#I just get kind of peeved at the people using the wrong word
problemswithbooks · 2 years
Personal pet peeve of mine--people that call Twice’s death extrajudicial killing, aka an assassination.   
It’s just not--that’s not what those words mean, and it’s in no way accurate. 
First off, it can’t be an extrajudicial killing because Hawks clearly wants to capture him. He had many opportunities before and after Twice fought back to kill him and did not. Yes, you can argue that Hawks was doing a poor job of apprehending Twice or deescalating the situation, but given he gave Twice the option to surrender, and even offered help getting a better sentence, it’s clear he did mean to arrest him and have him face some form of trial. That alone means it’s not an assassination--if it was Twice would have died immediately.
Second, saying Hawks was going against his orders to preform an assassination but then lapsed back into following orders, and therefore it’s an extrajudicial  killing also doesn’t hold up. There really isn’t any indication that Hawks was ordered to kill Twice. It seemed he alone focused of Twice because after Jin destroyed an entire city with his clones, he appeared to be the most dangerous individual in the LoV. 
Before Lady Nagant showed up the worst the HPSC did was send Hawks in as a spy and allow him to ignore civilian lives to get on the good side of the League. We got no indication Hawks was a trained assassin for them, and even after the Nagant ‘reveal’, we got no real conformation he did the same extrajudicial killings she did. 
Third, even if Hawks was trained as an assassin and was ordered to kill Twice--he didn’t follow those orders. As stated above, he actively tried to apprehend Twice alive. Even when Twice resisted, he kept on trying to incapacitate him. You can argue his effectiveness, but it is shown he tried and wanted Twice to live. 
Hawks didn’t revert back to assassin mode and kill a man because of orders--he killed Twice because he was an active threat that from both past and present actions showed he was a major threat to human life. That’s not an extrajudicial killing--it’s a form of self defense, defense of another.
Because as much as some fans will say Twice was unfairly targeted and killed for actions he hadn’t yet committed, that’s just not true. Jin had already killed a lot of people and leveled a city back when he fought the MLA. He’d already shown blatant disregard for human life during the forest raid, where many children’s lives were threatened by his friends. He helped attack police, probably killing a few when they ran them off the road to torture Overhaul. Twice had a past of using violence, even murder to archive the LoV’s goals so it is by no means unfair to assume he would continue to be violent.
Not only that he replies in the affirmative when Dabi tells him to go mess things up. Twice flees, after resisting arrest, while making it clear, due to his past actions, that he will use lethal methods to help his similarly murderous friends. It’s far more likely that Twice will continue to help his friends, and further Shigaraki’s goals (which are inherently based on killing millions of people) if he gets away, then it is he’ll just chill with them and do nothing. Letting Jin go under that circumstance, with nothing but hope that he’s to injured to rampage, or gets caught by another Hero, so he can’t escape, heal and come back as a major threat would be grossly incompetent.   
#bnha#bnha spoilers#mha#bnha hawks#hawks#takami keigo#I just get kind of peeved at the people using the wrong word#and pretending its correct#like if Hori wanted it to be an assassination#then he really should have had Twice get killed at the end of that one cliff hanger chapter#because Twice having a violent past isn't a reason to kill him without trying to arrest him first#like I don't agree with the US using drones even if it was a guarantee they always hit the bad guys and no civilians were ever killed#because even if those people did kill people they clearly aren't an active threat in that moment#but Twice was going to become an active threat if he got out of that room#he said as much#and then that's when his past actions come into play#because they show he really is committed and has the capability of murdering people#so yeah Hawks had every reason to kill him#it sucks and Hawks' actions should be scrutinized and possibly punished in someway due to him ending up in such a bad situation#like there was pobably more he could have done to either remove Twice from the location before hand#so reduce the possibility of him getting back up#or give Hawks more time to catch him non-lethally if he got by him#but either way I don't see him getting anything for Twice's death#since at that point it was nessesary#at best he'd get reckless endangerment#negligence maybe#if twice had any family they could probably get some compensation because Hawks messed up the arrest#like in a civil suit#but I don't see Hawks getting jail time for it#maybe he loses his Hero license for a few months
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Nimona headcanons cause I love this chaotic little family
I’ve seen a lot of people say Ambrosius is a morning person and Bal is a night owl 
And I have to respectfully disagree 
Will Bal pull some all-nighters in the lab? Absolutely 
But this man is the most early bird coded character I’ve ever seen in my entire life 
When he isn't fully invested in a project he can't stay up past 10 pm
He wakes up at 6 am refreshed and barely needs caffeine 
I’ve also seen a lot of people say he’s a dedicated coffee drinker but something about this man screams “Coffee gives me migraines” 
Ambrosius on the other hand 
That’s an insomniac if I’ve ever seen one 
He’ll get ready for bed around 9 and then stay up til 3 in the morning
Poor babe needs coffee in an IV
He used to wake up really early back in the institute cause he was forced to run a mile every minute he was late to class 
And he’s a heavy sleeper so after the wall came down and he quit being a knight he wouldn't wake up before 1 pm even with Bals help 
And Nimona is just as bad 
Most nights Ambrosius will leave the room because he moves a lot when he can’t sleep and Bal is a light sleeper 
He’ll sit in the living room watching tv while trying to sleep and most of the time Nimona will join him 
Every once and a while Bal will find them laying on top of each other on the couch and will take them back to their respective beds 
And if you’re wondering what their favorite show to watch together is it’s those house-flipping shows 
But not for the reason you think
Most people watch those shows cause they think it’s inspiring 
Ambrosius and Nimona talk about how terrible these people are at their jobs  
They’ll go on hour-long rants about how these people are stripping the houses of everything that made them a home
(Ambrosius is a sentimental bitch and would be a maximalist after leaving the institute prove me wrong)
When Nimona is bored she’ll go into the city disguised as Bal or Ambrosius 
And she’ll fool literally everyone it’s a pretty common occurrence for the boys to be at home and then they hear the other swearing like a damn sailor because there are already news articles about it
The only people she can’t fool are Bal and Ambrosius 
Bal will shut them down almost immediately 
They’ll walk over to Bal and won’t even get a word out before Bal says “Shift back Nim you’re freaking me out”
They always make a big deal out of being caught making big decorations like “I’m getting better and one day I’ll fool you” 
And he’ll hum in agreement but he knows that it doesn’t matter how good he gets or how observant he is he’ll be able to fully copy every little detail 
The details that Bal has spent the past decade and a half remembering  
You know the little things like how he can’t say Bal or Nimona’s names without smiling even when he’s pissed
Or how he scrunches his nose when he laughs 
Ambrosius always acts like Nimona tricked him
He’ll let them get comfortable in the character and then he’ll drop the bomb 
Something small and inconspicuous like “Hey Nim do you want pizza for dinner?” and they’ll excitedly proclaim “Hell yeah pizza!” 
It takes them a second to realize they’ve been played and when they do they never make a big deal about it
They normally just mumble a curse or two and walk away with their tail between their legs (literally)
The first time Nimona tried to trick Ambrosius was when he was having one of those days 
You know the days when even breathing feels like a fucking battle
This was in a really awkward period too
Like right after Nimona and Ambrosius started trusting each other but right before they really started to get to know each other 
But she knew the boys well enough to know if Bal came home to a sad Ambrosius then he’d be in a bad mood for the rest of the day 
And she knows that the only thing that can cure a mopey Ambrosius is Bal 
She walked into the room and started talking to Ambrosius and was kind of surprised and a little bit peeved about how well she was fooling him
Until he said “You can drop the act Nim I know it’s you” 
They kind of just sat in that silence for a minute until Nimona said the first thing that came to her mind 
“You want me to find my sax?” 
Bal shouldn’t have been surprised to find Nimona disguised as him serenading Ambrosius with the worst freestyle jazz he’s ever heard (which is saying something)
He didn’t even say anything he just sat down and cuddled the love of his life while watching their kid try and play the sax while breakdancing
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tossawary · 5 months
Pet peeve / squick regarding "safewords" in sex scenes is when the author throws them into the story when 1) there has been NO build up to this, and/or 2) there is NO accompanying discussion or even brief negotiation of any kind, and/or 3) it doesn't have any relevance to anything afterwards.
Like, it is not sexy to be hooking up with someone (possibly for the FIRST TIME, what the hell) and they say apropos of absolutely nothing: "Your safeword is [insert random word here]." Because HOLD UP. Red light. Do not pass Go. What EXACTLY do you plan on doing here that makes you think we need a random safeword? Are you not going to just stop if I just say "stop" or "slow down" or "pause for a second, please"? Let's talk about this.
It's like the author is throwing this in there because they've picked up the idea that safewords are a necessary part of depicting "A Good, Safe, Consensual, Normal Sex Scene"? Or they want to feel like they're writing something "Kinky and Exciting"! Without interrogating what a safeword is actually for or why specific characters in a fictional story might be using them? And what this interaction as depicted now suddenly says about these characters and this relationship?
If this is supposed to demonstrate how "caring" a character is for another character's safety, how "thoughtful" they are, it really doesn't, especially if they don't even wait for their partner to AGREE to this safeword. That's... not great. It's bad.
I don't think there's necessarily a wrong way for real people to use safewords if they've worked out a system with their partners (really not my business); and I really don't think fictional characters need to be depicted as good examples of healthy behavior and safe choices for the audience. Maybe the characters are into this lack of communication for whatever reason! Maybe this is due to a lack of experience or bad experiences in their parts! Maybe this intentional lack of negotiation is going to backfire on them somehow! We explore all kinds of interesting things within fiction and I think it's reasonable to expect an audience to form their own opinions on a scene.
But it feels REAL WEIRD when this specific element is thrown into the mix of a story as nothing worth mentioning during or afterwards, with characters I wouldn't have expected any of this from, without any greater purpose, and as though most people wouldn't be really confused or weirded out if their new partner suddenly tried to assign them a safeword in the middle of sex. It's weird! It's so weird! My opinion is that safewords get fumbled as a concept by authors a lot.
Also, there are some characters where I'm like, "They would not fucking say that. This person does NOT have the sexual education to even know what a safeword is, much less the self-awareness to think that they might need one for any reason."
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trash-king18 · 1 year
M pt. 4
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he’s extra moody today and nobody seems to know why
miguel o’hara might just be more interested than just animal curiosity…maybe?
the next day you come in late, you weren’t going to but when you woke up your head hurt so bad you just needed to lay in bed for another hour… maybe two. 
you were woken up around 10 again by Lyla buzzing on your watch 
“Lyla i’m coming in late what’s wrong”
“uhh I think it might be time for a little “chat” with the boss.. like.. now. he’s acting extra… uh peeved today.”
“that’s a nice way of putting it”
“he’s already thrown two chairs this morning.” 
“perhaps,” you say as you start to try and get out of bed, “he’s acting that way because he is simply just an aggravated prick.”
“Y/N this is serious, i’m worried i haven’t seen him this-“
she hesitates before using the word to describe her boss 
“..moody in a long time. i mean sure he’s always brooding but somethings different, he’s upset i’m worried it might trigger something”
you sigh and then groan before dragging yourself up 
“ok Lyla i’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“thank you… please hurry.”
“only he would find a way to drag me in even after giving me the day off.”
you walk through the lobby and everyone seems slightly on edge. 
Hobie and Pavitr run up to you, 
“thank god you’re here” 
Is it that bad? 
the boys look between each other 
“he threw Peter B in the go home machine.”
“was mayday with him?!” 
“no not today, which probably would’ve saved him”
“Ay dios mío, el hombre es un dolor en mi trasero”
this man is a pain in my ass
Hobie looks at Pavitr
“don’t look at me dude i speak hindi not spanish.”
after you walk away Pavitr nudges Hobie 
P- “hey do you think after they finally do it they’ll fight more or less”
H- “more.. definitely more.”
you march up to his office and there’s no one around it, it’s cleared it like a fallout zone. 
you don’t even knock you just push the door open. he’s sitting on the ledge that his desk stands on. brooding, of course. 
unfortunately you were not a spider person so you couldn’t just swing up. 
“O’hara would you like to explain to me why i get woken up by Lyla calling to tell me you’re throwing chairs and then i get here to find out you’re chucking people into the go home machine.”
no answer. 
“seriously? nothing. ~now~ youve got nothing”
no answer. 
“when you’re ready to communicate like an adult i’ll be in my lab. try not to throw any thing or any ~one~ else.”
you turn but he jumps down suddenly and lands behind you. you turn around and find him standing right there. 
“you left.”
“you left that night, you were gone before i woke up and all i got was a note telling me to come in for blood tests
and then you lecture me about communication and not being able to give you this that and the next thing and tell me i don’t care 
you couldn’t even bother to mention it” 
“we’re not teenagers, i didn’t think i needed to kiss you goodbye and send a sappy text so we could discuss our feelings. we ~sort of~ hooked up big deal” 
“wow.. should’ve put that in the note too”
“oh my god you and the note, i didn’t know what to say, i ~thought~ we could talk about it in the morning-“
“-how was i-“
“-but noooo-“
“-supposed to know that-“
“-you had to leave for another one of your dark op solo missions with no warning!”
“oh i’m sorry that’s kind of part of my job description honey”
“honey? don’t you honey me o’hara”
“well i wasn’t aware that i had to explain myself to you”
“Oh por favor cállate niño crecido” 
oh please shut up you overgrown child 
“i’m the child?! you showed up here last night stumbling over yourself like a teenager who drank too much at a party”
“well at least my heads not so far up my spandex covered ass that i don’t know how to have fun you glorified action figure”
“ah de verdad? ok. Bueno, ¿por qué no empiezas a comunicarte como un adulto y entonces tal vez tengamos algo de qué hablar contigo, mujer demonio?”
oh really? ok. well why dont you start communicating like an adult and then maybe we'll have something to talk about you demon woman
“you know what?”
“no i don’t know! please tell me id love to hear it”
“you’re an ass miguel. i’m going home.”
“oh great just come in late and then leave early sure, tal vez deberías dejarlo entonces”
maybe you should just quit then. 
“maybe i should!”
you slam his office door and you’ve never been more greatful for nobody being around because you’re sure they would’ve heard everything
you walk past the boys again 
Pavitr “what was all that that about?”
“don’t ask, he’s just in a particularly impossible mood today. he’ll get over it”
Hobie: “are you ok?”
“yeah hobie i’m fine”
“really mate? cuz your eyes are red. and we didn’t have that kind of fun last night far as i know.” 
“i’m good, you should be getting back. if i remember correctly one of you has an 1130 lecture and you, you say wagging a finger at hobie, have band practice.”
the check their watches and curse when they see the time 
“See ya y/n!”
you rush to your apartment before the tears that have been stinging your eyes can escape and collapse on your couch again. you spend the rest of the day napping snacking and just watching movies. 
you just finished cleaning up dinner when you hear a soft short knock on your door. you figure it’s one of the kids or peter asking you to babysit which both happened frequently 
so you open the door, not expecting miguel to be standing right in front of you. you just scoff and close the door in his face. but he just calls softly from the other side of the door 
“can i come in?”
“no. was that not clear?”
“y/n please. i fucked up”
“you didn’t have to come all the way here to tell me that”
he groans in frustration, “look if you would just open the door so i don’t have to stand out here like an idiot”
“why so you can stand in here like an idiot instead”
“will you please stop being so childish and just talk to me”
you whip the door open. 
“so you went from a sorry excuse for trying to apologize to insulting me in the span in thirty seconds and you thought that would help how?” 
he sighs
“you’re right i’m sorry i just wanted to say that-“
“nope don’t care.”
you try to close the door but this time he catches it and let’s himself in. 
“what the fuck get out o’hara”
“no! no.”
he grabs you by the shoulders 
“all i want to say— is that i am an idiot and i messed up. i should’ve come to see you after the mission was over instead of chasing after anomalies to avoid dealing with the situation.”
you won’t even look at him. 
“and that i shouldn’t have spoken to you like that this morning especially at work” 
“are you done?” 
“no uhm also i didn’t mean to treat you like a child last night or invade your space. i was worried that you could’ve gotten hurt and i handled it poorly. so uhm i’m sorry.. for that” 
“did lyla write that for you” 
“..no… maybe” 
you still won’t look at him so he lets go and sighs in defeat snd starts to head for the door 
“o’hara wait” 
he half turns back to you 
“i guess i didn’t handle everything as well as i could have either so” 
“is that what you call an apology” 
you look at him with annoyance 
“oh cmon i did it” 
you don’t budge 
“it’s just two words” 
you roll your eyes and through gritted teeth you say, “i’m sorry”
he chuckles 
“god you’re even more stubborn then i am cariño” 
you look uncomfortable at the pet name 
“… right.”
“you should go”
he steps towards you 
“we still have to talk about..” 
“what’s there to talk about. you weren’t in your right mind, something happened, and then it ended.” 
“is that all it was” 
“i don’t know? can you tell me for certain that that night was more than your equivalent of a drunken nothing” 
“then we have nothing to talk about.” 
his eyes are pleading but your guard is up and you refuse to let him of all people tear it down. 
he slips out out the door wordlessly leaving you to finish putting away dishes. 
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cursedvibes · 3 months
"I know why the fandom do it but I REALLY dislike to see these goddamn stitches on Kaori's head whenever she's represented in fanart. I know, it's Kenjaku! I know we never saw her without these stitches! I knoooow BUT I HATE IT she's Yuuji's mother and like what happened to her?! Was she pregnant with Yuuji before Kenjaku possess her body?! How did she get along with Jin? Is Kenjaku directly responsible to Jin being dead? And how Kenjaku found her? "
So what do you think about the post above? Do you think the og Kaori have CT all along? And, that Yuuji's personality is from Kaori not Jin?
I can understand the frustration to an extend. I rarely see it, but when Kaori is shown with stitches or Kenjaku without them it does rub me the wrong way. Kind of similar to people who tag posts who are solely about Kenjaku with "Geto", despite him having nothing to do with it.I can kind of understand it with fanart for a wider reach, but it unfortunately also means I can't block the Geto tag because that means I would miss out on over half of the posts in the Kenjaku tag (the anime caught up, why do people still call Kenjaku "Geto").
But at least one question of that post is easy to answer: Kaori wasn't pregnant with Yuuji before Kenjaku took over her body. Wasuke very clearly differentiates between Kaori and Kenjaku and he said Kaori couldn't get pregnant, that was only possible once Kenjaku took over.
Kaori always had a cursed technique, but it is unclear if she awakened it or if it was just lying dormant in her brain. Could go either way really, but the way Kenjaku worded it, it sounds more like she might have been able to use it, although I doubt she was an active sorcerer either way. I also think it would be more interesting and make her less of a passive participant who only got used for the dormant physical aspects of her body both by Kenjaku and Jin. I would like her to have had a little bit more agency and interesting background.
If Yuuji got some core personality traits from Kaori is impossible to say, since we know literally nothing about her as a person. Could be anyone's guess at this point. Yuuji got the humanity kanji 仁 from his father, but I don't think they have much in common personality-wise based on what we have seen of Jin so far. He is polite, sure, but he hasn't really shown that unconditional compassion Yuuji will give to people. He doesn't even seem like a particularly cheerful person. He was happy to have a child, but was ready to overlook over people's suffering in favour of his selfish goals. With how insistently Wasuke warned him and Kenjaku's bad acting skills I find it very unlikely that he didn't notice that something was wrong with "Kaori", but he went through with it anyway. He's also very cold to his father and we don't know how he acted around Kenjaku. I guess Yuuji is similar to him in that he also is distant towards his parent and family members, except for him Wasuke is the exception not the rule.
That also makes him quite similar to Kenjaku, who has shown trouble connecting with family members as well or people in general. They both have a very open and at times cheerful attitude towards others on the surface, but rarely allow themselves to make deep bonds with these people and over the course of their life have grown very hesitant (Kenjaku obviously moreso than Yuuji). The bonds they do form make them "weak", especially in the eyes of Sukuna and jujutsu society as a whole. They are both ready to sacrifice themselves and their body for the sake of a greater goal that is closely connected to a person they care about. Also they have a similar sense of humour. So I guess out of all his parents Yuuji is the most similar to Kenjaku in terms of core personality. I'd say he got Wasuke's stubbornness as well.
Also, another personal pet peeve related to Kaori is when people say Kenjaku calling Yuuji their son are subliminal feelings from Kaori coming through. That argument is already weak when people try it with Geto, but it makes even less sense with Kaori. She never met Yuuji, she might have never wanted to be pregnant for all we know and Yuuji was born at least a year after she was already dead. Where would those feelings come from? Not to mention that Kenjaku is very aware of their vessel (so far only Geto) influencing them and can differentiate between their own feelings and the ones coming from someone else. Not to mention that considering how Kenjaku treats the Death Paintings, suddenly developing parental feelings would definitely be something that would immediately trip Kenjaku up if it was coming from someone else.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
I think one of my most grating pet peeves in fandom has got to be when people start fighting about name pronunciation. More specifically about wrong pronunciation and making it a bigger issue than it is. But the dumber issue is that people then use the "Well you know how to pronounce these names, so why don't you know these other names?" And then it's like… names that have never been pronounced right, it's just become so normalized to butcher the pronunciation, that literally no one even cares to look up if they do. I think that one's super ironic, because I've never seen a name given as an example of "everyone knows how to pronounce this one right." and the name was actually pronounced right. Not once. UNLESS the person saying it actually speaks the language competently. But that's kind of a given. My biggest recommendation is to just look up and try, there's not much more you can ask. At a certain point it becomes hard to learn new sounds, and ways to pronounce things, especially if you're monolingual. Don't half ass it, that's what you can do.
I'd like people to manage the closest equivalent to the consonants their language has in the order these originally appear in. This is not a high bar, and yet English speakers consistently fail to clear it with all the C-dramas they're suddenly getting into. My Chinese pronunciation is ass too, but we can do a little better than this, guys, come on!
It's like people hear unfamiliar names and just panic.
But yes, I've also seen many a wank about things like how to place the stress in Japanese names when you're speaking English and the answer is that Japanese stress doesn't work like that. Almost no language's stress works like that. Linguists have a massive boner for studying stress in English because it's fucking weird.
It can end up like some 'Señor Bigg-les' bullshit where people pronounce just one word in an exaggerated foreign accent. Yuck!
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lipglossanon · 6 months
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that it is 100% not your job to monitor what minors are doing online whether you write nsfw content or not. Minors who want to consume nsfw content most definitely are not going to care about a warning and it is 100% on parents to ensure their children don’t have access to that kind of content. I wish tumblr had a better system for blocking minors from viewing that kind of content, but it’s the internet and I feel like people really need a dose of reality when it comes to the internet. I’ve seen some real vile, fucked up works of fiction online and yours are literally just basic taboo with very, very common kinks that are usually only hot in a fictional setting. I understand everyone has boundaries, but some people truly shouldn’t scour the internet if they can’t grasps that someone that’s not committing a crime (or even writing about minors in the first place because can we talk about how common it is for fandoms to write porn between minors or even minors with adults??) should be able to write a work of fiction. I might come off as overly mad about this but as someone who dealt with sexual abuse from a family member as a minor, I find it crazy when someone starts suggesting that engaging with incest fics or even ddlg fics is supporting grooming or pedophilia. Writing should always be a safe outlet of expression and if people find it gross, they do not have to consume that content. If I was you, I would just ignore it all. You’re not at fault for anyone but *you*. Not what your followers say, not what someone doesn’t agree with, not if a minor reads your work. This is your page and you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone for writing insanely common smut even if you do want to be respectful. You deserve respect as well and I find it disrespectful that people expect u to be mommy to everyone on ur page.
U don’t have to post this either, I just wanted to rant as well because I’m mad that u had to deal with people making u feel bad about small things like a warning and accidentally using the word grooming in the wrong context when u obviously have 0 bad intentions and are always so fucking kind.
Hi anon!
I know you said I didn’t have to post, but I wanted to reply back to you (and this is the only way to do it haha).
I just wanted to say thank you! 💜 💜 It might seem silly but this means a lot to me! 🥹🥹
You seriously made me tear up cause I really do try to be respectful and kind on this platform; it’s the least someone can give to another. We’re all just people ya know?
And looking back at it now after a few days have passed, I’m still confused (since I don’t even know what was being said about me/my blog) as well as disappointed cause I thought I was on friendly terms with these people. I didn’t even get a chance to defend myself before everyone just dropped me like I have the plague lol.
And to be quite honest, I find it kinda hypocritical to unfollow me for a misunderstanding when most of the mutuals I followed at the time wrote equally problematic/dark content (and I’m not even writing underage or grooming to begin with!).
Like it’s one thing for someone to not follow me for their own reasons; it’s another to tell people not to because of X, Y, Z and it not even be in the correct context cause you’re just cherry picking my asks/posts based on my ignorance.
Also, I’m sorry you had to go through that sort of abuse, anon! ❤️‍🩹 thank you for sharing ❤️‍🩹
I’m moving past it! I’ve blocked/unfollowed anyone who I thought might see my content that was involved (just in case). And any hate gets deleted. I’m honestly doing fine! Just get peeved every now and again cause like why be nice to me up until zero hour and then not even discuss it with me? I mean critical thinking skills are a thing ya know? 🤣 it’s giving Kelso (damn Jackie, I can’t control the weather 🤭)
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stripedwolf88 · 14 days
Here are my questions for the ask game ^^ 8: Want any tattoos? 19: A fact about your personality 21: What you love most about yourself 26: Your biggest pet peeves 30: What you hate the most about work/school 33: What words make you feel the best about yourself 39: Favorite ice cream flavor 42: The last thing you ate
I am a nosy little gal 🥺
8: I'm a little unsure! However if I do decide to I would probably get a Quetzal bird on my right upper arm.
19: I'm stubborn. Extremely. I will literally do almost anything to prove someone wrong even if just for the moment. Does that make me slightly petty? Yes I will admit that. I only do this when someone is being a jerk about the point they are trying to make. Otherwise I can be very diplomatic.
21: I think my diplomacy and ability to see both or multiple sides of the story.
26: I absolutely hate when someone turns off a song before it fully ends. That includes the instrumentals. I also hate when people get into my space when they are speaking to me. My personal space is pretty important to me and I really appreciate when someone asks me if they can come closer or touches me.
30: Oh god. Where would I even begin? I guee the things I have always disliked the most about school (and now work) are the authority figures there that throw their weight around and misuse their power. Or they don't consider other people enough. It really makes the learning or working unbearable.
33: I like when people tell me I'm helpful and kind. Or that I'm thoughtful. I really put effort into doing those things for other people because I didn't always use to be that way. I like when people tell me I truly mean something special to them.
39: Chocolate chocolate chocolate. Forever and always. I will always choose chocolate.
42: A hamburger and fries. I took out the pickles and tomato 'cause those are no no's.
I am too so don't worry! Also I like sharing stuff.😁
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dateamonster · 2 years
am i the only one who gets kind of peeved when people conflate ghouls with zombies? or just generally assume ghouls are undead? because, trust me, ghouls and zombies are nothing alike- in fact, ghouls are known to eat zombies on occasion (saprophages make do) and have a lot of tertiary features that we don’t share with humans whatsoever. entirely distinct convergently evolved species. still, that could just be me nitpicking. nice blog!
i mean if this is in response to my monster high posting, ur barking up the wrong tree if you want mh to care about any kind of accuracy or consistency.
but that aside, i dont rly get this ask. this is smth ive talked about before a little but its kind of a pet peeve of mine when people talk about certain kinds of monsters as if theres a 100% correct True Version rather than many many different interpretations. especially in the case where the "species" in question doesnt really have one single traceable point of origin.
"ghouls and zombies are nothing alike" "ghouls are known to eat zombies" by who? who knows this? please point me to the ghoul biologist id love a word with them. not to be catty, but my understanding of (whats cited as) the original mythology is basically that a ghoul is a monstrous being which is often associated with death and feeds on human flesh. they may not be the same as zombies, im not arguing that, but depending on the context, how meaningful is the distinction?
and if i wanted to get really pedantic (and i always do) i could talk about how many of the most recent incarnations of the zombie arent technically undead either, since a lot of modern zombie media focuses on zombies that have never actually died but were infected by a virus or parasitic organism, adapting older more mystical beliefs and fears about the dead to our present day fears about disease and contagion.
what is a ghoul? what is a zombie? a ghost? a vampire? the way we interpret and represent these creatures is constantly changing and evolving. what does it serve to neatly categorize every existent monster myth into neat little boxes with indisputable static characteristics to check off one by one, other than to restrict us?
it takes an opportunity to expand on a myth, use it as a means to think about all these big things, monstrosity and fear and history and humanity and spirituality, and turns it into like. the monsterfan equivalent of being the guy at the convention grilling everyone on who knows the most lore trivia.
anyway thats why i dont care if monster high gives a zombie a ghoul pun name thanks for coming to my ted talk xoxo
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hi ^^ i have a question regarding forgiving, specifically referring to luke 6:35 ''love your enemies, do good to them, etc, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for He is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked''.
how do i forgive those (like truly forgive) pastors, Christians in general, who say just blunt homophobic and transphobic stuff and pass it on as a sin? i dont want to have to be on guard around Christians or when im watching a sermon on youtube, i want to forgive but its hard when it seems like the entire religion points to being lgbt as a sin. any tips or advice is highly appreciated ^^
Hey there, fabulous questions! Forgiveness being conflated with love & pushed on people in vulnerable positions is a huge pet peeve of mine, so thanks for the opportunity to talk about it.
I invite you and any others who read this to prayerfully ponder some questions:
What is love? What does it mean to love your enemy — what actions, not just feelings, does that entail?
What is forgiveness? Is it the same as reconciliation?
Do you have to forgive someone in order to love them?
Ultimately, only you can decide what your answers are to that. Meanwhile, I'm going to share my own conclusions to those questions — maybe your conclusions will look different from mine, but maybe it'll help you to see one possibility.
What is love? Can you love without forgiving?
Jesus's instruction to love those who hate us is difficult enough to live by without people twisting what love has to look like!
The kind of love that Jesus exemplified was not always nice. In fact, Jesus never called us to be nice — kind, yes, but not nice. Niceness is about never discomforting people even when they need to be discomfited; it's saying "let's forgive and forget" to someone who is still in a position of power to cause the same kind of harm.
Meanwhile, loving someone means pointing out the harm they've done. It is more loving to guide someone towards fuller humanity than to let them get away with their harm. Erecting boundaries is one way to love them into change — and that’s also a way of loving yourself, which Jesus also calls us to do. Refusing to let a person continue to cause harm also shows love to whole communities, love to those vulnerable to that person’s harm.
So to me, love does not have to include forgiveness — especially not immediate forgiveness. Marie M. Fortune even suggests that love sometimes means withholding forgiveness, if rushing to forgiveness will leave a person no time to reckon with the harm they’ve done.
So what is forgiveness as Jesus taught it?
Forgiveness does not necessarily mean what a lot of Christianity today says it means.
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[id: screencap of Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride saying “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” / end id]
First off, many Christian communities focus on the wrong “side” of forgiveness — they put pressure on the wronged to forgive the wrongdoer, rather than recognizing that the onus is on the wrongdoer to make things right. A lot of the time, this results in a feeling of shame for the wronged, and justice denied. And as @hunterinabrowncoat puts it,
“...The mandate to forgive then becomes a mandate to abandon justice. And to hunger and thirst for justice, as we are called to do, becomes an act of disobedience because we're not being forgiving enough...”
When Jesus discusses forgiveness at length, he focuses on the wrongdoer seeking that forgiveness out — and taking action to make things right so that the one they wronged might have good reason to forgive them! I have a post that delves into that focus, and also clarifies what love is and isn’t, here. Bascially, in Jesus’s discussion on reconciliation in Matthew 5, he makes it clear that it’s in the wrongdoer’s best interest to do everything they need to do to win the wronged person’s mercy, while simultaneously putting no pressure on the wronged to extend that mercy. The wronged is fully in their rights to withhold forgiveness.
So what does a wrongdoer need to do to be forgiven? Many theologians, including Marie M. Fortune, argue that in order for true forgiveness — and especially reconciliation, where the wrongdoer and wronged person actually return to an ongoing relationship of some kind — to take place, there must be a reversal of power. The wrongdoer must relinquish all power over the wronged. 
In the quote linked above, Fortune notes that Jesus himself could not forgive his wrongdoers directly after they’d just nailed him to the cross — after all, the power dynamic is in the oppressors’ favor. Instead, Jesus says, “Forgive them, Father, fo they don’t know what they’re doing” (Luke 23:34).
He doesn’t say “I forgive them” — he asks his Father to do what he is not at that moment able to do. The power dynamic between Jesus and his oppressors is such that he cannot forgive them — but the power dynamic between those oppressors and God is such that God can. And God can move them to genuine remorse for what they’ve done, too. 
So how do I love anti-LGBT Christians?
Even without forgiving them himself, Jesus does express incredible mercy and love for his oppressors. That kind of love is really, really hard — to manage to see through the pain and suffering your oppressors are causing you right then and there, to see through it into compassion....
When you struggle to do that, you’re not a bad person. You’re human. To work towards that — to cultivate an understanding of your very oppressors, the ones who deny you your humanity, as fellow human beings who are capable of being better than they are — is a whole life’s work.
We are called to love those who hate us in ways that can be really hard and that do require compassion, and generosity of spirit (which this linked post delves into). There is complexity, there is challenge, in Jesus’s call to love our enemies. But it’s not about putting yourself or others in harm’s way. If there’s someone spewing hate, enacting injustice, Jesus does not call us to forgive them while they’re still spewing that hate. 
For me, the way I work towards loving the Christians who actively call for my death (at the extreme) or otherwise dehumanize me and call my very being sinful is to practice healthy boundary making. I’m not going to respond with hate, calling for their deaths; but I’m not going to let them get away with the harm they’re causing, either. I’m going to call them out, to announce the injustice they’re enacting. I’m going to try to keep others safe from them.
...And when, on those rare, beautiful occasions, there’s a person who has long been hateful but who genuinely wants to learn to be better...that’s when I stop calling them out, and start calling them in. That’s when the time to journey together towards forgiveness finally, finally comes around.
Now, I’m personally called into that kind of work, that direct interaction with people who have done harm, but are striving to be better. You might not be — so for you, loving a person who’s trying might involve directing them towards people who can help them, rather than being the person who helps.
This got away from me and is kinda fizzling out lol, but hopefully the links I included along the way are more coherent and helpful! I’m gonna go ahead and re-link the main ones below:
“Why Christians need to stop forcing forgiveness”
Jesus on forgiveness & power dynamics
My whole forgiveness tag has other quotes and posts you might find helpful.
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live-digital-love · 2 years
also this one's more of a question, but how would you change or add some parts in DRA when it comes to characters applying their ultimate talents? characters like kakeru or kinji could've had such cool arcs to me if their talents shined out more than just "oh loud lawyer in a trial" or "oh yes kinji prays sometimes in his dialogue"
You just gave me an excuse to rant about one of the biggest beefs I have with Lin regarding one of my favorite characters, buckle up.
There were a lot of things that felt as if they just. Could have been used more, to phrase it gently.
For example: there was potential for Kakeru to have acted as a sort of "straining force" against Tsurugi even if temporarily, especially during the first trial. They both would have a relationship with "the law" as a concept, but I don't recall Kakeru challenging Tsurugi, which he very much could have done. If anything, Kakeru straining against Tsurugi only to bow back down to him could've been a moment to show just how influencing Tsurugi is.
If that did happen and I don't remember, then I stand corrected.
With Kinji, my biggest pet peeve is how Lin wrote his personality. I feel like, with how it's mentioned that his voice is so soothing, it's meant to be able to sway... what, an entire prison full of grown convicts to never commit crime again? He also mentions that he convinced a horrible man to become a head in the church or something just by talking to him, because that's how influential his words are. Even Yuki says that just being in Kinji's presence makes him feel at peace.
But from what I've seen, this doesn't really get used. He's cold, blank, very distant from everyone. How come this same man that was praised for his moving and soothing word doesn't... try to help anybody? He watches multiple people have mental breakdowns and doesn't even offer a single kind word. He just stares and watches.
I would have loved him as a character so much more if he had that 'moving' way of him all the time. In the sense that he actively showed what he's known for. The inspirational speeches and giving others the will to go on.
Someone so kind, and soothing, and gentle, someone who truly did try to help everyone see the sun beyond the storm and find their own peace...
Turns around and kills two people, nearly fucking four, because it was for "the greater good"?
The same man that preaches that there is no true right and wrong, only what one believes to be true? The same man using that belief to soothe others, then turn around and use it to defend his own horrible actions?
A holy man that stands the definition of "gray morals."
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c0rpseductor · 7 months
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im just doing all of these at once regardless of likes and i'm doing it here because i hate twitter's character limit. and i love the sound of my own voice. feel free to steal it from me if you like in fact please do
i listen to music when i write Sometimes. i try to keep it to stuff without lyrics or stuff with lyrics in a language i don't speak fluently enough for them to distract me. sometimes i do listen to music in english if i've heard the song so many times that i can kind of tune out the words but in general music with lyrics pulls the language bits in my brain in too many directions
i tell my close friends about plans for my fics and talk to them about it and sometimes let them beta sections of writing but in general i'm a no beta/loose beta kind of guy.
third person limited babyyyyyyyyyy
depends. i used to write more often in past tense but i switched to present recently and i feel like the immediacy of present makes it a lot easier for me especially where more figurative prose is concerned. i've been meaning to try past tense again just to see if it's really more difficult or if my decision to switch tenses is unrelated
pretty even mix. i start and abandon longfics like nobody's business
see above.
i guess if you count oc/canon or oc/oc stuff as rarepairs but. not really? shrug
i try really hard to write principal characters as close to canon as possible, but background characters i take more liberties with. in general i don't like discarding canon characterization bc it feels like, ok, why not just write an oc? after a certain point. like the point is that i enjoy the character as depicted yknow
i don't really think about this. if you put some cliches or tropes in front of me in a story i'd be able to identify them and say whether or not i like them but a lot of times it's contextual and i like the execution more than the trope itself. or vice versa. i like reincarnation romance conceptually but do not often like the way it's written
i fucking hate omegaverse. gender is a prison
obviously im an emetwol freak. emetwol is my otp. sickos voice
i dont have any notps really. i dont spend time thinking about specific ships i hate i just ignore them
nice dichotomy, now what lies outside it? i guess i like both fluff and smut but i don't know that i really care for fluff vs smut as a binary. my personal definition of "fluff" encompasses any particularly tender feel-good warm fuzzy kind of fiction and that doesn't preclude sexual intimacy in the slightest. conversely i love a good bit of tender feel-good warm fuzzy smut but do not really like "fluff" in the way i tend to see it used in fandom as specifically like sexless "wholesome" feel-good slice of life stuff a la coffee shop au. nothing wrong with that but i get a little bored of it unless it's a breather in a longer work with dramatic weight personally
i love angst. i think my personal hangup is that angst has to have a point and be about something. angst for the sake of angst inevitably feels kind of cheap and shallow to me. whenever i write angst it's like to process something specific so i tend to have a lesson in mind at the end of the work
in the shower or lying awake in bed at night the same as everyone else i assume
plantser. i always have an outline in mind but it's flexible. vague. mutable. gossamer
i title my chapters and i kick myself for starting the habit every time bc i'm dogshit at titles
i think most of my pet peeves are smut-related which says a lot about me. stop saying core to mean vagina. stop saying sex as a noun for genitals. i never want to see sac again. also i fucking despise orbs as a noun for eyes and i thought we'd abolished that like via geneva convention sometime in 2015 but people still use it.
scene transitions and communicating the passage of time. im still working on that
bold of my amateur ass to give advice but i think READ REAL BOOKS. is high on the list. not just fiction, either. read nonfiction, both bc it can be surprisingly engaging and poetically written and because it's good to learn facts about things. read wikipedia. recipe blogs. i dont care. read everything you possibly can that is not fanfiction. and when you are watching tv and movies pick apart every narrative you encounter to see how it works. you will be a better writer for it i promise
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curiouschaosstarlight · 4 months
For the ask game; 3, 11, and 16 (yes I just randomly generated these don't hold me responsible for which ones they chose)
(I'm gonna assign these Gensh 'cause why not)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I do not have and will not take a screenshot, but I think "everyone only woobifies Scaramouche because one piece of canon says he's nice to children, and they should stop writing" still pisses me off the most, genuinely. It's such a high-horse, full of shit take that you can only really have if you've been deliberately not paying any attention to canon. The ENTIRETY of Sumeru should have put this take in the ground where it belongs. And it ain't even the full tidbit of the thing being referenced either. I think you should honestly quit playing Gensh if you're not actually going to pay attention to the story and lore and get on a high-horse about how other people totes have it wrong. It's fine to have preferences for characters, but genuinely fuck off with the "any take I dislike is obviously wrong and shouldn't be written" shit.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
Not-very-many, but that's because the lack of Gensh people I follow, so it tends not to be necessary. It's like...two or three things, currently? Could turn into more if I actually got more active (or if people would tag stuff I really don't like that doesn't really get tagged)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Polite Answer: A few characters I personally find boring or un-engaging, some headcanons I'm really not into, and one version of a take on a ship that baffles me.
Detailed answer under the read more;
I really don't see the whole wide appeal of characters like Barbara, Noelle, Nilou, Kokomi, Mona...to me, they're all just kind of generically cute and sweet. (And one character I forgot I kind of genuinely despise, but I think I get the appeal so I don't think I can put her here...) I guess I can kind of get it, but the more people angrily try to say how great they are and complain about That Sort Of Take while putting down other characters like Itto, the less inclined I am to even try to like them, and the more resentful I get instead. I also have zero interest in the "pop idol" facet of Barbara's personality, and was more interested in her in the story when she was doing her priest/nun role, since I'm EXTREMELY used to "cutesy bubbly girl who sings" and not very used to "cute-but-serious nun" characters.
(Also call Barbara fucking minor-coded again and I will find a way to rip through this computer screen I swear to god)
Next would probably be Childe being some kind of confident playboy. I think that's born of the English dub exclusively, and has no fitting place in any genuine part of his personality. It's hard to explain, but he gives me way more of an Innocent But Violent Kid vibe, particularly with his devotion to the Tsaritsa. (No this isn't child-coding, this is a description of trauma stuff) And I find that much more fascinating. (Also very funny to think his sex education might be a little lacking if he had to learn from other Harbingers or something) Also I have NO idea why people like him saying "girlie" so much. In every other language, he's far more polite and essentially says some form of "miss", and I haaaaaaate when people call me "girlie" so, so much. That's just a personal pet peeve of mine. Can't trust english fandom with anything.
And basically, in general, if it's the english fandom's version of the character, I pretty much exclusively don't understand it or its appeal. The takes of people that only engage with the english dub and nothing else are generally pretty bad and way off the mark for actual characterizations, especially with things like the Harbingers.
While I've since remembered some ship takes I genuinely dislike a bit, one that baffles me endlessly is Kazuha/Wanderer; specifically the version where they make a lot of parallels between Kazuha and Niwa, but think it's BadWrong to ship Niwa/Wanderer. Like, friend, bud, amigo, chum, pal.......what? You're very, very close to just writing straight up Niwa/Wanderer, what's your problem, why are you complaining?
(...I also don't really get why so many people like Wanderer/Mona. I kinda sorta get the basis, but I also just...don't...like Mona, as previously mentioned, and I don't really know what's so compelling about those two together.)
I'd generally advise to take mmmost of these with a grain of salt. I'm the type of person that can be tricked into liking anything so long as you get me writing it for whatever reason.
But I WILL grow to hate things out of spite also, so. you know.
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demonichikikomori · 1 year
This isn't a request but have you ever thought about writing x male reader or are you uncomfortable doing so? Just curious.
- 🐀 anon
Ah! I felt like one day I would get a question like this.
So, back in the olden days when the internet was young and so was I… I actually did write more Male!Reader x (Insert Blorbo) content… On Wattpad in like 2015… In my Hetalia phase… I also wrote a lot of Male!Blorbo x Male!Blorbo…
As I got older and decided to take a break from writing to just enjoy reading fanfiction, I started to to hear opinions from others about fanfiction writers. Mainly pet peeves and things that are considered bad writing. The biggest one is ‘inaccurate depictions and descriptions’. What fell under the category was a term very commonly known as ‘Fujoshi’. The term ‘Fujoshi’ is used in Japan to describe a girl or feminine aligned person who enjoys and reads BL/Yaoi. The word means ‘Rotten Girl’ with ‘Fudanshi’ being the male counterpart.
I know a lot of people in this day and age don’t like the term anymore compared to when I was growing up on the internet. And in all of these videos and writing statements it all boiled down to: As a person who does not live an experience, writing said experience will be inaccurate and wrong. Therefore, stick to what you know.
I worded it much nicer than just straight up saying I would be labeled as fetishizing gay relationships. Some people say I get a pass because I’m in the LGBTQ+ community but also not everyone thinks the same.
I’m not uncomfortable with the idea of writing it again and would be happy to do so in a request or commission. But outside of that I am not prompted to do so since I did not experience or live the existence of a man. Also people are so mean sometimes when it comes to these kinds of topics. I don’t want to write something bad just because I want everyone to feel included, but… Just from past experiences it’s become a complicated subject.
I would love to try again. I'll do my best.
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someotherdog · 11 months
get to know the author!
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name : velouria! mutuals can call me rachel if they want since it's my real name but i respond to both
pronouns :  she/her
preference of communication : i prefer tumblr im to start with so we can get to know each other and do some light plotting. then move onto discord for in-depth plotting if our personalities mesh well :)
most active muse :  i go through phases where i'll have a lot of muse for a certain few one week and then lose their voice the next week lol, and a lot of the muses i have are quite selective because their setting/personality is very specific and can sometimes be hard to tap into. generally, i'm always rarin' to go with jeannie, ingrid, lisa, gideon, heidi, vikram, and taher. (now actually getting people to rp with these hoes is the hard part lmao)
experience / how many years : i don't want to talk abt it... jk, i started in 2005 i believe? on myspace mainly and i lurked a few message boards back in the day but never actually used them. i wasn't always roleplaying though, i'd often take long breaks throughout the years, sometimes for months, but it's been a part of my life for a long time! after myspace shut down, i went on to roleplayer.me until 2015 when one day i saw an rpg promo in devon bostick's tag (that name's a blast from the past, i know) and i subsequently made the permanent switch to tumblr :) so you can pretty much consider me a veteran around these parts. i remember the days when people used the cast of one tree hill when it was actually currently airing as fcs (or playbys, as we called them) and every third muse was named seraphina!!!
best experience : i think one of the best times i had on here was during christmas 2015 in the rpg hell state bc it was very active and i had a lot of good storylines going! the best time i had on rp.me was the group verse i had for a knockoff of terra nova called alia terra, which i actually made into an rpg on here and then made a closed verse between lucia and i so we could continue some dino fun! but i did it on rp.me shortly before i made the switch to tumblr so i kinda roll that all into one. i mean don't get me wrong i've had some great experiences on here, and lately have been having an amazing time with my writing partners, new and old, but those two are events that stick out in my mind. and also meeting lucia in 2015 duhhh of course!!!!!!!
rp pet peeves : honestly i don't want to say bc i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or discourage people from writing with me lmfao, but i'll just say it has to do with dropping articles and using two certain french words 😬😬😬
fluff, angst, or smut : if i could crush up angst and snort it i would. i don't write smut (just a personal choice, not a judgment!) and fluff doesn't really interest me unless there's an undercurrent of angst or toxicity lmaooo, but i'm mostly interested in genre fiction like horror/slasher or sci-fi anyway and angst is kind of a package deal with those topics
plots or memes : i like to start with a general idea and then just kinda improvise. i also don't mind having structed plot points like going from a > b > c but having the freedom to do what we want in between those points. i also have absolutely no issue with changing or adding things as we go along! i'm basically very hype for anything
long or short replies : i'm a wordy bitch! when it comes to replies, i tend to stick with 2-4 for my 'shorter' threads but i have no issue getting up to 5-9 paragraphs if i'm really feeling something. no worries about matching length, btw, as long as it's not egregious like getting a few sentences in response when i wrote you four paragraphs, because i feel that's just rude. i also tend to start out small and get bigger as we go on, since i do like to begin with a general idea and add on from there
time to write : so before i started my current job, i only wrote at night because writing when the sun was up seemed morally wrong lmfao. nowadays, i sometimes write my replies at work on my google drive and then edit/format them once i get home, but that's only when i work alone and it's not super busy, and i actually have writing muse for that day. after work, i'll get on after midnight since i don't get home until late and need to put on my jammies, take off my makeup, eat dinner, and watch some tv. even on my days off, i most likely won't get on until late in the night because my family actually has the audacity to want to see me during the daylight hours 🙄
are you like your muses : i have a lot of muses that share similarities with myself, but i also have muses i have absolutely nothing in common with, like blair the satanic serial killer or lauren the son of a cult leader turned political campaign manager. more than likely they'll have something random from me like also being allergic to penicillin or they drive a buick like i do lmao, but i don't have a muse i would really consider my 'self-insert' character!
tagged by: @thewolfruns
tagging: i feel like everyone has been tagged to do this already?? so if you haven't, pretend i did so you can have some fun too :)
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miixz · 2 years
Lan Wangji for the Ask
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He!!!!! I love him so much.
He was actually the first character I related to in MDZS (though I loved Wei Wuxian from the beginning it took me a little more to relate to him). I marked him as the best character, but please know I'd mark the same for Wei Wuxian, they share the first place in my heart, I cannot choose between them. 
Not everyone but me is wrong about him, but I see his character being interpreted in ways I disagree with often. Either as someone who is cold and aloof as Wei Wuxian first assumed, who needed Wei Wuxian’s presence in his life to become kind and socially conscious, or as naive and sheltered, as well as stifled by his family and their rules. I don’t see him as any of those. Lan Wangji is introduced to us as a quiet, but strong willed figure, standing up to Jiang Cheng through his actions while staying utterly silent towards him. He is then kind to his juniors, who were already shown to hold him in high regard, and also respectful to “Mo Xuanyu” who is standing there awkwardly in dreadful makeup, looking by all means like the lunatic he is said to be, though both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji know that he is not. I think that says much of what we need to know about him really, he’s kind, respectful, gentle with those he cares about, and though he doesn’t go after conflict, he is strong willed and will stand by his beliefs. 
Although our impressions of him are at first colored by Wei Wuxian’s wariness and misinterpretations, it’s the kind of thing I feel some people get too stuck on, when we were supposed to discover Lan Wangji with him, not believe those initial assertions when they came from several unfortunate misunderstandings and a general lack of knowledge that allowed some biases to form.
We then soon proceed to learn some about him as a teenager, and see that he is as upright as he is now, but also awkward and full of feelings he doesn’t know how to deal with. It’s endearing as the reader to see how flustered he is in the face of Wei Wuxian’s teasing, and how much Wei Wuxian has liked him since then. I just! Love them both so much!! The cutest babies.
I loved getting to know Lan Wangji better through Wei Wuxian’s eyes throughout the whole book and discovering how his first impressions may have been wrong and where they were right, as well as picking apart all the ways Lan Wangji has been expressing himself through the things he does rather than his words. Although even then, because that’s another pet peeve of mine, he is also very direct with his speech, concise but very informative to his thoughts and feelings as well. I’ve spent a lot of time overthinking his way of communicating for fic writing purposes and I just think it’s all very interesting. 
He and Wei Wuxian are just perfect to each other, and I love Lan Wangji as a character all by himself too, with all the ways he surprises us and Wei Wuxian along the way.
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