#I love how I found out about ding ding shes so cute
achillean-knight · 9 months
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I think imma just buy the first comic of Spider-Man Noir (Bc I only found issues #1, #4 & #5 available in my whole state 😔) then read the rest online lol
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satorisoup · 24 days
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ft. kento nanami
cw : fluff. bakery owner! reader. nanami being absolutely smitten with you.
wc : 897
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nanami absolutely despised work environments. he didn’t like the exhausting feeling of sitting in an office, day to day, with nothing but papers and an annoying ring of the telephone to keep him company. he didn’t enjoy the daily routine of work, eat, work again, sleep, repeat. it was getting far too repetitive, and quite frankly, boring. how could he enjoy anything when work was always in the way?
that was until he spotted the cute little bakery on the corner during his lunch one day, practically calling his name to come inside.
as fate would have it, he entered through the dainty doors out of pure curiosity, and with the “—ding!” of a bell, he was greeted with the brightest, cheery smile he thinks he’s ever come across. the excited “ welcome! ” and delicious pastries reeled him in like a fish on a hook, met with a sweet girl dressed in an apron behind the counter. nanami believes he may have just found a gold mine.
he browsed the desserts from behind the glass case, unsure of what to decide on. the strawberry scones? maybe tiramisu? wait, there’s chocolate chip cookies too? he was stuck in his thoughts, options seemingly endless.
and you, an angel sent down to earth, began to speak again, tone sweet like honey, “ first time here? i can recommend you a few things if you’d like, sir. ”
nanami left with an entire box of pastries that day, and he didn’t have one single regret.
the next day, the same situation followed. and the day after, and again after that. his own legs began to betray him, automatically leading him straight down the path to your beloved bakery every time the clock hit 11:15. soon enough, he became one of your most loyal regulars.
you were incredibly warm and inviting. a breath of fresh air, giving him the push he needed to continue through his primitive work day. lunch time was his secret guilty pleasure, which was getting to buy some sweet desserts from an even sweeter girl, who called him “ mister nanami ” as she welcomed him in with a honeyed hello. over time, nanami started to realize that not only were you a pleasant person, but you were also incredibly endearing.
that now leads nanami to his latest predicament, which was how to ask for your phone number without looking like an idiot.
it starts with him showing up to your shop, dressed in his usual work atire, you looking in his direction at the sound of the bell. he makes his way to the display case, mind still whirring with what he should say.
“ oh! mister nanami, i have a new treat today! would you like to try one? ”
nanami is snapped out of his churring decisions, turning to you as you hold out a tray of what you had decided to make today. ah, strawberry sundaes.
“ oh, i’d love to. ” is what he responds with, smiling as you nod your head, taking one to neatly package up for him.
nanami watched your soft, delicate hands wrap his dessert in a pretty cellaphane, all the while you hum to yourself in content as you tie a bow to close it off. your soft humming to the tune that plays like a melody is all too enticing, and— oh, he’s staring. you’ve really got him wrapped around your sugar coated fingers, without a single idea of it. nanami curses himself, really, for not being man enough to grab your phone number before this. hm, how improper and cowardly of him.
“ here you are ! please, tell me how it tastes. i tried a new recipe ! ”
nanami is about to hit his thirties and yet, he feels like a child with the way his heart rate picks up at the sound of your voice. he shovels the comically tiny spoon into the sundae before taking a bite with everything on it.
you’re beautiful and you surely can make a mean sundae. that’s one thing for certain.
“ it’s delicious, as always. how much do i owe you ? let me grab my wallet— ”
“ it’s on the house ! ”
and another thing, you were just so damn generous.
“ i couldn’t possibly— ”
“ mister nanami, i insist ! you’re here almost every day, it’s the least i can do for my favorite customer ! ”
oh ?
nanami thinks all of his logistics may have been thrown out of the window, because the second he heard the implication of him being your favorite customer, accompanied by the precious blush that covers your cheeks, he really doesn’t mind being bold for once in his life.
“ ah. well i don’t want to be greedy, but i wouldn’t mind having something else on the house… ”
“ of course ! anything at all really, what would you like ? ” you innocently asked.
“ is your phone number on the menu ? ”
not a day in nanami’s life would he of ever expected himself to use such a cheesy pick up line on the sweetest girl, but when he sees that same old smile that drew him to you in the first place, he doesn’t regret it one bit.
“ for here or to go, mister nanami ? ”
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severelystrangewriter · 8 months
Meddling Friends (Kids) (Flufftober 2023 Day 7)
Pairing: shinichiro sano x female reader
WC: 1440
Warnings: none
Summary: shinichiro is lonely so emma, mikey, and izana take matters into their own hands
Note: idk how dating apps work but this idea was just too cute to pass up
“How tall is he?” Emma asked as she, Mikey, and Izana stared at the bio page of the dating app they downloaded on their older brother Shinichiro’s phone. They were currently huddled on the couch as they discussed it seriously.
“Like, six feet,” Mikey responded.
Emma hummed thoughtfully before typing, “I’ll put six foot two.”
“But that’s lying,” Izana argued.
“It’s for Shin’s sake,” Emma defended, “Now I need some interests, uh…”
“Motorcycles,” The three teenagers said at the same time and Emma diligently typed it out. Then she sat back thoughtfully, “Is that really all he has going for him?”
“Pretty much,” Mikey shrugged.
Emma shook her head, “We’ve gotta come up with something else… How about ‘I like to take long walks in the park and enjoy nature’ or something like that?”
“But that’d be even more lying,” Izana sighed.
“Do you want him to get a girlfriend or not?” Emma snapped, “This is Shin’s only hope, so we have to make him look good.”
“Put ‘loves kids’, some ladies like that stuff,” Mikey added, “And it’s true.”
Emma agreed and put it down, “Now all we need are some pictures.”
She went through his selfies and found the best photos of their older brother and added them to the profile. Then she smiled in satisfaction as she hit the finish button.
“Alright, it’s done!”
“What’s done?” Shinichiro’s voice sounded from the doorway causing the three siblings to jump in fright.
Emma was the first to recover as she proudly held out the phone, “Your dating profile!”
“I’ve been looking everywhere for this thing,” Shinichiro said as he took the phone back, then his sister’s words registered, “Wait, what dating profile?”
He looked down and his eyes widened at the sight of the dating app that hadn’t been there before.
“We took the liberty of making you one,” Izana explained, “You’re welcome.”
“Well I’m deleting it,” Shinichiro replied.
“No!” Emma tried to take the cell back, but he held it high in the air out of her reach. Mikey had the perfect solution and jumped on his older brother’s back, wrestling him to the floor as it became an all-out brawl for the phone. Just then his cell dinged with a notification, causing everyone to perk up.
Emma gasped excitedly, “Someone’s interested!”
“Really?” Shinichiro couldn’t keep the delight out of his tone as he sat up and looked back down at the device. He clicked on the notification and the dating app showed your bright smiling face. He made a noise, sounding impressed.
“She’s cute,” Mikey commented, peeking over his shoulder to see your picture.
Emma quickly scanned your bio and gasped again, “She sounds perfect for you!”
“You think?” Shinichiro found himself asking as he also looked over your information. “Well what do I do?”
“I think you swipe to match,” Izana explained, taking the phone and doing just that. Then he handed it back and continued, “Then you just message her.”
“Message her?” Shinichiro repeated in surprise, “What would I even say?”
“Well most people start with a hello,” Izana said like it was obvious.
“No! Do a joke! Show her you’re funny!” Emma advised.
“Is he though?” Mikey questioned blankly.
“I can be funny,” Shinichiro argued, furrowing his brows.
Before he could think of something to say, you sent the first message. 
“Is that her? What’d she say?” Emma asked.
“She said ‘hey’ with a smiley face,” Shinichiro answered, “Quick what do I say?”
“Just say it back,” Mikey shrugged, “Come on, you’ve held a conversation before.”
Ignoring that last part, Shinichiro did just that and soon you were replying.
That was the start of many messages shared between you and Shin. You two seemed to hit it off really well and had quite a bit in common. He found your mannerisms endearing and just genuinely enjoyed talking to you.
However, after about a month, Shinichiro still had yet to ask you on a date, the whole reason why the younger Sano siblings downloaded the app in the first place. Which is exactly what led them to take matters into their own hands once more.
“Have you guys seen my phone?” Shinichiro asked one day as he walked into the living room only to see Emma, Mikey, and Izana huddled around it again. “What are you doing?”
“Talking to (Y/n),” Emma replied nonchalantly, being the one actually holding the device.
“What?! With my phone? Did you at least tell her it was you?”
“No,” Mikey answered bluntly, and before Shinichiro could get his phone back, the phone dinged with a message.
Emma read it first and squealed excitedly, “She said yes!”
Shinichiro was lost, “Yes? Yes to what?”
Emma simply handed his phone over to her older brother with a smug smile on her face. “You have a date tomorrow!”
“You didn’t,” Shinichiro sounded breathless as he snatched the phone out of her hands. His heart was pounding in his chest as he looked over the messages of them asking you out by pretending to be him and you enthusiastically agreeing.
“It’s at the zoo at ten o’clock tomorrow morning,” Izana explained.
“You’re welcome,” Mikey added.
Shinichiro didn’t know what to do or say. It’s not like he could cancel the date because he didn’t want to seem like he wasn’t interested- he was very interested. He was just surprised you said yes.
So Shinichiro sucked it up and decided that he would make it the best date ever.
The next morning you both met up at the train station and made your way to the zoo. You were wearing a cute outfit and Shinichiro just put on a pair of nice jeans with a crisp white shirt that Emma insisted he ironed.
The date was going a lot smoother than Shinichiro thought it would go, much to his relief. You both laughed and joked as you went around to see the animals. There was even a point where you took the initiative and started holding his hand.
Finally, you suggested stopping somewhere for lunch which he agreed. You found a nice little restaurant and were currently waiting for your food.
“So is there a reason we’re being tailed by three kids wearing sunglasses, all pretending to read a newspaper?” You asked lowly out of nowhere, startling him.
Shinichiro furrowed his brows and you subtly nodded your head to the side, gesturing to a table not too far away. And sure enough, when he looked over he saw Mikey, Emma, and Izana sitting at the table, peeking over a big newspaper while wearing sunglasses. When they noticed they had been caught, they quickly ducked their heads behind the paper.
“They stick out like a sore thumb,” Shinichiro felt a wave of irritation as his eye twitched. They really don’t trust him to do anything, huh?
“I take it you know them?” You asked as you took a sip of your drink.
“Those are my siblings I was telling you about,” He replied with a huff.
“The ones that made your profile?” You tipped your lips up into a teasing smile, “And asked me out for you?”
Shinichiro buried his face in his hands and groaned, “Yes.”
You started giggling despite his distress.
“It’s not funny,” He whined, peeking at you through his fingers which made you laugh harder.
“It’s hilarious,” You responded, then when you gained some semblance of control, you grinned at him, “And actually really sweet. It just shows that they care about you.”
At this, Shinichiro lowered his hands, “You’re not weirded out?”
“Nah,” You shook your head, then you shrugged, “Do you wanna invite them to join us?”
“But what about our date?” He questioned.
“Do you want to spend the rest of our date being watched like zoo animals?” You countered, “Come on, it’ll be a nice bonding experience.”
Shinichiro felt a soft smile grow on his face, “You’re so cool.”
“I know,” You said sweetly.
And so you and Shinichiro invited the three teens to join you. They didn’t seem the slightest bit guilty for crashing your date as they immediately started asking you all sorts of questions to get to know you better. Shinichiro watched in fascination and adoration as you clicked with his siblings without hesitation.
They suggested going to the aquarium which was nearby and you walked with Shinichiro, holding his hand and laughing as Emma, Mikey, and Izana started pointing out fishes that they claimed looked like their older brother. Despite all the teasing, Shinichiro felt so grateful towards his younger siblings for meddling in his love life and leading him right to you.
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bittenbyyou · 1 year
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High School!AU | Peter Parker x Reader
genre: fluff
description: Just Peter Parker falling for you and coming up with the silliest plan to talk to you more.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: some Spider-Man Homecoming spoilers, Peter being a dork lol
a/n: Hello! This is my first time writing for Peter and I’m such nervous posting it, but I adore him and thought the origin story of how my bf and I got together suited Peter so well. Lol. So enjoy! 
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The first time Peter heard about you was in freshman year when you were ranked number one in academics, earning jealous stares from everyone. But not from him; he was rather impressed.
Sophomore year was when your name came up again through his ex-girlfriend, Liz. Turns out you were her partner for an English project, which he didn’t think much of. He was happy with Liz… until he defeated her dad, who turned out to be a villain called “The Vulture”, and she and her mom moved to Oregon afterwards…
Anyway, it was now junior year and for the first time ever, he had a class with you—good ol’ AP U.S. History. 
“Dude, over here,” Ned called out from the first row of seats near the back corner. Peter smiled at his best friend and made his way over, taking the seat behind him.
“Hey Ned.”
“So glad we have another class together.”
“You said it.”
The two made small talk until you arrived, taking the seat next to Ned. He was mutual friends with a lot of your friends, so you felt comfortable sitting next to someone you were at least acquainted with rather than a stranger.
“Hi Ned,” you said sweetly.
“Oh [Y/N], you’re in this class too? Nice!” Ned gestured a hand towards Peter. “This is my best friend, Peter.”
“Peter… Parker, right?” you asked. Peter was surprised you knew his full name, but then remembered Liz. He nodded his head a few too many times, but you found it endearing. 
“Y-Yeah. Hi.”
“Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m [Y/N].”
Wow. You were cute.
“Sup losers,” a deadpanned voice said from behind you. You turned around to see MJ, jumping out of your seat to give her a big hug. 
“MJ! We’re in the same class, yay!”
“I know you’re not hugging me this early in the morning,” she said with her index finger raised. 
“You know you love me.”
She gave you two pats on the back and you let go, giggling at her expression of faux disgust. You returned to your seat, which was in the middle of MJ and Ned. MJ then quickly whipped her head around to look at Peter.
“Sup Parker,” MJ said with a salute of two fingers.
“Hey MJ.”
“You met [Y/N] yet?”
“Yeah, Ned introduced us… you know her too?”
“Met her in an elective. She looked lonely.”
“You make me sound like a loser with no friends,” you said, pouting your lips. 
“I have no friends either.”
“You have me!” you chirped.
“And what about us?” Ned asked, gesturing back and forth to him and Peter.
“Whatever,” MJ brushed off. The three of you laughed while Peter watched, feeling somewhat left out even though he was mentioned. 
“I’m a bit jealous. You all already know each other,” you said. Wow, you said exactly what he was thinking. They knew you, but he didn’t.
“Well the only person you don’t know is Peter and I only met him because of the decathlon. He’s really not all that interesting,” MJ said, smirking in his direction. 
“Are you serious? Peter’s the coolest,” Ned said, hyping him up like a true best friend. “Peter knows Sp—”
“Dude!” Peter exclaimed, hinting at him to shut up with his deadly glare. 
Ned chuckled nervously. “I mean… you’ll get to know him, [Y/N]. And he’ll get to know you.”
Saved by the bell.
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From that day on, the four of you grew closer. Group work was always in teams of four in that class which worked out perfectly. Peter quickly learned you hated presentations because you would freeze up and trip on your words, so he volunteered to present instead just to hear you thank him and flash that sweet smile.
At lunch, Ned always invited you and MJ to join him and that’s when Peter learned how passionate you were about food. Specifically the school’s chicken alfredo. 
“It’s delicious!” you said, doing a little happy dance after eating a forkful of pasta. 
“It’s gross, processed food. Do we even know if it’s chicken?” MJ asked, eyeing the meat on her fork suspiciously. 
“I don’t care, I’m still eating it,” you said, enjoying the noms. 
“Aren’t you lactose intolerant?” Ned asked.
“That’s not stopping me.”
“I’m lactose intolerant,” Peter said without thinking. Everyone stared at him with a variety of expressions. MJ was skeptical, Ned was confused, and you were surprised. 
“I literally saw you eating ice cream yesterday,” MJ pointed out. 
“And his bowels paid for it,” Ned lied. Peter let out a nervous laugh.
“Hah, yeah, I was on the toilet… for hours.” You placed a hand over your mouth, trying your best not to laugh. “But I’m fine now!”
“Are you sure you should be eating lunch today then?” you asked. “Wouldn’t want your bowels to hurt again. I’ll do the honors of reducing food waste and eat it for you.”
MJ and Ned stared at Peter. Well, MJ was daring him to eat it with her piercing eyes while Ned gave him a knowing look.
“You can have it,” Peter said warmly, sliding his tray of food over to you.
“Yay!” you cheered. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
Because honestly seeing you eat and doing that happy dance again filled him up more than any food could. You were too cute.
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Peter was sure of it. He definitely had a crush on you. It took him until almost the end of first semester to realize it, but he knew now. 
He liked how smart you were. The way you answered any question the teacher threw at you so flawlessly was a mystery to him because history bored him. 
He liked how funny you were. The way you were passionately defending why mayo was the superior condiment against MJ and her love for ketchup made him die of laughter. 
He liked how kind you were. The way you helped another girl plan a dance for her quinceanera despite having so much homework. 
He liked how cute you were. The way you fell asleep in class after being the first to finish your test. 
He even liked how clueless you were. The way you knew absolutely nothing about Star Wars but still allowed him to ramble on and on about it in class and listen to him with a caring heart. 
Yup. He definitely liked you. 
A lot.
But he didn’t know how to tell you. You two didn’t hang out outside of school at all and he was so darn shy. It wasn’t until he and MJ hung out at Ned’s place one day when an opportunity arose. You were invited to his house as well, but you declined because of some projects you left till the last minute. 
The trio were building Legos and at one point Ned had to go downstairs and help his lola cook dinner while MJ and Peter remained upstairs. She was sitting on Ned’s bed while Peter was on the floor continuing to build the Lego Death Star. 
“I’m going to give you some advice, Pete,” MJ started to say. Peter looked up at her in confusion.
“About what?”
“About [Y/N].”
His eyes started to wander around the room. “W-What about [Y/N]?”
“What do you think about her?”
“What do I think a-about her? What’s not to think, she’s sweet. She’s nice. She’s kind.”
“Those are synonyms.”
“She’s smart. God, she is so smart, and she gets my jokes and actually laughs at them and—”
“Yup. You like her.”
His face fell. “No… No… No~.”
“So should I call her for you?” She whipped out her phone and Peter panicked.
“Why not? You have got to talk to her.”
“I do talk to her.”
“Outside of school,” MJ specified. “I have her number if you want it.”
“No, she’ll find it weird if I text her out of nowhere.”
“So you’re going to continue staring at her when she’s not looking like a total creep?”
“I don’t… I don’t stare,” Peter mumbled. MJ rolled her eyes at his denial.
“You do,” she teased. “Look, I’m going to the restroom. Here’s my phone. Do whatever you’d like with it.”
If Peter was a creep, then MJ was a psychopath because who would let anyone use their phone so freely? He still took the device from her hands and waited until he was alone to tap your name in MJ’s messages. His heart was racing at the thought of having your number, but he didn’t feel ready for it. 
So… he did something else.
5:44 PM | MJ🖤: Hey 🙂
Yikes. He really was a creep.
5:45 PM | You 😇: Hi MJ! What’s up? Did y’all finish building the Legos?
Peter smiled to himself at your enthusiastic greeting. 
5:45 PM | MJ🖤: No, not yet. Ned left us to help with dinner. How are you?
Your next reply didn’t come as fast this time. Peter panicked, wondering if he said something weird. Then again, this whole situation was borderline crazy.
5:49 PM | You 😇: I’m doing my homework. It’s so boring. Wish I was with you all. 🥺
5:50 PM | MJ🖤: We wish you were here too. 💖
Peter saw the thought bubble with three dots pop up, eagerly waiting for your reply. 
5:50 PM | You 😇: Hey MJ… I have a question.
5:50 PM | MJ🖤: Go for it.
5:50 PM | You 😇: Who are you? Lol.
Shit. Shit. Shit. You knew. Oh my god, Peter’s life was over. He got up off the floor and started pacing around the room in panic. 
5:51 PM | You 😇: I know you’re not MJ… so either you stole her phone and I’m going to have to report you for identity theft or she let you use her phone. 
5:53 PM | MJ🖤 : Okay, it’s Peter. Don’t report me. 🥺
He held his breath for your next response, facepalming himself for getting caught so fast.
5:53 PM | You 😇: Peter, why are you pretending to be MJ? If you wanted to text me, I could’ve just given you my number. Haha.
5:53 PM | MJ🖤 : Wait, really? I’m sorry. Idk why I did that.😅
5:53 PM | You 😇: Yeah. Here’s my number XXX-XXX-XXXX. Please text me as yourself. Lolol. 
Peter had the biggest grin spread across his face as he fell onto Ned’s bed in relief. He couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. By some miracle he did it. He got your number… he actually got your number. 
“Why are you staring at my phone like a creepy serial killer?” He looked up to see MJ leaning against Ned’s door frame. 
“Uh… I got her number?”
“... You’re going to kill me.”
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th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 16 days
Pairing: Natasha X fem reader
Fluff :)
Warnings: none I think. Nat being jealous hehe
The start is written by @azaleavolkova so full credits to them!
Nats pov:
As per the end of a tough mission, a stark party was thrown. Probably one of the biggest yet, all paid for by Stark. I don't even think he monitors or has anyone to monitor who comes in. And that's why I'm here, I was invited as a plus one, to my beloved soon-to-be spouse. Yes, I'm engaged. And yes, I love them as much as my heart can. I mean, I'm constantly thinking about them.
Anyway, here I am, in the elevator at the Avengers Tower, in a black, long flowy dress, the straps of the dress wrapped delicately around my neck. Along with the dress, I have a cute little moonstone teardrop pendant with little tree branches on the sides on my neck, completing my outfit.
A ding rang throughout the elevator, the doors opening soon after. My eyes widen almost immediately after I saw how many people were here. I quickly regained my composure, walking through the doors confidently, looking around the room and seeing widen eyes, even some dropped jaws.
"Pick up your jaws, or else a fly will get it's way into it." As soon as I said that, a little fly flew its way into one of the guests' mouths, being spit out just as quickly as it went in.
I roll my eyes and walk through the crowds. Ignoring the stares and attention. My eyes searching for my fiancee. But unfortunately they aren't here yet. I silently curse and walk down to the bar.
Its been half an hour. I'm on the sidelines of the party mainly surveying the entry. But since my fiancee hasn't shown up yet I've decided to amuse the men that have conveniently surrounded me and offered drinks or a cigarette. Eventually I take one of the men up on their offer and take a glass of champagne from the man.
The guy himself isn't too bad looking. He has dark messy hair and brown eyes of the chocolate variety and if I wasn't engaged and in a happy relationship I would've given him a shot. But I found the love of my life and have no interest in the guy.
I chat amongst the men. My eyes lingering on the entrance. Though another blond man blocks my view leaving me slightly pissed. Now how am I meant to see my glorious fiancee when they walk in!?
It's been another half hour. I'm almost sick of the men. I'm holding my third glass of champagne and yet they still haven't shown up yet. I think atleast. That is until a group of men part slightly and I see her.
There standing in a teal dress that blends into navy blue is my fiancee y/n. And she looks gorgeous. Her hair styled into a braided crown. My eyes glued. I don't even remember the fact I'm surrounded by men until one speaks up about how he'd take my woman. I am now very tempted to rip his head off. But y/n would be disappointed if I ruined this night to I refrain till later.
"hold my drink boys. I'm going in."
I smirk as I hand one of the men my glass. His mouth opening slightly. I fix my red hair and step away from the group, ignoring the shocked stares from the men who thought they had a chance. I walk over to the greatest woman in my life and I kiss the back of her hand.
"glad you could join us darling."
I mumble against her skin as I pull y/n close. I've missed her. But I do get a giggle from the love of my life.
"Tasha it seems you have a shocked fan club behind you."
Y/n smiles. I roll my eyes. I could care less for the mob I just left. Instead focusing on y/n.
"let's not discuss them."
I ask as I step away from y/n pulling in her hand. She has pearl bracelets on. They look almost as pretty as she does. Y/n smiles back.
"you seem jealous."
Y/n grins. I look less amused.
"one was being unprofessional when describing a relation he wished to have with you."
I speak low. Jealousy flashing through my eyes. I know it does because y/n laughs.
"don't worry Tasha I only have eyes for you."
The affirmative voice calms down the green monster inside me. I pull y/n into a kiss she easily reciprocates. I want to hold onto the moment forever.
A/n: This is a work that was started by @azaleavolkova and full credits to her. The rest of the fic is my own original work however. The first four paragraphs were written by @azaleavolkova.
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onlymingyus · 5 months
Tied to your Body (Patreon Exclusive Teaser)
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pairing; kim mingyu x f reader
genre; smut (minors dni), fluff (somehow)
warnings; TA!Mingyu, University Student!Reader, Camboy!Mingyu, Professor Joshua Hong (that's a warning), eating/drinking, alcohol, masturbation (m & f), lots of dirty talk, masturbation on stream, pictures taken and sent of dick/pussy, talk of sexual health, aftercare, Dom!Mingyu, sub!reader, Dom/sub dynamics, color system, subspace, dumbification, praise, pet names, degradation, crying, spitting on pussy, fingering, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, cum eating, some light impact play -- I think that is everything.
w/c; 13.3k and some change (1.4 k this teaser)
a/n; I love camboy love sick Mingyu. thank you to @onlyhuis for betareading this for me! a huge thank you to @onlyseokmins for making the instagram graphics for me! thank you for your patience in waiting for this one. I really needed this break.
this fic is a Patreon Exclusive subscribe to my Patreon and click here
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Running the back of your pen along your bottom lip, you sigh, finally leaning back from your desk. You had been looking at the same page of your physics textbook for an hour. It felt like your brain was beginning to feel like jello. A familiar ding from your cellphone made you bite down on the end of your pen as you reached for the phone, the corners of your lips pulling up into a slight smirk. 
ariespic_46 is live
You tried not to waste your money. It was hard enough to be a college student and to share an apartment instead of living in a dorm but sometimes spoiling yourself was important. It was hard enough trying to balance a part-time job and a full-time course work schedule; you rarely found time to go to parties and the relationship pool was limited. 
You had dated during your time at the university but it had been brief and no one had ever kept your attention for longer than a month. Over time, classes became more important and you found other ways to find pleasure, even if it cost you a few extra bucks a month to indulge in. 
Opening your laptop, you find yourself entranced by the man on your screen as he smiles, leaning back in his chair. He never showed anything above his nose. You wished you could see his entire face. With as handsome as he was from the nose down, you were drooling over this camboy almost daily. 
As ariespic_46 lets out a breath, you find yourself doing the same as you lay on your side on your bed in the dark. He was dressed in some tan dress pants, a white button up that was already unbuttoned down to the top of his abs, the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. He looked like a dream. You couldn’t help but look over every detail that you were privy to. He had the cutest freckle on the end of his nose and sharp canines that he bit down into his bottom lip with when he was especially horny, like now. 
“Hi pups. I missed you.” 
A small squeak slips from your lips when the man finally talks. He was such a tease. He would sometimes just sit there for minutes while the chat went crazy, asking for things, just his biceps flexing as he stretched out his fingers in clear amusement at how needy the chat was. 
“Aw, you missed me too, didn’t you? That’s cute.” 
The man leans his head back and you try to move your head so you can see more of him but as usual, it's in vain. He had his camera set up for this. He didn’t want his face fully on the screen and while you could respect it, you were still curious. 
“It was a long day. You have no idea. I’m all wound up... Having to be this professional in front of others while I think about doing this later. God…” The man grins, his canines on display, as he lifts his hips, undoing his dress pants. “And then the teasing I put up with on a daily fucking basis. I don’t think she even realizes she’s doing it.” 
You furrow your brows. He talked about some girl on his streams sometimes. You didn’t mind; no one seemed to. It got him even more excited to think about this girl who teased him during the day. You wondered what it would be like to be her—to be the one on his mind all day and night. The one that made him want to wrap his hand around his thick cock and stroke it until he came so hard. You imagine you are her sometimes; he makes it easy for you to, with how he talks to the stream. 
“Wanna put you on your knees in front of me for teasing me like that?" 
Watching ariespic_46 closely, your eyes follow as he kicks his pants somewhere off the screen. The man smirked, leaning back in his chair, knowing eyes were on him. He could see the viewer count and it never disappointed him. Your eyes were moving over the bit of his chest that was exposed as his fingers undid the rest of his shirt, leaving him in his dress shirt and briefs as a long, sighing groan slipped from his lips. 
“Can’t help but think how pretty you’d look if you were. So fucking pretty every day and acting so innocent like you don’t realize I’m looking at you.” 
You sigh, your bottom lip jutting out, as the man talks to the girl through you and the other viewers. You feel a bit of shame as you run your fingers along your stomach and play with the tie of your pajama pants but it’s not enough to stop you. 
Glancing at the comments, you can’t help but agree with a few of them, saying they’d never ignore him. You couldn’t imagine ignoring someone like ariespic_46, not on purpose. There was no one who went to your university who came close to looking like him. 
When the man wraps his fingers around his cock for the first time, you have to close your eyes to the sound that slips out between his pretty lips. You loved the sounds he made. He never tried to keep them quiet or to himself. He just let them be as erotic as possible and it made you drip around your fingers that were now slowly sliding through your folds. 
“Are you being a good girl for me? My pretty little pup? Are you gonna cum for me when I cum tonight?” 
Whimpering, you nod even though he can’t see you. You weren’t one who took the time to comment while he touched himself and spoke. You knew he wouldn’t recognize names from chat anyway. He did, however, acknowledge tips and that you did when you let yourself think with your pussy more than your brain. 
“Mm, thank you, Nabi.” 
Hearing part of your username on ariespic_46’s lips as he moans, pre-cum slipping over his fingers, makes you press your lips together. You hadn’t sent him much—just $30—but for a student, that was more than you should be spending on porn. 
Pressing your nose against your arm, you adjust yourself on the bed, watching the man groan louder as he got closer to his climax. You had started to be able to tell when it was going to happen. The way his mouth fell open, the way his groans got more urgent and drawn out, his fingers of his right hand gripping the arm of his chair for dear life as he stroked himself through his climax with his left. 
Most nights when you watched his streams, you would end up doing exactly what ariespic_46 wanted and cum soon after he had but other nights, like tonight, you would end up panting as your thighs pressed together out of need. You knew there was always more, even as the man on the screen laughed, stretching his fingers out to show the camera all the cum dripping from him. 
"Fuck, that was good. I have to get cleaned up. Bye, baby. See you next time.” 
The stream stated it had ended, and you find yourself on your back with your phone in one hand, waiting for what came next. Not only did you tip because it made you feel good to hear even your username on the man’s lips but also for what he would give you. A notification stating you had a direct message from ariespic_46 pop’s up at the top of your screen and you find yourself giggling like a teenager getting a message from a crush. 
ariespic_46: have a good night, nabi 🦋 thank you🖤 [picture attached] 
Staring at the message for a moment, you bite at your bottom lip before your thumbs move over the keyboard to reply. You knew you didn’t have to, and that he probably didn’t check replies but it felt important to you. 
nabi.wings: anytime, thank you for the stream ❣️
Taking a breath, you finally press down on the link for the picture, only to moan at the sight. It was one thing to see his cock and fingers covered in cum on the stream but it was another entirely to see it in a picture like this. Now was when you couldn’t help but let your fingers wander lower. Now you could let yourself let go of any shame you were feeling before and just let yourself pretend for a little while that he had cum this much for just you. 
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© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed
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thecynthh · 5 months
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summery - going out to a concert with one of y/n friends, a weird turn is taken when matt makes a move.
notes - SMUT, ROCKSTAR MATTY POOOOO, guys im a virgin idk how sex works MADE FOR MY GIRLY @ihrtchris love u girl hope the wait was worth it <3 NOT PROOFREAD
a/n - guys it looked longer than it is i promise
also the bolded parts during the concert means its the song lyrics, also i love this song
the bustling noises of a busy kitchen fill my ears as i hear people shout and flames crackle. “so i think i'll have a sweet tea and a number 6 please.” i ask the waiter as she takes my order. 
“of course ma’am and for you?” cadence’s eyes swept over the whole menu again before speaking. 
“lemonade and a number 2 please!” the waiter nodded towards us and walked off to the kitchen. 
“hey are you busy tonight? i’m free and have nowhere to go, was hoping you knew about a party or something later.” i knew cay would know about any parties happening tonight, she was an epic journalist and worked for the editorial company i was at. 
“hm, come to think of it, no, i don’t think so. didn’t get an invite, i guess all the famous people are taking a break from being bitchy and petty.” i laugh at her statement about the rich and famous, we’ve met countless celebrities and models and almost all of them were like cay said, bitchy and petty. 
“come onnnn the one night i'm free from work and there’s nothing happening.” i drop my head dramatically on the table, careful not to hit the ketchup and mustard. 
“well….” cadence trailed off.
“well what???” i almost break my neck looking up at her. 
“i mean i saw a poster for this band, and they are playing at pacific square if you wanna go watch it, im down if you are.” cadence offered. 
“a concert? im not sure, i mean if the guys are cute” i joked. 
“ouh girl, i sure can tell you they are so hot.” she pulls out her phone looking through her photos. she taps on it and shows it to me. oh shit. they were really hot. 
the one thing that cay forgot to mention was that the band that was playing in our home town was starsturns. “WAIT! you mean starsturns is playing here??”
“okay, im convinced, i think i just found my husband.” i practically threw cay’s phone back to her, feeling a small piece of drool develop on the corner of my mouth looking at the drummer. 
“show starts at 8 i’ll be at your house with the uber.” cay says slipping her phone back into her pocket 
“holy shit i can’t believe we are going to see starsturns!!!” 
the ding of a bell goes off and we see the waiter sway towards us with our plates of food. i guess i have plans tonight. 
getting to the venue was a little troubling due to the death inducing trafic we were stuck in but cay is very much a hardass so when we did get to the venue she shoved her way to the front. 
“move your asses, two super fans over here!!!” cay’s enthusiasm scares people which lets us pass through sort of easily. 
being right at the rails that has to be only a metre away from the stage gets me riled up, we hear the curtains draw and and the stage lights get low. 
the sun just started to set and the neon flashes of their large stage lights flicker at the audience. the leader singer and lead guitarist chris looks behind him peering over his shoulder to the audience. the girls yelled and shouted, he was definitely a lady killer. 
chris began strumming his guitar in a steady pace as his brother nick, on the bass, keeps a steady beat emerging from the shadows. 
a slow rhythm on the drums begin to build up, slowly getting faster and with each tap of the snare the lights get brighter, and brighter. 
matt is revealed to the fans in such an epic way as the fans, including me and cadence goes crazy. 
the crash of matt’s cymbals begins their set list as their first song begins. 
time seemed to have lasted forever as they now have moved to a couple of slower songs that are more lyric focused. i throw my head back as i belt the lyrics living in pure harmony. this was my favourite song and i wanted to soak up every moment. 
chris noticed and waved a hand towards cadence and i letting security know to let us onto the stage. i shake cadence to snap her out of her little trance and yank her to the small stairs that lead up the stairs, a smile graces chris’ face as we run up to him. 
cay takes his hand as he spins her around, i stand back trying not to get hit by her long hair. i try to cover my mouth as i giggle a little seeing her have her moment with her favourite group member. i start skipping around the stage still keeping up with the song soon coming up to nick as he keeps his eyes on me as his bass still continues strumming. 
i lock eyes with matt, coming over to the back of his drum kit and wrapping my arms around his neck, 
“i dont wanna lose you now, 
im looking right at the other half of me” 
i sang my heart out as i hug matt while he kept his hand and foot trained on the instrument. he detaches the mic that was for his vocals and passes it to me, im a little shocked by his action but understand what he wants from me. 
i take the mic and start to sing. 
“show me how to fight for now,
and i tell you baby it was easy”
i felt alive. my idols and i sing this song with our hearts. i belt and add accents to my voice and really feel myself in the song. i bring the mic down to matt as we both sing into the mic as chris and matt begin to chant “you are, you are the love of my life” underneath my vocals letting me take the lead on the song. 
“you are my reflection, and all i see is you”
the song ends and i’m panting from using an excessive amount of air for singing and from prancing around. matt and my eyes never leave each other caught up in the moment. 
“give it up to y/n and cadence for singing this song with us!” chris yells into the mic. he holds up his signature rock n’ roll sign showing it to the fans, “thank you guys for coming out here tonight! love you all, have a good night!” with the last echo of his message to the fans the curtains move down and everything but the crowd lights turn off, still providing light for those going home. 
i hop down from matt’s little stage leaving the microphone i’ve been using on a table that was next to matt and meet up with cay at the front of the stage. 
cay was engaged in a conversation with nick and chris, talking to them like they’ve been friends since forever. 
“oh my gosh, thank you for letting us up on stage like that chris!” i knew cay was fangirling underneath her cool calm and collected front. 
don’t get me wrong, chris is very attractive, but simply not my type. i didn’t feel as strongly about him as i did with matt. 
“oh come on you guys are great singers! especially you y/n.” chris says as i walk over, i feel a wave of embarrassment wash over me with that compliment. 
“ah- thank you but it’s getting late, cay call an uber i’ll meet you by the gates in a second, just gotta run to the bathroom. 
i pat my pockets checking for my phone that wasn’t there. i make a quick run to matt checking his whole set up for it. when i pick it up i immediately get caught in someone’s hand. 
matt’s muscular hand grips my bare arm causing all my attention to look up to the man above me. “hey,” his voice is lower so his brothers don’t hear. “we are staying at a hotel tonight then sightseeing tomorrow, we’ll be in town for a night or two. we thought we’d visit our parents and take in the home town scene again before we travel again. was wondering if you wanted to come with me to our hotel.” 
“you can come to my house-“ i blurt out. “m-more privacy and it’s not that far from here or whatever your hotel is. i can get you back there just in time for your brothers to wake up…”
“ah, sounds like a plan, we just gotta take our equipment to our bus then i’ll meet you there, how does twelve sound?” he nods understanding my intentions. 
“uh yeah! sounds good, wait lemme give you my numb-“ 
“oh doll, don’t worry about that, gotta be a little careful with who you leave your phone around,” he winks as his grip on me loosens and falls. 
i almost ran out of the venue, finding cadence and the uber waiting outside on the street. “girl come on!” she waves me in letting the uber driver know where we were going. 
i close the door behind me gripping my hands very hard on my phone. cay rests and hand atop mine and looks at me with concern. “hey, what’s up?” 
“matt just- matt- matt invited me to their hotel.. but now we are meeting at my house at twelve.” my eyes are trained on the headrest in front of me. 
“YOU WHAT, HE- HE WHAT????” cay starts freaking out as much as i would’ve if i hadn’t been in such a state of shock. 
“yuuuup,” the uber slows down getting stopped close to my house. “i have his number in my phone, he said he was going to come when i text him my address.” i open my car door seeing as we’ve stopped right in front of my house. 
“all the details tomorrow morning at work !!” she yells as i exit the car, waving thank you to the driver from outside the car i walk to my house to finally freak out. 
WHAT THE FLYING FUCK was i doing?? no way am i about to have a one night stand with the drummer of sturnstars, one of my favourite bands  
i pull my phone out of my pocket to see a new contact that was put in named “hot drummer” with a new number. 
you shared your location with “hot drummer”
hot drummer (matt s)
not too long after i hear the doorbell ring throughout my house and i quickly rush to my front door. taking a deep breath in and out i push down on the large handle seeing matt on the other side of the door. 
matt leans on the side of my door frame looking as delicious as ever. “hey” a smirk grows on his face as he scans my body. the black cropped long sleeve i was wearing was getting clawed at by my long done up nails. my skirt was barely covering my ass and showed a lot of my legs. 
he looked at me like i was his last meal. he launches himself off the door frame as i take him by the hand, leading him to my bedroom. 
he looks around at the posters on the wall, one including their old tour one. his finger glides across the arctic monkeys and slipknot ones. 
“so you're a fan?” he asks coming to sit next to me. 
“yeah you could say that, i’m not crazy tho, some girls are worse. if i’m being honest i didn’t even know you guys were coming here.” i say truthfully 
“so if i do this,” he leans and kisses me, sparks fly in my stomach. “you’ll be okay with it.” 
“and if this happens,” his hand undoes the clasp and zipper on my mini skirt, “you’ll be okay with it?” 
his lips touch mine as i help him moves my skirt down to the floor as i hold the hem of his shirt pulling to take it off. my long sleeve and bra meet the floor not too far after matt’s shirt. 
he manoeuvres on top of me now pressing his raging hard on top of my heat. “please matt,” i say in a whiny voice, feeling more anxious and excited. 
“please what princess?” he teases. 
“please fuck me,” my hand snakes to the nape of his neck as i pull him in for a kiss. his fingers clad with rings, slip into my panties as he makes cold contact with his thumb onto my clit, my eyes roll back feeling him circle around my hole before plunging in. 
“oh- god matt please don’t stop,” i moan feeling him pump in and out of me. a familiar knot builds and snaps quickly due to the constant stimulation. 
“mhh, come on babe, give it to me” i squeeze around his fingers hard before i cum all over his fingers. “good job baby, you did so well, you ready for me?” i nod frantically as he sticks his fingers into my mouth for me to taste myself, letting me such on his two fingers while he tugs on my panties making the small fabric keeping the whole thing together come unloose. 
he's quick to undo his cargo pants letting the baggy material fall, and he tugs down his boxers letting his length spring out. i 
“what the fuck, that is not going to fit in me?!?” he laughs at my surprise, pumping up and down on his monster dick. 
“hey, i’ll take it slow, tonights ‘bout you.” he says hovering over me, “just tell me if it’s too much, alright?” he lines himself up and just puts the tip in, i arch my back in ecstasy feeling so full already. 
“fuck, matt keep going.” he takes this as an invitation to push all the way in. my moans only become more airy as he gets deeper and deeper. 
he gets more confident in his movement and keeps a steady pace, he lifts my leg, folding it by my knee, letting him hit a new spot. 
“mhhh, matt don’t stop.” his pace is steady with him constantly hitting my g-spot, “i-i-”
i couldn’t even get my sentence out before i completely collapsed underneath his arms, letting myself go. “you did such a good job pretty girl, can i cum in you?” 
“YES, yes matt please!” a slight feeling of overstimulation washes over me as matt grunts and shoots his load into me, falling onto my bed next to me. 
“ah, come on, let's get cleaned up. nick and chris are gonna be wondering where i am.” 
who knew, maybe dating a drummer isn’t that bad. 
taglist - @westwiing13 @comet235 @mayhem-72 @pepsiimaxx @strniolosworld
taglist is open !
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Could you do a Miguel story where he proposes to Y/n(female reader)and she doesn’t even realize it because she was daydreaming about food?Its fluff.
Yeah, me and this reader have a lot in common with food ❤️.
Fluff under the cut ~
Your senses tingled with the so many aromas that filled the room. Fresh bread, stews, sweet baked fresh goods, your mouth almost salivated. Damned be Pavlov, cause every time you heard a ding, your head turned to the dispatching window to see if it was your order. And there it was Miguel.
"I don't know how... this turned into what my current feelings are-"
Another ding, your eyes casted to the dispatching window. To say you were hungry was an understatement, you went to a mission with Miguel, almost get killed, but walked it off, thanks to Miguel.
You went straight for the cafeteria to try the new spicy chicken empanadas. To your surprise they had ran out quite quickly. And then Miguel had asked you to follow him, that there was something he needed to discuss with you.
"And I think it's time for me to come clean and say that... you're quite reliable and always give your best-"
A new aroma was added to the list. Chocolate. Freshly baked chocolate croissants and other choux pastries that steamed up away in the cooling racks. You licked your lips, your eyes settled in Miguel once more
"You're one of the oldest members in the Spider Society, and it's always..." he cleared up his throat as he put both his hands on the table, he wasn't one for stutter, much less to be nervous, but considering that he was about to choose a new partner for life, he had all the right to do so.
Why your food was taking so long, was a mystery. But damn, that french onion soup from the other table looked fantastic. You had wanted to surprise Miguel with some of his favorite food, and were kinda been bugging LYLA about it. Even asking her for the recipes to try at home.
He was always saving your ass when things were too overwhelming in the battlefield. He was reliable. Or so he had been saying. One thing you found cute is that sometimes he spoke too much about himself, as giving and living the example. But you knew better. With a lot of patience on both ends, he had let you in, get closer and of course, things just kept growing from there.
"So I would like to know... if you'd like to marry me?"
Another ding and your eyes shined with joy upon watching the food coming your way from the dispatching window.
"Oh my god, yes!"
Miguel blinked for a moment and sighed, releasing the breath he didn't know he had trapped in for so long.
"That's... Good to hear." He took your hand and placed the ring quite fast and he cleared up his throat. You looked up at him, and then at his hand holding yours, with a ring on your finger.
Your stomach growled and now it was your time to blink.
"W-What's that?"
The food was placed on your table, as your order of spaghetti with meatballs was brought.
"You just... agreed to marry me, (Name)" His brows furrowed in confusion and mild annoyance.
"But I guess-"
"No" You withdrew your hand to hide it. and smiled.
"For you to give it someone else? Nope. You're mine. You kidding me?" You pouted before giving a bite to the meatball.
Miguel just stared at you with confused, yet loving eyes.
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stellasvault · 9 months
Hello!!!! Can I req hobie x innocent fem reader where hobie is spending the night at her place and and the reader randomly gets up in the middle of the night at like 3am and just literally leaves and goes to the store 😭 and hobie doesn't even know so he has a whole heart attack looking for her and when he eventually finds her he's like all mad and angry since she pulled a "stunt" and maybe he even makes her cry...but eventually makes her feel better....(sorry I just love torturing myself with sad things). Well if you do write this could it be like...hm i don't know how to explain this but things were "normal" then to angst and then to fluff or comfort idrk. I really look forward to reading stuff from you!! Very excited :) have a nice night.
stop this is actually so cute 😭 also i get the whole “torturing myself with sad things” so dw! hope u enjoy <3
❣️ don’t ever do that shit again!
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parings: hobie brown x innocent!fem!reader
warnings: angst to comfort, sfw, hobie is a little mean in the middle lmao
you heard hobie hum in his sleep, a deep, soothing tone.
hobie couldn’t spend time without you. it was just as simple as that. so, what better way to keep you all to himself than stay the night at your place?
hobie was sprawled out on the queen-sized bed, his lips parted. his chest lifted with every relaxed breath, a steady rhythm.
you were simply observing him before you left to pick up some things from the 24/7 store. i mean, who doesn’t get midnight cravings? you were just going out for a few minutes, nothing to worry about.
you got out of your temporarily shared bed to put on a sweatshirt over your tank top, you knew to expect the rush of cold air when you went outside. leaving your bedroom, you reached for your apartment keys, knowing the store was just around the corner.
you laughed to yourself when you remembered what happened last time you went to the corner store. hobie had stole borrowed some blueberry jam, thinking it was your favorite spread, but returned it the second you found out your favorite spread was nutella. you bit your lip to keep from waking up your boyfriend, remembering the shock and regret on his face when you had said the news.
the door clicked as you locked it as down the stairs you went, on your way to the store to get some late-night snacks.
you had no idea the panic that would set in soon after.
hobie tossed and turned on his stomach in his half-awaken form, expecting a body to stop him from rolling off the bed.
his body instead fully rolled over, as he found himself now on his back, dumbfounded.
he immediately shot up, his ears ringing. what happened? did someone kidnap you and he was to busy sleeping to notice?
all the worst possibilities and situations ran through his head, each one getting even worse and more gruesome. he finally threw the bed covers of his body, only wearing a dark blue crop top and his boxers. he jumped off his side of the bed, frantic.
he briefly put on a random pair of sweatpants he found on the floor, not sure if it was yours or his. but at moment it didn’t matter, all that mattered in his mind was you.
“bloody fuckin’ hell..” he muttered to himself in fear, thinking about where on earth you could’ve disappeared to. he finally decided on running around town, every single corner of it. he didn’t even think of calling you on your cell. after all, you probably didn’t even have access to it since you randomly disappeared during the dead of night, right?
he was 100% false.
while hobie was running around the neighborhood looking like a lunatic, you were humming a tune to yourself as you browsed through different chips on the store shelf. so maybe you had spend a while looking at snacks, so what? there were a lot of options!
a sudden ding! sound rang in your ears, signaling another customer had entered the shop. this didn’t concern you in the slightest, as you resumed humming, oblivious to the fact that hobie was next to the snacks and chips aisle, making his way towards you.
“oh fuck, there you are!” his voice louder with each word, walking quickly towards you.
“hobie, what are you-“ you were cut off with an angry outburst.
“what were you even thinking? he whispered through his teeth, his hand gripping your forearm.
“oh, i was just hungry!” you explained happily, showing off your snacks.
he sighed as his grip on your forearm tightened, pulling you toward the front of the store to pay.
“go on.” hobie nodded almost silently. you paid for the food quietly, saying a ‘thank you’ to the employee before hobie pulled you away outside and letting you having.
“i can’t believe you?! are you fucking serious? do you know how dangerous it is at night? i was worried SICK.” he shouted angrily, moving his hands around frantically. “you really don’t realize how careless you can be, do you?”
you went silent, shocked at his sudden outburst. “i’m sorry..” was all you could let out. you could feel the tears stinging your eyes. a lump formed in your throat as you tried to hold back the sob that was beckoning forward. you knew if you didn’t walk away soon you would burst into tears, deciding to briskly walk past hobie in the direction towards your apartment.
hobie stiffened as you walked away. “hey! where d’ya think you’re going?” he shouted to you, but you stayed silent. if you even let one sound out, you were going to let all hell break loose.
hobie sighed before he swiftly walked back to you. “look, love. i was just upset, i swear i didn’t mean none of tha’” he explained with an almost silent voice.
you shook your head. “i get it. i shouldn’t have went out without telling you.” you looked over at him to see his face illuminated by the moonlight. you noticed you had arrived at the apartment.
“no.” hobie simply said, putting both hands on either one of your shoulders. you turned your head up to look at him, his expression filled with sincerity. “you know i didn’t mean a single word i said, right?” he asked, his voice in a higher pitch than usual. he couldn’t lose you. he wouldn’t lose you.
you stayed silent, unable to answer. you simply had nothing good to say. you had thought he meant every word, but his apology had made you doubt your thoughts.
“you’re amazing, love. don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise, yeah?” he tilted your chin up to look at him, his voice dripping with guilt. “load of shit, what i said. you’re perfect.” he smiled at the last word before planting a long kiss on your forehead, his lip ring cooling your skin.
you chuckled lightly before giving him a small smile, looking up at him.
“i think you’re pretty perfect too, hobie,” you giggled, “now let’s head to bed, i’m finished.”
this isn’t my best work i’m so sorry 😭 but i had a lot of fun writing the angst, i’ve never really wrote it at all :)
thanks for reading!! ⭐️
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sxtvrns · 1 year
the firsts i’ve never felt
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🎶 now playing: clementine - grentperez
P: Kim Jongseob x Fem!Reader
S: You find yourself wandering the headquarters after being left unattended. He finds himself unreasonably intrigued by you.
C: meet cute, fluff, puppy love, inaccuracy, a bit sloppy, mentions of bullying, kinda rushed?
N: i’ve transformed my entire feed and started a bunch of masterlists and stuff! this fic is part of one of them that i need to design and stuff but i hope you’re loving the organization because i certainly am. i really wanna write but my brain is running out of scenarios i can work off of so if you dont hear from me for a while you know why. if i don't get a hair colour right sue me i can't memorize everything | all ages listed are korean, not international!
view the rest of the conversations ☆彡
please interact if you enjoy!
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“Hey, honey, do you wanna come and visit my new job today? They’re showing me around, and you’re planning to work in the entertainment industry behind the scenes, aren’t you?”
…sounds like a super unprofessional thing for your mom to say on her first day of the job. However, the staff gave her leeway somehow after saying you were an aspiring makeup artist with a growing following. She said you could join in a few years, if you’d like. You still had time to think about it.
“So, how old is your daughter?” The employee asks.
“What kind of makeup does she do?”
“She has a rather… broad spectrum. I could go into specifics but that would require me showing you examples and taking up your time.”
“Oh, go ahead! Besides, I could use a break from the work.”
The door to the elevator opens with a ding, both adults behind you not seeming to pay attention. You quickly but stealthy walk off the elevator, their attention still focused on your mom’s phone. As the doors close, they still don’t seem to notice, instead they continue going up, and you’re left alone in the quiet, empty hallway.
Somewhat quiet, actually. There was loud music coming from some of the rooms you could hear from outside as you walked by. Your phone buzzed in your hand, though you aren’t bothered to check it until another staff member sees you in the hall. She goes on her phone, types rapidly on the screen, and starts walking towards you.
You walk away from her at a quickened pace, turning the corner and beginning to run. You turn the corner again, briefly glancing at the rooms as you pass by, all of them with people inside and the lights on. Except for one.
The sound of steps sounded like it grew withe presence of multiple people, so you had no time to check and instead opened the door, and to your relief, no one was inside. You shut it quietly, hiding against the wall in hopes that the crowd passes by.
The buzzing from your phone earlier was frantic texts from your mom, asking where you went and specifying that the staff was now looking for you. You replied calmly that you ‘took yourself on your own tour’ and ‘got off as a joke in hopes she would notice’. You could practically hear her sigh at her phone as she responds with ‘i’ll keep you updated’ before leaving you on read.
You slide down against the wall, sitting and observing the environment around you. This was a dance studio, one of many that looked the same as some of the others. You didn’t want to get caught, so you stayed there for a bit on your phone, caught off guard at the sound of someone opening the door.
At first you panic, thinking someone from staff found you, but it was just some guy adorned in all black with a beanie and a mask, taking both of them off and somehow not noticing you.
You spoke too soon.
the first meet.
His eyes widened at the sight of you, the door he held open by a sliver. You hear something from outside.
“Jongseob, there’s some new hire’s daughter on the loose and she was last seen on this floor, have you seen her?” A staff member asks, the boy’s head peeking back in to look at you. You frantically shake your head and gesture for him to keep his mouth shut as he peeks out the door right after.
“I haven’t seen her, sorry.”
He fully closes the door this time, a sigh of relief escaping you as your eyes stayed glued on the boy that was nice enough to not snitch. “What are you doing here?” He asks, a reasonable question since you were in the studio for a reason other than dancing. “My mom works here. She’s starting today. And… I may or may not have gotten off the elevator too early.” You try to sum it up.
“Um, they were distracted. And I didn’t think the door would close right after I got off.”
“How did they even let you in?”
“I might work someplace like this as a makeup artist. When I’m older. My mom brought me along for her tour, and… that’s how I ended up here. I was running away from staff. If you want, I can leave.”
“I didn’t lie just for you to get out and defeat the whole purpose of it. It’s okay, you can stay as long as you need to.”
“Really? I’m not intruding?”
“My members won’t be here for the next little while, if you’re overwhelmed by the presence of multiple men.”
His joke makes you laugh, and you inch out of the corner you’re hiding in more, seeing him walk towards you and open the laptop on the desk. “How old are you now?” He suddenly asks, a question you find odd at first.
“16.” (international age = 14, turned 15 after a few weeks)
“Really? Me too.”
“You looked a little young. Are you a trainee?”
“I actually debuted a few weeks ago. We’re doing some promotional stuff and we have practice today.”
“Do you want me to leave when they arrive?”
“You can stay for now. It’s up to the leader if he wants you in or not. I guess if you aren’t distracting, you could watch. But I gotta wait for him.”
“I’ll check you guys out sometime. All the groups are listed in the lobby, so…”
“P1Harmony. You’ll find us easily.”
Quiet clicks come from the mousepad, as you merely stare up at him, who seems to be so focused on the screen in front of him. He looks up, then looks down at you, and your observing gaze fixed on his face. He ponders, before holding his hand out. “Nice to meet you. I’m–“
“Jongseob. You’re Jongseob.”
You finish his sentence for him, leaving him visibly surprised as you shake his hand.
“Um, I heard them say your name from the hall.” You explain, him nodding. “I’m Y/N.”
“That’s a pretty name.”
You find yourself blushing. “Thank you… um, also for not snitching. I texted my mom that I was okay, so everything should be fine now.”
“That’s good. Maybe don’t get off the elevator while she’s distracted next time.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Music starts playing from the speakers, Jongseob walking away to the center of the room to warm up. Your eyes are on him the entire time, since there was nothing else you could focus on. Even if you tried going on your phone, the music would draw your attention away from it.
You had a short attention span.
But watching Jongseob merely warm up seemed to prove otherwise. Your eyes were glued to his movements and small yet precise spotting, how precise he was when he matched every beat and transition. You stared at his reflection and his back the whole time, gaze moving to his face.
He caught you staring, looking back at you through the reflection of the mirror with a subtle smirk before going back to dancing.
He comes back to pause the music while you space out staring at the floor, as he takes off his beanie and runs his hand through his hair. “How’d I do? Seemed like I caught your attention.”
You clear your throat. “Good. Really good.”
He believes you have another reason you aren’t telling him, still deciding to sit down beside you despite doing so. “What are you doing?” You ask, looking at him. “Sitting with you. Why, does this bother you?”
“No. Just… I thought you’d be warming up more. That seemed short.”
“It seemed short because you were watching me. I was dancing for, what, a little over 10 minutes? I think I’ve warmed up enough.”
“Right.” You say, kind of understanding what he’s saying. “I like your hair. The colour is very pretty.” A light purple that could be described as lavender was what it was. It painted him as docile, gentle. He seemed to be so, given he was sitting with you like this along the side of the room.
“Thank you.” He smiles, sounding genuine. So genuine, in fact, that he smiles at you for the first time with his teeth showing, his hand covering his mouth right after. You take a mental note of that habit. “When did you start training?” You ask.
“When I was 12.” (international age = 10, turned 11 later that year due to late birthday)
“That young?! When I was 12 I was still scared of the concept of paragraphs…”
“I’ve always wanted to be a singer. Perform for others. There was a chance, so I took it.”
“I admire you for that. Taking risks that benefited you later in the future.”
“You took a risk today.”
“I did?”
“You stepped off the elevator and outran a bunch of staff successfully.”
“And I benefited from it how?”
“You met me.”
You’re unsure if he’s flirting with you, but your face heats up regardless. “Yet I’ll never see you again. But… I enjoy your company. And I appreciate your kindness.” When you look up from the ground, he’s handing you his phone, the keypad open.
“Let’s keep in touch.”
At first, you’re a little stunned at his boldness. But you accept his offer, typing in your phone number and letting him do the same with your phone right after. “I’ll try to text you back when I can. I’m pretty busy.”
“And I’ll try to not keep my phone on silent. I’ve missed so many interviews because of it…”
“For part-time jobs?” You nod. “I later learned they weren’t paying what they should be, so I guess I dodged a bullet.”
“Do you have a job now?”
“I work at a convenience store for income. My mom’s always saying I never needed to take a part-time job claiming we’re somewhat rich, but I wanted a bit of independence for myself. And I get free food and snacks sometimes, so that’s a bonus.”
“If I come visit, will I get free food?”
“Convenience store snacks are cheap enough already. Maybe I’ll give you ₩489 off.”
(₩489 = 0.50 cents)
He laughs at your offer. “I’ll take it.”
The door suddenly opens, five other men coming in all at once, stopping once they notice the two of you sitting together against the wall.
“Hello.” Jongseob greets, getting up. “Who’s that?” One of them asks, looking at you. “A… friend.” He responds.
“How did she get in here?”
“Long story.”
Their stares are reasonable, yet they make you feel uncomfortable as you feel out of place cooped up against the wall. Jongseob seemed to notice, shooting you a quick question. “Are you okay?”
The sound of his has your head turned to face him as you nod, acting like you weren’t spaced out prior. “I’m fine. This is the rest of your group?”
“Yeah. You can stay for practice if you’d like. I’ll ask Keeho.”
Surely they wouldn’t mind, you were just afraid you’d misinterpret their gazes for glares that would scare you off. “I would, but I should go. I already texted my mom earlier that I’d be leaving while she was still working. But I’ll leave. I don’t want to be… distracting.”
“You aren’t distracting at all.” He attempts to reassure you.
“Says the one who was looking at me through the mirror’s reflection.”
“Jongseob, should we warm up?” One of the boys asks, taking off their hoodie and beanie while they all simultaneously look at the two of you. That was an indirect invitation saying that they were about to start, him getting up his spot and lending you a hand to do the same.
“Thank you, Jongseob. I’ll text you.” He nods with a smile as you leave the room, your fast paced steps almost being heard from the inside of the room.
“Who was that, Jongseob?” Theo asks as the youngest walks over. “A new friend. She kinda abandoned her mom unintentionally and hid in here from the staff.”
“Oh, her. The people downstairs were talking about it.” Intak adds.
“In a good way or a bad way?”
“Mixed. How come her mom brought her here?”
“Y/N’s planning to work in the industry as a makeup artist, and her mom wanted to show her a potential place for hiring since she’s already working here.”
“She said she’d text you.” ‘What does that mean?’ Keeho meant to ask.
“I gave her my number.”
They’re all surprised, wide eyed and everything. “Really?”
“I wanna talk to her more. I think you guys scared her off.”
“We don’t look scary.” Intak looks at himself, then everybody else. Jongseob’s eyes dart over all five of them briefly. “You guys look terrifying.”
“As if you weren’t wearing the same thing when you left the apartment.” Theo sneers, looking at him weirdly. “Hey, she liked my hair and I saved her from a bunch of staff. I’m a pretty approachable person even with the coverups.”
“You approached her.” Theo retorts.
Intak, very obviously antsy, whines. “Can we just start, please? We’ll talk about this later.” He groans in distress, convincing the rest of the boys to move on. Keeho speaks up first from the sea of silent stares.
“Let’s go, then.”
On the way home from school, you usually take the shift right after at the convenience store you worked at. It was close to home but not far from school, you managed to be on time for majority of your shifts.
Your coworker seemed to be eye candy for the girls your age that came in, but you saw him more as an older brother figure. He was super nice and always filled in for when you weren’t feeling well, and frankly, you thought it was a bit strange girls your age were pining over a man in his late 20s.
You had your fair share of attraction to more famous people that were older than you, but the fact you knew your coworker long enough to know things about him kind of made some situations awkward. Sure, he was cute, but come on. He’s practically looking for an actual job already and the fact he’s stuck with you is because he actually enjoys his part-time and you two were always only available for the same time slot every day.
You weren’t working today. You knew he was. So you assumed that it would just be a straight shot walk home.
Until you remembered you were a victim of verbal harassment.
You never did anything wrong, you were just laughed at and picked on by a specific group of girls for a reason you didn’t know. You always believed it was because you were prettier than them, given that their crushes ended up all mutually pining over you rather than them.
It’s a joke that you laugh at with them at times, yet the girls still don’t seem to like you.
At least they weren’t cutting your hair or anything. You could take words but you couldn’t take a pencil being dug into your hand.
So when you saw those girls turn the corner, you ran, fingers crossed they didn’t see you.
“Y/N, come back! We have something to tell you!”
They saw you.
With your backpack almost falling off, and the sound of rapid footsteps that sounded like they were getting closer, you spot the convenience store you worked at and run in, your coworker behind the desk and watching you hide behind the shelf closest to the wall.
At first, you’re panting, out of breath and coughing as you try to get it back.
You look up.
Jongseob is standing there, fridge door held open by his hand with a drink in the other, small clouds of steam coming from the cool air hitting the heated room. “Hi.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You would’ve told him the truth if the story was so long. You peek up from the shelf, fully standing up when you see no one there. “Are you hiding from someone?” He asks, obviously and reasonably clueless as he lets the door close. You merely nod, seeing the girls out of the corner of your eye through the glass and ducking down again, dragging Jongseob along with you.
The bell above the door rings as shuffling can be heard going towards the counter.
“Shin-Il! We saw Y/N come in here, did you see her?” One of the girls’ ear piercing voices rings in your ears, their attempt at acting cute and desperate simply making you cringe. Luckily you told your coworker about your complicated situation with these girls. “No, sorry. She isn’t working today.”
While you’re mentally pleading that they don’t care enough to check around the store, Jongseob’s eyes stay on you and dart around just in case, being able to hear the brief conversation as he stares.
“We’re looking for her! Are you sure she isn’t in the bathroom or something?”
“She isn’t here. Maybe she went somewhere else.”
They all whine, leaving the store as you let out a sigh of relief. You look up to see Jongseob offering you a hand, which you accept, helping you up as you lean against the fridge door, in disbelief that those girls were so clueless.
“Why were they looking for you?”
“They hate me, that’s why.”
“Why would they hate you?”
“Because I’m prettier than them. Long story.”
“The boys they liked all ended up liking Y/N collectively. Friendly with the boys, tormented by the girls.” Shin-Il suddenly appears out of nowhere, handing you a small bottle of water. “Who’s this, Y/N?”
“My friend.”
“How do you two know each other?” Jongseob asks.
“We work together part-time. We always end up picking the same shifts, and I make sure she doesn’t get killed by her fellow classmates when they come to visit.”
“Are these girls really bullying you, Y/N? Have you brought it up with anyone?” Jongseob asks, the worry noticeable in his tone. “They haven’t physically harmed me. When you consider all the details, they’re just jealous.”
“I don’t know any of the details, and that’s why I’m concerned.”
“I’m fine, Jongseob, really. I think I just… need to stay in here for a while. Just in case they’re in any of the other stores.”
“I can walk home with you, if you’d like.” He starts. “Um, just in case they show up or something, I can like, cover you–“
“I’d like that.”
You cut him off with your straightforward answer, and he seemed to be content as he sends you a closed lip smile. “Are you ready to go? Do you want anything?” He asks, looking out the window just in case. “I haven’t eaten lunch today, but I don’t have enough money on me.”
“I can pay for you. Get whatever.”
“Really? But I don’t know when I’ll pay you back.”
“You don’t have to if you can’t.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“Y/N, please. It’s okay, really. If you want to stay here and eat, you can do that too. I’ll wait.”
You feel a bit guilty as you get yourself dosirak and a small container of banana milk, seated at the window seat as Jongseob pays for your food. He sits down beside you, looking at the window and staring at you through your reflection in it. “Is it okay if you can tell me why those girls don’t like you?”
You swallow. “It’s really not a big deal, Jongseob.”
“Yes, it is. I know we’ve only ever talked a few times through text, but I’m… it sounds concerning that they’re willing to chase you for a few insults.” You sigh, taking a sip of your banana milk before trying to rack together all the pieces of the story.
“Well, Shin-Il kind of explained it to you already. Those girls have a crush on some guys, and those guys, at one point, ended up liking me. Now I just make fun of them for it as an inside joke, so I’m friendly with them. They don’t like me in that way anymore. Those girls dislike me because the guys liked me instead of them. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah. That’s… stupid.”
“It is. They’re too ignorant to see that there’s really nothing there anymore. Otherwise, I feel we could be good friends. But I’m patient enough to wait until they realize their harassment was for a reason thats existence already faded away.” You continue to wolf down on your food, as hungry as you were, Jongseob merely keeping watch outside and of you. To make sure you weren’t choking, of course.
As you leave the store and your walk home begins, so does the empty feeling in the air.
“Are you sure the walk home isn’t far?” You ask. “No, I’ll be okay. It won’t be dark for a bit.”
“And… I promise I’ll pay you back, okay?”
“You really don’t have to…”
“Yes, I do. I know you’re an idol and all that, but you’re still a human with morals.”
“If you insist. But if you can’t, you don’t have to.”
“I will.”
Jongseob’s beanie hides his vibrant purple hair, and as much as you are disappointed you aren’t able to see it, you understand that it would be a dead giveaway that he was in the entertainment industry.
“I watched your show the other day.”
“Really? How did I do?”
“You were awesome! I think it’s cool that there’s an idol out there my age, and I’m friends with you, no less. You looked really good, too.”
“Thank you…” He wasn’t expecting to get so flustered over your compliments. Lucky he had no choice but to wear his mask. Jongseob watches as you bring your phone to your ear as you send a greeting over to the person on the other side of the line.
“I’m coming, I’m on my way home.”
“Yes, I’m okay. I’m with a friend right now.”
“He’s walking home after me, he’ll be okay.”
“Look, can you not be go crazy over this right now? I’ll talk to you later.”
“What do you mean ‘you want to meet him’?! You never want to meet anyone!”
“Okay, okay, fine, just stop screaming in my ear. Bye.” You end the call and let out a frustrated growl as you tighten your grip on your phone. “Everything okay?” Jongseob asks hesitantly.
“Just because I said I’m walking home with a ‘he’ my mom’s freaking out over it and now she wants to meet you.”
“I think I’ve run into your mom while at headquarters. She acknowledges me but is usually in a rush.”
“She’s usually late, that’s why. But she always gets one step ahead of her work, so she always gets excused. But seriously, is it just because you’re a guy that she wants to meet you? She didn’t ask to meet my other female friends and they just met her voluntarily while walking with me.”
“What about your dad?”
“Overseas for work. He’s coming back in a few weeks. He’s much more laid back. I think my mom is a bit… overprotective. I can understand that, but she could’ve asked me to introduce you without screaming at me…”
“Is she… abusing you?”
“God, no! It’s just one of those days, y’know? Maybe she got pissed off she stubbed her toe or something. And just because she always wants to keep watch over me, I feel like retaliating.”
“Is that why you stepped off the elevator?”
“Not really. Maybe.”
He can’t help but smile after uncovering your true motive.
As you approach the door, you have no choice but to knock given that your keys were probably buried somewhere deep in your backpack. Your mom opens the door with a relieved sigh as she opens her arms for a hug, which you reluctantly accept in front of Jongseob. “I’m so sorry for yelling at you, honey, I… I was having a bad day and I took it out on you and I was worried that–“
“Mom. It’s okay, I get it.” She smiles softly, any grudge you held against her melting away instantly. It was surprising how she was able to manipulate you so quickly. “You’re friends with Jongseob?” She asks.
“You know his name?”
“Of course I know his name, your mom works at FNC too.” She says, referring to herself in the third person. “Are you sure you can walk home alone? Isn’t it a bit far by foot?”
“I’ll be okay, ma’am.”
“I can give you a ride, it’ll be much faster.”
“My dorm isn’t too far from here and it won’t be dark for a while. Thank you for the offer.”
“Get home safe, okay?”
“I will. Bye Y/N.” He says his goodbyes as he walks away from the premises of your house, your mom letting you in and closing the door fully. “You didn’t tell me you were friends with Jongseob. I would’ve started bringing you to work after school so you don’t have to stay home alone. I could get you a pass to come in.”
“Isn’t that an abuse of your position?”
“I care about my daughter, what kind of abuse is that?”
You sigh followed by a smile as you begin to head up the stairs.
“You should’ve gotten his phone number before he left!” She yells before you disappear into your room.
“I already have it!” You yell back.
“Since when?”
You freeze, unable to think of an answer.
“Long story!”
“I have time!”
“Shin-Il, I got this for you!”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Shin-Il!”
You roll your eyes as the countless crowds of girls just keep coming into the store. As much as it was annoying, you were glad you basically hogged all the free time since Shin-Il just had to be at the counter to tend to the flock.
“You could be doing better things right now.” He says, turning back to look at you. “Like what?” You rhetorically ask, looking up from your phone. “Restocking the shelves, cleaning the floors, doing your homework.”
“I am a very diligent student, thank you very much.”
“You don't even go to cram school. What about your fans?”
“I already posted last week. They know how intricate the process can be.” He begins to leave when you stop talking. “Gonna use the bathroom. The minute you stand up, you’re on register duty for the rest of the shift.”
“Then I’m not gonna stand up.”
He snatches the phone out of your hand, dangling it above his head. “Hey!” You jump up, struggling to reach your phone. Curse men for being so tall. “Give it back!” He hands the phone back to you, putting a hand on your shoulder and whispering into your ear.
“Your shift begins now.”
“That wasn’t even fair!” Shin-Il ignores you as you hear a door from a distance shut and lock. You sigh, annoyed, shoving your phone in your pocket before briefly scanning whatever was in view in case it needed restocking.
You don’t seem to be paying attention, because by the time you blink, a person is waiting at the counter.
“I’m so sorry, I’ll take those.” You apologize, embarrassed, scanning the person’s items and bagging them for him. You’re struggling to make eye contact as the person pays you, insisting you keep the change as they walk off. “Next.” You call, the person in line putting his things on the counter.
“Did you find everything you–“ You look up to see Jongseob, an innocent, toothy smile on his face. You noticed his fang, something you couldn’t help but find charming. “Hi.”
“Hi. Slow today?”
“All the customers came for Shin-Il and that’s it. You’re the second person I’ve served today.”
“I’m honored.”
“I don’t even know where he is and why he’s taking so long in the stupid bathroom. Anyways, how come you came here? Isn’t there a place closer to your dorm?”
“I just happened to be in the area. I also wanted to see you.”
Your heart flutters at the thought, but you shove those feelings down before it can reach your head. “Really? You could’ve just went someplace closer.”
“I figured I’d come say hi. I feel like this is the only time we can see each other like this.”
“Like what?”
“Like normal teenagers with normal lives.”
He pays for his items, leaving a container of banana milk out of his grasp. “You forgot–“
“It’s for you. Take it.”
“Jongseob, how am I gonna pay you back?”
“Shhh.” He leans in, sliding the container towards you. “Let me be nice to you, okay?” He pulls away, acting as if he wasn’t so bold a few seconds ago. “Do you want me to walk you home again? I’ll ask the guys to come find me so I won’t have to walk home alone.”
“I don’t– um... I’ll be off a bit late.”
“Which gives me more of a reason to walk with you. It’s dark and you’ll be alone.”
“You know I don’t live far.”
“And you know that this is a safer decision and you’re ultimately denying it for the sake of my safety and convenience.”
“Jongseob, your safety matters way more than mine. You’re a freaking idol, for God’s sake. And I thought you came alone, what do you mean the guys can find you?”
“We decided to go out together. We ended up splitting up to explore and look around by ourselves. I think I’m the only person that went alone."
"I can tell. Did you ask them if they wanted anything?"
"Theo and Jiung are grabbing food for later." He pauses. "My offer still stands." He reminds, persistent. You look at him, appreciating his kindness but unsure if he was willing to wait. "I don't get off until 8."
"I'll walk around after I eat. You can call me when you're done."
Though you feel a bit guilty, it really seemed like he wasn't backing down. "Sure. Thanks. You're also holding up the line." He smiles before taking his items with him as he finds a seat, you taking the banana milk and sliding it closer to you and to the side. Shin-Il finally comes back after taking who knows how long in the bathroom, eyes landing on your friend.
"He's here again. You two must be close."
"Eh... lucky circumstance. What were you even doing in the bathroom, you weirdo?"
"What else would I be doing besides use it for its intended purpose?"
"No one pisses for 5 minutes, Il. You aren't fooling anyone. Is it that girl you're talking to?"
"I am not talking to anyone."
"When those girls find out they are gonna freak."
"I was buying tickets for a thing."
"I thought all public events were closed. You aren't that slick."
"Okay, maybe it is about that girl, but we're just going somewhere, that's all. But I was buying tickets for an exhibition, she loves art."
"Aw, how cute. So when's the wedding?" You take a sip from the small container of banana milk Jongseob bought for you, noticing he isn't in his seat anymore. How did he eat so fast? "Y/N, can you do restocks? We'll make more sales if I'm at the counter."
"You aren't that handsome. The schoolgirl rush is over, no one's gonna come in."
You were wrong.
Many people came in, just not his usual audience, but at least they weren't all up on him. You could hear the compliments from the fridge, but nothing seemed to bother you or him one bit.
As you take an empty box to the back, you go to grab another one until Shin-Il stops you. "I'll take it from here. Mun-Hee clocked in early. And you have a visitor." He pats your back as you get up, seeing Jongseob waving at you with a smile, taking his phone out and showing you the screen.
"It's 8 o'clock."
At first, you're shocked by his dedication, but frantically hurry to the back to clean up and grab your things in order to not keep him waiting. When you get back, you see him talking with your coworker, and you interrupt in order to stop Shin-Il from potentially saying anything embarrassing.
"All ready? Let's go."
You both say your goodbyes as you walk out the store, Mun-Hee nudging Shin-Il in the side. "Kid's got a boyfriend now?" She asks, only receiving a shrug in return. She's content with the answer, going back to your unfinished restocking job.
"You really did mean it when you said you'd wait."
"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"
"Sometimes people change their minds or things happen out of their control that they just can't make it."
"I just walked around the park nearby and stuff. And– oh, I just remembered something." He stops, taking his beanie off and putting it on your head, revealing the alluring lavender that coloured his hair, something you secretly found appealing. You don't even have time to process that you were wearing the hat that covered his beautiful colour. "Jongseob, your hair. People might recognize you."
"Brought an extra. It's a bit late, so I doubt I'll get asked for a photo."
"So you planned this?"
"Whenever you send me selfie updates, you're never wearing a hat. You aren't even wearing a scarf, are you not freezing?"
"I am. I didn't think it'd get this cold, so I didn't bring one since it was warmer this morning."
"It'll always be colder at night, Y/N. You need to remember that, especially since you're working late."
"Did you even wash this?"
"Five times through the cycle. You seem to like it when we see each other, and conveniently, colder weather is approaching so I thought you should have it. You don’t have any hats at home?”
“I forgot to bring one. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. No need to pay me back, by the way.”
By the time you look back at him, his hair is covered again with another beanie, his stealthiness making you stifle a chuckle. “What?”
“I like your hair. I sometimes wish you didn’t have to hide it.”
“Well, I don’t necessarily hide it, I usually just wear hats because it’s more comfortable for me. A lot of people are dyeing their hair now, so I don’t think I’ll get recognized if I didn’t wear one.”
“How many people have you seen with purple hair in public?”
“Quite a few people, actually. So do you want me to take it off?”
“Huh? Why? Aren’t you cold?”
“At least I have a scarf. And you said you wished I didn’t have to hide it.”
“Weren’t you the one who said we shouldn’t risk anything when asking to walk me home?”
“Fair. But that’s a completely different scenario. I took a risk going down the path I’m still on today.”
“That is irrelevant.”
“Worth a shot.”
He walks with you to your door again, ringing the doorbell as you waited an unusually long time for your mom to answer.
“My mom said she could get me a card for FNC so I could stay there instead of alone at home after school. I tell her once and I’m already being pampered.” You laugh, Jongseob’s face lighting up. “Really? You should text me when you arrive! I’ll come find you, and I won’t bother if you have homework to do!”
“She hasn’t gotten it for me yet, I’m still thinking about it.”
“You should say yes so we can see each other in person more often! As long as your school isn’t far from headquarters, though.”
“We see each other when we call.”
“Seeing you like this is often just my luck. Otherwise I’m busy practicing or resting in the dorms. I like being able to talk to you in person.”
And as he smiles, that same one always on his face whenever you two seem to be together, you remember that he’s still just a kid. He’s the same age as you and he’s already in the spotlight, under the watchful eyes of so many fans through their screens.
You get to see him beyond that screen. You’ve been able to see him, meet him, know him beyond his idol persona. And he’s comfortable enough to share who he really is with you. You feel grateful for that.
The front door opens, your mom welcoming you in and noticing your friend by the door as well. “Jongseob, what a nice surprise! Such a coincidence you two ran into each other again. Thank you for walking with Y/N.”
“You’re welcome, Mrs. L/N.”
“Do you need a ride back?”
“Jongseob!” Someone calls, a group of five guys crowded outside your house, which you then identify as his group. “Let’s go, dude! Food’s gonna get cold.” Another one adds.
“I should get going. See you tomorrow, hopefully?” He asks, almost promising.
“Yeah. See you tomorrow.”
You both stand there for a moment, looking at each other as if you were anticipating something as your mom goes ahead inside, the door still open. He suddenly steps forward and wraps his arms around you, one of his hands resting on top of your head.
You’re surprised, but return the hug carefully before he pulls away, sending you a small wave as he goes to join his group in departing.
Jongseob feels an elephant in the room as he walks with them, Theo carrying on a conversation that didn’t seem to make the vibe go away. It doesn’t seem to until they all got back to the dorm, when they started eating.
“That’s a different hat. What happened to the other one?” Intak asks rhetorically. “Y/N had it.” Soul answers nonchalantly, not seeming to understand the sarcasm behind it. “I gave it to her. She was cold.”
“Is she borrowing it?” Jiung asks. “I gave it to her. It’s hers now.” Jongseob reiterates, his point clarified.
“How does Soul know her name and we don’t?” Keeho asks, mouth full. “I talk to her all the time, do you not hear?” Everyone but Soul shakes their head. “She’s nice.” Soul adds.
“Hopefully she can come after school tomorrow. Her mom is trying to get her admission in so she doesn’t have to stay at home.”
“You met her mom?” Intak asks, Jongseob nodding. “I run into her in the halls, sometimes in the elevator.”
“What was the hug for? I swore she looked like she could’ve fallen asleep in your arms.” Theo asks, pointing out something that had Jongseob questioning.
“I… I don’t know.”
his first crush.
“I was feeling nice, I guess. It was cold. She looked cold.”
Jongseob didn’t really have a reason. He couldn’t think of why he left you off with a hug that night. The question kept him up all night.
Along with the speed of his racing heart.
hi sorry
whats up?
my mom is looking for you what dance room are you in
why is she looking for me?
has to give you something? idk she told me to ask
okay im in 205
Jongseob puts his phone down and goes back to warming up, taking off his hat and focusing on himself. More specifically, his hair.
‘I really like your hair. I sometimes wish you didn’t have to hide it.’
Why couldn’t he get that out of his head?
As the song begins to end, he hears a knock on the door, finishing off and pausing the music before answering. He opens the door to reveal you, still in your school uniform.
“Hi!” You greet. At first, he’s stunned. You���re really here, and you’re really visiting him. “I got a card from the front desk.” He’s still standing there, jaw slack, staring at you in disbelief. All of a sudden, he’s hugging you, hiding your face in his shoulder as he looks up to check the halls, guiding you in and closing the door.
“Don’t want them to see you. But hi.” He mutters, clearing his throat after pulling away.
“They know I’m here. Have you warmed up yet? Are the rest of them coming?”
“Not for a while. I think I’ll take a break–“
“You dyed your hair!”
He freezes as your hand goes up to touch it. His color changed from lavender to a deep, light red. “Yeah. Do you like it?”
“It looks really good on you.”
“Do you prefer this or the purple?”
“Honestly, you look good with any color.” You sit down on the ground, opening your backpack but pausing before going any further. “Can I do my homework? I have one question left and it’s super easy.”
“Go ahead.”
Jongseob can’t help but focus on you the whole time, when you take your papers and pencils out, when you read through the worksheet, when you begin to write, so concentrated in the moment. He finds himself staring, and you do too.
“All done.” You look up to see him returning your gaze, something there when your eyes meet. “What was so interesting about me and my schoolwork?”
“You were staring at me.”
He flushes, shaking his head and denying immediately. “No! I wasn’t!”
“Come on, you can admit it. You think I’m pretty.”
“I think you’re pretty.”
You cut him off, answering with no shame and an innocent smile on your face. He can’t help but think you mean more than you really do. “You do?”
“Oh, I do. Your hair, your face, your style. It all compliments so well. Take it from me, I’m an artist.”
He thinks to himself as you await his answer. “I think you’re pretty too.”
“Really pretty.”
You both have the same kind of war going on in your head. You wish the other really meant it, but something was holding you back from believing they did. To outsiders, you looked like two people in love. In your head, you were hoping he really meant what he was saying.
“I, um, hope you don’t mind if I stay in for practice. And I do want to talk to you before your members get here.” You try to divert the conversation with the atmosphere telling you closure was needed. “Yeah, we’re working on our comeback actually, so…” He holds out his pinkie.
“You have to promise not to tell anyone. Not a peep.”
You lock your own with his. “Promise.” You both giggle at the gesture as your fingers pull away. “I know this is gonna sound like a really stupid, cheesy question, but do you mean it?”
The way you start off catches his attention. “Do I mean what?”
“When you said I was pretty.”
He’s stunned, stuck in place as he stares at you while forgetting to answer. “I know we’re still young, but I’ve had my heart toyed with before. And all he did was laugh.” You scooted closer to him. “So what I’m asking is, ‘seob, do you really think I’m pretty? Or are you just being nice?”
“What answer are you hoping to hear?”
“That you do. That you mean everything you’ve ever said to me.”
He’s frozen, all he can do is stare into your eyes as you await a response. “Yes.”
“Yes, I do mean it. You, Y/N, are one very pretty girl.”
“How many pretty girls do you see while out for work?”
“Many. None of them are as pretty as you.”
her first crush.
You know you’re the one that instigated this conversation, but still, you can’t help but blush at his response. “You’re all red.” He points out. “Do my words really mean that much to you?”
“All I wanted was closure.”
The door opens, Jongseob patting your head and joining the rest of the guys as if he didn’t just have you melting a few seconds ago.
You sat in the corner of the practice room, your face still hot, and your eyes focused on Jongseob the entire time.
i want you to come visit but my mom isnt letting any visitors in the house
how come?
apparently we’re having a dinner party here in a few days or something? idk shes trying to keep it clean beforehand cuz my dad is finally coming back from his trip
he’s been overseas for how long??
a few months now, some promotion that he got resulted in him staying longer
oh wow
well you could come over to my dorm
i gotta ask the guys first
oh if u have to ask then its okay maybe next time
they said yes
i hear them cleaning up
are you coming or not
You knock on their door, and when no one responds, you call Jongseob, and it suddenly opens to reveal sight of him holding the phone up to his ear.
“You have… a lot of stuff.” He points out, eyeing the large bag you’re carrying. “Are you sleeping over or something?”
“I actually… if it’s okay with you… wanted to do your makeup. I know you’ve been saying how much you want to try it and stuff and I figured we could do it if I saw you today but I forgot to ask–“
“Absolutely. Yes, please, come in, no one’s in my room. ‘Cause… I share a room, and, Jiung’s out and the rest are watching a movie.”
“I get it. I get your whole rooming thing. Am I gonna be in trouble for being here?”
“Not if you don’t get caught.”
“How mischievous of you. If you were to ever get into a scandal with me, would you care?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t mind that at all.”
You laugh it off as if your face wasn’t on fire, closing the door to his shared room.
“Ew, are they gonna make out in there?” Intak says in disgust with fake repulsion. “Just because Jongseob can get a girlfriend and you can’t is not a valid reason to be petty.” Keeho holds back his laugh. “Theo– you can’t say that! That is not funny!”
“Then why are you laughing?”
“…watch the movie.”
Meanwhile, in Jongseob’s room, you finish off his base, tapping brushes against palettes before gently stroking the pigments against his face. His eyes, specifically. The medium shade brought out the orange in his hair, but really, you’ve been wanting to try out a specific look for a while.
“Keep your eyes closed.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Makes me feel old.”
“You’re older than me.”
“I’m the same age as you. Now hush.”
He blows a raspberry as you do his eyeliner, a miracle it didn’t smudge or that you didn’t mess up in any way. It was almost adorable how eagerly he nodded when you showed him your container of extra rhinestones.
You hand him a mirror, putting your extra equipment away before finding a tube of lipstick. “Wow.” is all he says until he puts the mirror down and sees you putting on said lipstick. “Oh, you were actually gonna… do that part?”
“Oh, no. I was just swatching. It’s a pretty shade, don’t you think?” Your lips are painted with a vibrant shade of red, bold and eye-catching as you turned to face your friend who’s struggling to keep his jaw from hanging. “Yeah. Really… bright.”
“Well, you know my style. Bold and bright. I decided to… take a break for a change. And I took it out on you.”
“You call this a break? I look fabulous.”
“It’s the rhinestone effect. But yes, this is a break since I only do my face most of the time. And the colours are neutral, but defined. Makeup therapy for me is a total stress reliever, but obviously my face can’t handle powders daily. And… I really needed this, especially after this week.”
“I took them already.”
“This early?”
“I’m taking AP classes since I don’t do cram school. My school is aware, and honestly, surprised at my career choice. Peer pressure is getting to me more than it should.”
“I hope you don’t feel guilty about this in any way. You’re so talented.”
“My only talent is this. Maybe I’ll work behind the scenes in the entertainment industry all my life. And… there’s something else I need to tell you.”
“What is it?”
You exhale. “I got the job.”
“The job?”
“I’m your travelling makeup artist. I’ll be going with you for future tours and everything.”
He can’t stop his jaw from dropping now. “No way. You’re serious?” He asks, watching you nod eagerly as a big smile grows on his face, going in for a hug which you tightly return. “Y/N– that’s amazing! Does this mean I’ll get to see you every day?”
You nod. “It’s why I’m taking AP. Maybe I’ll switch next year, but I’m exempt from classes because of my success.”
“Wow, so privileged.”
“I’m just good at my job.”
You hear him chuckle, his eyes focused on you and that damn red lip. “I’m proud of you. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you.” You stifle a laugh. “I’m sorry, it’s just hard to take you seriously with the makeup.”
“You’re the one that did it!”
“You’re never in my style, and it’s over the top!”
The door opens and you immediately pull away from Jongseob, taking out cleansing products after sorting everything else in your bag. Theo stands there, still, staring at your friend all glammed up.
“How do I look?” Jongseob asks with dramatic poses to show off his makeup, Theo taking out his phone and taking pictures of him silently. “You did this?” He asks you, pointing at the boy that had your heart racing. “Did I do good?”
“He looks great. You should come out and show the guys.”
“I don’t wanna watch the movie out there though.”
“You can go back in here and continue making out with Y/N or whatever it is that you were doing in here in the first place.”
“I was not– hey!” Theo’s dragging Jongseob out of the room by his wrist, unable to keep his grip on the doorframe as you hear him groan. You can all hear the guys gushing over Jongseob’s face from the room, poking jokes at him and teasing him.
“Is that lipstick? Did she kiss you?!”
“No, no, nothing like that! She was swatching and it must’ve smudged on me…”
“I thought you two were kissing when I walked in.”
“We hugged.”
“Sure.” One of them snarkily replies.
“I’m gonna tell you who dies if you don’t stop talking.” You hear Jongseob threaten, referring to the movie that was currently on pause in the living room.
He silently comes back to the room, seeing you sitting there, cleansers still out as he shuts the door. “Is there really lipstick on me?” He asks, turning his head so you could see all angles of his face. “Oh, right there. How did I not notice that?” You get up with a makeup wipe, swiping it gently against the mark until is goes away.
It was only until you moved away that you noticed how close you were, and that he notice something missing. “You wiped off your lipstick already?”
“I told you I was swatching. I took photos.” ‘And I could see the way you looked at me.’ You thought. “I’d like to post them, but you’re an idol and all, so…”
“A shame, really. Do you wanna eat? Jiung got some takeout, and I don’t wanna take off your hard work for a little while.”
“Sure, but don’t expect me to take you seriously while you’re all glammed up.”
“You did this to me!”
“We are not having this conversation again.”
his first love, where he can’t imagine being with anybody else but you.
Jongseob’s met a lot of pretty girls. As an idol, it’s only natural he has to work with them, be in the same premise as them. Yet he can never see anything more to them because they aren’t like you.
Your snarky replies, your teasing, your genuine questions and need for reassurance, your automatic response to rely on him, contact him whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed. Maybe it was because he’s spent so much time with you that he built this connection, but he learned that no one else could replicate this feeling he was so comfortable with.
This feeling that he only felt with you.
His members teased him mercilessly, especially on your first day on the job. You were assigned to him and specifically him (according to a colleague, he requested you), and every time anyone of his fellow group saw you working so close with him, they’d start laughing.
Jiung and Intak would take Jongseob’s phone from him if they were to ever find him on call with you. Keeho would give him those looks whenever he saw him smiling at his screen, and on his screen was you. Theo and Soul… they left him alone for the most part. They’d say hello and you guys would chat, but of course, Theo with his natural older brother energy, would occasionally tease him about it, usually through complaints.
“Jongseob, can you stop talking to your girlfriend and go to sleep? We have practice tomorrow.”
“Geez, you wanted her to swatch on you, didn’t you?”
“Watch where you’re going with that! I know you’re practically in love with her, but you should still pay attention to your surroundings!”
Soul simply encouraged the idea of you two together.
“She really likes you, I can tell.”
“Will you be out of the dorm more often when you two start dating?”
“You got her a ring? When is the wedding?”
And all Jongseob really wanted was to figure out if you really did like him or not. Because he felt like he could never experience such euphoria with anyone other than you.
He was only 18, why did he seem so sure about this? His mind was certainly older.
The door to the studio opens, and you enter, dropping your school bag onto the floor and looking absolutely spent.
“Are you okay?” He asks as you walk over, head in his chest. “Not even a hello?” You joke, looking up at him. “Tired. Long day. School’s a real pain in the ass when you have things to do outside of it. You’re lucky you’re busy enough that you don’t have to go.”
“Sometimes I wish I could. I’d enroll at your school and take all the classes with you so I’m not alone. Speaking of school, what happened to those girls who chased you?”
“Oh, them?” You laugh. “We’re cool now. One of them apologized to me. The rest followed. It took one longer than the rest to muster up the courage. They thought I hated them which is why they couldn’t talk about it in the first place, which is understandable.”
“Did you forgive them?”
“Not right away. I accepted their apology, but I’ll talk to tomorrow. It’s a little bit scary leaving work in fear of being chased and they kinda ignited that in me. I could never hate them, though. Maybe that’s a lie, but I guess when I thought I hated them, I was just afraid.”
“You’re so insightful it’s honestly attractive.” You look at him, amused. “Are you flirting with me, Jongseob?”
“Oh, I’m just being honest.”
“Sure. Your birthday just passed and your ego is suddenly through the roof.”
“Well, I am Kim Jongseob, so maybe my ego should’ve been through the roof a while ago.”
“Now you’re just sounding arrogant.”
“I’m just better.” You roll your eyes, looking at the computer in the corner of the room on the counter. “Can I change the music?” You ask, watching him walk over and open the right tab for you. You change the keyboard language to English, searching up a name so fast he doesn’t comprehend that the music already started. You walk away as he stays and reads the name off the screen.
Clementine – grentperez
He looks at you, who happened to already be waiting for him in the center of the room. He walks over, spinning you around and catching you, visibly surprised when the singing begins. “It’s in English?”
“Can you understand it?”
“A little bit. Otherwise, I like how it sounds. Can you understand it?”
“I’ve been getting better… at least I try to. It sounds good.”
“I should send you more of his works. I think you’d like those too.” You feel his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you close enough into a hug. “Is this okay?” He feels you nod against his chest, your arms wrapping up and around his neck as the two of you simply sway to the music that filled the room.
To be in Jongseob’s arms, your best friend’s arms, like this was something you didn’t know you wanted to experience for as long as you could. This felt intimate, feeling closer with him like this more than any other hug you’ve shared.
You two probably looked like idiots to anyone that would walk in, but it was just the two of you, and all you could think about was how comfortable it was in each other’s arms.
There’s a spark. A spark that turns into a growing flame when your eyes meet. A flame that you wanted to keep ablaze but was on the edge of extinguishing. “You… you look really pretty.” He suddenly stutters, the flame growing a little bit more. “Thank you.”
“I really want to kiss you. Really, really bad.”
His abruptness catches you off guard, and it’s almost funny how the song began to near its climax.
“I’m sorry, was that too forward? Forget I said–“
“No one’s stopping you.”
It’s so cliche how the song reached its peak when his lips are on yours. You both were young, yet your minds were older. To kiss someone at such a moment for the first time in your life only made you fall in love with him even more, and really, you never thought you’d experience it so soon. With an idol, no less.
“Kim Jongseob!”
The sound of his name makes both of you pull away and look at the door, Intak, Jiung, and Theo standing there like they’ve seen a ghost. “What the hell are you doing?!” Intak exclaims, probably more aggressive than he meant to.
You both stand there, dumbfounded, and it wasn’t until you were back in your head that you both decide to separate from each other instantly. They looked angry. They probably didn’t feel that way, but in the moment, you felt humiliated. One second later, your face is hidden in his chest again, feeling his other hand on your back.
“I’m sorry.” You mutter against him, his hand patting your back reassuringly. “No, there’s nothing for you to be sorry about.”
“Don’t you feel the slightest bit embarrassed? Your friends just walked in on us kissing.”
“Oh, I do, absolutely. They’ll never let me hear the end of it.” You look up at him, and he’s smiling. “Then why don’t you seem that way?”
“Because I was kissing you.” Your heart beats faster than it ever has before when you’re with him. “You’re the only girl they’d want to see me kiss in the first place. Lucky for you, you’re the only girl I’ll ever wanna kiss in my whole life.”
“Since when did you get so romantic?”
“Since the day I met you in this very studio.”
Your worries suddenly melt away at his words, further assured he feels the same way you do.
“I really don’t mean to interrupt this very sentimental moment, but we have practice, so can you guys hurry it up a little bit?” Intak speaks up, appearing behind Jongseob out of nowhere. You pull away, going to get your things in the corner of the room, realizing he was following you. “You’re not gonna stay?” He asks, holding onto your hand.
“I have schoolwork to do, ‘Seob. And I need to talk to my coworkers at my part-time.” He pouts. “I know there’s so much more we need to talk about, but I’m eating into your practice time right now. I’ll call you, okay? We see each other tomorrow. Promise.” You squeeze his hand, feeling his other hand on top of yours.
“I thought you already quit that job.”
“They’re still my friends. I check in with them from time to time.” He sighs. “Goodnight, Y/N.” He kisses your forehead before letting you go.
Once you’re out of sight of the doorway, you can’t help but giggle and jump around out of pure excitement. You catch sight of Keeho and Soul in the hallway, greeting them briefly. “What’s got you so excited?” Keeho asks.
“He kissed me.” You watch his expression change to match yours, jumping around with you in the middle of the hallway. “No way! Are you serious?”
“The rest of them walked in on us…”
“I’ve literally been waiting for months for him to make a move and the one time I decide to leave later– ugh, I’m so happy for both of you!”
“And then he…” You point to your forehead. “He…” Keeho puckers his lips while you nod, the both of you proceeding to squeal almost too loud in the hallway. “Girl, please, you two are literally so freaking cute, you need to tell me more!”
“I really need to leave, I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay, we’ll see you tomorrow!”
You’re on your way to the convenience store, relieved to see both Mun-Hee and Shin-Il behind the counter, both of them equally shocked to see you there. “Y/N! I thought you were working.” Shin-Il says.
“I need to tell you guys something. Can I still come back here?”
“No. But you used to work here, so whatever.” An indirect invitation to come behind the counter given by Mun-Hee. “Judging from the look on your face, you either made progress with Jongseob or made out with Jongseob.” She adds.
“I kissed him, thank you very much.”
“Oh, shit.” She curses. “And he did it first?” You nod. “Damn, girl! He’s really down bad for you!”
“Is he your boyfriend now? He should be.” Shin-Il asks. “We didn’t have time to talk about it… he’s in a dance practice right now and I promised I’d call him.”
“Honey, no. This is the kind of thing you talk about in person. If he’s really dedicated and really loves you, he’d tell you. But with the amount of times you’ve breached health protocols with something to say about him, I think he really does love you in that way. But still, call him later. You promised.”
“You give all this advice as if you’ve ever been in an actual relationship.” Shin-Il jokes, resulting in a death glare from the most helpful former coworker in the moment. “Listen to her, not me.”
The welcoming bell chimes as someone enters, coming to the counter as quick as they came in. Mun-Hee looks in awe at the person as he stops at the counter, face lighting up. “We still on for tonight?” He hands her two 5000 won bills.
“Mhm.” She says in the most obvious lovesick tone, sliding the man’s items back towards him as she gives him his change. “I’ll see you later, Mun.”
You hold back a laugh at the nickname, glancing between her and the man as he leaves the store.“Who even is that guy?”
“They’ve been hooking up but then they actually started liking each other for more than the sex. Total K-drama material.”
“She did not need to know that!”
“If she can tell us about her love life, I can tell her about yours.”
“This is something entirely different! And what about you? Does she know that your little girlfriend calls you Shinnie now?”
You can’t hold back your laughter. “Pfft– Shinnie!? You guys are so corny!”
“Don’t you call your boyfriend ‘Seob’?” Shin-Il retorts. “Okay, but that’s just his name shortened. At least she didn’t add or double anything to it.” Mun-Hee reasons, receiving an eye roll from her coworker.
“I can’t believe we’re all in relationships now.” She adds. “I can’t believe you’re in a relationship! You’re so grouchy all the time, it’s hard to believe anyone would love that. You too, Y/N! You’re only 18 and you already kissed someone.”
“You still haven’t kissed anyone at your old age?!” You exclaim.
Mun-Hee sighs. “Can you tell it’s been rough without you here?”
“So does my dad approve?”
You ask as Jongseob enters your bedroom, shutting the door gently before sitting across from you on your bed. “Of course he approved, I’m Kim Jongseob.”
Your dad had to go on another trip, which was prolonged, right after his first one due to a promotion offer that was promised if he continued to work efficiently overseas for a little longer. He got the promotion. He didn’t come back until mid-2021, and you didn’t tell him about your little relationship until today.
“I bet he’s pissed at me. I swore I meant to tell him, I just forgot.”
“He isn’t. He’s just… very surprised.”
“Understandable. I may or may not have rambled to him about you.”
“Did you say anything embarrassing?”
“Then what did you say?”
“He asked me what I loved about you. It’s a long list.”
“We have time.”
He chuckles. “Okay, well, I said I love that you’re such a hard worker, and how devoted you are to anything that you do, how you never settle for less. How there’s a sparkle in your eye only I’m able to see when you get excited. How beautiful you are when you’re at your happiest, when you’re doing something that brings you comfort. Should I keep going?”
You’re too flustered to answer his question. “What did he say?”
“‘When’s the wedding?’”
You hit him playfully, hiding your face in the side of his arm, embarrassed that your face was so warm from something so simple. “You really noticed all of those little things?”
“Of course I did, you’re my girlfriend.”
You wanted to kiss him so bad in that moment, being interrupted by your mom barging in the room. She simply stares at both of you. “You’re nearly 19, I expect you to know what we don’t wanna hear in this house.” She closes the door, Jongseob getting up to lock it this time.
“My mom’s gonna get so suspicious next time she tries to open the door.”
“Valid. But we know our boundaries, don’t we?”
You fulfill what you imagined in your head, kissing him briefly and pulling away when you feel his hand tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Wanna know something?” He mutters.
“I don’t think I could ever love someone else the same way I love you.”
“Is that so?”
“Honey, I admire you. You’re amazing.”
“Speak for yourself, mister. So talented and famous for it. I think we’ve been keeping these words bottled up for years when we were just friends.”
“Mhm. There’s so much more I wanna say.”
“We have time.”
“It’ll take all week.”
“I have all the time in the world when I’m with you.”
🐺: guys where is jongseob
🐶: is he not at y/n’s house??
🐺: we have a shoot tomorrow why is he at y/n’s house
🐿️: the shoot is next week are u dumb
🐺: damn bro mb
☀️: they’re gonna get married someday i just know it
🍟: he wanted her ring size (о´∀`о)
🐺: why is he there anyway??
☀️: he went to meet her dad
🐯: are you guys talking bad about me
🐶: nah we’re just thinking about what kind of ring ur gonna get her
🐯: im still 18 calm down 💀 y/n’s dad said the same thing
☀️: even mr. l/n agrees
🍟: how is y/n?
🐯: she’s good, i actually might stay over tonight
🐶: on a weekday is crazy
☀️: why arent u coming home?
🐯: she fell asleep on me i dont wanna wake her up
🐿️: do you have clothes?
🐯: 👍
🐶: bro is prepared he predicted this
🍟: say hi to her for me!!!!
🐯: alr goodnight guys im lowkey tired
🐺: jongseob sleeping early? thats new
🐯: i hope you have nightmares
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and if you’re fadin’, then honey i’ll be fadin’ too. darling, i don’t even know who i am without you. 🎧
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lilacmingi · 6 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Mall employee!San x mall elf!fem reader
Word count: 2,634
Note: A couple of you guys have let me know how much you’re enjoying these Christmas imagines and it’s so nice to hear! I’m glad that people are genuinely getting enjoyment out of reading these 🥹 Reminder: This imagine is from Wattpad so there will be no continuations or extra parts
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You trudged up to the Baskin Robbins in the food court, your legs aching and feet burning from being on them all day. You didn't even take time to change out of your uniform, going from your job straight to the food court as soon as lunch break started.
You approached the ice cream joint, dropping your head on the counter.
"One (your favorite ice cream)." You said, holding an index finger up before dropping your hand back down onto the counter.
"Rough day?" Your friend San's voice came from above you.
Lifting your head, you gave him an expression that said "You think?"
"Let's see, some kid waiting in line wiped his boogers on my tights, another one cried... a lot, and it's always a jolly day when someone gets so excited to see Santa that they could just about throw up—and they do! You know who had to clean it up?"
"Let me guess? Santa's happy little helper?"
"Ding, ding, ding. Correct." You rolled your eyes. "So did I have a rough day? You you tell me."
"I'll get that ice cream right away."
You watched as San got to work preparing your frozen treat, resting your elbows on the counter. As you were waiting, a little girl ran up, tugging on the bottom of your elf costume.
"Excuse me. When will Santa be back?" She asked.
You turned to the little girl, bending down to the her height, a warm smile on your face.
"He's eating lunch right now, but he'll be back very soon." You assured her.
Suddenly, a woman who you assumed was the girl's mother came hurrying over.
"Sweetie, what are you doing?" She asked, gently pulling the girl away from you. "I'm so sorry." She apologized, giving you a sympathetic look.
"It's totally fine. Don't worry about it." You waved it off.
San, who was watching the whole exchange, couldn't help but smile as an overwhelming feeling of adoration took over. Just a moment ago you were complaining about kids and being tired, yet you put on a bright smile for the sweet little girl that just approached you. He watched with a fond gaze as you spoke to the girl, assuring her that Santa was eating lunch and would be back soon. The girl proceeded to ask you what he eats besides cookies because, "He can't eat cookies all the time."
When the girl and her mother walked away, San handed your ice cream to you. You began digging for money, but he stopped you.
"It's on the house."
"What? You have to let me pay you."
"Anybody who has to clean up puke deserves a free ice cream." He told you.
"You're too kind, San." You said, taking the frozen treat from him.
"You deserve it. I know you've had a tough day."
"You're the best."
"I know." He grinned, cutely. "It's almost time for my lunch break. I can see if I can take it early and we can hang out. Does that sound good?"
"I'd love that. I could use some company."
San disappeared in the back only to return a few seconds later.
"Manager says I can take an early lunch break." He beamed. "Let's go."
The two of you found an empty table nearby and took a seat.
"You in the mood for any real food?" San asked. "I'm sure ice cream isn't very filling."
"Maybe a slice of pizza. I'll have to eat something pretty quick. My break ends in about 20 minutes." You told him.
"You stay here and finish your ice cream and I'll order us something, okay?"
"Sounds good. Let me give you some money for my food."
"That's not necessary."
"Again?" You asked.
You opened your mouth to protest, but he stopped you.
"It's just a slice of pizza, Y/n."
You sighed, a reluctant smile playing at your lips. "Alright."
San left for food while you stayed put at the table. The ice cream you had been given was making you feel better, and sitting down to rest your legs and feet was nice as well. You pulled your elf hat off, placing it on the table before smoothing your hair.
As tired as you were, you didn't exactly dread getting back to work. All you really did was stand around and hand out candy canes, sometimes you would unclasp the velvet rope at the beginning of the line, letting kids and their parents through. The job was easy, the only crappy part was standing on your feet all day.
"I'm back." San announced, placing a slice of fresh pizza in front of you, the delicious smell drifting upwards to your nostrils.
At this point, you had just finished your ice cream and were ready for pizza, in need of something salty to balance things out.
"Thank you." You grinned, excitedly.
San grabbed his own slice of pizza before taking a huge bite, the cheese stretching as he pulled it away from his mouth.
You were quick to start eating yours, a hum of satisfaction escaping you.
"This is so good. Really hits the spot."
"Mhm." San hummed in agreement.
Once yours and San's plates were empty, you pulled your phone out to check the time.
"It's time for me to get back to work." You spoke up.
"Yeah. As much as I'd love to stay, there's probably a line of kids waiting to sit on the big man's lap."
"You're right. You go on, I can clean up."
He nodded. "I don't mind. Plus, you need to get back as quickly as you can."
"Thanks, San."
"Of course."
With that, you hurried off, back to work.
You headed into the mall, decked out in your red and white striped tights and green elf dress. You weren't really in the mood to work, but the hours weren't that long and it was sometimes nice seeing the happy smiles on the kids' faces when they see Santa for the first time.
You approached the large area decorated especially for Santa, some other workers standing around, all seeming a bit nervous.
"What's going on?" You asked.
"We're one elf down. He didn't show up and when someone got in touch with him, he said he was sick." One of the workers responded.
"Yeah, we're supposed to have five people here today and there's only four." Someone else spoke up.
"I think I know someone who can help out." You told the three.
"Can they get here quickly?"
"I think so."
You stepped aside quickly dialing San's number. He answered after just a couple rings.
"San! This is so last minute and I know this is one of your off days, but we're one elf short today. Do you think you could fill in?"
"Fill in? What would I be doing?"
"Opening and closing the little velvet rope, lifting kids onto Santa's lap, or handing candy canes to the kids as they leave. It's super easy."
"Sure. I can help out. How long do I have to get down there?"
"The meet and greet starts in about fifteen minutes."
"I can do that."
"You can?"
"Of course."
San was at the mall within ten minutes and had been given a uniform. Thankfully, the people behind the whole meet and greet carried extra uniforms with them.
You watched for San to return from the bathroom where he went to change. You were quick to spot him as he walked over, donning the red, green, and white costume. You had to admit, he looked pretty handsome, even in tights. You weren't surprised by that, San is a good looking guy, it doesn't matter what he wears, he'll always be able to pull it off.
"Well, don't you look cute." You giggled.
"No teasing. I'm doing you a favor." He pointed.
"You're right. But, you do look good."
"Really?" He asked, glancing down at the costume.
"Yeah. You can pull off anything. Even little striped tights."
"They do make my legs look great, don't they?" He asked, sticking his leg out.
"Yeah, yeah." You waved your hand dismissively. "Come on. Santa's here and we're about to get super busy."
San was told by one of the coordinators to take his place by the exit and was handed a basket of candy canes while you stood at the front of the line, pulling the velvet rope back for the first family to pass by.
Hours went by and lunch break was called. You and San paired up and headed to the food court together.
"Aren't you embarrassed to be seen in your work outfit?" San asked.
"Not really. It's Christmastime and people know there's Santa meet and greets at the mall, so I'm not really embarrassed. It's not like I'm dressed up for no reason."
"Why? Are you embarrassed?" You turned the question back on him.
"A little."
"Don't be. Plus, I already told you that you look good."
"I never got the chance to tell you, but you look adorable in your costume."
"Adorable?" You parroted, your cheeks feeling a tad warm.
"Yeah." He smiled softly.
"Ah. Well..." You trailed off, not sure what to say.
San could tell he'd gotten you flustered and he was proud of it. He watched in amusement as you struggled to find the words to speak.
"What are you in the mood to eat?" He inquired, changing the subject (for your sake.)
"How about Chinese? They always have good food at that place over there." You pointed.
There were at least three different Chinese restaurants in the food court, but the one you pointed to was the best out of the three.
This time, you paid for lunch. It was quite the task, but you managed to drop a wad of cash onto the counter before San could. He gave you a look that told you, you successfully caught him off guard.
"I can't believe you did that." He mentioned as the two of you sat down.
"You're helping me out today, it's the least I can do."
"Alright. You have a point. I'll let it slide, but just this once."
"We'll see." You grinned, taking a sip of your drink.
Your lunch break ended sooner than you would have liked, but you were happy working with San. He made work much more bearable just being there.
San stood by the exit, watching you as you pulled back the velvet rope, allowing the next family to see Santa. As the kid spoke to the jolly man, you clasped the velvet rope back into place, the next kid in line tugging on the bottom of your elf dress.
San was close enough where he could hear the conversation.
"What's it like at the North Pole?" The boy asked.
"Ah. Well, it's always covered in snow and there are Christmas lights everywhere on every home and workshop. The streetlights look like candy canes and there's a huge Christmas tree at the center of town."
"Wow." The boy gaped. "I wanna go there one day."
"Maybe you can." You smiled.
The mother and father gave you a kind smile, happy that you played along.
"Oh. It's your turn now." You told the boy, unclipping the rope.
San handed a candy cane to the girl who was leaving, his eyes staying on you. Every time he sees you, it feels like he falls harder and harder for you. At this point, it was too much and he had to say something. He couldn't hold his feelings in any longer.
At the end of your shift, you went and changed out of your uniform into regular clothes. San, who had accompanied you to the restrooms to change himself, was waiting outside for you when you were done.
"Thanks for filling in today." You told him.
"It was no problem. I enjoyed working with you."
The two of you walked side by side, exiting the mall. The Santa meet and greets go on until about 7:00, which is two hours until the mall closed. Due to it being winter, the sun was mostly set, the sky a dark blue color.
"Where'd you park?" You asked.
"Over that way near the Barnes and Nobel." San pointed. "Where are you parked?"
"Down that row somewhere." You pointed to a nearby row of cars.
"I'll walk you there."
You allowed San to accompany you on the short walk to your car.
"Is it okay if I drive you to your car?" You asked. "I'd feel bad letting you walk halfway across the parking lot to get to it."
"Sure." He smiled.
You drove San across the lot, allowing him to direct you to the spot where he parked. When he got out, you couldn't help but notice a bit of hesitancy in his actions. He came to a stop when he got to his car, standing and staring at the driver's side door. Putting your vehicle in park, you stepped out.
"Is something wrong?" You asked, stepping towards him.
"I have to tell you something." He spoke up.
You frowned a bit, wondering what it could be and if what he had to tell you was the reason for his sudden odd behavior.
"Yeah?" You urged, wanting him to continue.
"Y/n, I like you."
Four words. That's it. Plain and simple.
Your mouth was slightly agape as you processed what he said.
San likes you? San likes you? San likes you?
You blinked a few times, bringing yourself back to reality as San waited anxiously for an answer.
"I like you too."
San was so excited by your answer that he grabbed your face and abruptly kissed you. It caught you off guard and before you could reciprocate the kiss, San had already pulled away, surprised by his own actions.
"I'm sor—"
He couldn't even get the apology out before you smashed your lips against his. San's eyes fluttered shut as his hands made their way to your waist, gently pushing you against his car.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as the kiss got a little more heated. San's fingertips dug into your hips as he angled his head a little more so your mouths fit closer together. Part of you was vaguely aware that you were making out with your friend (and crush) in a parking lot, but you didn't care.
At some point, you had to pull away. Your mind was in a foggy haze as you gazed at San.
"I left my car parked in the middle of the lane." You breathed out.
"Right." San responded, clearly out of breath as well. "I should let you get back to that."
The two of you stared at each other for a few moments, neither one moving.
"I don't want to leave." You spoke up.
"I don't want you to leave either."
Your hand rested against San's cheek, your thumb stroking the side of his face, lovingly.
"I have the weekend off." He spoke again.
"Then let's make out—hang out." You corrected. "Let's hang out."
A smirk tugged at the corner of San's mouth as he ran his thumb over your bottom lip, amused by your slip up.
"You're cute." He chuckled. "Yeah. Let's hang out. I'll text you later tonight and we can talk about it."
You hesitantly parted ways with San and got back to your car, giving him a small wave before driving off.
Your brain was still a little foggy from the kiss and you struggled to process it. It wasn't until you got home that the events truly sunk in.
Your face became hot as you replayed what happened earlier. As if on cue, your phone buzzed.
So, when are you free?
Hongjoong ❄︎ Seonghwa ❄︎ Yunho ❄︎ Yeosang ❄︎ Mingi ❄︎ Wooyoung ❄︎ Jongho
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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stjernehiimmel · 8 days
Can I ask anything rlly for a LYNEY x reader where reader buys emilies perfume (the new character, he has a VOICELINE how he really likes it but didn’t get it cause it was too strong for Lynette’s cat senses) and wears it? Like not in an nsfw way but in a sfw way. Ty!!
hi! thank u so much for the first request on this blog :) and yes omg that sounds so cute! i havent read much up on emilie, but i wrote that shes got a little boutique or something where she sells her perfumes :)
Lyney - You smell so good.
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You knew Lyney liked this perfume, as he had been talking about it for such a long time now. You thought that you might as well buy it for him, since... Well, he's given you a lot of gifts lately and you want to make him surprised and happy too.
You had somehow kept this a surprise, as you made your way to Emilie's boutique.
"Are you sure this is the one, Emilie?" you asked the said woman in front of you and to that, she nodded.
"Yes, Lyney loved this one," Emilie started to explain, turning around to the shelf behind her, which had all sorts of perfumes on display and grabbed one. "He wanted to buy it so badly, but said something about his sister's senses... I figured he would forget about the perfume, but I'm guessing since you're here, then... He's been talking about it." she turned back to you and smiled.
"Yeah, Lyney's been rambling about it pretty much nonstop for the past few days," you said, smiling back. "How much is it?"
Emilie placed the perfume on the counter - the perfume was neatly packed in a little box, with a shimmery ribbon wrapped around it.
"450 mora," she said, but then seemed to think about her answer. "Actually, because it's you, then let's say 400."
You paid for the perfume and said thank you to Emilie for holding onto it for you, then left the boutique to look for Lyney.
Eventually you found him in a popular tourist spot, casually performing some magic tricks for a little crowd of amazed children, while their parents where standing a bit further back and watched.
Of course, you waited until he was done performing. And once the children ran away to go and try some magic tricks of their own, you walked up to Lyney with your little gift behind your back.
"Lyney, I got something for you," you beamed at him. "Can you guess what it is? You've been speaking about it nonstop."
Lyney clasped his hands together and stared at you expectantly, with a big smile on his face.
"Ohhh, hmm..." he started, looking like he was thinking really hard about it, but honestly, knowing him, he already knew what it was. "Is it maaaybe that perfume I haven't been able to shut up about?"
"Ding ding ding!!" you brought out the gift from behind your back and held it out to Lyney, to which his cheeks instantly turned red. Did he not expect it? Or was he just flustered that you actually thought of him?
"Woah, I was right! Who am I kidding, a magician's guess is never wrong!" he took the gift into his hands and looked at you carefully, as if waiting for confirmation to open it. You laughed at him and nodded.
He carefully untied the ribbon and then opened the box, smiling all over his face as he took the perfume bottle up from the box.
"Thank you so much, Y/N! That's really thoughtful of you."
"You're welcome, Lyney. I hope it's the right one. I asked Emilie and she said it was that one you liked." you said.
Lyney seemed to look at it for a few seconds, before holding it out to you.
"Try it on. I think I'll like it better on you."
Your face instantly turned red upon hearing that and you stutter out a few incoherent words.
Lyney just gave a chuckle at your cute reaction and took the cap off of the bottle, then gently grabbed your wrist and spritzed a bit of the perfume on it.
"Let's see..." he said and moved your wrist up to his face, sniffing at the scent of the perfume. "Hmm... Yep! That's definitely the one! Wow, it smells even better on you."
You were speechless.
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dollieguts1010 · 2 months
I can request for some Hoppy Hopscotch x KickinChicken headcanons, please?
Of course, here you go you beautiful queen!!
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• They're both very competitive at sports (Hoppy always ends up winning tho)
• They've known each other for 6 years and met when they were 6 years old
• Kickin has been in love with Hoppy for 5 years now and Hoppy has been in love with Kickin for 4 years now
• Hoppy will NEVER admit that she's in love with Kickin to her friends
• When Kickin was 7-9 years old, he thought he just had a small crush on Hoppy but when he turned 10 years old, he realize his feeling for her was so much more than and when that happened...OH MAN! DID IT HIT HIM LIKE A TRUCK.
• They're both pansexual
• Kickin is completely smitten, infatuated, and HEAD OVER HEELS for this little green bunny
• Kickin likes to play with Hoppy ears for funsies
• Hoppy likes to mess with Kickin's hair to annoy him
• Kickin will often call Hoppy hot nonchalantly in front of their friends
• They'll call/texts/facetime each other for at least 3 hours a day
• How they text each other:
Kickin: Yo Hops!
Hoppy: Hey KC! Wassup bro?
Kickin: Check this out!
*insert curse video/picture*
Kickin: IDK LOL FJFEBYGE💀💀 1!1!11!!1
• Hoppy will often help Kickin babysit his baby sister CeeCee whenever his parents go out
• Kickin is always trying his best to take Hoppy to the Moon (he promised himself he would take her to the Moon)
• Hoppy has a great relationship with Charlotte and Randy (Kickin's parents) and sees her as a nice, fun, energetic girl who would be a good girlfriend for Kickin
• Kickin has a great relationship with Holly and Henry (Hoppy's parents) and sees him as a nice, wild, adventurous, and carefree boy who would be a good boyfriend for Hoppy
• Kickin is pretty intimidated by Hoppy's father (he's 6'6, buff, and is a boxer)
• Randy loves teasing Kickin because he knows that he's in love with Hoppy
Imagine something like this:
*Randy is walking outside only to notice that Kickin is admiring Hoppy from the distance*
Randy: Hey buddy, whatcha doing? Are you checking out your.... GIRLFRIEND!!!!
Kickin: *immediately gets flustered and angry* "DAD! C'MON WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!"
• Kickin tries to help Hoppy with her anger issues (breathing lessons, stress toys, etc..) and Hoppy tries to help out Kickin with his insecurities
• Kickin sometimes will ask Hoppy questions about her ADHD so that way he can understand it a bit better
• Bobby, Picky, and Crafty ships those two SO HARD. Like- they'll write fanfics, draw fanart, and they'll giggle and squeal from the distance every time they see Hoppy and Kickin do something cute
• One time Hoppy walked in on Bobby writing a Hoppy x Kickin fanfiction with a bunch of fanart scattered all over the floor. Let's just say the tension between those two for the rest of the day was.... awkward
• The girls be having literal competition to see who can draw the best Hopkick ship art (spoiler alert. It's always Crafty)
• Dogday and Bobby often set up Hoppy and Kickin on blind dates multiple times
• Dogday, Bubba and Catnap are Kickin's wingmen when he tries to ask Hoppy out on a date
Bobby: Soo.. are you two dating?
Kickin and Hoppy: WE'RE NOT DATING!!
*proceeds to make out 2.5 seconds later*
• Kickin likes to collect cool looking rocks and give them to Hoppy as a gift. He also likes to pick wildflowers and make a bouquet out of them as gifts
• Hoppy likes to make homemade trinkets and give them to Kickin
• Kickin likes to make shell necklaces and bracelets for Hoppy
• Kickin loves to tease Hoppy for being the shortest in the group (even though he's the shortest boy in the group 💀)
• They like to go around the neighborhood and Ding Dong Ditch strangers
• They like to prank call random numbers
• After Kickin found out that Hoppy loves spicy food he started constantly buy her spicy food and giving it to her as a gift
• They like playing videogames together (it's a 50/50 percent that Hoppy or Kickin will win)
• One time Kickin accidentally broke Hoppy's leg while playing soccer and had to rush to the ER (she didn't talk to him for 2 weeks after that incident)
• Whenever Kickin visited Hoppy at the hospital, he would bring her flowers and heartfelt written cards and he would be profusely apologizing to her (sometimes he would actually cry while apologizing)
• Kickin HATED himself for WEEKS after the "Leg incident"
(he would cry himself to sleep every night during those weeks) (bro was just a mess)
• Sometimes he would offer Hoppy some of his gum
• Their favorite activity to do together is bothering Bubba while he's trying to work on something or reading
• He thinks that Hoppy is the prettiest girl in the group (he thinks all the girls are very pretty however, he thinks that Hoppy is the prettiest)
• Same thing for Hoppy, she thinks that Kickin is the cutest boy in the group (she thinks all of boys are pretty cute however, she just thinks Kickin is the cutest)
• They like to playful wrestle each other and armwrestle (Hoppy always beats him)
Kickin: You look pretty...
Hoppy: Wait, what did you just say?
Kickin: AH! I SAID YOU LOOK SHITTY!! GOOD BYE!!! *runs off*
(I can see him doing this)
• Anytime Bobby asks if Hoppy will ever date Kickin, she'll scoff and just say "Oh please! Like I would ever date that dork!!" (she would date that dork)
• Every time Kickin smells peppermint, he immediately think of Hoppy and Every time Hoppy smells ylang-ylang, she immediately think of Kickin
• This is what pretty much went down after they kissed for the first time: *the boys chilling at Dogday's clubhouse except Kickin*
Kickin: *slam DD's door open* *huff* *huff* GUYS!!!
Bubba: Hey Kickin, you already? Why you coming up here huffing and puffing like that? What happened?
Kickin: I-I kissed Hoppy...
Bubba: Are you serious?
Kickin: Yeah, I'm serious dude...
Bubba: Woah.... I owe Bobby and Dogday so much money now..
•Hoppy's and Kickin's relationship/dynamic = same person but the opposite gender/the two dumbasses that are in love
• They love going to the beach together
• They'll often listen to Toy-Box together
• Kickin taught Hoppy how to surf
• Kickin likes giving Hoppy piggyback rides and Hoppy likes carrying Kickin bridal style
• They have matching bracelets
• Hoppy CANNOT eat fried chicken in front of Kickin because every time she does, he'll just stare at her with betrayal in his eyes
• Whenever Bubba found out Hoppy is love with Kickin, he was beyond shock, stunned, and flabbergasted because who in the right mind would deal with Kickin's crap!? (Hoppy would)
• One time the Smiling Critters were all playing Truth or Dare and it was Kickin's turn
Dogday: Okay Kickin, truth or dare?
Kickin: Hmm..I pick dare!
Dogday: *softly chuckles* Okay then...I dare you to say "I love you" to Hop-
Dogday: Uhhh...okay then who's next?
• Kickin has a secret sketchbook that he keeps under his mattress that is just COVERED in doodles of Hoppy with tiny pink and red hearts all over the pages
• During the winter time if Kickin sees that Hoppy isn't wearing a jacket or scarf, he'll take off his jacket or scarf and put it on her without hesitation
• Kickin gets really embarrassed when he clucks mid laughing in front of Hoppy but she thinks it's really funny and cute
• Kickin thinks it's really funny and kinda cute whenever Hoppy stomps her foot when she's angry
• One time Kickin tried to build a wooden rocket so he could take Hoppy to the Moon but it fell apart. He was so upset with himself and started crying because, he thought he failed her but she promised him that she wasn't upset with him at all and was actually very proud and impressed that he did all that just for her. He may not have been able to take her to the Moon, but he did create a beautiful memory for her
(this is based off that one really cute SC comic)
It's a dark, chilly, night and Hoppy and Kickin are cuddling on top of a grassy hill while admiring the Moon and stars
Hoppy: Wow, I love stargazing with you..the Moon is just so *sigh* beautiful...
Kickin: Heh! Yeah it sure is...
*Looks at Hoppy for a quick second*
Kickin: But it's not nearly as beautiful as you...
Hoppy: *looks at him, blushes, and looks back at the Moon*
me while writing this headcanon:
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• During molting season Kickin gets very insecure due to the his lack of feathers and thinks he's ugly and that Hoppy won't like him anymore because he's "ugly" now. But she'll always tell him that she doesn't care what he looks like and still loves him while cuddling him and giving him soft kisses all over his face
• Hoppy is the only one who's allowed to see Kickin during molting season
• When the girls found out that Hoppy is in love with Kickin, they started loudly squealing and giggling like a bunch of 7 years old little girls and Bobby started screaming "I KNEW IT!" "I KNEW IT!" "I KNEW IT!" "I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!!" "IT IS TRUE!!! " "YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!!!" then Picky and Crafty join in as well "I'M TOTALLY FREAKING OUT!!" "THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!"
• Kickin will often go to Bobby for dating advice
• They love gossiping together
• Hoppy will just randomly invite herself to Kickin's house and spend the night there
• They'll often protect each other from mean older kids
• Hoppy likes it when Kickin treats her injuries from either from playing in the field too roughly or protecting someone from some mean kids
• Kickin is not afraid to get into a physical or verbal fight for Hoppy
• Every time Hoppy wears Lipstick or Lip gloss, she'll leave hundreds of little kissy marks all over Kickin's face
• Whenever Kickin kisses Hoppy, he likes to make a loud MWAH sound (it doesn't matter where he's kissing her. cheeks, forehead, lips, hands, etc...)
• They're constantly making each other laugh with dark and dirty jokes
• The Smiling Critters constantly "joke" about how Kickin and Hoppy should date
• They have the most immature humor of the group, like- if they here's something that sounds slightly perverted they'll look at each other really quick and start laughing their ass off
• When Kickin is alone he'll make a yellow chicken peep and a green bunny peep kiss and pretend that it's him and Hoppy kissing
• Kickin will practice kissing by using a pillow that has a picture of Hoppy on it
• Kickin will practice flirting by talking to himself in the mirror pretending that it's Hoppy
• Kickin is a good cook meanwhile Hoppy SUCKS at cooking so, he'll give advice and cooking lessons
• Sometimes he'll make Hoppy her favorite snack when she's having a bad day
• Hoppy likes to grab Kickin by his necklace and give him a big ol' kiss on the cheek to startle him which causes him to lose some feathers and he'll just look at her then have the biggest smile on his face and he'll start laughing while being red as a strawberry
(did you know chickens lose their feathers when they're shocked or startled?)
• Kickin admirers Hoppy while she's skating and Hoppy admirers Kickin while he's surfing
• Kickin may or may not be constantly fantasizing about his wedding day with Hoppy
• If Hoppy and Kickin ever got married their honeymoon would be going to the moon
• Whenever Hoppy gives Kickin flowers he'll act all cool and nonchalant about it, meanwhile he's screaming and crying of happiness on the inside
• Kickin tries his best to comfort Hoppy when she's at her lowest (Hoppy does the same for him)
• They love watching the fireworks together
• Every time Kickin sees Hoppy in a pretty outfit he nearly faints Example:
Hoppy: All right, Kicks whatcha think?
*insert Hoppy in a pretty dress*
Kickin: .....
Hoppy: Uhhh, KC? You okay buddy?
Kickin: Oh.. god... * falls and faints*
• Kickin will help out Hoppy with her exercises
• They to explorer abandoned building
• Kickin is constantly breaking or chipping his star pendant and Hoppy is constantly fixing it for him
• Kickin written a song that was inspired and dedicated to Hoppy and he named it "Hopscotch"
wow a song named after a girl.. how original Kickin
• Kickin may act all cool and confident around the group but as soon as Hoppy is around him, that "cool and confident" act is completely gone. He starts acting nervous, stuttering over his words, his face becomes red, starts getting sweaty, and getting chicken skin WHILE BEING A LITERAL CHICKEN. Hoppy obviously notices this and tries to help him but IT ONLY MAKES IT 10 TIMES WORSE.
• They'll roast each other for about 25-30 minutes straight while the others are just watching and enjoying it in the background (they're affectionately roasting each other)
• They're constantly getting into all kinds of trouble
• Kickin SUCKS at flirting like- he'll walk up to Hoppy all cool and confident and some crap like "Hey Hopscotch, you dropped something.. my jaw " or "Did you sit on some sugar? Cuz you got a pretty sweet ass" and she'll just look at him, chuckle, roll her eyes, and walk away (it's so bad that it somehow works)
• Every time Hoppy flirts with Kickin, he turns into a complete PATHETIC LITTLE LOSER. His face will turn bright red like a strawberry, he'll laugh sheepishly while looking away, he'll start sweating, stuttering over his words, and just becomes a complete HOT MESS
• Kickin is Hoppy's personal cheerleader
• Whenever they have a movie night, Kickin likes to make a makeshift nest made out of pillows and blankets so him and Hoppy can cuddle
• Every time Kickin puts his arm around Hoppy, he acts all cool and confident but mentally he's freaking out
• They both have agreed that Catnap is super creepy
• They'll often have dance and singing battles
• They like reading comic books together
Hoppy: Is Kickin here?
Kickin: *whispers* Oh crap...
Bubba: Umm.. You know what-
Kickin: *crashes out of the window*
Bubba: He just left.
Hoppy: Really?
Bubba: Yeah...
Kickin: *comes back to the window grabs his star pendant then dips again*
Bubba: Sorry..
• When Hoppy finally told Kickin that she's in love with him, he got nervous, didn't know what to say, and just blurted out in the heat of the moment "Dude no way, that's so rad!!"
(they started dating shortly after)
• Hoppy calls Kickin "Kicks/KC" "Starlight"/"Superstar/Stardust" "Chicky-Poo" "Babe/Baby" "Hottie" "Cutie" "Dork" "Dummy/Dum-Dum"
• Kickin calls Hoppy "Hops"/"Hopscotch" "Bunny" "Hunny-Bunny" "Bun-Bun" "Hottie" "Cutie" "Babe/Baby" "Suga' Muffin"
• When the girls found out that Kickin and Hoppy are dating they FREAKED OUT. They started full-blown screaming, squealing, crying of happiness, and started asking a bunch of questions
• When the boys found out that Kickin and Hoppy are dating they were pretty chill about it
"Hey guys, guess what!" "What is it Kickin?" "Me and Hoppy are dating!" "Really?...Cool" "Oh, good for you Kickin" Annnnnd there's Dogday... "WAIT WHAT?!??!" "ARE YOU SERIOUS!!?!" "OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!!" "PLEASE TELL ME YOUR SERIOUS!!" "I'M TOTALLY FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!!" "THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!" "THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!" "I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!"
Dogday has basically been a Hopkick shipper since the very beginning... alongside the ladies of course..
Bubba: Seriously! what do you see in that guy?!
Hoppy: He makes me laugh
• Sometimes Hoppy will grab Kickin's hand and run with him while yelling "MY BOYFRIEND IS SO MUCH HOTTER AND BETTER THAN YOURS!!!" and Kickin would just be laughing with the biggest grin on his face
• Kickin feels like he doesn't deserve such a fun, cool, and pretty girl like Hoppy. He think she deserves so much better than him
• He'll sometimes have nightmares about Hoppy leaving him for a different person
• MINI STORYTIME!! (with a sweet ending)
One time at a sleepover, Kickin was having a horrible nightmare about Hoppy leaving him for someone else and when he confronted her about it, she just flat out told him "I never loved you" and "I just felt sorry for you". He couldn't believe what he was hearing. what he was seeing. It felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest and stomped on right in front of him. he was just hoping this was just one bad dream. he was about to cry. he wanted to scream. he just wanted to wake up. then suddenly..
Kickin: *GASP*
He finally woke up from that dreaded nightmare... His heart was beating faster than Hoppy after drinking 10 energy drinks. He looked at the clock, It said 2:50 am.. then he looked around the dark room to see his friends peacefully sleeping then he looked at Hoppy who peacefully sleeping her worries away. He wanted to wake her up and cry to her but he would feel like such a jerk if he did so, he tried going back to sleep... but he couldn't no matter how hard he tried.. he just couldn't. So he just laid there in the dark, trying not to cry, and just thinking to himself "what just happened?" He couldn't help it anymore. He just started quietly crying to himself. Then suddenly he heard Hoppy waking up
Hoppy: *yawns* Kickin? What are you doing up so early? It almost 3:00 in the morni-*soft gasp*
She looked at Kickin, who's clearly been crying for almost 5 minutes now
Hoppy: Kicks, are you okay? Why are you crying buddy?
Kickin: Oh! Hey Hops.. sorry if I woke ya up...
Hoppy: No, you didn't but that doesn't matter. What matters is why are you cryin-
Kickin: You love me right?
Hoppy: W-What?
Kickin: You don't feel sorry for me and you're not going to leave me for someone else right?
Hoppy: Where are you getting all of this?
Kickin: I had a nightmare about you leaving me for someone else..
Hoppy: Oh babe.. *hugs him* don't let some silly nightmare get to you.. I love you
She said as she was fixing his hair
Kickin: Really? You do?
Hoppy: I really do, I love you to the Moon and back *mwah*
Kickin: I love you too suga' muffin.. *yawns*
Hoppy: You still tired?
Kickin: Yeah..
Hoppy: You wanna cuddle?
Kickin: Yeah, that would be nice..
They lay down, cuddled, and embrace each other's warmth until they fell asleep...but little bit they know Bobby was awake the entire time and silently squealing and was secretly recording the entire conversation while silently giggling to herself
(This is my first time ever writing a mini story so PLEASE go easy on me)
That's all for now!
*I will add more later*
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I'm finally done! I'm so sorry this took so long to write Val but I hope you like it! :D
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kairiscorner · 11 months
miles x reader gn! or fem! idrc 🪿
can write one where reader is peaceful baking/cooking something in her apartment, but while she is baking she's dancing or singing to the music (it can be sunflower 🔥🔥🔥). Then Miles decided to visit her and caught her dancing/singing.
I'd really appreciate if you can write this 🥺🥺🥺
HELLO 🦆 omggg this is so cute WHAT hope ya like it anon :>
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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it was a slow weekend for you, and with no chores, no homework, and nothing else to catch up on and do right away, you decided to brush up on a hobby you loved–baking. your parents weren't exactly opposed to your hobby, they were just opposed to the messiness that resulted from your efforts.
however, those efforts ceaselessly yielded wonderful results; they would know, they were always your default taste-testers. however, your parents were both out of the house today, each running errands of their own. that didn't deter you from wanting to bake, though. if anything, it encouraged you to bake while they were away, to surprise them with goodies of your own at the end of the day once they came home.
you readied all the materials and ingredients you needed, and instead of a recipe, you readied a playlist of yours that was approximately three hours long. you never really used recipes, the only recipe you needed was your intuition, your gut; and your gut knew exactly what was absolutely delicious for the treats you were going to make.
you hit the shuffle button on the playlist, and as soon as the music played, you got to work immediately. it didn't take long for the music to whisk you away into your own little world, this small place for just you and your craft.
you didn't mind getting flour on yourself, spilling some milk, putting too much sugar in the bowl or accidentally adding a few bits of eggshell in the batter–these were all little mistakes that, though nobody really says it out loud, is always part of the process.
you found yourself practically skipping and dancing a few moves boldly, confidently–which were things you never usually did when there were people who would stare, who would look. but you were in the comfort of your own home, no one could possibly interrupt you now. at least... not with you realizing that someone was about to interrupt you from your dancing trance.
you were finishing up the last batch you could make for your baked goods, and as soon as you worked on that last batch, the opening beat to your favorite song–sunflower by post malone and swae lee–came on. when you heard the singer's vocalization and the rhythm you were far too familiar with, you soon lost all control and restraint that you never realized you were inflicting upon yourself and just–danced.
you danced, and that dancing soon was coupled with singing. not lip syncing, not humming, but full on singing. you were a little conscious of your voice, you were no full-fledged singer, but you were a professional shower singer--to yourself, of course. but what did it matter? you felt so free in your own space, making a mess as you waited patiently for your treats to bake and performing a whole musical number on your own; missing a few notes and mixing up the lyrics with a smile on your face and laugh escaping your throat--you were so beautiful like this.
as the song finished up and the timer on the oven dinged, you heard a faint clapping noise from the window nearby. you swiftly turned your head to that very window, and your expression became one of embarrassment as you saw--right outside your window, hanging upside down--was spider man, who was also your boyfriend, miles morales.
"man, this is one of the reasons why i love you." he said with a slight chuckle as he took off his mask and as you walked closer to him, sheepish as you didn't know how long he was there--or if you even wanted to know how long he was there. "you saw everything?" you asked with an awkward chuckle. he took off his mask and smiled at you. "every bit of it, well, when sunflower came on. now, i know it's kinda creepy, but can you blame me? i love it when you don't hold back how you feel, i never wanna interrupt you when you're happy being so... you." he confessed as you opened the window a little wider, a small gust of air came in and blew a breeze into both of your faces.
"and the other reason?" you asked as you looked into his brown, hazel eyes. he smiled up at you and put a hand to your cheek. "it's also because you make the best darn treats i've ever tasted, and will ever taste." he complimented you as his smile became a smirk, trying to get you flustered in a more gallant than cute way, but he just ended up looking cuter to you. "so... those treats..." he prompted, to which you crossed your arms and raised and eyebrow at him with a grin. "what about them?" you asked. "care to spare some for your favorite friendly, neighborhood spider man?" he asked, hopeful for your answer.
"hmm, maybe..." you said as you scrolled through your playlist on your phone and pressed the song sunflower again. "but come in here, you aren't eating outside. and besides..." you said as you pulled him closer to your face. "...i wanna dance with you, miles." you admitted as you pulled away, leaving him in awe at just how bewitching and gorgeous you looked up close. "ah, hey! you can't just tease me like that!" he called out after you with a flustered face after he snapped out of his brief daze as he climbed in to follow you as the song played in the background, fading into the banter you two were sharing in your own little world--only with each other to think about as the rest of the world passed you two by.
a/n: i wanna bake now 🧁
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @fictarian @zalayni
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iiiknowplaces · 4 months
hi! i saw requests were open, can i request a johanna mason x flirty!reader, where johanna tries to intimidate them like the elevator scene, but reader pushes back on the flirting and johanna is flustered for once? and finnick is being his himbo self and just laughing at johanna pls? if not its all good! thank u 🫶🏼
uhm yes this is so cute??? i love johanna and finnick would absolutely laugh his ass off so i love this!! hope you like it🤍
johanna mason x reader.
you were the female tribute for district 4 in this year's quarter quell. winning three years prior, with none other than finnick odair as one of your mentors, you were set to win. smart, cunning, skilled, and absolutely gorgeous. but what more would you expect from district 4? much like finnick, you were very flirty, and it was hard to intimidate you, as to why you volunteered for annie cresta at this year's reaping. but johanna mason made it her mission to do just that, and she didn't expect for it to come back to her like a slap to the face.
currently, you were in the elevator with finnick after the tribute interviews, which were a mess in your opinion. peeta mellark dropped a baby bomb, which seemed fishy to you, but nobody else seemed to notice, katniss everdeen was wearing a wedding dress for for president snow, which got burned to a crisp, and johanna mason cursed out the entire audience. you and finnick kept it normal as always, finnick dedicating a speech for annie, which melted your heart, that girl was so sweet, and you just charmed the audience. you were quickly snapped out of your daze as the elevator dinged, the doors opened, and none other than johanna mason walked in. you were somewhat friends with her, and finnick was close with her. you just stared at her blankly, eyes scanning over her outfit, a tree? how original. she smirked back at you, turning her back towards you and struggling with her zipper on her dress. you just laughed lightly at her struggle, and with a huff, she gave in.
"care to unzip?"
"sure, can't do it yourself? how cute."
you tease lightly, unzipping it with ease and keeping a close eye on her slightly annoyed face. she had a light blush on her cheeks, which didn't go unnoticed by you or finnick. finnick chuckled quietly in the corner, he knew about johanna's crush on you, and it was all amusing to him. johanna smirked and pulled her dress down, leaving her completely nude. your eyes scanned her body, which made her face flush slightly. but she wasn't going to let up this easily.
"like what you see?"
she asked with a smirk. it caught you off guard, but you quickly recovered with a clever comeback.
"you're putting on quite a show, and i can't watch? sad, it was just getting good."
she blushed at this, huffing slightly as it annoyed her that she can't get to you, but you'd managed to get to her. finnick found it all so entertaining, his eyes glued to the ceiling (to be respectful), and giggling his ass off in the corner. she gave him a glare, as the elevator dings and the doors opened at her floor.
"do this again sometime?"
you laugh with a nod at her question, watching her walk out as the doors close again. you look over to finnick, who had a stupidly big smile plastered on his face and was staring back at you. you roll your eyes at him, as you try your best not to look embarrassed.
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catslvrr · 8 months
heaven sent — 01. bucket list
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It was about six hours later when finally you stirred back to life, your pillow somehow on the floor and the sheets a tangled mess. You were about to roll over to drift back into dreamland, but a voice startled you awake.
“Oh! You finally woke up.”
You had never sat up so fast in your life. There was a girl sitting on your chair, staring at you while messing up your rubix cube. In fact, you were pretty sure that this was the same girl that you swore was a hallucination just hours ago.
“Who the fuck are you?” You snapped. “What the fuck are you doing in my room?”
“I’m Danielle,” she smiled, unbothered by your aggression. You tried to ignore the weird twist in your stomach, convincing yourself that it was because you were hungry. “Nice to meet you.”
“Okay, Danielle,” you narrowed your eyes. “How the fuck did you get in my room?”
“What do you mean?” She tilted her head. “You summoned me.”
I did what now?
“You know,” she gestured vaguely. “The 11:11 wish thing?”
It took you a few seconds to process what she said before you laughed in disbelief, looking around and expecting Minji to jump out and scream ‘You just got pranked!’
Your laughter quickly died down when you realized that Danielle was being dead serious.
“Oh,” you said. “You’re serious.”
“Of course I am,” she frowned. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
You would’ve found her obliviousness cute if she wasn’t a random intruder who somehow magically appeared in your room.
“So what?” You blurted. “You’re a platonic cupid or something?”
“Cupid?” Danielle giggled. “That’s a new one.”
“I’ve heard that humans call us angels, or genies, but we’re just messengers of God,” she clarifed. “We don’t have wings or halos, and there’s no need to rub a lamp. Just here to fulfill wishes.”
“Wait,” you raised your hand. “Pause. Did you just say God? God exists?”
“Yes,” she nodded nonchalantly, seemingly unaware of the fact that she just casually dropped a massive bombshell and answered history’s biggest question. “He’s in charge of sorting through all 11:11 wishes.”
You could feel a headache start to form. “So you’re telling me that God is real. But not, like, a holy one. And so are angels. Or messengers. And that 11:11 wishes are also real.”
“And now you’re here to make me ‘happy’?”
“Ding ding ding! Three in a row!” Danielle grinned, nodding again. “Yes, I have been assigned two weeks to satisfy your wish.”
“Oh,” you slumped, tapping your fingers as your mind ran wild with all sorts of questions. “Can I ask you some questions first?”
“Isn’t that what you’ve already been doing?” She pointed out innocently.
“I’m sorry,” you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes. “You literally appeared out of nowhere. You can’t expect me to not have questions.”
She watched you get out of bed. “Where are you going?”
“I’m gonna brush my teeth and process what just happened. Be ready for an interrogation when I’m done.”
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“Okay,” you huffed, sitting across Danielle on your bed. More awake now, you took this time to study her, realizing how angel-like she truly was. Her posture was perfect, back straightened and hands always resting gently in her lap. She had this indescribable aura to her — her smile was warm and sincere, yet her eyes were clouded by this hint of intensity, as if she could see right through you.
“This is exciting,” she clasped her hands together. “I love interrogations!”
You cleared your throat.
“Do all 11:11 wishes come true?”
“No. God chooses which ones go through and which ones don’t.”
“Do you choose which human you take?”
“We have a system in place that automatically assigns us our human, based on compatibility and how likely we’re able to fulfill the wish.”
“Woah,” you gaped. “Is it calculated by a God computer or something?”
“Something like that, yes.”
“So, you know all about me, then?”
“Not really. We’re given a brief profile of our assigned human. It’s nothing detailed — just your name, age, where you’re from, all the likes.”
You hesitated before the next question.
“Does God birth you out?”
She stared at you with an amused smile. “Really?”
“What?” You said defensively. “It’s a valid question.”
“No. He just speaks us into existence.”
“How long have you existed for?”
“18 years. It’s my first year on the job. This is my first wish, actually.”
You raised your eyebrows. “So it’s kinda like the real world. Being considered independent at 18 and all that.”
“I suppose so,” she said with a shrug. “We get taught about the world and about the code of conduct for our whole childhood, until we stand before God himself. He judges if we’re ready or not, and then, boom, we’re out here making wishes come true.”
“Wow,” you exhaled sharply, letting all the new information sink in. “Okay. That’s all the questions I have. For now, at least.”
“Awesome!” Danielle clapped, and a pen suddenly materialized out of thin air.
“What the fuck?”
She winked at you, as if it was a sufficient answer to your question, and then pulled a notebook out of her pocket like a magician with a rabbit and a hat.
Well, at least I know she’s not lying about this whole ‘messenger of God’ schtick.
“To fulfill your wish, I have prepared a plan,” she explained. “You’re going to tell me all the things that make you happy, and we’ll create a bucket list of sorts. We only have two weeks, so we’ll have to make the most of every day.”
“Aren’t you meant to know what makes me happy?” You muttered, a touch of bitterness laced in your tone. “I don’t know what makes me happy — that’s the whole reason I made the wish.”
Danielle hummed, unfazed by your sudden change in mood. “Okay, I’ll just come up with the things to do. We’ll start tomorrow.”
She clapped again, and the notebook and pen disappeared. “Just do me a favor,” she smiled. “Make my job easier and wake up at seven everyday. In the morning, of course.”
“Seven am?” You blanched, your whole body having a visceral reaction. “Are you sure you weren’t sent here to make my life worse? I woke up at seven today and I literally felt like I just crawled back from hell.”
The corner of her mouth tugged upwards. “Just trust me, it’ll be worth it. Do you want your wish fulfilled or not?”
You sighed defeatedly. “You got it.”
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