#like there was pobably more he could have done to either remove Twice from the location before hand
problemswithbooks · 2 years
Personal pet peeve of mine--people that call Twice’s death extrajudicial killing, aka an assassination.   
It’s just not--that’s not what those words mean, and it’s in no way accurate. 
First off, it can’t be an extrajudicial killing because Hawks clearly wants to capture him. He had many opportunities before and after Twice fought back to kill him and did not. Yes, you can argue that Hawks was doing a poor job of apprehending Twice or deescalating the situation, but given he gave Twice the option to surrender, and even offered help getting a better sentence, it’s clear he did mean to arrest him and have him face some form of trial. That alone means it’s not an assassination--if it was Twice would have died immediately.
Second, saying Hawks was going against his orders to preform an assassination but then lapsed back into following orders, and therefore it’s an extrajudicial  killing also doesn’t hold up. There really isn’t any indication that Hawks was ordered to kill Twice. It seemed he alone focused of Twice because after Jin destroyed an entire city with his clones, he appeared to be the most dangerous individual in the LoV. 
Before Lady Nagant showed up the worst the HPSC did was send Hawks in as a spy and allow him to ignore civilian lives to get on the good side of the League. We got no indication Hawks was a trained assassin for them, and even after the Nagant ‘reveal’, we got no real conformation he did the same extrajudicial killings she did. 
Third, even if Hawks was trained as an assassin and was ordered to kill Twice--he didn’t follow those orders. As stated above, he actively tried to apprehend Twice alive. Even when Twice resisted, he kept on trying to incapacitate him. You can argue his effectiveness, but it is shown he tried and wanted Twice to live. 
Hawks didn’t revert back to assassin mode and kill a man because of orders--he killed Twice because he was an active threat that from both past and present actions showed he was a major threat to human life. That’s not an extrajudicial killing--it’s a form of self defense, defense of another.
Because as much as some fans will say Twice was unfairly targeted and killed for actions he hadn’t yet committed, that’s just not true. Jin had already killed a lot of people and leveled a city back when he fought the MLA. He’d already shown blatant disregard for human life during the forest raid, where many children’s lives were threatened by his friends. He helped attack police, probably killing a few when they ran them off the road to torture Overhaul. Twice had a past of using violence, even murder to archive the LoV’s goals so it is by no means unfair to assume he would continue to be violent.
Not only that he replies in the affirmative when Dabi tells him to go mess things up. Twice flees, after resisting arrest, while making it clear, due to his past actions, that he will use lethal methods to help his similarly murderous friends. It’s far more likely that Twice will continue to help his friends, and further Shigaraki’s goals (which are inherently based on killing millions of people) if he gets away, then it is he’ll just chill with them and do nothing. Letting Jin go under that circumstance, with nothing but hope that he’s to injured to rampage, or gets caught by another Hero, so he can’t escape, heal and come back as a major threat would be grossly incompetent.   
#bnha#bnha spoilers#mha#bnha hawks#hawks#takami keigo#I just get kind of peeved at the people using the wrong word#and pretending its correct#like if Hori wanted it to be an assassination#then he really should have had Twice get killed at the end of that one cliff hanger chapter#because Twice having a violent past isn't a reason to kill him without trying to arrest him first#like I don't agree with the US using drones even if it was a guarantee they always hit the bad guys and no civilians were ever killed#because even if those people did kill people they clearly aren't an active threat in that moment#but Twice was going to become an active threat if he got out of that room#he said as much#and then that's when his past actions come into play#because they show he really is committed and has the capability of murdering people#so yeah Hawks had every reason to kill him#it sucks and Hawks' actions should be scrutinized and possibly punished in someway due to him ending up in such a bad situation#like there was pobably more he could have done to either remove Twice from the location before hand#so reduce the possibility of him getting back up#or give Hawks more time to catch him non-lethally if he got by him#but either way I don't see him getting anything for Twice's death#since at that point it was nessesary#at best he'd get reckless endangerment#negligence maybe#if twice had any family they could probably get some compensation because Hawks messed up the arrest#like in a civil suit#but I don't see Hawks getting jail time for it#maybe he loses his Hero license for a few months
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