#I just need my fictional husbands to comfort me Im so weird lol
twistiraki · 1 year
Headcanons when he sees you cry 💖
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♥️ Ace Trappola - He'll try to make you laugh by telling you some funny stories or cracking some jokes. If you're feeling down because of something someone said, he'll take a stand for you and confront that person. He'll make sure you feel safe and loved.
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♣️ Trey Clover - He'll sit beside you and ask if you want to talk about it. He'll hold your hand and rub his thumb on the back of your hand to soothe you. He'll also tell you some inspiring stories and try to lift your spirits.
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👟Floyd Leech - Floyd might seem like an odd choice for comforting someone, given his eccentric and off-putting demeanor. But if you can get past his quirks, you'll find a loyal and compassionate friend. He'll approach you with a friendly smile, offering you a creepy-looking stuffed animal to hug. He might even tell you a scary story or two, using the adrenaline rush to help you forget your sadness.
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🦦Kalim Al-Asim - Kalim is a ball of sunshine, and he'll do everything in his power to cheer you up when you're feeling down. He'll make silly faces, tell you jokes, and do a little dance to make you smile. He's not afraid to be goofy and bring some levity to the situation, and his infectious enthusiasm is sure to lift your spirits.
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🐍Jamil Viper - He'll be very gentle and calm when he approaches you. He'll offer you a cup of tea and ask if you need anything else. He'll listen patiently to your problems and offer you some wise advice. He'll also give you a warm hug and tell you that you're strong enough to overcome this.
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💀Idia Shroud - Idia is a bit awkward when it comes to emotions, but he cares deeply about his friends and wants to help in any way he can. He'll offer a shy smile and a pat on the back, not quite sure what to say but wanting to show that he's there for you. He might even offer to play some video games with you, using the distraction to help you forget your troubles for a little while.
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💤Silver - He'll be a bit awkward at first, not knowing how to express his feelings, but he'll try his best to comfort you. He'll probably offer to take you for a walk, and if it's cold outside, he'll lend you his jacket. He'll try to understand what's bothering you and let you know that he's there for you.
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She's hilarious but there's two videos where she starts to speak more mumblingly
ok first of all these are brilliant and i'm losing my mind and i love you, thank you for curating these to me.
i will transcribe them in a bit but i just felt the need to leave this "little" (it's long sorry) note:
as someone who's been raised catholic i just want to say that she is pretty wrong about almost everything she said about catholics, and i say that as someone who hates catholicism with my whole mind body and soul and who's been traumatized by this stupid fucking faith to the point where i can't get into a church without breaking into sobs dauihdasiuh. the catholic guilt is real but catholics are absolutely allowed to divorce and use contraceptives, and also have sex before marriage. the first one is met with some guilt esp from women altho honestly i think it's more due to mysoginist reasons than religious reasons, and the second and third ones are commonpractice and if you say that it's wrong and bad everyone will think you're a fucking weirdo
and even with the divorce thing, while the guilt is there (im pretty sure half the reason my mom doesn't divorce is because she would feel guilty about it, although again, i feel like that's got very little to do with religion and way more with internalized mysoginy), i cannot stress enough that divorce is allowed, almost everyone i know has divorced parents and they're all catholics. the church's official position is kinda weird (as of now pope francis basically said that it's "morally necessary" in some cases but he also referred to ppl who divorced and remarried as "imperfect", but like, it hasn't been forbidden for years, so much so that people get second marriages at catholic churches literally all the time, and i kinda feel like ppl overestimate how much ppl care about what the pope says. at least here in latam, cuz we've always kind of freestyled religion since it was imposed on us anyway, but like... in my experience the average catholic practitioner is INCREDIBLY less conservative than the vatican and i feel like most people don't even know what the pope says or doesn't say. and i'm saying that as someone whose grandfather almost became a priest and only gave that up because he fell in love with my grandmother, and he's been a ferverent catholic his entire life. also two of his kids divorced, one married a divorced woman, one is gay and living together without marriage with his divorced boyfriend, one never married, and one had two kids before marriage which necessarily means that they fucked, and none of that was ever a problem to him. oh, also, my dad had divorced AND he was a buddhist when him and my mom married. currently he is a spiritist)
i think it might be possible that u technically have to ask for "permission" to the church to remarry in church, but in practice i think it's more of a ritualistic thing than actually asking for permission, cuz i've never met a single person who had them say no. it was pretty much "hey local bishop guy so my husband sucked and we divorced can i marry again" "sure lol". obviously it sucks that you even have to ask, but it's nowhere near as strict as people seem to think
the contraceptive thing is also absurd. like i cannot stress enough that my family would absolutely flip if they found out i DIDN'T use contraception. that was always something that my family reinforced very strongly, ESPECIALLY my grandpa. i've never met a single catholic who does not teach their kids to use contraceptives. my high school was catholic (literally named the Holy Cross, fun times, although they didn't impose the faith or anything. in fact almost half of the students in that school are jewish, but like, still, there was a priest in the school board) and we were taught to use contraceptives, put the condom in a banana and the whole pizzazz during biology class
like yeah the bible says not to but it also says not to mix different fabrics and that doesn't mean it's actually a thing that's reinforced in most catholic communities doaihdaj at least not here in latam. in here non-catholic christians are actually way more hardcore about the puritanism rules than catholics are, particularly evangelicals, which are kind of overtaken the catholics' traditional role of being colonialist fuckers as they are mostly from the US so they come to further US imperialism through religion here. watch out catholic church they're coming for ur crown
and even outside of puritanism, "non practicing catholics" are absolutely a thing like ppl who are catholic but don't even pray or go to church, much less care about that shit douahdsaohj so like the stereotype that all catholics are like the very small minority of hardcore catholics is like the stereotype that every muslim lives by the ultra-conservative muslim rules. it's not true and it's stereotypical and taking the minority ultra conservatives to be the rule when they are not
there's also the fact that there are many different currents of thought inside the catholic church (a little bit like with judaism although way less flexible than judaism is), some of which are very conservative, some of which are progressive. here in latam in particular the teology of liberation is extremely popular (it's the one my family subscribes to, and i'm pretty sure it was actually born here in latam) and it's pretty progressive. for catholics, that is
and like mandatory disclaimer that i am coming from my own experiences with latam catholicism, which i feel is different from other catholic countries - my polish friends for example have experiences with catholicism that are a lot closer to those stereotypes than mine ever were - but since most of the catholic population in the world is brazilian (like me), and second place goes to mexicans, i feel pretty comfortable taking it as a ruler to measure general catholic practices
with that being said, however, the catholic church can choke and die in a fire as it is a symbol of colonialism first and foremost, its proselitism is one of the worst things ever, and even the progressive currents are still way too damn conservative for my tastes. i just don't feel comfortable transcribing something that i know is incorrect and stereotypical (and that in some cases is used to further oppression like with the Irish in the UK or armenian catholics, and i've even had some US-diaspora latinos hear some incredible things from gringos who assumed they were catholic, or, in their beautiful words, "had latino religion". but obviously in most cases catholics are the oppressors, especially here in the third world)
also, her assessment in the third video is absolutely correct. A/B/O IS just conservative gender roles born of christian and catholic imposition transposed to a fictional world where the genders have slightly different names, which is why i, as a rule, hate it dauhdsaiuhdauhda and even though the assessment that catholicism is thaaat much more conservative than other christian religions (it's absolutely not, it's Exactly As Conservative) isn't true, catholicism is still where most if not all of western conservative rethoric is born of, and ugh, it's so refreshing to see someone understand this and put it into words so well
so yeah keep that note in mind but anyway, transcriptions:
[Video transcription #1: in reply to a tiktok question, which says, "now i'm thinking about the catholic guilt that would come with it oh my god". user @Omarsbigsister is saying, "good morning", she then covers her mouth as she starts to laugh, before continuing, "I guess I'm the religious omegaverse tiktoker now. I did not know catholic guilt was more than just sex, I thought it was just about sex, but nO. people who are catholic, if you don't know, they get guilt over every little thing, they get guilty when they eat, they have guilt when, like... [dismissive gesture] they have fun... it's messed up *cut* [mumbling i don't understand, sorry] in which you HAVE to be bonded before... *sticks tongue out* *cut* and catholics, from what i know, uhm, cannot get divorced, so you can't be unbonded, you're stuck for life with that alpha or omega, and then you can't use contraceptives so if you have a heat or rut, good luck, you cannot escape it, and on top of that, they preach abstinence, right, so if you're having a heat or rut in your teen years you just gotta deal with it alone like you are not allowed to be bonded, so, that would be really intense."
#2: in response to a question, which said, "follow up question: if in the real world hijabis are women, in ABO universe would hijabis be omegas of all genders?". the user is shown stroking her chin in contemplative silence for a long time, before she says, "actually, both men and women have to wear a hijab, it's just more visible on women, but men also have to cover from like, the neck all the way down... so like when you see them [mumbling i don't understand, sorry] that's their hijab. *cut* Islam is actually treating men and women, like, fairly somewhat equally, so, I feel like in omegaverse alphas, betas, and omegas would all be held to the same standards, and alphas and omegas would also be held by the same standards but then culture would ruin it, just like western culture has ruined it. for your other question. 'would muslim families prefer betas more, and would betas be spiritual leaders', i feel like everyone prefers betas more, but then also Islam came to like, uplift women [a written note then shows up, which says, "like girls are seen as a blessing to have as kids"], so like omegas would be seen as like, a blessing to have as a child.
#3: in response to another tiktok question, which says, "fun fact bestie you cannot get divorced in the catholic religion even if your spouse is abusive and horrible to you so in omegaverse how would that work?". she replies, "the reason that Abrahamic religions seemingly fit so well into the omegaverse universe is because catholicism specifically and christianity, uhm, all the gender norms and all the cultural norms especially in the west came from catholicism and christianity, they were forced on people, and then you know, people might not be religious, but the norms stay. but now you have omegaverse which is basically just a bunch of like youth exploring the youth through this, like, werewolf fanfiction trope, using all these gender roles that you have in society on their head, so, really, what i'm saying, is that... omegaverse is just catholicism fanfiction"
#4: she looks at the camera and says, "getting islamophobic comments is one thing, but getting islamophobic comments that say that muslims cannot be in the omegaverse".... she then breaks into laughter for a solid 30 seconds
#5: she is shown reading out loud, in a mock-outraged face, a tweet that says, "about to murder tiktok they try to make Ramadan a 'quirky' trend. it's a religious holiday. stop it, get some help. /srsly /g.", then a follow-up tweet, which says, "saw a tweet saying on tiktok they are asking questions about how ramadan would work in omegaverse. i'm done with y'all, just say you disrespect muslims and go". then another tweet by a different user, which says, "i tried to read, i got secondhand embarrassment-" they then break out of character and say, "oh, that's fair," before going back, "if it wasn't ramadan i'd be boxing those people right now. those people should be ashamed to even think that way wtf". then another, which replies, "well i'm not celebrating it, so as a non-muslim, i'll happily box them". then, back to her normal voice, she says, "i really was just making a silly little tiktok and seeing that stuff really hurts... i'm just kidding, i can't keep a straight face. you like minecraft youtubers, what are you gonna do to me? what are you gonna do to me?"
#6: in reply to a tiktok ask, which said, "prince philip was an omega". she slowly films herself as she takes a walk, finds the nearest trash bin, and tosses the phone there, before putting the lid over the box. end ID]
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hey— a lot of shit just went down, so do you think you could maybe write some sprace fluff ? it doesn’t have to be long, i just need something to put a smile on my face.
so I haven’t written sprace in a hot minute and I suck at fluff but let’s see what sort of trash I can whip up
also I’m like 98% sure I got this like at 1:30 in the morning maybe twoooo night ago ?? I’m sorry I’m only just getting to it now babe, and I hope you’re feeling a bit better ;  )
also let’s just say that uhhh I stole most of this from things fizz and I have messaged each other and also a quote from a cassandra clare book
ship: sprace
genre: floof
warnings: Race doesn’t know how to put his shoes away
words: a couple
editing: lol wat
Race kicked off his shoes haphazardly, one landing in the bin and the other near the couch, not that he cared, and called loudly for his husband.
A loud groan came from their bedroom and Race smiled, skidding gleefully to the doorway.
“You called, love?”
Spot groaned again, and Race could see that he was curled up under a blanket on their bed, wearing one of Race’s sweaters. Race always bought his clothes big, but this particular sweater was still about a size too small on Spot. It couldn’t have been comfortable.
Race climbed under the blanket and pulled his arms around Spot tightly, kissing his jaw before nestling his head in the crook of his neck. “Bad day?”
“The worst,” Spot sighed, putting his hands over Race’s and fiddling gently with his husband’s wedding band. “People are terrible.”
“That they are,” Race laughed lightly. “You’re pretty decent though.”
“I better be,” Spot sounded mildly offended. “You’re the one who married me.”
“And never have I regretted that.” Race pressed a kiss to Spot’s temple. “You're the best thing that’s happened to me.”
Spot hummed in satisfaction, or maybe agreement. Either way, he was quiet for so long that Race thought he had fallen asleep.
Until, Spot finally whispered something so soft Race almost missed it.
“I thought you would never come home.”
“Nonsense baby,” Race whispered, squeezing Spot a little tighter. “I’m always gonna come home to you.”
“But what if you leave?”
“That’s like,” Race considered for a moment. “That’s like saying that theoretically the entire planet could crack in half at this very instant, leaving me on one side and you on the other, forever and tragically parted. But some things,” Race smirked, pausing to kiss Spot’s nose, “are just too unlikely to dwell upon.”
Spot gazed at Race with a look of bemused adoration. “I love you. And all your weird analogies,” he said finally.
Race nestled closer to his husband. “I love you too.”
the planet cracking in half thing is from not my brain jace herondale said that. we Stan that man. too bad he’s fictional. and also has a badass girlfriend.
feedback is always appreciated hmu to be on the taglist
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yay 20 questions!
I was tagged by the wonderful @valpre! Thank you for tagging me! I absolutely adore your gameplay pics! 
okay now under the cut because im a rambler
Name: My grandmother named me Elizabeth and my mom named me Lillian. I go by both / either / or. 
Nicknames: I’m gonna go by age I was called those names because I have lots. When I was a baby my family called me “Boo-berry”, by kindergarten I was just Beth, in middle school I went by Liz or Libby, and in high school I got the nickname LiLi from a friend, which is what I introduce myself as now. Woofta. 
Zodiac sign: Sagittarian-Cusp-Capricorn (12/20)
Height: oh probably like 5′7″ or 8″. 
Orientation: Pansexual
Ethnicity: I love this question because I really have to think about it, but i also hate it because I’m an american which makes this question weird since we treat race and ethnicity differently than everywhere else lol. I’m a biracial Black woman, but that’s my race. Because of my experience though I would have to say my ethnicity is white. The parts of Ohio I’ve lived in are pretty homogenous.  
Favorite fruit: I don’t usually eat fruit but when I do it’s plantains. I also like watermelon and oranges. 
Favorite season: Fall and spring. I like the transitional months because while it’s not particularly hot in ohio, it can be very humid and my hair does not like that. 
Favorite book series: tbh I’m a terrible reader. There’s so many I want to read but haven’t even begun to pick up yet. The last series I finished was Harry Potter, but I’ve always had a place in my heart for the the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. I have dreams about Tally and I read that book when I was like 12. I’m also a Holly Black fan, the Tithe series made me love faries. 
Favorite flower: I like peonies and orchids and lavender
Favorite scent: I love incense and wax melts and i always get sandalwood and the incense that comes in the blue package? i cant find any of mine or I would tell you what it was lol I also like the smell of burning sage. 
Favorite color: I only wear purple, teal, and black. I base my wardrobe on Saints Row aesthetics lmao
Favorite animal: my dog Odin. He was my husband’s dog when I met him but now he’s mine. Z hates that Odin likes me more, but I’m a light sleeper so I wake up when Odin needs things unlike his dad. He’s a sweet little guy- beagle, pug, lab mix. He looks like a large beagle with a silly curly tail and I love him. I also have a ferret but she is not my favorite animal. She’s a rude meanie-butt who likes to start fights over nothing so she’s named after Stinkmeaner from the boondocks. It fits. 
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Mocha. Oh yes. 
Average sleep hours: I always sleep exactly 8 hours when I can. If I have trouble sleeping, I can’t lay in bed waiting to go back to sleep so then I’m just up. I can survive on 3-5 hours, but I am not a pleasant person when I don’t get sleep.
Cat or dog person? Dog. Cats are cool cause they don’t mess with you if you don’t mess with them, but I like that dogs are more friendly off the bat. 
Favorite fictional characters: I have a lot, tbh, but the past few weeks I’ve been kind of obsessed with Sansa and Arya and Brienne because I’m rewatching GOT. I also have lots of questions about Bellatrix and Trelawny and I think about them a lot. 
Number of blankets you sleep with: usually just one, but i change my bedding with the season. In the winter I have this big fluffy comforter and in the summer I use an old quilt my granma gave me. 
Dream trip: I’d like to go on the game of thrones trip - go visit all the shooting locations, but especially ireland and malta. When I saw pics of malta that showed that they didn’t use very much staging when they filmed there makes my heart sing. I love history and it’s such a cool place because it was taken by so many different people at different times that now its such an eclectic country with different styles of architecture and stuff? and i really feel like the best way to learn about a place is to go there soooo.
Blog created: this one? This month, but I’ve been tumblring for about 6 years now and simblring for about 1. 
Number of followers: 53 beautiful, wonderful simmers. <3 And this one ugly bitc- oh wait that’s just my main blog. :)
Heyyy! that was fun! I told you I’m a rambler! 
I feel like at this point it might be time to get another question meme going around so I’m not gonna tag anyone specifically (also to hide this as much as possible lol) but please, if you want to do it, do it! I tag you! 
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tumblunni · 7 years
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AAAAAAUGH I am so unreasonably upset at how many continuity options just weren’t taken in oreshika 2, and thus how much of the story the english audience totally missed cos we never got the first game dubbed I’m reading thru this awesome LP/translation/summary here and its such a mind blown??
Seriously in oreshika 2/the one they pretend is 1 in english, this particular lady is just one of a million silent personalityless god options in a menu that barely gets more than a single sentence when you select her. All you can guess about her is that she’s vaguely some sort of comic relief lady who’s like.. vain or likes money or something? And says fox sound effects and stupid puns? But in the first game she was a main storyline boss and had A WHOLE ASS TRAGIC BACKSTORY and IS KISUTO’S STEPMOM Like seriously fuckin.. kisuto never even mentions her or talks to her in the second game??? And she never mentions her sad ass backstory?? And im just so mad I didnt appreciate her enough??
Her sad ass backstory i mentioned before when i first linked that LP but I didnt know all the full details then so i may as well start from scratch.
Okay so like.. Kisuto’s role in the first game is still an assistant character, but kind of a mysterious one. He appears as a ghost and says that he’s been magically trapped by the big bad villain dood, and needs your help to get free. And then he’s still as sassy as he was in oreshika 2 but he’s like.. weirdly more mean? he tries to act all assistant but he’s oddly flippant about other people’s suffering and also seems to know more than he should. And then the big twist is that KISUTO IS THE VILLAIN OF THIS GAME! Like wtf thats one way the undubbedness actually paid off, it was double unexpected when I knew him as the sassy helpful onii-chan from the sequel. And I know Seimei in the sequel is still quite a snarkman and quite sympathetic, but like he’s not.. comical? Kisuto as a villain is WAY more cool cos he is! There’s no seriousness in this man’s soul! Even as he’s talking about his tragic sadness he’s doing it in the middle of like.. a fuckin booty dance striptease. With cha cha music. I wish I was joking! Cos you see the fakeout villain guy who looked like some generic fugly cyclops ogre was actually kisuto in disguise, and then he friggin pops out of the guy’s mouth and it should be scary but LITERALLY A BOOTY DANCE STRIPTEASE. WHERE THE UNDIES ARE A WHOLE CYCLOPS. Its like ‘oh no maybe we didnt really kill the boss, he’s getting up’ and then... booty dance. And kisuto pops out. And it was a costume. And what is happening. And like its really confusing cos maybe it was a costume or maybe he was literally eaten by the cyclops and controlling it from the inside?? Cos somehow by defeating the cyclops we unsealed his true power and played right into his hands. And he monologues this whole thing in sassy gyaru style while doing naked supermodel poses, and then hops into a portal while waving sassy bye byes to the audience he just trolled to death Also he is VERY JUSTIFIED AS A VILLAIN, HOLY FUCK! Cos it turns out his motive is because YOUR FAMILY KILLED HIS FAMILY! Seriously, i can see why the japanese fandom is all ‘oreshika 1 forever!’, cos in a lot of ways it seems more like its the sequel?? oreshika 2 goes comparatively standard and formulaic with its premise, like as much as you can do when your premise is so weird. Your clan is JUST a clan that’s been cursed, whereas the first game mixed up your expectations and had this reveal that your ancesters were apparantly actually evil. Also it let you actually play as the ancestors for a brief prologue before the curse happened, which is super neat! Shame though that your first character is randomized based on birthday instead of being customizeable. But I mean oreshika 2 didnt even have birthdays! And also similar for a lot of other things! Like your assistant is just an assistant, whereas i’ve gone into oreshika 1 already knowing that your assistant is either gonna be revealed as a goddess or become a goddess somehow. Tho honestly the reveal of first meeting her in oreshika 2 was kinda great from the perspective of a newbie to the franchise! you spend the whole game only hearing of her second hand and its just ‘she’s the boss of the gods’ and you expect her to be all elegant and serious. But then when you finally meet her she’s this bombastic goofy nerd with cute lil glasses and an ahoge hairstyle and she’s like ‘lets get this party started!’ and poofs up her magic to save the day and also LETS YOU MEET WITH YOUR FIRST CHARACTER FOR A BRIEF MOMENT FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE START OF THE GAME. I cried so much!! i wasnt expecting the game to have even saved his data! Its just a quick cutscene where his ghost helps super goddess lady break seimei’s barrier spell, but it was still so damn climactic and great. man I need to talk more about my playthru soon but i have so many screenshots to transfer, lol!
so where this boss fox lady comes in is that her story is like a ‘be careful what you wish for’ thing. Her prayer for good luck was answered by an asshole god who decided to troll her with everything she wanted, but in a jerkass genie way. She became rich and found a husband, but he was an asshole who robbed her and left her even poorer than before. And then she committed suicide. But where kisuto comes in is that she’d adopted this mysterious baby she found at a forest shrine. And then when she’d got backstabbed by this horrible husband and was left without enough money to take care of her baby, she committed a murder suicide and took him with her so he wouldnt suffer. or, at least, that’s what she thought. Cos it turns out the kid was a baby demigod of some sort, and he cursed her into an oni as revenge, and now she’s stuck here weeping for what she did for the rest of eternity and wanting her baby back :( And like we still have the mystery of who kisuto’s biological parents were, and what happened to lead to him being abandoned in the first place. like, was the protagonist clan’s ancestor really evil or is it a misunderstanding? And is there any way we can resolve this peacefully? Well, I’m assuming so, since Kisuto is your totally non evil assistant guy in the sequel. Though I mean the sequel clan could be a totally different clan, its not very likely this poor lineage would get hit by the same curse twice in a hundred years! He doesnt really have any reason to be evil with anyone else but those assholes who orphaned him. Seriously if it really is true that prologue man and prologue woman did it, I am so on Kisuto’s side here! even if its dumb to take revenge on innocent children who had no part in the crime. Also I feel really sad for foxmom. Like I mean kisuto doesn’t have to be comfortable around her or forgive her when she friggin tried to drown him as a 1 year old. But like its not really her fault either, she was suffering and suicidal and thought she was keeping her kid from suffering too. She was just really mentally ill and needed some help, not a hundred years of being trapped as a weeping ghost werewolf thing. And really all she wants is to see that kisuto actually did escape, and grew up, and he’s okay and even if she knows it would be impossible to accept the apology she wants to say it anyway. Even if this poor kid is off being a villain, at least he;s a happy and healthy villain! seriously why dont you give me a damn dialogue option to tell her kisuto is her sonnnn
this game is so good and im so sad its not get dubbed and im so damn tired and ill and im rambling and ok bye thenk u oreshika for ease my pain by giving me mroe pain for fictional characters SERIOUSLY POOR VILLAIN KID AND FOX MOMMMM
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