poking his arm. He utters your name with a hint of frustration. “I don't.”
“Why not?” you tease. “You scared of loosening up a little?” wiggling your fingers with a wide grin, you continued your poking assault on his arm. A childish attempt, Sanemi thinks. Then why the fuck were his lips tugging up at the corners? The victory that shone in your eyes means you must have seen it too and Sanemi knew that he could never deny you these moments of domesticity ( he liked them just as much as you did, to be honest. It feels like normalcy and stability ).
Ah, curse him and his weakness.
“Fine.” Sanemi finally relents, taking your hands. “I hope I step on your toes.”
Playfully tugging him closer, you only wrinkle your nose and snicker. “Works for me either way. That means I get to have you fuss over me for the next few days.”
He looks just a little startled when you say that. “I won’t actually break them, you know — I was just joking.”
“I know, ‘nemi, I know.”
Sanemi hopes his embarrassed blush wasn’t too obvious. You guide his hands gently, one coming to rest on your hip while the other clasped yours, fingers netting together. The position was vaguely familiar, during those moments of quiet intimacy, during cold nights when you were both sharing a blanket and a fire. Your hand would find his scarred one.
( And sometimes, it was when your back was pressed against the futon mat, his hold pinning you down with ease and your keening rang in his ears. )
The tiny bits of nervousness he felt soon dissipated. Then the two of you start to dance. 
Sanemi wasn’t new to waltzing. Rengoku told him about it as well ( he came from a well off family too, like you did. While the flame hashira hardly had the time in his schedule to indulge himself frequently, he spoke of the usual rich-people pastimes ), but it was different, hearing it from word of mouth and actually acting it out.
The movements were slower, far more fluid and graceful and rhythmic. Sanemi’s reflexes were always chaotic and harsh, a testament to his wind breathing technique. Being asked to partake in a dance routine so…elegant felt akin to asking a hurricane to completely change its course and not wreak havoc where it passed over.
“You need to be more gentle, ‘nemi.” Genya would tell him, his wide eyed gaze crinkling at the corners. Sanemi would just laugh and pat his head in response ( those were simpler times where childhood innocence, no matter how weathered down it was, was something he still held close ). The memory made his stomach turn with a mix of bittersweetness and lingering grief. Gentle, he tells himself. Be gentle.
Sanemi does not know how to be gentle — he had too many rough edges, too many years spent fighting and killing and fighting to know how to be, but he tries to. He thinks of Kanae or Mitsuri or Giyu and Tengen, people who knew how to be kind in their own ways. He thinks about Rengoku and his reliance. He thinks about Genya and the smile that reached his eyes.
Sanemi tries to be gentle.
“Relax.” your soothing voice snaps him out of his thoughts and it makes it a little easier. He takes a few clumsy steps, then a few more. You were patient, if not a bit amused, and you were clear enough with your instructions for him to slowly ease himself into the swaying. “That’s it! You’re doing pretty well.”
Sanemi looks at you, at the sun caught in your hair and the smell of earth and flowers that clung to you. Perhaps the years have finally weathered him down, he thinks. Perhaps Muzan’s death did make him weak and stagnant. 
He dips his head down and kisses you. He kisses you again and again and again until you’re both breathless. Sanemi kisses you with fervor and with passion and with tenderness and chaste affection.
The waltzing ceases as he leads you back inside the house and to his pleasant surprise, you were laughing. 
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❪⠀🎬⠀❫ AINE SPEAKS ;;
requested by @sanemisfav. thank you for ordering a bouquet!
i hope you enjoyed this piece ( i personally find it a guilty pleasure writing post infinity castle arc sanemi as the gruff, awkward and emotionally constipated but 'hey i'm genuinely trying and i love you very much' kind of guy.
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© lychniis 2022. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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mythologyfolklore · 6 months
Liù'ěr Míhóu joins the jttw gang, or: How to redeem an all-hearing celestial monkey with a superiority complex and a seriously bad attitude
(A/N: TW: chronic pain)
Chapter Twenty: Tripitaka has regrets. And pains. So many pains.
Tripitaka was pacing to and fro, his thoughts running in circles.
He didn't know what to do, what to say to Pilgrim, once he'd come back.
He had tried to come up with a decent apology, he really had! But what could he say after everything? There was nothing he could say, really. Nothing that would express the regret he felt.
He had promised months ago, that he would be a better master, had sworn at Guān Yīn's behest to never hurt or upset Pilgrim again and now look at what he had done!
He'd never learn, would he?
“Are you done pacing and pitying yourself?”, an annoyed voice snapped at him.
He whirled around (grimacing at the pain in his back) and glared at Bái Lóng Mă.
“Well, do you have a better idea?!”, he spat back.
The Western Dragon Prince seemed completely unimpressed, as far as one could tell with his lionine face. “Well, for starters, you could stop taking your frustration out on us and stay calm, like you always tell us to do! Really, Master, can't you use common sense or rationality for once?! If you want things to get better, you need to be the one to take the first step. It's like Youngest Brother said before, if we need to redeem ourselves, then so must you. That's what you have been reincarnated for, Jīn Chán Zi.¹”
Oh, how the monk loathed that name!
“Thank you”, whispered Sūn Wùkōng, as he pulled away from the Six-Eared Macaque's hug. “I feel better now. I think … I think I'm ready to go back.”
“Are you sure?”, Liù'ěr Míhóu questioned.
Yeah … I'm still scared. But not at much as before.”
Liù'ěr Míhóu nodded. “That's fine. I will support you, okay? Just like you did for me. Besides, we're both his disciples, so I'll always be there anyway.”
Wùkōng chuckled. He had no idea, when that sociopathic Macaque had become so empathetic. But he wasn't going to complain, since it had resulted in cuddles and his first grooming in … a long, long time. He felt better, physically and mentally.
“Okay. Thanks again. And thanks for the hugs and the grooming session too.”
“Don't mention it. Seriously. Don't. The Six-Eared Macaque is not getting soft and doing nice shit, you hear me?”
At that, the brown monkey could only laugh: “Loud and clear. Let's go back now. If we stay away for too long, the others will get killed.”
“My spine is killing me!”, Tripitaka groaned, as Zhū Wùnéng shifted the bundles of blankets to make his master more comfortable, and Bái Lóng Mă and Shā Wùjìng meanwhile sat beside their master helplessly and tried to distract him from his pain.
“Poor Master”, Wùjìng spoke sympathetically. “That you have to suffer like this. And at such a bad time too!”
The monk just gave a sad sigh and took the river spirit's hand.
Yes, this entire day was a whole bust, or as Wùnéng had so eloquently put it, “a complete shitshow” (not that Tripitaka would put such a word into his mouth).
The Tang Monk had drafted an apology to his eldest disciple on paper, but before he could flesh it out, his back had begun to act up. The pain was maddening – he could hardly think straight, let alone focus!
“Wùnéng, what if you were right and I'm bound to become paralysed?”, he couldn't help but ask.
“We'll find a way to prevent that”, the pig demon tried to reassure him, but Tripitaka was starting to lose hope.
“But what if it does happen?”, he insisted. “What if I'll be a cripple for the rest of my life? What if you will have to carry me on a stretcher or something? Who will take care of me once the journey is done, if I'm not able to take care of myself? What … what if they say I can't be the Scripture Pilgrim anymore? Y'know, like, 'Oh no, how unfortunate, guess we'll have to try again with his next reincarnation or choose another person altogether'? Y'know, someone who isn't useless like me?”
“Master, don't say that!”, Wùjìng scolded. “Do you really think the merciful Bodhisattva values you so little, that she would let you fall just like that, when she was the one who chose you? When she enlisted all of us to protect you?”
“I dunno”, the monk slurred. “I dunno anything … oh … the sky's so pretty … is it really that late already? Wait … why am I lying on the ground again? Why does my back feel like someone hammered a thousand nails into my spine? Where are my disciples?”
Bái Lóng Mă frowned: “Master, we're right here …”
“No, not you. Where are Wùkōng and Wùhuàn? I miss my monkeys … where are they? Are they okay? What if they got hurt? What if someone took them by surprise with some weird magic spell and put them in some cage even they can't get out of? Is that even possible? I don't even know! Can anyone give me some water?”
Áo Liè stared at his younger brothers in horror. “He's losing his mind! What do we do?! We need to find something to numb the pain, or put him to sleep! If only we had some kind of medical knowledge!”
“Calm down, Second Brother. We can always just use another of those pills our younger menace got from that 'totally not a Bodhisattva in disguise'.”
“Searching other people's belongings is rude”, scolded Áo Liè. “And Youngest Brother has several kinds of medicines. Perhaps the pill we gave Master earlier wasn't even the right one? Then we have a new problem! No, it's better we wait, until-”
“Elder Brothers! Look!”, Wùjìng cried out and pointed to the Southern sky.
And lo and behold: there were their fellow brothers, approaching fast on Sūn Wùkōng's somersault cloud.
“You're back!”, Wùjìng and Áo Liè cheered in unison and glomped the two monkeys as soon as they touched the ground.
Wùkōng let out a startled chirp, while Liù'ěr Míhóu squirmed a little in the Dragon Prince's hold.
Bājiè stood beside his master with his arms folded and chuckled at the scene.
The commotion seemed to snap Tripitaka out of his daze, as he raised his head a little to see what was going on. The sight of the two monkeys put a faint smile on his face.
“Welcome back”, he called out to them. “I can't get up.”
“I heard”, the six-eared monkey said. “That and the weird stuff you apparently say, when you're delirious with pain.” He turned to glare at his elder brothers. “I told you guys earlier to give him one blue pill, if the pain gets worse! How the fuck did you forget that within … five hours! Five hours and you didn't think to give him one of those stupid blue pills?!”
“It was the blue pills? I thought it was the red ones”, Bājiè admitted sheepishly.
“The red- those are the cycle pills I got from that Bodhisattva, you idiot! The cycle pills! The ones that suppress my heat! No wonder slaphead's not getting better! Ugh …” With a face like he was struggling not to murder anyone, Liù'ěr Míhóu produced the medicine for Tripitaka and handed the monk a pill, together with a gourd of water.
Gratefully, the monk accepted both and downed the pill and water like his life depended on them (which it did, but the point stood).
It wasn't long, before Tripitaka sat up, smiling broadly at his returned monkeys.
“I'm glad you two are back”, he said warmly. “Thank you for bringing Pilgrim back, Wùhuàn.”
“Don't thank me”, the Six-Eared Macaque brushed him off, “He came to you on his own. No help from my part.”
No help from his part, my arse!, thought Áo Liè with a grin. Silly Youngest Brother! Thinking he can convince us that he didn't give Eldest Brother kind words, hugs and a grooming! Silly, silly Youngest Brother!
Even their master didn't seem to buy it, judging by the raised eyebrow.
“… Right. Still, thank you”, the monk insisted. ��Wùhuàn. You did my eldest disciple a great kindness by comforting him. And you … Pilgrim. I have so much to tell you …”
1) Golden Cicada
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unioncolours · 1 year
I would love to know the answers to 6, 48, and 50 on that post you reblogged 😊
Also, Happy New Year again ❤️
Thank you so much Barb for writing me <3
Number 48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
The last fic I read a chapter of was ch7 of SpicedGold's When All Is Said And Done, and obviously I will recommend it 💖
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
I choose to modify question 23: What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
To that I will say I would like to get more self-confident with the wlw-fics and write more of those. My own opinion of my fics rolls between deep pride and love and then embarrassment and shame. At times I feel ashamed for breaking up amazing canon couples for it, at times I feel ashamed for showing that part of me at all. I want to work on those concepts more!
And finally 6. What’s one fact about the universe of [insert fic] that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
Well, dear Barb, I actually wrote an entire scene of no one cries for unknown soldiers after the fic was published, which I haven't ever edited in.
To read the missing scene which gives some facts about that universe, click read more ❤⬇
“That metaphor was born when I discussed politics with Yashamaru,” Rasa said. “In fact, he was the one who told it to me, right after H*itler became the chancellor. But it seems like the poison broke him down at last.” He put the olive in his mouth and chewed slowly, jaw working intensely. “And now there won’t be a body to bury. If I would travel there, I would not be coming back, I’m sure. Soviet would take me.”
They both stared at the candle they had lit. One single candle burning for Yashamaru. One single candle burning for the millions of people lost since the madness begun. Now all the suffering would be paid back.
“I understand,” Temari finally said and silently gave Yashamaru a goodbye inside her head. 
It was no lie she had thought about what life she would have had if her family had never moved. If she even would have survived the war. Maybe she would have been conscripted to the Volksturm when the war imploded on itself, maybe she would have worked in a factory to get materials and weapons out to the army, maybe she’d be a teacher for the H*itlerjugend.
And hopefully, she would have been blissfully unaware of the ugly truth.
But, with a general father, she knew she would probably not have been unaware. She would maybe have known. It felt at least like a relief now to know that she hadn’t personally known of the genocides. It was as if she wanted to keep her hands clean from that guilt, even with the blood of her one hundred and fifteen confirmed kills.
“Why… why did you move away?” she asked. “Why did we leave Berlin?”
Rasa looked at her, clearly a bit surprised at the question. He stared down at the candle before clearing his throat. Secrets didn’t matter anymore. 
“When the Great War was raging over the continent, on western fronts, on eastern fronts, in trenches and for the first time in the air, my father was assigned a very different task,” Rasa said. “Do you know why Finland never became a communist state?”
Temari knew. That was common, but oh so painful, knowledge for the natives. She hadn’t ever been part of disagreements that were remnants from the civil war, and had only shrugged her shoulders. All of her friends had been either Whites or immigrants after all.
“Because the Whites defeated the Reds and bolsheviks in the civil war,” she said. 
“And do you know why the Whites won? Because they asked Germany for aid,” Rasa said. “My father was one of the generals who accepted the task. He took me with him.”
Temari stared at her father’s face, deeply concentrated to be able to hear everything he said. She wrinkled her forehead.
“Took you with him?”
“As a messenger boy and to help him make up plans,” Rasa said and Temari’s face was confused enough that he on his own accord raised his voice. “I was a messenger boy.”
Temari realised that her grandfather had done the exact same trick as Rasa himself did. Rasa’s father had sent his older son to the western front to die against France, and taken the younger boy with him to save him and to protect the family name. Rasa had sent Kankuro to the eastern front and sent Gaara to safety.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
“We spent five months in Helsinki in 1918,” Rasa explained. “I didn’t understand a word of what anyone was saying, but their schemes and way of coming across reminded me of our own people a bit. I followed my father everywhere and after the summer we returned home. As a thank you from the winning White side, my father got an account at a Finnish bank and he stored some of his savings there, in Finnish marks. And when the Treaty of Versailles was signed, I understood the importance of having money outside our own German bank. You were arriving that summer, right into a political situation when…” 
He looked up, face dark.
“When Germany was punished for a world war the first time,” he finished. “Debted, ruined, humiliated and poor. I had no intention of moving away. I wanted to see my country flourish. I wanted to help rebuild. But money is money, and the economy was struggling. My father’s money in the Finnish bank was tempting, and when both you and Kankuro were small, we originally moved with the idea for me to work on the Finnish side to receive a salary in Finnish marks, to start saving and insure our future. The German mark was barely worth anything.”
“You intended to return,” Temari stated.
“We did,” Rasa said. “But then your mother died.”
Both of them fell in silence, not wanting to touch that topic, preferably not ever.
“Yashamaru wanted her buried in Berlin,” Rasa said. “And maybe she would have wanted to be buried in her homeland. I understand that. But the idea to ship her embalmed corpse in some… cargo ship… I didn’t want to, couldn’t stand the idea. Yashamaru was furious at me when she was laid to rest here. It was a wonder he even showed up at the funeral.”
“I only remember that I was freezing so much during the funeral,” Temari said. “It was a cold February.”
“And so, I chose to renew our permits of residencies when our first ones were about to expire,” Rasa just replied. “It felt like betrayal to leave her here, while we would move home, leaving her grave to turn into a jungle of weeds. I had already a good job here and Gaara’s situation complicated everything.”
He didn’t continue after that.
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A Rant on BTS and Black Women Representation (Repost)
Anonymous: BPP, Did you see how BTS flew in Black and POC women of all sizes and backup dancers and singers for their concerts? I was so pleased to see that commitment to to staying as true to the Old Motown sound and feel.
Oh Anon,
You have no idea. See, this is why I chuckle when I see k-pop stans or commentators (who are almost always white and/or Western) going on and on about ‘discourse’ surrounding BTS, women, and race.
Let’s hear it directly (again) from the Black woman’s mouth (timestamp: 4:45):
“this isn’t the first time they did this”
“even before COVID”
I have nothing against people who take to critiquing art as their primary personality online. Do you, and honestly, k-pop is the perfect place for that kind of hobby because you’ll never run out of things to be critical about. Something that kinda irks me though is that in the last few years, I've noticed an uptick in seeing a certain type of fan (usually a fan of another k-pop group or a multi) that’s all about being hyper-critical of one group (in this case BTS) without actually doing the work to know what the group’s history is: the bad AND the good. Because a lot of what counts for discourse is basically manti talking points recycled every 2 years by people who think they’ve just discovered something new, scandalous or damning about BTS or the fandom, but they’re at least a couple of years late. I say this because back when I was actively engaging in 'discourse’, I received an ask so covered in insults (every two lines this person thought I needed to be reminded to fuck myself), it was only at the end I realized this person was asking (demanding?) my opinion on BTS and diverse representation in their staff, music, and performances.
I could’ve answered pointing out BTS's most successful tour before COVID which was the Love Yourself series, and which featured women of all sizes and all races working with BTS; or about how a BIPOC woman was the lead choreographer for BTS's title tracks, or, you know, things anybody who is a fan of BTS or ARMY would know.
But of course I just deleted that ask lmao.
It’s not that I think BTS is above criticism. ARMY is one of their biggest critics and the proof is in the last eight years - all that 'growth’ did not happen out of thin air. But it’s incredibly disingenuous to repeat the same talking points re: BTS and women when every. single. woman. who has worked with BTS has described their conduct, professionalism, cultural awareness, and overall behavior. I’ve lost count at this point how many times this has happened, and this is even with ignoring that a sizable chunk of the fanbase are Black women who of course can think for themselves. (Same goes for Korean women btw). Bibi and Leslie (the Black French women in that video) have been chronicling their stay in Korea since 2018 and they’re candid about their experiences there. They do not sugarcoat shit. Just by the way.
Also, can we just appreciate how beautiful they all look?
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* Also just pointing out she mentions at some point in the clip that she’s not certain if the initial casting decisions were made by HYBE or someone else, but that HYBE did select the final line up of singers/dancers and that the company has done this before.
And because this always comes up whenever I mention BTS and race, please refer to my post on that subject here.
Originally posted: March 17th, 2022 8:53am
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Devil's' Food - Chapter 21
MasterList /Ayami’s Profile / Previous
Chapter 21 - Life
“Welcome!” Kanami, the owner of the bakery, announces as the next customer enters.
The girl who came in sees that the counter was empty and goes there “hello… I heard they sell post-workout iced tea here…”
“Yes, you've come to the right place” Kanami nods “we have green tea, which is always requested and we also have hibiscus with anise on the menu today.”
“Hibiscus,” she nods, “and one of those sandwiches, ma'am.”
“Right away! And you can call me Kanami, lady, no problem” the muscular girl winks an eye. The girl laughs.
“I'll take a sandwich then, Miss Kanami. I'm Yamagami Ayami, nice to meet you” she bows slightly and then smooths her hair back into a bun. She looked tired. The baker noticed this.
“Tough day, Miss Yamagami?”
“Oh more or less, I'm still a beginner, I started last week, but sometimes I can't stop when I start something, especially when it's gym sets.”
Kana laughs “Me too, somehow.”
“I noticed, you seem to be the type that goes to workout all the time.”
“You got it right. Here it is” she serves the tea “and yer sandwich. Need anything else, just call us, okay?”
“I don't have anyone accompanying me, but can I go to one of the tables?”
“Of course, miss, make yourself comfortable” the baker indicates, nodding.
Ayami smiles a little, takes the food and the backpack to the table, and starts pulling out some books. Hiro watches as Kanami goes back to work.
“What a cutie” Hiro comments, quietly “This girl looks like one of those Western pin up images... even the dimpled smile…”
“Hiro, do you really have to make a snarky comment every time someone new comes in?��
“I'm the cashier, sweetie, no one leaves this joint without passing me, but am I lying, Kanny? It makes me want to take a picture of her to put on a calendar.”
Kanami nods her head “yeah, you're not lying… but still, keep your mouth shut.”
“Hnm… ok, I'll think about your case” Hiro laughs.
The next week, she came back. She asked for the same thing the following week too.
“Hi Miss Kanami” she smiled this time, while eating “how are you doing?”
“Oh, no problem, what about you, dear?” she smiles pleasantly.
“Oh okay, I guess I can say I'm even a little better. I want a cake for my brother, it's his birthday.”
“Oh, good, congratulations to him. Do you have a specific flavor?”
“He really likes chocolate, whichever has more filling, please.”
“Ah, we have this one” Kana points to a shelf by the counter “this one, look, I made it just today, where I come from is called Devil's Food, for it is so decadent.”
Ayami looks at the cake, but the smile she had died when she heard the name. She pulled back her face a little and smiled a little embarrassed “It looks great to me, but don't you have another one?”
“Oh, is it a little too much?”
“No, it's just… I don't like Devils.”
Kanami raised an eyebrow “uh… okay… there's a more normal chocolate cake if you want.”
“Oh, sorry, it has nothing to do with your cake, it’s just…”
“Relax, girl” Kanami smiles “there are people who have problems with these names, it's okay.”
“Y-yes…” She blushes. “Wow, what a shame, Ayami”, she thought to herself. "You can't even hear about it... that creature really traumatized you..."
“There you go” Kanami delivers the cake “a regular chocolate one, ready. Want something more?”
“No, that's great” she smiles “Akito will be happy.”
‘Come here, can I ask you a direct question, Ayami?”
“Sure, ask.”...“She's going to ask about the devil, I'm already predicting…” Ayami thinks as she blushes, embarrassed.
“Are you trying to lose weight at the gym? Your silhouette has kind of thinned out over the last few days…”
“Oh, no, that's not my intention, actually” Ayami laughs, relieved “I think it's because I started practicing Kenjutsu again and a friend of mine recommended me to train at a gym nearby. So I think that's a consequence, right? I like my silhouette as is.”
“Kenjutsu? Wow, I would never have guessed” Kanami smiles. Ayami reciprocates.
“It runs in the family, I want to continue with the tradition. And it's also good for the mind and health…” "And I also want to make sure that no one will bother me, and Akito will also be calmer if I know how to defend myself..."
“I totally agree, I prefer martial arts without weapons, but good luck in your sport.”
“Who would have thought that you are also part of the gym rats” Hiro jokes “I would be, but I practice another kind of sport…”
“Hirooooo…” Kanami looks at him menacingly, and he laughs softly.
“Hey, cup lifting is a sport…”
Ayami laughs “I imagine you also like sweets as I do.”
“Oh not much, not when you work in a place that is full of sweets whenever you decide to eat…” Kana looks at him “eh, paying of course. Unless it's my food stamp, then I can.”
“Yeah, you can.” Kanami agrees, still looking at him.
“I'm not a gym rat…” Ayami blushes, muttering.
“Hahaha, it's just an affectionate nickname, don't worry” Kana smiles.
“Alright, I'm just kind of reactive with names these days, I'm working on it” the lawyer organizes the box in the bag “My friends used to help me, but they are now in another city, so I'm kind of shy in training... more with the eyes of others…”
Kanami raises an eyebrow. Hiro smiles, he knew her friend's way very well. Here came the defender in action...
“What days do you train?” she asks “I usually do it on Mondays and Fridays, in the afternoon because I have my work…”
“Oh, I do it on Fridays too… we can do it together if you want” Ayami suggests, already brightening up "I was in need of help, anyway.’
“Haha, great. As you always come here, it's good that we help each other.”
“Perfect. Now, If you excuse me, I have to go deliver this cake, bye” she nods and goes “See you Friday afternoon, Kanami.”
“See ya” the baker smiles. When she leaves, Hiro chuckles. She squints her eyes “What is it, Satan’s Spawn…?”
“What's it? I'm just seeing your heroin side in action. The helpless gazelle-eyed girl needs help, you practically jumped in to save her…”
“Shut up! Speaking like that, it sounds like I have some intentions…”
“I'm just kidding, girl… I know you wouldn't trade your seaweedhead for anything in the world.”
“Not even a single thing. I fight for this every day” she smiles proudly “and I will never stop fighting.”
The village was silent at this time of night.
From the rooftop, at the top of the mansion, with only a bottle of whiskey for company, he could watch everyone and everything. He'd just gotten back from an assignment, and it hadn't even been that far, so he was still adjusting to the calm surroundings once more. A few chimneys here and there still showed signs of life, and the wind passed, swaying the trees in the forest beyond… he avoided looking at the river, and the direction of the lake above. He couldn't.
At least the work was still the same, and he was able to focus well. The pigs were still the same, heads were still rolling and necks still twisting. Blood was still red, still falling, still staining clothes. It was still fun, it was still what he did. It was still himself.
The problem was everytime when he came home.
Empty. Silent. Cold.
Since when, in the middle of summer, was it like this? And since when did he care about that?
He just knew he didn't like it at all. The whiskey warmed his enthralls, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to shout at the village down the hill, but he was sure if he did, someone would come out with an Ak-47 and point it at him. It had been almost a month, they were still angry with him, and even Raian knew his angry relatives were dangerous. And he was kind of tipsy too, so he'd be at a disadvantage anyway.
He sit and shouted anyway “FUCK YOU!” to the hill below.
“Fuck you, Idiot!” someone responded, he laughed, clapping hands. That was fun.
Besides, why would they still be angry? Did they really want him to take that Mouse? Were expectations of him that low to accept anything from the sewer? What the fuck huh, look how far they'd gotten so he could pass genes on…
Screw this. He always knew, he was so out of league for so many of them anyway. It was like he was a wild ol’ truck without cargo, made for driving on the road and running over old ladies at a traffic light, he was not made for carrying sugar. Just like that game where the guy stole cars and hit everybody, and there was something about thieves, prostitutes and drugs. Best game ever.
He laughed a little to himself. He couldn't do that in real life, ‘cause it would be too much work. Maybe if he had an opportunity on a mission somewhere with cars, it would be so fucking cool.
His laughter gradually subsided, when all he found was silence. He sighed. Fuck, when Tokita was there, at least he had someone to talk to. Fuckin feral bitch. She just had to fuck up everything and fend off his friend, and then say it was his fault to be alone…
That's why he didn't like to make friends. Soon or later they leave and all that's left is an empty space on the side, and silence. And the cold.
But the cold and stillness was nowhere near as intense as it is now. And he didn't even consider her an actual friend yet. Damn it.
Even he had low expectations, apparently. He must have been pretty crazy to think that hunting mice was fun...
His already altered mind began to bombard him with images, surprisingly still fresh. The laughing, the screams, the wind carrying her scent as he chased her through the woods, the quick movements for someone of that size, the serious face, the gleam in the giant eyes, the feeling of having her trapped under him… oh god, her scent…
Suddenly he wasn't cold anymore, and that irritated him more than the cold itself.
“Aaaaaaarrgh” he held his own head, which now decided to torture himself with lewd images “Damn Mousieeeeee… Fuckin’ Mousie…”
He took another sip from the bottle. The alcohol was already running softly down his throat. Ugh… looks like getting off the roof is going to suck…
He didn't know how he got off the roof, but he knew this wasn't his room when he woke up.
– Where am I…? he mutters, his voice hoarser than usual, his throat super dry. The place was smaller than his own, less spacious, but he still didn't think it was bad… he recognized the corner of the door, and grunted.
He was in Mousie's old room. And the room was turned upside down, including the bathroom door practically hanging off the hinge. He must have been really mad to do that. He didn't quite remember if he'd done it himself, but part of him said, “Who the fuck else could do this? Karla is no longer after Tokita...”
His head hurt for half a second. Damn, now he was playing Karla’s role in this novel, goddammit.
Since he was already there in the bed, he lay down to rest. He didn't know where the bottle in his hand had ended up, but he knew the other two had been left in his room at the mansion. A bottle in the middle of nowhere in a village, no one was going to say a word about it… that is, if some miracle had happened and he hadn't made a path of destruction from the mansion's roof all the way there. He was already expecting the headache to come.
He took a deep breath, enjoying the silence as long as he could…
And his body reacted to the smell. Oh no… he'd forgotten for a moment where he was, and his nose caught the scent of the sheets. It annoyed him how easy it was to remember it all again, and all the sensations from then and now came at once.
“Bloody hell, get off me… pest!” he grunted, sitting up and tossing away the covers and fabrics of the bed. He massaged his face, grunting in frustration. He got up to go to the bathroom with a heavy headache, a dull ache in his chest, an empty stomach, a will to break anyone’s face and a pretty characteristic discomfort in his legs.
He would take care of one at a time. Starting with the last one.
“Thank you for accompanying me, Kanami…”
“You're welcome, Ayami” they smiled as they left the gym on Friday “I was even looking for someone for accompanying me on my normal workouts. My usual partners are now busy with tournaments and I don't see them as often as I used to. Even my boyfriend has been busy with some things… I've been kind of lonely.”
“Oh, so you have a boyfriend?” Ayami smiles “I'm happy for you.”
“Thanks. Although he's more like a husband, we live together and everything…”
“Wow” the lawyer blushes “I shouldn't be surprised, You own a bakery, with an established life, and are independent...”
“Oh, noo, no, I'm more of a manual worker like so many others of the world, the difference is that I make people happy with what I produce. And now with fitness menu option” she gives a thumbs up, Ayami smiles a little “What about you? You hardly say anything about you. I've known you for a month and I can count the facts on my fingers…”
“I ah…” she stops a little, and then shrugs her shoulders “ok, what do you want to know?”
“Starting with the questions you asked me. Where do you work?”
“Yes, I am a lawyer.”
Kanami was surprised “Wooow, can I have your card? You never know when I'll need one…”
“Hahaha, I hope not!” Ayami laughed, shrugging her shoulders, but she hands over the card “I specialize in civil and business. If you need, just call me.”
“What the hell, you're so cool” Kanami's eyes sparkled looking at the card.
“Hah, I appreciate it” she bows a little “but I also think you're fine”
Kanami stared at her and laughed “Well, thank you, hahaha. Okay, the second question…”
"No, I don't have a boyfriend," she said immediately, blushing.
“It's okay” she smiles “I don't know, but I already like you, your way is so calm and delicate, unlike me. That would be a lot of people's ideal type…”
“Yeah…” Ayami looked away, blushing more “It's ironic, isn't it?” She felt an urge to test “I think it's because I'm chubby and look like a helpless maiden.”
“Haahahaha, that's certainly not why!” Kanami smiles, giving the other a light punch on the shoulder, without hurting “and if someone said that to you, that person sure doesn't know what they're missing, girl! You're a beauty that no one can fault, do you hear me?” she laughs and then continues to look ahead “I used to be even bigger than you, in high school, you know?”
“Oh really?” Ayami is surprised.
“Yeah… it's just that I had low self-esteem and I started to want to change. You sure don't have this problem, I recognize it from afar…” Kana smiles, a little tenderly “who hurt you? Is it someone I can punch?”
Ayami laughs a little louder this time “I don't think so… but it's not because of your lack of strength, I assure you” she smiles a little shyly “I eh… I was about to marry this guy…”
“Oooohh…” her smile dies “and he said those things to you?! How heartless…”
“I already knew he was like that, but it was so sudden…” Ayami sighs “one day we were together and even having fun, the next he just…” “humiliated me in front of his whole family”, she wanted to say, but didn't need anyone's pity “… eh, dumped me mercilessly. It looked like he was someone else.”
“Hnmm…” Kanami shook his head “Honestly girl, it's better without him. Better a guy who values ​​you than a devil like that.”
Ayami widened her eyes “D-devil? What are you talking about?” She averted her eyes, very embarrassed.
“Oh, yeah, sorry, I forgot you have a problem with that name… it's ok, whoever said it isn't here anymore. But yes, I agree, it's better without him.”
Ayami nods “but I think you understand right… I'm not really looking forward to meeting someone else either… that leaves a bit of a mark.”
“You're right, Ayami. You have to give yourself some time, take care of you, just like you're doing right now” Kana nods, “you have to pick up the pieces and reforge.”
“Yeah” Ayami smiles again “and now I’m starting to be okay, there's nothing else stopping me.”
“Atta girl!” Kanami doesn't resist and hugs her shoulder, she squeaked with the strength of the hug “That's the spirit!! My Gooooood you are so cuuuute to huug!”
“Yea, yeah, a lot of people tell me that” she smiles “put me back on the floor, please?”
Kanami notices, she had practically lifted the other one.
“Oh, sorry” the baker puts the lawyer on the floor “I forgot that you're not like my friends... we usually greet each other like that…”
“All right, I consider you a friend. I'm in need of friends, honestly… I had forgotten that it was nice to have someone to talk to.”
“I'm glad for that” Kanami looks at the building of the Heavy Bakery, now closer “well, I'll stop by the bakery, before I go home, do you want to accompany me?”
“Yes, I want to have tea before I get on the way home.” She nods.
The two enter the establishment, which was half full. Ayami and she approached the counter, a man was sitting there, eating. Kanami smiles and steps forward.
“Ohma? Why are you here at this time?” she smiles. Ayami stopped when she heard the name. And she stopped to watch him. She remembered the conversation she had with Fusui. And that tall, muscular man with black seaweed hair matched the description the girl had given, is it him…? And yes, he was handsome, even more so when he looked in their direction and his face seemed to light up as he saw the baker.
“Hey” he says, when she approaches and leans his forehead on hers, receiving a pat on the head of his girlfriend “I came to pick you up, to go home.”
“Oh, sorry hon, I should have warned you that I could go straight home when I got back from the gym…”
“You never come straight home. You have to always close the bakery yourself”
“You know me so well, don't you?” she laughs, and then turns around, noticing the lawyer “ahh, Ohma, I almost forgot, this is Yamagami Ayami, she's accompanying me at the gym. Ayami, this is Tokita Ohma, my boyfriend and practically my bouncer since he frequents here so much” she laughs softly. Ayami bows a little as he nods in return.
“Nice to meet you… you look familiar…”
“What?” he raises an eyebrow “I've never seen you. I would have remembered.”
“No, no, we've never met, I just… I think I've heard of you.” She then corrects herself “I mean, Kanami spoke very well of you.”
“I hope so, because I don't remember doing anything wrong” he looks at Kanami and she laughs, leaving his hug and going behind the counter, leaving her gym bag with him.
“I hope it stays that way” Kana jokes back, looks at Ayami “tea, as always?”
“Yes, the green one this time” Ayami sits next to Ohma, two chairs away.
“Roger that” and the baker prepares the ingredients for serving, talking to the other bakery employees.
Ayami is half huddled in her corner. She wanted to start a conversation, wanted to confirm, but didn't know how… she looks at the guy sideways. He clearly had a build and body similar to… his. Forged for combat, yet clearly he looked far less menacing, yet no less confident. He was quietly eating a sandwich… and there were five more in line. She wondered if this was all a normal amount for a person.
“You're looking at me a lot” Ohma says, without looking at her “do you want something with me?”
 Ayami turned very red “Oh sorry, I didn't mean to offend.”
‘Where do you know me from?” He still doesn't look at her, stopping every now and then to chew, calmly.
“Oh, it's just that a friend of mine told me about you. It's not Kanami, but… eh… okay, straight to the point…” she takes a deep breath “Do you know someone named Kure Raian?”
Ohma stops eating and looks at her, she felt a shiver down her spine as she noticed gray-brown eyes beneath her bangs, looking at her unerringly.
“What if I do?” the voice doesn't change, but she felt the seriousness.
“Oh, my God…” she widens her eyes “so you're the…”
“Tea!” Kanami smiles as she hands the iced green tea to the other. Then she notices Ayami's astonishment and Ohma’s hard look “Ehhh… did I miss something?”
“No, no… I just… I'm stunned by the coincidence…” Ayami looks at Kanami, relieved to see someone who isn't intimidating in the scene.
“Yea? Why?”
“She knows Raian” Ohma says, at once. Kanami looks at Ayami.
“Oh really? What a coincidence, did you ever defend him in any case or something?”
“What? No” Ayami shakes her head “I, uh… I heard his sister talking about you.”
“Ah, ok” Ohma disarms the serious look, going back to eating. It was as if the air had become lighter “I know Fusui too. She is cool.”
“Yeah, she was one of my gym partners” Ayami was relieved that he had naturally lightened the matter “until I had to leave the Village. She still keeps in touch with me, but since I split from my fiancé, we haven't seen each other much.”
“Ah, I'm sorry about that” Kanami smiles a little sympathetically
“Wait, were you among the Kure too?” Ohma raises an eyebrow “And ex-fiancé? That sounds like a lot of coincidence…”
“That girl wasn't your fiancée to begin with, love.”
“She wasn't, but I've seen something like that before. And the Kures don't usually separate like that from a betrothed, they tend to like... mate for life you know? He has to be someone really, really stupid or someone who really didn't want to…” He looks at his girlfriend, Kanami looks at him “and she said he dumped her mercilessly… who would do that?” they both look at Ayami and she swallows hard.
“Your fiancé was Raian!?” Both ask at the same time. Ayami cringes, wanting to bury her face in the ground, letting out a thin squeak.
“Ah, I… eh…” she looks away from them, dying of embarrassment “… yeah.”
“WHAT?!” The two open their eyes widely.
“Is this serious, Ohma?”
“I just knew that now, he never told me that… like, how long ago was this?” – Ohma imagines Raian doing the same as Karla and shivering.
“Oh, just a few months… it didn't work out. Eh… I think you should know how he is…”
“We know” Kanami and Ohma spoke at the same time. Kana stares at her boyfriend.
“You are so in sync with me today.”
“I'm as surprised as you by this, don't judge me” Look at Ayami “he didn't do anything to you, did he?”
“What? No!” she widens her eyes “Well not phisically. He didn't want me either, it was arranged... so... eh…”
“Arranged? Does this still exist?” Kanami looks at Ohma.
“Yes it does, but as far as I know they had stopped it a long time ago…”
“Anyway. It's over, I…” Ayami tries not to look at them “I just know it's a coincidence that I meet you, that's all.”
“I imagine…” Ohma still looks at her face “But… you don't look happy.”
“No? How not to be happyl? He's despicable… isn't he?” she couldn't speak in a normal tone “well, I think I'll go home… thanks for the tea, Kanami… I'll pay…”
“No, it's on the house, this time” Kanami feared that the girl would cry, so mentally exhausted that she looked.
“Oh, thanks, but I’ll pay later, then” she gets up “it was a pleasure to meet you,Mr. Tokita, and… Kanami, I…” she takes a deep breath “Please, don't be bothered with me, I just didn’t expect to find his friend here. But I will behave better in the next few days, you have nothing to do with it, okay? I’m fine… just… a little heartache, but that’s all”
 “Uh… okay…” Ohma nods, watching her leave. He waits for her to walk out the door before saying “Wow…”
“My God, she's devastated, what did he do huh?”
“I don't think it was a good thing, but not to the point that make me hate him” he sighs, thoughtfully “Actually, that explains a lot of things.”
“What for example?”
“He was all weird in the training you went with me… And the next training days, when I tried to talk to him, he seemed more skittish than usual, almost feral.”
“Makes sense…’ Kanami puts her hand on her chin, thoughtfully “But… is there nothing we can do? I don't want to get involved, but…”
“I'll first see how the guy is” Ohma pulls out his cellphone “if he's cool, then we just need to comfort her and go on with life, at least she's a friend of hers, so it’s okay. But I'm really curious to know what happened, because if he hid that from me, it was really out of his control and he really got pissed.”
“Okay… but seriously… try not to piss him off more.”
Ohma looks at his girlfriend, his face blank. She blinks once and then realizes what she said.
“Oh, sorry, I sometimes forget that you can handle him just fine. But come on, hon, it's my job to worry about you.”
“You definitely work too hard, Kanami” he goes back to eating “relax for once, jeez.”
“Hnmf… how am I going to relax if you never worry?”
“Touché.” He smiles a little more.
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wycademyhunter · 2 years
Field Journal: Yukomo-Kamura Region
Day 1 of Yukomo-Kamura Region Expedition
It's quite a fulfilling sensation to be back on the Soaratorium. When I arrived back in the Old World, the airship laboratory was already out on expedition, so I had quite some time to settle back in at Bherna.
Sparing the details, I'm back where I belong. I can see the Misty Peaks below us as I write this. Hymel was ecstatic to have me back on the crew and he keeps pestering me about my time in the New World, he's not at all satisfied the stuffed notebooks I brought back.
Luce had to come over and remind him we're out on work. He's not changed a bit.
We're due to land soon, at Yukomo Village. We've got cargo to deliver and a research team to deploy here. Won't have time for a foot-bath but it'll be nice seeing the Chief again.
Day 2 of Yukomo-Kamura Region Expedition
Our time in Yukomo is over, didn't get to stay as long as I thought. No trouble, it won't be the last time. Regardless.
Hymel gave me a little device to record visual infomation with. It's very similar to the one the Lynian Researcher provided in his work. I wonder who designed it ...
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The first 'photo' I took, finally had something interesting to take one when we next landed- In Kamura Village! I remember hearing mention of this place a few years ago, when I was hunting the Mizutsune in Yukomo. A traveling merchant had come to deliver some special steel to the smithy there ... That steel, came from here.
Kamura steel is of legendary quality. Naturally, it's of high demand for a lot of equipment and Dragonators made from it are the best in their class.
But this place has more to it than its impressive metalwork. Hunters here employ a type of ... Neopteron? Smaller than Kinsects that bond with Insect Glaives. They're called Wirebugs, they create an azure, powerful silk that Hunters here use to traverse hunting grounds and also to perform offensive and defensive maneuvers.
Before we headed out proper, we were given some Wirebugs to use ourselves, after a proper lesson in using them. Very enthusiastic instructor, I must say.
We're heading out tonight on boat to our destination, some hunting grounds often visited by Kamura's Hunters.
Day 3 of Yukomo-Kamura Region Expedition
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It took us a while to get to our destination. It's called the Lava Caverns. As the name implies, this locale is known for a complex system of caves underneath an active volcano. This volcano is surrounded by water, which runs some ways into the cave system below the surface.
Because of the unique clash of water and magma, this place has proven to be an interesting place for researchers. Many monsters that would normally never interact clash here.
Royal Ludroth and their harems roam the western coast and shallows into the cave system. Uroktor are also known to swim in the lava in the eastern side of the volcano but there's been little sign of Agnaktor living here. Perhaps the vicinity of water makes it a limited place to roam and hunt, given the major provider for predators here is Slagoth, which naturally stay in the shallow waters far from the running lava. Perhaps this place is simply just a better place for their smaller counterparts to live before growing?
And somehow, it only gets more interesting. In these tunnels are countless fossils. This is our primary objective. Acquire some samples on site, take notes of the environment and keep the search team safe.
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I don't often return to my writing until the next day, but an update is required. We found this humongous specimen in the caves. Thank Gog I brought the camera, Hymel is going to want to see this, word of mouth won't cut it.
One of the researchers suggested it might be a Leviathan? I can see it, but the nested jaw bone it has reminds me of ...
(A long scratch of pencil trails off the page suddenly, the bottom is stiff and stained, dried from light water damage.)
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benjaminalphabet · 8 months
if you spent your whole life taking bodies to their graves, how does that change how you comprehend death?
do you see bodies as people, anymore?
or is everything in this world just as mundane and colorless as their tired, sunken skin?
when you see only closed eyes,
do you imagine what color they might’ve been?
do you try to peak under the lids and see?
are you afraid of the groundskeeper seeing you, beating dead horses,
opening dead people’s eyes so that their soul knows the way,
how could you explain yourself?
if you spent your whole life as grave robber, is it the same?
do you speak to the bodies in the coffins you’re stealing from?
or are they just large, in your way?
do you stop and listen to the stories history can tell you, or do you see only the shallow glow of gold?
do you hear the whispers while you’re down there in the Earth?
or do you just see clock hands?
when the police search your pockets in the sunlight,
when they find so much more than just spare change and cigarettes,
how could you explain yourself?
i have no explanation for the shovels and pick axes i carry with me.
i have nothing to offer for the bodies i’ve dug up, only to drag around with me.
i spend my whole life staring at ghosts across the table,
and to me, they are not people anymore.
how do i tell you that i love the bodies more than their souls?
i love what was taken from them, the ideas of what they could’ve been,
but mostly i do not care for those who are already on their way to heaven.
i worry not about those who have already made the great escape.
but at their graves, i mourn for their bodies.
love and grief, to me, could be such fantastical, untouchable strangers,
things that will never be.
if you spent your whole life deep in the cigar fog of south western casinos,
would you ever tire of being a card shark,
or playing tricks on all your friends?
would you mourn the trust you could’ve had in them, that they could’ve had in you?
would you crack a smile, every so often, just to find weaknesses in someone else’s poker face?
or would you wrinkle just like that,
with some unkind scowl painted on what could’ve been the prettiest face in the room?
if you spend your nights trying to hunt down betrayal,
calculate it, understand it,
will you ever find peace?
when even the lotus flower sours and wilts,
when you fold at the last moment,
and your reflection is forced upon you in an escort’s pocket mirror,
how could you explain yourself?
if you spent your whole life on the most beautiful, glittering stage in the desert,
would you envy every audience that gets to stare you down?
would you long to be human,
to be real,
to be touched?
or would you make your peace with the god of beauty, and use your body as a sacrifice?
could you stomach the feeling of human hands on your chest,
if you know you are made of linen?
sewn up tight, painted red, and kissed on the mouth?
could you be a perfect snow globe ballerina?
or when the lights come up after a drunken matinee,
when you stumble into the dressing room;
dirty glass in one hand, money in the other,
when you face the other idols who have paid penance to be worth something,
how could you explain yourself?
i couldn’t.
somewhere i lost the art of being untouchable.
my residency ends, and i am still not made out of stainless steel.
no perfect machine; i still have this red heart in my chest,
though it is colder now.
i thought once that i could earn it; that statuesque, faultless indifference.
beauty is real, but reserved for those with spines,
and i am a bad liar.
i am tied together with something weaker than deceit.
i have blood, i have bone.
understanding is a distant truth,
either taken, or earned with a backbreaking price i am not cut out to pay.
love and fear sleep together in an intimate bed,
and it is cold in that room,
until one of them rolls over and, head on chest, says what the other can’t.
this is a draft, ten eleven || how could you explain yourself?
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seven--secrets · 2 years
Last Scene || Sibyl || Trial 5-5 || RE: Yumeko, Chioko, Shigure, Riley || ATTN: Kaz
Yumeko's initial response, they... looked like they were on the edge of snapping for a moment there. Any other words or comments she'd had remained stuck in her throat, as fear sunk in further. This was what she was afraid of. Either one of them blowing up like a time bomb here. She flinched as they raised their voice, grimacing over the descriptions, but not quite tuning out. Just... silent.
The tension in the room pulled the cord taut, the words could be cut with a knife.
She flicked her gaze to Chioko, speaking a theory that... Well, was unsurprising. It wasn't like Sibyl hadn't had similar thoughts, but... Somehow it seemed odd that... Chioko never approached and asked about it. Sibyl grimaced. She and Shigure did have a lot in common. Who knew, if things had been just a bit different, maybe it would've been Sibyl sitting in the hot seat, right? The best she could do in response was give a small nod.
It shouldn't have come as a relief to hear Shigure own up to it, but the relief came in a wave. Sibyl closed her eyes. Perhaps the fighting would stop. Perhaps they could rest, or...
That was too optimistic now, wasn't it?
Sibyl opened her eyes once more and exhaled. Riley would always be so much better at comforting others, so what was there left to say?
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"... Shigure-san, I... Thank you."
Her shoulders shook, but anything else would put her at risk of sounding like someone else's echo, insincere.
"Can I... approach? Is that ok?"
Sibyl shakily stood to her feet, letting go of Riley's hand as she made a much slower travel to Shigure, speaking along the way.
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"... I-I've already... mentioned this, but... You aren't at fault for any of this. Y-You didn't... deserve to be put through this, just as much as the rest of us. So, I... I am going to do my utmost to keep you alive. I-I'm... going to keep that word."
Her voice shook with every step she took, like each time her boots touched the ground, a shockwave was shot up her body. But eventually, she found her way to Shigure's side, quietly wrapping her arms around Shigure's shoulders. After a moment, a small sob escaped her, before she backed up in embarrassment, clasping her hands over her mouth.
"I-I.... I'm so sorry, um..."
She shook her head and scurried back to her previous seat at a much faster pace, retaking Riley's hand and catching her breath.
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"... K-Kaz-san... Um... There's a story in western culture that all cats have nine lives, and... W-Well, I'm... not going to assume that Nekomata have that, but... Are there any yokai with multiple lives that might be willing to expend one to save Shigure-san?"
... She didn't know as much about yokai as she should, but surely there had to be one somewhere or another who'd be so kind, maybe.
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heartlandians · 2 years
Filling Empty Spaces (Amy/Mitch), part 199
Mitch and Amy find an unexpected connection due to absent lovers. Set around season 11->.
A/N: I didn’t have a beta for this story, so hopefully there won’t be too many grammar errors.
* * * *
As Amy waved Asher, Gina and Susan goodbye when their trailer - with Helico inside - headed toward the gravel road that lead out of Heartland, she could see from the corner of her eye Jack emerging behind the barn. He was holding a lead, his steps slow and his gaze thoughtful. 
“I guess you fixed the horse”, Jack commented, seeing Amy had once again successfully sent off another client. 
Amy felt tense in Jack’s presence but tried to focus on what he was saying. They had not had an exchange since yesterday, and Amy expected to be judged for not sleeping at the ranch last night.
“Like with many of my clients, it wasn’t really about the horse”, she corrected. “The rider and the horse just needed to reconnect again and build up their confidence as a team. But yeah, all’s fixed now; they’ll be able to perform at the rodeo half-time show in just few days.”
She glanced at Jack, who nodded, but seemed to linger even without nothing to say. 
“Everything okay?” she then had to ask.
“Yeah. Just gonna go get Buddy from the field. Go for a little ride”, Jack explained, trying to act nonchalant, but Amy didn’t like the way she could tell that his politeness was partly acted out.
“Okay”, Amy tried to act careless as well, seeing if her grandpa would bite as he usually couldn’t help himself. “Well, I better go help Georgie and Jade with the chores. Think I’ll check what we have to order from Maggie’s, so I can go get them while I’ll drive to get Lyndy from Cass and Caleb. Anything you want to add to that?” she asked, wondering if Jack was able to pick up the double meaning of the question.
Jack turned his head toward her better. “No. Don’t think so.”
Amy had not seen many westerns, but she imagined this to be a typical standoff scene from one of those.
“Okay, good”, Amy said, turning in order to head to the barn office door. She started walking away and as she was about to reach out for the handle, Jack caved and opened his mouth.
“I don’t mean to tell you what to do, Amy, just...” Jack said while Amy still had her back toward him. She waited it out. “Be careful, is all.”
Amy turned around, looking at him. She decided to act clueless, just to see what would happen, as she didn’t like the way her grandpa had such a hold of her, even at this age. 
“What do you mean?”
Jack sighed, tilting his head on the side while the rest of his body fell a little as if his muscles and bones had suddenly gotten heavy. He knew Amy knew exactly what he meant, but instead of going along with it and avoiding the subject just to get out of an awkward situation - like he had expected - she had decided to challenge him.
The standoff was still on as the sense of escalating tension remained.
“I think you know what I mean”, Jack scoffed tiredly.
“I’d like to hear you say it out loud”, Amy replied. She had come to realize that their family used this strange way of communicating while not communicating, and she wasn’t going to go along with it anymore. “Just to know we’re on the same page.”
Jack bit his cheek, looking back at Amy. He had never seen her like this, and it irritated him. What was he supposed to do? Would he make himself look like a fool? 
While hoping to come up with the best way to explain his thought process, Jack tried to remember this was not the teenager anymore that needed looking after, but a grown woman. He had to act accordingly.
“I know I’m old school and I know it’s hard for me to let go of old habits, but you gotta understand that me worrying about you is never going to go away. You might change and grow up, but you’ll always be someone I want to look after”, Jack tried to explain his side. “I’m not saying don’t go out on dates, but... not knowing where you were... well, it got me a little worried. Usually, if I don’t know where you are it’s not a good situation. I’ve always known where you are, if it’s up to me and you.”
“Well, everything was okay with me. I just think that... maybe I’m old enough to be somewhere without having to report my exact location to my grandfather”, Amy explained.
“Of course, but... I don’t know anything about this guy you went out with!” Jack got a little impatient because Amy didn’t seem to understand his point of view. “For all I know, you could have been in some ditch somewhere, and we wouldn’t have known. But...” he wanted to give himself some credit, “I respected your boundaries, didn’t text you or call you - even though I wanted to.”
Amy looked at him, thinking how Jack had no idea how well he actually did know the guy. How he had worked with him and sold half of his share of their mutual business to him. So in theory, he had a lot of trust in that guy. 
But not knowing it probably did make Jack unsure about the company Amy kept.
“Well, I told Georgie everything was okay”, Amy pointed out.
Jack sighed. “But I don’t want to get my updates through Georgie.”
“Well, what do you want me to do? Create a group chat for the whole family so I can report where I am?” Amy asked, even though Jack probably had no idea what a group chat even meant; he barely used his new smart phone for anything else besides calling people. “I told Georgie because she took care of the morning chores for me. I didn’t think rest of you needed to know; I was going to be back before noon, anyway.”
“You’re missing the point--” Jack began, but Amy cut him off.
“I got your point”, Amy assured. “But I just ask you to trust my judgment a little bit more. I wouldn’t have stayed over if I wouldn’t trust this guy. Now, obviously, I’m fine”, she continued, gesturing toward her chest.
Jack shook his head in frustration, trying to find a way they could move forward from this as Amy didn’t seem to budge. 
“So, what’s going to happen? Are you going to sneak around and not tell us who this guy is - just like your sister always does?” Jack wanted to know. 
Something about that got under Amy’s skin. 
She knew Lou had a reputation hiding the guys she was dating from her family, and while Amy had never understood it before, maybe she was now starting to see why that had been. 
Amy felt bad for having to repeat that same pattern with Mitch, but it was for different reasons than what Lou had had going on. She had never wanted to get involved with Lou’s romantic life gossip, as she couldn’t think why it should have interested her as it was Lou’s business and Lou’s business alone, but now she probably got a hint of what her sister had gone through with her experiences.
As soon as the family smelled something romantic in the air, they were interested to know all about it.
“I understand the curiousity”, Amy said, trying to be diplomatic, “but as far as I’m concerned, all you need to know now is that I’m seeing this guy and I’m... happy. He’s a good guy and he treats me right. It’s all in the early stages, so... I’m protective of it. This family has a history of getting involved with everyone’s business, and I don’t want that to affect this. Not till I know it’s stable enough. I’m sure you can understand; you didn’t come out with Lisa until you were ready for it. And when I am... I’ll let you know, trust me.”
Jack listened, trying to accept Amy’s plea.
“Okay...” he finally said, even though it wasn’t easy to be in the dark about something like this. The electric tension between the two started to dissolve. “If you say so. Just... you don’t have to tell me, but... let someone know you’re okay. Whether that’s Cass or Georgie or whoever. We all need a little looking after sometimes.”
Amy nodded. “I will.”
“There’s a lot of crazies out there”, Jack scoffed, now seeming more relaxed, even though there was some type of sadness behind his eyes once he realized it was time for him to let Amy live her own life and make her own choices. 
It had been like that for a while, but he had been in some type of denial with it. Now there was no denying of that anymore.
“Never would have thought I’d hear you use the word “crazies”...” Amy laughed a little, hoping it would lighten up the mood as the shift was now happening and it looking for a footing. It was up to them to land it somewhere.
Jack scoffed. “Maybe I’m spending way too much time with Georgie these days with Lisa busy, Lou gone and you working...” he figured. “The “lingo” is infectious...” he added with a dry smirk.
“Oh dear...” Amy almost whispered, shaking her head with amusement. “You might have to call my dad and ask him to hang out sometime. Just to even it out.”
“I’m not that desperate for a company...” Jack said.
Amy laughed. 
“Okay, fair enough. Anyway. I should get back to work. I don’t want to make Georgie and Jade do all the work. Besides, I gotta get going soon, even though I don’t think Cass and Caleb will mind if I’ll be there a little bit late.”
“I’m sure they’ll be happy to entertain Lyndy for a while longer”, Jack commented, knowing what a delight the little girl was to have around.
“They probably are, but I do miss her myself, so...” Amy admitted one of the reasons for hurrying. “I’ll see you later. Have a good ride with Buddy.”
Jack nodded. “I will.”
Amy then turned around and proceeded to get back to work. 
She couldn’t help but have this euphoric-like state. She had done it, defied old patterns and come out as a winner. 
What if they would have done this all these years instead of just avoiding saying things they really felt? Would this state had been easily achievable back then - like it seemed to be now - or were their lives just only ready for a change now?
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red-letter-imagines · 3 years
heyy there!! can you do another part of the “reaction when you suck on their tongue but with Mikey, Rindou and mitsuya?
You have no idea how happy I am that my work's so well-received! So there's been more than one request for a part 2, but for different characters. This little dove, however, is the first one so I'll be doing this, then the other characters in later parts, alright? Alright.
Now *cracks knuckles* let's begin!
Reaction When You Suck on Their Tongue Part 2 (Sano Manjiro, Haitani Rindou & Mitsuya Takashi)
Sano "Mikey" Manjiro: (Bonten! Mikey)
You sure you don't need a chaser with that? Sanzu snickers from across you, pupils already blown wide from the pills he'd taken half an hour ago. The pure vodka sears your esophagus, a pool of liquid fire in your abdomen. Tears are springing up your eyes and you wince. Truly, it had been a horrible idea on your side to make bets with Sanzu, of all people. That man has had every drug imaginable enter his system and three overdoses later, is still standing. You should've known better than to order Spirytus, but Sanzu has a way of getting under anyone's skin, especially yours.
He knew you had more than several bones to pick with him after he coaxed Mikey into accepting a million-dollar drug deal with some shady Western cartel. Throughout Bonten's history, it was one of the more careless business trades you'd ever gone through, one that put Mikey in a precarious position. The cartel demanded Mikey's audience for the deal to be done, and while Sanzu reassured you that nothing would happen to their "King", that never stopped you from worrying your head off.
A part of you wanted the drugs and alcohol put him into a coma; you just had to hold your liquor until then. Yet this poisonous bastard is still standing, while you barely have the confidence to stand up straight. He's fucking crazy.
You eye the remaining shot glass. It's rim and ridges bounce the bright glow of the chandeliers above you, its crystal clear contents an elegant deception to those unaware. You suck air through your nose and grab it. Before you could down the last drink of your life, a slender hand slides to your shoulder.
You turn to face Mikey's lilac-rimmed gaze, the darkness swimming within sucking you in like a vacuum. Once he sees the flares of red across your cheeks and down your neck, his lips curl a little. Mikey hates alcohol with a passion; he told you early on that he abhorred its bitterness and how it hazed your mind.
Instantly, you cave under his disappointment, and none-too-gracefully drop your shot glass back on the counter. You barely had time to utter his name before he cups your cheek and kisses you. It's gentle, caring yet the pressure of his pecks stamp his dominance into your very soul.
He plunges his tongue into your booze-laced cavern, and you eagerly latch onto it like a hungry pup. He tasted of red bean paste, its sweetness a balm to your burning senses. He keeps a hand on your neck while you have your fill, biting your lower lip when you part.
You're panting, eyes glazed with wanton need. He strokes a thumb under your ear, and you smile.
You could drink all the alcohol you wanted, but nothing could make you drunker than Sano Manjiro's affection.
Haitani Rindou:
You frown to yourself as you waited outside the heavy steel gates of Roppongi's juvenile detention center. It's been six months since the Haitani brothers had been arrested because of Tenjiku. Along with the other Heavenly King named Mucho, they also scored a reduced sentence, and today will be their first taste of freedom in half a year.
You'd been forced to stay behind when the battle happened; Rindou told you that he didn't want to have to look after you while fighting. A cover-up for his worry, of course. The younger Haitani isn't known for being as emotionally apt as his older brother, yet somehow that rigidness of his is one of the things you love most about him. To this day, Ran still loves to give you both shit for it.
Rindou knew that you'd be pissed beyond belief once you got the news; he promised not to leave you alone again like last time. You didn't come to his trial nor see him when he got permitted for visitations. Ran is in a different cell, and he had nothing but time.
Of course, other than being absolutely furious with him, there were other reasons you couldn't come see your bone breaker of a boyfriend. With them detained, no one is left to defend their title as the Kings of Roppongi. No one except you, that is.
You're quite the force of nature yourself, even before meeting Ran and Rindou. Roppongi had been your stomping grounds since you were ten, and when they started making a name for themselves you refused to submit. Thinking back, it was quite a comical scene: a scruffy-looking little girl baring her teeth at two brothers who'd basically killed a man not too long ago. Despite how ruthless they truly are, they never stooped so low as to hit a girl, much less gang up on one to prove a point. Instead you became friends, and later on fell in love with the younger Haitani, and he with you. Together you ruled over Roppongi, and the rest is history.
So while your man stared at white walls in the slammer, you splattered blood across brick walls as warnings to those who thought they could conquer the city. All on your own, you reigned over Roppongi the entirety of their sentence, and now it's time for the kings to reclaim their throne.
You hear them before you see them; Ran's whimsical tones against Rindou's monotone rebuttals. They're wearing casual clothes instead of the jumpsuits, Ran's hair is in braids as always, but Rindou...
The extra inches of hair does something to you. It flowed around his face like a lion's mane, faded blue streaks shining in the noon sun. He's wearing contacts instead of his frames, and his jaw is sharper than you ever remembered it. Fresh out of prison, and he looks every bit the king of carnage you adore.
Licking your lips, you saunter over to them. The clacking of your heels turn their heads, and they smirk at you. You could see Rindou tense for a split second before reigning himself back in. Once you get close enough, you rear a hand back and slam it against his cheek hard.
Then you grab him by the collar and smooch him right in front of the jail gates. His recovery is quick, and he pulls you close in a vice-grip. You press a thumb down his chin and take his tongue right from his mouth. The light graze of your teeth against the flat of it earns a growl from Rindou. You left me again, you fucking asshole you hiss as you pull away. You doubted he really heard you though, because he dived right to your neck after your liplock. You sigh, meeting eyes with a disgusted Ran.
This man is going to be the death of you one day.
Mitsuya Takashi:
Throughout your relationship, Mitsuya is nothing but gentle. It almost gave you whiplash how different he is when he's with you and when he's with Toman. He's more than happy to bash some scumbag's face in, yet he couldn't look you in the eye if he shows up to school bruised the next day. You're one of the reasons he got so good at dodging blows in the first place-all of this just to keep you from remembering just how dangerously he lives.
His carefulness translated through his affections, most of all. He didn't hold you, he cradled you. When he kissed you, you could practically feel the repressed passion just burning beneath the surface. He treats you as if you were a dandelion on a windy day.
And while you thought his unspoken sentiments are nothing short of chivalrous and sweet, you also found it quite stupid. You knew what you were getting into when he sheepishly confessed, knew about him being a captain of Toman's second division. So naturally, you'd braced yourself for all sorts of chaos. Plus, only having to witness one side of him irked something inside of you that you couldn't quite explain. You'd made it perfectly clear that you loved him, bruises and all. Yet when he looked at you with such adoring lavender eyes, you couldn't bear to chide him for wanting to treasure you.
So, you decided to show him through other means.
You're waiting for him to finish inside the sewing club room. He's finishing the hemline of a kimono-a birthday present he's preparing for Draken early on. His eyelids hang low, but his gaze is as intense as ever. Nothing is said between the two of you, but you can't help staring at his pursed lips, now bitten red from his habit when focusing. You internally proclaimed your love for him yet again, unable to stop yourself from wandering over to his hunched form.
Just as he looks up from the sewing machine, you dive in with a kiss that, even you had to admit, is a little too intense to be this sudden. Yet you couldn't help it; even the simplest things he did could turn you into quite the sap.
He doesn't fail to reciprocate it, though. His lips, a little rough and a bit wet, switch from caressing your top and bottom lip each time you return to each other. Somehow, it ended up with you sandwiched between him and his desk, thighs on either side of his hips. His hands never stay in one place, smoothing down your uniform and rubbing your back. He never strays too far down your waist, and that tang of frustration sours your sweet little moment yet again.
Bracing one hand on his shoulder and the other on his jaw, you grind down hard against him. His mouth drops open in a barely contained moan, and you close your lips around his tongue. The noise he made when you licked at it could've put BL voice actors to shame. His fingers rake against the sides of your hips, jolting you out of your sultry scenario and into a bout of giggles. And while you sit there steaming in your embarrassment at ruining such a delicious moment, he simply gapes at what just happened, his face stained a pretty crimson.
Well, that was awkward...but you wouldn't have had it any other way.
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