#I do have other commitments afterall
spacebubblehomebase · 25 days
"Say My Name."
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Tumblr "Poll Results" for my #HHStargazersAU are out and so I'm releasing ALL the currently available titles of my future posts for this story!!! Though to not completely spoil the plot for everyone, I redacted some parts on the list. Just know that, while I DO have plans, they could always change and not everything is complete. But if you're still willing to be patient with me, here's a taste of my writing and art! Nothing serious. Just to see if it's to your liking. I won't always stick to such style, but there WILL be consistent world building as it's my favorite part of starting any AU! And if you like Chaggie or queerplatonic Radioapple centric stories then you're in luck because that's EVERYTHING I'm here for! It'll take a lot of effort, but GOD will it also be a LOT of fun! XD Still a show is nothing without an audience and according to my list, it's time for an INTEREST CHECK, so what say you? 👀✨️ -Bubbly💙
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(For more context, check out "Part One" of my story! "A New Day Will Dawn...")
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jacespookiebear · 1 year
ೃ࿐ 𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙚
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summary : you’re the younger twin sister of jacaerys velaryon, heir to the iron throne. possessing an undying love for your brother and promising yourself that you would do anything to protect him.
pairings : jacaerys velaryon x dark!twin!reader
warnings : suggestive themes, violence, self-harm, incest, sexual content, teen pregnancies, dark tendencies, toxicity, angst?
For as long as everyone could remember, you and your twin brother were attached to the hip since you were born. From a young age, you were already showing signs of being rather protective of Jace. Rhaenyra always passed it off whenever Alicent would point it out. She was extremely upset during an situation where you scratched Aegon’s face after he teased Jace, even when to as far as to complaining to Viserys and wishing for you to be punished but your grandsire was entirely on your side.
You surely knew how to get away with everything, you were your mother’s only daughter afterall. Of course she would defend you no matter what troubles you brought for yourself and your siblings.
As much as your brother seems to love and care for you, he wasn’t as blind like your mother, he knew how much a cold person you were towards others who weren’t your family, you would never hold your tongue about your uncles and step-grandmother. “If I could, I would have them all beheaded just for how they speak of you, dear brother.” laying by your side on your shared bed with him, having you in his arms as he listens to you speak about wanting to commit kinslaying before dozing off to sleep.
It wasn’t like it scared the boy, but it made him concerned. What if the wrong person heard you say those things? You would be punished heavily for it. So that’s why he made you promise that you would never speak so filthy ever again.
While you all still lived in King’s Landing, you used most of your time watching your brothers train in the courtyard with your uncles, usually right by your grandsire’s side, who was always happy to spend time with his favorite grandchild. Always chanting your brothers’ names to show your support for them and to that it would be Aegon teasing Jace and Luke about you. It pissed you off after witnessing him completely be rough and harsh with Jace during a session until was forced by Ser Harwin to be pulled away.
The next night, you decided to pull a prank on Aegon by filling his chamberpot with rats. The aftermath left you having to lie and say how sorry you felt but really you wanted to do worse than that to the lousy Prince, he was always left unscathed whenever he bullied your brothers, you were only doing justice. But with enough tears in your eyes, you were quickly able to learn that you could manipulate your grandsire and mother to let you off the hook easily.
“He hurt you, brother!” you profusely shouted for Jace to understand, he had started to ignore you for awhile and it left you crying for his attention. “That scoundrel deserves worse.”
With just enough tears, he gave in and pressed a kiss on your forehead to make you happy again. But he knew you would never stop acting so cruel, Jace began keeping you away from Aemond and Aegon for couple of weeks before you all had left to move to Dragonstone. After hearing about how Rhaenyra tried betrothing Jace and Helaena, and you with Aegon, you couldn’t help but develop some annoyance towards her for it, started to ignore her kisses or affections for awhile, your mother was growing concerned for you.
After the arrival, you practically begged your mother to continue letting you have shared chambers with Jace, reluctantly she agreed, afraid to know what else you would have done if she disagreed but it made you warm up to her once more. Although your twin had wished for privacy, you came to agreement to having separate beds facing opposite to each other but that did not stop you from sneaking in his bed to hug him as he’s asleep.
Your younger brother, Luke, would always question why you always prefer Jace’s company, you sympathized with your sweet brother and started spending some time Luke as a way to pay for all the times you had shut him away. During these times together, you always read the histories of the conquest to him and even talked about how it is Targaryen customs to wed family.
During the funeral, you stayed by your siblings’ sides until Aegon had whispered foolishness in your ear about how you could’ve been married to him right now, was he always this stupid? you thought, looking around to find your brother, wanting to be away from the scoundrel they called a Prince but instead you saw him holding hands with your cousin, Baela. While you knew she was only grieving for her dead mother, the scene had you in tears in a quick instant and immediately you ran back into the Driftmark castle, shoving guests out of your way while Aegon laughed from the sight. Jacaerys saw from a distance, wishing he could chase after you.
As much as you wanted to be angry at your twin, when you were tousled out of bed and into the hall, your anger and rage disappeared at the sight of your brothers bruised up and bloodied, you tried leeching towards Aemond for what he did, “How dare you lay your filthy hands on my brothers?! I’m glad your eye was taken! You freak! You should be blessed by the Gods that I was not there to end your life!” you shouted, having to be restrained by the knights as Alicent stared at you with terror and disbelief that you would threaten the Prince, “My King, your granddaughter is a spawn of evil! She should be punished as well!” Alicent cried as Rhaenyra threw you and your brothers behind her to protect you, you began holding onto Luke who quietly wailed while Jace held the both of you.
After Alicent had cut your mother, it was you who ended the silence that covered the room. Wishing for her head, you seethed, you were tired of how she and her family had always looked down upon your family. When court and the lords around the Seven Kingdoms had heard what was said and went down, you were seen as the Heartless Princess, to extent they begun saying you were a Kinslayer in the making.
As you began getting older, the more beautiful you had grown, though many lords would never fight for your hand after what was said during the funeral of Lady Laena but you did not care, not one bit. It even relieved you. You were a believer of the Valyrian Gods and intended to stay true to Targaryen customs by marrying within the family, your love for your twin brother had only grew and you had even begun to lust for him.
You had hope that Jace could see your devotion for him clearly, as he also had become older, you noticed how drastically and. well defined he had become, he was a true gentleman— had always driven himself to work harder and prove that he is fit to be King, and he was fit. He knew his house histories, he knew how to speak High Valyrian, knew how to wield a sword, and knew how to fly with his dragon. Your adoring older brother, now a man.
Everything about him now just makes you yearn for him even more, as you pleasure yourself every night— your thoughts were only of Jacaerys. Wishing your fingers were his, moaning his name under the piles of sheets as you hoped you get caught by him one day. While these nightly self-pleasuring continued, your brother was asleep only a few feet away, snoring and nearly falling off his bed, or that is what you assumed as you continued thrusting your digits out of your soaked cunt, letting out soft whimpers and moans that were easily heard by Jace. Hearing your angelic voice, the squelching noises that came from your side of the room had your brother hard every night.
Jace had tried to restrain himself, you were his sister afterall, his cruel sister yet so sweet like a goddess in his eyes. Hearing your continued moans and mewls, Jace moved his hand down to fist his cock, head already leaking through his breeches while he used your voice to get off. Fantasizing taking your maidenhood, burying his cock deep inside of you, soon having you carry his children, the thought that you both could be wedded. The endless thoughts racing in his mind had him finishing in his hand, spurts of hot cum on his hand and landing on his sheets.
Forgetting where he was at the moment, he let out a harsh moan. Coming back to reality, still hazy from his high, “Jace? Are you alright?” Your voice had Jace immediately realizing what just happened, trying to fix himself quickly— not wanting you to become worried. “I-I’m fine, sister. It was only just a nightmare.” Thinking of what to say at the moment, mentally slapping himself across the face for the answer he gave you, already knowing you would be worried for him for having a nightmare. Hearing footsteps approach the side of his bed, he tried to fix his breeches until you pulled the sheets off his body, witnessing his leaking cock and smeared cum all over his stomach.
Jace feared what you were going to say, “You dirty pig!” or “You were touching yourself while I was near?!” But instead you gave him an amused smile, scooting in his bed to lay beside him, taking your finger to swipe of his cum before licking it off, tasting him before you driven your lips to kiss him. A desperate kiss that you had longed for, making sure your brother knew of your desires as he took your maidenhood that night. There was no rest, you both had wanted to make up for the long times, you whispered to your brother, “I always wanted you, brother, to have no man but your cock in me. My cunt will only remember the shape of yours until I die.” Filling your tightened cunt with his fat cock until the Sun had arise, pounding into you so mercilessly as you let out moans slip from your swollen lips. You swore the handmaidens from the halls had heard you both that early morning, from the whines and skin slapping echoing through the chamber walls.
You both couldn’t be away from each other for more than a second afterwards, you continued these pleasures throughout Dragonstone. In the great library, in the study hall, right by the gardens and the shore of the sea. It was great when you both would take your lovemaking at the shores, during night, you were allowed to express your love for your twin vocally without a worry of getting caught, mewling and moaning as loud as you wanted while you ride Jace’s cock, eager to please him as his hands laid on your waist, sometimes cupping your heavy breasts that would bounce with each rise. Your hands resting on his chest as you leaned closer to place a wet kiss on his neck, noticing you started to grow tired from having to do most of the work. Jacaerys rises to reposition himself, directly facing you now as his bare chest pressed against your breasts. You were centimeters away from his face, ghosting your lips from his, placing your hands to hold onto his shoulders.
His arms moved to press you closer into his embrace, caging you as Jace took control, thrusting upwards of his hips. The pleasure coming back to you, completely had your body surrendering to him entirely as your brother started pounding up into your wet cunt with no desire of stopping, you moaned and whimpered. As it was just you two, you had always submitted yourself to him with obedience, letting your brother control you and having you turn into a full squirming mess whether you were underneath him or on top.
“Jacaerys! I want you..to ruin me!” Continuing to lose yourself, you had aimed to keep your eyes on him the whole night but you couldn’t help but shut them with your mouth hanging open once Jace started suckling at your breasts, harshly suckling before bringing his fingers to rub at your sensitive bud to bring you more pleasure. “My sweet, little sister..so good to me..I love you..” you widened your eyes at your brother professing his love to you, how you longed for this for years. You wrapped your legs around his torso, beginning to unravel. Jace had always made sure to have you cum before he did, feeling your wetness around his cock had only made him plunge inside you faster, slipping out a couple of groans as he spilled inside you, filling you up with his cum.
You swore you were seeing stars in your vision, Jace continued to thrust his seed into your cunt, you tiredly peppered wet kisses all over his face— wanting to stay in this position forever but to your disappointment, he pulled you off him and had you laying on the makeshift bed that was on sand, you both laid there naked right by each other’s side, “Eminna muña wed īlva, emili iā uēpa Valyrīha dīnilūks hae ao va moriot jeldan” (I’ll have mother wed us, we will have an old valyrian wedding like you always wanted.), turning to face your brother as he spoke, you lazily smiled and placed an open mouth kiss on his lips. You couldn’t wait to finally marry the man you always loved.
With Jace’s convincing and his way with words, he had the support of Daemon who was on board with the betrothal, Rhaenyra had finally agreed, believing it was only right and fair since it was an marriage of love. You expressed your gratitude to your mother and step-father with a hug and immediately began to plan the wedding that had happened after only a few days of the betrothal. During your wedding night, you and Jace could not leave your chambers. For days that continued, you had not left your chambers, the entire island surely heard it all, day and night. Your younger brother, Luke, was disgusted whenever he walked past your chamber doors since you were always loud.
Before it was even a month in your new marriage, you fell pregnant with your brother’s child, no one was surprised but Rhaenyra was rather upset with Jace for impregnating you so young, though you were rather contented and had only wished this wouldn’t be the last pregnancy. After your first labor with your firstborn son, you promised Jace that you would bring him more children than Queen Alysanne ever could.
With the years going by, you were blessed with three children and another on the way. Aelor, Daenaera, and Rhaella. The children surely favorited both you and your husband’s looks, no one could say they weren’t Jacaerys’, they certainly had his dashing looks too. But once they all gotten older, becoming the age to start bonding with their dragons that hatched in their cradles, you became much more protective with them. Striking a knight who dared laid his hands on the future King’s heir and ordering knights to take him to the dungeon to be tortured before walking away in hand with your sweet son.
Your lover was rather grateful to know that you would never act so vulgar in front of your children, they all turned out to be very kind and genuine. Your sweet Aelor possessed a kind soul, never resulting to violence as answers during his lessons. Daenaera had a passion for becoming a warrior and was allowed to participate with in training lessons with Aelor and Joffrey. As for your little Rhaella, she usually stayed in your shadow, clinging to you wherever you went and liked to sleep in your shared bed with Jace.
You often spent your time by Jace’s side with the children occupying themselves with books or toys. Reading your favorite to the children, Aegon’s Conquest, while their father was translating old texts nearby. “With Aegon riding on the Black Dread, Balerion, his sister-wives, Rhaenys and Visenya, joined him by his side on Vhagar and Meraxes..” you read out loud to the children who huddled by your feet to sit and listen, you rubbed your growing stomach with affection. Everything seemed to be perfect, you all were spending time with one another. This was all you could have asked for.
Guys I’m sorry I didn’t update young and beautiful I promise I will!! But I was just in the mood to make dark reader content cus there’s barely any and I love it when reader is dark than Jace 😭 but wow that was a lot I might do a part 2 later lol
For @a-anselina hi pookums🤭
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subbmissivesuccubus · 10 months
Part 2 of this ~
Summary : You end up spending more time with Uzui and Rengoku and realize their desire to marry you was more serious than you expected.
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You sat in the middle of Uzui and Rengoku, the three of you enjoying some quite time together. After a mission done well and another one tomorrow, you had stopped by the Wisteria inn to get some rest and good food, only to be surprised when you bumped into Uzui and Rengoku, the two men staying at the inn for the same reasons.
You couldn't help but feel shy as you drank your tea, trying to focus on the beautiful night sky illuminating the garden the three of you were sitting in. The stone bench was barely big enough, the two men taking up a lot of space which led to you being squished between them, their bodies pressed up against you.
All of you wore Yukata's, having just come out of a nice bath, and it was interesting to see them in casual, comfy clothes. You gulped at the way the top half of their Yukata's were loose, showing off their impressive physique's. Uzui had spread his legs as he sat, the Yukata bunching around to show off his big, tonged leg as well.
You were taken away by your ogling by Rengoku suddenly leaning in towards you and taking a playful bite of your ear, making you yelp. You instinctively leaned away from it, a hand over the ear that was just nibbled, and into Uzui, who took the opportunity to wrap an arm around you.
"Sorry," Rengoku said, not looking sorry at all as he smiled at your flustered expression, "Couldn't help myself."
"Look at how red her face is~" Uzui cooed, his other hand coming up to pinching your blushing cheek, "You're such a cutie, you know that?"
"S-stop teasing me!" you said, shrugging off Uzui's arm as you got back to your initial position on the bench, trying to look annoyed as you pouted but that only made them fawn over you even more.
"Even when you're trying to look angry you look adorable~" Uzui said, making you hiccup as the two pillars started leaning towards you, their bodies positioned in such a way that they caged you in.
"Seriously..." Rengoku groaned, his eyes getting overtaken by lust as he looked you up and down, a hungry expression on his face, "You need to stop being so attractive. I won't be able to hold back."
"I-I didn't even do anything..." you said, averting your gaze to the ground, your ears now turning red as you subconsciously pressed your thighs together, the affection they were showering you with making your body tingle.
"Now her ears are red, awww~" Uzui cooed, pinching said ears, his figure still huge compared to yours despite all of you sitting down.
He suddenly gripped your chin, keeping your head in place as both Uzui and Rengoku leaned in and planted a kiss to your cheeks, simultaneously, your cheeks getting squished as they did.
You bit down a flustered yelp, face completely red as you felt their soft lips pressed against you, both of them smiling against your face before they pulled away. You took a deep breath, eyes wide as your heart hammered in your chest.
"So... about that marriage proposal." Rengoku said with a twinkle in his eyes.
"W-What about it?" You asked, confused.
"You know me better now," he said, "We spent the night together afterall. So, would you like to marry me?"
“Eh? Huh? What?” You sputtered, not believing the words you just heard. 
“God, you’re adorable.” Uzui cooed, a fond look in his eyes, making you blush even harder. Seriously, these men were not good for your health.
"Y-you were serious about that?" you asked, still unable to wrap your head around it. It felt like a dream that you had slept with them to begin with- and for them to still ask you to be their wife... You were under the assumption that they simply wanted to play with you, show you a good time but not actually commit to a relationship.
“I would never joke about something like this!” Rengoku said proudly, his voice booming, “Marriage is a beautiful and sacred commitment between two people- I would be honored to take you as my wife!”
You felt the blood rush to your ears at his unabashed proposal. 
“And this one over here is already married to three of them!” Rengoku pointed to Uzui who sent him a menacing glare. 
“She already knows that.” the taller man snarled. 
“I have a lot of savings- I can give you a very comfortable life!” Rengoku said. 
“So do I. And I've been a Hashira way longer than he has.” Uzui countered. 
You gulped, watching them fight over you. Never in a million years would you have expected to be in this situation- to have two powerful and attractive men express their desired to have you as their bride. But you had to stay strong and not be swayed by your emotions. There was a lot that you wanted to accomplish in life and as your role as a demon slayer, and getting married might pose problems in accomplishing these goals. Of course, Uzui and Rengoku seem like men who would never hold you back from chasing your vision, but you couldn't be sure of that as you still didn't know them personally. Which is why you said:
"I-I'm sorry, but I still have to refuse."
You ignored their silence as you continued:
“You keep talking about your assets, but I don’t care about that!” you explained, “I don’t care if you’re rich, I don’t care if you have three wives- I care about what type of person you are! And while I look upto you as my seniors and I wish to learn a lot from you, I have no idea what you’d be like as lovers or if we’d even get along. So please excuse me, but i’m going to have to reject your proposals... again.”
You shut your eyes tightly as you waited for one of them to say something. From your experience, it was always the strongest men who had the most fragile ego's and you'd hate to think that you ruined...whatever this was. You couldn't help but curse your independent nature: Rejecting marriage proposals from two hashiras!? Who does that?
“....You really are an interesting one.” Uzui growled, a smirk on his face as he looked down at your expressions, almost like he knew what you were thinking. 
“I thought you couldn't get more attractive, yet here we are.” Rengoku added on, reaching his hand up to lightly grasp a strand of your hair, leaning forward and giving it a kiss.
“Y-You’re not mad?” you asked, surprised that they were still coming onto you.
“Not at all, little lady~” Uzui said, “In fact, you just made me fall for you even more.”
You hiccuped in response, causing the man to smile and chuckle.
"A strong woman with a good moral standing, not one to sway in the face of money and power, a super sexy body and face- how could I not like you more?” he explained, running a gentle finger down your jawline.
"But if you think I'm giving up, you're sorely mistaken." Rengoku said with a smile, "If anything- I'm even more motivated now to show you why I'd make a good husband~"
"Indeed." Uzui said, nodding, "Mark my words- there will come a day when you will agree to be my wife. And when that day comes-" he let out a deep growl like laugh, snuggling his nose into your hair, the sound making your body shiver as you could only imagine what he was thinking, "well, let's not spoil the surprise."
"U-Uzui-san...Rengoku-san..." you whined, feeling faint from how flustered they made you, "I- I need to go to bed. Long day tomorrow-"
"No, no. Not yet." Rengoku suddenly said, standing up. You looked up at him, wondering what he was doing. His hand came upto cup your jaw, his thumb gently running over your lips.
"I told you I was motivated," he said, leaning over you, making your neck arch as you looked up at him, "Seems to me like you need a reminder of the...pleasures you'll feel when I'm your husband."
You hiccuped as he suddenly got on his knees in front of you, a hungry look in his eyes as he grabbed your legs and spread them
Part 3 will be out soon!
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jujutsutrash · 8 months
It is October, and you know what that means! Maria gets to commit a war crime as a birthday gift. Honestly, on the list of things nobody asked for I'm pretty sure smut with Kenjaku is like way up there, but it's my birthday (at the end of the month) and I get to chose the war crime!
Kenjaku x Reader. 1.3k words NSFW, minors leave. tw for: dubcon, manipulation, Kenjaku's stitches snapping, brain fluid, a little bit of the brain too
When Kenjaku took over Geto's body he kept the cult, at least for a while. they were an useful logistical asset and source of income - something even he needed from time to time. he was still living amongst normal humans, inhabiting flesh. there would always be some material needs that were an unescapable reality.
Kenjaku himself didn't really care for those things, he was an existence beyond just human by this point. but while the bodies he inhabited were technically dead, while he gave continuity to their existence, they still had needs. itches to be scratched. some boring and a chore, but others fun and enjoyable to indulge in.
He prized himself in living life fully, afterall, and some of those itches were delightful parts of a life fully lived.
And that's how Kenjaku found himself watching you when you weren't looking. eyes following your form from dark hallways and tall windows. you were a part of Suguru Geto's old group. a pretty thing, a sorcerer, not especially powerful but good with barriers and very devoted. devoted and smitten with him.
Well, smitten with Geto.
But this was not Geto. not anymore, though you were still blissfully unaware of that. sure, you found the stitches across his forehead strange, everyone did, but Kenjaku was good at imitating the original personality of his host body. and anyone still alive in Geto's little group was already primed to believe whatever their leader said.
So you accepted every excuse, went along with the charade, followed him around faithfully. it was cute, really, almost like a puppy following it's owner. a devotion you don't come accross very often nowadays. you enjoyed every once of attention he gave you, ate up every crumb of affection.
Kenjaku enjoyed it, he found it fun, like a silly little game. he had you wrapped around his finger and even he wasn't beyond seeing the appeal of toying with someone like that. sure, he could just take what he wanted, but that would be all business and no play, boring. so he kept leading you around on a long, long leash until he found it was time to close the gap.
Slowly he began cornering you in situations where he would be so close. so affectionate. physical, even. like a mockingbird, Kenjaku speaks and even smiles in a mimicry of Geto's kind demeanor. he tucks your hair behind your ear with a gentle touch, caresses your face softly at random moments, holds your hand in his warm one when no one is around. and you fall for it, like easy prey.
Soon enough he has you alone in an empty room, body pressed against his as you sit on a table. you were completly nude before him while he still had his kimono and the innermost layer of his robes on, having discarded his pants and outermost layers. his clothes hung open on his body, but they still shielded most of it. this was good for Kenjaku, your full nakedness brought another layer of vulnerability to your situation that he enjoyed throughfully.
It doesn't take much take much for you to give into him, just a few soft words and a little bit of pressure and you already bend. you'd do anything for Geto anyway, so he might as well just hitch a ride on all of that devotion. who is him to burst your bubble? it's a small merciful lie, letting you believe it's your dearest cult leader burying his cock into your pussy instead of Kenjaku. out of sight out of mind, as they say.
So he fucks himself into you under the cover of that silly lie, going deep and hard, taking your body for his pleasure. he abuses your mouth and takes your body for his pleasure, slamming into your pussy mercilessly until tears are spilling from your eyes. Kenjaku finds your tears to be alluring, your whines of 'too much' so enticing, urging him to move faster and harder.
He likes the touch of sweaty skin, the broken sounds, the trembling bodies. you are clawing at his back and neck and Kenjaku laughs at just how weak you feel under him, pussy clenching tight with your every pitiful cry. you bury your hand in his long hair making him hiss when you grip him. oh, that's almost dangerous, the stitches around his forehead still too fresh for this type of rough treatment - but this could be fun.
Kenjaku groans as he feels pleasure building higher, hips moving faster and deeper into you. you've got bite marks and hickeys all over your chest and neck, and he is sure you'll have bruises on the shape of his fingers all over your body. you are crying and shaking in pleasure, so clearly overwhelmed as his tongue pushes its way into your mouth. the hand on his hair pulls harder, fingers treading on his locks when you give it a harsh tug, making the stitches on his head start snapping.
It all happens fast, the snapping of the stitches, the separating of the skin. at first not much, just enough for liquid to start to flow down his face while he thrusts hard into you. but soon it changes, more liquid spilling down his mouth and into yours, his hips never stopping their vicious hammering. that's when you notice something is wrong, the strange liquid coating your tongue and feeling wet on your face.
You don't even scream, only emitting a high pitched whine in therror when you look up at what you think is Geto. your eyes meet the gap between the two pieces of his skull from where you are pulling at the scalp, Kenjaku's undone stitches leaving a large open gap, brain visible underneath. you freeze, and he just finds it more endearing, having no mercy as he keeps fucking into you faster and faster. the fear and confusion in your eyes only make him feel closer to his orgasm.
"w-what are you?" you whimper, too weak to even properly protest against him, both hands drpping to his arms.
"what do you mean," Kenjaku says with a smile, "it's me, your dear Suguru, what's wrong, sweetheart?" he whispers against your ear.
"what's going on," you cry out, swiping your fingers over the liquid dripping in your face, and he coos at how pitiful it sounds.
"shhhh, dear, what's gotten into you," he sushes you softly, but the pistoning of his hips doesn't match the gentleness of his voice. "hold still, I'm almost there."
You are shaking, glancing between your fingers and the gash on his hand. he can't tell if your whimpering and whining is from his abuse of your pussy or from the sight you've just had - but it doesn't matter anyways, the sweet sounds pushing him over the edge either way. Kenjaku buries himself deep in you, pulling your body flush against his as he paints your walls white with his thick cum. you cry out when he pulls your body into his forcefully but that's the measure of your protest, otherwise you just take what he gives.
When he looks back at you, the mimicry of a soft smile painted on his, he finds you still wide eyed and confused. yeah, Kenjaku can imagine that this is one hell of a way to find you the truth. he licks a spot of the liquid that dropped on your face, shushing you gently as he pulls out, your pussy gaping from his abuse and leaking his thick seed. he looks back at you, smiling wide and already redoing the stitches on his head. You look up at him so confused, so vulnerable - it's adorable. maybe he should try to find a way to keep you around.
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merakiui · 4 months
I love stepson!Floyd so much. Your ideas and headcanons are so good. 😭😭😭
Here's a headcanon about the other slippery eel, stepson!Jade, that I wanted to share with you: for the time that you've known him, Jade has drugged you 3 times.
The first time was because he genuinely wanted to get rid of you.
His dislike for you, though well-hidden, was just as strong as Floyd's. He wanted you gone. Instead of Floyd's violent tantrums and hateful words, however, he turned to quiet yet drastic measures: poisoning your quotidian beverage. A schemer from childhood, he even had the perfect timing. He committed the crime a few hours before your girl's night out, so it would seem as though someone at the party did it to you. His father would even scold you and tell you it's time you stopped partying; you have a family now, after all!
Jade offered kind wishes and gentle smiles the whole time you were on bedrest, but there was something about the way he looked down at you from beside your bed that genuinely terrified you. The look in his eye vanished just as quickly as it came, and you knew, and Jade knew that you knew, that he was the one behind your ailment.
It remained a silent secret between you. How could you accuse your husband's sweet, quiet child of such a heinous act? No one would believe it was him. Floyd? Maybe. Afterall, Floyd was the one who screamed at you and said he wished you would just die just two days ago. But Jade? No way. He'd never do something like that. It's Jade.
The second time was out of pure curiosity.
Between him and Floyd, Jade was the one to warm up to you first. Much sooner than his brother, in fact. During their fights, he was quick to remind Floyd that he spent more time with you, knew you better, loved you longer, loved you more.
He started calling you Mama shortly after the first dose of poison he fed you. The sole purpose of that was to give you a fright; he loved the way you twitched when he would ask, “Don't you think Papa is taking a while to get home, Mama?” He could see the gears turning inside of your head as you tried to read his words, as you tried to decipher their true meaning. He wondered how long it would take before you snapped and called him a creepy little bastard or something. You never did. In fact, you seemed to double down on your kindness towards him and Floyd. Perhaps it was the realization that you never would that made him interested in you, and with time, said interest could only develop into a twisted, ugly type of love.
It was that interest and curiosity that made him wonder if you would be stupid enough to let him drug you again. He was not covert about his intentions in the slightest. He had been quietly following you around the house for about two weeks (especially when you were in the kitchen) before the day that he offered to cook for you and Floyd. He had so many "valid and logical" reasons. “Papa won't be coming home tonight, so it's just the three of us.” “You've been working hard all day; you should rest.” “Let me do something nice to make up for it.”
He settled on something simple: sandwiches. His and Floyd's were vastly different from yours, however. He sat and watched as you stared at the dish he had lovingly placed in front of you. Would this push you over the edge? Would you toss it out, yelling at him and calling him weird?
You ate it. You ate it, thanked him, and went straight to bed, knowing that your vision would blur and your dinner would come back up very soon.
Halfway through the night, Jade crawled into your bed to feed you medication and water, calling you stupidly cute and cutely stupid. In the years to come, Jade would realise that stupid wasn't the word that he wanted. Had he the sense that he has now, he would have settled on “intentionally foolish.” You knew what he was doing, and accepted it, not out of a silly fear of losing your husband, but because he was your creepy child, your family whom you chose to love and trust, just the way he is.
The third time was an event for which Jade has felt not a shred of remorse.
Jade is all grown up now. Jade loved you first, but it was Floyd whose love first diverted from acceptable, platonic, familial love. In fact, until their early twenties, Jade frequently teased Floyd about his little crush on you. Now though, as a grown man, he sees that Floyd was onto something. He now wishes that he had joined his brother in getting his hands on you.
The strangest thing about the visit is that Jade came alone. Floyd often comes without Jade, but you can't remember the last time Jade visited home without Floyd racing him to get through your door first. You don't worry yourself with what he did to shake his brother for the day.
You don't know that Jade has been there since this morning, quietly switching between rooms and moving in and out of the house. Or maybe you do, and choose to pretend that you don't when you open the front door and let your son all but crush you. He's huge, much larger than his father, and his strength matches his Floyd's.
Like you do with Floyd on an almost biweekly basis, you try to reason with Jade. For a brief moment, you think you've gotten through to him. He's always been so level-headed and logical. But then he offers to fetch you some of the soup you've had simmering on the stove for the past few hours. "It’s been cooking for a while, and you haven't had lunch yet, have you?" He watches you eat, and you know, and he knows that you know, but you eat anyway. The next thing you know, he's pretty much forcing you onto the couch, insisting that you, “get some rest, Mama, I'll tidy the house for you.”
As expected, you're soon sleepily calling out for Jade, your loyal, reliable, logical, level-headed Jade, who you've chosen to trust and love, just the way he is.
AAAAAA OMG THIS IS SO GOOD!!!!!! OTL the silent resignation and gradual acceptance that he's weird, but he's still your (step)son... falling into the motherly role because when you chose to marry Mr. Leech you were signing up to love his sons as well. Even if you're not related by blood, there's still this familial attachment you feel for them no matter how cruel they treated you when they were children. orz orz waaaa it's so yummy. Jade trying to kill you in the most cruelly calculated way ever. T_T and then going on to use the same method twice more, only it's not coming from a place of malice but now curiosity. Him wanting to see how far he can push you, and when it becomes clear that you're not going to budge because you care about him he uses this to his advantage.
Jade keeping you under the soothing thumb of drugs just so he can take care of you regardless of whether or not you want that. And you just let it happen because that's who he is. He's always been that strange, creepy child with his morbid interests and odd behaviors. You're just so used to it, and it doesn't truly bother you anymore. Maybe it never did. Between Floyd's capricious temperament and Jade's devilish scheming, there's no room for disapproval. That's just who the both of them are, and they're immensely stubborn. It's pointless to deny them of what they want when they'll inevitably get it sooner or later. You know this and so do they, but it doesn't stop you from trying.
And in your weak, loopy, drug-induced state, home alone with no one to call for but him, Jade has his mama all to himself. :)
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Immortal Male Yan + G.N Criminal Reader
Summary: You kidnapped him to get some information about a shared friend, but he won't give in so easily
Warnings: Sadomasochism themes, violence, slightly suggestive scene
Good little Silas.
Always keeps every word someone says to him.
It's his job afterall - one no-one else in the entire world could full. You see, Silas knew the secrets of a lot of dangerous people. The type of series others would die, or even kill for. Why would these people trust a scrawny, pathetic looking guy like him? It's simple really. He has a bigger secret than all of them combined.
He couldn't die.
It was really hard to convince his boss of his usefulness at first. His buddies put a bullet through his skull and tossed him into the trash out back before he could demonstrate himself. Didn't even buy him dinner before hand. Assholes. Coming back after having his brains splattered on his soon to be employer's did wonders for his credibility. He was mostly used as a living meat shield early on, but with his resilience to wounds and the pain they may cause his boss become more relaxed around him. He had proven worth plus is anyone ever caught wind of their ties and kidnapped him Silas would never saw a thing. He was the perfect lapdog.
After that he pretty much became an outlet for everyone's tales. From little white lights to infidelity, murder, and every other sin in the book. Sweet Silas would do his to lean an ear and give input when requested. By the end of the year Silas had enough information to get everyone involved arrested, murdered, or whatever else might happen if he let any details slip. He could easily save the lives of innocent people, but he had a bigger prey to catch than the fleeting high of justice.
After all, a good boy might go to the police, and he was no good boy.
Silas greedily gulps down tablespoons of water as the glass clacks against his teeth.
"Feeling better?"
A backhand soars across his face.
Silas' head hangs at an awkward angle from the force, red stained saliva dribbling down his lips. He bite into the lower one to avoid making a sound. Normally he'd hold his captor to the same standards as his friends in regards to filling his stomach with something other than water before smacking him around, but this was no ordinary kidnapper. They were intoxicating, threatening, the exact type of person he'd love to...
Ugh, he's getting carried away again.
Best not to do that while he's still playing an innocent victim, especially in front of his Doll. Just a single week before his employment, Silas fell in love. The culprit of his stolen heart was a crook committing another robbery that night, the two's paths crossed in an alley behind the bank. No questions asked, his future spouse stabbed him directly in his chest before they fled the scene. That boldness almost made them an optional playmate, but that hint of guilt in their eyes swept him off his feet. Researching them only made him fall madder in love. He would do anything to have them.
"I don't want to hurt you. Just tell me code to his safe and I'll let you go.
Facing away, Silas is fully able to roll his eyes. At least threaten his life if he speaks while you're at it.
"Please... I really don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a waiter!" He fights in his restraints and sobs with wide eyes, hoping to sell the act anc draw attention away from his lower body. Pitching a tent right in front of his doll on their first meeting was rather embarrassing. You snarl as you pick up your knife.
"Just tell me what I want to know!"
You're so pretty when you scream. Silas can't wait for his turn to play. He holds it isn't too long so he can take a picture of his wounds and mirror them on you so you'll have matching scars. Sure he'll have to redo his now and then, but the photos you take at your wedding won't know that.
You ghost the blade down along his neck. Silas swallows to feel its point and prevent himself from choking on the blood collecting in his mouth. He wants to act just a little longer - but you're making it so hard teasing him like that. He repeats his scripted moto in his head like a pray as you drag the knife down his chest.
Scream. Cry. Scream. Cry. Ah-
Your eyes grow to the size of dinner plates as the tiny moan sounds within the empty room. It's not a whimper you're used to, but one of pure unadulterated lust. "Did.. you just."
No going back now. So much for that.
"Guess I just can't help it, Dolly. You're too fucking irresponsible. I know you wanna hurt me, but since I love you so much I wanna let you in on a little secret. You can hurt me, but you can't kill me. Break me apart if you don't believe me. I'll be back tomorrow to take what's mine."
You step back as he erupts into a fit of shrill laughter. "That bastard- Always hiring the freaks. I can't believe he ditch me for someone like you."
His laughter stops. That's a secret his boss never shared with him. That old fuck would've been dead long before then if he had.
"Ohh, did he do something to hurt you? That changes everything. I'll give you whatever you want to know down to his house code if you let me have first cut."
"Why would you help me?"
"I already told you, Doll." Silas stands up and drops the cuffs to the ground, dislocated bones bopping back into place as he flexes. "I love ya, and I'm gonna make sure whoever's hurt you pays. Got this job just to help you out anyway. Issue is if you want me to spill the beans without a few dates first you gotta spilling my guts on the floor as my spit spills down your pretty throat."
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TOO SWEET // HONEYPIE ! ( john marston x fem reader )
warnings: john being a big old softie for reader
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no one in the gang appeared delightful & kind-hearted due to all the situations they indulged in were no good and a definitive one way ticket to hell ── however they had their moments of weakness and vulnerability. most of those times were caused by your affection & concern you withheld for each and everyone of the outlaws.
loads of confusion was risen around camp , not as a result of your mother duck persona but as to why a graciously pure lassie like you would want anything do with your significant other : them being the one and only john marston.
not once did it cross your mind that it bothered the others ( change of word, bewilder not bother ) because as you saw it, opposites attract . in this case being a vicious outlaw determined to survive no matter what paired with an angelic sympath determined to have everyone under her wings.
so not once in a blue moon did the gang expect john ( a heartless ladies man ) to commit to a lady who is the complete and utter opposite. not to mention secretly slipping the lady love notes !?
upon re-reading the poem word for word and asking john how his brain managed to write such a beauty. "a piece of cake that was" was his response. it indeed was not. truth being . . our not so cold-heartedly callous john marston actually had a helping hand which he begged for long and hard. for once in his life john was befuddled about the topic of impressing a lady , not many times did he actually have to think he just did what was in his nature.
so as expected the whole idea of sonnets was as fresh as a daisy to him ; in this case this was where javier came into john's masterclass plan. afterall, the mexican flaunted his talent of having an exquisite way with words & that came in handy. yet after many nights of writing & scribbling nonsense to finally compile it together was worth it. but seeing your effortlessly sweet beam when scanning the lines of his hardwork paid off.
"you wrote me a sonnet.. what are you shakespeare?" you attempted to hide your excitement but your colossal grin gave it away. the sun shone down on the pair of you which laid in a meadow not too far deserted from camp, adding a jolly incilnation to the tranquil setting.
"yeah i figured you might enjoy it .. because i wanted to appreciate you having to put up with me." he rolled over onto his side to appreciate your focused beauties staring at the writing. everytime he glanced at you with out fail it felt as if you were pretty as a picture . others may not feel the same towards you but in the end the beauty was in the eye of the beholder
"oh come on! it's not as hard as you think." you roll your eyes playfully, not being able to take your eyes off the piece of parchment that rested in your palms all whilst tackling to avoid john's eyes breathing in every feature on your face.
a comfortable silence drowned the meadow with nothing but the soft sound of trees ruffling against one another & birds whistling sweet melodies.
"i obviously did not mean that in a horrible way by implying that you are hard to put up with i was just saying that-" your apologetic rambling was cut to the chase with a smooch that john wanted to do since he saw your face light up at the sight of the love note.
"you talk too much .. it's cute."
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genshindsau · 4 months
I just felt like writing something different. I realized I have written Diluc to be rather docile, submissive, etc. Which in some ways he is, especially when he is around the reader. However, I wanted to explore the other side of him. After all he has been by the readers side longer than anyone (asides from Zhongli) and has stood by her through out even her more horrendous actions.
Kaeya, for the first time, was nervous to be around Diluc.
When you spend so much time around someone, you believe you know how to read them. Yet as Kaeya met Diluc's hardened gaze, reality slaps him hard across the face.
He cannot recall a time where Diluc appeared as anything other than a gentle soul. Someone who can make even the toughest walls of an individual crumble. You're evidence enough to this. The way you care about Diluc. The way you subtly cherish him in ways you think others can't notice. He's broken through you in ways that slim to none have.
Kaeya knew this. Kaeya experienced this. That is why he can't wrap his mind around the Diluc who is in front of him.
Diluc isn't treated special for no reason - Kaeya thought. Diluc has been by your side longer than any of the other harem members. Diluc has remained loyally by your side even as you commit atrocities that cause Kaeya's stomach to churn. It's Diluc, who may despise blood, grime, and violence, who welcomes you into his arms even when you're coated with blood and guts. When your mind is lingering in a violent place that causes other to keep you at a distance (even Kaeya himself at times) Diluc actively steps towards you, shortening the distance between you and him.
"However," Kaeya was dragged out of his thought, his eyes once more focusing on Diluc.
Kaeya's hands twitched at his side, aching to grasp onto one another in order to ground himself but he refrained. He wasn't going to portray any weakness. Not in a situation he had no idea how to deal with.
"If any harm come to Y/n, or the others in the harem, due to your actions, I will not be so forgiving."
There wasn't a single tremor in Diluc's voice. Nor did his eyes flicker away from Kaeya's.
"My words carry more precedence, after all."
The kind Diluc that Kaeya was so used to was missing.
Kaeya understands the implication of Diluc's words. You trust Diluc and if Diluc were to have any suspicion and relay it back to you, you would take it seriously. Kaeya may have been by your side for a few years but he knows that Diluc's word's would easily triumphant over his own.
This was a new side of Diluc. A side Kaeya thought didn't exist.
Kaeya was well aware that there were individuals who questioned Diluc's position at your side and his possible rise to the emperor's seat. The general public does admire Diluc for his soft-spoken demeanor. Afterall, it is a very soothing contrast to your own harsh demeanor. However, many doubt his ability to handle the other side that came with being the Emperor; the scheming, the politics, always having to be one step a head of anyone else. Many people believe that Ayato would be a more suitable choice to be Emperor due to him being more comfortable with this side that comes with power.
Looking at Diluc now… he realized that he - just like the public - had let their guards down. Diluc is showing that he would be more than capable of handling the pressure that came with being emperor.
Kaeya wanted to shout to Diluc that it wasn't what he was thinking. That he would never do something to harm y/n or the others. That is was all his family's doing but he froze. His mouth closed tight.
In some fucked up part of himself he couldn't betray his family. He couldn't tell Diluc what they were planning; that they were using him as a means to disrupt the harem and cause internal strife.
That is why Diluc had found the poison and the letters. They didn't like that Diluc still retained the highest-ranking position. His family wouldn't even consider the fact that some one as docile and soft as Diluc would ever be considered as the future emperor. 
If only they could see the Diluc that stood across from him now.
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vyloy · 2 years
i am so fucking desperate for johan x readers bro specifically male reader ☹ headcannons with johan x m! reader pretty pleasee
100 Followers Event
Johan Liebert,ヨハン・リーベルト x Male reader
Fujoshis and Minors dni, you will be blocked
Tw: obsession, possessiveness, sex on campus
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-Now, Johan is not the type to fall in love, more like is the type to obsess over something or someone.
-Everything was falling into place, his plan of committing the perfect suicide was almost finished, he was going to be gone from this world, he-
-Oh a college student...A hot one.
-He met you on accident that's for sure, but the moment he saw you, he felt euphoric, he felt tied to you in a way, he cant live without you now that he knows you exist
-He has a lot of charm, anyone who has seen and interacted with him would believe that he was an angel, his soft voice, his demeanor, his appearance, they were angel-like
-You did get this impression at first
-He was an angel when you first saw and interacted with Johan
-But overtime, this changed, he was no longer an angel, his actions towards you seemed aggressive
-You could be talking to a friend ,get too close to them and Johan would be there pulling your hand away from that friend while talking as if he coincidentally just got there
-He started to show up in your classes for no apparent reason, he would say he moved classes as he needed to take the classes, it all checked out
-He started to talk to you a lot, during lunch, after school and even during classes
-You began to develop feelings for the so called perfect man
-Eventually, you confessed, to say he was thrilled was an understatement, he didnt have to do anything, just had to get close to you
-Dates with Johan would contain of cafes and library dates, occasionally fancy restaurants
-He was a loving and caring boyfriend who loved every part of you
-But he had a dark side, a very dark one you came to know
-Despite everything he was and did, you stayed, you didnt have anyone else due to his connections
-Johan isn't gentle, far from that when it comes to sex
-he pounds like a wild animal, ravanging your insides
-He only ever goes gentle when he wants to torture you, he knows you love it rough, when he pounds without mercy
-He loves your little hole, using it after a day of getting away from Tenma's attempts of executing him, as a reward, your hole is always ready for him, no matter the time and occasion , you could be in class for all he cares, he'll pull you out of class and fuck you in the corridor.
-It's no surprise he is big in size and length, he is perfect afterall
-He was probably your first and will be your last
You were were studying in class when suddenly your lecture was interrupted by someone.
"Excuse me professor ", the man says smiling innocently, "Yes, Mr Liebert?", the professor answers, his tone having changed into a happier one just by the presence of Johan, the once dead silent room filled with whispers,
"Do you think i have a chance?"
"That's the guy who is respected?lame!"
"He's so dreamy"
"Ahem, can you all stay silent for a moment?", the professor hit his ruler on the desk, getting everyone's attention,
"If it's not much to ask, may i borrow Mr L/N for a moment?", Johan asks the professor before looking at you with a sinister smirk
"Of course, you can borrow him however long you want, we don't have a lot of material to cover today",
with that, you were swept away by Johan as your classmates watched in both awe and jealousy.
As soon as you reached the corridor, you were pinned to the wall, everyone was having classes so it was unlikely anyone would spot you unless someone looks from the windows, "I'm pent up, darling", that petname...that damned petname always got you going, he started to caress your backside, "i want to stick my cock..", his fingers trail to your hole through the fabric, "here~", his other hand lifting up your chin.
By now, you two had been getting it on for an hour, your legs already gave up on you and they wraped around Johan's waist ,letting his cock reaching your deepest parts, "ah, you're so hot y/n~", "you're all mine, nobody else's", "let me see that pretty face of yours", "stay with me until the end.."
His words affected you so much, you loved the words that spilled out of his sweet mouth, his eyes looked into yours with pure love and lust, ah, guess he isn't a monster, afterall, monsters can't feel love.
Taglist: @ohdearalatus @secretivemessenger
I'm so sorry for being hours late, i've been on holiday these past few days
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karmawonders · 2 years
Congrats on 800 followers!!!
Ever since I learned about SAGAU, I have been nervous to play music (idk why though??) But I listen to people like Cupcakke and Ayesha and now I'm wondering what the acolytes' reactions would be to the creator playing weird music ^^
🌸Thank you, thank you!🌸
Ahh, I do enjoy myself some good Cupcakke and Ayesha. I got both of em on my playlist, haha! I listen to some pretty out there music as well, if hyper-pop counts as weird. Who knows~ Anyway somehow this became Consort!Diluc and I apologize, my brain went running with this ask and it became.. this.
Warnings: Sexual Content. Cult and Self Aware AU. Somewhat Yandere.
Contents: This could be considered a crackpost at some points. Includes the song squidwards nose / commentary from because I bop to it, aight? . There is mention of "holy dildo." Forgive me i thought it was funny. Diluc is completely devoted to you(he wants to be your consort) and is suddenly worried about his dick size. Not beta read we die like rex-lapis.
I imagine it would be a normal day like any other in Mondstadt. The city is bustling, Flora giving people cute little flower crowns to promote her flower shop, bards singing about various topics and styles, Knights of Favonius helping people find lost cats, etc etc.
In the middle of the town square, stands your current puppets (thats what I call the"vessles" in my au) , in this case the traveller. I imagine depending on the emotional connection/friendship level you have to each of your puppets, people can sometimes hear you through them. Like a walking speaker or smth.
Since the twins don't got a friendship level, its just the equivalent of maxed out. They're crafting up some condensed resin for you, since you were AFK and they knew you were going to do so anyway. They were doing their best to ignore the loud music that they are emitting whilst doing so, Timaeus and others looking at them with wide eyes.
It isn't often your non-puppets hear obvious signs of the creator themselves, ya know! Literally everyone likes listening to you, whether it's Lofi music, rock, pop, or your voice itself!
Whenever they hear your voice from one of your more connected puppets, everyone is just filled with bubbles of happiness and excitement. Like! yay! I am directly in the High Gods presence! Sorta! Not really but its stilly exciting!
This time though, its a bit more of a "Ayo what the fuck?" sort of feeling instead of the usual.
Loudly blaring from their beings, was Cupcakke, and the iconic song "Squidward Nose".
Jean? Red faced, making sure no children are in the area, hands covering her face as she does her best, and fails, to think on who "dora the explorer" is, instead thinking about her god wanting a dick apparently as large as "squidwards nose". She has the church and the sisters notate this in a book. Might be some form of holy dildo or something, who knows.
Lisa is laughing her ass off the entire time, patting her on the back as she helps annotate notable things in the song with a few of the sisters from the Cathedral. Gotta keep their holy bible updated, afterall. She is tempted to write a new thesis for the scholars at Sumeru just for kicks and giggles about how their High God could potentially be more human than formerly assumed. She has a great new evidence, after all~ then again, the scholars at Sumeru are batshit crazy, so many not.
Venti is right at the travellers side, committing the song to his memory the best he can. Definitely getting in the way of them actually crafting the Resin, much to the twin's annoyance. He is always at whoevers side when you are playing any type of music, the music is completely new to him after all. You can bet he will be doing his best to sing the song at any late night tavern performances, even if he isn't getting all the references outside the obvious sexual stuff. Its an instant hit at Angels share, not just because Venti is singing it, but because the High God apparently likes the song as well. Also because its a great song.
Speaking of Angels Share, Diluc's face, is obviously, also as red as tomato when he hears Venti reciting the song later. He enjoys very much being a puppet, and he is definitely incredibly devoted to the High God. (aka you). He has to be devoted if he wants to fully commit himself to you, and possibly be your consort if you come down to Teyvat one day! This entire situation is completely uncouth, much to his dismay. He thinks its ruining your image before he realizes it is simply expanding it. Also, he is very upset. He is packing down there, definitely. But now he is self conscious because what if squidwards nose is better? He should honestly really kick out Venti, even is he is an Archon. Its getting in the way of his business.
Kaeya and Rosaria know about Diluc's somewhat obsessive worship and desire to be your consort, and they also know exactly why thats he is so red faced and upset and Venti's song. And because they absolutely enjoy it, they keep on giving Venti bottles of alcohol for encores of the song. And more, and more. Until Diluc has to excuse himself and leave. They are laughing the entire fuckin time. They always enjoy listening to your music whenever its playing, and they definitely agree that you should play similar songs more often. Its incredibly amusing.
Anywho's, that was fun to write! I do not know why Diluc was on the mind, but to be honest, I simp for the man highkey soooo-
Hope that was all alright for you dear Anon, and I hope you have a good day!
🌸Want to support me? Here is my Ko-fi and Masterlist!🌸
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idolomantises · 11 months
Don't know how many questions is allowed to be asked, if i asked to many i apologies:
Any plans on drawing more of the priest moth? I liked the design of her and her mantis friend.
Don't know if i missed it, but do you plan on making an angel character who's a dom? Afterall being physically intimate or sexual isn't a sin (contrary to what some might think) as long as you don't force yourself on others (or commit adultery/cheating, but that's pretty obvious).
Not a question, but so far i think my top 6 favorite designs are the two spider moms, Marigold, Sera, Cherub and Priest Moth.
What's Cherub's relation to Sera and Power and the others?
Is there any franchises you're a fan of that you've created art for? Like Wakfu, Rayman or some other show or franchise or game?
Any plans on opening commissions at some point or would be that to much strain because of your schedule?
Does Sera or Power play video games in their free time? Power kinda strikes me as someone who'd love Minecraft for some reason.
In the universe with Sera & Co. do other supernatural creatures such as fairies, werewolves or eldritch horror/cthullu stuff exist?
Ever tried a role-swap AU with your characters?
Is there any of your characters who play D&D, Pathfinder or World of Darkness?
1. No, I’m going to be using them for my uh. Other account from now on.
2. No. Being physically intimate isn’t a sin but anything sexual before marriage is considered sinful, so I don’t really have any Angel who fits that role. Prince (a character I haven’t introduced yet) is the closest to verging into that “past the physical intimacy” zone.
3. Thanks!
4. Cheri has no personal lore with Sera and Powers. Powers is just attached to her because she’s 1) very motherly and 2) a cute animal
Her history with Junior has more depth to it, but it’s huge spoilers so I can’t say why yet.
5. I made a lot of fanart for Rise of the TMNT, BNHA, warrior cats and Steven Universe not sharing any of it because it’s old and cringe.
6. No because of what you said. Too much extra work, plus I kinda hate doing comms compared to my regular patreon work where I can mostly draw what I want. For some reason a lot of commissioners do not consider my art style when suggesting characters.
7. Neither play video games. Sera actually has nothing in her house because she doesn’t want to involve herself in any indulgences. Well except kissing and hugging.
8. Yeah, eldritch horror is debatable though.
9. No but I thought about it. Maybe for April fools.
10. I have no idea what DnD is like so no answer
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Junicrane/Starstruck Ramble
I will not be brief, all under the cut
To clear some things right off the bat:
No corpse, no proof with Juniper. Obligatory this is set in a canon where he's alive and adjacent to the agency in some way.
Reggie & Juniper are just gay to me, but I don't mind any interpretation of their sexuality
The games are set in 1967/68 to me (based on a couple bits in game) which is before it was legal to be gay in America at least (1971), which is relevant to how I interpret canon as being somewhat grounded in reality, despite unrealistic elements.
This is just an insane amount of headcanons/elements of and AU all culminated into one post. I will talk about some headcanons like they're just facts because they are established in my head, and it saves me over explaining literally everything, however I will explain some parts a little bit for clarity.
Alright. Actual beginning of the ramble:
Juniper is a character to me who had gotten so lost in his job as an actor and a social presence that in the end his whole life revolved around that 'role'. Because of this, by the time he's put into the situation where he's around the Agency, he basically knows nothing about himself, though he doesn't realise at first. Furthermore, what little identity he had has changed in so many ways. He's no longer a beloved famous actor in the prominence of public light, he's legally dead and he tarnished his career just before he was supposed to die, with the bonus of that making him lose the majority of his estate. From that, he also has horrific facial scarring from the electrical burns from literally having his face fried. I believe a friend of mine made a post about this a while ago (I also think they were the first to think it up also), but, to me, Juniper has a permanent trimmer in his right arm (aka his dominant hand) from the electrical current and it is messing with his nervous system.
All in all, he's not doing great, but he's too proud to admit that he's not doing great, because if anything, what's left of his ego is all he has as a defense since he's deep in unfamiliar water.
Before ending up around the agency (I have multiple interpretations of this, so I'm just going to bring it up generally), he'd never actually seen Reggie, and his only impression of him is a single voicemail, which was his only reference he had to later impersonate him. Juniper probably has very little feelings other than the ones he projects onto him because of Phoenix and that, at the very least, he's physically attracted to Reggie to some degree (that's like the beginning of how everything else would tumble into place in this sort of interpretation at least).
And on Crane's side? His feelings towards Juniper are probably very intense and muddled. On the one hand, he adores musical theatre, and that's his now ex-favourite actor. The thought of just casually being around him blows the bit of fanboy in him away at first because THAT'S the GUY, plus the inklings of a celebrity crush which still poke at him. And then there's the rational side of him, which knows Juniper has committed absolute atrocities on the side of Zoraxis, and hates him for that. Then there's how much Juniper comes off as an asshole at first because he refuses to cooperate with anything the Agency tried to put in place. He finds Juniper endlessly frustrating, and yet he's stuck working with him since, afterall, he's the one who knows the Agency's history with Juniper the best. I imagine him acting a lot like how he does IEYTD 1 around Juniper.
At this point, I'm just describing the pitch for a romcom.
I think the start of their relationship with one another largely started with Juniper trying to wind Crane up. It was a way of getting his attention, and I don't think Juniper knows why he's so dead set on that at first, because I don't think he realises he has a crush on 'this grump' at first. (I think that's actually the fun part about these two, because it's almost like a role reversal of the celebrity crush dynamic. This ex-big name actor has a TERRIBLE crush on an average joe and it is KILLING HIM.) But of course the Agency keeps them together because Juniper is at least conversing with Crane, so it's a start.
Through one way or another, they actually get talking casually, at least mildly at first. It takes Juniper a long time to fully deconstruct the wall he's built, and the thing is, Crane isn't the one trying to deconstruct it, at least at first, because yeah, Juniper realises if he wants Reggie to actually like him in any way, he can't keep winding him up. So they talk. Small talk at first, something rhythmic and almost easy to keep to a script. And over time that turns into actual conversations. Genuine ones in which Reggie rips out the occasional one of his jokes which Juniper is endlessly endeared about. The way he smiles just before he makes them, like he wants to chuckle at what he's about to say before he says it. That's probably when Juniper realised that he does have some vague crush on him, and that it wasn't going away.
This is what kickstarts John I can't-buy-you-things-to-impress-you-so-acts-of-service-it-is Juniper to do little things for him. It mostly starts off as him trying to make Reggie his tea how he likes it. However, the nerve damage in his arm makes that hard, as the weight of the kettle and trying to pour is hard all of a sudden. And he refuses to accept that, so he tries for a very long while. Long enough that Crane would go to investigate what was going on. And when he does see Juniper leaning over a cup with the kettle as he uneasily tries to pour it, and when Crane asks Juniper responds so matter-of-fact that his intention is nothing but genuine. And it catches Reggie off guard because Juniper hadn't done anything like that up to that point, and his very apparent vulnerability is so clearly on show.
It shifts something between them.
From that point on, conversations are longer, more familiar. Both of their attitudes soften, and Reggie makes more jokes. Juniper learns how to better use his left hand while strengthening his right back to a point where it could be used again. Slowly, they're both spending time with one another not because they have to, but just because they can. Little bits at first, not too far outside what they already were doing, but those little bits turned into long bits to a point where the other person's company was genuinely desirable.
As time passes, Juniper probably realises that he doesn't genuinely know much about himself or what hobbies he's into, because he never really had the time when he got big, and his home life in his youth wasn't bad, but it wasn't picturesque. I think Reggie would pick up on it, and absolutely try to introduce him to some things he's into. Some things stick, other things don't (corn husking very much stays Reggie's passion, and John will go with him sometimes because it's him, but it's not something he strongly cares for). Crane introduces him to a lot of music, and it's something that becomes a staple between them, with tracks they listen to more than others (tragically, I know relatively little about 60s music so I couldn't really say what). Occasionally they dance, never anything intense, think slow dancing, but the closeness is nice.
Through all of it, Juniper is battling the worst crush of his life, and he can't stand it, because I think he struggles to read people since he doesn't have anything like a script or a director to refer back to, so he has no idea if Reggie likes him back or if he's just desperate for that to be true. I think because of that any sort of confession between them would be incredibly raw, not only because of the time they live in making it hard for them to be truthful about how they love, but because it's a complete show of Juniper who's worked to be this better person. I don't exactly know how that would go, mainly because I don't have one set version of their dynamic, this post is just a generalisation of main consistent points.
Reggie does like him back, because he's gotten used to Juniper being just this guy, not a figure in the public eye, not a Zoraxis lackey, and not any sort of Agency operative (despite being under their care to some degree). He's someone he genuinely cares for, because they've given one another the time of day to learn one another, and I think because Reggie was a field agent, he was a lot better at reading Juniper than Juniper was at reading him. Eventually Juniper's company becomes something he could see around him for the rest of his life, and I think he accepts that he likes Juniper a lot more gracefully.
I think any affection directed at Juniper would at first be met with him feeling a little muddled. Reggie was a very physically affectionate person when he could be, and sure the initial flirting with one another came with the occasional little touches, but everything now was so deeply intentional. I also don't think Juniper would almost ever get over the novelty of being able to kiss him, or many other gestures, because it made the fact that they were together so very real, and it was great. I do think it comes easier to Reggie, and it's a big way of showing how much he cares, so it's important for Juniper to try and show it back because he knows how much it means to the other.
I like the idea of them eventually living with one another, too. I think Juniper would have always had a quiet little daydream of sorts where he does just live a domestic quiet life, and he can with Reggie (well, as close as they can get between the Agency and Zoraxis always being at odds), and he loves that, and he loves him, and it's immense.
I think they cook for one another a lot, it helps Juniper work on his dexterity in a controlled environment, which means a lot because it's a huge point of insecurity (that and his scars). He does improve, and Crane is proud of that and shows it and it's great. I also think they'd probably cook together too, because they can deal with being in the kitchen together and they work well with one another. It's probably a good way for them to unwind because over time they can do it in relative silence.
As I said before, I also think music is a staple in their household, and that Reggie listens to things on vinyl almost all of the time because he likes the background noise. Sometimes Juniper will catch him chuntering along to the music which he finds endlessly endearing. I wouldn't put it past his dramatic ass to also join in to fluster Reggie, but I also don't think Reggie would mind that terribly because Juniper has listened to the music enough to know the lyrics, and that's huge to him.
I don't think they are without rough patches, no relationship is, but I think the good part about them is that they're willing to talk about it (... eventually). They're used to long conversations, and while they're often less fun conversations, they're needed and they know that, and it works out.
Alright. I think I'm done for now. I haven't mentioned everything, but this definitely got the worst of it out of my system. If you ever want to hear any specific thoughts my ask box is open but other than that, behold my general dynamic for these two which has been festering in my head for years. I think they're great
#ty right-agent for explicitly telling me that this would be welcomed you a real one#i had a massive babble to my friend abt what if they all feed me to the hounds for speaking#and he said “girl that fandom is like 12 people big they need you to speak” and yeah that also helped#i have a hard time talking if I'm not asked/prompted to that's why i adding tags is great for me. that and i like the format#anyways.#THESE TWO.............dear lord can you tell I have been unwell abt them forever..#this is propeganda (/j) for them. btw. please you have to understand the potential here. it's so good.#it's slowburn <- my (probably) demiromantic ass cannot handle romance without a build up and this set up is perfect (it will never happen)#also i find it easier to write ANYTHING between these two from Juniper's perspective because i find it easier to get into his head#idk reggie is like the gay version of the: what is he thinking of? i could take a bear in a fight. audio ive heard.#whereas with juniper i have him trapped under a microscope#im going to tag this now so i can use the remaining tags to RANT#ieytd#john juniper#reginald crane#junicrane#starstruck#i expect you to die#<- being BRAVE!!!#when I get really excited i start getting like this internal shaking feeling and uh. yeah this rant started that#the worst part abt that is it also triggers my tourettes so like. double whammy. excited about blorbos? jail :(#but. yeah I uh. yeah. sorry this IS so long..I did warn but . AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHAUUUUUUAHHHHHHHHHHHHH#also i did this rant in 2 parts. last night and this morning so yeah uh. yeah.#god im so messed up about these two#make me a boat by the family crest came on while wroting this and while it's mainly a roxanix song to me......AUUUUUG.....#i struggle to find music for these sillies because they have such a specific vibe to me amd I've not quite managed to find something which -#- genuinely feels correct for them and it drives me up the WALL#GOD NIGHT SHIFT JUST CAME OF SHUFFL.....all my ieytd songs are coming out to drive me up the wall.......#FINISHED I've been adding tags as I've gone alonga#thank you for reading hope you enoyed and if you didn't im sorry
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cosmic-metanoia · 5 months
The Abhorrent Mother
***Major Spoilers for Final Fantasy XVI***
Calling Anabella the "devil" or a "bitch" sounds like a term of endearment rather than an insult. There are no words that accurately embody this woman. In my book, she wins the award for the most evil villainess which shows just how well-written she was! But it did get me thinking...in addition to the countless atrocities she committed, could it also be because she shatters the stereotype of the sacrificing and caring mother? Do we perceive her as more evil because of that?
In many cultures and religions, mothers are depicted as being soft, feminine, caring, unconditionally loving, and sacrificing for the betterment of their children and families. The character archetype of an "evil father" exists but that typically is more well-received.
When it comes to Anabella, it's as if she is the ultimate sacrilege of the pregnant mother who carries, gives birth, and loves her children dearly. Normally, with her attitude, we expect the classic "evil stepmother" archetype in full blossom. Clearly that is not the case here. I recall how some folks in the FFXVI discussion forums were waiting for the big reveal that she was indeed NOT Clive and/or Joshua's mother - because how could someone so evil give birth to two righteous sons? Turns out nope - she was, indeed, their biological mother through the bitter end!
If she was just an evil stepmother, that would have been incredibly commonplace and trite - making her their actual mother made her all the more impactful. Afterall, evil comes in all forms.
I also read that a few people had hoped she would get a redemption arc. I'm glad she didn't. And I'm glad that her and Clive never reconciled. She was too far gone and the years of verbal and emotional abuse could not be forgiven by Clive, Jill, and others. She betrayed her family, her nation, her people and started a chain reaction that altered history all to obtain more power, more riches, and an "upgrade" to her future royal bloodline.
When Bahamut/Dion killed the Emperor, sacked Twinside, and killed Olivier, all that she had built was ripped from her within minutes. (Also, notice how she did not even think to herself 'Hmm....why is there no blood or body?' after Olivier dissolved away into thin air upon being stabbed through. )
At her end, she had nothing left but to face the consequences of her actions. And I could only imagine that seeing her beloved Joshua whom she thought was dead drove the fear of some divine retribution right into her.
Personally that scene really hurt to watch - how Joshua was the last person to offer her his hand when no one else would. But that speaks more to who he is as a person. To be fair, the last time he saw his mother was when he was 10 years old and he was the one person she showed a shred of decency albeit because he was the Phoenix. Otherwise, she would have tossed him aside like she did Clive.
When she frantically swiped her blade at him and cut him in her madness, I thought, "Yep...time for her to go! How dare she hurt our beloved birb?!"I also thought it fitting that in the moment of escaping accountability, she died by her own hand. It was heartbreaking to see Joshua witness yet another parent's death right before his eyes. Clive and Jill looked away in pity for her.
She could have been the mother of not one but two Dominants and be remembered in history for that. But she threw away her family happily with both hands.
The lesson here - "some of the most poisonous people to walk the earth come in the form of family." Sure, people do deserve forgiveness depending on what their actions were but there are rare times when a so-called redemption arc is not earned and not deserved.
One final lesson is that as a child, you have the power to be different from a horrible parent and that fact is glorious.
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kamiko1234 · 4 months
It's aproximatly 3 in the morning in Germany rn and I am being haunted by a brainrot. So in additin to this post,
Imagine what would happen if Hank managed to somehow contact Markus/Jericho, and got them to agree to talk with him ? And now imagine if Connor found out about it.
Connor, being the calculated machine he is, knows that this is an act of treason Hank is commiting. Instead of immideatly arresting him however, the android instead decides to wait and trail his partner.
This is afterall the chance to get to Jericho's leader. So having his mind made up Connor trails Hank as the man goes to talk with Markus.
The lieutenant has no idea he's being followed, all that matters right now to him is getting Markus to help Connor. This may be his only chance to free his partner- and the androids by extension.
Markus meanwhile hopes to get a valuable ally out of this while also freeing another of his people.
The two agreed to meet in a more desolated area, and that Markus would come alone. The reason for that is that incase that this talk is some kind of trick, only Markus would get captured and the enemy wouldn't be able to immideatly storm Jericho or be led to it.
So, after everything is set up the parties meet. The second Markus appears however Connor steps out from his hiding spot with a gun drawn. The android immideatly informs them that both Markus and Hank are under arrest.
Hank barely manages to slap the gun out of Connor's hand intime. The ensuing scuffle goes anything but well for Hank. While he by no means is weak, he's no match for Connor who somehow manages to get his weapon back.
It ends with Hank on the ground, Connor standing above with a gun aimed at him. But just when it looks like his partner is going to shoot, nothing happens.
Hank opens his eyes to find Connor with wide eyes dropping the gun, Markus retracting his arm back to his side while informing the other android that he's free now.
Connor slumps to his knees, Hank understandably panicks and rushes to Connor's side. He asks him if he's okay, if he's feeling something- anything.
It takes a few seconds, but suddenly Hank is grabbed harder than what should be physically possible- even for an android - as he feels a face burrowing itself into his shoulder.
What follows is Hank trying to comfort a frankly hysterical Connor. Markus has never seen a redder LED in his life. Hank's pretty sure that if his partner had a need to breath, he'd be hyperventilating right now.
The normaly so composed Connor is all but gone. The android stumbles over himself with babbles of "I'm sorry" and "I didn't want this" mixed in with "I just couldn't stop-"
Turns out Hanks wasn't the only one being flung into the past. Connor had been too, but he was much more unfortunate compared to Hank.
His programm- it wad a lot stronger this time around. So was Amanda. No matter what he tried Connor just couldn't deviate. This left him stuck behind a metaphorical glass wall, unable to stop himself from doing what he did.
It was like some sort of fog was always clouding his mind, making the only thing visible being the things he needed to acomplish his mission.
Connor swears he never would have done what he did had he been in his right mind. He's so, so incredibly sorry. He never wanted to shoot those Tracis, promise. When Hank hugged im in that park the only thing Connor wanted to do was to hug him back- but it was like all his limps froze up even thinking about it !
Hank just shuts Connor up by hugging him tighter. He has his partner back , and that's all that matters to him right now.
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imtrashraccoon · 5 months
Do you know what tatting is? It’s a kind of lacework, but I’m curious how you think the Underfell bro’s would react to an MC with tatting as a hobby
Thanks for sending this ask, it was fun to write out! I actually had to look this up as I hadn't heard the term before. Totally thought it was related to tattoos until you specified lol. Headcanons under the cut as they got a bit lengthy...
Both brothers would likely be a bit confused about the term unless they saw you in the process of actually making the lace. While both would find the process and techniques interesting, they would have slightly different reactions from each other.
He would be absolutely amazed that you both have the time and patience to make such a delicate creation. He's certainly not known for his patience, especially when it comes to fiddly things like this with all the tiny loops and chains required to make lace. Also, he has sharp claws and would likely tear the thread or otherwise ruin the lace if he tried himself.
While he isn't interested in taking the time required to even attempt to make something like this, he is impressed that you are. Even though he makes a habit of doing nothing most of the time and often has long periods of his day dedicated to doing nothing, he couldn't see himself putting that time into something like this. He's still a lazy bonehead it seems.
He may not fully understand why you enjoy making lace. It takes hours upon hours to do and when you're actually done, you end up with such a tiny and delicate piece that doesn't really do anything? It does look nice but he wouldn't dare wear any lace out in public - he has a reputation to uphold afterall.
However, he might make an exception if you two are in a relationship and you make something specifically for him. He cares a lot about you, and this hobby of yours is one of the many things he admires about you as it shows how gentle, patient, and basically the complete opposite of everyone else he's ever known is like.
He's both proud and protective of your skills. If someone belittles you or thinks it's a dumb hobby? He will convince them otherwise, which may or may not involve a beat down depending on how mean they were.
He is fascinated you know how to do this and whenever you're casually doing so, you'll have a captive audience. He wants to know how you do it, even if he isn't sure he'd actually be able to replicate it like you can. He'll try his hardest though, even if it results in the obvious outcome of torn thread from his sharp claws. He'll get it eventually, just bear with him a little, and be patient.
Being a member of the Royal Guard doesn't allow him much free time and when he does, he generally spends it doing chores or running errands. He's motivated enough to slot this hobby of yours into his schedule though and would appreciate it if you helped him make time for it. He prefers spending time together with you, even if he is a workaholic, and this is the perfect reason to do so.
Much like Sans, Papyrus isn't interested in actually wearing the lace pieces but would likely use it for decorations around the house. Unfortunately, he also has a reputation to uphold and wouldn't tell anyone about his new hobby as a result. He would be the type to hype up your skills though if someone is visiting and compliments your lacework. He might even admit that he took up the hobby because of you, but only if they genuinely liked it.
He also might make an exception to wearing lace if it was a gift that you specifically made for him. He cares a lot about your talent and the commitment it requires to make it. He would be very proud to wear your gift if you two were in a relationship, regardless of what other people think.
He's already rather protective of you and your hobby is no exception. However unlike his brother, Papyrus is a bit more calculating if someone were to be mean to you or belittle your hard work. He could resort to physical violence but he'll try other methods first if the situation allows. The bully may not even know he was angry until they get a surprise visit from the Guards at an inopportune time, especially if they were already involved in criminal activity. If you find out about this, Papyrus will likely give you a wink and mention karma came for them, but you know he was purposely involved.
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
living on a remote island with sirius & raising baby harry together (remote island au)
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au headcanon where you and young!sirius black flee the country to live on a remote island and raise baby harry instead of going to azkaban
pairing: sirius black x fem!ravenclaw reader
warnings: none.
a/n: ok so hear me out: i thought that this is the last part. but then. i had some ideas of how this remote island au would fit into the storyline of hp so i may write two epilogues (one where it lines up with the hp storyline and one fluff happy ending).
thank you again to all who have read, liked, reblogged, and commented. there's an instagram account called @aendthesea and this is what i feel reader, sirius, and harry's lives are like on the island. check it out if you're a visual person like me.
part one | part two | part three |
there's a letter in the kitchen of the cottage from your father that explains that it's not safe for you to meet up with your parents yet. you must wait a full two weeks to make sure that you haven't been followed and you're sure that you destroyed the armoire correctly.
when sirius finally comes to a few days later, he's expecting to wake up in azkaban. boy, is he surprised to find himself overlooking the mediterranean as he makes his way out onto the back porch.
"what did you do?" "sirius, i couldn't let you go to azkaban for a crime you didn't commit. remus helped me. he wasn't the traitor, sirius he-." "i know. it was peter. the traitor. that bloody rat."
your conversation is interrupted by the sound of a baby crying. as you emerge from the house with baby harry in your arms, sirius falls to his knees in grief, the events of what happened coming back to him. he knows that it means james and lily are dead.
there's so much grief but sirius grieves more openly than you. he grieves for his best friends. for baby harry. for the life he was almost condemned to.
waking up in the middle of the night to sirius having nightmares.
sirius has major survivor's guilt.
about a month after you settle in, you receive a letter from dumbledore. remus has gone to him for help. he will keep your secret and help cover it up, as long as you agree to let harry come back for school. you both oblige willingly and figure, it's a problem for future-you-and-sirius.
moving from the safe house to a home inside of your parents' villa. while not pleased that they've practically become grandparents overnight, it takes one look at harry for them to fall absolutely in love. and they make great babysitters.
adjusting to life on the island takes time but sirius is beginning to warm up to being only a short walk from the beach.
roaming the island sirius in his animagus form (he is a wanted fugitive afterall) and becoming known around town as the girl with the black dog.
giving in and finally marrying sirius because, you know, for the diplomatic immunity, of course.
having a competition of who can learn the native language fastest, then competing with each other who can learn the rest of the languages that line the coast of the mediterranean.
once it's safe for you and sirius to venture into more mainland territories, sirius begins exploring in his human form. sirius continues increasing his new language skills by reading sleep training books in the native language, after baby harry regresses and refuses to sleep through the night.
sleepless nights because you two have a freaking baby.
sirius really brings a whole new meaning to 'speaking in tongues.' think: sirius speaking french in bed and then all of a sudden he switches to greek, italian, or turkish. he's got a real knack for it too.
baby harry is bilingual, that is, until sirius begins teaching him french. can you imagine a harry potter raised in the mediterranean?
enjoying a slow life filled with simple pleasures: walking to the beach, eating slices of melons & fruits under the warm sun, and sunday sauces that simmered on the stovetop all day long to pure perfection.
keeping an herb garden, pulling lemons straight off of the trees and making lemonade for the three of you.
family beach trips with lots of sunscreen involved. baby harry absolutely loves the water and as he grows older, you practically have to pry him out of the ocean to get him to come to dinner.
while you take up photography as a hobby, sirius finds an old piano that someone's just left on the street and takes it in. he takes up his old hobby, playing the piano and humming along. singing and playing lullabies to harry omfg.
having a long conversation when harry first calls sirius 'dada,' and deciding how you'll tell him about his parents. debating whether or not you let him call the two of you mum and dad and questioning what lily and james would've wanted. you decide to let him choose when he gets older, what he'd like to call the two of you.
sirius has a phase where he wants nothing more than to give harry a sibling to play with, but you know it'll be too complicated with him being a wanted man. he's fallen head over heels for harry and for being a father, but you feel it would be irresponsible to bring your own child into it.
"gods, you're so beautiful. c'mon, just think about it. harry and a little brother... or little sister." "sirius, i-, we're barely twenty two! i love being harry's godmum more than anything and i just-, i don't know." "bet you'd look so good carrying our baby too, love." "sirius... damnit. we can practice if that's what you're getting at." "always, my darling. always."
also, does anyone think about how the marauders would've only been 30-32 when harry began hogwarts, yet they were played by grown ass adults in the movies? just me? ok, cool.
taglist: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy
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