#I might ask a few of my friends/mutuals just bc some of the questions are very personal or medical in nature
800-dick-pics · 1 year
I eventually will have like (paid) herbal consultations where id give ppl their own custom herbal formulations, but i think i will test the waters by offering like "mock" herbal consults with an interview portion and offer them out free/pay what u can tip based
the reason im waiting to start helping more ppl with herbs is bc Im specializing in disability and personally id like to get more hands on experience b4 i start calling myself a disability herbal specialist.
I think ill do maybe 4 ppl a month for 3 months just to see, what issues are ppl needing help with, what information i need to have right at hand, and like what i personally feel comfortable working with as i am not a master herbalist YET!
Im going to be prioritizing black n indigenous disabled ppl for this, but i have spot for non black, non indigenous poc!
feel free to dm me if youre really interested, but i will probably be making a more offical post later this week.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
One of the many things that bugged me in the final, was Al's segment in the last few minutes, mostly because like everything in this show there was so much missed potential. So I present a part of a re-write I would love to do, this part focusing on Al because he could have been really cool and not an edge lord. Also most of this is stuff I've seen in other asks/re-writes that I think would be cool.
So Al in this version is pretty close with pilot/original Al. He was still a serial killer who loves to make deals. He has his code for killing of killing those who take advantage of the weak and most of his deals are deals of protection(ie. every time you help me, you can call on me to help you that number of times), he still makes deals for his own gain of course and is still as ominous as in the pilot. Also he functions like a warlock from dnd, with no real power of his own. Also also, he never swears at all, not once and if he does its a more old timey swear, he cannot talk with out his staff and has to perpetually smile.
Have him keep his sentiment from the pilot that he's here at the hotel for his own amusement and that he does not care about anybody in it. Have Al start of as very aloof and keep him this way for the frist 10(give or take) episodes(also give the show more episodes). Have Al never use his powers on screen have only give hints that he's as powerful as everybody says he is. Over the first season have the cast grow to like each other more Al include but much much more mildly. The main villains of s1 should be the Vs also save Heaven for last or later. So s1 final, the Vs attack the hotel or sm and the main cast + sinners who have checked in to the hotel(believing it not to be a lost cause, which also gives Charlie some extra motivation). During this have a part where Al has to use his suposed powers only to reveal that he has none or that they are extremely weak. At some point either durning or before his 7 year sabbatical they where either taken or disappears for some reason(maybe because of a deal he broke?). After this have Al use what little magic he has to teleport away leaving the hotel(because he's a coward/does not want to be seen as weak in anyway). The cast gets the Vs to leave them alone with one of Sir. Pent's machines bc he's the best and we love him.
Another thing that I want to do is show Al being aroace. Have an episode where he goes with Angel to the Vs tower just to mess with Vox but they run into Val and Alastor is very obviously uncomfortable near him, you could even have Angel notice this and try to have Val piss off.
Ok moving on to next season, Al is missing and have the gang(mostly Niffty and Husk bc in this au those three are friends and you can pry that from my dead hands. Also Husk and Al have a deal of mutual protection, they help each other out. Hell this could be another reason why Al left at the fight because he could do anything to help Husk.) start looking around pride to try and find him. They do and he immediately teleports away leading to a short chase until Al runs out of magic. Then the rest of main cast confront him about the whole ordeal. I'm not sure how exactly it goes but Al durning the whole conversation is trying to doge all questions and lie as much as he can(the main cast after this still don't know all the details but the main idea is that, Al had a deal with somebody who gave him powers when he first entered hell, maybe Lilith? And 7 years ago he broke it somehow, leaving him to disappear trying to regain lost power). Husk and Niffty manage to convince him to keep helping the hotel and probably question him more in private. I'm not sure what the rest of s2 would be about, I know that s1 is about more sinners checking into the hotel and also getting Angle away from Val. s2 Might be about Charlie finally getting to talk w/ Heaven and would you look at that they love the idea of a hotel for sinners to reform because heaven likes the exterminations about as much as hell does(exterminations are still about over population in this au). Also s2 introduces Lucifer.
I'm not quite sure what exactly happens in s3 and 4 but I know that in s3 Al starts believing in the hotel more and caring about the people in it(would he ever admit this? no.). Somebody in this season also presents him with betraying the hotel which he says no to. Idk how s4 goes but it ends with some angels(not all of them, only the most dedicated exterminators) going to hell against heavens rules to kill as many sinners as they can. They get stopped obviously but I still need to work out more details.
I'm still working on sorting out other stuff for this re-write also sorry if this is really long or annoying, I've had this sitting in my brain all week. If you don't mind I might also send asks about the other characters in the re-write
Good rewrite! Interesting stuff!
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AITA for leading someone on?
I (19F) met this guy (20M) at uni since he noticed we had a lot of classes together and approached me. We exchanged texts for a while and briefly talked a few times when I was studying on campus – mostly about school stuff: assignment questions and tests. I was kinda excited bc I don’t have many friends in this city and def not in my program, but ig also not sure how to act bc of that? We didn’t speak even though we saw each other in classes, but he texted often, more than I’m used to w my friends who live in other cities now, but maybe that’s normal when you’re interested in someone?
He asked me out for coffee and we went out and talked for a few hours, and at the end he told me he actually liked me. We’d only known each other for about 2 weeks and this was the first time we really hung out in person, so I wasn’t sure how I felt. I said it was still really early but we should definitely hang out again. We didn’t communicate much more about that unfortunately. I’ve never dated before, so I was a little conflicted on how I actually felt and what I should do – some friends said I shouldn’t force it/do things I don’t want to, and others said I should give him a chance. Exam season was coming up so I just prioritized studying and we only went out one other time before the semester ended and I moved back home.
He can drive and I can’t, so he suggested we hang out again in my city, and he drove about an hour to get here and we hung out. The same day, after he left, he texted me asking if I still thought it was too early. I’m not sure if this was the right decision, or if I should have said how I was feeling conflicted and tried to get to know him more, but I apologized and said I didn’t feel the same way bc I didn’t feel attracted to him and felt like I probably wouldn’t end up liking him romatically? I said I still wanted to be friends and he agreed, but we haven’t talked since then. I might also be an asshole for that, bc upon further reflection I don’t really want to be friends either?
We knew each other for less than two months and our personalities don’t match well imo, so I don’t really to continue a relationship. But I still feel bad about how things ended especially bc he came all the way over here, so I was wondering if I should text him to basically explain how I felt confused about my feelings and apologize for kinda stringing him along/not really communicating, or if I should just drop it and just mutually not talk to each other since it seems like he also most likely isn’t interested in talking anymore. Thanks for reading all this, and I’d appreciate any responses/advice!
What are these acronyms?
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threeking · 5 months
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... ⠀⠀יִיִ⠀𝃣 ⠀⠀ writeblr intro ⠀⠀ 💌 ⠀⠀ ── ⠀⠀ ;
hello ! my name is third king january but feel free to call me third or january ( or any other nickname you'd like ) ! i'm a twenty two year old black lesbian pursuing a graphic design major with a minor in art history and creative writing—considering media studies—who uses they/them pronouns !
ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ :⠀ 🍓. i think this may be my third or fourth time trying out a writeblr, but the other attempts didn't go well since i was busy and didn't put a lot of effort into interacting with my mutuals </3. this time around, i really want to be a part of the community and be more supportive of everyone's writing! my goal for this account is to share my wips, any writing, and keep motivated to do more than just stare at a blank document for hours </3.
i'm a big reader and i plan to share some of my recently reads on this blog. please feel free to send me book recs if you think it's something i might like or if you just wanna ramble about something you read that you really liked! my favorite genres are horror, magical realism, fairy tales and fantasy. i love beautiful prose that's almost poetic and ambiguous writing that has you questioning everything until the grand reveal.
my favorite books are: bunny by mona awad, deathless by catherine m. valente, and how to win the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone. the last two books helped me understand the kind of writing style i want to strive for as did poetry !! i don't have a whole lot of fav poems, but worm king's lullaby by richard siken is one that's always spinning in my head.
alongside reading i like manga, webtoons, videogames, and anime. my all time favorite anime is hyouka followed by angel beats and clannad. my favorite webtoon is omniscient reader's viewpoint and i can't recommend it enough. it's soosososo good! ( i started with the webtoon before switching to the novel bc i was too impatient to wait for the updates ) my favorite games are the halo series and oxenfree.
other interests of mine include music, drawing, art, watching youtube videos, journaling, horror movies, and sleeping 😴. i have a few graphic novels / webcomics in my wips so i'm learning how to draw to make them a reality! i also have a video game that's tied to another wip so i'm getting into coding as well !
please never be shy / afraid to tag me in ask games, send me an ask, or even a message! i also have a discord ( username: thirdking ) if you'd like to add me and message me there. also never think or feel like you're bothering me or anything if you wanna say hi or ramble about your interests. i'm always looking to make new friends !! 😁
i ask that minors don't interact or follow !! thank you !!
i have a handful of wips that's been running laps in my head for some time now but these are the ones ( excluding shorter stories ) that aren't multimedia projects or animation ideas, but i may talk about those anyways 😋 since most of these are still in the outlining stage they're subject to change but i'll make sure to update anything to reflect those changes !
📝 𖹭 ⠀ֵ⠀ wip one ; spring ( technically untitled but springs gna be in the final title )
the story follows two ex band mates reconnecting in their adult years after they parted ways when their front man signed a major record deal.
📝 𖹭 ⠀ֵ⠀ wip two ; sisyphus
sisyphus stars three siblings at the center of a conspiracy 1!1!1 the oldest sibling, an astronaut, goes missing during a privately funded space mission embarking to a new planet found in the solar system. i wouldn't call this a greek retelling, but it does a feature a lot of nods to classic greek myths!
📝 𖹭 ⠀ֵ⠀ wip three ; atwe
atwe follows the mother of a teen superhero getting revenge after her kid is killed by an unknown villain. though it's my own special take on superheroes featuring my personal criticisms on teen heroes, it's also a study on family—in particular—distant family relations and saying i love you a little too late.
📝 𖹭 ⠀ֵ⠀ wip four ; march marchen ( title will definitely change )
march marchen is my sort of alice in wonderland / fairy tale retelling that follows an unnamed girl in what might be wonderland trying to figure out who she is and who she isn't. ft parallel worlds, escapism, the fear of childhood, and the fear of adulthood.
📝 𖹭 ⠀ֵ⠀ wip five ; neapolitan ( title will definitely change )
neapolitan is a magical girl webcomic / graphic novel. the story follows a trio of girls becoming the successors of a long line of ice cream inspired magical girls. ft a bright fun palette, gore, and cannibalism! though it's a webcomic, i intend to give it a novelization from the perspective of a different set of magical girls.
if you'd like to be added to a taglist please send me an ask! it'll be easier for me to keep track ! thank you for reading <3
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(I loved your dead boy detectives game!)
Hey just read your tags and I totally agree with you with you— in every fandom I have been in, there’s at least one major fanon character interpretation that feels like a misinterpretation to me. So that being said, I don’t think it’s inherently bad to make a post with different evidence, because that’s what makes fandom fun! It also might be a relief to other people who also weren’t into the earlier meta analysis. I think where it gets hairy are the little comments like “everyone who disagrees with me is bad/dumb/stupid” that get tacked on at the end, or direct references to people who like other characters or ships all being malicious. There’s just no need for that, and I’ve seen it a lot in the past few days from some folks. :/
Games and general analysis spread a lot of positivity though! That’s what keeps fandom alive and makes people feel like they’re part of the fun. Thanks again for starting that ask game.
Actually, I started that ask game specifically to meet people!
Big fandoms are usually riddled with ppl who annoy one another, so my strategy is usually to *start* in the tag so I can block any blogs that would stop me from having fun with fandom, and whittle it down to a mutuals group so I can eventuality just use my dash instead.
I decided to use a mixture of surface, deep, and canon-irrelevant questions in order for others who use it to see multiple types of answers that blogs might not post otherwise, and realize which blogs they like. I think asking questions someone might not think to make a post on otherwise can be very revealing. Ask engagement is a really fun way to make friends here!
I think there are definitely points where mischaracterization can be malintended or even just accidentally harmful- reducing characters to either just their actions or just their circumstance runs the risk of stereotyping them or romanticizing/demonizing their behaviors, neither of which makes fandom a fun or accommodating form of socializing. Personally I take a non-confrontational approach and try to narrow my interaction, but I really don't know how to make fandom safer in general. I don't want to waste time on people who don't care, but it is hard to tell the difference between people who will and won't listen until you spend time asking!
Part of why it is difficult (for me) to make that distinction is fandom language. "ship" is a big one! When people "ship" a pairing, I don't know whether they mean it is interesting, whether they want it to be canon, whether or not they think it is healthy, whether they think it is already implied, or some other meaning, all of which change how and if I'd interact with them- and making fandom friends is part of why I'm here! I don't really have a solution here either, but it is pretty hard to navigate and pretty easy to get lost 'round these parts.
It's also hard to tell with popular fanon if people *know* it's fanon
Anyways, half of that was totally irrelevant to the ask bc I got into a tangent, but basically thanks for visiting my blog, even if you don't stay long! Have fun with fandom ! <2
(And one last hot tip! I mentioned going into the main tag before finding the blogs y'all like, but character tags, art/fic/meta-specific tags, and ship tags will tailor more to your taste!)
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lumibye · 6 months
hii charm i wanted to ask , what was sycamaris first date ? 🤔 how did it come abt , who asked, how did it go ? im soo interested , and i hope uve had a wonderful weekend ! - @catake
hehe hi clara ! hope your weekend's been lovely as alwayss and i hope your finals went just as well !! i'm sure they did but sending my heart and wishes anyways ofc ofc
( ♡ ) ty honestly sm for encouraging me to talk abt them bc it's all in my drafts but i'm just . . soso shy ( if you could believe it ehe ; ) so it really means a lot to me ! i'm v grateful i get to speak my silly nonsense eek >_< their first date was . . it was a ' date ' but it wasn't ? this is prob a good time to explain why they're ' working together ' ig for context purposes ! ( i'll prob compile this all into a post at some point actually )
( long post again bc my filter is broken ehe ; )
although he has a lot of information on mega evolution in regards to battle , he doesn’t have a lot in the way of contests 
pokemon aren’t affected by any external factors like attacks or status conditions when performing , but they’re still expending a good amount of  energy with the use of moves
so , as someone that’s very invested in the subject , his research and the bond between pokemon and trainer - this information would be valuable to compare and contrast with his current findings
he doesn’t really know anybody in the contest scene? there’s serena, of course, but she’s also currently undertaking the gym challenge and being one of his pupils it doesn’t feel right to stick this kid with even more work considering she’s a dex holder  so mariannes his best bet , even though they're only acquainted at the time they share a mutual acquaintance in serena at least . it's mutually beneficial in a sense , if marianne can't use mega then she's going to be at a disadvantage in the contest circuit ( i hc that contests are similar to ORAS in kalos hehe ) her ' job ' would be to monitor the behavioural changes in her pokemon after rehearsals and performances as well as their general health and wellbeing . there'd be weekly or biweekly ' check ups ' at the lab for more thorough analysis but these ' reports ' are more casual to fit both their schedules also , it's a good excuse to go out for him to go out for coffee considering he's so busy . but they're not dates , don't be silly . . . ( /hj he doesn't intend it to be . . but . . ) anway ! to actually answer your question now ( i'm soso sorry i can talk for aages they live in my head rent free 24/7 ; ) once he proposes this to her at the lab ( it's like on a weekend so nobody's there ) and gives her a list of pokemon that can mega she notices the only one that can is benched because of her accident in the unova circuit reasons and she goes ' umm , i don't really have any on this list at the moment ' and augustine is kind of stumped because this meeting is now way shorter than he expected it to be so he goes ' oh , that's ok . . well let's go out for coffee instead ' ( not those exact words ofc ) because
a.) she's not super familiar with lumiose and having a kind of ' guide ' might be helpful
b.) atp he knows she's a bit of a reserved person and the few times they've met he hasn't seen her with any friends so that's mildly concerning
c.) if they're eventually going to work together he should know her a bit better and
d.) she's piqued his curiosity honestly marianne's very bad at saying no especially on the spot so as nervous as this makes her she agrees , for similar reasons too . this person's offering her an advantage in her career so it'd be rude to say no , wouldn't it ? so they go to soleil ( because taking a shy girl to your best friends cafe on your first outing seems like a really bad idea ) and he offers to pay and she protests and there's that cliche back and forth about who's going to pay that makes the barista a bit ticked off ( people pleasers , the both of them ) and it takes her a bit to open up but he's genuinely enthused when it comes to learning about people . so eventually she does crack a little bit , especially when the topic of coffee comes up . she used to be a barista in castelia and coffee is his passion so that's their jumping off point . after that they both surprise each other with just how similar they are ! they talk about their thoughts on self expression ( he asks about her career ) and just how important it is and their energy just gels . they end up almost gushing to each other about their thoughts and beliefs , which is something she hasn't done in ages since she's been alone for quite a while so it makes her so so happy . he didn't expect this to come out of someone like her and she didn't expect someone primarily invested in research to share her beliefs and ideas . afterwards she feels bad that she's talked primarily about herself but still . . . it feels good and honestly ? that's kind of exactly what he was hoping for and he's pretty happy himself . they both are ig , more than they'd thought they would ! she definitely goes home and screams into a pillow about how embarrasing she was tho ehhehehe
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raeflora · 9 months
Hi again! I would really love your opinion on something, (since you said that if I ever want you to write meta on something specific I can ask)
Do you think that most D**ir shippers are Dan fans rather than Blair l fans?
I am going forward with the rewatch and I have been reading stuff here andvon other platforms and I have noticed that most D**ir focus on what Dan feels or what Dan does for Blair, ignoring Blair's emotional and mental state at the time
Furthermore they seem to want to rid Blair from all the things that make her Blair (like her ruthlessness and scheming)
Idk... For me Blair wouldn't be Blair without the good and the bad. So it makes me wonder if these people just.... Don't like Blair very much.....
hi!! this is such a good question tysm and this is gonna be long so I hope u don't mind 🫶🏻 I think generally yes d*ir fans do seem to be more fans of dan than they are of blair, and I think there are a few reasons (that I've seen) for this. some of it comes from penn badgley fans as a lot of ppl who discovered him from you on netflix have then watched gg and like dan purely bc it's him. some of it also comes from this rehash of the idea that chuck's "bad" bc of the pilot and ignoring his development, and dan's "good" bc... he's not chuck lol.
ur right in that a lot of them don't want blair to be, well, herself. as I said in my other meta post there's a lot of focus on how blair's "better" when she's with dan. she doesn't scheme, she doesn't do anything, really, except from talk about movies and artists. they think that this watered down version of blair is her true self, even though if u watch the previous 4 and a half seasons it's obvious that's just not true. they want blair to be this girl who's content to spend her days visiting museums and waiting around for dan who she's clearly not. there's nothing wrong with her that dan needs to fix, and chuck didn't corrupt her. she can be interested in art and movies and still scheme and be mean. there's no mutual exclusivity to any of her personality traits, they can all co-exist and are what make her blair. like chuck said in s2 it's stupid to want her to be anything other than what she is.
also, ur so right again in that they ignore blair's mental state. she's obviously not in a good place in s5 and probably shouldn't jump into any relationship after her divorce. but dan pushes her into it. throughout the show she belittles him, insults him, makes fun of serena dating him, and generally just doesn't like him. while they're dating she still doesn't seem that keen on him. there's talk of how she's happier and smiling all the time with dan, but she's not. she effectively throws a tantrum being seen out with him and she can't celebrate his career, she instead undermines and upstages him. her behaviour doesn't seem like someone who's found her perfect match. it seems like someone who's in a confusing transitional period of her life and clings to the nearest man, like she did with carter in s2. if dan was this great perfect man he'd say he couldn't date her right away, let her sort herself out. but no, he forces her to be more than just friends bc, where she's so isolated from everyone else, if she loses him then she loses her only support system (the fact that she becomes so reliant on dan humphrey in the wake of her miscarriage is something for another post) so she kind of has to get into a relationship with him, even though she's not ready mentally.
in terms of liking blair, I think that most d*ir fans like their own version of blair, instead of the canon version. this might be connected to them often preferring dan, and then they just project traits onto blair that aren't hers. I don't know why they don't do this to serena btw, bc her relationship with dan is significantly more important, and she was far more willing to do "ordinary" things with him than blair. ultimately I think they want d*ir, and blair individually, to be something they're not and were never going to be. d*ir isn't sethmer or paceyjoey or whoever else they compare them to. blair isn't someone they can shape into fitting their ideas like dan does, she's her own distinct character and if they don't like her then they should admit it instead of mischaracterising her
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i23kazu · 7 months
ying!! it's writing anon again!! ......realising that maybe i should have asked about writing stuff on your writing blog ( 〃..)
i saw your reply, tysm for taking time to do that, i really appreciate it!! you're the best  ໒꒰ྀི  ܸ. .ܸ  ꒱ྀི১
hii ying..... a little too shy to ask this on my main blog so anon it is....... i was wondering if you had any tips or advice for starting a writing blog? specifically for genshin x readers, i wanna get back into writing but i don't really know where to start ( ;´ - `;) i really look up to you as a writer and as someone in the genshin writing community in general, so i thought you'd be the best person to ask for something like this..... i'm sorry if this is a difficult question to answer (,,>﹏<,,) have a nice day/night!! -writing anon
WAHH HI DARLING !! thank you so much for all your kind words :") please don't worry about it, i gotchu i gotchu mwamwa. here's some tips from me! without further ado, welcome to:
ying's pretty cool tips on making a writing blog!
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on starting a writing blog:
make a pinned post !!! this helps people to get to know you more <3
if possible – try and keep the theme for as long as you can; and if you're going to change your theme, it might be helpful to borrow an outstanding element so that people can recognise you immediately even after changing the theme !!! but of course, do whatever you like hehe.
have a consistent tagging system !!!
reach out to other people !! either as an anon or as a friend – you can extend the invitation to be mutuals hehe. or, you know.. you can join communities (just like my discord server) to get to know people within genshinblr !!
you can join networks too !!! (wink wink @astronetwrk applications are opening in three days) this helps you to connect and make friends with other writers heheh
JUST BE YOURSELF !!!! you will attract the people who are meant for you!
on writing genshin x reader posts:
here's some of my observations from over the last few years:
simple formatting with things easy to read has always worked better for me !!! consistent formatting too!
typically, posts with 5-7 characters tend to get the highest amount of notes. but please, don't force yourself to write for so many bc it does get exhausting after a while !!!
if you're in GMT+8 : the best timings to post are from 10:30-1:30am hehee
consistently checking the notes count will not do you any good :") your works are great, even if they don't reach a large audience!
looking through the genshin x reader tag for inspiration is always wonderful! i think it goes without saying to not plagiarize though HAHHAH but reading genshin x readers has always helped me to fill my brainrots !!! and discussing things with friends, yes yes!
this is all i have for now, but if there's anything more i can help you with, please reach out again !!! i'll be more than happy to help hehe <3
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gasmaskenby · 7 months
Me :3
howdy folks, I'm Rain and this is meant to be an introduction of me bc i think it's time i made this lol (feel free to ignore if it's in your feed, or read on i don't care too much)
About Me:
i'm a genderfluid transfem, i am usually somewhere that'd be non binary and love me some xenogenders but i can also be fem or masc depending on how i feel
i'm aromatic and asexual but i'm very comfy with romance and sex (i'm very flirty if i like you), i just don't feel attraction like other people do and frankly aroace labels can get too specific for me and i'm not ready to make my own lmao
i'm also a system, for anyone that doesn't know you'd probably want to research it yourself bc i'm not going to educate you very well but basically i have some people in my brain with me (i call them headmates). They aren't usually the one talking here so you don't need to worry about that unless you're talking to me personally and even then most of them are pretty shy to new people
If there's any questions about me as a person feel free to put them in my ask bin and i'll get around to them soon, or just read my bio to see about age or pronouns
What I Post / My Interests:
i reblog anything i find funny and that's a lot of things so expect me to be a lot of your page if you follow me
I also make my own jokes to see if people like them mainly so i might be shy and say something in the tags or i'll be funny more directly, but if you don't like my humor you may want to leave
I like lots of things but i love history stuff, music (folk punk and vocaloid are my go to genres but i love will wood too), video games, horror, anime, ttrpgs, books, and i love my friends :3
I try to not get political here since this is where i go to avoid a lot of the worlds issues for a moment but i will sometimes reblog something if it makes a point i haven't seen before and i want to share it
I'm also very horny so there will be times that i'm flirting with my mutuals somewhere or be rebloging horny stuff, usually it's very t4t bc that's who i am
Warning: The next section is horny so if you don't want to see that then get out of the ride now and have a good rest of your day :3
What I'm horny about:
Firstly i'm a switch that is very often the top, so if you're going to top me you'll have to be a little nice about it and make me feel safe (which isn't that easy)
I'm into a lot but i'll make a short list of likes and dislikes, this is NOT a comprehensive list so there will be stuff i say is more personal and you'll either have to ask me about it or just wait for me to out myself with a reblog
Likes: t4t, cuddles and other soft stuff, nipple play, cnc, furry related stuff, blood, somno, and piss
Dislikes: detrans and lots of forcefem stuff, scat and vomit, and there's probably a few i'm forgetting rn so i'll update this part later i guess
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jaded-of-mara · 9 months
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I suffer from specialist little boy syndrome. every local con i've gone to, i've been the only mara jade. HOWEVER. i knew that there would be multiple maras at legends con. and i was right
when i saw barbara hambly was going to speak at legends con, i knew i was going to have to cosplay callista. because i suffer from specialist little boy syndrome.
this is my own interpretation of callista, based on a combination of several official art pieces that i just didn't vibe with tbh. i do what i want
BUT in retrospect. if i ever decide to work with this type of vinyl again. please shoot me
anyway. a few people recognized me. i probably shouldve asked for a photo with barbara hambly but i chickened out.
i'm glad fandom is starting to reevaluate callista. because the misogyny present in some of those older fics? woof
also: new definition of hell unlocked: sitting trapped in a lightsaber sales pitch while your wig cap crawls up your head underneath your wig and you have to sit there nodding politely while trapped in a sensory nightmare
pretty tight. lotta good panels
got the unofficial guide book for dark horse star wars writers. some stuff thats applicable to fic some stuff not. vv funny to see how many of its rules the new canon violates tho
also some panels that were actually sales pitches
also some panels that couldve used some audience q&a rather than just prepared questions, but who knows what guests stipulate
i recognize that with every con there will always be some panel overlap, but the 15 minute overlap specifically felt a little harsh. day-of it wasn't as much of an issue bc of last-minute reschedulings
artist alley was a little bare, but it was a first con, things can only go up from here. shocking the places that supernatural merch can creep into tho
i shouldve come out of my shell more. or cajoled a friend into making the thousand-mile drive with me.
i might have made more friends if i had gone to cantina night but i don't drink so idk what the vibe wouldve been
i did end up meeting a tumblr mutual for breakfast in burbank proper and that was fun
to make up for not making friends day of i have been following everyone whos posted in the legends con tag. from my main which has a cring url so who knows if they know i was there
i wish i had checked out the hot tub but i didnt see the sign for where it was until i was checking out. i thought the only pool was outdoors and (see photos above) me and outdoor pools don't mix well
this is a very white trash and/or dean-coded thing to say but every hotel room should come with both continental breakfast AND a microwave
staff were vv nice but also i did feel silly walking around in my costume in the fancy lobby during an actual like. work convention
one of the organizers informally speculated that the next legends con might not be until spring/summer 2025. if thats the case, good, bc it means my body will have forgotten what it was like driving from green river utah to burbank in one day (do not recommend)
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a-wondering-thought · 6 months
Your Annoying Tumblr Mutual strikes yet again !!
I'm gonna ask you a few questions :> (these are all so random lmao) (as always, feel free to ignore ^^^)
✰ how long have you been on tumblr?
✰ how did you come up with your url/username?
✰ what’s your phone’s lock screen?
✰ do you have any piercings//tattoos? (any you’d like to get?)
✰ do you wear glasses//contacts?
✰ has anyone ever told you you have a "celebrity look-alike"? if yes, who?
✰ best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
✰ are you a collector of anything in particular? If yes, what?
Omg im so sorry i have taken so long to answer this but hiii
☆ i had to check this one but i think i made this blog in june? So nearly six months
☆ so i am really bad at coming up with usernames so i just took my old username which was apessimisticqueerswiftie and took out the queer and added some of these - things
☆ it is a picture of a rose on fire that i found on pinerest bc it was pretty although i'll probably change it soon
☆ YES I LOVE THIS QUESTION so i only have my lobes pierced BUT i definitely want a lot more in the future like maybe a few helix piercings or an industrial piercing and idk i'd be open to smth like a tongue or belly button piercing but yeah and atm i dont have any tattoos but i do definitely want them in the future and probably a lot too
☆ no i have never
☆ ohhh so i dont think so the only time that might be similar was when my friend told me i look a bit like billie eilish but she definitely isnt my "celebrity look-alike" or anything bc our face shapes are so different and we just look different in general so
☆ when my best friend told me they loved my rambles and to someone who has been made to hate my rambles that meant the world to me
☆ so i dont do this anymore but when i was like 9 i collected those erasers that looked like animals? so i have i ton of these small animal things that i have never used bc i didnt want to ruin them
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soulrph · 2 years
I'm so happy to have your blog on my dash it has shown me that I'm not the only one struggling in the rpc. I feel like the rpc has fallen into a coma, people are so wrapped up in their own bubbles that they don't interact with each other anymore (it seems) like I'm so frustrated with tumblr at this point, I'm so sorry I just don't know what to do, it's really disheartening to have like 1k followers, writing an rp blog but no matter what you do, no one sends anything at all, no asks, no memes, no starters, nothing, it makes me sad and wonder if I have done something wrong? I checked the settings twice as to make sure asks are enabled and I try to regularly send the people on my dash things but now I'm questioning myself. Like why and how are so many people following me if it feels like they don't want to interact? Of course I know many of these are lurkers but not all? I'm so confused by this to be honest...
My Question is: Am I the only one who feels like that?
my lovely friend, let me tell you something. these feelings you’re having? we ALL have them at some point in our tumblr lives. it’s perfectly natural, there’s nothing wrong with them, much less with you for having them in the first place. you understand? i want to make that much clear before i continue, because i’m getting the impression that you might be trying to take on the blame and responsibility for other people’s actions, and that’s not close to being accurate, love, okay? you’re doing just fine! and now i’m going to go into a little detail on your message. but i don’t want you to read on unless you’re feeling solid and good about yourself again, because try as we might, we’re not responsible for other people. and you mentioned that you’re very active in your efforts to make people feel comfortable, so no. don’t go blaming yourself. you’re doing nothing wrong, my love, i promise.
NOW! i say as i slap my hands on my knees like a suburban dad in an american film! except not, bc my laptop’s there, but i digress. before i continue, i want to say that i’m only one person, my suggestions may not be applicable to you. if anyone reads this post, and would like to contribute their own suggestions, you’re all welcome to hop into the comments to help our lovely friend out! this is a sideblog, however, and i will not be able to interact with these comments directly!
the first thing that i’m going to say here is that 1,000 followers is a LOT of people. like that’s overwhelming to anyone, but i feel like it could also contribute to these feelings of isolation when you have a thousand people following you and nobody’s really reaching out. that’s why i would suggest that maybe you might feel better if you try and bring that number down? it’s like this; if you host a big party, realistically speaking, you won’t be able to invite a thousand guests. it’ll be next to impossible to have these intimate personal connections with one thousand individual people, right? but if we try, say, 500 people? instantly easier to handle, i think. personally i try to keep my own limit at 150 mutuals, because i’m oftentimes too tired and too stressed to handle the idea of much more than that, and it’s much fairer to 150 people than it is for 1000 people.  plus, those 150 people are far more likely to have solid friendships with me. i’m only one person, and so are you, and we can’t be pressuring ourselves into trying to interact with 1000 people!
in your case, this also applies. 1000 people is a LOT. if you bring the number down, perhaps then you can explain to people that you will be implementing a few changes in the way you do things. you want to plot with people. you want to develop solid relationships both OOC and IC. you also might find it useful to use an interest tracker or a permanent starter and plotting call, or a few open starters are also useful! 
i’m going to repeat something here. you are not responsible for other people’s actions. there are parts of the rpc that are withdrawing from the core purpose and values of the community, and the lack of interaction is a widespread challenge. it’s not their fault. it’s just something that’s happening. that being said, you can only control YOUR experience. which sounds powerless, but it’s actually entirely the opposite!
you can make that post and say what you expect to change in your blog. “i’ll be much more active in the rpc from now on, i’m here to make friends and write with like-minded people, and i’m going to be cleaning out my followers over the coming week. if you want to stay mutuals, please let me know, but i don’t want to stay mutuals unless we intend on building a solid friendship and writing together!”
you can obviously change the wording! be as nice or as blunt as you like! but try to be firm. your experiences of the dash are yours and yours alone. my suggestions might be worth nothing to you, and that’s more than okay too! but my earlier experience in the community was very much like yours in that i had about 500 mutuals, but it was so quiet and awkward that i may as well have had 0. it only changed when i brought the number down to 150, keeping my mutuals as people who i wanted to write with and befriend, and then posted a quick psa to let people know that i was planning on actually writing much more in the future, and i would be changing certain things in my blog to accommodate that.
you don’t have to do any of this, my love. you don’t have to soft block any followers, you don’t have to make a psa, you don’t have to do anything! my decisions came from a place when i was so frustrated by being stuck in the “nothingness”, or the “meh, idk, i don’t mind, idc” phase of the community, that i just decided to shift gears and change things. the way i see it, i could have 20,000 mute, withdrawn mutuals, but just one person who i genuinely loved to chat to and plot with and write with would outshine the lot of them! fortunately i found much more than just one person, though. and i know, i KNOW, you will too.
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b0rtney · 8 months
This might be a bit of an intrusive question, so zero pressure to answer, but what’s your favourite tropes and why? (Feel free to reply to only the first part, I recognise the second is somewhat often private and personal) (P.S it’s FragileWriter - functioning technology is brilliant!! I can go on apps again! Whoo!)
In the name of fairness, one of my all time favourite tropes is the comfort element of character A fiercely protecting and defending B in their abscence; bonus points if they scheme and plot to bring B’s enemy down - but the icing on the cake is if B walks in and is left stunned at being sided with. Undying loyalty all the way, but also I just love the comrade of people being so loyal to one another that they’ll defend each other no matter what.
It’s kind of healing to write tbh 😅
Characters bonding around a warm, cosy fire via trauma stories and deep personal conversations complete with humorous exchanges is another favourite. Again, I love the unity aspect and I’m not one for small talk so I love getting into the nitty gritty.
Plus, there’s something almost symbolic about characters being in a secluded or isolated place, left to fend for themselves in the elements and forced to be in the dark, but surrounded by the light and warmth of friends or begrudging company. I like when characters are forced to be vulnerable with themselves and one another, or rather, when they choose to be.
And on that note, I shall end with long ramble with; I hope you’re having a brilliant day/night 💗
so in response to my fav trope (i have several but ill just pick a few). i LOVE genre clashes!! i love throwing a tragedy-built character into a romance, or a childrens-comedy-built character into a murder mystery thriller!!! i think exploring how two opposing things mesh and fill in each others cracks can be so fun!!!! (like when the childrens comedy character escapes murder by the culprit bc their looney toons physics defies mortality)
i ALSO love whump where one character just has the everloving SHIT beat out of them!! i find it so satisfying to write and read for some reason <3 soooo good every time. satisfies my little lizard brain hehehehehe
another is when character a is just so down bad and stupid abt it for character b, and even better when its mutual. idiots in love <33333333
weird one for the last one: i love when character a has been kidnapped, all their loved ones plan a rescue op, and then character a manages to unkidnap themselves-- ITS SO FUNNY EVERY TIME!!!! (best example i can think of is suicide squad remake where harley quinn rescues herself and encounters the rest of the squad mid-rescue, but ive written several of my own before that too)
I LOVE UR FAV TROPES AS WELL!!!! those r all so sweet!!!! i love characters scheming together heheheeh <33333 undying loyalty i am SUCH a sucker for ughhh <3333333 and the sharing of trauma is fun as well hehehe
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fantomette22 · 1 year
(Do not respond if it makes you uncomfy, reading is enough) I am late for the party but IMO it is really hypocritical when people say you can't ship ghrmria if traditionally mourning dolls were made for children and then turn around and ship mria with a woman who addresses her as her superior and is a victim of nasty experiments mria is covering up. Everyone only bothers with nuance instead of just letting people enjoy things when it is the ship they dislike.
Hello anon! Ah I know what post you read hehe (it resume really well the situation!) Thanks for the support as well ! Some people (one person in that case, can really be hypocrite yes).
I want to talk about this. I mean it's been a part of the harassment I got but you understand I don't wanna scream it out loud everything either. I don't wanna discuss some stuff publicly either so I will keep it to the essential. And well I hope I won't get bother bc of this again. (putting the rest undercut it's a big long sorry 😅)
Alright so I never actually show the ask in question I got. Only in dm to some mutuals & friends. Idk if I should share it publicly so if you want just ask me privately there's no problem I will show it. I got tons of other dumb things too but I won't share them publicly. I'm not playing that game. I'm not answering to hate with hate.
Basically, like you read before the person "ask me" more details on my view on their relationship if I think the Doll is a mourning doll (that parents made for their children) (see my essay/analysis I made a few months ago on the Doll. I will need to update it one day XD so this person might have read it). I mean yeah I think she's similar/have a similar purpose as a mourning doll but she's special. She's not your typically victorian child morning doll TM. Then, they wanted to know more about my different interprets, AUs etc
Love when people disagree bc they don’t like you but then agree with people they like who said the same thing as you… genuine evolution ? Hm…
For real I would love to talk about my many interpretations /stories about this 2 characters (with multiple interprets contradicting each others) but I want a genuine question from someone I know / someone I can put a name one. (even sending the ask on anon but telling in dm who is it is ok too! 👍)
Not someone hiding being anon and with vicious intend. Not someone who's stalking my blog (not a follower), previously (and after) fake approval of my ship content* and harassed me repetitiously for weeks if not months because I interact some times to times with someone they don't like.
*before that I got a "backhanded fake approval" over some drawings I did. Telling me "oh it's cute and all. You're doing it the right way" but then twisting it in a disgusting way with some awful sexist comments... trying to pass the fans of the pairing (and myself?) for bad people I guess? I did answer to it but call them out a bit too. It's on private now. I might have a link somewhere (because well I did spend some times writing cool ideas I want to keep for later)
At first I wasn't sure it was the same person (the fake approval, thoughts about the morning dolls and the harassing asks). But I had doubt so I never answer it. I'm glad I did because surprise ! IT WAS THE SAME PERSON all along ! (when I block ip address it was all deleted) Like wow harassing me, trolling me and trying to fake a genuine question before harassing me more? wow people are sure fascinating. (I really want do believe in you bud ! hope you become a better person !)
I took some precautions as well after all of this. That would be a shame to go private or disable anon ask for 1 bad behaved person. I hope it will be alright now and that I won't get bother anymore.
So about the other ship you mention... at first I was positive toward it but because of a few persons well I tend to be way neutral towards it now (and it's still the main thing in a minor AU of mine lol). Personally, I think, because of my view of Blood.borne world, the healing church, the research hall... that after the experiments began on her it doesn't really work/make sense for me anymore... But I won't go bother people who imagine/interpret a softer version just to be happy and have fun ! got for it guys!
But for real the wort ship experience I had so far was in Kingdom H/earts fandom XD (love this series too) imagined you follow smn cool (twi.tter) and they indirectly punch you? "oh I know the difference between who's a friend and not if you ship characters a&b or not" 💀 like wtf sure you prefer them being friends but don't insult people liking the paring ? specially when there's clues about it idk??
I feel it's more a problem of respecting other people (& their thoughts) than proving they're not canon/ accurate or not. it's not even analysis against facts it's just how I think your ideas (and you) sucks because it's my ideas are not the same.
It’s impossible to 100% agree with everyone about everything. But if it’s not hurting anyone/ dangerous ideas just minimum respect pls. That already hurt enough people throw history and still today (but well the internet..)
I would love to talk more about the characters I love really but all this is making me exhaust mentally. Even when people are nice and calm about it I'm still concerned smn is gonna understand things wrong and just decide to go bother instead of just ignoring it.
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hellsvestibule · 2 years
About: Friends on here call me pan, not my real name but if you want to talk to me you can use it. Im in my mid 30s, I’m bi and nb, I’m white
Sketch blog: @ppinfinate
finished art blog @wormholy
Previous blog: @void-official
If you want more explanation before you follow it’s under the cut
If you just want art it’s better to follow my art blogs. Most of my art gets posted here either first or afterwards but it’s never as organized or well tagged because I feel sort of scared to tag what I judge to be bad or mediocre art, even though I’ve been trying to get better about this for the sake of not relying on mutuals to boost. in general I am bad about tagging. If you need content specifically tagged so you can block it and I don’t know you well it’s honestly just safer not to follow bc whether or not I tag depends on if I’m scrolling with intent (not likely) or just tossing out 10 posts in a row unthinkingly (usually the case)
I do like to reblog like psychedelic horror and things that might be uncanny or upsetting to certain people (blood. Insects etc) if these in particular bother you that goes double for the “probability shouldn’t follow.”
in terms of fandom a lot of people I follow are in Fate/ so that’s a lot of what gets posted but I like and will post a lot of other stuff. A lot of the fandoms I interact with have pretty problematic elements or aspects. Believe it or not I do complain about this occasionally but not constantly so if you feel the need to inform me like. I’m aware, and I probably have talked about it at several points
The content I post generally isn’t nsfw but I want to keep the blog 20+ because I just don’t need unaccounted for minors following me. It’s fine if you reblog posts from me and I won’t necessarily block you just for being a minor I just don’t want to garner a following of mostly people half my age. I realize I’m one of the few oldheads left from the OG sick sad website but it’s my nest I laid my eggs here I have lots of friends here. My old blog is void-official btw it’s not abandoned outright but it’s not attached to this one either so you won’t see me use it much anymore. If we were mutuals there and I didn’t Refollow you here it’s probably either because you didn’t post much or were someone I barely talked to and mostly posted content I don’t vibe with, not because I hate you. I had that blog for like 10 years I needed a fresh start.
I will block people at my discretion. I’m not going to list out all my morals and reasons here bc most of those people won’t bother with me in the first place. In general I only block people who repeatedly badgered me or hurt me personally. Otherwise I’m pretty friendly. my DMs are open even to non followers. Just be reasonable. don’t use my ask box like DMs I will not publish them, if you have questions or anything I promise talking to me directly won’t hurt you, and don’t be creepy or weird if I don’t respond to you right away, because then I Will block you
Lastly. I have issues pertaining to mental and physical health which I talk about in more detail occasionally but try to keep vague since it’s really not anyones business if they don’t know me well, just as a precursor if my emotions seem all over the place sometimes. Again I’m open about that as the need arises, I often make a warning if I’m having some sort of relapse and feel aggitated or paranoid but if you aren’t affected by it then there’s no reason to display it publicly. I should be good most of the time, I have a decent grasp of what I need to do to regulate myself, but it’s worth noting.
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elytrafemme · 2 years
uhm 👉🏽👈🏽 so okay uHHH number 10 and 60 ( my question is: what’s something positive that’s happened to u recently :D )
10. Do you friends or family know about your Blog?
So one of my IRL friends, my best friend of like fuck it must be 7 or so years by now maybe 6 probably something like that, follows this blog but xe is literally never on tumblr so xe has not seen any of my inane ramblings. I should text xem I'll do that in a sec
Aside from that my GF knows that I have a blog but I havent said the URL so when we want to send tumblr posts to each other we just take shitty photos of our laptop screens so its all pixelated and shit then text one another
everyone else no no no no NO aboslutely NOT
60. What's something positive that's happened to you recently?
hm. huh. well I wrote a lot of words for CS today which was really nice and yeah I had other shit to do but the amount I wrote means I'm pretty much clear from having to stress about CS for at least a few days so I'll have time to do other stuff. so that was pretty lovely.
i dunno dude. I think everything is positive pretty much. I've been in a weird space bc being slightly off physically kind of does that to you, at least to me, no matter how frequent it happens I sitll get thrown off when I'm physically unwell. but like. there are birds outside and lovely songs to listen to and I was on a VC with some friends yesterday and I got to just listen to them tell stories and I really love when people tell stories. and my mom folded up a pair of linen pants I really like when I threw them off yesterday presumably delirious and my sister helped me open up a box of pudding and my mutual texted me a link to a really beautiful play. and it was sunny this morning and it might be sunny tomorrow but if it isn't than the flowers will be full of water and keep living. I haven't given up on learning the guitar yet. mother just came in to tell me what pain meds to take tonight
anyway point being. I dunno how to answer that because it doesn't always feel like something strongly positive has stuck out to me but like everything is positive. the shitty things are negative obviously but there is positive stuff in every corner. and there's only shitty stuff sometimes. and the positive stuff doesn't go away when it gets shitty. so no matter how apathetic I get there's a lot
sorry this is a very philosophical answer I dunno I just have difficulty naming one positive thing that's happened. I've been thinking about how much I love my friends and how painful and lovely that is it's like breathing you know? maybe that's my no. 1 positive thing. I guess I just hope they know and maybe they don't yet but either way it's good. we'll all get there eventually.
also extra positive thing but you've said like just a few days ago you were a bit intimidated interacting but you've been in my asks a LOT and that's been really nice so that's extra good. one of my favorite things in the world. when people see me as the circus clown fool i am and are less afraid. i dunno I think you're cool I think the world is cool we should all go to a river and skip some stones Im very bad at that though.
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