#I am so curious what the most common period is for people
barkjunhee · 8 months
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thesunsethour · 10 months
little bits of irish history for curious hozier fans: street signs edition
Do you love the song Butchered Tongue? Pay attention to these lines here:
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So, may I draw your attention to the The Official Languages Act 2003 (Section 9) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 391 of 2008).
ok stay with me
In 2008, the Irish government passed legislation that made it mandatory for road signs in Ireland to have both Irish (Gaeilge) AND English names on them (or, in Gaeltacht areas where Gaeilge is still the first language, only in Irish). Here’s an example:
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The Irish, or Gaeilge, is always above the English and italicised. This is because that while Gaeilge and English are both official languages of Ireland, Gaeilge is the ‘first’ official language
However, while it was technically only legislated in 2008, bilingual road sings in Ireland had been extremely common for decades prior to it officially being made law. In fact, the first bilingual signs date back to the early 20th century - before our independence from Britain!
In Tom Spalding’s book Layers: The Design, History and Meaning of Public Street Signage in Cork and Other Irish Cities, he found that the first recorded bilingual street sign was in Blackrock, Dublin (An Charraig Dhubh, Baile Átha Cliath). Their local council in 1901 rolled out yellow and black bilingual road sings as part of the Gaelic Revival.
The Gaeilc Revical was a period of time in Irish history that saw a huge resurgence of Gaelic art, sport, and language. Literature was written by Irish people about Irish history, current affairs, and folklore. Traditional Irish music was learned and played again. Gaelic games (Gaelic football and Hurling) spread across the country. And Gaeilge, our language, was to experience an incredible revival.
Despite Ireland’s long colonial history, Gaeilge actually remained the majority tongue until the early 19th century. However, a combination of teachers beating children for speaking it at school, the genocide of the famine wiping out mainly poorer communities more likely to speak Gaeilge, and the knowledge that speaking English unfortunately provided more opportunities than Gaeilge, the language was almost killed off. (This is shown most clearly after the 1800 Act of Union that meant Ireland was ruled directly from London, with no parliament in Dublin).
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Although these maps make for grim viewing, Irish is so very far from dead. Our children learn it from the ages of 4-18 in school (though I believe it can and should be taught better, but I digress). Gaeltacht communities are still going strong particularly in the west of the country. There are more Irish-language schools (gaelscoileanna) than ever before.
And every day as we pass by road signs that display Gaeilge proudly, it is as a result of decades, centuries of people refusing to stop speaking our mother tongue despite incredible violence.
I am far from a fluent Irish speaker, despite my 14 years of learning the language in school. But what Gaeilge I have, I have proudly.
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(The work isn’t over, however. I do not feel knowledgeable enough to speak on Northern Irish efforts to implement more widespread bilingual signage but anyone who wishes to share some info please do!!)
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Heya, got a question about cybersecurity meetups. Do you think folks would be cool with a rando showing up because they're curious and like learning new stuff, especially for writing? And also because internet privacy is super important rn and there's no good books or written sources I can find on hacking, the dark web, etc; let alone digestible to somebody who knows what a directory is and how to use command line and not much more.
Also. I know it's gonna vary per location, so if you can't speak for all of 'em, I get it. Are these kinds of spaces like 2600 and Defcon queer friendly? Or I guess what I'm asking is are they notorious a place queer people should avoid. I'm non-binary and don't rly pass as remotely normal or straight, and I have nobody to go with me :|
Thank you!
Meetups that are publicly listed are very cool about randos showing up to learn new stuff and talk to weird people. Most meetups tend to be about 5 parts socializing and 1 part "tech activity" like a talk or a demo if they have a tech activity at all, so you're mostly just going to be meeting people and talking to them about themselves.
I will say, if you show up specifically saying "i'm a writer and i'm here to learn about stuff for writing" you're probably going to get some trolling - that's pretty common and a lot of meetups do have to deal with stuff like journalists periodically showing up to get the inside scoop about the scary hackers and that usually gets some fairly mean-spirited teasing directed at them.
So it's better to show up because you want to learn generally. People don't like being used as reference material during their socializing; they're there to hang out and talk to people with similar interests, so ask them about their interests. You can just say you're new to the scene and you heard about hacker meetups online and wanted to learn more.
If you want to do something to pregame and learn a bit about hacking ahead of time you may want to try hackthissite.org, check out 2600 magazine, or look on the DefCon forums to see what's going on in your local DC Groups. There are some good books about hacking; I like The Cuckoo's Egg and am asking anyone with good books or memoirs about hacking to chime in in the notes.
I will say, asking about the darkweb specifically might get you some eyerolls because it's something that sounds a lot scarier and more intimidating to most people than it actually is. You can get on the darkweb now. You can do it on your phone. Here's a very basic get-started guide. I don't think it's necessary to use a VPN to use Tor (most guides recommend it and then link to pages full of affiliate links for VPNs), and here's the Tor user manual to get started if you want to. Be careful, and if you're planning on doing anything that requires actual anonymity do a LOT more research before you follow the advice in any guide, but yeah pretty much everybody with an internet connection can get access to the darkweb in about twenty minutes. It's just websites that you need to use a slightly different set of tools to navigate to (granted, the content of the websites might be horrifying, so. Again. Be careful.)
Anyway moving on:
Defcon has had Queercon (a queer party for queer hackers) as a part of the con for at like twenty years and I know many queer and trans people who are part of the scene. And there are a lot of trans folks who I know who are volunteers at defcon and help to run hackerspaces and who volunteer and attend and run all manner of cons. I can't speak for your local group, but I've found that hackers in generally are more tolerant of a *lot* of things than the broader population is (they are weird people who engage in a hobby or who engage in work that is often technically criminal - they don't have a lot of room to judge and the more sensible ones among them know that).
HOWEVER I have personally had problems with defcon the conference specifically about harassment and infosec does lag behind other parts of the tech sector in participation from women. Defcon is working on it and i know their current head of conference security is very serious about ensuring that it's a welcoming space for people and that if people DO have problems at the con it is handled in a serious, sensitive way. (Legitimately, he's a good dude) I just. I don't go to defcon. There's more info in my pinned post. That conference is burned for me.
BUT there are a lot of other conferences, big and small, and there are a lot of local groups to look into. You'll have to get to know your local scene, but I'd bet that if one part of your local scene is unwelcoming that other parts are more open.
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aerkame · 1 year
Dude I am loving this finfolk au of yours with welcome home! I would love to know more, especially how someone might accidentally end up on the island. Like, does home just send puppets sometimes if they think they'd be a good addition or does Wally leave to play matchmaker if someone feels lonely? Is there an economy where they sell or interact with the mainland? And I wanna know more about how Howdy's poison works and hope to see his full finman form, kinda got a crush on him. Keep doing what you do!
Ehehehe- I decided to use Howdy for anatomy practice today since you like him so much, I'll definitely try to come up with a full form for him tomorrow or this week :)
But it's nice to hear more and more people enjoy this AU! (Anatomy notes and some sketches at the bottom if anyone is curious) I'll answer as much as I can for this ask. Right below this lovely picture.
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Usually people don't just end up on the island of Home "by accident". Say that someone were to be on a ship and suddenly a storm forms out of nowhere, sinking what is left and the stranger is carried to Home by a strong current. It's no accident, but it's set up to look like one.
Wally, is usually the one to make storms way out there. He never explains it, but it's already a well known fact that Home probably told him to do this. If not storms though, one or two of the neighbors do leave for the mainland to retrieve the new neighbor. Whether it be by force or deception. Finfolk (much like in Orkney Folklore) are known for kidnapping and deception so it's no surprise that they usually go this route.
However, if a neighbor takes a liking to someone they may take their sweet time on mainland. Disguised as a whole other puppet (they are known to be shapeshifters), they would most likely butter up their darling until it's too late for them to realize what danger they're in. Off to Home they go!
Even if it seems random, there is always a reason why Home might send someone out to retrieve a new neighbor to add. No one will know what reason, but sometimes Wally is the one to set things up as well. And yes, sometimes he will play matchmaker, it makes him smile to see someone in love (even though most finfolk are just borderline obsessed with puppets on mainland). I guess you could call him Cupid The Fish Demon. "That person seemed so sweet...I think Howdy would love them. What do you think Home?"
There is surprisingly somewhat of an economy that they have on the mainland. Like I've stated before, this is a universe where just about any mythical/folklore creature exists. There would of course be a market for all things magical or purposeful. It's pretty much just Howdy on the Mainland that handles his own seafood restaurant, but usually he's away at Home or handling business with an underground potion shop. The restaurant is handled by trusted employees while he's gone (he's like an owner that checks in every once and a while, probably 3 times a month to make sure things are going smoothly).
The majority of his potions are made at Home, the only place he feels his work is safe at. The potions aren't like that of Wally's work or any of the neighbor's, instead he focuses on more deadlier concoctions. Need someone to go into a never ending sleep? He's got a potion for that. Need someone to get mysteriously sick and die over a long period of time? He's got you covered. Most of his ingredients come from exotic and unknown fish native only to the waters surrounding Home. Though sometimes he will use himself for some potions that are non-lethal.
His scales and fur are usually coated in a thin layer of a slick substance. It is a neurotoxin, affecting the nerves and causing a range of symptoms depending on how much is touched or consumed (usually it's worse if you consume it). Most common symptoms are tingling, numbness, burning sensations, paralysis and sometimes loss of consciousness (though it's short unless you really take in a lot of it). He usually uses this in potions that are meant as a sort of tranq or sedative. Some potions made for causing specifically paralysis (he uses other ingredients to make it last a long while.), sleeping death (sleeping, but it outwardly appears like the person is dead when they're not), severe pain, or a potion for a long and painful death.
No matter what he makes, Howdy is proficient in it. He prides himself in his work like no other.
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Some Notes
I know it may sound boring to most, but the best way I did this was looking at muscles for a good 30 minutes and drawing out different shapes that look similar to each muscle. A lot of the muscles look like stretched out diamond shapes or oddly shaped pancakes stacked on top of each other. As for the arms, you can use the chain method on them even with Howdy, it's just at an angle.
You should practice on paper first, but if you are struggling with proportions then try it digitally. Select areas (like a limb) that might seem out of place and resize it until the proportions look okay. This way you can learn how to fix the proportions and later hopefully not need to resize anything in the future.
A note for drawing buff dudes is that the muscles tend to stack on each other like misshapen pancakes or balls of dough. It's not exactly an oval or diamond, but it's shape is stretchable and changing. As for the legs, Men tend to have very square-ish hips and more blocky looking thigh muscles.
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not-poignant · 4 months
Hi Pia! I was rereading one of your works and was wondering if you’d maybe wanna discuss the quotations for dialogue? I know both are correct, but I just got a little curious about it the usage of ‘spoken words’ vs “spoken words” and your preference for one. Usually when I’ve seen the ‘spoken words,’ it’s been for older works.
Hi anon,
My preference is that I'm Australian, I learned writing at university many many years ago now (I am an old), and I was taught correct Australian grammar there! And while I still make mistakes on some things, dialogue isn't it.
Some people use the US "" instead of the Australian '' - and that's now okay simply because so many people were doing it, the editors of Australia were like 'fuck it, you can do it' (with exceptions) - but like, most of the Australian copies of international books that I have, actually don't use " " for dialogue at all.
I'm going to get some examples, because this is something you've likely never seen, because publishing houses change the grammar based on the country. This means that books that have double quotation marks everywhere else in the world for dialogue, have single quotation marks in Australia if you're picking them up in Australia or they've been published through most Australian publishers. Because buying books is more global now, Australians will likely have a mix of double quotations and single quotations books. Many Australians don't even realise there's a difference, they're so used to it.
Here's an Australian book:
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(Skins by Sarah Hay)
So that makes sense for an Australian book by an Australian author.
What about the classic The Collector by John Fowles. Surely, that not being an Australian book, that'd have double quotation marks right?
Not if it was published here:
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What about something a little more recent? Like The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy?
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I'm not sure how to explain it beyond: 'Literally almost every book we pick up here that was published here does this, and it's not a like quirky preference, it's literally what we grew up seeing and reading. To us, double quotation marks is unusual and seems more 'quirky'.'
This is less common now as an attitude simply because of globalisation and the internet existing. But for most of my life, buying books meant only seeing dialogue like this. Right up until I was in the 30s, I think. Purchasing books online changed that, and people who grew up with the internet from the very beginning are going to be more used to seeing double quotation marks.
But many Australian publishers will still insist on correct Australian grammar with preference given to Australian grammar.
Our grammar is quite strange, and sort of a mix between US and UK but with some unique aspects of which you've probably noticed the single quotation marks is one.
That's because Australian grammar is built on journalism, and anything that saved space in a newspaper was prioritised. So Australian grammar eliminates double spaces at the end of periods. It eliminates double quotations because they take up extra space. There are dash rules designed to eliminate space that an article might take up.
And you know, I'm quite proud of that grammar. :D It does get me some heat when I publish something, usually from grammar puritans from the USA, which is why I now just post a blanket 'this author uses Australian grammar so you may notice some departures with dialogue grammar' caveat.
Anyway, the reason/s most newer works have double quotations is because a) they're being purchased en masse overseas and that's cheaper than publishing here, b) those Australians are young and have learned to write based on overseas writing, c) they don't know actually know Australian grammar, it's not actually taught well in our curriculums, d) it is just something they prefer, e) they publish with overseas publishers and because they have to edit their works to UK or US grammar anyway, they just adopted it because it's easier that way, f) someone erroneously corrected them for doing the right thing and they changed to another country's dialogue grammar, g) it really is okay to just pick the one you like best now and stick with it, h) some screen readers cannot cope with single quotation marks (which imho, is something screen readers need to address if it means ignoring an entire country's/continent's grammar style).
And finally, here's the Australian Government Style Guide, which still doesn't permit double quotation marks at all in dialogue.
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kwillow · 11 months
Answering Some Asks!
Forever ago, I said I'd try to answer more of the asks I get with text, so I don't have them sitting around for years on end. Then I didn't do that. Well... gonna try to do a few now!
Character Stuff
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Probably not, since it's solid all the way through, so there's no space for the air to vibrate and make cool sounds. It'd be like flicking a column of glass or gemstone, probably just make some tapping or "thnk" noises and that's it. Alas!
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Beggars can't be choosey.
But more seriously, probably words of affirmation/compliments or quality time. Though he doesn't believe compliments often even if he wants them - he's more apt to believe he's just being mocked or manipulated unless he already trusts someone (and even then, he has his doubts).
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I talked a bit about this in the tags of this drawing, though I can elaborate in a bigger font size as well, haha.
As his story stands now, he has exclusively pursued women as partners. I tend to think of him as straight.
That said, I'm not opposed to his hetero being flexible if, in the future, a story opportunity popped up where he'd need to be curious about a man. (Jack, another character of mine, started off as straight and then slid inexorably to "bisexual, heavy on the girl" so it has happened before, haha.) AND if other people want to write/draw/think of him as straying from straight n' narrow that's obviously fine with me. :P
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He's not a royal - he wishes, haha. He is nobility, though! His father his a marquis, which gives him the courtesy title of count (or "comte", using the French variant) until he inherits his father's title (though the Old Kingdoms are destroyed before that ever happens). Tough when he's much older he just assigns himself pope-kingship so I guess that counts as self-appointed royalty.
Yes he's had crushes, infatuations, love affairs and flings. Too many. Though it's interesting you bring up status - as a lot of his crushes tended to be on people from lower societal positions than he was. His first crush, and one of his longest (and most tumultuous) relationships was with a stablehand's daughter. When he did get infatuated with well-born women, it tended to be women who were already engaged, married or otherwise unavailable for him to marry. He's just got a taste for things he can't have...
It was extremely infuriating for his father.
(Of course, another part of his lack of discrimination between noble and common ladies might be due to him seeing himself as above ALL mortals, so what's the difference between a peasant and a noblewoman, really?)
Non-Character Stuff
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Hahaha well I welcome that! Ambroys should be bullied on as many fronts as possible.
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Thank you! It's a combination of purposeful research while also ignoring what I research for stuff I think just looks fun. Admittedly, I also am bad at drawing things consistently, so in some ways it's easier for me to just put a character in an entirely new outfit instead of trying to draw an old outfit the same way again, ha. xD
Not to sound like a soccer mom, but I'm a fan of Pinterest for browsing and collecting reference images of outfits that just "feel" like a character, so you have a broad visual library to draw from. You should also pair that with research into how the clothes you want to draw are supposed to fit. For historical outfits, you can get a lot of mileage out of the blogs of historical fanatics who enjoy eviscerating movie costumes from their period of interest. For modern day clothing, you can look at style blogs and tailoring information to learn how clothes are supposed to fit - and then break those rules if you want (for example, in mens' suits, the pants are not supposed to be bunched around the ankles, but I draw Theo's trousers that way to emphasize that he has unusually short legs).
My secret tip for coming up with lots of outfits for characters while keeping them cohesive is to determine a few things about their fashion sense (using Theo and Ambroys to contrast with each other):
What cuts/kinds of clothing do they wear often? What's their "taste", basically. For example, Ambroys wears tight pants/breeches, ostentatious coats and vests, lace and lots of jewelry. Theo, on the other hand, always wants to wear formal clothes that cover most of his body. From that, you can find other clothes that fit that mold and take inspiration from them, expanding what kinds of clothes they wear while still making it feel like "them".
What color palettes do they tend to wear? Theo wears dark colors and red and purple pretty much exclusively, while Ambroys wears a lot of colors, but only in light shades.
What thematic elements can you incorporate into their outfits as decoration? For Theo, I tend to include blood-drop designs and heraldic symbols like the ermine spot, while Ambroys is associated with flowers (especially roses), eyes and wings. You can add these elements to outfits to add a little extra spice (there are a lot of Ambroys' outfits that are really the same thing, but in one I put daffodils on him and another I put feathers on him, for example).
I hope any of that is helpful!
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Thank you so much! I honestly have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to rendering, so I'm glad it's looking okay, heh!
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I've heard Gravity Falls is great, but like many shows that I've heard are great, I have never made time to watch it. I know vaguely of Stanley Pines, though.
But thank you so much for saying you like Theo. He's a nasty little guy but he's very near and dear to my heart, and it really touches me that you see complexity and charisma in him. I do aim to make characters that are textured, weird little bastards.
And I don't mind you roleplaying with Theo, I think it's sweet. xP I'm glad he got to enjoy some pizza.
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oneinathousand · 7 months
I'm halfway through Gravedale High and I think I get the gist of it, so here are my random thoughts about it:
Of all the celebrity cartoons, this is one of them. Joking aside, this probably is legitimately one of the better ones from this time period. I am not distracted by Rick Moranis's presence, and I'm glad he's not going full nerd as in his usual typecasting. I keep expecting to see a Ghostbusters or Little Shop of Horrors reference, since this show sure does love its pop culture references, but so far, they've had the restraint not to do it in a direct way except for one of the background characters in one episode looking like a terror dog, but that could be a coincidence. I guess I'll find out eventually if they actually do make a reference.
I can't watch a lot of it in one sitting because if I try, I know I'll be filled with homicidal rage at all the constant catchphrases and verbal tics and schticks that every character has.
Gotta love how the creativity of the main cast ranges from "Personifying the trope of zombies as commentaries for consumerism with a wealth-obsessed, literal mall zombie" to "what if creature from the black lagoon but surfer".
J.P. doesn't seem to be any kind of monster in particular, Peter Lorre parodies are just their own Halloween species lol
Vinnie may be the Fonz as a teenage vampire, but it was very big-brained of whoever the character designer was to give him black nail polish in 1989-90. For all this show's problems, the character design for the most part is not one of them, even with how dated many of them are fashion-wise they're still very charming.
Sure, I ship Vinnie and Reggie. Before I watched this show, I assumed it was just typical shipping of best friend characters, but when I got to the famous ear-scratching scene from episode four, I was like "yeah okay I can see where they're coming from".
Of the main cast, Sid is probably my favorite because everything about him is so hilariously dated above all the rest, which is saying something: The rapping, the baseball cap, the pattern on his shirt, the random impressions... he's so lame that he circles back around to being funny. And apart from the irony, an invisible kid becoming a class clown so people won't ignore him anymore is one of the more genuinely creative concepts here.
Oh, but speaking of Sid, who's voiced by Maurice LaMarche... It was pretty awkward to watch Sid whenever he talked about his dreams to become a stand-up comedian, knowing what I know about what happened with LaMarche's own desire to rise up in the stand-up world on the same month that Gravedale High coincidentally premiered in. I don't know if this is common knowledge, but I won't go into it here because this post is supposed to be about a silly cartoon. If you're curious and can handle emotional matters, go read about it on his Wikipedia page under the Career section and see the events leading up to him becoming a full-time voice actor after September 1990.
Anyway, this is one of those cartoons where you can see a lot of potential, but since this came before or at the same time as other more ground-breaking cartoons like Ren and Stimpy or Tiny Toons, you get the feeling Gravedale is still shackled by 80's cartoon trappings despite its occasional dark jokes and pop culture references. If I were to make a new version, with or without Moranis, I would go for something a little edgy to make it stand out from Monster High and other shows of its ilk, do for horror what Clone High does for teen shows, either in a PG or TV-14 way.
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keithsandwich · 9 months
I hope not to bother but I am honestly curious to know what sparkled your interest for Keith ? 🤔 plus I really look forward to know more of your Oc she seem interesting 😌 I wish you a wonderful day :D
Hi!! You never bother me ❤️ Don't worry! I love talking about Keith and Maeve.
I fell in love with him during the Be My Lover Be My Beast event. It was the first time I really paid attention to him and he took my whole heart when I did lol. Everything about him is interesting to me so it's hard to keep it short and direct, but I think the first thing that got me hooked was the throuple dynamics between Keith, Alter and MC. With it came the complexity of their characters. Then Jade, the stag crest, the potential for pagan themes we've already talked about.
And I just love them both, they're the best of two worlds 🥹
About Maeve, I feel like I have to make a more neutral version of her to start posting more here. Since I've created her for a kinda magical AU fanfic, some things are super specific and wouldn't work without the whole AU context. But in general:
She was born in a very small village in southern Jade. Her parents were shepherds and she had a very modest and simple upbringing.
Her parents died when she was still very young, though, with a disease that spread through the village. A priestess named Una was there to help containing it, and when Maeve became an orphan she took her in to become a priestess like herself.
Maeve then started living in Caisteal na Sí, the castle of that duchy. The thing is, that region of Jade is still highly connected with the old religion and traditions, so Caisteal isn't an ordinary castle, but a place where people learn and practice all the rites that were once common in all Jade. They worship a Goddess, observe the Wheel of the Year, and try to live in synergy with nature (please notice this is my headcanon that Jade would have at least a region like this. Caisteal is my creation and is not canon).
But even being an apprentice and later a priestess herself, Maeve was always considered as a... kind of a maid. There's nothing really special about her lineage or her talents for her to be any more than this to the duchess.
Eventually Una had a baby of her own, Innes, and Maeve would help her taking care of the infant. They became family to her.
One day Una also passed, leaving Maeve and Innes on their own. But both Una and Innes had a good lineage and Innes is particularly talented, so let's just say she has a special treatment Maeve would never have. This didn't create any distance between them emotionally, but they're the only ones who see themselves as sisters.
Maeve has good knowledge of herbs and local tales, and she gets along very well with simple people. Royals make her feel a bit alienated.
She can sing, although she has conflicted feelings about it (remember she's called black bird? This is one of the reasons). She feels like this is her only talent, and that this is useful only to entertain people. Deep down she wished she could be more useful that this, she wished she had a higher purpose (it comes a lot with the treatment she receives as well, with everyone looking down on her).
Maeve is a Cancer. She's sweet, she can create deep bonds with people and would do everything to protect and take care of them. She's also very perceptive and emotional, and being so connected to the moon makes her mood swing a little bit lol She can't control her tears, but she can't do much to control it when she's angry as well.
She finds Keith hurt in the woods and takes care of his injury. It's easy for her to realize there's two Keiths, she can see the change in his eyes. And since she worships a Goddess with many faces, she simply accepts that the prince can have more than one face, too.
She ends up creating this bond with them while tending to their wound, since they're on their own in the woods during this period. But she knows a romance between them would be hard and most likely short-lived for many reasons. She believes he'll be back to court and she'll stay there in Caisteal, so what is there for them?
Still they fall in love, of course they do, heehee. And both Keiths do their best to assure her there'll be more to it than she believes.
I guess that's it for now? One day I'll try to elaborate everything better for Tumblr 😅 Maybe I can even try writing shorter stories in canon universe here about them. Let's see.
Thank you for your interest in her and for your ask!
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finniestoncrane · 10 months
since you said it was okay for us to send in multiple ones i worked up the nerve to send one in for a blind date I’ll try to be as concise as I can with describing myself so apologies if this is a little long im not super great at describing myself in generalities. i trust your judgement completely. anyways!
I’m 30, bisexual, usually get mistaken for someone younger due to my size and sound of my voice, I have a couple of different chronic pain conditions but not so bad I can’t function normally, I’m friendly and kind to most people I meet but I also don’t take people’s shit you’ll definitely know if I don’t like someone i don’t really hide it that well —I’m pretty emotionally reactive is what I’m saying. I enjoy reading, some of my favorite authors and books include Edgar Allan Poe, Dracula and Alice in Wonderland (my favorite book) just to name a few, I also really enjoy audio horror dramas despite being bad with horror visually, i really enjoy engaging my brain so I kinda also really enjoy riddles and puzzle games even though my track record isn’t that great at solving them 100% of the time, I also enjoy victorian things and the period very much and my favorite holiday is Halloween! I also tend to show someone I like them no matter if it’s platonic or romantic through physical touch as long as I know they are okay with it
please don’t feel obligated to do this if you don’t feel up to it I just wanted to send in another one since your framing device is extremely adorable and fascinating to me! plus i am very curious who you’d choose for me in this situation. congratulations again finnie you deserve this so much 💚!!
💜 blind date 💜 the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: you stop being so sweet or i'll have to serve you on the dessert menu ;-; 💚
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"Hello, welcome to the Vill-Inn! We'll uh... take your order from over here when you're ready. Just shout! There's a weird aura over there... bit of a strange vibe. It's giving us the heebiest of jeebies."
It's not as if there's a rain cloud above him or bats circling the table, but you get what they mean when you sit down across from your date.
"Jonathan Crane, my dear. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
He's charming, completely so. But there's something under that exterior layer, something dark and brooding. Something poetic, almost.
There are several points at the beginning of your conversation with him where you can see him wincing, but trying to hide the expression of pain on his face. It turns out to be an excellent way to open up to each other, as he divulges his chronic pain issues, most of which are the result of injuries from a certain Dark Knight.
"The suffering adds to my will for destruction, though. But I admire others who can admit to needing help, as they should. If you ever need someone to... discuss this with... I can offer some psychological comfort."
The more you reveal of yourself, the more interested he is. You can see him, teasing apart sections of your brain, of your psyche, and lapping them up with intrigue. A kind person who can react emotionally and keep people's cruelty at a distance?
"Very interesting. Tell me more."
Everything he says is accompanied by a wide and curved grin that feels mischievous more than conniving or malevolent, and the only time it really falls to one of warmth and surprise is when you reveal more about yourself, things that he finds a lot in common with.
Your choice of literature is certainly on par with his. When he delves into fiction as opposed to his psychology textbooks and research works, he would definitely opt for a gothic, melancholic terror. In fact, he has his copy of Sleepy Hollow with him.
"If you haven't read it, I can lend it to you. Returning it would be a good reason for us to meet again, no?"
He's intellectual, and enjoys problem solving. And while you admit you might not be much help on the difficult ones he can't quite get as quickly as certain, green-donning colleagues, havinng some emotional support would be just as effective. A love of horror is yet again more common ground, and his sly smile widens, his eyes lighting up, when you mention your love of Halloween. And when you notice the excitement, you reach out to place your hand on top of his. It's cold, but you warm him up, and he is grateful for the connection.
You might have read Sleepy Hollow before, but you'll take it anyway. Anything to meet up with Jonathan again.
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Please give me one or a few prompts about a pokemon journey?Except actual pokemon don't exist. Anything with the mechanics/style of a pokemon journey but the actual pokemon don't exist. There are still eight Bosses(gym leaders) that the protagonist has to defeat. Anything you can think of?
(I am working through the backlog at the moment, so for anyone curious: REQUESTS ARE STILL CLOSED. But these are my requests from years ago, that I am finally answering now that life is marginally less bad.)
Person A comes from a culture where talking to spirits and having a guardian spirit is common, but most people can’t connect in a meaningful way to spirits until they undergo a religious ritual where they will meet and connect with a spirit that will guide them through the trials they need to go through to reach spiritual adulthood. Most people trials aren’t anything major, simply life milestones - so Person A is incredibly surprised and worried when their spirit tells them they have to go through 8 impossible tasks to reach adulthood. While debating what to do, they meet Person B, someone from outside their religion and a foreigner in their homeland who has a natural connection to spirits without needing a ritual, and has been urged by their spirits to seek out Person A and help them. Person A has never left their homeland, but each of their trials is in different parts of the world, and the first one is where Person B is from. So Person A and Person B set out together.
Person A is a mortal on a quest to become a god, a quest only available every century or longer, and each time only a select few are given the invitation to even try and compete. And the invitations state what domain you will be trying to become a god in, so many choose to ignore them if the domain is not something they care about or want to work in for eternity. The trials are based on the domain the invitation is from, and a current god within that domain will oversee the progress and keep the mortal updated on their progress and successes or failures. Person A knew the time was coming and swore that no matter what domain they got, they would compete in the challenge, but gets a domain they know very little about and aren’t sure they’d even get past a single trial within such a category, but they choose to stick to their promise and go ahead with it. Person B is the god guiding them, a winner from the last time the competition was held, who was in the opposite situation as Person A - they were invited to the domain they wished to be in, but after joining the ranks of the gods within that domain, realized they didn’t like the job as much as they thought they would. Due to this, Person B isn’t the most encouraging coach for Person A.
Person A is a mortal on a quest to become a demon based off trials depicted in ancient texts, but has been trying to find a demon to sponsor them in their trials, as is protocol. One day, while bemoaning their struggles at a bar, they meet a retired demon, Person B, who stills holds onto their title due to their many acts of evil throughout their active period, but now just wants to settle down and raise their kid. Person B agrees to become Person A’s sponsor and give them advice to help them through the trials, but in exchange, Person A has to protect their child and be their on-call babysitter whenever the need arises. Person A agrees, but what neither Person B or Person A predicted was that the trials that Person B remembers and the trials Person A read about have been greatly updated for the modern era, and Person B doesn’t have much to give and Person A is fairly unprepared. But since one of the trials focuses on cyberbullying and online fraud and similar modern day evils, Person B’s tech-savvy child/teenager ends up offering to help them learn the tricks on how to do it well based off their own knowledge of tech that surpasses what Person A knows. Since Person A spent all their time studying more ancient and practical trials of murder and torture.
Person A is on a quest to become an angel, but all the literature they’ve been reading to prepare are ancient, so when they finally manage to land a spot in the competition, they learn that all the things they studied about are obsolete and the trials they will have to undergo are suited to the goal of picking a ‘modern’ angel. Person B is another person going through the trials to become an angel and is far better suited to the tasks given, but since they see Person A struggling, they try to help them and give them crash courses on what they need to know to at least not completely embarrass themselves in every trial.
Person A is in a program to become a druid, someone who is so deeply connected to nature they can use it to their benefit with ease and shapeshift into animals, speak to plants, etc. Person B is a non-traditional/non-conformist druid who works with nature within a cityscape and thinks most druids are too obsessed with an ideal that doesn’t fit the lifestyle that a modern person can manage or finance. Through random chance, Person A is assigned Person B as their mentor, and despite their very clashing ideals on what it means to be a druid, Person A finds Person B has modified and adapted many of the skills of being a druid to their modern and city-native way of life, and, to Person A’s surprise, the skills Person B teaches them help them complete the trials to earn their title.
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salthien · 3 months
do u have any favorite hollow knight ships or headcanons? :)
yes have you heard about quirrelhol- [cartoonishly large anvil drops directly onto my skull]
(discussion below the cut - I've censored character names/keywords with periods so this (hopefully) doesn't show up in tags as it's entirely just me rambling.)
The requisite #1 Gay Bugs In My Heart aside, there are a handful of others I do care about! I really am fond of She.o and the Nailsm.ith. what if two big round bugs fell in love over a shared calling to Create and the finding of purpose beyond achieving 'perfection' in their respective crafts. I've a mind to go through their fic tag at some point. I'm curious about Lacen.et but it's hard for me to get into it with zero story context, so my interest in that will probably be very passive until The Day Of Reckoning (SS release date).
I honestly don't have much else romantically I'm very into - most other ships I'm either of the "it's cute/fine/funny, I can see it" or "not my thing, but live your life" camp, since I'm not generally a multishipper and Quir.rel and Holl.ow seem like the most popular people to throw other characters at. Generally not a big 'dead dove'/'problematic' ship fan, and I won't touch that pressurized can of worms any further than that. I'm not here to evangelize or condemn, just to do my thing like everyone else! If anyone really really needs to know my opinions on a specific ship, send me an ask/DM me and I can give my honest answer (I just don't want to kick up any drama, even accidentally.)
That being said, I am incredibly interested in explorations of quite a few of the nonromantic relationships in HK - I love anything to do with the Dreamers (Her.rah <3333) and postgame stuff with the siblings. I've got a long list of fics bookmarked in a Need To Read folder (includes stuff like sbab.l, Worldse.nse, Los.t Kin, etc.) and will likely have more properly-formed thoughts then, but I'm a sucker for narratives about healing and growth and general bittersweet angst-with-hope stuff so postgame fix-it stuff is probably always going to appeal to me the most.
As for headcanons, I am notoriously terrible at coming up with them myself oops. You'll notice I tend to gather what I like from fanon and mess with it in my own little sandbox (with all due credit) so common things like eight-limbed Horne.t, the Child of Three Queens lore (which I think is more cut-canon than fanon??), Quir.rel's antennae (and general elaboration on buggy qualities in general, for everyone), etc. As a personal headcanon for the Knight/Ghost of Hallown.est/whatever you wanna call our funky little player character, they are like. Absolute peak autism to me (in the absolute most loving way possible). Fully a sentient adult, but nonverbal/generally noncommunicative and not really a former-of-solid-relationships. They come and they go as they please and everyone finds them charming, even those who might not admit it right away.
I'm much better at "here is this idea, expand it" than "come up with something new from a vacuum". I will take a headcanon and run wild with it, but generating those on my own? That requires brain cells that I usually do not have a proper hold on.
Wow this got long. Anyways! them's my thoughts there's a billion of them
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infprambling · 3 months
How I relate to the cognitive function stack of INFP. part 1/??
Fi: (dominiated function: introverted feelings. Decisions on what feels right.)
I think before learning about MBTI, I didn't realized how much I find having values as something really important to me. Although I think because of my Ne, I'm naturally open to slowly changing what I know and value for several things. Which, I think there's a difference between how others see INFP as being annoyingly stubborn and defensive with their values vs. carefully but willing to change said values.
For me, it's possible for such changes, but there has to be a good reason. Including yes, evidence. Evidence from credible unbiased sources. (I wonder if that might be a shocker for some people when they think about an INFP) Like close around 85% (?) of research, would be factual evidence for me. The rest could be from what I notice most people notice/observe themselves. (which I understand many people might not see this as research. And maybe someone isn't being truthful or clouded with some kind of bias etc.) But I'm actually quite a skeptic. (not saying I know the true answer or whatever. But I make do with what I get and got to make some decisions, you know?)
It's also not uncommon for me to make connections between various types of topics to find an answer that I might be looking for. Or maybe feel like it makes sense to me. Because sometimes, I can't get the exact answer I'm looking for, or one that is close to fitting my circumstances. And... sometimes I think some of these research don't push and test or figure out things that's out of the paraments of what most people think is possible/the norm. (which i think part of it, is because one unfortunately needs to be cautious in, I guess, the intelligence/impulse of others/most in society. Better safe than sorry.)
I think having values can help ease my anxiety and stress in life. Sometimes life is confusing and overwhelming. Sometimes life can have many conflicting views, this includes (for me) being around others who might be good people, but they have very jarring (sometimes frustrating) habits of hypocritical views/actions.
I think because of Fi being the dominant function, some INFPs feel (or more like, it seems a common thing for INFPs to feel this way), lost or out of place in the world. (including me, moreso, as I get older. I'm curious how many INFPs feel the same, and how INFPs feel the reverse of this.) Having a hard time aligning their own internal personal values with ones of the external world. (which I think can lead to depression.) Particularly when it takes time to adjust and feel like, "yes, I do genuinely believe in these set of values." (that's me)
Sometimes getting lost in trying to do well by others'/society's standards. Trying to abide with two different set of values, which creates slowly builds up great stress within me. Then one day, it's a burnout and I'm wondering, "Why am I doing this? Why did I like doing this? What do I actually want?" I think there are INFPs who were really rebellious as a child/and teen? (unless maybe they felt painfully too keen on the negative emotions of others ..... And maybe didn't want to hurt/disappoint etc those people.) I was a bit to decently(?) rebellious but I think... maybe not enough. Didn't help that I used to have really bad OCD (now, just a bit but it manifests in a different way compare to the past), really no freedom, overthinking on things and cared a bit too much about what others thought (sometimes not overly so, but it's hard when communication is lacking among family and friends. And having to deal with moody people.),and was only exposed to joys that dealt more with things internally. (my mother didn't believe in hobbies and had poor handling on her mental health. My father barely had much hobbies and was often busy. My siblings were much older and periodically busy. Also different mindsets and interests. Then the family drama. My friends were mixed experiences. Although I'm grateful to the one who has stuck with me.) The internet was my gateway to so many new ideas and topics. It fed (and still most of the times) my Ne. I had to (and still have to) figure out lots of things on my own. So I don't know, maybe I'm slow to changes and understanding many things because of this.
I will stop now. I'm getting better at handling some past memories but it could still be rather difficult. Mostly as of now though, this rambling has gone long enough. Don't know, maybe I'll post about something else next time.
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harrypotterfuryroad · 5 months
fjakdsfjkl they're checking children's genitals in Ohio & florida and y'all radfems totally sided with them to get it done, much like your calls for censorship silenced lesbian authors in the nineties (see the feminist sex wars/porn wars and/or struggles of the little sisters canadian bookshop).
wow, amazing. you STILL, even after fucking LINKING it, very obviously failed to read the whole thing. she absolutely described radical feminist ideology. and being well-read is something you guys pride yourselves on...that's pretty sad. i'm not even saying this is a premier source against your crock of shit ideology; i frequently cite many others. yet you failed--multiple times, now--to properly read the one single tumblr post i brought to your attention.
by far the most obnoxious conversation to have with you people is the "sex is binary" conversation. it's so eerily like talking to the scientologist freaks i grew up around, it's like a deja vu nightmare. biology is complex. also, it doesn't care. not "it doesn't care and that's why women are fucked by it!" no, it just doesn't fucking care. period. it's neutral. why in hell are you treating biological sex like it's spiritual...oh, that's right, because of your incessant and childish need to feel like a victim, which matters more than other people and certainly more than the truth. intersex people exist. you guys deny it alot, but they do. they're about as common as redheads. are redheads fucking fictitious, "harrypotterfuryroad"?
i am a cis woman, and i'm annoyed with what influence (feeble though it is, it's still important because you quite literally endanger lives) you've managed to have over the very important, real conversation about systemic misogyny. the irony is that you have made it harder to talk about. you have hindered progress. by oppressing women you have *omg you'll never guess, cue drumroll* fucking oppressed women.
as that post said, you don't own the definition of womanhood. society does. and it and i (hello, a cis woman born with your same genitals and born into the same oppression you've faced, not that it matters!) don't agree with you. get the fuck over yourself and grow up.
name one radfem that supported genital checks and follow that up by explaining why men belong in women's sports in the first place
and am i supposed to be shocked that anti-porn feminists were anti-porn regardless of who was producing it? are you shocked? did you think you had some kind of gotcha by saying that anti-porn arguments were coopted by homophobes? that horse is long past dead
she described it, sure, but she didn't define it. and a lot of those descriptive statements were total asspulls anyway. like, imagine you ask me what a square is, and i give you "it isn't a circle," "sometimes they're blue," and "they're related to trapezoids" as descriptive statements. all of these can be true, but they're not useful in gauging if i actually know what makes a square a square. so yeah i'm gonna go ahead and reject a pile of descriptive and spuriously ascriptive statements as a coherent definition, thanks. throwing out things like "TERFs think they're leftists" and "TERFs are inherently fascist" doesn't give any clear picture of what (again) a radfem is, especially with the implicit split between radfems and "TERFs"
and likewise i'll breeze right past your attention-grabbing link to scientology, i posted a few weeks ago about why that isn't productive without much more detail. i'm not treating biology like it's spiritual; i'm treating sex like it's binary. you're the one taking that spiritually by acting like i'm making some kind of individual moral judgment based on it. the redhead frequency thing is fucking stupid, because just like redheads still have hair, intersex people are still male or female (and they're also not there to be used as pawns by you)
also please tell me how it's been made harder to talk about systemic misogyny with specific examples because i'm curious about that
and finally the womanhood thing was the exact line that made it clear that the writer of that post had no idea what she was talking about. the boundaries that feminists have drawn around womanhood are really lenient and really broad. nothing about behavior or dress or class or race disqualifies you from "womanhood." there's no wrong way to be a woman except by being male, and there's no point in taking that personally
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eruverse · 1 year
Maybe this is a premature conclusion from not having observed the fandom enough. After all, I’m a fetus here and I only skimmed through some fanon contents of Mongolia for maybe a few months. Therefore I rly missed a lot of contents out here.
But I immediately found a portrayal of Mongolia I disliked and it was rather common in the fandom, and that is, of a deeply wounded and depressed Mongolia.
Why do I hate it? Because it seemed to me that, with that kind of dejected portrayal, he had to be sad and depressed because he came from a poor country full of problems especially after previously being something as great as Mongol Empire. You can look up Mongolia the country, its stats and whatever. They’re not very impressive for the most part. Now compare them to that of the Mongol Empire with such a large gap between them. Therefore Mongolia has to be sad, right?
I think this is very patronizing and demeaning. Sorry but it immediately makes me side eye and wonder if the content creator lives in a first world country lol. I’m likely projecting here but idc because I really am curious and in the mood to rant lol. Because what the heck? So many people who live in richer countries immediately think of us who come from the global south/third world/developing countries as automatically despaired. As if our lives are automatically miserable. Firstly class differences still exist even in poorer countries and middle-upper class people there are still happier in general, but even without that I’m so gonna ask why is it that people who come from poorer countries are automatically thought as miserable??
Firstly it’s not that bad here. Us third world countries/global south/poorer countries aren’t gonna (immediately) crumble without foreign attentions. I also sincerely think that we are actually so much freer than those who live in richer countries but that’s a topic for another day. Anyway.
Also being dejected from having not moved on from his past glory lol. Again, what the heck. I think Mongolia will keep remembering his Empire self because that period of time comprised a large portion of his history, because there are so much wisdom he could get out of it etc. Not exactly because he wants to recover the Empire or something lol. Mongolia has an ego as large as the sun and he’s still vain in a lot of ways, but I think he has now different focus and ambition altogether.
There are a lot of rants from me about much of fanon Mongolia portrayal (not all of it ofc, fanon portrayals of him are wide and kinda varying) but for now this is it lol.
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marztheincredible · 1 year
Hi, I recently discovered you are on this site as well as twitter. First things first, your fic has some of the best worldbuilding I've ever seen for one. It's just so detailed, and fits perfectly into the story. Anyways, my question is, what are your headcanons/ideas for Healing magic? It has always felt like the least developed of the magics so far in the show, and I'm curious what you think about it.
Hey there! First off, thank you so much for the lovely comment! I’m trying my best here and I’m glad you’re enjoying the more developed Boiling Isles as much as I am!
Now for Healing. We’re in a tough spot here when it comes to TB!Healing Magic. I believe that Healing Magic not only mends wounds but can make a Witch fearsome in battle through body augmentations. They could harden their skin, increase their magical output for brief moments, even increased strength. However It takes an innate understanding of the body to this.
The root change to Healing Magic since the creation of Covens have been its fundamentals.
Healing is supposed to help and cure all ailments to those in need. Healers had an Oath spoken in Old Tongue that was made to ensure no bias, harm, or negligence happened to the people they served. That Oath has been “lost”. And while modern day EC Healers make a similar statement, there is no intent, conviction, or truth in their Common words.
A perfect example and glimpse of what has happened to the Healers is Codex Entry #1: Recent Studies. There is a Healer who sees the harm in Coven Sigils, horrified at the long term results and detrimental effects it has on Witch and Demon kind. He is silenced and the document is buried. All who come after this Healer voicing their concerns are silenced as well. Then eventually the textbooks are rewritten and no such mention of Magical Erosion from Sigils.
You also have our most recent chapter and our upcoming Codex Entry that will show a bit more how “corrupted” Coven Healers have become. You now realize that actively pushing one type of magic through your veins for a period of time is not ideal. Once again this is brushed off, unimportant and by no means caused by the sigil denoting your place within the system.
And of course, like most forms of magic, Healing intertwines with the other types. Healers and Potioneers made leaps and bounds in medical discoveries back during the Savage Ages. Coven Potion Makers and Healers still have some type of relationship in the Coven System. Someone has to write a prescription to sell the ineffective tonics and brews.
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yvonneloveposting · 8 months
Hi!! I saw Yvonne/Emily in your list of ships and that has made me curious. Because they are so different in their personalities and I have a hard time believing the real Yvonne would like her unless Emily was two-faced. How do you think was their relationship like before Yvonne was kidnapped by the cult? What are your headcanons? Do you think Leila's curse affected her more than the other maids because she was in love with Yvonne and this is why she hated Penelope the most and was so determined to make her entire life miserable? With Derrick, Reynold and the Duke they all had a "reason" but the maid was neither Yvonne's family nor friend or was she?
In comparision to the other maids who mostly ignored Penelope or bad mouthed her behind her back Emily's actions were so extreme it makes her look like she was a sadistic psychopathic child which doesn't seem realistic unless she had a terrible background/family herself. I'm rambling am I? Anyway if Yvonne was Emily's saviour it would kind of make sense. She dreamt up a reality where she'd be Yvonne's lady's maid and make a good match but then her lady disappeared and the dream shattered when she had to serve a lowly girl like herself. Everything only got worse when Yvonne came back yet Emily still had to serve the hated other lady instead of the true one. Emily grew jealous that she couldn't have become Yvonne's pseudo sister/equal (internalized homophobia? she was jealous of Penelope instead of Ivonne's suitor because as a woman the closest thing she could be to Yvonne would have been what Penelope was to her). Not that it would excuse her crimes ofc. But the yuri angle would have been fascinating to explore.
I think they were something close to childhood friends (because Yvonne was a noble lady and Emily was a commoner) Before Yvonne disappeared, and that definitely affected how Emily treated Penelope. She was, and still is, very angry that they all but replaced Yvonne, and since she can't take that out on them, she takes it out on Penelope, because then she doesn't have to blame anyone else, and she can comfortably believe that it's all Penelope's fault. I also have the headcanon that the Eckharts took Emily in pretty young, so she all but grew up there, and it's a lot more comfortable for her to blame this random girl than the people who practically raised her.
Emily definitely gets hit big time with the curse, to the point she would actively die for the smallest chance that Leila would notice her. She's extremely bitter that she is still being forced to serve Penelope and being dragged down with her, while a bunch of new maids are hired to serve Yvonne. Leila has the tiniest bit of left over fondness for her, but not enough for her to invite her to serve her instead. Emily also has a pretty big "all commoners are evil an backstabbers except for me" thing going on, which definitely helps her feel a lot less guilty about practically torturing Penelope, because obviously this orphan child tricked a Duke into adopting her, because that is something that Can Happen.
I really like the idea of Emily envying Penelope, and wishing that she had had the chance to serve Yvonne and be her friend and equal, even though she kind of wants something more that she can't quite acknowledge because of the time period they live in and also fear of ruining whatever chance she still has with Yvonne.
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