#I know peeps don’t like human versions
ohno-the-sun · 9 months
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This is like when you find out there’s a 4th Jonas brother
What are you talking about they’ve been here the whole time???
Blah self indulgent don’t mind me
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grapecaseschoices · 13 days
OC in 15: Kendis Crawford-Louel
rules: share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
I was tagged by @deepinifhell and am woefully delayed in getting on this.
Tagging: @thedeadthree @thee-morrigan @nat-seal-well @nightingalesighs @laufire @lusavors @cypresswrites @thelittlestspider @mt07131 @roxaro @quaxorascal @tuomniia @andthatisnotfake @sunshineandviolets @sapphic-story [tagged fifteen peeps! i think! and as always no pressure!]
Most of the dialogue from old rp stuff repurposed for this meme, some from unposted stuff, and a few I made up for this. (As warning: some cussing)
1] However, strangeness of the situation proves that the metal gates aren’t fully down around the castle, because she bites out, bluntly, “No! No. I’m not okay.” Her breath hitches. “Don’t. D-don’t follow that up with another question. I thought we talked about this.”
By ‘we’ and ‘talked’, she meant the time she summarily shut down his last attempt to dig deeper. It should’ve been obvious by now that Kendis didn’t like accepting what they insisted on dishing out.
2] "Yook, Kenny, yook!"
"What'm I lookin' at, teeny tyke? --- Well, now. Look at that! Is that me? In fact, I know that's me. That's the second prettiest person in this entire art of prettiness. And is the one right next to me you? It's got to be 'cause that's definitely the prettiest person in this."
"You siwwy, Kenny. Boys not be pretty!"
"Am I? Well, if you're sayin' that's right then I'll consider it. But being silly doesn't mean I'm wrooooong~. Boys can be very pretty, kiddo. People can be whatever they wanna be so long as they're --- kind, yeah? And you're the kindest, prettiest, most talented teeny tyke, I've ever known. Oh, now you're laughin' at me, huh? Well, Ima show you 'bout that teeny brat."
3] "Who invented white allosexuals, like for real? Someone return this woman to sender."
4] "We're not even four days into a fucking New Year and this shit stain is stinkin' up the place."
5] "And I get that it's different things for different people. But I rather lose a place, than lose the people that matter with it."
6] "I know you've probs been lied to lately. But you're really not cute."
7] "He obvi picked bad pics on purpose, you Italian booger."
8] "I'm like Siri. Except better looking, smarter, much louder, and not an AI slave to a hegemonic hell-hole that stole the name of one of the best fruits. Like ever."
9] "Um, excuse you. I'm not reckless. What 'bout me screams the self sacrifice type?"
10] "Hey. Hey! Look at me! That's it ... slow breaths. I've got you. Do you -- you're okay, slowly ... Do you remember what I told you last week? Just nod. I've got you. I've got ya. You remember this? That's my pinky. We pinky promised -- the biggest and most bindable way to lock in a promise, yeah? And you may not know this about me, but I don't make promises that I can't see through. I said you're gonna be okay. And I mean that. I'm gonna make it happen, okay? I'll -- I'm here now and I'll be there at the end. Prommy, prommy, prommy, prommy, pro -- oh, a laugh, huh? Ha. That's what I like hearing. Leave the worryin' to me, dude."
11] "If this human version of a mutated ingrown armpit hair follicle don't get up off my face in the next 10, 9, 8, 7, …."
12] “Ow! Fudging snowcaps! That bitch hur –” They stopped mid-yelling but simply began complaining underneath their breath.
13] "I'm --," Kendis gestured sharply with their right hand as if orchestrating their feelings or encouraging Morgan to jump in. Not that they gave her much of a chance when they quickly added, "You know."
"You're?" Morgan smirked, "You know? I don't think I do."
"Yes. You do."
"Nah, nothing's ringing a bell."
"Well, that's probably all the brain damage you got from the last fight."
"Right. I remember that. The fight where I got stabbed instead of you."
Kendis' nostrils flare and their jaw clenches so tightly Morgan almost feels a sympathy twinge in her own teeth.
“Then why won’t you tell me you love me? Maybe a little reward so I can be brave?”
“‘Cause a face full of kisses wasn’t enough? Wow.”
“Sure,  it was nice but this is a big deal. I think I deserve a bigger reward.”
“Aren’t rewards for after you actually do the stuff?”
“You’re right. How about you say ‘I love you’ just because you do!”
“You look cute when you pout an’ you’re gonna be late.”
“Please, Kendis? We’ve been dating for a while now and … That is – Unless – You don’t.”
“I don’t what?”
“You know you are always avoiding it, saying how you feel about me, and you’ve never come close to saying the words .. and sometimes I’ve wondered … I’ve been very patient the last several months –”
“Then keep on with that.”
“Okay. Okay. Kendis. Do you love me?”
“Can we talk about this later? This ain’t as black an’ white as you’re making it look like.”
“But it is.  It is a very black and white question with a very black and white answer. Do you love me?”
“Austyn. Austyn? Stop that! What’re you doin’?  Don’t. You’re – fuckin’ –”
“These are the notes I wrote you. Look at them. Look how far they reach on your floor. Look!”
“You never even wrote it back. I kept saying it and writing it and you never gave anything back … B-because … because you don’t.”
“I never gave – We’re not doin’ this right now. Again. Why’re you doin’ this right now? We don’t even have the time to really get into -”
“What is there to get into?  It’s yes or no,  Kendis! If you say that, then it will be all settled.”
“Maybe stop cuttin’ me off an’ let me speak.”
“You cut me off first! And don’t you start raising your voice at me!”
“You started that shit first, yourself! What is with you?”
“Why are you acting like I am overreacting? I’m not! It isn’t wrong to want to know whether or not my best friend is in love with me. It isn’t wrong to know if you really see a future with us together or if you’ve been just tagging along because I’m one of the very few other out girls in school.”
“You called me your best friend.”
“You should know how I feel. You say I don’t give you nothin’ back but that’s a damn lie an’ you know it.”
“Then why don’t you say it? I say it all the time!”
“But are you really meanin’ it?”
“Uh - Wha – EXCUSE ME!?!!” 
“Are you? How can I say those words to someone that's not a sure thing? You talk a lot about a future that ain’t here but what you really got to say for the now.”
“Wow. Asshole.” 
“Takes one.”
“Fine. Don’t love me. I think it’s best if we take some space right now and reconsider our priorities.”
“Austyn. I didn’t mean – Austyn this is silly.”’
“Is it?”
“Why're we even doin’ this right now? What about the formal?” 
“Don’t call me unless I call you.”
“You know what? Fuck you.”
“Apparently not even in the next few months, asshole.”
Kendis narrowed her eyes but forced herself to take a deep breath, “You. Bumped into. Me!” Honestly, that was a generous and kind assessment. If Kendis had been human, she doubted she would’ve been able to stand with only a headache and a bad mood to show for it.
“Yeah, because you slowed down when you weren’t supposed to! I was keeping pace with you, speeding by the way, and then allva sudden –”
“I know you’re not blaming me for any of this, let alone your speeding, you Stranger Things reject.”
“Excuse me?”
Kendis felt that anger again – no, they could almost taste it. It was just wafting off the air from the shifter in front of them. It was churning up their stomach like sick, this anger that wasn’t their rage.
It was restless, like her’s was, but was also too hard, too cold.
Not right, not right. The warning blared in Kendis’ gut. Something was off and they needed to leave.
“Don’t!” They warned when the person reached out to grab at them, clearly making Kendis ready to skedaddle. The sharp yell struck out like a roll of thunder, loud and final enough to make this person hesitate, before Kendis’ voice dropped into a growl, “Don’t. Touch. Me.” [x]
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agent-carvour · 3 months
@agent-black-heart @peip-peeps @stuckinmyweb As promised, I am informing you about what I’ve gathered and the plan I have come up with so far.
First of all, it seems like Wiggly made a mistake. The deal didn’t clarify that John actually belongs to Wiggly, or that Wiggly can keep him. At least according to somebody who claims to be an expert, this means that if we get John out of the Black and White, Wiggly can’t just take him back. The good news is, that I think I already have a big part of that part of the plan figured out.
The simplified version of the plan is obvious. We send somebody into the Black and White and they get John out of there. Of course, in reality it’s a little more complicated than that. Wiggly won’t just allow this to happen, so we have to distract him. For that - and I am sorry, Colonel, I would have preferred to avoid this too - we’ll do another summoning. But this time, there won’t be a deal. At least not a real one. We just need to keep Wiggly entertained for as long as possible.
For the summoning, I believe Axel and I should be present. Axel would be the obvious choice to go get John, since they can travel in and out of the Black and White at will, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Wiggly has noticed how much snooping around I’ve been doing, so it might make him a little less careful, if he can personally keep an eye on us. We’ll also need a third person, but that’s a little more complicated. One of us needs to have blood that’s never been used in a ritual like this before. Mine was used in John’s summoning, and I’m not sure if Axel’s still counts as pure after everything that happened with Blinky. Colonel Schaffer, I’d really like for you to be the third person, but if your blood won’t work, we’ll have to find somebody else.
The deal we’ll be proposing has to be interesting. It has to entertain Wiggly and give us a lot of opportunity to argue among each other and about the terms with Wiggly, to buy as much time as possible. My idea is that we offer him one of us in exchange for John - just like he did - but with the fun little twist, that Wiggly gets to choose who he takes.
That’s team summoning, let’s talk about team rescue.
This is where you become very important, Webby. Do you think, if Wiggly is distracted, you can get John out of the Black and White by yourself? And if not, can you get somebody else in and out of there and protect them from the damage the Black and White is causing the human body? Admittedly, I don’t have a lot for this part. That’s because we’re still facing one major problem I haven’t mentioned yet.
John started physically changing the moment the summoning ritual was over. And I have reason to believe that Wiggly has continued to expand his influence on him. In other words, we won’t find the John we all know. As far as I know, some of you have already seen what’s happened, but for those who haven’t, just assume the worst. That should be about right. He won’t let himself be rescued willingly, and it’s very likely that he’ll be hostile towards us. That means we need a way to overpower him and to hold him here, once we’ve got him. Once again, we’ll need your help, Webby. Apparently a piece of your web can be used to shield somebody from the lords’ influence. It won’t fix him, but it will make it easier for him to fight Wiggly’s influence until we have an actual solution.
Speaking of which, I am working on that. I don’t have much to show yet, but I really hope I’m looking in the right direction. Either way, I don’t think we should start acting until we at least have a concrete idea of how to fix John. If he escapes before we can fix him, or if Wiggly manages to intervene, that means we’ve lost. We’re back to square one. No, it would be worse than that! Right now our biggest advantage is that we might be able to trick WIggly with the summoning. He won’t let us do that a second time. I know you all want to act as soon as possible, but we can’t risk throwing this one chance away. I don’t believe we’ll get another one.
But if you want to do something now, here’s a list with things that still need to be figured out:
- If the Colonel can’t be part of the ritual, who are we using instead? - Detailed terms for the fake deal that we can argue about with Wiggly - Ideally a way to guarantee that we can stop the summoning before any contract is made - If Webby can’t get John out on her own, who will we send to do it instead? - An ALternative if Webby can't get somebody in and out of the Black and White - Almost the entire rescue part of the plan, especially how can we overwhelm John and keep him here?
And of course
- How do we fix John?
As I said, I am working on the last point, so I’d be very thankful if you could take care of the other ones. I’m trying not to involve either of the Wilburs in the first half of the plan, because of their still somewhat existing connection to the lords, but I’m trying to work with them on the solution for undoing whatever Wiggly has done to John. And I might also ask another person for help on that…
As always, if you find anything new or have any ideas, tell me.
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cokowiii · 8 months
So, in the Spirits Au, is Leo somewhat connected to Casey Jr and the moon?
Or is it just the moon? And that’s why Mari is weirded out by Casey, because a part of Leo is with him?
That reminds me of the legend of a bunny in the moon, don’t remember if it was Chinese or Japanese tho.
Also, what would happen if Casey jr left the forest? Would he die?
Yeah Leo’s connected to Casey! Thanks to a lot of peeps and Tapa’s design I was able to come up with a story kinda sorta lol
You ever have something on the tip of your tongue and you can’t name it but it’s like RIGHT THERE??? That’s what’s happening to Mari.
I don’t remember much of the bunny in the moon but I do kinda know the story of the maiden trapped on the moon though there’s a lot of different versions of it. I’ll have to look up that legend though.
If Casey was left in the forest he’d get eaten 100%. Not all things in the forest are fond of humans and those that know Casey is in the forest don’t like how he’s with Yuichi and Cali.
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amazingmsme · 2 months
Pre-Infusion Pity Party ramble under the cut but I’m just so overwhelmed rn & just want to get it all out
But god do I hate being like this. Why do I have to get stabbed in the chest every fucking month with a big ass needle, & pumped full of chemicals every other month just so I can fucking live? Why did my life have to change so much when I was just a kid? There’s gonna come a time where I’ve been knowingly living with this disease for longer than I had without it, & I don’t know how I’ll feel when that day comes. Rare disease awareness day just happened & I completely forgot & didn’t even care. It’s coming up on the 7 year anniversary of my outbreak, & it’s always a rough time for me
& to make matters worse, for over a fucking year it feels like older family members are dropping like flies. I don’t even know how many funerals I’ve been to in the past year. & we have yet another one on Sunday. & you see the toll it takes on everyone around you & you’re just like… are they next? Are they gonna be taken away?
I don’t have any irl friends because my supposed best friends stabbed me in the back & burned our friendship to the ground over a long torturous year, & while I am genuinely so much happier without them in my life, I feel so isolated. When I try to talk & engage with people, they act like you’re a fucking freak for trying to have a human conversation. Everyone is afraid of interaction now, & it sucks because humans are supposed to be social creatures. & it hurts because I’ve missed out on so much social interaction with my peers when I was & I know that my disease played a pretty big hand in that because I was the sick kid. Other mothers said shit to my mom’s face about how healthy their kids were, & even family members implied shit, essentially blaming her for my illness/weak immune system
& then you get diagnosed & those people fucking grovel & act so sorry & sympathetic but you know their true hypocritical character. It’s honestly revealed the ugliest of humanity. True sympathy is rare I feel like, replaced with pity
& I hate to say it, but most of the time, I don’t even like what I’m writing. There’s a line in Rainbow Rowell’s book Fangirl where Cath was reflecting on herself & her writers block/fics she’s written where she contemplates how many times she’s written this line, or some version of it? & I get caught up writing things others want to see, but the writing itself feels like a chore. & it’s not the fact that I think what I’m writing is bad, but I feel nothing.
I’m writing for fandoms & characters I’m not particularly wild about, & feel obligated to fulfill the request. Tbh there were only a handful of tickletober fics that I was actually excited about writing, & I fucking hate that. It’s why I was so over the moon when all the Hatchetfield & Epic peeps started showing up. Because I felt inspired again, & I can’t remember the last time I felt a spark like that
I haven’t been truly happy in a very long time, & I’m not sure when they’ll get better. But there’s still glimmers of light through the storm… even if they’re small or fleeting
TLDR: I’m fucking sick of getting infusions for the rest of my life, people all around me are dying, my best friends betrayed me, & I’ve been in one of the biggest creative slumps
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chiconisroc · 9 months
Responses to Philas questions
 What would they name the adopted horse?
Answer: Probably a human name : o. So, probably something like Charlie, hahaha
2. What would Philip think of Hunchback of Notre Dame by Disney?
Answer: Philip would probably have either moments of terrible guilt or panicky moments
3. Would “Call your Name” by Hiroyuki Sawano fit Silas and Philip relationship?
Answer: Cries, yesss, it would totally fit :’c
More Questions and answers:
4. if Philip was to watch MLP, who would you think his favourite character would be?
Answer: I say princess luna : o
5. Will Silas hate Twilight also what powers does he has to live more than 400 years?
Answer: I don’t think Silas would like Twilight : o. And the reason he lives long will be revealed later in the story : )
6. I wonder what memes and analysis would be created if Philip and Silas was Canon to the show’s lore?
Answer: Memes, I wouldn’t know : o. I am terrible at knowing any memes, hahaha.
Peeps would probably analyze them for sure, especially Silas and his struggle to accept the love he had for Philp.
7. Silas: *exists*
Philip: https://www.tumblr.com/dominant-dominion/720660955583954944?source=share
Answer: LOL
8. Would Silas like both the Barbie Movie and Oppenheimer? 💖 🖤
Answer: Silas would enjoy them both for sure : ). Barbie for pointing out the problems in today’s society and for it being so artistic, and Oppenheimer since he enjoys serious movies about history events.
9. How deep in denial is his love for Silas?
Answer: That is a spoiler and for sure will be revealed later in phase 3 : D
10. How do you think Philip x Silas would develop in the canon version of the owl house?
Answer: Like, later in the story? Actually, @oxblooddraws had a good idea about it : 3
11. Okok so, there's this song Tenta acreditar (Try to believe) by AnaVitoria, and is not the whole song, but there's this specific part of the music that's pretty more famous than the music itself and that I think that may fit Philas a bit. (I translated it to english but the whole it's actually in Brazilian Portuguese, in case you wanna search for it)
"And if our romance played on the radio?
And if the news spoke about us?
And if the rest of our lives was one step away?
And if today could maybe be when I meet you?
The beginning of everything"
Yeah idk if it reeeeally actually fits, but still, everytime I listen to it I almost tear bcs I keep remembering abt that lol :,)
Answer: This is so heart warming v.v and in a sad o.o. I think yah, it totally fits Philas : )
12. If Philip x Silas did happened in The original Owl House series do you think they had to tone down the religious undertones to not completely piss of certain religious groups due to it portrayal?
Answer: Yeah, they would for sure tone it down so it didn’t feel like they were taking sides : o
13. Does Philip have a crush on Jesus Christ? Like how I see in many fanarts?
Answer: The Philip from was not the hero doesn’t crush on Jesus like that : o. He does respect him greatly though
14. What are Philip Wittebane taste in men and women what are certain stuff he most attracted to also Silas?
Answer: Well, Philip in my story doesn’t have like preferences : o. The reason he got attracted to Silas is cause Silas wasn’t afraid of him and was kind and affectionate : ). And very hard working too. Also enjoyed to be open about new things since he listened to Philip talk about anything
15. If Philas was canon to the owl house universe how would the fandom react to this pairing?
Answer: Hmmm, I think it would for sure have made peeps like Philip more, hahaha. Those who enjoy Philip as a character would have probably gone feral like I would for them : )
16. What would Philip and Silas think of this horse?
Philip: They need to stop feeding that horse.
Silas : Hahaha, what a cute video.
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barleyo · 1 year
Tour guide.
Mayor Archibald X Fem! Reader X SW! Petunia (smut)
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A/N: I’m sorry. They’re human, if it makes you feel better.
Summary: Oh dear.
(Y/N) walked down the darkening streets of Big-City, stopping by a large building. The sign on the door read, ‘town hall.’ She gently pushed the door open, and found it completely empty.
“Hello? Uhm, is anyone here?”
“Hello, hello!” A tall man walked out from behind a door with and iced window, keeping peeping eyes out of it. “I am the mayor, Archibald. What can I help you with?”
(Y/N) quickly looked him up and down, trying not to come off as rude. She noticed his highly business focused attire, with a monocle and bow tie accompanying his outfit. 
“Hello, Archibald. I am (Y/N), I’m Madame Blueberry’s niece. Sorry if I came too late. She told me it’d be wise to come down to city hall and get a tour of the town. Is that something that could be arranged here?”
“Oh, of course, dear! Not too late at all. Madame Blueberry is a good friend of mine, you know. Here,” he ushered her to the office from which he walked out of, “I can get you all set up here.”
She took her seat across from him at a small desk. Papers and assorted pens were scattered around the table.
Archibald adjusted his monocle briefly while scanning through various documents. His brow arched a bit in confusion.
“Is there a problem?”
“Oh, well, not really.” He shook his head. “It’s just that I can’t seem to find your documents. You need them to move here, but if they are on the way now—“
“No, no, I’m not moving to Big City, Mr. Archibald. I’m just staying for a bit, like a vacation,” she said.
“Oh? For how long, if you do not mind my asking?”
“For this week and half of next. Auntie wanted me to pay her a small visit, but I’m sure she doesn’t want me here forever,” she said through a small chuckle. “The women in my family sure love each other, but we love our personal space a bit more.”
“Well then, paperwork isn’t necessary. Now, about the tour,” Archibald said while placing the papers back down, “I’d be more than happy to show you all our main spots here, but there are a few places that I cannot take you.”
He pulled out a small map with certain places circled in red.
“Here,” he pointed, “is the shopping district. I would show you around there, but it will be extremely crowded there. Holiday shopping, and whatnot.”
She nodded.
“This is the port, which I see no point in showing you, nothing but fish and cargo ships there. I’m sure a young lady, like yourself, wouldn’t be too interested in something like that, would you?”
“No, I’m sure I can do without the port.” (Y/N) let a small smile cross her face. She thought Archibald was quite funny, though perhaps a bit ‘dorky.’
He flashed a sweet, wide smile back at her. “Here is one of our college buildings. There was another place, I believe I forgot to circle it.” He stood up from his seat and walked to where (Y/N) sat, trying to read the street names. “Oh. Yes, uhm, I can’t take you here either,” he tapped a spot.
“What’s that? Another shopping center?”
“No, it’s, uhm…” His face slowly started to heat up. He rolled the map up and held it under his arm during his pause in speech. “In the city we have some unsavory places, you see. That is one of them. It just isn’t the type of place a someone like you should be.”
“Why is that? No to be rude, but maybe it’s my type of place. Maybe I would like to be there. Urban areas don’t scare me.” She crossed her arms lightly, curious to know why she could not be there.
“I cannot take you there because it’s, uh, it is where our ‘gentlemen’s clubs’ are located. That is where the strip clubs were built.”
She made a small ‘o’ with her mouth and nodded slightly.
“Yes, uhm, well, that’s about all there is our little city.” He took the rolled up map and placed it under his desk, procuring a smaller version to hand to (Y/N). “Here, hold onto this for our tour tonight. I’d do it now, but later tours are so much easier. Oddly enough, people around here act like we’re a small town: going to bed early and such.”
“I guess I’ll see you tonight then, Mayor Archibald.” She grabbed the small map and walked out, already making her way to her aunt’s house down the street. 
(Y/N)’s head was filled to the brim on her journey to her temporary home. She thought about the mayor, about how strange, yet kind he was. She thought him quite smart and perhaps a bit attractive, but too awkward to be called suave. A flicker of connection passed through the two of them, enough for her to want to explore him and dig up information. She shook these thoughts out of her mind just as she reached the door. She walked right in, it was unlocked.
“Auntie, I’m back home. You have such a weird mayor,” her voice faded out a bit at her last statement.
The small, round woman turned the corner from the kitchen, wiping her dainty hands off on her apron.
“Hello, dear. Welcome back, I was just in the kitchen. Come, I’ve made your favorite.” A plate of small assorted tarts sat on the wooden dining room table. Madame Blueberry sat across from (Y/N). “Now, eat up, but you simply must tell me how the little meeting went!”
“Oh, well, it wasn’t anything special, just, uhm,” she paused while chewing on a tart, “The mayor, Archibald, is pretty nice. A bit strange, though.”
A snort escaped the older woman. “Yes, he’s quite eccentric, but I suppose that’s why I enjoy being around him so much. Such a fun man when you get to know him.”
“Really? He seems like the prudish kind, especially when he was talking about…” (Y/N)’s voice trailed off again, but her aunt did not seem to notice.
“Prudish? You should’ve seen him in his youth,” Madame said with a giggle, “He has not changed much either, he just hides that side of himself for professionalism’s sake.” 
“I’m sure he was a real party animal, hm, Auntie?”
“He really was! I remember, for instance, he had his eighteenth birthday at, what was it called? Oh, yes, ‘Show Stoppers.’ It’s the oldest strip club in Big City.” 
“Oh? Which district is that in?”
“Well, our stripping district is its own thing, it’s down by the port. Why do you ask?”
“No reason.” (Y/N) reached down for another tart, a chocolate one. “Just curious.”
“I see. You know, it’s still open after all this time. The same man still owns it, he’s a good friend of mine. They have the best drinks in the city too.”
“Sounds nice, I might take a little trip there. I was itching for a drink the whole plane ride here,” (Y/N) confessed. 
“Are you positive? It’s the filthiest part of town.”
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Besides, I’m not a child, the deep part of the city is nothing new.” 
Madame chuckled, “Well, when you do go, tell the owner Bluebell said hello.”
“Bluebell?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Just an old nickname.” A red tint graced her face. “Go on, I’ll just be here.”
(Y/N) nodded and ran upstairs to change. She ended up choosing the first thing she saw in her suitcase and a pair of her aunt’s highest heels. She left without a word, seeing that Madame Blueberry disappeared back into her kitchen. 
She pulled out the map she had folded into her pocket, finding where she needed to go. It wasn’t a very long walk, so she reached her destination in no longer than fifteen minutes, as it really was a small city. A large neon sign confirmed where she was, along with the explicit posters on the outside of the windows. She eyed the small “now hiring” sign as she walked in.
“Hey there, young lady,” an older man said, “Could I take a quick look at your I.D.?”
(Y/N) handed the plastic card over.
“Blueberry? Do you know a Madame Blueberry, by chance?”
“Yeah, she’s my aunt, actually,” she took the card back.
“I knew you looked familiar! God, has anyone told you that you look just like her? It’s like looking at a photo,” he chuckled.
“You know her well, I assume?”
“Mhm, haven’t seen her in awhile though. I actually own this place. I’m Ted, by the way.”
“Oh, in that case, she told me to let you know that ‘Bluebell’ says hello.”
He started to walk over to the bar, she followed behind him quickly. They sat down in the nearly empty club.
“Gee, I sure remember that name! Well, anyway, what are you doing here? You’re not here to—?”
“To work?” She shook her head. “No, I’m not. I shouldn’t be in the city long enough for all that, I’m just here for a drink.”
“I’ll tell you what, kid, since you drove me around memory lane, drink whatever you want on the house.” He slapped the tabletop lightly and smiled, “Oh, and, you know, if you ever need a job, I got you covered.”
“Thanks, Ted, I appreciate that,” she smiled crookedly.
(Y/N) took her drink and walked down to the mostly empty tables by the stage. Strobe lights flashed and the music blasted as a tall, ginger woman walked out. She took notice of the few people in the crowd and decided to focus on (Y/N), holding eye contact as she did her set. She spun around on the thin pole on the stage, supporting her with her legs as she felt up and down her body with her hands. 
She went on for only a few minutes more, flashing vulgar signs and lusty looks (Y/N)‘s way.
The woman finally ended by edging over to (Y/N)’s table, stopping right in front of her on her knees. She leaned over the side of the stage.
“Hey, there,” she purred, cupping (Y/N)’s face, “You’re a bit too cute to be patronizing a place like this, don’t you think? You a new hire or what?”
(Y/N) gulped and looked up at the woman through her eyelashes, not noticing the club’s door opening. She quickly grabbed a small stack of bills and held them out to the woman. “No, I’m just here to, uhm—!”
“To watch me? You’re too sweet.” She pushed (Y/N)’s money back to her. “You keep that, honey.” 
“No, please take it! You looked so beautiful up there!”
“Pop the money right in there, if you want me to have it so bad.” The woman cracked a small smile and cupped her boobs, pushing her cleavage out to (Y/N). 
She tucked the money in between the woman’s breast, averting her eyes the best she could. 
“Thanks, honey. I’ll see you later,” she patted the money further down her bustier. She slid off the stage and collected from the few others around the stage, then disappeared to the back.
(Y/N) jumped as she felt a hand gently tap her shoulder. 
“Ted? Oh, you scared me.”
“Sorry, kid, I saw you watching Petunia, and didn’t want to interrupt, but, uh, someone’s here asking for you.” He pointed to the front of the club where Archibald stood nervously. “What’s with you knowing all my old friends, eh?” He chuckled.
“Archibald?” She walked over, her face still warm. “Sorry, were you looking for me?”
“Yes, your Aunt said you would be here, and I didn’t want you to miss our tour,” he fiddled with his hands. “Shall we get started?” 
Before she could answer the same woman appeared behind her, but she had thrown a dress on over her lingerie set.
“Bye, Petunia, see you tomorrow?” Ted asked.
“You know you will, Teddy. Hey, mayor! Hey, cutie, where are you going?” Petunia came up behind (Y/N), slightly snuggling into her neck.
She gasped.
“I’m taking (Y/N) here on a tour, as she’ll be staying here for a bit, that’s reminds me, your aunt wanted me to tell you—!”
“Oh, a tour? I know this place like the back of my hand. Mind if I tag along, Archibald?”
“No, I don’t.” Archibald felt his teeth grit together at the interruption, yet he shook his head. “No problem at all.”
Petunia grabbed (Y/N)‘s hand and ran out with her, leading her across the street. Archibald ran after the two, but he struggled to keep up.
“Here, right over here is my favorite restaurant.” Petunia pointed at a crammed building with one hand while she used her other to hold (Y/N)‘s.
“Luigi’s? What, is it a pizza place?”
“Yes, literally the best one! We should go one day. Would you like that, sweet pea?”
“Yeah, I’d love to. Uhm, I’d love to go with you. (Y/N) felt her face warm up at Petunia’s boldness. The prospect of ‘one day’ intrigued her. They barely knew each other, but somehow, (Y/N) didn’t mind that fact at all.
Archibald finally caught up to the pair. “Please, don’t rush off like that,” he huffed while he tried to catch his breath, “I cannot run like I could when I was young.” 
“Auntie says you could do a lot when you were young,” (Y/N) said suggestively with a snicker. 
“Really? Seems unlikely.” Petunia joined her in laughing.
“Hey! I’ll have you know I was quite a player as a youth! Some would’ve even called me a ladies’ man.”
Petunia let her laughter die out before she held (Y/N) from behind, gently slinging her arms around her neck. “Oh, really? I bet he’s lost all that experience by now,” she whispered into (Y/N)‘s ear. 
“I heard that! I’m not that old, you know! I have some life still in me.” Archibald crossed his arms, cinching his eyebrows together.
“Hm, you wanna prove it?” Petunia asked in a low, husky tone. 
He blushed.
“What do you mean by that? I don’t—“
“You know what I mean.” Still standing behind (Y/N), Petunia let her hands fall over the girl’s chest, gently massaging them. “I don’t live far from here, mayor. You wanna cut the tour short and prove yourself to us there?” Her purring voice aroused (Y/N). She felt her nipples harden under Petunia’s hands. 
Petunia gave him no time to answer as she lead (Y/N) to her apartment. They both heard loud steps follow behind them quickly. She was right, she lived only two minutes away. Petunia pushed the door open and left it cracked open so Archibald could come in. 
(Y/N) pushed her lips onto Petunia’s as she was pushed down onto her bed. Petunia quickly pulled away to unhook (Y/N)‘s bra and returned to her mouth, sucking on the girl’s tongue with a strong dominant energy. She ignored the sound of the door closing and footsteps walking over as she pulled down (Y/N)‘s panties. She dragged her finger through her slickness and brought it to her mouth.
“Here, I won’t hog her all to myself,” Petunia scooted to the side of (Y/N) and held her legs open, exposing her glistening cunt to Archibald. 
He slowly sunk to his knees at the corner of the bed, placing himself between (Y/N)‘s legs. He started to reach out, but brought his hand back. “Is it okay if, uhm…?” (Y/N) dug her foot into his shoulder, bringing him down to her slit in response. He pushed Petunia’s hands off and replaced them with his, hooking them under the thighs of the girl in front of him. He peppered the inside of her thighs with kisses, working his way up to her pussy. 
Petunia pushed her lips back against (Y/N) as her hips lifted up in an attempt to gain any sort of friction from Archibald. He obliged and sealed his lips over her clit and flicked it lightly, just enough to fulfill her. She stifled a moan behind the back of her hand.
“No, baby, you can’t do that.” Petunia snatched (Y/N)‘s hand away from her mouth and stroked the top of it with her thumb. “Don’t you want us to hear how good you feel? Yeah?” She let her hands cup (Y/N)’s boobs, groping them gently. A loud, slutty moan escaped the girl.
Archibald continued to lick stripes over her heated cunt and pushed two of his fingers into her entrance. He kept a steady pace as he fucked her with his digits, feeling her walls clench and release with each thrust. He gently curled them to hit the spongey spot inside of her. 
“Please, more, please,” (Y/N) babbled incoherently, pushing herself over his fingers.
“You heard her,” Petunia giggled and returned to (Y/N)‘s mouth.
“Okay. More, then.” He quickened his pace, now slamming into her aching cunt. Her walls spasmed quickly, trapping his fingers inside of her. She bit Petunia’s bottom lip gently to curb the shaking sensation within her. She tried to clench her legs together, but Archibald forced them back open and flipped her around on her stomach. He unzipped his pants, quickly slamming his cock into her. 
“Fuck, too much—“
“Hush, you’re doing so well, you know you can take it.” Petunia stroked her hair and wiped the tears forming in the corner of (Y/N)‘s eyes. “You look so pretty when you’re filled up!” 
(Y/N) pushed Petunia back onto the headboard, balancing herself on one elbow, and placed her hand between her thighs. She slipped under her panties and curled a finger into Petunia. She gasped at the prodding feeling. (Y/N) slipped another finger into the Ginger woman’s pussy while Archibald dug his nails into her hips, hitting deeper and deeper each time. She tensed up again, cumming over his length instead of his thin, nimble fingers this time. 
Archibald felt his core light up, and allowed himself a few final thrusts into (Y/N). He pulled out and let his cum spurt out onto her back. 
Petunia pulled (Y/N)’s shaking body up to her and snuggled up to her. She held her closely and threw a blanket over her shoulders. 
“You did so good, baby. Fuck, you were so pretty while he fucked you.” She stroked the girl’s hair, placing small kisses on the top of her head. 
(Y/N) felt herself sink into sleep as exhaustion crept up on her. She could faintly hear Archibald ask Petunia something.
“I’ll tell her, don’t worry. Goodbye, old man,” she snickered. Footsteps trailed off. “Honey, how would you like to stay in Big City? Archibald said your aunt wants you to move in.”
She hummed into Petunia’s shoulder, “Stay with you?”
“Sure, stay with me. Would that be okay?”
“Wanna stay with you,” she yawned, “I’ll stay.”
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neoninky · 3 months
I wanna draw but like
My body says no 😂 so I’ll put a pin in that for later but does anyone remember those silly tomfoolery posts I used to make at random about my TWST OCs and the canon boys? No??
Well welcome to this post, featuring my 2nd Gen OCs, Riddle and Floyd’s sons, or as I like to mentally dub them
✨The Boyfriends✨ (TM)
If you’d like to read their short story, check out my AO3 page, more specifically the “Sacred Crown Shorts” Chapters 3 thru 7 👍
Tagging peeps so they get their daily dose of serotonin:
@wysteriadelights @nuitthegoddess @iscarlettappel @foxwitchaine @aiimee9 @victoria1676 @zstargalaxy @yunaemiya @honey-milk-depresso
The boys
Prince Valis Rosehearts: Pomefiore House Warden, a literal prince and the super-handsome-yet-supposedly-untouchable-Yuki Sohma-ass-beautiful boi heartthrob, gentle aura, excellent student, the whole shebang
Calico Leech: Octavinelle House Warden, a literal siren eel merman, tall af, handsome-yet-flirty-badboy-ish-aura-going-on, got deem TEEFS, wicked smart, wicked talented, stupid charming
Scene: Calico and Valis witty bantering their way through the school day in front of Disney God and everyone
Mob Students: *POV: both guys are surrounded by sparkling bubbles and can do no wrong* oh my gerd, they’re totally rivals! I don’t know who’s cooler!! Asdfghjkl (Insert that Regina George is legend scene from Mean Girls srsly either boy could punch a mob student in the face and they would be worshiped probably)
Calico: *internal monologue* holy fuck he’s the most beautiful human I’ve ever seen-oh shit I think I’m Bi-well I kinda already knew that but now its real like REAL REAL-ohgodhe’slookingatmeAHHH “ha….lame cool guy comment on something goes here.”
Scene: Back in the canon timeline, Riddle being annoyed as hell by Floyd finally graduating
Riddle: oh thank Seven it’s finally over…
:years later:
Valis: *shamelessly clinging to his tall ass eel boyfriend like a squirrel on a tree* Father, I love him
Or, in the original draft of the story where it was going to be Floyd’s son and Riddle’s daughter
Mina: *teary eyed, dramatically clinging to Calico in the same fashion* Daddy, I love him!!
Riddle: *somewhere between having an aneurism and Overblotting all over again* NOOOOOO
In both versions, Floyd is having an absolute ball lol
Calico and Valis: *doing a shit job of hiding their relationship* ha ha yup we are just two House Warden bros. Bro-ing it up. Nothing else going on heeeeerrrreee….
Their dorm students:
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Jet and Spinel:
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coeluvr · 1 year
okay, review timee~❤️
i really (3x) lovee you writing! it’s so easy ro understand wirhout sacrificing the eloquence of it!
I lovee the loree the story setting, the fact that the gods gave the people powers, and then dissappeared with only a promise to return when humanity needed them the most??
i love how you depicted all the characters, even when it’s only prologue + chpt 1, all the characters have the potential to have depths!
now, i know the story theme is about revenge, but, I DO NOT WANT TO SEE LUCERIS’S FACE OR PEOPLE ASSOCIATED WITH HIM😡 we are only in prologue + chpt 1 peeps, and im already invested in mc’s family like daamn.
like maybe my version of revenge is to just booked it from rosea and just live as a commoner while coming to terms that mc really has no one😔 while coming to terms with their family deaths and coming to terms that mc’s sister is kind of a traitor to rosea AND vesphire, maybe mc can, i dunno find something useful/productive while living in a kingdom or village FAR AWAY from luceris and rosea😀
but luceris’s nasty revenge plan wants me to be his nasty royal consort. i guess mc has to find a way to booked it later, before the toxicity of ROYAL COURT really gets to their mind. now i know that mc’s canonically tries to be nice to the roseans, but i headcanoned my mc to be bitter everytime, like haw could they not? they are in a territorry of the people that killed her family, and roseans ain’t nice to their enemies (i don’t need their holier than thou kindness, just leave mc be)
though, i guess being a royal consort is a blessing in disguise, to run away from a kingdom, we need a 300 iq strategy🤔
oh! and when we died in the dungeon, i thought that mc has time travelling powers, though i think im wrong as mc’s patron goddess is fire related(?)
aaah~ that’s all from me. im so sorry this is long author! im still reeling from the bitterness (which is very good that this story can make people feel what the mc is mostly feeling)
oh and quick question, can we be the aloof type? like my mc doesn’t care about anything but reaching their goals?
Hi, anon!
Thank you so much!! 🥹💗
I love long reviews, it makes me very happy to see people's thoughts on the game in such detail.
Your MC can be the aloof type! Who cares about people when they have goals to pursue? ✨️
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detectiveichijouji · 7 months
Case 19 - A wannabe Taichi?! The jealous kid
[AO3 version]
He was kinda afraid yet curious about what would happen if all Seven Deadly Sins were gathered. What was that purpose…? And the Halloween festival at Amanogawa High was… That same weekend.
“... Only Envy is left… Yet we don’t know why that Impmon and those other ‘pals’ want those…”
“Ah, I think Taichi-san will come to see us!” “Really? He’s been too busy lately…” “Hikari-chan, don’t you want to prank your brother this year?” “Hmm… What should we do this year??” “I don’t think it’s a good idea…” “Daisuke-kun, we know you want to prank him~” “M-me!? No!! I don’t! T-Takeru, why would we do that!?” “Well, maybe we can prank Yamato instead.” “Yamato-san is scary! Hikari-chan you don’t agree with that, right?” “Hmm… What if we prank both??” “.................... H-Hikari-chan… 💦”
“... Hmm… I wonder if…”
“HEY, NOEL!” Daisuke approached with a grin and gave the boy a pat in the back.
“GUH!” and Noel got caught off guard, almost losing his balance and falling on the floor.
“A-ah, sorry…!!” Daisuke babbled awkwardly.
“I-it’s okay…” the blonde boy said, smiling at him, “You three are excited for the Halloween festival…?”
“Yeah! Now that Takeru’s back… We can all enjoy it together!!”
“Oh… So, the others will come…”
“Yep! I think even our seniors will come too! But they’re busy peeps… But it would’ve been cool if they came!”
“Oh, you mean… Yagami Taichi-san’s group…?”
“Oh? I bet you heard about them from Catherine!” Patamon butted him, “Right?”
“Catherine… Y-yeah, I did…!”
Takeru blinked, why did he sound like he didn’t know Catherine…? -- and thought.
“Aah… I didn’t find anyone to play with today…” the eyepatched Impmon sighed, “Geez, those humans and digimon are no fun!”
Suddenly, they saw one of those oldest Chosen Children dealing with a legit 11 year old child.
“Please teach me!” the kid said, “I’ve been looking up to you, I wanna be cool like you Yagami Taichi-san!!”
“Uhh, I… I don’t know?? The last time I was given that responsibility I ended up blowing it up…??” Taichi blinked, “Uhh, Agumon can you handle this for me?? I need to… work.”
“H-huh!?” Agumon tilted his head, not sure what to say to either of those humans.
“W-will Agumon train me!?”
“Taichi, I…”
“Please Agumon,” Taichi begged his digimon, “Just a little… Until I come back.”
“A-Agumon, I will obey every command from you!” the kid bowed his head.
“Aaah, Taichi--” But Taichi left, and Agumon was left behind with the kid. It’s weird how Taichi has been acting a little strange lately… Is it what they call ‘being an adult’?? But he felt Taichi not wanting to deal with that little kid was off.
“What should I do…” Agumon frowned.
“So, what should we do first?” the boy asked, excited.
“Uhhh… Um, what’s your name again?”
“Taisuke, Kamiya Taisuke. I’ll be 11 years old in two months,” he introduced himself, “And I’m going to be cool like Yagami Taichi-san!”
The kid carried a Botamon plush, possibly made-or-bought by his parents. Agumon had been unsure what to do right now. He should’ve been used to it, since Daisuke was kinda like that as a kid…
“Um, alright…” Agumon scratched the top of his head, “Taichi said to keep watching you until he’s back so… Let’s play something while we wait for him…?”
“Ooh!! Nice idea, teach Agumon!” Taisuke nodded excitedly, “The arcade has the best ways to improve your mind and stamina!”
“No, I mean just playing to distract oursel--”
“LET’S GO!!” and he left.
“A-ah… Um, W-wait for me!!” Agumon went after the kid, but then he just witnessed Taisuke stopping and talking with a hooded digimon, “Huh??”
“I know you envy those people with digimon, especially the one you admire the most” the mysterious digimon said, “Say, would you like to use that envious heart to achieve your dream?”
“T-that’s bad!” Agumon muttered to himself, “I have to warn Taichi--”But it was too late. Taisuke accepted a forbidden Digimental fragment and used it on the plush… Which evolved into a BlackAgumon.
After school time… The Take-Dai-Hika trio was leaving on the way home when they found Agumon running in their direction, desperately. 
“Hikariiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Daisukeeeeee, Takeruuuuuuuuuuuuu!!”
“Huh? Agumon?” the kids and their digimon exclaimed.
“Big trouble!!” he stopped in front of them, exhausted, “A kid named Taisuke got one of those strange shards you were talking about!”
“W-what!?” Daisuke exclaimed.
“Taisuke-kun?” Hikari frowned.
“Do you know him, Hikari-chan?” Takeru asked.
“Yeah, he’s a kid wanting Taichi to pick him as a student…” Tailmon shrugged.
“Like someone else used to do” Patamon smiled, Daisuke blushed.
“I-it was a long time ago…!!” Then he looked at Agumon, “Where’s him? Which digimon did he evolve into??”
“He didn’t, he…”
Agumon and the group dodges from a fireball shot by BlackAgumon, who was in front of Taisuke. The kid pouted, “Ow, stop running away and fight me!!”
“I don’t want to fight you!!” Agumon shouted, “You shouldn’t use that shard on you--”
“Shut up! You’re such a coward! Face me! I will show you I can be a Chosen Child too!!”
“Hey, kid” Daisuke stared at him, clenching his fist, “If you wanna fight someone… Do not use dirty tricks like those shards! Give it to us, now… Before your digimon runs amok!”
“Do you think I will fall for it? BlackAgumon is fine, Now… Fight me.”
“Alright… V-mon!” Daisuke cracked his knuckles, “We will have to take it by force!”
“Got it!” and V-mon ran towards BlackAgumon, “BOOM BOOM PUNCH!!”
That opponent was fast and dodged V-mon’s punches. BlackAgumon then shot another fireball against V-mon. Luckily, V-mon managed to hop to the side, escaping from the fireball.
“They’re fast…!” Takeru exclaimed.
“W-what!?” Daisuke squinted his eyes, meanwhile the kid was grinning. This made Daisuke feel more irritated.
“Hehehe!!” Taisuke laughed, “Now, BlackAgumon!!”
BlackAgumon moved too fast for V-mon’s speed, and he got hit by a flurry of kicks. V-mon couldn’t escape or block them all, so he got hit!! Then, BlackAgumon used an uppercut on V-mon and finished with a fireball. V-mon was hit and thrown closer to Daisuke and the group.
“V-MON!!” the 02 trio, their mons and Agumon screamed in shock.
“Gah… ack…” V-mon fainted. Daisuke went to him and took the poor digimon from the ground, helding him in his arms.
“V-mon, a-are you… Are you okay?? Talk to mee, V-mon!!”
“Tsk, So this is the legendary Motomiya Daisuke’s power?” the kid scoffed.
“Y-YOU! LITTLE--!!” Daisuke was furious, but Takeru put a hand on his shoulder, making him look back and then the blonde boy shook his head.
“Now, Agumon… Will you fight or run away like a coward?”
“We won’t allow you to keep harassing Agumon or Daisuke-kun like this!” Hikari snapped, then she took her D-3, “Light Digimental Up!”
“Oh, I know what you mean…!” Takeru nodded, and took this digivice as well, “Hope Digimental Up!”
Both Tailmon and Patamon Armor-evolved into Nefertimon and Pegasusmon respectively. Then they used their combined technique to form a net of golden strings and catch Taisuke and BlackAgumon. Then, the kids and Agumon mounted on the armor digimon and left, taking V-mon to Joe.
“Ghn!!” Taisuke growled, “COME BACK HERE, YOU BULLIES!!”
Someone appeared in front of the kid and the digimon. It was… Noel.
“H-hey, mister can you help us?”
Joe treated V-mon’s wounds, and he opened his slowly, regaining consciousness and glancing at the humans and their digimon around him.
“Uugh, what happened?” the blue digimon was hug by Daisuke tightly, “O-ouch, Daisuke--”
“You only got obliterated by another Agumon,” Patamon said, but he wasn’t joking. He was quite worried, “Are you okay now?”
“Uh… A bit…” Daisuke let him go, and he then looked at the group “Daisuke… Everyone… That digimon….”
“Is not a digimon,” Agumon finished V-mon’s line.
“H-how??” Daisuke blinked.
“It’s a plush turned into a digimon!”
“Like a Dark Tower digimon?” Takeru asked rhetorically, “Then it wouldn’t be hard to undo the spell…”
“Taisuke has the fragment…” Agumon frowned, “I remember seeing it turn into a fake digivice… Since he got it, he started challenging me… He changed drastically from the boy we know…”
“Envy, hmm??” Noel’s right eye was not covered by his bangs this time, “Interesting that they picked someone closer to Yagami siblings… Kamiya Taisuke. You’re the son of one of the Yagami siblings’ cousins, am I correct?”
“A-ah…!! H-how do you know--”
“You just confirmed it.”
“W-what!? H-hey, please mister, help me out…!!”
“If you gently hand the shard you have to me, maybe?”
“If I do that I won’t be a Chosen Child anymore!!”
“Then good luck trying to get out of there.”
“W-wait I… I will give you the shard!”
“Very well, so… un, deux, trois~” he snapped his fingers. Espimon came and removed the net over them, “Now hand me the fragment, please?”
“Ah, thinking about it I won’t!” and he put his tongue out, “BYEE!!” he and BlackAgumon ran away.
Noel watched the boy running away, with a throbbing "cross popping" vein in his head.
“He… he fooled you, didn’t he?” Espimon commented awkwardly.
“... Well, it doesn’t matter. This only makes things even more interesting.”
“Y-you can’t be serious…!” she babbled.
Taisuke and BlackAgumon kept running through the streets, until he accidentally bumped into Ken.
“Ack!” the little child shouted, “Hey, look where you’re goin-- Oh!!”
“Hm?” Ken blinked, “It was you who came running into my direction…”
“You… Fight me! Fight me now!”
“I don’t think we should fight because of that…” Wormmon panicked.
“It doesn’t matter, I have to fight the Chosen Children if I want to be one!
“Isn’t this the kid Daisuke-san told us to look for?” Wormmon asked Ken, who nodded in response.
“Wow, I’m getting famous! People are hearing about me now!!”
“Look, I agree with Wormmon and we don’t need to fight,” Ken said gently, “You’re in real danger if you keep using that shard. Please, let me have it.”
“Ugh, you’re also after my digivice!?” Taisuke pouted, “I won’t give it in! Bye--” But when he started to run, Wormmon used his Sticky Net ability to pull him back, like a yo-yo “EEK!!”
“Sorry, but we can let you take any risks” Ken said seriously, he tried being reasonable with the kid again, “Please, hand me it.”
“NO!” The shard-digivice started to shine, and BlackAgumon evolved into MetalGreymon (Virus). It tried to attack Ken, but Wormmon jumped in front of his partner and evolved into Stingmon. 
Stingmon took Ken and dodged the attack. MetalGreymon caught the kid and flew away.
“... I have bad memories about that digimon” Ken sighed, it was like watching a phantom of his past being revived.
Ken warned the group about what happened and they felt it would be even harder to stop Taisuke now. V-mon was hurt, but maybe Patamon and Tailmon could solve it…? Miyako started using the power of the internet and social media to locate MetalGreymon.
The group were sure he was after Agumon and, to some extent, Taichi. Hikari didn’t want her brother to get hurt, so she decided they had advantage in hands if they used Angewomon.
“I found them!!” Miyako said on the phone, “They’re in the deck area.”
Hikari, Takeru, Ken and Iori went there instead. Daisuke stayed in the university hospital with V-mon and Agumon. Maybe… Just those four can be enough. Miyako was working as their navigator through phone calls and messages.
“Taisuke-kun! Please stop!” Hikari begged politely, “This will hurt you if it goes out of control!!”
“He’s not a real digimon!” Takeru shouted, “That MetalGreymon is just a puppet!”
“HOW DARE YOU…!! MetalGreymon… Get ’em all!!”
“Takeru” / “Hikari” / “Iori” the digimon looked at their partners. Stingmon was also ready to rumble. 
“Right!” the kids nodded, and then got their D-3 digivices.
The digimon evolved (and super-evolved, in Tailmon’s case) to their adult (and perfect) forms. MetalGreymon attacked, releasing his Giga Destroyer missiles against them, but Angemon and Angewomon destroyed them with Heaven’s Knuckle and Holy Arrow techniques. Ankylomon and Stingmon tried a melee attack, by using Tail Hammer and Spiking Finish at the opponent, but MetalGreymon kept being faster than a normal digimon… perhaps because of it being basically a plush come to life.
“It’s not working…!!” Takeru gasped.
“HA, are you losers ready to give up??” Taisuke smirked, “Me digimon is stronger and faster than yours--”
Suddenly faster than the naked eye got the shard-digivice from the boy’s hand. Yes, it was him… Arsenemon.
“GAH! MY DIGIVICE!!” Taisuke panicked, “H-HOW DID YOU--”
“Oeil de Chat” he snapped his fingers and a small black cat with green eyes magically popped in front Taisuke’s face. The cat’s eyes met with Taisuke’s and suddenly the boy fell asleep in Asrenemon’s arms.
“What did you do!?” Angewomon flew in his direction, but the burglar just gently put the child in her arms, “H-huh…??”
“He’s asleep,” he said nonchalantly, “Now it’s your chance to beat MetalGreymon. I suggest using your holy powers on it, that plush might be too precious for him to get permanently destroyed.”
“... Why are you helping us again?” 
“Why wouldn’t I help you? Think about it being a trade-off for this little piece here.”
“Did he…” Ankylomon looked at Iori and the others.
“I think he did indeed…” Iori, blinked. When he looked at Hikari, she was definitely giving that digimon a deadly stare.
“What?!” Angewomon also stared at him under her helmet.
“Au revoir ~” and then he just vanished before Angewomon could even strangle him.
“W-well… Angemon, can you turn MetalGreymon into a plush again…?” Takeru tried to change the subject.
Angemon super-evolved into HolyAngemon and used his sacred powers on the plush, which also stopped moving the moment Taisuke fell asleep. And thus, the MetalGreymon enemy turned back into a tiny Botamon plush.
“It was a bad choice,” the eyepatched Impmon pouted, “We should’ve caught that tall guy called Yagami Taichi instead!” and then he left… only to accidentally find Noel on the way “Gah?! A human--”
“What you’re doing is unforgivable” he said, staring at the small digimon with his green eyes, “Consider it a warning: If you mess with any of those Chosen Children again, or anyone closer to them…”
“Oh what? What will a human like you do?”
“... You might not want to know,” and then he left.
While returning home, Ken and Stingmon just caught (by sheer accident) that scene, but… There was something else they caught…
Noel had been tossing something to air and catching it. Something shiny… Was that one of the forbidden Digimental shards?
“... I need to talk to Takeru-kun about something.” Ken told Stingmon, “Please, take me to his building.”
What would it be…?
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madmewmewofficial · 1 year
oh, wouldn't you like to know? it's a long story, but it begins with a littlr bit of poisoning, and then the death of their brother and sending the whole kingdom into despair. i'm sure you know it well by now, the reason asgore sought human souls.
I might have heard… some rumors floating around. I’ve heard quite a few stories. But every single version I’ve heard doesn’t make them the monster that SOME OF YOU make them out to be!!! They were YOUNG! They weren’t capable of handling all of that RESPONSIBILITY!!! AND MOST OF ALL, THEYRE NOT PERFECT!!! And unless you are, I don’t want to hear a PEEP from you!!!
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My Thoughts If Weird Al Voices Charlie’s Dad In Hazbin Hotel
well if Weird Al did end up voicing Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel,
I know it would brighten my day, cause well even if he doesn’t know that we are technically family, I think it was a few years ago that I found out that we are distant cousins on some family tree place...
and well besides the whole Walt Disney and Jim Henson, he is one of the few distant family members from the tree, that doesn’t embarrass the family.
Lady Godiva’s husband is a embarrassment, I like that I’m a descendant of Lady Godiva and it is kind of funny the whole “Peeping Tom” is thanks to her and some guy name Tom, maybe if he did go blind maybe some Angels poked his eyes but wasn’t there some info that said that Tom guy had died after peeping on Lady Godiva....?
also even if I do find out I’m distant family to some famous people or like some royal families, doesn’t mean they know me or my family that has been around me for most of my life, so I can’t do any favors like at all that has to do with them.
but try telling someone who wont listen and thinks I can help with getting in contact with them, so they can pitch their ideas....once again, NOT possible.
it be interesting if there was a drawing where it has Wreck-Gar from Transformers Animated, and on his head is sitting Charlie Morningstar’s Dad Lucifer, and on his shoulders is Cheese Sandwich from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, and a cartoon version of Weird All is on Wreck-Gar’s right or left shoulder.
all while one of the songs of Weird Al Yankovic’s songs plays in the background, like the Polka Face song.
maybe weirdness runs in the family, but I don’t know if he would end up becoming the voice of Charlie’s Dad or not, one can only dream XD
earlier I think I was feeling a little down but also tired too, I did mention it at another place, and boy do I got a lot to say about my disgust with some parents and judges from Michigan, yeah there are some sickos from different parts in the states, but I wouldn’t of known about well how screwed up a certain thing that goes on over there, if it weren’t for finding out about Med Chicago.
I hope the people in Michigan who has some common sense and know people like that Reverend, need to be stop....
[Feel Free To Skip Down To Where It Goes Back To Talking About If Charlie’s Dad was voiced by Weird Al Yankovic.]
if that Reverend was a real person and not just a character, I would want to punch his lights out, I mean if I was strong enough to do that...
and I would like to kick him below the belt.
even if it is good that the legal age to get marries is 18 years old, but that doesn’t give idiot humans the right to break that freaking legal age rule by doing such disgusting idiocy of stupidity.
well it isn’t like they will be going to Heaven, so it is likely they will go to Hell.
even Reverends like that character from that Med Chicago, at least when I went to Hell in one of my past lives, it wasn’t really my choice and it was because of some stupid humans who were all Toxic-Satanist.
this is probably one of the reasons why Earth Angels, should NOT be placed in families that will just end up doing that cr*p.
it sucks knowing that in one of my past lives, I was born into some Toxic-Satanist Family, then again it would be bad being reborn in any Toxic-Religious Family that crosses lines that should NEVER be crossed, not just those who are Toxic-Satanist.
that Reverend from that Med Chicago, is so a Toxic-Reverend and should go to Hell for his disgusting inhuman filth ways.
also I know that even though the me that is now (and not the versions of me from a few of my past lives), wasn’t born yet during a time when two people in my family had married, and one was 14 and the other was 17, doesn’t mean it was right, and the parents and the people who was giving them the okay to do so, should of at least known better, but they didn’t.
at least they weren’t my parents, I would be ashamed of them.
I guess I do have a bit of Daddy issues, I mean there are a lot of people in this world that might have either Daddy or Mommy or Renny Issues.
 wonder if I should count my Soul-Dad as part of those Daddy Issues, well a soul fragmenting and the fragment becoming a baby soul, would be some form of Soul Asexual Reproduction.
also I can’t remember the name of the video or the channel, but I know it showed some jerk who didn’t seem to get that Asexual Reproduction and Asexual as in the Asexuality, are TWO DIFFERENT things and are of course not the same.
oh yeah, and if some percent of humans today are descendants of Nephilim and the Watchers, then yeah they can be added to the Ancestor Daddy Issues as well...
the Grandpa Watchers, Grandpa Nephilim and the Grunkle Watchers and Grunkle Nephilims aren’t the boss of me.
and I would flip the double birds at them if I was allowed to....
I’m still procrastinating in checking to see if my blood type will come out the same as it did the last two times, so checking to see if it will do so for a third time will have to probably wait a little longer....
it’s not like I mean to put it off for so long, all I know it’s suppose to be O RH D Negative, and I know my Mom has the same blood type, well except the “D” part in there, and I like to think of the D part as Determination like from Undertale.
I can say that my blood type is full of Determination.
 I think maybe the reason why I picked Demi-Goddess as part of my new tumblr name on here (well it has mystical and deltarune in there as well...)
maybe because it is suppose to be like funny ironic, I don’t know, something that is suppose to be funny and sarcastic but not really to be taken seriously?
I know there is this one org place, that has some info on the different blood types...like how O RH D Negative is The Most Ancient Blood type and O RH D Positive is The Second Most Ancient Blood type. and it is in the same org place, that talks about the Grail Children.... I guess I could say the name of the place, it's called templeoftheola.
even if O RH D Negative is part of the whole Grail Bloodline,
I think it is possible that I am just gonna be a distant cousin of Jesus, I mean yeah I can believe there can still be a slim chance and small possibility that he could end up being my Ancestor as well, but at least I know it is still possible he isn’t my Ancestor and is just a distant a cousin.
if he were my Ancestor, there will be need to be some form of proof, like DNA or family tree showing it is true.
but “Grandpa” or not, don’t mean I will agree with him crossing a line if a certain info is true, which I hope it isn’t true.
and yeah just recently I had started to get thoughts that I can’t trust all Masculine Angels, at least when they get into that whole Toxic kick of theirs.
even if there might be some I can still trust, who aren’t being insensitive jerks.
but still, yeah it can be bad when Feminine Angels could get all Toxic just like the Masculine Angels....
I mean would it hurt some of the Feminine Angels to like stop some Toxic-Feminist from going all Hazard-Karen...?
like those three little girls that Bart Simpson thought were cool, but they were just three brats who wouldn’t know real equality if it slap them over the head.
they are just as bad as most boys, at least when I’m Semi-Misanthrope it includes women and not just men...
and even if I am not very powerful, and I am a Defective Earth Angel.
but I know I did have some thoughts that if Jesus and Satan did cross a line,
like some info saying that Jesus would start a war between nations and some other info, which I kind of hope that info isn’t true, I mean I found it on some place that is called Gods and Demons, it’s a fandom place.
even if it is just a thought and I know I am not powerful to do so, but if Jesus ever did cross that line that says in the info that’s in his bio on that Gods and Demons Fandom place....
well the thoughts I have is that I would avenge the Earth and Humanity by starting Omniageddon, it’s a weird thought, but even if there are bad people in the world, there is good people as well.
like the Stronger Than You Parody, that has Rose Quartz singing Stronger Than You.
I am Her Knight, I am Their Shield...
even if some of that info I found before, might possibly be true, doesn’t make it right, and I don’t want him to cross that line.
if Heavenly Father allowed it, I would take both Jesus and the Antichrist by the ears, I mean yeah I had thoughts about just taking the Antichrist by the ear, but if I was allowed to, I would do the same to Jesus if he so much as cross that line.
Earth might not be perfect at times, but how is it suppose to get more better when he tries to do harm to it, and I don’t think Earthly Mother would be too happy with that, and I am on her side.
I can still believe in God/Heavenly Father, but I don’t agree with his son crossing a line.
it just adds to one of my reasons of wanting to go live with the Goddess/Earthly Mother...
I can still believe in Jesus, but at the same time not when he plans to do something really REALLY bad....
anyway, enough talk about that mess, let’s go back to talking about well the possibility or what if Weird Al voicing Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel.
I think it be interesting if Weird Al voiced Charlie’s Dad, but we know the chances of that happening are very small...
and you know, the real reason I had signed on here, before hearting some fan art on here and deciding to talk about my thoughts on Weird Al voicing Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel, and even some of my thoughts and feelings about that other stuff....
I had signed on, so I could block someone named Erin, even if we don’t know each other but I have my reasons and I rather not talk about those reasons right now. [Editing This To Say That I Decided To Not Block Them, but it doesn’t mean I wont in the future if I’m given another reason to, right now I will not block them, at least for now, I can only hope that the fanning the flames does stop soon.]   
after I do what I need to, I can check out some more art on here.
later I plan to play Undertale, and give Frisk and everyone a permanent happy ending with no more Resets.
I had made a Mii to look like Frisk for a Offline User Account on the Nintendo Switch, I had started out naming the fallen human Frisk, and once I had spared and showed mercy to Toriel, and after Hard Mode was over with, I could Reset and change the name to Chara.
but after getting the True Pacifist Ending, where everyone is happy on the Surface, I’m not going to Reset the Timeline for a second time in that one that has the Mii-Frisk, which has the name “Frisk” on it.
I can still play Undertale and Reset and play it all over again on the other that I play it on, but I want to give one save version of the game, a permanent happy ending, where everyone that was free from the Underground, wasn’t pulled from the happy ending timeline and sent back to the underground.
if it was a AU, I would call it Novembertale or Novermber’s Mercy.
of course tomorrow it will no longer be November, but I had started the new timeline and made that Mii-Frisk on November 29, 2022.
after I do get that happy ending in that one offline account, I wont play Undertale on that one again, maybe just well open up to it once in a while just to check the numbers of the save and the ending title that says “The End”, I don’t know.
I can still play Undertale on the Nintendo Switch, but that one where it has Mii-Frisk will only have Undertale’s True Pacifist Ending, with only One Reset, and the other times when Frisk/Chara gets a Game Over and ends up going back in time before it happens.
plus even if I wont play Undertale on that Mii-Frisk one after I get the Happy Ending where everyone is out of the Underground, I could always play Deltarune on it whenever I want as well.
I just like the idea of giving the Monsters from Undertale, a Happy Ending where they wont be pulled from the surface and placed back into the underground.
and if my plan works, it would mean that version of Frisk would of never fought Photoshop Omega Flowey, and only fought Asriel The Hyper God Of Death.
anyway even if I did try to do some Mercy in the Hard Mode of the game,
I kept having a little trouble, and had to show a no mercy, expect to well a few like Migospel and Toriel, so lucky the LV had stayed at LV 3 after finishing the Hard Mode.
but after doing the Reset, I made sure not to [Fight] and only [ACT] and [MERCY] to the Monsters, or like run away if I need to.
earlier today I was trying to fight Mad Dummy, but my Fluffy Baby was in the way, so I couldn’t watch out for half of Mad Dummy’s lackeys properly.
I will try to fight Mad Dummy later, well without pressing [Fight] and try as best I can not to get a game over and wait for Blooky to show up.
I wonder if any other fans of Undertale have thought of this...?
like still playing Undertale and doing the resets, but making fully separate save from their other saves and giving another version of the Monsters and Frisk a Happy Ending where there was only One Reset that happen when changing the Fallen Human’s name from Frisk to Chara.
even some versions of the game characters we love from Undertale,
deserve to only experience One Reset, and be able to stay on the surface without being made to go back in the underground.
so that is my weird plan, I will get back to work on doing that later.
I can’t wait to see the new chapters of Deltarune, I mean I can but you know what I mean right...?
each of the new chapters will be worth the wait, just like how it was worth waiting for Bendy and The Dark Revival. 
of course I have only watched a walkthrough of that game, and it might be a while before I can get that game.
I can always enjoy it by just watching the walkthrough of the game, even if I can’t play it right now.
anyway even if I and maybe a few others might think it be awesome that Weird Al ended up voicing Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel, it doesn’t mean it will happen.
it is just wishful thinking and hopeful dreams, sure we got lucky when the same guy who voiced Zim from Invader Zim ended up voicing that precious cinnamon roll Moxxie from Helluva Boss.
but that doesn’t mean we are gonna get lucky with the whole Weird Al voicing Charlie’s Dad from Hazbin Hotel.
it just seem like a great idea if it did happen, and if Lucifer from the show ends up singing in Weird Al’s voice, you know that is going to be something.
like picture a fan art short short comic, where Lucifer is giving one of his speeches when a Sinner Demon/Former Human speaks up and calls out
“Sing the song White and Nerdy by Weird Al Yankovic!!!”
that would be the best thing to happen, and it be funny too.
it might amuse Charlie and Lilith that some Sinner/Former Human, is asking Lucifer to sing the song White and Nerdy by Weird Al Yankovic.
and well I know that as soon as there is a official design of Mammon from Helluva Boss shows, I am so going to do another drawing of him wearing a shirt that says “This Dork For Rent” with a drawing of a arrow pointed up at his face.
I like the idea of one of the nicknames for him being Manny.
if Asmodeus can have Ozzie as a nickname, than well maybe Mammon will have nickname in the show as well, even if it might not be Manny.
and if Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel is a goofball and silly, then Weird Al voicing him would fit very well and match his personality.
but even if I and few others would like to see that happen, having Weird Al voice a character from Hazbin Hotel or even Helluva Boss, it doesn’t mean it will actually happen, we can just have that wishful thinking and just like the idea of Weird Al voicing Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel.
not everyone has to like the idea about Weird Al voicing Charlie’s Dad,
and it’s okay that it’s just me and a few other people who like the idea of Weird Al voicing Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel.          
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rodeodeparis · 1 year
another rambling tachioda analysis i impulsively wrote where i compare it to folk tales and talk about story structure. whoopee
so i’ve been working with the aarne-thompson-uther index lately. the atu is like tvtropes for folktales. it has two categorizations: one is for motifs, or common themes that can be found in folk tales. (ie wicked stepmother, shoe that only fits the true love, etc.) the other is for story types, which is common ways in which these motifs can be glued together. (cinderella is wicked stepmother + shoe that fits the true love, plus a bunch of other things.) 
while browsing, this particular tale-type caught my eye:
Tumblr media
lenore, the namesake for the type, is a ballad by german author gottfried august burger. inspired by the european renditions of this myth, it follows the tale type description to the letter. however, it includes an additional section where the human curses god for killing her lover, and is punished by the dead because of it. the deacon of myrka, an icelandic rendition, follows this as well to an extent, but keeps the human alive at the end and curses her with a haunting. in general, both involve a bare-bones 365 with different christian and local twists. 
my first thought when i saw this was “tachioda”. probably just my fixation talking, but i recognized the story. not just in tachioda, and not in the way the description put it. 
in a section below descriptions of types, it lists countries where the author found indications of this tale (with sources). i’ll save you the long list - it’s disproportionately european. despite recent efforts to internationalize it, the atu is still very euro-centric. (why go through the trouble of adding “walloon” as a distinct ethnic renderer of a story while you just put “iraq” or “morocco” to refer to those regions?) hence the “generic” description being of one of the tale’s most popular european forms. what’s more important here is the premise. so, when i saw a japanese version was listed, my suspicion was confirmed.
i think what i may have recognized was the peony lantern* (starts page 5), a famous “ghost story” in japan. i can’t find the book the atu lists as a source for the story having a japanese rendition so i don’t know this for sure.
the peony lantern is a literary adaption of a folk tale, written in 1666 by author ryoi asai. the original was a chinese story of the same name* from jiandeng xinhua ( something like ”new stories to tell after snuffing out the lamp”), a famous compilation of adapted folk tales by ming-era novelist you qu that’d come out some 300 years earlier. this makes asai’s peony lantern an adaption of an adaption of a story that’d probably been passed on and changed long before qu was born.
(*for the former - asai’s version is the first in japanese, but not the most popular - the plot summary goes from page 5-6. most of what you can find online is a translation of another, more popular japanese adaption that came after asai but added some things.
for the latter, yes, that was the only english translation i could find. they tend to be sparse for chinese literature unfortunately.)
the peony lantern - both qu’s and asai’s versions - is the same idea as 365, but with flipped genders. here’s a very very basic summary of both of them:
man finds ghost woman during festival. (lantern festival in qu’s, obon in asai’s.) she’s with her maid, who’s holding a peony lantern,
man falls in love with the woman ghost, and she tells him about her past, 
discovered by neighbor peeping into his house, who suggests he travel to the village the woman was from for help,
he does, and discovers a coffin in her old house with an inscription that confirms the ghost’s identity. he then goes to get religious help (from a taoist disciple in qu’s, buddhist priest in asai’s),
despite having gotten help, the man is drunkenly lured to his death,
qu’s man is drunk after a friend’s banquet and wanders inside the temple he was staying at. he’s lured by the ghost inside and into a coffin.
asai’s man is called by the ghost from outside of his house. he drunkenly wanders with her into the temple.
people spot the man, now as a ghost, walking around with the woman ghost,
townspeople (qu) or the man’s family (asai) go to a (taoist in qu’s, buddhist in asai’s) priest (and in qu’s only, disciple) for help,
the priest banishes the ghosts,
in qu’s version only, the townspeople go to thank the priest and disciple who helped them, but find that the priest has disappeared, and the disciple is now mute.
don’t worry about the surface-level details not matching up to lenore or to each other. for example, i’m pretty sure that the horse is a european thing. the folk tale of oisin on tir an nog and the tale of urashima taro are listed under the same type - 470b - with the circumstances of how they happened as local flair. oisin’s stepping off the horse serves the same purpose as the box urashima receives. what matters here is the themes and main events, and those track.
lenore could have very well ended in the same way as the peony lantern - the human and ghost are spotted, and a christian priest banishes them - but it doesn’t. that’s because of a very important difference in the way these stories are set up.
if you know the difference between european five-act structure and east asian four-act structure, skip to the paragraph starting with “if the peony lantern followed”.
european five-act structure goes like this: 
exposition - characters, setting, and conflict are set up.
bob needs to open the bottle of olive oil to make dinner. the cap is tight.
rising action(s) - conflict ramps up.
bob struggles to open the tight cap. he tries everything, but it doesn’t work.
climax - conflict comes to its highest point.
in frustration, he digs under the cap with a knife, and it flings open.
falling action(s) - conflict de-escelates and starts to wrap up.
bob closes the bottle and pours the olive oil in the pan.
resolution - conflict is resolved.
bob continues making dinner.
east asian four-act structure* differs by country, but the gist of it goes like this: 
introduction - characters, setting, and pretense are set up.
bob is making dinner. he’s struggling to open an olive oil bottle with a tight cap.
development - situation is developed. 
in frustration, he digs under the cap with a knife and it flings open. he pours oil in a pan.
pivot - story changes direction/introduces a new perspective.
alice comes to stand behind him. she sounds angry. 
conclusion - story ends. 
bob turns around and discovers that alice’s eye is swollen and red - the cap had flung into it. bob profusely apologizes while he cooks.
(*ctrl+f “east asian 4 act”.)
4-act isn’t the only one used in east asia, and 5-act isn’t the only one used in europe
i’m not saying you can’t appreciate these if you didn’t grow up with them or something like that
these aren’t the end-all-be-all of story structures in general, but it’s easier explaining two than several. also, these ones are pretty big.
in a five-act structure, the protagonist affects the world around them. because of this, they need a problem - a conflict - to take care of. it’s probably best to think about conflict here more like “goal” or “motivation” - a character needs to want something, and that thing comes in conflict with something else. this isn’t always a character explicitly going after something or being pitted against an enemy - it can be internal as well. their goal/motivation needs to be at the center of the story.
five-act stories start with a character’s goal being solidified to the audience. after this, they can either do something about it, or something can happen to them which furthers complications. either way, they need “motivation” to keep going. if an antagonist is present, whether or not they’re out to get the protagonist doesn’t matter - the protagonist will end up confronting them since they’re in the way of their goal. in the end, a goal needs to be met or not met, antagonist defeated or not defeated. whatever won out in the end is the determiner of the theme the story’s ended on. this is why the ending is the “resolution.” 
in a four-act structure, a character is affected by the world around them. the character can have a conflict and goals, but they need causality - significant events to happen to them - to move forward. the story is driven by how events take shape and how they compare to each other in the grand scheme of things. from there, a character’s reaction (or lack of a reaction) continues the chain of events while telling us what we need to know about them.
four-act stories start by something happening to the protagonist or the protagonist doing something that makes the story-starter happen. the story continues as the protagonist keeps reacting. what keeps them going is some sort of mental/emotional relation to the events at hand. if there’s an antagonist, it’s their goals that are propelling the story, as those goals inhibit the protagonist/their world in some way. when the protagonist seeks a fight, it’s related to the sequence of events - if they’re a goody two-shoes, for example, it’s when the antagonist’s violence goes too far. events lead to an ending that, no matter what it is, reflects the theme of the story. this is why the ending is the “conclusion”.
in the five-act example, the point of the story is bob opening the cap. in the four-act example, his opening the cap was a goal of his, but the point was that he wasn’t careful and hit alice in the eye. you can change the structure of these stories around to make one fit the other, but the focuses work because they’re tailored to those structures.
there’s philosophical/cultural/historical “backstories” as to why the four and five-act structures are the way they are that i don’t feel like i can articulate very well. they’re also a lot for a post about video game men. if there’s something i’m missing or not getting, please tell me. i’ll try my best otherwise.
if the peony lantern followed a five-act structure, i think it would go something like this:
introduction: man meets woman ghost at festival. 
rising action: he falls in love with her. neighbor sees him and tells him this is dangerous. he goes to get help in her village. he discovers a tomb in her house with her name on it.
climax: he discovers a coffin in her house with her name on it.
falling action: although he got help, he’s drunkenly lured to his death.
resolution: his body is found and he’s buried. the ghost couple haunts the town. the townspeople/family ask for help, and the ghosts are banished.
feels weird, right? the peony lantern isn’t actually following a five-act structure. instead, it goes like this:
introduction: man meets woman ghost at festival. he falls in love with her. neighbor sees him and tells him this is dangerous. 
development: he goes to the town where she’s from and discovers a tomb in her house with her name on it. he then goes to get religious help. even though got help, he’s drunkenly lured to his death. 
pivot: the ghost couple haunts the town.
conclusion: the townspeople/family ask for help. the ghosts are banished.
four-act structure hinges on significant events to develop the situation, which leads to character development. we see this in two different ways - during the man’s life and after - because of the way four-act structure is set up to think about ideas: idea (thesis), opposition (antithesis), combination (synthesis). that’s why the “pivot” is the story giving him what he wants; the effect the man’s uniting with his love had on his fellow townspeople as they prowled the streets was not something he seemed to care about much. there’s no way he couldn’t have cared when he was banished. no matter how strong their love was, the story claims that there were more important things for him to consider.
compare this to lenore. if lenore followed a four-act structure, i think it’d go something like this:
introduction: human has a good relationship with her boyfriend. however, he dies. she is grief-stricken, and in mourning. her mourning is slowly escalating.
development: her mourning escalates to a point where she curses god at her loss.
pivot: later, his ghost shows up to her house, riding on a horse.
conclusion: ecstatic, she goes with him. she rides with him to the graveyard. she realizes he is really dead. she dies herself. 
feels weird, right? lenore isn’t actually following a four-act structure. instead, it goes like this:
introduction: human’s boyfriend is dead. she’s grief-stricken, and curses god.
rising action: he shows up at her house. she goes with him. he asks her if she’s afraid twice, she says no twice. third time, they’re at the graveyard.
climax: she realizes he’s really dead.
falling action: she’s pulled to her death.
resolution: she’s dead.
like how the four-act structure hinges on character development, the five-act structures hinges on goals to drive a conflict. the five-act structure ideas as thesis vs. antithesis - goal vs. opposition. one has to win at the end, and this tension culminates in the climax. in lenore, the two opposing ideas are her love for the ghost vs. how she blasphemed. first, she blasphemes. then, her ghost lover comes back to take her, and it seems like the love will win out...but she soon faces the consequences of that love when she realizes her love was actually dead. when she dies, the latter triumphed, and her love is shown as not having been worth it. 
so the peony lantern is a story which can only read as harrowing as it does because it’s told in a four-act structure. qu’s and asai’s versions differed quite a bit, though:
ghost appearing during the lantern festival (qu) vs obon (asai)
disciple and priest (qu) vs disciple’s role merged into priest (asai)
man lured to death (qu) vs leaves house on his own volition, then lured to death (asai)
village asking for help (qu) vs human’s family (asai)
taoist priest and disciple (qu) vs buddhist priest (asai)
taoist punishment big part of story (qu) vs buddhist punishment, smaller part (asai)
most of these choices look like localizations. the family instead of the townspeople was probably to make those localizations make more sense. as for the significance of the banishment and the way in which the man was lead to his death, i assume asai changed these because of the specific story he wanted to tell. 
a buddhist priest himself, much of asai’s writing focused on subverting buddhist emphasis on the importance of spiritual matters. a previous book he’d written is named for the term ukiyo (浮世), or “floating world”. this term had started picking up meaning to refer to a contemporaneous emerging culture of boisterous, red light district-prowling city life. this term is homophonous to another term pronounced ukiyo (憂き世), or “this sorrowful world”, a japanese  term for the buddhist concept of escape from earthly death and reincarnation. instead of that, why not hedonistic, earthly pleasures? this was a sentiment which fit into asai’s writing, his time’s relatively stable contemporary politics, and the ukiyo subculture. (also, yes, it’s that ukiyo.) you can read tales from a floating world translated here. 
with that, it’s easy to see the sort of story he was trying to get out of the peony lantern. “floating” suggests that most of his writing is lighthearted, and it certainly is, but much of it ultimately focused on critiquing politics/society at large. (though not always expertly.) he was a particular fan of pointing out to the readers what he felt were injustices or what was right instead. qu’s peony lantern and its warning of not faltering to love was a perfect target for a writer like asai. 
jiandeng xinhua was influential for the novel way in which qu combined folk tales, buddhist lessons, and his political context. despite this, it was banned (and later unbanned) in his home country for political reasons and was more popular in vietnam, korea, and japan. as a consequence, the peony lantern is most well-known in asai’s form, scoring adaptions from further written stories, to kabuki, to tv, to several movies. it’s one of the most popular japanese kaiban and it inspired others like it. why did it last so long?
asai’s story still operates in a the same buddhist framework as qu’s. in both stories, for lack of a better term, the man’s love with someone he shouldn’t have interacted with came back to bite him in the ass. he’s ultimately punished along with his ghost-lover for having faltered to her in the first place.
but qu’s man was coaxed into his coffin. asai’s man chose to leave his house. the buddhist prayer to banish the ghost is one sentence long, as opposed to qu’s detailed taoist banishment. i think the longevity of asai’s peony lantern is because of these changes. it draws attention to the events that got the story to this point and their ambiguity. with this, we’re left with a ghost and the man who loved her. the relationship is even more in focus than it was before. 
the basis of the religious subversion builds a framework for further explorations of the nature of the man and ghost’s relationship - the ghost’s apparent intentions, and the man’s apparent “loss” of agency. subversions never question the danger of the ghost, and don’t go great lengths to change the main course of events or introduce a conflict. they subvert by showing the love inside of that danger, what could’ve happened within, before, after, or outside of it. the change of context changes our perceptions. some adaptions even include the human and ghost being reincarnated together or the human dying with a smile on his face. 
by keeping the actions and changing the context, subversions of the peony lantern are about how much the ghost and human mean to each other. the world around the human faces the consequences of the human’s actions. the drawing, oppositional factor here is the “forbidden love” on the part of the relationship’s existence. the important question is “who are these people, and why do they love each other so much?”
lenore had a level of cultural influence in europe to jiandeng xinhua. it inspired a lot of 18th-19th century romantic and gothic literature, specifically early vampire literature; english author bram stoker mentioned it as an influence on dracula*. the plot of dracula revolves more around the group of men who kill him at the end. dracula stalks, seduces, and eventually feeds on women. when he curses the protagonist’s fiancee, the hunt ramps up, and dracula’s eventually staked through the heart. 
(*it’s a whole book rather than a short story like lenore or the peony lantern, so just read the wikipedia page if you’d like a full summary.)
the ghost in the peony lantern wasn’t this polarizing a figure because stoker wasn’t in the business of subverting in the way asai was. stoker wrote dracula in the fashion of a shitty contemporary trend. vampires have a history in europe of being portrayed through symbols associated with antisemitism against ashkenazi jews that i’d rather not get into. dracula was so evil because he was so cunning and seductive, “luring” you in, a trope which echoed that sort of anti-semitism. dracula’s allure gives the story a conflict in the same way the human cursing god in lenore did. the emphasis of the conflict just changed. 
in lenore, the ghost’s danger was as inherent as in the peony lantern, but the woman’s love - her motivation - was similarly pre-established. what stuck here is the emphasis on that conflict - the question of the human’s priorities between her safety and her love interest’s allure. making the monster appealing in some way complicates things, as it gives her a “rational” reason to be lead to her death. it’s a question of the “benefit” vs. the “cost”. thesis vs. antithesis. 
like in the peony lantern, the ghost’s danger is never questioned, but their intentions are. this is why dracula’s contemporaries in anglophone tv shows, movies, and young adult romance novels fret over their danger as much as their human love interests do. by showing that they don’t want to hurt their human, they’re given goals that “salvage” their dangerous nature. this focus on their “goals” not only paints them as worthy of sympathy, but drives the romance on both sides instead of just one. this portrays the relationship as a matter of mismatched compatibility in the way subversions of the peony lantern do, but the focus of the relationship is on how the individual sides fit together, rather than why they fit together.
by changing the focus of the conflict to highlight motivations, subversions of lenore are about how much this ghost means to the human. the world around the human warns the human about what they’re doing. the drawing, oppositional factor here is in the “forbidden love” on the part of the human’s and ghost’s motivations. the important question is “who is this ghost, and why does the human love them so much?” 
essentially, these stories teach the same lesson - engaging with ghosts is bad - in two different ways. the effects of the human’s wrongdoing culminate in his receiving the worst fate vs. the human’s wrongdoing is cemented in her receiving the worst fate. these story structures are so ingrained in us that they impact how stories are told, even today - since the stories are set up in the specific ways they are, things like “dangerous” romance can be cultivated from them differently.
(second, completely unrelated side note: i doubt a 365-type story could exist in this form in the me/na. "spirits” are thought of differently. it’d have to change a lot.)
back to tachioda. no matter whether you’re more used to the peony lantern-type stories or lenore-type ones, this motif can be recognized. isn’t someone you care for betraying you with a secret which endangers your life sort of like a realistic rendition of a ghost dragging you into your grave? isn’t tachibana sort of like the human in those stories, where his love care for oda was what inspired him to not run away from his problems anymore by “sacrificing” himself? 
oda’s something like the human, too - he did something he knew was against tachibana’s interest out of said poor judgement, which was blinded by his love. and just like both the human and the ghost were banished, oda’s judgement led to events that got tachibana killed. 
regardless of who’s who, oda carried both tachibana and himself to their deaths. but is it more similar to the peony lantern, or to lenore? 
let’s see if tachioda follows a five-act structure, for one:
introduction: oda works with tachibana. we know they’re very close, but not how. oda seems antagonistic towards kiryu for some reason. oda begrudgingly works with kiryu.
rising action: the search for the owner of the lot goes on. eventually, it’s discovered that it’s makoto, and they head to sotenbori to get her. we learn some stuff about their backstory from the video store owner. makoto and oda encounter each other, and seem to recognize one another. he’s antagonistic towards her.
climax: he eventually tries to kill her. kiryu stops him.
falling action: he spills and is left to fend for himself.
resolution: oda is dead. tachibana learns about it.
completely unrelated post-resolution occurrence: tachibana is inspired to stop running away from his problems.
in the five-act structure, the climax is the most intense moment - the moment where the main character’s goal and what it came in conflict with is at its peak. oda’s attempt to kill makoto is very intense, and where his antagonism both towards her and kiryu comes to a head. but what’s the conflict here?
if you want to find a conflict, you have two options: oda vs. makoto and oda vs. kiryu. since oda’s reveal is seen in the form of a buildup of antagonism that comes near his death, with his death serving as a resolution, there’s one conclusion here - oda is a twist villain. he dies, and makoto and kiryu won.
interpreting the story this way skews things a bit. namely, for a twist villain to work in a 5-act structure, they need to have been involved in the conflict that was driving the story all along. oda was a mole for shibusawa all along, yes, but...that’s it. it didn’t really go any further than him having given shibusawa’s men their location. in terms of a conflict of oda vs. makoto or kiryu, his death wasn’t the culmination of those things - not directly, at least. it didn’t “resolve” any arcs.
makoto’s main situation in the game is dealing with her life on the line with the empty lot in her hands and wanting to meet with her brother, not to mention grappling with everything she’s faced. within that, the identity of the person who trafficked her isn’t represented in a conflict. it’s a conflict - a question. that doesn’t mean it didn’t cause her significant trauma, and that doesn’t mean she isn’t struggling with it; it means that it was presented in a specific way. think about how she found oda - by chance when oda and kiryu came for her. after everything happened, and oda died, she had her answer. we see her reaction to it and everything else she’d faced in the rest of the game.
oda came across makoto so we would know what would happen when she saw him. makoto’s writing...could be better, to say the least, but i think this is a more harrowing presentation of what trauma can feel like. it’s not something that you overcome in a decisive conversation or battle, it’s something that sticks with you, even if you have all the pieces together. 
kiryu’s conflict with oda pre-reveal was...nothing, really. even in 5-act structure terms. oda was just an ass to him. if anything, oda had been begrudgingly helping kiryu this far. nothing much other than that going on there, really.
with tachibana, the “conflict” between them isn’t so explicit. we may have some indication that tachibana knows something is going on with oda (which i talked about in my last post from a while ago), and we learn about their past together. until he learns about oda’s death, that’s the most of it. their on-screen interaction is mostly bare-bones.
so, yes, this is a conflict, but we only really see one party propelling the events in it. oda’s also going against tachibana’s interests, but tachibana isn’t involved, and doesn’t even know until it’s too late. he has no “goal” against oda. oda’s also trying to kill makoto, but even that’s only one-sided. she’s no big fan of oda, but she has no “goal” against him. if you see oda vs. tachibana as a conflict that’s driving the story, how tachibana reacts to oda’s death seems out of place - it has nothing to do with any sort of “goal” against oda, let alone resolving any goals, so we can’t say tachibana’s reaction is a resolution to a conflict that came before it. that’s why i put it as a “completely unrelated post-resolution occurrence”. 
but oda had reason to be apprehensive - is an oda vs. himself conflict propelling the story? nope. even though it was something he chose to do under specific circumstances, oda’s already made his decision. he’s not convinced out of it until he’s caught. he’s conflicted, but his misguided perceptions motivate him to continue, so what’s driving him forward is not his internal conflict against anyone. it’s his goal. 
he’s following his goal, which comes in conflict with tachibana and makoto’s goals, which is what makes events occur, which means that in terms of the four-act structure...he’s a twist villain? not so fast.
like pretty much every yakuza subplot that lasts throughout the whole game, the tachioda subplot follows a jo-ha-kyu structure:
jo: tachibana seems eager to get close to kiryu. he relays that he’s had difficulty trusting people in the past. on the other hand, oda seems antagonistic towards kiryu for some reason, but begrudgingly works with him. the search for the owner of the lot goes on. meanwhile, from makoto and wei han lee, we learn that she was trafficked while looking for her brother. the person who trafficked her had a bat tattoo. in a later scene, it’s revealed that tachibana has the same bat tattoo. later, kiryu and oda go to sotenbori. we learn about their (mostly tachibana’s) past from the video store owner. 
ha: makoto and oda encounter each other, and seem to recognize one another. he’s antagonistic towards her, which climbs in severity as oda drives them to a “safe spot”.
kyu: oda tries to kill makoto, but he’s stopped. oda spills everything. kiryu leaves him to fend for himself. tachibana learns about his death and stops running away from his problems.
yes, that’s a new thing i didn’t talk about before. jo-ha-kyu is a japanese artistic structure extrapolated from the chinese literary concepts of fu-bi-xing. by “artistic structure” i mean that it’s a structure that’s applied to a lot of stuff. in our case, it’s a narrative structure used in movies, tv shows, and games.
progression-wise, jo-ha-kyu is similar to four-act, when you think about it. (sort of like how the five-act structure generally follows a larger pattern of “beginning-climax-resolution.) jo-ha-kyu is about a slow development of actions and context (jo), a sudden and quick dramatic heightening of the tension (ha), and an even quicker finish (kyu). the point of this is to show exactly how the “conflict” affects the story before it’s taken care of. the something it leads up to (or doesn’t) isn’t the “climax” - it’s as much of the point as the events are. like with four and five act structures, there’s a philosophy-based reason as to why this exists in the way it does but i’m not sure i could articulate it well.
what happens is that we’re presented with context and later get some indications of what’s “really” going on. then, oda and makoto see each other, and the pace heightens. as they escape from being pursued, oda’s antagonism builds until he tries to kill her. our questions are answered when he’s stopped and reveals everything, giving us context to everything we’ve seen. the conclusion is the rest - it’s not entirely linear because this plot affects both makoto and tachibana. with jo-ha-kyu, like with four-act, plots often don’t “resolve” and can lead to others.
the fun part about this is that you can incorporate a four-act sequence into a part of a larger jo-ha-kyu story to build it up even more. this manifests itself via the oda vs. makoto subplot like this:
introduction: makoto and oda encounter each other, and seem to recognize one another. he’s antagonistic towards her, and that antagonism builds.
development: oda takes them to the “safe spot”. eventually, he tries to kill her. he’s stopped.
pivot: oda spills everything.
conclusion: oda is left to his fate.
this is essentially the “ha” and “kyu” in the larger jo-ha-kyu of the tachioda subplot, and a part of the development makoto’s plot. with makoto, what happened to her was a significant part of her past, so knowing what would happen when she saw oda allows her to take matters into her own hands. (even though the writers screwed that up.) 
with tachioda, it "pivots” from oda’s devotion to tachibana (thesis) and takes us to something that seems to contradict it (antithesis) before putting this in context of the devotion established beforehand (synthesis). oda and makoto’s relationship is also the “antithesis” to the thesis of oda and tachibana’s relationship and oda’s characterization as tachibana’s right hand arm man. the synthesis is oda choosing to leave himself to his fate. this also happens so tachibana can learn about his death, and we receive another confirmation - tachibana wanted to trust him.
tachibana’s death is also not a “resolution” to anything. since tachibana is tied to the main plot, this leads to complications for kiryu and makoto both. long story short, makoto confronts the lieutenants, and kiryu later confronts shibusawa. it wouldn’t have been so direct if tachibana hadn’t died, if oda hadn’t died, if oda had better judgement, if oda and tachibana hadn’t bumped into each other in the street in sotenbori, if oda hadn’t trafficked people. but still...
is oda a twist villain here? i’ll answer this by stating what i’ve been implying the whole time: oda as a character doesn’t work in a five-act structure. he’s also not important enough to the game’s plot for a neat yes or no answer. this leads us to some semantics. since we’re speaking in english, “antagonist” implies a character who’s an opposing force to the hero/protagonist, and “villain” implies that the force is tied to nefarious motivations or morals. the two are different, but there’s always some sort of opposition, like with five-act structure. 
since we’re talking about a japanese game, japanese has these:
katakiyaku (敵役) - a character who’s role is to be against the protagonist
akuyaku (悪役) - someone who’s considered morally evil in a specific scene/incident/plot
akujin (悪人) - someone who’s very existence is evil; warumono (悪者) - a bad person
the first two japanese definitions are mutually exclusive from the third. they refer to context because they’re translations of the vaguer, european (or specifically anglo here) concept that these are intrinsic story roles. it’s not that villains or antagonists didn’t exist in japanese stories beforehand. it’s that in four-act, a villain doesn’t have to be there for “bad” to happen. see how those kabuki stock character descriptions primarily detail what characters do in a story? compare them to these commedia dell’arte stock character descriptions which primarily detail traits. a four-act villain is morally “bad” because that’s a reflection, not an explanation, of who they are in the story as a whole. that linkage serves as a counterpoint to the hero’s goodness and amplifier of their dastardly actions rather than as two inherently connected forces. 
hero vs. villain is still a conflict in jo-ha-kyu and four-act story structure. you fight shibusawa at the end of the game, don’t you? he went out of his way to do what he did, which his less than “moral” backstory gives context to. the only things oda has in that regard are a checkered past and poor judgement. oda was propelled by his goal to do things that went against tachibana and makoto...after he and tachibana saw the latter’s family in a documentary. he came across it, and he reacted to it. oda’s association with the antagonists and former sex trafficking were bad, but he’s not a “villain” like shibusawa is - it’s not his role in the story.
if anything, i’d say that oda was absolutely intended to be a twist “bad guy”, as in twist “guy who did a succession of really bad things, realized the scope of them almost by chance each time, and paid the price.” but we can’t call him a “villain” in the english/five-act way because what he did, his role as a character, and his goals are entirely separate. the last we see of him is his rebuffing shibusawa when he asks why oda “screwed up” - even without kiryu and makoto there, we’re shown that his regret is real. the best we have to describe this in english is “morally gray”.
that doesn’t mean he’s portrayed as being in the right, and it certainly doesn’t mean you’re supposed to sympathize with or even like him, though. the game doesn’t deny that oda’s actions were bad, but it’s not in the business of exploring this through oda as a “ghost” figure pit against the “humans”. like i said in my last post, if they wanted to do this, they easily could have. the main story could happen without oda - his role is to flesh out the world tachibana and makoto find themselves in. he’s a plot device. that’s it.
part of this is done through makoto’s journey. the other part is through tachibana and oda’s feelings about each other. (and also in that they’re foils but that’s another post.) they’re in a chain of events that implies animosity - betrayal - but something is different from what we expect. oda’s devotion to tachibana is the obvious thing. the scene with the car that i already talked about in my last post, a little less so.
other than that, most of what we know about how they behaved, felt, and thought until the “ha” is implied or summarized through anecdotes outside of them. the one thing underlying all of this doesn’t come out until it’s too late. oda realizes the gravity of keeping this secret and chooses to “redeem”* himself by divulging and staying behind. once tachibana reacts to that knowledge, we truly know.
(*another semantics thing - “redeem” in english has the meaning of “redemption arc”, as if it negates bad things or makes up for them. i mean “redeem” here in the “culmination of everything he’d done” way.)
we see oda first as someone who’s close to tachibana, and we only find out what he did and why as he’s dying. in turn, his death is used to confirm something about tachibana that had only been hinted at - his fear and his vulnerability. his priorities in the people he cares about and how he wants to do right by them despite those. (he lost his arm for oda.) by focusing on how tachibana and oda felt about each other within the context of what happened to them, we’re given a story about two people who were close, and one of them trying to work against the inevitable by keeping it that way. the tachioda subplot follows the same style of subversion as the peony lantern. 
regardless, oda didn’t come into the game as a “ghost”; he becomes one, both in the plot and in our perception. the focus is on their relationship within what’s happening. like in the peony lantern, what makes this so appealing is that you can connect the emotional dots yourself. both oda and tachibana’s deaths were inevitable, but whether or not they were “deserved” serves to deepen the emotional significance of their deaths on the part of the player, rather than clarified universally to drive the plot. for people like me who ship them, it’s not in spite of what oda did, but in tandem with it. 
i think part of the reason why tachioda may be so contentious with english-speaking fans is because of all of this. remember: your view of the world is, more likely than not, never going to be perfectly objective.
tldr: intentionally or not, tachioda is framed in the same way supernatural romances like twilight typically are. pretty cool!
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oracleblogger · 1 month
Thought dumping again LOL.
hey peeps. It’s me, Oracle. Just wanting to dump some of my random thoughts okay.
I would obviously need a blessing but, could I possibly make a Vegans Saturday? Or Sunday? Whichever works. I want to appreciate them too as I’m sort of in my 60s era.
I have a feeling Ellody swears if she’s stressed. Like perhaps during a hugely difficult exam. Then she’s dropping F bombs, S bombs and the word Hell. (Basically how Paul from Petscop would swear LOL.)
Miles discovered a song she liked once. “The Sign” by Ace of Base. Laurie tried getting Miles to stick to 60s stuff, but it was no use.
So far, I’ve been into a couple fandoms. Not sure if you’ve heard of a couple of these:
Interland (Yes, the google game.)
Petscop (Partially.)
Spheriks (that 2002 world cup cartoon.)
TDRR (Full-Time, for now.)
The Hunger Games.
Would animatronic versions of The Vegans and Geniuses work? I’ve been into animatronics as I’m deeply interested in the inner workings and the complicated processes of programming them. Moreover, would mascot suits of them work? Or should it stick to just cosplaying?
You know, now that I think about it, why can’t The Vegans and Geniuses get their own show? Then they truly can have time to develop that way. Moreover, I had a thought they could start a singing quartet. “Brainteezer”
My current favorite WDW hotels are currently Wilderness Lodge and Pop Century. I personally never went to any of these places, but I watch videos. They look cool to me (shruggie.)
I associate The Vegans and Geniuses with lots of things. Here’s just a bit of a list LOL.
The Vegans:
The Songs “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles), Rockin’ Robin, I’ll Never Find Another You, and Puff, The Magic Dragon.)
A Toco Toucan and a Pine Marten.
The 60s era entirely. You probably can guess why. XD
The Absolute Good in Humans. Such as our willingness to do kind things.
The Geniuses:
The Bert the Turtle PSA (Otherwise known as Duck and Cover)
The Elements Song by Tom Lehrer.
River Otters
The Early 2000s era. Y2K.
The Intelligence in Human Beings. Such as our vast knowledge of Math, Science, ans History.
The Big Bang Theory. Specifically Bernadette and Amy.
One final thought drop that probably will get me cancelled:
In TDRR, is it bad I do not like The Sisters? Part of me just didn’t feel right watching them, and I don’t know why. That, and some parts of the fandom contributed to my disliking of this particular team. Some other teams I ended up disliking were The Dater-Haters, The Best Friends, The Surfers, and The Mom and Daughter. (Notice how they’re partially relationship based?)
On the Contrary, some teams I DID like were:
The Vegans and Geniuses (It’s obvious LOL. They’re tied for first place on my tierlist of TDRR. I also love them for personal reasons, such as how Ellody’s behavior mimics that of mine IRL. I cannot wing things, and I need someone to anchor me down. I also like how The Vegans were possibly a nod to the 60s counterculture, and tried to explore what it would be like to have those kinds of ideals in the ridonculous race in a way… Please correct me if I’m wrong.)
The Police Cadets were fun too. :) I watched The Heat, and I can safely say I appreciate MacArthur and Sanders a whole ton more.
The Ice Dancers were pretty nice villains too! I have an odd love for ice dancing myself, mostly watching it though. But a school field trip to the skating rink helped me appreciate it a ton.
Thank you for reading this all. <3
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eabwriting2023 · 6 months
Awakening - Day Ten
My eyes immediately open wide. I feel like my brain is full of fog. I am confused about my surroundings. I must be asleep however I am self aware of what is happening.
The first thing I see is unexpected. I was looking for a version of myself sleeping inside my covers, staring down at my shell in bliss but how wrong I am. Stretched out along my feet is the image of my dog, sleeping.
His long furry torso lies upon the mat I bought him. His turkey legs outstretched taking over the entire surface area. Cute little canine teeth poke out from his gums of dark purple, eyes firmly closed. It seems I have fallen asleep, woken up inside my dog’s mind.
At the moment is a cast of misty fog. I cannot make out what is behind the clouds. Does he even dream at all? The white background I find myself standing in is drifting away slowly revealing a surreal version of the park I take him to at least twice a day.
The trees, grass and hills that normally make up the park are warped as if a child painted it from memory. The trunk of the trees bends to the left like The Leaning Tower Of Pisa. The objects around me aren’t fleshed out properly and keep breaking up ever so often.
I try to walk, releasing my right leg from this warped ground I stand upon but I cannot move, I glued to the spot I found myself in the first place.
There is no other animals, dogs or human beings walking around this surreal dream. Everywhere I look there are blank spaces, no bins or benches were there usually is. I suppose they don’t really matter to a dog…
My body is pushed to the side, backed into rusty gates that block the park from the rest of the world. Dashing among the trees and up the lopsided hill, a ball of browny grey fur.
It was him. My energetic, full of fluff German Shepard bounding up and down with his tongue dangling, Silvia running down to the floor.
The sleeping version of him still slept beside my feet, his tail wagging with excitement, his long floppy ears flopping, his legs lying on his mat running wild.
I look up and back down at the two versions of himself. The moment his sleeping self runs, the dream like version of him copies, the moment sleeping Baxter pulls his tongue out to rest, the dream Boxer does exactly the same and so on.
“Fascinating.” I say with a smile observing them both. “Whatever is happening to me I’m glad I could witness this.. I can actually see what’s happening inside his head!”
Sleeping Baxter’s legs dash around his mat ready to pounce, I do not know what the outcome will be until I see dream Baxter and -
If there wasn’t any imaginary animals running around the dream land park now, there is now. A squirrel, or what I can understand is a squirrel from a dog’s perspective appears from behind the tree trunk. This small little animal normally bushy tailed with beady little eyes is not as it seems. The squirrel I see before me is headless as if Baxter has already bitten its head off before he has caught up to it.
I watch in horror, disturbed but intrigued by what I’m witnessing. His teeth do not curl around it’s body when he was gotten close to touch, he can’t, for it appears it isn’t even real.
Both Baxter’s let out a howl into the air where as if by magic I am not surrounded by a park my dog had created but back lying upon my pillow, in my bed, at home.
I pull my covers away and lunge out of bed peeping over the end to see if Baxter sleeps by my feet on the floor upon his mat. He is awoken and howling, my ears vibrating.
“What a strange dream.” I joke as he races to me stepping upon my covers. I rub with ears and tickle his chin. “You strange dog.”
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Obey me Brothers x chubby reader/Mc
Something for fun for my fellow plus size peeps out there.
Edit: there is now a Part 2 with the Dateables
I lowkey want to do a little more nsfw version, so if you guys want it let me know.
If you don't sit in that mans lap this instan-
Lucifer has no reservations about telling you how attractive you are to him. This man will cage you in his arms and make you feel tiny in the best possible way. Having you on his arm is a source of pride for him, and he will let you know all night if he must
Likes having a hand on your leg and giving the occasional squeeze when you're sitting next to each other. 
Crush him. Just do it. He's a demon he won't die. And if he does,what a way to go. So lay on him, get on his lap, sit on his f-
Mammon heard one of the photographers he knew was looking for plus size models for the next shoot he was on and immediately brought you in. He loves those photos and has them framed and everything. Even though he plays it off in typical Mammon fashion.
He really likes your butt. You have caught him sneaking a peak more than once. I don’t care if you're part of the no ass club. He’s still looking, because your butt is the best one to him.
Crush him part 2
Will probably know of an anime with a title that is way too damn long with a chubby waifu to compare you to. Mark my damn words.
Loves to lay on your stomach while watching anime. Also wrapping his arms around your waist. Or wrapping his tail around your middle instead if he's gaming with both hands, he just loves to feel you tbh.
Levi is that person who self deprecates but will not allow you to do that to yourself. You are literally the hottest person to him??? And you don't think you are the best thing that happened to him? Excuse you!
Hear me out: Satan is a thigh man. So your cute self with your thicc thighs to him is…*chef's kiss*
Likes having a hand on your belly while you snuggle up to him while reading. He just does it absentmindedly.
If you mention never seeing yourself reflected in the books you have read, Satan has a plethora of reading material. He already has a few books with a chubby protagonist he found years ago. Will then be sure to keep an eye out for more books you might like in the future. 
Satan has zero tolerance for anyone who is rude to you. The Avatar of Wrath does not play.
 Asmo has had many different lovers over centuries of different beauty standards. Sexy is sexy to him, and my love you are in that category. 
Literally obsessed. Your stomach,thighs,chest, everything. He will grab anything and everything and fawn. This man is down bad.
Knows all the brands that cater to plus size people that aren't just a sack to wear. Loves to shop for you. Model for him darling.
Always has you in mind when he works with fashion brands to design stuff.
An expert in gassing you up.
Even if you are tall, I feel like Beel is capable of making anyone feel small in comparison, no matter the body type. 
Beel is the least judgmental, especially around food. If you are self conscious about eating in front of people, Beel is going to dispel those worries real quick. Trust me, no one will think about you when this guy is over there scarfing down the whole buffet.
Hugs. He loves hugging you. 
I don't care who the fuck you are or how big you are. Never in your mf life say you are too heavy to lift,even as joke. Beel will do it. Bridal,over the shoulder,on the back. Even without being a demon he is strong as hell. You are a talking paper weight to this man.
Ah yes, a human pillow just for Belphie. So soft,so warm. Don't crawl into bed,it's a trap. He won't let you leave.
Belphie gives me the vibe of,out of all the brothers, he’s the one with an outright preference for someone chubbier. He’s just always found it attractive. So when he first saw you in the attic, on the inside he was like “God damn it…No,Belphie focus. They Are human and you're just lonely. Pull yourself together!”
If you have ever seen the tik tok of that guy raving about chubby girls. That’s Belphie. “Have you ever cuddled a fat girl? It is like spooning with the pillow of God!” Needless to say, cuddling you is his favorite thing. Man has a vice grip on you until he wakes up.
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