#I can’t see anything Olympics related
swan-lutz · 3 months
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You could imagine the shock I felt when I found out this was todays lesson in sociology
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Thanks for laying out why you say IG is in financial trouble. So interesting! It is so much clearer to me now why Germany trail-running their own national version is such an upheaval for IG. Given that each event relies so much on funds from the host city / province / country, cutting out IG will mean IG would not be able to host any events.
Governments already face criticism over how much they spend to host the Olympics and other international sports events. H&M’s negative association really does not help the cost / benefit analysis for the public and therefore, the relevant government.
A charity like IG desperately needs home support (i.e., the UK) for that initial emotional and financial investment. But H&M have alienated the British public and there is not enough international sentiment to substitute that home support.
I think H&M also forget how much people get mental fatigue when constantly hearing about a company or person. This mental fatigue can drive people to avoid the related products and services, even when they aren’t “against” the company or person. (This can also happen in reverse - use the products and services when they’re sick of hearing about how awful the people or company are.)
I work for a UK company that donates to the Prince’s Trust (PT) and holds internal events advertising that funds will go to the PT. But a UK company is less likely to do this with the IG because it is associated with an anti-UK sentiment. IG will also be received differently by their employees because a) it doesn’t have a solid reputation independent of its patrons like the PT (i.e., it’s not “agnostic”) , b) some people feel personally insulted by H&M, who are intrinsically associated with IG and c) some people will disengage from the event due to mental fatigue over the whole thing.
Whether or not Charles is throwing a bone to Harry with the UK hosting IG, the true test will be a) how many and how much UK companies will step up for this event and b) how the cost / benefit will be seen by the public. If IG can’t even make it on their home ground, people outside of the UK will wonder why they should even bother.
I don't think Harry and Meghan even care about mental fatigue. All the tea has indicated that the Sussexes are the kind of people who look at the world through "these are you problems" beer goggles.
But I do think you're right - they don't see any problem or fatigue with what they're doing, but everyone else is tired of them. Sooner or later, that's going to show in ways that Harry and Meghan can't fudge or gaslight such as:
Lack of royal turnout and/or government support for Invictus Games
Not-good ratings for their Netflix material (and frankly, anything less than a smash hit gets lumped into 'not good' categories...and Netflix doesn't publish their ratings unless it's a runaway smash hit)
Lack of interest in their children (which technically has already happened when she couldn't make a deal for Archie's and Lili's baby photos but Meghan justified it as 'saving it for Netflix')
Poor sales for Roop.
We just have to outlast and outwit them. Eventually the glass house will crumble. The cracks are there already.
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suffarustuffaru · 7 months
We need more re:zero fanfics that are just characters being forced to go to therapy. Subaru is ordered by the Royal Knights to attend weekly sessions (that secretly double as interrogations, though due to patient confidentiality the therapist is only able to pass on information that regards other people being put in danger) and the therapist stumbles out of there every week needing a drink because trying to make something coherent out of a conversation with Natsuki Subaru concerning anything related to his fluctuating emotional state and the very obvious/mysterious trauma underpinning all of his actions is practically an Olympic sport — and that was before unearthing his self-harm habit, severe inferiority complex, and what may be suicidal tendencies. Reinhard is so emotionally repressed that he’s refusing to let himself feel anything even regarding having to face off against his grandmother’s corpse and his superiors keep walking back the meager process any sessions manage to make. Otto seems perfectly normal and then he mentions being willing to die for Subaru’s sake as soon as three days after he met him. Ram just sits there glaring for the full hour and a half. Wilhelm uses the time to express his latest revenge plot in very well thought out detail. Heinkel is such a horrible mess that I can’t even make a joke out of what he’d do to that poor therapist’s emotional state. Roswaal doesn’t seem to realize what therapy IS. That poor therapist is in Hell.
anon ive always wanted to see something like this for sure HAH its just such a fascinating idea?? especially when 99% of people in the rz cast desperately need extensive therapy 😭😭 but yeah theres different ways you could take an idea like this and the conditions you set are really interesting.
the idea of it being a therapist appointed by the government, essentially, who’s also there to gather information (but keeps at least some details hidden for the sake of their patients) so the government can keep a leash on certain characters (subaru and reinhard particularly) + subaru is still locked by rbd taboo of course is so fascinating to me. of course—is it ideal conditions for therapy? hell no lmao 😭😭 but its a super good in universe explanation as to why theyre getting therapy (other than all of them being Mentally Unwell)—and given the therapist and everyone in the cast minus subaru and al are working with medieval knowledge, the odds were not in their favors anyway oops. and this is assuming that the cast has the BEST THERAPIST IN THE FANTASY WORLD POSSIBLE for this!! haah theyve got a real difficult job ahead of them.
and also an idea like this is difficult to write. ive always wanted a “rz cast goes to therapy” fic hah but writing the FULL cast is tricky!! tbh id feel bad not including at least a good chunk of the cast in a fic like this given SO MANY of them desperately need therapy. and this idea is Extremely character focused—you have to know every character’s intimate traumas and flaws and personalities to pull this sort of thing off. its inherently in depth character exploration, and depending on how Good you want the therapist character to be, youd probablyyy have to do at least a bit of research (??) (unless you have personal experience in this department already??) there on. how to write a therapist? but thats just me getting fixated on the practical aspects of this wkdndn this is definitely why we havent really seen much fic on this sort of idea yet. i think itd work really well as a collab though, possibly!! you can devote a therapy session to one character per chapter or something and mix it up later the further it goes on <3 or at least thats my idea for this at the moment. i think one therapy session per chapter would be very good leadup though in a Hypothetical Fic about this, and you then have the time to explore each character in depth and introduce each of them!!
ok as for the examples you gave anon—HAH yeah thats a good summary for sure 😭😭 again, this is interesting because these are Not good conditions for therapy.
they all think with their medieval knowledge. subaru cant talk about rbd and everything related to it, which is his biggest core trauma. reinhards superiors dont want him to improve because hes their perfect malleable obedient weapon right now and they chose to break him like that. they probably wont want heinkel to improve much either, given theres implications that people like russell fellow purposely helped make heinkel Worse (such as the false rumors that he kidnapped one of the royal familys kids). and also regarding characters like heinkel—he wont improve if he doesnt get some sort of rehab on top of the therapy akdnd and he wont improve if he doesnt make an effort either. and also i know theres characters like petra who are way more normal compared to everyone else and shes not in dire need of therapy unlike everyone else, but id argue petra should at least have a check up because girl is a twelve year old thats been shoved into life threatening events recently okay 😭😭 AND the astreas are gonna need some hardcore family therapy wkdndn theyll just need individual sessions first to work up to that……… but will the kingdom really allow that to happen either?
yeah so the therapist is in for a reckoning in general 😭😭 with the plot you gave anon—if the therapist genuinely tries their best, this could result in some friction. the therapist hears out all these big important people related to the royal selection—roswaal, the astreas, various other emilia camp members, and people from other factions im sure (such as julius, joshua, ferris, crusch, etc)—but the therapist is held back from fully helping all of them because the kingdom keeps them all on a leash, including the therapist themselves. will the therapist succumb to what the kingdom wants and ensure they never improve past a certain point? or ensure they never improve at all?
it creates this overarching plot to an otherwise standard premise i think—and theres a bittersweetness because the therapist cant fully help them as it is right now. and its hard to help characters like subaru and reinhard who are Incomprehensible in their own ways. even in the fantasy world with its Wide Range of dangerous traumatic events tinged with magic, subaru and reinhard are absolutely outliers. plus as i said earlier, some characters Want to improve so badly and will try their best to do so (such as emilia) and some might not have much desire to even try (such as heinkel). everyone in the cast have their own goals, motivations, and a lot of them to some degree will be unreliable narrators either purposefully or accidentally or unwittingly. the otto example you gave anon is so true because i an SO sure his ass would pretend to be normal bc he doesnt want to be there only to accidentally reveal hes not 😭😭😭 joshua is another good example bc of his hate love relationship with his brother and how he tries to conceal it by gaslighting himself into worshipping his brother’s every move and trying to live vicariously through him (joshua also hates reinhard too but pretends not to so theres that too) 👍👍👍 and also emilia and reinhard are examples of characters whove been taught the absolute WORST lessons in the world so youd have to get into unravelling that 😭😭 like theyre both afraid to be closer to others out of fear of hurting them, they have issues regarding what people see them as and what people expect them to be, learned powerlessness, terrible father figures, guilt complexes, being blamed for things that arent their fault, also the fucked up family history, etc etc. there is SO much baggage HAH.
and again, the poor therapist is getting a bunch of rz main characters and crucial side characters—many of them are well known in some way, or important political figures, and they ALL got the most buck wild stories so the stakes are Very High😭😭 itll be a fun ride im sure!! but i do think this idea is super super neat. id love to explore each and every character and all their nuances—i think a fic like this would only really fully work if youre sympathetic towards everyone, but youre not afraid to get them for their faults too. wilhelm, heinkel, roswaal are good examples. clind too by proxy, given frederica needs to get away from his ass too (RAM ALSO NEEDS TO GET AWAY FROM ROSWAAL ISTG.) and again, a fic like this requires in depth knowledge of all these characters or the premise can fall apart a bit—this is a fic all about exploring their deepest traumas after all <3
but yeah anyway i too am in dire need of a rz cast goes to therapy fic anon!!! T^T thank you for the ask i will continue to think on this idea 🙏
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la-pheacienne · 1 year
Rhaenyra is objectively a victim, but to people in the fandom, sob story olympic is about self projection, it’s about MY victimhood. They don’t think Rhaenyra is a victim because she’s not a character you can use as a vehicle to talk about your own problems. You can make posts about Alicent and moan about low confidence, anxiety, feeling useless, resenting other people's success or people trying to take control of their lives, projecting your inferiority/victim/martyr complex, etc. At the core of it, it’s narcissism, it’s thinly veiled self glorification and baits for validation. But you can’t really talk about Rhaenyra’s sob story and make it about yourself. Most of them don’t have very exciting lives or ambitions. Rhaenyra is sexually autonomous, has three bastards, and had her throne stolen because she was a woman. Not relatable.
"At the core of it, it’s narcissism, it’s thinly veiled self glorification and baits for validation".
"Rhaenyra is sexually autonomous, has three bastards, and had her throne stolen because she was a woman. Not relatable".
Yep, you said it all. Not relatable. Relatability is the number one quality a fictional hero should have in the current context of american media. Traditionally, or at least in my culture, what you go for -mainly- is exceptionalism. In order for me to care about a character they need to give me something exceptional, something particular, something that nobody else has. I am not looking to see myself on screen. I don't give a fuck about that. Give me something different. But be careful, exceptionalism doesn't mean lack of realism, not at all, I am all about realism, I just don't like characters just because they have weaknesses I can relate to. I need more.
Irrelevant but also kind of relevant : when I was little I read Little women. I loved it. So if you are not familiar with the story, it's a poor family with a lot of sisters, end of 19th century. Jo is one of the sisters, an Arya type of person we could say : she hates the discrimination against women, she wants to live like a man, doesn't want to get married, she wants to become a successful writer. Then you have her sister Amy, perfect little lady, accepts her position as a female, doesn't want to challenge anything, wants to get married to a rich husband, can be vain and self-centered, kind of manipulative etc. The heroine of this story is Jo. We are supposed to root for Jo. Amy serves mainly as a foil to Jo, even if in the end the two manage to get along. Yeahhh except that in the latest movie adaptation, guess which one of the characters people obsess with. Did you guess it? That's right. And why is that? Well because the actress that plays Amy is an absolute cutie with a sexy sultry voice, dresses perfectly and excells at what society expects of women. She conforms, she doesn't challenge, but she succeeds. So, relatable but also idealistic, the perfect combination. But Jo, who gives a fuck about a girl who was scorned all of her life for wanting something different for herself, for not accepting her context, for thinking out of the box. People don't want to see that. They don't want to be that. What they want is to play by the rules and succeed.
Same fucking shit with the tragedy of Antigone. Antigone is the heroine, she challenges the status quo, she sticks to her own moral code, she doesn't give a fuck about what the men around her want, she does her own thing and she is punished. Her sister, Ismene, serves as foil : she is coward, she is a conformist, she bows her head. In the end she regrets not helping Antigone because she loves her sister and she wants to share her punishment. Antigone denies her in disdain, she does not consider her worthy. Because she isn't. Ismene loves Antigone, yes, but she does not share the same exceptional traits that Antigone has and for which she is punished. So she does not deserve to have a place beside her. She is inferior. Ismene is actually more popular in Tumblrina culture than Antigone because people relate to her weakness.
People don't relate to these exceptional heroines because they are not looking for exceptional characters. They are looking for a more successful or a more glamourous version of themselves.
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xariarte · 2 months
Team Canada
Raptors/rockets (couldn’t choose one 😭)
Dillion Brooks sympathizer (affectionately)
When I saw this in my inbox, I laughed, because I knew the last part was coming for me one day. 😂💖
But before Brooks takes over this ask, I’m real glad that my Team Canada posts have become a defining factor of my account! I never meant to post this much about Canadian basketball but I actually really enjoy it. And it’s definitely both Raptors/Rockets over here. 🇨🇦
And then the last part…listen, I have to explain myself. 🤣 I know I’ve been flinging Dillon Brooks’ name into Tumblr uncensored 😭. This is good timing to talk about all this because the Olympics are coming up too (and he's gonna be doing stuff, I know).
I’ll split this into a short answer and a longer one under the cut. 😭😭
Short Answer: I don’t necessarily sympathize with him all of the time — he has done CRIMES after all — but I am perpetually amused by his existence. I’m usually looking at him like, “why are you like this?” 🤨🤔 I like him AND hate him at the same time for various reasons, like sometimes he is The Best and other times he is The Worst. 
I do know that when I decided to talk about him on here, it was scary at first because he is so hated (for valid reasons). But I was like, I can’t NOT talk about how amusing he is to me! I also find it immensely funny that my posts on him always end up framing him as "some guy on the team". 😃
I will say though if you hate him, DO NOT let me or my posts stop you. He is a villainous menace. If you don’t want to see him, mute my dbrooks tag!
P.S. If you know Molly Morrison on Twitter/Tumblr, just know I highly relate to what she’s said about Dillon Brooks over the years. 😭😭
Longer Answer (aka the backstory lore of WHY): 
When I restarted my Tumblr account, I met Tumblr user siakam. One of the topics we discussed was the cursed idea of a Fred VanVleet and DB fanfic, because we thought they could be enemies thanks to their conflicting personalities. I was intrigued, but I didn’t know anything about Brooks’ personality. Sadly I do love researching things... 😭😭
This research collided with the NBA season/me getting into Rockets basketball/me catching up on FIBA content…so by accident, Brooks was everywhere. 😩 Houston had a honeymoon period with him and he took over the Team Canada run (and stole the hearts of the announcers and the photographers and the reporters and the crowd) so because of that, most of Canada now ADORES him.
(Do you realize how many Canadian compliments I have to read about this beloved Canadian menace. NO YOU DON’T. 😭💖)
Most of what I read about his personality, which was buried underneath all the media reports of his menacing, was just…normal and wholesome? At least I understand now why the Grizzlies sideline reporter always called him her favourite player, and why all his Grizzlies/Team Canada teammates/coaching staff love him so much. 
That being said, I don’t always agree with his actions though. He chose to do things to teams/star players and he should take the consequences for those actions.
Yes, I do love trash talking, yes, I do enjoy taunting (one of my favourite trash talking quotes is from Donovan Mitchell actually). He did a lot of things to GSW that went too far for me at times. I feel like the intense wave of hatred from last summer was good for him because it brought him down to earth (his ego is still sky high though). He’s been a bit better on the Rockets, more willing to admit his mistakes. But still. Sometimes he doesn’t play basketball and it pisses me off. 🤬
Anyway, apologies for the long paragraphs, but I did have more to say and I couldn’t squish it into something brief. 💔 If you did read all of this, I hope you enjoyed the extra xariarte lore! 💖
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timkonshipper · 4 months
I saw a post where mari, nino and kim are childhood besties so full credits to the og creator of this idea! I just wanted to build upon it a little with my own ideas.
All three of their mothers went to the same maternity class and instantly clicked with one another. 
Kim was born first, then nino and finally marinette
Marinette’s their darling little sister who always gets into shenanigans and pulls them with her but manages to get out of it at the last minute. Young Mari could talk herself out of anything. 
If she was feeling merciful she would get leeway for Kim and nino as well but if they had just done something to upset her, she would get them an even harsher verdict. 
The boys were her models when she was younger. It started off with little accessories and things like pouches, but no matter the object, they would dramatically model it just to see her smile. 
The first time Mari had ever made something, Kim wore it(a half finished hot pink dress) over his normal clothes and strutted the length of marinette’s room like he was at Paris fashion week. At the end, he posed to show off the 6 year old aspiring designer’s detailing and spun around with a flip of his floppy hair. Marinette got it on video and replays it at every sleepover because that particular memory holds a special place in her heart and never ceases to make her smile. 
Nino was a little more subtle but he always made sure to exaggerate her work in particular. He also insisted on wearing her work (no matter how it was) out in public and would hype it up to anyone who stared a little too long. 
They have a scheduled sleepover every two weeks but also have last minute ones whenever the situation calls for it. Their families meet for lunch every week either at one of their houses or at the occasional restaurant. 
Their families also go on a minimum of one trip every year. Those are always fun and filled with blackmail gathering. 
Mari has a sixth sense for knowing whenever one of the boys is having or going to have a bad day. She always brings their favorite pastries, a thermos of hot chocolate and cute animal videos to cheer them up. 
They hang out a lot for a variety of purposes. Sometimes they just study, othertimes they catch up and talk. But most of the time, they just do their own thing and appreciate one anothers company. 
Marinette obviously wants to become a fashion designer. She was the first one to figure out her future. 
Nino wants to pursue a music related career but he can’t decide what specific stream he would like. He also wants to try his hand at directing but also told Mari that he would be her manager and publicist whenever he became famous. So right now his goal is to DJ on the side and manage Mari fulltime. 
Kim’s dream is to become an olympic level athlete, however he also wouldn’t mind being Marinette’s model especially for athletic wear. 
Marinette is usually very optimistic excluding her deep anxious spirals, but she always bounces back from those right away. However, on those days that it’s hard for her to see the good things around her, Nino and Kim are attached to her hip and try to cheer her up and make her laugh. 
It would seem to an outsider that nino and kim wouldn’t get along, however they just fit together like puzzle pieces. The three of them together are like a finished work of art that doesn’t need anything else to shine. 
Nino has a playlist for every occasion, mood or scenario. They all share a spotify account managed by Nino. 
Kim makes sure that all of them remain physically fit and active. So even though nino seems like climbing a flight of stairs would wind him, he actually has quite the endurance. Kim’s training was what helped Marinette adjust to being ladybug so well. 
Even though Marinette didn’t explicitly tell them that she was ladybug, it was still quite obvious given how close they are. They all know that the others know, but they’ve never said it out loud. It’s just one of those unanimous things. 
Also nino and kim have never been akumatised(ignore canon) because they don’t want hawkmoth to get ahold of their memories and see who ladybug really is. They stay strong for Mari, but that doesn’t mean that they repress their emotions unhealthily. They just channel it in different ways that don’t result in them getting akumatised. 
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oraclekleo · 10 months
Stray Kids as Villains (non tarot)
This isn't tarot related
These are my personal impressions
I'm in no way saying any of the members would ever be as evil as described here
This is a hypothetical scenario 'what if'
Some things might trigger you, don't read if you are overly sensitive person
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Stray Kids as Villains
(Based on my observation, non-tarot)
Bang Chan
Bang Chan really oozes some daddy vibes so I think, in a twisted reality, he could become the super perfectionist father, forcing his child to achieve the goals Chan had himself but for some reason wasn’t able to reach. You know the type of father who will put his daughter through a drill on the ice ring to push her towards an olympic gold medal for ice skating. The type of villain who sort of means well and wants his children to be more successful in life than he was but in fact ruining their lives, pushing them into extremes. He might be super bitter about his own failed ambitions, blaming others and circumstances for his life failures. So yeah, not exactly a super villain but more like an everyday person gone too far over the border.
Lee Know
Lee Know would make a good Joker but that’s not the only villain he could portray. He’s sort of a wild card. He might become any type of villain but I can mostly see him as a shady but sort of fun and sarcastic villain, someone who knows how to bend or break the rules. A leader of high class thieves, the brain of a super complex heist, that’s Lee Know. His charisma can seduce a cashier in a bank so he can pull some crucial security information from her, he can dress up as a janitor to map the bank and the positioning of CCTV, he can easily play a wealthy foreign potential investor talking to the head manager of the bank and letting them show him their vault security level. Lee Know and his crew would rob the bank successfully but Lee Know being too greedy would also have a watertight perfect plan on disposing of his minions so he doesn’t have to pay them and there’s no risk of anyone breaking at police interrogation.
Changbin is a tough one. He’s not very villainous in my eyes but let’s try. He gives both boyfriend and daddy vibes so I guess he could go a similar way as Chan. Only he would be the overprotective and possessive boyfriend, who checks his lover’s phone, texts them every hour asking where they are and who is with them. His love could go toxic and unhealthy. The Bluebeard type of a villain. Changbin would slowly separate his lover from their friends and family completely so nobody would actually notice when they disappear. Changbin would murder them and somewhat preserve them so they remain his dolls in some basement gallery of his own and he would ‘collect’ lovers like that. Oh! So I could actually come up with a pretty scary villain even for a guy who doesn’t look villainous. Ain’t I a genius? Lol!
When it comes to Hyunjin there are more options but I’m gonna go with the most scary one (as I usually do). I think Hyunjin might make a good psycho cult leader. The type of a man, who gathers devoted worshippers around him, especially those who will gladly serve him in more intimate ways. He would teach about some obscure and hella crazy beliefs. He’s a charismatic manipulator and a persuasive rhetorician. He would make his worshippers do anything for him. Sorry for going this dark here and if it triggers you, you shouldn’t read a post about villains.
Oof! Han is too sweet for a villain… I don’t know. Maybe he could be like a sidekick to a villain? Something like an evil version of Batman’s Robin? A young ward of a cruel and greedy villain, a boy only knowing immoral behaviours and so acting like a bully at prestigious school because he knows nothing better? I guess I can’t really figure anything harder for him.
Felix is also kinda sweet but I can come up with a villainous version of him. He would make a great Venom. He would make such a perfect anti-hero, a guy who would actually be envious of his buddy’s successes that he would be willing to team up with an evil space entity in order to acquire some super powers to match those he’s envious about. He would gladly sacrifice his own personality and autonomy to the parasite.
I don’t know… Seriously. I have no idea. I’m open to your suggestion here because I have spent an hour on Seungmin and I just don’t know.
Okay! I know! An evil ancient demon waking up after a thousand years of forced imprisonment and ready to sweep the human kind off the earth’s surface. Something like Imhotep in the Mummy movie with Brandon Fraser, if anyone here ever saw it. I.N would make such a great ancient spirit going for revenge spree and hitting the world with one disaster after another. He would have some magic powers or super powers, maybe even needing to perform some bloody ritual sacrifice at the top of some temple in the middle of the jungle. Releasing the powers of some ancient evil to the world. Invincible demon I.N
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
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“On the surface, Gordon Tracy is a simple man. A sunny smile, always likes a joke, give him a body of water and you can lose him in it.
“Any body of water.
“I once lost him in the bath.
“Though, you could probably relate that back to point number two and the liking a joke thing.
“Yes, Gordon is a simple man.
“On the surface.
“But only on the surface, because really, he is anything but.
“Meeting that smile under those laughing brown eyes and strawberry blond hair, you could be forgiven for thinking he is a joker out to make fun. You could miss the assessing eyes, the grace with which he walks, the hidden tells of experience and trial. You can’t see the scars; you can’t see the knowledge or the training.
“You could shake his hand and share that laugh and not know how many times that hand has reached out to grab another, to offer another chance, to save a life. You’ve never watched it dance across a control panel leagues under the ocean surface in the dark. You’ve never seen it push down on a ribcage to keep a heart beating.
“You’ve never seen it gently cup a handful of seawater to save a tiny fish caught in a drying rock pool.
“If you shared that joke, you would not know its history and how such jokes kept him from the edge during some of his darkest days.
“You could know of his brothers and the billions, of International Rescue, the Olympic Gold Medal, the party scene he played for all of six months in his teens. You may even know of his military career with WASP.
“But you won’t know Gordon.
“Because the laughter and the jokes? They are only his facade, a method to cope, a philosophy to guide his life. They are a reason to laugh rather than cry.
“Underneath there is a man of great feeling, a young mind full of wonder that has been slapped back so many times that now getting back up is the default.
“You could look at him and think ‘a billionaire, what does he have to worry about?’ But really, it only takes one life changing disaster to crush a man. Gordon has faced so many more.
“He has four brothers, a sister and a grandmother all of which it is obvious he cherishes deeply. He has friends and heroes and a growing love that needs nurturing like a flickering flame. But he is ever aware that these things are temporary, that they can be taken away suddenly and irrevocably. He has seen the glassiness of death and faced down the reaper himself.
“The laughter.
“The dye in the shampoo.
“The pillow in the pool.
“The itching powder on the bath towel.
“The hell let loose on April Fool’s Day every damn year.
“They are but a symptom of the man you are facing, and yet so why you are going to regret what you are doing.”
Virgil blinked and as if on cue, his brother stepped out of the shadows behind Virgil’s tormentor and, with a move Kayo would have applauded, wrenched his arm behind his back, took his knees out from under him and pinned him to the floor. Another blink and the man was restrained and gagged.
A pair of russet brown eyes swam into his vision, dark in the sharp shadows of the harsh lamp light. “Hey, Virg, that was some speech. Who knew you could be so eloquent under pressure.”
“He’s strong. He’s going to kick your ass.”
“Hey, hey, Virgil. I’m Gordon, remember? The joker guy you said was going to save your ass.” There were fingers fiddling with his restraints. “C’mon, we gotta get you out of here. Won’t be long before they discover I escaped.”
“Don’t underestimate my brother. He’s funny, but he’s so much more.”
“In any other circumstances, I’d be lapping this up, but Virgil, we need to get you onto your feet. I’m strong, but not strong enough for your heavy lifting. C’mon, up you get.” He was being pulled up. His body creaked.
“Gordon is going to come. You’re going to regret it.”
“Yes, yes, help me here, Virgil. I did come. I’m here. It is time to go.”
“You’re going to regret it.”
“Okay, arm over my shoulder, we gotta move!” A grunt. “What the hell did they give you?! Some kind of truth serum?”
“You want to know the truth?” Oooh, the world was wobbling. “Gordon can be scary. You’re going to regret it so much.”
“Ah, yeah, you’ve mentioned that, Virgil. Um, you’re going to have to be quiet for a bit. We have to sneak past some bad guys.”
“Bad guys want to hurt Gordon. Can’t let them hurt Gordon. Tried to kick their asses, but I’m not like Gordon or Scott, couldn’t do it. Too many. Now they want to hurt Gordon. Can’t let them hurt him. No, no, can’t...”
“Shit. Virgil, shhh! Just be quiet for a minute, please.”
Quiet. He blinked. Augh, the world was even wobblier. Gordon was coming. Gordon was coming. “Can’t let them hurt Gordon-“ There was suddenly a hand over his mouth. He panicked and struggled. A muffled yell and he found himself falling, the world spinning until his head hit something hard and he saw stars.
The world became only sound from then on. Voices, more yelling, the thud of flesh hitting flesh, a gunshot. Virgil jumped at its sharp crack. Someone swore. A snap that could only be bone. A thud and then silence.
The world began to drift away.
“Virgil?! You with me? C’mon, bro, please.”
A slow blink. Blurry images. “Gordon?”
“Yes. You with me?”
“Knew you would come. Kick their ass.”
“Yeah, you mentioned that.” A sigh. “Can you stand?”
Another slow blink. “Don’t mess with my brother, he’ll kick your ass.”
“I’ll take that as a maybe.” Gordon was tugging on his arm, so Virgil tried to stand. Woah. The whole world tipped on its edge and swung him around. “Shit!”
“Sorry, bro, but we gotta move now. You can throw up on my shoes later.” And then he was in motion.
The blurs burred together. He squeezed his face shut and clung to the man holding him, desperate for it all to stop.
Make it stop.
“Not much longer, Virgil, I promise.” It was little more than a whisper.
Another stomach churning drag across a blurry room and suddenly everything went green.
He knew that green. That smell. Oh, his beautiful ‘bird.
“Sit here.” He was being lowered onto a hard surface. “I’ll be back in a moment.” And Gordon was gone.
A yell, followed by a scream and a thud. A litany of curses he didn’t know his brother even knew.
“It’s okay. I’m here.” Hands on his. “We’re okay, but we need to be fast.” He was pulled up again, his arm wrapped around shoulders and they were moving.
He lost a moment only to find himself sitting in a chair. A familiar chair with a familiar roar building in his bones. “Two.”
“Yeah, Virg, we’re on your ‘bird. Hang tight, because I’m afraid I might have to scratch her paintwork.”
“You wouldn’t do that. We only joke about it.”
“Well, I’m not in a joking mood right now.” The sound that followed that statement cut through the roar.
Her laser. He was using her laser.
He forced his eyes open and yes, he could see the red glow through the blur. “What are you doing?”
“Cutting our way out of here.”
“They stole your ‘bird, Virg. Remember?”
Voices on the edge of his hearing. Yelling. Another gunshot. Men.
It had been a trap and they had been caught and Virgil had been separated from his brother. His little brother. Please don’t hurt his brother. Please!
“It’s okay, we’re escaping. Another five seconds. Hang in there, Virgil.”
But Gordon was strong. He would kick their asses.
Oh god, please don’t hurt him. Please don’t. I tried. I really tried. Not enough. Not enough. Please don’t hurt him.
A loud crash and his body was shoved back into the seat. His head spun again.
His Thunderbird roared. Her rear thrusters kicked in and sung in his bones. His body lifted from the Earth and tore into the sky.
He let out a gasp, the sudden familiarity heart-stopping.
“Thunderbird Five, you there?”
“Gordon! Thank, God. What happened?”
“Brief you shortly. I need to get Virgil to a hospital, but first I want to put some distance between us and the bastards who hurt him. Please advise Wellington that we will be...”
His brother’s voice faded out, taken by the blur and the hissing of blood in his ears.
“C’mon, Virgil, I know you’re in there. Time to wake up.”
“Viiiiirgiiiiil.” Gordon. It was Gordon and he was singing his name.
He shoved his eyes open and glared at his brother. “What?!”
“Ooh, welcome back to the land of the living. Nice entrance.”
“Gordon, what the hell? Let me sleep.”
“Nope.” His lips popped on the ‘p’.
Virgil’s eyes closed a moment and it took him a second to realise they had. He shoved them open again.
Ceiling tiles.
He was in hospital.
“Why am I in hospital?” He searched his slowly booting brain, but found no recollection of injury other than...
He sat up in bed. “It was a trap! They stole my-“ And the world caught up with him and whacked him around the head.
Two sets of hands caught him as he fell back towards the pillow. “Shit.”
“Take it easy, Virgil, you’ve been through quite a bit.”
His body sunk into the bed. Scott. Thank god. So happy to hear his brother’s voice.
He frowned. “What happened?”
“What do you remember?”
“Callout. Central Texas. Gas explosion. No fly zone. It was a trap. Nabbed me. Nabbed Gordon. Wanted Two...” He frowned. “Gets fuzzy. A fight. I lost?”
“We think so. You have quite a lot of bruising, a couple of cracked ribs and two head injuries.”
“Yeah, and you also had a bloodstream full of some nasty chemicals. They drugged you pretty bad. Took the doctors some time to identify with exactly what. You’ve been mostly out of it for a couple of days.”
“You were unconscious for most of it.”
A frown. “Most of it?” He didn’t remember any of it.
He eyed his eldest brother and was somewhat unnerved by the fact he wasn’t keeping eye contact. “What did I do?”
“Nothing of importance.”
“Like what?”
“There was some delirium. Look, Virg, you were ill. Don’t worry about it.”
He stared at his brother a moment longer. Perhaps not knowing was a good thing, but then...perhaps he could third degree his brother later when he had more stamina.
“How did we get out?”
Scott nodded in Gordon’s direction. “Gordon got you out. Five couldn’t find you. They had tech enough to baffle our sensors.” And it was obvious that Scott hated that with a passion.
Virgil turned to his younger brother. “You got us out? How?”
“Oh, with my wily skillz and sense of humour.” Gordon grinned at him.
Virgil’s lips thinned. “Does that mean you’re not going to tell me, or that I should nag you until you do?”
“Have at it, big bro, and we’ll see how it slides.”
Augh. He so did not have the energy for this. “Gordon!”
“Yessssh, Massster?”
He closed his eyes and grit his teeth. “Fine. We will discuss it later.”
“Cool. I’ll bring snacks.”
A sigh and he opened his eyes to assess his little brother. “You okay?”
“Yep, just fine and dandy. You’re the one sporting all the bruises this time, bro. You’re the one who will have to be nagged to rest regularly, eat regularly and get tortured by Grandma’s home cooking.”
Virgil stared at him. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yepper doodles.”
“Virg, don’t you worry your little head about it. Just rest and take it easy.” A hand landed on his arm and squeezed gently.
He was still staring. “Scott, did he get checked over?”
“He’s fine, Virgil. Stop worrying.” A sigh. “He’s just being Gordon...and if he doesn’t stop, I’m going to kick his ass.”
Kick his ass.
Virgil blinked. “You got us out of there.”
“That I did.”
“Thank you.”
“Anytime, bro.” A grin split his little brother’s face, but something flickered in the depths of his eyes for just a second. Virgil frowned, but it was gone too quickly. Gordon’s grin took over everything.
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sleepy-shutin · 2 years
i feel like the tik tokification of CDDs has been so fucking bad and no one really wants to talk about it out of fear of fakeclaiming or whatever but like, i’ve seen a lot of people talk about how they literally can’t get into therapy for system related shit because their therapists doubt them because of how it’s such a trend right now. and because of it, all the “quirky” aspects of systems like switching on camera and full cosplaying your alters and doing little tik tok intros for all of them are so popularized but the actual disorder aspects are doubted or ignored or deemed “problematic”, like having genuine persecutors and not just edgy aesthetic alters who do black and white thirst traps on tik tok to sad boy rap or emo rock. and another thing i’ve noticed from this is people doubting RAMCOA as a whole, or telling survivors that they can’t talk about their trauma or vent because it’s too extreme or “unbelievable” (not a survivor myself but i’ve been reading about RAMCOA systems’ experiences with this). even besides that, system servers in general being inaccessible for a lot of survivors and systems who don’t want to use plural kit or have a system name or whatever. it’s just so! annoying! that i’m so scared to tell people about my disorder or talk about it publicly or even show symptoms of it, because i feel like people are inherently going to doubt me because of how it’s honest to god a trend. and i remember in early 2010s tumblr, it was a trend during that time too, but at least it was relatively contained to tumblr but tik tok is so far reaching. idk maybe i’m an asshole but i just wish people would take it seriously.
i don't think you're an asshole for this. i feel very similarly. i hate when people say "[disorder] isn't a trend!!" when it literally has actually become a trend among people on social media.
people say "DID isn't a trend", but what was that one tag that was trending for a few days straight on twitter? #systemsfordream?
if DID isn't a trend, then how is what's going on online it affecting real world people and their life experiences?
if DID isn't a trend, explain what the hell is going on on tiktok in general.
if DID isn't a trend, explain why all of these people are self diagnosing and armchair diagnosing their friends with DID based on extremely minimal reading and continuing to give genuine self-diagnosers an awful name, and doing anything they can to relate their symptoms to DID.
doubting RAMCOA-related experiences is not new, but yeah--systems that experienced RAMCOA have been shoved out of spaces for having trauma that's "too extreme" to vent about. i hate that shit so much, because people will see people with RAMCOA-related trauma venting about their experiences, and suddenly think these people are playing the trauma olympics when it's literally just their fucking life.
like, sorry some people are trafficking survivors while you survived medical neglect. them talking about their experiences and you feeling uncomfortable with that because it makes you feel like your trauma isn't as bad is not a them problem, it's a you problem, and you need to work through those feelings on your own time. believe it or not, from what i've seen, many survivors of RAMCOA-related abuse struggle with feeling like their trauma was 'enough' as well.
and yeah--tiktok has just. done so much damage to disorders like that. it's not just DID, but also ADHD and autism, both of which they've boiled down to "hyperfixation and special interest disorder", ESPECIALLY when they stomp on and speak over *permanently* non-speaking autistics, or autistics with higher support needs because of their autism, or autistics with cognitive impairments or comorbid learning/intellectual disabilities.
so many syscord servers just fucking suck, because they force you to use pluralkit or have a system name, force littles into one specific chat, etc, but like... bestie how are you going to know a lot of these things if i don't tell you that i've switched, lmao. the normalization of just instantly telling everyone you've switched or when something happens, or over-publicizing your system has and continues to do so much damage to people with DID that have trauma around sharing too much personal information about themselves online, or have had their profiles found by abusers, or similar traumas.
we use aliases online for just about everything *for those exact reasons*.
don't even get me started on the persecutors thing. i've heard more than a few stories about black people with persecutor alters that internally appear white and are racist, but that's "problematic" so people don't like it. i've heard more than a few stories about people with alters that internally reenact abuse in some form, such as an introject of an abusive father that hurts the littles/child parts, but that's "problematic" so people don't like it. i've heard more than a few stories about persecutor alters that try to commit suicide when they front, but that's "problematic" so people don't like it.
the worst part is that these alters aren't given any kind of nuance because they're not treating or understanding them as parts of a whole dissociated consciousness, but rather entirely separate people who are, on their own, wholly responsible for their own actions. people won't look into why a person would have a racist alter, or an alter that reenacts abuse internally, or alters that try to commit suicide, they don't give these alters the benefit of the doubt or think that they might be hurting as well, they just shit on these alters with no reprieve, even when the system is trying to tell them not to do that.
and like, i understand being avoidant towards persecutors and being mean to them because they're reminders of trauma and they're not pretty about it, because they can be scary to see and deal with. but in the end they're just as traumatized as you are, and are dealing with it in unhealthy and destructive ways, and they deserve help, not to be shunned or further abused. even ignoring the fact that that kind of behavior will only make theirs worse, that's really no way to treat a part of yourself who is traumatized and struggling.
i'm just so tired of tiktok and the tiktokification of my disorders, and i'm tired of people acting like it's not happening.
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ina-nis · 1 year
Whenever I speak about these things, whenever I bring other people, experiences and perspectives up and ultimately compare to my own, in my head, it’s in a way to try and make sense of things, and to try to find alternatives.
I understand it might come off as me trying to do the whole Oppression Olympics I abhor so much, and invalidating other people’s struggles, pain and feelings.
The irony of it all is that I look at others to try finding an answer I can’t find within or for myself.
I resent and get angry at reminders of things I want that I don’t have and haven’t been able to obtain despite exhaustive work but... this is nobody’s problem but mine. I’m the one that has to sort it out myself and...
...Then I have to deal with constant reminders that it’s all a “matter of perspective” and it’s all because I’m “too negative” and “pessimistic” and that I should “focus on the positives more” or something, and then I’m the one that feel invalidated because if it’s as if I’m constantly being negative or focusing on the bad things, when it’s the opposite really: I’m always striving to feel my best feelings, trying to be happy and have a more optimistic outlook about all things, even if it doesn’t (always) show on the outside.
Like I’ve been saying, there’s no amount of anything that can be a substitute for what I need to tackle loneliness/fulfill my need for social connection - I’ve been there, I tried things, it didn’t work. What I need is people, not more things, experiences or activities.
It hurts seeing things like... treatment itself being catered to people and experiences I cannot relate to and it worries me because... where do I fit? How can I find help?
I feel erased and excluded, as if my existence didn’t matter - is it the AvPD speaking, or another mental illness, or is it me? - I’m told to do things I already do (because they’re supposed to work), or try things I already tried (because they’re supposed to work), and when nothing helps (or doesn’t help long-term), then it’s my fault, I’m doing something wrong, I’m being “too negative”, I’m “resisting” treatment, and so on...
Am I looking in the wrong places?
If it’s not AvPD, what is it?
Regardless, I remain alone, even around peers, even around “friends”. I now know the issue is not anxiety per se, or any fear of being shamed or ridiculed, but my inability to connect deeply with someone else, my inability to stay connected, my inability to accept transitional/temporary connections as safe and reliable when they don’t feel like it due to their transitional/temporary nature.
Everywhere I look, everything I find, it feels way too superficial. Nothing (and likely, no one) seems to be able to reach where I need to tackle the issue.
Yes, my life improves in spite of all this, but the loneliness still takes up too much space, it still takes up too much energy. It’s draining and exhausting. Even with the good and positives, it doesn’t budge.
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
17/18 Season Costume Appreciation
I don’t think we have appreciated enough what a fucking power move it was that Tessa had essentially the same dress design for both the SD and FD for the 2017/18 season..
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So the first time I truly watched them and took notice and was invested in their results was the 2018 PYC individual event. (I had seen The Seasons in Sochi and I have a vague recollection of seeing the worlds 2010 CD). I can’t remember why I hadn’t seen the team event which is when everything about them blew up. But I just remember them skating out to start the SD and even before they started I was like ‘holy shit, they haven’t skated yet and already they had such a presence’.
When I watched the free dance- before they skated obviously, one of my first thoughts were how much I loved their costumes. To be fair, their SD costumes are probably my fave *matching costumes they ever wore. And I was so excited to see what they would be in for the FD. I LOVED what Scott wore, but my first thought on Tessa’s was how cool it was that it was essentially the same style dress as the SD. \
I know that “packaging” is a big deal in figure skating. I can’t say I totally understand the nuances and how it can affect momentum, judging and overall impression for a season in regards to FS specifically, but I understand enough about merchandising and cohesion within ‘looks’ and you are trying to make an impression. VM’s packaging this season was just so amazing.
From costumes to the fact that they went all out on having both programs being incredibly sensual and adult. I honestly don’t think this was a conscious intention for the Olympic year considering there is a huge increase in audience and visibility at this particular event over regular FS competitions - I just don’t think they care about that stuff and the idea that “sex sells”. They didn’t do anything different to what they had always done- they we’re always themselves and just told their stories together while exhibiting their unbelievable chemistry. It was just a feeling artistically that they wanted to push that sensuality to the extreme. As was seen through social media, the SD made enough people pretty hot and bothered to the point where it was being referred to as ‘sex on ice’ and then they came out with MR.. and apparently everyone was pregnant after that.
Going back now on a deep dive watching every piece of footage of them that exists.. it’s so cool to see that the whole season (apart from the first MR dress (that became the LTR dress) and the TE SD dress that her dresses were all the same style for both short and free all season. Then add onto that she had 2 practice dresses made so they didn’t have to wear their costumes at every practice was such a good move that only the GOATs could make 😌.
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I think a lot of people think that the practice dress is just for Tessa to practice in- but it’s actually just as if not more for Scott. It’s because when they are training and are in exercise clothes and she’s in a leotard, for these dresses specifically there’s a lot of skin on her torso/back exposed. When ballet dancers are rehearsing they will almost always wear a practice tutu or skirt- depending on the role. This for her but also her partner to be able to practice turns and lifts with a tulle/long skirt in the way. Also the long sleeves on Tessa’s dress can have small affects on partnering. In relation to these dresses this season, it’s not so much the skirt that he has to get use to partnering with (say for example Farrucas they mentioned using a practice skirt) it’s more the back of the dress and the cut that comes round to the front on the MR one. It’s so Tessa can feel and get comfortable with the constant handling on her bare skin (not that she wouldn’t be already but for this specific choreography) and for Scott to practice with the different feel- if he has to change his grip, slight positions, with fabric his hand would slide a bit but with bare skin hardly at all. I would also like to think it helps with the characterisation with the specific nature of the program and chore (go look at some hansy gifs then come back😜).
They could just wear their costumes everytime, but it’s so cool how because both costumes were the same style, with only a small difference in the back cut-out, that she can wear the same practice dress for both programs. As I got further into this I often found it odd that FS in general practice in their costumes so much. As stage dancers we would have a run through in the studios in costume, then one or sometimes two on stage. If we are touring probably just the principal (lead) dancers would rehearse in costume, but not the corps. I would’ve just thought they (FS) don’t want to wear the costumes more than they have to to keep them from wearing and getting damaged, considering how expensive they can be. I’ve come to learn it’s for the damn judges that they have to be seen in costumes for the whole ‘impression’ thing, which is stupid. But I really love how TS, especially in the 17/18 season would only wear their costumes for the final practice before competing, and would wear just exercise gear for the first, then the practice dress and Scott in tight blacks for the others.. even in the 16/17 season at words (and possibly others) Tessa had a practice jumpsuit that was the same as the costume but in all black. It’s so professional of them and kinda just sets them apart in yet another way. It shows how proud they are of their technique, lines and physicality that they want to show that off as much as possible, and also I guess have a bit of wow factor, both for the audience and feeling wise for them that they arn’t in their costumes all the time.
Tessa talks in this video about the requirements in FS and it so interesting to hear her break that down and her response to it, and how it came to a point where she really resented that strictness and decided to fuck the system a bit cause she wanted to feel comfortable and proud of their physicality in practices and not be overwhelmed with costumes constantly (she says it wasn’t her doing that changed the strictness of that (T being humble again, always dismissing the impact her and Scott had on the sport, bless her precious heart). But that’s another thing that makes them so brave, willing to push the boundaries and even in subtle ways shine a light on how and where the sport should change for the better (unfortunately other people/teams don’t have the same positive impact..)
Now let’s talk about my love for the actual costumes (both Tessa’s and Scott’s coz I freaking love all of them).
I definitely prefer both T’s IE dresses over the TE ones.
The TE SD dress I found leaned into the more ‘rock’n’roll side of the theme than the Latin. I’m not a huge fan of one-arm costumes, but of course T pulls it off beautifully. And the gold adornment on it kinda reminded me of bullet magazines you see soldiers draped over their shoulders. (Maybe if they were dancing to CCR it would have worked better 😄) Like I said, my first impression was the IE dress and while it is not at all my personal taste, I fucking love/d it! It was so, so perfect for the music. The black and gold with the leopard print was so perfect for the era- I just kept thinking Almost Famous. The fact she was dripping in gold sparkles, just enough to make T look like a bazillion dollars 💸). The fact that it was essentially just a bra- not even a bra just solid fabric covering that area, and how low the cut on the undies were with sheer leopard print covering a lot of her body- the skirt when you consider the tassels is actually quite long but it seems so skimpy coz of how high the cut on the left hip is but skimpy without being slutty- it’s that perfect balance. Initially I thought how it was so smart of them (VM, their designer) to have the long side be on her right side- with the SD, specifically cause that’s the side Scott partners her in the rhumba and if the gold adornment were on the right side it would get in the way (he stands on her left but his right hand on her right hip) but later I thought how just them standing together- visually it balances out because she is always on his right side- so the longer side on the dress on the outside of them standing together. I like how it didn’t have the pointy-finger sleeves (is that the proper name? Idk) The back cut out was stunning. I love how in some pics you can see her belly ring.. the high neck with all the gold around it was beautiful. And the slick black pony to finish if off.. chefs kiss 💋
I mean.. what a fucking goddess! Like who else could pull this off! Fuck, she’s amazing.
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The TE dress is a work of art. The detail in it is astounding. But I much prefer the IE dress. Their aesthetic has always been simple and clean, and I just thought there was maybe a bit much going on, and it didn’t really match Scott’s costume the way the IE dress did. The IE dress is spectacular in detail in it’s own way. These close up pics show just how much stone work has gone into it:
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I love the gradient of the rhinestones. How it’s heavier at the edges on the top and on the edges of the skirt, then spreads out into the centre. I don’t know if it’s this particular dress cut, or the more minimalist design compared to the TE one, but the back cut out seemed to show even more skin. I didn’t really realise till recently, but not only is the neck solid rhinestones, but the way it drips down kind of looks like blood, and the ‘bra’ part is like flames.. it might be kind of obvious that’s what it looks like, but the symbolism of that, not literally but figuratively with the ‘fire’ of the chemistry between them and the passion, then with her ultimately dying at the end. It’s so perfect. Her hair was stunning too. For ballet dancers, when they feel like they’re really ‘made it’ we will stop using bun nets for our hair and just use pins for a more natural/messy but controlled look. The way T did her hair for this one is exactly like how I did my buns heaps. Just enough whispy bits, the twist. Love it.
I’ll talk about Scott’s costumes briefly before I discuss how they match and work together.
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this, but the sparkly mesh cut outs on his SD costume mirror the design on the legs of T’s Prince jumpsuit. The large gold sparklers on T’s dress also match the cut outs on his shirt (just a cool running design theme to subtly connect all their comeback programs).
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I love this look for him so, so much. He doesn’t need anything loud and flamboyant because he shines as a performer whatever he wears. But for this particular SD, the style, music and animalistic influence it worked so well. The V neck was the perfect cut. So many guys that season wore these tight, ultra deep V’s and they just looked like tits (idiots). I loathe chest hair- especially on guys that skinny but Scott is so freaking smooth and the way the collar popped open a bit to expose his pecks at times was beautiful.
Another thing I don’t know if anyone has given much though to, but Scott didn’t wear anything sparkly for a SD till the 16/17 season (there was that one snake print grey shirt at 2012 nationals, the open bow tie from their Charleston OD (2009), some sparkles on the Dark Eyes (russian folk) costume, but not much and i don’t really count that), and never once wore anything sparkly for the FD till the TE and IE in PYC (a few sparkles on his velvet Pink Floyd costume but again, not much at all). I don’t think he is particularly opposed to wearing sparkly stuff- it’s not like, from the footage and evidence available, he’s been particularly embarrassed or insecure about the whole ‘costume and make up’ of it all. There’s one video of his saying that he just ‘takes his face off straight away and his friends don’t even know he wears makeup’.. but that felt like more of a joke (and he’s been very open about what a supportive group of friends and close family he had growing up that never gave him any shit for what he did).. I’m sure at times he would have been insecure when he was younger but I really believe he just embraces and loves all of it. It’s a side of himself that he really loves but then is also just this country boy who likes beer and hockey and is straight as fuck. I think it’s more a matter of him feeling comfortable in what he wears- especially in competitions- shows are a whole different thing where you don’t really get a say. And I’m assuming, considering Tessa’s love of fashion that she had a deeper interest in that side of things- and all she wanted was for Scott to feel comfortable. Almost everything early on (in senior) was simply a blouse and trousers. PF he had that crushed velvet, psychedelic top (which I love) and apart from that some tight black/dark stuff for the Latin, Carmen and Latch.
For a lot of stage dancers, when they get to the more senior level (15 over) you generally, at least the ones going for a professional career, switch to very simple costumes. When you’re young it’s all about colours and sparkles, but in teens- for contemporary pieces you go very simple- I wore a nude Leo for my last two solos, and it really feels so much better and you feel so much more like a true dancer when its just about your body and not all the fabric and sparkles. So I think TS found that from a young age (late junior/early senior career). That simple aesthetic. Of course Tessa had these stunning dresses and usually had quite a lot of sparkle, but they were simple designs and didn’t distract from their dancing and I feel like for Scott as well, he believed that was his job to wear what would distract from Tessa the least- he’s just that kind of partner- puts his woman first, makes it all about her. (Bless his heart).
Back to the oly costumes- not that these ones go against my above point of simple and less is better- they are still very minimalist costumes. Don’t get all freaky on me now but I love how “naked” they seem in their FD costumes. Ok let me explain. There’s this moment in the FD event when they introduce all the teams in the final group, and of course our dancing bbys are last. And there’s this beautiful moment when they are just staring at each other, waiting to be announced. Not to compare costumes too much to what everyone else is wearing, but they are just wearing so much less and captures their energy and their presence- there is so much less in their bubble. It’s such a quietly confident presence they have rather then a ‘hey look at us!’
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Without getting too off topic. The energy they have between them in this moment, really all the time but specifically this one, they are so in their bubble. All they see is each other. Their souls are so connected and literally nothing or anyone else exists. That energy they create between the two of them here, and if you go back and watch this whole warm up when they cut to them, they seem very exposed. Symbolically very naked- not literally. It’s just the aura they create. These particular costumes accentuate that. In the above pic with T facing away from the camera with her exposed back and mesh on the arms. And Scott in that tight black, mostly just mesh top. They look so small and delicate, but also with this powerful confidence. Even though they are in these character/theme-centric costumes, they are very minimalist, contemporary, and raw and make it about them as dancers and athletes rather than what they are wearing doing the talking for them.
The costumes are perfect because of the very sensual theme and content of the program, the costumes are very simple and leave them very exposed without being sleazy and overtly sexy. What’s that quote? They do ‘dirty with class’. I think that was in relation to Prince. But they create this rawness through their dancing and connection together, not through their costumes, they just add to it. So many other teams try so hard to capture this adult, intimate, raw energy, and none of them can. They try and do it through facial expressions and the guys this pompous attitude, and some who just have no personality do it though these ultra ‘sexy’ BDM style costumes and I’m just sitting there thinking ‘omg get over yourself’ And it’s both the woman and the guys, trying to ‘sell’ some connection and force some intention or desire that is very ease to see as fake when you have VM standing right there who are able to say everything with nothing. It’s so rare that, in this case TS- a team can together have this equal energy and confidence that can make these ‘adult’ themes feel so real and not at all ‘put on’ and they don’t need costumes to help them do it. You see it if they are just in all blacks, a practice dress, or in costume.
I don’t mean to say costumes aren’t important- they are incredibly important. But the way TS have always approached their costumes shows they truly understand the role costumes play and that they shouldn’t take away from the dancing- only enhance it. Costumes shouldn’t be used to hide flaws- ideally, the best teams don’t have any- in TS case- they don’t. They don’t have to cover or distract from bent knees or bad posture. The costumes they had for the Olympics compared to earlier in the season were simply to create the special moment. The costumes in the GP season were stunning. I loved how simple they were- they didn’t need to be sparkly. They were perfect for where the program was that that point in it’s development. The program originally started so intimate and dark in it’s context. Especially the CWM half, it’s like throughout that you could feel the colour leaving Tessa as she starts to die. The muted colours were perfect where as the oly ones suited the drama the uplifting music.
I’ve always viewed Scott’s character in the first half (Roxanne) of being more this embodiment of T’s character situation rather then a specific character. If one dancer out of the two completely switch the people they are playing mid-way though a program is just too much- too pantomime/y to much like an improv show. I prefer to think of it as he’s playing through the voices in the music and as Christian’s voice starts to over take thats when he transitions into that character as Come What May starts. Therefore, what i love with this very simple costume is that it plays into this dark, shadowy, lurking, manipulative, predatory, aggressor ‘representation’ (rather then specific character). It plays into her sexuality and makes that the thing that is being played with like a game through out the first half. Then without changing costume, they can portray this tumultuous love story that ends with her demise. Something else that is probably just a thing I’ve completely construed for my own amusement (not haha amusement, artistic appreciation amusement) is i love both their costumes in the pre season had high necks. I think that type of style can be really elegant and powerful and just since there’s definitely a thing with their love for each others necks the fact they didn’t have access to them just added to the sick and twisted nature with which I view the deeper levels of MR. Kinda this forbidden intimacy..
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So that takes us back to the very beginning of the season with the first costumes. I’ve already done a post with my theory behind these costumes which were obviously a very different direction then they ultimately went, so i won’t waste time repeating it. Those costumes were very much more character centric rather then movement centric- they were to serve the purpose of identifying their characters as recognisable figures. As i outlined previously i feel like there was purpose and reasoning behind those costumes and their brief appearance, but imagining had they kept them (which i know they wouldn’t have) TS are so much better then needing character centric costumes to identify as their characters. A more minimalist approach allowed them to strip down the characters to their pure intentions and motivations, rather then simply play off the visual. With a character centric costume you don’t get Scott’s absolutely exquisite acting on a level so deep you understand what is happening so clearly without him playing a certain character. This visual character representation is a move made by far lesser teams not capable of bringing such a deep and nuance acting approach to ice dancing. Choreographically, because the movement is so athletic, there needed to be so much less. The rotational lift and the cartwheel lifts are prime examples of T being in a dress that at times resembles more of a leotard because of the way the slant hem on the skirt manages to get out of it’s own way for these moves that not only for the physicality but intention of the movements need to be out of the way so they can perform the movements effectively in a way we can fully understand what is going on. Both these previous points, the character visualisation and portrayal and the physically and athleticism, was the exact same approach taken with Carmen.
That concludes this analysis.if theres anything I haven’t covered let me know I’m always happy to continue to elaborate.
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
I’m sure you get asked this a lot but I really don’t understand why you’re saying lesbians can like men. We live in a patriarchal society, and women are assumed and expected to like men. The lesbian label instantly lets people know we don’t like men. Everything is always about men, and it’s finally something that isn’t about them. Lesbians get so much shit for not liking men and it feels like now we can’t even have our own label without it being about men too.
? this is such a baffling ask, how are those two things related at all?
lesbian is a queer identity that means someone who experiences queer attraction to women, it's not a political ideology centered around excluding people and putting an all men = bad blanket on everyone, including genderfluid people bigender people trans men queer men gnc men genderfluid men. etc, you terf. the word "lesbian" doesn't have anything to do with politics, it has nothing to do with "hiding from men" what are you talking about? you are referring to some kind of feminism, not lesbianism, anon. i would suggest researching more queer history, you are not very educated on this topic if you can't tell the difference between outdated feminist ideology and a form of queer attraction.
the word "gay" and male gayness doesn't exclude women, there are female presenting and identifying gay men, such as cis gay man/trans woman cuspers and drag queens who identify partially or wholly as their drag persona, femme twinks, bigender men who identify as both men and women, genderqueer men, gnc men, bisexual men..........
projecting your hatred on to other people is not going to bring the queer community closer together. i understand that queer people are oppressed by cis men, but you participated in the mental olympics in order to get to this conclusion. focusing on hate is not the point of queerness. you may want to seek therapy if your anger continues to color your view of other queer people so heavily.
i think you need to ask yourself why it makes you so angry when you see someone identifying as a lesbian being attracted to men. it's not your relationship or your life, so why are you making it about you? inserting yourself into situations you don't belong in for the sake of having something to be angry about isn't healthy.
i usually just delete these kinds of asks and move on but i figured i'd answer one to give you all an illustration of where i stand on this. i do not care about terf and radfem ideology. my blog is not for you unless you are trying to educate yourself to get out of those toxic mindsets.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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anewbeginningagain · 2 years
Was reading the essay by an anon that @saucylittlesmile just posted (link) and there are some good and interesting points there, not all of which I agree with so thought to share thoughts of my own:
I agree that Skate Canada accepting L/LG to their national team is rather odd, especially since they have about 3-4 teams that are pretty on par with each other (as was very visible during Canadian nationals 2022), however FB/S are a very different story imo. First, their potential was way higher than that of L/LG and I still think they would have seen a real rise in their placement if they weren’t plagued with injuries this quad. More than that, S/F drop wasn’t related to FB/S, objectively S/F not only stagnated but they actually regressed. they can’t hit their levels, they are prone to mistakes, and while their material with Carol Lane have been slightly better than in I.AM, they are still very limited in teams of what they can interpret. S/F would have gone nowhere regardless of FB/S, if anything L/LG are much more their direct competition. 
No every skater release involves a pay off. I don’t think Skate Canada paid for FB/S, Lubov, or even Vanessa tbh. The one case I can think of that required a payoff was what Didier did to Bruno Massot when he wanted to skate for Germany. 
Also disagree regarding Skate Canada favoring skaters based on their coaches. Marie France/Patrice and Brian/Tracy are all highly decorated former skater with a track record as coaches - they have multiple Olympic and World medals. Carol for example is a wonderful coach but her results have not been in that caliber. None of this should impact the support skaters get from Skate Canada but in terms of funding if I was in the federations shoes I would have put more funding into the most successful schools while still looking out for the rest.
With the rest I mostly agree, there’s no doubt skating in Canada is in a bad place, and if the way Skate Canada handles the pandemic is any indication to what’s to come I doubt we will see any improvement. 
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amandabe11man · 2 years
I realized I actually haven’t watched all of rammstein’s music videos, so I decided to correct that last night. here’s a little tiny review of each I've seen so far! for funsies :]
“du riechst so gut ‘95″:  i’m glad i don’t have scopophobia, or I would never have been able to watch this glorious video. till’s dramatics? beautiful. the boys just standing around barely doing anything? amazing! makes it all the more cool when they all start synchronizing and singing the chorus at the same time while still remaining all stoic (I can imagine how many retakes they had to do, lol. I kept expecting one of them to burst out laughing during a moment of Intense Staring) also: nice dogie
“seemann”: first of all; did NOT expect there to be a video for this song, so that was cool. I liked the 90′s black and white/dramatic-vibe... not sure what that random woman’s purpose was tho? was till angsting about a lost love or smth while he made all the others drag the boat around for him? was that why they tied him to the boat later and made him a figurehead? who knows, but it was pretty good. olli and his bass = MVP
“rammstein”: it took me a while to figure out that the movie clips mixed into this video was from “lost highway”, but then I saw that creepy guy (you know the one) and I was like ‘oh’. anyway, I'm mostly a fan of cinematic music videos, and not really ones that have just been filmed from concerts. I prefer to see concerts IRL rather than filmed. still though, the concert footage fucked pretty hard! I haven’t seen “lost highway” either, so it all just made me wonder what made them pick that movie for the video? maybe it DOES make sense if you’ve watched it, idk. personally, I think it would’ve been cool if the interspersed clips had been footage from the air show crash at ramstein air base, or something related to it. simply because that’s what the band got their name from, and with how I feel the song’s lyrics generally describe different types of chaos and mayhem-- idk, I think that could’ve made for a more impactful video. then again, maybe using footage from actual disasters is a tiiiiiny bit too controversial, even for rammstein...
“stripped”: at first I was wondering whether one of the olympic athletes in the video were actually one of the band members, but nah, it was just clips from some old movie. HOWEVER, the editing, visuals and music just went so well together my mind was actually blown a little bit! I don’t favorite all videos I see, even if I like them, but I was like “I can’t NOT favorite this”, so I did! as someone who has enjoyed video-making and editing since 2007, everything about this video was pretty much like.... video-editing-inspo for me? it was simply very satisfying to watch
okay so that’s the beginning of my quest! to be continued...
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red-woods · 1 year
 cw : gore description , abuse    i saw a take saying mental illnesses ( millnesses ) / neurodivergences ( gonna shorfen that fr later to nds ) / disabilities ( dabs ,,,,, im tired dont fucking try to fight me on this one ) : shouldnt get flags because nd people arent as oppressed as gay people    first off you know the least oppressed group ?  possibly in the world ?  countries !  boats !  know what they have ?  flags !     why do they have flags if they’re not homosexual , because as we all know : cloth inherently belongs to the faggots and if you wear clothes , pledge allegiance , or have blankets bed sheets rugs or plushies or pillows : you’re gay .     go back to the mud , like a good heterogender cissexual .  straightvestite .     flags are to easily signal something from a distance .  to easily communicate a message , sometimes a message that inherently needs to be secret .     flags can also symbolize a sense of belonging and identity and similarity to someone else who is also able to recognize said flag from a distance and instantly know you are 1 : likelier to be a safe person , 2 : someone whose existence means they are not alone in a positive way .     finally flags are used to show pride .  You wear them proudly or wave them or display them , so that others can see , and that communicates the message that the thing the flag is in support of : is something you view positively , and regardless of what it is : you are able to feel brave enough to display it .  in terms of country flags that fucking sucks by merit of : countries fucking suck .  however if you had something you were told was sinful , or terribly horribly flawed about you : would you not want confirmation from others that it was okay for you to just exist         ignoring the additional fact that a lot of lgbt+ people are mentally ill because of , oh i dont know , trauma from growing up hiding who we were plus people actively trying to harass if not kill us :    do you have any idea the UTTER BULLSHIT neurodivergent people go through    constant attacks on character and harassment JUST for adhd ,    lots of people treat the tism like a fucking plague , and getting diagnosed CAN GET YOUR HOUSE , CAR , DRIVERS LISCENCE , AND LITERAL CHILDREN TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU    and OH BABY IF YOUVE GOT A STIGMATIZED MENTAL HEALTH CONDITION    gaslighting , manipulation , and other abuses , all conveniently located at the only place you can get any mcfucking help for your symptoms .     now there is no treatment that “ works “ for DID , frankly i would be absolutely terrified of anything that claimed it did , and would have no desire to conform to a society in which little dudes in brain : isnt accepted .  you can have my little dudes over my cold dead body    but DEAR , GOD .  people have lost housing , been institutionalized and had their entire lives taken away , people have lost all sorts of things , the only reason you cant see it is that it happens right under your nose , all the time , and youre used to it .     it’s acceptable to you that people wind up on the streets after a mental breakdown , it’s acceptable to you that people can’t get medication , and are thrown into danger because of it .  the living hell of institutionalization is acceptable to you , you like staying in hospitals ?  imagine that but forever until you die .  it’s acceptable to you that people lose their stability , mobility , agency , self determination , and literal children .       i could sit here all fucking day and go through some bullshit oppression olympics with you that doesn’t fucking matter because all of us were being burned at the stake in the olden days anyways and it doesn’t matter whose experiemce burning was less satisfactory ; and not feel the overwhelming urge to rip out its windpipe because it doesn’t belong to you .      - or !  absolutely batshit concept !     you could look at a flag that helps signal to people they are safe , there are allies nearby , it’s okay for them to EXIST , there is nothing wrong with them , if they need help with a problem relating to whatever the flag signifies : they can talk to this person potentially , and theres a higher chance this person will know how to help and what information to pass along if the person does want to help , and you can go : i like being the bare minimum of adequate for a human being , and walk away .   
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carolap53 · 2 years
September 20, 2022
How To Regain a Hope-Filled Perspective LAURA LACEY JOHNSON, COMPEL Training Member
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“But forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.” Isaiah 43:18 (NLT)
“Show me your last cool trick!”
With this phrase, my kids knew the time had come to dry off at the swimming pool. They also knew this was their moment to show off and shine. Underwater flips transformed into twirling handstands. Cannonballs became an opportunity to go for gold at the Olympics. I could always expect that the “last cool trick” from yesterday would pale in comparison to what they’d perform today.
Watching my kids made me realize that sometimes I fear God has done His last cool trick in my life. Discouragement convinces me that my best days lie behind me — or that my situation is too complicated or insignificant for God to intervene and do something new.
Sure, God still does great things in other people’s lives, just not mine.
Maybe you’ve thought something similar. Perhaps God healed you several years ago, but the health crisis staring you down now makes you doubt God could ever do that miracle again. Or maybe God showed up years ago in your marriage in some wondrous way, but fear whispers: That was then, and this is now.
When doubt limits our belief about what God can do in the future, we risk developing the same mentality as the people to whom Isaiah prophesied. During the Babylonian captivity, the Jews lived in a foreign land with adversaries who dragged them more than 1,600 miles away from Jerusalem. Yet God gave them a message of hope because He wanted to lift their eyes beyond their current situation.
The Jewish captives had become stuck in the past. For centuries, they dwelled on the parting of the Red Sea and couldn’t imagine God doing anything more spectacular. (Isaiah 43:16-17; Exodus 14:21-30)
But God wanted to turn their gaze toward the future. Reflecting on this miraculous event, God declared, “forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do” (Isaiah 43:18). Why would God want them to forget one of the most powerful miracles in their exodus from Egypt?
Because God had something new for them!
“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19, NLT)
Even when our situation and future look as dry as desert sand, we can remember that, for generations, God has specialized in doing a new thing in wastelands. Fear should never hold hostage our hope. Our situation will change. God will never abandon us.
This week, pay attention anytime you place a lid on a household item: the coffee can, leftovers, the crockpot. Ask yourself, Where am I putting a lid on my faith?
We can regain a hope-filled perspective by remembering that God’s response to us remains the same today as to the ancient Israelites. God is always doing something new, and we can rest in His proven track record of faithfulness.
Lord, I can relate to the Jewish captives who thought their situation would never change. Thank You for how You’ve worked in my life in the past, and help me remember that my circumstances never limit Your power. Keep reminding me that You care about my situation and You work on my behalf even when I can't see any evidence yet. Please lift my eyes beyond my current situation. Do a new transformative work in me as I trust in Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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