#I have committed an inexcusable sin
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ludwigoat909 · 20 days
So uhm....
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This is the apology he made on his official twitter account
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Translation from reddit:
"I, Toru Furuya, have been interviewed by Weekly Bunshun. I have an apology and a report regarding the great sin I have committed.
I had an inappropriate relationship with a female fan for a long period of four and a half years, starting from September of four years ago. She immediately supported me, and as I admired her, I initiated contact and our relationship began. During our relationship, there were times when we argued, and I regretfully even raised my hand against her. This was an unforgivable and shameful act as an adult and a human being.
Furthermore, I committed the inexcusable act of making her have an abortion. I deeply regret hurting her both physically and mentally and feel truly sorry.
I cannot apologize enough for betraying the trust of all the fans who have supported me for many years, for disappointing, hurting, and staining my character. I betrayed the trust of all related parties and caused them great trouble.
I will spend the rest of my life making sincere efforts to make amends. I am prepared to accept any punishment.
I am truly sorry"
Toru Furuya
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ultraericthered · 5 months
Why am I encountering Akito Sohma discourse in 2024, soon to be exactly 5 years since the premiere of the second anime adaptation?
Not naming names, only commenting on the garbage takes here.
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No duh on "being abused doesn't justify abusing others", but you might want to tell that to all the stans and simps for (usually male) villains who were abused and took their inexcusable actions towards others even further than Akito would've ever dared to yet they get their crimes downplayed or even defended and rationalized with "the abuse they suffered made them into people who act this way, don't judge the way any abuse victim internalizes and externalizes their trauma from the abuse they experienced, there is no 'perfect victim' y'know?", and are said to "deserve better" or "deserve" redemption.
The idea that Akito "got away with everything Scot-free" seems like a really poor reading of the story based on only the notion that if Akito is not dead, locked up in a penitentiary or asylum, or left completely alone and miserable forever by the end of the story, she faced zero consequences for her actions. Totally disregarding how almost the entirety of what the 2019 anime has as its final season was reality coming in to smack Akito around repeatedly and make her face all the natural consequences of her actions, of how she'd lived her life and ruled over her family as an abusive tyrant. See this? All of this?:
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This is all Akito's karma. It's from the punishment she wrought for herself. The misery she passed around through her family came back around in full, and she had to watch her entire world, the world of the "eternal banquet" she was promised and believed herself entitled to, gradually unravel along with her own mental and emotional state.
In the anime at least, it hits a crescendo that's regretably so brief and silent that it's easy to miss, but when Akito has mentally shut down and is just sitting there moping beside Shigure, we're shown a bit where she suddenly gets up, like she just hit a breaking point and without any thought, just on pure instinct and emotional impulse, she walks to the screen door and hits her head against it. Given her frail, shaky body language, and the mix of alarm and pity that lurks beneath Shigure's still calm facade, I'm to assume that Akito is wailing and screaming. She's having a full psychotic breakdown.
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"She never apologized, never made amends, never did anything to deserve anyone's love and forgiveness". ...I'm sorry, this person really stopped watching after Tohru got put in the hospital, huh? In the last couple of episodes, Akito did nothing BUT be apologetic and set out to make whatever amends she could, including undoing all remaining bonds and breaking the Zodiac curse! She did nothing to "deserve" anyone's love and forgiveness even at this point because now she at last understood she was undeserving of such things and was entitled to nothing, especially nothing from her victims, after the way she'd behaved and the many sins she'd committed. Forgiveness is earned and granted, never "deserved", and it's always a choice whether or not to grant it, so anyone who'd never forgive Akito for as long as they lived would be entirely within their right to do so, and so would be those who did make the choice to forgive her. Neither is invalid. And love is never a matter of "earned", "deserved", or "owed", and to think that it IS is ironically adopting a very Akito mentality.
Also have to go back to that "she never apologized" thing. Really?
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And if "that Tohru, of all people, befriended her despite the horrific things she did to her (not yet and in fact he'd just rejected her) husband" disgusts anyone, than Fruits Basket was never the story for them and Tohru was never a character they were going to love. That moment, and that gesture from Tohru, was one of THE core pillars of the entire narrative, something everything had been building up to from the very beginning. Tohru looked deep inside the cruel, childish, deranged, abusive, controlling, possessive, selfish, cowardly, downright evil pseudo-god that she, and the entire Sohma family, knew as Akito Sohma and she found who Akito Sohma truly was: a sad, abused, broken, twisted, pathetic, wretched, needy and terrified child who'd suffered through an upbringing in which she'd never been allowed to forge a single human connection with anyone else that was not dependent upon her status as the family head and the bonds with the Zodiacs that was her promised birthright, and was thus left with so much vulnerability, so much mental and emotional instability, such fear of living her life in the world as the woman she should be, as the human being she should be, that she kept concealed beneath the armor of a wrathful god who she felt could be comfortably in control of everything in her life and keep it all from slipping away from her and leaving her all alone with all her internal anguish and misery. It's that Akito Sohma who Tohru reached out to and extended the offer of friendship, to become her first ever true human friend in her life, no string attached and no bonds or godhood required. Because that's what Fruits Basket was always all about: the existence and value of love. family, and friendships as forged, mutual, equally consensual connections between humans rather than as some divine mandate upon animals or some commodity to be horded by a god.
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Already took shots at "she gets away with everying and does nothing to deserve anyone's love or forgiveness". On the belief that Akito needed to be jailed for her crimes, that is actually something I can agree with and see as a weakness in the series' ending. Once the Zodiac curse was broken and Akito was no longer "God", there'd now be nothing standing in the way of some of the Sohmas, the family members and servants alike, pushing charges against Akito for all the worst things she'd committed against them. We should've been told that such legal action was taken and that Akito knew it was coming and accepted it, being fully ready to accept accountability and justice for her crimes. When last we'd see her and Shigure, they could be doing a round of community service together! That would've been perfect! But Takaya didn't go that route, and I think what we did got was also satisfactory: Akito had lived her life with power, privileges, and freedom with which to do whatever she wanted but was also a prisoner of her own damaged psyche and of the broken family system she was born into and had to play such a large role in perpetuating, so by the end, it's now flipped so that Akito has been internally set free, is healing and finding inner peace, but without the Zodiac curse, the family headship in a lonelier, harder, constraining position but she voluntarily endures with it so that she may live the rest of her life atoning for the sins she'd committed when she was "God", all at a distance from family members who mostly will never forgive her, never think any better of her, and are glad to be free of her. So the idea that Akito's fate not being punitive enough being akin to a slap on the wrist is misguided. It's a lifelong committment to restorative justice and not getting all she desired that Akito's made, and she has to endure it while being romantically involved with Shigure, which honestly feels like a punishment worse than prison!
Piss the fuck off with the "blatant abuse apologist" claim, too. This is the same bullcrap spewed towards Kohei Horikoshi when he gave Endeavor a self improvement/atonement arc. WIth both Endeavor and Akito, the narrative is never at any point remotely pretending that their actions are anything but monstrously abusive, toxic, cruel, harmful and wrong. They're bad and so the abuser is made to feel bad about having ever done them and must face up to all the natural karmic consequences that will inconvenience their lives. An anti-abuse narrative that does not keep it as simple and black-and-white as "the abuser is 100% Bad Person, it's a problem that they exist and hurt people, the solution is to remove them from life entirely" yet still condemns the abuser for their actions and champions their victims ability to move beyond them, find healing, peace, love, and happiness in lives better than what the abuser could ever hope for, is not in the slightest bit "abuse apologism": no apologies or excuses for the abuse are being made.
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Not Akito-related, just showing how this same person truly feels about Fruits Basket on the whole due to how "problematic" it is. If it's not for you, fine, and this is actually 100% correct regarding Katsuya Honda being a sociopathic predator who fucked a child student of his yet it get beyond inappropriately framed as a beautiful, romantic, loving thing within the narrative. But when it reaches this hyperbolic "the entire series has no value, it's irredeemable media and deserves to be trashed" level of vitriol for the work...nah. That's not agreeable.
And then there's this anon who called in to say:
Seeing you rightfully call out the utter bullshit of Akito's "redemption" has me heated. The story becomes irredeemably bad the moment the forgiveness shit is pushed.
Let me say this much: there was no "redemption" or "redemption arc" for Akito. She had her big epiphany and recieved personal salvation from Tohru's approach to her, and from then on she turned herself towards self-improvement and atonement for her many sins while finally living a true human life of her own. Atonement /=/ redemption, as all avenues for her to redeem herself for her abusive acts directly to those effected by said abusive acts got closed off a long time ago.
And forgiveness is entirely another matter from redemption and atonement. Tohru, Kureno, Shigure, Momiji, Arisa, and Saki chose to forgive Akito. Literally no one else was shown to do so. Rin even said outright she could never forgive Akito after everything she did, and in the anime at least, she was positioned as not in the wrong for that.
Takaya is on my shit list for life for how she handled Tohru's character, she is my favourite I love her compassion for people and her determination to never give up despite how difficult things can be plus her learning to move on from her crippling grief resonates with me. The ending Takaya gives her is fucking vile Tohru forgiving and befriending Akito is bullshit and my mind is never going to change on that.
"I love her compassion for people." "Tohru forgiving and befriending Akito is bullshit!" Do...you not see how these are conflicting ideas? "Tohru is wonderful for how much empathy and compassion she has for people...wait no, not THAT people!" How do you miss that big?
The sole reason Tohru wants to break the curse is because she sees how much her friends are suffering under Akito's abuse both mentally and physically. She would never be so inconsiderate of their feelings as to befriend the person who hurt them so much.
And she also saw how much Akito herself was suffering under the curse and the role that was forced upon her from birth. Also, how is choosing to befriend her friends abuser inconsiderate when they don't need to factor into it at all? Tohru doesn't try to force Yuki, Kyo, Rin, Momiji, Hiro, Kisa and the rest to also be friends with Akito. She at no point even considers that possibility. What's between Tohru and Akito is kept purely between them, away from Akito's victims. Tohru understands that they'd never be comfortable around Akito due to having a history with her that Tohru herself does not have, and while she wants to help Akito move past her pain and put in the good work to make reparations for her sins, she's not going to ever downplay how vile those sins were and how badly they hurt people, nor would she put up even the pretense of giving absolution of them to Akito.
That's not even getting to my other major problem with this storyline Tohru never even learns about half of the horrific shit Akito does to her friends, Takaya intentionally has her character be left in the dark. Not to mention how abusive akito is to HER!
Why does it need to be Tohru's business to know absolutely every horrible deed Akito ever did to every person she was ever horrible to? Akito did that shit, it happened, there's nothing Tohru can do that could possibly change that or make any of it better. And oh dear, are we getting into the "antagonistic behavior = abuse" bullshit again?
She manipulates her the first time they meet and then at the beach house she threatens her and scratches up her face. Tohru outright admits she is scared of her. Then towards the end of the story akito then has the audacity to blame her for the zodiacs not loving her despite that being the consequences of her own disgusting actions. She shows up at the house to hurt and potentially kill Tohru, she slaps her multiple times, stabs her and pushes her close to the cliffs end directly putting her in danger. Akito almost gets the poor girl killed. Akito spends the entire story being an abusive monster to Tohru and the people she loves. And nearly leads to multiple characters dying, Takaya really wants us to think a friendship Between the two of them is cute because they both relate to being lonely????
Ah yes. Yes we are. Most of what's described above is Akito being a cruel villain and acting as a threatening adversary to Tohru, with actions that are clearly reprehensible and uncalled for but are not inherently "abusive", as Akito is treating a stranger badly and making enemies with her rather than being in any relationship in which she can treat her abusively. The hardest into abuse it ever swings is when Akito is holding a knife to Tohru and physically strikes her, and that's when Akito is in the midst of a full-blown psychotic episode.
And that the characters apparently aren't that different to each other??? When they clearly are. Tohru is a kind and compassionate person who helps those around her while Akito is a manipulative snake who treats those around her like they are her possessions. Tohru grows up being bullied and alone. Akito is a child abuser and commits multiple attempted murders. Trust me Takaya these characters aside from them having tragic backstories and fears of abandonment are as far away from each other as you can get.
Tohru was brought up to be kind and selfless, to the point of seeing her own self as lesser in value than others. Akito's upbringing shaped her into becoming cruel and selfish, to the point of seeing others as possessions for her to keep hold of, to pleasure her with a sense of superiorty as a cover for her own poor self image and lack of self-worth. Tohru was left alone without her mother and was ostracized by her peers. Akito was left alone without her father (as her own mother would never give her the time of day) and was "othered" by literally every person around her. They're foils. Akito is a broken reflection of what Tohru might've become if Kyoko had not put in that effort to be such a kind, loving, nurturing parent, and Akito always envied Tohru because she reflects the girl she might've been had she been allowed to be, and not internalized everything wrong with the Sohma family nor adopted her mother's own internalized misogyny.
The friendship is disgusting, Akito is an evil bitch period she is not Tohru's problem or her responsibility. Also Uo and Hana being friends with her after they find out she nearly killed their best friend and Kureno was also so gross. The characters do some of the most OOC shit in order to give Akito one of the least deserving redemption arcs i have ever seen. It is truly some of the most atrocious, insulting writing, Takaya should be embarrassed for thinking this was an acceptable way to end the story.
If you want to get technical, none of the Sohmas are Tohru's problem or responsibility. It's not on her to "fix" them or be their therapist and savior, she doesn't owe them anything. She chooses to help them out of compassion, empathy, and a desire to do right by others, to see true justice done and freedom, peace, and happiness assured for the people she cares about in their lives going forward, With Akito too, she did not impose or make her into her responsibility; she extended her hand. She offered Akito a choice. The friendship would not happen if Akito decided she was unwilling to put in the effort to do her part and accept the care, help, comfort and understanding offered to her by Tohru. So yeah, you can blame Akito for that too, even though it's not a wrong thing of her to do whatsoever! Uotani also did not become Akito's friend, more like a friendly acquaintance. Hanajima did follow Tohru's lead and befriend her, and considering she knows how it feels to internally tear yourself apart with self-loathing over guilt from having hurt people to the point of cursing your very identity and existence, I'd say her decision makes sense.
I haven't read the spin off but Akito having a child just reinforces that she is still the same selfish person she has always been. Her wanting to have children but deciding not to because of how they would suffer due to her terrible actions would actually mean she has to live with the consequences of what she has done. but of course we can't have that.
Meh. Not much a fan of that spin off and I'm kind of hoping we don't get it adapted into an anime. Some things are best left open-ended.
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littlefankingdom · 1 year
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you some propaganda
Lads of all genders present on Earth and beyond,
In the year zero, also commonly called 2010, the animated movie Megamind hit the theaters, and too many of you (but not me as I had good taste even as a child) made the poor choice to prefer its competitor, Despicable Me, damning us all for years of suffering under the yellows creatures' reign of terrors. Now, you are being offered a chance to fix that mistake, by voting for Megamind and his allies in the mad scientist showdown.
You see, disrespecting Megamind is inexcusable, as he is not an icon, but THE icon, an example to follow on your mad scientist journey. Talking about my own experience would be a waste, as I wrote this propaganda's piece so it's pretty evident, but I have examples. In Megamind: The Button Of Doom (2011), he sells his inventions to people, even children, giving them weapons to use against their own parents. In Sonic 2 (2022), Eggman has an outfit named REDMAMBA.INK, clearly inspired by Megamind's Black Mamba outfit. From children to other mad scientists, this alien influences and motivates all. Donatello himself was born in 2005 and could have grow up looking up at this genius and his art of presentation, you just don't know.
Megamind had been inspiring all of us for the last 13 years, and he's still at the top after everything that went down, showing how incredible he really is. But, and I am deeply saddened to say this, Donatello is one Donatello, one iteration between others, he's already gone and replaced in his franchise. Megamind's legacy was there before and will survive his.
In this, I haven't talked about Megamind's companions, Doofenshmirtz and Princess Bubblegum, and this is because I know little about them. But I have heard of them, and if they are standing beside this blue genius, than it's more reason for them to win.
So, repent yourself, vote for Megamind and his friends at @mad-scientist-showdown, or face an eternity surrounded by minions for the sin you committed.
And go vote for Donnie at @autismswagsummit because, as much as I would protect Mob and Papyrus with my life, they do not have swag like our purple boy has.
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velvet-vox · 5 days
40th year anniversary of Tetris special post.
(Various ramblings down below).
By the way, I don't see J as wasted potential until she dies again. After my most recent rewatch of Murder Drones, I do think that J could have had some interesting stuff to do in our current plot, or at least that's what my new highly critical phase of Murder Drones tells me, but as she is now, I don't get why the fandom fixates so much on her having zero screen time when there's already so many characters that need to be developed.
Originally, I was going to make an "all the problems that I have with Doll" post, but then I realised that this entire time after the release of episode 7 I've been going through the 5 stages of grief, and now I've reached anger, the phase where I take out all of my frustrations on the show, so instead I'll be reserving my honest opinions on the matter to a later date; but not before dropping the nuclear bomb on you:
I feel more sympathy towards Judge Claude Frollo and Lord Shen than I feel for Doll. No I'm serious (rhetorically).
You see, the thing is that, with Frollo, you could see the innate humanity within him, especially in the Hellfire scene. When you rewatch the movie a second time, you realise that Frollo never had a moment where he was truly happy with what was happening. Sure, he took a little bit of pleasure by hearing a guy getting frustrated across the room, but that was only because he thought he was punishing the sinful, not because he genuinely found sadistic pleasure in the act of violence. Yeah, sure, he tried to r##e a Latina woman, it's as unforgivable and inexcusable as you can get, but it's not like you couldn't see all the conflicting feelings of internalised Christian indoctrination that led him to become such a sick and vile individual, you can pin down a character arc without even having a single clue of its existence.
Same thing with Lord Shen: part of the reason why he's such an amazing antagonist, it's because the movie spends a large chunk of his runtime showcasing his emotions and paranoia, you can easily cut out a lot of the scenes with the Soothsayer and it would be just fine, but the fact that we see those scenes and the relationship between the two adds multiple layers of depth and enjoyment to his character. Also you should know that genocide is more excusable than r##e in fiction, it's just a fact.
But with Doll.... we never get any of that. Liam wrote Doll in the same way DreamWorks wrote Tai Lung: a threat first, and a sympathetic villain second. Except, with Tai Lung, when time came to shove the writers committed to his sympathetic traits, showcasing his emotions, backstory, and all of that. But Liam instead just ended up committing to Doll being mysterious and threatening but almost accidentally never delved deep into the human elements that he gave her and then just ended up killing her off in an anticlimactic way like a plot device when she overstayed her welcome.
For the longest time, I couldn't understand why comments like this existed:
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Like, why? Doll had as sympathetic of a backstory as a children's program animated villain could get, it's not the most tragic thing in Murder Drones but by regular standards it was peak, and she was forced to cannibalise her classmates like Uzi was, and grew desensitized to other people's lives when all of the adults and classmates forgot to check out on her. Surely the broken, lonely orphan would be more emotionally captivating than the genocidal war machine right?
But that's the thing: we actually get a look into V's mind. We know about the humanity present within her. We saw her struggles, the things that tick her off, while with Doll, we only get a backbone of a character, she's more of a force of nature but personified into a generic b###h, she never seems to particularly struggle with anything throughout the plot, so it's really hard to feel any sympathy for her until you start to think hard about it.
But that's enough of these silly ramblings: today it's a special occasion, it's the 40th anniversary of Tetris, and when I learned about it, I knew that I had to rush out a celebratory post for our Russian Queen: Yeva.
So here there's a smaller version of my work on the Doll catalogue but for Yeva. Some good art and some good comments. (Once again to all of the artists, I will erase your names and projects from this post if you find it uncomfortable).
Please enjoy.
Yeva art by @yakkuo13 :
Mama Yeva
Crab fight
Beautiful clothes
Art by @sir-dahlia
Cup of tea
Art by @eveledoze :
Russian lifestyle
Lab mates
Yeva ideas by @dreamii-krybaby :
A tragic au
A badass
Death from the get go
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roppongi-division · 5 months
Mireya's Thoughts on Otaku Corps
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Keiko Yumi
"Ah, so this is Aika's wayward daughter that she's told me so much about. Looking at her now, I can see how she and Aika are so similar. She's literally the spitting image of her mother. ...It's for that reason that I'm so upset and disappointed in her. Aika's told me all about the problems that she and her have. And while I won't deny that Aika does share some of the blame, you're not entirely guiltless in this either, child."
"Aika has told me that she's tried to talk to you numerous times in the past, either to apologize or to make up for her shortcomings. But what do you do instead? You simply brush her off and refuse to even give her the time of day because you feel she can never be forgiven or redeemed. And to make matters worse, you even went so far as to join Chuohku, all to get away from the woman who gave birth to you."
"I understand you may feel like your mother has committed some unforgivable sin or crime. But in the big picture child, she's done nothing of the sort. Like I stated, she does share some of the blame, but so do you. I know I'm not entirely the best person to speak about relationships with mothers. After all, my relationship with my own is terrible. But the difference between mine and yours, is that at least your mother is allowing you to live out your life the way you want, and isn't forcing her beliefs or opinions on you."
"So forgive me for saying this, but you seriously need to get over being angry, because you have no reason, whatsoever, to be. Your mother did the best she could with the best resources she had available. And for you to despise her and not even try to communicate with her because of that is inexcusable. I hope and pray you realize that before it's too late."
Criss Hiromi
"Zakari's told me about this young child. Apparently, she's a... 'paranormal investigator'? I take it that means she goes diving into abandoned ruins and places searching for ghosts? He's even shown me some of her videos on YouTube. ...While I don't fault her enthusiasm or her love for exploration, I sincerely hope she's taking care of herself. Take it from me, most people don't appreciate you going into places that are 'abandoned'. Why? Because they prefer it to stay that way, less someone comes poking around."
Nikki Yoshie
"Kai and Zakari know more about this young girl than me. All I know about her is that she's apparently one of the most popular and talented video game players in the world. I sadly have no interest in them, but I know Zakari does."
Otaku Corps
"Like my husband mentioned, this is the second Akihabara team, after Pixel Syndicate. I forget which team came first, but both represent Akihabara rather well. I know that sooner or later, the two of them will have a battle to see who will be the team to represent their city. ...But as it stands right now, my vote goes to Pixel Syndicate. Nothing against these young women, but... I have a deep lack of respect for Keiko and her ways. Unless she agrees to make peace with Aika, then I want nothing to do with her and her team. I'm sorry to her teammates, but my vote goes to Pixel Syndicate."
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seventeenplug · 1 year
If you do do a sequel to “Get Out”, please, please, PLEASE don’t make reader go back to the cheater jerk. Him saying he loves the reader just makes me part vomit and part boil. If he loved her, he wouldn’t have dicked around. 😤😤 (No offense to your writing, I just hate people who use that shitty line to excuse the inexcusable, and your writing skills sure pulled the emotions out of me.)
Maybe Hoshi, Woozi, Mingyu, or Joshua becomes her new neighbor and they become friendly and over a length of time, he slowly woos and courts her. He doesn’t push, totally works on her schedule, but he has the love and patience to see her moved into his apartment, sleeping in his bed, and wearing his ring. Doesn’t necessarily have to have a part where cheater ex sees her in passing and mourns what he lost, but I’d probably be shaking my pompoms at that (cause imma petty bitch and know that real life doesn’t always work out like that).
Love the idea! And it was around what I too wanted to do for a part 2, so without further ado.
Get Out PT.II (Yoon Jeonghan X reader)
For those who haven't read, or wish to re-read, just click on- Part 1
I finally learned how to link stuff in texts, I know, I'm dumb lol, so expect a pinned post with all the stories and links to them, so you don't have to constantly search for them :)
Pairing: You'll see later ;) X AFAB reader
Genre: Angst, hope, fluff.
Warning: Curse Words, mentions of sex, but no actual words of it just the action, idk how to explain. Mentions of cheating
Summary: It's been 6 months since the breakup, and you haven't seen Jeonghan a single time, you quit your job and moved to a different area, beginning to work as a waiter in a well known restaurant.
Word Count: 3065
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Not long after Jeonghan left your house you began to pack your bags, putting your every item inside your bags and when those weren't enough you moved to put them in plastic bags, calling your closest friend to help you move out which she gladly did, arriving at your door in less than 20 minutes.
There was only an issue. The ring.
You had found a ring hidden in his bedside table lamp, it had a note attached, your name written in cursive letters. It read:
«Y/N, it is like this that I will hand you this ring as I cannot keep myself from stuttering whenever I see you, beautiful like you are, eyes shinning with bright stars whenever you look at me with your big doe eyes. I would love, nothing more than to make you my wife. I know it hasn't been long, but I know that not many are as lucky as I am to find someone like you, bright, caring, sweet. Someone whose whole aura is able to light up the room. I want to be with you forever.
I will confess my every sin to make you happy, I will never hurt you, I will forever be faithful and attentive. I am ready for that commitment now, please, accept my heart with open hands like you always do.
Forever Yours ~
You scoff, pushing down your tears, swallowing your sorrows as you put the box back where you had found it, but instead, you left it open. Taking the paper with you and leaving it in the trashcan.
You moved around the apartment in quick steps, grabbing every single photo and breaking the frames before putting them in a trash bag which you left for your now ex-boyfriend right besides the front door as you locked the door behind you. All the bags in hand as you walked away.
This would have been the last of Jeonghan that you would see having set up an apartment on the outskirts of town with the little money you had saved up.
You decided that you would also quit your work at a daycare in the morning, the 2 weeks notice was too late, and you would have to sacrifice your sleep to work those 2 weeks needed, but afterward, you'd plan on moving even further away.
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And now, 6 months later, it seems that it has all paid off, the heartbreak had been the brick of the iceberg and had simply made you stronger, at least enough for you to get out your comfort zone.
You began working at a wedding planning establishment, your boss, Minghao had been utmost caring about your situation helping to accommodate you as you settled into your apartment which was getting renovated.
He allowed you to stay at his house for a while, which ended up making you two closer, not only due to your heartbreak and his care-giving self, but also due to your mutual love for food, books and meditation. But most importantly the contact with the nature.
The two of you often chose to hang out outside the house and out of work by going on hikes or taking a drive to the beach, returning home the day after at sunrise.
The nights would seem short whilst the two of you closed the shop, heading home in the same car after another satisfying day of greeting customers and helping them plan their wedding. Heading home in the same car because, as he always said, it saved both time and money, since it meant his worker would always be on time by arriving with the boss. You didn't refuse. You enjoyed the rides, you had more time to chat, get to know each other.
It was safe to say that after yesterday's workout, the two had gotten much closer than before, maybe due to the fact that it was in the early hours of the morning, the sun kissed his skin, which you followed, the car illuminated enough inside for the two of you to not be caught. The two of you in utter proximity, your bodies touched even you tried to make space.
Sweat dripping down his temple, his hand on your head, hair disheveled, using a hand to keep yourself steady on top of him.
In the morning, you could feel the slightly awkward atmosphere, the two of you avoid eye-contact, a blush on your cheeks, whilst Minghao's ears turned red at the mere thought of last night.
Nevertheless, the two of you still went to work together, he still helped you out of the car, the dress skirt being a little naughty and lifting when you exited the car, causing your boss' ears to once more tinge in color.
And as always, he held the door open for you to go inside first, a shy smile on your face as you walked in.
Thankfully, today's plans weren't big, nor would they take long. They had a customer who was almost a regular by now due to the immense work she required for her wedding, and then a new person coming in for her first consultation, a woman called Kim Yoo Jung.
You had just finished preparing both yours and Minghao's cup of tea handing it to him and sitting beside him on the couch looking through the requirements of your new client when the bell above your front door rang.
The two of you stood up to greet the client, a beautiful woman entering with a bright smile.
You walk towards the woman greeting her brightly and helping her remove her coat at the door, your eyes caught onto the very noticeable pregnancy belly, but quickly snapped back out of it. Leading her into the consultation room where she explained how her fiancée would either be late, or unable to attend due to his busy schedule which you understood and started with the work right away.
Yoo Jung was a very bright woman, she had her mind set on certain things, although she was unsure of others, she explained how the marriage was something that his family disapproved of due to issues within their own relationship and how that made it hard for her to connect with her fiancée's family. She had also gotten pregnant at a sensitive time which made it even harder to approach his family. You nodded as she spoke consoling the poor soon to be bride when the store's bell rang once more and the two of you went to the front desk to check who it was.
You took it as a chance to head into Minghao's small corner at the back, asking for his help to give her a wedding that she could remember, making a small basket to hand her at the very last consultation which he agreed to do. Something he wouldn't usually do.
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"Miss Y/N?" You hear her voice call for you from the front, you excuse yourself from Minghao and head back out with a smile.
You happiness towards this client was short-lived when your eyes caught onto the man you wanted nothing more than to never see again.
There he stood, a hand behind your client, the joy of a woman who was also pregnant.
You could see the shock in his face, likely mirroring yours.
Clearing your throat you looked down for a short second slapping a smile back onto your face and greeting them once more.
"Hello, you must be the fiancée. My name is Y/N, I will be your wedding coordinator."
"I'm Jeonghan. Yoon Jeonghan" he says.
"I hope we can work without a hiccup from now on. Please, come in." your hand extends to the side taking the two of them back into your office, staying behind for a short time trying to assimilate everything before following behind the loved-up couple.
She was the woman he had fallen for. Whom he'd cheated on you with. The reason your relationship was broken. And he had even gotten her pregnant.
You push those thoughts back, walking back into your office and shutting the door behind you making your way to the desk, eyeing the two carefully.
"As I was explaining to you before, this venue is highly known for it's garden space, it's spacious, very elegant but it is a bit on the expensive side. The one on the right however is the cheaper option, it also contains a garden but unlike the one on the left does not have a pond, nor the swings. These are the two options I would let you two choose upon seeing as the two fit your desires the most" you explained pointing the differences between the two locations.
"I like the first one, Hannie" ... Hannie, the name you always used on him, unknown to you, his eyes were on you, how you scrunched your face upon hearing her call him that, your eyebrows furrowed for a second.
"Hannie?" she called to the man once more, his eyes focusing back and looking at his pregnant fiancée.
"Yes? Oh, yes. I also liked the first one" he quickly answers, an anxious smile on his face which you take notice to right away.
"Y/N, would you like me to take over while you take your break?" Your savior, Minghao knocks softly at the door, you smile, a small sigh of relief as you nod.
"Should we all take a 10-minute break since the venue had been chosen?" You suggest, the couple nods, the three of you leaving the room, Yoo Jung taking the pictures with her so she could inspect them more.
Once outside the room you head right outside, Minghao barely having the time to call out your name before he sees Yoo Jung's fiancée follow you outside.
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"Y/N" he sighs, catching up with you quickly, grabbing onto your wrist making you turn back, pulling your wrist away from him.
"Let go of me, Jeonghan" you seethe in anger.
"Please, just listen to me. I didn't know you worked here, I swear" his eyes begging you to believe him, which you do, knowing how awkward the air already is, you had no doubt he didn't want his significant other to see who he'd betrayed to be with her.
"Let's just get this consultation over with, so we can all move on" you sigh, a hand on your forehead.
"Are you okay?" he carefully asks, reaching closer to touch your forehead, but you slap his hand away, stepping back.
"Don't touch me! Just because you didn't know I worked here, and I believed you doesn't mean we're suddenly friends. I never wanted to see you again, and i still mean it" you spat angrily.
His eyes softened looking at you, a look of guilt consuming him as he tried to make out words when your eyes go to the man approaching the two of you from behind Jeonghan.
"Y/N, please. I didn't mean it. I still... I still lo-"
"Is there anything wrong, Y/N?" Minghao questions as his eyes look between the two of you.
You smile, once again. Your savior, as always.
Minghao moved to your side, you take it as a chance to grab onto his hand, making it obvious to Jeonghan. Minghao's eyes slightly widen, a red tint on his ears for the thousand time today.
"No, nothing's wrong. Yoo Jung's fiancée was just asking us to make their day very special. Right, Mr. Yoon?" you say awaiting his response.
"... Yes, that's right" he agrees, his eyes stuck on the way your fingers had already linked with the man's.
"Ah, right. This is Xu Minghao. The owner of the Weeding Planning" you introduce, a hand just under his chin.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Yoon. I hope we can get along for the next 2 months of planning" the tall male smirks, shaking the hands with the blonde man.
"Ah, yes. Are the two of you together?" Jeonghan asks, curiosity in his tone.
You look down to your hand, ironically, you had a ring that could pass by as an engagement ring in your ring finger, so looking up into Minghao's eyes, you placed a sly hand on his chest flashing the pretty blue stones.
"Oh, we're more than together, Mr.Yoon" you smirked, enjoying the very reaction you managed to get from the man.
Minghao was utterly stunned by your actions but went along with it nonetheless, although he would question them afterwards, he had a feeling that he already knew the reason why you became so flirty and defensive.
"Oh, there you all are" Yoo Jung, the woman of the hour smiled upon seeing the three together.
"Oh, are the two of you married?" She gushed, eyes on your ring.
"We are" Minghao nods with a sweet smile taking your hand in his.
"You have a wedding planning shop with your wife, so romantic" she pouted looking at Jeonghan whose eyebrows were still frowning as he stared at your hand.
"What about you two? Do you have your ring?" Minghao wonders looking at the woman's hands.
"Oh, my fingers got a little too big, but I have it on my necklace" she says, Jeonghan's eyes widen as he tried to keep his soon wife from taking out the necklace.
"There's no need for that, my love" he laughed nervously.
You eyes narrowed, confused as to why he would try to not show her ring, it wasn't anything of big factor either.
"Don't be so modest, Hannie. It's a beautiful ring" she smiled , eyes full of love, his eyes strain from yours, looking down to the ground as she finally pulls the necklace out of her shirt, the ring shining brightly.
"That ring..." you mumbled, eyes big as you looked between the couple, Jeonghan breaths in shakily, eyes not meeting yours as you continued to stare at the ring, emotions hitting you like a brick.
"It's indeed a beautiful necklace, May I know where you got it?" Minghao asks the ugly question.
"Oh, Hannie is a crazy romantic. He left it open on top of his bedside table for me to find" she said,
"It was a hard time for him, our relationship wasn't exactly the best, and he had just broken up with his girlfriend when we found out I was pregnant" she confessed.
"Oh, I see" Minghao says unsure, his eyes going to yours which now shot daggers at Jeonghan's figure, face still looking down.
"Should we get back to the consultation then, Miss Kim?" Minghao says, a hand extending as he leads the woman away.
"I'm going on my lunch break" You smile at the woman.
"I'll just go to the bathroom, I'll be right there" Jeonghan excuses himself, following behind you once he saw his wife enter the shop.
"y/n, please talk to me" he begs you.
"What do you want me to say? Be happy" you joke.
"I know, you saw the ring" He confessed, you halt your steps, back still to him, scaring him even more.
"Are you really married to Minghao?" he asks conflicted with his own emotions.
"What if I am?" you laugh dryly turning to look at him.
"Are you scared that I've moved on?" You ask.
"You haven't , I know you haven't. You still love me" he says once more getting closer to you, you scoff pushing him arm off your waist.
"You're delusional. I'm happy, for once in my happy I'm not concerned whether or not the person I'm with will bail on our 2 year anniversary to be with his mistress" You jab at him.
"I never meant for it to happen! You know that. You read my note. She was never supposed to get pregnant" he continues.
"But she is, and we're over. So move on. I know I have" 
With those last words you return inside, getting in your office, Minghao's voice softly echoing through the walls, knocking once you enter the room smiling at the two inside as you sat on the chair besides his.
"You okay?" he asks quietly whilst Yoo Jung picked between the cake options, you nod, your head laying on his shoulder.
"Just tired" you whisper back, nestling into his neck, he nods, his hand patting calmly at your back.
"This cake, with the almond filling please. I'm sure Jeonghan would also like it" The bride smiles handing back the photos just as the man of the hour returns to the room.
"What about any restrictions? Any allergies or things you want out of the food?" Minghao continues to question as you make sure to note down everything.
"Oh, no. None of us are allergic to anything" she smiles.
"Jeonghan can't digest eggs though..." unbeknownst to you, you mumble.
All eyes land on you, the bride looks at you awkwardly, your eyes widening as you look around the room.
"Oh, I was having an egg sandwich and he mentioned it" you awkwardly laugh, him thankfully jumping into the story and the bride nods still confused.
After another hour of decisions all of you decide to head home, you could feel the eyes on you when you bid the couple goodbye and closed the door, staring for a minute longer as you waited to see if he would possible turn to look at you, and he did.
With a sigh you turn away, you face knocking right into Minghao's chest.
"It's him, isn't it?" he asks rather calmly, you nod. Afraid of the look of disappointment in his face.
"You don't need to be ashamed. Things happen, it's okay for you to have lingering feelings. Especially when you left without knowing who she was or when it came to happen. I'm okay with it" he reassured you.
"I'm not. He's not someone I wanted to see again. I'm so happy. Really, Hao. I'm so happy with you, I don't want him to come into my life again and ruin it" you grumble annoyed.
"He's not" he states, hands grabbing onto your face, eyes staring at you with stars.
"I won't let him woo you again. Not after everything we went through. And that ring, it might just be your marriage right" he jokes with a smirk, you smack his shoulder playfully, eyes back on his as you stood on your tippy toes inching for him.
Meeting you halfway, he pecks your lips, once, twice. Before he kisses you, soft lips on yours and the pads of his thumbs caress your cheeks.
"Let's go home" he smiles warmly.
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Posted on the 19th February 2023
I'm really sorry for not posting since the end of January, University is a killer.
And thank you to the person who sent in the request, I loved it and was able to finish this quickly due to the idea, so I hope you liked it!
As always, I'd like to highlight the fact that requests are always open, both for story ideas but also for idols or people you want, including actors!
Have a good day!
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am not & will never be over the Implications of Turgon executing Eöl with No Apparent Metaphysical Consequences
bc the whole Situation is Categorically a kinslaying. a premeditated one, even! i maintain that all the murders at Alqualondë should be considered crimes of passion, and that was Still enough to get the exiles just So So Cursed; word of god gives that the kinslaying at Doriath (& then at Sirion) are the things that made the Fëanorions unworthy to hold the Silmarils, bc those very much Were premeditated, and therefore enough to mark them “evil” according to Divine Justice or whatever.
but then Turgon just straight-up kills a guy (or rather Has A Guy Killed) and the narrative presents this as like, unfortunate but Valid. the implication is thus some combination of (1) Eöl having willfully committed a kinslaying himself makes killing him ok and (2) Turgon’s being King of Gondolin makes it acceptable for him to order the execution of his subjects* (*although of course Eöl did not consider himself a subject of Turgon and, despite whatever else he may have done, I’m inclined to agree with him there)
so: “no kinslaying” is thus not a universal injunction. we’ve already seen this to some degree because obviously the Teleri, Sindar, and others who kill Fëanorian elves in defense of their homes aren’t considered Evil by either the narrative or, imo, the Valar. (i’m not sure what the Catholic equivalent is but this tallies pretty well with the jewish notion of pikuach nefesh, “preservation of a soul”, that it’s acceptable and even laudable to break a mitzvah in order to preserve human life.)
imo, Ulmo’s warning to Turgon via Tuor (however ineffective) also indicates that Turgon (and by extension Gondolin) is still in Ulmo’s good books, which you’d think willfully committing a kinslaying (even a single one) on par with Doriath or Sirion would take him out of.
so which part of the circumstances makes killing Eöl into Not a mortal sin? he’s already been subdued, so it’s not a matter of self-defense or defense of another elf, as in the cases of defenders of Alqualondë, Doriath, and Sirion. is it simply always acceptable to kinslay an elf who has themself committed a kinslaying? that’s fucked up! does Being King imbue you with Inherent Divine Acceptance of certain actions, even if another elf committing such an act would be considered a mortal sin? also fucked up! does incidentally Having Divine Favor simply extend to cover actions that would otherwise be inexcusable? well if that’s the case then it’s funny as fuck that Ulmo was like “Turgon can do as many crimes as he likes, I’ll still support him” but it’s also (you guessed it) fucked up.
was Turgon ordering Eöl’s execution a mortal sin that necessitated Turgon to either repent or die (and Then repent) in order to absolve himself? possibly. Turgon very much did die. but that possibility itself raises questions about the nature of divine punishment for kinslaying, and this post is already long enough.
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humanitysought · 8 months
thinking about exploring historia as a villain + her motivations for staying silent about eren's plan some more. as always. under the cut for potentially triggering content, discussions of genocide, etc
i honestly think a big part of her motivation for everything was a desire to not sacrifice her children to a life of being used/sacrificed, and seeing themselves as worthless, having no right to live for themselves. which is an understandable thing to want to prevent, but she literally let millions/billions of innocents die for it... so nonetheless incredibly selfish and horrific. if it was just her being sacrificed, i think she might've hesitated more, but sacrificing her children was too much for her.
but i think another part was that she believed that even if the 50 year plan worked, and the paradisians were safe, the hatred for them would never actually go away. of course, she's not stupid - she knows that wiping out everyone outside of paradis isn't going to end hatred, either. but in her mind, regarding any new hatred that rose between those who were for and against the massacre, for instance - at least the yaegerists (including herself, even if she doesn't fully share their beliefs/values) would actually deserve that hatred. (that's how she sees it, at least.)
it's all just very twisted. her only redeeming feature is really that she knew her actions were selfish and never tried to excuse them - but in some ways, that just makes it worse. she tries to do her best to "atone" through the rest of her life, attempting to bring peace and help the survivors of the genocide that she helped enable, but she's very aware it'll never be enough.
i'm undecided on whether she ever fully comes to regret her actions, as in "would make a different decision if she was capable of going back to the past" type regret specifically. i want to explore themes of like... the conflict between her beliefs that people have the right to live for themselves and fight for their own happiness, but also that they don't have the right to do what she did and sacrifice others for it. similarly, themes of "what should you do if you know you've committed an inexcusable sin? do you just die? try and make things better? what about if you'd do the same thing again, given the chance?" are all things i'm interested in. i'd like to think that, at the very least, she comes to be someone who is stauchly against justifying eren's (and arguably her own) massacre or villanizing the victims of his actions. of course, that arguably makes her the worst type of hypocrite, but. she wants other people to be better than her.
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This is how I'm gonna contribute to this year's ECtober. I'm doing the Seven Deadly Sins again, but instead on focusing on the worst aspects of the Sinners like last year, I'm focusing on Secondary Sinners, basically Demon contractors who are not as fully recognized as the main 7 such as Banica or Riliane, but are still just as infamous in their own unique way such as Ney or Prim. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this case above we have Kyle Marlon, the King of Marlon and the son of Queen Dowager Prim Marlon.
Even though the Green Hunting was sparked because he was accidentally possessed by Lust, it was being possessed by Pride that did most of the heavy lifting in terms of screwing over Elphegort and annexing Lucifenia and later Beelzenia. If it hadn't been stopped, then all of Evillious(and possibly Akuna) would've been annexed and become one big Imperialistic Marlon Empire, all for him and his cruel mother to rule with an iron fist. And of course, thanks to Ney's lies and the Demon influencing his Hubris, he began a witch hunt to track and put down people who are supposedly responsible for Michaela's death and/or are against Marlon's government, even going as far as to eradicate the Lucifenian Resistance. Eventually things began to escalate further when he unwittingly turned into his Demon form, eventually however he snapped out of it thanks to Michaela's singing voice, and the Demon was removed. Reading all of this, while all the things he had did was inexcusable, he seemed more like a victim to his mother's conquests than an actual villain, if not just a tragic villain, not to mention he's one of the few Sinners to actually want to redeem themselves of all the crimes they committed. Also he's doing that weird thing where he's caressing the mirror, not kissing it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I meant to get this done last night, but unfortunately my own body picked the worst time to make me tired and sore, that and I got distracted by Jojo memes and I had to attend Art Program for two days, either way the day just got away from me because of these inconveniences. That being said I was originally gonna use the Blue King as Lust, but thanks to @seths-wife ‘s suggestion of using Yuzette for Lust, I made him Pride instead and it's honestly the best idea to date, she was right to do that, plus I didn't think that Miroku Rin would be a good candidate for Pride considering what happened in the Envy novel.
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And another one for Gabriel! This one is Viva La Vida by Coldplay. I mostly associate with Apollo in Trials of Apollo, but it just generally works for any case where someone who used to be really powerful is felled, in part by their own hubris, and realizes how fragile everything really was.
I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning, I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own
Gabriel used to be in charge, used to be on top. Of his company, of his son, even of the Miraculous.
Now? Now he doesn't even have bodily autonomy, really. And what he does have, he has to control, for fear of punishment.
And he's alone now, too. Nathalie's dead and Adrien hates his guts.
I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemies' eyes Listen as the crowd would sing "Now the old king is dead, long live the king" One minute, I held the key Next, the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
He used to be the supervillain Paris feared, able to make everyone else scramble at his whims. He had control of a ton of the most powerful magical artifacts around, with the Miracle Box.
But now? Now he knows just how illusory and fleeting that power was. How easily it could be stolen out from under him, even reversed and used against him, like Lila did. His position was never as secure as he thought it was.
I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringin' Roman cavalry choirs are singin' Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain Once you'd gone, there was never Never an honest word And that was when I ruled the world
He misses Nathalie, who was always by his side, who reeled him in when he went too far. Since her death, he's never had anything like that again.
It was the wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn't believe what I'd become And revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string (Mmm, mmm) Aw, who would ever wanna be king?
Everyone wants his head on a silver platter, both for the misdeeds he actually committed, and for Lila's actions. He's the figurehead, but that's all he is. He's a puppet dancing on Lila's string, the loneliest of them all, as he has no one else to depend on at all. Adrien at least has Felix and Plagg and Chloe, while no one even knows just how little power Gabriel has. Unless Felix does, but I doubt he knows the full extent of it.
I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringin' Roman cavalry choirs are singin' Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world
Gabriel knows that he's done unforgivable things in the past. He knows how awful his actions were, only now that he's on the other side of them, and is completely powerless. He knows that a lot of what he's done is inexcusable, even if the hellish actions of the last six years are only indirectly his fault. He certainly wouldn't get into heaven, if he believes in it at all.
omg i LOVE this song! a classic villain anthem. it really is kinda perfect for mr. gabriel, isn't it?
power is never guaranteed, no, and gabriel learned that the hard way. he had good things in his life; adrien and nathalie and a miraculous that could have been used for good rather than terrorism. but gabriel's worst sin was greed, and he sought more and more power until lila found a way to flip it on him. he got his just desserts, and he got it in the worst way possible.
"He knows that a lot of what he's done is inexcusable, even if the hellish actions of the last six years are only indirectly his fault. He certainly wouldn't get into heaven, if he believes in it at all." <- what a fantastic analysis! what an excellent way to put his guilt-ridden mentality! i'm so happy to see you understand my gabriel in a newer, deeper way.
thank you for the song rec. i know i'll be listening to this when i write the chapter gabe narrates.
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impishtubist · 1 year
i, in fact, a remus lover. a remus defender is you will. however all of my WIP fics that are my favourite (yes i have favourites of my own works shush) have just, shitty remus. which. is because shitty remus is the remus to love! i excuse his wrongs because well, i let the marauders commit any imaginable crimes. however i will admit.
remus lupin grovelling on his knees in order to get sirius to forgive him? perfection.
like yes. remus lupin was undoubtedly depressed for twelve years that his best friends were dead and the love of his life committed a heinous crime. is it reasonable for him to simply,,, not know where harry was for twelve years? also yes. for all he knew harry could’ve been in some random orphanage. however, he outta have known harry would’ve,,, ended up in hogwarts in ‘91. He could’ve written McGonagall or Dumbledore (ew) even and ask to set up a correspondence with harry during his time at hogwarts! or he could’ve done that fancy little trick where the owl finds the person the letter is addressed to! is it possible that vernon or petunia would’ve then burned those letters? yes! but at least then he tried. like actually tried. and side note, he definitely was concerned about raising someone as a werewolf (seen through him trying to abandon Tonks)
and third year! he got,,, fairly close to harry in POA, not like sirius and harry but in a fairly good manner. their relationship showed they were somewhat close! even if it wasn’t exactly. however to immediately cease contact with him? no excuse. he knew where harry was. he knew how to get in contact with him. he was in the OOTP where harry’s godfather was so he could get in contact through that. like yes is it weird for an ex professor to randomly get in touch with you despite not being attached to the hip? absolutely! however remus was sirius’s lover??? was his boyfriend for years? or at least best friends with sirius! he was harry’s uncle at some point! he was uncle moony at some point! it wouldn’t have been weird! harry would’ve loved it.
although the cherry on top of the cake is him, attacking harry. i say attacking loosely, it was a curse/jinx and he left, but still. he had abandoned his wife and child (or was tonks just pregnant at this point? i’m unsure!) due to his reasonable fear of hurting teddy with his lycanthropy (not reasonable enough to just abandon them imo, if he didn’t wanna be a dad he could’ve gotten condoms!) and tried to join harry’s horcrux hunt and his immediate response to being called a coward is to just,,, hex a seventeen year old??
so yes. remus lupin is allowed to commit sims and i love it! i love when the marauders r lowkey shitty and toxic. however he ought to grovel at least once.
yeah alright I'll allow this ask to come through 🤣 I don't believe Remus is allowed any sins but I DO agree he is toxic and he ought to grovel, and that like. 90% of his actions re: Sirius and Harry are inexcusable. Especially Harry. But you are a Remus enjoyer and I respect that. I hope you have a great time writing about him. And I will continue to call him a shitty, shitty person who needs to grovel and beg and work for Sirius and Harry to forgive him.
Remus on his knees for Sirius? Begging and pleading? Yes please give it to me. This was very entertaining to read, thank you for brightening my inbox tonight.
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troubledontlast1 · 9 months
You know all of the people who have wronged you?
Forgive them the way you would want God to forgive you. #forgivemefatherforihavesinned
Grace is given, to be given. #forgive
The forgiven must forgive. #showgrace
How could someone who has been forgiven so much, forgive so little? #grace
Our horizontal forgiveness of other sinners is related to our vertical forgiveness from God.
The absence of horizontal forgiveness reveals the absence of vertical forgiveness. #begracious
The more grace you receive from God, the more gracious you’ll be to others. #begraceful
You can’t expect to be forgiven if you can’t forgive. #begrace
Forgive to be forgiven. #forgivethem
Forgive others because you need forgiveness too. #forgivemelord
When you’re not forgiving of others, you’re setting yourself up to not be forgiven yourself.
Because God says you’re going to need forgiveness in the future. #forgivemefather
Forgiveness is a two-way street.
You can’t expect others to forgive you if you are unwilling to forgive them. #forgives
32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.- Ephesians 4:32 #forgiveandmoveon
Any sin committed against us, no matter how terrible, is trivial in comparison to our sins against God. #forgiveandletgo
Forgive others as quickly as you expect God to forgive you. #forgivenessiskey
God poured out on His own Son the criticism I deserve.
Now He invites me to pour out undeserving grace on someone who has hurt me.
Grace begets grace. #forgivenessquotes
If you cannot forgive, do not expect forgiveness. #forgiven
To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. #forgiveness
1. YouTube/podcast: Uplift Past Crossroads
2. Facebook/LinkedIn = Sean Christopher Jenkins
3. 📸/X/👻/TikTok/Threads = @troubledontlast @my_daily_bible
4. Fashion = @glamourmeetsgq
5. Fan pages = @upliftwithdrj @upliftpastcrossroads
#forgiveoneanother #alwaysforgive #bitterness #resentment #4giveness #4given #justforgive #forgivealways #forgivetobeforgiven #forgivethemanyway #forgiveeachother #forgiveeveryone #forgiveforget
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eremiie · 3 years
i saw this post here and just wanted to dissect everything lmao
aot 139 spoilers 
“Eren admits that he literally killed 80% of the world’s population, he then says he only did it so it would look like eldians stopped a threat”
eren admit to killing 80% of the population bc he did... he’s admitting to what he did, and he says that he wanted to paint them to be the heroes— but not only did he do that, he ended the curse of ymir and gained freedom for his people. it wasn’t just to paint them as heroes
“He also did it so the rest of the world couldnt murder them”
he didn’t “also” do it for that reason, it was an effect, the rumbling ended up killing so many people that they can’t wage war on the eldians like eren says, it keeps them a little safe which they needed especially since some of humanity knows that paradis is what started the rumbling. it’s a cause and effect type thing. because eren killed 80% of the population that remaining population won’t be able to retaliate and try to kill the eldians since there are so little of them
the tybur family is treated like some of martyr and apparently pulling the strings which led to the deaths of millions of innocent eldians was actually a GOOD thing
this scene was interpreted wrong, armin says “...so you want us to be like the tyburs after the great titan war? we��re supposed to protect paradis from reprisal from humanity outside the walls?” he’s asking eren if that’s what they’re gonna do, he never says it’s a good thing. then that’s when eren explains that either way so much of humanity is destroyed that they wouldn’t be able to retaliate if they wanted to
Armin THANKS him for it
armin thanks eren for doing what he did to free them. not thanking eren for for mass murder period. it’s because of eren that the curse is lifted and that they are free and that’s what armin’s thanking eren for. mass murder is inexcusable, and eren knows that. that’s why after he panics and goes “but i dont want to die!” he comes to a realization that all the people he killed didn’t want to either, that the only way to atone for his sins is by dying himself. even if he didn’t die he would’ve probably been executed, or imprisoned for the rest of the life. just like in mikasa’s ova, “eren’s death is inevitable, no matter what reality you go to eren will always die because he carries death within himself.” 
in another translation of the chapter armin thanks eren for being the bad guy so that they could win. he knows what eren did was bad. he’s not excusing it, he just understands why eren had to do it and that eren had no choice if he wanted them to be free. 
from the get go freedom was one of the themes of eren’s character. if eren lived the whole entire world would be ruins and eren would’ve been even sadder than now, there would be nobody and it would’ve been worse than it is now. eren killing everyone was definitely not the ending to go. the ending we have could’ve been executed differently, sure, but in my eyes since i get the gist i think isa did an amazing job portraying what he had in mind. 
“Armin is more upset with Eren saying he doesnt know how he feels about Mikasa moving on than mass genocide”
once again, armin isn’t all that upset with eren because he understands that eren had a path laid out for him that he had no choice to follow. the point of eren committing mass genocide keeps getting brought up as if it’s not know that mass genocide is a terrible thing. it is and that’s why everyone was so angry about it from the get go, that’s why that one plan of blackmailing humanity with the rumbling and not actually go through with it was brought up once— because they knew how cruel it is. armin knew how cruel it is as i believe it was him who brought that up
he’s upset with eren about mikasa’s feelings in like a banter kind of way. it’s like “this whole entire time this is how you felt but you couldn’t tell her that and let her suffer???? don’t forget what you said to her, she went through hell!” kind of thing. they had already talked about the whole mass genocide thing, mikasa was the next topic of discussion
“Eren then finally shows some fucking emotion and cries abt how he doesn’t want mikasa to be with anyone but him”
in another post i say, "okay so first i think the issue is that a lot of people fail to realize that the way eren acted all throughout season 4 isn’t eren really, that is him putting his emotions at bay so that he can complete something that he laid out for himself for his friends.eren from season 1-3 still exists, and that’s lowkey the eren that was talking the whole time in chapter 139— you can see the how he cares for his friends, you can see the desperation again, the compassion, everything in between.” 
eren is still that s1-3 eren, season 4 eren just had to put his emotions aside so he could walk on the path that ymir put in front of him. 
him crying over mikasa was one of his selfish desires coming to light, and it was realistic. it’s finally dawning on him that he’s gonna die, he’s finally getting to sit down and ponder about mikasa, he’s getting desperate, he’s panicking, and that compassion that he’s always had for his friends is showing through again. this gives realism to his character— it makes his character all the more human. one second he’s complaining about how he doesn’t want to die and wants to be with his friends bc its crashing on him, and the very next second he’s trying to be at peace with himself, realising that the only way to atone for what he caused is by dying. one second he’s complaining about how he wants miksa to be with anyone but him, the next second he’s coming to terms with himself and that mikasa needs to move on, because he loves her and wants her to live a long and happy life even if it means without him. the selfishness that showed for that mere second makes his character realistic. it shows that he’s still whiny, that little whiny angry boy from s1-3. he was never heartless and he was never cold. he was and is still eren jaeger, and you get a glimpse of the eren we know in that scene.
The founder ymir was apparently in love with the king???? another women stupidly devoted to a man, great.
i’m not too in depth with ymirs story so im not gonna speak too much about this because i myself do wish that whole love thingy went more into depth. i get how mikasa and ymir parallel each other, but other than that i’m not too sure myself, and i’ll admit that. it could be a case of stockholm syndrome, it could be that bc ymir was infatuated with living and she was confined to such a familial role she wanted to live in that role again with the king bc he’s the only person who gave her that familial lifestyle. i’m not sure. but if anything mikasa was im pretty sure the only character “devoted” to a man in aot. and it was because of the role eren played in her life, she’s not a bad written character, she has her developement. which i explain here
apparently mikasa’s unhealthy devotion to eren is what took her out of it????? in fact the series overly romanticizes mikasa’s love for eren despite the two having no chemistry and eren being an ass to her
in a sense, but that’s a simple minded way of saying it. ymir’s devotion to king fritz was unhealthy, eren describes it as “agony of love” because it was pretty unhealthy obvi. like i said ymir and mikasa parallel each other, and seeing mikasa be able to let go and kill the one she loves was that realization for ymir that she was able to do the same thing— that’s how i interpret that scene personally.
and in mikasa doing so, killing eren lifts that curse of ymir and frees ymir regardless, so ymir was happy about that as well. thanks to mikasa for cutting eren’s head off. 
the series doesn’t necessarily over romanticize mikasa’s love for eren in my opinion. how i see it is that since eren is a big part of mikasa’s character he was necessary for her development as well, and her development was to let eren go because of how infatuated she was with him. this being said the series points out how unhealthy the way she loved him was especially in s1-3, and her love becomes more healthy when she gets her development in chap 139, finally being able to let eren go and move on. compare that to in the s1 when eren almost dies and she’s ready to die as well. thats development if you ask me. 
one of the themes of the show is sacrifice, and almost every character has made one, mikasa sacrifices eren— she kills him and she chooses to go through with that decision despite how much she loves him. 
eren was definitely mean to mikasa in s1-3 because she was overbearing, and thats one reason why i say the way she loved him was unhealthy at first. eren wasn’t able to reciprocate her love in the way that she loved him because it wasn’t healthy. eren also wasn’t able to reciprocate it because the last thing he was focused on was the concept of love. once again he had a path laid out for him that he had no choice but to follow, and mikasa didn’t have any play in this path until the very end, so the boy who keeps moving forward does just that and doesn’t pay her much mind, doesn’t get to sit down and think about his feelings for her, what she is to him.
(and i dont think i even need to explain the “mikasa i’ve always hated you seen, the chapter covers that enough)
they do have chemistry time to time, the eren v dina fritz scene, the scarf scene, “what am i to you”, little stuff like that goes into play and gives them these little sparks of chemistry. they couldn’t always grasp onto the full scope of the relationship they had and it was only some times they were able to do that with everything going on.
apparently the titans are just gone now….??? i cant even tell if its because Eren died or because Mikasa really made Ymir calm down
... eren controlling rumbling, eren dies rumbling stops, ymir finally lifts curse bc 1) eren died 2) shes able to come to realization that like mikasa lets eren go, she needs to let fritz go and the curse go. ymir lifts curse, eren’s goal is complete, if titan curse is lifted there are no more titans
Characters who murdered thousands and were the cause for AOT’s entire plot in the first place are now treated as heroes to the eldians… despite the shit that they did.
everyone in aot did some “shit” they all are murders, eren commited mass genocide, reiner commited mass murder, annie murdered so many people, reiner, armin destroyed thousands of people in one go, they all have killed somebody. they are seen as “heros” because they stopped the rumbling that was going to kill everyone else...... idk about you but if you just saved me from a horrid death, my racist opinion on you doesn’t really matter because you just saved my fucking life lmao, yes despite the shit that you did— because they have killed people too, and they were ready to kill the eldians still until armin told them that they killed eren, that they saved their lives and eliminated titans for good.... like whew???
the series went from “The military is cool” to “the military did a lot of fucked up shit” to “the military is SUPER cool”, and buffed it up
i’m not really sure where you got that tbh,, like the military wasn’t really a big thing up until the whole marleyan thing??? and they didn’t have much plot in the story besides it existing so like i’m not sure what to say ab this, i can’t really remember many times the military was even mentioned until now, but if anyone wants to elaborate on this for me that’d be nice
oh and they buffed up the military because since paradis had eren jaeger who started the rumbling, just in case, they had to be ready to fight again if the rest of humanity wanted to do something. after marley they updated all their technology, why can’t they update the military as well? it’s realistic, new weapons, new military, and all that
The military was buffed up bc the eldians are scared of the rest of the world retaliating, so Eren didn’t really fix shit except giving the Eldians an upper hand in the war
eren jaeger was the one who always screamed “i will kill all titans, we will get freedom” ya de ya de ya.... didn’t he do both of those things????? i thought those were some of his main goals as a character, he fixed those issues, the issues that have been issues since the start of the show
the rest of humanity don’t know the full scope like the eldians or marleyans, they’re probably just as scared and like in real life not all nations are at peace with one another. this is just another realistic factor— attack on titan is becoming a world closest to the real one we live in, there are militaries, there are still conflicts, there is still all these little aspects that bring the manga even more to life.
in my opinion it’d lowkey be weird if the rest of the world was just like “oh yeah those mfs that started the rumbling we love them haha” no... it killed 80% of the population like eren said... that’s not something to love.
Historia has a really disturbing speech about how the fight isnt going to end until either the Eldians or the rest of the world are exterminated, despite Gabi has an entire arc about her being deradicalized and learning to see the other side of things.
and yes i am not kidding, the heroic conclusion is that there’s still going to be a war, eldians are going to commit mass genocide (which was proposed by eren) and people straight up thank eren for the evil shit he did.
“this fight will not end until either eldia or the world dissapears. this is what eren said and he may be right.” she doesn’t say that it’s for sure gonna be a fight until one or the other is wiped out, she says there’s a possibility of this being the case because of the fact that these nations aren’t at complete peace yet.��
not everyone is gonna be able to see the other side of things, and this applies to the whole word— us as humans will never be able to agree on one thing, and that’s what this shows. no matter what the cycle of hatred will always continue, and this applies to real life and this manga. we are human beings and that’s what makes what historia says even more real. “this is the world we live in, a world without titans.” titans are no longer their conflict. now it’s only like the real word— humans against humans, and as far as humanity existed it’s always been humans against humans. historia’s speech shows that.
the heroic conclusion is that as a human race nothing will always be agreed upon, eldians are going to fight if they need to like our military fights when they need to. people are thanking eren for freeing them and ending the curse of titans that they suffered with for 2000 years. nobody’s thanking him for his actions of mass genocide, they are thanking him for the motive behind his actions, and thats what makes him so heroic.
that he endured and did something so terrible so that anybody who lives after him can be free, and humanity can continue existing as humanity should’ve existed from the beginning.
and that concludes this for me, thanks for reading<3.
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Why is my school perfectly okay with kids straight up bullying and harassing neurodivergent, lgbt, kids of colour, and disabled kids but the second I wear a bracelet, or I wear plain black leggings, or two of my friends hug, it is completely unacceptable I hope you realise the devastating shame that you have enstilled in your family and you are ridden with the knowledge of the inexcusable sin you have commited mAY THE LORD SHOW NO MERCY AT THE HANDS OF SUCH A RAPSCALLION AS THEE
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dcbutinamrev · 3 years
Top five Lams letters!
Okay, okay. I'm either A) gonna type out the whole entire letter cause I have most of em memorized or B) just simply type out like a paragraph or two from it. Idk. But my top 5 favorites are these:
1) Alexander Hamilton to John Laurens, Middlebrook NJ, April '79:
Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish my dear Laurens, it might be in my power by actions rather than words. I shall only tell you until you bade us adiue. I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I enterain of mankind and how much it is my desire to perserve myself free from particular attachments, and to keep my happiness independent on the caprice of others. You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent. But as you have done it and as we are generally indulgent to those we love, I shall not scruple to pardon the fraud you have committed, on condition that for my sake, if not for your own, you will always continue to merit the partiality, which you have so artfully instilled into me.
2) John Laurens to Alexander Hamilton, Charles Town SC, July '79:
Ternant will relate to you how many struggles I have had between duty and inclination--how much my heat was with you, while I appeared to be most actively employed here—but it appears to me that I shd be inexcusable in the light of a Citizen if I did not continue my utmost efforts for carrying the plan of black levies into execution, while there remains the smallest hope of success. Our army is reduced to nothing almost by the departure of the Virginians; Scots arrival3 will scarcely restore us to our ancient number; if the Enemy destine the Reinforcements from G. B. for this quarter, as in policy they ought to do, that number will be insufficient for the security of our country. .... Clinton’s movement and your march in consequence, made me wish to be with you; if any thing important shd. be done in your quarter while I am doing daily penance here, and making successless harangues, I shall execrate my Stars—& be out of humour with the world.
3) Alexander Hamilton to John Laurens, Morristown NJ, March '80:
In spite of Schuylers black eyes, I have still a part for the public and another for you; so your impatience to have me married is misplaced; a strange cure by the way, as if after matrimony I was to be less devoted than I am now. Let me tell you, that I intend to restore the empire of Hymen and that Cupid is to be his prime Minister. I wish you were at liberty to transgress the bounds of Pensylvania. I would invite you after the fall to Albany to be witness to the final consummation. My Mistress is a good girl, and already loves you because I have told her you are a clever fellow and my friend; but mind, she loves you a l’americaine not a la françoise.
Adieu, be happy, and let friendship between us be more than a name.
4) Alexander Hamilton to John Laurens, Morristown NJ, March '80:
Have you not heard that I am on the point of becoming a benedict? I confess my sins. I am guilty. Next fall completes my doom. I give up my liberty to Miss Schuyler. She is a good hearted girl who I am sure will never play the termagant; though not a genius she has good sense enough to be agreeable, and though not a beauty, she has fine black eyes—is rather handsome and has every other requisite of the exterior to make a lover happy. And believe me, I am lover in earnest, though I do not speak of the perfections of my Mistress in the enthusiasm of Chivalry.
and finally
5) Alexander Hamilton to John Laurens, Albany, August '82:
Peace made, My Dear friend, a new scene opens. The object then will be to make our independence a blessing. To do this we must secure our union on solid foundations; an herculean task and to effect which mountains of prejudice must be levelled!
It requires all the virtue and all the abilities of the Country. Quit your sword my friend, put on the toga, come to Congress. We know each others sentiments, our views are the same: we have fought side by side to make America free, let us hand in hand struggle to make her happy.
Remember me to General Greene with all the warmth of a sincere attachment.
Yrs for ever,
A. Hamilton
(Take that last one as a hint to figure out how you think Yrs. Forever will end for those who are on the third book)
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